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Celebrating Worthing College

Spring 2014

Crowds flood in for Aspire event despite weather disruptions Worthing College Aspire Event, Year 11 students invited to learn about going to University. Worthing College hosted their annual Aspire event in February for Year 11 students who aspire to go to university. The exhibition hall at the college was packed with over 200 guests who were keen to hear what the Aspire Programme at Worthing College can offer students who want to study at top universities or apply for highly competitive courses like medicine, law or engineering. Speakers described the benefits of joining the programme and the advantages it gives students when applying for universities. Ex students Billy Holt and Sulagna Roy battled transport delays and terrible weather to return from their university studies and talk to an appreciative audience with Gabe Crisp, the Aspire Programme Co-ordinator at Worthing College.

Student speakers Billy Holt, Sulagna Roy, Jacob Pennels, Chandler Goddard and Megan Chambers with Aspire Programme Co-ordinator Gabe Crisp

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Aspire Programme at Worthing College


Caroline Pickup

Welcome to the Spring edition of Celebrating Worthing College and all that there is to celebrate. We have really settled into our new college which is even better than it was last term.

Dr Alice Reid, Fellow and Director of Studies at Churchill College, Cambridge

Ex student Sulagna Roy currently studying Medicine at Southampton University

Our most aspiring students took centre stage in February when past and present students spoke eloquently about their aspirations, preparation for and experience at university. We have celebrated outstanding performance in the classroom awarding Grade 1 certificates to teachers demonstrating excellent implementation of ‘The Worthing Way’.

They were joined by current students Megan Chambers, Jacob Pennels and Chandler Goddard who talked about how to apply to university, the benefits of having a UCAS adviser, the trips and the support offered to enable a successful application to a chosen university by joining the Aspire programme when they start at Worthing College in September 2014.

Headline speaker Dr Alice Reid, Fellow and Director of Studies at Churchill College, Cambridge discussed widening participation and the application process for elite universities, but as she pointed out, the process and the rigour required from students applies to all university applications. To find out more about the Aspire Programme visit www.worthing.ac.uk

Yet again we have celebrated sport success in women’s and men’s football and rugby. New Worthing College Football Activators and Student Sport Management Teams are now busy promoting intercollege activities. We celebrated the launch of our new Forest School Holiday Club for children who reported they had a fabulous time in February half term, despite the weather. Also, Ofsted visited the nursery in January and judged it to be good in all respects. Applications for September 2014 are still flowing in thick and fast so if you want to be part of our success and have not already applied remember not to leave it too late! Lastly we celebrated the career of Steve Flitton who retired at the end of January after 40 years excellent service at Worthing College.



Celebrating Worthing College

Certificates recognise outstanding teaching as Ofsted update sees rapid improvement at Worthing College “During the first term at the new Worthing College I have been very pleased and proud to present a number of certificates to celebrate outstanding performance in the classroom. All the teachers who achieved a Grade 1, outstanding, showed excellent implementation of key aspects of the Worthing Way including Knowing Your Students, Starts, Questioning, Active Learning and Assessment and Feedback. I was particularly pleased to see lessons where equality and diversity and numeracy and literacy were a key part of the learning experience. We have made rapid improvements in teaching, learning and assessment and now judge this to be ‘good’. However we must continue to focus on questioning to address higher order questioning skills, checking learning in lessons, further differentiation in lessons to meet student needs and further work to embed literacy, numeracy and equality and diversity.

Adrian Reilly

Rachel Maddix

Evelyn Barry

Jeff Thomas & Annalie Wikson

Ben Coulson & Mark Rugman

Steven Foden

Kate Norrish

In term 2 we will focus on these themes in our observations and learning walks. In term 2 I look forward to presenting many more certificates to celebrate outstanding classroom practice. Well done to all the teachers who demonstrated outstanding teaching, learning and assessment.” Peter Corrigan, Principal

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Aspire students visit universities

Aspire students Megan Chambers, Olivia Carter and Alba Mitchell

Shadowing a Cambridge student at Queens

Aspire lecture trip to Sussex University

handful of older curious minded people, including a group of Swedish University partners who concluded that

Megan Chambers recently took part in ‘Shadowing a Cambridge student at Queens’ College and reported back that it had been an excellent insight into what life as a university student is like.

