In this second edition of Nations for 2020, we’re going to continue our look at World Outreach’s top 20 priorities for 2020 by examining the remaining 10. However, since Edition One was published, the world is reeling from the effects of the Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. The scale of infections was staggering, the number of deaths was overwhelming and the economic impact globally is almost incomprehensible. If it is true that God is able to orchestrate or redeem any and every circumstance for our ultimate good in accordance with his will and purposes, how should we respond in the middle of uncertain times?
then drawing strength from him to endure.
1. Remember that God’s allencompassing presence is: over us1, around us2, for us3, with us4, in us5, beside us6, behind us7 and under us8.
5. Don’t allow fear to suffocate our faith and trust in God. God’s most common command in Scripture is ‘do not be afraid’. His inner presence, by his Spirit, can empower us to overcome all fear in any circumstance11.
2. Go to him in times of trouble9. In practical terms, this means leaning on him, yielding to him and surrendering our life and circumstances to his sovereign care when times are troubled, uncertain or insecure. 3. Declare who he is and what he has done. Psalm 91:2 declares: ‘I will SAY of the Lord…’. People are often quick to proclaim doubts, unbelief or negativity. Rather, we should boldly SAY positive things consistent with our faith in God, like: ‘...the Lord is my refuge and my fortress...’ 4. Cast our care upon him10. This means casting our cares, concerns and anxieties upon the Lord. The main reason we should do so, according to this verse, is because ‘…he cares for us.’ God cares about every part of our life. The application being to cultivate a daily unburdening of our life to God, 1. Psalm 91:4; Psalm 121:7-8 2.Psalm 125:2; cf. 34:7 3.Rom. 8:31 4. Heb. 13:5b–6; cf.
Deut. -31:6; Psalm 118:6-7 5. Gal. 2:20; Col. 1:27 6. Psalm 121:5 7. Psalm 121:3
He is still (and always has been and will be) the Sovereign Ruler over all his creation. He is a God of infinite power, unfathomable love and match-less grace. In recent months, I’ve been comforted by Psalm 46:10 which reminds us to: ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’
Bruce Hills International Director
8. Deut. 33:27 9. Psalm 71:3 10. 1 Peter 5:17; cf. Psalm 55:12 11. 2 Tim. 1:7
Please note that all the articles and testimonies in this edition of Nations, with the exception of this article from the International Director, were submitted before the COVID-19 lockdown. Since the restrictions came into place, all World Outreach personnel have strictly adhered to all protocols required of their local governments. 3