"The Messenger" - NYFC Winter Jubilee 2015

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9:30AM ELDER LAMONT BUTLER (City of Refuge WOTCC - Richmond, VA) 10:15AM JUNIOR YOUTH SHOWCASE 11:30AM BISHOP MICHAEL ROGERS (Tidewater Bibleway Kingdom Church - Portsmouth, VA)


February 27, 2015 Dear National Youth for Christ, Greetings in the name which is above every name, Jesus Christ, our Lord! I want to welcome all of our members and guests to the “Historic Triangle”, Williamsburg, Virginia, for our 2015 Winter Jubilee. Our theme for this Jubilee is “Poised, Positioned, and Powerful” taken from Ephesians 6:13. We have a great program planned for you this weekend that we hope you will enjoy. On Friday, we invite everyone to our NYFC leadership meeting and planning session at 6:00pm. This meeting is open to everyone - pastors, presidents, parents, and especially, our youth, in planning our upcoming national meetings. We need your input to ensure that we provide the services, seminars, speakers, etc. to meet the needs, and interest, of our youth during our national meetings. On Friday night, we are blessed to have as our special guest, Bishop S.Y. Younger, VicePresiding Prelate, One Way Churches International, and Pastor, Ramp Church International, Lynchburg, VA. Following this dynamic service, we have an open mic night & gospel café planned for our intermediate youth and young adults. During this time, we will provide a movie night for our junior youth. We invite our youth to come out and meet other young people in our national body. On Saturday morning, we start off with prayer, praise, and preaching at 9:30am. For this service we have one of our area ministers, Elder Lamont Butler, City of Refuge WOTCC, Richmond, VA, as our speaker. This year for our Youth Showcase we are featuring our Junior Youth. Come out and support our children as they display their gifts and talents for the Lord. Following our Youth Showcase, we will be blessed in our Mid-Day Youth Revival with a powerful word from Bishop Michael Rogers, Pastor, Tidewater Bibleway Church, Portsmouth, VA. The afternoon begins at 2pm with a first-of-its-kind youth summit entitled “I Am My Brother’s Keeper.” In light of recent media attention given to the killing of unarmed African American men at the hands of white police officers, we will discuss and develop a strategy to more effectively evangelize and minister to our young black men. For this summit, we have a host of panelist from law enforcement, education, justice system, and the church to discuss issues impacting our black men. This summit is open to everyone who cares about the future of our men! Our Jubilee will conclude with our 4pm service with guest speaker, world-renowned preacher and singer, and son of The Way of the Cross, none other than Overseer Kervy Brown, Pastor, Greater Deliverance Temple, Danville, VA. You don’t want to miss this power-packed service with Pastor Brown! In closing, I want to once again thank each of you for your support in 2014 during our year-long 60th Diamond Anniversary Celebration. We solicit your prayers as we continue to “embrace our legacy and pursue our destiny” for The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International!

By His grace, I am yours,

District Elder Travell Travis, Esq. President of the National Youth for Christ

NYFC jubilee gu Bishop S.Y. Younger Ramp Church International Lynchburg, VA

A precocious visionary and innate entrepreneur from youth, Bishop S.Y. Younger is the establishmentarian of multiple thriving nonprofit and faith-based organizations, including The Ramp Church International where he currently serves as Senior Pastor.

His unprecedented leadership has compelled many Christian leaders and Pastors to seek his oversight. As a result, he was elected into the bishopric, and subsequently founded the One Way Churches International in 2011, where he currently serves as Vice-Presiding Prelate and Co-Adjutor Primate over 15+ churches.

Bishop Younger is a proud member of Christians United for Israel where he serves as a local & regional director. He serves with Global Peace & huminitarian organization with efforts all over the world.

At the tender age of 15, Younger founded Shekinah Outreach Ministries of Evangelism, Inc., a ministry seeking to unify Christian believers on college campuses throughout the east coast.

Bishop Younger is widely regarded as the preeminent voice of this generation. His ministry has been solicited across this world both nationally and internationally. He has been embraced and affirmed by the upper echelon of ecclesiastical elite as a pedagogical pundit whose wisdom transcends his age.

As an adolescent, Younger studied under the tutelage of Bishop Lorenzo Hall. Younger’s adept leadership proclivities led him to be sanctioned with ministerial credentials in November 1999 by the Reach Out Apostolic Tabernacle. After exemplifying exceptional service and dedication, he would soon be ordained as an Elder in the Lord’s church by the United Churches of Jesus Christ in April 2002.

He is an itinerant preacher, musician, instructor, conference speaker, humanitarian, and highly solicited revivalist throughout the United States, India, Israel, Central America, South America, England, Africa, South Korea, China, and Mongolia.

Bishop Younger is renowned for his academic and philanthropic prowess. He has matriculated through the ranks of ecclesia, widely regarded as a spiritual sage, an erudite historian, and an astound autodidact. Younger is the catalyst and namesake of the S.Y. Scholars Program, a competitive college prep program for elementary, middle, and high school students in Central Virginia. Serving as the institution’s Chief Advisor, Bishop Younger travels to the nation’s most prestigious colleges and universities with the Symposium Tour, where he, along with prominent political and education leaders, converge and discuss, “The State of Education in America.” In Fall 2003, he matriculated to Liberty University, studying English with aspirations of becoming a High School teacher. However, he relinquished his academic and professional pursuits to embrace his calling to Pastor. In 2005 founded The Ramp Church International, one of the fastest-growing multi-cultural ministries in Central Virginia, outgrowing 7 buildings in only 8 years. In 2006, he established the J. Alfred Cage Bible Institute, an institution designed to educate aspiring Christian leaders through extensive instruction and training. The school now consists of campuses in: Lynchburg, VA, Martinsville, VA, Danville, VA, and Syracuse, NY. Established in 2010, he’s the founder & Executive Director of One Voice, an ecumenical fellowship uniting leaders of various religious sects for the advancement of the local community and international relief efforts.

