IN THIS ISSUE: Role Models Needed
Making the World a Brighter Place • Training for Transformation • New Movements to Christ in Thailand • Protecting the Next Generation ...
World Outreach International is a multiracial fellowship of Christians and ministries that exists to impact Least Reached Peoples with the Good News of Jesus Christ through:
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• Raising Leaders • Evangelism and Church Planting • All Nations Mobilisation • Children’s Ministry • Humanitarian Aid Singapore-based, International Director John Elliott heads an executive team of senior missionaries, pastors, and business leaders. WOI follows recognised international standards and procedures for child safety.
John Elliott
MCI (P) 089/12/2015
Prisca Prabhakaran
#04-09, City Hub 2 Kallang Avenue Singapore 339407 T: (65) 6464 8698 E: woi@world-outreach.com
Janet Chan
Rachel McColl
Robin Merrill
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COUNTRY OFFICES INTERNATIONAL OFFICE: John Elliott (International Director) 2 Kallang Avenue #04-09 CT Hub Singapore 339407 T: (65) 6464 8698 E: woi@world-outreach.com
HOLLAND: Meint Kisteman (Board Chairman) Oogstweg 12 8071 WS Nunspeet The Netherlands T: (31 62) 467 1758 E: info@world-outreach.nl
SINGAPORE: Tarn Ping Kueh (Office) 2 Kallang Avenue #04-09 CT Hub Singapore 339407 T: (65) 6464 8698 E: singapore@world-outreach.com
AUSTRALIA: Grahame Orpin (Board Chairman) Gail McDougall (Office) PO Box 5000, Sunshine Coast, MC Qld 4560 T: (617) 5313 8591 T: (612) 8203 4530 F: (617) 3319 8928 E: admin.au@world-outreach.com
MALAYSIA: Philip Chieng (Board Chairman) PO Box 8541, Kelana Jaya 46792 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan T: (60 3) 77325924 E: malaysia@world-outreach.com
SOUTH AFRICA: MC Coetzee PO Box 11238 Riverwalk 2538 T: (27 18) 290 5285 M: (27 83) 462 2224 E: southafrica@world-outreach.com
NEW ZEALAND: Gail McDougall (Office) PO Box 97230, Manukau 2241 T: (64 9) 263 5434 T: (64 9) 887 7150 M: (64 21) 330 874 E: nz@world-outreach.com
UNITED KINGDOM: Jon Hitchen (Office) BM Box 5265 London, WC1N 3XX T: +44(0) 203 642 4873 E: office@wouk.org W: www.wouk.org
CANADA: Lynn LeRoy (Office) PO Box 172 Lambeth Stn London, ON N6P 1R1 T: 519 680 3355 E: canada@world-outreach.com
Field Ministries Director: Peter Smith Executive Manager: Chia Shee Wai International Board: Luke Chong, Lorraine Dierck, John Elliott, Wilbur Farmilo, Wayne Freeman, Gary Levens, Rob Reid International Leadership Team: Chia Shee Wai, Bambi Cataluna, John Elliott, Peter Smith, Peter van der Westhuyzen, Hendrik V, Ben Brooks
USA: Aaron Rudd 615 East Sego Lily Drive Sandy UT 84070 T: (1 801) 572 0211 ext.11 M: (1 801) 599 3370 E: usa@world-outreach.com 501 (c) 3 Tax Exemption Available
COVER IMAGE: Children from ACE School in the Ivory Coast, West Africa.Photo by Myriam Yokoinele.
LIVING SACRIFICES Earlier this year the media highlighted the sacrifice a sportsman had made when he left behind a lucrative income to try his hand (and skill) at a completely different sport in another part of the world in order to follow his dream. It seems the world in general looks up to such role models as there are so few of them around. In Romans 12:1 Paul writes, “Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.” The Lord too is looking for men and women who are willing to put it all on the line and live a sanctified life, honouring Him in both word and deed – not for financial gain – to help extend His Kingdom, which is a form of worship He is looking for. Unfortunately the word sacrifice is not popular in Christian circles
today, resulting in a lack of role models for people to learn about, or be inspired by. To be a living sacrifice can mean following the leading of the Holy Spirit when it’s uncomfortable, inconvenient, unrewarding, and costly. Such believers are sold out entirely for Christ, recognising that Jesus drafted and modelled the example Himself. To be a living sacrifice means to give back to God what He has already given us, i.e. ourselves! This includes the gifts He has given us: the ability to make a living, and special talents such as music, art, writing, teaching, leadership, gardening, or craftsmanship. When we give back to God what He has given to us, we give Him the perfect gift – OURSELVES! Choices and decisions shape our destiny in the Lord. We are defined by our choices, not by our DNA or lineage. Joshua (24:15)
challenged the children of Israel “to choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve …” It comes down to individual choices! For the Kingdom of God to expand further, which will allow every unreached nation (i.e. ethnic group) to have an opportunity to hear the Good News for the first time, more living sacrifices are needed in the Body of Christ. Let us all offer our bodies as living sacrifices to the Lord, and in so doing influence our generation, our world, for Jesus Christ.
John Elliott International Director
“Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.” • ISSUE 3, 2, 2015 2016 •
BANGLADESH N O S T O P P I N G T H E H O LY S P I R I T Anonymous WOI ministry leaders, BANGLADESH Bangladesh, where sharing the Gospel is restricted, is a challenging place for us to work. At the same time the Lord is using our team to reach thousands of lives every year through many different programmes.
2172 kids, all of whom got to hear the Gospel message. In the same time period, 147 children workers were trained in creative learning
Within the past year, 13 Rescue Children Camps have been held around the country that hosted some Children receiving medical help Children being touched by the Lord
Creative learning ideas
ideas for engaging children. Then 45 young emerging leaders were trained. Also 293 mothers and children received valuable medical help, and 20 children now have school fee sponsorship and receive
nutritious meals five days a week. Despite the restrictions in our land, we rejoice that the Lord is impacting communities and families with the Good News in so many different ways. He is truly an amazing God and it’s our honour to serve Him!
I FOUND THE TRUTH Vijaya Chowdhuri, BANGLADESH • Ministry leader who with her late husband Biswanath founded Christian Discipleship Centre. world-outreach.com/people/vijaya-chowdhuri I was born into a Muslim family but the practices left me empty inside so I began a search for the truth. On the journey I met a guru and followed him for a while thinking he would help me discover it. This came to nothing, and I remained empty, hungry, and thirsty for truth. A Christian evangelist came to my village to talk to us about Jesus. I responded to him that “Isa” (Jesus) is our “nabi” (prophet). He told me to go and buy a Koran and read everything that is written about Jesus. I did and was amazed at how
many times the Koran referenced Jesus. I realized that the truth that I was searching for was Jesus Himself! I later met up with the evangelist and asked how I could start to follow Jesus. He said, “You have to believe and be baptised.” So I asked Jesus Christ into my life, and later was water baptised. Since then members of my family, as well as the residents of our village, continue to ridicule and persecute my wife and me, but now that we have discovered the Truth, we have decided to stand firm and follow Jesus only.
