WOTCC Holy Convocation Magazine 2012

Page 1

3-8 9 11 12-15

Official Letters of Greetings Convocation Officers & Committee Members Biography of Our Founder Holy Convocation & NYFC Convention Program


NYFC Fellowship Activities


List of Local Dining Options

17-19 20-25

Bishop-Designee Biographies Memorial Pages


Stay in Touch/Keep in Touch


“The Way of the Cross Leads Home”

July 29, 2012 “...Be Strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might” (Ephesians 6:10) Praise the Lord and Greetings in that Precious and Matchless Name of Jesus Christ. We pause to give thanks to Almighty God for another year that He has blessed this assembly to see the 68th General Convocation and 58th National Youth for Christ Holy Convocation for The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International. I welcome each and every one of you. As recorded in Zachariah 4:6: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord.” Our theme for this Conventional year is timely for today’s problems. As the Holy Bible said in II Timothy 4:3-4: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” Paul also said in I Timothy 4:1: “...in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” As ambassadors of Jesus Christ, we must hold onto the infallible Word of God and continue to be led by the Spirit of the Lord. In so doing, we will remain steadfast and unmovable from the seductive methods of the enemy during these evil days. I congratulate Bishop-Elect Carl Miller and his efficient staff for a job well done. The sacrifices you have made, the many sleepless nights you endured, and all of the hard work that went into making this Convocation great, will not go unrewarded. The Way of the Cross can only thank you for what you have done, but God will reward all of you with blessings that no one can take from you. May the God of creation ever be with you and may He bless each of you richly. Have a great week and enjoy the blessings of God. Saints, I exalt you to remain faithful for our redemption draws nigh and is much closer than we could ever imagine! Your Humble Servant,

Bishop Leroy H. Cannady


SHILOH WAY OF THE CROSS CHURCH OF CHRIST, INC. OF THE APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE 938 Brookdale Street, P. O. Box 5023 Martinsville, Virginia 24115

Church Office: (276) 632-6910 • Fax: (276) 632-1172 www.shilohwayofthecross.org Vice-Presiding Bishop Earley Dillard, D.D. • Pastor’s Study (276) 632-9230 Pastor

Holy Greetings to the Household of Faith. Peace Be Unto You! Praise the Lord to all the Bishops, Pastors, Clergy, Saints, members and friends of the Way of the Cross Church of Christ International. The sacrifice you make to attend our Convocations and National meetings is always and very much appreciated. God has once again blessed us with the opportunity to come together in worship and celebration during this 68th General Convocation and 58th Youth for Christ Convention. We are anticipating a great and glorious time in Jesus name as we come together in unity of spirit in praise and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. “From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD’S name is to be praised.” ~Psalms 113:3. We pause to remember all the saints who have gone home to be with the Lord this year as well as previous years. Our prayers are with the families, friends and church families. I send a special thank you to the Convocation Committee for your time and efforts in making this Convocation enjoyable for everyone. You are appreciated for your labor and dedication. As we worship together this week, let us be mindful of our theme “Be Strong in the Lord” ~ Ephesians 6:10. In these perilous times of unrest, we must be strong in the Lord, standing firm on the Apostolic Doctrine, holding up high the banner for Jesus Christ, believing and teaching Jesus name. We must not stray from the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Saints, be strong and do all you can to… “Stand for holiness and righteousness, and be counted among them who shall reign with Jesus Christ.” Let us come together in love and prayer for one another and have a glorious time in Christ Jesus! Praying that the Lord will save, heal, encourage, fill souls with the Holy Ghost and deliver those who sincerely desire His Holy Touch. “BE BLESSED! ENJOY JESUS!” The Master’s Servant,

2nd Vice-Presiding Bishop Earley Dillard The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, Int’l  “In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” –Proverbs 3:6 5


July 29, 2012 “Be Strong in the Lord, and in the Power of His might.” Praise the Lord to the saints and friends of The Way of the Cross Church of Christ! The Lord, by His mercy and grace, has allowed us to gather in His Name once again. It is with great expectancy that I welcome you to the 68th Holy Convocation & 58th National Youth for Christ Convention in the City of Arlington, Virginia. Our theme this year, “Be Strong in the Lord”, can only be achieved through the Word, the Spirit, and the Grace of our God. It is through worship and fellowship that we are made strong for the work of the Lord. My prayer is that our gathering together in unity will strengthen us that we may possess the victory for every battle we’ll have to face in this life. I would like to thank the Convocation Committee for their diligence and sacrifice to ensure that all things are prepared and ready for the saints of God. God shall not forget your labor of love for this great organization! All events have been planned by the Convocation Committee for your enjoyment and edification. Saints, it’s Convocation time! Your blessing, your healing, your breakthrough, your deliverance is here. Whatever you need from the Lord is yours for the asking. Believe God for your blessing...Don’t leave this Convocation without it! May the Lord bless and keep you. Enjoy this time of worship & fellowship.

