Nations issue 1, 2014

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ISSUE 1, 2014












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World Outreach International is a multiracial fellowship of Christians and ministries that exists to impact Least Reached Peoples with the Good News of Jesus Christ. WOI is currently ministering amongst 75 such people groups on five continents and has the goal of engaging at least 100 by 2015 through: • Raising Leaders • Evangelism and Church Planting • All Nations Mobilisation • Children’s Ministry • Humanitarian Aid

EDITOR: John Elliott PUBLICATION MANAGER: Janet Chan DESIGN: Donna Elliott EDITORIAL SUPPORT: Robin Merrill PRINTERS: Tone Ads, Singapore PERMIT No: MCI (P) 093/11/2013

Singapore-based, International Director John Elliott heads an executive team of senior missionaries, pastors and business leaders.

PUBLISHERS: City Hub, #04-09 2 Kallang Avenue Singapore 339407 T: (65) 6464 8698 E:


WOI follows recognised international standards and procedures for child safety

Mother and daughter, Philippines. Photo: Enzo Maisano

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• ISSUE 1, 2014

Michiel Coetzee Lezelle Coetzee (Office) PO Box 11238 Riverwalk 2538 T: (27 18) 293 0965 M: (27 83) 462 2224 E:

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John Elliott (International Director) Ghim Moh Post Office PO Box 048 Singapore 912732 T: (65) 6464 8698 E:




INTERNATIONAL BOARD: Val Bateup John Elliott Wilbur Farmilo


Chia Shee Wai Luke Chong John Elliott Peter Smith Peter van der Westhuyzen Hendrik V Bambi Cataluna


LET US NOT BECOME WEARY IN DOING GOOD “I SO WANT TO GO TO TACLOBAN CITY AND HELP!” This is a quote from a World Outreach International missionary wanting to do something in response to the Philippine typhoon disaster last November. This heart cry response was typical of people around the world when they heard the news and saw footage of the horrific damage that typhoon Yoland wrought on many of the central Visayan islands. Many wanted to do something to help and this is how it should be. Realistically, only a very few people could actually go and help. The most common response (and need) was to give money, which was vital for relief to happen. Christians worldwide were also praying.


When the Asia tsunami struck in December 2004, it was as if the world stopped while looking at the most horrific TV images never seen before. The resulting outpouring of grief, sympathy and practical support for the survivors was unprecedented. The Japanese tsunami in March 2011 was another heart-rending moment when we viewed live helicopter film footage of an event still unfolding before our very eyes as homes, boats, cars and people were swept away like matchsticks. We responded again and so we should have!

Lamentations 3:33 says, “for He (God) does not willingly bring affliction or grief to the children of man.” In both the Old and New Testaments, the Word of God clearly emphasises that mankind should look out for one another. God expects it of us. It is not even a matter of thinking (or praying) should I but rather of asking how should I – how should I respond?

It is not even a matter of thinking (or praying), should I, rather how should I respond? In Leviticus chapter 19, the harvesters were clearly told not to glean right to the edges of the field nor to go back a second time to pick up anything left behind but rather to leave something for the poor, the underprivileged, the destitute. In Matthew 25:31–46, Jesus highlights certain examples of giving to those in need. He tells us that by doing such deeds, we are actually doing it

unto Him. Wow! These are simple yet powerful verses that identify what is really important in life – from heaven’s perspective. Between the natural disasters above, there have been numerous other humanitarian crises, particularly in developing nations. Some of these have happened in nations that receive very little sympathy from those in developed nations and herein lies a real dilemma when we consider whom we help and whom we don’t. We must not let politics, governments, religion nor a tendency to harbour religious fanatics cause us to discriminate as to who will benefit from our resources and who won’t. People are people. All are God’s creation. For sure more natural and man-made disasters will happen in our lifetime. Let us not become weary in doing good to others, particularly the less fortunate and remember that as we do so, we are (also) doing it to the Lord Himself. Let’s leave Him to sort out the rest!

John Elliott International Director

• ISSUE 1, 2014 •





PAKISTAN >> SHORTLY AFTER EXPERIENCING a 7.7 magnitude earthquake earlier this year, Pakistan received a deluge of rain. Overflowing river banks spewed out deadly flood waters, submerging vast areas of land and affecting millions of lives. Flooding caused extensive damage in North-eastern Pakistan, where many villages vanished under water. World Outreach International received an urgent request from Asif Samuel, our Pakistani partner based in Lahore, to help the suffering victims in need of emergency supplies. WOI provided financial assistance to Asif and his

team of volunteers, who travelled on treacherous roads throughout the night to join a local pastor in distributing basic food stuffs to destitute Christians and other people affected by the flooding. The magnitude of the need was overwhelming but they helped as many families as they could. On a subsequent trip, Asif and his team were able to distribute more food items and mosquito coils to more than 550 families. A Christian doctor joined the team to provide medical assistance. The majority of patients were suffering from flood-related conditions such as diarrhoea and digestive problems caused by polluted drinking water. Victims shared common stories of how

floodwaters had swept away the few belongings they possessed. This year’s flooding was the worst since 1993 when a huge flood ravaged Pakistan. Those who received aid in various forms were extremely grateful. >> ON 22 SEPTEMBER, two young suicide bombers carrying grenades and pistols entered All Saints Church in Peshawar and detonated the explosives they were carrying, killing at least 85 people and injuring many more. Eyewitnesses reported mayhem as people frantically searched for their missing loved ones. A state of emergency was declared by the authorities and the injured were sent to hospital, which was


CH INTERNATIONAL AND PARTNERS RESPONDED RAPIDLY TO EXTEND THE HAND OF CHRIST. overwhelmed. Such are the situations in countries where Christians are persecuted. Through our Pakistanbased partners, WOI was able to extend help to several victimised families whose breadwinners were unable to continue working. There is unspeakable grief and pain following such violent attacks and we pray that the Holy Spirit will comfort those who have lost loved ones and help them to rebuild their lives after such tragedy.