The Patricia Green Memorial Fund To Help Stem the Tide of Misery Among Those At Risk
The late Patricia Green gave 30 years of her life to helping girls and women become free from sexual slavery. Founder of Rahab Ministries in Bangkok and Alabaster Jar ministry in Berlin, Patricia was passionate about helping rescue young, vulnerable girls and women from exploitation in the sex industry. With regards to sexual slavery, the world remains a sick, depraved, and spiritually oppressive place. The cold hard facts reflect this.
Today there are more than 200 million child slave labourers (5-17yrs) worldwide – with no protection.
In East Africa 9 out of 10 girls are abused by the people they trust the most.
Child pornography alone generates US$3 billion annually.
Two million girls between 5 and 15yrs enter the commercial sex market each year.
89% of prostitutes want to escape!
To honour Patricia, the ministries she established, and the many other similar works she helped advise, World Outreach International is establishing the Patricia Green Memorial Fund.
The fund will be dedicated to resourcing Patricia’s vision and ministry passion in Thailand and Europe, and other likeminded WOI ministries that focus on rescuing children and women who are vulnerable, or at high risk of being trafficked for sexual slavery. The Fund will ensure opportunity for these children to be liberated from prostitution and become part of a Christ-centred community where they will learn life skills and vocations. Your financial partnership in this memorial fund will allow WOI to help rescue even more young children from a life of hopelessness, abuse, and exploitation.
John Elliott International Director
Donations can be made to: World Outreach International and designated “Patricia Green Memorial Fund”, then forwarded to your nearest WOI Country Office – listed on pg2. Donations can also be made at
(Sources of statistic above include UNICEF,YWAM, Global Fund for Children, and other organisations.) • ISSUE 2, 2016 •
INDIA JESUS IS ALIVE Kitbok Ryntathiang, INDIA • Ministry leader involved in teaching, training and equipping leaders. Jesus. She had a growing desire to know more, so left her store untended to go and hear herself. She became a believer and follower then and there, believing that Jesus is truly real and alive today. She went back home and told her family about Jesus. They prayed together and committed themselves and their circumstances to God.
In a little obscure village in central Laos earlier this year, a roadside noodle seller with two sons and an ailing husband was struggling to make a living for her family. Her business was not good, there was no employment for her sons, and her husband’s medical costs had consumed all their available finances. Her husband, battling cancer, had recently had surgery in a town hospital far away, and he needed further treatment. Downcast and without any hope, she heard that someone in the village was talking about a man called
The noodle seller
When the husband went for another medical check-up some days later, the doctor told them that the cancer had gone into remission, and that no further chemo or treatment was necessary. Praise the Lord! Jesus is alive!
NEW COMMUNITY BEING REACHED Tomba Khosinam, INDIA • A ministry team leader involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/tomba-khoisnam
Recently in the province of Manipur in N-E India, our WOI church planting team reported that a whole family (parents, son, daughter, and niece) from among the Meitei people group accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and asked shortly afterwards to be baptised. As a result of this family’s commitment to Christ, others in their community are also interested in hearing about Jesus. The new believers’ home has now become a house church! Praise the Lord!
Water baptism
Stephen and Julie Elliott are MKs (missionary kids) from Asia and South America respectively.They met and married in Australia, and have been involved in youth ministry and missions throughout their married life. They also served as WOI interns with the Talbots in Botswana in 2005. They have two children, Josiah (4) and Rose (2). Having acknowledged the call of God on their lives since they were very young, Stephen and Julie were moved by the desperate need amongst the most vulnerable – children. Earlier this year they began ministering in India, to begin a Children's Home for the abandoned and destitute children of Tamil Nadu. The Hope House is being established in partnership with a local church in Chennai, Zion Christian Church. Please remember them in prayer for favour, protection, good health, and the blessing of the Lord on their ministry.
INDIA HARVEST TIME AMONG REFUGEE CHILDREN Menuo Keditsu, INDIA • A ministry team leader involved in discipling children for Jesus Christ! world-outreach.com/people/menuo-keditsu Generation Ministries India will refugees. Please pray with us for soon be completing two years of more fruit from such communities, ministry among children of former and do ask the Lord to protect the Bangladeshi Bengali refugees, children, in particular the two boys as well as Bihari and Meitei whose father is a Hindu Priest. Hindu families. Some parents have hindered their children from attending our programmes, but we continue to see God at work. Recently another 18 children made Children Receving Salvation first-time commitments in asking responsible leaders among the Jesus into their hearts and lives. children of Rohit and Rahul ethnic Previous decision-makers continue peoples. We praise the Lord for what to be disciples, two of whom (sons He is doing among the children of of a Hindu Priest) have become Sons of a Hindu priest
S T E A DY G R O W T H Victor and Rama Lim, INDIA • Ministry leader involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/victor-and-rama-lim
Kangra's Church
It has been two years since we first stepped foot in the Indian Himalayas, and we praise God for the progress and growth of our church plant here. Back then we focused our time and effort in training and discipling 10 people. Today the work has grown to some 50 believers, mostly young adults. We hope and pray that in the near future, this church will send out their own missionaries to other unreached villages in the region.
MIDDLE EAST B U I L D I N G R E L AT I O N S H I P S A N D B R I D G E S Nathan and Sawsan Bassaly, EGYPT • Ministry leaders involved in teaching and training church leaders. world-outreach.com/people/nathan-sawsan-bassaly
Mohamed Atya
Both Atya and Ashraf are now graduates of the mobile phone maintenance course. They came to our centre to learn new skills that will give them better opportunities to find regular work so they can earn more income to help support their families. Both are extremely grateful to our World Outreach International team and the trainers we brought in to help teach them the skills required for this particular kind of work.
Ashraf Fakhry • ISSUE 2, 2016 •
Training for Transformation
Karen Pack, AUSTRALIA • Facilitator of the Leaders of Leaders initiative. At the heart of the Leader of Leaders (LOL) training, which is our three-year programme aimed at developing the emerging generation, is the desire to mobilise and equip generations of leaders. The goal is not information, but transformation of whole cultures and ethne.
