Nations Issue 2 2020

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20 TOP PRIORITIES FOR 2020 #Part Two

Issue 02 June 2020


Responding to God in a crisis


Powerful stories alongside each priority Nations Magazine

In this second edition of Nations for 2020, we’re going to continue our look at World Outreach’s top 20 priorities for 2020 by examining the remaining 10. However, since Edition One was published, the world is reeling from the effects of the Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. The scale of infections was staggering, the number of deaths was overwhelming and the economic impact globally is almost incomprehensible. If it is true that God is able to orchestrate or redeem any and every circumstance for our ultimate good in accordance with his will and purposes, how should we respond in the middle of uncertain times?


then drawing strength from him to endure.

1. Remember that God’s allencompassing presence is: over us1, around us2, for us3, with us4, in us5, beside us6, behind us7 and under us8.

5. Don’t allow fear to suffocate our faith and trust in God. God’s most common command in Scripture is ‘do not be afraid’. His inner presence, by his Spirit, can empower us to overcome all fear in any circumstance11.

2. Go to him in times of trouble9. In practical terms, this means leaning on him, yielding to him and surrendering our life and circumstances to his sovereign care when times are troubled, uncertain or insecure. 3. Declare who he is and what he has done. Psalm 91:2 declares: ‘I will SAY of the Lord…’. People are often quick to proclaim doubts, unbelief or negativity. Rather, we should boldly SAY positive things consistent with our faith in God, like: ‘...the Lord is my refuge and my fortress...’ 4. Cast our care upon him10. This means casting our cares, concerns and anxieties upon the Lord. The main reason we should do so, according to this verse, is because ‘…he cares for us.’ God cares about every part of our life. The application being to cultivate a daily unburdening of our life to God, 1. Psalm 91:4; Psalm 121:7-8 2.Psalm 125:2; cf. 34:7 3.Rom. 8:31 4. Heb. 13:5b–6; cf.

Deut. -31:6; Psalm 118:6-7 5. Gal. 2:20; Col. 1:27 6. Psalm 121:5 7. Psalm 121:3


He is still (and always has been and will be) the Sovereign Ruler over all his creation. He is a God of infinite power, unfathomable love and match-less grace. In recent months, I’ve been comforted by Psalm 46:10 which reminds us to: ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’

Bruce Hills International Director

8. Deut. 33:27 9. Psalm 71:3 10. 1 Peter 5:17; cf. Psalm 55:12 11. 2 Tim. 1:7

Please note that all the articles and testimonies in this edition of Nations, with the exception of this article from the International Director, were submitted before the COVID-19 lockdown. Since the restrictions came into place, all World Outreach personnel have strictly adhered to all protocols required of their local governments. 3


Wholehearted Engagement in God‘s Mission


nother priority for World Outreach is to be actively involved and aligned with God’s mission in the world. We are co-workers with God in his mission, his harvest, and his kingdom. World Outreach exists to do what we have been called to do in God’s mission, which is to evangelise and disciple unreached people groups.


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THERE IS AN AWAKENING! DO YOU WANT TO BE PART OF THIS AWAKENING AND HELP SHAPE HISTORY? HERE’S ONE WAY TO CATCH THE HEARTBEAT OF WHAT GOD IS DOING IN THE NATIONS. To do so, we have five major focuses through which the Gospel is being established among unreached people groups. Using the acronym of REACH, they are:

Raising Leaders Evangelism and Church Planting All Nations Mobilisation Children’s Ministry Humanitarian Aid

We will have amazing speakers, and you‘ll hear inspiring stories from the field. There will be workshops for missionaries, business people, pastors, and intercessors. You‘ll also have some time to chill with amazing people and enjoy delicious food! Our theme is AWAKENING! Why? Because an awakening has dawned. It is an awakening among the people groups, nations, churches, intercessors, business community, and in our hearts and lives. We’re inviting you to be part of it.’ll never be the same again!

