Grahame Orpin Philippa Orpin (Office) PO Box 5000, Sunshine Coast, MC Qld 4560 T: (617) 5476 1768 F: (617) 3319 8928 E:
Lynn Leroy (Office) PO Box 172 Lambeth Stn London, ON N6P 1R1 T: 519 680 3355 E:
Bill Molenkamp PO Box 2549 2002 RA, Haarlem T: (31 23) 526 5756 E:
Au Yong Mun Heng PO Box 8541, Kelana Jaya 46792 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan T: (60 3) 7875 1853 E:
Peter McDougall Gail McDougall (Office) PO Box 97230, Manukau 2241 T: (64 9) 263 5434 M: (64 21) 330 874 E:
Kueh Tarn Ping Ghim Moh Post Office PO Box 048 Singapore 912732 T: (65) 6464 8698 E:
World Outreach International is a multiracial fellowship of Christians and ministries that exists to impact Least Reached Peoples with the Good News of Jesus Christ. WOI is currently ministering amongst 75 such people groups on five continents and has the goal of engaging at least 100 by 2015 through: • Raising Leaders • Evangelism and Church Planting • All Nations Mobilisation • Children’s Ministry • Humanitarian Aid Singapore-based, International Director John Elliott, heads an executive team of senior missionaries, pastors, and business leaders. >> ON THE COVER: PHOTO BY WORLD OUTREACH INTERNATIONAL Angoche, MOZAMBIQUE.
EDITOR: John Elliott PUBLICATION MANAGER: Grahame Orpin DESIGN: Donna Elliott EDITORIAL SUPPORT: Heidi Tressel ADVERTISING: PRINTERS: Tone Ads, Singapore PERMIT No: MICA (P) 117/11/2011 PUBLISHERS: World Outreach International Ghim Moh Estate Post Office PO Box 048, Singapore 912732 T: (65) 6464 8698 F: (65) 6464 8697 E:
Michiel Coetzee Lezelle Coetzee (Office) PO Box 11238 Riverwalk 2538 T: (27 18) 293 0965 M: (27 83) 462 2224 E:
John Ball (Office) PO Box 9256 Market Harborough LE16 0FH T: +44(0) 1858 434 609 E:
Aaron Rudd 615 East Sego Lily Drive Sandy UT 84070 T: (1 801) 572 0211 ext.11 M: (1 801) 599 3370 E: 501 (c) 3 Tax Exemption Available
John Elliott (International Director) Ghim Moh Post Office PO Box 048 Singapore 912732 T: (65) 6464 8698 E:
INTERNATIONAL BOARD: Grant Alleway Val Bateup John Elliott Wilbur Farmilo Rob Hennin Alan Vink
Chia Shee Wai Luke Chong John Elliott Peter Smith Peter van der Westhuyzen Hendrik Vermooten Bambi Cataluna
Some things in life are non-negotiable, like World Outreach International’s (WOI) core values. So too is the very ethos that distinguishes us from other organisations. The past 80 years, as well as our present, reflect that the spiritual faith pillars, upon which WOI was founded, remain intact. >> ABOVE: Leadership training, Africa.
WOI’S ENDURING MINISTRY strengths continue to facilitate breakthroughs, spiritual growth and deployment of workers. These include:
partnering with them to accomplish His will.
What attracted my wife, Mary, and I to WOI back in 1985, was the emphasis PIONEERING – The Apostolic arm the organisation placed on the Person, that sees new ground broken and the the Power and the Presence of the establishment of strategic ministry Holy Spirit in every believer’s life. This bases. truth has seen the transformation of the lives of individuals, families and EVANGELISM – Identifying key entry whole communities the world over. strategies for introducing the Gospel to Where our field personnel have not all ages and making disciples for Jesus been able to remain in a region to Christ. see new believers mature spiritually, “All bodes well for the future as World they have always the comfort of Outreach International remains true to had knowing that the our spiritual roots and those serving Holy Spirit is able with us continue to be totally dependent to bring to maturity those who have on the Lord!” called on His Name. TEACHING AND TRAINING – Equipping and empowering leaders who raise up dedicated followers of Jesus. RESOURCING – Recognising that God calls ordinary people to do extraordinary things in His Name and
Another WOI distinctive is the bold expectation that signs and wonders will follow the preaching of the Word. Field reports continue to stream in of awesome healings and miracles, some of which we are not able to share due to security considerations. Such
manifestations of the power of God often pave the way for large numbers of unbelievers coming to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Oh, that we would see such power unleashed on all unbelieving communities in our lifetime. Why not? All bodes well for the future as World Outreach International remains true to our spiritual roots and those serving with us continue to be totally dependent on the Lord! In this, our 80th year, we believe the best and most fruitful years are now upon us. Please pray with us that the plans and purposes of the Lord through WOI will be fully accomplished, and that He will receive all the Glory. Thank you,
John Elliott
International Director
Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 3, 2012 •
In April, the first of two regional World Outreach International (WOI) 80th anniversary celebrations was held near Pretoria, South Africa. The 118 participants and 30 visitors came from Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and together we shared a truly incredible time. “FANTASTIC” was a common word used by participants to sum up their experience of the 80th anniversary celebration in South Africa. We enjoyed a wonderful sense of the Holy Spirit throughout our three days together. Many encouraging prophecies were shared, and some powerful and encouraging words were brought to WOI as an organisation. We also had a lot of fun together as people relaxed and connected in a very special way.
Here are a few testimonies: “From the first meeting to the last, I just wept; not sorrowful, but joyful with the presence of the Lord ministering to me from day one.” Christine
“From all the great spiritual input we received, I came away feeling even more determined to serve the Lord in missions. I am re-fired and feel closer to God with a deeper love for my Saviour, Jesus.”
“I was so blessed by the 80th celebration. When is the next one?” Victor “We really enjoyed the celebration, especially the worship, the teaching sessions and the field reports.We were inspired and empowered anew.Thank you for all who organised things and for spoiling us.” Martin and Simone “The best time ever!” Chris
>> Pastor Sibusiso Khoza brings the ministry of the Word.
