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Celebrating Worthing College

Summer 2016

Outstanding students win FE Sussex Awards On 4th May the Hilton Brighton Metropole hosted the FE Sussex Spring Awards 2016. This event, now in its 12th year, celebrates the quality of teaching and learning in Sussex Colleges by recognising the achievement of outstanding students following academic, vocational or work based learning programmes. From 12 colleges across East and West Sussex, and from 60,000 students just 26 awards are made each year. And this year Worthing College had its most successful event ever with 2 outright winners and 3 runners up. The award for the most Outstanding BTEC learner went to Lizzie Williams described as ‘a truly remarkable young woman who does not let anything limit her achievements or her potential’. Although Lizzie, seen below being filmed training in the gym for

Adel Msolly, Rosie Scordoulis, Lizzie Williams and Andrew Jeffrey at the Awards the award interviews, was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta which has severely affected her education she is achieving Distinctions in her Level 3 BTEC Sports Course, as well as contributing to developing sport in Worthing Schools and improving her wheelchair racing times so rapidly that she could be a member of the Paralympic team going to Brazil this summer. Also a winner was Andrew Jeffrey, formerly at Durrington High School,

who gained the award for the most outstanding Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) student in the county. Andrew’s specialism is Computer Science in which he has taught himself 4 different programming languages. He also won a Nuffield Gold Crest Award for his work with Brighton University researchers and represented Sussex at the Big Bang Science Fair in Birmingham. He has been offered a place to study Computer Science at Trinity College Cambridge.


Opportunity Achievement Success Progression


Caroline Pickup

Welcome to this Special Awards

they complete their final exams

Opportunity, achievement, success

edition where we are absolutely

and prepare for life after school.

and progression is all there for



We look forward to seeing many

the taking when you take that

fantastic achievements of our

of them here next year, as they

next step. So, if you haven’t yet

students as they are recognised

begin their next step.

decided what to do next it is not










you them,

they truly deserve our biggest congratulations. Now, as we enter the main

Finally, this is my last editorial, as I am leaving the college at the end of August, after 20 years. About time too, I hear you say.

too late to apply for September at





great college and it really is the place to be! As for the coveted editorial

summer exam season 2016,

But not so, I have enjoyed it

there is much excitement for

here immensely; with so much

what is to come. Students have

variety and stimulation, working

worked hard, they will get their

in a college which has so much

just rewards and we wish them

to offer amidst such wonderful

Goodbye, Good luck and best

all the best in their next steps.

young people has been an

wishes to everyone.

So too for Year 11 students as

inspiration and a pleasure.






passes into the expert hands of our Principal, Peter Corrigan.


Outstanding achievements rewarded He has already had a successful period of work experience with the investment bank JP Morgan, and is due to get A* or A for his A Levels. Finally, former student Adel Msolly returned from university at Kings College London where he is studying law. Despite taking exams in his second language Adel gained the highest grades and was runner up for the OCR award. His parents and brother flew all the way from Slovakia to see him presented with his prize. Andrew Jeffrey, Lizzie Williams, Stewart Matthews, Rosie Scordoulis Rosie Scordoulis (ex Davison High School) is a great all-rounder, a very strong scientist who has also been offed a place at Cambridge. She has taken 5 A Levels, swims at County level, plays clarinet to Grade 8, and has taken her Duke of Edinburgh


award. Rosie was runner-up in the A Level Learner of the Year category. Also a runner up was Stewart Matthews (ex – Sir Robert Woodard Academy) who impressed the judges with his hard work and focus on achieving his dream of working in the city.

This was an outstanding evening for Worthing College students demonstrating that they often achieve at the very highest levels. Principal Peter Corrigan said “This is one of the highlights of the year when we see many of our most brilliant and hardworking students get the recognition they deserve”.


Celebrating Worthing College

Biology and Chemistry Olympiad awards recognise students’ work

It was the turn of a very happy group of talented science students to be rewarded for their achievements when on Thursday 13th May they were presented with their awards from the Biology and Chemistry Olympiads by Vice Principal Paul Riley. The Biology Olympiad team had their best ever results with silver awarded to Joanna Clay and Stephen Brown, bronze to Jessica Jackman, Rosie Scordoulis, Hannah Dickinson, Harry Burnell, and Annis Ferry. Poppy Taylor, Rachel Thomas, Zoe




and Danielle Golds all received highly commended and Jade Calderhead, Harry Ballantyne, Brandon Brockhurst and Raveena Marwaha commended. In





students achieved bronze awards, Rosie Scordoulis, Harry Burnell, and Brandon Brockhurst. Hannah Dickenson achieved a silver and Saskia Lennox was the second ever Worthing College student to achieve a gold. Well done everyone!