For more information and registration, Scan the QR code or visit




Train More Pastors and Leaders from the Majority World

raining and equipping of pastors and leaders across the majority world is another T priority for World Outreach. Many of these pastors and leaders are untrained or have limited Bible knowledge or ministry skills. WO has a long track record of providing


practical training that makes a difference.

Here is a short report from International Director, Bruce Hills, and WO Mission Partner, Ibrahim Zabaneh, on their visit to Egypt late in 2019 to speak at a leadership conference hosted by local WO Mission Partners, Nathan and Sawson Bassaly, who are highly respected leaders in Egypt across the denominational spectrum. Nathan and Sawson work with church leaders, children’s ministries, Bible colleges, refugee programs and Christian publications.

In early December, 138 pastoders from across Egypt gathered at a retreat centre west of Cairo for a 3-day conference. They came from 9 major cities across the nation and represented 11 denominations, including the Coptic Church. It was exciting to see the age range from young adults right through to mature-aged people. Excitingly, there were also lots of ladies, all of whom are active in leadership in their churches. Topics included: ‘Pursuing God-given vision’, ‘Self-development as a Leader’, ‘Dangers of unforgiveness’, ‘Spiritual breakthroughs’ and much more. There was a palpable receptivity to the teaching and a hunger for the Holy Spirit’s ministry. The feedback from the conference was encouraging with many people commenting how they had been deeply impacted by the various messages.Others mentioned how encouraged and uplifted they were. The conference was appreciative to World Outreach for sending a ministry team and to the donors who financially made it possible. Bruce Hills International Director





Engage With More Unreached People Groups


egional Vision Teams (RVT) are strategic gatherings for key leaders in each region to share what God is doing in their fields, to hear the wider, emerging picture of what God is doing elsewhere, and most importantly, how to respond moving forward. In 2020 there are RVT gatherings scheduled for Africa, India, Indonesia and Thailand.


Here is a testimony from one of our mission partners after attending the inaugural Indian RVT.

In 2017, I attended the India RVT for the first time. This sparked a great interest to connect with people across the length and breadth of this great land and gave me new hope and vision for India. It instilled a sense of urgency to join hands and come together to share our abilities, resources and intelligence instead of reinventing the wheel. Our burden for unreached people groups (UPG) was so great, we focused our energy on identifying and exploring new UPGs. We brain-stormed together and then discussed the relevant issues we face when ministering in India, and together we came up with creative solutions. It was a time to sharpen our gifts and talents and allow the Holy Spirit to renew us in order to equip us for future ministry. As a result, Preethi and I were able to pioneer new works amongst 3 UPGs.

- John & Preethi



Evangelise and disciple more people vangelism is not the end goal of World Outreach mission partners; discipleship is. Disciples E who can then go and proclaim Christ amongst their own people, just as Jesus taught in Matthew 28:19-20, “…make disciples of all nations…..teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you.”

Following is an account we have received from one of our African-based mission partners. A woman of another faith, Elsa, had come to the Lord two years ago. She had suffered badly from demonic oppression. But by the grace of God, through counselling and prayer from believers who had also come from her old faith tradition, she spectacularly became free. She couldn´t stop speaking about it in her remote village: “Isa (Jesus), the Messiah, has made me free!” Soon her neighbour, an older witchdoctor lady, and her uncle, a religious leader in the village, also became followers through Elsa´s testimony! Only her husband stayed fiercely opposed towards her new way of life. When she told her husband that she wanted to accompany two friends on the 15 kilometre journey to town for them to receive counselling prayer too, he didn´t allow her to go. Instead, he beat her, took her shoes away and threatened to divorce her. Nevertheless, Elsa went in bare feet. When she shared her story with the believers, they were so touched by her devotion that they spontaneously gave money to buy Elsa some new sandals. Then, on the same day, she bravely returned home to her abusive husband. The believers started to pray for her husband. After a couple of weeks, news trickled in that Elsa‘s extended family clan had decided to back her wholeheartedly. The traditional King of the area summoned Elsa‘s husband, Ishmael, and rebuked him. He reacted meekly and his attitude changed dramatically. May Ishmael have a total spiritual breakthrough in his life and serve the Lord wholeheartedly alongside his wife!!




