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Celebrating Worthing College

Summer 2014

Awards night: Worthing College Student impresses Worthing College student Charlie Smith was named AQA Sussex Learner of the Year Runner up at the FE Sussex Spring Awards in March. Charlie is currently studying A2 Law, A2 Geography, A2 History and is completing an Extended Project Qualification. He is expected to achieve an A* in each of his three A2 subjects and is preparing to study Law at University in September where he has an interest in the Innocence Project and Human Rights. Charlie has immersed himself in a range of activities to enhance his student experience. This includes being elected to the role of Welfare Officer in the Student Union, acting as a Student Ambassador, joining the college Debating Team and participating in competitions at regional level.

Charlie Smith, runner up in the AQA Sussex Learner of the Year in the 2014 FE Sussex Spring Awards with his teacher Martin Catling who nominated him.

Charlie was nominated not only for his outstanding academic achievement but because he has evidenced his willingness to constantly challenge his skills, abilities and drive to continuously improve, whatever the opportunity.

We would like to congratulate Charlie for this achievement and know that he will continue to develop and grow academically throughout his time at University and professionally in the wider world beyond.

Tim gets England Boccia call-up

Boccia is a Paralympic sport that requires skill, accuracy and technique to get your ball closer

Principal Peter Corrigan met with Timothy Hayes, a student at Worthing College, to congratulate him on recently receiving his first callup to represent England at Boccia in the Czech Republic in May.

to the jack than your opponent. On behalf of the college he was delighted to contribute £25 towards his fund raising for this trip. We look forward to hearing of his and the squad’s success on his return.

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Caroline Pickup

and their next steps, whatever they

Welcome to the summer 2014 edition of Celebrating Worthing College. It has now been nearly a year since we moved into our fantastic new building. In less than 8 months the new college has been transformed into a vibrant learning community meeting the needs of 1700 students. Students have found new ways to work and socialise and everyone is very positive about the future.

students better than ever before

This term has been very busy. Exams got off to a good start. Students and staff have been strongly focused, studying and preparing for the summer exams

may be. We feel we have prepared and we are very optimistic about our exam results this summer. In May, we held performances of ‘Bad Girls’ the musical led by our talented BTEC Musical Theatre students and at our Academy of Sport awards evening, we celebrated great success this year locally, regionally and nationally in men’s and women’s football, basketball and women’s rugby. We also began a programme of summer works following our successful capital bid to the Skills Funding Agency last September,

to provide even better facilities for students. This term we said farewell to our long standing Chair, Lance Allen and welcomed our new Chair, Julie Campbell. The number of new student applications is greater than ever. As we move closer to enrolment in September 2014 many popular courses are now full and we are urging anyone who has not yet applied, to do so as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. I hope you enjoy reading this edition of Celebrating Worthing College, there is as ever, much to celebrate and be proud of.

Hundreds attend Higher Education Evening at Worthing College The annual Higher Education evening took place on 6 May, providing information to parents and carers of year 12 students about progression to university after college. The event was very well attended with over 250 parents and students turning up on the night. The event included presentations from representatives of Sussex, Brighton and Portsmouth Universities with talks that included ‘Why go to University?’ ‘How to apply’ and ‘How much will it cost?’ At one point in the evening the audience was divided into groups in computer rooms where they were able to research the courses and universities they were particularly interested in. Feedback from visitors was very positive.



Celebrating Worthing College

Students rewarded for appliance of science A team of three Worthing College students, Jaquelynn Coughlin, James Shelton, and Patrick Cosgrove, from Worthing College competed in the South East Region Schools’ Analyst Competition held at Sussex University on 24th April 2014.

Li Ming Dong, Kieran Kennedy, Chen Zhang and Tom Whitmarsh-Everiss

James Shelton and Jaquelynn Coughlin They had to carry out three different Analytical experiments which involved, titration, chromatography and colorimetry. They all acquitted themselves very well and thoroughly enjoyed the experience of working in a University laboratory.

Sucess in the Biology Olympiad too with Emily Catling receiving a Bronze award, Sarah Chegwin a Highly Commended and Sarah Johnson and Sophie Bedson both getting Commended. Well done everyone. < Sarah Chegwin, Emily Catling and Sarah Johnson

Our students also did extremely well in the Chemistr y Olympiad competition with Tom WhitmarshEveriss and Chen Zhang achieving Silver, and Li Ming Dong and Kieran Kennedy being awarded Bronze in this International competition organised by the RSC. John Marimla also participated.