PHILIPPINES >> EARLY LAST MONTH, one of the world’s most powerful and destructive typhoons on record struck the central Philippine islands. Typhoon Haiyan (or

Yoland) whipped up waves higher than coconut trees, sweeping away everything before them. As the typhoon made its way westward, it left a trail of death, destruction, broken lives and lost livelihoods. Relief by WOI personnel during the first two weeks focused on the island of Samar where most towns and villages were destroyed. The death toll on Samar was high. Bottled water, rice, tins of fish, packets of noodles and Lifestraw water filter units were distributed wherever WOI volunteers found survivors who had yet to receive any kind of help. WOI will now focus on rebuilding 150 homes in at least three villages. WOI

volunteer team member efforts will be involved in clearing properties and rebuilding houses. With more funds available, WOI hopes to also provide kitchen supplies, mosquito nets, chain and skill saws for each village, water filters and school books. With ongoing partnership in post-typhoon relief, WOI will likely be involved in rebuilding homes in the eastern islands for some months to come. WOI would like to express our thanks to all donors who responded to the humanitarian crisis appeals in 2013. Your generous support has made a difference. May God bless you!

• ISSUE 1, 2014 •



THE REAL FISHERMAN A FEW MONTHS AGO a small group of Mwani believers came together for the very first time. They live on Ibo Island in Northern Mozambique. At one of our meetings, we talked about Jesus’ fishing advice. Most of them are fishermen themselves; therefore, they could easily relate to the story. We talked about Jesus telling Peter and his friends to cast out their net again after having no success. This time during the day and also in deep waters! (The time of day and place was wrong.) Despite this incorrect fishing technique, Peter and his friends returned with

boats full of fish. One of the believers, Anli (who is a fisherman himself), was really touched. He went home with the desire to fish for people! He invited a friend and they watched the Jesus film together. The next day he came back proudly and announced that he had gone fishing for Jesus the previous evening. He said that his friend wants to know more and wants to follow the real Fisherman. Theo and Mignonne Schumann MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Leaders

>> Anli has a desire to fish for people!

GOD’S GRACE HEALS DURING AN OUTREACH in the region of Tenkodogo, a lady came up for prayers. At first she asked for God to bless her with wisdom and intelligence so that she would be able to finish her schooling. As we began to pray in the Spirit for her situation, the Holy Spirit was leading us to ask her what her real problem was. There was definitely something wrong with her. I asked her if she wanted to be delivered. She then recounted her story of how she got pregnant by a married man, how she got an abortion and how she

with her and then we prayed that she would understand God’s grace. We told her that God still loves her and is willing to forgive her if she confesses her sin. She surrendered her life to the Lord and received her deliverance. That night, two other girls were delivered from demonic oppression. Praise the Lord for the Holy Spirit at work! >> Danny ministers to those at the outreach.

wanted to commit suicide because of the shame and guilt she felt. We wept

Danny and Ruby Bayasen BURKINA FASO Ministry Leaders

T H E Y R E C E I V E D R E V E L AT I O N RECENTLY I SPOKE at a women’s conference in Nairobi. I taught on the person of the Holy Spirit and how

we are to have fellowship with Him (2 Cor 13:14). Kenyans with animistic backgrounds struggle to know the Holy Spirit intimately. He is the lesser-known member and often only sought after for His power and gifts. The testimonies of the women were encouraging as many received revelation that the Holy Spirit longs for a deeper relationship with them. >> Women seek a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit as Angela ministers to them.

Angela Stephens KENYA Ministry Leader


MOZAMBIQUE, YOUR TIME IS NOW! AS BEHIND-THE-SCENES missionaries, working with a few key leaders, we sometimes miss out on the action and wonder if it is time to move on.

new Acts church they built is bursting at the seams with eleven couples having given their lives to the Lord, along with a few singles.

The good news is that things are really happening and in the most unexpected places. Paul and the leadership visited a small village earlier this year and they had a very confusing time. The Acts leaders had sort of hijacked an existing church and many problems had to be sorted out. Now eight months later the

So God is still on the throne! Out of what seemed confusion and looked like a bad start, we see the Holy Spirit take over and a new work begin. Nothing is impossible for God. Paul and Sue Fosse MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Leaders

GOD HAS BEEN BUSY! The Nicoadala Church plans to construct a number of homes for widows and orphans, using local building materials. What is now open ground will soon be a place of love, care, outreach and new life in Christ. The more visitors who come, the more lives that will be touched.

ANOTHER YEAR OF THE Lord’s great work has rushed to a close. It’s difficult to summarise all the Lord has done. We’ve had more than 40 baptisms, lots of evangelism, outreaches, church plants in three new districts and discipleship of new local leaders—God has been busy! A son in the faith was blessed with both a house and motorbike transport. A site for another Biblical Literacy School has been purchased and the ground is cleared for construction. Soon a new generation will be reached for Christ.

Eugene and Tina Wessels MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Leaders << The riches of God’s Word (Gideons) given freely into poor hands.

K A I R O S AT W O R K ! PRAISE GOD WITH US that Kairos continues to impact leaders of leaders! Recently Rev Timothy Ndambuki, the

Archbishop of the African Brotherhood Church, which has 800 congregations in Kenya, completed Kairos in Nairobi. He called Kairos “an ordained tool of God to bring awakening to the church especially on mission work”. Plans are now underway to assist all pastors in his denomination to have the biblical worldview that Kairos brings! Chris and Nadine Brittain KENYA Ministry Leaders

>> Rev Ndambuki (front centre).

<< Students prepare for the contextualised worship service for Christ followers from a Muslim Background. • ISSUE 1, 2014 •



CONVERTS OR DISCIPLES? I WAS RECENTLY PRIVILEGED to present the leaders of a large ministry with our Following Jesus programme as a tool to make disciples. They are a well-organised church planting mission, with Bible schools and excellent training programmes and I didn’t expect to add much to what they were doing. But surprisingly, they had no process or tool for nurturing new believers. They are very effective at preaching the Gospel and making converts, often in the midst of intense opposition. And no doubt, in some sense they are making disciples. But it has not been their emphasis. One of them tried enthusiastically to speak my “discipling” language. He assured me that after he calls people to the altar in his crusades, he tells them to read the Bible, pray and find a church! Do you think that’s enough? Jesus did command us to preach the


We are not midwives who show up to deliver the born again baby and then move on to the next delivery. We are parents who care for the baby throughout the pregnancy, rejoice at the birth and then walk together through its life...