For this reason, the Leader of Leaders course does not end with the third year, but with the vital fourth year Train the Trainer (TTT) programme. This gathers delegates who have been to all three years evaluation. By the end of the course, of the LOL course, are living it out every participant will have taught a in their life and ministry, and show session and been peer evaluated. potential to teach and train others. This is done under an “umbrella of TTT is focused specifically on grace”, in which equipping indigenous all feedback leaders to teach the Our desire is always that must be honest, LOL course within deliberately those we train would do but their own culture and life-giving. surrounding people “even greater things". When teaching, groups, in such a way that they will Jesus didn’t accelerate the growth of leaders and have a “one size fits all” approach, the transformation of their culture. but modified His style and content for the context. Similarly, we encourage TTT is inherently practical. As participants to adapt their teaching trainers, we set the tone by having style and format for their own culture. participants evaluate our teaching, The goal is to so thoroughly equip in order to model a culture of locals to teach and train that the receiving constructive criticism, presence of foreign trainers becomes and to establish the benefit of peer
unnecessary. Our desire is always that those we train would do “even greater things”. Praise God, this is precisely what is happening, as delegates feel empowered to “go and do likewise”. Delegates from Sri Lanka and Kenya report that the impact on their teaching and ministry was immediate and profound, as they implemented the strategies they had learned. In February 2016, the Generation Bangladesh Team ran the LOL course. It was the first time the course has been run entirely by indigenous people for and within their own culture. Glory to God! He is transforming nations!
EUROPE A N A L L T O O C O M M O N S T O RY O F D E S PA I R Danie and Esther van Niekerk, MACEDONIA • Ministry leaders equipping church leaders and members. world-outreach.com/people/danie-and-esther-van-niekerk Imagine this journey if you will. Start in Afghanistan where you hope and long for peace and safety. Leaving a bombed city and dead parents, you head for Europe, and with your family eventually make it to Turkey where you meet your first human smugglers who demand 1000 euro per person to travel in their small boat. It’s time to leave, and you are
Our children helping too
forced onto the boat by gunpoint, the atmosphere one of intense fear. It’s cold, and the water is freezing. Along the way the boat capsizes. You try to hold on to your children, but can only manage to rescue one, while two drown in front of you. It’s a five-hour swim to safety. You have no time to mourn. Along with your wife and surviving daughter, you eventually
Esther holding baby while mother waits for food
make it to land. Your documents are lost. The smugglers beat you up, rape your wife and daughter, and then abandon you. Shoeless, all three of you begin to walk as best you can, lost and without any hope, toward Tabanovce, and this is where you eventually meet us. With God’s help we will do what we can to help you.
The indignity of transport systems that failed
AUSTRALIA R E N E W E D C O U R AG E A N D V I S I O N Karen Pack, AUSTRALIA • Facilitator of the Leaders of Leaders initiative. stop speaking for a time, because God was dealing with him while he translated. The Holy Spirit was ministering healing even as we taught. Ps Barry Clarke with Kissi
Our last Leader of Leaders (LOL) training programme was conducted in Kenya and Ethiopia. We had a wonderful time as a team, witnessing God at work. In one seminar in Hawassa, our translator had to
Most encouraging was a pastor who drew me aside to speak privately to me. He told me that he had been intending to "flee the ministry". The challenges were too hard and the cost too high. But, he said, God spoke to him during the week, encouraging him and giving him new strength. He finished by telling
LOL selfie, Nairobi
me, "I am returning to my people" to lead them and see the purpose of God fulfilled in their lives. That conversation filled me with great joy. Every pastor or leader who is filled with fresh courage and vision is worth any cost to see the purpose of God fulfilled! • ISSUE 2, 2016 •
Making the World a Brighter Place... Wolfgang and Heidi Oelschlegel, INDONESIA • Ministry leader involved in training and evangelism. world-outreach.com/people/wolfgang-and-heidi-oelschlegel
Life can be
quite hard and gloomy in the villages of West Kalimantan, and hopes for a future are dim for children like Billi. Abandoned to the care of his grandfather at five years of age by his unmarried mother, he was pretty much fending for himself. He has found a new home here at New Hope Ministries in Sanggau, a small Indonesian town in Borneo, together with more than a hundred children, most of them from disadvantaged backgrounds. I believe the mission statement of New Hope Ministries boarding home sums up well what this children’s ministry is about: “providing children with a safe and healthy environment to grow in their love for God and reach their full potential”. A safe and healthy environment first of all means meeting very basic needs: a safe and secure place to sleep and three meals a day. It also includes a stable, positive social and emotional
environment where our children feel accepted and loved. All this provides the ground that allows them to flourish in other aspects of their lives.
Coming from a teaching background, I like the saying: “Teachers make the world a brighter place.” Jesus, the master teacher, called Himself the “Light of the World” and He calls His
As we minister to the children, we endeavor to show in our own lives the freedom and joy that comes with the assurance of God’s love. As we freely share this love, practically and through our teaching, they experience God’s love and in return grow in their love for Him.
As they become followers of Christ and their lives reflect the character of Jesus, they carry His love and shine His light – making this world a brighter place.
Rooted in a safe environment, assured of the love of God, the children can grow in all areas of their lives and reach their full potential: intellectually, in their gifts and talents, and as followers of Jesus, which gives them confidence to reach out to others.
disciples to be the light of the world. We use Jesus’ example to teach the children in all aspects of life. As they become followers of Christ and their lives reflect the character of Jesus, they carry His love and shine His light – making this world a brighter place.
FRONTLINE PRAYER Thank you for supporting our partners in prayer!
Allen and Charlot te Teal
NEW ZEAL AND We would appreciate your
prayers for us. The last two weeks of July we will be at the WOI Nations Course meeting some of the new candidates and supporting them during this intensive programme. Then we plan to travel back through Malaysia and Indonesia meeting with some of our cross-cultural workers. These trips are vital in supporting those within the mission and encouraging them in the ministry.
Hendrik and Bets V
SOUTH EAST ASIA We are planning an
Ekballo Challenge trip (http://world-outreach. com/ekballo/) to Tanzania where there are some large Muslim people groups. We are hoping that this will be the first step for a long-term WOI engagement there. Long-term labourers who are sensitive to the Muslim culture are greatly needed.
SOUTH EAST ASIA Please pray for us
as we help facilitate at The Nations Course during June and July. Pray for the participants that they will be equipped for the field as they study about missions. Pray for our children, Lydia and Noah, that they continue to grow in wisdom, stature, and favour with God and people. Thank you.
host Muslim-background believer leaders from seven villages every six weeks for a one-day seminar designed to strengthen and encourage them in their respective ministries. One of our goals is that a team of core leaders will emerge who can take on more responsibility.
Malcolm and Linda Bayliss
SOUTH EAST ASIA Please pray for us as
we lead the Asia Nations Course being held in Chiang Mai from 19-29 July. Students from various ethnic and ministry backgrounds will attend, so we ask that there will be a spirit of unity, a desire to learn new concepts, and an openness to share. Pray also for the team of trainers for good health and wisdom as we work together to train those who are on the frontlines ministering to LRPs.
for the good health, strength, and safety we experience in each year’s heavy travel schedule. We know that people are faithfully partnering with us in prayer not only for the above items, but also for wisdom, favour, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit on all we do in our service for Him. We would love to recruit even more prayer partners whom we can call on to stand with us for such assignments.
Inac io Tomero and Team the Jesus film in Koti this year. The greatest challenge will be the fluency of the Koti speakers, many of whom are not highly literate. Pray for a special anointing on them all! And wisdom and patience for the recording team!
