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Celebrating Worthing College

Spring 2016

Fantastic news! Ofsted grade Worthing College ‘GOOD’ in every respect

our hard working, respectful, well behaved and very talented students. The report identifies that students work very hard, enjoy their lessons, achieve great results and have the skills and qualifications to progress to apprenticeships, employment and higher education.

Principal Peter Corrigan with MPs Tim Loughton and Sir Peter Bottomley Worthing College was inspected by Ofsted from 22-25 February 2016. The inspection team of seven inspectors observed many lessons, reviewed students’ exam results, spoke to students, staff and other college stakeholders and concluded that Worthing College is ‘Good’ in every respect.

The report is also great testimony to the skill, dedication, hard work and sheer professionalism of Worthing College’s staff. Students benefit from very good teaching and support throughout their time at college. The fantastic experience students enjoy is a direct result of the determination of staff to support their success. The college will now focus on continuous improvement and our vision to become an outstanding college.”

College Principal, Peter Corrigan, said: “As College Principal, I am extremely proud and pleased with the outcomes from this inspection. The inspection report confirms that Worthing College is a Good college with significant strengths in every area inspected by Ofsted. The report is a great testimony to

Staff celebrate in the West Café

Worthing College OPEN EVENT 7 June 3.00 - 6.00pm

Opportunity Achievement Success Progression


Caroline Pickup

What fantastic news – Ofsted came in Februar y and graded the college GOOD in all areas. An amazing achievement for ever yone including the whole Worthing community. I hope you have a chance to read more about this fabulous success in this edition of Celebrating Worthing College and on our website where you can read the whole Ofsted report if you wish.

Andrew Jeffery, University of Chichester STEM Award, WINNER

Even as I write, further success is evident as I observe an evening of celebration at the FE Sussex Spring Awards, where some of our students have won amazing awards including: Lizzie Williams, Pearson BTEC Learner of the year, WINNER

Rosie Scordoulis, FE Sussex A Level learner of the Year – All round outstanding ability, RUNNER UP Stewart Matthews, AQA Learner of the Year, RUNNER UP Adel Msolly, OCR Learner of the Year, RUNNER UP An enormous well done to all our students but especially those who won awards. This is cause for even further celebration and recognition of the quality of teaching and learning at Worthing College achieved by our outstanding learners, following academic, vocational or work-based learning programmes. Photos and images will be available on our website soon.

There is so much to be proud of in this edition, please take the time to read about all our high achieving students and staff. Finally, if you know anyone who wants to join our successful college this September, please let them know places are going fast so if they haven’t done so already, they need to send in their application as soon as possible.


“An exceptional achievement” MPs share the good news Sir Peter Bottomley, MP, said: “I congratulate all the students and all the staff, academic and support, together with the governors for this outstanding assessment.

level. I am proud of Worthing College. The town and district can be pleased: they will join me in thanking you for your dedicated outstanding leadership.”

Despite the difficulties of moving the College from Bolsover road to the new campus, and in face of the funding difficulties from government, the College has clearly been raising the levels of achievements.

Tim Loughton, MP, said: “This is a fantastic result for the College, the staff, students and governors and the whole of the Worthing community who can be proud to have such a highly rated place of learning at our heart. The college has been on an ambitious journey and all that hard work, dedication and belief has clearly been vindicated in this report and is richly deserved. It is an exceptional achievement that the College has been rated ‘good’ across every single criteria and

I predict that potential students from a wider area will be applying to Worthing so they can work hard with success. Every visitor to Worthing College notices the sense of purpose. It is good that OFSTED agree. There is an ordered atmosphere with the expectation of doing well at every


clearly this achievement is based on a strong team effort and ethos which underlies the whole approach to learning. It is particularly encouraging to see the very strong recognition of the leadership and management team and the attractiveness of the learning environment for students undoubtedly encouraging a substantial proportion of them to realise their ambitions to going on to higher education. Worthing College is clearly playing an important part in the regeneration of Worthing as an important powerhouse of learning, business and innovation, and I warmly congratulate all involved in this excellent achievement.”


Celebrating Worthing College

Ofsted: It’s all good Overall Effectiveness


Effectiveness of Leadership and Management GOOD Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment


Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare GOOD Outcomes for Learners


16 - 19 Study Programmes




College Principal, Peter Corrigan

Teaching, Learning and Assessment are good ‘Students enjoy their lessons and are actively engaged in developing the skills required to succeed.’