Gospel to every creature. The word “preach” is more about the content of the proclamation than the size of the crowds. Still, He and His disciples did preach to crowds and called them to make an immediate response. But in our minds, let’s overlay that picture of Jesus’ preaching to the many with another image, His ongoing lifestyle

of raising up a few, through personal coaching. “Proclaim the Gospel,” He said, and “Go and make disciples.” We are not midwives who show up to deliver the born again baby and then move on to the next delivery. We are parents who care for the baby throughout the pregnancy, rejoice at the birth and then walk together through its life – and then have the unbeatable joy of working together with our mature children. Our goal as we go cross-culturally is not only to lead many people to Christ but to raise up a core of disciples within our host community who will themselves go on to raise up many more disciples. And if you have to choose between the two… Would you rather have a handful of passionate disciples (who by definition make more disciples) or a thousand converts? Jo and Jenny Graham Ministry Leaders

To order your copy of the Following Jesus discipleship guide visit: NOW ALSO AVAILABLE IN HINDI AND MEITEI.


AFRICA A SEED SPROUTS ancestor worship and has restarted the fellowship of the Assemblies of God in a nearby town.

THREE YEARS AGO we spent a lot of time with Casimuro, teaching him about the Bible and playing Uno with him. He was inquisitive but unswayed. Seeing him again after three years, he had a surprising testimony. He had taken ill not long after we left him. A Christian had prayed for him and he was miraculously healed. He came back baptised and on fire. He has stopped all

Grant and Riana Franke MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Leaders << Casimuro with Nyiko Franke.

S E T C O M P L E T E LY F R E E prayer his sight returned. Wede is now full of God’s love and presence and gladly shares his faith.

WEDE WAS RAISED Muslim in a secret African traditional society but when he gave his life to Jesus, he was set free from the power of the secret society. He has been water baptised and has experienced the miraculous healing power of Jesus. A sharp thorn entered his eye and blinded him one day when working in his garden. After


Rodney and Juliet Munkhondya MALAWI Ministry Leaders << Rodney baptising Wede.


OUSENY’S MOTHER and twin brother died at about the same time. Believing that Ouseny was bad luck, his father forced him to leave his village. As we were praying for the widows and orphans in our city, Ouseny arrived at our door not even knowing why he was there. We welcomed him into our


home and led him to Christ. His father said, “Go and die”. Jesus says, “Come and live”. Joseph Dayamba BURKINA FASO Ministry Leader >> Joseph and Ouseny.

OTOLENE’S STORY WHEN THE DOCTORS decided they could not help Otolene, they sent her home to die. For three weeks, she could not eat, drink, walk or talk. Her parents lost hope but another relative carried her to church, where she accepted Jesus as her Saviour. She was prayed for and the Lord touched her. She immediately jumped up and walked on her own. This miracle caused many people, including Otolene’s family, to give their lives to Jesus. David and Doreen Khoza SOUTH AFRICA Ministry Leaders • ISSUE 1, 2014 •



INDIA E V E N T O D AY WHEN NEW BELIEVER Mrs Ibemu learned in church that Jesus heals the sick, even today, she immediately went to share with Mr Rame, who was unable to walk. Mr Rame decided to follow Jesus and was later baptised by Mrs Ibemu. Within days, Mr Rame regained the strength in his legs and began to walk. When his friends asked

how, Mr Rame replied that Jesus had healed him. Because of his testimony, many decided to follow Jesus. Manikhombi N-E INDIA Ministry Leader >> Mrs Ibemu’s church.

H E A L E D I N H O S P I TA L – B E F O R E O P E R AT I O N ! WHEN IN HOSPITAL suffering from jaundice, Mr M was visited by Geeta, a lady we had led to the Lord. Doctors had told Mr M that he needed surgery to remove a stone from his gallbladder. After Geeta prayed for him, his jaundice cleared up. With newfound faith, Mr M asked God to take the gallbladder stone away. Prior to his operation,

doctors tested him and found that the stone was gone! Mr M was released from hospital and shares his testimony with all. Tomba Khoisnam N-E INDIA Ministry Leader >> Gallbladder stone gone miraculously.

MIDDLE EAST MY LIFE STORY – SOON TO BE IN PRINT I WAS RECENTLY APPROACHED by the manager of the publishing company, Baker Books. He asked me if I would write down my life story. At first I was hesitant as I had never taken on such a personal project before. Then a writer who specialises in helping people whose first language is not English offered to help me. I would dictate my story and he would write it down. The book is called Finding Jesus after Jihad. It’s not only the story of my life but it also includes truths and principles the Lord taught me as a young teenager

who was coming to terms with his young Christian faith after seeing his

father shot to death by fanatics. I share about the hatred and revenge that at first consumed my heart and then about how the Lord met with me and gave me a heart of love and forgiveness. It is my prayer that when the book is published, it will be a great blessing and encouragement to all who read it. Nathan and Sawsan Bassaly EGYPT Ministry Leader >> Nathan’s life story is to be published.



Kevin and Jeh Sie Chan • THAILAND


Andrew and Chris Low • MOZAMBIQUE

Day 3

Wanna Jaiou (Doi) • THAILAND


Chris and Gerianne Runhaar • INDONESIA


This is our 3rd year in Isaan and God has proven Himself faithful in providing everything we need! For 2014 pray for good connections with students and for opportunities to share. We are seeking God about planting a 2nd centre. Pray for wisdom to discern God’s hand in putting this together.

We’re thankful for God’s perfect timing in sending a Youth With A Mission outreach team to Maziotela just when we needed extra help building the first village preschool.The team had opportunity to share testimonies and encourage local Christians. Pray for the success and opening of the preschool this February.

In the Good News Team we are excited about our school outreaches in mid-February. We will go to 10 schools in a remote mountain area with mainly Hmong children. Please pray for these children.They need to know Jesus’ love for them. Pray for our team as we go there.

We now have responsibility for taking care of ten Dayak tribal children in our house in West Kalimantan. Pray that God will open our eyes to see what each child needs and that we may receive the patience and love to know how to respond and care for their needs.

Martin and Simone Schumann • MOZAMBIQUE

Pray for protection for our two leaders, Inacio and Virgilio. Recently, Inacio returned from a biblical storytelling seminar with his heart on fire. He taught nine Muslim fishermen biblical stories and all became followers of Jesus. They burned the fetishes attached to their nets and shortly thereafter, caught an extraordinary catch!

Thank you for supporting our partners in prayer!


Menuo Keditsu • NAGALAND, INDIA

Day 7

John and Mary Elliott • SINGAPORE


Danny and Ruby Bayasen • BURKINA FASO


Ben and Rachel Brooks • S-E ASIA

Day 10

In 2013 I had a tremendous time retraining Sunday school teachers to transform their religious activities into spiritual ministry and to help deal with the increase of satanic worship. Generation Ministries India is working among tribal and Bengali children of other faiths in Tripura. Pray for the follow-up events in 2014.