Alba Mitchell Rodriguez and Olivia Carter were also experiencing the benefits of the Aspire Programme when they visited Sussex University for Professor Carolyn Jackson’s lecture on Laddism in Higher Education.

“I travelled up on Thursday 23rd January and left on the Saturday. I spent the three days exploring Cambridge with mentors and other year 12s. I attended an Economics lecture which was challenging, but interesting, went for a formal meal at St. John’s College, attended a subject fair at Sidney Sussex College, went punting and was invited to an admissions talk, which was intriguing. I was a little worried about all the Cambridge stereotypes, but everybody was so friendly and I had an amazing time!”.

“We were greeted with open arms and complimentary tea and biscuits at the Centre for Higher Education and Equity Research (CHEER) which is always a good sign. Upon hearing about the lecture through the Worthing College Aspire programme Aspire, our initial interest was catalysed by the overuse of the word ‘Lad’, both in and out of college, leading one to question what is a ‘lad’ today? Unexpectedly we were joined by a range of people of various ages, two students in a year twelve Cambridge Pre-U class, to a

”Laddism is not yet a concept that has developed in Sweden” sparking the discussion; is Laddism totally negative and slowly eliminating this ‘class’ from achieving later in life. As a result, the lecture concluded that Laddish behaviour included talking and being generally loud (which disrupted classes); being a joker, throwing stuff; arriving late; and being rude and disrespectful to lecturers. This conclusion allowed us both to draw on our personal experiences of this behaviour and relate Professor Jackson’s research to the current education system; raising the questions: to what extent is Laddism a serious pandemic issue in higher education classrooms, and what effect will this have on the rest of the class?” Alba Mitchell Rodriguez



Celebrating Worthing College

Workskills students look into team building and volunteer work Since September the Work Skills group have been in the fortunate position of having the majority of their lessons timetabled on a single day. This has meant that the group have been able to dedicate whole days to the topics covered. The Work Skills students have therefore completed all-day activities investigating areas such as team building and volunteer work.

support sport in the community with their team of volunteers. Students then completed their own volunteering task by helping out in the Worthing College shop and nursery. To continue the volunteering theme, students visited St Mary’s Church in Broadwater. St Mary’s organises a competition for local businesses and community groups to decorate a Christmas tree that is then on display in the church throughout the festive period. Although the Work Skills students did not win - their efforts were well received by the members of St Marys.

In September the group completed several days working on problem solving and team building activities. Students progressed from completing team building activities to then designing their own activities. One group of students designed activities for pre-school students which with the help of the College nursery, they were allowed to test out on a very enthusiastic group of under 5s.

a survey investigating why people complete volunteer work.

Students commented: “I enjoy the range of activities and the opportunity to complete work both in and outside of the College environment”

Later in the term students looked at different ways of completing unpaid work. Students visited local charity organisations in Worthing to complete

Students also visited the Amex stadium where they were given a tour of the stadium and an explanation of how Brighton & Hove Albion FC

“I enjoy the opportunity to go on visits to develop my learning - seeing the links between lessons and the community”

Trips to Disneyland Paris and the Sealife Centre were organised for Travel and Tourism students

