ISSUE 2, 2012
• Raising Leaders • Evangelism and Church Planting • All Nations Mobilisation • Children’s Ministry • Humanitarian Aid Singapore-based, International Director John Elliott, heads an executive team of senior missionaries, pastors, and business leaders. >> ON THE COVER: PHOTO BY MALCOLM AND WENDY TAYLOR Rivers of Live Ministries, KALIMANTAN - Young people worship Jesus after going through the waters of baptism. JOIN US ONLINE TODAY!
Grahame Orpin Philippa Orpin (Office) PO Box 5000, Sunshine Coast, MC Qld 4560 T: (617) 5476 1768 F: (617) 3319 8928 E:
Lynn Leroy (Office) PO Box 172 Lambeth Stn London, ON N6P 1R1 T: 519 680 3355 E:
Bill Molenkamp PO Box 2549 2002 RA, Haarlem T: (31 23) 526 5756 E:
Au Yong Mun Heng PO Box 8541, Kelana Jaya 46792 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan T: (60 3) 7875 1853 E:
Peter McDougall Gail McDougall (Office) PO Box 97230, Manukau 2241 T: (64 9) 263 5434 M: (64 21) 330 874 E:
Kueh Tarn Ping Ghim Moh Post Office PO Box 048 Singapore 912732 T: (65) 6464 8698 E:
World Outreach International is a multiracial fellowship of Christians and ministries that exists to impact Least Reached Peoples with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. WOI is currently ministering amongst 75 such people groups on five continents and has the goal of engaging at least 100 by 2015 through:
EDITOR: John Elliott PUBLICATION MANAGER: Grahame Orpin DESIGN: Donna Elliott EDITORIAL SUPPORT: Robin Merrill ADVERTISING: PRINTERS: Tone Ads, Singapore PERMIT No: MICA (P) 117/11/2011 PUBLISHERS: World Outreach International Ghim Moh Estate Post Office PO Box 048, Singapore 912732 T: (65) 6464 8698 F: (65) 6464 8697 E:
Michiel Coetzee Lezelle Coetzee (Office) PO Box 11238 Riverwalk 2538 T: (27 18) 293 0965 M: (27 83) 462 2224 E:
John Ball (Office) PO Box 9256 Market Harborough LE16 0FH T: +44(0) 1858 434 609 E:
Aaron Rudd 615 East Sego Lily Drive Sandy UT 84070 T: (1 801) 572 0211 ext.11 M: (1 801) 599 3370 E: 501 (c) 3 Tax Exemption Available
John Elliott (International Director) Ghim Moh Post Office PO Box 048 Singapore 912732 T: (65) 6464 8698 E:
INTERNATIONAL BOARD: Grant Alleway Val Bateup John Elliott Wilbur Farmilo Rob Hennin Alan Vink
Chia Shee Wai Luke Chong John Elliott Peter Smith Peter van der Westhuyzen Hendrik Vermooten
By the time you read this, the first of two World Outreach International 80th anniversary celebrations will have taken place in South Africa. The second celebration will happen in northern Thailand in July. Such a milestone needs to be celebrated! It is easy to be so consumed by the urgent that we forget to make time for the important. Yet gathering to celebrate is very much a part of Biblical culture!
World Outreach began in Eastern Russia and Europe in the early 1930s. Today, by the grace of God, World Outreach International has ministry involvement in more than 60 countries on five continents. History is a wonderful thing. It allows you to look back and reminisce on what has gone before, and to recognise special times when great things were achieved. We have much to learn from the past, and we should! But as much as the history of World Outreach International excites us, the present and the future excite us even more! Many ministries within World Outreach International today are experiencing the hand of God on them in a very powerful way. Last year in three North Indian provinces, World Outreach International-trained church planters recorded 12,045 baptisms of new believers from among ethnic communities who had never before heard of Jesus, and in turn, 434 village house churches were started. Fantastic! Then, there are the six Buddhist monks in a Southeast Asian nation who have become followers of Jesus, been water baptised, and are now teaching their congregations from the New Testament. Marvellous! Let’s not forget about the 150 families in one Indochina country
village who accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour on the same day that a World Outreach International-trained ex-army major stopped in their village to rest for the night. Incredible! Space does not allow me to share all of the amazing reports from Africa, SE Asia, and the Middle East, of what the Holy Spirit is doing through numerous World Outreach International ministries today. This 80th anniversary year, we have many good reasons to come together to celebrate! The Holy Spirit is breaking out in many regions of the world. It is up to us to see what He is doing and to adjust our lives, activities, and programs so that we can be involved in His work! Some of you reading this may be thinking, Why doesn’t the Holy Spirit break out in my town or country? Maybe He is about to! The key is to never give up praying and believing. The Spirit of God can move suddenly!
He has done and what He will do. We in World Outreach International are designating special times throughout this year to do just that. We also believe the best (in God) is still before us. It is my prayer and hope for our faithful friends scattered around the world, that the year 2012 will be a time where you too can take time to celebrate and see the goodness of God in a new and powerful way. In the service of the King of Kings,
John Elliott
International Director
It is so important to celebrate God’s goodness, and to worship Him for what
Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 2, 2012 •
Sowing Seeds of Life AMONGST THE HMONG
As we sat praying with the Generation Ministries Vietnam Team at the beginning of the year, L* wept before the Lord, asking Him to make a way for her to reach unreached children in Vietnam – especially amongst the persecuted minority peoples. LAST SUMMER she headed into the hills with loads of teaching materials to train up children’s leaders among the Hmong of Central Highlands. This was a new direction for her and also a new one for the fledgling Hmong churches, as they have virtually no kids ministry. The journey was physically taxing as she traversed rivers and mountain paths on her motorbike. She finally arrived safely only to hear bad news from the elders that because the rains had started, they did not expect many people to turn up. Tilling the fields was now an urgent priority for these rural people and the mountain paths would soon be impassable due to mud slides and small streams becoming raging torrents. That evening, L* knelt before the Lord, her heart full of faith, asking Him to hold off the rains for the next week so that people would be able to attend her classes. But in the early hours of the next morning, Lang woke to the sound of heavy rain falling on the tin roof and her heart sank as she thought of all it
had cost her to prepare and get this far. She entered the church where she would be teaching with a heaviness of spirit. To her absolute surprise, she found 60 faithful adults already there praying and worshipping. They had walked to the village in the predawn darkness. They had prioritised learning how to sow the seeds of life above that of sowing the seeds of their daily food.
