IN THIS ISSUE: Pathway To Freedom • Learning
From Moses • Ask, Listen and Obey • Distinction Between 'Ministry' and 'Leadership' • Jesus Our Protector and more ...
World Outreach International is a multiracial fellowship of Christians and ministries that exists to impact Least Reached Peoples with the Good News of Jesus Christ through:
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• Raising Leaders • Evangelism and Church Planting • All Nations Mobilisation • Children’s Ministry • Humanitarian Aid Singapore-based, International Director John Elliott heads an executive team of senior missionaries, pastors and business leaders. WOI follows recognised international standards and procedures for child safety.
John Elliott Janet Chan
Rachel McColl
EDITORIAL SUPPORT: Robin Merrill www.robinmerrill.com
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MCI (P) 089/12/2015
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COUNTRY OFFICES INTERNATIONAL OFFICE: John Elliott (International Director) 2 Kallang Avenue #04-09 CT Hub Singapore 339407 T: (65) 6464 8698 E: woi@world-outreach.com AUSTRALIA: Grahame Orpin (Board Chairman) Gail McDougall (Office) PO Box 5000, Sunshine Coast, MC Qld 4560 T: (617) 5313 8591 T: (612) 8203 4530 F: (617) 3319 8928 E: admin.au@world-outreach.com CANADA: Lynn LeRoy (Office) PO Box 172 Lambeth Stn London, ON N6P 1R1 T: 519 680 3355 E: canada@world-outreach.com
HOLLAND: Meint Kisteman (Board Chairman) Oogstweg 12 8071 WS, Nunspeet T: (31 62) 467 1758 E: info@world-outreach.nl MALAYSIA: Philip Chieng (Board Chairman) PO Box 8541, Kelana Jaya 46792 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan T: (60 3) 77325924 E: malaysia@world-outreach.com NEW ZEALAND: Gail McDougall (Office) PO Box 97230, Manukau 2241 T: (64 9) 263 5434 T: (64 9) 887 7150 M: (64 21) 330 874 E: nz@world-outreach.com
SINGAPORE: Tarn Ping Kueh (Office) 2 Kallang Avenue #04-09 CT Hub Singapore 339407 T: (65) 6464 8698 E: singapore@world-outreach.com SOUTH AFRICA: MC Coetzee PO Box 11238 Riverwalk 2538 T: (27 18) 290 5285 M: (27 83) 462 2224 E: southafrica@world-outreach.com UNITED KINGDOM: Jon Hitchen (Office) BM Box 5265 London, WC1N 3XX T: +44(0) 203 642 4873 E: office@wouk.org W: www.wouk.org
Field Ministries Director: Peter Smith Executive Manager: Chia Shee Wai International Board: Luke Chong, Lorraine Dierck, John Elliott, Wilbur Farmilo, Wayne Freeman, Gary Levens, Rob Reid International Leadership Team: Chia Shee Wai, Bambi Cataluna, John Elliott, Peter Smith, Peter van der Westhuyzen, Hendrik V, Ben Brooks
USA: Aaron Rudd 615 East Sego Lily Drive Sandy UT 84070 T: (1 801) 572 0211 ext.11 M: (1 801) 599 3370 E: usa@world-outreach.com 501 (c) 3 Tax Exemption Available
COVER IMAGE: Believers are taught to pray for the sick, Thailand. Photo from John and Nok P.
Lovely Feet
Ask, Listen, Obey In the previous issue of Nations, I wrote about ‘How beautiful (or lovely) on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news…’ (Isaiah 52:7). It truly is a beautiful thing to watch people respond to God’s call, commit and prepare themselves for service, and then arrive in the land where the Lord has burdened them to make His love known to the lost. However, all this can sound a bit simplistic, can’t it? Are Christians really lining up to leave country and family to go off to a foreign land – indefinitely, like in days of old? Yes they are! Is it possible in these challenging economic times for churches and individuals to financially partner with such goers? Yes it is! With all the political, social and religious upheaval happening, should we be encouraging people to go and serve in such environments? Yes, we should! In this day and age, are missionaries still needed to go and plant themselves in foreign cultures in order to share and spread the Good News? Yes, they are! The call of God ‘to go’ is just as loud today as it was more than 2,000 years ago. He is asking for more lovely feet to go and represent Him
in ‘regions beyond’. Those who are willing to hear His voice are still volunteering to go. In recognising that there is a new momentum of the Holy Spirit at work today in regions beyond, the World Outreach International leadership has agreed that we need to prepare the organisation for even greater growth in order to help facilitate this ‘new thing’ the Lord is doing today. Vision WO2020 was launched last year in order to accommodate (at least) a further 240 new crosscultural workers to be serving with WOI by the end of 2020 – should the Lord tarry! Such growth of personnel is to help engage with at least a further 55 Least Reached People (LRPs) groups who still don’t have a viable Christian witness among their ethnic communities. To complement WO2020, WOI also launched a ‘Pathways to the Nations’ programme, whereby potential new cross-cultural workers can better prepare themselves for effective and relevant engagement, whether short, medium or long-term service. In WOI we look for every opportunity to tell people (of any age) how they can make a difference by giving of their time, of themselves, of their
skills, abilities and resources to help facilitate the taking of the Good News to the world’s mountaintops, into the valleys, and/or remote regions, where unreached people groups can be found. Whether we are called to go (abroad) or called to stay (in our homeland), we can all make a difference if we are willing to ask, to listen, to obey. In WOI we want to do all we can to help facilitate seeing ‘more lovely feet’ equipped, empowered and mobilised in taking the Good News to regions where unreached ethnic communities are scattered – most are found in the 10/40 window region of the world – whether involved short, medium or long term. There are opportunities to serve in mission for the young, the not so young, and those in-between. Visit the WOI website and check out our ‘Pathways to the Nations’. There is an opportunity for you too to help make a difference of eternal significance!
John Elliott International Director
The call of God 'to go' is just as loud today as it was more than 2,000 years ago. He is asking for more lovely feet to go and represent Him in ‘regions beyond’.
• ISSUE 3, 2015 •
EUROPE C O O K I N G A J VA R Danie and Esther van Niekerk, MACEDONIA • Ministry leaders equipping church leaders and members. world-outreach.com/people/danie-and-esther-van-niekerk It is freezing outside and everyone is preparing for the cold winter months ahead. To deepen our relationships within our community, we join the longstanding folk tradition of cooking Ajvar (a type of relish made from red peppers) during the autumn. People fill the neighborhood streets as they cook outdoors. For two full days we roast, peel, mince, cook and bottle the Ajvar. During that time we talk with one another and share stories. Many topics are covered, from children to refugees and faith. We live in a mixed neighborhood of orthodox Christians and Muslims. Sometimes the tension can be felt between the
two groups. We are slowly exploring the deep-seated animosity. However, when we sit down and help one another prepare the winter food, deep friendships are formed and old hostility is left behind.