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Small prices,big selection at Worthing College shop Located in the heart of the college, the stationery shop is an Aladdin’s Cave of supplies. Tucked behind the printing room on the ground floor, next to the finance office, you will find an Aladdin’s Cave full of colourful stationery. Fill your A4 Ring Binder with a Refill Pad and grab a Bic Biro Pen for £1.50 or grab your basic pencil for only 10p. We have a rainbow of coloured paper and card, envelopes of all sizes, glue sticks, memory sticks, scissors, post it notes, pencil cases,

all your maths supplies (including calculators and even batteries) exercise books and notepads… everything you could possibly need to help you in your lessons. We’re over the moon about our new selection of art supplies. From paint to pencils, brushes to pastels, we’ve got just what you need to bring out your creative side AND at unbeatable prices! W i t h 4 p r i n t e r s, 2 l a m i n a t i n g machines, 3 guillotines and a super duper folder machine, we can solve

all of your printing needs, just drop us a request. Come and find us in room G34 (behind the photocopiers) - you really can’t afford not to.

Academy of Ar t ‘show off’ talents in new exhibition Open from 26 Feb to 5 Mar 2pm - 5pm and 27th Feb & 4th Mar 2pm - 8pm

Private View 26 Feb 4pm - 6pm Visual Arts & Media, 2nd Floor, Worthing College

Worthing College Academy of Arts presented their ‘Show Offs’ spring exhibition held at the college. The exhibition featured art works, media and films from Art & Design, Fine Art, Photography, Textiles, Graphics, Media Studies, Film Studies and Creative Media Production.



Celebrating Worthing College

New graphics brighten up walls at Worthing College Worthing College brightened up the Learning Zones and corridors with a completely new set of wall graphics designed and installed by Black Pepper Studio. Each graphic reflects the curriculum area where they are situated and has already created quite a buzz with the students.

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New Forest School Holiday Club launched at Worthing College

A new Forest School holiday club was launched at Worthing College, in February half term. Open from 8:00am to 5:30pm, full days or half days were offered. Every day children enjoyed activities in our secure on-site Forest School. All sessions were popular and most were fully booked. Children enjoyed a range of outdoor activities including cooking meals on the fire, bird watching, making whistles, finding and collecting bugs and making clay bugs and mini beasts, making flags and forts, wind chimes, bows and arrows and much, much more. Forest school activities were led by Rea Monger our trained Forest School Manager. She was joined by Amy Smith, Kim Gumpright and Kirsty Cable who are also trained Forest School Leaders. Children told us • They loved it and wanted to book ahead for the Easter and Summer holidays. • It was such fun. I enjoyed the pizza cooked on the fire and the walks. • The staff were lovely, kind and looked after me well and they were funny too. • I had a fantastic time – I loved every moment. • I can’t wait until I come back in the Easter holidays. If you would like to visit, ask any questions or book a place please call 01903 275750.



Celebrating Worthing College

Children First Nursery celebrates Ofsted inspection outcome Children First Nursery and Forest School was inspected by Ofsted on 27th January. Having spent a very enjoyable day with the children and staff in the nursery the inspector concluded our nursery was a good nursery in all respects. The written report identifies “Staff are skilled at teaching and extending critical thinking skills, so they become confident and independent learners” “Children delight in showing what they know and eagerly talked about what they did”

“Parents are strongly involved in their children’s learning”

“There is a very good emphasis on healthy lifestyles”

“Children are very happy and display confidence when talking and playing with all staff”

“Parents are very happy with the care and learning provided for their children. Lots of them feel that staff are very friendly and approachable and this makes their children enjoy their time at nursery”

“Staff use very positive strategies to promote children good behaviour, consequently children are developing a very good understanding of how to behave” “Children are physically active and all children have daily opportunities to play outside regardless of the weather”

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This is a fantastic result and testament to the hard work and dedication of the nursery team. Well done everyone. To read the full report please go to www.ofsted.gov.uk

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Making a real song and dance about Chinese New Year

A giant yellow dragon dancing to the beat of a drum welcomed the Chinese Year of the Horse in the West Cafe. The highly decorated dragon interacted with students and staff in the cafe before revealing Teacher of Film, Photography and Media

Jason Lee (photo far right). The crowds were also entertained by Sunny - who wowed ‘ Worthing’s Got Talent’ audiences during the Christmas Charity Week (see page 13) - playing her beautiful Chinese Zither along with other musical acts.