The college curriculum and support for students is good ‘The development of the college’s curriculum and partnership and collaborative work remain strengths.’

‘The rigour of assessment and constructive feedback to students are key features of the increase in student achievements.’

‘The majority of students considering higher education as part of their next step effectively use the helpful advice and guidance from college staff and external sources, with most receiving an offer from their first choice university.’

Success rates for student exams are significantly improved and are now high ‘The proportion of students who complete and achieve their qualifications has improved significantly and is now above the high rate for Sixth Form Colleges nationally.’ 16-19 Study Programmes are good ‘Teachers encourage students to explore ideas in depth, assess each student’s progress carefully and set high expectations for the standard of their work.’ ‘Teachers set high expectations and students make good progress.’ Students enjoy college life, they work hard, are respectful and behave well ‘Students enjoy college life. Students are confident, self-assured, hardworking and well behaved in, and out, of lessons.’

Apprenticeship achievement rates are high ‘The vast majority of apprentices gain full time employment on completing their apprenticeship or continue their education.’ ‘Apprenticeship success rates are very high.’ ‘Employers speak very highly of apprentices.’ Leadership and Management are good ‘Managers maintain strong links with partners to ensure students benefit from a broad curriculum with clear routes to progress further.’ ‘Managers at all levels have taken effective action to ensure that teaching, learning and assessment are now consistently good.’

‘Support and intervention strategies for students at risk of not making expected progress are effective including additional workshops which enable them to catch up with work and improve exam results.’

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NASA moon rocks land at Worthing College for a very special event the hall with excited chatter as they explored the various stands displaying the moon dust and rocks, a 1.2 billion year old piece of Mars, a 4.3 billion year old nickel meteorite (the oldest object you could ever hold in your hands, our own solar system is only 4.6 billion years old) and lunar maps charts and books. They were also intrigued by a fantastic display of rocks and fossils from our own biology and geology departments which were available for close scrutiny, and joined in enthusiastically with a variety of activities which included making card models of the space station. The children were also offered the chance to have their photos taken with Buzz Aldrin (see left). April saw the arrival of a rarely seen collection of moon rocks at Worthing College. The rocks, on loan from the UK’s Science and Technology Facilities Council are considered irreplaceable. They were collected during the manned Apollo moon landings in the 1960s and 70s and created lots of interest when they were put on display in the Exhibition Hall at the college on Wednesday 20th April. In the morning 60 pupils from Springfield Primary School filled



Celebrating Worthing College

Nigel and Angela Peake with event organisers Julia Hoare and Anne Pithie The event continued in the afternoon with the arrival of British astronaut Tim Peake’s parents Nigel and Angela Peake and the Worthing Astronomers. The Astronomers set up their stall and immediately started recruiting new members and answering questions whilst Mr and Mrs Peake ver y quickly became the centre of attention with groups of people queuing to ask questions about their son Tim’s adventures in the space station. Lots of people also wanted to have their photos taken with the astronaut’s proud parents who were only too pleased to oblige. The evening was a

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Governor Richard Bradford with Buzz Aldrin and Vice Principal Paul Riley great success with lots of positive feedback from visitors (old and young) and participants, including Tim Peake who said he was “delighted with the level of interest shown by everybody” when his parents phoned him in the space station after the event.

The Worthing Astronomers

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Opportunity Achievement Success Progression

Principal congratulates high achieving maths students

This year was a bumper year for students taking part in the UKMT (UK Mathematics Trust) Maths Challenges, with a record number of certificates being awarded. 46 students took part in the Senior Maths Challenge and there were 11 Gold, 17 Silver and 10 Bronze certificates achieved. Oscar Keys was named ‘Best in Year 12’ while Thomas


Reynard awarded ‘Best in Year 13’ and overall ‘Best in College’. Tom Reynard scored so highly that he progressed through to participate in the British Maths Olympiad, and seven other students were invited to take part in the Kangaroo challenge where Sam Moore and Oscar Keys were awarded a Merit certificate for their excellent performance.

Every year 4 students also represent Worthing College in the Senior Team Maths Challenge. This year the team members were Tom Reynard, Andrew Jeffery, Oscar Keys and Emily Coles. They were amongst the top scoring teams and displayed excellent team work both in the preparation before the event and on the day. Congratulations to all.