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National Apprenticeship Week sees launch of new Apprenticeship Programme at worthing College

National Apprenticeship Week saw the ground floor of the college turn red with posters, footprints and our Apprenticeship Prospectuses dotted around the college in Learning Zones. Apprentices and Assessors were located in the West CafĂŠ, with the new apprenticeship video playing on a projector. There was a real buzz from interested students who were wondering what apprenticeships were all about. Students were also able to talk to current apprentices who are completing their apprenticeships in Sport and Active Leisure, Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools, IT Applications and Business and Administration. After hearing the brilliant case studies of the apprentices, many students


wanted to find out more about the apprenticeship vacancies at Worthing College. We are currently advertising a range of apprenticeships including Business & Administration, Learning Mentors, Sports Activity Leadership and Personal Training and Wellbeing.

A new exhibition of Visual Arts and Media students’ work will be on display at the college from 23 - 27 June. A presentation of Academy Awards takes place at the Private View on 19 June.

To see a special video about the Apprenticeship Programme visit the Worthing College website, and if you are interested in completing an apprenticeship, please visit http:// w w w. w o r t h i n g. a c. u k / S i t e Pa g e s / ApprenticeshipVacancies.aspx You can like us on Facebook! Worthing College Apprenticeships or you can follow us on Twitter @apprenticestart Well done to Rebekah Gough and to the Marketing and Events Team for organsing and supporting this event.

Visual Arts and Media Summer Exhibition Open to public 23, 25, 26, 27 June 9am - 4.30pm

Private View Thursday19 June 4.30 - 7.30pm Presentation of Academy Awards 6.30pm


Celebrating Worthing College

Science student stars at Big Bang Fair A project on Language Alignment by Worthing College student Kane Steggles has been presented at the Big Bang Fair in Birmingham. Kane’s project was based on the question “Do Adults and Children differ in terms of their Language Alignment abilities?” and he was given the opportunity to study Dialogue Processing in more detail thanks to a Nuffield Foundation Bursary at the University of Sussex. Under the supervision of Dr. Nicola Yuill and Zoe Hopkins from the University’s Chatlab he investigated the phenomenon in terms of syntactic alignment and also studied the four syntaxes: Active, Passive, Prepositional and Double Object.

Kane’s project and his research won a well-deserved place in the finals of the National Science and Engineering Competition in Birmingham where he presented his

findings. Congratulations to Kane on producing such a professional piece of work and representing the college so impressively at such a prestigious event.

University trips are real inspiration for students Students have recently been attending special events, trips and open days as part of their preparations for applying to university. Worthing College student Charlotte Cozens describes her experience of one of these trips.

I met lots of friendly, like-minded people there, and the Cambridge students were especially ver y friendly. We had lunch in a really traditional dinning hall, and then had a look round the college grounds - beautiful!

“In the Easter Holiday’s I spent a day at a Philosophy and Theology Masterclass at Pembroke College, Cambridge. We spent the day in sessions for the different subjects, as well as a talk about admissions to Cambridge and Oxford.

I now am more certain that I’d like to take Philosophy at University, alongside Maths. Whether I decide to apply to Oxbridge or not, I think the taster days are a great experience, and I’d recommend them to anyone who’s considering applying next year.

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Students triumph at College Quiz Night A team of year 13 students triumphed over twelve other teams of staff and students at the annual Charity Quiz night held at Worthing College. The winning team of six students comprised Dylan Tennant (captain), Kieran O’Brian, Cam Hughes, Carrig Connolly, Elsie Metters and Oli Rubin (see right). Having successfully answered questions on a diverse range of subjects they emerged victorious to win a silver trophy, and WH Smith vouchers to the value of £60. In second place was a staff team from the PE and Public Services department. Third spot was occupied by ‘The Minions’ from the college’s marketing department. Over £225 was raised for the National Autism Society, the chosen charity of the College’s Student Union, and a great time was had by all.

‘Wastebaskets’, the PE and Public Services team came second

Henry Marshall (right) donated his prize money after winning ‘Heads or Tails’

Video Ar t Night features Creative Media students coursework Creative Media Production students held a one night video art installation event on the 30th April, as part of assessed coursework. It was a great success with all students presenting work that met or exceeded their target grades. The students co-opted all of the classrooms and teaching spaces in Visual Arts and Media to present a variety of works. Photo left shows Seb Coomber’s multi screen work ‘VII’.



