JOY IN RELIEF Our response to desperate need in the wake of humanitarian disaster
ISSUE 1, 2012
Grahame Orpin Philippa Orpin (Office) PO Box 5000, Sunshine Coast, MC Qld 4560 T: (617) 5476 1768 F: (617) 3319 8928 E:
World Outreach International is a multiracial fellowship of Christians and ministries that exists to impact Least Reached Peoples with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. WOI is currently ministering among 75 such people groups on five continents and has the goal of engaging at least 100 by 2015 through: • Raising Leaders • Evangelism and Church Planting • All Nations Mobilisation • Children’s Ministry • Humanitarian Aid Singapore-based, International Director John Elliott, heads an executive team of senior missionaries, pastors, and business leaders. >> ON THE COVER: PHOTO BY MICHELLE GILLEY Bihar, India - A woman and her child involved in a prenatal care project addressing the maternal and infant health care crisis in rural India. JOIN US ONLINE TODAY! • ISSUE 1, 2012 •
Celebrating 80 years
Lynn Leroy (Office) PO Box 172 Lambeth Stn London, ON N6P 1R1 T: 519 680 3355 E: Bill Molenkamp PO Box 2549 2002 RA, Haarlem T: (31 23) 526 5756 E: Au Yong Mun Heng PO Box 8541, Kelana Jaya 46792 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan T: (60 3) 7875 1853 E:
Peter McDougall Gail McDougall (Office) PO Box 97230, Manukau 2241 T: (64 9) 263 5434 M: (64 21) 330 874 E:
Kueh Tarn Ping Ghim Moh Post Office PO Box 048 Singapore 912732 T: (65) 6464 8698 E:
Michiel Coetzee Lezelle Coetzee (Office) PO Box 11238 Riverwalk 2538 T: (27 18) 293 0965 M: (27 83) 462 2224 E:
EDITOR: John Elliott PUBLICATION MANAGER: Grahame Orpin DESIGN: Donna Elliott EDITORIAL SUPPORT: Robin Merrill
John Ball (Office) PO Box 9256 Market Harborough LE16 0FH T: +44(0) 1858 434 609 E:
Aaron Rudd 615 East Sego Lily Drive Sandy UT 84070 T: (1 801) 572 0211 ext.11 M: (1 801) 599 3370 E: 501 (c) 3 Tax Exemption Available
John Elliott (International Director) Ghim Moh Post Office PO Box 048 Singapore 912732 T: (65) 6464 8698 E:
PRINTERS: Tone Ads, Singapore
PERMIT No: MICA (P) 117/11/2011
PUBLISHERS: World Outreach International Ghim Moh Estate Post Office PO Box 048, Singapore 912732 T: (65) 6464 8698 F: (65) 6464 8697 E:
Peter Smith
Chia Shee Wai
INTERNATIONAL BOARD: Grant Alleway Val Bateup John Elliott Wilbur Farmilo Rob Hennin Alan Vink
Chia Shee Wai Luke Chong Lorraine Dierck John Elliott Peter Smith Peter van der Westhuyzen Hendrik Vermooten
of God’s Faithfulness World Outreach founder Dr Len Jones (left), International Director John Elliott (right).
The year 2012, is World Outreach International’s (WOI) official 80th birthday! Wow! God has been so incredibly faithful to WOI. It all began when a seed of faith was sown in the heart of the founder, the late Dr Len Jones, back during the Great Depression years of the early 1930’s. God challenged Dr Jones to help make a difference in war torn Eastern Europe. ‘DESPISE NOT THE DAYS OF SMALL BEGINNINGS’ would aptly describe the early days of WOI. As a new political force rose, spreading its communistic tentacles in Eastern Europe, God raised up a man, and a mission, to help address a great need among tens of thousands of displaced people. While the major focus was a humanitarian one, Dr Jones and his willing co-workers would take every opportunity offered them to tell ‘refugees’ about Jesus. At the same time, they endeavoured to stir up Christians everywhere to get involved, whether in practical ways like distributing food, clothing, and blankets, or in prayer and in giving. Dr Jones travelled continuously, sharing the challenges and needs with Christians in church services and house meetings, over cups of tea, wherever opportunities allowed, as well as by writing and posting news reports around the world. Has WOI changed in the past 80 years? While scores of cross-cultural workers have since come and gone, today WOI has regular ministry programmes and projects in more than 60 nations with over 350 people involved full-time with
our ministry. Now in the 21st century, the world has dramatically changed since WOI was birthed 80 years ago, but some things have not changed. WOI remains: • A faith-based ministry totally dependent on God • Multiracial • Pioneering • Committed to making disciples, and growing and developing leaders. We diligently abide by our agreed upon core-values, which are easily identifiable by our ‘distinctives,’ strive to be responsible in our management, and are cost effective in our stewardship of resources. What’s new then? The 21st century sees WOI involved on five continents of the world. Cross-cultural workers are no longer (just) coming from the developed nations, but also from developing nations. More than ever before, WOI is regularly participating in post-earthquake, flood, and famine relief, as natural disasters increase worldwide.
A steady stream of a younger generation of cross-cultural workers is embarking on different pathways for service, and a number of modern and effective training programmes have been developed in recent years to better prepare people for cross-cultural service. One thing that fervently remains the same after 80 years is the focus to take the Gospel to ‘Least Reached People’ (LRP) groups, ethnic communities who have never heard of Jesus. Many hundreds of such people groups are still waiting! This remains our great passion. It is our hope that many of our faithful ministry partners from around the world will join us at one of the two 80th anniversary celebrations. As we remain committed together for the cause of world mission, I strongly believe the next few years will truly see a much greater harvest for the Kingdom of God. Together in His Service
John Elliott
International Director
SOUTH AFRICA • April 1-5 THAILAND • July 9-13 Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
THE FACE OF GRATITUDE PAKISTAN >> This man from the Singh province weeps with gratitude as desperately needed supplies are distributed to his utterly despairing community.
2011 saw an unprecedented number of significant humanitarian disasters challenge the world, adversely affecting the lives of millions.
FROM DROUGHT-INDUCED famine to history-making floods, the desperate cry of those in peril has been broadcast to a world fatigued from responding to global need. Thanks to the compassion and generous support of World Outreach International (WOI) ministry partners, WOI has been able to link arms with ministries and other agencies on the field to provide relief aid to those in dire need. Not only did we fill a hungry stomach or quench a physical thirst, but we have also taken the Good News of Jesus Christ into these despairing situations where God works best. THAILAND: CENTRAL THAILAND’S provinces were inundated by flood waters, in some parts, for over three months. Every day, WOI team members from Bangkok went out in rented boats, sometimes to discover whole communities of hundreds, forced to live in foul black, neck-deep water without food or drink and in urgent need of medical attention.
The teams distributed provisions including hundreds of Lifestraw water filter units to the elderly unable to leave their homes and to families in desperate need.