Your Servant in Christ,

Bishop-Designee Carl W. Miller Bishop-Designee Carl W. Miller Convocation Chairman

August 1, 2012


race and peace be yours in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! It is indeed an honor and privilege to welcome each of you to the 58th National Youth for Christ Convocation. We are excited to be back at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, Virginia on Wednesday, August 1 – Thursday, August 2, 2012 for our annual youth convention. We are anticipating a great move of God in the lives of our youth during these two days. As I began meditating on our theme for this year, “Be Strong in the Lord,” I was reminded of the scripture in I John 2:14, “I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.” In this passage, we are reminded that for the church to be effective in its war with the enemy, we need not only the children and youth, but also the adults and elders. The “young men” need the wisdom and knowledge of the “fathers,” for guidance, mentoring, training, but the “fathers” need the strength and vigor of the youth for innovation, energy, and action. As I reflected on this passage in context of our theme, I wanted to understand the fullness of what Paul was trying to convey to the Ephesians when he instructed them to “be strong.” We often think of “being strong” as holding ground, playing defense, and resisting the enemy. However, I believe Paul is asserting more here in this text. In the context of being equipped with the whole armor of God, we are not only to maintain a posture of defense by protecting our homes, families, and churches from the attacks of the enemy, but I also believe that we need to be on the offense for the Lord. God wants us to not only maintain territory and prevent casualties, but to go in the enemy’s camp and win territory and souls for Christ. God has commissioned us to go into communities, classrooms, courtrooms, and corporate boardrooms to mark new territory for Christ and liberate those imprisoned in bondage by the hand of Satan. In closing, I want to encourage you to participate in all the services, workshops, seminars, youth contest, and fellowship activities planned for this convention. These services and activities are designed to equip, empower, and energize our youth. Not only does it take prayer and preaching, but teaching and fellowship to ensure that our youth are, and remain, “Strong in the Lord.” Be blessed in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Servant in Christ Jesus,

Torrino Travell Travis Elder Travell Travis, Esq.


Presiding Bishop Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, Sr.

Convocation Chairman Bishop-Designee Carl W. Miller

Vice Presiding Bishops Bishop Alphonzo Brooks Bishop Earley Dillard Assistant Convocation Chairman Sister Vivian Person

Executive Secretary Sister Shirley Johnson

Corresponding Secretary

Treasurer Deacon Herbert Contee, Jr.

Budget/Finance Sister Patricia Blaino

Audio/Visual Dist. Elder Richard Simon

Children’s Ministry Sister Alandra Abrams Sister Latisha Carter

Health Division Sister Mildred Lambert

Hospitality Sister Lula Thompson Minister Rontrell Brim

Housing/Hotel Elder Chauncey Lancaster

Sister Judy Fogg

Minister of Music Bishop-Designee Bennett Gamble

Prayer Elder Eric Nesmith Elder Celister Richardson

Program/Magazine Sister Delphine Easley Sister Joy Miller

Protocol Dist. Elder Richard Simon

Public Relations Dist. Elder Richard Simon

Registration Sister Floyretta Morsell Sister Queen E. Spriggs

Vendors Dist. Elder Richard Simon

Usher Board Brother Paul Alston

2012 General Holy Convocation

Assistant General Secretary District Elder Troy Carter Elder John Govan

Officers & Committee Members

General Secretary Bishop Ronald Frazier



Our Founder Bishop Henry C. Brooks The Late


enry Chauncey Brooks was born on July 17,

1896 in Franklinton, NC to Robert and Frances Brooks. After the untimely death of his father, he moved to Washington, DC in 1912 at the age of 16 with his sister Leora Hamilton. Unbeknownst to him, the move to Washington would be the road the Lord planned for his salvation. In 1917, he entered the military serving in World War I in the United States Navy. After an honorable discharge in 1919, he returned to Kittrell, NC to marry his fiancée of two years, Willie Shaw Dunston on Christmas Day. From this union, they were blessed with twelve children; Isabel B. Ford, John H. Brooks, Essie B. Lindsay, Ruth B. Lancaster, Joseph Brooks, Bertha B. Simon, Evelean Cook, Bernard Brooks, Willie R. Brooks, Naomi Postell, Olivia Yelder, and Alphonzo D. Brooks. In 1925, there was a revival at 31st and H Street, NW Washington, DC which was conducted by Elder Robert Watts of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Bishop R. C. Lawson was the Presiding Bishop at that time. Henry’s sister informed him of the revival and tried to instruct him on the baptism in Jesus Name. He did not accept her instruction and was determined to attend the revival to attack the preacher. After studying the word, he and his niece Rose Belle Howard attended the service. When the preacher made the altar call, Henry put his hand up to ask a question. However before he could speak, God took hold of his tongue. The preacher asked him if he wanted to be saved, and he answered “yes”. The preacher then asked, “When”? Henry answered, “Now”. That night he was baptized in the name of Jesus. Six months later he was called to preach. Even though he had been baptized in the name of Jesus, he was still attending a Baptist Church. So, they eventually put him out. In 1926, he started his first church named Emmanuel Tabernacle, which was located at 4th and W Street, NW Washington, DC. After being there five months, he was informed that he had to leave because another church had purchased the building. This caused the small congregation to be scattered. For approximately three months he went without any accommodations. He stored the church equipment in the home of Charles and Alice Johnson, (his brother-in-law and Sister), at 3rd and Q Street, NW. This

is where the church reorganized. The membership consisted of his wife, Willie Shaw Dunston Brooks, their three children at that time; Isabel, John and Essie, Charles and Alice Johnson, Rose Belle Howard and Lovie Foster Brown. On the night of February 28, 1927, The Way of the Cross Church of Christ was started; however the name was not given until they located the building at 2nd and P Street, NW. The owner asked for what purpose they would be using the building, and Bishop Brooks answered, “A church”. He asked Deacon Bruce for a name. Deacon Bruce replied, “The Way of The Cross”. Until that time, they had only been regarded as the Church of Christ. Combined, we now have The Way of the Cross Church of Christ. The Lord blessed tremendously, and in approximately one year, the building at 2nd and P Street, NW was filled to capacity. As a result, they were required to find another place to worship. They moved to 21st and M Street, NW. This building had a seating capacity of 300. After seven years there, it was also filled to capacity. One of the charter members, Samuel M. Cole, told Bishop Brooks about a building at 4th and Virginia Avenue, SE Washington, DC. Bishop Brooks and Elder Alexander R. Harris went to see the building. As they sat in the 3rd bench in the middle aisle the Lord told Bishop Brooks to claim it. At that time in Washington, DC, no other Pentecostal or Apostolic ministry worshipped in an actual church building. Moreover in 1935, God blessed Bishop Brooks and the congregation to purchase the property. The church remained there until 1963, when they were required to move due to the construction of the Interstate highway. In need of a place to worship, by the leading of the Lord Bishop Brooks found the building at 9th and D Street NE, Washington, DC. He inquired of the current pastor if the building was for sale and was told that they had just completed $100,000 worth of renovations, so they had no intention of selling. Bishop Brooks told the pastor that the Lord sent him there. He contacted an agent and the next Sunday, The Way of the Cross Church of Christ membership worshipped in the building. Today, we continue to worship in the same building. Bishop was a man of great faith, who always sought the Lord in everything. He went on to be with the Lord on June 12, 1967.


Sunday July 29


Welcome Reception


Mid-Atlantic Diocese Service

Music: Mid-Atlantic Diocese Choir Speaker: District Elder Troy Carter Open Heart WOTCC, District Heights, MD

Monday July 30


Corporate Prayer Location: Main Ballroom


National Deacon Board Service Deacon John Kearney, President

Children’s Church Location: TBA


Christian Education Workshop Location: TBA

Elders & Ministers Training Location: TBA


Deacon’s Fellowship Dinner Price: $20.00 per person Location: TBA


Missionary Fellowship Dinner Price: $20.00 per person Location: TBA


National Deacon Board Evening Service Music: National Brothers Choir Speaker: Bishop Darnell Easton Nat’l Deacon Board Auxiliary Bishop Bethel WOTCC, Huntingtown, MD


National Missionary Department Evening Service Music: National Missionary Choir Speaker: Bishop Hurron Freeman Pilgrim WOTCC, Scotland Neck, NC

Christian Education Workshop Location: TBA


National Missionary Department Service P&W: Mid-Atlantic Diocese Missionaries Music: National Missionary Choir Scripture Text: Ephesians 6:14-17 Speakers & Topics: Missionary Brenda Wilson – “The Belt” Missionary Anna Richardson – “Be Strong” Missionary Shirley Alford – “Shield of Faith” Missionary Andrea Penn – “Helmet of Salvation” Missionary Margo Easton – “Sword of the Spirit” Missionary Mary Hancock – “Spiritual Relationship”


Mid-Day Revival Service Speaker: District Elder Melvin Easley, Jr. WOTCC National Evangelist Refuge WOTCC, Baltimore, MD


*Missionary Ushers in Charge

Registration is open Daily 9:00am-5:00pm

See page 16 for daily Fellowship Activities & Local Dining



July 31

August 1


Corporate Prayer Location: Main Ballroom


Children’s Church Location: TBA

Children’s Church Location: TBA

Elders & Ministers Training Location: TBA

Elders & Ministers Training Location: TBA

Christian Education Workshop Location: TBA


South Carolina Diocese Service Music: South Carolina Diocese Mass Choir Speaker: Elder Hercules Guinyard God Provide WOTCC, St. Matthews, SC Speaker: Bishop Joe Gamble Nesmith WOTCC, Nesmith, SC


New England Diocese Service Music: Living Waters WOTCC Mass Choir Speaker: Bishop Terry A. Hicks New Hope WOTCC, Teaneck, NJ


North Carolina Diocese Service Music: North Carolina Diocese Mass Choir Speaker: Elder Celister Richardson United Faith WOTCC, Henderson, NC


Christian Education Service Speaker: Bishop Eugene McCrea Praise Temple WOTCC, Anchorage, AK


Mid-West Diocese Service Music: The Way of the Cross Mass Choir Speaker: Elder Vincent Allen Kingdom Apostolic WOTCC, Iowa City, IA

8:00pm 11:00pm


Price: $2.00 per person

Morning Glory Part 1 (Northern Region) Presiding: Elder Christopher S. Hairston Music: New England Youth Praise Team Speaker: Elder Joshua Wilder New Bethel WOTCC, New York, NY

10:30am Concurrent Sessions Intermediate Youth (Ages 11-17) Facilitator: Bishop-Designee Eric Cannady NYFC 2nd Vice President Location: TBA

Young Adult Workshop (Ages 18-30) Facilitator: Bishop-Designee Bennett Gamble NYFC 1st Vice President Location: TBA

Adult Seminar Topic: Bullying & Youth Suicide Presenter: Missionary Brenda Randall Bethel WOTCC Location: Main Ballroom

12:00 Noon Gulf Diocese Service Play: “The Rapture” - The Mother Church Speaker: Bishop Alphonzo Brooks WOTCC 1st Vice Presiding Bishop The Mother Church, Washington, DC Open Mic Night & Gospel “after Party”

Christian Education Workshop Location: TBA

Nat’l Intermediate Youth Service Presiding: Bishop-Designee Eric Cannady NYFC 2nd Vice President MC: Sister Carlisa Simon Intermediate President Music: National Intermediate Youth Choir Speaker: Elder O’Brien Echols Bethel WOTCC, Huntingtown, MD

Support our Conference Vendors located in the foyer.




