Pentecost and Mission • Spiritual Friendship and Least-Reached People • Women of Grit • How to Support Missionaries Through Prayer • WOI's Triennial Summit • How to Be Equipped for Cross-Cultural Missions and more ...
World Outreach International is a mission agency that exists to impact least-reached peoples with the Good News of Jesus Christ through: • Raising Leaders • Evangelism and Church Planting • All Nations Mobilisation • Children’s Ministry • Humanitarian Aid Melbourne (Australia)-based, International Director Bruce Hills heads an executive team of senior missionaries, pastors, and business leaders. WOI follows recognised international standards and procedures for child safety.
PUBLISHERS: 2 Kallang Avenue #04-09 CT Hub Singapore 339407 T: (65) 6464 8698
DESIGN: Prisca Rachel McColl EDITORIAL SUPPORT: Robin Merrill
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COUNTRY OFFICES INTERNATIONAL OFFICE: Bruce Hills (International Director) 2 Kallang Avenue #04-09 CT Hub Singapore 339407 T: (65) 6464 8698 E: woi@world-outreach.com
HOLLAND: Meint Kisteman (Board Chairman) Oogstweg 12 8071 WS Nunspeet The Netherlands T: (31 62) 467 1758 E: info@world-outreach.nl
SINGAPORE: Tarn Ping Kueh (Office) 2 Kallang Avenue #04-09 CT Hub Singapore 339407 T: (65) 6464 8698 E: singapore@world-outreach.com
AUSTRALIA: Val Ciacia (Country Director) Gail McDougall (Office) PO Box 136 Flinders Lane Post office Melbourne VIC 8009 T: (617) 5313 8591 T: (612) 8203 4530 M: +61 0456772107 F: (617) 3319 8928 E: admin.au@world-outreach.com
MALAYSIA: Philip Chieng (Board Chairman) PO Box 8541, Kelana Jaya 46792 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan T: (60 3) 77325924 E: malaysia@world-outreach.com
SOUTH AFRICA: Ivan Venter Postnet unit #459 Private Bag X1288 Potchefstroom 2520 T: (27 18) 290 5285 M: (27 79) 084 2141 E: southafrica@world-outreach.com
CANADA: PO Box 172 Lambeth Stn London, ON N6P 1R1 T: 519 680 3355 E: canada@world-outreach.com
NEW ZEALAND: Gail McDougall (Office) PO Box 97230, Manukau 2241 T: (64 9) 263 5434 T: (64 9) 887 7150 M: (64 21) 330 874 E: nz@world-outreach.com
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Field Ministries Director: Peter Smith Executive Manager: Chia Shee Wai International Board: Luke Chong, Lorraine Dierck, Laura Kuimba, Wayne Freeman, Gary Levens, Rob Reid, Bruce Hills International Leadership Team: Chia Shee Wai, Bambi Cataluna, Bruce Hills, Peter Smith, Ivan Venter, Ben Brooks
USA: Aaron Rudd 615 East Sego Lily Drive Sandy, UT 84070 T: (1 801) 572 0211 ext.11 M: (1 801) 599 3370 E: usa@world-outreach.com 501 (c) 3 Tax Exemption Available
COVER IMAGE: Image taken on the streets of West Kalimantan.
PENTECOST AND MISSION The power of the Holy Spirit is central to the ongoing work of mission today. With this short article, I hope to inspire you to deepen your dependence upon the Spirit in your mission work, whether locally or globally. On the Day of Pentecost, the Lord sent the promise of the Holy Spirit to endow a small group of 120 prayerful men and women with the power to bring the Good News of Jesus to a lost world. They did so powerfully and effectively. The Spirit continues to empower the church to blaze the lifechanging message of salvation across the globe. I want to highlight three major reasons why we need the power of the Spirit to fulfil our God-given mission. First, the power of the Spirit gives us divine power to tell people about Jesus (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8). After Pentecost, the power of the Spirit had an immediate and ongoing impact through their Gospel proclamation
(Acts 2:37,40; 4:31, 33). It still does. We have been divinely empowered for mission. Second, the power of the Spirit gives divine enablement to pray. Romans 8:26-27 tells us that, even though we have many incapacities and inadequacies in prayer, the indwelling and empowering of the Spirit divinely enables us to pray with power (see Ephesians 6:18). Third, the power of the Spirit gives divine equipping for supernatural ministry. The power of the Spirit accompanied Gospel preaching as an arresting, attracting, and authenticating sign of its power (Acts 5:12-16; 8:6; 9:35; 14:3, 8-10; 28:810; cf. Mark 16:20). This is what our missionaries are seeing in many parts of the world today. The power of the Spirit is available, accessible, and inexhaustible. When we feel weak, the Spirit provides power. When we feel inadequate, the Spirit gives us enablement. When
we face strongholds, the Spirit brings breakthrough. We can have our theology, missiology, and methodology correct, but, without the power of the Holy Spirit, we will not be fruitful or effective. May we therefore hunger for more of the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives and seek for a fresh infilling of his power to enable us to finish the unfinished task.