PAKISTAN >> Children from a village in the Singh province greet the supply truck as it arrives bringing much needed provisions.
PAKISTAN: THE TORRENTIAL MONSOON rains of last August brought sudden, widespread flooding to Pakistan. Millions were left homeless or suffering from hunger, floodrelated diseases, and snake bites. WOI partnered with local ministries to help provide free medical care and basic provisions to several communities, also ministering the love and healing power of Jesus to those struggling to cope with their situation. Many wept as the provisions arrived, overwhelmed by their loss, fear, and desperation. THAILAND << WOI Bangkok staff distribute Lifestraw water filters to those without clean drinking water.
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
Celebrating 80 years
HORN OF AFRICA >> Ninety-year-old Kudu Sangwarian, who now cares for her four orphaned grandchildren said, “My children died of sickness and hunger. Before the maize arrived, I had not eaten for three days. Thank you so much.”
HORN OF AFRICA: FOOD INSECURITY was at emergency levels across parts of East Africa as half of Somalia’s 7.5 million were affected by a two-year drought. Every third Somali was forced to leave home as drought destroyed crops and livestock causing thousands of children to be terminally malnourished. WOI joined in food relief efforts, bringing to refugee camps maize, beans, flour, and seedlings to help replant devastated crops. Grahame Orpin AUSTRALIA
Ministry Coordinator Humanitarian Aid
CURIOSITY LEADS TO CHRIST MOHAMMED WAS BORN into a so impressed his mother devoutly religious family in Ethiopia and that she too decided to was a dedicated student of the Quran, become a disciple and working on his father’s farm by day Mohammed recently and studying the Quran by night. One had the joy of day, however, a Christian friend of his baptising her. was bitten by a dog and miraculously suffered no injury. Mohammed was Mesfin & amazed at this and as his friend testified Genet Abebe about the Bible and Jesus, he became ETHIOPIA Ministry Leaders increasingly curious about Christianity. He began to search for the truth, enquiring from Christians in the area and eventually found Jesus Christ, accepting him as his personal Saviour and Lord of his life. Despite persecution from his family for making this decision, Mohammed stood firm in his faith and began >> Mohammed (right) with his co-worker. telling others about Jesus. His strong stand for Jesus
>> Mohammed (left) baptising his mother.
THE POWER OF PRAYER BURKINA FORERUNNERS is a group of indigenous workers who are trained to pray and evangelise. Kader, whose father is a Muslim elder, belongs to the Forerunners. His father was sick and had been in and out of the hospital while the family, spending over US$3000 for medicine and doctor’s fees, saw little improvement in his frail health. Being recently baptised in the Holy Spirit, Kader decided to pray for his father with another forerunner, Ferdinand. They prayed with such boldness and fervour that the whole neighbourhood wondered what was happening. The Holy Spirit revealed to Kader that his father had been cursed by a sorcerer due to an unfulfilled pact. Kader respectfully but boldly asked
>> The Burkina Forerunners with: Rod Talbot (top left,) and Danny & Ruby Bayasen (centre).
his father to confess this sin and seek deliverance. In desperation, the father agreed. After more prayer, Kedar’s father was miraculously healed and delivered. He is now able to walk to the amazement of his neighbours. Kedar’s older sister also received deliverance after the
Holy Spirit revealed she had offered sacrifices on behalf of their father. Please pray for our team that we may train and equip more forerunners to be evangelists and church planters. Danny & Ruby Bayasen BURKINA FASO Ministry Leaders
Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
KOTI YOUTH ON FIRE FOR GOD TWO HUNDRED YOUNG LEADERS from across our movement gathered in Angoche recently for a youth conference. They celebrated together with much praise and joy. The Holy Spirit was there and they worshiped freely. We welcomed a pastor and missionary from Brazil, who ministered on knowing and living in the will of God. Some of our young people presented songs, dramas, and testimonies. On the last day, we combined with our town congregation, and people danced with great joy! It is vital to invest in these young people, in their futures, and in the future of our movement in Angoche. We hope to have more of these occasions for the young people! Inácio Tomero Angoche, Mozambique
>> Angoche youth in prayer.
Ministry Team Member
determined not to come to the conference when Peter asked him, but when Peter would not give up, Dhaka sensed that God was involved. He was dramatically delivered from alcoholism when he surrendered his life to Jesus. Dhaka and his family have since been going to church and he is hungry to learn more of God. Emmanuel & Martha Mulenga • MOZAMBIQUE Ministry leaders
FIRST FRUITS DANSON NYALI is an experienced Kenyan pastor. He completed the Kairos
>>Dhaka with his family. 6
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
Celebrating 80 years
course earlier this year and he now says; “My vision is to reach the unreached.” Danson is currently preparing to go to Mozambique to explore working with World Outreach among the Muslim Makua people group. Please pray for Danson that he may be a kind of “first fruits” from the labours of mission mobilisation here in Kenya. Chris & Nadine Brittain • KENYA >> Danson Nyali.
Ministry Leaders
THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST moved people to tears as they began to read their devotionals that we recently copied and distributed. The 30 day children’s devotional was received with a far more positive response than what we had expected. With hesitation, Martin dared to approach a high government official with a copy of the devotional.
The 30 day children’s devotional was received with a far more positive response than what we had expected. Presuming that his actions were in vain and that the devotional would be disregarded by someone of such a high position, he was amazed when he found her the next day, not only reading the devotional, but also getting excited about all the new things she was learning about God! Martin & Simone Schumann MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Team Members
MORE THAN ONE REASON TO CELEBRATE WITH SOME 200 PEOPLE attending, we recently celebrated the opening of our 28th natural health care home. At the celebration, we shared the story of the Good Samaritan and have been so encouraged since to see some of the health care workers reading the Bible together. Our radio programme
the hunger that this community has for the truth. Please pray that we will know wisdom when answering such questions from those seeking to know the truth. Myriam Wahr MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Leader
>> Miriam Wahr (second from right).
is also a blessing for the people, educating them on health issues and teaching them biblical principles. Recently, as we spoke about Jesus during a programme, an elderly man began asking many difficult questions. His questions reflect
>>The natural health care home.
Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
GOLIATH BEFORE AND AFTER Have you ever felt faintly discouraged by cool testimonies? Have you ever thought, “What am I doing wrong? I’m not seeing that kind of fruit!” and then scolded yourself for being small-minded? FEATURE
WE NEED TO LEARN all we can from others’ successes. There’s no merit in hacking away with a blunt sickle, or persisting with a hammer, when we should use a crowbar. Success stories however, are often abbreviated. Before David knocked off Goliath, there were lions, bears and brothers to get past, and after his sensational victory, his life became very complicated. We need persistence and faithfulness in the tedious work that goes before, plus wisdom to redeem the unravelling that too often follows! Thirty years ago, God opened a door
>> Simuti crowd, East Malaysia.
for us to an unreached “nation” in That is the happy (and true) version! the mountains of East Malaysia. We But passing the baton to younger didn’t know much about planting leaders has been a sad saga; many churches, but we promises remain pushed through unfulfilled and many We need persistence considerable key people have obstacles, while and faithfulness in the fallen away. We teaching at still fighting to tedious work that goes are high school build on the early before, plus wisdom to success, still trying and leading the pastoral team of redeem the unravelling to coach and cajole a growing church them into serious that too often follows! in town. The key church planting in man that I shared other villages. Thirty my life with worked the fields alongside years later, it is an ongoing battle, with other men, sharing Jesus with them, heartache and tears alongside the good until everyone in a village of 300 came times. to faith. From And the next village down the track there, they was, and still is, a completely different have taken the Gospel to other story – much less fruit, much less fun, but we still keep going back there too. villages. Times Persistence born out of love! It’s a have changed fragrant offering to the Lord and a sign – now I have more Facebook of integrity to the people we seek to reach! Hang in there, for a harvest and friends from that village than a crown! anywhere else Jo Graham Ministry Leader on earth!
SUSAN KHOO is a Church Planting Movement (CPM) trainer, working amongst the Kuy, a least-reached people group in Cambodia. After her conversion at 17, Susan wanted to become a missionary, but that did not transpire for another 25 years. Her family disowned and persecuted her, but today, praise the Lord, all are saved! The Lord led her into cross-cultural service in the USA for 16 years where she encountered many different nationalities with whom she shared the Gospel. In 2006, Susan served in Nepal, working among the Taru tribal women before being called to join the World Outreach team in Cambodia.
S-E Asia Ministry Team Member.
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
Celebrating 80 years
>> Bruce Hills (far right).
Bruce Hills
International Leadership Development Director
THIS IS THE THIRD AND FINAL PART OF AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN THE LAST TWO EDITIONS. REVIEW: What are the distinguishing features and characteristics of effective Christian leaders? In answering that question, I have proposed ten qualities that characterise effective leaders. In part two, I outlined: 5. Vision 6. Ability to build high calibre leaders around them 7. Equipping and mobilisation of people In this final instalment, the list will conclude with the remaining three outward marks of fruitful leaders. 8. INTENTIONAL FOSTERING OF PEOPLE (RELATIONAL) SKILLS Second only to serving God, the motivation of Christian leadership is to lead and serve people. God loves His
people, so He calls women and men to love, lead, and minister to them . Therefore Christian leaders must seek to be people-centred in all they are and do. The greatest example of this is the Lord Jesus who radically redefined the nature of people-centred leadership . In short, effective Christian leaders are those who connect and communicate with people in a personal and personable way. 9. INTENTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF LEADERSHIP SKILLS
10. ANOINTING The final of ten marks of an effective Christian leader is an evident anointing on the leader’s life. “Anointing” is a word we use in Pentecostal vernacular as a synonym for the Spirit’s empowerment. Above every other quality, the anointing of the Spirit is indispensable. Christian leaders should hunger and pursue a daily dependence upon the Spirit’s enablement to discharge their duties and call as leaders in the church of Jesus Christ.
Effective leaders also distinguish themselves through the intentional development of leadership skills. Leaders don’t grow by accident; they grow because they put intentionality into their growth. Leaders are readers. Leaders are learners. Leaders are self-feeders. If a leader is to maintain a trajectory of personal and professional growth, he or she must intentionally keep developing his or her leadership skills.
See John 21:15-17; Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:2; John 1:14; John 13:2-5; Matt. 19:16-22; Luke 5:17-26; Matt. 8:1-4; Luke 7:34
Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
IT HAS BEEN FOURTEEN YEARS since the Latham family came to the Northern Territory. So what changes can we see after all that time? Well, we rarely have time to look back as we are always pressing forward, however, we would like to share a few things as testimony to God’s awesome goodness. • When we arrived in Darwin, there were no Spirit-filled indigenous fellowships – now there are five within the city and several others out in the more remote areas. • There were no short-term missions happening in the Territory – now up to
>> Woolaning Homeland Christian College (NTCSA indigenous boarding school).
12 teams per year come, consisting of YWAM and other church-based groups.
and are now worship leaders in their local communities.
• Thanks to Northern Territory Christian School Association (NTCSA), we have four new remote indigenous schools built and functioning, bringing many more Christian workers into the area.
• Besides all the above, we thank God for the many salvations, healings, baptisms, finances, and other provisions he has poured out upon us.
• Wheels of Fire and others have started yearly men’s, ladies’ and youth camps for the region. • Roger has been able to teach and encourage many hundreds of youth through his gift in teaching music. A number of these youth have excelled
Many other workers were involved in seeing all this come to pass, but we would like to thank our God for the privilege it has been to be a part of what He is doing in and through the Indigenous people of the Northern Territory. Roger & Vivienne Latham AUSTRALIA Ministry Leaders
HANESHI (name changed) is an Iranian who came to Australia to study. Since his arrival, he has become a Christian, and recently completed the Kairos course. Now aware of God’s heart for the nations and his missional calling, Haneshi is encouraging other Iranians
to do the course, and one day hopes to be part of a team that will translate the course into Farsi.
DONNA ELLIOTT During a short term trip to China in 2010, Donna was strongly impacted by the needs in cross-cultural missions and felt called to
Geof & Marion Gunton AUSTRALIA Ministry Leaders
>> Haneshi (centre) with the Gunton family.
use her skills more purposefully towards missions. Subsequently, she has taken on the role of Communications Manager at World Outreach International office in Singapore. Her role will be to help raise the profile of WOI, assist field personnel in better communication, and to spread the message of missions far and wide. Having recently relocated from Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand, Donna brings a background in graphic design and experience in other forms of communication.
Communications Manager, Singapore
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
Celebrating 80 years
Prasert Taksin • THAILAND
Please pray for the Top Kids team as we work with children in some of the worst slums around Bangkok. God loves children everyone else has rejected, so we tell them they are Top Kids! The older children have just helped make a music CD to encourage others to follow Jesus. Please pray for our children’s ministry team and for the children’s workers around Thailand.
Jan Willem & Marlinde Tamminga • INDONESIA
As house parents of 36 children at River of Life Ministries, we are often confronted with the brokenness of these tribal children. Every child has a story that affects their daily life. Some have learning problems, get angry easily, steal, and lie. All long for love from Jesus and from people. Pray that we can keep sharing and demonstrating love every day to these children and that more house parents will join our team.
Peter & Bev van der Westhuyzen • Generation Ministries (GM)
Praise God for the training of 1,550 children’s ministry leaders by GM in five countries last year. Also for 5,000 GrowUp with Jesus discipling sets published in three languages. Please pray that the 1for50 vision will flourish and multiply all over the world. Our GM teams have introduced this in four countries so far with a desire to expand into even more.