“It was a wonderful time of fellowship, passionate worship, powerful prayer, prophecy and inspiring teaching.We also had a lot of laughter and good food. I was refreshed in body, soul and spirit.Thanks everyone.” Stephanie
“The celebration was a time of spiritual refreshing and hearing from the Lord. All the messages touched our hearts. It was the first time for my wife, Sawsan, >> Delegates came from Africa and as far as Europe the Middle East and Asia.
to attend a WOI gathering and she was so blessed to be part of the organisation. It was great that all of us as one big international family came together to worship God and to enjoy great fellowship together.” Nathan and Sawsan “The conference was truly life changing. It was so great to feel spiritually recharged and recommissioned, ready to launch out into the deep. It was thrilling. We noticed breakthroughs in our Church and family as soon as we arrived back home. Praise God.” Keith
>> Delegates dressed in the national costume of their country of ministry.
attend the 80th anniversary celebration. We were impressed by three things in particular; (a) the strong emphasis on supporting the individual’s calling and ministry; (b) 80 year old WOI’s willingness to adapt and be flexible in a changing world; (c) an infectious sense of humour and joyfulness that prove that WOI is a family. We were personally deeply blessed by participating in this celebration.” Ernst
“The Celebration was amazing. We were inspired and ministered to deeply. The worship times were heaven touching earth. Also, reconnecting and making new friendships was wonderful. A huge thank you to WOI and all who gave to make it possible.” Chris & Nadine “From all the great spiritual input we received, I came away feeling even more determined to serve the Lord in missions. I feel fired up anew and closer to God with a deeper love for my Saviour, Jesus.” Myriam
“Thank you for this wonderful celebration. Not only do we feel restored and refreshed, but so do our four children. Our family returned home with great memories.” The Yokoineles Testimonies From Guests: “As friends of several WOI missionaries we really appreciated the opportunity to
>> Mission partners honored for long term service. A combined total of 241 years! From Left: Joseph Mamabolo, Rod and Lynley Talbot, David and Doreen Khoza, Paul and Sue Fosse, Nathan and Sawsan Bassaly (not pictured).
and coming together to worship and thank the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness. One cannot put a price on the benefits received when we gather in His presence, fellowship with likeminded people and sit at the feet of Jesus to receive His Word. Thank you to all who helped make this 80th anniversary celebration possible. “This celebration shaped my way of thinking, my vision and ministry. I was looking for a lot of answers which I received by the end. Everything was well organised and a blessing to us.” Theuns
John Elliott International Director
“We came to the conference expecting to hear from the Lord - and we were not disappointed. From day one we only experienced love, acceptance and encouragement. We felt like every teaching session was talking to us and we were encouraged and strengthened. We have returned different people: more sure of ourselves, more sure of our calling and that we are in God’s will. We feel so light; the heaviness of the last couple of years has been taken away and we go back to Mozambique with new zeal and purpose.” Eugene & Tina These testimonies reflect the importance and spiritual value of taking time out from busy schedules
>> Joseph Dyamba from Burkina Faso gets into the spirit of celebration.
Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 3, 2012 •
AFRICA ENJOYING GOD’S BLESSINGS THE LORD CONTINUES to bless our ministry to the remote, poor villages here in northern Mozambique. There are now 32 health care posts, and natural medicine education happening in four districts. There are now 155 health care workers, treating more than 32,500 people in their village
workers, visits and treats sick people in their homes, and has a ministry program to orphans.
>> Orphans at the Nebita programme.
>> The team members.
homes, including 557 orphans. We have a nutritional program of milk and porridge that regularly helps 190 babies and young children. Fernando, a new believer who was recently baptised, is one of our faithful and hardworking health care workers. He trains other
Once a month, our team visit two prisons to share the Word of God, and share some food and medicines. Our radio program helps us reach more villages with teaching on natural medicines and team member Martin Schumann also shares Bible lessons via the same radio program. All praise to the Lord for His continued blessing and provision of such a great team of leaders and co-workers. Please keep us all in your prayers. Myriam Wahr MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Leader
WORKING TOWARD GROWTH AND UNITY TWENTY-EIGHT local pastors and leaders gathered at the Bible School on a Saturday morning for a time of teaching and discussion. We do this several times during the year, hoping to encourage transformation and spiritual growth in the leaders. We hope that these leaders will then help their
congregations to grow, especially in the areas of true repentance and salvation. We also want to encourage unity in the body of Christ here in Macia. Stephanie Herron MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Team Member
AFRICA TA K I N G D I S C I P L E S F U R T H E R DURING 23 YEARS of mission work in Mozambique I have taught the Word in many churches and Bible schools. I have also had the privilege of seeing many people accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. But one thing I have struggled with is how to help them once they’ve made the initial commitment to Christ. I have found that discipleship training and the Kairos course in particular is very effective in enabling new believers to grow. Here is a selection of testimonies from Kairos graduates: CLEVER: This course has changed my view of being called. I thought I was called just to lead my church but now realise we need to obey the Great Commission.
>> Paul Fosse (far left) praying over the nations with Kairos participants.
SARAH: Kairos has changed the way I think and see other cultures, giving me zeal to go and reach the unreached and pray for unreached nations. Everyone in the church has a part to play. NORMAN: Kairos opened my mind that the heartbeat of God is mission. This is the Great Commission; we should carry on with the task.
Kairos is truly a course that enables the students’ eyes to be opened! Paul & Sue Fosse MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Leaders
SANDRA: I have seen myself in the mirror and have changed all aspects of my life. I am going to be more involved than ever before. >> Graduates proudly display their certificates.
>> Kairos participants in Mozambique.
F R O M D E S T R U C T I O N T O T R A N S F O R M AT I O N IS THERE ANY THING impossible for our God? No; absolutely nothing at all. Here’s why I say so… In 2005, the Imam in my community and his leaders came to kill me because I was preaching the Gospel. Today, his house has become our Christian school. I had the privilege of leading his son to the Lord Jesus in January and the Imam himself in March this year. Please pray that he will grow to become the pastor in the community. In our community, 1500 children have heard the Gospel, 400 of whom are
now following the Lord Jesus. Last week, one of the elders of the mosque came to me and asked “to know more about your God”, while another member of the same mosque came to our prayer meeting. Like Nicodemus, he surrendered his life to Jesus. Indeed, the Lord is transforming our community. Glory be to our Lord Jesus! Joseph and Aimee Dayamba BURKINA FASO Ministry Leaders
>> The Imam’s house which is now the Christian school. Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 3, 2012 •
Two commandments guide a Christian’s response to human need. The first is the Great Commandment - Mark 12:30-31, “Love the Lord your God” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” The second is the Great Commission - Mark 16:15, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.” THESE SCRIPTURES are often interpreted as being outworked either through humanitarian efforts (Mark 12) or evangelism and spiritual ministry (Mark 16). But, which need should one prioritise?
make disciples. Without caring practically, we can never say we are truly “making disciples” because people copy what their leaders do. Similarly, without being prepared to “go into all the world” we will never be able to say we truly love our neighbor or truly love God!