Amidst his numerous accolades and accomplishments, he finds the utmost fulfillment in serving the Lord and God’s people.

Elder Lamont Butler

City of Refuge WOTCC - Richmond, VA Elder S. LaMont Butler was born June 18, 1982 in St. Louis, MO to Dawana Tucker and Montfrey Butler. Elder S. LaMont Butler has an identical twin brother, who also serves as a member of clergy. Elder Butler received his call to the ministry at the tender age of 14. He aspired to become a preacher like his step-father Bishop E. Glenn Tucker. At the age of 19, Elder Butler graduated from Thomas Dale HS. Not long after graduating high school, he received his acceptance letter from New Testament Christian Seminary. In 2005, Elder Butler completed seminary and was assigned to work as a lay pastor in his step-fathers church. On July 30, 2011 Elder Butler married his wife Tomeka Butler. Elder and Tomeka also have four children, and two grandchildren. Andascha, Tre’Vaughan, Corneisha, and Tameisha. Michael and Jai’Michael are their grandchildren.

uest speakers In January 2014, Elder Butler and his family joined City of Refuge after attending for several years. Elder Butler serves as an Elder with, Dist. Elder Travell Travis, at City of Refuge WOTCC Richmond Va. He also serves as the outreach coordinator.

Apostle Michael Rodgers, Sr. Tidewater Bibleway Kingdom Church Portsmouth, VA

Bishop Michael J. Rogers, a native of Brooklyn, New York answered the call to ministry in 1974. As a freshman to ministry, he prepared himself through prayer and consecration with diligent study of the word of God. His preparation for ministry qualified him for ordination as an Elder of the Church in 1978. By the leading of the Holy Spirit, he was summoned to the pastorate of the Tidewater Bibleway Temple - Kingdom Church in Portsmouth, Virginia in 1984. Bishop Rogers holds a Master of Theology Degree from the Covington Theological Seminary in Chattanooga, TN, and a Doctorate of Ministry Degree from the same Institution. Bishop Rogers’ ministry has been marked by anointed preaching, insightful teaching, and a burden for the souls of men. In 1998, Bishop Rogers was consecrated to the Bishopric and is the Jurisdictional Prelate of the Kingdom Commonwealth Diocese of Virginia, Bible Way Church World-Wide, Inc. As a pastor of pastors and a leader of leaders, Bishop Rogers was elevated, by the same reformation, to the office of Vice Presiding Bishop and Apostle of the Church. Bishop Rogers’ spiritual and natural life has covered a span of great experiences ranging from musician, song writer, recording artist, and producer. He is the sole proprietor of Kingdom Enterprise, and as well serves as Chaplain of the Sheriff’s Department in the City of Portsmouth, Virginia. Bishop Rogers credits his success first to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and then to his parents, his father and hero Apostle Huie L. Rogers, Presiding Bishop of the Bible Way Church World-Wide, Inc., and his mother and life coach Mother Doris Rogers. Bishop Rogers is the proud father of Tia and Michael Rogers, and grandfather of Jayla Rogers. Bishop Rogers’ desire is that this entire world be covered with the word of God, that the Lord?s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven, and that everyone be touched with a life-changing word as he has beenknown to declare, “Has God got a word for you.”

Overseer Kervy Brown

Greater Deliverance Temple - Danville, VA An anointed psalmist and power-packed deliverance preacher, Overseer Kervy Brown is a “lover of souls” on a divine mission to tear the devil’s kingdom down. An ordained man of God preaching the gospel since the age of 13, Elder Brown undoubtedly allows the Bible to be his ultimate guide. He is committed to a lifestyle of prayer, worship, and preaching of the uncompromising glorious gospel of Christ Jesus. After accepting Jesus Christ as his savior under his mentor, the late Bishop James Hicks of The New Bethel Way of the Cross Church of Christ, Elder Brown studied at the Manhattan Bible Institute. Sensing a great move of God, the international Evangelist became a founding member of Love Fellowship Tabernacle in 1994, under the leadership of Bishop Hezekiah Walker. Although mainly known for his compelling voice and exceptional range, Overseer Brown puts forth just as much energy and passion into preaching the gospel as he does in crooning it. He glides from preaching to singing from singing to preaching and gives 110 percent to the Glory of God. In 2006, Overseer Brown was on the cover of “Fired Up” Christian magazine, and was acknowledged for being one of the greatest psalmist in this present generation. He honors such great men as Bishop Hicks, Bishop William Bonner, Jasper Role, Bishop Hezekiah Walker and Bishop Kenneth Moales, Sr. who have been strong examples in the gospel. Wisdom comes from his mouth and those around him are blessed. In 2006, the New York Native moved to Dallas, Texas and joined under the divine leadership of Apostle Lobias Murray, founder and overseer of the Full Gospel Holy Temple Churches, Inc. While serving under Apostle Murray the Lord was behind the scenes working on the next assignment for Elder Brown. O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker. Psalm 95:6 After praying and fasting Elder Brown was given a new assignment that would change his life forever. In September 2009, Elder Brown was elevated as pastor of The Greater Deliverance Temple, Danville, VA. Pastor Brown is a firm believer that with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