Danny & Ruby Bayasen • BURKINA FASO
Please pray for our training programmes for indigenous evangelists and church planters around the country. Pray too as we continue to reach children for Jesus through our evangelical schools. In particular, pray for our ministry among young girls and women.
John & Mary Elliott • SINGAPORE
We are excited about the year ahead being the 80th anniversary of WOI. Two major celebration events have been planned where WOI personnel will gather to thank and honour the Lord for His faithfulness. Please pray that the arrangements and actual events in South Africa (April 1-5) and in Thailand (July 9-13) go smoothly.
Thank you for supporting our partners in prayer!
Jes La Bleu • INDIA
I am pleased to have completed the WOI six-week Nations course and am now back in full swing with the Mother and Child Health Care Programme. Please pray for our women and the further development of the programme and birth centre, to best meet the needs in these rural villages. Please also pray for our good health and protection as we travel.
Malcolm & Wendy Taylor • INDONESIA
with our five children.
We are thankful to God for his continued blessings in the form of many children and young people entering River of Life Ministries. They are hungry to learn. Please pray for us as we continue to love, teach, and train them in God’s way. Also pray for us as a family, that our bonds will remain strong
Nathan & Sawsan Bassaly • EGYPT
Colin & Jenny Ayling • MOZAMBIQUE
Pray that God will bring His peace to our nation! Whatever happens in Egypt will affect the rest of the Middle East. Pray too that Egypt doesn’t come under the rule of radical Islamic groups. Pray that the Christian community may know the Lord’s peace and protection and have courage in our hearts to demonstrate God’s love and share His truth with others.
Thank you for your prayers for Maziotela Ministries. Please remember our Mozambiquan team and the many rural leaders and new churches we work with. There is often opposition when new Christians no longer follow animistic traditions. Please also pray that resources will become available so we can restart our cashew factory.
DAY 10
Patricia Green • EUROPE
Daughters of Bulgaria is a new project to create awareness and encourage Christians in Bulgaria to open their eyes and hearts to what is happening to their daughters, and to join together to combat prostitution and trafficking in Bulgaria, while offering hope and help to those in sexual slavery. Pray that many ‘Beloved Daughters’ will be set free.
Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
DAY 11
Malcolm & Linda Bayliss • INDONESIA
Please pray that as we return to the field after taking a three-month home-leave break that all the practical things associated with the setting up of our new base in East Malaysia will go smoothly. We are now serving as assistants to the WOI Field Ministries Director, a wide and varied role that is designed to help better serve our present WOI field personnel, and also help those who wish to come and serve with the organisation.
DAY 12
MC & Lezelle Coetzee • SOUTH AFRICA
Thank you for praying for South Africa, a nation desperate for a fresh move of the Holy Spirit. Please remember too our outreach programmes to Lesotho and Swaziland, that the different teams we organise to go and minister will be used of the Lord to not only impart the love of God, but also to demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray that we will share our convictions with sensitivity and wisdom, and that we will make a difference.
DAY 13
Max & Dorothy Chismon • PHILIPPINES
After serving the Church so effectively for the past seven years, the 3rd edition Kairos course has been laid to rest! The new 4th edition pilot courses brought in rave reviews from a large cross-section of people! We anticipate, by the grace of God, this new 4th edition will serve the Body of Christ with equal distinction! Pray with us that this will be so.
DAY 14
Duncan & Lindie Ross • S-E ASIA
We thank and praise God for a successful launch of the condensed version of our church planting training materials, and are now praying it will be used to impact God’s kingdom in a mighty way. We need much prayer and wisdom as we develop a children’s evangelism and discipleship programme that is due for release early this year.
DAY 15
Rod & Lynley Talbot • SOUTH AFRICA
We will be hosting the WOI six-week Nations course this March to April along with the WOI 80th anniversary celebration set for April 1-5. Pray that these will be successful events. We are also receiving invitations to visit other areas in Africa and elsewhere to establish new ministry bases. Pray that we will clearly know which opportunities are of the Lord.
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
Celebrating 80 years
DAY 16
Ronny & Karin Robben • INDONESIA
We have been away for almost a year at language school. Please pray we will settle back quickly in River of Life Ministries, and at the same time know the clear direction for our involvement here. Pray too for unity among all the leadership and staff so that the work will continue to grow and develop, bringing much glory and honour to the Lord.
DAY 17
Grahame & Philippa Orpin • AUSTRALIA
Please pray for us as we continue to look to God to guide us in building relationships with individuals, Gen X and Y, churches, and businesses. Also pray that God will breathe upon a ‘house church’ we have started to reach our local community with the Gospel and as a base to build ministry links with house churches in the developing world.
DAY 18
Valerie Bateup • Good News Team, THAILAND
Last December more than 200,000 children read the story of Jesus’ love through the Christmas booklet that was specially produced. Pray that the seed that was sown into those hearts will take hold and bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God. Pray too for the on-going effectiveness of Good News Ministries as we endeavour to reach today’s younger generation for Jesus.
DAY 19
Koti & Rina Smit • MOZAMBIQUE
DAY 20
Gavin & Marlien Porter • SOUTH AFRICA
DAY 21
David Elliott • SINGAPORE
Quasimasulu, Chivato, Masungu (and others) are all names of new house churches recently planted hosting many new believers (previously Muslim) who are coming together with an insatiable hunger for the Word of God. Pray for Basileo and Armindo, two dedicated co-workers who go out every day to take the message of hope to the rural areas of the country.
Praise God for blessed times of teaching and preaching recently in South Africa, DRC, Zambia, and Tanzania. Please agree with us in prayer for even greater opportunities this year. Pray for open doors to share the mystery of Christ (Col 4:3), for continued multiplication in the ministry (2 Tim 2:2), and that people may know the love of Christ (Eph 3:16-19).
Going into a new year always carries with it countless possibilities and challenges in the world of missions. Please intercede on behalf of my team and me as we seek God’s timing and empowerment and as a result settle on a strategic vision that we can be obedient to. Pray this will in turn lead to much fruit in God’s Kingdom.
DAY 22
John & Yolande Leroy • INDONESIA
When the last school year finished, our children at New Hope achieved 100% success in their school studies. We praise the Lord too that 80 children are fully sponsored. Our new school year has seen another 40 new tribal village children join us between the ages of 5-15. We now have 250 children under our care. Pray that all the children will excel in their studies, and all will become true disciples of Jesus Christ.
DAY 23
Peter & Jeannie Smith • NEW ZEALAND
God has provided a wonderful couple to partner with me (Peter) in helping World Outreach International become even more fruitful in impacting Least Reached Peoples with the Gospel. After eight years serving in Indonesia, Malcolm and Linda Bayliss have now begun to serve as my full-time executive assistants. Please pray that for an effective working relationship develops quickly.