Mangkaew Chuenjit
THAIL AND I’m encouraged that so many
teenagers are receiving Jesus at the Youth Remand Prisons around Bangkok. When I see them studying the Bible and praying at our meetings, I always ask God to help them stay faithful after they have been released. Please join me in praying for these wonderful young people, especially that they will get a good job and share their new life with other at-risk youth.
John and Mar y Elliot t
SINGAPORE We are grateful to the Lord
DAY 9 MOZAMBIQUE We are aiming to complete
Mar tin and Simone Sc humann
MOZAMBIQUE Please pray for us as we
Ben and Rac hel Brooks
Chawalit Kongc haiyaphum
THAIL AND Our Good News Team has
outreaches scheduled into Thai schools in June and July. Each month we will share God’s love with up to 5000 children in these schools. We will also give each child one of our evangelistic booklets, and help them begin our Bible correspondence lessons. Please pray for each child, and for our team.
DAY 10
Janvier and Claudine Yokoinele
This year we need to construct extra classrooms for the growing number of students as well as the new preschool. It’s important that these new facilities are completed as soon as possible. Please pray with us for the Lord’s blessing to be upon this project and that the necessary funds to complete the work will be released in time. Thank you.
Theo and Mignonne Sc humann
MOZAMBIQUE Last year the Lord gave
us a new challenge: “GO BACK to where you came from!” We are in transition from Mozambique after working here for 19 years. Please pray with us as we seek His face and will for the new season ahead. Also we are leaving behind a very small group of believers, in many ways still very young in their faith. Please pray that they will stand firm, have courage in trying circumstances, and be unified.
DAY 12
Peter and Jeannie Smith
NEW ZEAL AND Jesus commanded us, His
Church, to make disciples of every people (ethnic) group. As WOI seeks to impact an additional 55 of these unreached groups in Asia and Africa by 2020, your prayer partnership is crucial. Would you join us in prayer that Jesus would come to be known and loved in these groups?
DAY 13
Lynet te N
INDONESIA Please pray for language
learning, that I'll be competent to share the Good News in the heart language; also pray for a vehicle to go to villages with our team. Pray too that we will be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as to where to engage people, and that we will be bold and courageous to share our testimonies and answer questions with His wisdom. Thank you.
DAY 14
Au Yong Mun Heng and Cec ilia
MALAYSIA We praise the Lord for open doors
overseas to bring awareness of His mission in our ministry in India, Nepal, and Pakistan among LRP groups. To fulfill the vision He has given us, we have two key needs. Please pray for these two essentials: a 4-WD vehicle for a progressive Nepal Ministry among LRPs and a Training Centre in N India to provide different types of training to both church planters among the LRPs and key leaders passionate in cross-cultural missions to join us in His mission.
DAY 15
MC and Lezelle Coetzee
SOUTH AFRICA We started with a training
programme called "Dare to Move", the focus being to mobilise people, especially young people, into missions. God is busy bringing people on board to help develop this programme, and we are very excited. Please pray that we will have wisdom to develop the programme so it is relevant in this day and age when people’s priorities are often in the wrong area.
DAY 16
Tomba Khoisnam
recognised as an LRP, yet we rejoice as the Holy Spirit works in the region, opening the hearts and eyes of those we are endeavouring to reach with the Gospel. Please pray with us for divine appointments with key people who can open up whole communities to hear and receive the Good News of Jesus Christ. Pray for protection on all of us who are involved in reaching out to the Meitei in Manipur province.
DAY 17
Nathan and Sawsan Bassaly
EGYPT Pray for Egypt as the economy is
collapsing. Many are losing their jobs, causing suffering and hardship for families everywhere. Pray too for peace and stability in the Middle East as there is a great shaking happening in the whole region. And please pray for us as a family and our team as we endeavour to minister and help many poor families and Syrian refugees. Our desire is to show and share the love of Jesus Christ to all.
DAY 18
Stephanie Herron
MOZAMBIQUE Our students are returning to northern Mozambique for a month-long missions outreach among the Muslim families they befriended last year (Makhua people group). Please pray that they find open hearts to receive the Gospel and that they can encourage the believers who already accepted Christ to grow spiritually.
DAY 19
Koti and Rina Smit
MOZAMBIQUE We praise God for wonderful
years of ministry in Mozambique, where we have been involved in planting churches among the Nahara people group in Nacala, working and building relationships in the community and assisting missionaries. We believe the Lord is bringing us into a new season of serving Him and therefore would appreciate your prayers as we seek to know His leading, timing, and direction.
DAY 20
Kanc hana Karay
THAIL AND Our FahSai Club reaches
children from slum areas, and now many are seeking God to help them witness to friends and family. Please pray for them. Our Good News Team sends Bible lessons to many thousands of Thai children each year. Pray for each child to come to know Jesus. Now our Team is writing new lessons, and we would appreciate prayer for God’s wisdom and anointing as we do this.
Duncan and Lindie Ross
SOUTH EAST ASIA For the past two years
we have been fervent in prayer for leaders to be raised in both our indigenous and Kairos ministry. God has answered! The next prayer challenge is that our visas that will fall away come May 2017. We need godly wisdom on how to proceed. Please remember us in prayer.
DAY 22
Mar y- Pat Ross
MOZAMBIQUE In Africa it has been said that
people give 30% credibility to a missionary’s words and 70% to their actions! Demonstrating the character and person of Jesus to new believers is always a challenge, yet it is such a powerful example when endeavouring to make disciples and see new believers grow in maturity. Please pray that the Lord will use me to be an effective witness to those He brings across my path.
DAY 23
Quentin and Sally Gregor y- Hunt
INDONESIA It is a busy time here at the Mt
Hope Training Centre in West Kalimantan. The dry season is upon us. We would appreciate your prayers for good health and protection as we serve on the island of Borneo, and that we will be effective in demonstrating the love of God and character of Jesus in all we do.
DAY 24
begins. Since our long-serving hostel parents left Baan Faa Mai a year ago, it has been difficult to find committed Karen staff for this youth work. Therefore our work level at BFM has very much increased. Please pray for a faithful, honest, spiritually mature Karen couple to join the team.
Roger and Vievienne Latham
graduation of students who have given two years to learning how to grow in serving the Lord, which also included some short-term mission trips. We have hoped that along the way they would catch a burden for LRP groups. Please pray with us that the coming graduation will be anointed of the Lord and impact all who are in attendance.
DAY 28
prayers for the following events: Egypt and Beyond Conference (16-20 June); West Africa visit of WOI personnel (7-27 July); and our first Field Leaders Training for new regional leaders (19-23 September). Also we will be leaving South Africa at the end of September and relocating to Perth, Australia (via NZ), where we will establish our new home and ministry base. Please remember us in prayer during this time of transition.
