International Business Ethnics

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Glossary a d v e r t i s i n g A form of public notice that seeks to inform, persuade and otherwise modify consumer attitudes toward a product, with the objective of triggering an eventual purchase. a n o n y m y z e r An Internet site that disguises the user’s e-mail address and identity. b a r r i e r s t o e n t r y Conditions that make it difficulty for competitors to enter a market. For example, copyrights, trademarks, patents, exclusive distribution channels and high initial investment requirements. b a r r i e r s t o t r a d e Policies that make it difficulty for enter a foreign market. For example, high rates of import duty, special requirements for imported products and subsidies to domestic producers. b i g p i c t u r e The overall, long-term view of a business deal, transaction or policy. To be a Big Picture thinker means you have the ability to get past the minutia and details or individual transaction to think ahead to see how it fits into a company’s overall strategy. b o n a f i d e Latin for “good faith.” Refers to documents, materials and promises that show commitment by a company or individual to a particular line of business, transaction or outcome. It is generally taken to mean that a company or individual is serious and are who they say they are. b o t t o m l i n e The last line in a financial statement, indicating a company’s profit or loss. b r i b e p a y e r s i n d e x is a pioneering effort by Transparency International to measure the supply side of bribery: the relative propensity to pay bribes by companies from leading exporting states in emerging economies.


b r i b e r y Payments or concessions made to an individual holding a position of power and trust to influence the outcome of a business transaction. Morality aside, bribery is an entrenched part of doing international business, though some uniformity in the fight against it as bad economic policy is beginning to take shape among the world’s more powerful economies. b u s i n e s s i n t e l l i g e n c e The process of monitoring the competitive environment. It enables senior managers in companies of all sizes to make informed decisions. Effective Business intelligence is a continuous process involving the legal and ethical collection of information, analysis that doesn’t avoid unwelcome conclusions and controlled dissemination of actionable intelligence to decision makers. Also referred to as Competitive Intelligence. cause related marketing (CRM) Marketing that connects a business’ products to a particular cause or set of values in the hope that consumers who hold those values will be more likely to purchase the products as a way of supporting that cause. c a u x r o u n d t a b l e A group of business leaders from Europe, Japan and the US committed to energizing the role of business and industry as a vital force for innovative global change. ( c h i e f p r i v a c y o f f i c e r A business executive that oversees a company’s privacy policies and practices, monitoring how the corporation handles confidential information about consumers and employees. Unheard of in any corporation in the mid 1990s, the position is now considered a key management and compliance office in large and small corporations alike.

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