Mission organisations prioritise the Great Commission. After all, a person with a full belly will still go to hell unless they are saved! This is true, but sadly, during the past 50 years, many evangelical churches and some mission agencies have turned away the ‘social gospel’.
So, those who relieve human suffering in Christ’s name are also preaching the Gospel, and those who focus on meeting spiritual needs are also involved in setting free the oppressed. World Outreach International (WOI) aims to obey both commands in our approach to mission, striving to see the ministries of humanitarian assistance and evangelism working together to fulfil God’s plan for redeeming the world and His Kingdom being established.
Humanitarian organisations prioritise the Great Commandment. They focus on the Biblically-based concern for human rights, suffering, poverty relief and justice for the marginalised and oppressed; however, sometimes to the exclusion of emphasising spiritual rebirth.
“...those who relieve human suffering in Christ’s name are also preaching the Gospel, and those who focus on meeting spiritual needs are also involved in setting free the oppressed...” A careful reading of the two scriptures reveals that Jesus is saying a very similar thing in two different ways, implying that the response from us should be virtually the same. In Mark 12, Jesus seems to be saying that we show our love for God when we care for, help
and love people. Loving people includes telling them about Jesus! Spiritual poverty must be addressed just as physical needs are. It isn’t fair that so many communities have been saturated with the Gospel while others have never heard Jesus’ name. In Mark 16 we’re told to preach, but how do we preach? Our words should be accompanied by miracles that confirm them as well as acts of kindness. As a suffering person once said: “Don’t tell me how much God loves me until you show me how much you care.” Jesus tells us to
Please help us by praying, giving and going where the needs are greatest; to places that cause God’s heart to ache and, especially, where children suffer. Peter van der Westhuyzen Children’s Ministry Coordinator
>> Peter van der Westhuyzen (rear)
INDIA FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH AFTER A YEAR AND A HALF since arriving in India, we recently celebrated the first anniversary of working in this district among more than 35 villages. We have started to see a few ‘repeat’ patients, who are pregnant with their next baby and it’s these growing relationships that is our greatest source of joy in being here.
learning new skills and approaching their work with excellence! As the birth centre construction nears completion, we continue to seek wisdom and guidance for an effective foundation as we prepare to offer a safe and supportive environment for birthing mothers. Jes La Bleu INDIA MInistry Team Member
>> Jes La Bleu (right) with a pregnant mother receiving prenatal care.
Our team continues to learn from each other in finding new ways to provide health education and personal care for each of the women. We are encouraged to observe improved health in many families as they apply the teachings. It is also exciting to see the community healthcare workers >> Mother and child happy and healthy after care at the centre.
T H E A N S W E R T O A D E S P E R AT E C R Y NIROJA, A HINDU WOMAN, from a small district town in Assam, had been unable to conceive a child for more than 10 years. Despite consulting numerous doctors, she endured much ridicule: she was regarded as a disappointment to her husband, who desired a child, a disillusionment to her in-laws, and a laughing stock in the community. She spent her nights crying. One day in January 2011, Niroja heard about Jesus as One who can hear her cries and give her joy. She thought to
herself, “What do I have to lose? I will follow him.”
celebrate and tell everyone what He has done for me and what He can do!”
At home one night, she prayed and said “Dear Lord Jesus, if you are who they say you are, please help me and remove my shame. Let me become a joy to my husband and allow me to have the happiness of being a mother.”
Niroja’s first act was to lead her husband to Jesus Christ. Next, she organised a big celebration as a witness to all her family and friends.
I met her recently and was greeted with a big smile. She burst out, “He heard my cry and stopped my tears. The doctors have confirmed, I am pregnant and will have a child this year. I am going to
May we never doubt Him! Please pray for Niroja, her unborn child and family. Kitbok Ryntathiang INDIA Ministry Leader
Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 3, 2012 •
n o i t p e c n the misco t n e m e g a n a m e m i t f o
ministries. c d n a s e v li y s u onal and publi b rs e p r u o ll a e All of us have balanc So how do we onsibilities? roles and resp
FEATURE SURPRISINGLY, the answer is not in time management, which itself is a misconception. We cannot manipulate time, but only manage ourselves in relation to time; that is, how we spend it. ‘Time management’ actually means ‘self-management’; managing ourselves within the time frame granted to us toward biblical priorities, values and God-given purposes. Time management is not just about our schedule, diary or calendar, but our values and priorities. How we spend our time reflects what is most important to us. Based on Scripture, what should be some of the top priorities of leaders?
“Time management is not just about our schedule, diary or calendar, but our values and priorities. How we spend our time reflects what is most important to us. ”
Personal priorities as a Christian: • Our time with God • Our qualitative time with our spouse • Our qualitative time with our children
• Seek help or guidance from an experienced leader to help you sort out your use of time • Surrender to and integrate your life around the Lordship of Jesus
• Our intentional time fulfilling our calling and exercising our gifts
• Prioritise your time and structure your diary and schedule around your priorities
Public priorities as a Christian leader:
• Say ‘no’ to the unimportant and ‘yes’ to the important
• Time fulfilling the specific vision God’s • Budget (plan) your time as you would your money placed on our heart • Time loving, feeding and building people
• Organise and schedule your work by planning ahead
• Time developing leaders and equipping people for ministry
• Set aside regular time to think and plan
• Time investing into our personal development
• Stick to your plan
Here are 10 principles to effectively manage our lives and time: • Conduct a ruthless self-appraisal on your current use (and habits) of time • Confess past failure and failures to God
It is said of Martin Luther that he only had two days on his calendar: today and that day. May we live each day in the light of that day. Bruce Hills International Leadership Development Director
>> Students at a Leader of Leaders seminar, Bangladesh.
Kevin and Jeh Sie Chan • THAILAND
We’ve been asked to provide English teachers for government schools in the region, and could be in a position to place lots more ‘Kingdom Educators’ in the lives of children who would otherwise never meet a Christian. We even have the flexibility to use whatever curriculum we want as well! So please pray for people to respond to this opportunity to reach this Least Reached People Group, and for us to plan well to accommodate this flow.
Rod and Lynley Talbot • SOUTH AFRICA
We do appreciate your prayer backing as we travel to various locations around Africa where World Outreach International missionaries are based. This September we return to Botswana (where we were based for 21 years), to spend time with our colleagues there and also give input into the leadership of the Oasis Church we pioneered. Your prayers for safe travels, good health and wisdom, is appreciated.