DAY 29
PHILIPPINES Please pray for our African
Simply Mobilisation Conference (north and central Africa) to be held in Ghana from 18-21 July. This region of Africa hosts most of Africa’s unreached peoples and tens of thousands of born again believers. Africans reaching Africans is the most strategic approach to extending Christ’s Kingdom in this critical region of the world.
Chris and Nadine Brit tain
KENYA Please pray for the successful
implementation of the new Simply Mobilising resources in Kenya: Especially Empowered to Influence, Youth Kairos, and The Unfinished Story. We are very excited about the potential these short courses have to reach a wider audience and fan the flame of mission mobilisation!
DAY 30
Jo and Jenny Graham
NORTH ASIA Japan, a missionary-sending
moved to Gove for a season, working alongside Mission Aviation Fellowship and local Yulngu leaders. Recently a number of indigenous leaders met and decided they want to go one way for Jesus. Please pray for these leaders’ protection and wisdom on how to lead their families and tribes forward out of deep spiritual darkness into the glorious light.
Max and Dorothy Chismon
Rod and Lynley Talbot
SOUTH AFRICA We would appreciate your
AUSTRALIA Vievienne and I have recently
DAY 26
Rodney and Juliet Munkhondya
MAL AWI This August there will be the
Malcolm and Sandy Pot ter
THAIL AND Every May the Thai school year
DAY 25
DAY 27
nation! We have short-term teams, including key pastors, going to Mozambique, Myanmar, and Shulam over the next few months. Pray for these teams, as we build towards a new generation of long-term goers from Japan.
DAY 31
Angela Stephens
KENYA Please pray for our ministry to
prisoners, in particular that the Holy Spirit will help the new believers to trust Him, call on His Name with confidence knowing that He hears their cry, and that they will have the courage to share their faith with others. Pray too that we will have continued favour with both the prison authorities and prisoners so that we will have more opportunities to share Christ.
NEW MOVEMENTS TO CHRIST IN THAILAND Lorraine Dierck,THAILAND • Ministry leader involved in training and evangelism. world-outreach.com/people/lorraine-dierck This is an exciting time to be involved in God’s mission to Thailand. More Thai Buddhists are following Jesus today than at any other time in human history! Encouraged by the response, the Thai church is reaching out to their own people, and we are seeing movements to Christ rather than individual believers who have often been isolated from their family and friends who think that “to be a Thai is to be a Buddhist”. Our Thai partners John and Nok Pramuan, who have been involved in this movement for several years now, report thousands of Buddhistbackground Thais following Jesus, powerful miracles including people being raised from the dead, and new churches in towns and villages that have never had a single Christian before. Why is this movement seeing such good fruit? What are some of the keys to its effectiveness? First, it is a Thai movement, led by Thai Christians rather than foreign missionaries. They are continually thinking and talking about how to contextualise the Gospel to Thailand. What does it mean to share the Good News in a Thai way, so that people understand that Christ
is not foreign? I hope this doesn’t make you feel nervous! No, they are not “watering down the Gospel” but rather, removing cultural barriers from the minds of people who have identified Christianity with Western colonialism and have thought that it is impossible for a Thai to follow Jesus. But didn’t Jesus die for their salvation too? Doesn’t He want to transform Thais too into a people who worship and follow Him? The movement is also centred on obeying the commands of Jesus – immediately. For example, as they teach new believers about baptism, the one who led the person to Christ is empowered to baptise him or her straight away. Traditional churches wait before baptising new converts so that they can teach them the basic doctrines of Christianity. Churchplanting movements teach that new converts should be baptised immediately after conversion; otherwise the church is encouraging them to disobey the command of Jesus to repent and be baptised. They train their church members to make disciples by sharing the Gospel with ALL their family and friends, and then to baptise those who believe. So it is not surprising that there are now
generations of believers in multiple locations. In the past three months, John and Nok have started new house churches in Suphanburi, Khon Kaen, and Nakorn Nayok.
Signs, wonders, and miracles are happening everywhere. New believers with simple faith begin praying for the sick, and God works with them. As a result of some outstanding miracles, whole villages have often turned to Christ.
The Gospel has been in Thailand for more than 200 years with very meagre results – a few thousand believers out of almost 70 million people. Let’s pray and support these Thai Christians as they work among the Buddhist population. Keep praying for the wind of the Holy Spirit to blow on these movements to Christ until every Thai person has had the opportunity to hear the Good News and become an authentic Thai follower of Christ. May Jesus be glorified and lifted up in Thailand.
THAILAND I N M AT E S B A P T I S E D Elisa Diaz, THAILAND • Ministry leader involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/elisa-diaz these classes and always have lots of questions. The prison authorities have shown us great favour as they have observed the prisoners who have become believers no longer cause them problems. Our newly formed Bible School at Khon Kaen Prison is impacting and changing lives! We are now into the second semester studying a series titled “A Life of Victory”. The inmate students look forward to
Seven prisoners asked to be baptised. It is quite a procedure to get permission from the authorities, but eventually we did. There was much excitement as the day approached among the baptism candidates as well as other prison
Prisoners were baptised
believers who saw the day as a time to celebrate. The baptism was a wonderful testimony and impacted many.
A LIFE TRANSFORMED Chuenjit Mungaew, THAILAND • Ministry team member involved in evangelism and discipleship among Thai children.
Mod working at a coffee shop
Mod is a 17-year-old girl who received Christ when she was in the youth remand centre. Now she has been released and has been living with her family for over three months. When I visited her family and her work place, she told me how God
is working in her life, and how He answered her prayer for a job. She loves working at the Sweet Vanilla coffee shop where the owner is training her to bake cakes and make good coffee. Every Wednesday we study the Bible together, and it’s so exciting to see her receiving God’s love and sharing it with other people.
C O M M U N I T Y I M PA C T E D John and Nok P, THAILAND • Ministry leaders heading up an evangelism and church planting ministry. world-outreach.com/people/john-nok-p The Holy Spirit is working in believers’ hearts in Thailand. New believers from poor backgrounds testify that they have been freed from bondages such as gambling, smoking, and poor financial management. Jam’s alcoholic husband abused her. Last December Jam asked Jesus into her life. Within one day her husband also gave his life to Jesus, and prayed that he would be delivered from his addictions – and he was! Today father, mother, and son are followers of Jesus and their new life is influencing their community. Many
other married couples have sought help and asked Jesus into their lives.
been prayed for after they died and returned to life. Others testify that their finances have improved; others that their children are getting better grades; others share that their food harvests are bigger than expected. If such a fresh move of the Holy Spirit were to multiply throughout our nation, the world would take notice. Please pray for a mighty harvest of souls in this traditionally Buddhist nation of Thailand.