DAY 24
Janvier & Claudine Yokoinele • IVORY COAST
Thank you for continuing to pray for the ACE school ministry in Abidjan. We praise God for His provision and protection during the political crisis last year. We are now based in South Africa ‘for a season’ to help further develop the French ACE programme. Every few months, we will travel back to the Ivory Coast to oversee the work there. Pray for us during this transition and also that the French Kairos course will be completed soon.
DAY 25
Peter & Gail McDougall • NEW ZEALAND
WOI-NZ is committed to helping local churches, individuals, and businesses become meaningfully engaged in crosscultural ministries, in particular among Least Reached People groups. We annually organise short-term teams to experience cross-cultural mission first hand. We offer the Kairos course to help people better prepare themselves for such service. Please pray that 2012 will be an effective year for this purpose.
DAY 26
DAY 27
Vijaya Chowdhuri • BANGLADESH
DAY 28
Mesfin & Genet Abebe • ETHIOPIA
DAY 29
Au Yong Mun Heng & Cecilia • MALAYSIA
Thank you for keeping Christian Discipleship Centre (CDC) in prayer. The new school year is now underway with a new batch of students. Our village literacy programmes and ministry to new believers continue to expand by the grace of God. Your prayers for these and also for my health are greatly appreciated. Pray that I will know the Lord’s healing hand and His strength for the work before us.
We thank the Lord for His favour on our evangelism and church planting teams. During a two-month period recently, more than 4,400 people got to hear the Good News for the first time. Since then 107 new believers have been water baptized. Pray with us that the seed of His Word will find good ground in many more hearts. Pray too that resources will be forthcoming for our Hope Centre Project for underprivileged children.
We are excited about the growth and potential of Malaysian Christians in world mission. Each year more people become involved in cross-cultural projects. Kairos is a great tool to help prepare people for such service. Please pray that 2012 will be another year of mobilisation and deployment of more believers into strategic ministries, and that the Lord will strengthen us with more workers in the office here in Malaysia.
DAY 30
Emmanuel & Martha Mulenga • MOZAMBIQUE
We would value your prayers as we travel over difficult terrain to share the Good News and help establish the Word in villages where spiritual strongholds are very real. We often come into conflict with witch doctors and demonic forces that keep people in spiritual bondage. Please pray that the Lord’s hand of protection will be on us and our team members, and that His power will destroy every spiritual stronghold, resulting in a great harvest.
Roger & Vivienne Latham • AUSTRALIA
Roger has been teaching music to indigenous youth from the Woolaning Homeland Christian College. This has been a great opportunity to disciple 60 students. Students take the Christian songs and stories back to their communities. Please pray these seeds would grow and for finances to be available to take students to visit churches in cities such as Melbourne and Sydney.
DAY 31
Eliza Diaz • THAILAND
Nancy Mancilla and I are well established here in the N-E of the country and believing God that this will be a year of breakthrough among the many local lives with whom we interact. Please pray that the Lord will grant us divine favour as we endeavour to introduce people to Jesus for the first time. Pray that the Holy Spirit will lead us to ‘people of peace,’ those whose hearts He has softened to receive His Word. Pray too for protection and good health.
Celebrating 80 years
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A LIFE CHANGING BREAKTHROUGH WHEN WE UNEXPECTEDLY MET Jalea and her seven-month-old baby Anjeli, they were both in immediate need of medical attention and nurturing care. Both were extremely malnourished, and although still living in their home, they had in many regards been left for dead. Jalea’s husband was working out of town, and extended family could not be bothered to provide for a female baby and a mother with ‘mental disabilities’ and poor speech. But, after much deliberating with family and village leaders, arrangements were made for mother and baby to move
to Samaritan Inn where they could receive holistic, 24-hour care. At first, conditions worsened but as medical care, intensive prayer, and love continued for several weeks, one day there was a significant breakthrough. Jalea started bathing and caring for herself and her baby. She began eating, taking her medicine, and joining prayer meetings in the home. Jalea’s countenance has completely changed and she is speaking clear, coherent Hindi. We are excited for their hope and future and to see the plans the Father has in store to prosper His precious daughters! Jes La Bleu • INDIA Ministry Team Member
>> Both healthy and gaining weight, at 10 months, baby Anjeli has enough strength to stand with assistance! (Above left: Before the breakthrough).
GOD SPEAKS THROUGH A COW PRABIN, A HOUSE CHURCH LEADER in Assam, raises cattle to supplement his income. Recently, one of his very valuable cows suddenly disappeared. After two weeks Prabin gave up searching and prayed, “Lord, this cow did not belong to me in the first place so because you gave it to me, you know why it is lost and I leave it to you.” Shortly afterwards, the family was astonished to see the cow walk into their yard by itself. It was discovered that the cow had been stolen and taken to the local witch doctor to have blessings performed over it. In the middle of his ritual, the witch doctor
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stopped and said loudly, “I cannot touch this cow. This cow belongs to a very powerful person and if anyone would touch it, harm will come his way. You must release this cow immediately!” The cow was released and walked the 17kms back to Prabin’s – unaccompanied. The amazing testimony of Prabin’s cow has allowed the Gospel
Celebrating 80 years
to be sown in the whole community of 25,000 people. Kitbok Ryntathiang • INDIA Ministry Director
>> Prabin.
<< Prabin and his house church.
A SEARCH FOR PEACE NIRMAL LEFT HIS RICE FARMING village to make a name for himself in the state capital, but after many failed attempts he found himself with nothing. While in this state of desperation he met Dan, who shared with him the Good News of Jesus’ love, forgiveness, and hope. Nirmal thought, if he could be happy and peaceful like Dan, who had nothing, what did he have to lose by following Jesus?
you.’ He woke up the next morning with an urge to find a Bible, but most people in his village had never even
heard of Jesus. Eventually Nirmal was able to find a Bible, and began to spend his days working as a construction labourer and reading the Bible late into the night. Nirmal then met Probin, an evangelist from his own area, who helped disciple him. Since then Nirmal has been making many followers of Jesus, planting churches, and seeing many miracles of healing and deliverance. Kitbok Ryntathiang
Forced to move back to his village, he prayed one night, ‘Jesus if you are true, I want to follow you. Help me to learn about
Ministry Leader << A church meeting in rural India.