Celebrating Worthing College

International Day and British Tea Party provide tasty cultural exchange Worthing College students come from all over the world and once again they provided a brilliant occasion with their much anticipated annual International Day in May. Students from 10 different countries including Brazil, Poland, Italy, China and Mexico prepared displays about their home countries, and also provided a flavour of their diverse

cultures with a taste of authentic food which they served up in the West Cafe. Combined with some great music from the energetic and colourful Brazilian DJs, this drew students and staff from all over the college.


Mingdong Li who arranged the display on China said “I enjoyed sharing information about my country, but I really loved the home cooked Turkish food, and the Brazilian music and dancing”. The exchange was completed with another annual event which is laid on for the International students to get a taste of one of our more traditional customs - ‘The Great British Tea Party’. This was also a very enjoyable event with everybody pitching in to make it a success - Principal Peter Corrigan poured tea for some of the students.

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The great new Spring/Summer issue of the Echo is out now. This excellent magazine, written and produced entirely by the students themselves features articles as diverse as Fashion Trends and Exam Tips. It’s packed with stories, news, gossip, games, information and photographs and is a must read for all students. International students said how much they enjoyed their time at the Worthing College. A big thanks to Evelyne Barry and Judith Ferguson for organising these events.

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De-Stress and keep fit day helps students prepare for exams Worthing College held its annual Relaxation Day in May; ‘D-Stress Day’. The aim was to inform students about different techniques to help them relax and de-stress before their forthcoming exams. The Exhibition Hall was split in half with a yoga session on one side and massage and aromatherapy on the other. There was a calm atmosphere with soft music and the relaxing smell of rose oil. Other activities included ’relax with a good book’ in the Library, a combat and martial arts zone, plus workshops which offered emergency relaxation techniques and ‘The 10 Secrets to Happiness’. Visiting presenters commented positively on students’ enthusiasm.

Health and wellbeing coaches gave up their time to come in to college to support the day. College nurse, Louise Trotter, was on hand offering advice on foods that help to keep energy levels high including dark chocolate and jam muffins, to increase blood flow to the brain as well as to the heart, improving cognitive efficiency and making you feel happier. Congratulations to Anne Pithie, Steve Williams, Tasmin Jenner, Sarah Goldsmith and Lauren Lendrum and their teams for organising the event. Overall it was a huge success with students asking lots of questions and some even wanting an autograph from Sandra Crathern, Health and Wellbeing Coach.

A variety of sports and exercise activities were laid on as part of the the ‘Get fit For Summer’ campaign organised by Nikki Gatland and the Sports Department. These included things like cricket, stool ball, excercise bicycles, table tennis, kick boxing and fencing. Many students and staff had a go and tried things they hadn’t done before.



Celebrating Worthing College

Blue skies in the Black Mountains for Duke of Edinburgh adventure In stark contrast to last year’s training and practice expedition in the snow this year’s visit to the Brecon Beacons brought only blue sky and sunshine. With a team of seven, we set off during the second week of the Easter holidays; a lucky choice as the first week brought high wind and rains and tales of other DofE groups from Surrey being rescued off the hills! On arrival we consolidated our navigation training, took in fantastic views of Pen y Fan and undertook a wild camp alongside the river on a beautiful evening. After a cold night we returned to base and the team prepared their kit for setting off for their 3 day practice. The first day started from the windiest spot in the Black Mountains. The team set off confidently for their first remote day with 18km planned ahead of them. Not to be outdone the leaders shadowed them the whole day

Wild time had by all at Bushcraft session

watching impressively from a distance the teams pace and navigation. With electronic trackers attached, the team completed day 2 independently with only a brief visit in the evening to their campsite.... complete with a little conservatory, kettle and microwave!! Their final day brought the team down past and walking behind the Brecon’s wonderful waterfalls. A successful practice completed, we turned our attention to the maps of the Lake District to plan the qualifying 4 day route for June. The team has proved they are ready to complete their qualifier now. Here’s to more sunshine in the Lakes. Huge congratulations to Oliver Wilkins who has just completed his Gold Award. Oliver was part of last year’s cohort and i know a few of the others are close on his heels to completion.