We praise the Lord for what He is doing. We see people healed of sicknesses; some had • ISSUE 2, 2016 •
THAILAND A V E RY W O R T H W H I L E I N V E S T M E N T Prasert Takin, THAILAND • Ministry team member involved in evangelism and discipleship among Thai children. Working among children and youth is a long journey but very worthwhile. Pok-Pak (Meakhara), a 21 year old from a broken family, lives with her father and stepmother. She fell in love with Jesus when she was 10 through an outreach team that shared with her about Jesus. At 15 she joined some friends who attended our Top Kids programme at the House of Hope, and started coming to church where she was later baptised. Today Pok-Pak is in her second year at university where she has many opportunities to share Christ. She is like a magnet, drawing her friends to Jesus.
P R OV I D I N G O P P O R T U N I T I E S F O R C H A N G E Kevin and Jeh Sie Chan, THAILAND • Ministry team members involved in evangelism and discipleship. world-outreach.com/people/kevin-jeh-sie-chan Dtee has been a Christian for three the year without employment. He years. After his first year of following said money would come into his Christ, he felt burdened to serve the account from an anonymous source Lord full time. He decided to leave at just the right moment. home in spite of persecution from his God led Dtee to work at BORED? family and came to Korat with just cafe a year ago and he is now our 5000 baht in his pocket. full-time Thai team member. He is He volunteered his time at a establishing good connections with local church while learning more the university students who come into We thank the Lord for what He about the Lord. Miraculously God our cafe and many young men have is doing in the lives of many Thai sustained him, and he lasted through come to him for counsel. young people today!
Rahab Ministries, THAILAND • Rahab Ministries is involved in evangelising and discipling the women of the redlight industry in Bangkok. world-outreach.com/our-projects/evangelism-church-planting/rahab-ministries-thailand This August we will be conducting It is a faith-building experience for another mission trip to Chainat with our team of new believers to simply the goal to serve and show the love share their testimonies and leave of God to students and staff in low the results up to the Holy Spirit, and income community schools. The then see Him convicting students and outreach is also a great opportunity compelling them to invite Jesus into for the new believers in Rahab their lives. This year we believe the Ministries to give back and see firstLord will open up even more schools hand the struggles others have to go where God’s Word can be shared through in everyday life. for the first time. It will also be an During our first outreach in 2014, opportunity for others to learn of the the Lord opened a door for our work of Rahab Ministries in the redteam to testify and minister at a light district of Bangkok, and hear government Buddhist School. At first-hand the powerful transforming first we weren’t too sure what their work the Holy Spirit can do in broken response would be, but the results lives if they are willing to surrender were overwhelmingly positive. their lives to Him! Others schools heard of our visit and requested we visit them as well. TO M AKE A DONATION OR SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EM AIL NEWSLETTER VISIT WORLD-OUTREACH.COM
Child Safety Training – Thailand
Protecting the Next Generation Linda Baylis, SOUTH EAST ASIA • Child Safety Co-ordinator. world-outreach.com/people/malcolm-linda-bayliss Promoting Child Safety Creating Safe Places for Children It is no secret that child abuse is prevalent throughout the world, and it is not confined to any race, religion, or socio-economic group. In some cultures, it is very visible and in others it is hidden, but whatever the circumstance, the effect on children is devastating. The biggest myth about abuse is that the dangers to children come from strangers. In most cases the perpetrator is someone the parent or child knows and is often trusted by the child and family. World Outreach International values children and takes its responsibility to protect and nurture children seriously, ensuring their safety in all locations and facilities where we are responsible to care for them. We believe it is never acceptable for any child to experience abuse of any kind.
WOI takes a multi-faceted approach to ensuring children within their care are safe, and has a zero tolerance policy for sexual abuse. Our comprehensive child safety policy includes screening of applicants to ensure they do not present a risk to children, processes to address child safety concerns, and standards of care for children. Educating personnel is pivotal to ensure all ministries are safe places for children. Seminars have been held over the past few years to equip and resource personnel so that they are empowered to implement safe practices in their ministries, and train their ministry staff and communities.
secrets and bad secrets, and what to do if they are in a potentially abusive situation. In our seminars, resources are provided to help parents and adults train their own children as well as children they minister to in their communities. The Next Generation Children are important to God and important to us at WOI. We will continue to strive to protect the next generation by ensuring they are not put at risk, and are given the value and honour they deserve. For help with any child safety concern, Linda can be contacted at child.safety@world-outreach.com.
No, Yell, Run, Tell Children need to know that is healthy to say NO in uncomfortable situations. And we strive to empower them to do so. Children also need to know the difference between good
Children are important to God and important to us at WOI.
Child Safety Training – Chennai, India • ISSUE 2, 2016 •
SOUTH EAST ASIA VISIT TO THE HMONG IN CHINA Pornchai Banchasawan, THAILAND • Ministry leader involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/ponchai-banchasawan Recently I led our Hmong church members here in Thailand on a mission trip to Yunan Province in China so we could share about Jesus Christ with our own ethnic people group living there. In China the Hmong people are called White Miao, and they are known as an unreached people group because there are so few believers. Praise God, we found our first White Miao believer! He was very encouraged by our visit, and we were able to share with him, his family, and friends.
T H E V I S I O N C O M I N G T O PA S S Sam and Carol Soukotta, INDONESIA • Ministry leaders and principals of Tawangmangu Bible College. world-outreach.com/people/sam-carol-soukotta When Sam first received the vision of Mt Hope in 1997, besides seeing buildings and gardens, he saw fish ponds with plants! At the time he didn't understand why the plants were connected to the fish ponds. It has taken a few years of trials and mistakes, but we now
have a fish farm and aquaponics – vegetables that grow from filtered fish water. The fish and vegetables are primarily for the children and staff but later we hope it will also bring in an income for Mt Hope. A number of children who came to Mt Hope in the early days are now teaching the next generation in our schools. They are an example of how a Christian should live. Reki and Regina were both Mt Hope children. After high school, Regina did two years Bible training at Tawangmangu. Reki did four years computer study. They met God
here at Mt Hope and are both now teaching and training in the Mt Hope school. Regina has nearly completed her teacher training. Truly we can see God's leading and guidance in this Mt Hope project! Thank you Lord.
A CONSIDERED DECISION No Pum, MYANMAR• Ministry leaders involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/no-pum Poe Poe’s clan is from the Rakhaine ethnic people group where she was raised as a staunch Buddhist, and never once heard about Jesus. Late 2014 she came to our boarding home at Shwe Nartha, and for the first time heard the Gospel message. Considering her own religious background, she thought long and
hard about what would happen if she became a Christian. The following year she wholeheartedly decided to follow Jesus. She is now actively involved in our weekly Sunday school programme and desires to be water baptised. When she next travels back to her village to see her family, she has every intention to share
the Good News with them. Please remember Poe Poe in prayer.
