Nursery newsletter july

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Dates for your diary Summer Fayre– Saturday 22nd July Leavers party– Wednesday 19th July-2.15pm-4pm

General information Monthly website The Communication Trust is a coalition of over 50 not-for-profit organisations. Working together they support everyone who works with children and young people in England to support their speech, language and communication. The website contains lots of resources to download and latest news. Training This month, Cat went on ‘2 year check’ training and Amina attended a ‘INCO/SENCO’ network meeting. Jemma and Nina went on the ‘Marvellous maths in the EYFS’ course. Summer Fayre This year at our Summer Fayre, we will be setting up a ‘Freecycling’ area. Please feel free to have a look and see if there is anything you would like and also bring anything along that you would like to donate. For example- clothes, toys and anything else child related and in good condition that you feel someone else could make good use of. Due to the popularity of last year’s shaving foam pit, we are collecting donations of shaving foam again. (All donations of shaving foam will be gratefully received in the wicker basket directly in front of you as you walk in the nursery door) Thank you in advance. Congratulations Congratulations to Kim who got married at the end of June and will be returning to work after a lovely wedding and honeymoon as Mrs Frost. Welcome We would like to welcome Becky to our team, she will be joining us at the end of the month as a new apprentice. Summer moves We are currently planning our summer moves for children who are due to move to the next room. We will be contacting parents individually about these and with the dates.

Tel: 01903 275750 Email: Sanditon Way, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 9FD

Funding For children who are eligible for the 3 and 4 year old funding, we sent you all an email out on the 30 th June with the details about this. If you have not already done so, please read through this and have a look at how it works for you. We need forms returned to us by Monday 10th July. Menus We are now on our summer menus. The link is posted below: Alternatively, if you go to our nursery section on the website, select nursery meals and at the bottom of the page you will find the link. Goodbye! Now we are in July it is time for some of our children to start leaving us ready for their transition into school. We would like to wish all our school leavers a very bright and happy future at school, we will miss you all very much!!! Photographs For those children who were here for the photographer, you should have received your proof photos from the photographer now, if not these are in your drawers. These need to be returned to us by 17 th July. Weather June brought lots of sunshine for us and we are hoping this will be returning to us soon. On the really hot days we have to limit our free flow access to the garden to ensure the children sun safety, this means at the hottest times of day doors to the garden will be closed. We do however make the most of the lovely shaded nature trail and forest school. It would help us if you could ensure children have sunhats and that on hot days not too much skin is displayed such as strappy tops for the girls, something that covers shoulders would be better. Health visitor Over the last year, we have been doing combined checks with the health visitor, the nursery and the family of the child for children aged between 2 years 3 months and 2 years 6 months. The health visitor department have informed us that these we now only take place for children who we have any concerns about, have any delays such as speech or who the parents have concerns about. This means that from now on, unless this is the case, you will need to book in for these checks independently once the healthvisiting agency contact you. Fathers day tea A big thank you to all the daddies who came to our Fathers day tea to eat hot dogs and brownies with us! It was a lovely event and we managed to get some great photographs!

Tel: 01903 275750 Email: Sanditon Way, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 9FD

Little Eggs This month We welcome Travis and Oliver to Little Eggs, we look forward to getting to know you both. We will be helping our big girls and boys with their impending transition to the next room by adapting routines for them, encouraging and supporting their independence alongside settles to Caterpillars for sleeps, meals and activity times. For our new and younger babies, we will be focusing on providing lots of calming and stimulating opportunities such as texture and sensory play and tummy time.

Acknowledgements Well done to our clever Little Eggs– this month has seen lots of milestones being reached; babbling, talking, cruising and even wonderful first few steps! We are all very proud and just love this part of our job.

Other bits and bobs Please do send us some family photos for us to display on our family board!

Ideas for home Are you registered with a local family centre? They are fab places for advice on all topics, to meet people and they have wonderful groups, activities and ideas for you throughout the summer! Why not drop by and check one out– they are everywhere and a fantastic community resource!

Caterpillars This month We welcome Nate and Emmerson to nursery– we are so excited to get to know you both! We will have a lot of children who have started to potty train or have shown interest and to promote this we are going to be encouraging more self care activities such as washing our baby dolls, putting on our own shoes and being independent during meal times by taking things to the sink, putting things in the bin etc. We will also be promoting tidy up time and helping children to learn and be sure of where things go.

Other bits and bobs Our children have been creating some beautiful artwork! They have all been put in drawers, so please check them and take home their wonderful crafts! Please bring in any yoghurt pots or drinkable yoghurt pots you have, to use in our water play. Thank you!

Ideas for home Promote self care at home by encouraging your child to put on their own shoes, attempt to wash and dress themselves etc.

Blossom This month We will be celebrating our Summer, any holidays that we go on and what we get up to on our weekends through our Summer board. We will be talking about what we have been doing with each other and we will also be drawing and painting summery pictures using glitter and other materials.

We will be planning water based activities to help keep the children cool through this hot weather! These will include playing with our sea animals in our lovely new water tray and filling and pouring containers with water. Another popular activity we will be doing is playing with our dinosaur toys in sand and water.

Acknowledgements Harris and Presley have both done so well with their potty training– well done boys!

Other bits and bobs Please don’t forget to pack appropriate clothing and label them. Please label sun hats that come into nursery so we do not lose them. If you do go on holiday, please send us photos or grab a postcard for us to put on our display board. If a holiday isn't on the cards please send us photos of summery fun you have had over the weekends– we have collected some already and would love to fill it up!

Ideas for home Make fruit smoothies or ice lollies at home. If you are planning on spending time at the beach in this lovely weather, you could make sandcastles and drawings in the sand or with the stones.

Butterflies This month This month we will be saying some fond farewells to many of our children as they leave for their next chapters. We will be having our leavers party, which will be a fun packed afternoon for all our leavers. We will be learning about minibeasts, including growing our own butterflies and watching them fly off as so many of our Butterflies are! As the weather is so beautiful, we can use the nature trail and outdoor environment to go bug hunting as well as looking at different books related to minibeasts including ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’, ‘the bad tempered ladybird’ and ‘what the ladybird saw’. We will also be engaging in lots of activities related to these stories.

Acknowledgements Thank you to all the dads for coming to the Father’s Day tea, the children loved spending this time with you. Thank you to everyone who has sent in photographs of your growing sunflowers. We look forward to hearing about how tall they have got so we can add to our display! We would like to say a huge thank you to our students Emily and Lauren who have just finished their placements. The children have really loved having you with us and we will all miss you a lot.

Other bits and bobs We now have a large lost property display in the corridor, please check through for your child’s clothes. Please remember to write your child’s name in all their clothes as this will help reduce any future lost property collections we have. We will be collecting in all the school leavers book bags during the week of the 10th July, thank you for all the support you have given through this reading scheme. This is such a great beneficial start to your child’s reading in preparation for school.

Also, please remember transition meetings for all our leavers. We will put the list of times and dates on the door as a reminder after our trip. If you cannot attend please let us know as soon as possible.

Ideas for home Visit the local libraries to participate in the summer reading challenge. It starts on Saturday 15th July and it is free! The children will solve a mystery with the help of the Animal Agents gang. It is lots of fun and when completed, certificates and medals will be presented. Another nice idea for some is to explore your garden for mini beast and talk about the names of all the different ones!

Forest School This month, we will be very busy in the Butterfly room to make sure we all get to enjoy a tea cooked on the fire. Some of the younger children will be doing some craft activities including a leaf rubbing and a texture treasure hunt. The hot weather has made us all appreciate our outside space and the coolness of the nature trail– we will be spending as much time out there in the shade as possible exploring our summer environment.

Other bits and bobs Thank you for remembering to bring payment in for sun cream and for dressing your children in cool cotton clothing as a hot child is an unhappy child! The courgettes and radishes are growing bigger and we have loved eating the strawberries that we have grown in our hanging baskets. Please send in any photos of anything you are growing at home.

Ideas for home Make use of a shady spot and read a book with your child or play with water. A teddy bear picnic is great to encourage speaking and listening skills. Invite a play date maybe one that will be also attending your child’s big school!

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