Researching Business Ethics Resources A good starting point for researching resources about business ethics is the Internet. There are literally hundreds of Web sites providing a range of information from philosophical arguments about ethics to how to construct a corporate conduct code. Of course, more traditional sources can also provide a wealth of information. The local library is obvious, but also local trade missions, embassies and consulates of countries in your target region are usually cooperative, if not flattered, by your interest. Also, many governments sponsor cultural institutes in foreign countries to promote both the business and culture of their home country. Among the largest: Funded by the German government, it promotes German business and culture abroad. The Institute maintains about 150 locations in more than 70 countries. Among these are large Institutes with up to 70 employees in New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Moscow, Cairo, Jakarta and Rome. The Institute has a total of about 3,600 German and foreign employees worldwide.
The largest network of French language and cultural centers in the world. There are 1,300 Alliance chapters established in 112 countries—including 150 chapters in the US—serving more than 400,000 students.
maintains two Japan Cultural Institutes, five Japan Cultural Centers and 11 Offices in 17 countries. The Japan Foundation was established in 1972 under the auspices of Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the purpose of promoting mutual understanding and friendship on the international scene. Its activities are financed by operation profits on government endowments, aid from the Japanese government and funding and donations from the private sector.
An agency of the US federal government it operates cultural centers, including libraries and multi-media resources, in over 90 countries. Its aim is to promote US business and US culture (what the French term an oxymoron) throughout the world.
Internet Resources This is by no means meant to be an exhaustive list of international-related business ethics links. Most of the Web sites have their own set of additional Web links, and many were used as resources for this book. Includes educational programs, a calendar of conferences and events, an extensive list of suggested Web sites and The Ethics Forum that contains discussion papers on a variety of management and ethical topics.
AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS ETHICS NETWORK Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) is an organization that helps companies achieve “long-term commercial success by implementing policies and practices that honor high ethical standards.” With more than 1,500 members, BSR sponsors conferences and