In February we host two weeks of WOI leadership programmes, then travel to NZ for four days of WOI meetings, then officiate at our youngest son’s wedding early March. David and Penny plan to tie the knot at a beach wedding on March 08. Please pray for all of the above!

We are planning to gather 100 leaders, who are working in Burkina, for a teaching, equipping and encouraging programme. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to impact their lives. Pray also for our health and for the Lord to release more finances for our children’s new school year. Thank you!

Praise the Lord, we are seeing many coming to Jesus! Pray for the salvation of souls in Nepal and Cambodia. Pray for discernment and wisdom (and financial provision) as we seek to expand into new territories. Pray also that our family will continue to grow in faith, hope and love.

Rod and Lynley Talbot • SOUTH AFRICA

We need prayer covering in the exciting year ahead! We plan to restructure the WOI South Africa office. In March the Nations course starts. WOI Regional Vision Team meetings are scheduled in South Africa (May) and Burkina Faso (June). In May we plan to conduct a church planting training in Mozambique.

• ISSUE 1, 2014 •



Day 11

Eugene and Tina Wessels • MOZAMBIQUE

Day 16

Trevor and Kay Weavers • EUROPE

Day 17

Myriam Wahr • MOZAMBIQUE

2014 is election year in Mozambique. Pray for peace between the Frelimo and Renamo parties, for the cessation of the outbreaks of violence and attacks that plagued the country in 2013. Pray for more workers to enter the country to train local believers in how to reach out to the lost.

Day 12

Day 13

Hendrik and Bets V • S-E ASIA

The 10th Nations course will be presented in South Africa during March and April. Please pray for prospective students, that they will be able to raise funds to attend. Our passion is to develop more effective kingdom workers and this course is an invaluable tool to help people fulfil their calling.

Day 18 Allen and Charlotte Teal • NEW ZEALAND

Day 15

Chris and Nadine Brittain • KENYA

Day 20

Patricia Green • EUROPE

Day 21

Malcolm and Linda Bayliss • S-E ASIA

Pray for two training conferences we plan for this March. One will be for church leaders in Egypt. Pray that this will be an encouraging time for these leaders who face many challenges here. The second will be in South Sudan. Christians there also face difficult living conditions.

Tomba Khoisnam • N-E INDIA


Janvier and Claudine Yokoinele • IVORY COAST

Day 19 Nathan and Sawsan Bassaly • EGYPT

The Holy Spirit has put the town of Thongju on our heart. It has a population of 10,000 with only five known believers in the area. Our prayer and goal is that this year many more people from this town will become followers of Jesus. Please unite in prayer with us.

We live near the cultural centre of the Nahara. We continue to pray for a breakthrough for the Makua-Nahara. Strongholds need to be broken to free the people from all sorts of superstitious bondages. Pray for such an outcome, for a good rainy season and that our vehicles will operate.

This year we will continue to work to get the French ACE curriculum up and running, while also working with the ACE school in Abidjan. With a family of four teenagers, we need God’s grace in balancing our time. Pray for us, for good health and a release of finances.

Our primary role is the care of our crosscultural workers in this growing organisation. We are focusing on building a team to assist us in the Member Care ministry. Pray for us to make the right connections and see others with a pastoral heart supporting those in cross-cultural work.

Day 14

Although we have relocated to NZ, our ministry in Europe continues. An exciting door opened when a Baptist denomination in Holland decided to adopt Kairos. We will be organising courses in Holland this year, piloting the Dutch translation. Pray for these courses and for the Lord’s provision for travel.

Rejoice with us on the release of The Distant Boat (, a feature length movie made in Kenya designed to mobilise the Kenyan church into strategic mission! Pray that the Mission Ignition partnership we’ve formed with Kairos and a mentorship programme will add thrust to the mission movement in Kenya!

Pray for the right person to take over the leadership of Alabaster Jar, for me as I consider changes in my ministry, for a publisher for the English edition of my book and for successful hip surgery. We are getting requests for another Get Started workshop and need God’s wisdom.

Pray for us as we return to SE Asia after five months in NZ following Malcolm’s surgery. The operation was successful. We will go to Singapore for leadership meetings and then return to Kuching. Pray that we find affordable and suitable accommodation and that we are able to settle back easily.


Day 22

David Elliott • SE ASIA

Day 23

Angela Stephens • KENYA

Day 24

Owen and Glynis Willows • S-E ASIA

I am excited to announce that my beautiful fiancée Penny and I will get married on March 08. Although it will not be a typical ministry season for us this year, we are believing for an outpouring of the Father’s love in our lives and in the lives of our family and friends.

We are launching a new women’s training programme through the Kenya Vineyard Churches, which I am helping to facilitate. We want to see women throughout Kenya growing in their knowledge of and relationship with Jesus, knowing their identities in Christ, and have them begin to step out and be kingdom expanders.

Our goals for the year ahead are way beyond us! Unless God by His Spirit is in charge, there is no way we can accomplish the plans for His kingdom work amongst the LRPs who are on our hearts. Pray for His guidance and power in all we do!

Day 25

Daniel and Genevieve Nihill • THAILAND

DAY 26

Peter and Jeannie Smith • NEW ZEALAND

God is moving in our local university. We have started a Bible study. Pray that we can equip the students to reach their friends with the Gospel. Also pray that we can deepen our relationships with the students who aren’t yet Christians, to have an opportunity to share the Gospel.

February 10–14, a group of senior WOI field leaders will meet in Singapore. We will be working through challenging issues around ways to better serve and resource our field workers to impact more LRPs and to do it more fruitfully. Prayers for God’s wisdom and guidance would be appreciated.

Day 27

Donna Elliott • SINGAPORE

Day 28

Eliza D • S-E ASIA

Day 29

WOI is brimming with fantastic testimonies, opportunities and needs.There is potential to grow our communications department. I would appreciate your prayer for wisdom to make the right decisions about where to invest our energy and resources and for people to volunteer skills to help realise that potential.

Praise God! He has provided us with accommodations, a home for destitute women and a bookshop. One woman who found Jesus while in prison now lives with us and is growing daily. Pray that this will be a safe place where women can grow in the Lord and have broken lives rebuilt.