More students using Work Store Worthing College invites outside organisations to attend the Work Store to provide information to students on a range of subjects including finding work, local job vacancies, volunteering opportunities and Gap Year activities and projects. Oyster Worldwide visited on 14th January to provide information on their specialist Gap Year projects for young people. Their representative had previously participated in their scheme and was able to share


her experiences with students considering gap year travel. So far this year, 10% of Worthing College students have accessed the Work Store outside of their studies for help and advice regarding progression, finding work experience, employment and voluntary work.

provides help with CVs, applications and any other work related activities whilst Jacqui Scerri liaises with local organisations on behalf of students.

Outside of the weekly Work Store drop in sessions, Julia Flynn sees students by appointment to discuss their individual needs and also


Celebrating Worthing College

Clear Computing Challenge held at Worthing College After recent news showing the rising concerns of teenagers online being caught up in cyber bullying and inappropriate comments on social media, Clear Computing thought it would be the perfect opportunity to hear from teenagers on how they would design a social media platform for teenagers, with consideration to these issues with Internet Safety Day fast approaching on the 11th February. Six West Sussex schools took part entering two teams each, Davison High School for Girls, Durrington High School, The Forest School, Imberhorne School, Littlehampton Academy and Steyning Grammar. The brief was to present their idea considering the following issues; design, functionality, finance, security

and marketing supported by mentors from a variety of industry sectors. Mentors included representatives from Scerri Solutions, St. Jame’s Place Wealth Management, Nat West, LWS Marketing, KPA & Vantage Professional Risks. All the proposed ideas were then presented to the experts on a judging panel, based on TV’s Dragon’s Den. When it came down to the four finalists two schools stood out, Littlehampton Academy and Steyning

Grammar who both had their two teams shortlisted, before Littlehampton ‘B’ came out on top. Barnaby Hall, Managing Director said, “The day was everything we hoped it would be and we were very impressed with all the student ideas and highly impressed with their knowledge on the issues surrounding internet safety in a social media context. We look forward to this being the start of an annual event”.

Worthing College remembers the holocaust A Level Students Charlie Richardson and Charles Pumphrey talked to the college history club about the ‘Lessons from Auschwitz.’ project they were involved with. Stage 1 was a conference in London where they heard the incredible story of Auschwitz survivor Kitty Hart-Moxon. This was followed by a challenging ‘Day Trip to Auschwitz’ to see for themselves its terrible legacy. Along with 200 students from other colleges and schools they saw the terrible conditions, the gas chambers and the haunting railway sidings through which over 1 million Jews entered and never came out.

Students also visited Sussex University. to listen to a talk by Anita Lasker Wallfisch, a Holocaust survivor who was the cellist in the Auschwitz orchestra. She described something of the cruelty and horrors she witnessed, and the bizarre situation of playing beautiful cello music by Brahms to Dr Joseph Mengele, the notorious ‘Doctor Death’ who despatched hundreds of thousands of people to the gas chambers. Amongst the party from Worthing College were a number of visiting International Students from Brazil and Germany who joined with home students to resolve that such events should never happen again.

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Students also saw the powerful Russian film ‘Come and See’ directed by Elem Klimov about the Nazi occupation of Byelorussia which was particularly savage. This told the story of Florian and Glasha who end up together, wandering a landscape that resembles hell on earth. Their treatment at the hands of Nazi soldiers is disturbing and vivid.

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Christmas Charity Week at Worthing College creates festive cheer for students and staff The end of term went with a bang at Worthing College, with a Charity Week that united students and staff in raising £400 for the National Autistic Society and Chestnut Tree House.