…pray for me, too. Ask God to give me the right words so I can boldly explain God’s mysterious plan that the Good News is for Jews and Gentiles alike… pray that I will keep on speaking boldly for him, as I should. Ephesians 6:19-20

Mobilise More People to Pray for World Outreach Missionaries and the Unreached People Groups what their biggest needs are and they generally answer with two things: Ask1.anymoremissionary prayer support and 2. greater financial support. Prayer for World Outreach’s (WO) field personnel (missionaries) is vital.When you commit to daily prayer, our missionaries are backed up and supported spiritually while facing challenges on the mission front. Prayer makes a difference! We invite and challenge you to support WO‘s field personnel in prayer. There are two ways in which you can do so.

P R AYER C H ALLEN GE m onth l y p ra y er g ui de Each month, WO Prayer Coordinator, Tina Wessels, sends out an email that will focus on a particular unreached people group that World Outreach missionaries are currently, or are planning to, engage with. Prayer is a vital component of reaching an unreached people group. It is part of the preparation, and it is where victories are won long before our missionaries walk into their community to share the gospel. Will you partner with us in this strategic prayer? .

FR O N T LIN E P R AY ER da i l y p ra y e r g u id e Frontline prayer provides you with the daily, up-to-date prayer needs of our WO mission personnel. A fresh prayer request is either posted on the PrayerMate App or emailed to you each day. This means you can easily pray at home or on the go by receiving these updates. By subscribing through the PrayerMate app you will receive Frontline Prayer requests each time you use the app. PrayerMate is available for Apple, Android and Amazon devices. Alternatively, you can subscribe to receive daily email below.

To subscribe to the Prayer Challenge and/or Frontline Prayer visit or scan the QRCODE




urrently, there are approximately 7,100 people groups that are classified as unreached or least reached.

We’re asking for your help! Would you consider being an advocate for us in your church or with your friends? Could you host a gathering of some friends in your home and allow a WO representative to come and run a night like this for us?







If so, please contact your local Country Office (details on the back of this magazine) and we’ll send someone to make a presentation.

Make More Christians Aware of Unreached People Groups and What World Outreach is Doing to Reach Them Outreach is actively seeking to make more Christians aware of the World challenge to reach unreached people groups (UPGs).

Unreached people groups speak difficult languages, they live in hard-to-get-to places and are often resistant to the Gospel. But World Outreach feels compelled by the love and Commission of Jesus to go to share the good news and show Jesus’ love. Late last year, some of the Melbourne-based team from World Outreach Australia ran a special night briefing World Outreach (WO) supporters and interested parties about who WO is, where WO ministers, what WO does and the UPG challenge. Over 50 people attended this inaugural event. There was an incredible response. Many commented that they had never fully grasped how many UPGs there are in the world today.



To Raise More Money for our Missionaries, Initiatives and Projects


Outreach is a faith-based organisation. This means we rely on the giving World of individuals, families, churches and businesses to fund our ministry.

We value and recognise our financial partners as an indispensable part of our work among the unreached people groups. Thank you for prayerfully considering how God may want you to contribute. Here are two testimonies from two of WOI’s supporters of the joy of their giving:

“Over many years, some of the leaders of World Outreach have written to me and made me aware of various projects and initiatives that require funding. I do not earn a high income and I am certainly not wealthy, but I sometimes have funds that I can use for ‘kingdom’ purposes. I love to do what I can with what I have for missions.