Bruce Hills
International Director world-outreach.com/people/bruce-hills
ISSUE 3, 3, 1, 2018 2015 2017 •• •• ISSUE
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WOMEN OF GRIT Betsy V, SOUTH EAST ASIA • Ministry leader involved in training and evangelism. world-outreach.com/people/hendrik-bets Courage — resolve — perseverance — strength of character. That’s grit!
island, she joined them and became one of the leaders of the movement on the island.
Women shine in diverse and often prominent roles in the Bible. Moses’ sister Miriam was a worship leader and prophet. Deborah excelled as a prophet and military leader. Naomi mentored Ruth, who became part of Jesus’ lineage. Queen Esther saved her people from annihilation. The Samaritan woman at the well become an evangelist. Mary anointed Jesus’ feet, and Jesus promised that “Wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her” (Matthew 26:13). Lydia and Phoebe were house church leaders. Priscilla (with husband Aquila) joined Paul as missionary partners. Grandmother Lois and her daughter Eunice discipled Timothy.
Hudson Taylor (19th century) developed a radical policy of sending unmarried women into the China interior. These “Bible women” had a profound impact on the growth of Christianity in China and Korea. Most of these women remain unknown today. Dora Yu, one of these Bible women, led the famous Watchman Nee to Christ through her preaching.
The list goes on ...
“Women, stirred by the task that lies ahead, can mobilize, devoting their skills, their accessibility, their knowledge, their tenderness, their intuitiveness, their own distinctive fervour to the work. The pioneer spirit, full of dedication and faithfulness, which women throughout history have shown will set the standard.” – Marguerite Kraft
Paula (4th century) became the abbess for all the women’s monasteries of that time, and then initiated and helped Father Jerome to translate the Bible from Hebrew and Greek into Latin. Susanna Wesley (17th century) had nineteen children, of which ten survived. Two of her sons, John and Charles, helped change church history forever. Rebecca Protten was born a slave on the island of St. Thomas but was later freed. When Moravian missionaries came to the
Courage Resolve Perseverance
Strength of Character That’s GRIT !
Lilias Trotter – suffering from poor health her whole life – and two other women went to Algiers as missionaries in 1888. Within a few years they grew to thirty full-time missionaries and became known as the “Algiers Mission Band”. The list goes on ...
(Marguerite Kraft served as a missionary to the Kamwe people of Northern Nigeria.) Read the full article here: peanutbutterforthesoul.com/women-of-grit
SOUTH EAST ASIA P E R F E C T LY O R C H E S T R AT E D Abdullah and Aisha Da Silva, SOUTH EAST ASIA • Ministry leaders involved in evangelism and church planting. Aisha and ‘N’ wanted to minister to Mrs ‘P’, a woman who sold drinks beside the road. Before they left the house, they prayed for no rain. It was dark, and they had to make their way carefully. As they did, Aisha prayed throughout the area. They told Mrs P about the woman in the Bible who haemorrhaged blood, about her faith that she would be healed just by
touching Jesus' robe. Aisha then told the story from creation to Christ. Mrs P understood. They asked her if she was prepared to pray and invite Jesus into her heart, and she answered, “Yes, I am ready.” During the trip home, Aisha cried because she saw the strength of the Lord in how everything was arranged so perfectly, allowing them to give Mrs P the complete story.
I N T E R N S H I P S O F F E R A W AY I N T O M I S S I O N S Rama and Sinta Jones, SOUTH EAST ASIA • Ministry leaders involved in evangelism and church planting ministry. world-outreach.com/people/rama-sinta-jones I don’t know about you, but I love finishing any kind of project. It always brings a good feeling. In July our intern from the UK successfully completed his internship. He’s now back in the UK fundraising and preparing for further work here in South East Asia. He was our seventh intern. An internship is an easy way into the mission field. It’s not about an experienced missionary getting free labour. It’s about developing the intern
into someone who is confident – linguistically and crossculturally. Our interns learn language, adapt well to our local cultures, complete The Nations Course, attend team meetings, participate in various ministries, help run an Ekballo Challenge, and assist with project work. What are you doing in 2019? Get more information on the WOI website.