FUELLING THE FIRE thousand new believers in the past two I HAVE BEEN PRIVILEGED to see years, including numbers of religious some truly amazing things happening leaders. God is clearly and wonderfully in Asia through World Outreach at work. Please join International me in praying that (WOI) over the The results have the church planting last six years. It movement training all started with exceeded my conducted this month a month-long expectations. In one will add “fuel to the training course that a close friend country, more than fire.” and I attended. 40,000 new believers Peter Smith The subject was ZEALAND have been baptised NEW church planting Regional Field Ministries movements. My Director over five years. colleague began to implement church planting movement principles and practices, while I sought to introduce it more widely through WOI. The results have exceeded my expectations. In one country, more than 40,000 new believers have been baptised over five years. In another country, over 700 have come to faith in Christ in the past 18 months. In still another, a church planting movement is gathering momentum with over a
INDIA >> Leadership training (right and above). Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
DRIVEN BY A NEW PASSION SOMCHAY WAS A TAXI DRIVER on the streets of Bangkok and was well known for his drinking. Although he was married to a schoolteacher and wanted for nothing, his drinking habit threatened to destroy his family and life as he knew it. One day however, a person whom Somchay knew, told him about Jesus and His power to deliver him from destructive habits. His life took a dramatic turn and changed completely when he took the challenge to heart and started following Jesus. He was delivered from all his problems and began a brand new life. Somchay has started telling others about Jesus and has since raised more than a hundred disciples while continuing to work as a taxi driver. He also continues to carry
the Good News with him all day while he drives the taxi he now owns. John & Nok Pramuan THAILAND Ministry leaders
>> Somchay baptising a new believer and (above right) praying for the sick.
>> Somchay’s Good News taxi.
HEALING BRINGS COMMUNITY TO JESUS AFTER NED WAS DIAGNOSED Ned knew without a doubt that he was with severe diabetes in Grade two, healed! He ran outside, unhitched the his illness made buffalo and began to When Auntie Jayo prayed plough the rice field it impossible for him to keep his dad. Doctors at for his healing, he felt for going to school. the local hospital say warm strength pouring that this is a healing At 12 years old, his major organs into his body. Ned knew that science cannot had begun to explain. His family and fail, and he spent without a doubt that he several neighbours are long, lonely days following Jesus because was healed! waiting for death. of this miracle. Ned Then one day an auntie >> Auntie Jayo praying for Ned. visited with a strange new message about Jesus, the Saviour of the world, who had come to seek, to save, and also to heal the sick. Ned admitted he was in great need of a Saviour, and easily opened his heart to receive Christ. When Auntie Jayo prayed for his healing, he felt warm strength pouring into his body. 16
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is now back in school, preparing for a very bright future! Lorraine Dierck • THAILAND Ministry Leader
Ibu Dumadi did not dare follow her son and husband in their newfound faith because of her devoutly Muslim mother, but praise the Lord she now wants to receive Christ, be baptised and attend church. We have also been teaching new believers, from an Islamic background, about the assurance of their salvation. Robert & Eliana Mambu INDONESIA Ministry Leaders
MOTIVATED TO FUND THE GOSPEL I SPOKE RECENTLY at a missions conference held at a prestigious university in greater Manila. In the early 90’s, the leadership of this host organisation attended our Kairos course. Since then, missions has helped define their ministry.
resources (a challenge for the Church in all developing countries today). The strategy they discovered is simple but profound. They send families to set up businesses in a restricted access country, often helped by foreign students who have studied at the They have also university and have been on a journey come to faith in – how to develop Christ while there. an effective missions >> Max together with the Organisation These families form ministry in today’s Leadership Team. the basis of a church world, and with limited financial
AS A CHILD, I lived on the streets collecting rubbish. Everybody hated me. In the rainy season, I tried to find shelter, but people threw water at me. Sometimes, I had to sleep in damp places sitting up all night. I was always hungry and had to ask for food in temples and for leftovers from weddings. Then one day some Christian workers came to teach my friend and me about health and hygiene. They let us live in their centre. There I was shown more love from my foster parents than from my own parents. I heard the Good News and they took me to meetings every Sunday. One day I got seriously ill and needed heart surgery, but there was no money. My foster parents reminded me to pray about it, so I prayed for a week. God provided and I had an operation. I always thank Jesus for his love, for my foster parents and my pastors, whom I call Dad and Mum. Barry & Rowena McKnight CAMBODIA Ministry Leaders
plant that becomes a church planting movement after several years. Back home, young people are encouraged to study hard as their profession will open doors for them in countries where missionaries are needed. Since they took this approach, a record number of students have graduated at the top of their class! What a fabulous motivation! Kairos is a standard part of their church discipleship programme and helps provide this biblical world view. Max & Dorothy Chismon PHILIPPINES Ministry Leaders
My Sunday school class is made up of 15 little boys and girls between the age of four and seven from various poor Indonesian villages. Sitting in a circle on the floor, I ask them, “Who loves you more than anyone?” They scream back “Jesus!” To hear about someone who loves them heaps and to listen to stories of the same man who only does good, is a big and exciting thing for the kids. In their villages they are told stories of superstition and ghosts. When I look at their faces as I tell them bible stories I see them listening intensely with smiles on their faces. Malcolm & Wendy Taylor • Living Waters Village INDONESIA (Written by daughter Holly Taylor) Ministry Team Members
ONE OF OUR Tawangmangu Bible College graduates who serves the Lord in a strong non-Christian region tells the story of a child whose parents recently became Christians. The child was chosen to give a talk before his class. The parents advised him to give a talk from the Quran about Mary who was chosen by God to give birth to Jesus, and how Jesus was born and became the Son of God, and that Christians are good people. Psalms 8:2 tells us, “From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” The family are secret believers who hope to influence many in their community for Jesus. Sam & Carol Soukotta • INDONESIA Ministry Leaders Celebrating 80 years
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SOMETHING FOR POI TO SMILE ABOUT WHEN POI CAME TO BAAN FAA MAI, she didn’t know Jesus, but now she does and is in her final high school
year. When she was twelve years old, she started to get warts on her legs, feet, and fingers, which spread and embarrassed her greatly. Earlier this year, one of the older students prayed for healing and felt they would soon disappear. He encouraged Poi to pray nightly before going to bed. She prayed for a month but after no change, she felt discouraged. She still prayed occasionally, but thought that her feet would stay the way they were and that she would just have to accept it.
A short time later, she noticed a small improvement and asked Sandy to pray that they would all disappear. A month later (after we had returned from NZ) Poi rushed up to Sandy. All of the warts were completely gone! She was so thankful to God and her faith has increased after seeing His power in her life. Malcolm & Sandy Potter THAILAND Ministry Leaders
CHURCH PLANTER PALLA (23) was walking past a funeral, and all of a sudden, God told her to go and raise the dead man from the coffin. She is a woman with great faith and obeyed God’s command. When the participants of the funeral heard about Palla’s intention, they threatened to kill her. She trusted God for His faithfulness however, and commanded life into the dead corpse in the coffin. Immediately there was movement, and can you believe it, the 45-year-old dead man got up on the third day and was back among the living! Glory to God!
I HAVE RELATIVES IN CHINA who live in a village that is still waiting to hear about Jesus. Yes they are my relatives, but they are not Hmong people like me – they are called White Meiow. There are about one million of these people in China, and they speak my language! A small team from my church in Thailand went to visit our relatives earlier this year and found eight villages in Nujeen province where there was not a single believer. They welcomed us with open arms, and we have begun to share the Gospel with them. Our vision is to see churches started in all eight villages within the next two years!
Benji & Daniela Morf S-E ASIA Ministry Team Members
Ponchai Banchasawan THAILAND Ministry Leader
>> Above: White
Meiow lady.