Nathan and Sawsan Bassaly • EGYPT
Malcolm & Sandy Potter • THAILAND
We are planning to conduct a ‘school of ministry,’ two days a week over a three month period this summer to train 50 young people from different churches and denominations. Topics will address missions, leadership, praise and worship, children’s discipleship, spiritual growth, etc. Please pray with us that this school of ministry will in-turn empower many churches throughout Egypt.
We’re on home leave in NZ from August to October. It will also be a time when our youngest daughter Lisa, who has completed her high school education here, will return to NZ after living in Thailand for more than eleven years. Please pray for her transition and direction regarding future study. Please pray for Prasert, Mam, Ken (staff) and the youth at Baan Faa Mai during our absence.
Prai Wongkampa • Rahab Ministries, THAILAND
I praise God for what He is doing here at Rahab! One exciting way I see Him at work is through our 2am bar outreach parties. We invite women to come to the Rahab centre for fun, games, and food when they finish work around 2am. The women always seem to end up sharing their lives with us. Many are receptive to prayer and hearing the Gospel. Please pray that many girls will find Jesus as their Saviour through these party outreaches.
Thank you for supporting our partners in prayer!
Ronny and Kay Heyboer • Rivers of Life Ministries, BORNEO
Please pray with us that our annual visa will be processed and renewed quickly this year as well as continued favour with the local tribal people, the state and federal government officials and the various border offices, so that our goods of all kinds can continue to be brought to Living Waters Village without hindrance. That way many more buildings can be built to help, care and house many more children in crisis.
Stephanie Herron • MOZAMBIQUE
John & Mary Elliott • SINGAPORE
Owen and Glynis Willows • SE ASIA
Please pray for the eight seminars that will be conducted by both staff and students in various parts of the province over the next few months. Please pray that they will be a great blessing to the Christians in the villages where our staff have taught in past years.
With 2012 being the 80th anniversary year for World Outreach International (WOI), it has been an exciting and busy time to date with two major regional celebrations taking place in South Africa and Thailand, and with other special events still to happen.The Holy Spirit has clearly spoken to us as a Mission this year that He will do many more new things through WOI this year and beyond. Please pray with us that the Lord’s plans and purposes in and through WOI will bring Him much glory!
Rejoice with us as we look back and see what God has done in Cambodia through our team, where hundreds have become new believers in Jesus, and scores of churches have been established. As we look forward, we covet your prayers as we focus the expansion of our church planting efforts in new areas where the Least Reached People reside.
DAY 10
Malcolm and Linda Bayliss • SE ASIA
Please pray for us as we meet with the group of church planters that we relate to in West Kalimantan, Indonesia this August. Pray that we would encourage them in their lives and ministries as they live and minister in the jungle villages in West Kalimantan. Pray for the moving of the Holy Spirit as we meet and minister to them. Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 3, 2012 •
DAY 16
Chris and Nadine Brittain • KENYA
Online communications now have the ability to reach a much wider audience than ever before with the constant improvement of, and global accessibility to technology. Please pray that God will guide us and give us wisdom on how to make best use of these and other channels for spreading the message of mission, and furthering His Kingdom.
The cross-culture Kairos course is growing in favour and being adopted by more and more Bible Schools. Pray that we will know wisdom in knowing how best to steward this growth and to mentor the new facilitators effectively. Pray too that a movement to take the Gospel to Least Reached People groups in Kenya and abroad, will result in capturing God’s heart for the lost upon completion of these studies.
DAY 12
DAY 17
Geof & Marion Gunton • AUSTRALIA
DAY 11
Donna Elliott • SINGAPORE
Patricia Green • EUROPE
Our amazing Alabaster Jar leaders are committed to starting visiting the girls at some of the 600 brothels in Berlin. We have a committed team of four women who will soon start these fortnightly visits. Pray that they will have favour with the managers, the pimps, so as to have access to the women. Pray for wisdom and creativity in reaching the women. Pray too as we make plans to find a ‘safe house’ for Eastern European women who want to leave their street life.
DAY 13
Grahame & Philippa Orpin • AUSTRALIA
Our passion and burden is to help more Australians become meaningfully involved in helping make a difference in people’s lives, both here and abroad. Australians have so much to give of themselves, and they are willing to make sacrifices if they know they can make a difference. Please pray that we can help facilitate such commitment, and also that more and more Aussies will discover World Outreach International as a conduit through which they can make a difference.
DAY 14
Chaiyot & Gayle Wansong • THAILAND
Our relocation to northern Thailand in 2010 was to help mobilise the local churches here to reach Least Reached People groups. We are building a great team of Kairos facilitators here, where the course is gaining growing acceptance among people and churches. Pray that God will continue to help us and our team to impact the local church in mobilising workers for world mission. Pray too for our two sons who are studying at university in New Zealand, for God’s strength in their transition.
DAY 15
Please pray for us as we make plans to launch the Kairos course studies in Spanish, throughout Latin America at the end of the year. It is a big project that we really need the Lord to guide us in. As a family we would also appreciate prayer for His covering protection as Geof travels and spends time away from Marion and children.
DAY 18
Please pray for the ongoing follow up of a successful camp for 300 non-Christian children held recently in Bangladesh, also for an upcoming national children’s conference for 400+ children’s workers. Please pray for the protection of Generation Ministries teams serving on the frontlines in Indo-China and the India sub-continent.
DAY 19
Theo and Mignonne Schumann • MOZAMBIQUE
We live in one of the most naturally beautiful parts of the nation, but also one of the spiritually driest. We have God’s promises to our hearts and even recent prophecies that we shall see first-hand a harvest for His Kingdom. Please be praying to this end, with us, as we long to see an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon these lovely people.
DAY 20
Valerie Bateup • THAILAND
DAY 21
Mesfin & Genet Abebe • ETHIOPIA
Carl & Gail Musch • AUSTRALIA
We really appreciate your prayers for protection and good health as we and our outreach teams travel regularly to the Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territories of this vast part of the country. While travel and living conditions are very basic in the outback, such things are overlooked when we are able to share the love of God to those who’s hearts have been prepared by the Holy Spirit. Pray with us that much lasting fruit for the Kingdom will result from these outreaches.
Peter and Bev Van der Westhuyzen • Generation Ministries
Thousands of children from every province of Thailand are doing our correspondence lessons with Good News Team members. Most of these children have no other way to learn of Christ. Please pray for God to bless each one and give them spiritual understanding beyond their years.