Michiel and Lezelle Coetzee • SOUTH AFRICA

In 2014 we will focus on building relationships with church leaders and helping them reach LRPs. We will train people in the local church to lead short-term outreaches to various countries, creating more missions exposure. Pray for such relationship building and for the raising up of champions for leading outreaches.

Day 30

Vijaya Chowdhuri • BANGLADESH

DAY 31

Grant and Riana Franke • MOZAMBIQUE

The new intake of students for the Christian Discipleship Centre Teaching and Training Programme has commenced. We praise the Lord for another batch of married couples and singles who feel called to serve in this spiritually needy nation. Keep this ministry in prayer, particularly the staff and students.

After much language learning, we are making spiritual progress here. In an area of 15 000 people, the local church has 10 members. One member, Domingos, a converted Muslim, wants to visit another village to share Christ. Please pray that his outreach and others like it will bear fruit.




AUSTRALIA SIGNIFICANT TIME IN THE MIDDLE EAST LATE LAST YEAR we ran two backto-back seminars in Jordan and Egypt. Despite great regional instability, we had larger numbers than in 2012. In both

places we ran two streams: one for pastors, the other for emerging leaders. In Jordan, we had representatives from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt.

leaders’ meetings to share what I have learned and I will focus on my team. It has renewed my thinking.” – Pastor Joseph, Beirut, Lebanon

Here is some of the feedback :

“The teaching was simple and applicable to our context. The stories Bruce shared helped us to understand. It was so practical and related to the daily challenges of the churches here in Jordan.” – Ibrahim, Amman, Jordan

“There is no teaching like this in Syria, so it can take 20–30 years before someone can get into ministry. This type of seminar will accelerate the equipping of leaders by years.” – Philip, Damascus, Syria

>> Emerging leaders in Jordan.

“This seminar covered the spiritual and the practical. As a pastor, I feel refreshed and will put new plans in place. I’ll run

Bruce Hills AUSTRALIA International Leadership Development Director

W H AT Y O U C A R R Y I S S U P E R N AT U R A L SOMETIMES WE OVERLOOK the things that come naturally to us or the things that we find easy to do but this is often the favour of God manifesting on our lives. Recently I spoke in a church and my message and manner of communication was to adults. Yet at the end, 18 children, consisting mostly of boys 9–12 years old, responded to Christ.

Matthew 25, teaching us that God has given each of us individual currency

to trade with. This currency is His anointing on our lives. Start investing what you have. Don’t worry about what you don’t have or even how much someone else has. What you carry is simply supernatural. Let God’s anointing define your mode of operation and success. Peter Blase AUSTRALIA MInistry Leader

Jesus told the parable of the talents in



THOUSANDS OF IMMIGRANTS have flocked to Manchester, UK in the last few years. Our church now runs an Iranian service every Sunday in Farsi and English. Twenty Iranians have accepted Christ and now attend our church. This year we are starting a French-speaking church led by a Muslim convert from the Congo. There are

thousands of French-speaking Africans in Manchester. We are using Christian television to launch this, which is new to us. Please pray! Keith and Christine Kelly EUROPE Ministry Leaders >> Enjoying a day out with immigrants to the UK.


THAILAND UMAPORN’S STORY WHEN UMAPORN’S DAUGHTER was only two months old, she started being bothered by evil spirits every Buddhist holy day. Once a week, the baby would start crying at 6pm and continue for 4–5 hours. Umaporn went to the famous temples and went through rituals to drive the spirits away. She hung a red cloth as a sacrifice “to appease” the spirits as advised by the monks but it was to no avail. When she heard about Jesus, she decided to believe because she learned that Jesus is the real God who is alive. She prayed and blessed her baby and her house. On the next Buddhist holy day, her baby was calm and at peace. Umaporn shared this experience with her mother and was able to lead her to the Lord. Her mother used to have trouble sleeping but since accepting Jesus, she has slept peacefully every night. Umaporn’s father noticed the difference in his wife and he too came to know the Lord. John and Nok Pramuan THAILAND Ministry Leaders

>> Umaporn with her mother and baby.

ABUNDANT BLESSINGS in Jesus Christ. Now their hope is in Him. Now they have a reason to keep going.

THANK GOD for His abundant blessings that He is pouring out upon Rahab Ministries Thailand! Thanks to all our supporters and our brothers and sisters in Christ who keep praying for us.


In the last two months we had the opportunity to help two women, one from a bar in Patpong and the other from a bar in Sukhumvit. Both have had sad and depressing lives and could not

Please pray for the women to grow up and grow strong in Christ. Please also pray for wisdom and strength for the ministry leaders. Thank you! find a reason to keep going. Presently, they both thank God for their new lives

Pornchai Banchasawan THAILAND Ministry Leader

VICTOR AND RAMA LIM Victor had a troubled childhood and was transformed when he gave his life to Christ in 2000. Rama grew up in the Indian Himalayas and gave her life to Christ as a teenager despite persecution. Victor served as a medical missionary with YWAM in India for two years and met Rama in 2004. They got married and returned to Malaysia. In Malaysia Victor served as a youth pastor while Rama served in a Christian preschool. In March 2012, God reminded them of their calling to serve in the Indian Himalayas. Their focus is in church planting and Community Health Care Development.

• ISSUE 1, 2014 •



THAILAND HOPE IN CHRIST CHILDREN LOVE COMING to the House of Hope – it’s a refuge in a community full of drugs and crime. The children come to study English or music, or just to do their homework and stay in a safe place until their caregivers get home from work. We offer Top Kids on Saturday and an afterschool centre from around 3.30 until 9 pm, with different activities each night, eg. English class, guitar class, Bible study and prayer. Many children and teens are now following Jesus and in the past few months, ten adults have decided

to follow Jesus. Most of these are Top Kids parents and caregivers who want to experience the same transformation

they have seen in their children. Paan is one of these caregivers. She decided to believe on her first visit to House of Hope. She is growing in Christ and is now Prasert’s assistant at Top Kids. Prasert has been praying for local helpers so Paan is a real answer to prayer. It’s wonderful how God is changing her life and touching her family. Prasert Taksin THAILAND MInistry Leader

<< Enjoying Bible study at the House of Hope.