SOUTH EAST ASIA PROPHETIC ART OPENS DOORS Rama and Sinta Jones, SOUTH EAST ASIA • Ministry leaders involved in training and cross-cultural communication. world-outreach.com/people/rama-sinta-jones When it comes to evangelism and meeting the right people, God uses a multiplicity of ways. Over recent times we have experimented with prophetic art to make contacts. As a team we gather together to pray as to where to go and witness. In particular we ask the Holy Spirit to give one of us a prophetic picture that can be taken and shown to someone one of the team intends to witness to. Recently when on an outreach, Sinta talked with an old woman about the prophetic drawing she had drawn. The woman said she sleeps with a similar picture under her pillow every night because it brings her peace. A good conversation followed! Please remember us in prayer as we endeavour to be led of the Holy Spirit for divine appointments so as to share our faith.
FA I T H F U L S E R VA N T S Eliana Mambu, INDONESIA• Ministry leaders involved in evangelism and literature ministry. world-outreach.com/people/eliana-mambu I really praise the Lord for our former co-workers who continue faithfully serving the Lord. Nining (left) formerly worked in our WOI office from 1980-1990, and is now is teaching in a Bible school in Solo. Melika (right) served with us from 1976-1983 and now lives a three-hour drive away where she is actively involved ministering the
Word of God. Both women draw much encouragement and resource from our popular Life in Christ (Hidup dalam Kristus) teaching magazine for church leaders, and remain wonderful ambassadors for our WOI literature ministry here. We thank the Lord that the Life in Christ magazine continues to bless many people including our former staff.
H O S T E L O F H O P E I N YA N G O N , M YA N M A R L I V E S U P TO I T S N A M E Peter and Bev van der Westhuyzen, GENERATION MINISTRIES VIETNAM • Ministry leaders involved in children’s evangelism and discipleship. world-outreach.com/people/peter-bev-van-der-westhuyzen These are the backgrounds of some of our current children (see photo): Vong Shi – Her parents have no home and no job so the church lets them live in the church compound. They cannot afford school fees so she studies here. Cheng Leng Shi – Her mother died. Now she feels blessed because her very poor father sent her to us for a better life and future opportunity. Pi Sang Thong and Chan Si Thong – Their father is a poor pastor who has liver disease so we agreed to look after them. Chan is very smart but also very thin. Please pray for him to grow and gain strength. Eight children got school prizes recently – we are proud of them! Sponsorships not only meet immediate physical needs but can raise leaders for the Church of tomorrow. Contact peter.vanderwesthuyzen@world-outreach.com or give through world-outreach.com. • ISSUE 2, 2016 •
MOZAMBIQUE SEIZING THE OPPORTUNITY Colin and Jenny Ayling, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders involved in a holistic ministry. world-outreach.com/people/colin-jenny-ayling Pedro is an amazing evangelist! Like Peter in the Bible, he is always able to see an opportunity to preach. He met a guy from a village deep in the bush, where there are no roads to travel. Pedro told him about Jesus, and the guy believed, surrendering his life right then and there! The guy went back to his village, and called Pedro two weeks later saying ‘I’ve been talking to other people in the village about Jesus and three others
Ps Pedro Manuel and David Ayling at Maziotela
have become Christians. Can you come and teach us more and help us start a church?’ So Pedro went back to teach them and train them in how to share the Gospel with other people in their area. Until now there has never been a church or Christian presence in this village, but praise the Lord, for He opens doors and people’s hearts to receive His words of life. We count it a joy and privilege to disciple and work with people like Pedro.
2 2 E VA N G E L I S T S A N D 2 P I G E O N S F O R T H E P R O P S Eugene and Tina Wessels, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/eugene-tina-wessels about how the people of Christ came especially to give him new “legs” again.
indigenous leaders who will direct this work and 22 outreach schools/ cell-churches were launched.
Last year, with funding from WOI small projects, Tina was able to finish the work on the first biblical literacy manual, and this year we started in a rural area where few people are able to read the Bible. We completed the discipleship training for the
Towards the end of last year, we also received crutches and wheelchairs for the physically handicapped. While we were training, an old man who had lost a leg during the civil war walked more than six kilometres on his new crutches, simply to thank us for helping him and brought, as an offering, two pigeons – a token of gratitude for the love of Christ extended. Now that he is mobile again, he walks around testifying
I am reminded of Jesus’ words “The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk”.
T H E J OY O F G R O W I N G M AT U R E B E L I E V E R S In the Christian life one of the greatest joys we can experience occurs when the pupils overtake the teacher, surpassing us. We disciple, pouring out our lives into those we serve, until they literally “are doing the stuff”. Recently we were really blessed when we took a hike into one of the more remote areas outside of Quelimane. One of Tina’s daughters, Francisca, asked us to oversee a small outreach to a local family steeped in animism,
who were thinking about dedicating their newborn child to the local witch doctor. The Gospel was shared, new lives came into His Kingdom, and
the baby was dedicated to Jesus – not to demons! The accompanying photo is of Francisca praying for the family. We simply stand in the background, watching this beautiful woman of God, who has grown to such great maturity in the span of a just few short years. When Tina first met Francisca, she was illiterate. Today she reads her Bible every day and shares her faith, and the Lord adds to the number of those who are being saved. Praise His name!
Jo and Jenny Graham, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders involved in training church planters. world-outreach.com/people/jo-and-jenny-graham Investing in our young Koti leaders is essential for the future of the work. So far, we have sent two young men to study in Zimbabwe, two to Cape Town, and now we have sent this outstanding young couple to Nairobi, to Sam Ngugi and his Missions Campaign Network. Talsamo’s dad is a sheikh, so Talsamo was well educated in Islam but walked in total darkness until his friends told him about Jesus! He and Amina were the first Koti couple
to make their vows in the presence of the Lord before living together. And their little girl is a beautiful, new generation child, surrounded by such love and care. Talsamo already has so much experience making disciples and is part of our core leadership team. But learning English and gaining experience outside Mozambique will greatly enhance his perspective as a leader in the coming years. Pray for them to learn well!
Talsamo and Amina
CONVERTS VERSUS DISCIPLES Joseph and Aimee Dayamba, BURKINA FASO• Ministry leaders who are involved in children evangelism and training. world-outreach.com/people/joseph-aimee-dayamba It is so good to be saved and know Jesus as Saviour! It’s wonderful too, to lead someone to Christ. Another great joy is to see new believers become true disciples and followers of Jesus Christ. Some time back the Lord spoke into my heart, “I did not call you to make converts, but disciples”. Those words
have helped keep us focused and helped us understand what He is truly looking for. We praise the Lord for these young girls, not because they look smart in their colourful uniforms, but because each one is committed to becoming a faithful disciple of Jesus.
K E N YA N S L E A D K A I R O S Chris and Nadine Brittain, KENYA• Ministry leaders equipping church leaders and members. world-outreach.com/people/chris-nadine-brittain
We thank the Lord for the quality men and women He is raising up to mobilise the Kenyan church for strategic mission to LRPs. Increasingly we are seeing Kenyans training to be Kairos course Head Facilitators and then leading courses. Below is an exclusively Kenyan Kairos facilitation team completing a recent course with the Anglican Church of Kenya. In this Diocese the Bishop has said “Kairos is a requirement for all clergy”. We thank God for that also!