A Bushcraft session at Worthing College introduced the ”Wild About Worthing’ project to parents and children who enjoyed a lovey sunny afternoon in the beautiful parkland grounds. The session, run by Dave Fawcet from the Sussex Wildlife Trust, included exciting activities such as the correct (and safe) way to build and light a fire, and how to make a variety of wooden jewellry.

Year 13 students organised and ran a trip to Thorpe park. They managed the whole trip from start to finish and they did a brilliant job. They all did the college proud and were all very brave on the rides!

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Highlight of the session was the chance for everybody to make and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate using water boiled on the fire. Everyone joined in and said it was a most enjoyable experience that had really fired their imaginations.

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Bad Girls are so good at being bad Review by Babette Tappin I attended the free showing to students and staff of the musical ‘Bad Girls’, set in a female prison. Not just to show support for the hard work and talent within the Performing Arts department, but also to be entertained. I was not disappointed! The musical is based on the popular and gritty 90s TV drama. The storyline is oppressive and at times depressing, as a new inmate is introduced to the ways and wiles of the existing posse who rule the prison roost. The young

mother is targetted by a twisted male prison officer who seeks out sexual favours for preferential treatment, and sees her as ‘fresh meat’. She hangs herself in her cell soon after her imprisonment having been raped by the prison officer. The plot then concentrates on how the prison population deal with this incident (fatally), alongside the storyline of the female prison governor falling in love with an inmate and trying to secure her appeal and freedom. The cast were fantastic, really getting to grips with the plot twists with the raunchy language and behaviour handled with great maturity.

The character portrayals were totally convincing and the audience were able to identify with them in the two hour performance. I was particularly impressed with the apparent chaos of the riot scene which disappeared as soon as the lights went down with no trace of what had happened. The quality of the singing as well as the musicianship from the live band was of an incredibly high standard, as was the sound and lighting. Well done to the team who were involved and yet again another enjoyable and very professional production.

The Wardrobe opens at the Capitol Year 12 BTEC Musical Theatre students performed their production of ‘The Wardrobe’ at the Capitol Theatre in Horsham. This was part of the National Theatre Connections festival in which different schools and colleges around the country took part in performing different plays written by new playwrights.



Celebrating Worthing College

Schools Science Challenge won by Davison girls... again High Schools from around Worthing were invited to enter a team of their best year 10 scientists to compete in the 3rd annual Worthing College Science Cup in April. Students were given science tasks based on a double homicide crime scene. They were tested on their observation skills at the scenes, tried their hand at DNA, fibre, skeletal analysis, and carried out a titration in order to uncover the murderer. Although a close competition the Davison High School team edged forward into first place, followed by Chatsmore High in second. The gruesome day was enjoyed by participants and the Worthing College staff involved.

New NCFE Level 2 Event Planning and Organisation course a great success management whether conferences, music festivals, weddings, or sporting events. It provided the opportunity to develop knowledge of the industry and the principles of event planning including the types of events and their characteristics, how to produce a proposal and plan for your own event and also event operations, for example security, responsibility and customer service. The course was attended by several members of our support staff who, in their own time, successfully worked A new evening course was offered at the beginning of this year in Event Planning and Organisation. Running

once a week for 10 weeks, the course was for anybody who was interested in event planning and

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their way through the various modules and gained an NCFE level 2 award. Very well done to everyone!

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High scoring student Adel prepares for a future in Law Congratulations to Adel Msolly who scored an amazing 8.5 out of 9 for his IELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam which is the highest ever score at the college. Even native speakers would struggle to achieve this. Adel from Slovakia is now attending additional English Literature classes to further enhance his studies. He writes here about his preparations for possible university applications. I will be attending the University of Sussex open day in June, organised through college. I am also planning to go on an open day to Oxford in September and I may visit Surrey as well at around the same time. This will give me an invaluable insight into university life and get a taste of what the universities are like before applying to spend 3+ years there. I have also attended two Higher Education fairs, one specifically for international students in London. This helped me shape my university choices as it is usually difficult to get the information

Sussex for a law related lecture on the age of criminal responsibility. It was ver y interesting, and showed me the sort of lecture that I would attend if I studied Law at university.

specific to international students in regards to studying at UK universities, e.g. English language requirements or the international qualifications universities also accept. I also attended the Oxbridge conference at Epsom Downs. This helped me understand the specific things that distinguish these top universities from the rest, along with advice on how to make a competitive application. I recently joined a college organised trip to the University of

I have visited law courts several times, both in Slovakia and England. This was particularly exciting as I was able to witness much of the theory from A Level Law come to life, along with seeing the work of Magistrates, judges and solicitors in action. These court visits also gave me a more international perspective which is great considering that a career in international law is very appealing to me. Last but not least, in July I will complete work shadowing at a law firm in Slovakia. While this does not tend to be a university requirement, it will be helpful in deciding whether that sort of career is really for me before applying to study it at university by observing the work of lawyers and gaining first-hand experience.