That evening L* knelt before the Lord, her heart full of faith, asking Him to hold off the rains for the next week so that people would be able to attend her classes. The week of teaching went well as they learnt how to use the ‘Grow up with Jesus’ material we continue to publish. She was delighted to identify two people as ‘Timothy’s’ who want to take
what they have learnt and duplicate it amongst the Hmong people. She was also able to give them the necessary materials to pursue their ministry. L* came home praising God and the dedication of the rural Hmong to the cause of Christ. Peter van der Westhuyzen NEW ZEALAND Generation Ministries
>> 60 faithful children’s leaders at a training session in Vietnam’s Central Highlands.
AFRICA BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING Here at Maziotela Ministries, we are blessed to see God’s Spirit moving among the rural Makua people in Northern Mozambique. We are most excited to see God’s heart for the lost being manifested in the lives of these new believers! Even as brand new believers, they are eager to be a blessing to others, and are reaching
out to the poor and hungry in their communities. As a result, people who do not yet know Jesus are experiencing the reality of a living and loving Church reaching out to them. Colin and Jenny Ayling MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Leaders
>> Jenny Ayling with the mothers and children involved at Maziotela Ministries.
KAIROS IS CHANGING LIVES IN AFRICA A graduate of the launching course in Nigeria said, ‘I came here with a myopic vision and an oldfashioned mindset of the Bible and of missions. I had a very small understanding of God’s purpose and plan. Kairos has transformed, broadened, and corrected my vision.’ One church in Kenya had several school teachers and one principal do the Kairos course. These educators are now actively evangelising to Muslim children. They recently reported that 24 Muslim children have given their lives to Christ! Chris and Nadine Brittain KENYA - Ministry Leaders
>> Chris Brittain (centre) with the Kairos graduates in Nigeria. Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
AFRICA FORERUNNERS ON THE MOVE WHEN LEAH AND EVIE attended World Outreach International’s T4T training last December, they were challenged to share their faith with others. Less than a month later, they got their opportunity. A missionary working with women and children invited Leah and Evie to teach some women how to weave. They soon learned that there were no churches in the areas these women lived in. Their villages were well
known for fetish activity, and so far, no one had dared to plant churches in any of them.
>> Showing off some weaving.
>> Using the Heart of Man tract to share the Gospel.
So, Leah and Evie shared the Gospel with these future weavers. They used the Heart of Man tract for their first sharing and nine women gave their lives to the Lord. When the missionary saw this, she invited them to share the Gospel in the school. Sixty-three children heard the message.
In only two weeks, Leah and Evie were able to share the Gospel with four villages. People are hungry for the Word and are now requesting pastors to come and start weekly meetings. Praise the Lord! Danny and Ruby Bayasen BURKINA FASO Ministry Leaders
>> Gathering for weekly meetings and hungry for the Word of God.
A N T I C I PAT I N G A H A R V E S T The Mwanis are Muslim people from the coast of northern Mozambique. Their staple foods are rice and fish. Driving along the rice fields, it is touching to see how everyone looks forward to the harvest. When driving past this particular rice field in
the photo, it was as if we heard Jesus’ words about the harvest: “I tell you, raise your eyes and observe the fields and see how they are already white for harvesting.” (John 4:35) We are also looking forward to bringing in the harvest of souls among the Mwani. Upon returning to Ibo, we
stopped at the same rice field and bought some of the lovely fresh rice. I also took a picture of the ‘harvest.’ May we see it in our mind’s eye as Mwanis being brought in for the harvest. “Put in your scythe and reap, for the hour has arrived to gather the harvest, for the earth’s crop is fully ripened.” (Revelation 14:15) Theo and Mignonne Schumann MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Leaders
AFRICA B AT T E R E D B U T V I C T O R I O U S Koti TEAMS have been working among the Mwani people, about 1000 km north of us. Recently, they came home to Angoche to meet us and it was so moving to hear them tell of their suffering and their victories. They brought two new Mwani leaders with them. We were so excited to meet these outstanding men, who saved their families from darkness through
power encounters. These men are on fire for Jesus and were delighted to join the worship and fellowship of the Koti churches. They returned to Mwaniland with two new Koti couples, who recently completed orientation. Since returning to Mwani-land, they have
reported five more adults baptised, many healings, and more open hearts. Our teams have been encountering more witchcraft and greater resistance than we’ve previously seen among the Koti. Lions and phantoms, called up by witchcraft, have been driven out
of houses in Jesus’ name. Sick children have been healed in Jesus’ name. Hearts are being opened in Jesus’ name. Jo Graham MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Leader
JESUS - THE BONDAGE BREAKER The northern region of Ethiopia is dominated by two main groups, the Orthodox Christians and the Muslims. Two years ago, the Holy Spirit clearly led us to go and plant a church in the city of Serineka, which is over 500 km north of the capital, Addis Abba. Our first research trip there revealed that there were no born again believers, let alone a church. By faith in the Lord’s leading, we began witnessing to anyone who would stop and listen. A few people accepted the Lord during the first year of our new ministry there.
to sacrifice animals to the spirits. We began fasting and praying against such things. Last year, breakthrough came with a visitation of the Holy Spirit in the town. People immediately stopped their animal sacrifices and worshipping spirits. Today, there is a thriving and growing church in Serineka and every week more and more people are hearing the Good News and being set free of the devil’s stronghold over their lives. Please remember to pray for this work and the many new and young believers there.
We soon discovered that there were many spiritual strongholds in the region. People travelled to designated trees
Mesfin Abebe ETHIOPIA - Ministry Leader
>> The cursed tree before and after prayer. Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
PA S S I N G T H E F I R E S T I C K WE HAVE BEEN believing for more workers to come into indigenous ministry as part of our vision for the northern territory. Praise God our prayers are being answered! Over the past few years, a few have come to stay and several more have made shortterm visits. Recently, another young family has arrived from Victor Harbor. Tim, a member of this family, is serving as a youth worker at Belyuen, our home community. Soon after he arrived, Tim prayed for a local man to receive his sight in one blind eye and praise God, the man said, ‘Now I can see!’
Also, just recently, Roger took three Wadeye men on a ‘glory tour’ down south, visiting many of the folks who have been on short trips to the territory. God’s presence was powerfully touching lives as we travelled about blessing others. This has been part of our dream, that indigenous Australians would take the presence of God like a fire stick to other cultures throughout Australia. Roger and Vivienne Latham AUSTRALIA - Ministry Leaders
H E A LT H C A R E O P E N S D O O R S Last December we established the first medical centre in Elgawly, a small village of about 7,000 in southern Egypt. Most of the population is Christian.