We would value your prayers for the ongoing development of the exciting evangelism and church planting work in Ethiopia. Many new souls are coming to Christ every year through the different outreaches our teams conduct. Pray too for Mesfin’s health. In the past year or so he has had to take extended time off to recover from poor health. Pray God’s healing power will restore him to full health. Thank you.
DAY 22
Ben & Rachael Brooks • SE ASIA
DAY 23
MC & Lezelle Coetzee • SOUTH AFRICA
Please pray for our team as we venture into new territory with church planting initiatives. We will be doing a scouting trip into Laos come September. Pray for wisdom, discernment and that we will find open hearts there. Pray also for God appointed connections with people of peace. Thank you!
More and more South Africans are making contact with World Outreach International, sensing the call of God on their lives to serve Him abroad. While opportunities abound to take the Gospel to unreached regions, please pray with us that both we in WOI and the potential new cross-cultural workers, will discern the Lord’s clear leading for their placement. Keep praying too for this nation, that South Africa will be saved!
DAY 24
Janvier & Claudine Yokoinele • SOUTH AFRICA
Janvier continues to travel back and forth from South Africa to the Ivory Coast as we help develop the ACE materials in French that eventually will be used throughout French speaking Africa. Please pray for him, also for us as a family, and for the ongoing work in the Ivory Coast. Pray too that the Lord will raise up more financial ministry partners both for us as a family and for the expanding work. Thank you.
DAY 25
Au Yong Mun Heng & Cecilia • MALAYSIA
With ongoing ministry commitments abroad, as well as more and more invitations to minister in other places, here in Malaysia we are in the process of needing to strengthen our team and office base. Please pray with us that we will know the Lord’s leading, wisdom and timing for all that needs to happen. Pray too for good health and safe travels as we travel out to minister in other nations.
DAY 26
DAY 27
David Elliott • SINGAPORE
DAY 28
Joey & Raya Gregorio • THAILAND
DAY 29
Nancy Mancilla • THAILAND
DAY 30
Allen & Charlotte Teal • NEW ZEALAND
I’m entering into a new phase with my role in World Outreach International. I will be spending less time in Singapore and travelling to several nations within Asia more frequently, learning on-field discipleship strategies under experienced WOI leaders. My mobiliser role will take on different forms as I equip leaders from various people groups. Partner with me in prayer and support as I take on this challenging new venture.
Now that we can speak the language more confidently, we are able to participate in more frontline ministry outreaches to the different religious communities here. Please pray that we will experience the favour of the Lord with people who don’t know us, but who’s hearts the Holy Spirit has prepared to receive His love. Pray too that we will continue to experience the Lord’s provision for both family and ministry.
A ladies team goes to a women’s prison every Thursday where at present 21 inmates, some quite young, have come to know the Lord and are now worshipping Him. The Holy Spirit moves with liberty during the worship and teaching times. God is touching their hearts and each week they are becoming more liberated from their past lives. Please pray that these ladies will continue to grow spiritually, become bold in sharing their faith so that other inmates and family members will also become dedicated followers of Jesus.
We travel quite extensively on behalf of World Outreach International in providing on field member-care for our missionaries. We have another busy schedule ahead in the second half of this year that we would appreciate your prayers for, ie safety, good health, wisdom, as well as the ability to physically, emotionally and spiritually refresh ourselves while on the road. Pray with us also that the Lord will raise up new ministry partners to assist us in the vital lifeline ministry to frontline crosscultural workers.
Paul & Sue Fosse • MOZAMBIQUE
As the ministry continues to expand here, Paul in particular needs wisdom as he travels about visiting and encouraging pastors and workers that relate to him. Please pray too that graduates of the Kairos courses will know the Lord’s leading as to where He may be calling them to take the Gospel to other regions of the country, even beyond. As a family we also appreciate you covering us in prayer.
DAY 31
John & Yolande LeRoy • West Kalimantan, INDONESIA
Our ministry not only cares for and helps educate village children who otherwise would never get an education, but we also have a burden to train up local evangelists and church planters who can help establish the Word of God in the interior jungle villages. There are literally many hundreds of villages without any Christian workers or awareness of God’s love for them. Pray with us that we can identify and equip called and committed workers for the harvest field here.
Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 3, 2012 •
D E F E AT I N G T H E R E M A I N I N G G I A N T THE PAST FEW YEARS have seen tremendous harvests of new believers among the Chinese, Tribal, Catholic, Orthodox, Hindu and even Muslim people of the world. By contrast, the world’s 700 million Buddhists have seen only a trickle of new disciples.
viable churches raised up among these new believers. One of the key strategies is facilitating gatherings with contextualised worship that is meaningful to people with a Buddhist background. Another key is teaching God’s word by obedience-orientated storytelling, where new believers memorise Bible stories and share them with those they are training.
Truly, Buddhism remains one of the greatest giants facing world evangelisation. However, growing numbers of Thai Buddhists are coming Please continue to pray for the >> A buddhist-background believer being baptised. to faith in Jesus Christ. In multiplication of disciples and now multiplying in 14 provinces and 2009, our church-planting teams saw churches among the Thai people. reporting many amazing miracles when 500 baptisms - a number that has now they pray for their family and friends. grown to over 4,500 new BuddhistLorraine Dierck background believers baptised as THAILAND One of the big challenges is seeing followers of Jesus! New Christians are Ministry Team Leader
GIVING ALL TO GAIN THE BEST IN 2001, Martin became a follower of Jesus - a decision that saw him lose his family and inheritance, but he has no regrets. He says “What I found is more precious than anything else in the world.”
A graduate of the Christian Discipleship Centre (CDC) in Bangladesh, Martin goes to work at 7am, before all of the outdoor patients gather at the local Christian hospital. It is the only source of care for poor people in the Pubail area.
Patients come for their physical healing but Martin, as the hospital chaplain, helps them with their spiritual wellbeing. He spends time with them, talking and counselling. He also shows them a video called “The Passion of Christ”. When he visits the patients in the ward, they often ask him to pray for them in the name of Jesus!
Vijaya Chowdhuri BANGLADESH Ministry Leader
Please pray for Martin and the ministry of CDC. >> Martin (standing) bringing ministry to the sick in hospital.