Highlight of the week for many was the ‘Worthing’s Got Talent’ competition. Eight acts took part and it was won this year by Max and Charlie, a singing and rapping duo, with a great comedy act and superb rapport with the audience. Almost as popular was Sunny, an international student from China who brought her Chinese Zither from home and played a beautiful and exotic piece of authentic Chinese music. James Clarke, Henry Marshall and other members of the Student Union


organised a Santa’s Grotto for three days which was very popular with students and young children from the college nursery.

The Grand Library Quiz was won by a scratch team made up of students and staff while the college Anime club organised a special Anime Quiz and also raised money from home-made cakes.

The Academy of Sport organised a whole host of fund raising sporting events including a tug-of-war and the ever-popular mixed fancy dress netball match. A series of parties were held which included Christmas parties for the staff and another for International students. The hugely popular Senior Citizens Christmas Party proved a hit

For staff there was the return of the bagatelle challenge organised by Richard Kendall of the premises team and raising £200. It was eventually won by Neil Hayward.

once again. Food and drink was laid

The college was also visited by MPs Sir Peter Bottomley and a costumed Tim Loughton who toured the college speaking to staff and students.

Another highlight was the candle-lit carol service held at St Botolph’s in Worthing, organised by Lena Urquart from the music department.

on and served by students and staff who also put on the entertainment with children from the Children First Nursery who sang songs and carols.


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Stage is set for glittering careers A2 Drama and Theatre Studies staged a week of lunchtime shows for students and staff at the Sealight Theatre with four plays: Stay in the Shadows Featuring Ellie Snow, Jackie Coughlin, Lindsey Ford, Sam Purkis, Katie Brewster, Rachel Elliot Connections Featuring Kyle Rogers, Amber Newbery, Charlotte Ogilve, Sam Jones, Adam Goacher The Pendant of Youth Featuring Ashley Arnott, Charlotte White, Frankie Cloake, Molly WellsDeamer, Sarah Pearson, Lizzie Tinnion Paradise Featuring James Clarke, Lauren Andrews, Chelsea Leggatt, Zach Spencer, Lizzie Coad The four plays couldn’t have been more




science fiction, tense psychological drama and even the supernatural. Each one showcased some highly skilled




acting and all the performances provided a brilliant experience for the casts and the audiences as well.



Celebrating Worthing College

Inspiration for women rugby players Ex Worthing College student Amy Wilson-Hardy returned to Worthing College to inspire the female rugby stars of tomorrow. Amy had an impressive 2013, being selected for the England Women’s Full International Squad, making her debut against Canada and competing with the England Women’s 7s team, where she is looking to make the 2016 Olympic Squad. The AASE (Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence) Women’s Rugby Team were treated to an

insight into how Amy has juggled academic success with International Rugby success. “Amy is an excellent role model for our AASE girls. The commitment she showed to her academic subjects whilst at the College, but still striving to push herself in rugby, is an attribute which every young aspiring athlete should demonstrate. We are very thankful to Amy for giving up her time to come back and talk to the girls on our AASE programme.” Mark Rugman AASE Rugby Coach.

College Football Activators and Student Sport Management Team ‘The Voice for Sport’ Both of these teams have been set up for Worthing College to promote inter-college activities. The students have been selected to take ownership of increasing opportunities for their fellow students whilst engaging with them and increasing participation. The Student Sport Management Team is comprised of Sport Academy students from all academies (baskettball, netball, rugby and foottball). They have the opportunity to deliver and promote sessions they choose including multi sports on a Thursday lunch time. Amy Martin who is also an ambassador for Worthing Rugby Club has said she is keen to promote a variety of sports and help with the development of sport across the college. The College Football Activators team is a group of 7 students who

are working towards their Level 1 coaching and youth module awards. We have created a partnership with Sussex FA in order to support them with the finances of these qualifications and in return they are dedicating their own time towards promoting and delivering football activities for all students. Paula Howells and Caroline Hodgson have done a brilliant job in creating posters and flyers, encouraging students to attend and assisting with ‘Futsal’ (a form of 5-a-side football from South America designed to improve skills) every lunch time on a Tuesday. They have both said they are really keen to encourage more students into the sport and help with the promotion.