There is a lot of disease in Elgawly because living standards are poor. The medical centre has been funded entirely by local individual efforts, which is a great achievement and an encouragement to the people. In addition, more than 10 doctors have
>> A medical examination in the new clinic.
volunteered to work in the centre, serving the people of Elgawly and neighbouring villages. I invited all the church leaders and also the Muslim leaders, including the Coptic priest and the Imam of the mosque, to the opening celebration. I praise God that He used me to establish this centre that is bringing the love of God to the people in that area.
>> Nathan Bassaly opens the new clinic.
Nathan Bassaly EGYPT - Ministry Leader
Sukhen and Puspa grew up in a poor village in Bangladesh. They came to know the Lord as teenagers through a Baptist Church.They married in 1990, and now have two lovely children, daughter Upoma (10) and son Utshob (7). In 1992, Sukhen completed his Masters of Social Science in Dhaka. He then started to work as the full-time Youth Coordinator of National Evangelical Fellowship in Bangladesh. In September 1997, the Lord called them both to work fulltime in reaching and discipling children throughout Bangladesh. Since obeying God’s call, they have experienced many miracles in both their family life and in their ministry called ‘Generation Bangladesh’.
>> Leaders at a training seminar in India.
Leaders think differently than followers. To be a leader, we must think like a leader. The following is a quick list of twelve principles for developing a leadership mindset.
1. Accept and affirm the call
to leadership. Be willing to accept
the role and responsibilities without compulsion or obligation (1 Pet. 5:2; cf. 1 Tim. 3:1).
2. Exercise the responsibilities of leadership conscientiously and
thoroughly, not reluctantly or passively (Romans 12:8). You are no longer a follower, but a leader. Take responsibility.
3. Humbly accept and exercise spiritual authority as a leader
operating under Christ’s authority. The exercise of a leader’s authority must always be to build up, empower and for the collective good (Matt 20:20-28; Mark 10:35-45; 1 Pet. 5:3).
4. Be decisive and exercise initiative, not ambiguous or
indecisive. Make decisions and stick with them. Acknowledge and admit wrong ones. Be proactive, not reactive.
5. Be strong and courageous.
Even though you may be naturally timid, shy or insecure, the Scripture calls for leaders to be strong and be courageous (Joshua 1:6; 2 Tim. 2:1). Be bold, but not brash.
6. Be led by God, not by the people. Do what God tells you to
do. Avoid decisions made to appease people or to keep a vocal minority of people happy (Remember Saul – 1 Sam.
7. Be people-centred – a shepherd of those the Lord has entrusted to your care (Acts 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:2,4). Love them. Take care of them in the way Jesus would want them cared for.
8. Develop the practice of
lifelong learning. Be inquisitive, read widely, study often, think deeply, and reflect regularly.
principles and practices of successful leaders.
12. LEAD! One of the most effective ways to learn leadership is by being involved in leadership. Bruce Hills International Leadership Development Director >> Graduates gladly receive their leadership training certificates of completion in Kenya.
9. Be secure in your leadership,
calling and position. Be comfortable in who you are (remembering that God is not finished). Leaders must ‘’manage” their insecurities.
10. Be like Jesus. The preeminent way to develop the mindset of a leader is to learn from Jesus’ life and leadership. Jesus embodies and exemplifies the mindset of the perfect and model spiritual leader. 11. Study the lives and
leadership of other great leaders
(2 Timothy 2:2) – either through observation, reading or listening. Read biographies, ask questions and study the Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
NEW CHARITY BIRTHING CENTRE As we have been working to provide prenatal care and education in more than 30 villages, we have increasingly seen an open door to interface with the community on a deeper level by extending life-saving services to the women. While antenatal care, education and nutrition are vital to healthy pregnancies and family life, the majority of fatal complications happen during birth – with no trained attendants and no access to emergency services. Together with NIEA, our local partnering organisation, plans have commenced for a charity birthing centre, the first of its kind in this region, where women will be cared for throughout their labour, delivery and
>> Postpartum visit with family in a nearby village.
postpartum periods. Final preparations are being made with construction of a toilet and laundry area and we anticipate extending invitations to women for delivery at the clinic by the end of March 2012. Thank you for your
continued prayers and support as we transition into this exciting new season – we look forward to all that the Father has in store! Jes La Bleu INDIA - Ministry Team Member
R A D I C A L T R A N S F O R M AT I O N Mita grew up impoverished in a broken family. Against great odds, Mita finished high school, but then, even though she longed to further her education, she didn’t think she could and resigned herself to hardship and hopelessness. Then one day, Mita met someone who told her that nothing is impossible when you give your life to Jesus Christ. Right then and there, Mita became a follower of Jesus and prayed that His will be done in her and her family’s life. When Mita’s family heard of her decision, they ridiculed and threatened her. Mita did not respond, but prayed instead, ‘Jesus, please change my family’. A few months later, Mita’s father became ill. Mita prayed for him, and the Lord healed his body and miraculously
delivered him from alcoholism. Her father said, ‘Only God could have done this.’ He too became a follower of Jesus. Within three years, all three of Mita’s brothers also came to the Lord and were set free of drug addiction. The brothers have become gifted worship leaders in their house church, while their father is out and about taking every opportunity to testify and evangelise. Mita has been able to pursue her studies in the university. Only the Lord Jesus Christ could have done all this in such a short time. Kitbok Ryntathiang INDIA - Ministry Leader >> Mita getting baptised.
Bambi Cataluna • PHILIPPINES
Sam and Carol Soukotta • INDONESIA
There is a growing demand for the 4th edition Youth Kairos course. Please pray for us as we continue to work with representatives from a number of youth organisations to put together a simple package that can be easily contextualised for various cultures.
Pray that the students who graduate this May from Tawangmangu Bible College will be led by the Holy Spirit (not themselves) to their place of ministry.The Mt. Hope youth also need prayer as they sit their 9th grade exams, which determine whether or not they go on to senior high school. Pray too for those who sit their 12th grade exams, which determine whether or not they can get a job and/or go on to further study.
Colin and Jenny Ayling • MOZAMBIQUE
2012 is an important year for us here at Maziotela Ministries as we are stepping into the ‘new’ vision the Lord has given for village preschools. We are also facing many challenges in continuing the existing ministries of Community Development, Mercy Ministries, and Leadership Training, but are thankful to be seeing much fruit! Thank you for your continued prayers!