I am a big believer in the principle of stewardship, which, in my words, means that I don’t actually ‘own’ anything; God does. But he entrusts resources to me as a steward. When I truly understood that principle, I began to ask the Lord about what he wanted me to do with what he had entrusted to me for his purposes. So, from time to time, when World Outreach (WO) let me know of particular needs, I would pray and ask the Lord about where to steward the funds I had available. Sometimes it was for a piece of equipment, other times it was toward a leadership development seminar and, at other times, it was toward a particular ministry or person that was short of funding. On occasions, the Lord would ask me to give more than I had available, but I always endeavoured to be obedient to his prompting. It has been astonishing to receive reports back from WO about the timeliness of my giving. Missionaries had been praying about a particular need and I had unknowingly been the one to answer that prayer. They would never know my name, which is why I am writing this testimony anonymously, and many times I don’t know their name. The important thing is that God knows and God sees. It fills me with such joy to know that my giving is making a difference in people’s lives and ministries, and that it is being used for eternal purposes. I love World Outreach’s vision for the unreached. I trust their leaders. I know that the funds end up where I have designated. I would love to be able to do more, but, in the meantime, I am going to continue giving as the Lord leads to and through World Outreach.”   Anonymous testimony from Australia

“I embarked on a partnership with World Outreach, by sheer circumstantial coincidence, almost 20 years ago. Now I know that as a Christian nothing happens by coincidence with God. Some years back my 6-year-old son Joshua and I were in a shopping mall. Unknown to me he wandered off and I couldn’t find him. I had lost my son! For more than an hour I searched and searched for him. I was exhausted. Only then did I begin to pray. I distinctly heard a small voice telling me to look for Joshua in what to me seemed a very unlikely place. I obeyed, and that’s where I found him. I was so relieved and thankful to the Lord. Later that night as I reflected on the day‘s event, I thought how traumatic it must be for children without parents, who have no one caring or looking for them. That night the Lord burdened my heart to find a way to help such disadvantaged children. Mark 9:37 Jesus said, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children, welcomes me…” That same night also I made a commitment to dedicate a tithe of my business profits to helping such children. I also prayed earnestly to the Lord that he would direct me to the right ministry organisation to partner with in helping underprivileged children in other nations. Shortly thereafter World Outreach was recommended to me. For many years now I have been partnering with World Outreach’s “Kids in Crisis” ministries. I was convinced that those on the frontlines serving among destitute children need both encouragement and practical support in order to serve well. I believe my business giving to such causes has helped make a big difference and continues doing so even to this very today. I have never regretted making such a financial business commitment. Since retiring some 8 years ago, the business continues to partner with World Outreach in their relentless work among poor and needy children. Being a father of five children, and grandfather of four, it’s a nice feeling knowing that I have had the opportunity and privilege to play a very small and humble part in helping be “a father“ to needy children in many nations. May the Lord bless you abundantly. I do hope my testimony helps shed some light and encouragement to those who are still unsure as to how they too can help make a difference for others less fortunate. May God bless you. Jesus is Awesome!”






Teach more Children Through Education | Schools | Hostels | Etc

ere is a testimony from one of our schools in South East Asia, where a recent H convert from the majority religion has not only found peace in Christ, but fulfillment in ministering to others for him.

Recent converts who are truly zealous for God are joining our teams at the Mt Hope Training Centre and Tawangmangu Bible College are so inspiring. One example is Gita who had nowhere to go after she was kicked out of her home last April because she turned to Christ. We were truly blessed on our arrival at Mt Hope when Gita came to tell us how happy she was and was so full of God’s love! It was difficult for her to explain the love she felt.It’s just overflowing! Gita had just graduated with a degree as a teacher and the next day was ostracized because of her faith. Her perseverance in the faith is just encouraging. People like Gita are enabling us to teach close to 500 students in 2 kindergarten classes, 6 primary school classes and 6 junior high classes. -

Sam & Carol 19




Help the Vulnerable, Marginalised and Exploited

cripture speaks about God’s heart for the vulnerable, marginalised and S exploited, such as the: fatherless (Ps. 68:5; ‘orphans’ in James 1:27); widows (Ps. 68:5); oppressed (Ps. 146:7; 103:6; Isaiah 1:17); weak (Ps. 82:3); poor (Ps. 82:3); hungry (Ps. 146:7); prisoners (Ps. 146:7); and those who are bowed down (Ps. 146:8).