August 1

August 2


Concurrent Sessions


Christian Education Workshop Location: TBA

NYFC Mass Choir Rehearsal Presiding: Elder Eric Jackson NYFC 3rd Vice President Location: Main Ballroom


Children’s Church Location: TBA

National Youth Oratory Contest Moderator: Sister Angela Cannady Nat’l Youth Oratory Contest Coordinator Location: TBA

Christian Education Workshop Location: TBA


Morning Glory Part 2 (Southern Region) Presiding: Elder Jonathan Mintz Music: Greater New Hope Saint Paul WOTCC Speaker: Minister Clifton Harris Greater New Hope Saint Paul WOTCC Orangeburg, SC


NYFC Showcase & Youth Choir Explosion Presiding: Elder Eric Jackson NYFC 3rd Vice President Music: NYFC Mass Choir Guest Artist: Gerald Scott & Company


Concurrent Sessions


Evening Worship Presiding: Bishop-Designee Bennett Gamble NYFC 1st Vice President Music: NYFC Mass Choir Speaker: Elder David F. Hollis, Jr. Logan Park Assembly of Christ. P.A.W. Gary, IN


Late Night Youth Fellowship Activity: Movie Night & Youth Fellowship Price: $2.00 per person Location: TBA


Registration is open Daily 9:00am-5:00pm.

Daughters of Destiny: “Keepin’ It Real, While Keepin’ It Holy”

Intermediate Ladies (Ages 11-17) Facilitator: First Lady Sherina Travis Location: TBA

Single Ladies Facilitator: Sister Latasha Chew Location: TBA

Married Ladies Facilitator: First Lady LaRon Howard Location: TBA

Sons of Zion: Intermediate Men (Ages 11-17) Facilitator: Elder Vincent Allen Kingdom Apostolic WOTCC Location: TBA

Single Men Facilitator: District Elder Elijah Page New Dimension WOTCC Location: TBA

Married Men Facilitator: Elder Bernard Howard Sanctuary of Praise WOTCC Location: TBA

See page 16 for daily Fellowship Activities & Local Dining



August 3

August 2


National Young Adult Service Presiding: Bishop-Designee Bennett Gamble NYFC 1st Vice President MC: Brother Daniel Millner Young Adult President Music: National Young Adult Mass Choir Speaker: Elder Isaiah Long Mother Church, Washington, DC


Concurrent Sessions

National Bible Bee Challenge Moderator: Missionary Aneisa Simon Location: TBA

Christian Education Workshop Location: TBA


National Academic Recognition Service Presiding: Bishop-Designee Eric Cannady NYFC 2nd Vice President MC: Sister Sonjia Davis NYFC Scholarship Committee Chair Speaker: Sister Erika E. Cole, Esq.

National Bible Bowl Challenge Moderator: Sister Laura Thomas Location: Main Ballroom

Law Office of Erika E. Cole, LLC, Owings Mill, MD Church of the Redeemed of the Lord, Baltimore, MD


Evening Worship Service Presiding: Elder Travell Travis, Esq. NYFC President Music: NYFC Mass Choir Speaker: Pastor Jason Nelson Greater Bethlehem Church Randallstown, MD


NYFC Basketball Tournament *See Page 16 for more information.

Registration is open Daily 9:00am-5:00pm.


Children’s Church Location: TBA


Elders & Ministers Training Location: TBA


Virginia State Diocese Service Praise & Worship: Tried WOTCC Music: VA State Mass Choir Speaker: Bishop Earley Dillard WOTCC 2nd Vice Presiding Bishop Shiloh WOTCC, Martinsville, VA

12:00 Noon

Keynote Address & Communion Music: The Way of the Cross Mass Choir Speaker: Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, Sr. WOTCC Presiding Bishop Refuge WOTCC, Baltimore, MD *All saints are asked to be in attendance.*


Children’s Ministry Presentation Sister Alandra Abrams, Coordinator Location: Main Ballroom

Foreign Missions Service Presiding: Bishop Larry Whitfield Location: Main Ballroom

6:00pm All Saints Service: Consecration, Ordination, Installation Presiding: Bishop Alphonzo Brooks WOTCC 1st Vice Presiding Bishop Music: The Way of the Cross Mass Choir Refuge WOTCC Mass Choir Speaker: Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, Sr. WOTCC Presiding Bishop Refuge WOTCC, Baltimore, MD

*Program is subject to change.

Support our Conference Vendors located in the foyer.