Celebrating Worthing College

GCSE Maths revision sessions multiply your chances of success Worthing College ran some ver y successful revision sessions for Year 11 students in the Easter holidays. The sessions were run by Joel Hofmann from the maths department and the course evaluation forms were outstanding! So much so that some students decided to apply to the college after attending the sessions. Here are just a few of the comments we recieved: Please run some similar classes, these were so helpful and made maths that slight bit more enjoyable. Definitely run these sessions more. Really helpful and worth the money.

Thank you very much for running the revision class - I found it super helpful and I feel like I can now do a lot more.

The exam questions were good. I found them very useful.

More sessions with Joel are planned to take place during half term on Thursday 2nd June and Friday 3rd June at 10.00am - 12.30pm so to increase your chances of success book online at www.worthing.ac.uk

New Student Union elected After a busy day at the hustings listening to the candidates pitches the student population cast their votes and elected a brand new student union. They are (left to right): Stacey Harrington: Health & Wellbeing Emily D’Agostina: Communications Luke Scattergood: Vice President Charlie Suraci-Neve: President Rebecca Toricelli (front): Charities Nancy Whish (rear): Entertainments Emily Coles: Education Lewis Strotten: Environment (inset) We wish them luck in their new roles.

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Egg Race provides cracking opportunity to showcase practical skills of students A group of students from our Physics and Electronics classes took part in the IET Great Electric Egg Race organised by STEM Sussex at the University of Brighton on 17th March. The challenge was to create a device, using materials supplied, to launch a chocolate mini egg. There were prizes for the team that achieved the furthest distance, and extra points for design and teamwork. This was a great opportunity for our students to demonstrate their practical skills and creativity with one of our teams narrowly missing out on 3rd place. OK so we may not have come away with the title but everyone agreed it had been an “eggceptional eggsperience�.

Early UCAS Applicants prepare for success The next cohort of bright Year 12 students are starting to prepare themselves to make competitive UCAS applications next September.

Physics at Oxford, another for Natural Sciences at Cambridge and several are interested in Maths and related courses. Others are investigating Economics, Law and English options.

We have an aspiring Dentist, two Vets and a handful of Medics, a couple of Chemists and a Chemical Engineer. One student is aiming for

What all these students have in common is a commitment to performing at the highest levels in their AS exams. They also


have excellent work experience, vocational placements or summer school places. The Early Applicants support group, which starts at Easter each year, aims to prepare high flying Year 12 students for an application to Oxford, Cambridge, Medicine, Dentistry or veterinary science.


Opportunity Achievement Success Progression

Nursery and Student Union join forces in GO GREEN week GO GREEN week saw a whole host of different activities to encourage staff and students to think green. This included quizzes, re-cycling, keeping fit and healthy and increasing awareness of ones environment. In this vein an unlikely alliance was created when the children form the nursery joined forces with the current Student Union to go on a litter pick in the grounds of Worthing College. Under strict supervision, donning protective hats and plastic gloves the merry and determined band of brothers (and sisters) set out at lunchtime on 20th April to collect all the rubbish they could find. The two litter ‘grabbers’ were much prized and had to be shared around as the industrious group headed through the nature trail, past the Forest School and across the playing fields searching out even the tiniest piece of rubbish to put into the black bags. In the end they returned to the college with a job very well done indeed. The photos to the right show the group in action while the ones below show the nursery children dressing up to celebrate National Book Day in March.

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Celebrating Worthing College

Careers Information Day: students consider options for the future Our annual Careers Inspiration Day (CID) was the largest progression information event we have staged so far. Organised to support our students with making informed and appropriate choices about their future career it proved to be a busy and vibrant occasion.

On Wednesday 20th April 40 Economics students had a great opportunity to meet with two international trade advisors from UK Trade and Investment South East. They spoke to the Economists about the importance of exports, both to firms but also to the UK economy, the barriers firms face when they export as well as the Government’s targets for exports.

Local employers, apprenticeship providers, gap year organisations, speakers from the voluntary sector, self employed individuals and nine universities including Northbrook, Brighton, Chichester, Sussex, Surrey, and Portsmouth universities all gave up their time and energy free of charge to present talks giving our students a taste of the excellent array of options in front of them. The contributions from the local education, training and employer community were overwhelming; we are very grateful for their generous help and support which enabled our students to choose from over 70 talks on the day. In addition, all our guests are ready and willing to keep in touch with any student who wants more information. Feedback from the students was really positive and what was particularly pleasing was how impressed our visitors were with the response to their input. We had some lovely comments from speakers who gave well deserved credit to our students: ‘I have to say that I was impressed by the courtesy of your students; I was really pleased with the turnout and it


Economics talk highlights importance of exports to UK trade

was a really worthwhile event for us’. ‘It was lovely to meet your students and it was good to consolidate links with the sports team’.