TESTIMONY FROM A CHURCH PLANTER Sam and Carol Soukotta, INDONESIA • Ministry leaders and principals of Tawangmangu Bible College. world-outreach.com/people/sam-carol-soukotta During the religious war on Ambon and other Moluccu Islands of Indonesia from 1999-2002, I, Dominggus, got involved as a teenager, fighting for the Christians. Many Ambonese people claim to be Christian, but sadly, it is in name only, and I was one of them. I took up a gun and began firing at the enemy. Many thousands of people were killed in the fighting, and one day I was shot in the leg. That scared me, and if I die, will I make it to heaven or will I be sent to hell? I knew my life was not right and realised that I would not get to heaven. Later, when I learned I had to have my tonsils removed, this fear came again. I began talking to God and asked forgiveness for my sins. I promised
my best friend who had fought beside me had been killed. I realised that God had truly saved me in multiple ways!
him that if he healed me, I would surrender my life completely to him. The next day I was told I was healed and didn’t need the operation. I held to my vow and attended the Salvation Church, as we called them. I became quite involved in the church and evangelism. Then I received word that
After two years of serving God on the island of Ambon, I felt God calling me to attend Bible College at Tawangmangu. A servant of God gave a presentation on ministry in the province of Aceh. I knew then that I was to go to Aceh – the westernmost province of Indonesia. Since college, my wife Eka and I have served the Lord in Aceh, amongst one of the least-reached people groups. Praise God we were protected from the 2004 tsunami. God continues to protect and provide for us daily.
• ISSUE 3, 2018 •
SOUTH EAST ASIA H U G E P OT E N T I A L Max and Dorothy Chismon, PHILIPPINES • Ministry team leaders involved in training and cross-cultural communication. world-outreach.com/people/max-dorothy-chismon Simply Mobilising, East Africa Conference, was a huge success! Our regional leaders from Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Ethiopia joined our Kenyan leaders in Nairobi for the conference. There were many highlights. The mobiliser training day and the half-day planning with our regional leaders both went really well. And pastors were eager about our new programme on “missional churches”. With more Christians in East Africa than in the whole of Europe, the potential for mission outreach is huge!
M O D E R N - DAY S A U L - T O - PA U L Shawn & Grace D, SOUTH EAST ASIA • Mission Partner. During a season of prayer, we were so encouraged hearing local stories of transformation initiated by the Holy Spirit. Here is one of them. During the 2000 riots, one leader was radical in his persecution of local believers. He even pursued a pastor to a neighbouring island, planning to kill him. As the dangerous man approached the pastor, the pastor gave him a mighty hug – and at that moment the Holy Spirit overwhelmed the man in an encounter that completely transformed him – like a Saul to a Paul. To this day he fearlessly and powerfully proclaims the Good News of love and freedom in Christ.
G R A D U AT I N G T O S TAY Wolfgang and Heidi Oelschlegel, SOUTH EAST ASIA • Ministry leaders at New Hope Ministries. world-outreach.com/people/wolfgang-heidi-oelschlegel Each year around Easter, it is time for some of the New Hope children to say goodbye to our boarding home and their younger friends, as they graduate from high school. Some of these students have been a part of the ministry since primary school. Some have only been here for three years, but this is a big step for all. Out of this year’s graduating group, five have felt God’s stirring in their hearts and have chosen to stay on for at least one year to serve as volunteers. At the same time, they will be trained and mentored further to grow their love for God within the calling he has placed on their lives.
SPIRITUAL FRIENDSHIP AND LEAST-REACHED PEOPLE WORK Anonymous, PHILIPPINES • Mission Partner. I wanted to do research on the factors that have led to the organic growth of the partnering movement in the southern Philippines. I hoped to record something for a new generation of partnering practitioners who are eager to learn from the experience of those who have gone before them. I wondered how the small island of Mindanao, in the last three decades, had become a fertile seedbed for people-group focused partnerships, strong ministerial fellowships, and various collaborative efforts. I discovered that, at its heart, was simple Christian unity coupled with a desire to have an impact on least-reached people groups living in the towns and cities. Today, we not only face an unprecedented number of opportunities to bless cities, people groups, and different spheres of society, we also see an emerging generation of younger leaders with a passionate call to partnering. And they are asking how we can help and guide them. For this reason, my colleague and I organised a gathering for people from different mission organisations and churches to talk about partnering. It was designed to be an avenue for dialogue, reflection, and mutual learning. I, with pen and analytical mind ready, worked hard to identify new strategies, examine cultural aspects that affect partnering, and look for new missiological insights into the current trends, issues, and
needs. Instead, the Lord showed me something else. In the days we spent in this gathering, people prayed for one another, exchanged stories, cried together, and allowed themselves to be vulnerable. What was thought to be a platform for new LRP-related projects to be birthed was really purposed by God for us to first learn how to be a community. We spent so much time becoming friends in the three-day gathering, we had no time left to agree on strategies or create action plans! The only commitment we could make in the end was to continue to be “in community” with one another. Within five weeks of this gathering’s end, some of the participants began to receive new ideas and visions from the Lord, which they confirmed with one another. Then they started working together on different LRP-focused prayer events and ministries, even establishing new ones. I was amazed! It can only be the Lord! Where there is unity, the Lord really does command the blessing. All we need to do is open our hearts so he can do his work. We only need to let him lead us into kingdom connections and spiritual friendships, according to his design. And, in time, he will show us who of our brothers and sisters in the Lord, what group, what organisation, what church he is calling us to work with. And we just need to say yes. We are his Body, after all. My research has only just begun. • ISSUE 3, 2018 •
AFRICA GOUROUNSI PEOPLE FOR CHRIST! Helen Hernandez, BURKINA FASO • Mission Partner. The Kairos course is having a powerful impact. One attendee was so challenged that his response was, “Gourounsi for Christ! I am a Gourounsi called to reach the Nuni. Kairos has opened my eyes…to things I can apply in life as a missionary.”
There is also an openness to the Gospel. One lady shared, “We would like to get to know your Jesus. Maybe someday we are going to follow Jesus and you can come teach our children because they are not going to school.”
H I T T H E G R O U N D R U N N I N G W I T H N AT I O N S Anonymous, ETHIOPIA • Ministry workers involved in evangelism and church planting.
The Nations Course has been a perfect lead in for us as we begin our ministry amongst a least-reached people group in North Africa. We have enjoyed the interaction with students and trainers during the sessions. There’s a great mix of learning styles and interaction, and the trainers do a great job of intertwining their stories of missionary life and experiences. We have found the strategic planning, animism, orality, and cross-cultural church planting topics particularly useful in helping us prepare strategies to start indigenous-led Church Planting Movements. We have spent ten months learning the language in the host country already, so Nations has helped to consolidate our experience so far and provided us with invaluable tools to start strategically so we can hit the ground running. Thanks so much to all the students and the trainers for a great course!
In December 2017 I married WOI Missions Partner Angela Stephens in Nairobi. I have also recently joined WOI as a Missions Partner, serving with my wife in my home country, Kenya. I am involved in evangelism, discipleship, and church planting, where I currently lead a weekly Bible study for fifteen to twenty young men in an impoverished urban area. Many have given their lives to Christ, and we water baptised thirteen men earlier this year. Now they are asking us to plant a church. It is also on my heart to begin a children’s ministry during the school holidays so that the local kids grow up knowing Jesus. I am excited to be a part of WOI, to be a part of a larger likeminded family serving Christ and reaching the lost together.
AFRICA S U P E R N AT U R A L P R OT E C T I O N : P L E A S E P R AY Paul and Susan Simons, SOUTH AFRICA • Field Leaders working from South Africa. P’s tribe in East Africa has been persecuting him since a fellow believer turned back to Islam and gave P up to the elders. He has been fleeing for his life and has stayed with our family a few times. We have seen the Lord miraculously warn and encourage him in dreams, and we have seen supernatural provision and
divine appointments that the Lord has arranged! He shared the Good News with his mother and sister. Both accepted it. Recently his mother was killed for her faith. Please pray that he will persevere and continue to share his faith and integrate well with the body of Christ.
L A S T- M I N U T E C H A N C E AT E T E R N I T Y Claris and Shirley van der Merwe , BOTSWANA• Ministry leaders. to meet in her yard for discipleship training.
Six years ago, our church in Francistown was invited to do some discipleship training with new believers in the village of Semitwe, seventy kilometres north of us. A refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo had been witnessing to villagers. Ninety-year-old Mma Rungu (mother of Rungu) allowed us
Some time later, Mma Rungu had a dream in which she saw an elderly traditional doctor in her village giving muti (medicine) to cattle thieves so that they would not be caught. In obedience to the command in her vision to preach the Gospel, she went to the doctor. He admitted that the dream was true. She told him, “The Lord does not like what you are doing”. He repented and listened to Mma Rungu’s explanation of the Gospel. He accepted Christ, and she went her way.
Rungu to inform her that the old doctor had passed away. The Lord gave him a last-minute chance for salvation through a 96-year-old messenger!
The next day people came to Mma
M I L I K A N I M A K E S W AV E S Claris and Shirley van der Merwe , BOTSWANA• Ministry leaders. Most members of indigenous churches in Southern Africa never receive a clear message of salvation through faith in Jesus. Six years ago, we launched a small Bible school in our city of Francistown. To our surprise a leader from an indigenous church asked us if one of her church’s leaders could attend our school. We interview prospective students to ensure that they are born again, and we
learned that Milikani did not understand salvation. We prayed a sinner’s prayer with him. Two months later he came to a Sunday meeting to be baptised. In his own assembly Milikani started explaining salvation. Eight of the members wanted to be baptised. Other leaders felt uncomfortable with the changes that Milikani wanted to bring about in their church, and requested he leave.
Milikani started a house fellowship and is now taking two young men from his neighbourhood with him to a village church that we started. They go to the village fifty km away every Sunday to support the young church there. In January the woman of the host home got baptised – at the age of eighty!
• ISSUE 3, 2018 •
World Outreach International believes in the vital place of prayer in mission. Prayer makes a difference! There are many ways you can partner with WOI in prayer to change the world.
If you would like to commit yourself to partner with others in unified, concerted prayer to change the world, please sign up at www.worldoutreach.com/challenge-to-prayer.
PRAYER CHALLENGE – Monthly Prayer Guide
Frontline prayer provides you with daily, up-to-date prayer needs of our WOI mission personnel. A fresh prayer request is either posted on the PrayerMate App or emailed to you each day. This means you can easily pray at home or on the go by receiving these updates.
Last year, we launched the Prayer Challenge, a new initiative to engage hundreds of people in united prayer for WOI personnel and projects. Over 400 people are now signed up. Each month, WOI Prayer Coordinator Tina Wessels sends out an email that focuses on a particular nation and our personnel serving in it. These emails provide specific needs in the nation and in our personnel’s lives.
FRONTLINE PRAYER – Daily Prayer Guide
By subscribing through the PrayerMate app, you will receive Frontline Prayer requests each time you use the app. PrayerMate is available for Apple, Android, and Amazon devices. Either download the app or visit nationsmagazine. org/prayer.
When you commit to daily prayer, our missionaries are backed up and supported spiritually while facing challenges on the mission front. Oswald Chambers (1874-1917), an early twentieth-century Scottish Baptist and Holiness Movement evangelist and teacher best known for the devotional My Utmost for His Highest, once said, “Prayer is not preparation for the work; it is the work. Prayer is not preparation for the battle; it is the battle.” Your prayer can make a difference!
Bruce Hills
International Director world-outreach.com/people/bruce-hills
Alternatively, you can subscribe to receive daily emails by visiting nationsmagazine.org/prayer.
"Prayer is not preparation for the work; it is the work. Prayer is not preparation for the battle; it is the battle."
- Oswald Chambers
FRONTLINE PRAYER Thank you for supporting our partners in prayer! DAY 1
Wolfgang and Heidi Oelsc hlegel
Danie and Esther van Niekerk
Serving in Indonesia
Serving in Macedonia
Chris and Gerrianne Runhaar
Rodney and Juliet Munkhondya
Serving in Indonesia
Serving in Malawi
Sam and Carol Soukot ta
Mun Heng and Cec ilia Au Yong
Serving in Indonesia
Serving from Malaysia in South Asia and South East Asia
Janvier and Claudine Yokoinele
Colin and Jenny Ayling
Serving in the Ivory Coast
Serving in Mozambique from New Zealand
DAY 10
Isaac and Angela Njenga
Grant and Riana Franke
Serving in Kenya
Serving in Mozambique
DAY 16
Stephanie Herron
No Pum
Serving in Mozambique
Serving in Myanmar
DAY 12
DAY 17
Emmanuel and Mar tha Mulenga
Val Bateup
Serving in Mozambique
Serving into Thailand, based in New Zealand
DAY 13
DAY 18
Jan and Kia Rossler
Lorraine Dierc k
Serving in Mozambique
Serving into Thailand, based in New Zealand
DAY 14
DAY 19
Mar tin and Simone Sc humann
Peter and Jeannie Smith
Serving in Mozambique
Field Director, serving from New Zealand
DAY 15
DAY 20
Myriam Wahr
Malcolm and Wendy Taylor
Serving in Mozambique
Principal of Nations Course, serving from New Zealand
DAY 26
Allen and Charlot te Teal
Paul Won and Misun P yun
Director of Member Care, serving from New Zealand
Serving in the Philippines
DAY 22
DAY 27
Peter and Bev van der Westhuyzen
MC and Lezelle Coetzee
Generation Ministries, serving from New Zealand
Serving in South Africa
DAY 23 John and Mar y Elliot t WOI President Emeritus, serving from New Zealand
DAY 28 Paul and Sue Fosse Serving from South Africa
DAY 24
DAY 29
Asif S
Kris -T ina Fox
Serving in Pakistan
Serving in South Asia
DAY 25
DAY 30
Max and Dorothy Chismon
Abe and Joy Loewe
Serving globally from the Philippines
Serving in South Asia
SUBSCRIBE to Frontline Prayer by
visiting nationsmagazine.org/prayer and receive daily updates by email or the PrayerMate app
THAILAND MIRACLE DUCKS John and Nok P, THAILAND • Ministry leaders heading up an evangelism and church planting ministry. world-outreach.com/people/john-nok-p Five men quit drugs because of the prayers of their mothers and sisters.
Duck farm with Tik and family
After hearing the story of Passover, Tik hung a piece of red cloth at the front of her duck farm. She and her in-laws prayed together every day in front of the cloth, declaring that the red represented Jesus’ blood, which has delivered them from all curses. Then the miracle happened with her ducks – 10,800 of them. Normally, many ducks die when they are three weeks old, and she loses 2,000 – 4,000 every time. She used to lose forty ducks per day. Since her prayer, her ducks are one month old – and she has only lost two.