ANGELA STEPHENS It was while at Bible College in Australia that Angela first felt called by God to Africa. Now, she has spent the past five years in Kenya involved primarily in discipling Christians - a key need throughout the country.Through the Zawadi jewellery project that Angela initiated, women from across Nairobi are empowered with income generating skills while learning to follow Jesus. She is also involved in prison ministry and facilitates the Captivating Course.
Angela recently had a dramatic experience of the Lord’s protection in her life. Visit to watch her amazing testimony.
Confession time! As I revisit works we have planted, I discover the area we need to strengthen most urgently is being and making disciples. Are you surprised? Isn’t that what I am “going on about all the time”? Yes, but… FEATURE WE TAUGHT THE TRUTHS from the time we first began pioneering in Malaysia many years ago. But, now I realise we didn’t drill people thoroughly enough. We didn’t give them tools to practice over and over until they would become very competent and then teach others. So, we addressed the problem and wrote up the discipling lessons we used as Following Jesus. But, the book is not enough. Just giving someone, even a ‘mature’ Christian, a copy of the manual, and saying, “Go, make disciples” is like throwing a Kairos pack at even experienced missionaries and expecting them to do it well. It simply is not enough training. Recently, we have begun to run courses that equip people to make disciples using Following Jesus as a tool. Jesus ran a three year course, so our one-day course is not going to be enough, but it is a step in the right direction. We need to identify and isolate certain key skills and then practice them until we master them. For example, prayer! I am obsessed with helping illiterate people to enjoy a dynamic walk with Jesus. That means they must be coached in how to pray. How? I need to give them some words, just like Jesus did.
>> Equipping leaders to make disciples.
“We need to identify and isolate certain key skills and then practice them until we master them.”
you have mastered them and can coach others. Do you want more help? Buy a copy of Following Jesus and then plan to attend a Following Jesus equipping day! Jo and Jenny Graham MOZAMBIQUE Ministry leaders
Then, starting with those words, I teach them to expand each phrase of the prayer into a more personal prayer. They will start with “Our Father who is in heaven.” But then they may pray, “Dad, it is so amazing that I can come right into your presence, like into the throne room of heaven and talk to you like this.” Or it may develop like this, “Wow, I can’t get over the fact that I can call you, the creator of the universe, my very own father.” And we will need to practice together many, many times for them to GET it and begin to do it on their own, in the fields or on a boat. Identify the skills, isolate them, and practice them until Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 3, 2012 •
BREAKING THE VEIL THROUGH WORSHIP RECENTLY, a group of pastors in New Zealand asked me how they could best support our work in central Asia. I replied, “Worship over Shulam!” We have an outstanding team living there, making friends and pouring themselves out in love and care for broken people. They are touching drug addicts, AIDs patients and many others with His love, but progress is so slow – something we are having to come to terms with, given our experience among the far more responsive Koti in Mozambique.
>> Shulammite girls in need of the knowledge of God’s love.
>> A veil of darkness also covers the heart.
In Shulam, despite wonderful Godconnections with people and amazing friendships, individuals’ eyes appear to glaze over when we talk about Jesus. We need to break the veil of darkness that is over their hearts - and the key is worship! You can help us from wherever you are.
Read Isaiah 25:7 and then go up the mountain of worship to break the veil of nations! Jo and Jenny Graham Shulam, Central Asia Ministry Leaders
GOD’S POWER DISARMS PERSECUTION DURING A RECENT Church Planting Movement (CPM) training in Nepal, I had the privilege to conduct five healing services in different churches. One night, a rich and influential Hindu family came to the meeting and I was told that they had been harassing and persecuting the local church for many years. The son of the family had heard in advance about the event and sent his mother and sister to the meeting because of their poor health. Both had a variety of health problems affecting their back, knee, leg, neck, head, stomach – clearly, both bodies needed major renovation! Within a few minutes, our faithful Lord
healed both of them miraculously across all parts of their bodies. I asked them who had healed them and they both answered that it was Jesus Christ! Following the evening, the local pastor shared his excitement over what had happened and the miraculous way that the Lord had delivered them from the family’s persecution. Hallelujah, praise the Lord! Benji Morf SE ASIA Ministry Team Member
>> Benji (right) prays for the sick and teaches the believers to pray for one another (left).
NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD “GOD TOLD ME as a young child that I would be a missionary but I thought it was impossible.” This is what one Lao underground church leader said to us after he had finished the Kairos course held in Chiang Mai. “Now I know I can. I will go back to Laos and will walk to other villages to share the Gospel with other tribes.” This man now understands that mission
means sharing the Gospel among people groups that have a different culture or language from one’s own. Sharing the Gospel in Laos is illegal and many Christians are in jail for doing just that. Please pray for them. Chaiyot & Gayle Wansong THAILAND Ministry Leaders
>> Lao church leaders.
W O R S H I P P I N G T H E C R E AT O R YIN SAN WIN was raised as a devout Buddhist in a strong Mon family. As a result, she had never heard about the Living God, Jesus, or even the word ‘Christianity’. She devoted herself to the teaching of Buddha, even though she did not know much about the religion. When the missionary from Pattamya Christian Church came to her village, Yin San Win became friends with his family because his wife was a close relative. They shared with her about God, the Creator, and His salvation
through Jesus and she decided to accept Him as her personal Saviour and Lord. Now Yin San Win’s life has changed. She says, “I once was lost in religion and worshipped the creature, but I have found the Creator, Who has become my Master. Please pray for my husband to become a worshiper of our Creator too.” >> Yin San Win (left) is now praying for her husband to find Christ.