Deepening relationships within the community
Cooking Ajvar
MIDDLE EAST L OV E C A S T S O U T F E A R Nathan and Sawsan Bassaly, EGYPT • Ministry leaders, involved in teaching and training church leaders. world-outreach.com/people/nathan-sawsan-bassaly A couple years ago I was sharing my life testimony in a meeting. After the meeting was finished, a gentleman came up to me and introduced himself. He was from Baker Press. With great excitement he told me he wanted my life story to be written in a book and published! I was very surprised. How could this be happening? I felt I didn’t even deserve to have my story in a book and I tried several times to convince him this was not necessary.
However God had His way and after negotiations were made, my life story was published! You can now find my book, Love Casts Out Fear, A Jihad Survivor’s Journey from Revenge to Redemption on Amazon. It is being sold around the globe! The whole world is hungry to hear the story of forgiveness and redemption. Thank you Jesus for making a way for my testimony, and your forgiveness, to be shared.
Nathan with new book, Love Casts Out Fear
LEARNING FROM MOSES Jo and Jenny Graham, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders involved in training church planters. world-outreach.com/people/jo-and-jenny-graham Nine months ago, the Koti leaders (in Mozambique) identified two areas needing a breakthrough. First, our three teams discipling the Mwani people far to the north were making some disciples but the work was slow, with significant opposition. Second, the spread of the Gospel through the Koti islands was still slow. We had a growing presence on some islands near the mainland, but on the outer islands the work was very weak. We agreed that we needed a new thrust and identified one island called Maziwani to target. Maziwani has the largest population (nearly 10,000) and is the most intensely Muslim. Everyone prays in the mosques because of the social pressure. Our Koti men spoke nervously about the likelihood of violent persecution for
anyone who broke ranks to follow Jesus. We determined to go up the mountain in focused worship and prayer as Moses did, for both the Mwani and for Maziwani. Some Koti communities gather to pray passionately at 4:30 every morning, some at 3:30! With all their hearts, they cry out to the Lord for the cloud of darkness that blinds the people to be stripped away! Eight months later, the Mwani teams are reporting a huge change. They are seeing more miracles, healings and much greater openness. They say that the hostility has gone and many people are responding to the Gospel. They come at night, like Nicodemus, because they are still nervous about what others will say. But they come! The team had visited an imam’s home and prayed for his wife who was sick. She was completely healed, and the imam was so amazed. Not ready to repent yet but definitely listening. We visited Maziwani recently and found astonishing hunger for the Word of God, people
begging our team to send someone to live there and teach them the way of Jesus. Four top community leaders personally decided to turn
We visited Maziwani recently and found astonishing hunger for the Word of God, people begging our team to send someone to live there and teach them the way of Jesus. from sin and follow Christ and were baptised that very day, one repenting of having been a witch doctor! And Amaral and Abiba, an outstanding young Koti couple, are moving there in the next week or so to spearhead the work. Why the huge change in both the Mwani work and on Maziwani? When Moses lifts up his hands, Joshua’s men drive back the enemy! Every ministry needs to birthed and bathed in fervent prayer and worship. In focused prayer and worship, we take hold of the keys of the Kingdom; we close doors to the works of darkness and open doors for the Gospel.
• ISSUE 1, 2016 •
AFRICA THE BREAD OF LIFE Angela Stephens, KENYA • Ministry leader equipping church leaders and members. world-outreach.com/people/angela-stephens On a recent trip to southern Turkey, I saw the openness to the Gospel that the Syrian Kurds have. One night a Muslim family visited the house and as one of the team was sharing the Gospel with them in Kurdish, I asked the Lord for a word for the wife. I shared John 6:35:
"I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”
Unbeknown to me she had just shared how she had a dream where someone was giving her bread, and she didn’t understand what it meant. The couple was touched by the love and amazed at how God answered them. These Muslim Kurds and others are turning to Christianity and realising that Jesus is indeed the bread of life.
MUCH FRUIT IN THE MIDDLE EAST Rod and Lynley Talbot, SOUTH AFRICA • Regional Ministries Director - Africa and the Middle East. world-outreach.com/people/rod-lynley-talbot We recently made an exploratory trip to the Middle East to firstly, visit current and new contacts in the region and, secondly, to assess what WOI is doing and can do across that part of the world. We visited Cairo (Egypt), Amman (Jordan), Beirut (Lebanon) and Dubai (UAE) over a two-week period. We met amazing people,
WOI Colleagues in the Middle East
Lynley sharing at children's programme in Cairo
WOI colleagues as well as others, doing amazing things. A young Egyptian couple, who were in Yemen for a number of years, now have their visas for Djibouti and Somaliland to connect with
Yemenese refugees there. A Jordanian couple is taking young converts on outreach to Bedouin and Druse people groups on the borders of Jordan and have seen thousands of children come to the Lord. Now the parents’ hearts are open, wanting to know more about Isa (Jesus). An Egyptian colleague is working in Syrian refugee camps and seeing many displaced people come to the Lord. To the world the Middle East is in chaos, but God is at work and many miracles are happening. The blood of the martyrs is already bringing forth much fruit!
FROM OPPOSITION TO GROWTH Joseph and Aimee Dayamba, BURKINA FASO • Ministry leaders who are involved in children evangelism and training. world-outreach.com/people/joseph-aimee-dayamba The enemy may attack us and try to destroy us, but God will glorify Himself in the midst of it all. A few weeks ago seven angry Muslims came to my house and told me to stop preaching the Gospel. At the same time another group of Muslims came and opposed them. Fighting broke out between the two Muslim groups. The result: we have a bigger church and have started a new church in the same community. Never stop preaching the Gospel!
AFRICA STUDENTS LEARNING THROUGH DOING David and Doreen Khoza, SOUTH AFRICA • Ministry leader and principal of Soweto Bible College, South Africa. world-outreach.com/people/david-doreen-khoza Winning souls for Christ is a priority at World Outreach Bible College. Students go and preach in the open-air meetings as part of their study programme. They recently held a meeting in front of our college. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, seven people were saved that day! Students were excited to see these people coming to Christ. They themselves are encouraged through the ministry. We are planning to
host open-air meetings two to three times per school term. In order to achieve this, we need a quality sound system and a van to transport all the equipment. Some of our students are also in need of sponsorship to cover their tuition fees. In our area of Soweto, many people still need to hear the Gospel. Please join us in prayer that God will provide for all our needs.
Students serving at an open-air meeting
AND THEN THEY COULD SEE Paul and Sue Fosse, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders who are involved in training church planters. world-outreach.com/people/paul-sue-fosse
Delighted at his new eyeglasses
Paul and I (Sue) were recently blessed to host a team of four people, coming from both the USA and Mozambique. The team came to fit the local people with eyeglasses and to bless each of them with a Gideons New Testament. Paul took the team to various church sites and helped them distribute the eyeglasses and Testaments. It was beautiful to see the facial expressions of the people who received eyeglasses for the first time. Their expressions said it all as they lit up with joy. With big
smiles they said over and over again, “Kinona! I see!” They can now see to read, carry out daily chores and see at a distance. We also tried to dig several wells. Despite having excellent equipment, we hit hard rock and were unsuccessful in finding a well. We see this as a sign of the spiritual atmosphere in the area. Yet with God all things are possible. We are seeing breakthroughs. Please keep on praying!