MIRACLES IN THAI SCHOOLS OUR GOOD NEWS TEAM national workers share recent highlights at Buddhist schools in northeast Thailand. Doi Wanna God has been working in teachers’ hearts as much as in the children’s. One

principal told his children, “This team has given you good things. You should seek to follow the Jesus way.” In another school a teacher asked, “Can every child study with you about Jesus? I’ll help them all apply and send you their details.” I thank God for those teachers’ openness. Chawalit (NoiNon) We felt God’s protection and blessing in these schools. At one school there were only 6–8 year olds. Four hundred of them and all talking and moving! During our puppet show their teachers couldn’t control them at all. Then it came time to tell the story of

Jesus. Suddenly all those children were quiet and stayed still for 20 minutes as they listened intently to every word about Jesus. I think we saw a miracle of God that day! Valerie Bateup Good News Team THAILAND MInistry Leader

LOTS TO PRAISE GOD FOR PRAISE THE LORD! He is so good to us! During the second half of 2012, in Thupberg Church in Phetchabun, Thailand, we had two baptism services for 31 new church members and we also had a Church Family Camp. Please pray for us about a new church

ministries building. We plan to start construction in January! Pornchai Banchasawan THAILAND Ministry Leader >> Celebrating at Church Family Camp.


INDONESIA BOLD AND COURAGEOUS Sundanese. A number of Christian youth have gone away from the Lord because they have not met a Christian partner but have married a Muslim, which is often forced by the parents.

A TEAM OF TAWANGMANGU graduates who are presenting the Gospel to the Sunda people of West Java are seeing much fruit for their labour. Only a small percentage of the 36 million Sundanese believe in Jesus but numbers are increasing. Since 2011 Sundanese believers have held Christmas retreats away from their region as they are not yet able to gather in a church! These Sundanese believers bring their unsaved friends to these retreats and many accept Christ. Away from their families and neighbours, they are brave enough to make the stand.

<< Sundanese worship the Lord.

Another reason they hold these Christmas retreats is for the young people to meet other Christian

Normally the Sundanese Christians secretly meet in homes in small numbers but at a Christmas retreat, they are encouraged when they see hundreds of other Sundanese Christians. They need our prayers. Sam and Carol Soukotta INDONESIA Ministry Leaders

… THEN HE MET JESUS! TOPAN, A MUSLIM MAN, lost everything he had in a dishonest business deal. Unable to take care of his young family, Topan could not sleep and turned to alcohol for comfort. He even contemplated suicide.

witchcraft and that he and his family are experiencing wonderful things as they follow the Lord. He now has a good job, lives in a comfortable rented house and is able to pay school fees for his children.

We heard Topan’s story when he came to Solo looking for work. As we shared about Jesus, we sensed that the Holy Spirit had prepared Topan’s heart to receive the Good News. Topan asked Jesus into his life and asked to be delivered from the powers of darkness. After he was baptised, he took on the name Ayub.

Ayub has grown in boldness when

Today Ayub testifies that he is free from anger, smoking, alcohol and

<< Eliana with Ayub’s family.

witnessing. At first he was hesitant but he shared with his 92-year-old mother, his aunty and sister and they have all asked Jesus into their lives.

<<Robert ministering to Ayub’s sister.

Robert and Eliana Mambu INDONESIA Ministry Leaders

THANK YOU’S FOR LIFE IN CHRIST MAGAZINE I have planted 13 churches and Life in Christ continues to be a great inspiration. The articles are a real encouragement and help me provide solid food to my members. ~ Pastor Lakat, Riau

I minister in Borneo and so look forward to receiving Life in Christ. It gives me new material for my ministry. ~ Pastor Robo, West Kalimantan Life in Christ can only be published

through faithful support from friends. Thank you! Robert and Eliana Mambu INDONESIA Ministry Leaders • ISSUE 1, 2014 •



SOUTH EAST ASIA A KAIROS STORY DURING A KAIROS COURSE in a predominantly Muslim country, a Muslim background follower of Jesus was elated to discover that he could be a follower of Jesus and still retain the cultural identity of his people group and

of his family and relatives. Soon after, he led his family and two Muslim religious teachers to Christ. They continued to be part of their cultural community and witnessed effectively for Christ. To date there are five hundred followers of

Jesus from this people group that, until quite recently, had been sealed off from the Gospel. Max and Dorothy Chismon PHILIPPINES Ministry Leaders

Y O U T H K A I R O S O N T H E L A U N C H PA D OVER A THIRD OF THE WORLD’S population is under the age of 18. So it makes sense, does it not, to develop a Youth Kairos course, designed specifically for this emerging generation.

the main ideas of the standard Kairos course with less reading, more interaction and immediate practical

Thirty-six young people from five counties recently gathered in Davao City, Philippines to trial the new Youth Kairos. They were students, facilitators and observers. The response? A resounding yes! Designed to be run by those under the age of 30, Youth Kairos captures

application upon completion of the three-day course. More trials will be conducted in more countries covering various continents prior to the official launch at our International Simply Mobilising Conference in Thailand in Oct 2014! Please pray for Youth Kairos and for the young adults who will be participating. Max and Dorothy Chismon PHILIPPINES Ministry Leaders

>> Young people gathered to trial the new Youth Kairos.

MR KHIN’S STORY I WAS RAISED BUDDHIST. One day, our daughter brought someone home to tell us about Jesus. My wife and I asked Jesus into our lives. One day shortly after, I needed to go fishing but the weather was too hot. I called out to Jesus asking that He cover the sun with a cloud. Within minutes a heavy cloud

covered the sun, so I immediately got into my boat and caught the biggest catch I had ever seen! No Pum MYANMAR Ministry Leaders

TREASURE HUNTING THE LORD DIRECTED us to the market to look for treasures (people). I invited our new intern to meet a Muslim friend of mine who sits on the steps and sells spices and vegetables.

Our intern asked the friend if she would like to know how to get to heaven. In her halting language the intern told her of Jesus and His sacrifice. Our friend was quick to receive Jesus and was beaming afterwards.