No Pum MYANMAR Ministry Leader
S E E K I N G F U L L T R A N S F O R M AT I O N RAHAB MINISTRIES THAILAND, a ministry to women who want to leave sex work in the heart of Bangkok’s Patpong red-light district, seeks to walk women through full transformation. Many women come to Rahab, leave sex work, hear about Christianity, and then decide to add Christianity into their mix of world views, which may already include Buddhism, tribal animism, ancestral traditions, as well as the new consumerism and materialism of Bangkok city life. Explaining the singularity of Christ is particularly challenging and yet absolutely crucial for the full transformation of each precious
woman. The Thai women who lead this ministry demonstrate daily and in such a personal, caring way the love, grace, and truth of Christ to each woman. We are beginning to see the gradual transformation of several women. All praise be to the One Name under heaven by which full transformation comes! Prai Wongkampa Rahab Ministries THAILAND Ministry Team Member
Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 3, 2012 •
WHEN THE REAL GROWTH OCCURS THE BODY OF CHRIST is growing in the Philippines! Believers from local churches have felt compelled to share the Gospel with Least-Reached People groups, and God has blessed their efforts. But the greatest growth came when these new followers of Jesus reached out to their own people. The cross-cultural missionary task is never to evangelise all the people,
but to establish a growing and vibrant indigenous church capable of taking the Gospel to their own people. In every case, this is when the real growth occurs! Max and Dorothy Chismon PHILIPPINES Ministry Leaders
W H E N A L L T H E Y H AV E I S L I T E R AT U R E OVER A MILLION Thai children have received our booklets and over 100,000 have done our correspondence lessons. These stories from two of our members show how much God is doing through this literature and your prayers. PRADIT: I saw your booklet as a boy of 10. I did your lessons for two years and then decided to follow Jesus. I wanted to go to church but my parents said I’d have to leave home if I did that. I knew I was too young, so for six years I grew closer to Jesus just through your lessons. When I was 18 I got a job. That week I went to church. My parents made me leave home so I rented a room and I’ve been at my church since then. SOPANEE: I began your lessons as a girl of 10. After three years I managed to get to church one day. My father was so angry he tried to attack me. For three months I wasn’t allowed home. I missed my family but I knew Jesus was with me and He was real. I still kept doing your lessons. After I went home I wasn’t allowed to talk about Jesus so I didn’t. But still others in my village wanted to know Him because they saw I was no longer afraid of evil spirits. Now, many years later, most of my village knows Jesus.
Valerie Bateup THAILAND Ministry Leader
THE POWER OF SOWING SEED ABOUT TEN YEARS ago, our neighbour Topan moved away. Just recently, he came back to visit. He told us that he was having many difficulties. He was depressed and suicidal. He had tried to find peace through his Muslim religion, and he had delved into witchcraft, but nothing had helped.
Topan’s life has changed radically. He has renounced all involvement in the occult. With God’s help, he has started a new business that is growing steadily.
Then he remembered that ten years earlier, I had shared the Good News with him. He had not responded then, but now, he was standing before me asking how he could have peace in his heart. When I shared the Gospel with him again, he gave his life to Christ.
Sowing the seed of God’s Word is never in vain. At the appointed time, it will bear fruit. So let us be faithful in sowing the seed of the Word of God!
The next day, he brought his wife to me
>> Topan at the time his creese and magic stones were burnt & destroyed in the name of Jesus.
>> Topan and his wife, with Eliana.
Robert and Eliana Mambu INDONESIA Ministry Leaders
and asked me to explain the Gospel to her. She too asked Christ into her life. The whole family has now been water baptised, attend church, and have joined a home cell group.
RESCUED FROM A LIFE OF HOPELESSNESS YIN YIN SAN was raised in a strong Buddhist family. They were extremely poor with little money available for education, so the children dropped out of school. So, when Yin Yin heard about Pattamya Christian Church, she approached them for help. They were willing to take her into their boarding school so she could continue her education. She is now studying at Standard nine level! Last October, she gave her life to Jesus and shortly after attended a Bible seminar in the Delta region. There the Holy Spirit gave her a vision of a future ministry working with children. She was very excited.
At the same time, she experiences great harassment and rejection from her family because of her decision to follow Jesus. She is praying daily that her unbelieving family will soon open their hearts and accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Whatever the challenges and obstacles before her, Yin Yin is totally committed to growing in her new life with Jesus and helping make Him known to all she comes in contact with. Please remember Yin Yin in your prayers. No Pum MYANMAR Ministry Leader >> Yin Yin San. Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 3, 2012 •
BAPTISM IN OU KROID, CAMBODIA FOR THE FIRST TIME, Pastor Kun Koun from the Kuy Tribe joyfully faces 30 of his people seated by the river bank, reading them some Scriptures, and preparing them for the baptism. This group, who has been involved in the church multiplication movement since 2009, started with only 12 people in Pastor Kun Koun’s house. Today there are 27 groups with 244 new believers in 13 villages. Susan Khoo INDOCHINA Ministry Team Member >> Pastor Kun Koun (left) joyfully baptising 30 new believers.
BIBLE IN INDONESIAN SCHOOLS RECENTLY A NUMBER of our degree students, as well as graduates who are in the ministry, gathered at our Bible college to sit a religious national exam. If they pass, they will be permitted to teach the Bible in schools and in the military, but only to those who are classed as Christians. As Religion
is a compulsory subject in schools, many of the Tawangmangu graduates are teaching the Bible in schools throughout the country. There are many so-called Christians in this country - in fact, certain regions are regarded as ‘Christian’ - but many do not know the Lord personally. Tommy, one of our graduates, said he had to sit this exam so that he can teach in a Muslim school that has Christian pupils.
Please pray for many more graduates and God-given opportunities for the Gospel to be shared with school children and soldiers.
>> Tawangmangu degree students and graduates.
Sam & Carol Soukotta INDONESIA Ministry Leaders
WANNA JAI-OU(nickname Doi) came to know Jesus at age 12, having done correspondence lessons with the Good News Team. As a teenager, she loved children’s
ministry and began teaching Sunday School when she was 14.Today she works full time with the WOI team in Thailand, and is also worship leader at Nonthaburi (FahSai) Church.
THAILAND (Doi on right)
Doi helps lead school outreach programmes and takes care of hundreds of children who learn about Jesus through a correspondence programme. “I get great joy every time I share Jesus’ love with children,” she says. “This confirms for me that this is God’s call for my life.”
Photo supplied by Nicholas Chew
Lesson s Learned >> Mt. Hope Training Centre, West Kalimantan, Indonesia.
I FIRST FELT THE LORD leading me towards a life of ministry when I was in my mid-teens. Since then I have pursued this desire with a youthful ‘optimism’ that has been questioned many times. However, regardless of how difficult things may be at times, I continue to believe that God enjoys using the simple things in life to show His glory and love as He builds His Kingdom; a lesson I’ve learnt time and again through many cross-cultural experiences within countless people groups.
“Although much can be achieved by a shortterm team, inevitably, the greatest work happens as the Lord impacts the character of each team member.”
World Outreach International (WOI) gives young adults a chance to learn such life lessons through our shortterm team outreaches and internships.
>> David Elliott (centre) cruising with the locals.