Opportunity Achievement Success Progression

Sports Awards a night of real celebration after outstanding season This year’s Sports Awards evening was definitely a night to celebrate. It has been the most successful year so far in Worthing College sport history culminating in the women’s footballers winning the ECFA National Cup final 4-3 v Accrington, the first time a team from the College has made it to a National final. In Sussex Worthing College totally dominated, winning both the men’s football 1st and 2nd team U19 Cups, the women’s football U19 Cup and the men’s rugby Sussex Cup. Our football teams had a great season with both playing in the

The Women’s Football squad receive a standing ovation as they are awarded the title of ‘Team of the Year’ (above), and with Principal Peter Corrigan (below).

Elite Category 1 National League. The




particularly well reaching the National League quarter finals, winning the Regional AOC tournament and then finishing




the South East at the National Championships in Newcastle.

Sports Person of the Year Ross Edwards


Our men’s basketball team won the Regional AOC Tournament and then represented the South East in the National Finals at Newcastle. They finished 4th in the national competition against some very tough opposition. They also won

the AOC South East League winning every game played this season. We also had a number of students selected to play sport at National Level and hope this level of success continues into next season.


Celebrating Worthing College Sports Awards Evening Winners 2016 Men’s Football 1st team Coaches Player 2016 – James Thurgar Men’s Football 2nd team Coaches Player 2016 – Joe Kennard Women’s Football Coaches Player 2016 – Danielle Rowe Netball 1st team Coaches Player 2016 – Gemma Spencer-Snell Netball 2nd team Coaches Player 2016 – Charlotte Lloyd

Men’s Football

Men’s Rugby 1st team Coaches Player 2016 – Jurgen Forster Men’s Rugby 2nd team Coaches Player 2016 – Keiran Bradley Women’s Rugby Coaches Player 2016 – Charlotte Williams Men’s Basketball Coaches Player 2016 – Josef Forman Men’s Football 1st team Players Player 2016 – Elliot Dollner Men’s Football 2nd team Players Player 2016 – Joe Patching Women’s Football Players Player 2016 – Valentine Pursey Netball 1st team Players Player 2016 – Laura McLaughlin Netball 2nd team Players Player 2016 – Emily Erskine

Men’s Basketball

Men’s Rugby 1st team Players Player 2016 – Dan Adu Men’s Rugby 2nd team Players Player 2016 – Hayden Scott Women’s Rugby Players Player 2016 – Charlotte Paynter Men’s Basketball Players Player 2016 – James Felstead Worthing College Fund Raiser of the Year 2016 – Isaiah Amoo Worthing College Sports Person of the Year 2016 – Ross Edwards Worthing College Sports Apprentice of the Year 2016 – Callum Scott

Women’s Netball

Men’s Rugby

Team of the Year – Women’s football

Women’s Rugby



Opportunity Achievement Success Progression

Work Store Awards presentation celebrates students achievements in the community and the workplace Wednesday





3rd Work Store Award Presentation evening which turned out to be a real celebration with 12 students collecting awards, accompanied by family and friends. Students gained not only Work Store Awards for volunteering and work placements but also International Lions Awards at Silver and Gold level for giving 50/100 hours to their community. Danielle Gold won an outstanding award to



her her

commitment learning


experiences and won an additional prize of an iPod touch. There was also a special award for our apprentice, George Pepper, who


was a superb ambassador for the college whilst on placement at David Lloyd and as a result, he has been offered a part time job in the gym.





Other winners were: Sophie Collings, Paige Llewellyn,

Hattie Pennant, Holly Blackmore

Lewis Seamer, Donald Mukando, Zoe Chellingworth, Fay Saunders, Arisha Ahson. Tahmida Khanom, and Masuma Begun-Rubi.


Celebrating Worthing College

King crowned Public Service Student of the Year 2015 -16

After careful consideration of all the possible candidates we are proud to announce that James King is the 2015-16 recipient of the Public Ser vice Student of the Year Award.

a Sussex Police Cadet and a

A former St. Andrew ’s High School student, James has consistently showed commitment to the course, met deadlines, been an active participant in his class and stepped out of his comfort zone when asked to do so - most notably this year when completing his practical sessions in sailing. In addition to studying at College he has been

points short of the maximum

ver y regular and proactive gym member. His overall grade of D*D*D* for his Level 3 Extended Diploma in Public Ser vices was only 10 achievable. Next year, newly crowned James intends to complete an AIQ Level 3 Diploma in Health and Fitness at Chichester College and gain a personal trainer qualification which he hopes will ultimately lead to entering the militar y as a physical training instructor.