NYFC Winter Jubilee 2015

FEBRUARY 27 & 28, 2015

Jerusalem Way of the Cross Church


raise the Lord from Jerusalem Way of the Cross! We are excited to share what the Lord has been doing in Rocky Mount! The 3rd Saturday of each month is designated as “Youth Saturday.” On Youth Saturday, the youth of Jerusalem gather together to prepare for “Youth Sunday” and to engage in a fellowship activity. The youth seem to delight in gathering together for the purpose of rehearsing songs for their service and enjoying time with one another through special dinners, games, movies, and various outings. The youth are encouraged to participate fully in every aspect of the service and are in charge of opening up Sunday school devotion, rendering the music for the service, giving the morning welcome, assisting with the offertory part of the service and much more! The youth always arrive with excitement on Youth Sunday and continue to do a great job with giving God their all on “their” day. The Youth Department presented their annual Christmas program on Sunday, December 21, 2014. The youth of Jerusalem put their God given talents on display this night as they ministered the Christmas message through songs, instrumental selections, sign-language, and a magnificent drama presentation! The edifice was nearly packed out as our Jerusalem WOTC family and visitors from far and near came out to be a part of this annual event. To God be the glory for blessing the program to be such an amazing success! On Sunday, January 18, 2015, the saints of Jerusalem journeyed to Collinsville, VA for our annual Bishop C.W. and Mother

Rocky Mount, VA | Elder Cleive Adams, Pastor

Dorothy Hairston memorial fellowship dinner. This year, the dinner was held at the Dutch Inn Hotel in Collinsville where a scrumptious, yet elegant buffet dinner was served. The Youth of Jerusalem participated in great numbers for this event. On Monday, February 2, 2015, our Pastor, Elder Cleive Adams Jr., celebrated his 66th birthday! A special covered dish dinner was held after service in his honor on Sunday, February 1, and a beautiful birthday cake was baked and presented to the Pastor by Sis. Norma McCoy. We pray that the Lord will bless our Pastor with many, many more!! CONGRATULATIONS Jerusalem would like to congratulate Sis. Miranda Jamison and Bro. Travis Johnson on their engagement! Sis. Miranda is the daughter of Bro. Michael and Sis. Patricia Jamison of Jerusalem WOTC. Bro. Travis is the son of Elder Thomas and Sis. Nancy Johnson, Pastor and First Lady of True Apostolic Church in Mineral, VA. The two are preparing for a spring wedding in May of this year. Jerusalem would also like to congratulate Sis. Keturah Clements and Bro. Orlando Marsh who were engaged on Christmas Day! Sis. Keturah is the daughter of Minister Richard and Sis. Marilyn Clements of Jerusalem WOTC, and Bro. Orlando is the son Sis. Shirley D. Marsh and the late Bryant R. Marsh of Greater New Bethel Apostolic Church in Martinsville, VA. The two are preparing for a summer wedding in July of this year. Our prayer is that the blessings of the Lord will rest upon both of

Refuge Way of the Cross Church Baltimore, MD | Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, Sr., Pastor Annual Youth for Christ Cookout: Labor Day 2014 The YFC ministry at Refuge sponsored our annual cookout on Monday, September 1, 2014 at Patapsco State Park in Woodlawn, MD. It is a great opportunity for food, fellowship, and fun. Honor Roll: Bro. Monyae Smalls: 7th grade - Mt. Royal Elementary/ Middle School Sis. Destinee Turnquist: 12th grade - Patapsco High School and Center for the Arts Sis. Gabrielle Cannady: 7th grade - Tunbridge Elementary/ Middle School

Sis. Kaelin Miller: Kindergarten – Yorkwood Elementary School Sis. Kayla Holly: 3rd grade - Commodore John Rodgers Elementary Middle School Sis. Sanaa Ridley: Commodore John Rodgers Elementary Middle School Raymond Lambert: 5th grade - KIPP Ujima Village Academy Brianna Lambert: 1st grade - KIPP Ujima Village Academy Other Academic Accomplishments: Sis. Kayla Holly: • Junior Usher Board



these couples and that their union will be filled with lots of love and happiness! Congratulations to Sis. Desirae Jamison who graduated from James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA on December 13, 2014! Sis. Desirae received a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies with a minor in Sports Communication. She is the daughter of Bro. John and Sis. Deborah Jamison. We wish Sis. Desirae the best in all of her future endeavors. God has been and still is doing great things with our youth! Continue to keep us in your prayers. God Bless!

• Principal’s List - 4.0 GPA • Perfect Attendance • Currently on a middle school reading level • Participates in some 5th grade classes • 1st Place - Science Fair • Purple Belt in Karate • Participated in Towson University’s Maryland Writing Project • Cast Member in The ‘New’ Teacher’s Lounge at the Downtown Cultural Arts Center Sis. Sanaa Ridley • Principal’s List – 4.0 GPA

NYFC Winter Jubilee 2015

FEBRUARY 27 & 28, 2015

Greater Ransom Way of the Cross Church


reetings in the precious name of Jesus! We are excited to let you know what the youth of Greater Ransom have been up to. We truly finished 2014 strong and we are excited about the wonderful things to come in 2015. Since our last time gathering, our youth were able to have a phenomenal fellowship at Hallelujah Night 2014. Youth were allowed to participate in a positive costume contest and winners were awarded with cash prizes. After dinner was served, they were able to view “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,” take pictures at the photo booth, and make their own snack at our popcorn bar. The youth had a blast and we were happy to provide them with a positive alternative to Halloween. We entered November with revival in the air. We were blessed to have a three-night revival which included two dynamic preachers – Pastor Tony Long and our very own NYFC President, District Elder Travell Travis. The people were blessed and our youth had the opportunity to have healthy dialogue with our NYFC President. In an effort to improve public speaking skills and prepare for our National Bible Bowl competition, three of our youth - Sis. Staci Alston, Sis. Samone Short, and Bro. Jordan Thomas – were asked to prepare a presentation on the book of Romans for our youth service. We were thrilled with the information that was shared from this book. Our presenters prepared an outline for everyone that covered chapters 1-4. After a review of the outline, the youth were divided into teams and played Jeopardy based off the information that was covered. They learned so much and had a great time doing it. December brought about even bigger things for our youth as they played major roles in our YFC Christmas social “Christmas with The Disciples” and planning for our annual Watch Night service. Our youth put their heads together and planned an evening that was enjoyed by all. We were happy to have support from members of all ages as we shared in food, fellowship, and some of our favorite Christmas classics. Thanks to “The Disciples” for providing us with amazing entertainment. We would also like to thank Sis. Yolandas Alston for the beautiful decorations and Sis. Connie Alston and her staff for the delicious food. Special thanks to our youth Sis. Laura G. Thomas, Sis. Staci Alston, Bro. Joshua Alston, and Bro. Kevin Alston who performed and Michael Alston, Jr. who was our MC for the evening. Watch Night 2014 was nothing like the usual and we had our youth to thank for that. They were responsible for coming up with a program that would have us going into 2015 with a BANG. We are glad to say that God showed up and he