Jan-Willem and Marlinde Tamminga • INDONESIA
As house parents to 36 wonderful Indonesian Dayak children, we ask you to pray that despite their past, these children will know they have a great future with God. Pray that they feel loved, safe, and that their selfconfidence grows so they will be strong Christians. Also pray with us that they are greatly used in God’s Kingdom in sharing His love with others.
Day 5
Nev and Isabel Rogers • AUSTRALIA
Please pray for isolated Aboriginal communities. Several of these we have visited regularly for 18 years, are now holding their own meetings. We are encouraged by their spiritual growth. Others still need nurturing. We only get to visit them once a year, but maintain contact by sending DVDs and literature. Pray that God will raise up more workers to carry on what we have established.
Thank you for supporting our partners in prayer!
Duncan and Lindie Ross • CAMBODIA
Please pray for the children who have accepted Christ through our ministry, that they won’t lose their newfound faith. Also pray that the house churches will find passionate leaders for the fast growing groups. We praise God for His goodness towards our Cambodian team ministry and ask that you keep us all in prayer. John and Mary Elliott • SINGAPORE
In celebrating our 80th anniversary this year, there is much excitement and lots of stories to tell of God’s faithfulness and goodness.The next gathering of WOI personnel is July 9-13 in Thailand, when we host our anniversary celebration for those serving in the greater Asian region and in the South Pacific. A big delegation is expected. Please cover in prayer all the arrangements, speakers, programs, and safe travel for all those coming. Pray too that those praying for finances so they can attend, will not lack.Thank you.
Martin and Simone Schumann • MOZAMBIQUE
Five of our local staff members decided to follow Jesus and have since been baptized in the sea. This happened with the help of two former Muslims from a neighbouring tribe. We are really excited! At the same time, we are facing strong opposition in the form of sicknesses and unusual strains in team relationships. We are beginning to sense a positive change and request you remember us as a team in much prayer.
Day 10
Malcolm and Linda Bayliss • INDONESIA
The seventh Nations course that is held in Chiang Mai,Thailand is happening this June and July. We would appreciate your prayers for our training team and for the students. Please pray that God will use the material to challenge, stimulate, and focus the students in their future ministries in missions. Peter and Jeannie Smith • NEW ZEALAND
Thank you for your partnership in prayer. Please ask God for wisdom for me (Peter) as I work with many people to see more Least-Reached People groups impacted with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Please also pray for Jeannie during my frequent travel as she helps care for her parents.
Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
DAY 11
Chuenjit Mangkaew • THAILAND
Please pray for the people at the Youth Prisons around Bangkok. God is doing a great work among them. One prison warden was so amazed by the change in Joshua, one of the first young men to receive Christ, that she invited him onto the prison staff to serve as a role model for other young men. Joshua led Nong Paw to Christ four months ago, and two weeks ago, Nong Paw brought his friend Bank to the Lord.
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Max and Dorothy Chismon • PHILIPPINES
The response to the new Kairos 4th Edition is taking us all by surprise! In every country where it has been introduced, the response has been overwhelming! In the Philippines we are sensing a new season of mission mobilisation and this new 4th edition could not have come at a better time!
Bob and Kim Teoh • INDONESIA
We are concentrating on sustainable community projects like clean water and primary health care. Our staff has recently been trained to be ‘vision carers’ by a team from Malaysia and to build bio-sand water filters by two missionaries from Thailand. Please pray with us for follow-through in both projects.
Allen and Charlotte Teal • NEW ZEALAND
Your prayers would be appreciated at this time. We will be travelling extensively during the second quarter and in July. Our desire is to meet with as many missionaries as possible. Pray for safe travel, our health, and for wisdom while in talks with our valued cross-cultural workers who are involved in strategic ministry. Living and working in another culture brings unique stress and we endeavour to provide skills and/or material to minimise this.
Day 15
Keith and Christine Kelly • ENGLAND
Our work with internationals in Manchester continues to grow. Up to 20 former Muslims now meet with us regularly. An Afghan walked into our meeting when he heard Iranians at the entrance speaking Farsi. About 12 years ago, he had dreamed about Jesus.Then several months ago, he met someone who told him about Jesus. He stayed for our Farsi Bible study. He said ‘I just want to learn more about Jesus.’ Please pray for these continuing golden opportunities.
Day 16
Koti and Rina Smit • MOZAMBIQUE
Day 17
Rod and Lynley Talbot • AFRICA
Day 18
Ben and Rachel Brooks • SE Asia
Day 19
MC and Lezelle Coetzee • SOUTH AFRICA
House churches planted in 2011 are busy multiplying and making their own programs and musical instruments without our involvement. How wonderful and great is the work of the Holy Spirit. Please pray for the new leaders and for the training needed for the many leaders of the indigenous Macua churches.
As Regional Director in Africa, travel is always a prayer focus for us. In the next few months, we have a busy schedule, including a visit to the Durban area of South Africa to conduct church planting training for rural Zulus. Shortly afterwards, Rod has been invited back to Russia to speak at a camp for Muslims from a former Soviet state, most of whom are not yet following Jesus.
Please pray for the church planters in Cambodia. Pray protection, strength, faith, hope, and love will abound in their lives. Pray also for our family as we settle into a new city and environment. Pray opportunities for schooling will open up for our children and that we will make new friends and be a blessing to those around us. Thanks!
With a new Bible school in Lesotho and outreaches with local 17-year-old students, we are really excited to see God’s hand moving. Please pray for these precious individuals to experience God’s heart for the nations. Please pray for the Swaziland team, as well as the lecturers ministering the material in Lesotho. May His Kingdom come on earth!
Day 20
Joseph and Aimee Dayamba • BURKINA FASO
It’s a privilege to be a child of God and an honour to serve him in partnership with you. The Lord has being doing great and amazing things in our community. Please continue praying for the salvation of our whole community. Already, 150 people have accepted Jesus. Pray with us that many more souls will be added to the Kingdom of God through our ministry.
Day 21
Malcolm and Wendy Taylor • INDONESIA
Please pray for us here at Living Waters Village as we focus on the discipling and education of the children God has sent us. Join us in praying for a new program to encourage our younger teens so that their faith will become stronger and deeper.