National Theatre the ultimate prize for Adam’s script We have just received notification from the National Theatre to give us the great news that Adam Kassell, who studies A2 Drama and recently undertook the New Views script writing course at the College, has made it onto the short list of the New Views National competition. Students from Worthing College have made the long list in this competition in the past but this is the first time one of our students has reached the final shortlist of nine alongside students from ELAM (a specialist Music and Digital Media college in London), Sherbourne Girls, Brighton College and The London Oratory.

Adam has always had a great love for creative writing but couldn’t believe he had made the shortlist. His play, ‘Leroy The Youtube Man’ is a contemporary piece based around the cult of celebrity gamesters who are followed on Youtube’ and if he wins he will have the amazing experience of seeing his play produced and performed at the National Theatre! This would be an incredible achievement. We couldn’t be more proud of Adam, who created the whole set for The Wiz and is off to Rose Bruford Drama School this September to study Scenic Art.



Opportunity Achievement Success Progression

Students wowed by trip to National Space Centre On Tuesday 17th May 3 students and 2 staff members were lucky enough to go on a trip to the National Space Centre in Leicester. The students explored the Space Centre, learning about the different vehicles that have been used to explore space, using anti gravity chairs and seeing if they had the reaction times to be an astronaut! They also saw a show in the Planetarium, and most excitedly were there for a live call with Tim Peake on board the International Space Station!

Finlay Jupp, Jamie Childs and Marlon Hirtle took the trip to the National Space Centre

Our thanks go to Finlay Jupp, Jamie Childs and Marlon Hirtle (see photo) who all made the trip and contributed to writing the following article. We travelled to the national space centre in Leicester where we met Tim Peake via a live feed straight from the International Space Satellite which was in orbit. We also saw other astronauts who answered questions and we got to see the effects of micro gravity which is what someone experiences when in orbit. This gave us a second hand experience of how it would feel to be in space. As we entered the National Space Centre, we saw one of the first ever space crafts; the Russian Soyuz 7KOK which was an incredible feat of engineering was an amazing accomplishment in itself, especially when you consider when it was made and what it accomplished.


Though no longer functional, it still to this day marks the longest manned flight by a solo spacecraft. The mission investigated the effects of long term weightlessness whilst in orbit. Though you wouldn’t think it by looking at it, the small space craft symbolised how far spacecraft technology had come in such a short amount of time. The craft was built in 1970, and 30 years earlier would have been considered pure science fiction.

There was also a planetarium where the current working model of the big bang and the period immediately after it was expanded. The model also explained the birth of the first stars and gave a brief history of other events that led up to the forming of the only known sentient beings in the universe (so far), humans. There was also lots of other cool stuff like a working model of the solar system and an area known as the tranquillity base where we got to pretend to be astronauts. This included things such as artificial simulations like guiding a laser to different points using a chair which we could control.


Opportunity Achievement Success Progression

Where the wild things are: students inspired by conservation trip

As part of their BTEC in Environmental Sustainability, nine of our finest Year 13 environmentalists attended a day of conservation at RSPB Pulborough Brooks. The day involved a study of the Lapwing – an endangered species, which nests at Pulborough Brooks.

The students donned field glasses to observe the Lapwings and listened to a talk from the head conservationist. Later in the day it was a pleasure to see the students get their hands dirty by removing small saplings that negatively affect the chalk grassland ecosystem on the site.

Worthing College football star shines in 4 day World record attempt In May, Worthing College student Jodie Pallant, one of our all-conquering cup-winning Women’s football squad took part in a world record attempt to raise money for the British Heart Foundation and the Shoreham Air Disaster memorial fund. The attempt took place at Lancing College where Jodie played football as part of a team in a competitive match for over 4 days continuously. On 26th May she played an amazing 15 out of 24 hours. If you wish to support Jodie you can still make a donation on https://www. gofundme.com/k6sm264c

Although getting down and dirty on the ground was a shock to some of our more urbanised students, they all embraced the challenge and helped preserve an important habitat. This work has inspired a few of our students to seek further studies in conservation.

He’s a poet and we didn’t know it

Unbeknown to us we have been housing a published poet at the college. Catering Manager Ron Bell appears in two volumes of poetry collections called “Ten of the Best. A Showcase of Poetry”. Ron has kept his secret skill under wraps until now preferring to cook up great menus for the students and staff, but now he has been discovered we’re hoping he can feed our souls as well with some of his more poetic offerings.



Opportunity Achievement Success Progression

Excitement of County and National Cup wins caps outstanding season

for Worthing College Football squads In an amazing culmination to the football season, Worthing College swept the board at county level with both the Men’s and Women’s Football Programmes recording victories in the Sussex County Cup finals played at Lancing FC’s ground last week. This was on the back of the Women also winning the National ECFA Premier Cup by beating Accrington Stanley at Birmingham City’s ground, St Andrews a few days earlier when Annie Rolfe scored a brace with other goals coming from Hayley Bridge and Sarah Tubby in a fantastic 4-3 victory which took the cup for the first time ever. They followed this by picking up the County Cup for an incredible 9th consecutive season by outplaying BHASVIC 3-0 with Annie Rolfe scoring all three to put the icing on the cake after another outstanding team performance The success continued with the Men’s Programme making history by winning both the 1st and 2nd team cups.

