WORTHY MAGAZINE: The Ambition Issue

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The Ambition Issue

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Contents December 2011


Our Wo!hy Holiday Guide

Worthy Holiday Shopping Guide

Worthy Fashion DESIGNER HIGHLIGHT Fierce Hand-bags By:


49& 62


Black Girls Killing It With Neil Alvin PG.


73 80







December Issue

Inside this issue

News at a glance ENTERTAINMENT F.Y.I WORTHY WORLD NEWS pg. 15 FEATURE STORY: Censorship Comes to America! pg. 18

Gentlemen’s Handbook

PROFILES IN MUSIC L.A. DaBoom-Man pg. 26 Meet Artist:Peril P. pg. 29 COVER STORY THE BALANCING ACT: Ambitious Women

WORTHY T.V T.L.C Schools America The Learning Channel Educates It’s Viewers With A Controversial New Show. pg. 19


pg. 36

MEN’S GROOMING: “THE CONGRUENT MALE” Andre of Beverly Hills The Dapper: Mr. Andre Lewis WIRE: pg. 46

THROUGH THE Actor & Musician TRAY CHANEY pg. 43


Letter From The Editor Thoughts from the editor about the issue and life in general.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. I really hope that you guys enjoy this issue. This magazine has been a labor of love for all those who have been involved. This issue is packed with interviews and unique features. Also my executive editor, Whitney Johnson, called out to you guys and boy did you answer. We used all the comments that we got. Your voice means everything to us, which is why we included all the quotes. My letter is very simple this time. I want you to use all the time reading the rest of the magazine. You are appreciated here and you are Worthy. Much Love, Ju’lia Samuels 1. Zara Shopper bag 2. Nook 3. A clutch from Françoise Elizee 4. A clutch from Madeiline St Claire

Have A Stylish New Year from Worthy


Ju’lia Samuels Editor-in-Chief Art Director Marcus Williams Executive Editor Whitney Johnson Managing Editor Toni-Ann Martin News Editor Andre Samuels


Photographer Gavin Samuels

Fashion Fashion Director D. Michael Male Fashion Designer Brenda Samuels Entertainment Music Editor William J. Kennedy Contributors Neil Alvin of Black Girls Killing it Domonique Phillips Glorious Walker Pasha Janay


If you are interested in volunteering, please send all inquiries to julia@worthy-magazine.com

954.547.7240 christopheroutlerphotography@gmail.com

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We hear you........................ Worthy readers and ambition Our amazing readers and supporters shared with us their definition of ambition. Thank you to all who participated. We love you and we hear you.

“ Ambition is the fuel that drives my dreams, so I can reach my destination of success.”Cameron Miller, Co-Founder of Dormtainment.com, the greatest website in world for Creative.College.Comedy. I'm 23 with big dreams, a big heart, and a big bathroom...because my room is the master bedroom. “Ambition: The want for something, the drive to get it no matter what obstacles tries to stop you.”- Bianca Malverez, Nordstrom Fashionista

“Ambition is hitting the ground running while at your best and never stopping even at your worst.”Chrystal AV, University of Central Florida student and member of the Sigma Epsilon chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

“Ambition means having the motivation to accomplish all of the dreams and goals you set for yourself. With ambitioncomes the realization that there maybe obstacles and stop signs that may get in your way. However, using the ambition you have, you come to realize that you must push forward and use your inner strength and the strength that He {God} gives you to get where you want to go.”Jaid Jones, Alumnus of the University of Florida and graduate student of Florida State University

"Ambition is pressing beyond failure to reach your goals. Feeling hope in hopeless situations, and slipping and falling, but still arising to the occasion."-David Faal, singer and University of Florida student

We hear you.... “To me the word ambition expresses the drive and the feeling of great achievement within yourself. It defines your motivation and determination.”-Jennifer P founder of "THEREALJPBLOG" better know as "JP".

“Ambition to me means a lot. Ambition is something that you have to do no matter what. It’s something you do not do just for you but the people around you. We do it for the people around us because that’s our brother. To make things easier for those around us. Do it with all your might, all your heart.”- USMC Lance Corpral ArcherFair

“When your vision is clear, your destiny can be seen through a mountain. Doing things beyond our comfort zone will help us reach our greatest potential. If we settle for low expectations, we will receive low results. Therefore, move from mediocrity to excellence and realize your full potential.”-Deric Feacher,Founder & CEO of The Messenger Speaks….a company dedicated to helping people move from mediocrity to excellence. “ Ambition to me mean the will or drive to do something for yourself. My interests range all over the place. Once I hit 18 I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to do hair but in more detail, create wigs and pieces for women and men who have went through chemotherapy and/or experienced hair loss. During my process of going to college first, I had gotten sick and found out I was pregnant. I had a 7-13 plan that was briefly interrupted but that didn't stop me. I withdrew from college, went to beauty school

“To be independent, to extend your knowledge, to grow as a person, to set yourself above average is to be ambitious.”Sylvia Johnson, Alumna of New York’s Fashion Institute of Technology and my mother

We hear you “Ambition is my Vitamin C, B-12, Omega-3, and Zinc. It is having one door close,walking away, returning with a sledge hammer to put a hole in the wall and creating a new door way. It is staying up late night and having early mornings to outline an idea with no deadline. Ambition is that unexplainable energy that allows you to focus on the present because you already know that tomorrow is going to be a brighter day.”-TaKiya Sanders, Entrepreneur and Jeweler. I am constantly coming up with new ideas, new plans, new and exciting ways of getting a job done or even creating new ones. I love art of all forms,from written to spoken. I enjoy meeting new people and embarking on new journeys. “Ambition has no plateau or ceiling. The state of satisfaction is foreign to a person of ambition, they reside in the realm of pursuit. To know Ambition is to befriend Persistence who is the cousin of Sustainability. Ambition is not a lucky shot in the dark, it is endurance, hard work, the want to & most of all the will to."”-Jason Saunders (24), Program Manager Communities In Schools of Jacksonville Inc. Jacksonville University Graduate Bachelors of Science in Psychology Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. Initiate Spring 2007

“Ambition is one’s aspirations and the drive to achieve them. Ambition is quite similar to pride, in the fact that it can both positively and negatively affect men’s character and judgment. Ambition can be the wind beneath men’s wings, helping them unlock their “Ambition...wanti ng to strive for something that may benefit you in the end (long run).”-Shantice Rahming, University of Florida student

potential and achieve greatness. Alternatively, ambition can expose the darker pits of the human soul, driving men to be ruthless towards their aims. Although the drive for excellence can never be negative, the means and the pursuit men choose to excel shows the nature of the man and his ambition.”Winston Jean-Pierre, Airforce

Worthy Magazine at

WORTHY MAGAZINE AT DESIGN MIAMI an awe-inspiring event that housed some of design’s household names. Design Miami was truly an amazing experience. It was a meeting of the minds coming together in life size art.