New Student Union elected

May saw the election of the new Student Union. Photo, left to right: Entertainments Officer: Chandler Goddard Welfare Officer: Lydia Morton Vice President: James Freeman Education Officer: Charlotte Cozens President: Woodrow Cox Charities Officer: James Lewis Communications Officer: Oliver Lewis Finance Officer: Megan Chambers (not pictured).



Celebrating Worthing College

Joel’s contribution adds up to nomination for national award Joel Hofmann from the maths department has been nominated for a national award by the Times Educational Supplement. The TES awards are an annual celebration of excellence in the Teaching Profession, and Joel has been nominated in the “Resource contributor of the year” category. Joel has shared resources using a wide range of ideas including quizzes, code breaking and group competitions. His resources have been viewed 129,099 times at the time of going to press! The awards ceremony is on the 4th July, and we all wish Joel the best of luck.

Students’ eyes opened by trip to Berlin In February this year, the History Department ran its first trip to Berlin. The four day trip was a huge success, providing unique extracurricular learning opportunities to complement students’ studies with experience. Students toured many historic sites such as the Reichstag, the Holocaust memorial, the Soviet War Memorial, the SS Museum of Terror, Check Point Charlie and Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp. Students also had the opportunity to explore central Berlin, taking in the cultural highlights of one of Europe’s richest and vibrant cities.

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Nursery gets interactive while Forest School just gets active Recently the nursery held an interactive evening for parents and carers. Staff provided parents with information and advice on a range of topics eg tips and tricks for dealing with behaviour, promoting positive behaviour, why children bite and how to deal with it, potty training and sleeping. Lisa and Kim from the Nursery lead a presentation on the ‘ Solihull ’ approach, which was very popular with parents. Meetings between parents and key persons were a big success and parents had the chance to discuss their child’s development. Parent feedback shows how useful the workshop was and how friendly and informative staff were. Well done to everyone in the nursery for organising such a successful event.


The Forest School Holiday club ran successfully again in the Easter and May bank holidays. The children enjoyed various activities such as bug hunts, scavenger hunts, playing games such as red rover, making medals, pencils and cornflake cakes. Cooking on the fire every day is the highlight of the day and eating it outside with your friends creates wonderful outdoor memories for children. These sessions have been really successful with most parents and children eager to book for the next holiday. Parents say how nice it is to pick their children up with muddy knees and rosy cheeks. We wholeheartedly agree and look forward to the summer holiday club.


Celebrating Worthing College

Open Day gives parents a taste of the outdoor life Children First Nursery and Forest School held a successful open evening in the Forest school on 22nd May. Parents and children ranging from 2 to 12 years visited and took part in some activities including making �smores� on the fires and hot chocolate using the Kelly kettle. They also used some tools and equipment including saws and rope. The Forest school is a brilliant addition

to the nursery and really gives the children a different learning environment and experiences they just would not get anywhere else. Smores - Marshmallows melted on the fire and then squeezed between 2 chocolate biscuits! Forest School now caters for school children in the holidays, for more information contact the nursery direct on 01903 275750.

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Awards Night celebrates Academy of Sport’s outstanding achievements Worthing College Academy of Sport 7th Annual Sports Awards took place in May at the Assembly Halls. This year saw three new Awards being presented. These were for Health and Active Wellbeing, the Women’s AASE Rugby programme and Apprentice of the Year. Principal Peter Corrigan in his programme notes highlighted that the College “offers an outstanding sporting experience, delivered by outstanding sport professionals. This is a winning formula and I congratulate all our college teams, individual star performers and our talented staff for the achievements of another great season.” The first awards were the Active Health and Wellbeing Programme Awards which were won by Connor Heaney, Fay Saunders, India Spoor and Michael Walters, (see photo below).

The Basketball Academy had an extremely successful season with Dom Baker’s squad finishing runners up in their British Colleges’ South East League, winning the Sussex and Regional Round of the Dynamik National Schools Tournament to make the Finals weekend, where they eventually finished 3rd. Individual honours on the night went to John Bacarro (Coaches Player), Connor Mountfield (Players Player) and Sam Gulla (Most Valuable Player).