Day 22
Patricia Green • EUROPE
Day 23
Jes La Bleu • INDIA
Please pray for Natasha Romania who has given her life to Christ and left prostitution. She is now looking for other work. Please pray with me for someone to take over the leadership of Alabaster Jar here in Berlin, and for two new board members. Pray for the first European Freedom Network Consultation (to combat Human Trafficking in Europe) that is to be held in Bulgaria this June, and for my participation in this.
Day 24
As our work continues at the new birthing centre, and women are added to our program each week from eight language groups, we covet your prayers for increased wisdom, clarity and unity as our team aims to effectively address the maternity needs in this area. Please join with us in believing for a season of fruitfulness and transformation.
Day 27
Au Yong Mun Heng and Cecilia • MALAYSIA
One of our goals is to help equip and facilitate more Malaysian believers to serve in crosscultural ministries both here and abroad.The new 4th Edition Kairos course is a great tool to help open eyes and stir hearts to get involved in God’s all nation redemption plan. Our next course is in June 10-16. We are also excited about new ministry opportunities in nearby Asian lands. Pray for us as we continue to serve and equip the Body of Christ and train and mentor leaders in other developing nations.
Day 28
Emmanuel and Martha Mulenga • MOZAMBIQUE
Please pray for our expanding ministry here. We need prayer for safe travels and effective ministry as we move about sharing the Good News, training new believers and helping strengthen small and young churches in remote regions. Pray with us that the power of the Holy Spirit will be evident after the preaching of the Word.
Day 29
Benji and Daniella Morf • SE ASIA
Day 30
Paul and Sue Fossee • MOZAMBIQUE
The Lord is good! This year we are believing Him to raise up more mobilisers in World Outreach International, who will be passionate about discipling a generation of young adults and the wider Body of Christ, that they pursue God’s global plan through their lives. Please pray with me for teams of mobilisers to be formed in each of the key nations where WOI has ministry involvement.
Our ministry plate is full as we continue to train and equip church leaders and conduct Kairos courses with the goal to raise up and mobilise cross-cultural workers from among Mozambican believers. We need prayer as we work with government authorities to tidy up World Outreach International’s legal documentation here.The process can be long and tedious but with a growing field of workers, this exercise needs to happen.
Day 26
Day 31
Donna Elliott • SINGAPORE
Day 25
Trevor and Kay Weavers • EUROPE
Thank you for supporting us in prayer this year as we work with the Kairos course in Europe. Our focus is training national leaders to run the course. Please pray particularly for Kairos to be established in Netherlands, Norway, Belgium and Sweden and to then be handed over to the national teams.
David Elliott • SINGAPORE
Grahame and Philippa Orpin • AUSTRALIA
Please pray for new opportunities to present the Kairos course in local churches, and to open the Scriptures to least-reached people groups of the world. While more and more churchgoers are hearing about Kairos, we also want to influence key decision makers in local churches to run with it. Pray also for our team members as we plan and work together on this.
We are excited by what the Lord is doing through our team’s ministry. We would appreciate your prayers both for the present work and also that we will clearly discern the Lord’s leading in which opportunities we should take up, both in Cambodia and elsewhere in future. Also please keep our family covered in prayer.
Ten months into the new communications department, there has been some encouraging progress in establishing and improving communication channels and materials within WOI. Please pray that as we build on and disseminate these new and improved communications, the essential and end result will be much fruit for the Kingdom of God. As we spread the message of mission far and wide through different means, please also pray that God will give us His key message and strategies for impacting and awakening the younger generation for the cause of world mission.
FRONTLINE FILES Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
b ehind Wor ld Outreac h Intern ati on a l Behind the scenes of World Outreach International’s ministries is a force of unseen, dedicated volunteers, who labour faithfully to support those working on the coal face. Some do so as volunteers, others as part or full-time staff, all of whom are vital to the WOI operations, yet generally unknown. In this issue we want to highlight some of these unsung heroes and in doing so thank them for tirelessly holding the rope so others can go down into the mine.
1. How long have you been a Christian? 2. What was your previous career? 3. What year did you come to serve with WOI? 4. Are you full or part-time with WOI? 5. What specific function do you fill with WOI? Deborah Chieng 1. 26 years 2. Finance and accounts 3. 2004 4. Full-time 5. WOI Financial Manager
Chia Shee Wai 1. More than 20 years 2. Army Signals Officer in the Singapore Armed Forces 3. August 2011 4. Full-time 5. WOI Executive Manager
Kueh Tarn Ping 1. 22 years 2. Banking 3. 2002 4. Part-time 5. WOI Singapore Office Administrator
Janet Chan 1.15 years 2. Corporate manager, administrator and personal assistant 3. 1999 4. Full-time 5. Personal Assistant to the International Director, WOI office, Singapore
George Müller 1. 44 years 2. Admin and financial manager 3. 2010 4. Part-time 5. WOI South Africa Financial Manager
Arie and Nelleke Ham 2. Computer logistics 3. Treasurer on the WOI Holland board for many years 4. Arie and Nelleke both work part-time 5. WOI Holland Board member and Treasurer
Philippa Orpin 1. 33 years 2. Electrical Drafting Officer 3. 1998 4. Full-time 5. WOI Australia – Office Manager
Gail McDougall 1. 40 years 2. Pastoring and Bible school leadership with husband Peter, customer service, business and accounting 3. 2010 4. Part-time 5. WOI NZ Operations Manager
Aaron Rudd 1. 32 Years 2. Risk and safety management, business development 3. 2009 4. Part-time 5. WOI USA Office Manager
Carolyn Budd 1. Over 50 years 2. Banking industry and residential care for teens and seniors 3. 2009 4. Part-time 5. WOI USA Office Manager
Grace Chang 1. 37 years 2. Assemblies of God minister 3. 2001 4. Full-time 5. WOI Malaysia Missions Coordinator
John Ball 1. Over 40 years 2. Printing and publishing practitioner, manager and consultant 3. 2009 as Operations Manager 4. Part-time 5. WOI UK trustee, Operations Manager, and Company Secretary
FEATURE In the Gospels, we see how Jesus trained the Twelve – the cell. We notice His interaction with the crowds. However, there was also a wider circle of disciples from whom He chose the Twelve. There were the 70 that he sent out two by two. When he entered Jerusalem, “all of his followers began to shout and sing as they walked along.” After he rose from the dead, 500 believers – and then on the day of Pentecost, 120 disciples – were gathered together. Quite a congregation! However, after dramatic growth at Pentecost, they needed more organisation and we see both elements – cell and celebration – emerge clearly in Acts 2. We read in verse 44 that all the believers met together in one place! Thousands worshiped together at the Temple each day and then broke up into cells to meet in homes for the Lord’s Supper.