Convocation Fellowship Activities Monday, July 30 @10am-4pm

Tuesday, July 31 @11pm-1am

*Please meet in the Hotel Lobby @9:30am

*An Intermediate/Young Adult social

Six Flags America $30.00 per person (ticket & transportation)

Wednesday, August 1 @11pm-1am Movie Night $2.00 per person

Open Mic Night & Gospel “After Party” $2.00 per person

Thursday, August 2 @11pm-2am NYFC Basketball Tournament Spectator’s Fee: $2.00 per person Location: Grace Brethren Christian Church

6501 Surratts Rd., Clinton, MD 20735

Local Dining Chesapeake Grill Hyatt Regency Hotel

Cinnabar Hyatt Regency Hotel

Lobbibar Hyatt Regency Hotel

Chesapeake Grill Lounge Hyatt Regency Hotel

Buffalo Wild Wings

2450 Crystal Drive Suite R-015 Arlington, VA 22202


525 23rd Street S Arlington, VA 22202


321 23rd Street Arlington, VA 22202

Peter’s Deli

2611 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA 22202

Memphis Barbecue 320 23rd Street S Suite 50 Arlington, VA 22227

Deluxe Diner

539 23rd Street South Arlington, VA 22202

Cafe 59

2341 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA 22202


2155 Crystal Plaza Arlington, VA 22202

*There are more local restaurants available that are not listed above.*


Bishop- Designee

Carl W. Miller

Gates of Praise Way of the Cross Church, Hampton, VA


ho can really say when the ministry of Pastor Carl W. Miller began? Was it years ago at Christ the King Catholic School in Norfolk, VA? Or perhaps when he was chosen to attend the seminary to become a priest? Or was it when he answered the call to salvation in September 1981 at the Way of the Cross Church of Christ in Newport News, VA? Or maybe it was the call to the ministry in August 1984 during a Holy Convocation in Washington, DC? The exact time can never be pinpointed because Pastor Miller has always had a strong zeal working for the Lord. Pastor Carl W. Miller was born February 11, 1957 to Carl & Ruth Miller of Norfolk, VA. Raised in a devout Catholic home, he attended Christ the King Catholic School. In 1971, Pastor Miller was selected to attend Saint John’s Vienna Seminary to become a Priest. It was here that God began to reveal Himself to Pastor Miller. This revelation caused him to leave the seminary. He later graduated from Norview High School in Norfolk, VA in 1975. In June 1975, he enlisted in the United States Army and served until July 1981. After being discharged, he returned to Norfolk and was employed as a Government Sales Representative for a local company. This led him to starting his own business. Currently, Pastor Miller is employed as a Sales Estimator with Total Home Improvement Company, Yorktown, VA. In August of 1981, he was married to Pamela Hairston of Martinsville, VA who introduced him to the Apostolic doctrine. To this union of over 30 years, the Lord has blessed them with three beautiful children: Candace, Jonathan, and Joy; and one granddaughter, Madison. In September 1981, Pastor Miller attended a revival at the Way of the Cross Church of Christ in Newport News, VA. Obedient to the Word of God, Pastor Miller was baptized in the Name of Jesus and received the gift of the Holy Ghost a week later. During a 1984 Holy Convocation service, the Lord called Pastor Miller into the ministry. He made full proof of his calling and served and labored for eight years under his pastor, Bishop James C. Jackson. Just as an eagle stirs her nest, the Lord commissioned Pastor Miller to leave the comforts of familiar surroundings and to begin a ministry. Thus, on September 6, 1992, in Pastor Miller’s home in Hampton, VA, the Gates of Praise Way of the Cross Church was born. He became a Pastor, without any ministerial credentials, just a strong faith in God. However, during a special Thanksgiving service in Rocky Mount, VA 1992, Pastor Miller received his Minister’s License from the late Bishop C.W. Hairston. A proud moment for the Gates of Praise was on Friday, August 13, 1993 when Pastor Miller was ordained an ELDER during the 49th Holy Convocation in Hampton, VA. He was also elevated to the Office of District Elder on August 8, 2007 during the 63rd Holy Convocation in Henderson, NC. Although the trials of ministry have been many, Pastor Miller remains faithful and true to God’s Word. A man with a vision, he gives God the Glory for all blessings. Dedicated to The Way of the Cross Church of Christ organization for over 30 years, Pastor Miller has served as National Youth for Christ Chaplain and 2nd Vice-President. Currently, he serves as a District Elder for the Virginia State Diocese, Pastoral Council Secretary, Pastoral Retreat Site Planner/Coordinator, National Convocation Committee Chairman, and the Elders & Ministers Council. He is a man who is steadfast, unmovable; one who is always abounding in the work of the Lord. He encourages all to follow him as he follows Christ. An avid fisherman naturally, Pastor Miller is delighted that God has called him to be a fisher of men.


Bishop- Designee

Bennett B. Gamble, Sr.