The talk was much appreciated by the students and they particularly appreciated how the theoretical topics of trade balances and exports that they have learnt in class came to life with lots of examples of real life businesses and their stories, both relating to constraints experienced and successes achieved.

‘Your students were interested and engaged and the Student Ambassadors were really helpful indeed – I’ve never been offered so much coffee! Thank you! A great day’. We will build upon the success of this event with a three week programme in June designed to encourage students to research their individual career ideas and to make a positive start to putting their plans into action - alongside organising next year’s Careers Inspiration Day of course!


Opportunity Achievement Success Progression

‘Training for War’ ceremony a fitting finale to Visual Arts Academy project The community arts research project, ‘Training for War’, which ran from 2013-15 concluded in March with the unveiling of an information panel which celebrates the lives and experiences of soldiers stationed at the Shoreham Army Camp 100 years ago. The project was a close collaboration between Worthing Museum and Worthing College’s Visual Arts Academy with the aim of finding out about

The event was attended by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Worthing, The Keith Family (whose land much of the artefacts were found on), Justin Russell of Archaeology South East, member of the Shoreham branch of The University of the Third Age, Worthing College staff and other contributors to the Shoreham Army Camp research project, ‘Training for War’.

soldiers’ lives in the camp and on the front around the time of WW1. Worthing College students helped with a variety of activities and produced a range of video documentaries. The Information Panel is the final outcome from the project and can be seen near the Remembrance Garden at Buckingham Park, Shoreham.

Hamish McGilivray from Worthing Museum and the Deputy Mayor with the Information Panel in Buckingham Park

After a few words of thanks to participants and remembrance of events 100 years past, including the service of commonwealth soldiers, there was a quick rendition of ‘It’s a long way to Tipperary’ by all present. This song was a favourite marching song of the men stationed in Shoreham 100 years ago as documented in the many letters and written accounts found during the project. It was a bright but cold morning and the song seemed a haunting but fitting end to a two year project which has a legacy in a dedicated website and a touring education resource. You can find out more at: http://www.worthingmuseum.co.uk/ shoreham-army-camp/ and http://shorehamww1camp.org

Health And Social Care students celebrate the Queen’s birthday in the only sensible way - by baking a cake! On Thursday 21st April Health and Social Care students marked the Queen’s 90th birthday by baking a version of Nadiya Hussein’s official cake (orange drizzle) and decorating the classroom with bunting. On the whiteboard were 90 photographs of the Queen, one taken each year of her life, which provided an interesting illustration for their study of the ageing process. All of us at Worthing College join the students in wishing her majesty many happy returns on her birthday.

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Celebrating Worthing College

First generation students get their first taste of university As part of the College’s First Generation programme, five of our students in care and care leavers attended the University of Winchester ’s “Spotlight on Uni” Residential weekend on 8th – 10th April. The idea was to increase their awareness of what life at university is like. The students looked at routes into university and the different types of courses available and what support is offered whilst studying. They took part in a wide range of activities including visits to Southampton and Bournemouth Universities looking at their Science and Engineering departments and taking part in Creative Arts and Theatre workshops. They also enjoyed a team games night, film/activity night and bush craft survival challenges. They all excelled

themselves showing keen participation skills and getting thoroughly involved in all the activities. All five of our students received additional certificates celebrating their more specific talents and skills including leadership, team building and innovative ideas. The weekend was ver y successful and the students all said they had a ver y positive and valuable

experience. The Winchester Widening Participation team clearly worked ver y hard to inspire and engage all of the students who attended and it was so encouraging to watch all of their presentations as the weekend drew to a close. They all displayed confidence and humour and we felt ver y proud of our Worthing College students. by Helen Mathieson and Tess Nuttall

Humanities students win prestigious summer school placements Worthing College students Janine Oli, Rachael Betts and Sammy Rushworth have been selected from a huge number of state school applicants to participate in prestigious summer schools this July. Janine is off to Oxford University for a UNIQ placement to experience what is involved in studying Law at degree level.

hoping to study Law at Oxford after she finishes college. Rachael and Sammy have both gained places on the Nottingham University Sutton Trust Summer school in Law, Politics and International Relations. Whilst Sammy is studying Law, Politics and History at A Level, Rachael is taking English, Psychology and Geography.