Henderson, NC | Bishop J. Alston

showed OUT! Our service was filled with the anointing and presence of God. The night included various elements, such as a power-packed choir, cardboard testimonies, youth speaker, monologues, and PRAISE. With the help of the Lord we were able to bring in the New Year praising God and thanking him for how we made it over. God is blessing in Henderson, NC and we are expecting the power to continue as we do the work of the Lord. God bless you all!

Bishop Thomas L. Fowler, Pastor of Smyrna Church of Christ of the Apostolic Faith, Reidsville, NC. , continues to carry the mantle that was handed to him by the late Apostle Preston Graves; thru his steadfastness and love for the ministry the work of the Lord at Smyrna continues….

***Spring Revival*** Featuring Guest Speaker Bishop Thomas L. Fowler Wednesday – Friday, March 18th, 19th & 20th 7:30 pm Nightly

His Ministry has carried him throughout the country and overseas to London, England where the Lord moved in a mighty way! Bishop Fowler is recognized as an unusually gifted teacher of the Word of God, with an extraordinary operation in the Gifts of the Spirit, especially the Word of Knowledge. He has a deep and profound Love for the Word of God. His education includes a Bachelor’s degree in Theology and an Honorary in Christian Decorate Education from Freedom Bible College.

Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children… …And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call (Joel 2)

Jerusalem Way of the Cross Church Apostolic Corner 2594 South Main Street Rocky Mount, VA 24151 540-483-1520 jerusalemchurch@yahoo.com www.jerusalemwayofthecrosschurch.org

Pastor Elder Cleive E. Adams, Jr.

NYFC Winter Jubilee 2015

FEBRUARY 27 & 28, 2015

City of Refuge Way of the Cross Church


reetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ from City of Refuge Way of the Cross Church, Richmond, VA, “A Place Where You Can Begin Again!” Over the last few months, we have been blessed to hold numerous events to reach our community and enrich our congregation. On October 31, we held our first “Fun Fest.” During this event we provided a free movie, games, pizza, and treats for the youth in our neighborhood. November started off with our annual men’s day held on Sunday, November 2. Delivering the word of God to us on this day was Elder T. Byron Williams and saints from Agape Way of the Cross Church, Washington, DC. For our afternoon service, we were favored with the word of God from Bishop Carl W. Miller and saints from Gates of Praise Way of the Cross Church, Hampton, VA. Through the powerful word of God our brothers were revived and strengthened. Later in the month, we held our annual Military Appreciation

Day service, on Sunday, November 16. For this service, we provided a free dinner to our veterans and active service members along with their families. Several of the veterans who attended the service are also active members of the clergy and gave their testimonies, words of inspiration, and reminded the church of the various needs of veterans and the importance of the church in addressing those needs. We concluded the month of November with our Harvest Sunday service on Sunday, November 30. This was a fall “friends and family” day for our church and we were blessed with several guests. Kicking off the month of December, we held our monthly “First Friday” Fellowship with guest speaker, Elder Tyrone Covington, pastor, True Worshipers Pentecostal Church. Pastor Covington brought forth a powerful word to conclude our First-Friday service series for 2014. Along with our various Christmas services and celebrations, we were treated with the word of God by our First Lady, Missionary Sherina Travis, for our “Closeout Sunday” service. We

United Faith Way of the Cross Church


Richmond, VA | D/E Travell Travis, Pastor

Henderson, NC | Elder Celister Richardson

raise the Lord from United Faith WOTCC. We are grateful at how the Lord has brought us down through another year. Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38). We would like to thank God for the blessings he has bestowed upon us.

and Missionary Beatrice Richardson.

Academic Achievements: Sis. Shantel Hargrove received her Master of Science in Criminal Justice. She is the daughter of Pastor Celister

Please continue to keep our youth department in your prayers!

Baptisms: Three youth souls were baptized: Ariel Davis – April 20, 2014 Ariyan Davis – April 20, 2014 Rodney Countrymen Jr. – June 22, 2014



thank God for using our first lady to bless the congregation on the last Sunday of 2014. January kicked off with a blast with a powerful New Year Jubilee (Watch Night) service. After prayer and scripture, one thing led to another, and before we knew it, it was midnight. Hearing the miracles God performed for the saints in 2014 and the rich word of God from our ministers has really set the tone for 2015.

in the city of Richmond, VA. Continue to pray for us as we strive towards our slogan “For greater things are yet to come, greater things are still to be done in this City!