Design Miami


Miami Design and Art Basel

Behind the scenes

Behind The Scenes

Worthy magazine had a photo shoot to showcase the beauty of natural beauty. Tribal jewelry and unique pieces that really emphasize a woman’s natural beauty are really big right now. It was great to get part of the Worthy team in one place. Worthy magazine would like to extend a warm thank you to contributing photographer Christopher Outler and model for the day, Tunbi Adefunmi. We look forward to many more! Hope you guys like. Let us know what you think. Send your comments to worthy@worthymagazine.com

Calendar of Events

{Calendar of Events}

26 25



We know you already have this day marked down in your calendar. Be sure to enjoy!!!

starts on this day. It is a day to explore the beauty of handmade gifts. Wonderful choice of celebration in these days.


is here!!!


Did you know that the 15th is National Bill of Rights day? Well, now you do


we know

don’t have to remind you!!! Make sure enjoy this time.

News Worthy

{News at a Glance} THE PRIDE OF HIP HOP Rolling Stone, crowned Jay Z, The King of America; It seems that the King can do anything he wants! Jay-Z will become the first solo-rap artist to "play" Carnegie Hall. The famed theater will host a charity benefit concert for the undisputed King of Rap, with proceeds from the $500 to $2500 tickets, going to the Sean Carter Scholarship Fund. Jay-Z, who lacks a high-school diploma prizes education and has made the cause central to his philanthropic efforts. Jay Z is already a best selling author. He recently became a husband and will soon be a father. Together, these milestones in life have contributed to his unprecedented cross over appeal. The concert series will be held on Feb. 6-7.

OPRAH’S GIRLS GRADUATE Oprah Winfrey's girls academy will graduate it's first class in January. The school has been tarnished by controversy but the pristine grounds and Oprah's 40 million dollar investment have endured. Despite the controversies, Oprah's academy has certainly produced admirable results. The first class of graduates will consist of 72 young women, and all of the graduates have been accepted to universities in Africa and the United States. Twelve of the graduates have received full scholarships. Oprah has said that if you teach a girl, you teach a nation. The future of Africa could be shaped by graduates of the Winfrey academy.




The future of the VH1 hit, Single Ladies was up in the air when the star of the series, Stacey Dash abruptly quit the show. The dramatic television series was cursed with equally spectacular backstage drama, which culminated in the departure of Dash. Stepping in to fill her shoes, is Denise Vasi from All My Children. The gorgeous actress will play an entirely new character, named Raquel. The spicy show will certainly suffer without the presence of Dash. Will season 2 be as phenomenal as season 1? Much of the answer will depend on Ms. Denise Vasi. She has the unenviable challenge of bearing the burden of fan expectations. Filming for Single Ladies resumes in January.

{News at a Glance} EGYPT RISING On November 28th and 29th, 8 million Egyptian citizens voted in the nations first election since the ousting of former President Hosni Mubarak. The elections were one of the first flowers of the Arab Spring which has toppled regimes in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, and Libya. The elections saw the largest turnout in Egyptian history, with 62% of the Egyptian people turning out to vote for Egypt's first legitimate election. However, the liberal students that toppled the dictatorship, found themselves roundly defeated in the elections. The victors of Egypt's first legitimate elections were the relatively conservative, Muslim Brotherhood organization and an ultra conservative organization called the Salafist Nour Party. The results of the elections have left the liberal, western oriented protesters in the minority. Fears of a conservative alliance however, are premature. After the fall of the Egyptian government, the Muslim Brotherhood was simply the most well organized group in the country. They were well prepared for participation in the burgeoning democracy. Their success was not necessarily a signal that the Egyptian people support extremism. While, the Muslim Brotherhood has a past of extremism, the organization was also persecuted under the former regime. Observers have noted that the organization has attempted to modernize. It is largely composed of highly educated, middle class Egyptians. In the recent election, the Muslim Brotherhood adopted a new identity, rebranding itself as the Freedom and Justice Party. They jettisoned extremist social demands, instead emphasizing secular issues and moderation.

RUSSIA’S PUTIN PROBLEM Former KGB AGENT; Former President of Russia-Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin, the former President of Russia, will be making another run for the highest office in Russia. The former KGB agent is known for his antiwestern disposition. Until recently, the former President's restoration to power, was considered inevitable. However, Putin's political party, United Russia was recently rejected by Russian voters in parliamentary elections. United Russia held over 2/3 of the Russian Parliament-heading into the elections, but now holds less than half. The massive rebuke however, may not reflect the magnitude of Russian discontent with Putinism. The elections for the Duma, were wrought with fraud. YouTube videos of election officials filling out ballots and stuffing boxes have sent Russian citizens flying into the streets. Prior to the election, Russian Courts, paved the way for fraud by condemning the nation's only independent organization of election monitors. The internationally funded Golos group, was charged with violating Russian Laws by reporting on election abuses ahead of the election. The group created an online interactive map, which showed where abuses were taking place. Outrage was sparked when the Moscow courts ruled against the group and Russian authorities derided the group as a tool for non-Russian, outsiders. The popularity of Vladimir Putin has declined as a result of the compounding offenses. Mr. Putin's fall could ironically, benefit the United States.

{News at a Glance} EUROPE’S CURRENCY CRISIS The European Union was on the precipice of collapse. As member states of the Euro-zone have struggled to overcome the global recession the "Euro"the united currency of Europe has been in decline. The Euro came perilously close to going under but the United States and international banks have stepped in to save the struggling currency. The European Union, is literally Too Big To Fail. The collapse of the European economies could result in a crushing domino effect that would ultimately decimate America’s recovery.

MIDDLE EAST MASSACRE The Arab League, in a rare move approved sanctions against Syria and it's President Bashar al-Assad. Syria has been in the full throws of a revolution since the rise of the Arab Spring; (the democracy movement that has swept across North Africa and the Middle East). President Assad, a dependable ally of the United States has drawn criticism for his brutal crackdown on protesters. President Assad has shown little to no restraint, turning the full might of his military on the protesters. The bloodshed has forced a reluctant United States to call for the resignation of an ally once thought of as a crucial bull work against the rise of Islamic Extremism in Syria. Even more telling is the Arab League's determination to enact economic sanctions against Syria. In the past, the League has been respectful of the individual autonomy of Middle Eastern states but the violence inflicted upon the Syrian people, has forced them to condemn President Assad.

THE.U.S. AND CANADA FINALLY DISAGREE President Obama has dashed Canadian hopes by refusing to approve a controversial Pipeline. The Keystone XL Pipeline would run from Canada to the Texas Gulf Coast but the U.S. State Department, under the President's instruction, has placed the project on hold until 2013. The Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper has derided the President's decision as pure politics. The pipeline, which would carry 700,000 barrels a day, would run through sensitive Nebraska Sandhills. The Sandhills supply eight neighboring states with water, and this has created an unconventional assembly allies. The coalition against the Keystone Pipeline transcends the usual environmental suspects and this has created a precarious political trap for President Obama. Energy advocates claim that the pipeline could create 20,000 jobs immediately and could potentially create, upwards of 200,000 jobs. In an already struggling economy, the U.S. is forced into the difficult choice between the environment and employment. The Canadians, are equally in need of avenues for their energy. Canada relies on the United States for 97% of it's energy exports. Canada desperately needs the infrastructure to export it's burgeoning oil sands reserves, which are equivalent to the reserves of Saudi Arabia. The controversial pipe-line has found itself attached to a bill, by republicans as ransom for the President's Middle Class Tax Cuts.