G R E AT W O R K S ! Eugene and Tina Wessels, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/eugene-tina-wessels Two of our sons in the faith planted two new churches in a previously unreached area in Tete Province. Back in Quelimane, the church planted by three women who had been abandoned by their husbands has grown to more than 100 believers in less than two years and we now have another 45 people
preparing to be baptised. At present we are working with an American couple who help people to see via eye clinics. A young girl of five years was virtually blind, and has been given the ability to see. We simply praise Him for the great works that He is doing here. Seeing for the first time! • ISSUE 1, 2016 •
DISTINCTION BETWEEN ‘MINISTRY’ AND ‘LEADERSHIP’ Bruce Hills, AUSTRALIA • International Leadership Development Director. world-outreach.com/people/bruce-hills In his book, The Empowered Church, Dr Ian Jagelman wrote how that for many years he read numerous books on Christian leadership that primarily focused on ‘matters of integrity rather than matters of skill’. In other words, the authors he read equated godliness with fruitfulness, arguing that the ‘keys to effectiveness’ in ministry were ‘prayer, fasting and holiness’, as the following diagram illustrates.
INTEGRITY (Character)
Diagram 1
Some people who are called leaders have a strong preaching gift and attract followers, ‘but when you look at their ministry team, you see that there are no strong leaders following them’. Jagelman argues, ‘They are ministers but not leaders’. In contrast, he writes how other people who ‘may not possess a dynamic ministry gift but build a large church because other strong leaders, with powerful ministry gifts, find it easy to follow his or her leadership. This person’, he writes, ‘is more than a minister. He or she is a true leader’. Definitions Jagelman offers definitions to distinguish ministry and leadership. ‘Ministry is any activity that serves
The trouble with this view, he wrote, is that many ministers who faithfully pray, fast and pursue holiness in the fear of the Lord are ‘ineffective leaders’.
the needs of people.’ It includes such things as preaching, teaching, counselling, praying, visiting, encouraging and caring. ‘Leadership is any activity that
Rather, he now holds the view that: integrity and ministry skills and leadership skills results in fruitfulness, as diagram 2 illustrates.
directs, influences or facilitates ministry by others.’ It includes such things as planning, decision-making, leadership (personnel) selection and vision setting.
Jagelman uses David’s leadership in Psalm 78:72 as an example, where it says he shepherded the people of Israel with ‘integrity of heart’ and ‘with skilful hands he led them’.
Based on these definitions, he wrote that people confuse ministry with leadership. He added that ‘many organisational structures within churches exist solely for ministry,
INTEGRITY (Character)
providing little scope for leadership’. Jagelman’s observation is that most leaders in pastoral ministry have strong ministry gifts and skills, and a degree of leadership competence. His encouragement is that ministry leaders need to spend time developing their leadership. This
People confuse ministry with leadership ... ‘Many organisational structures within churches exist solely for ministry, providing little scope for leadership.’ is primarily outworked, he writes, by developing other leaders and leadership teams. In this sense, a ministry leader who intentionally develops, equips and mobilises others to ministry, is exercising highly effective leadership. This is one of the foundational reasons we, in World Outreach International, conduct ‘leadership development seminars’ and not just ‘ministry conferences’. We want to develop leaders.
Diagram 2
MOZAMBIQUE S P E C I A L J OY ! Colin and Jenny Ayling, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders involved in a holistic ministry. world-outreach.com/people/colin-jenny-ayling It’s such a joy to see any child hold their very first picture book, but in villages where 80% of adults are illiterate, there are not many books to be found! Most of our preschool children [aged 4-7 years] had never had the opportunity to look at a picture book. Now in the three village preschools recently opened by Maziotela Ministries, book-time is a very special joy!
A child holding her first picture book!
Another less-expected joy has been to see the delight of the teachers we have trained being able to share their first “reading time” with children.
Most of these teachers had also never held a children’s book, and had never known the joy of sitting and sharing a picture book with a child. Maziotela Ministries has had the privilege of seeing many churches planted, but that is just the beginning! The village preschool programme is seeking to train teams of young Christians, to help these churches be an important part of development in their villages, while also enjoying many opportunities to share God’s love!
G E T YO U R N E T S R E A DY ! Grant and Riana Franke, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/grant-riana-franke Not long ago, we asked you to pray for the fishermen we minister to because they had gone a long time without a catch. One afternoon since then, Grant felt he should swim out to their boat. As they chatted, someone shouted “fish!” They all
dove overboard to help corral a school of tuna in a net. It was precious moment when the catch of over a hundred tuna was landed on the beach. Grant’s visit coinciding with the catch has them all fired up to pay more attention to the Bible stories!
Grant with the local fishermen
I AM HEALED Theo and Mignonne Schumann, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders involved in evangelism in northern Mozambique. world-outreach.com/people/theo-mignonne-schumann Mamma Mwipi is a Mwani Muslim from Ibo Island. She was the last person we ever thought would walk forward into God's Kingdom. She is our neighbour, and it took more than a year for her just to look in our direction when we greeted her. A while ago she watched the Jesus film and informed us afterwards that she wanted to follow Jesus. She told us how she watched Jesus in
the film healing people. "A woman just touched his robe and she was healed. I was also suffering from a women's illness, but since the day I decided to follow Jesus, I am healed."
"Coming up behind Jesus, she touched the fringe of his robe. Immediately, the bleeding stopped." Luke 8v44
Mamma Mwipi • ISSUE 1, 2016 •
SOUTH EAST ASIA JUST KEEP TRUSTING Sam and Carol Soukotta, INDONESIA • Ministry leaders and principals of Tawangmangu Bible College. world-outreach.com/people/sam-carol-soukotta Electricity was just introduced in Manggala Permai, Indonesia. One widow in the church wanted to experience the electricity in her own simple home. The only problem was, she did not have sufficient funds to install the electricity. After praying and believing God for a good outcome, the widow went out and planted bengkuang (a fruit grown in the ground). But three weeks before harvest time, the monkeys got to her fruit! Not understanding
A widow with faith
why this happened, the widow cried out to the Lord. Continuing to trust the Lord, she went out to dig up the remaining bengkuang, but only a small amount was left. The few sacks of fruit that was harvested were taken to the market to be sold. To the widow’s surprise, a season of drought caused the bengkuang to be sold at a price far above what she had imagined! Thanks be to God, the widow was able to have electricity installed in her home.