As we make disciples and plant churches, we aim for a healthy balance between cells and celebration. We look to the New Testament, primarily the Gospels and Acts, as our guide in planting churches. What do we see of these two elements there?
Historically, the church has majored on the celebration, making it almost compulsory, and few people have been involved in cells where they could grow as disciples. At the other swing of the pendulum, some have emphasised small discipleship groups to the exclusion of the celebration. Sadly, most groups like that disintegrate after a few years. The early Methodist movement was so effective because they did both well. They not only brought individuals to salvation and gathered them in churches, but they ensured that they grew in obedience through a variety of study groups and societies.
Cells and celebration – let’s aim to do both brilliantly!
We meet together to worship and study, to encourage one another and to break bread. But Jesus does not mandate what structures we should Jo Graham use. He wants us to be free, not in Ministry Leader bondage to traditions, to adapt wineskin to wine, to use what works. So we pray >> Koti followers of Jesus participating in cells for the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom and celebration. and we take note of the hints we see in these passages. Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
“I want to leave and I want to leave now!” exclaimed Lena as she rushed into the café one afternoon.
nearly 2 years ago. She had just escaped from her pimp and made a decision to follow Jesus. Venke testifies that God has truly transformed her life. We give the Lord praise and thanks for what He has done in these three precious daughters of Bulgaria.
Lena is just one of three precious women God has connected us with. We have seen God orchestrate their release from sexual slavery. We prayed for Lena at the airport on her way to a ‘safe house.’ Tears filled her eyes as she rededicated her life to God and thanked Him for setting her free.
(Names have been changed for protection.) begin a new life under the care of a ministry in Antwerp.
Zoe had been tricked into a Hamburg brothel and disappeared only to be found by another Christian outreach ministry working on the streets of Brussels. We networked to help Zoe
Then there is Venke, who like Lena and Zoe, has been totally set free. I met Venke on my first trip to Bulgaria,
Patricia Green Daughters of Bulgaria Ministry Leader
Daughters of Bulgaria TRUE JOY
THE KAIROS CHALLENGE Last month, we ran a Kairos course for 14 Lao pastors and leaders on the border of Thailand and Laos. It was exciting to see how God challenged these Lao believers, and how they responded to His call. We had some wonderful times of prayer for Least Reached People groups in Laos, and most of the pastors testified with tears that they planned to go back and begin ministry amongst them.
Kanchana Karaya THAILAND - Ministry Team Member
>> Prasert and Mrs Joy
>> Lao believers praying for the unreached during the Kairos course.
Eleven-year old Biw is so happy, because her mother has just given her life to Christ! Biw and her two sisters have been coming to Top Kids since they were little, and now they love to worship Jesus and study God’s Word at Sunday school. Mrs Joy, Biw’s mother, came to church to find out why her kids love God so much and now she knows! I’m rejoicing with Biw, to see another Thai family transformed by God’s powerful love. Prasert Taksin THAILAND - Ministry Team Member
MENUO KEDITSU was Principal of a Higher Secondary School when the Lord called her to start Generation Ministries India (GMI) to evangelise the next generation. Menduo
is mentoring the Indian congregation (Nepali, Bengali, Assamese and others) at her local Church. As Missions Coordinator, she is currently helping a marginalised tribe in rural Assam to reach children from animistic families. Through GMI, they conduct trainings in North East India, Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia to empower Christians to evangelise children. They provide resources to churches and schools each year to reach students through summer Bible schools. Currently, GMI is setting up a unique lending library to make lessons and resources available to churches, schools and ministries working with the next generation.
SOUTHEAST BUSINESS AS MISSION Starting a business in any country has its challenges. Starting a business as mission in a country that uses a foreign language can be even more challenging and yet, we have seen how faithful our God is in paving the way for us and in opening doors for us to influence our community for His glory. Here are some examples: Our building - We felt that the Lord wanted us to start our cafe and language centre in a suburb about 15km from the city centre, where there is not a church. The initial building we had our eyes on became unavailable just when we were planning to kick off the project. But the Lord provided (at the eleventh hour!) another building
in the same suburb, but in a better location. Our current building is right in front of the local market and gets lots of foot traffic! Our staff team - We marvel at how God has handpicked the right people to join our team. One example is Por, who attends a local Thai church and who happened to be looking for a job when Kev struck up a conversation with him. It turned out that he used to work as a Food and Beverages Captain at a 5-star hotel years ago, which makes him the perfect person for our cafe manager role! Our community - We are starting to get repeat customers and have
>> Inside the cafe.
also started teaching a small group of students. Our cafe is growing in its reputation as a place to get great coffee. This gives us the opportunity to reach the people in our community and to speak into lives. God’s perfect timing - We started this work without any knowledge about the upcoming ASEAN community in 2015. The Thai government is eager for its people to be conversant in English and Mandarin in order to communicate and trade with other countries in the ASEAN region (we offer both languages at our centre). This is exciting as it assures us that we are in the right place at the right time! Thank you for your prayers and support of the work of God in Isaan. God is doing exciting watch this space! Kevin and Jeh Sie Chan THAILAND Professionals in Mission
>> Kevin and Jeh Sie (second from right) and the Global Connections Centre team.
Y O U H AV E DONE A GOOD THING We have learned to persevere when presenting Jesus to our Muslim friends. One family we know has seen many signs and wonders, yet they still just do not understand the Gospel. They see the answers to prayer as magic.
Some however, are quick to understand. One man became a follower of Jesus after a dream followed by a long chat with one of our national team members. Later, some from our national team baptised him. As he went into the bushes to get changed, some men appeared and said to him, ‘You have done a good thing’. No one else saw them, so we assume they were angels. Pray for us and our team that we can boldly deliver the Word and that it would be honoured. Jason and Anne Kelly SE Asia Ministry Leaders Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
B O R N A G A I N AT 1 0 3 Y E A R S O L D Thai Buddhists are opening their hearts to the Gospel in numbers we have never seen before. P’Nueng, a church planter from Bangkok, has seen 350 people decide to follow Christ in just four weeks. She can not possibly baptise, disciple, and train so many people – so as soon as someone receives Christ, she teaches the new believer how to baptise and disciple his or her own converts. New believers immediately begin sharing Christ with people in their own family networks. Grandma Yod is 103 years old and she has been searching for the truth for a
long time! Well, Grandma Yod saw a cross on a Christian school and prayed that the One who died on the cross would send someone to tell her about Him. One day she had bad asthma and could not breathe, so she went to the cross and prayed that He would heal her – and He did! So when her granddaughter told her the way of salvation through Jesus, she was ready to be baptised immediately!