During a recent outreach amongst the Koti people on the coast of Mozambique, Rachael from Australia had an opportunity to reassess her priorities: “Sometimes holding a stranger’s child in your arms whilst you listen to a language you don’t understand, and see people who live with nothing, worship with everything, can just move things inside around to where they should be.
didn’t just move mountains here; it moved the very indifferent nature within my own soul. I firmly believe that I would never look at prayer the same again.” Although much can be achieved by a short-term team, inevitably, the greatest work happens as the Lord impacts the character of each team member. Samuel, also from Singapore, testified that the most significant lesson he learnt while serving at a WOI project in Indonesia was: “… to be used effectively for Christ, it is never by our own strength. Humility before God and others achieves an immense [amount].”
As we sailed to islands, shared testimonies, baptised young believers and walked from village to village, we discovered that God had been working in the Koti long before we ever visited.”
Prisca from India testified: “I witnessed… >> Prisca Prabhakaran from I remain optimistic. India, in with both feet in discipleship at its rawest Mozambique. and saw great leadership in the hearts of many men. We were not just ministering, but David Elliott we got ministered [to] by them.”
>> Transporting water Mozambican style.
Sometimes it’s the simple pillars of our faith that take on a fresh dimension of importance as Daniel from Singapore observed in West Kalimantan: “Prayer
SINGAPORE Cross-Cultural Mobiliser
Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 3, 2012 •
With growth happening and expansion needed, a number of World Outreach International (WOI) teams have opportunities for short/medium/long-term personnel, who can raise their own personal support and travel costs, to assist their ministry vision.
will see a number of WOI organised short-term cross-cultural teams involved in outreaches in Southeast Asia, Indochina, India subcontinent, and in different African nations as well as in Europe.
in West Kalimantan are looking for people with the following skills: builders, joiners, block layers, tilers, electricians, plumbers, doctors, nurses, dentists, teachers, administrators, agriculturalists, fish and chicken farmers, gardener for pepper plantation.
THAILAND The WOI-sponsored CAMBODIA Our WOI church Rahab Ministries is looking for help with teaching English, computers, online marketing, and video editing. We are also in need of an electrician and a builder.
WOI is looking for people to come to France, to England and to Spain to serve in teams. If you would like to come to visit, or send a short-term team, or come as an intern please contact James Price:
planting team is looking for people who are self-motivated, committed and computer literate. We need people with good people skills, who either have proven mission experience or are willing to take cross-cultural courses, to join the ministry to a least-reached people group in the heartland of Cambodia.
A WOI ministry based in the Manchester area is looking for builders, roofers, and decorators.
For enquiries on any of these opportunities, email:
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EUROPE MOBILISING UK LEADERS IN 2011, CLAUD WERDAL received this prophetic call: “God has seen your heart and your time has come.’ ” Ever
since then, this Kennet Christian Centre leader has been on a journey with God. He started exploring this call with a Kairos course in London during March 2012. Claud then also invited a fellow Evangelism Leader, John Rankin, to attend the course. After the course Claud said, ‘I feel God’s calling on my life and that the time has come for a journey that is about to begin after many years of preparation.’
>> John Rankin and Claud Werdal.
John said, “God has challenged me on
what I am going to do about what He showed me.” Since then both leaders have gone on further training with World Outreach International (WOI). They have also identified a team of 15 people from their local church who aim to reach out to Least Reached People groups in southern England. Marius Olivier
WOI-UK Mission Director
INCREDIBLE DELIVERANCE F R O M D E AT H A YOUNG MAN fled his fundamentalist Muslim homeland 11 years ago, full of hatred for all religion. He settled in England, but after a while his life turned to despair. Twice he tried to commit suicide, the last time by hanging himself. Thankfully, he was rescued from death and taken to hospital. One of our Muslim background believers went to visit him and after much persuasion he came along to a meeting we had organised. As soon as he heard the Good News of Jesus, he responded and found peace, happiness and a new life.
We are teaching him the basics of the Christian gospel and preparing him for a great baptismal service, which is coming soon. Now he also brings his friends along from his own country to learn about Jesus. Please pray for this ministry of discipling new Muslim background believers. What exciting days! Keith and Christine Kelly ENGLAND Ministry Leaders
HAVE YOU MADE A WILL? Making a will is the only way you can be sure that your wishes will be followed after you die. Having a will also makes your loved ones’ time of grief simpler. If you don’t leave a will, part or all of your estate may go to people whom you never intended to benefit, or even to the government! Including a gift to the ministry of World Outreach International in your will is a special and personal way to continue making a difference in the world after your life on earth has passed. For further information, please contact the World Outreach International office nearest to you. Celebrating 80 years
• ISSUE 3, 2012 •
Sponsor…a Cow, a Goat, a Rickshaw or Fish!
WORLD OUTREACH INTERNATIONAL church planters in Africa and Asia have been trained and are ready for deployment. They have caught God’s heart for the lost. Their eyes have been opened to the huge number of unreached ethnic communities who have never heard the Gospel, let alone the name of Jesus. They are willing to go, to make sacrifices, to leave their culture for another, all for the sake of obeying the call of God. They are prepared for hard times – yet they expect a harvest! So what does a cow, goat, rickshaw and fish have to do with it? WORLD OUTREACH INTERNATIONAL exists to impact Least Reached People groups with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ie people who do not have viable access to hearing the Good News. Presently World Outreach teams are engaged with more than 80 such people groups. Each year we set a goal to become engaged with at least 20 more unreached ethnic people groups. Opportunities abound! Trained Goers are ready to Go! The Challenge – is to help evangelists and church planters get started in the first one or two years so as to provide a living for their own families when they relocate to a new unreached region.
International has come up with a way to meet this challenge, ie.. a simple yet effective way to generate income. For example: $350.00 / £220.00 will buy a rickshaw licence. The rickshaw becomes their evangelistic vehicle and income generator, that after a year will allow them to purchase a second rickshaw and thereby support another church planter. $300.00 / £190.00 will buy 1,000 Fingerlings, ie. small fish, that in nine months will weigh 1kg and be ready for selling. The income will provide for both family and help replenish future stock. $250.00 / £160.00 will buy a cow from which milk can be used and sold. When
the cow produces a calf within two years, the income can double. $65.00 / £40.00 will buy a goat from which milk can also be used and sold. On an average, three or four goats can support a family. Often Christians in developed (western) nations don’t know how to respond practically to help in the cause of spreading the Gospel to where it desperately needs to go. Now you know! World Outreach International welcomes your partnership in helping cross-cultural church planters get established and provide for their families. Thank you.
John Elliott
International Director
The Solution – World Outreach
GIFTS CAN BE POSTED TO: World Outreach International and designated “Crisis Fund”. See Page 22 to respond. You can also make a donation via our website: