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Newsletter August 2016 Dates for your diary 8th September- Olympic and Paralympic sports day

General information This month we have said farewell to lots of the children, we wish them all well as they move on to school . Thank you for all our lovely gifts we've been spoilt. Does your child attend another setting? Please let us know if they do, so we can contact them to share information about your child’s progress and development. Please can we remind parents that they shouldn’t be walking through the toilets between blossom and butterflies. Please ask the staff in the room if you need to access the toilets. This summer we have made an ‘30 things to do’ board it gives ideas of places to visit and things to do. We would love you to email us pictures of these activities to inspire others. If you have any suggestions to add to the board please let us and know and we will add them .

Monthly website Practical advice and resources for parents on early years nutrition and development. Training This month Kirsty attended training on OFSTED and Jodie went on a course to help the children get involved and motivated. Both have seemed to be very useful.

Tel: 01903 275750 Email: Sanditon Way, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 9FD

Little Eggs This month We welcome Thea and Noah to Little Eggs! We also welcome Dani and Shannon who will now be working in our room. We are sad to say goodbye to Emma and Andrea who will be moving to Caterpillars and Chelsea. M who will be moving to Butterflies. We also say goodbye to our little eggs who are moving on to become caterpillars! We will miss you all lots. We will be exploring our inner Olympian this month with lots of fun activities in celebration of the Olympics!

Acknowledgements Well done to Sophia and Sienna in starting to take their first steps!

Other bits and bobs Please make sure sun hats are in your child’s bag and labelled, thank you.

Ideas for home As the weather is getting warmer, why not try edible frozen painting, where children can get messy, creative, explore textures and help with their fine motor skills! Using water, food colouring, fruit and some different flavours, pop a lolly pop stick in the freezer to make ice lollies!

Caterpillars This month We welcome Finnley who is new to our setting and James, Indie, Amelie. M, Willow, Florence, Amelie. B, Freya and Dylan who are moving up to us from Little Eggs. We also welcome Emma, Andrea and Nicole who will be coming to work in Caterpillars and say farewell to Charlotte. F. We wish you all the best in Blossom! We will be taking walks to Broadwater green, the nature trail and the college. We want to focus on caterpillars, how they grow, what they eat and if we can find any on our walks. We are also going to make our book corner board into a very hungry caterpillar board! We will make lots of pictures and read the story at circle times. We will also be looking at the Olympics and different kinds of sports.

Acknowledgements Goodbye to all our older ones moving into the Blossom room. We will miss you!

Other bits and bobs If anybody has any spare soil that we could add to our digging area, it would be very much appreciated!

Ideas for home Get ready for the Olympics by having running races in the garden! Make obstacle courses and your own gold, silver and bronze medals!

Blossom This month We welcome Harris, Isabella, Evie, Sophie and Daisy who will be joining us from Caterpillars and saying a farewell as some of our blossoms become butterflies. Our new staff will be Jodie, Amina, Charlotte. H and Charlotte. F.

We are excited to see the new members of the Blossom room explore their new routines and to teach them our sharing song, which all of our children enjoy. We hope to continue to enjoy the sunshine with walks to the nature trail.

Acknowledgements We thank Dani for all of her hard work since being in Blossoms and wish her the best as she moves into Little Eggs.

Ideas for home Please feel free to bring in any pictures from your holidays for us to share in circle time.

Butterflies This month We would like to welcome Iris who is new to our setting and Noah, Emily, Saxon, Oscar, Jack and Ned who are moving up from Blossom. We welcome Sarah T to the butterfly room. We also say goodbye to Charlotte and Shannon who are changing rooms, thank you for all your hard work. We say hello to Chelsea M who has moved from Little Eggs to us and Chelsea B who will be floating between us and Blossom. We will be continuing to prepare the school leavers for their new adventure. To celebrate the Olympics we will be having an Olympics week, trying some fun sports activities. We will be looking at the environment within the college grounds, looking at butterflies and other mini beasts. We will be focusing on routines and helping each other as we welcome the new children to the butterflies room. The older children will become buddies to the younger children to help make it a smooth transition for them. We will be getting to know all the children by doing a variety of activities “all about me”. Our “I can” tree is looking very healthy with the leaves and we want to continue to celebrate the children's achievements. If you need more leaves please ask us.

Acknowledgements Thank you to everybody who helped on our Drusilla's trip, we all had a fantastic day. We would also like to say a HUGE thank you for all the cards, presents and kind words from the families of the children leaving to go to school. We have all loved working with your children, watching them grow and flourish and wish them all well in their new schools. We will miss each and every one of them.

Other bits and bobs Our butterflies are starting to emerge from their chrysalides and like many of the children in our room will be flying away to new pastures, some children will be having new keyworkers due to staff changes .

Ideas for home Go on a minibeast hunt and handle carefully their findings.

Forest School Last month Sarah lead her first session with Butterflies. They made fruit kebabs, which they toasted and enjoyed, along with hot chocolate topped with cream and marshmallows. We have focused on problem solving in forest school when our rope swing got stuck in a tree! With lots of ideas of ladders, saws etc. they came to the conclusion that a big stick could fish it down.

Other bits and bobs We start our holiday club at the end of July, so look forward to welcoming lots of new children to the club!

Ideas for home We practised peeling in these sessions, so now you have some mini experts why not try this at home! If you are worried about fingers, put a glove on the hand holding the vegetable to protect them.

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