CENSORSHIP COMES TO AMERICA Imagine the Internet without YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, or TUMBLR. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Imagine an Internet that can be shut down and individual websites that can be blocked by the government and corporations without any system for appeal or protest. If this sounds like communist china, it is; but it might also soon be an accurate description of America, if congress has it's way. Congress has been gridlocked on issues ranging from deficit reform, and unemployment benefits, to immigration reform. And yet a congress which has lurched from one government shut down or debt ceiling malay to another, has found common ground on curtailing internet freedom. The House of Representatives is currently debating a controversial bill called SOPA- the Stop Online Piracy Act. It's senate counterpart is called the Protect IP Act. Both are aimed at fighting internet piracy to protect copy-written material. Both bills are backed largely by Hollywood. The reasons for this bill are generally obvious; A determined cheapskate can find a free copy of any movie, music album or even software with relative ease on Internet. According to the supporters of SOPA, internet piracy costs America over 135 billion dollars a year. For traditional corporations the internet is rife with theft and fraud and sites like YouTube and Tumblr have made the illicit trade of their material, commonplace. While outside of congress these mainstays of the internet are regarded as innocuous, numerous corporations regard them and the internet they reside on, as havens for copy-write infringement. In a congress that can't seem to agree on anything, Republicans and Democrats have united to fundamentally transform the internet.

YOUR BLOG HAS BEEN BLOCKED If SOPA passes, the internet in the United States will begin to resemble the internet in China, and the nation's Attorney General will acquire sweeping new powers. If a corporation complains that it believes a particular website is violating their copywrite, the attorney general will be empowered to seek court approval to cut the offending website off from it's search engine; cut off it's advertisers and sever it's payment partners (such as VISA). The attorney general would effectively have the power to block the website, starve it of it's financial resources and leave it stranded in an inaccessible nether-region of the Internet. Pressure and liability can also be applied to the sites that host the offending websites. Any site that even links to these "illicit" sites will also be considered complicit and subject to "blacklisting" by the Attorney General and his corporate partners (look out blogs). A simple claim of offense from a corporation will be all that stands in between a website's freedom of speech and a government blacklist. While this may protect the intellectual property of a handful of large corporations, SOPA could have a chilling effect on an Internet comprised largely of blog posts and reposts, and tweets and retweets. The only possible effect of SOPA is a disastrous, curbing of free speech. In seeking to resurrect and reinforce, arcane notions of copy-write law, congress is in danger of upending America's Internet. The next time you visit Your favorite blog, or website, you could find that it's been banned and blocked by the Federal Government.




TLC is known as The Learning Channel and the executives at TLC are hoping to give America, a lesson in pluralism and religious tolerance. The network's new show, All American Muslim is unashamed of it's singular goal of depicting Muslims as entirely normal, patriotic and (generally) moderate citizens. All American Muslim follows the lives of five fully integrated, yet thoroughly Muslim families. The Zabans; The Jaafars; The Bazzy-Aliahmad family; The Aoudes and The Amens are highlighted by the show. Each family challenges the stereotypes that have developed about Muslims.

In the immediate after-math of 9/11, there was a surprising lack of anti-Muslim sentiment. The nation suffered from a traumatic assault inflicted by Saudi born, militants and many worried that the ire and anger of the nation would be misdirected, at American Muslims. Thankfully, President Bush was adamant in insisting that Americans not perceive the attacks of 9/11 as indicative of the Islamic faith. His efforts were successful in tamping down bigotry that might have been simmering beneath the surface of the American psyche. And yet, 10 years later, anti Muslim sentiment is at an all time high.

Recent controversies like the proposed Ground Zero mosque have erupted in Koran burnings, vandalized mosques, and physical assaults on readily identifiable Muslims. A palpable fear of Muslims now exists in America and it is expressing itself in increasingly violent rhetoric and outbursts. The Muslim community has been seized by a tangible fear of discrimination. Popular phrases like MUSLIM IS THE NEW BLACK, have attempted to encapsulate the feelings of injustice, suspicion and persecution that some Muslims now feel.

Paranoia against Muslims has been fueled by an astonishing ignorance about the faith of Islam itself. It may be considered bold or fool-hearty, but the TLC channel has decided to wade directly into this information vacuum and fill the void with a new addition to their TV line-up, designed to correct many of the misconceptions Americans have about the faith of Islam.


Meet The Families of American Muslims ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Jaafars are a well off, Arab family lead by Mike, a Chief Deputy in the local sheriffs office. The ultra patriotic Mike, sports a Toby Keith ring tone and his ultra modern wife is a marketing coordinator for an automotive company.

In the Bazzy-Aliahmad family we are introduced to the sultry, Nina. She is a young, vibrant and sexy, wife, mother and business woman. Viewers follow her as she looks to expand her business into fields that are typically off limits for women in the relatively conservative community of Dearborn, Michigan.

The most exciting and complex character is the feisty housewife, Nawal Aoude. Nawal and her husband Nadar may seem to fit a stereotype of Muslims in America. Nawal is a pregnant, stay at home wife, covered from head to toe in traditional islamic garb and yet she defies the expectations that popular culture has developed about Muslim women. Together the couple challenges many of our expectations about the relationship dynamics between Muslim men and women. While characters like Nina Bazzy-Aliahmad are unexpected, the degree to which they challenge our assumptions about Muslims is limited. It is not difficult for Americans to accept that some Arabs or muslims are less devout than others; rather the greater challenge is to convey that Muslims can be both devout followers of islam and modern, all at once. The stereotype that All American Muslim is most concerned with dispelling is the notion that to be a Muslim, one must (by virtue of the faith) also be extreme. The show goes to great lengths to dispel many fictions, such as the notion that a covered woman (that wears the traditional muslim Hijab) is an oppressed woman or the stereotype that a Muslim husband must also be an inattentive and abusive husband. And the misconception that strict adherents to Islam are irreconcilably at odds with modern society. The Aoudes drive a stake right into the heart of those mythologies. Nawal is far from the submissive, shrinking violet, that some might expect a hijab-wearing Muslim woman to be. She is outspoken, aggressive and yet very traditional and devout concerning her religion. The dynamics of her marriage include scenes of her husband cooking and cleaning while attending to the needs of his very pregnant wife. His wife lauds him for breaking with convention and sharing in the house-work. It is in these moments that All American Muslim is at it's best because, non-muslim Americans are invited to witness the ways in which Muslims navigate the contours of their faith, and reconcile a thoroughly modern American existence with middle eastern traditions.


WORTHY TELEVISION: ALL AMERICAN MUSLIMS _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The show endeavors to prove that Muslims can be as quintessentially American as any other group. The show offers examples like Foud Zaban, coach of a stellar High-school football team as the team prepares for the season. We are introduced to the team as they begin altering their practice schedule to comport with the fasting demands of Ramadan ( the holiest Islamic holiday). Ultimately, All American Muslim reminds us of a fact that should have never been in doubt; Muslims are just like everyone else. A few may be extreme, just as we have far right wing, extremists; but the vast majority are loving parents, children and patriotic citizens of our country.

The show has been viciously criticized by groups that have attempted to organize boycotts against TLC. They have charged that the network is trying to white wash Islam and the extremism (that they believe) is endemic in the Muslim community. In considering the objections of TLC's critics we begin to understand why All American Muslim is arguably the most important show on television. The hatred against American Muslims, has reached a fevered pitch. It has become common and acceptable to essentially argue that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. Some have even questioned whether devout Muslims can be truly loyal americans. Ten years after 9/11 we have witnessed the rise and prominence of a few, very loud, xenophobes- who pedal cultural supremacy and bigotry as patriotism.

All American Muslim is not a perfect show. It lacks the constant drama of other reality shows. It perhaps, lacks nuance and fails to confront the existence of extremists. The show also fails to be truly representative of the diversity of the American Muslim community. The shows producers somehow failed to include African American Muslims; the single largest racial group of Muslims in America and historically the first Muslims in America. Sunni Muslims are left out, as are Achmadiyya Muslims ( Islam's counterpart to evangelicals) because the show focuses entirely on Arab Shiite Muslims. But flaws aside, All American Muslim is a necessary, first step towards challenging the depictions and negative perceptions of Muslims in America.

Worthy Ambition Playlist Our Worthy Play List that is sure to inspire

01. 02.

“Sailing not selling” .

Gotta go

Jhene Aiko

Hope Wright

03. Dawning Jimmy Cravity 04. Journey Jah Cure

Music With Pasha Gray

Worthy Playlist

{Music} We all remember Jhene Aiko from the B2K days Lil Fizz “cousin”; not anymore Jhene is now all grown up standing on her own two feet. Jhene released a mixtape “Sailing Souls” which set the world on fire, she received a tremendous response from listeners; Jhene has truly grown with her music and writing capabilities. On the mixtape there’s a song called “Sailing NOT selling”. In this world a considerable amount of people are willing to sell themselves for money, fame, and power. The worst thing one could ever do in this world is lose themselves; because once you lose yourself its harder trying to find your way back. In the song “Sailing not selling” “Isn’t it clear that you are only hurting yourself ? you will never grow if you lose control over yourself (don't let go) if you don't get a hold of yourself then you will end up with no self playing the game for the fame in the end but what do you gain when you're paying to win you don't, you better keep your soul set sail or get sold, oh” Its many people attracted to the glitz and glamour but don’t know what having all of those things can cost them. Stay true to yourself no matter what you’re trying to accomplish; don’t compromise yourself for anyone or anything to get to your desired destination faster. Take your time and stay true yourself you will get there right on time. So Sail DON’T sell! http://jheneaiko.com/

Jah Cure is a Jamaican reggae musician; that empowers people. Often he sings about love, but any message that comes from Jah cure is full of positivity. Jah cure has a song called “Journey” in the song he talks about the journey in life that we all go through, to learn from the lessons, to keep prospering in life because it’s all about the growth within. It's not a journey to get weak Journey to give in It's all about the journey The journey within I'm coming from a far Still have far to go The journeys just begun I'm like a shooting star And that's where we can go We've got a lot to overcome And some battles to be won

“Hope the general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled. Hope hails from Compton California, he’s apart of the L.A. Finest camp that the songstress Jhene Aiko is apart of. Hope released a mixtape in titled “Believe in Hope Wright” there’s a song called “Gotta Go” since its “Ambition December” its only right to feature Hope’s “Gotta go”. In the song titled “Gotta Go: Hope expresses how he’s fed up with his current circumstances and is ready to follow his dreams. Listening to this song one can feel his urgency, how determined Hope is about making changes in his life. Hip Hop lovers that are looking for inspiration should listen to this song; “Gotta Go” will truly instill some ambition!

No matter when things get tough remember each and every thing you go through is for a reason. Learn from your mistakes and keep going. Check out Jah Cure!

Jimi Cravity is an extraordinary artist out of Atlanta GA. Most people are familiar with artists; such as, Young Jeezy, Roscoe Dash, and Travis Porter out of Atlanta, Jimi Cravity has his own distinguished sound that sets him apart from the rest. Jimi Cravity describes his sound a mix between “Sounds like Bruce Springsteen meets The Fray”. Taking a gander under his helmet Jimi recently released a mixtape titled “Maverick”. On Maverick there’s a song called “Dawning” the part that caught my ear is when he says: “Chocolate covered roses on my bed wish it go away is what she said when you’re feeling down on your luck again, And wondering when your streak will end. Just know when the morning comes its still dark outside though a new day begun even if you can’t see light” The message one may take from that is, no matter what stains or mistakes that happened in your past tomorrow is a new day even if one can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel just keep going. Check out Jimi Cravity I’m sure you will love him. Look out for his LP coming soon! http://www.reverbnation.com/jimicravity http://twitter.com/itsjimicravity Youtube (Jimi Cravity)

You can download his mixtape on http://hope1st.com/ and follow him on

Introduction L.A. Da Boomman Meet the latest face of indie determination. L.A. Da Boomman is an artist with a true ear for talent (he was the first person to sign Roscoe Dash) and a love for music that is reaching out to the people, every day. Worthy got the opportunity to ask him a few questions. So you were born in Riverside, California and moved to Atlanta at the age of 3? What led to your living in Valdosta? To some people that might not seem like a haven for hip hop. I was in the military and I was stationed in Valdosta so that's how I got there. I read that you were enrolled at Morris Brown but at the time the school was facing accreditation issues. What was your field of study and how has that college experience factored into your life? It was one of my best life experiences. I majored in business management. I have always been about my business. Some people might not know you signed Roscoe Dash back in 2009 before he signed to a major label. What's it like seeing one of your artists go from having problems establishing himself to being a mainstream success on songs like "Marvin & Chardonnay" by Big Sean, "No Hands" by Waka Flocka and "Oh My" by DJ Drama? It shows me that I have a great eye, ear, and gauge on hip hop music. It's an accomplishment for me, I'm a part of hip hop history. It seems like you could be the next hip hop mogul if you play your cards right. Do you aspire to be on Diddy or Jay-Z's level in the next few years? I aspire to be better. Does seeing Tity Boi, an artist you work with, perform on the BET cyphers help motivate you to reach the national spotlight as a rapper? No. The people around me, my team and my family inspire me to be better Akon has made a lot of money by signing Lady Gaga. If you came across a non-hip hop artist that had that potential would you work to sign him/her? Of course I would.

Aside from hip hop, what is your favorite genre? Why? I would have to say pop music, the reason being is I think it takes a open mind, imagination and/ or, great work ethic to create and do pop music...you really have to live life to understand a variety of different people. What artists--dead or alive-- would you want to work with if given the chance? Why? Michael Jackson...he is the greatest of all time. What are some forthcoming projects from you and your camp that our readers should look out for? We recently started working with Mykko Montana, Z Hundred, J Garvi, Will A Fool, and Kritical Beats. Also, I have been working on my next mixtape which is currently untitled. If you walked into a room full of people that had never heard of you and had to give pitch them your music, what would you say? Get ready to party!

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For me, ambition is that tenacity for life and vigor to do anything and pass

Music Speaks Alexander the Great

any obstacle one feels isn't attainable. And once someone gets that snowball rolling, whether it be for your career, short term/ long term goals and dreams, with ambition there is really no stopping anyone. The thing is with this word, a lot of people use it but don't believe in it as a whole. So instead of using this word to describe a noun make this an everyday verb in your life. And make sure you take that word and embody it into your existence and live it daily. It’s more than just the word. It’s a lifestyle. Be ambitious. Never stop pushing for what you truly want and desire in life. Peace.

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Meet and greet Peril P About 4 years ago when “Myspace” was popping I ran across a rapper that goes by the name Peril P. In a time where southern rap, along with other actions are accused of being the death of Hip-Hop. You stumble upon the needles in the haystack like upcoming artist PERIL P that assures you that accusation is a bold face lie. Born December 19th 1988 in Ft. Lauderdale, FL and Raised in Orlando, FL. PERIL P is clearly more than just your average southern rapper. Rapping since the age of 12, sneaking into hip-hop bars and ciphers has definitely turned this artist into a phenom. In the dictionary the word Peril pronounced [per-uhl] means "something that causes or may cause injury, loss, or destruction." And lyrically PERIL P clearly defines the definition. Catchy chorus's, witty punch lines, and lyrics so real you could reach out and touch them as your listening are just a little taste of what can be done by the upcoming artist. Influenced by great artist like, 2pac, Jay-Z, Eminem, D.M.X, T.I., Lil Wayne, Field Mob, Cash Money & many more, you can listen to the versatility in each song as you play a PERIL P record. Don’t believe me? Go ahead and see for yourself.

Pasha: where are you from? Peril P: I was born in Ft. Lauderdale, FL but I was raised in Orlando, Fl since like 2 year old till now. 407 stand up Pasha: Where did you get the name Peril P from? Peril P: I actually heard the word one day and I randomly looked up the word, it just so happen the description of the word was how I felt about myself personally. So I choose that name, the P at the end just kind of made its way there. Maybe cause of the Pistol Pete, Master P era. Pasha: At what age did you start rapping? Peril P: I’ve been rapping forever, far as I remember listening to music I could freestyle to the song. I started writing songs at about 12 though. Pasha: did rapping turn you into a ladies man or have you always been? Peril P: I don’t even know lol. I mean it brings more attention to me; but, at the same time I always kept something nice with me before the music. I think me spitting this game so much on the music made my spit game in their ears a little more natural though ha-ha. Pasha: how was growing up? Did your parents, family etc support you? Peril P: Growing up was cool. It had its good and bad times like anyone's life. And my people always supported. It's funny because my mama barely listen to rap music; but, she asks how I’m doing with it and ask for her CD. lol Pasha: who was it that really pushed you to really pursue rapping? Peril P. Me, and my homie Wash, it was times I wanted to quit, actually did quit.; But, he keeps me going like "brah, you to raw to just not do

Preview Pasha: What's your favorite song you ever wrote?

Pasha: What are you planning on doing next?

Peril P: At this point it’s so many, and they all have they different reasons; Like "I’m Gone Ride". I like that song because everything stated in that song was real and what was going on around that time, and that was my motivation song that kept me staying above it all. Then I like song's like "Get My Paper" because that’s like the first song that I got so much love from worldwide and it showed me like yea these people listening to what I got to say feel me. Everyday it gets bigger and better though. Anything based off my emotions and real life situations are my favorite ones though; because, they my little life lessons; my songs to remind me of the times.

Peril P: I’m planning; I got this hot single for the ladies done that song is called "Winter's Gone" by the way. It’s really for anybody that’s been in a relationship and had relationship problems. I think it’s for everyone actually; because, we all been through it. I’m also working on something for my dawgs. Just trying to get everybody attention on a different level. A new mixtape being worked on too should drop that by early next year if not earlier.

Pasha: How would you describe your music? Peril P: Real; I’m just a real person with real problems, face real situations like everybody else. I talk bout everything, the ups and downs of life but at the end of the day it’s all real coming from the real me, my real life, my real heart. Pasha: What artists do you want to work with? Peril P: (laughing) one day maybe now to early to speak on it; But, one day Drake, Wayne, Future, and Nipsey Hussle Etc. Just anyone that I listen to on a daily; because, at the end of the day I'm an artist there’s nothing like making good music with the people you feel make good music too. Oh and as far as singers go, I want something with Jhene Aiko; I dig her swag. The homie Trey Songz; the homie and I would make a hit.

Pasha: What's something rare about you people would never think? Peril P: I don't even know, I guess I’m really humble and I’m Knowledgeable. Not necessarily book or streets smarts; just conscious to life lessons. I love the support people show me and it really keeps me going and I appreciate it, and I tell every person, fan, supporter or whom ever they’re that if we speak personally or I get a chance to write back. Pasha: Is there anything else you would want the readers to know? Peril P: That all if this is planned and in due time you'll hear more, just respect me for trying to better myself and support someone trying to do something; we are coming. Pasha: Where can people find your music? Peril P: Everywhere! lol. Nahh but seriously. "drum rolls" www.imperilp.com youtube.com/imperilp youtube.com/perilpmusic facebook.com/imperilp twitter.com/imperilp

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By: Dominique Phillips

I can’t say I’m a fan of Wale. I only know two of his songs, but Ambitious Girl speaks to the “Your productivity is the subject of this article. How can we as women find a balance reason I interest ambitious between our many ambitions and our romantic relationships? girl. See I like the person that I have had conversations about you are, but I’m in love with this topic with various girl the person you have potential friends in various forms. The one answer that seems to always top the list is communication and compromise. We no longer live in a world where men are the sole breadwinners and women stay home I look at my grandmother’s and take care of the children. Many generation and even my mothers women hold jobs as CEO’s, partners and can see that women in major law firms and First Lady of compromised on a lot of things. A the United States. I often look at lot of times those compromises women like Michelle Obama and meant they couldn’t go after their think, how do you do it? I remember dreams or had to put them on watching an interview with Barack hold. In my opinion many of us Obama a little after he had won the heard those stories or witnessed presidency. During the interview, he said that he and Michelle discussed them putting their dreams on the him running for President and back burner, and want to keep that agreed that he could run only if he from happening to us. We end up promises to quit smoking. I thought putting the pedal to floor and that was a fantastic example of speed away as fast as we can when communication and compromise. we feel like our partner wants to Now mind you, I don’t know how put a cap on our dreams. I’m not many of us are going to be married saying to compromise on your to the leader of the free world but dreams because I know I’m not hey, a girl can dream right? willing to compromise on mine. Personally I agree that What I am saying though is that if communication and compromise are we communicate what we are not the biggest factors women have to willing to compromise on with our consider when balancing a relationship. This, however, is easier partners, we can come to an said than done. Sometimes women agreement on things we are willing can communicate all they want to to compromise on. There has to be their partner. Women can share every some give and take in the one of their dreams but, the relationship. Figuring out what compromising causes us to slam on each is willing to give and take, in the brakes. I don’t want this to turn my opinion, is the hardest part but into a “back in the day women did it can be done. blah blah blah” but I want to go back in time to make this point.

Along with communication and compromise, there needs to be time management. We all learn the art of time management by the time we leave junior high (middle) school. We’re taking multiple classes, joining multiple clubs and trying to get all our homework done before the big football game and preparing to do it all over again the next week. The same works for balancing our goals and dreams, and our relationship. Making time for both your work and your partner are essential to having balance. When I asked a few of my girl friends for some more suggestions, there were a few we all agreed upon.

Balance proposal 1. Designate a day for each other: No matter what you’re doing or what project you have coming up, pick a day that’s just for the two of you. If you know you’re both free on Sunday’s or Wednesday nights, make that time just for just the two of you. Turn of the cell phone and disconnect from the social networks and just hang out and enjoy each other’s company.

2. Communication: I mentioned this in beginning but I want to reiterate it. Make sure to talk about the things you’re hoping to achieve. You want to make sure your partner is on the same page as you. The worse thing that can happen is you working toward your dreams and your partner feeling like you are leaving them behind.

3. Compromise: Again this was mentioned in the beginning but I want to drive the point home that there has to be some sort of give and take. If you can’t compromise then you you’ll both be stuck in a neutral space.

4. Make sure there’s commonality: This doesn’t mean you and your partner need to have the same aspirations. If you want to be the next CEO of a major network and he/ she wants to become partner at their law firm that’s great. Both people need to aspire to something. Both of you need to have that drive and zest for life. Having one person who has these grand dreams and another who just wants to sit on their rear all day just isn’t going to work.

5. Keep texting to a minimum: This was one I have to say I didn’t think of off the top. One of my girls mentioned it and this is a good one. We live in a technology driven world and texting has become the new way we converse. Even though it’s convenient, it is not a good thing. Make time to hear each other’s voices as my friend stated. This may seem like common sense but you would be surprised how quickly we text our partners before we pick up the phone and talk to them.

6. Patience: This is one that I think many women start to run into problems. Everyone knows that things just don’t happen overnight. I could stand and give a testimony about it. Our partners sometimes want things to not happen now, but RIGHT now. We just have to be steadfast and give our partners time to get used to what we’ve talked about wanting out of life. When women open magazines, it seems as though the “ambitious girl” is something to be feared. The world makes it seem as if women who have dreams of being more than a stay at home mother are destined to be lonely spinsters. Those stories cause us to do what I have done and what I’ve witnessed many women do. We get into a relationship when we don’t have the time and we’re just not ready. I think we are so use to hearing that we have to be married and have children by a certain time that we grab on to a relationship that is doomed from the start. Why take on a relationship when we know we can barely stand in front of the stoves and cook dinner for ourselves! Being an ambitious girl doesn’t mean you have to spend the rest of your life alone. There are a million more ways to balance your relationship and your life. I barely scratched the surface and believe me, I’m still learning myself. I will share a secret though, for every article that says otherwise, I have never met a guy who didn’t like an ambitious woman.


Life Guru: Ambition

Ambition and religion When we asked you to share your definition of ambition with us, we noticed that for some there was a spiritual aspect to some of your responses. So here are a few quotes that show that religion and ambition go hand in hand

What is ambition?To some the word might as well be in Chinese or Japanese because they have no idea what it means to be ambitious. To have a dream is great and to set goals is even better but being able to say that you are ambitious is excellent. The definition of ambition via dictionary.com is as follow: noun 1.an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment: Too much ambition caused him to be disliked by his colleagues. 2.the object, state, or result desired or sought after: The crown was his ambition. 3.desire for work or activity; energy: I awoke feeling tired and utterly lacking in ambition. verb (used with object) 4.to seek after earnestly; aspire to. Ambition is the desire to turn a dream into reality and to take that desire to the next level by working on that desire. The world around us is full of people that are working hard to reach their goals and dreams. By definition the fire that each person has within themselves to succeed and meet the goals is ambition. Artist are a prime example of ambition, never giving up even when people tell them they will not ever make it to the top. Wale’s newest CD is entitled, Ambition. He has a song/poem titled, Ambitious Girl and on his new CD there is a track titled , Ambition ft Meek Mill & Rick Ross. Another artist is Fort Minor with his single, Remember the Name.

"For me, faith and ambition go hand in hand. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Ambition is relentless determination to attain a dream that has yet to become reality in your life. You can't tell me faith and ambition aren't intertwined! When I'm discouraged, my faith uplifts me. When I'm tired, my faith motivates me. When I feel like giving up, my faith stirs up the greatness inside of me, and I remember the person God created me to be. In my world, without faith, ambition will continue to be nothing more than a dream in your heart."- University of Florida student, Anne- Marie Kahbia “Work hard and become a leader, be lazy and never succeed.” -Proverbs 12:24) “Ambition is a burning desire and a product of faith; faith being defined as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” - Trey “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) “There is nothing so disobedient as an undisciplined mind, and there is nothing so obedient as a disciplined mind.”- Buddah


THroUgH ThE WiRE Actor and Artist, Tray Chaney, sat down with Worthy and proved that there is more to him than an award-winning show.


Tray Chaney By: Ju’lia Samuels

I got the opportunity ask Tray Chaney, known for his role on HBO’s The Wire, a few questions and it truly was an honor. Tray is keeping up with the fast pace world of Hollywood. We got to discuss a few of his projects that are in the works and his love of music.

Thank you for doing this interview with Worthy Magazine. I read that you started out dancing. So you dance, you write and you act. What else are you into that most people may not know, already?

What did you enjoy the most about that experience, on The Wire?

I enjoyed the whole acting thing, I always wanted to be the center of attention even when I danced at a young age. I loved it when people would recognize me for being on TV. The Wire bought me so much Well, I am also a recording artist. I Have attention and it showed people that I have more than A Couple Hiphop Bangers On itunes now just one talent. I love acting like a bad/tough guy on TV. It’s funny to transform into another person. for $0.99. “Watch Learn Listen,” “Make This Money” & the powerful record that’s getting great responses from around the world which is called “WAR” (WORLD AT I see that you have multiple projects in the works. Could you tell me a little bit more RISK) are on itunes. about them? What is commanding your attention the most right now? Where does your love of It takes a certain amount of boldness music fit in? to pursue your own dreams. What would you say drives you to keep Well, I Have An Album Titled "JACK OF ALL working towards turning your dreams TRAYS" Droppin in 2012 along with a mini movie and aspirations into reality? showcasing the music that will also drop with the It’s my son and my wife, when you have a album.-I have a film called “Dead Money” starring Clifton Powell that drops In theaters January 13, family and you are the head of the 2011. In select theaters In D.C- Also I have been on household, you have to stay motivated a major tour with my book "THE TRUTH YOU CANT and make this type of work a fun thing BETRAY" Which is available on versus looking at it like a job. www.amazon.com the book focuses on motivating & You were on The Wire. That show was inspiring young people as well as adults to strive for there dreams....All of my different ventures In the a big hit. What was it like getting to entertainment business takes up all my time- my work with such a large and talented love for music fits in my everyday schedule because cast? I have my own production company "FIREDROP I loved it each and everyday working with MUSIC GROUP" Along With My Partner DON COX the entire cast, that was exciting and fun who allows us to record at any time whenever we want to- I love the studio, and I am managed by every day meeting different people because I am very social and enjoy being Blackworld Entertainment. around lots of people because I have a large family. And to get training from these cast members that had already been on TV before, was great for me being the new kid on the block. They taught me a lot and I ran with it. Shout Out To The Greatest Cast Ever To Grace Television, The Wire.

What is your definition of ambition? What is the most ambitious thing that you have ever done? My definition of ambition is the desire to exert myself and go after what I want harder than I’ve ever went after something before. The most ambitious thing I have ever done is the acting, this stuff is not as easy as it looks, you have to work hard, concentrate and read deep into your scripts so that you can get into the character the way that the director wants you to. Who would you like to work who you haven’t worked with yet? I would like to work with Denzel Washington he has long been considered one of the best actors of his generation. He seem like a real humble guy and easy to work with. I look forward to that opportunity. Also will Smith....There are so many I can’t Name all of them. Who would you say you look up to in the industry? Of course Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Tom Cruise, Samuel L. Jackson and many other great actors. I know a while ago there were rumors going around about who you were dating. You were linked to Tila Tequila. I know you cleared the air about that. That Tila Tequila thing was funny, being in this type of entertainment business, folks always say things that are not true just to get attention. Tila Tequila and I worked together on the set of a movie called Master Minds and nothing more, I have been married for seven years to my wife Mrs. Ayesha Chaney and we are doing well. Why or why not? My Wife & Kid Mean More To Me Than Anything In This World

What do you look for in a woman?

We like to do something in Worthy Magazine which is basically the call to action. Well The Things I Looked For I've What words of advice would Found, My Wife Is sexy, honest you give to someone that is and trust worthy. My Wife is caring, Wifey has faith in me, & She working towards their own Loves God.... I could keep going all dreams or might be too afraid to work towards their day, LOL! dreams? What would say to motivate them or encourage them to keep pushing? How important is it to you that a I would tell them to “Keep there woman be ambitious. dreams alive and don’t ever let This is very important, because she has anyone tell you that you can’t do something in life. Also, they to be able to do things for herself; an ambitious woman won’t do anything but need to understand to achieve make a man stronger than he is if she is anything requires faith in yourself and you have to a go getter. believe that you can accomplish anything. Your vision has to be wide, and you Where would you say you see have to work hard, be yourself in the next 10 years? determined and dedicated. Remember all things are Wow 10 years....I will have this possible for those who entertainment industry on lock from all believe.” angles..movies, books, music , entrepreneur- you name It...TRAY CHANEY'S face will b everywhere...Only Reason Why I say that is because I’m bringing positive energy into the world & I trust In God...God has my back What is your must-have Christmas item? I don’t celebrate Christmas, I get love and gifts all year round and if I had to wait until December 25th to get what I want, that would be too long. Me and my family treat each other with love and we apply what the Bible says at all times which is to show love to each other all the time, give gifts it’s always better to give than to receive. And it doesn’t have to be on a certain day, it could be anytime and anywhere.

Congruent Male

Be official. Be congruent. By: Andrè Lewis How important is image? Image is a representation of the external form of a person. Image is what others perceive you as often in-spite of who you really are. Who are you? What do you represent? How do you want others to perceive you? It is so important to come across to others as a credible, healthy and attractive person. There are many variables that trigger the mechanisms that signal credibility and initiate attraction in others. Let’s list a few: Good hygiene; Good and Clean Skin (minimal blemishes); Being informative and knowledgable; Being Official (demonstrate the ability to execute whatever task is at hand); Maintain an admirable attire (the way you dress); Practice a pleasant attitude (condition a positive response to all stimuli), etc. Why do you think politicians, preachers, principles, executives, upper management, sales people, or any person in a position of power attempts to master these skills?

These superficial demonstrations provide the means by which strangers and acquaintances read you. Attire can cover 90% of the body; So choose wisely! Let your hygiene, and grooming (haircut and/or hairstyle) be congruent with your attire. Congruence is so important! It shows that you are consistent. It’s not a good look to have a nice haircut and terrible skin, or vice versa. Or to have a nice suit on, with decrepit shoes. Or to pair an attractive appearance with a terrible attitude. We have to stay congruent. A strong nutritious diet (that being a whole-food plant centered diet) can add to your life, health, and appearance. How many times have you been talking to someone and a vicious cough breaks their continuity between you and the message...so unattractive! Finally, learn as much general information as

possible. Challenge yourself with topics that don’t initially appeal to you. A new language, can make you interesting and knowledgeable of the world. Intellectual pursuits are crucial to developing a sense of discipline. A well established habit of discipline will hone your ability to execute. It’s not the promises you make that are important, it’s the promises you keep that determine your credibility. So I’ll ask these questions again...how important is image? Who are you? What do you represent? How do you want others to perceive you? An!e Lew" President of André Beverly Hills

“It all starts simply if an event is coming up or just wearing some gear to walk in.�- LamaJ


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Style with LamaJ “Some recent purchases that I've been impressed with are my Black Scale dual pyramid finger rings. A Green Pow Chain from Ambush created by VERBAL from a japanese rap group called the Teriyaki Boys. Bracelets from M. Cohen. and a ZIIIRO "celeste" watch.”

“Other than accessories I received 2 pairs of shoes. Air Jordan 7 Bin 23 Premio and Air Jordan 6 Infrared.”

Next on my list is definitely the Nike Air Yeezy 2. I already own the first pair of Yeezys. Now it's time to get the second installment of these outrageous shoes.