New Beginning Way of the Cross Church, Washington, DC & Fort Washington, MD


astor Bennett B. Gamble, Sr. is a native of the District of Columbia and the eldest of five children born to the late Benny Joe and Bernetha Gamble. He obtained his education through the D.C. Public School System where he was an honor student and very active in the performing arts graduating from Dunbar Senior High School. Awarded a full academic scholarship to Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA; he chose to remain close to his family and continued his studies at the University of the District of Columbia and Howard University prior to obtaining a degree in theology from the Apostolic Christian College. A member of The Way of the Cross (Mother) Church for more than 30 years, his commitment to church and the Kingdom of God have been evident from an early age. Pastor Gamble was baptized in 1979 and received the gift of the Holy Ghost in 1981, during January revival. He preached his first sermon at age 12 and taught his first Sunday School class, “Class 4 Boys,” at age 14. As a teenager, he accompanied his godfather, Bishop Walter Thompson, Sr., visiting and praying for those confined to nursing homes and hospitals, and attending funerals. Under the leadership of Bishop Alphonzo D. Brooks, Pastor Gamble accepted his call to minister the Gospel at age 16. His pastoral leadership came to light upon a call from one of the city’s pioneering Apostolic preachers. He was sought out to be the successor of New Beginning Evangelistic Church of Christ at the demise of its former pastor, Bishop Leroy Cousar. This call would bring to fruition the prophecy given to him by the late Naomi Brooks Postell. Her exact words were, “You are going to be a pastor one day, and the name of your church will be ‘New Beginning’.” Ordained an elder in August 2001, and being installed pastor of New Beginning Way of the Cross Church of Christ in October 2001, he began applying the God-given vision of establishing the church. Pastor Gamble has served as National Minister of Music, elected NYFC First Vice-President for two consecutive terms and elevated to District Elder in the Middle Atlantic Diocese of the Way of the Cross Churches of Christ, International overseeing six churches in District Three. Under Pastor Gamble’s leadership, New Beginning established various ministries and some of the most notable accomplishments include: burning the church mortgage within the first three years; establishing the Memorial Scholarship Ministry that awards at least $1,500 to graduating high school seniors; Watch Night Service held at the Historical Lincoln Theater; purchase of a bus and two vans for the transportation ministry; annual live Christmas productions to benefit the scholarship ministry; community outreach services, and, last but not least, the adoption of the Unique Residential Care Center and the Shepherd’s Cove Men’s Shelter as a part of the Outreach Ministry. Pastor Gamble has visited and held services at the DC Jail/Correctional Facility. He has been blessed to baptize more than 200 souls – many confessing the Holy Ghost shortly thereafter. A founding sponsor of the National MLK Memorial, in 2011, Pastor Gamble participated in a national forum on employment that provided the opportunity to meet and dialogue with Martin Luther King, III. Most recently, he was privileged to attend Reverend Al Sharpton’s National Action Network Conference, held in Washington, D.C. Pastor Gamble was also recently recognized for 25 years of civil service at the U.S. Department of Labor with the 2012 Secretary’s Distinguished Career Service Award. Having shared 18 years of marriage with Tonya S. Gamble, together they continue to co-parent the blessings God has given them through Bennett Jr. (“BJ”), Brandon, Brandi and Dion. Pastor Gamble is committed to raising his children in the fear and admonition of God, and being faithful and dedicated to all they set their minds to accomplish. The children are active in ministry leadership in both New Beginning Way of the Cross and District Three – BJ serves as local YFC President and Minister of Music; Brandon is Pastor’s Trustee and Adjutant; Dion serves as Facilities Assistant and Adjutant; and Brandi is an aspiring psalmist and proudly fulfills the role of Pastor’s little leading lady in ministry. Believing that faith causes change, Pastor Gamble’s desire is to continue to build a purpose-driven, five-star ministry that transforms lives, heal hearts and win souls for the Kingdom. Congratulations to Pastor Gamble and New Beginning Way of the Cross who recently acquired their second church edifice. They are now ONE church in TWO Locations. He pastors New Beginning Way of the Cross North (Washington, DC) and New Beginning Way of the Cross South (Fort Washington, MD). To God be the Glory!


Bishop- Designee

Eric L. Cannady

Atlanta Metro Way of the Cross Church, Stone Mountain, GA


astor Cannady is a man of God with a vision for the future. Even as a very young child, the call of God was evident in his life. He was born in Baltimore, MD and was a member of the Refuge Way of the Cross Church under the leadership of our current Presiding Bishop, Leroy H. Cannady. At the age of 11, his family relocated to the metro Atlanta area. The family joined the Bible Way Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, under the leadership of Bishop Matthew Norwood, the current Presiding Bishop for the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Pastor Cannady accepted his call to the ministry at 22 and worked diligently at Bible Way. He served as Youth President, lead trumpet player, Sunday School and Bible Institute instructor, member of pastor’s cabinet and ministry leadership staff. Pastor Cannady has also worked with Vice Presiding Bishop Earley Dillard of Martinsville, VA. Bishop Dillard has given guidance and instruction on the intricate details of developing a ministry. God has given him the honor and privilege of working with three very fine Bishops who have provided a wealth of knowledge and wisdom. On June 9, 2002, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Cannady opened the doors to the Atlanta Metro Way of the Cross Church. For the first nine months, the church used a meeting room for worship services on Sundays at 11:00 am. On March 23, 2003, the doors to a small worship facility opened on Rockbridge Rd in Stone Mountain. Then, on December 6, 2004, God blessed Atlanta Metro to close on a new sanctuary on Main St. in Stone Mountain. This church building has a sanctuary that will seat over 400, chapel, fellowship hall, offices, restrooms, computer lab, and more. In 2010, the Lord opened a door for Pastor Cannady and Atlanta Metro to expand once again. The 8,000 square foot building adjacent to the church became available and was purchased by the church. After completing renovations, the HOPE center was officially opened in June 2010. The HOPE center includes a banquet hall, multi-purpose classrooms, music room, gymnasium, prep room, and Pastor’s office suite. In June, Pastor Cannady celebrated his 10th Pastoral Anniversary. Over the past 10 years, God has blessed Atlanta Metro to go from a hotel room in Tucker, GA to a church building and HOPE center on the Main St. in Stone Mountain. The congregation continues to grow and the Lord is adding souls daily, as many as should be saved. Pastor Cannady earned a B.S. Degree in Finance from the University of Delaware and a M.B.A. degree from Brenau University. He has taken courses at the Apostolic Christian College and the Academy of Christian Counselors. He plans to continue his education by pursuing a doctoral degree in Organizational Leadership. Pastor Cannady was ordained an Elder in the Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International in August 2001 at the 57th Annual Holy Convocation in Norfolk, VA. In August of 2007, during the 53rd National Youth for Christ Convention, Pastor Cannady was elected to serve as the 2nd Vice President for the National Youth for Christ division of The Way of the Cross Churches of Christ, Int. In August of 2008, he was elevated to the position of District Elder for the state of Georgia. He is currently employed as the Director of Accounts Payable for the DeKalb County School District and serves as President for the DeKalb School Employees Foundation. Pastor Cannady is married to his love, the former Tonia Dillard of Martinsville, VA. They have two beautiful children, daughter Lincia Brooke and son Christian Dillard.