Janine is studying A Levels in English Literature, Politics, and History and is

All three students are also studying the Cambridge Pre-U in Global


Humanities tudents Rachael Betts, Sammy Rushworth and Janine Oli Perspectives. This course is targeted at the most able students in the year group and is an additional 4th (or exceptionally 5th) course studied alongside 3 A Levels.


Celebrating Worthing College

Worthing College sports teams defy the weather to create silver lining at AOC National Championships This year the AOC (Association of Colleges) National Championships were held in Newcastle, which meant a very long trip to the North for the Women’s Football team, Men’s Basketball team and Charlotte Williams who was part of the Women’s Rugby Squad for the South East. To say the weather was against the girls in both the rugby and football was an understatement as on the Saturday, they had to play in sleet and snow. It was however a very successful weekend with the Women’s Football Team losing only one game all weekend and finishing with the Silver Medal. In addition the South East Women’s Rugby squad, which Charlotte Williams was a very big part of, also finished in Silver Medal position. The Basketball squad also had a good weekend. Losing only one game on Saturday meant they qualified for the semi finals on the Sunday. Unfortunately they did not make the final and ended up losing narrowly in the third/fourth play off place.

Worthing College Women’s Football won the silver medal

Women’s Football with their medals

The Basketball team came a good fourth

The success of the Women’s Football team, Basketball Team and the South East Women’s Rugby Squad contributed to the South East finishing 2nd overall behind the South West. Many thanks to Vanessa Rhymes, Colin Winter, Dom Baker and Jack Churchett for taking the students. The feedback from the students was that it was a great weekend’s competition and great fun.


Women’s Rugby South East featuring Charlotte Williams (fourth from the right)


Opportunity Achievement Success Progression

More success for Women’s Football as Worthing College ‘do the double’ with wins in the Hampshire and Sussex County cups from BHASVIC allowed them to have more possession at the start and they started to create one or two half chances but without ever really troubling keeper Molly Towers. Worthing then settled down, got to grips with the new 3-5-2 formation and re-found their passing game. With control of the game once again in their hands Worthing scored midway through the second half. A great run and cross from Caz Hodgson found Emily Baker in the middle who calmly slotted home to make it 6-0.

Women’s Football Sussex U19 Knockout Worthing got off to the best start possible and scored after just two minutes through Jodie Pallant. Worthing dominated proceedings with some great one and two touch passing moving the opposition around the pitch and making them chase the ball and the second goal came quite quickly through Caz Hodgson with a half volley that looped over the keeper’s head to make it 2-0. By this point Worthing were in full control with BHASVIC constantly on the defensive. Worthing’s passing and moving was creating chance after chance and a good pass through from back to front from Emily Baker saw Hayley Bridge get her first of the day with a great strike into the top corner to make it 3-0.

Cup, Worthing College 7 BHASVIC 0

3 became 4 when Brooke Pallant got herself on the score sheet with a great side foot finish that nestled nicely in the top corner. Worthing were looking ruthless, and another goal from Hayley Bridge who cooly slotted home after some nice quick passing from the midfield players gave Worthing a healthy 5 goal lead at half time. The second half started a little bit differently, a change of shape for Worthing and a little bit more fight

Worthing created more and more chances throughout the second half but couldn’t take any of them until Caz netted her second and Worthing’s seventh of the night to see off all hopes of a BHASVIC miracle and kill the game as a contest once and for all. Worthing dominated from start to finish, passing and moving the ball around nicely with some clinical finishes and throughly deserved to be crowned County Cup champions after winning the Hampshire cup two weeks previously.

The good news continued when they beat Solihull to reach the National Cup Final to be held in Birmingham on 4th May.