The Men’s Football Academy maintained their status as being in the highest league for College sport in the Country, only missing out on a playoff place in the final couple of league games. The 2nd XI produced a ‘perfect season’ by winning all their BCS South East League games as well as winning the County Cup against Bexhill College.

1st XI Players Player was Jazz Gilbertson, while Greg Gander was Coaches Player. Matty Issacs was 2nd XI Players Player and Scott Goodman 2nd XI Coaches Player.



Celebrating Worthing College The Women’s Football Academy again made waves nationally by getting to the BCS Elite National Cup Semi Finals, only just losing out to Balby Carr of Doncaster. Locally the squad won an unprecedented 7th County Cup title in a row. Individual honours were won by Danielle Rowe and Charlotte Owen, who picked up the 1st XI coaches and players player award respectively. Chloe Johnson won the Coaches award for the 2nd XI and Caroline Lelliott won the players player award.

1st and 2nd XV Coaches Player awards were won by Rob Fogerty and Liam Lee, with Jack Lake and Ben Bathurst picking up the 1st and 2nd XV Players Player awards.

The College also had the strongest showing at the BCS National Championships where Emily Waitland & Georgia Short performed superbly to retain their Badminton Doubles National title. Jessica Frayne won Gold, Sliver & Bronze in her three swimming events to help the South East secure the women’s swim meet, and on his debut Will Jagger won triple Gold, which resulted in the South East winning the men’s swim meet.

In its first season the AASE Women’s Rugby





amazing set of results and player development. With the Academy playing mainly the 7’s and 10’s version of the game against teams from around the country. They were runners up in the Berkhamsted 7’s Tina Price’s Netball Academy has shown progress throughout the season with both 1st and 2nd teams improving on their league positions from last season. Awards went to Amelia Smith and Sharna Challenger (1st and 2nd Team Coaches Player) and Lana Byrnes and Lauren Steady

and winners of the Reigate 7’s where Caroline Hodgson won the coveted Kukri





despite it being her first full competitive experience of the game.

The final award of the night was the much heralded Sports Person of the Year Award which was awarded to Emily Waitland and Georgia Short edging out other nominees Izzy Burt, Sam Gulla, Joe Mills, Harry Smith and Will Jagger.

(1st and 2nd Team Players Player).

Nationally the squad fought their way to the BCS Elite Cup Finals day, where they beat Coleg Sir Gar from Wales in the Final 5-0. And congratulations to Coaches Ben Coulson and Sam Hewick





The fiirst winner of the Apprentice of the Year award was Tanya Canton and the Women’s Rugby Academy were named as Team of the Year.

Harriet Dunn who has been selected to trial for England’s U20 squad.

progression shown by the Men’s Rugby


Academy over the last few months

Coaches Player of the Year and

with five squad players selected to

Harmony Driver took the players vote

play for Sussex U17’s this season.

for Players Player.


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Academy co-ordinator Tina Price had this to say: “the Academy of Sport again shows that it competes across a number of sports at the highest levels in College sport. In addition to this students are achieving excellent grades in their studies, which shows discipline and desire to be a success. This combination is a successful one and I’m extremely proud to be a part of this process.”

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Women’s Football wins County Cup for 7th time

Winning the County Cup is a significant achievement in itself for any team. However winning it for the seventh time in a row speaks volumes for the quality of Worthing College’s Women’s Football Programme. The team were delighted after goals from Amy Green, Izzy Burt and Chloe Johnson resulted in a 3-0 victory against a resolute Sussex Downs side, with amy Green Picking up the Player of the Match award. Keeping up this level of performance over such a long period of time and developing so many players over the years is an unprecedented achievement that is unlikely to ever be matched.

Men’s Football wins County Cup after penalty shoot out The Men’s Football Performance Programme 2nd XI completed an impressive League and Cup double when they took on Bexhill College in the SSFA County Cup 2nd XI final at Haywards Heath FC. Finals are usually tight and tense affairs and this was no exception with both sides finding it difficult to get the ball under control in difficult conditions. When the match ended 0-0 it was

the Worthing players who held their nerve to win the penalty shoot-out 3-0 with keeper Lee Whittaker saving twice to take home the cup. The victory completed a ‘perfect season’ by winning all League and County Cup games. This is an unbelievable achievement and one that will go down in College history! Congratulations to everybody who contributed to this achievement.