CLARIS AND SHIRLEY VAN DER MERWE Shirley got saved at 10, did a year with YWAM after school and believed that the Lord wanted her in full-time missions. Claris got saved at 19 and promised the Lord that he would serve Him full time. The Lord directed them to serve as missionaries in Europe on short-term basis for the first six months of their married life. Then they went home to South Africa believing that the Lord would have them leave their own country as missionaries. They believe that the Lord will raise up workers from peoples that have historically never sent missionaries. They do Kairos courses, leadership and Bible school training while being part of the leadership team of a small group of churches. • ISSUE 2, 2016 •
AFRICA G U R U N S I F O R C H R I S T M OV E M E N T Danny and Ruby Bayasen, BURKINA FASO • Ministry leaders equipping church leaders and members. world-outreach.com/people/danny-ruby-bayasen decided to get together to pray, and this resulted in the ‘Gurunsi for Christ Movement’.
The Gurunsi are a set of ethnic groups in West Africa. About 150,000 live in Ghana and about 750,000 in Burkina Faso. In Burkina Faso, the Nuni, Leyle, and Kassena are sub-groups of the Gurunsi people groups. After going through the Kairos course, a group of Gurunsi pastors
This past February we met the association of pastors working among the Leyle people group. We agreed to dedicate three days to prayer and evangelism to promote this new ministry initiative. Pastors from different denominations attended, and 250 people responded to the Gospel messages that were preached. Scores were healed and/or delivered from demonic oppression.
Our team has recently met the association of pastors working among the Kassena LRP group and are now planning for a three-day prayer and evangelism programme there. Please pray for us that we can help mobilise many more outreaches among LRP groups here in West Africa.
AN OPEN DOOR MC and Lezelle Coetzee, SOUTH AFRICA • Ministry leaders equipping church leaders and members. world-outreach.com/people/michiel-lezelle-coetzee/ We have been working in the nation Lesotho (Southern Africa) for some years, mostly in the centre of the country. Recently we started to reach out to a village in the southern part of the country, which required us to hike a couple of hours each way from the nearest road. The locals informed us that we were the first Europeans to visit the village. On this our first visit, we found the people very friendly and we were allowed to share God’s love story with them
and a number asked Jesus into their hearts. On our second visit to the village, the government of Lesotho had created a simple gravel road (from the main road) that allowed us easier access with our vehicles and also the opportunity to bring equipment to show the Jesus film. The people really enjoyed the film, as did the Chief who invited us back again to share the Good News with the people. This we intend to do as soon as we can.
LEAVE A LASTING LEGACY HAVE YOU MADE A WILL? Making a will is the only way you can be sure that your wishes will be followed after you die. Having a will also makes your loved ones’ time of grief simpler. If you don’t leave a will, part or all of your estate may go to people whom you never intended to benefit, or even to the government! Including a gift to the ministry of World Outreach International in your will is a special and personal way to continue making a difference in the world after your life on earth has passed. For further information, please contact your nearest World Outreach International office.
Breakthrough – Finally!
South Sudan Water Project After a number of challenging trips from South Africa to South Sudan, Abe de Fin, director of Tend International (a humanitarian ministry affiliated with World Outreach International), has joyfully reported that a water project in the Northern Bhar Ghazal town of Akuem was finally completed and commissioned earlier this year. This announcement sounds simple and does not convey the seemingly endless obstacles Abe had to overcome for this pilot water project to happen in a nation where basic infrastructure just does not exist. Abe was burdened of the Lord to undertake an exploratory visit to the country in 2014. Two days after he flew out of the capital Juba to return home, he learned that thousands in the city had been killed and more than two million had been displaced and were in need of food aid. More than 75,000 fled to refugee camps. The nation was also experiencing a huge drought, causing villagers,
mostly women and children, to walk long hours each day to find water. There was never any water to grow crops. After much hard work and perseverance in an inhospitable environment, Abe reported that he breathed a sigh of relief when the first few litres of water thundered into the tanks powered by the basic solar system he had installed. A happy sound indeed in a dry and thirsty land. With young men forced to serve in the military, Abe discovered there were literally hundreds of villages populated by old men, women (many were widows), and children. They had little or no means to feed themselves. Abe is thrilled that this small project has already brought a measure of relief to the widows, orphans, and the very poor, many of whom are believers. Even as he was about to return home from his latest visit to Akuem, Abe said many there are
still starving. He was able to pass on some cash for the pastors to purchase sorghum for the people to eat until the newly planted crops mature. In Akuem Abe appointed a 60-member garden group to represent each family, with all having a small portion to farm and grow vegetables. The community at large can also collect some water from the project on a daily basis. Abe is indebted to the financial gifts from friends of World Outreach International, which have helped make this all possible. While the war situation made everything expensive, we thank God that a lifeline project has been established that will benefit many village communities for years to come.
John Elliott International Director
• ISSUE 3, 2, 2015 2016 •
HELPING PROVIDE A HOPE AND A FUTURE! It does not cost a fortune to turns someone’s misfortune around! The world’s media excel in presenting us with vivid images of natural or man-made disasters. Shock can often be an initial response. After a deluge of such misery, there is usually one of three responses: one can (eventually) become immune to what one sees; one thinks they don’t have the means or the understanding to help; or one can choose to be part of the answer. World Outreach International “Mercy Ministries” are scattered around the world and are generally part of a missionary’s involvement among specific communities. These life-saving humanitarian programmes may not be as widely known as those of the large, secular NGOs; nevertheless they are effective and economical in helping alleviate the suffering people are experiencing.
Health Education
Ignorance and superstition are major causes of high infant mortality. WOI teams are committed to educating illiterate villagers about hygiene, nutrition, and general health. An untold number of lives, young and old, have in turn been saved.
Refugee Camps
Every year WOI personnel help provide food, clothing, and toiletries to refugees (usually women and children) fleeing from armed insurgents or religious fanatics and seeking refuge in camps.
Micro Enterprise
A growing focus among WOI personnel is to assist followers of Jesus Christ in economically depressed regions that are close to unreached ethnic communities, training and enabling these followers to start up and run small enterprises that will support their families and their ministry and create jobs in their community. All of the above are “faith projects”, i.e. when finances are available, WOI teams can respond with love and compassion, and in practical ways. Through every mercy ministry, WOI personnel take every opportunity to share the Gospel with those they are helping. Your partnership can not only save lives, but help share the love of God to desperate and needy people.
Disaster Relief
When earthquakes, famines, and floods strike, WOI teams in affected regions stop what they are doing and get involved in disaster relief. We believe that ‘quick response is the best response’.
John Elliott International Director
Milk Feeding Programmes
Providing healthy milk formula to malnourished babies has literally helped saved thousands of young lives.
Donations can be made to: World Outreach International and designated “Mercy Ministries”, then forwarded to your nearest WOI Country Office – listed on pg2. Donations can also be made at