STOP PRESS: Worthing College beat Accrington College 4-2 to win National Cup Final

Celebrating Worthing College

Women’s rugby edged out by local rivals at Reigate 7s Tournament

Worthing went to Reigate 7s looking for their third straight tournament win, a record that no other college has done in its tournament history. Worthing were pooled against St John’s Leatherhead, Wisbech College and Epsom. The first game against St John’s saw Worthing score an impressive 27-0 unanswered points to start the day off with a bang. The second game, against a well

established Wisbech side went well from the start with Nicholas scoring the first try within 30 seconds, quickly followed with a second when Allen scored under the post. Further tries scored by Nicholas, Allen, two from Pinkney, Olim Bral and Paynter meant Worthing finished 53-0 winners. In the last of the pool games Epsom got off to a great start and led 7-0 at half time. However, Worthing

fought back and ended up winning the pool with two tries from Brunton and another from Allen. In a carbon copy of the semi final from 2013, Worthing were up against Sussex rivals Christ’s Hospital. In a fiery encounter it was Christ’s Hospital who scored first. Worthing struck back with a wonder try with Pinkney running the length of the pitch to score under the posts. Christ’s Hospital then struck back again to make it 12 – 5. In a sea-saw match, Allen scored again getting the resulting conversion to make it 12-12 at half time. However it was Christ’s Hospital who took the game by the scruff of the neck to score two more unanswered tries which put the game out of sight for Worthing. “It was a tough tournament, and it would have been nice to get into the final for the third year in a row. It was great to see old heads like Williams and Allen taking a commanding role, leading the team admirably throughout the tournament”.

Netball goes from strength to strength with victories for 1st and 2nd teams against Queen Mary’s and Collyers Worthing College hosted Queen Marys College in the netball Hampshire League. The 1st team had a close match leading 11-8 in the 1st quarter but had stretched the lead to 23-14 by half time. At half time Faye Murton came on for Gemma Spencer-Snell who had defended very well and she immediately made an impact intercepting the ball twice. Boo Farrow was getting out for centre passes well from Sophie Quach. Lucy Hawkins and Laura McLaughlin worked hard in defence against some good shooters, and in the final quarter Beth Watson drove out

An end of season friendly with Collyers saw both the 1st and 2nd teams recording home victories.

well and fed some quality balls into Katy Begley who shot well. Final score was 42-28 to Worthing, player of the match was Laura McLaughlin.

The 1st team had a tough game against a strong Collyers side. At the end of the 1st quarter it was 6-6 and at half time Worthing were 3pts up but struggling to find their form. Still 3pts up at the end of the 3rd quarter the girls upped their game and in the final quarter Worthing won by 10pts finishing the match 37-25 with Faye Murton a deserved player of the match.

The 2nd team won 46-8 with Emily Erskin named player of the match.

The 2nd team won 41-20 with Yasmin Payne named player of the match.

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Celebrating Worthing College

Become a Governor! We have vacancies Use your skills for the benefit of young people in Worthing. Worthing College is looking for people to join the College Corporation. The College has been graded as GOOD in all respects by Ofsted but we aim to be OUTSTANDING and we need your help to achieve our aim. You will bring new ideas and experiences to the college. You will have great business and / or community skills including strategic thinking and financial management with a keen interest in the education and development of young people. If you are interested in being a Governor please go to www.worthing.ac.uk and click on the governance tab for more details and an application form or contact Rajinder Singh, Clerk to the Corporation on email governance@worthing.ac.uk or Tel 01903 275755.

May Half Term Revision Classes at Worthing College

IMPROVE YOUR MATHS GCSE GRADE To help you with your Maths GCSE, May Half Term classes at Worthing College may be just what you are looking for. Experienced, qualified teachers will help you make the grade you need at an affordable price. Book online today at www.worthing.ac.uk

Maths GCSE Revision Sessions Thursday 2 June Friday 3 June

10.00 - 12.30pm 10.00 - 12.30pm

£25 per session

01903 275755 • info@worthing.ac.uk • www.worthing.ac.uk

For full details visit www.worthing.ac.uk 01903 275755 info@worthing.ac.uk 1 Sanditon Way, Worthing, BN14 9FD

A big welcome to new staff: Claire Pallant, Lesley May and Chrysoula Maniadi

Farewell to: The Worthing College Governors at a recent meeting

Julie Tyrrell, Marion Judge, Celia Walker, Andrea de Matos West, Lorraine Stubberfield and John Loader

Worthing College OPEN EVENT 7th June 3.00 - 6.00pm About ‘Celebrating Worthing College’ Celebrating Worthing College is produced by the Worthing College Marketing Team. If you have any comments about this publication email info@worthing.ac.uk or call Chris Hughes 01903 275755.



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