Worthing College Principal Peter Corrigan said: “Individually these are all fantastic achievements; combined they showcase the amazing talent and work put in by our hugely gifted and determined students and staff. On the back of our recent GOOD Ofsted result this has put Worthing College firmly at the forefront of colleges in this area. Worthing College really is the place to be!”

The 1st XI beat Thomas Bennett Community College of Crawley 2-1 with Man of the Match James Thurgar scoring both goals, while the 2nd XI scored a convincing victory over St Paul’s College of Burgess Hill 3-0 with goals from Conor Bull and Eli Amoo who scored two and picked up the Man of the Match Award.



Celebrating Worthing College Worthing College has also had 9 of its squad, coached by Dave Hall, involved in the “perfect season” for Sussex Schools u18s. The squad played 8, won 8, scored 31 and conceded only 10 across their SEESFA League and ESFA National Cup campaigns. Their season culminated at Birmingham City FC where Sussex defeated Northumberland 2-0 in the ECFA National Cup Final.

As well as their historic cup exploits, players have also gained individual honours with 9 players representing Sussex Schools u18s this season in their SEESFA League and National Cup double winning season. In

addition to this Ross Edwards has trialled at League 2 club Barnet and Pat Webber has secured a two year extended scholarship with Championship side Ipswich Town FC, a fantastic achievement!

Coach Hall said, “To go through a season at county level and not lose a game is a tremendous feat. These players have shown that they deserve the right to be National Champions. The future looks bright for Football in Sussex, and Worthing College.”

Worthing College Raiders Academy crowned County Cup champions Never ones to willingly be upstaged by the footballers the Men’s Rugby squad took their version of the county cup with a 18 - 0 victory over The Weald in the U18 cup final. Poor conditions and a strong wind made scoring difficult throughout the first half and although it was Worthing who applied all the pressure it stayed at 0 - 0 until Tomlinson slotted home a penalty in front of the posts before Davis-Smith scored a try in the corner in the final minute of the half to make the score at the break 8 - 0. The second period started with The Weald trying to make use of the elements and Worthing battling them. However it was the Raiders that got into their stride quicker and started putting the pressure back on the opposition. As a result of the physical superiority and higher

skill levels of the Raiders side they were able to produce multi phase rugby, hammering the defensive line time after time. It wasn’t until mid way through the second half that Worthing scored the second try through Forster making the score 13-0. More pressure brought the game as a contest to a conclusion, the spirited and whole hearted Weald

no longer being able to stop the Raiders attack with Tomlinson scoring in the corner. The opposition pressed strongly towards the end of the match, but as had been the case throughout the Blue wall stood firm and the Raiders were crowned as county champions. Tries: Davis-Smith, Forster, Tomlinson Pen: Tomlinson



Celebrating Worthing College

Become a Governor! We have vacancies

Yellow brick road leads to Worthing College Photographs of ‘The Wiz’ which was put on in the Sealight Theatre in May by our Performing Arts students. Bravo!

Use your skills for the benefit of young people in Worthing. Worthing College is looking for people to join the College Corporation. The College has been graded as GOOD in all respects by Ofsted but we aim to be OUTSTANDING and we need your help to achieve our aim. You will bring new ideas and experiences to the college. You will have great business and / or community skills including strategic thinking and financial management with a keen interest in the education and development of young people. If you are interested in being a Governor please go to www.worthing.ac.uk and click on the governance tab for more details and an application form or contact Rajinder Singh, Clerk to the Corporation on email governance@worthing.ac.uk or Tel 01903 275755.

01903 275755 • info@worthing.ac.uk • www.worthing.ac.uk

A big welcome to new staff: Claire Pallant, Lesley May and Chrysoula Maniadi

Farewell to: Julie Tyrrell, Marion Judge, Celia Walker, Andrea de Matos West, Lorraine Stubberfield and John Loader

Worthing College in the Art Trail

Worthing College is repeating the success of last year and will be open as an official venue for the Worthing Art Trail. The Visual Arts and Media students exhibition opens with a Private View on 16 June 4.30 - 7.30pm. The college will then be open for the first two weekends of the Art Trail on 18,19 and 25, 26 June.

About ‘Celebrating Worthing College’ Celebrating Worthing College is produced by the Worthing College Marketing Team. If you have any comments about this publication email info@worthing.ac.uk or call Chris Hughes 01903 275755.



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