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---------------------路----------------------THE WESTERN PENNSYLVANIAN Published every month except July and August at the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf, 300 Swissvak Avenue, Pittsburgh 18, Pennsylvania. