ISSUE 3, 2013
Grahame Orpin Gail McDougall (Office) PO Box 5000, Sunshine Coast, MC Qld 4560 T: (617) 5476 1768 F: (617) 3319 8928 E:
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Tarn Ping Kueh (Office) Ghim Moh Post Office PO Box 048 Singapore 912732 T: (65) 6464 8698 E:
World Outreach International is a multiracial fellowship of Christians and ministries that exists to impact Least Reached Peoples with the Good News of Jesus Christ. WOI is currently ministering amongst 75 such people groups on five continents and has the goal of engaging at least 100 by 2015 through: • Raising Leaders • Evangelism and Church Planting • All Nations Mobilisation • Children’s Ministry • Humanitarian Aid Singapore-based, International Director John Elliott, heads an executive team of senior missionaries, pastors and business leaders. >> ON THE COVER: Three-year-old boy at WOI Good News Team street outreach Bangkok,Thailand. Photo:World Outreach International
EDITOR: John Elliott PUBLICATION MANAGER: Janet Chan DESIGN: Donna Elliott EDITORIAL SUPPORT: Robin Merrill PRINTERS: Tone Ads, Singapore PERMIT No: MCI (P) 102/11/2012 PUBLISHERS: World Outreach International Ghim Moh Estate Post Office PO Box 048, Singapore 912732 T: (65) 6464 8698 F: (65) 6464 8697 E:
Michiel Coetzee Lezelle Coetzee (Office) PO Box 11238 Riverwalk 2538 T: (27 18) 293 0965 M: (27 83) 462 2224 E:
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Aaron Rudd 615 East Sego Lily Drive Sandy UT 84070 T: (1 801) 572 0211 ext.11 M: (1 801) 599 3370 E: 501 (c) 3 Tax Exemption Available
John Elliott (International Director) Ghim Moh Post Office PO Box 048 Singapore 912732 T: (65) 6464 8698 E:
INTERNATIONAL BOARD: Grant Alleway Val Bateup John Elliott Wilbur Farmilo Rob Hennin Alan Vink
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• ISSUE 2, 2013
Chia Shee Wai Luke Chong John Elliott Peter Smith Peter van der Westhuyzen Hendrik V Bambi Cataluna
n o i s s i m m o C t a e theGr FEATURE WE CHRISTIANS are an interesting lot! We can hear the same sermons, read the same Bible, yet can interpret things so very differently. Take the Great Commission for example. Over the years I have heard many missions conferences attendees say things like, “I’m not called to be a missionary” or “missions is not for me.” Aren’t we all called? Jesus’s invitation to spread the Good News globally in Mark 16 and Matthew 28 was not for the hearing of a select few, but for all believers. He wants us all to participate with him in seeing the Great Commission achieved. To participate in God’s redemptive plan does not mean one needs to relocate to some far-off continent for umpteen years. Today, opportunities to share the Good News crossculturally can happen in our street, town, city, even our own nation. One outcome of globalisation in the past twenty years or so, where masses of humanity have left their traditional homelands (for varying reasons), is that many are now in our countries and therefore within reach of hearing the message of God’s love – for the first time. Is it possible that God has allowed such people to enter our country in order to hear and receive his Word, whereas back in their own nation they were prohibited by law from converting to another belief? Paul, prior to his experience on the road to Damascus, was a successful and well-educated man, and quite possibly he would have had his life all
figured out! His encounter with the Lord turned his world upside down. The Great Commission became the basis of his lifetime ambition, that is, to tell people about Jesus Christ wherever his feet took him. Everything else was secondary. Like Paul, every one of us is under divine obligation to help facilitate the taking of the Gospel to every (ethnic) nation, tribe, people and language. (Revelation 7:9)
To participate in God’s redemptive plan does not mean one needs to relocate to some far-off continent for umpteen years... I have heard first-hand from many people who once were of another religion, who have now had a revelation of Jesus Christ, and who have come to know and accept him as their Lord and Saviour, that they were awakened to the fact that they had previously been deceived. Then a passion and boldness from the Lord compels them to tell their family and friends what they have discovered. For some, it has cost them their lives. If you had lived much of your life believing a lie, and were suddenly aware of it, would you too not want to tell as many as possible? Of course you would. It would seem most believers in developed nations keep Jesus to
themselves, for all kinds of reasons and therefore become part of the Great Omission. It would be a major concern if the majority of Christians interpret the Great Commission as only relating to those who leave their homeland for service in another part of the world. Taking the Good News to other regions of the world is a crucial part of the Great Commission. At the same time, opportunities abound on the home front as well, both in partnering with those who go out, as well as participating locally. If you ever hear of the WOI-sponsored Kairos course happening in your area, sign up for it. This course helps everyone who studies it catch God’s heart for the lost, and reveals ways in which every believer can get meaningfully involved in strategic cross-cultural ministry – from their home base! Remember three important things about the Great Commission: It provides people with the only way to be reconciled to God; it provides the only opportunity for the Church (i.e., you and me) to be perfected; and its fulfilment is very much linked to the return of Christ. When Jesus returns, mission accomplished!
John Elliott International Director
• ISSUE 3, 2013 •
GOD’S PROVISION DEBORAH AND I have moved into the heart area of the Macua-Nahara people, who are pleased that we have come to set up a health centre. Even the local Iman is happy to have us. He has given us a house to live in and our own well! We discovered that the
>> Treatment room in Mossuril.
village elders had earlier approached the government to establish a health clinic in this village. The authorities agreed to provide the materials if the locals would build the centre. Once again we praise the Lord for his provision and favour in providing a debt-free clinic that we can operate from. The local ‘king’ of this region told us that there was a curse on this area because their forefathers didn’t like white people. He said white people would come for a short time, then leave. He wanted to pray to the spirits of his forefathers to break the curse. We told him that Jesus is our protector! Life is never boring here in these
>> Ancha – a friend from Memba visiting with her children.
remote villages of Mozambique. Pray for those who visit our clinic! Myriam Wahr MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Leader
NEW FOLLOWERS OF JESUS PETER AND CAROL MUGENI are Kenyans with a clear call to reach the Least Reached Muslim Nubi and Borana people living in Nairobi’s largest slum, Kibera. Peter and Carol, both graduates of WOI training courses, are applying the principles of contextualisation and the
meeting of these people’s felt needs in literacy and children’s programmes. They are seeing Muslims turn to Christ and are discipling them as followers of Isa (Jesus). Let’s praise God together! >> Chris and Nadine (left) with Peter and Carol Mugeni.
Chris and Nadine Brittain KENYA Ministry Leaders
>> Teaching more than literacy.
A H E A L I N G P R AY E R AMINA, the wife of one of our new believers, had been ill for weeks. Though she had not yet accepted Christ, her husband laid hands on her and prayed for her healing. The next day she felt considerably better and the following day she was back in the fields harvesting peanuts. Her husband boldly tells any who will listen that God
answers prayer! Please pray for Amina that she will give her heart to God. Martin and Simone Schumann MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Team Members
>> Amina (right), healed by the prayer of her husband.
BLESSED ARE THE PERSECUTED PRAY FOR THOSE persecuted for their faith. Pray that they will become great evangelists. After eight years of working in the village of Yaabo, there are now enough believers who are willing to meet as a congregation. They are also inviting other Fulani believers from nearby villages. Every third Sunday, we meet with Fulani believers in the house of prayer in Yaabo. During the testimony
and prayer request time, each person shares almost the same thing. Pray for strength to endure persecution. Pray for their families to be saved. Samba had to leave his hometown 350km away. His family persecuted him and the believers who took him in. In spite of this, he wants to learn how to share the Gospel with his family. Another young man said his family treats him
like a dog. Another said, “God healed me miraculously. That’s how I got converted. At first my family hated me, but when they saw God blessing me, they want me back. Pray that my children and other relatives will become Christian.” Danny and Ruby Bayasen MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Leaders
N E W K I N G D O M C U LT U R E WE GET REGULAR reports from the Koti leaders about how many people have been baptised, usually about 80 per month. They also report on how many weddings have been conducted. When Koti adults come to Christ, they soon discover God’s plan for marriage and enter into it, but for the young unmarried Koti, it has been a battle. Again and again, fine young people have gone astray. Yet we have taught them God’s plan and persisted in prayer together and many of the key young people are almost desperate to do it right before God. Recently, for the first
time, a wonderful young Koti couple celebrated their marriage before she was pregnant and without first living together. New kingdom culture! Jo and Jenny Graham MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Leaders >> Talsamo and Amina – doing it the right way.
A N E W W AY O F T H I N K I N G F O R L E A D E R S EARLIER THIS YEAR, I conducted another WOI pastor’s training seminar in Burkina Faso. As hoped and planned, it is becoming a regional seminar with delegates from Benin, Togo, Ivory Coast and Guinea. The topics were ‘Church Growth’ and ‘Team Building’. There was a significant amount of discussion in small groups to contextualise and apply
in Bangladesh. Seventy-four new generation leaders from most major denominations attended, despite there being major political and industrial unrest in the country. >> Bruce and emerging leaders in Dhaka.
the material. Around 100 pastors were present. Pastor Youmani from Dori wrote, “The teachings on unity have transformed my way of thinking.”
>> Enjoying team building in Burkina Faso.
I then travelled to Dhaka, Bangladesh to conduct the second of a three year programme to train emerging leaders
One Pastor from Dhaka, who served on the organising committee, said, “In our education system we are normally taught to memorise things; then we are examined on what we have remembered. But you are teaching us to think for ourselves. This is very new for us!” Bruce Hills International Leadership Development Director
• ISSUE 3, 2013 •
A CHILD TRANSFORMED AT THE AGE OF SIX, Esther was diagnosed with a brain condition that made it impossible for her to remember or assimilate information. She tried in school but it seemed Esther was incapable of learning.
God and of her teachers, Esther loves school. Miraculously, she has learned to count, has learned her colours and has learned to memorise! Janvier and Claudine Yokoinele IVORY COAST Ministry Leaders
Then she went to The Seed School in Abidjan. Today, thanks to the love of >> Esther with her friends (back, left).
I HEAR THE SOUND! GOD’S ANNOUNCEMENT of the great things he was about to do on Pentecost was prefaced by the sound of a mighty wind. It was just such a sensation I experienced when our team arrived in Mozambique to visit the Globe Europe missionaries working with WOI. We sensed that Jesus is about to do great things amongst the Makua-Nahara people. Whenever we offered to pray for the sick, many responded and then testified that God had healed them. At a special meeting of new believers, they voiced their desire to meet on a regular basis and then proclaimed they would share their joy with their extended families. During our prayer time, they poured out their hearts to God. Two new followers of Jesus are planning on going two days a week from village to village to tell others about Jesus, in spite of some opposition from a certain religious group. As more solar powered MP3 players are made available, pre-loaded with
Bible Stories and the New Testament in their language, they will be distributed in all of the villages. There is excitement building for a mighty move of God throughout northern coastal Mozambique.
>> Gathered with the Makua Nahara people.
In Nacala, we noticed the construction of buildings and warehouses, which signals the arrival of funds from Middle Eastern nations. A spiritual conflict is gathering like a storm. The time of harvest for the Makua-Nahara might be short. I think of the fall of the Berlin wall and the ensuing harvest that only lasted a few years. The farmer works
for a few weeks of harvest; so it is with spiritual harvest fields: we must reap while the harvest is ripe! The first steps to any movement are found in abundant prayer and abundant sowing of the Gospel. We need those who will commit to pray for the Makua-Nahara, and who will invest to sow the Gospel into their lives. Professionals, who can work in vocational and educational training, community development and social work, are needed to complement the teams already serving there. We dare not miss this God-given opportunity. As we contemplated our experience, we realised we are called to make a difference in these people at this time. It is a life-changing challenge. Will you join us? Brad Thurston GERMANY Director of Globe Europe, a German missionary sending organisation partnering with WOI
“SEEING” JESUS FOR THE FIRST TIME “OPTICAL MISSIONARIES” visited to provide eye-tests and prescription lenses. A Jehovah’s Witness received glasses and a tract. His said, “I have
heard of the love of Christ but never personally experienced it. Jesus must be God and not just a man.” He committed his life anew to the real, Living Christ.
Eugene and Tina Wessels MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Leaders
MORE THAN A JOB WE WOULD LIKE you to meet our Maziotela family.
As we see the joy on their faces, we remember some recent testimonies.
Although these people are workers on the cashew farm here at Maziotela Ministries, God has given them ‘more than a job’!
Two men have seen their wives receive prayer, deliverance and healing after trying many witch doctors! Another non-Christian worker asked
for prayer for his mother. His mother then went to her family chief and said she was now following Jesus and would never again practice their family traditions with the witch doctor. Another two have been healed from fatal diseases. One man, on a ‘restorative justice’ programme after theft, is now walking with the Lord. Others have seen miraculous protection over their lives and even a muslim worker tells others “he knows Jesus Christ answers prayers”. Please rejoice with us! Colin and Jenny Ayling MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Leaders
>> Colin and Jenny (right), with their family in Christ.
FAITH IS RISING THE SITUATION in Egypt seems to go from bad to worse every day. For the Christian community however, faith is rising. People are calling on the name of the Lord with all their hearts. Prayer
>> Nathan (front middle) and 150 young people, gathered to seek the Lord.
meetings are happening everywhere throughout the country. Many of us have a sense of destiny: We are here for such a time as this. We find ourselves serving, ministering, leading and encouraging people every day. Recently we spent some days together with 150 young people and church leaders for times of praise and worship, waiting on the Lord to hear his voice and encouraging one another in faith. We believe the Lord is working amongst us and that he is about to do something new in our land. We choose to focus our thoughts and eyes on the Lord rather than on the turmoil. Please
pray with us that the Holy Spirit will visit Egypt, visit every home, visit the people of this great land and turn their hearts toward him. Thank you. Nathan and Sawsan Bassaly EGYPT Ministry Leaders
>> Special times of prayer and worship. • ISSUE 3, 2013 •
Ministering the Baptism of the SOME CHURCH LEADERS AVOID praying for their people to be filled with the Spirit. They wait for a ‘holy man’ to come through or for special ‘revival’ meetings but this is something that all church leaders can and should be doing. So I have been taking time to go over this process with leaders in weekly training meetings, in the boat as we travel and whenever else there is opportunity.
Jesus sent us to make disciples who then make disciples who make more disciples, a glorious chain reaction that will take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Our focus as we go out is not just new churches but also believers who are equipped to take the Gospel to the next generation of believers. But don’t go anywhere, Jesus said, until you have received the power of the Holy Spirit. We who are passionate about reaching every nation must be equally passionate about being filled with the Holy Spirit. And we must be sure that our new believers receive and then pass on the power
We who are passionate about reaching every nation must be equally passionate about being filled with the Holy Spirit...
Spirit. I don’t want our Koti or Japanese disciples to take years to discover this truth. They need the power to go to other nations NOW.
– to understand and obey the Word, power to become witnesses and make disciples, power to pray and worship, power to heal and deliver! A new Pentecost in every generation and every day of our lives!
Without the power of the Holy Spirit, we will not have sustainable growth and we will drift into empty religion. If YOU are struggling, our Following Jesus manual will help you.
At a time when many of our sending churches are not rigorous in their teaching, we must teach clearly from the Word. Having them do inductive Bible study is not enough. It took the church hundreds of years to recover the truth of the baptism of the Holy
But teaching is not enough. We must train them to minister the baptism of the Spirit. Our goal is not head knowledge but receiving. Our new believers must be competent and confident to help their new disciples to be filled with the Spirit. It is as fundamental as repentance and water baptism – as Peter declared in Acts 2:38.
Jo and Jenny Graham MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Leader
Learn more about how to change the world through making disciples by checking out these Following Jesus video tutorials on themes such as: Jesus’ curriculum, learning to pray, learning to read the Bible and sin and repentance... Find them at: TO MAKE A DONATION OR SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAIL NEWSLETTER VISIT WORLD-OUTREACH.COM
INDIA HOUSE CHURCHES CHANGE LIVES RANI is a house church leader and church planter. Through her witness, she has seen her brothers delivered from addiction and leading their own house churches. She reaches children in her community through tutoring, showing them how to follow the greatest teacher who ever lived.
>> Rani (centre).
about religion. I have found the one true God, who is beyond religion.” As Jibon headed home, he noticed something about the temple next door. The temple door always had a lock on it but this evening, that lock was broken. Jibon took this as a sign and realised that he had been set free. His fear disappeared and peace came reigning in. Jibon began living for the Lord and as a result of his testimony, 72 house churches have been planted. TUFAN had a good job as a hotel cook but he did not have health insurance, so when he got sick, he had to stop working. He was diagnosed with kidney failure and could not afford treatment. He lay at home, in pain, waiting to die.
They accompanied Tufan to hospital, where they paid with their own money. The doctors, touched by their love, referred Tufan to a specialist. Today, Tufan is healed and his family is following the Lord.
AC recently reconnected with childhood friend Jibon. AC quickly learned that Jibon was struggling. His wife had become a witch doctor. She had cast spells on him and would often leave human body parts in the house. He lived in fear. Jibon was shocked to learn that AC had left Hinduism. AC explained, “This isn’t
>> A house church meeting.
One day, a Christian passed by and began talking to Tufan’s wife, who poured out the whole story. The witness went in and prayed over Tufan, then left to share his story with his house church. The next day, the church returned. They prayed over Tufan again and then called an ambulance.
>> Tufan and his wife.
Kitbok Ryntathiang INDIA Ministry Leader
B A B Y O N T H E W AY MR SATTIBABU from Routhulupudi village is a small samosa vendor. He and his wife, who are Hindus, have been trying to get pregnant for four years. One day, they asked our pastor Simon to pray that they may have children. After six months of regular prayer at our church, God has opened Mrs Sattibabu’s womb! Please pray that the Sattibabus will accept Jesus as their Saviour soon.
Pastor G. Jayaraj Outreach India INDIA
NEIL GILLON While working as a professional engineer in my home country of New Zealand I made several short-term mission trips to India. These were life
changing and I had a sense of the Lord’s call there. I went to India on long-term mission in 1999 and returned to New Zealand in 2004 knowing that the Lord was saying my time in India wasn’t over. I returned to India in 2012 and am working as a consultant to a company involved in education, community development and Christian publishing. My desire is to see indigenous, multiplying churches planted in these communities with which I am involved. INDIA
• ISSUE 3, 2013 •
INDIA A WOMAN HEALED, HALLELUJAH! MRS KUMARI had suffered for two years from severe bleeding. She had visited several doctors and tried many medications but nothing seemed to help. The doctors just couldn’t figure out what was causing her condition. Her family was Hindu but their religion didn’t offer her much help either – or comfort.
One day her bleeding was so bad that she feared she would die. She didn’t tell her husband or her in-laws because she was afraid that they would send her back to her parents. She did, however, tell one of her children to travel to our Pastor Zechariah’s home and ask for help. Pastor’s wife hurried to Mrs Kumari’s house and prayed over her.
Our church congregation continued to pray for her for a month. Today, Mrs Kumari is healed and her family attends our church regularly. Please pray that they will continue to grow in Christ and choose to be baptised. Pastor G. Jayaraj Outreach India INDIA
A F AT H E R ’ S P R AY E R It was as if Palash’s eyes were opened for the first time. He understood what God had made possible through Jesus Christ. Palash began seeking the Lord with all his heart, earning him much criticism. Family and friends even questioned Palash’s father, who responded, “I dedicated him to Almighty God’s service, so let him alone.”
MR HASAN had three daughters and desperately wanted a son, so he prayed that if God would give him a son, he would dedicate him to God’s service. Sometime later Palash, a boy, was born and Mr Hasan proudly dedicated him to God. Palash was restless in his spiritual life. He explored other religions by reading their books. He read through the New Testament but didn’t understand what he was reading. Then he met a graduate from Christian Discipleship Centre (CDC) who explained the Gospel to him.
Today, Palash and his wife Regina are taking the one-year discipleship course at CDC. Please pray for them. >> Palesh and Regina.
Vijaya Chowdhuri BANGLADESH Ministry Leader
FOR I WILL GIVE YOU WORDS AND WISDOM through discipling and training, he is growing steadily in his walk. He takes every opportunity to share with nonbelievers in nearby villages.
EVAN FIRST HEARD ABOUT God’s love at a youth camp four years ago. He was water baptised and dedicated himself to serving the Lord and sharing the Gospel as best as he could. Evan didn’t have a good education or many skills but simply the love of Jesus and >> Evan, sharing the love of Jesus with others.
No Pum MYANMAR Ministry Leader
Henry and Betsy V • SE ASIA
Vijaya Chowdhuri • BANGLADESH
We are developing the MAP mentoring programme (Mentor - Assist - Prepare), in which experienced WOI missionaries help prospective candidates prepare for crosscultural service. Pray that we will have insight and wisdom in the implementation of the programme and that many workers will be effectively equipped to go into the harvest fields.
Ben and Rachel Brooks • SE ASIA
Day 7
John and Mary Elliott • SINGAPORE
At Christian Discipleship Centre (CDC) this year we have 30 students. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help them in their studies and prepare their hearts for ministry when they leave at the end of the year. Pray too for the nation of Bangladesh and for the new village literacy centres.
Day 3
Nathan and Sawsan Bassaly • EGYPT
Roger and Vivienne Latham • AUSTRALIA
Thank you for supporting our partners in prayer!
We have many ministry events planned during the second half of the year. Pray that these will be effective and a blessing to all who attend. We plan to give out school bags for street kids, to encourage them to attend classes when school begins. Pray that this strategy will be effective.
Day 10 We’re preparing a new booklet for Thai children. I am responsible for artwork and design. We need God’s creative ideas. Please pray for us and for the thousands of children learning with us. May God lead and help them grow in him. Pray for my family and our new baby.
Pray for the WOI leadership, who will meet in Singapore this August to discuss plans to expand ministry initiatives among LRPs. Also, we have busy travel schedules ahead and appreciate those who cover us in prayer for good health, protection, divine appointments and wisdom for the decisions we have to make along the way.
Jan Willem and Marlinde Tamminga • INDONESIA
Pray for students who have graduated and for some of our leaders who returned to their villages. Pray that they continue to live what they have been taught and spread God’s Word. We are in need of more leaders to help with these wonderful children. Pray that God will send the right people.
Every August we take a bus full of our indigenous brothers and sisters to Halls Creek Christian Convention. Lives are powerfully impacted. Please pray for safety over the trip, that the Lord would use us to light fires across the ‘top end’ of Australia and that we would return on fire for God.
Chawalit (Noinon) and Jean Kongchaiyaphum • THAILAND
Thank you for praying! Our family just spent a two-month furlough in the U.S. Please pray our children will adjust quickly back into school and do well this year. Pray for our team, that God will open up new opportunities to share the Gospel in the unreached areas of Cambodia and Nepal.
Rama and Sinta Jones • SE ASIA
Pray for us as we go on home leave. We need time to rest and reconnect with family and friends. We are also hoping to recruit university students for our internship programme. Pray too that the evangelistic film we are making will be finished soon. This will be a wonderful ministry tool.
Prasert Panyamankong • THAILAND
I work with children from Buddhist families around Bangkok. They are hungry and responsive. Many have led their families to follow Jesus. It breaks my heart to think of children in other villages who do not know about Jesus. Pray that God will send faithful, willing workers to respond to such need.
• ISSUE 3, 2013 •
Day 11
Janvier and Claudine Yokoinele • IVORY COAST
Day 16
Pray for the pastors and leaders training seminar in Benin this August. We plan to establish another Christian school there also. After last year’s seminar in the Ivory Coast, three schools were started: Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Benin. We have many challenges ahead.Your practical help and prayers are greatly appreciated.
Day 12
Day 13
Stephanie Herron • MOZAMBIQUE
Duncan and Lindie Ross • SE ASIA
Day 18
Rod and Lynley Talbot • SOUTH AFRICA
Day 19
Susan Khoo • SE ASIA
Please pray for our third year students who are approaching the end of their course, for a recognition of God’s call on their lives and where he wants to use them, obedience to the call and a total commitment to him in every area of their lives.
Allen and Charlotte Teal • NEW ZEALAND
Day 15
Malcolm and Sandy Potter • THAILAND
Please pray that Baan Faa Mai students, who began university last month, will adjust to city/university life smoothly while continuing in discipleship and making good choices. Also that the new intake of students at BFM will open their hearts to God as they hear the Gospel clearly, often for the first time.
Day 20
Pray that God will guide us in Spirit and truth as we establish a new ministry focus. We want to instil the word of God in the hearts of those we minister to, believing our words will be ‘in season’ and will impact lives, and in turn the world they live in.
Cover these major upcoming events in prayer: Kairos planning meeting with participants coming from Africa, Asia and Australia; WOI regional vision team meeting in Mozambique; and WOI ladies retreat in Mozambique. Pray the blessing of God and that we will be kept fresh in mind and spirit as we work
Church Planting Movement Nepal has grown since launched in 2011. CPM teams have spread from the central southern terrain to the mountain regions. Pray for new trainees to catch the vision so that CPM will spread in the eastern region by the time our GPI team goes to Nepal in October.
Theo and Mignonne Schumann • MOZAMBIQUE
We are befriending the Mwani while sharing the Gospel using MP3 players. Pray for the moving of the Spirit in the Mwani’s hearts. Pray that we won’t get discouraged and will persevere. Pray that our family makes godly decisions as our children grow older and their needs change.
Robert and Eliana Mambu • INDONESIA
Pray for the new Christians from Muslim backgrounds, that they grow in their faith and be a blessing to their friends and relatives. Pray for Topan (who is struggling to make a living) and his family; Mulyadi and his family (for good health); Nuh (for health); and for Nuli and his family.
At their invitation, we have entered into an exciting partnership with leading aboriginal pastors to equip their people desperate for intensive Bible and ministry training. Will you join this partnership and help us find the $22,000 we need to put trained ministers into the field in 2013 and beyond?
Day 17
Member care is a high priority within WOI. We are now visiting our workers in Thailand and other Asian countries. Thank you for praying for our health, good flights, safety on the roads and wisdom in the personal conversations we have with our workers. Your prayers make a huge difference!
Day 14
Carl and Gale Musch • AUSTRALIA
Day 21
Malcolm and Linda Bayliss • SE ASIA
Please pray for us as we minister and relate as Regional Directors to WOI personnel in Indonesia. Please pray for God’s empowerment, anointing, wisdom and insight, as we meet with these people, supporting and resourcing them to increase their effectiveness in reaching LRPs with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Day 22
David Elliott • SE ASIA
Day 23
Colin and Jenny Ayling • MOZAMBIQUE
Day 24
Day 25
DAY 26
New groups of church planters continue to be started in Cambodia that are impacting many more families and villages. Pray that these people will be filled with the Spirit of grace and truth. We too need wisdom and love to guide them on their journey of knowing Jesus and making him known.
Day 27
We are trusting God to transform our lives into more of his likeness and to make us a catalyst for transformation among the Cambodian and Nepali people groups we have been training and ministering among. We need his grace and power. Pray for heaven’s assignment to be fulfilled among these people.
Grahame and Philippa Orpin • AUSTRALIA
We are transitioning out of our Australian office and administration roles and seeking God’s direction for this new season of ministry with WOI. Pray for clarity and godly wisdom as we move into new roles. Pray for new connections and partnerships with churches, mission advocates and individuals across this vast nation.
Malcolm and Wendy Taylor • INDONESIA
Pray for our children as they start their new school year, particularly those who are entering our new Intermediate School and those who will teach them. Also pray for the many short-term visitors we have at this time of year, that some will be inspired to serve in missions long-term.
With 200 churches in northern Mozambique, prayer is needed to keep the fires burning in the people’s hearts! There is excitement to see a move of God happening here. Pray that believers will study God’s Word, that they will pray and that funds will be available for leaders to attend conferences.
Day 28
Danny and Ruby Bayasen • BURKINA FASO
Day 29
Peter and Jeannie Smith • NEW ZEALAND
Day 30
Angela Stephens • KENYA
Thank God for his many blessings at Maziotela Ministries! Thank you for your continued prayers! Our youngest twins, Jonathan and Caleb, graduate and are returning to NZ to further their studies. Remember them in prayer. This August through October is fire season in Mozambique. Pray protection for our cashew trees and property.
Owen and Glynis Willows • SE ASIA
Paul and Sue Fosse • MOZAMBIQUE
DAY 31
Pray for us as we are currently training 15 workers who will have their outreach in West Africa. Pray for provision, protection and perseverance as they share God’s Word. Pray for our family. Nathan will graduate high school and go to university and Ruby is taking her masters. Pray for provisions for these expenses.
With a growing number of missionaries who minister in an increasing number of LRPs, it becomes more challenging to ensure they are well-served and supported in the many ways needed. Please pray for the international meetings to be held in Singapore during early August to address these and other field challenges.
Pray that Kenyan Christians would continue to step out and see the Lord use them to bring healing, signs and wonders and the love and power of Jesus to people in their communities. Also pray for me as I help plan and speak in the annual Nairobi Vineyard Churches Conference in August.
Donna Elliott • SINGAPORE
The proposed IT project designed to share the missions flame with the next generation is coming along nicely. LegacyMagazine will be launched in August so watch out for it! Please pray the Holy Spirit will draw people to this publication and stir their hearts to respond as they are impacted by the content.
INDONESIA KO M S E L EVERY INDONESIAN has to choose one of six religions by law: Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, Buddhism or Confucianism. Most children who enter New Hope are Catholic or Protestant. Many of these children identify with their religion by name only. They’ve never been
>> Learning about Jesus.
to church, heard teaching or even seen a Bible. Their concept of religion is often distorted by their animistic backgrounds. One of the things we enjoy most here in New Hope Ministries is our weekly ‘Komsel’. This is a group of twelve teenagers and young adults coming together to read and discuss the Bible and to talk, share and pray about what they’ve read and about daily life as a Christian young person. Together they search for the Truth! It is amazing to see how much they enjoy it. They could finish in an hour but they often continue even after two hours. They learn that being Protestant or Catholic is meaningless unless they
know Jesus. Knowing Jesus is truly changing and transforming these young lives. Jan Willem and Marlinde Tamminga INDONESIA Ministry Leaders
>> Loving ‘Komsel’.
GOD THE PROVIDER WHEN WE LOOK BACK on all that God has done since he first gave Sam a vision for Mt Hope in 1997, we are amazed. The entire project has been and still is a step of faith. We have to depend wholly on God and God has stood by his Word! With 200 children and staff who live-in, plus the school – >> Junior high school students.
>> Grades 1-3 exercising before class.
Kindergarten up to high school, God has not failed us. We are now building another dormitory to house another 52 children. It’s a big step of faith but God has given us the go-ahead so we look to him to provide. Soon the roof will be on and we are negotiating tiles
>> Mt Hope.
for the floor. We have a big God and when he tells us to do something, we just go ahead and do it. We thank those who have been sensitive to the nudging of the Holy Spirit and have partnered with us. God uses men, women, teens and children who are open to his leading! Praise his name! Sam and Carol Sukotta INDONESIA Ministry Leaders
>> Mt Hope children.
SOUTH EAST ASIA TIME FOR REJOICING ON THE 26TH OF MARCH, God gave us a precious little daughter, Sophia Anugerah (Indonesian for Grace). We are so blessed to have her in our lives. Even though she is still so little and cannot do much, except for crying and drinking, the love we have for her is unconditional and pure. Imagine how
much God loves us, not for what we do, but just because we are his children. That is Anugerah. Chris and Gerrianne Runhaar Living Waters Village INDONESIA Ministry Team Members >> Sophia Anugerah.
RUNS ON THE BOARD WE HAVE BEEN in Southeast Asia for five years and are finally getting runs on the board! We, with our national
team, have eight discovery Bible story groups among our unreached Muslim group. One family is awaiting baptism too. We have had a lot of sickness and motorcycle accidents. One of our national workers has been run into several times leaving him unconscious on the side of the road each time but God is good! Rama and Sinta Jones SE ASIA Ministry Leaders
>> Special relationships made.
>> An Islamic mosque.
YOUTH KAIROS CHANGING PERSPECTIVES THE YOUTH KAIROS course, currently undergoing a trial at our centre in the Philippines, is looking good! Bambi Cataluña (our youth mobiliser) and her team have done a great job! With about 35% of the Philippines population (of almost 100 million) under the age of 15 and huge numbers of these young people coming to Christ, youth Kairos has huge potential. This is not to mention the sixty plus other countries of the world where the standard Kairos course is currently being conducted! At the conclusion of a youth Kairos, a young person commented, “It changed my whole perspective on life, my understanding of God and what I could do, in my lifetime, for God’s kingdom.”
Don’t just imagine! Pray for the success of the youth Kairos! Max and Dorothy Chismon PHILIPPINES Ministry Leaders
>> Changing perspectives in Kairos.
Imagine, if, in the formative years of their Christian walk, all young people caught the truth that they have been: saved to serve; blessed to be a blessing; and saved by grace for works that God has prepared in advance for them to do (Eph 2:10).
>> Group work in action. • ISSUE 3, 2013 •
FEATURE 1. STRONG PRAYER MINISTRY The place of prayer in a local church is indispensable. Prayer must be modelled and led by the senior leader. Recognise and affirm the gift of intercession. Have regular prayer meetings and mobilise the young to pray. Teach and preach on prayer. Pray for the sick in the worship services. 2. CLEAR GOD-GIVEN VISION AND STRATEGIC PLANNING Vision is the specific, revealed purpose of God for a particular local church. Vision comes from God, but strategic planning is a leader’s response to God-given vision. Cast the vision to the church often and innovatively. Develop and implement strategic plans and actions. Keep the church’s ministry and lay leaders focused on the strategic plans. 3. LIFE-GIVING WORSHIP SERVICES The ‘worship service’ is the place where the ‘church’ gathers to glorify and worship God, fellowship with one another, hear God’s Word, be ministered to and minister to others. Nurture life-giving, contemporary worship. Make room for
Over this and the next issue of Nations, I’d like to propose 12 keys I have discovered from my own observation, experience and research for how to grow prevailing churches. the Holy Spirit and seek for his manifest presence. Allow for the prophetic and pray for people’s needs.
>> Leadership training in Burkina Faso.
4. RELEVANT LIFE-GIVING PREACHING AND TEACHING One of the primary roles of ministry leaders is to preach and teach God’s Word. Plan time each week to study and prepare. Ground each message with clear applications. Plan messages and series in line with the God-given vision. Address key themes of church life and everyday life. Develop a preaching team and give opportunity for young preachers to emerge. Be creative.
5. BUILD A HIGH CALIBRE MINISTRY TEAM One person (the pastor) can’t do everything, no matter how ‘omni-competent’ he or she may be. The key is to raise up a high calibre team of gifted ministries. Select ministry team members slowly and prayerfully. Choose people with specific competencies and skills. Develop them personally and proactively. Run regular team meetings. Encourage relationships in the team. 6. DEVELOP A SOULWINNING CULTURE Equip and mobilise the church to intentionally reach lost people. Give a salvation altar call in every service. Empower the congregation with the skills of how to share their faith. Regularly have people give their testimony. Begin a new Christian class to establish young believers in their faith. Train people to ‘disciple’ others. Develop a network of small groups to embrace and integrate new Christians. In the next edition of Nations, we’ll cover a final six keys to growing strong churches. Bruce Hills International Leadership Development Director
SOUTH EAST ASIA T H AT W A S E A S Y I WAS RECENTLY encouraged in Cambodia when an outreach team from California partnered with our WOI church planting team. The team said they had been praying for our trip and heard the Lord tell them that this outreach was meant to be easy. No striving or forcing of God’s hand necessary.
In the next session, the Cambodian church planters were encouraged to seek a prophetic word/message from the Lord. One of the church planters started describing a vision he received. To my surprise he described to the smallest detail the picture I had drawn. I took my picture and showed it to him, and he exclaimed “That was my vision, that was the picture!” After being blown away by how God works, we both laughed and exchanged stories of what God was showing us. I knew the picture was meant for him.
And easy it was. We witnessed a freedom of worship, a release of ministry in the prophetic and creative expression that we have never seen at such a measure before. Words of knowledge, followed by physical and emotional healings, occurred throughout the trip, even on the streets of Phnom Penh as we ministered to prostitutes and pimps in the late night hours.
One morning we had an exercise to draw a prophetic picture that the Holy Spirit gave us. I drew a picture of an abundant waterfall cascading off a rocky cliff face into a jar of clay that couldn’t possibly hold that much water. I named the drawing “More Than You Need”.
REACHING OUT to sex workers on the streets of Cambodia, many potential customers drove by. I noticed some of them looking at me. I then realised that I shared many features with my Asian sisters, so to some of the passers-by, I was “one of them”.
GPI, A WOI MINISTRY, organised a God-encounter week in Cambodia with friends from America. We were asked to pray and seek God’s leading. I felt led to Srei who was crying. I learnt she had been fired and kicked out of her home that morning because she told her boss she wanted to attend church. Although hurt, she knew that God would bless her. She felt blessed and encouraged after I prayed for her.
DURING A Sunday church service in Penang, Malaysia, John, a friend from America (left) and WOI ministry
This verse came to me, “He was counted with the transgressors.” That night, I realised to a very small extent what it meant for Jesus to be numbered with the transgressors. Jesus didn’t mind being counted as “one of them”. He wasn’t ashamed to be seen with tax collectors, prostitutes and outcasts. Why should I? It’s a small sacrifice and it was worth it.
>> David describing his prophetic picture.
I walked away thinking, “That was easy.” David Elliott SE ASIA Ministry Team Member
>> Healed of a hip bone fracture (centre).
Peniel Prabhakaran (Penny joined the WOI GPI team that ministered in Cambodia recently) >> Susan and Srei.
Susan Khoo MALAYSIA Ministry Team Member << Peniel, showing God’s love on the street.
team member Daniela (right), had the privilege of praying for a woman and seeing her get healed. She had a fractured hip bone that never healed correctly. After receiving prayer she walked around the building to test it out. By the time she was coming back she was running and bending down, all of which she couldn’t do before God healed her. Thank you Jesus! Ben and Rachel Brooks SE ASIA Ministry Team Members • ISSUE 3, 2013 •
THAILAND GROWING IN FAITH RAHAB MINISTRIES holds Bible study for the ex-bar women three times a week. There is a new or pre-Christian class and it is always encouraging to see women on their individual journeys to faith. Wii has been at Rahab for well over a year now and every morning as she arrives at Rahab, she can be seen reading her Bible, asking questions of other Christians at Rahab and eagerly taking part in the prayer and praise times. To see life and confidence come into her eyes is what Rahab is all about. Prostitution robs women of their
value and self-confidence. Across the floor from Rahab is a non-Christian NGO that offers medical care, English lessons and other valuable help to male Patpong prostitutes but they cannot offer the hope that Wii has found through faith in Jesus. Wii’s former identity was as a prostitute, looked down on by many; now Wii’s identity is in her Saviour. Rahab Ministries THAILAND
SENDING GOD’S WORD WHERE THERE IS NO CHURCH THE GOOD NEWS TEAM has a wonderful opportunity through our correspondence lessons to teach Thai children about Jesus. It’s the only way most can know Jesus. Petchaparat, age 11: I used to think God wasn’t real, until I started your lessons.
Now I know he’s real because he answers my prayers. Sarla, age 12: My father was put in jail. Police said we must pay 4 million Baht but we are poor. We were all crying. Then I remembered Jesus and I asked him to do a miracle. Soon my father was released and we didn’t have to pay anything. We were all amazed. Prongtip, age 15: I feel loved when I get your lessons and excited when I got your birthday gift. It was my first ever birthday present! Beyachad, age 13: I’m Buddhist so can Jesus still love me? I do want to learn about him.
>> Learning to pray.
>> Excited to hear about Jesus.
Please pray for God to make his truth real in the heart of each Thai child doing our lessons. Valerie Bateup Good News Team THAILAND Ministry Leader
MISSIONS WORK IS FOR EVERYONE UPON FINISHING KAIROS, participant Kambang said, “I always thought missions work was reserved for westerners. Now I understand that me and my co-workers are missionaries too, bringing the Gospel to unreached tribal groups in Laos.” In 2014, our Thai World Missions Group will hold a camp called ‘Mission in Action’ for the 1,000 Thais who have
attended Kairos. This camp will focus on expanding God’s kingdom among unreached people groups in Thailand and Laos. Kanchana Karaya THAILAND Ministry Team Member >> Kairos course attendees.
THAILAND GOD IS MOVING IN THAIL AND DURING THE PAST MONTH I’ve had the opportunity to share the Gospel with children in a slum community in Bangkok, lead two people to Christ and prepare them for baptism, train children’s workers and also teach a group of Christian children at a camp in South Thailand. Plenty of variety! In Tungsonghong community a young man called Ek, who has been helping us teach the children at Top Kids, has decided to be baptised. An older woman called P’Tueang, who has been
last Saturday. P’Tueang and Ek will be baptised at the local pool next week. It’s always exciting to see young people dedicate their time to reaching children for Christ and this year I have been running training courses for 80 Sunday school teachers. It’s great to see churches putting more emphasis on Children’s ministry. >> Sunday school teacher trainees.
coming to study English with us for around two months, opened her heart and made the decision to follow Jesus
Prasert Taksin Good News Ministries THAILAND Ministry Leader
NICE ONE … NICE! NICE HAS JUST graduated from high school and left Baan Faa Mai after living here for three years. She trusted in the Lord during this time (the first person to do so from her village). On leaving BFM she wrote, “Thank you God for bringing me here. I know it was your purpose for me as well as knowing Jesus. I felt afraid when I first came because I didn’t know anyone but after two weeks I realised that everyone
is friendly and always available if I needed to talk. It is a big family who encourages me. God has done miracles in my life regarding study, >> Nice. family, health and other things. Whenever something happens that causes me to feel
uncomfortable, I pray and God answers my prayers. All this has helped me to know that God loves me very much, is with me all the time and always takes care of me. Thank you God that you did not neglect nor abandon me!” She will study at Chiang Mai University. Malcolm and Sandy Potter THAILAND Ministry Leaders
I SHARED the Gospel with Socorro when she was her student but Socorro didn’t seem interested. Years later, I answered the phone to hear Socorro’s voice, “I have asked Jesus into my heart!” Socorro had many questions about her new faith, so I met with her. I gave her a Bible and we talked and
prayed together. I planted a seed that someone else watered and a new shoot has sprouted! Elisa Diaz THAILAND Ministry Leader >> Socorro, delighted with her new Bible.
INACIO AND NILZA TOMERO, Inacio, his wife Nilza and their two beautiful children are from the Mancia region of Mozambique. Inacio grew up in a church
that often mixed animism and witchcraft into their services. One day a missionary came to his church and shared the Gospel. That day, Inacio knew he wanted to follow Jesus with all his heart.Today Inacio and his family serve in Angoche, where they are seeing the powerful work of God happening among the Koti, a folk-Muslim people group. Inacio and his team give oversight to more than 200 churches and 400 leaders in a community of 20,000. • ISSUE 3, 2013 • NATIONS 19
THAILAND THE AUTHORITY WITHIN NONGKRAN’S NEW LIFE in Christ began when her friend told her about Jesus. She believed immediately and was excited to read in God’s Word about the authority that is within each believer. Three months later, Nongkran was bitten by a poisonous snake. Once bitten, she killed the snake, laid hands on herself and prayed in Jesus’s name. She brought the snake to her fatherin-law, who immediately rushed her to hospital. When her blood test results came back, the doctor said he could
not detect any poison at all in her bloodstream.
>> Nongkran has led all these people to Christ.
Nongkran started telling her miracle story and the Gospel spread rapidly. Now there 50 new believers meeting regularly at 11 different locations. Nongkran is full of joy, there is a smile on her face and she is always testifying about Jesus. Now she wants to bring the Gospel to her friends in another village called Saliam. Please pray for her, that she will make many disciples of Jesus there. Lorraine Dierck THAILAND Field Leader
MIRACLES IN THAIL AND PIN HAS BEEN UNABLE to find a job that would allow her time to care for her son. She recently received Jesus as Saviour and was water baptised. She
>> Pin (centre) and her family.
began praying for a job and found one that paid well and allowed her the flexibility a mother needs. God causes growth but the pruning, sowing and watering is our responsibility. Please remember us in your prayers as we partner with God in making disciples and planting churches in each of the villages. Pray for strength, and for the Holy Spirit to lead us no matter where we are. Also, please pray for God’s protection over these families and for his miraculous healing to come down in accordance with his promise.
>> A vision of a church in every village.
John and Nok Paramuan THAILAND Ministry Leaders
B U S I N E S S A S M I S S I O N : B U I L D I N G R E L AT I O N S H I P S WE HAVE BEEN running our language centre cum cafe for just over a year. Through the connections established with our students, customers and neighbours, we have had opportunities to pray for those who need healing. Thaa, one of our students, needed emergency eye surgery last year. We prayed for her and visited her during this critical time. Recently, our daughter Kaitlyn was invited to be the flower girl at Thaa’s sister’s wedding and Jeh Sie was asked to speak a word of
One of our neighbours has been unwell for over a month. We prayed for her in Jesus’s name. Do pray that she will have a revelation knowledge of Jesus as her Creator and Healer!