The first Sunday in January has traditionally been labeled our “Family First Sunday” service. Each year, our members are encouraged to bring their entire family for this first of the year service. Several families represented with songs, testimonies, and skits. Our pastor rendered a word, entitled “The Family Feud” and prayed for each family. For the remainder of January our church participated in a 21day consecration – daily fasting, prayer at 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. over our conference line, and select bible reading. For bible study, our pastor taught a series on “forgiveness” which exposed a lot in our lives. We concluded our consecration with an annual shut-in service. During the shut-in service we had powerful prayer, great worship, and insightful teaching/preaching from our missionaries and ministers. On February 1, we held our annual Super Sunday Service which included our Jeans and Jerseys Day and our Super Bowl Bash. It was great seeing the saints fellowship and talk to each other while watching the big game on the big screen. City of Refuge is a young church endeavoring to do great things


Congratulations to Missionary Sherina Travis, First Lady of the National Youth for Christ and Elect Lady of City of Refuge WOTCC, Richmond, VA on having the highest math benchmark scores for 6th grade in all of Hampton City Public School. Lady Travis is a 6th grade math teacher at Phenix School in Hampton, VA. Earlier this year Lady Travis graduated from Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA with a Masters in Secondary Education with Specialization in Math. Lady Travis plans to continue her studies by pursuing a doctorate in urban education. Congratulations Elect Lady Sherina Travis!



New Beginning WOTCC “One Church in TWO Locations” Washington, DC & Fort Washington, MD

Bishop Bennett B. Gamble, Sr., Pastor The Youth and Young Adults of New Beginning Way of the Cross Church have committed to living The Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20.

We are making disciples by being disciples!

“AND THE LORD ADDED TO THE CHURCH DAILY…” Glory to GOD for the twenty-six (26) Youth and Young Adults that have joined New Beginning Way of the Cross Church and, more importantly, accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Four (4) received baptism in Jesus’ name and eleven (11) babies and toddlers were dedicated back to our Lord through christening. Bishop Gamble’s 13th Pastoral Anniversary New Beginning celebrated our Pastor and Leader’s 13th Anniversary with several powerful worship services including fellowship with Bishop Walter Thompson, Sr.; Elder Walter Thompson III; Bishop Joseph H. Thomas; Rev. Linwood Grant; Bishop A.D. Brooks; Elder Howwin Carter; Brother Melvin Clay; Pastor Kevin White; and Elder James A. Barley as our guest preachers. The Youth Ministry was proud to host Bishop A.D. Brooks and the Mother Church as one of the services during Pastor’s Anniversary. There wasn’t an empty seat in the building and everyone present was blessed! The Men’s Ministry of New Beginning includes males of all ages. Our boys and men stood with churches all over the United States declaring Black Lives Matter on Sunday, December 14th. Our brothers unified and through collective prayer petitioned GOD on behalf of black men and the injustices black men are facing in our country. NB Annual Christmas Production 2014 New Beginning’s Drama Ministry includes creative writers, actors, psalmists, musicians, and stage technicians. This year our team presented “Christmas Remix” as two (2) sold-out shows that provided an entertaining Christmas play and musical promoting faith and family. The proceeds from both shows provided a significant increase to our Memorial Scholarship Fund and we proudly continue to support our youth in their pursuit of higher education. New Beginning remains committed to winning new souls for Christ and we solicit your sincere prayers that God will continue to bless us to do Kingdom work. Peace be unto you!


Black History Month, or National African American History Month, is an annual celebration of achievements by black Americans and a time for recognizing the central role of African Americans in U.S. history. The event grew out of “Negro History Week,� the brainchild of noted historian Carter G. Woodson and other prominent African Americans.


ince 1976, every U.S. president has officially designated the month of February as Black History Month. Other countries around the world, including Canada and the United Kingdom, also devote a month to celebrating black history. The story of Black History Month begins in 1915, half a century after the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in the United States. That September, the Harvard-trained historian Carter G. Woodson and the prominent minister Jesse E. Moorland founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH), an organization dedicated to researching and promoting achievements by black Americans and other peoples of African descent. Known today as the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), the group sponsored a national Negro History week in 1926, choosing the second week of February to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. The event inspired schools and communities nationwide to organize local celebrations, establish history clubs and host performances and lectures. In the decades the followed, mayors of cities across the country began issuing yearly proclamations recognizing Negro History Week. By the late 1960s, thanks in part to the Civil Rights Movement and a growing awareness of black identity, Negro History Week had evolved into Black History Month on many college campuses. President Gerald R. Ford officially recognized Black History Month in 1976, calling upon the public to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.� Since then, every American president has designated February as Black History Month and endorsed a specific theme. The 2013 theme, At the Crossroads of Freedom and Equality: The Emancipation Proclamation and the March on Washington, marks the 150th and 50th anniversaries of two pivotal events in AfricanAmerican history. -Article from History.com

NYFC Winter Jubilee 2015

Bethel Way of the Cross Church


e send you greetings from the Youth for Christ Ministry at Bethel Way of the Cross Church, Inc. We are elated and thrilled to share what God is doing in our midst. There are great things are happening and taking place in city of Huntingtown, MD: Over the past few months Bethel’s youth have been engaged in several services, accomplishments, and various church activities.

FEBRUARY 27 & 28, 2015 Huntingtown, MD | Bishop Darnell Easton, Pastor Psalms 84:11. Our guest speaker for the weekend was Elder David Hollis from Gary, IN, who preached us into a frenzy; the word coming straight from God. That weekend was truly a blessing, and we know for sure chains were broken, shackles were loosed, and hearts were truly mended. That weekend he told us that “We’re Not Injured At All” that God has given us “An Uneven Exchange” and charged us to “Mount Up. ” On Friday evening, we were blessed with a solo by the amazing Jeanine Goggins from Greater Morning Star Apostolic Church and on Sunday evening we were blessed in song by our special guest artist Gerald Scott and Company who ushered us into the presence of the Lord. We would like to say thank you to the Homecoming committee for their tireless efforts and dedication of work to make this celebration a success. Homecoming 2014 was an absolute blessing!