So, one of the priorities of World Outreach (WO) is to do what we can, where we can, whenever we can to help those in need. Among many things, World Outreach missionaries visit prisoners in jail, rescue women working in the bars of Bangkok’s red-light district and work among refugees in many nations.

God’s concern is for the voiceless, fatherless and family-less (Psalm 82:3; Isa. 1:17).

Here is a recent recap from World Outreach partners, Nathan and Sawson Bassaly, about their work among such people in Cairo, Egypt. Drug addicts | We do regular visits to a rehabilitation centre to follow up and support those who are breaking free from heroin addiction. Poor Families | Sawsan leads a ministry to many poor families and widows. Along with a team, she plans different events and regular visits them to pray, spend time worshiping the Lord, and listen to their needs. The team tries their best to meet all the needs. Vocational Training Centre | A hairdressing course has finished and 6 young ladies have graduated to start a new job or start their own small business. It is always such a joyful time to see people gaining new skills and beginning a career path. We also did a computer course for around 13 Sudanese ladies, who all just graduated with excellent knowledge and great skills on computers. Syrian Refugees | We do monthly visits to many Syrian refugee families to meet their needs and to listen to and support them in the problems they might be facing.


Well done good and faithful servant - Matthew 25:23

Chia Shee Wai 1968-2020

he World Outreach (WO) global family were deeply saddened when news reached us T on 30 January, 2020 about the passing of our colleague and dear friend, Chia Shee Wai. Shee Wai (52 years) had been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer 5 years earlier. Up until a few months before he passed away, and while undergoing various medical treatments, Shee Wai remained very active in his service as WOI Executive Manager, while also organising and leading teams to different Asian nations to assist with various income generating projects. He had a heart of great compassion for the under-privileged. Shee Wai’s wife, Yeok Lin, said that in their 24 years of married life, Shee Wai was the happiest, purpose driven and most fulfilled when serving the Lord with WOI. In his earlier years when in school, at university and during his army days, he was a great friend and influencer in introducing others to the Lord Jesus Christ. At his funeral a number of his past classmates and friends, shared of their heartache upon hearing of Shee Wai’s passing, yet their hearts were full of love, admiration and appreciation for the input, encouragement and friendship that Shee Wai had shown them. The different eulogies and tributes identified Shee Wai as being a wonderful son, brother, a truly loving husband, father, a dependable loyal friend, an unassuming scholar, an innovator, a man with a lion-heart, a quiet achiever, a leader of men, and a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ. As a 19 year old when doing his National Service, Shee Wai topped the Officer Cadet Course and was subsequently awarded the Army’s ‘Sword of Honour,’ a highly respected achievement. We in WOI already miss our dear brother Shee Wai. At the same time we continue to uphold in prayer his lovely wife Yeok Lin, precious daughter Rachel (8 years), his mother and extended family members. We who had the privilege of knowing Shee Wai, were truly blessed! John Elliott President Emeritus World Outreach International

John Pasterkamp 1944-2020

Outreach International (WO) veteran missionary, John Pasterkamp, passed away in World Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in March (2020) after a short battle with cancer. John was regarded in WO as an apostle, general, spiritual father and a true hero of the faith. John and Coby served as missionaries with WOI in Papua New Guinea (PNG) from 1968 –1981 and later in Japan from 1982 - 1986. In PNG, they were involved in church-planting and training national leaders, and were very successful in those ministries. John was also involved with WO in training leaders and especially left a mark on leaders in Egypt. John was sovereignly used by God in the Solomon Islands to usher in an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which he regarded as the greatest move of God’s Spirit he’d ever seen. Until 2019, he had no idea that the outpouring he witnessed became a catalyst for the dynamic growth of the Pentecostal movement in the Solomon Islands. John, Coby and their young family went to serve in a faraway land, which spoke a different language, where the conditions were unfamiliar and tough, where contracting tropical diseases was common, where modern conveniences were scarce, where there weren’t educational facilities for their kids, where communication back ‘home’ was unreliable and where ministry was radically different than the Netherlands. Nevertheless, they went in obedience to God’s call. They laboured, sacrificed, served, taught, preached and ministered. Above all, they sought to glorify God in all they did. John leaves behind an enduring and eternal legacy: • people won into the kingdom of God, • thriving churches in PNG and the Netherlands, • a continuing move of God’s Spirit in the Solomon Islands, • a solid reputation for integrity and wisdom, • a son building on his foundation, • converts who went on to become influential leaders in PNG and the Netherlands, • an indelible mark on many leaders and churches, Today’s World Outreach missionaries build on the shoulders of people like John. They can look to him as an example of endurance and fruitfulness. All of WO’s leaders extend their deepest condolences to Coby and the remainder of John’s family. 23