Rama and Sinta Jones S-E ASIA Ministry Leaders


ASIA O P E N H E AV E N I N C E N T R A L A S I A LIKE THE TORTOISE who won his race against the hare, our outreach in Shulam, Turkic Central Asia, moves forward slowly! Our team on the ground continues faithfully to disciple their friends; prayer teams visit regularly. Team members who have studied

there are developing business angles to return. Progress is inch by inch. Recently, a Japanese prayer tour member was able to share his testimony clearly with our long-time friend; he listened with wonder and expressed his sense of being far from God and his hunger to know Him. That is progress and others report similar conversations. We pray for an open heaven over each of our special friends; we imagine angels with visions and dreams to deliver to friends like Cornelius but unable to get through the blanket of darkness. With our prayer and worship, we pierce that

shroud and open the heavens, so like Jacob’s angels in Gen 28, they can come down with their precious message. Jo and Jenny Graham JAPAN Ministry Leaders

G O D I S W O R K I N G I N M YA N M A R PLEASE PRAY FOR THE believers in Myanmar. Their country has recently opened up its border. Foreign investors are hurrying to invest in the country, which means that foreign influences, both good and bad, will quickly follow. Christians remain a minority in most areas of the country. Still, God is working. One house church leader, a former Animist high priest, had been using loud speakers to share the Gospel with his village. Then one night, an angel appeared to him in a dream and said, “Stop what you are doing. I will

now do my work.” He had the same dream three nights in a row. He obeyed

and started to pray more for his village. Now even more people are coming to his church! I also spent time with children in WOIsupported boarding homes and I met three young adults who had spent time at these boarding homes, then gone to university and have returned to serve in the homes.

>> Shee Wai (right) with an ex-Animist high priest (left) now with a house church of 50.

Shee Wai Chia SINGAPORE WOI Executive Manager

DREAMS CHANGED IN THE LAST 10 MONTHS, 46 new church plants have been started in Nepal. Many people are coming into relationship with Jesus Christ and being discipled! Chandra is one of the people being trained in church planting movements. Chandra was suffering from tormenting nightmares by night and disabling headaches by day. At night, he continually dreamt of evil animals that chased him and clawed at him. In his

dreams, Chandra was always running for his life.

Instead of being chased by evil animals, Chandra was chasing the animals!

During a healing service, Please pray for these new Chandra went forward church plants and for to receive prayer. God these new believers, that instantly healed Chandra many more will be set >> Chandra. from the burning pain in free in the name of Jesus! his head. Feeling relieved and incredibly Ben and Rachel Brooks thankful to the Lord, Chandra went S-E ASIA home. That night, when Chandra went Ministry Team Members to bed, he had a very different dream. • ISSUE 1, 2014 •



ASIA A Y E A R O F G R E AT B L E S S I N G GENERATION BANGLADESH enjoyed many blessings over the past year. We and all of our GB colleagues are doing great by the grace of God. Last year we took steps of faith in many ways and Almighty God really answered our prayers. By the grace of

workers during the year. We give all the glory to God! Sukhen and Puspa Biswas Generation Bangladesh BANGLADESH Ministry Leaders God we were able to do 44 Children Camps, 6 Adolescence Camps and 13 Teachers Trainings in the past year. God is so good! We were able to share the Gospel with 14,092 children this year and 4,078 children completed our correspondence course, The Mailbox Club. We also trained 456 children’s

H E A R T-W A R M I N G R E P O R T S GENERATION MINISTRIES had another successful year! We praise God for the 1150 children’s ministry workers trained in five countries, who are discipling 25,000 kids! Also for the more than 12,500 children ministered to in outreaches. Heartwarming reports keep coming from team leaders, like this one from Menuo Keditsu in India: I trained 353 children’s workers in three Indian states in the last 10

months. Here are some testimonies: • “I feel bolder in the Spirit, now that I know the authority and power through Jesus to strengthen us to minister to the children and see positive results.” • “Our church needed up-to-date methods and materials. This training gave me both.” • “I now know the importance of modelling what I teach.”

• “Your practical training has helped me to preach the Gospel well.” I also ran a youth camp for refugee Bengalis, a young adults’ mission workshop among the Ao tribe and leadership training with a Baptist church. I spoke about Satanism at a youth group and 40 kids accepted Christ. We have more than 35 churches using our resources for children’s ministry! Peter van der Westhuyzen Director Generation Ministries

COMMITTED TO SERVE ON A RECENT TRIP to Nepal we followed up with a group of former church planting trainees in the Nawalparasi District. While my colleague Susan Khoo talked with people inside, I took a group of 29 young and middleaged believers outside. I shared briefly and then asked them questions to ensure they understood what we were talking about. I asked one young woman, Miss Krishna, if she wanted to practice what she was learning. She said yes. I asked how and where she would do it. She said she

and her friends were going to cycle to hospital and wait for people to come out who had yet to be healed. They would then offer to pray for the sick/ injured and after they were healed, they would invite them to know more by starting a group to disciple them to Jesus. I asked her when she would start this. She said, “tomorrow”. Be encouraged, as I was, to pray for Miss Krishna, her friends and the other groups committed to making Jesus famous in Nepal.

>> Interceding for where they will start planting churches.

David Elliott S-E ASIA Ministry Team Member


Children’s ministry in developing nations faces hurdles that are by and large no longer an issue in developed countries. For example: FEATURE


Different cultures value children differently. Some don’t even consider children as fully human until they hit puberty. Others simply consider them less important than adults. Therefore, Christians frequently do not emphasise leading children to Christ and discipling them. World Outreach International training courses stress the biblical view of children, that they are important and precious in God’s sight.


Lack of support by church leaders. Sometimes this non-biblical view of children leads church leaders to think of children’s ministry as babysitting, so adults can get on with “real church”. Some believe that children cannot be truly born again or serve God. WOI leaders and mission partners often speak on behalf of children and influence leaders to think differently. We challenge leaders to allocate good people to children’s ministry and assist them to get training and buy resources.

3. There is often a lack of resources for children’s ministry.

Often young people are assigned the responsibility for children’s ministry and they need culturally suitable and attractive curriculum to work from. Different WOI ministries like the Good News Team and Generation Ministries have produced curricula and evangelism material in many Asian countries. Five years ago in Cambodia, there were only a very small selection of lessons and children’s Bibles available. Then WOI (Generation Ministries) published the first full weekly curriculum of 156 lessons including colour visual aids to be used in churches and hostels. Teachers report that they are learning so much themselves! More churches are now contributing to the cost and are asking for more material.

4. Education levels are different in developing countries. So curricula sometimes need to be simplified and/or modified. WOI training seminars are also presented in a nonacademic but powerful way so as to be effective. We frequently hear testimonies like this one: “I am really touched and refreshed in this training and I have a whole new perspective of valuing the children I am trying but failing to teach. The material you provided is just what I need.”

5. The church planting movement is

wonderful but it does present special challenges as far as discipling the children in multiple home church venues. WOI has a goal to work towards an integrated approach with the adult step-by-step learning process. Please pray for the many people involved in children’s ministry.