Church Services/Activities: Our youth department has been very busy in the last couple of months. It has been such a blessing for our young people. We are growing and progressing, working for the kingdom and striving to please God in all that we do. Please be praying for our youth body as a whole, for we wrestle day to day with the enemy and his tactics. Pray that we stay unified and continue to hold up the The Young Adult Ministry and Teen Ministry came together bloodstained banner. And Bethel’s youth as a whole will to fellowship with a night of bowling. Those who attended continue to pray for you. came back and reported they had a lot of fun just to relax, wind down, and enjoy each other’s company. #LetsGoGetIt #2015FilledFaithfulFocused Truly the Lord is moving by His Spirit at Bethel WOTCC, The Young Adult Ministry held their Christmas Fellowship our YFC Ministry is on Fire for the Lord and we are Dinner. It was a time to remember that included food, fun, inspired, encouraged, and determined to keep the Fire and fellowship. Special thank you to Deacon Andre and Burning. Let’s tune in to see what our youth department Sis. Danielle Jones for opening up their home to everyone. has been up to since our last meeting. On December 21, 2014, we held our Christmas program. What an awesome job everyone did to make our Christmas In October our Teen Ministry hosted their first Youth program enjoyable and blessed. The Children’s Church Lock-In. Oh how much fun we had. There was praise and Ministry ministered to us through song while also putting on worship, fun games, door prizes, a bonfire, and more. In a skit letting us know about the true meaning of Christmas. having such a good time, we watched a video entitled Speeches were recited and special talents by various youth “God’s Not Dead” by Pastor Jentezen Franklin. This was were exhibited. One of the highlights of the night was a the time of educating the youth to recognize the attacks worship experience performed by our Teen Ministry with that the enemy is trying to bring their way. We would the song entitled “Lion of Judah” by Shana Wilson. The like to thank our teen leaders – Cayla Chase and Selena Glory of the Lord fell all through the place. Awesome job Spriggs – for helping with planning and making the to all of our youth and everyone who participated. fellowship a success. We would also like to thank Open Heart WOTCC, Consolation WOTCC, and Annapolis On January 18, 2015, was our first Youth Sunday of the Church of God for fellowshipping with us. New Year. At our 5 pm service we had our Holy Ghost Impact Zone. The Teen Praise Team opened up the service We celebrated Homecoming on November 21-23, 2014. with praise and worship doing an awesome job. The Our theme was “Withholding Nothing” coming from power of God met us in the House! There was healing



and deliverance in the house. Cayla Chase gave words We praise God for the adding to the kingdom. Please keep of encouragement to the entire church concerning being our youth in your prayers. persistent in seeking the things of God. Upcoming Events: On January 30, 2015, some of our teens were invited The Young Adult Ministry is planning an appreciation to fellowship with Open Heart WOTCC for their Youth service in memory of Mother Mildred Harmon, honoring Lock-In. Some youth reported they had such a great time those who serve and support selflessly. fellowshipping with other youth. Youth Bible Study is held every third Sunday with various Please continue to keep our youth department, youth young adult instructors who come forth with the power leaders, and youth directors in your prayers. The enemy of the Holy Ghost. The youth ministry as a whole is truly knows the good work that is going on here in Huntingtown, blessed by the bible studies. MD, and we want to pray that God continue to keep us and work through us for there are souls who are lost and need Bethel Youth Spotlight: to know they can find a friend in Jesus by our witness. We would like to shine the spotlight on a few of our Young May God continue to bless and keep all of you in the Adult Members: precious name of Jesus. God Bless! Bro. Bryan and Latasha Lynch who continue to serve and work so diligently with our church on our Building Fund Committee. Sis. Juanita Jones who continues to support and work with our Sisters Retreat committee every year. Our YFC Vice President Minister Wayne (Troy) Chew served on the Marriage Enrichment Ministry as an instructor who encouraged the married couples on “Seeking and Granting Forgiveness� from Colossians 3:13 and Ephesians 4:32. We acknowledge aany other young adults who serve in the kingdom allowing the Lord to use them in a mighty way. Baptisms/Rededications: God is adding to His kingdom daily! We are happy to report three young people joined our church in the past few months Bro. Corey Dorsey, Jr. received the precious gift of the Holy Ghost during our Holy Ghost Impact Zone service.

NYFC Winter Jubilee 2015

Shiloh Way of the Cross Church


lessings and greetings to you in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ! The New Year is moving on swiftly and God continues to pour out His bountiful blessings at Shiloh WOTCC, spiritually and naturally. What an awesome God we serve! We give Him the glory and honor at all times! SO PROUD OF OUR YOUTH AND THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Dexter O’Brien Dodson: Senior at Randolph-Macon College. Changed his majors around from majoring in Math and a minor in Engineering Physics to majoring in Engineering Physic and a minor in Math, therefore, should finish in December 2015. He is a Residence Assistant for the second year and has four different campus jobs. Bryan Scales: 11th grade at Magna Vista HS, made the AB honor roll. His school’s football team, the Magna Vista Warriors won the Virginia State Championship. Bryan is a middle linebacker for the team. Adrian Teon Hylton: 7th grade at Laurel Park Middle School, all A’s both grading periods. Played fooball for Henry County Parks and Recreation as defensive lineman, on the offensive line, and wide receiver. Team only lost one game the entire season. Finished 1st for Henry County. Took the SRI Reading test, the 7th Grade End-of-Year target range is 850-1100. Adrian scored a 1372 at the beginning of the year, which was the highest score of all the 7th graders and was in the range for 12th grade reading and in the 99% percentile rank. Chandler Norman: 5th grade at Carlisle School is on the Headmaster’s List for maintaining a 3.5+ GPA. Trained for 10 weeks and ran his first 5K. He earned the highest award in Cub Scouting, the Arrow of Light, and is officially a Boy Scout. Nadya Hundley is a lively and outgoing 5th grader at Albert Harris Elementary school making great progress this year. She has displayed improvement in reading and math and received the wildcat award for good behavior. Alivia Millner: 4th grade at Rich Acres Elementary received the E-S Honor Roll for the 2nd nine weeks of school. This was her first year playing Henry County Parks and Recreation basketball for Rich Acres where the team won the 1st place Regional Championship. She received the Great Citizenship Award, participated in an Art Exhibit Competition with a theme of recycling, where the announced winners will receive a