(or someone you know, maybe?)

In order to serve our growing and changing organisation, we are looking for like-minded people to serve in the following areas: 1. Development Director • Oversee the revenue generation of the organisation, both in resourcing others to do so, as well as personally developing ministry partners. • May be part-time initially, transitioning to full-time in the future • May be based anywhere 2. IT Analyst • Oversee the IT systems of the organisation, updating users, first level problem diagnosis • Supported by an IT manager and technical guru. • Half to 1 day per week, may be based anywhere

CHIEF EDITOR: Bruce Hills PUBLICATION MANAGER: Andrew M DESIGN: Angeline Smith Zoe Anderson ISSN 2624-1536 PUBLISERS: PO Box 97230, Manukau 2241 New Zealand T: (64 9) 263 5434 T: (64 9) 887 7150 M: (64 21) 330 874 E: PRINTERS: Thumbprints Utd Sdn Bhd Lot 24, Jalan RP3,

If you are interested, or know someone who is interested in one of these roles, please email for more information.

International Office: PO Box 97230, Manukau 2241 New Zealand T: (64 9) 263 5434 T: (64 9) 887 7150 M: (64 21) 330 874 E: Australia: Val Ciacia (Country Director) Gail McDougall (Office) PO Box 136 Flinders Lane Post office Melbourne VIC 8009 T: (617) 5313 8591 T: (612) 8203 4530 M: +61 0456772107 F: (617) 3319 8928 E: Canada: Ed Tetrault (Office) PO Box 183 Stn St. Norbert Winnipeg, Manitoba R3V 1L6 T: 1-204-793-1500 E: Netherlands:

Meint Kisteman (Board Chairman) Oogstweg 12 8071 WS Nunspeet Netherlands T: (31 62) 467 1758 E: Malaysia: Philip Chieng (Board Chairman) PO Box 8541, Kelana Jaya 46792 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan T: (60 3) 77325924 E: New Zealand: Gail McDougall (Office) PO Box 97230, Manukau 2241 T: (64 9) 263 5434 T: (64 9) 887 7150 M: (64 21) 330 874 E: Singapore: Tarn Ping Kueh (Office) 2 Kallang Avenue #04-09 CT Hub Singapore 339407

Rawang Perdana Industrial Estate Rawand, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

T: (65) 6464 8698 E: singapore@world-outreach.comSouth Africa: Ivan Venter (Country Director) Postnet unit #459 Private Bag X1288 Potchefstroom 2520 T: (27 18) 290 5285 M: (27 79) 084 2141 E: southafrica@world-outreach. com United Kingdom: Jon Hitchen (Office) BM Box 5265 London, WC1N 3XX T: +44(0) 203 642 4873 E: United States: Aaron Rudd (Country Director) 615 East Sego Lily Drive Sandy, UT 84070 T: (1 801) 572 0211 ext.11 M: (1 801) 599 3370 E: 501 (c) 3 Tax Exemption Available

Field Ministries Director: Peter Smith Executive Manager: Andrew M International Board: Lorraine Dierck, Laura Kuimba, Wayne Freeman, Rachel B, Bruce Hills, Phil Somh, Choon Ooi, Martin S International Leadership Team: Bruce Hills, Peter Smith, Ivan Venter, Ben B, Maria Ramos Sarah, Andrew M.

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