Missionary Earnestine Powell October 18, 1934 - January 29, 2012

A Portrait of a


“ Woman of Excellence”

he church is comprised of women who exemplify beauty and grace. It is special because it is distinguished from the crowd and stands out from the masses. Such was the quality of Missionary Earnestine Powell. She was a true reflection of beauty and grace. This distinction was her trade mark, a symbol of her character.

voice presence

“Her & always created Missionary Earnestine Powell was an example for the Christian women who a joyous atmosphere subscribe to a higher standard of Godly living. She was a role model for all women of praise.” to follow. This beautiful Woman of Zion was truly a leader among women. She was strong, but humble, full of energy and life. Anyone who knew her could attest to the fact that she was a sophisticated and classy woman of God – in her mannerism, in her dress and the way she carried herself, but yet she was down to earth and reachable. During her childhood years, Missionary Powell attended church with her grandmother. Later, in 1955 she was baptized in the Name of Jesus and filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost at the Bethel Way of the Cross Church of Christ, Inc. in Huntingtown, MD under the leadership of the late Bishop Jacob A. Green. Her immaculate service lasted at Bethel for over 42 years. After leaving Bethel, she continued to serve and grow under the leadership of Bishop Alphonzo D. Brooks at The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, Inc. (Mother Church) in Washington, DC. Missionary Powell was a worker, a hard worker, a very hard worker! From my own experience it was difficult at times to keep up with her. When Jesus said “go into my vineyard and work” she took it literally. For the church is indeed God’s vineyard. She established a legacy; her works speaks for her. There is an old adage, “after all is said and done, more is said than done,” but she was a woman of action, filled with great ideas and creative solutions. Whatever her hands found to do she did it with all her might. She was a giver of her time, money, and many other resources. As a dedicated Missionary, she spearheaded a prison ministry team who shares in the Unity services at Patuxent Institute Women in Jessup, Maryland. She led services at the Crescent Cities Rehabilitation/Nursing Home and ministered to the sick and shut-ins in their homes. This beautiful Woman of Zion was also a dedicated wife, loved and cherished by her husband – Brother James Powell. She crowned him; she was his “Jewel of Nile” – precious and without price; she complimented him; she was the electrical charge that kept him going forward. Her voice and presence always created a joyous atmosphere of praise. She was the President and Directress of The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International Missionary Choir and was a familiar face at the Holy Convocations. In every walk of service she will be missed and we will definitely miss her words “I’m going to praise theLord while I have a chance. This may be my last time, I don’t know!” This portrait of a beautiful Woman of Zion truly reflects a “Woman of Excellence”. Lovingly Submitted, Missionary Frances L. Spriggs


Bishop Willie McGhee, Jr. July 17, 1935 - April 1, 2012


ishop Willie McGhee Jr. was born in Washington, DC on July, 17, 1935 to the late Elder Willie McGhee Sr. and Mary Butler McGhee. Bishop McGhee was proud to share the same birthday as his then Pastor, the late Bishop Henry Chauncey Brooks. He was the second of six children, Ruth Alford (deceased), Mildred, Delores, Mary Elizabeth, and Samuel (deceased).