Red cloth at the duck farm
A monk is getting to know Jesus. Because of neck cancer, every time he eats or drinks, fluid comes out of his nose. He has also suffered from insomnia for years. After he began praying to Jesus, he began to sleep peacefully. Since he began praying before his meals, he can eat and drink normally.
Men who quit drugs
Thirteen-year-old Preaw is the first of her family to come to know Christ. She prayed for her youngest sister who was born with cardiomegaly. Her sister is now miraculously healed. Preaw’s mother, uncle, and siblings have since become believers.
Many more miracles happen every day. We pray that Jesus will be the one and only name that Thai people will worship and adore. That’s our goal.
Preaw (orange shirt) and her sisters
PETER AND JEANNIE SMITH Jeannie and Peter Smith, WOI Field Ministry Director, recently became first-time grandparents with the birth of their grandson, Daniel Elijah Willis, on 28 March.
If you know of any special events or milestones, please send them to communications@world-outreach.com.
THAILAND T R A N S F O R M AT I O N AT R A H A B Rahab Ministries, THAILAND • Rahab Ministries is involved in evangelising and discipling the women of the redlight industry in Bangkok. world-outreach.com/our-projects/evangelism-church-planting/rahab-ministries-thailand Noon is in her twenties and has worked in the bars for a year. A few months ago, she accepted Christ at Rahab’s Bible study and decided to join Rahab. She now attends church every week and is a full-time staff member at the Rahab Laundry Shop. She enjoys worship and Bible studies with the other employees
at the shop. She is dedicated and hardworking. We are extremely proud of Noon. She has come a long way, and we believe God will continue to lead her and be a blessing.
A LETTER FROM A 12-YEAR-OLD GIRL Val Bateup, THAILAND • Ministry leader of Good News Team who evangelise and disciple children. world-outreach.com/people/val-bateup My family is Buddhist, but I have decided to follow Jesus. I go to church and enjoy learning about Jesus through the Bible lessons you send me. My family is poor so I wasn’t able to go to high school. I prayed about it, and a teacher suggested I take a scholarship exam. I worked hard and asked the Lord
to help me, and I ended up achieving the fourth highest mark out of 500 students. Thank you, God. Now I go to high school, and even though I miss my parents, I know God is with me. He encourages me. Following him has made my life so much better.
GOD RESTORES HEARTS Elisa Diaz, THAILAND • Ministry leader involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/elisa-diaz Pastor Nueng is like a son to me. He and his wife are amazing. They love God with all their hearts. Pastor Nueng is the General Coordinator of Hug Isarn, an interdenominational movement of pastors for the northeast of Thailand.
The first operation worked in part, but a second operation was required. During the pastor's stay in hospital, we testified to and prayed for patients, relatives, doctors, and nurses within the cardiac unit.
Though Pastor Nueng is only forty We are all renewed in faith and grateful years old, this May he required heart to God who performed miracles during surgery. He had only forty per cent the operations. heart function. It was critical. We needed a miracle.
• ISSUE 3, 2018 •
MOZAMBIQUE TA K I N G I N I T I AT I V E D E S P I T E DA N G E R Martin and Simone Schumann, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders equipping church leaders and members. world-outreach.com/people/martin-simone-schumann Despite turmoil through an Islamist uprising further up in the north of the country and many afflictions, the new Muslim-background believers are maturing and are spreading the work! While we missionaries were abroad for three months, they took the initiative. The Muslim people of the village Nanivo (name changed) had asked for a Bible study group, so two brothers visit there every Friday. They sit there just before it is time to attend prayers at the mosque. In the first week, more than forty came; in the second week, more than seventy listened and discussed the Bible stories. Eleven wanted to follow the Messiah and got baptised. Please pray for the Evangelist “I” and the new group in Nanivo. May it spread from there to the many surrounding villages who are without any Gospel testimony.
Martin and Simone Schumann, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders equipping church leaders and members. world-outreach.com/people/martin-simone-schumann When it rained so hard recently, I was so worried that my field was destroyed, but I asked God for help. The neighbouring fields looked pretty bad, but my field had not been damaged! Not one corn or cassava plant had fallen over. So great is our God!
P R AY I N G F O R M O R E D O O R S Theo and Mignonne Schumann, SOUTH AFRICA • Ministry leaders working with an LRP in Cape Town. world-outreach.com/people/theo-mignonne-schumann Since Mignonne started teaching at the primary school in Bo-Kaap, we have made many new friends. Many parents have asked us for extra help after school, and we are excited to continue visiting more kids in their homes to help with school work. One of the most exciting things that happened was that someone in the community asked us to start a community project to reach out to the young adults and school kids spending their afternoons and holidays on the
had an opening at their civic centre to teach woodworking skills, paint, and talk a lot!
streets. In this area, unemployment and drug abuse are big problems. Twice a week, for two months, we
Unfor tunately, this venue was only available for the two months, but we are praying that God will open new doors to continue to reach these kids.