>> Grandma Yod gives thanks to God.
Lorraine Dierck THAILAND Ministry Leader
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9 Recently I went to Karen village YP and met with evangelist/discipler P and a group of ten believers brave enough to attend meetings together. One woman is often rebuked by her alcoholic husband and her parents for trusting in Jesus and attending meetings. P said there were four more families in YP that believe but were too afraid of the elderly village leaders to attend meetings. There are now three families in nearby HK village interested in the gospel and the first adult believers (husband, wife and son) in MY, a further five kilometres away. Although the groups are not large in
numbers, they are brave and strong in faith. More families are opening their hearts to the Lord but encounter some opposition in this area of animist villages. P’s goals for the year are: • To see at least twenty believers in each village. • Grow leaders in each village to teach and evangelise. • Communicate the importance of everyone being involved in evangelism. • Teach prayer and fasting / spiritual warfare. Your prayers are always appreciated for these remote mountain people. Malcolm and Sandy Potter North Thailand Ministry Leaders
ENCOUNTERING CHRIST IN A DREAM Meet Abdul Havid, who is in his second year of study at Tawangmangu Bible College. Havid, a captain in the Indonesian army, was a devout Muslim. One night however, he had a dream, and he heard a call, ‘Follow Him if you want to be saved’. The caller was
pointing to Jesus. Havid didn’t respond to the dream. Until he had it twice more. Then, Havid spoke to a Christian pastor, who gave Havid a Bible. Between his Muslim prayers, Havid would read the Bible.
Recently, Havid learned that one of his children has started going to church. Sam and Carol Soukotta Tawangmangu Bible College Ministry Leaders
Then he had a fourth dream. A man in a white robe came to him and said, ‘I have sent an angel to you three times, but now I, Jesus Christ, am saying to you, “if you want salvation from this world and for eternity, follow me”.’ Praising God, Havid gave his life to Jesus. Soon after, his wife and six children left him, but Havid continues to follow Jesus, and will soon complete his degree in theology.
>> Abdul studying to complete his degree in theology.
>> Sam and Abdul.
H E A R T F E LT G I F T S Valentine’s Day is huge in Patpong. There are pink balloons, roses and other ‘love’-themed accessories available for sale everywhere. This year, Rahab wanted to give women something that would last a little longer than fresh roses, something that had been handmade for them with love. The hearts of our workers went into each of the small hearts they crocheted to show >> The scripture verse hearts made by Rahab ministries. the bar girls they are loved bar happily accept the hearts, they and appreciated. Each heart followed the Rahab workers out of featured a verse from 1 Corinthians the bar with huge smiles on their faces. 13, to show the women what real love Those hearts brought some light into looks like. the darkness of that bar. As Rahab workers handed out the hearts, some of them entered into a Alex and Sarah Meygaarden, dark, spiritually oppressive bar. Even though prostitution is illegal in Thailand, Rahab Ministries it was obvious that sex was for sale THAILAND here. Not only did the women in the Ministry Team Members
One of the most wonderful things about being involved in missions is seeing young people growing in their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. This can be evidenced on their faces as they worship and in their decision to be baptised. It was a beautiful afternoon at the river in January when we recently baptised 15 young people. We pray there will be many more afternoons like this one. Malcolm and Wendy Taylor, Rivers of Live Ministries, KALIMANTAN Ministry Team Members
Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
L I K E T H E C E N T U R I O N ’ S S E R VA N T Sophiap, a successful church planter, had just arrived home late one evening after an exhausting day, when she heard a knock on her door. A desperatelooking mother explained to Sophiap that her son was ill and dying, and that she needed Sophiap to travel the great distance back home with her to pray for her son. Sophiap knew that she could not make that long of a trip without first resting, so she invited the woman into her home, where she prayed for her son. She then promised the woman that she
would visit the next day to check on them. The next morning, when Sophiap got to the house, the boy was well and showed no signs of illness. The family was so touched by what God had done that Sophiap then had the awesome privilege of leading the whole family to Jesus – and starting another church in that village! Owen and Glynis Willows INDOCHINA Ministry Leaders
G O D A N S W E R S P R AY E R When Vidya became a believer, he was eager to share the Gospel with his wife, but she wasn’t interested. Still, Vidya continued to share Bible stories with her, including many stories of Jesus’ miracles.
>> Sophiap with bibles.
>> Vidya and Kokila graduated from CDC in 2005, since then they have been working independently for the Lord in North Bengal.
When Vidya’s cow stopped producing milk, his wife remembered those miracles. She prayed to Jesus that He would give them milk. The next morning, when Vidya milked the cow, there was nearly two litres of milk. Vidya’s wife is now a believer and has been water baptised.
Vijaya Chowdhuri BANGLADESH Ministry Leader
JOHN AND NOK John was born into a Christian family in Chiangrai, North Thailand. Nok received Christ while studying English at a local church. John and Nok
have one daughter Nanapon (16). Several years ago, John was diagnosed with acute leukemia, and began chemotherapy. He was accepted into an experimental medical trial, which has been successful and John remains healthy and strong. After working with the Good News team for 12 years, God called them to a ministry of discipleship and church planting. They continue to pastor their church and in the process they have learned a lot about winning Thai Buddhists to Christ and discipling them. Their vision is to see church planting movements all over Thailand.