Bishop McGhee was raised in a family that believed in going to church. He attended The Way of the Cross Church of Christ (Mother Church), where he was active in various activities. Because of the spiritual influence and guidance of his parents, he began to seek salvation at an early age. He was baptized at the age of five years by Bishop H. C. Brooks. Bishop McGhee credited the late Bishop H.C. Brooks for instilling in him the Apostolic Doctrine and for nurturing his foundation in the church. While stationed at Fort Jackson in Columbia, South Carolina, he met the former Rosemary Griffin. On January 25, 1959, they were united in Holy Matrimony and celebrated fifty-three (53) years of marriage. The Lord blessed them with five children and two adopted children: Willie III, Demetrius Sr. (deceased), Lilton (deceased), Tammi, Edna, Samuel (deceased), and Rose. Bishop McGhee was no stranger to hard work. He was seen by many as a “Jack of all Trades.” However, Bishop McGhee had a passion for carpentry. Bishop’s greatest accomplishment while using his craft was the construction of the church and his family’s home. For all those who knew Bishop, you will remember just how much pride and joy he had for the church. Throughout the years, he worked on several churches in The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International. He, along with the late Brother Clifton Brooks, was instrumental in constructing the Brooks Memorial Way of the Cross Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana where the late District Elder Wendell Paige was the Pastor. Following in the footsteps of his spiritual mentor, Bishop Henry Chauncey Brooks, he accepted the call into the ministry in 1967. After maturing in the Gospel while under the leadership and guidance of Bishop Brooks for several years, Bishop McGhee branched out and started Holy Way of the Cross Church, 4th and V Street, NE, Washington, DC. Shortly afterwards, the late Bishop John Luke Brooks propositioned Bishop McGhee about relocating to pastor the Mt. Carmel Way of the Cross Church in Williamston NC. Although a bit apprehensive about uprooting his family to another location, Bishop McGhee accepted. After moving to North Carolina, Bishop saw the immediate need to build a new edifice for the saints. Bishop turned to his childhood friend, Brother Bernard Brooks, to design the building. After much hard work, dedication, and perseverance from the saints, the new edifice was completed, and still remains today.

“Bishop continued to hold steadfastly to his unwavering

Faith in God. ”

While struggling with an illness during the past few years, Bishop Willie McGhee, Jr. continued to hold on steadfastly to his unwavering faith in God. On Sunday, April 1, 2012 he peacefully finished his course here on earth while surrounded by his family. Lovingly Submitted, Rose McGhee, daughter


Missionary Sarah Tabb May 4, 2012


“A Committed Usher”

issionary Sarah Ann Tabb served as a “Door Keeper” with gladness at the Refuge Way of the Cross Church of Christ, Baltimore, Maryland for approximately thirty (30) years! Her familiar welcoming and infectious smile greeted each visitor, saint, and child alike. Whenever she had the opportunity to be in the House of the Lord, she expressed her appreciation and a declaration that she “never wanted to take anyone or anything for granted”. Sister Tabb willingly served as the President of the Middle Atlantic Diocese Usher Board under the leadership of the late Bishop Jacob Green and Bishop John Williams, Sr. She especially loved serving during any of The Way of the Cross Church of Christ National services. Each day was spent greeting the saints with the salutation, “Praise the Lord” and talking about the goodness of Jesus. The Usher’s Manual teaches each usher that “We serve God as we serve others”. Such was Sister Tabb’s earnest desire and her life was the epitome of the strength and character of a real servant. Even while standing at her usher’s post, it was not unusual for her to be the first person to open up testimony service with one of her favorite songs, “Stay right under the blood” or “In the Name of Jesus we’ve got the Victory”.

For many years she made daily telephone calls into the radio station WBGR and let everyone in Baltimore, Maryland know that she was an active member of the Refuge Way of the Cross Church. Without fail, she devotedly expressed her love for her pastor, Dr. 22

Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, Sr.! (A person whom she highly esteemed). Without fail, she looked forward to greeting every worshipper on Watch Meeting Night. Even after standing for nearly four hours, there was an open invitation to her home for a feast after the benediction. There she and her husband, Roy, and her son, Douglas, hosted guests until well into the morning doing one of the things that made her the happiest—serving others. And oh how she loved to march around the offering table. After her steps became slow, with only a flicker of bounce in her legs, many of the saints personally led her around to the offering table so that she could with dignity present her gift unto the Lord. Sister Tabb became an Honorary Usher after her health began to decline; however, her faith seemed to be unshakeable! In later years, instead of her welcoming us, we had the privilege of welcoming her into the sanctuary. She will always be remembered for her steadfastness and her spirit of charity and hospitality. With blessed assurance that her work down here on earth has inherited her mansion, Missionary Sarah Ann Tabb now sleeps. Though life was not a bed of roses, using her repeated phrase, Sister Tabb was “blessed by the best”. And if you were acquainted with her unique qualities, then you might also concur that she was “one of the best”! Although her last day’s journey ended on May 4, 2012, the Refuge family echoes what we learned to accept as her closing remarks; she now has “Peace in Jesus”. Respectfully submitted, Missionary Delphine C. Easley





The Way of the Cross Leads Home

Lyrics: Jessie Brown Pounds

Music: Charles H. Gabriel

I must needs go home By the way of the cross, There’s no other way but this; I shall ne’er get sight Of the gates of light, If the way of the cross I miss. The way of the cross leads home, The way of the cross leads home, It is sweet to know As I onward go, The way of the cross leads home. I must needs go on In the blood sprinkled way, The path that the Savior trod; If I ever climb To the heights sublime, Where the soul is at home with God. The way of the cross leads home, The way of the cross leads home, It is sweet to know As I onward go, The way of the cross leads home. Then I bid farewell To the way of the world, To walk in it never more; For the Lord says, Come, And I seek my home, Where He waits at the open door. The way of the cross leads home, The way of the cross leads home, It is sweet to know As I onward go, The way of the cross leads home. 27

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