FRONTLINE PRAYER UPDATES When you commit to daily prayer, our missionaries are backed up and supported spiritually while facing challenges on the mission front. Prayer plays an indispensible role in the work of missions and its power shouldn’t be underestimated. It does make a difference! You no longer need to refer to the Nations Magazine for Frontline Prayer but can easily pray at home or on the go. Subscribe to receive daily updates through the PrayerMate app available for Apple, Android and Amazon devices or by daily email.
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FRONTLINE PRAYER Thank you for supporting our partners in prayer!
Paul and Sue Fosse
MOZAMBIQUE Sue has started writing
a book about the Fosses’ experiences in Mozambique and about how God has met their needs in so many different ways. Please pray for the Holy Ghost’s anointing as writing is not her natural gifting, but the Lord has put the project strongly on her heart; therefore she knows she must do it. We know it will be a blessing and encouragement to many others.
Kevin and Jeh Sie Chan
THAIL AND ‘BORED?’ board games cafe
serves as an outreach ministry to university students in Korat. We have a good bunch of regulars coming through and treating the place as their ‘home away from home’. Some students have started to explore spiritual matters with our team. Pray for wisdom for our team as they reach out to these ones, and for these students to have a personal encounter with Jesus.
Rodney and Juliet Munkhondia
MAL AWI We thank God for the impact
that the WOI leadership seminars have had in Malawi these past three years. Do pray for us as we plan to broaden and introduce this key ministry in the central region of the country this year where church leaders need much help in both their own walks and in making true disciples for Jesus Christ. Pray that the Holy Spirit will prepare the hearts of leaders to receive this ministry.
Myriam Wahr
MOZAMBIQUE Please keep ‘O Bom
Samaritano’ ministry in prayer. We are building a new healthcare centre and need God’s favour and help. Pray too for a good harvest of crops that the rural regions desperately need. We are also hungry for a spiritual breakthrough among the Makua Nahara people here. Pray this will happen in 2016! Thank you.
Au Yong Mun Heng and Cec ilia
MAL AYSIA Praise God for His faithfulness
and guidance. We are believing for God’s financial provisions of a training centre for church planters who will work among 11 LRP groups in Nepal and North India. As we consider the ministry schedule ahead of us, we ask that you pray with us for good health, journey mercies, open doors and new partnerships with churches and individuals nationally and globally.
John and Mar y Elliot t
SINGAPORE With the WOI leadership
setting a faith goal to engage with at least another 55 LRPs before the end of 2020, which will require an extra 240 new full-time personnel, we are now in the process of strengthening our infrastructure and appointing new field leaders in order to facilitate this vision. Pray that the Lord of the harvest will show us which LRPs to engage with, that He will raise up more workers and that He will grant us favour and wisdom as we move forward. Thank you.
John and Nok P
THAILAND Please pray that the new believers
under our ministry oversight will be strong, rooted in love and have the truth of God’s Word in their hearts. Pray that these followers of Jesus will be ready to work as members of the one Body of Christ, each exercising their unique God-given gifts, keeping themselves pure and faithful to the Lord in all that they do.
Jo and Jenny Graham
JAPAN God is opening the hearts of kids and
their mums in Japan in a way we’ve never seen before. Pray for the mums to turn to Christ with all their hearts, as their children are doing. And pray for our Kids Kamp coming shortly, for the power of the Spirit to be poured out.
Mar y- Pat Ross
MOZAMBIQUE Please pray for the little
Christian preschool started in Monapo last year. Pray for more growth and impact of God’s truth. Pray for clear direction from the Holy Spirit as we consider which rural villages are interested in starting preschools and women’s literacy and discipleship classes.
DAY 10
Ivan Venter
SOUTH AFRICA Early this year WOI South
Africa has the exciting prospect of bringing teaching to a YWAM DTS course with a LRP focus in Potchefstroom. This is a massive opportunity for our two organisations to work together. Also we will be undertaking an outreach to an isolated community in the Southern Lesotho, where it will take an hour to walk into the mountains from the nearest road. Please pray for the success of these two events. Thank you.
Gayle and Chaiyot Wansong
THAIL AND Here in Thailand we have a
new generation of young people wanting to know God’s mission for our world. Youth Kairos is a new teaching tool specifically designed to help young people understand and become involved in missions in new and meaningful ways, but it needs to be translated into Thai and videos need to be dubbed. Please pray with us that it will be ready to launch this March-April 2016.
DAY 12
Nathan and Sawsan Bassaly
DAY 16
BURKINA FASO We are very excited this
year about the opportunities before us here in West Africa, to share the Good News among more of the traditionally nomadic tribes people, most of whom are considered unreached. Please partner with us covering such things as good health, safe travels, key strategies, open hearts and resources.
DAY 17
EGYPT What is not reported in the media
today are the huge numbers of people who are turning to Jesus Christ, including here in Egypt. People in distress are needing someone they can put their trust and hope in, and Jesus is that Rock! Please pray with us that the Lord will use our team to show and tell the love message of God, and that true disciples for Jesus Christ will result from this harvest time.
DAY 13
Allen and Charlot te Teal
Danny and Ruby Bayasen
Janvier and Claudine Yokoinele
IVORY COAST The Lord has done a
wonderful miracle of provision that has allowed us to secure a permanent property for the La Semence Christian School in Abidjan. We also have extra land where we can build more classrooms for the pre-school and the college. An ideal time for this building project to commence is this March/April before the rainy season. Pray for the Lord to provide both the necessary funds and builders to complete this work. If you know of builders who can help, please have them contact us.
NEW ZEALAND We are in preparation for an
extensive trip to Africa where we will be taking a retreat for our WOI workers in Mozambique and doing some Member Care training in South Africa. We will also be attending the last two weeks of The Nations Course as well to offer support and encouragement to those completing the six-week intensive programme. We would appreciate your prayers for wisdom as we prepare the material and for the one-on-one conversations that will take place.
DAY 14
Rama and Sinta Jones
SOUTH EAST ASIA Please pray for
us and our team of church planters and Bible translators. Specifically pray for encouragement, refreshing and much fruit for the Kingdom of God from all our labours. Pray also for the interns on the team, that they too will catch and take up the vision for getting the Gospel to S E Asia's M* Least Reached People groups.
Praser t Panyamangkong
THAIL AND God is shining His light into
some of the darkest places in Bangkok, and many children are coming to know Jesus at the House of Hope in Tungsonghong. Praise His Name! Please pray for our visitation programme, where we visit every family of the boys and girls who come to our ‘Top Kids’ programme to ask how we can pray for them as a family. It’s amazing how God answers these prayers. Thank you for being part of our work here.
DAY 15
DAY 18
Malcolm and Linda Bayliss
SOUTH EAST ASIA Please pray for us as
we visit with our partnering support churches and individuals during a short home-leave break. Pray that God will speak through us as we minister and motivate people to increased missions awareness and involvement. Pray also that we will be "re-charged" by the Holy Spirit as we take this break and have a fruitful time with family and friends.