MOZAMBIQUE H E A L I N G I S C O N TAG I O U S Emmanuel and Martha Mulenga, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders involved in training, evangelism, and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/emmanuel-martha-mulenga Recently, we visited Nampula in an area called Natoto. The leader of the local church was sick, and we went to visit him. We spent some time in the Word, encouraged him for what God is able to do, and prayed for healing. A crowd gathered to watch, and the leader’s niece was a part of that crowd. Even though she was a Muslim, she stayed for the whole meeting.
the niece walked that distance to attend the service. We received a good report that the leader was feeling much better. At the end of the meeting, she shared that she wanted to have a child. She accepted the Lord as Saviour, and we prayed for her. When she saw that her uncle was better after prayer, she was motivated to seek the Lord to meet her needs too.
The next day, we had a meeting about six km from Natoto, and to our surprise (The young lady is the one on the right side in the pink top.)
EX-IMAM HELPS SPREAD THE WORD Eugene and Tina Wessels, MOZAMBIQUE • Field Leaders working from South Africa. world-outreach.com/people/eugene-tina-wessels Recently, I (Eugene) had the opportunity to preach at a church that was planted in Quelimane eight years ago. My interpreter, Marcello, was an ex-Imam (Muslim leader) who left the Muslim faith because of the love shown to him by followers of Jesus. He now loves Jesus and is dedicating his life to serving him.
LEAVE A LASTING LEGACY HAVE YOU MADE A WILL? Making a will is the only way you can be sure that your wishes will be followed after you die. Having a will also makes your loved ones’ time of grief simpler. If you don’t leave a will, part or all of your estate may go to people whom you never intended to benefit, or even to the government! Including a gift to the ministry of World Outreach International in your will is a special and personal way to continue making a difference in the world after your life on earth has passed. For further information, please contact your nearest World Outreach International office. • ISSUE 3, 2018 •
TRIENNIAL SUMMIT 2018 In late July/early August (2018), more than 320 WOI personnel, their families, friends, and guests gathered from around the world for WOI’s triennial summit. This significant and special event was held in the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai. Here are some of the highlights:
There was a palpable sense of family, connection, and community among the missionaries and guests.
International Director Bruce Hills shared that WOI has a mission force of 240 expatriate missionaries along with 360 indigenous leaders from 30 nations, serving in 70 countries, with 9 offices around the world, engaged with 150 least-reached people groups.
The outstanding quality and depth of the Bible preaching from Doug Williams (Walthamstow, UK) greatly nourished and challenged people’s lives.
Enzo Maisano’s session on overcoming despair, in which he transparently shared his and his wife’s journey with their drug-addicted son, deeply touched many lives.
During the times of worship and in the times of response to the preaching, the Holy Spirit ministered to people’s lives, bringing great renewal, strength, and comfort.
The reports from what the Lord is doing on the field inspired people and helped the listeners to grasp something of the scale of what God is doing through WOI missionaries.
Prophetic minister Alex Larsen tirelessly and sacrificially spent hours each day praying and prophesying over hundreds of lives. Many people were encouraged by the accuracy and impact of his ministry.
On the final morning of the summit, everyone joined in a united time of prayer, and people cried out with one voice for requests pertaining to the work of missions.
A segment was held to honour nine missionaries who’d clocked over twenty years of service in WOI since the last summit. They join a further 26 who’d been honoured in previous gatherings.
Part of the focus on honour was a moving tribute to thirteen of WOI’s personnel, who have either retired or moved out of key leadership roles since the last summit. These people, which included Peter and Bev van der Westhuyzen, Rod and Lynley Talbot, Lorraine Dierck, and Val Bateup, have served WOI (as an organisation) with distinction, above and beyond the call.
Finally, the whole summit ended with a resounding sense of excitement about the momentum and trajectory of WOI and expectation of so much more to come.
Here are some of the responses from those who attended:
“I have been with WOI for nineteen years, and have gone to many summits – and this one was the best by far!”
• ISSUE 3, 2018 •
“I have loved each summit totally. And this one exceeded all of them. It was the best I’ve ever attended. Thanks!”
“What a great summit for the whole family! Our kids really enjoyed the children's and youth programmes.”
“Very well organised, excellent speakers, great programme, awesome presence of God.”
“Amazing food, lovely conference gifts, I LOVED it that we prayed for the missionaries' kids."
“I was overwhelmed by the sense of family.” “My highlight was seeing our veterans being honoured for their years of service on the field. It made me feel like WOI is a big family and I am the ‘grandkid’ in it!” (from a sixteen-yearold missionary kid)
“I appreciated how vulnerable and open everyone is to share their experiences.”