>> Ministry member Tom with students.
blessing for the wedding couple. What a privilege to declare Numbers 6:24–26 at a Buddhist wedding!
We believe that this is what business as mission is about, that through relationships we will be able to reach people with Christ’s love and truth. Kevin and Jeh Sie Chan THAILAND Ministry Leaders
YA H O O F O R J E S U S ! WE HAVE BEEN so blessed in the last 12 months. Several communities in the Northern Territory are experiencing revival! Hundreds have been baptised. Lives are changing and communities are transforming. Where there were huge divisions and regular payback fighting, there is now peace and joy. Praise God! The blessings have also been flowing into our local community of Belyuen, with several baptisms in the past six months. Yahoo for Jesus! Roger and Vivienne Latham AUSTRALIA Ministry Leaders >> (Far right): Roger and Vivienne baptising new believers.
USING TECHNOLOGY FOR JESUS RECENTLY WE HAD an opportunity to preach the Gospel in a closed Muslim nation! One of our Muslimbackground believers married an English girl at our church. We broadcast the service to his family via the Internet in their own country. I shared the Gospel and we gave a running
translation of the service. The family was in tears. It was a moving time and probably the first time they heard about Christ’s joyful life-giving power. Keith and Christine Kelly United Kingdom Ministry Leaders
>> Keith and Christine.
CHRIS AND DILL TAPP Chris and Dill are from the UK and have been Christians since their late teens.They have three children and six grandchildren. In 2010, they moved to a new area knowing it would be a time of preparation.The Lord confirmed the next step for them at the WOI 80th Celebrations – he wanted them to join the Living Waters Village in Borneo. They both have pastoral hearts and will be involved with hundreds of people there. They believe that Chris will have a technical role, while Dill will help support the many who visit the project. Living Waters Village, BORNEO
• ISSUE 3, 2013 •
OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE WITH WORLD OUTREACH INTERNATIONAL With growth happening and expansion needed, a number of World Outreach International (WOI) teams have opportunities for short to long-term personnel or interns who can raise their own personal support and travel costs, to assist their ministry vision. For enquiries email: or visit our website
With 80 years of mission history and still going strong, World Outreach International has some pretty amazing tales to tell. Ordinary people. Extraordinary God.
This is missions... behind the scenes. What will your story be?
HAVE YOU MADE A WILL? Making a will is the only way you can be sure that your wishes will be followed after you die. Having a will also makes your loved ones’ time of grief simpler. If you don’t leave a will, part or all of your estate may go to Peter vanyou dernever Westhuyzen people whom intended to benefit, or even to the government! Children’s Ministry Coordinator Including a gift to the ministry of World Outreach International in your will is a special and personal (acknowledgement of this way testimony from Becky Fisher of to continue making a difference in the world after your life on earth has passed.
“Kids in Ministry International” For further information, please contact the World Outreach International office nearest to you., TO MAKE A DONATION OR SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAIL NEWSLETTER VISIT WORLD-OUTREACH.COM
FEATURE OUR JOURNEY on the mission field is just beginning. We were both 26 years old when we made the move from Sydney to Bangkok and we have been living and serving God in Thailand for just over a year now. Our first year on the mission field has been full of adventures, excitement and challenges but most of all it has been a journey closer to God.
MAT 24:1
Before we moved to Thailand we undertook cross-cultural training. This preparation has proved to be
>> Daniel and Genevieve connecting with young adults in Bangkok.
Our first year on the mission field has been full of adventures, excitement and challenges but most of all it has been a journey closer to God. invaluable in our first year on the field. We highly recommend doing training such as the WOI Nations course before undertaking cross-cultural ministry. After saying farewell to family and friends, we were suddenly faced with the raw reality of feeling isolated in a new world. While family were only a phone call away, we had left everything familiar and were now in a foreign country where we did not speak the language, understand the culture or even know how to order food! It was
>> With Pastor Udom of Muangthong church.
this isolation, however, that lead us to the greatest joy of our journey so far: building genuine friendships with local Thai people. We moved to Bangkok and immediately started attending and serving in Muangthong church. Our new church family welcomed us so warmly and made us feel safe and supported in our new environment. It has been our Thai friends who have been our greatest teachers of language and culture. We currently serve in Muangthong church by organising a Friday night young adults programme. The Friday night programme has helped the young people to connect and commit to church life where they can mature in their faith. We feel blessed and honoured to be serving God in Thailand. We look forward to deepening our relationships with the local Thai people and together advancing the kingdom of God. From our experience, we would say to anyone thinking of getting more involved in missions: Do it! Don’t hold back, pursue your God-given dream and be a part of seeing God’s kingdom advance all over the earth. Daniel and Genevieve Nihill THAILAND Ministry Team Members • ISSUE 3, 2013 •
IT IS ALWAYS A DILEMMA in the world of missions! Should limited and precious finances be used primarily to sow the word of God and meet the needs of the underprivileged or should they also be used to build and/or buy multipurpose facilities that will enhance effective discipleship, education and job-skill training programmes? Such decisions are never easy to make. Fortunately, property values and building prices in most developing nations are much lower than in developed nations, where the cost of living is so much higher. At the same time, it is good to partner with our local colleagues and the communities who will benefit long term from such investment. The following World Outreach International projects in Asia and Africa are in need of financial partners:
During the past seven years, Jo and Jenny Graham have seen a people movement for Jesus happen among the traditionally folk-Muslim Koti people group in northern Mozambique. Today more than 200 churches have been planted and led by the indigenous Koti. A “Bless Angoche Community Centre” project has recently been launched to build a simple yet practical multipurpose centre in the main and strategic town of Angoche where there is literally no public building suitable for gatherings. Even politicians have to speak in open parks when campaigning.
The Mt Hope Training Centre in the province of West Kalimantan recently purchased land adjacent to the centre for a price way below market value. This vital and strategic piece of land will allow Mt Hope to build and develop new facilities that will enhance their hostel, school and training centre ministries. Mt Hope centre provides village children from among the Dayak tribes of West Kalimantan an opportunity to receive education, care and job-skill training and in turn gives them a hope and a future.
In the past two years Joseph and Aimee Dayamba have seen hundreds of children and teenagers become followers of Jesus Christ. The Lord has also blessed their ministry with a plot of land that is debt free. The Dayambas have a burden to construct a multipurpose facility that will serve the community and attract other children, as well as be a discipleship centre for growing young people in the word of God.
All three projects above need urgent funding. Practical partnership of any amount is greatly appreciated. Donations can be made to: World Outreach International and designated Building Projects. Then forward to your nearest WOI office (listed on pg 2).
Donations can also be made via our website: If you wish to receive more information on any of these projects, please email Thank you.