DAY 19
Chris and Nadine Brit tain
KENYA We are excited that along with
Kairos, there are now other mobilisation resources to assist churches into strategic mission. Please pray for the right strategies to expose churches to tools like “Empowered to Influence”, “Crossing Cultures” and “The Unfinished Story” so that a greater work force will be raised up here in East Africa.
DAY 20
Rod and Lynley Talbot
SOUTH AFRICA We will be visiting new
contacts in North Africa to see how WOI can serve the emerging church in that region. We will also continue to build relationships and discuss strategic planning for WOI involvement in the Middle East. Please pray for wisdom, insight, protection and divine connections.
DAY 21
FRONTLINE FILES Duncan and Lindie Ross
SOUTH EAST ASIA Our hearts’ desire is
God’s wisdom and guidance for the indigenous and Kairos ministries, that they both move forward in leaps and bounds this year. We need God’s strategy as it is the only one that will have fruitful results. We also want to see local teams take more ownership of these programmes when we are not around. Please pray that 2016 will be breakthrough time.
DAY 22
at our New Season Houses, one for women and one for men, that the Holy Spirit will do a deep work in their hearts and lives, giving them a fire and passion to reach out to the lost, demonstrating with both words and actions especially those who are hurting and in despair. Pray with us for a mighty harvest of souls here in N E Thailand this year.
team to grow strong spiritually, and for greater fruit in our weekly outreach in the women’s prison, in particular for more salvations, healings and to see women set free from the strongholds in their lives.
DAY 24
Ben and Rac hel Brooks
SOUTH EAST ASIA Please pray for the
growth and development of new Church Planting Movements (CPMs) amongst LRPs in Asia. Pray for believers to lay down their lives for the sake of the Gospel and for the Kingdom of God to come on earth as it is in Heaven. Pray for our family, that we will be hungry and thirsty for more of Jesus and love Him with all our being.
DAY 25
Cheah You Hong and Lily
JAPAN Pray for God’s wisdom as we seek to
widen our network of non-believer contacts this year. Pray too for the Holy Spirit’s leading to those who are spiritually ready during our street witnessing outreaches, and pray for wisdom in knowing how to attract more students to our Evangelism via English conversation lessons.
DAY 26
how faithful he has been in leading us this far here at Maziotela Ministries. Please pray with us as we continue to pray about the future, especially in the area of personnel, as we really need another person and/or couple to come and join the team.
DAY 28
Aashray Childrens’ Home
INDIA Please ask the Lord’s blessing and
leading on the young girls, some of whom are nearing the age when they will move onto tertiary education or into some form of career. Pray that they will remain strong in their Christian faith and walk with the Lord, while at the same time be bold and faithful witnesses. Pray too that the Aashray leadership will have wisdom in knowing which (new) abandoned or orphaned girls the ministry should take under its care. Thank you.
Peter and Jeannie Smith
NEW ZEALAND WOI has a vision to impact
an additional 55 LRP groups by the end of 2020 with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Would you partner with us in prayer that God’s hand would be upon us to give success as we work with Him, just as it was upon Joseph (see Genesis 39:2-6)? Thank you.
Angela Stephens
KENYA Please pray for our prison ministry
David and Stephanie Ayling
MOZAMBIQUE We are praising God for
Elisa Diaz
THAILAND Please pray for the young people
DAY 23
DAY 27
DAY 29
David and Doreen Khoza
SOUTH AFRICA Another new batch of
students has begun studies at the WOI Soweto Bible School. We thank the Lord for all the graduates to date, and ask that you pray with us and our leadership, that the past and present students will firstly love the Lord Jesus with all their hearts and minds, and secondly be faithful and dedicated followers of Jesus in their day-to-day lives. Pray that the Kingdom of God will see a great harvest of souls resulting from this ministry.
DAY 30
Vijaya Chowdhuri
BANGL ADESH Thank you for keeping the
ministry of Christian Discipleship Centre in prayer before the throne of Grace. A new batch of students have begun their one-year training. Many are from provinces where Christians are in the minority. Please pray that during the course of their studies, their faith will become stronger, their love for the Father more intimate, their service for Jesus more committed and their confidence in the power and person of the Holy Spirit unshakeable.
DAY 31
Joseph and Aimee Dayamba
BURKINA FASO Our burden and passion
is to train up a team of young leaders who will help take the Good News of Jesus Christ to the children and youth throughout our nation. We are excited with what the Holy Spirit is already doing and believe this year will see even greater numbers of youth receive Jesus. Please pray for our young leaders that they will be both dedicated and faithful, and pray for a harvest of young souls for the Kingdom of God in 2016.
JESUS OUR PROTECTOR Val Bateup, THAILAND • Ministry leader of Good News Team who evangelises and disciples children. world-outreach.com/people/val-bateup In many cultures children are seen as commodities to be used in whatever way best benefits their family. That may mean selling a child into a brothel, or sending them to work in a factory. Yet all in the family, including the child, understand this is the child’s duty.
Millions of children in developing countries know they need a helper and a protector. In such cultures, where children are so vulnerable, more than 80% respond in similar ways when they hear about Jesus. Such as, “I’m so glad to know I am loved by Jesus so much”, “I am amazed to know I am special to God
– I’ve never been special to anyone before”, or “Jesus helped me when I prayed to Him. Now I feel loved like never before”.
One Changed Life – Leads To Many More Napaporn said, “I was very selfabsorbed as a child. I didn’t care about anyone else. Now I know Jesus and all I want to do is share His love so I’m teaching groups of children from the slum about Him”. Weerasak was mocked at school for wanting to follow Jesus. Yet he said, “I knew that Jesus was with me so I believed what He said about me – not what my schoolmates were saying”. Now Weerasak teaches many teens in his rural church. In Orawan’s village, people feared evil spirits. At 13, Orawan began to follow Jesus. As village leaders did all they could to stop her, others in the village began seeking Jesus. Why? More and more of them saw Orawan was no longer afraid.
God’s Heart For All Children In Thailand, my desire has been to help children know there is a Protector who can be with them in every situation. I know this is God’s heart for all children. Tassanee was given a picture of Jesus with a group of children. She often looked at it, thinking “I wish I had someone who loved me the way He loves those children”. But then, Tassanee became possessed by a demon and was kept locked away for much of her childhood. Yet God remembered that childhood “prayer”. When Tassanee was in her twenties, God miraculously brought Christians to her. Now her greatest joy is to teach young people about Jesus and help them follow Him.
"I am amazed to know I am special to God – I've never been special to anyone before"
THAILAND A REASON TO SMILE Elisa Diaz, THAILAND • Ministry leader involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/elisa-diaz
Smile's father and his wife accept the Lord
At four years old, Smile lost all contact with her father. She longed to reconnect with him. After searching for many years, Smile knew that only God could help. Together Smile and I prayed that she would find her father. Within 24 hours, she received her father’s phone number! To her great delight
she was able to meet her father. He too had lost hope that he would ever reconcile with his daughter. He had suffered many trials, one being an accident that left him blind. After hearing the Gospel, and experiencing reconciliation, Smile’s father and his wife accepted Jesus into their lives!