Worthing College Rugby students get County recognition Cassius Deschamps, Tom Dougherty, Alex Masham, Rob Foggerty, and Hassan Hassan have been selected to represent Sussex Rugby U17’s. They are all first years at Worthing College and part of the College’s Rugby Academy of Sport programme. Congratulations to them all!



Celebrating Worthing College

Women’s Rugby win cup final to become National Champions Worthing College’s Women’s Rugby team made history by being the first College sports team to win a National Final. In April they beat Coleg Sir Gar, a Welsh college brimming with rugby pedigree and champions of last years’ competition in a hard fought game ending in a 5-0 victory to Worthing. “This result goes down to all the hard work the girls put in during the season. With the current group of players and numbers looking good for next year, I’m already looking forward to next season and building on this years successes.” said Mark Rugman Women’s Rugby AASE coach.

Basketball: Worthing College reaches Finals for first time Worthing College progressed to the final fours in the U19 England Dynamic National Colleges competition for the first time in College history when they beat a tough Cirencester team 82-51. Worthing opened the first quarter with great defensive pressure which Cirencester struggled to deal with turning the ball over which lead to easy baskets. Josh Brown was

dominant the whole game finishing with 36 points. John Bacarro and Sam Gulla were both vital in securing the win with great defensive pressure the whole game and good offensive distribution. Coach Baker was pleased with the result and is looking forward to the finals where the top four teams will compete to be the champions.

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STOP PRESS: WORTHING FINISH 3RD IN NATIONAL FINALS Worthing College finished 3rd in the country, losing their semi final but winning the 3rd and 4th place playoffs. Worthing opened up against a very talented and athletic St Marys School and eventually lost by a very respectable 11 points 70-59. The 3rd and 4th place playoffs proved to be the most dramatic game of the season with Josh Brown hitting a 3 point shot on the buzzer to win the match 75-74.

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Celebrating Worthing College

Evening Classes at Worthing College commencing September 2014

Chair of Governors Lance Allen retires on behalf of college interests as well as attending Resources Committee and Chairing the Corporation.

Archaeology of Human Remains Thurs 7.00-9.00pm £95 Art History: The History of British Art - The 18th Century Mon 6.30-8.30pm £120 English GCSE TBC 7.00-9.00pm


Event Planning Thurs 6.30-8.30pm


Lance is known to many staff as a regular visitor to, and supporter of, Worthing College events particularly in the performing arts. Lance’s greatest achievement was to lead the board of Governors through many difficult years of attempting to achieve new college premises. He chaired the Capital Projects Committee of the Corporation for several years which saw us eventually achieve our wonderful new college.

Graphic Design for Business: Intermediate Tues 6.30-8.30pm £120 Maths GCSE TBC 7.00-9.00pm


Science GCSE Tues 7.00-9.00pm


Spanish Tues 6.30-8.30pm


Starting Your Own Business Thurs 5.30-7.30pm £150 Yoga: from 12th June Thurs 7.00-8.00pm

£7.50 per class

Visit our website for further details www.worthing.ac.uk

Lance Allen the Chair of Governors has left us after serving 12 years as a Governor, ten of which have been as Chair of Governors. During that time Lance has been a skilled Chair who is well versed in the world of Further Education. He has attended national events to lobby

KEY DATES 16 June - Information Evening. 3.00pm - 6.00pm 30 June & 1 July - Introductory Days, 8.30am - 4.30pm 27 June - End of Term, students 14 August - A Level Results 21 August - GCSE Results 8 September - Start of Autumn Term, students

Lance will be greatly missed. We very much thank Lance for the dedication and commitment he has shown over the past 12 years. Our new Chair of Governors is Julie Campbell. Julie has been a Governor for 2 years and has a background in business and further education.

A BIG welcome to new staff: Elle Baynham Louise Wilson

Farewell to: Angela Bell, Vanessa Bramble, Melissa Francis, Diarmuid Drury, Maurice Link, Becky Perry, Hazel Santineer, Gabbi Simmonds, Marie-Claire Gauthey

About ‘Celebrating Worthing College’ Celebrating Worthing College is produced by the Worthing College Marketing Team. If you have any comments about this publication email info@worthing.ac.uk or call Chris Hughes 01903 275755.



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