>> Ponchai Banchasawan’s wife Ea (centre) with ladies from the village. >>Palla (centre) 18
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Celebrating 80 years
DISCIPLING BAR GIRLS IN PATPONG THERE ARE A NUMBER OF WOMEN who have shown an interest in following Christ, who are still working in the bars. In June, the Rahab outreach team and our on site pastor took four women on a Christian camp. It was a time of fellowship, teaching biblical foundations, and building on existing relationships. On the second day, they drew their dreams and each one had the same dream – to have some land where they could grow their own crops, build a house, and be with their children. It is such a simple thing, but
poverty and family expectations robs many of them of their dreams. However, nothing is impossible to God. Since the camp, one has now gone home to her village. Another brought her friend to our monthly Rahab party on her day off and our team was able to spend time with her after the other women left, sharing more about Christianity. The four women all came back with a greater understanding of who God is and who they are in His eyes. Rahab Ministries • THAILAND
>> Women attending the camp draw visions of their future hopes and dreams.
FOLLOWING CHRIST THROUGH OPPOSITION How can Thai young people follow Christ despite strong cultural opposition? RECENTLY, AS PART OF MY RESEARCH for my Doctorate of Missiology, I interviewed adult Thais from a Buddhist background, who did our lessons as children, and now follow Christ.
Val Bateup, Good News Team THAILAND Ministry Leader
How were they able to persist in their faith? Seventy percent of my interviewees said that as they did the lessons, they just began to “know” they believed in Jesus and wanted to follow Him. No one persuaded them to believe, and no one could persuade them not to. 100% of them had miracles happen, which assured them God’s Spirit was with them in their persecution. Your prayers were part of this. Many said, “Please thank those who prayed for me.” Sixty percent of them first learnt about Jesus when they read one of our booklets in their school library. This School Library Project continues. In the last six months, 4,480 Thai schools received our booklets, and 30,000 schools are still waiting for their copies! Please pray for this project, and for each child who reads one of these booklets. >> Children reading Good News Team booklets.
>> A Thai girl listens intently to
Celebrating 80 years
a Gospel presentation.
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
HOW TO TRAIN 7.5 MILLION CHILDREN’S MINISTRY WORKERS WORLDWIDE? PLAN: Involve as many kids’ ministries as possible in the global vision called 1for50 – to train one worker for every 50 kids on the planet. Work together strategically so as not to overlap in countries, denominations, or districts. Recruit 30 global initiators to inspire, initiate, and implement core training in every nation of the world. Then, over time, each global initiator will recruit, train, and mentor 100 trainers of trainers. Each of them will then train 50 grassroots trainers on the job, who will each teach 50 adults how to minister to kids. Result: 7.5 million kids’ ministry workers! 7.5 million equals two people from every church in the world today. We want to see every child reached for Christ through an army of trained kids workers! PRAY: The neat mathematics only helps give an overall guiding structure. Many hurdles still exist: so many languages; differing world views about the importance of children; money for materials; and large areas of the world where persecution of the church is common – just to name a few! We need prayer, as well as a greater degree
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of unity among all ministries and denominations. There are wonderful signs of this happening as the 1for50 network has begun to work in harmony. Many childrens’ ministries have joined the effort and 30 countries have made a start in some way.
were capable of training others. In Myanmar, eight people said they will be using the material as they train students in various Bible schools. In Cambodia, about 20 Non Government Organisations (NGO) type organisations were represented as well as a number of denominations. We are meeting core needs, as the following statements testify: • “I have been to a few training seminars for kids’ ministry, which are all basically the same. But this one had many new topics, illustrations, and teaching methods.” • “I have learnt how to prepare a lesson properly and make sure my own life is in line with what I teach.”
PARTICIPATE: World Outreach International (WOI) has bought into the vision and has already initiated through our Generation Ministries teams 1for50 training seminars in Nagaland, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Bangladesh. Other countries will follow in 2012. WOI personnel will be in the forefront of the second generation training in many countries. Second generation training has already taken place in Myanmar and N-E India. It’s exciting to be contributing to a unified vision that is beginning to impact the world of kids’ ministry in a new way.
Celebrating 80 years
• “I learnt how important it is to relate well to the kids and build relationships.” • “I have many years experience teaching kids, but have received many new ideas.” • “This was an answer to my prayers, to learn how to reach out and disciple kids in my community.” • “The practical session on training others has given me confidence to do that.” This all adds to the current training that Generation Ministries (over 1500 kids workers trained in the last nine months in five countries) and other WOI ministries are conducting.
At least half of the students Peter van der Westhuyzen and Menuo Keditsu have had in recent seminars
The 1for50 Vision is like a stone that has been thrown into the pond of the world’s 2.2 billion kids. This stone needs your prayers and support to maintain its momentum.
>>Peter van der Westhuyzen (rear of photograph)
Peter van der Westhuyzen NEW ZEALAND Generation Ministries
Linda Harding EUROPE Ministry Leader
A CHANGING LANDSCAPE BRINGS OPPORTUNITY NORTH AFRICANS FLOOD INTO EUROPE Pray for the people of North Africa and Europe as we witness historic changes happening in our world. Hundreds of thousands of North Africans are flooding into Europe’s cities because of crises in their own countries. These events could change the landscape of Europe. Let us seize this opportunity to respond with prayer. HOPE Europe was the birthplace of world mission – now it is a challenging missionary frontier. The Hope II Congress held in May 2011 was an opportunity for Europeans, including many World Outreach International (WOI) partners, to unite around the theme of hope and a desire to see change. At this event, the Hope for Europe award was given to Patricia Green in honour of her work. This prestigious award is given annually by the Hope for Europe movement to a person or project embodying the biblical message of hope, and the values of partnership, transformation, and integrity. The focus is to inspire others to actions of hope – this award and many stories told at the Congress were a great inspiration.
>> Linda Harding (fourth from right) with the Hope for Europe conference group.
FOCUS ON THE UK Acts 17:26-27 “...and God determined the exact places where they should live so that men would seek him...and perhaps reach out for him and find him…” Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims – not across the world but across the street!
The mission week was a fantastic opportunity for people to develop their understanding of God’s heart for the nations.You don’t have to go overseas to reach the nations; the ends of the earth are here in Europe, living on our doorsteps.
DISCOVERING NEW HINDU LRPS Joshua Project lists almost one million Hindu people (Tamils, Hindi, Gujarati, Sindhi) in the UK, but Kairos graduates recently met some new arrivals: Nepalese, families of Gurkha Soldiers, who have moved to their area in South England. Faithfulness and loyalty are characteristics of the Gurkhas. Pray that they will discover the love and faithfulness of Jesus and become followers of Jesus within their own cultural context. LEARNING ABOUT ISLAM As part of a week-long mission and discipleship week, 14 young people gathered in a predominantly Pakistani community in northern England to learn about cross-cultural mission. The week included cultural and biblical training, climaxing with the team running a family fun day in partnership with the local city-wide kids’ club. The week provided hands-on practical experience on how to build crosscultural relationships with a view to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Speaking about the week, Nathanial (17) said, “It’s helpful having the information about the different cultures, why they might be here and what issues we need to be aware of when sharing our faith. It has been a really useful experience–learning lessons for life.”