“The prophetic word (from Alex Larsen) was so spot on … it was scary … but it was so cool!”
“My kids will remember for the rest of their lives that people cared enough for them to take them ice skating.”
“It was great to hear all the ministry testimonies – life giving and encouraging.”
“We just loved hearing the field testimonies. They were so inspiring.”
To download the messages from the summit, please click here: worldoutreachsummit.org/messages
INDIA F R O M M O U R N I N G T O J OY Tomba K, INDIA • Ministry team leader involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/tomba-khoisnam Mrs Rasitombi, a widow in Imphal, has two sons, two daughters-in-law, and three grandchildren. The family is influential. However, one son and daughterin-law were frequently possessed by demons in spite of all their expensive sacrifices to gods and goddesses. People started considering them to be mad, which led Mrs Rasitombi to depression. Our church planter, Nimai, and his helper, Premkumar, shared the Gospel with her and her family earlier this year. The son and daughter-inlaw were delivered completely. Now everyone in the family have become followers of the Lord and have been baptised. Their mourning turned to joy! The family has started a house church, and have begun another in a different location. The two house churches continue to spread the Good News further. Glory to God!
JAPAN C A S T YO U R G U I LT O N J E S U S Jo and Jenny Graham, JAPAN • Ministry leaders involved in helping make disciples of new believers. world-outreach.com/people/jo-and-jenny-graham What do you do with guilt when you don’t know Jesus? Kazumi spent several years caring for her sick husband. But when her mum had a serious fall, she left her husband in her daughter’s care and went to help her mum for two weeks. While she was away, her husband passed away. She was devastated! After two years of grieving, she reached out to someone who brought her to church. She cast her burden on Jesus; he came into her life and by the time you read this, she will have been baptised. Slowly but steadily, people like Kazumi are coming to Christ through our church in Osaka, and we are moving to a larger facility to prepare for even more!
• ISSUE 3, 2018 •
Do you feel called to make a difference in the nations, but don’t know where to start or what to do? Or perhaps, you feel ill-equipped to relate to people of other cultures? Maybe you’re in mission service, but need to sharpen your skills. If your answer is yes to any of these questions, The Nations Course could be the answer.
Why do The Nations Course?
What is The Nations Course?
• The lecturers are highly experienced missionaries with a proven track record
A six-week, full-time course designed to equip you for effective cross-cultural ministry, whether short or long-term, in your own nation or abroad Who is the course designed for? • People working among other cultures in their own community
• It will equip you with the skills to reach people from other cultures • You’ll learn in a cross-cultural setting (courses are run in Thailand and South Africa)
• The course is taught using adult-learning principles • A short-term investment of just six weeks could reap a lifetime of fruitfulness in cross-cultural mission
• People considering mission service (including short-term)
• Without pre-field training, it can take seven years to reach maximum effectiveness, but research has shown that with pre-field training, this time can be reduced to only three years
• People already serving on the mission field
How is the course structured?
Subjects include:
• It runs over six weeks as an intensive from Monday to Friday each week
• Cross-cultural communication • Animism and mission • Culture and language acquisition • Cross-cultural church planting • World religions • Mission strategy • Missionary life • And much, much more
• There are five hours of lectures a day plus reading and assignments • The comprehensive, intense structure of the course maximises value in the shortest possible time, while maintaining a focus for effective mission service • The course is usually run in a live-in environment, where participants and trainers can interact and share common experiences as the course unfolds. This has been one of the success factors of the course in the past.
ULTURAL MISSION SERVICE “ The Nations Course impacted me personally. It revolutionised my attitude and thought process. Many mental and spiritual barriers were broken. I was able to see the bigger picture of missions.” - Preethi, India
“I have been involved in missions for a long time and I have learned so much. The subject selection was spot on … and what I have enjoyed the most is learning in a crosscultural setting, mixing with other students of different cultures. We have learned so much from each other.” - Vic, South Africa
JOIN US FOR THE NEXT COURSE: Dates: 16 June – 26 July 2019, Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand For details visit www.world-outreach.com/nations-course or scan the QR code: • ISSUE 3, 2018 •
Join an exciting two-month long exposure trip Ever wondered what your role is in fulfilling God’s plan for your life? Discover your place in missions through an extraordinary experience with the nations. The Mission Intensive will take you to authentic mission fields within Asia or Africa. Daily, you will get to learn from experienced missionaries through formal study on various mission topics, invest in learning a language and culture, and see how different styles of ministry are bringing the Gospel to least-reached people groups.
Get started on your journey to the nations!
Who Can Go? These trips are designed for those between 20 and 35 years old. Those who love Jesus and want to discover their role in fulfilling the Great Commission are welcome. You'll need to be up for a challenge and able to endure hot, humid weather; language barriers; and living conditions that may be different from what you're used to.
Apply now or find out more: world-outreach.com/mission-intensive or scan the QR-code