Persecution, violence and war have forcibly displaced nearly 44 million people in the world today. Many of them are living across Europe. The European media is full of sensationalist headlines blaming migrants for causing ‘social unrest’ and ‘stealing our jobs,’ but little is documented about the harsh reality of life on the ‘Refugee Highway.’ Jared, from North Sudan, told of how Motivated to find out more he had entered the UK several times about the reality of migration, a group over the past five years. Each time the of London-based twenty-somethings authorities find him and send him back journeyed across the English Channel to visit refugees in Calais, France. Led by to France. He is tired of going back and forth, and is applying for asylum in World Outreach International, the aim France. This will take another couple of of the visit was to better understand years to go through. In the meantime, the circumstances his life is left in limbo. and explore “It felt both awkward and At first, sitting on tangible ways to get involved with humbling. I have been the cold concrete refugees and inspired to get involved floor, the team felt asylum seekers. uncomfortable. They
>> A artistic depiction of the time in Calais.
with migrants in London
did not know what During the visit, and raise awareness of they could say or the team had the do to help these opportunity to the reality behind the people. But concerns meet and chat media stories.” soon abated as the with refugees from refugees began to across the globe whilst helping humanitarian aid projects talk, warmly sharing their stories. with food and clothes distribution. Reflecting on the visit, one teammate The team also gathered each day for commented, ‘It felt both awkward and prayer and a Bible study on the topic of humbling. I have been inspired to get migration and refugees. involved with migrants in London and A group of refugees from East Africa invited the team to visit them where they stay. The team entered the abandoned warehouse, ‘Africa House’, through a hole in the wall and joined about 25 refugees huddled on makeshift beds in a corner of the building.
raise awareness of the reality behind the media stories.’ Visits to Calais, France are organised throughout the year. >> James Price UK - Mission Mobiliser
>> James Price (right rear) and his team in Calais, France.
Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
With growth happening and expansion needed, a number of World Outreach International (WOI) teams have opportunities for short/medium/long-term personnel, who can raise their own personal support and travel costs, to assist their ministry vision.
will see a number of WOI organised short-term cross-cultural teams involved in outreaches in Southeast Asia, Indochina, India subcontinent, and in different African nations as well as in Europe.
in West Kalimantan are looking for people with the following skills: builders, joiners, block layers, tilers, electricians, plumbers, doctors, nurses, dentists, teachers, administrators, agriculturalists, fish and chicken farmers, gardener for pepper plantation.
THAILAND The WOI-sponsored
Rahab Ministries is looking for help with teaching English, computers, online marketing, and video editing. We are also in need of an electrician and a builder.
A WOI ministry based in the Manchester area is looking for builders, roofers, and decorators.
for a mature and experienced selfsupporting couple to serve as WOI Philippines Directors for three-five years based in Manila and to assist churches and individuals in the training and mobilising of Filipinos for crosscultural ministry overseas.
WOI is looking for people to come to France, to England and to Spain to serve in teams. If you would like to come to visit, or send a short-term team, or come as an intern please contact:
planting team is looking for people who are self-motivated, committed and computer literate. We need people with good people skills, who either have proven mission experience or are willing to take cross-cultural courses, to join the ministry to a least-reached people group in the heartland of Cambodia.
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Focus on France W I L L Y O U P R AY F O R F R A N C E ? FEATURE
France has a rich spiritual heritage, but now more than 30% of French citizens are atheist. Full-time occult practitioners (50,000) easily outnumber full-time Christian workers. Many Christians in France committed themselves for 40 days of Lent to call for this nation to turn back to God – and there are signs of a growing hunger for reality. Will you pray for France? Pray for mobilisation of French and African believers to reach out to the Least Reached Peoples in every town and city. French and Francophone Africans are currently working on the translation of Kairos. Would you consider moving to Paris? You could join Helen, who is making a difference to a people group who are 99.9% Muslim. The ‘S’ people are migrants from Mali, Gambia, Senegal, and other areas of West Africa. Maybe 500,000 live in Paris and there are no known believers among them. Having lived in West Africa and learned the language, Helen moved to Paris, where she bumped into S people everywhere!
The SIL (Wycliffe) team in Mali produced booklets for these people, which included portions from the Old and New Testaments. Helen writes, ‘There is great enthusiasm for these [booklets] among the S community here. Only a few know how to read or write in their language and many aren’t even aware that it is possible to do so! I was invited onto the S radio show and now have contact with a group which meets each Sunday afternoon to learn about reading and writing the S language.’ Pray for God to bring revelation through these booklets and the radio show! Linda Harding EUROPE Ministry Leader
• Less than 1% of the people in France are evangelical Christians. • 33% people groups in France are unreached. • Church attendance in France is amongst the lowest in Europe. • 80% of the people in France have never owned or even seen a Bible. • 10% of the people in France are Muslim – the highest percentage of any European country.
HAVE YOU MADE A WILL? Making a will is the only way you can be sure that your wishes will be followed after you die. Having a will also makes your loved ones’ time of grief simpler. If you don’t leave a will, part or all of your estate may go to people whom you never intended to benefit, or even to the government! Including a gift to the ministry of World Outreach International in your will is a special and personal way to continue making a difference in the world after your life on earth has passed. For further information, please contact the World Outreach International office nearest to you. Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 1, 2012 •
The last two years have seen a dramatic increase of natural disasters worldwide. Thousands of lives have been lost, tens of thousands of families have lost their homes and possessions, and the economies of many nations will take years to recover. Famines, earthquakes and massive flooding are now common annual worldwide events. In 2011, through the generosity of many friends of World Outreach International, we were able to respond quickly to the famine that struck the Horn of Africa region. Truckloads of food, water and clothing were taken to three specific relief camps. The WOI humanitarian arm of service was also able to reach out to the flood victims of Pakistan and Bangkok, when more funding became available. Every opportunity was also taken to share the love of God with those who were receiving help. It is interesting to note that the world’s Christian communities are often the first to respond in helping victims
of natural disasters – and without discrimination. And so we should! In Matthew 25:42-45, the Word of God clearly states that the Lord expects His Body to demonstrate the love and heart of God towards the less fortunate, the helpless and the hurting.
Our biggest frustration is that we often don’t have enough cash on hand to provide immediate help when disaster strikes. In a crisis, we strive to be able to immediately provide life’s necessities and to save lives. While World Outreach International is not to be compared to the larger and better known secular humanitarian organisations, more times than not, WOI has people on the ground who are nearby when a disaster strikes and
GIFTS CAN BE POSTED TO: World Outreach International and designated “Crisis Fund”. See Page 22 to respond. You can also make a donation via our website:
therefore are able to respond quickly. Our biggest frustration is that we often don’t have enough cash on hand to provide immediate help when disaster strikes. In a crisis, we strive to be able to immediately provide life’s necessities and to save lives. World Outreach International wants to demonstrate the love of God to those in need of practical, emotional and moral support. Knowing that natural disasters will increase (not decrease), World Outreach International has established a general Crisis Fund to be drawn from, the minute disaster strikes. We hope that you will contribute to this fund. Your partnership in helping WOI personnel be the feet, arms, hands and voice of Jesus in these times of need is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
John Elliott
International Director