FEBRUARY 27 & 28, 2015 Martinsville, VA | Bishop Earley Dillard, Pastor cash prize and their art will be displayed on the side of a local garbage truck. Tayemar Hodge: 3rd grade at Axton Elementary, received all E’s and S’s both grading periods, all S’s in Citizenship, and made the honor roll for both semesters. His teacher states he works hard and stays on task. He is a junior black belt in Karate “Extreme Martial Arts”. JaKira Redd: 3rd grade at Mt. Olivet Elementary made all S’s for the second grading period. Devin Cheatum, Jr: 2nd grade Leaksville Spray Elementary, received the A-B honor roll for both grading periods, played Coach-Pitch Baseball for the Boys & Girls Club of Eden, NC, received a trophy for being the Champions of the Club for the season, was elected to the All-Star Team Roster, played travel tackle football for Martinsville/Henry County Bengals. Jonaven Millner: 2nd grade at Rich Acres Elementary received the E-S honor roll for the 2nd nine weeks of school. This year was his first time playing Henry County Parks and Recreation Flag Football. He played right running back and pulled 8 flags to assist his team. He started the school year with a reading score of 134 and now has brought his score to 174 that is 5 points above expectation. He has received a Pizza Hut award through the school reading program. Kamori Dillard is a very sweet 1st grader at Albert Harris Elementary school. She is completing her AR goals successfully, is currently reading on second grade level, and reading third grade words as well. She received all S’s on her report card and received the wildcat award for good behavior. Denyran Hodge: 1st grade at Axton Elementary, made the Principal Scholar both semesters, received all E’s and S’s both grading periods. His teacher states he is very motivated and has good work/study habits and is an excellent asset to our classroom. He is an advanced brown belt in Karate-“Extreme Martial Arts”. Caleb McKinley Lucas: Kindergarten at Mt. Olivet Elementary received numerous Pizza Hut awards for being a super and avid reader. Received all E’s and S’s on his report card. Received the Principals Scholar award, and all S’s in Citizenship. London Norman: Preschool 4 at Carlisle School has passed all

#2015WinterJubilee preschool tests. She is very enthusiastic about reading and has mastered all site words thus far. London’s schoolwork has been displayed several times to represent the preschool department at Carlisle School. Jon David Millner: Pre-K at Stanleytown Elementary has learned how to write his full name, write his numbers to five, and name the days of the week and months of the year. He participated in “Give to the Troops” during Christmas. He is now participating in his school’s “Hit-a Home Run with Reading” program, when upon completion he will receive a ticket to a Martinsville Mustangs baseball game. On Sunday, October 12, the Youth Puppet Ministry presented a skit in the evening service in honor of Pastor’s Month. On Saturday, October 18, the Ladies traveled to Mt. Airy, NC, the home of Andy Griffith, for a beautiful day of shopping, fellowship, and dinner. The bus driver and two other brothers from Shiloh accompanied them. The weather was beautiful and it was a most enjoyable trip. Also on this same weekend, the brothers of the church went camping with the younger brothers of the church to Reidsville, NC. They were also favored with beautiful weather for their overnight stay. They enjoyed a starry night of bible teaching from the deacons and brothers, instructions for life, and cooking out around the campfire. The following day started with a big country breakfast and a day of fishing, basketball, fun, and games. On October 25, we had a bus load of saints travel to the National YFC Jubilee in Baltimore. On Sunday, October 26, Evangelist Tyquan Sparks did a one-night revival at Shiloh. What a great service it was and we were so happy to have Bishop Darrell Hairston and Elder Gaston Battle in this service with us. On November 13-15, a bus load of members traveled to Lancaster, PA to the Amish Country and to see the Sight and Sound Theatre Play “Moses.” We had a wonderful time with great fellowship. November 23, was Missionary Day with a program and a concert from the guest women’s group “The Gospel Echoes” of Axton, VA. The Shiloh WOTC Women’s Fellowship Choir rendered selections also. On November 30, the Youth Christian Education Department presented a play “The Ark of Safety” written and directed by Missionary Phyllis Hairston. This was a fundraiser for the YFC Department of Shiloh. We were so grateful to have some members of Jerusalem WOTCC to attend this event. On December 7, we rendered service at Shiloh Temple WOTC, Charlotte, NC, Bishop Darrell Hairston, pastor. On December 12, the youth traveled to Caswell County, NC to see a parade of Christmas lights. They also made crafts and had pizza prior to the trip. On December 21, our Christmas Program and Social was at the church. The children presented two plays “Just A Little Christmas” and “Mary’s Neighbor” focusing on the