A L I V E A N D M OV I N G John and Nok P, THAILAND • Ministry leaders heading up an evangelism and church planting ministry. world-outreach.com/people/john-nok-p We serve a living and powerful God who does many great wonders. One poor woman was set free from her large financial debt after the Holy Spirit prompted a rich couple to pay off her debts. An older gentleman sold all his properties and was about to sell his car so he could pay for his wife’s medical treatments for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) disease when he heard about Jesus’ power to save and heal. He accepted prayer, and miraculously his wife was completely healed of ALS! One elderly woman prayed for her deaf friend. Instantly the neighbour’s
A woman set free from her debt
hearing was restored. Now other deaf people are joining the group and asking for prayer. A man with a handicap began to ask God for help and to provide for all his needs, particularly his ramshackle house. In return, God opened the door for the government to restore his house, and they also gave him a new wheelchair! A 15-year-old was ill with leukaemia. After hearing the Gospel, she received healing and is now able to go back to school and her normal life.
A deaf woman is healed
We serve a God who is alive and moving amongst us!
Healed from leukaemia
A man with a restored home and a new wheelchair
• ISSUE 1, 2016 •
THAILAND RAHAB MINISTRIES Rahab Ministries, THAILAND • Rahab Ministries is involved in evangelising and discipling the women of the redlight industry in Bangkok. world-outreach.com/our-projects/evangelism-church-planting/rahab-ministries-thailand We are thrilled to announce the Rahab laundry shop is going very well! While we celebrate the success of the new endeavour, we are more overjoyed to share how it is fulfilling the dreams of some, and igniting new dreams in others.
One of the women who recently decided to leave the bar shared how she had always dreamed of opening up her own laundry shop with her sisters. She is very excited to be seeing her dream fulfilled and to be learning and working at the Rahab laundry shop. Another woman at Rahab has been so inspired she wants to go back to her hometown next year and open up her own laundry shop. Please pray for her success in this endeavour. We celebrate all that God is doing in these women’s lives, as well as the lives of those transformed by the
Accepting Christ for the first time
blood of Jesus. Three new women have accepted Christ and four new women have decided to leave behind the bar to join our Rahab community. Praise the Lord!
New laundry shop
P R OV I D I N G O P P O R T U N I T I E S F O R C H A N G E Malcolm and Sandy Potter, THAILAND • Ministry leaders involved in training and caring for tribal children. world-outreach.com/people/malcolm-sandy-potter Former Baan Faa Mai student Wirat is a pastor at a small church near Chiang Mai. He's from a poor family who sometimes didn't have enough rice to eat. As a shy youth he never thought he would be a pastor. However, three years of living at BFM changed his life and in his final year a few people suggested he go to Bible college. He prayed that if this was right for him, the doors would open and he could pay his study fees – and it happened. He is now financially helping his parents to build a new house in their village.
Wirat always willing to help >>
G O D I S M OV I N G ! Ponchai Banchasawan,THAILAND • Ministry leader involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/ponchai-banchasawan
63 new church members baptised!
In recent months we had a couple families come to Christ and there were 63 new church members baptised! We celebrate what God is doing in Thailand and know all of
these people are bringing glory to God. Please support us in prayer as we send out a team to China. Pray for many to come into the knowledge of our Saviour Jesus Christ.
A PATH INTO FREEDOM David and Penny Elliott, NEW ZEALAND • David, the youngest son of John and Mary Elliott, is married to Penny and they currently live in New Zealand. world-outreach.com/people/david-penny-elliott As the presentation of Pathways to the Nations began, we watched an image of a young woman walking on a path into nothingness. It got us laughing, but also realising a sad truth. How many young people pursuing a passion for missions somehow get lost in the process? Some fade into the background; others completely disappear. Reasons for this include uncertainty of their future, pressures of the world, deficient guidance, unmet needs, and hurts picked up outside and more often inside ‘the church’. Their zeal and commitment, once displayed, fades into nothingness.
Why is that? When God brought Israel out of slavery, leading them to Canaan, He blessed them as part of His promise to Abraham. To fulfil that promise,
His faithfulness continued into future What can we do? generations. They inherited freedom from oppression, which would enable Firstly, let’s not forget! Remember His goodness, faithfulness, love and them to bless nations. Instead they grace that we have were afflicted by experienced in our their enemies, How many young people own lives. Only by suppressed and this can we regain forced back into pursuing a passion for our hope and slavery from their missions somehow get lost vision. Secondly, own land. let’s not forsake His in the process? And the ways; rather, hold Scriptures tell us fast to His call and why: the future generations forgot His purposes for us with a heart that is deeds, and His ways were forsaken. fully sold out for Him.
How is today any different? Through God’s love and mercy He blesses His children like a perfect Father, bringing us from slavery into freedom. His desire is to bless the nations through us, but instead we get caught up in the things of this world bringing us back into a slavery mindset.
God is a Father who never gives up. He constantly has in mind and consistently invests in the next generation – in YOU. Remember God’s working in you and never forsake the call of God over your life. You are loved, blessed and set free. Now let us love, bless and see nations set free for the glory of God.
• ISSUE 1, 2016 •
SOUTH EAST ASIA T H I R D I N T E R N AT I O N A L K A I R O S C O N F E R E N C E Max and Dorothy Chismon, PHILIPINES • Ministry team leaders involved in training and cross-cultural communication. world-outreach.com/people/max-dorothy-chismon The wait is over, the conference has ended and Simply Mobilising is now a movement involving scores of countries and language groups all around the world. The third Kairos International Conference held recently in Chiang Mai, Thailand saw 415 participants from 54 countries gather together to launch the Simply Mobilising movement! Simply Mobilising is the outgrowth of our mobilising journey with the Kairos course that has evolved over more than 20 years from a course
to a movement dedicated to the mobilisation of all God’s people into meaningful involvement in the world Christian movement. A sampling of highlights mentioned by participants: •
A wonderful balance of information and inspiration.
Being with such a huge and culturally diverse bunch of people with the same heart!
The encouragement and validation of a life lived
mobilising – I feel so affirmed in my calling! •
Meeting and fellowshipping with the global Simply Mobilising family was simply amazing.
Receiving teaching on the dynamic nature of the Church and the incredible role of mobilising!
Delegrates worship the Lord
I grew up in a strong, Christian home. My parents taught me the Word of God. However, it wasn’t until later in life that my church went through the Perspectives Course, and for the first time ever I learned there were people, billions of people, who had never heard the Gospel. It was during this class that a burning desire to reach Least Reached People developed inside me. I am excited to be on the first Alpha Missions Team ministering to an LRP in Sakura. Please pray for us as we learn a new language and culture. Pray we develop meaningful relationships for the purpose of bringing people into a relationship with their Saviour.