>> Delighted teachers receive training to use children’s ministry curriculum.

Peter Van der Westhuyzen Children’s Ministry Coordinator • ISSUE 1, 2014 •



FOR ASIA M I S S I O N E X P O S U R E T R I P S 2 0 14 God is reaping a ripe harvest-field in Asia right now and we have been invited to play a part! Are you looking for an opportunity to develop an ongoing partnership with indigenous missions and church planting in Asia? Whether it be a commitment to pray for, encourage, visit or financially support a missions project, coming on a WOI exposure trip in 2014 could begin your investment in the great Asia kingdom harvest!

V I E T NA M • M YA N M A R • T H A I L A N D • I N D O N E S I A Visit for more information.

DISCOVER YOUR ROLE IN CHANGING THE WORLD... WOI has launched a brand-new, easy-to-follow, 3-part DVD series designed for local church small groups. The goal of this series is to help Christian people understand the nature and challenge of missions through discussion and reflection and is effectively presented by WOI International Leadership Development Director Pastor Bruce Hills.

Email to order your copy of the DVD series for US$25 each (postage included).

Watch the promo and find out more >>

HAVE YOU MADE A WILL? Making a will is the only way you can be sure that your wishes will be followed after you die. Having a will also makes your loved ones’ time of grief simpler. If you don’t leave a will, part or all of your estate may go to Peter vanyou dernever Westhuyzen people whom intended to benefit, or even to the government! Children’s Ministry Coordinator Including a gift to the ministry of World Outreach International in your will is a special and personal (acknowledgement of this way testimony from Becky Fisher of to continue making a difference in the world after your life on earth has passed.

“Kids in Ministry International” For further information, please contact the World Outreach International office nearest to you., TO MAKE A DONATION OR SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAIL NEWSLETTER VISIT WORLD-OUTREACH.COM

BEN AND RACHEL BROOKS I (BEN) GREW UP in a Christian home; however, at the age of 15 or 16 I had a really rough patch in life. This rough patch ended when, after finishing High School, I had an encounter with God while lost in a blizzard. The experience changed the course of my life. Shortly after my encounter with God, Rachel and I began to date. We were married 15 months later at the age of 19. Rachel grew up on the mission field in Mexico where she and her family were involved in church planting. We always believed we would eventually be in fulltime ministry, most likely in missions. Three years after being married, while Rachel was teaching in a local public school and I was ministering to young adults in our church-run coffee shop, God clearly released us to pursue foreign missions. The desire to be involved in missions, which was lying dormant within us, was suddenly awakened by one single call from missionaries serving in Vanuatu. About a year later we moved our young family away from Utah. We didn’t end up in Vanuatu but in Indonesia. Lydia was just 18 months old when we moved into a single house with about 50 Indonesian children. Noah, our second child, followed a few years later. God’s grace was clearly over our lives. While the adjustments were difficult at times, we were given supernatural strength to deal with each challenge as it came our way. We believe God has not just called

us but our children as well. His will for their lives is being fulfilled as we walk in faith as a family. Our children have lived barefoot in the jungle, ridden on roof racks of cars, floated down flooded streets in canoes, prayed for the sick and seen them healed, experienced God’s divine protection, cried with the brokenhearted, learned new languages and cultures, cherished and given thanks for the love from far away family, travelled the world and developed a global perspective, lived with the poor

We have learned obedience is better than sacrifice. Everyone who chooses to follow Jesus must give up something. God is looking to see if we will obey Him even if it costs us. and the rich and learned blessings come with sacrifice. God is more than faithful to our family. One of the great lessons we continue to experience is that as much as we love our children, God loves them even more. It amazes us how their needs and desires continue to be met. While they may not always be in our timing, God surprisingly blesses our children. From art classes to sports, He cares for them. For example, when we moved to Malaysia after eight

years serving in Indonesia, Noah had to switch sports. It was a big deal for Noah to leave behind his daily biking and learn soccer. He didn’t even own a soccer ball so we decided to go shopping to look for one. We went to the shop but they were out of decent balls so we returned home only to find out we had been given a top quality ball from people we didn’t even know. It was a moment of celebration for the four of us, a special reminder to Noah of God’s love for him. God cares about the small details and loves to bless our children. We have learned obedience is better than sacrifice. Everyone who chooses to follow Jesus must give up something. God is looking to see if we will obey Him even if it costs us. As we’ve followed the call of God, we’ve given up living near family, stable incomes, our friends and church, owning a home, comforts of the American life, etc. Yet the blessings from heaven continue to pour out over our children and us. There is great fulfilment in walking out the calling of God in your life and experiencing His hand in your life every day. We have a strong passion to see people living in freedom. So many people are walking in darkness and hopelessness and we have the solution. We feel it is a privilege to partner with God in carrying out his redemptive plan for mankind. It is a gift to feel such passion and that is what keeps us on this missionary journey.

For more great missionary stories visit...

• ISSUE 1, 2014 •



A QUICK RESPONSE IS THE BEST RESPONSE! IT IS UNCANNY how many World Outreach International (WOI) personnel were serving in a locality where some major natural disasters took place in the past six months. In two such countries, ie Pakistan (floods) and the Philippines (typhoon), the WOI motto “a quick response is the best response” became a reality. Through the generosity and partnership of friends of WOI, our people were able to provide immediate help initially in the form of basic relief aid, eg distributing clean drinking water, food, clothing, bedding, etc. As food supplies and distribution systems improved in the Philippines, WOI relief moved toward the rebuilding of homes for some 350 families who were living under makeshift coverings. In the coming months and as further funding becomes available, this assistance will continue. When involved in post-crisis relief, WOI personnel take every opportunity to demonstrate the love of God to survivors of any tragedy. Praying with people is easy, they welcome it, as is counselling and speaking words of encouragement to those who have lost all hope. When people have had their very lives shattered and turned upside down, no government nor world agency can take away their sense of being lost, of the desperation they feel – only the peace and presence of God can fill such void. Knowing that natural disasters will increase, WOI has set up a general Crisis Fund to be drawn from the minute disaster strikes. It is our hope that you will partner with us in keeping this fund afloat. Your partnership in helping WOI personnel be the feet, arms, hands and voice of Jesus in these times of need is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Donations can be made to: World Outreach International and designated Crisis Fund. Then forward to your nearest WOI office (listed on pg 2).

Donations can also be made via our website: If you wish to receive more information on any of these projects, please email Thank you.

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