THE MESSENGER birth of Jesus Christ. The Wings of Faith rendered a selection “Silent Night” and Bro. Gerald Scales sang “Mary Did You Know?” Following the program and to conclude the night was a segment titled “Funny Christmas Shoes” where the members, from the children to the adults, were asked to make and model funny shoes. It was imaginative, hilarious, and a sight to see! On December 26, First Lady Tonia Cannady of Atlanta Metro WOTCC, Stone Mountain, GA presented a powerful movie and play “the Voices of the Lost, The True Christmas Carol” which was written and produced by her. Some of the members of Atlanta Metro WOTCC attended including Bishop Eric Cannady. On December 31, our Watch Night Service was glorious with praises, worship, and thanksgiving on into the New Year! Some Upcoming Events… May 21: The Sanctuary Voices of Praise Choir received and accepted an invitation from Bishop Samuel Smith, Chairman of the AWCF, to sing at the Apostolic World Christian Fellowship in Louisville, KY. June 7-14: Bishop Dillard’s 30th Pastoral Week and Day We thank God for our Youth for Christ at Shiloh WOTCC and for the WOTCC Organization as a whole. We pray that God continue His wonderful blessings upon each of you in Jesus Name. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BISHOP DILLARD…January 29th May your year be richly blessed with happiness and joy! We love you and thank God for you. A birthday social in honor of Bishop Dillard was held on Sunday, February 1 at Bishop and Sister Dillard’s new home. It was a beautiful birthday celebration with the saints of Shiloh WOTC in a lovely, elegant home. We are so happy for you.God is so good. We love you Bishop & Lady Dillard! Bishop & Sister Dillard spent Thanksgiving in Hawaii with their family, Bishop Eric & First Lady Tonia Cannady, Lincia, Christian, and Ashton Cannady, Deacon & Sister Bernard Cannady, and Sister Tiffany Nesmith. It was a beautiful trip with extensive tours. You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance. –Psalm 65:11

NYFC Winter Jubilee 2015

Triumph Way of the Cross Church Praise the Lord youth! It is good to be able to share a few things with you occurring with the Kingdom Kids at Triumph Church in the beautiful Roanoke Valley. On Thursday, October 30, Triumph took an unusual opportunity to minister to the community by participating in the Downtown Vinton Trick-or-Treating annual event. We learned from the town government that they have over 1,500 children and families walk the streets of Downtown Vinton trick or treating as businesses distribute candy, snacks, and other goodies. So the saints met at the church that week and put together at least 800-1,000 candy bags that had tracts and church cards inserted in them. We also gave out bottles of water to the adults with a Triumph card attached. We met, talked with, and shared kind words with children of all ages and their parents, blessing them in Jesus name. During the month of November, we collected condiments and candy for the holidays and delivered them to the Rescue Mission, a long-standing, regional homeless shelter and ministry in Downtown Roanoke. The Rescue Mission serves thousands of meals during Thanksgiving and Christmas. They attached scriptures to the candy and use it as table decorations. In December, we collected canned goods and non-perishables to make food boxes and distribute to those in need at an apartment complex nearby. These tenants were truly thankful for the blessing. On December 21, we celebrated the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with a Christmas program of song by the Praise Team and poetry and song by the Kingdom Kids. The Kingdom Kids rendered one specific popular selection, What A Glorious Night (by Sidewalk Prophets). During the service, we also celebrated our pastor’s 38th birthday. We exchanged family gifts and presented Elder Chris with birthday presents. Following the service, we fellowshipped over our annual Christmas dinner at Cheddar’s. On December 31, we praised and worshipped our way into 2015 during Watch Night Service. It is always a blessing to be reminded of the things God has brought the saints through during the year. We experienced some wonderful testimonies and our pastor gave a good Word! January is our time of Inreach. We commit to individual and/or collective fasts as well as teaching from Eld. Chris geared toward the remainder of the year for Upreach and Outreach! Youth Accomplishments: Bro. Ethan Hairston is a fifth grade student at W.E. Cundiff Elementary and received all A’s and one B as well as all S’s on each report card for the first two nine-week grading periods. Bro. Ethan also received a citizenship certificate. He also is mentoring a “Kindergarten Buddy.” He scored an above average score on the OLSAT, making him eligible for the Accelerated Math Program (AMP) in 6th grade at the middle school next year. His fifth grade teacher has recommended Ethan

FEBRUARY 27 & 28, 2015 Roanoke, VA | Elder Christopher Hairston, Pastor for Pre-AP English, Pre-AP Science, and Pre-AP US History. Bro. Ethan’s flag football team, the Panthers, coached by Eld. Chris Hairston, finished their season with only one loss. The Panthers were one of two teams chosen out of each of the three age divisions to play in a flag football exhibition game for the USA NFL Flag Football program during the NCAA Division III Football Championship on December 19 at Salem Stadium in Salem, VA. He is currently participating in Roanoke County Parks and Recreation 10U basketball on the Vinton Hornets, also coached by his father Eld. Chris. Bro. Israel Hairston is a third grade student at W.E. Cundiff Elementary School and received all A’s and S’s on each report card for the first twonine week grading periods. Bro. Israel was selected for the Gifted Art Program and spent Tuesday afternoons at school participating in this program. The art the gifted students created will be displayed at the Roanoke County Public Schools Administration Office from February 12 – March 12, with an art show and reception there for school personnel and families on March 12. He also is learning to play the recorder and can currently play three tunes. Bro. Israel played on the Pee Wee Vinton Terriers tackle football team this year, coached by Eld. Chris Hairston. The team went undefeated and was never scored upon the entire season and won the Tri-County Sandlot Super Bowl on Saturday, November 8, at Salem Stadium. Bro. Israel is currently participating in Roanoke County Park and Recreation 10U basketball on the Vinton Hornets, also coached by his father, Eld. Chris. Please continue to pray for this ministry, our pastor and his family, as well as all of our youth. God can and will do miraculous things and open up doors of opportunity in their lives if we keep the youth lifted up in prayer and encourage them. They are not the next generation, they are the now generation!



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