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Amy Wilson-Hardy England Women’s U20s Worthing College 2009/2010

Sussex School cross country success On the 15th January two of our students attended the Sussex School Cross Country Championships held in Waterhall Brighton. Leah Harris ran an incredible race, coming second in her age group ‘Under 20s Running 4’ which led to her being entered into the English Schools Cross Country Championships. Jack Woods ran a brilliant race sticking with the top four all the way but just missed out on the selection for English Schools by coming a very close fifth which enters him into the Inter Counties in February. The college would like to congratulate both Leah and Jack for their performances and good luck for their next races.

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Teambuilding The Tigers Way for Public Services Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment visits Public Services Year 12 Level 3 Public Services students were




paces by members of the Support Team from our local Regiment, The Tigers, as part of their unit studying leadership and teamwork and for once the weather was kind. Students




demonstrate a variety of skills and qualities including cooperation and teamwork whilst completing several command tasks. Teams took part in a ‘ski feet’ relay race requiring the use of speaking and listening skills as well as lots of coordination which proved particularly challenging for one team of four. A problem solving task with numbered tyres





members to think and share ideas whilst the team picked up and carried tyres from one end of the course to another. Finally the log carry relay race sorted out the gritty and determined from the fatigued and exhausted! Students said that whilst it was tough it was also an amazing experience.



Celebrating Worthing College

Students scale greater heights and achieve rock climbing success Students from the Year 12 Level 3 Public Services course have recently been taking part in practical activities as part of their course of study.




They took part in a number of sessions of rock climbing and mountain biking at the Adur Outdoor Activity Centre. Every member of the group achieved their NICAS Level 1

and hazards. Two members of the

having completed enough climbs and belays as well as demonstrating a





including awareness of safety rules group, James Toogood and Toby Martin,




achieved Level 2 Top Rope Climber status which required demonstration

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of more advanced skills and techniques. Achieving these qualifications enables students to gain a higher grade in the practical demonstration elements of their Unit of study whilst also providing them with further skills such as communication and teamwork which are transferable into the workplace.

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England success for Worthing College Football Programme The Worthing College Football Performance Programme saw 7 players across both the Men and Women’s Programme in the last 32 players of their respective England Colleges and England Schools selection process. During December and January these players were trialled and tested to their maximum across all parts of the country to see who would make the final squads for the upcoming season. The Women’s Programme saw Charlotte Owen and Izzy Burt travel to Coventry for England Colleges’ final squad selection. After the trial games against the North both were selected to represent England this season. Meanwhile Central Defender Greg Gander and Goalkeeper Jimmy Punter travelled to Filton, Bristol for the Men’s England Colleges’ final trial. Both players performed admirably, with Gander outstanding according to selection feedback. Gander was selected, but unfortunately Punter missed out. Over the second weekend in January; Harry Smith, Jack Barnes & Josh Marshall, along with Matt Morrish (from St Bedes School) travelled to Lilleshall for the final 32 selection residential for the England Schools Squad. Smith and Barnes were in the Red squad, who drew 1-1 with the RAF. Marshall was in the


“Its an amazing feeling being selected to represent my country. Going into the final trial I felt surprisingly calm and wanted to just get out there and show the selectors what I can do. I tried to do the right and simple things, which got me noticed and I can’t be more happy. The injury is definitely a blow, but I’m now fully focused on rehabbing well so that I can try to earn my first cap! I feel that this season with the squad will be a tough, but very enjoyable one and also a fantastic experience that I will never forget.” Gregg Gander White squad, who defeated a Keele University side 4-0. The second day of the residential saw each squad play each other to allow manager Andy Buckingham to make his final decisions. Unfortunately for the boys involved the Northern players seemed to be that little bit stronger, which showed in the final 15-3 split in terms of north/south selection, which meant that all the Worthing players missed out.

Buckingham was quoted after selecting his squad for this seasons Centenary Shield; “As manager of [a national] team, it is always the worst part of the role when you know that you are choosing one boy over another in certain positions. For those who didn’t make it, I’m sorry I could not include you, you are excellent footballers and one or two of you may actually come back into the process. But I hope you have enjoyed the experience and you still have


Celebrating Worthing College a lot of football ahead of you. Enjoy that and I wish you every success in the future.” Men’s Performance Programme Coach Dave Hall was still full of praise for all involved and also highlighted this as a progression route that Worthing College players are now forging for themselves; “At the College we are extremely delighted and proud that 7 of our players got to the final 32 in the whole country for their age group for both Men & Women’s football. This shows that players are now developing in an effective environment, not only to compete at National level, but also to go on to representing their country, which is a fantastic achievement. The feedback we got from the coaching staff about all the players was positive, even those who didn’t make the final cut, which is testament to their attitudes and ability. I was naturally gutted for Jimmy, Jack, Harry and Josh, however upon reflection to have so many players from one college get to the final 32 players in the whole country speaks volumes about what the College programme is trying to achieve, which is to develop players, so that they can realise their full potential. It was great to see that these players were given the opportunity on the back of the Fergany brothers (James & Ryan) and Izzy, who represented England last season. Hopefully all the players would have benefitted from this experience and will make them

The final day saw both Men & Women’s England Colleges’ teams take on Australia Schools at Sutton Coldfield Town FC. Charlotte Owen played 75 minutes and Izzy Burt came on for the last 10 minutes. Unfortunately England were edged out in the final minutes, losing out 2-1. Unfortunately Greg Gander had to

watch his first game from the sidelines as he has a hairline fracture to his metatarsal, however he travelled with the squad and saw England win 3-2. Hall commented “It was obviously disappointing for Gregg to miss out through injury but great to hear about both Charlotte and Izzy getting caps for their country.”

better players in the future.”

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Celebrating Worthing College

Steve Flitton retires after 40 years at Worthing College Past and present colleagues were invited to Steve Flitton’s retirement party in February to bid a fond farewell to Worthing College’s longest serving member of staff.

and Progression which have meant so much to him over the years. We

would all like to wish Steve health, happiness and a long retirement.

The afternoon began with a tour of the new college for former staff who were hugely impressed by our new facilities and a little bit envious that they had not enjoyed such facilities in their careers. Sandwiches, cakes and scones were provided by Caroline Riley in a traditional English high tea. Highlights of Steve’s career were shown in a presentation and Steve’s farewell speech reflected on his time at the college and the values of Opportunity, Achievement, Success

KEY DATES 11 March - Evening of Dance. 6.00 - 8.00pm 12 March - Information Evening. 5.00 - 7.30pm 1 April - Charity Quiz Night. 7.00 - 10pm 4 April - End of Spring Term. 22 April - Start of Term. 1 May - BTEC Musical Theatre ‘Bad Girls’ the musical at the Sealight Theatre. 6.00 - 8.00pm 16 June - Information Evening. 3.00pm - 6.00pm

A BIG welcome to new staff: Paul Apicella, Alan Bradley, Mary Burke, Kirsty Cherry, Sarah Cornwall, Odette Fitzgerald, Sarah Goldsmith, Sam Hewick, Lauren Lendrum, Jemma Murphy, Jessica Nixon, Nicola Rogerson, Andy Strickland, Chanel Wakeham, Martin Walker Farewell to: Rose Almond, Shalene Baker, Danielle Coskin, Steve Flitton, Matt Kelly, Craig Telling, Emma Young

About ‘Celebrating Worthing College’ Celebrating Worthing College is produced by the Worthing College Marketing Team. If you have any comments about this publication email info@worthing.ac.uk or call Chris Hughes 01903 275755.



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