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Photographer: Gavin Samuels

Photographer: Christopher Outler

Photographer: Christopher Outler

Photographer: Christopher Outler

Photographer: Christopher Outler

Photographer: Christopher Outler

You should know: Joi Lanell of Yatir Clothing ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1. What made you start your clothing line? I've always wanted to be my own boss, and I have also always been into fashion, even as a young girl when I was tomboy and only wore basketball shorts, t-shirts, and sneakers, I still had a thing for fashion. So I mainly started because it's something I have a passion for, and I also figured I could use fashion to reach people, and to be able to help others, because I also like to help people that are in need, so I figured I could use fashion as a platform to help others. 2. How old were you when you started it? I came up with the idea to start a clothing line while in High School, so I was about 16 or 17 when I started researching and doing my homework on how to start a clothing line. I launched the actual line in April of 2011 at the age of 18. 3. How would you describe the line? I would describe the line as, something unique. You don't really see many lines with positive messages and thats something I wanted to do. I also like to do everything that is different, if something is a trend, most likely you won't see that in my clothing. You will see that in designs that I have now, and in the designs that will be seen in the future that they are different, and not following trends because I like to think outside of box, use vibrant colors, and just stay true to myself. So in a way the line kind of describes me, just shown through clothing, if that makes any sense. 4. What type of person are you designing for? I am designing for the fashion forward, ambitious person that takes care of business, but like to have fun as well. The clothing can be dressed up or dressed down. 5. What has the response been like so far? The response has been great, of course it could always be better, but I am pleased with the response I have received so far. Even getting messages from people and them telling me how much I inspire them to follow their dreams, it is just amazing. Could not ask for anything better, the positive comments so far that I received no amount of money can buy. 6. Where do you see the line going in the next couple of years? In the next couple of years, I see the line going pretty far, especially with the new collection that I am currently working on which will be displaying more elaborate designs since I am branching out and doing more than just t-shirts. I believe it will bring a lot of positive attention to Yatir Clothing. 7. What was the first thing you ever designed? The first thing I ever designed I believe was a shirt, when I was younger my older sister and I would always design and create things and that is one of the first things I recall designing. 8. Who inspires you to keep going? This is kind of cliche but people who believe that I won't be successful doing this keep me going, and push me to go harder. I'm the type of person that if someone says I can't have something or that I can't do it, I will do what I have to in order to prove that person(s) wrong. Also my parents inspire, they have done so much for me, and I'm sure at times they may feel I'm ungrateful but they inspire me to keep going because they did what they had to do to, putting their dreams on hold, to make sure that my siblings and I were able to have the things they did not have growing up. So they inspire me to keep going so that I will be able to give them things they may not necessarily can't afford so they can enjoy ALL the luxuries of life. 9. Are you in school? Or focusing on the line? I am currently in school, I am a sophomore in college, Fashion Design and Business Major. I'm juggling school and the line at the same time, which is hard and overwhelming at times, but I'm doing it! 10. What is your definition of Ambition? My definition of ambition is having the drive to achieve anything you set your mind to, even if others can't see your vision and your dream you continue no matter how you feel, what it looks like, what has changed, who has changed, whether you like it or not. You continue, and make things happen for yourself because no one is going to hand anything to you.

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Worthy Write In

Worthy Write-in

A worthy reader wrote in about their definition of ambition and we had to share with you guys.

The first place I looked when I began to think about what ambition means to me was Strong’s Bible Concordance. The Bible is where I find the specific principles that I apply to mastering the human experience and is the source in which I place my confidence for my answers in life. That source, coupled with the dreams that have been planted on the inside of me, is what I consider to be the mixture or medium through which a vision is birthed, and the realization or actualization of that vision can only come to pass via ambition. But when I looked in the Bible ambition was not in there at all, however desire (or one of its variations desirous, desireth, desired, etc.) is mentioned over 200 times, which signifies its importance. My deduction is that some-time after the renaissance, a time period where many breakthroughs in individual achievement were obtained, that we as humans needed a new word for desire with added intensity, ambition. Ambition is a burning desire and a product of faith; faith being defined as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Ambition is the fertilizer, the sustainer, the nutrient, or secret ingredient; it is the means to the end. Ambition is the energy that breaks all boundaries and previously perceived limitations. Purpose creates the destination while ambition is what fuels one towards that target. This is why a strong sense of purpose is integral to any ambition bringing forth tangible results. The end goal must be big enough to be seen literally or perceived even from far away. I would compare this to those who climb the highest mountains for sport. The journey is long and must seem like an impossible distance from the base however from most points on the mountain one can set their eyes on the peak. Courage is a by-product of ambition, when someone has a burning desire and passion attached to a large and specific purpose, different internal and external obstacles such as fear, doubt, weather, competition, lack of resources, and other circumstances cannot divert a person or delay them long enough to stop them from achieving that goal. True ambition has characteristics like longevity, resiliency, resourcefulness, which make it an un-wavering source of energy through which miracles occur. Surely some would agree that this appetite or hunger for personal success is born in some people and is simply not available to others but my thought is that it is developed based on different defining moments in the lives of every individual. To give the idea balance, I also believe that the daily content of intake as it relates to “brain food” is what will determine what choices individuals make when faced with these situations. Nevertheless I believe the most profound things happen when the ambition is tied to something that will change the world or change the lives of many, when the focus is taken off of the individual unit and put on the humanity as a whole. When the “why” is large enough the “how?” always presents itself to absolutely whomever is present to capitalize, and that “how” is channeled through… Ambition.

Worthy write-in “I was asked to define AMBITION according to what it means to me. Ambition, in my books, is a filtered way of saying DETERMINED! I feel that a person who is ambitious, or determined, to get somewhere or to achieve something in life, that they are willing to do whatever it takes to get there. An ambitious person will persevere (without any outside support) against all odds- even when others tell them that they should "give it up" or "quit" because they feel that the person is getting no where. An ambitious person is thought to be a "crazy/foolish" person, because they are willing to keep fighting for what they want even though it looks like the cards of life are dealt against them. Are you ambitious?”-Joseph J. Perry (23), certified fashion photographer that lives in Gainesville, Florida. I am just a country boy with what they call "city dreams!" I believe in keeping GOD first in all that I do, cause he is a friend (THE ONLY FRIEND) that sticks closer than a brother. “What I have achieved thus far in my life was prophesied to me in 2006 by my Bishop. I am not surprised at all, but I am GRATEFUL! I am not a deep person I just believe in keeping it REAL.”

“The word “ambition” has gained a great degree of significance in my life lately.When I think of the word, I can’t help but think of rapper Wale and his affinity for the word. His latest studio product, “Ambition” focuses on the rapper’s hunger to be successful no matter what obstacles he faces. The title track on the album defines the term as something that’s “priceless, it’s something that’s in your veins.” I could not agree more. That is what ambition means to me: it is something that lives inside of you. It can’t be taught or acquired. It is the desire to succeed by any means necessary. It’s doing the little things that will pay dividends in the long term. It’s making smart decisions and not being afraid to make them. Ambition is truly priceless because where it can take you is limitless. Ambition is what drives me today despite unfortunate circumstances in my life.”-Everton Allen (23), A recent UF graduate who received a BS in Advertising with an outside concentration in Graphic Design. After interning in New York at a global advertising agency this summer, I decided to move back to Miami to seek employment here, be closer to my family and give back to the community that has already given me so much.

“Ambition to me is passion in another form. Ambition describes a person who saves excuses for those that make them. Throughout my life, I've been given reasons why I can't be anything in life. But since birth, God birthed something in me. I love to work. I'd be the best Papa John deliverer, Wendy's grill cook, or Regal Cinema worker I would be. The only problem I had with working was being limited. From fast food to software or graphic companies I worked for... I started to build this habit of always seeing something that I could improve; certain things I would do a whole lot better and certain low income people I wouldn't turn away if I had the power to alter prices. Having this playing in my heart every time I clocked in for work made me ambitious about starting my own company. I saw problems that I had solutions for. Ever since this revelation, my ambition was to build a strong company that catered to small businesses and everyday people.”-Sony Laventure

Thank you for reading Worthy.

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