SOUTH EAST ASIA I M P O R TA N T W O R K F O R T H E W I L L I N G ! Peter and Bev van der Westhuyzen, GENERATION MINISTRIES MYANMAR • Ministry leaders involved in children’s evangelism and discipleship. world-outreach.com/people/peter-bev-van-der-westhuyzen Susanna runs a children’s home in Myanmar for the poorest of the poor. She trains children’s workers and conducts children’s clubs and outreaches. She’s very busy but always willing to do more for the Lord. She recently wrote: “I thank the Lord for the opportunity to attend the WOI Conference, and Child Abuse / Safety Training in Chiang Mai. I have more work to do now! We never talk about these things in our culture, but they do happen. I have now taught
this subject in five Bible schools and to many children’s workers in the last four months. They asked lots of questions. Recently 92 Bible college students came together for a special training. A young woman told me that she lives in an army camp because her father is a soldier. She was glad to learn about this subject because now she knows how to help the child victims of sexual abuse in her community. In these trainings God is touching people’s hearts to be more concerned for children’s spiritual and physical safety.”
Child Safety Training
Child Safety Training is a raw and unglamorous ministry, but one which we take very seriously.
PAU L P L A N T E D, A P O L L O S WAT E R E D A N D T H E L O R D R E A P E D Peter and Bev van der Westhuyzen, GENERATION MINISTRIES VIETNAM • Ministry leaders involved in children’s evangelism and discipleship. world-outreach.com/people/peter-bev-van-der-westhuyzen
“I felt I just could not make it up into the mountains. The floods and muddy steep hills were impossible in some places. The locals could jump from tree root to tree root but not me.” Our trainer 'P. H.' has 20 years’ experience in kids’ ministry and training in remote areas of Vietnam. But this recent two-day journey on foot to the Hmong people in the far North was like nothing she's experienced. She was the third GM trainer to be making the arduous trip to the Hmong people all the way from the south of Vietnam. Basic training had led to regular kids’ ministry in many churches and then evangelism training led to children’s outreaches into the community. This trip was to introduce our discipleship programme of 400 lessons.
“I only made it with two men pushing me up the slippery slopes. When I arrived, I really wondered if I’d ever see home again – people
had died in the floods, and I just couldn’t imagine how I’d make it home safely.” But she pressed on and arrived to a huge welcome from 35 children’s workers including a number of pastors from all around the district. Floods were not going to keep them away! Some ten years ago, the Hmong had a revival, which swept through village after village. Persecution by the government followed and thousands fled to central Vietnam – persecution there was even worse! These folks stayed behind and have persevered and survived and are dedicated to the Lord.
hearts for Him. I’m going to take this programme to many churches.” The journey was well-worth the major effort and must have pleased the Lord hugely. She spent a whole month travelling village to village conducting outreaches and training kids’ workers.
One pastor said. “We’ve heard about this, but now that we have it in our hands, we are amazed by how excellent it is with colour visual aids! All our churches need it.” Another said, “Our main need is to raise our children to follow Jesus faithfully and with love in their
P. H.
• ISSUE 1, 2016 •
BANGLADESH A L L G L O RY B E L O N G S T O G O D Anonymous WOI ministry leaders, BANGLADESH We thank the Lord for the opportunity to reach out and touch the lives of thousands of Bangladeshi young people, located throughout the country. As we host children’s camps, youth camps, a correspondence course and training seminars for children’s workers, we see God’s faithfulness and love for our people. God is touching the lives of thousands here in Bangladesh! We have recently hosted over 2,000 children in our Rescue Kids Camps. Our camp team is doing a wonderful job teaching children how to follow Christ. They use drama,
storytelling, music and creative play to share the love of Jesus. It is amazing to witness! The Mailbox Club is a correspondence course with Bible lessons. Right now there are four different courses for both children and youth, and these are impacting young people in both rural and city areas. Over 2,000 young people have participated in these courses!
Teenagers enjoying themselves at one of the youth camps
Thank you Jesus that there is a hunger and thirst in these young people to know their Saviour.
LEAVE A LASTING LEGACY HAVE YOU MADE A WILL? Making a will is the only way you can be sure that your wishes will be followed after you die. Having a will also makes your loved ones’ time of grief simpler. If you don’t leave a will, part or all of your estate may go to people whom you never intended to benefit, or even to the government! Including a gift to the ministry of World Outreach International in your will is a special and personal way to continue making a difference in the world after your life on earth has passed. For further information, please contact your nearest World Outreach International office.
INDIA T R A N S F O R M AT I O N AT W O R K ! Menuo Keditsu, INDIA • Ministry leader involved in discipling children for Jesus Christ! world-outreach.com/people/menuo-keditsu
Children being touched by the Lord
At Asha Ghar we teach children to practice their faith. Young Sunny’s widowed mom lost her housekeeping job and had no money to feed them. Sunny remembered being taught to pray to Jesus and he did. “Next day,” he said beaming, “she got a job that paid double!” Others are
also sharing testimonies of prayers answered. One Sunday, two boys refused to leave with the rest. “We want to stop being so naughty. Please pray for us.” Hearing this, three others came back to say, “We also need to change, please pray for us too.”
A STEP OF OBEDIENCE Neil G, INDIA • Ministry leader involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/neil-g Neetu was born into a Hindu family. Most Indians believe that if you are Indian, then you are Hindu. They also believe that if your family is Hindu, then you are born a Hindu. But Neetu, along with other
members of her family, have chosen to accept Jesus. I have had the privilege of taking Neetu through a discipleship course and this year she decided to be baptised. Another step of obedience.
Neetu getting baptised
AUSTRALIA ON FIRE FOR JESUS Carl and Gail Musch, AUSTRALIA • Ministry leaders working in the Australia Outback. world-outreach.com/people/carl-gail-musch Our Aboriginal ministry partners, Leon and Noelene, are on fire for Jesus. The Australian Outback is a hard field. These guys need to drive one and a half hours on unsealed, pot-holed corrugated road through frequently flooded creeks just to get to the nearest shop for supplies. They have over the past few years led most of the people (hundreds) in the nearest five villages to Christ. Recently on what was planned as a weekend outreach trip to a larger town, Maningrida, they got stuck. Their 1986 troop carrier
had rattled and rusted to a halt, so undeterred they hitched a ride without considering the rising rivers and risk of getting trapped. With no operational vehicle, homeless in a town where entire families live in every room, they were flooded in. Yet for two months, they simply continued to minister daily and train up locals in the ministry. Such were the signs and wonders following their preaching that they couldn't leave the house some days as the sick, some in wheel chairs, were lined up outside for prayer. The church grew to about
Leon and Noelene
275 people. We are so blessed to see those we are discipling rise up to minister with such passion and effectiveness. Now together we face the challenge of supporting their indigenous leaders to disciple these new children of God. The Book of Acts is still truly open for us to be a part of. • ISSUE 1, 2016 •
AUSTRALIA G O D LY A N D G U T S Y Bruce Hills, AUSTRALIA • International Leadership Development Director. world-outreach.com/people/bruce-hills In 2015, we conducted two seminars in the Middle East: in Amman, Jordan and Beirut, Lebanon. Because of the rise of Islamic State (IS or ISIL) there are huge numbers of refugees in both countries. Recent estimates put the percentage of refugees in Lebanon at 25% of the population and 10% in Jordan.