Challenging fact:
There are over 220,000 Burmese, Japanese,Thai and Vietnamese Buddhists in the UK.There is little intentional outreach to these peoples.
If you haven’t yet seen the DVD, Why Europe Why Now, or the New Faces of Europe Prayer Guide, please contact the WOI-UK office and we will send you these inspiring resources for the cost of postage and packaging. Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
With growth happening and expansion needed, a number of World Outreach International (WOI) teams have opportunities for short/medium/long-term personnel, who can raise their own personal support and travel costs, to assist their ministry vision.
will see a number of WOI organised short-term cross-cultural teams involved in outreaches in Southeast Asia, Indo-China, India subcontinent, and in different African nations as well as in Europe.
planting team is looking for people who are self-motivated, committed, and computer literate. We need people with good people skills, who either have proven mission experience or are willing to take cross-cultural courses, to join the ministry to a least-reached people group in the heartland of Cambodia.
in West Kalimantan are looking for people with the following skills: builders joiners, block layers, tilers, electricians, plumbers, doctors, nurses, dentists, teachers, administrators, agriculturalists, fish and chicken farmers, gardener for pepper plantation.
and to Spain to serve in teams. If you would like to come to visit, or send a short term team, or come as an intern please contact:
A WOI ministry based in the Manchester area is looking for builders, roofers, and decorators.
THAILAND The WOI-sponsored PHILIPPINES WOI is looking Rahab Ministries is looking for help with teaching English, computers, online marketing, and video editing. We are also in need of an electrician and a builder.
WOI is looking for people to come to France, to England
for a mature and experienced selfsupporting couple to serve as WOI Philippines Directors for three-five years based in Manila and to assist churches and individuals in the training and mobilising of Filipinos for crosscultural ministry overseas.
Kids in Crisis (see back page)
R aising Leaders (Seminars, Life in Christ) $ E vangelism and Church Planting
A ssisting Emerging Missions
C hildrens Ministry
H umanitarian Aid
Where most needed
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â&#x20AC;˘ ISSUE 1, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘
Celebrating 80 years
SEEING FROM GOD’S PERSPECTIVE ONE OF THE MOST VALUABLE lessons in life is to see the world through a different perspective, especially if that perspective is much broader than your own, and ideally comes from the One that created you in the first place. Last year, many teams from around the world were sent cross-culturally for the purpose of communicating the Gospel to people groups other than their own. Others learned about God’s purpose and
passion for the Church and the world. Both these experiences had a conjoint impact on those involved. Twenty-one young adults participated in a recent Kairos course over five days in the Cameron Highlands in northern Malaysia. A new believer, Julia, told us that Kairos was, “The first time I… really immerses[d] myself in Bible study and [began] to understand the true meaning of God’s mission...that’s really awesome and brought me to a new step of my Christian life… It makes me want to learn more and more.” Penny from India joined our team to Myanmar. She testified, “I discovered this compelling, genuine love for the people of that nation… the Kairos course challenged and changed my whole perspective of the ministry that I have been doing for years. It was very exciting to see this trip as a tiny but extremely significant bit of our contribution to the Master’s Plan.”
MYANMAR >> Team building exercise.
While Brandon was simply “challenged
to pray,” he was also inspired to put research into the idea of an iPhone prayer application mobilising people to pray for real-time needs of the unreached in the world. Most came away from the course or outreaches with fresh God-inspired ideas and desires to impact the lost with the Gospel. With this broadened perspective, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the needs and get busy trying to be Jesus to the world. Luanna, however, wisely identified that, “There’s really a need to hook up with many Christians to make the Great Commission work.” To add to that Pearlene, who recently returned from an outreach in Thailand, mentioned, “Whenever I shift my focus back to God, my anxiety is replaced with patience to wait on God and peace, knowing that God is in control. The more I learn about how to rely on God for daily strength, the easier it is to find joy in the little things that I do, and not sweat over little details and my insecurities.” At least one thing remains for sure as Angie summarised after her time in Thailand: “It is so exciting to be working with God and be a part of all that He is doing.”
David Elliott • SINGAPORE Cross-Cultural Mobiliser
For more opportunities such as crosscultural training, short-term teams and internships contact:
HAVE YOU MADE A WILL? Making a will is the only way you can be sure that your wishes will be followed after you die. Having a will also makes your loved ones’ time of grief simpler. If you don’t leave a will, part or all of your estate may go to people whom you never intended to benefit, or even to the government! Including a gift to the ministry of World Outreach International in your will is a special and personal way to continue to making a difference in the world after your life on earth has passed.
For further information, please contact the World Outreach office nearest to you.
Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
KIDS IN CRISIS! Helping stem the ocean of misery It would be nice not to know. It would be easier if we didn’t see the images, if we didn’t read about human misery, especially when that misery involves children. However, World Outreach International (WOI) personnel face these truths every day: misery, helplessness, exploitation, destitution and poverty. Instead of ignoring this difficult reality, WOI individuals and teams are doing something about it. It is not news to most that we live in a sick, depraved, and cruel world, as the following cold, hard facts reveal: • 99% of babies abandoned on streets, in gutters, in rubbish bins, in the Indian sub-continent today, are girls, considered to be a burden to both families and society. • 75-80% of the world’s refugees are women and children. • Today there are over 200 million child labourers worldwide - with no protection. • In East Africa, 9 out of 10 girls are abused by the people they trust the most. • Child pornography generates US$3 billion annually. • Every day, more than 16,000 children die of hunger. That’s one child every five seconds. • Two million girls between 5 and 15 enter the commercial sex market each year. • 89% of prostitutes want to escape. We in WOI may not be able to stem the whole ocean of Kids in Crisis misery in the world today, but many, many hundreds of children are already being helped! We are making a difference! With the continued blessing of the Lord and your practical partnership, WOI teams can help rescue even more children from a life of hopelessness, abuse, and exploitation. The promise of the Lord in Jeremiah 29:11 (For I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future) does not just apply to the children of Israel, or to you and me, but also to every helpless and defenceless child. For $45/£30 per month, WOI teams are able to love, care for, feed, and clothe kids, who were once in crisis, and in so doing, give them hope and a future. Thank you for partnering with WOI to help make an even greater difference.
John Elliott
International Director
GIFTS CAN BE POSTED TO: World Outreach International and designated “Kids in Crisis.” See Page 22 to respond. You can also make a donation via our website:
(Sources of statistic above include UNICEF, YWAM, Global Fund for Children and other organisations.)
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
Celebrating 80 years