Bruce with a refugee couple from Iraq
We met a refugee couple from Mosul, Iraq (pictured above) at our seminar in Amman. The husband
had been held by IS militants for 20 days and pressured to ‘convert’ to Islam or face death. His wife prayed earnestly. On the night before his execution, an IS emir gave him a letter to all Christians, including the Pope, saying that IS was coming to get them. They released him to deliver the letter. It was a miraculous escape. They’re now seeking asylum in Canada or Australia. In Lebanon, three families from Syria attended our seminar. The pastor (pictured right) leads an Armenian evangelical church of 400 in the northern Syrian town of Aleppo, which, at the moment, is one of the most dangerous cities on earth. There is no running water, electricity or basic infrastructure. They are just 1 kilometre from the frontline with the Islamic State insurgents. Despite these desperate conditions, they
Bruce with pastors leading an Armenian church
faithfully minister to their people. They are godly and gutsy people. The pastor told me that this was the first leadership training he had received since Syria descended into civil war. Please pray for the Christians of Syria.
M E E T DA L L A S Roger and Vivienne Latham, AUSTRALIA • Ministry leaders working with the indigenous in the Australia Outback. world-outreach.com/people/roger-vivienne-latham Dallas Mugarra was raised in the indigenous community of Port Keats. He had never heard the Gospel until missionaries Roger and Vivian came. Roger taught music in the community and shared his love for God through his music. As Dallas heard Roger with his music, he longed for what Roger had. “I saw joy in the Christians, and I needed that,” said Dallas. Dallas gave his life to Jesus and now goes on outreaches. He shares with
others about the joy of the Lord and the Good News of Jesus. Dallas enjoys praying for the sick as well. One time when he prayed for a boy with one short leg, God healed it. Two months after his prayer, the leg bone grew! Dallas said, “It was amazing to see God work through me, and this is what the world wants to see.” Please pray for Dallas as he plans to go back to his homeland Wooliana, where people are in need of Jesus. Roger and Dallas
PAT H W AY TO THE N AT I O N S Hendrik V, SOUTH EAST ASIA • Hendrik and his wife, Bets are focussed on developing more effective Kingdom workers. This involves training and developing various programmes. world-outreach.com/people/hendrik-bets In Romans 15:20, Paul writes: “It has always been my ambition to preach the Gospel where Christ was not known.” Do you already share his passion? Or are you just starting to explore possibilities? World Outreach International has programmes designed to help you find or clarify your calling, and navigate the challenging path from home to mission field.
KAIROS If you are new to missions, consider taking the Kairos course. Kairos is an excellent introduction to and overview of the world of missions. Visit www.kairoscourse.org.
THE EKBALLO CHALLENGE If you’d like a small glimpse of what it’s like to be a frontier missionary, come along on an Ekballo Challenge trip (world-outreach.com/ ekballo). This seven to ten-day experience is bound to challenge your thinking and change you for life! WOI also has various short-term exposure trips to Africa and Asia. Visit world-outreach.com/trips.
INTERNSHIP If you are ready for a longer commitment, you could join an existing ministry for three months or longer. WOI has many opportunities to serve – have a look at world-outreach.com/currentopportunities or see available internships at world-outreach.com/internships.
ALPHA MISSION TEAMS Perhaps you wish to be part of a cuttingedge frontline pioneering ministry to reach those who have never had an opportunity to hear the Gospel? If you are ready to take up your cross for two years, serving on an Alpha Mission Team may be just the thing. An AMT is a practical on-field twoyear missionary training programme, where you will be doing the actual frontline work of missions, guided and trained by an experienced missionary. You will live with the people, learn the language and have the opportunity to introduce them to Jesus. Once you have completed Alpha, you will be well prepared for a lifetime of ministry. Visit world-outreach.com/amt.
MAP If you plan to serve for two years or more, we can assign an experienced missionary mentor to counsel and advise you as you prepare for the field. Visit world-outreach.com/map.
THE NATIONS COURSE For everyone planning to serve for a year or more, the six-week Nations Course will help boost you into productive ministry. It is a powerful and popular course, taught by experienced missionaries. See world-outreach.com/nations-course.
• ISSUE 1, 2016 •
Equipping, Training, Empowering Leaders
A SOUND INVESTMENT Loneliness, lack of equipping, sickness, discouragement, poor support, persecution, feeling of abandonment, lack of mentorship – these are just some of the very real issues affecting church leaders, young and old, in developing nations today. Planting new churches in regions where the Gospel is not established is an admirable goal. However, when one in five pastors quits and walks away from the ministry because of some of the above issues, it can be like taking two steps forward and one step back. And it doesn’t need to be like this! One of the longstanding pillar ministries in World Outreach International is the equipping, training and empowering of such leaders in developing nations. We have lost count of how many leaders have changed their mind about quitting the ministry after attending a WOI leadership seminar. Here are some testimonies:
“I work in a difficult lonely region in the remote north of Burkina Faso. I felt God breath new life into me when I attended your seminar. I now
have a growing confidence we will see the Lord do a new thing among the Tuareg people group in this region.” (Pastor from Djibo) “In my country it is very difficult, life is hard and there is a lot of intimidation and persecution in towns and villages, yet there are so many unreached people groups needing to hear about Jesus. I’m so encouraged by your teaching. Thank you.” (Pastor in Vietnam) “Some conferences inspire you, but your life does not necessarily change. However your seminar has been different. My heart has been impacted. Praise the Lord.” (Pastor in Ethiopia) “Your seminar teaching has been so relevant for my life and ministry. I only wished someone had taught me such things many years ago.” (Pastor in Mozambique)
on an annual basis. We often ask ourselves, ‘How would we survive without help or encouragement?’ WOI remains committed to helping strengthen the hearts, hands and feet of dedicated men and women who are called of God in developing nations. This can only happen when churches and individuals partner with us, enabling such lifeline ministry to happen. Do you want to make a sound investment that in turn can help add untold numbers to the Kingdom of God? If so, your partnership in WOI leadership seminars is greatly appreciated. Every $55.00 / £30 helps ONE church leader attend a spiritually life-transforming leadership seminar.
John Elliott International Director
WOI leadership training programmes are especially directed to leaders serving in remote regions, leaders who receive virtually no spiritual input, mentoring, or up-skill training
Donations can be made to: World Outreach International and designated “Leadership Seminars,” then forwarded to your nearest WOI Country Office (listed on pg2). Donations can also be made at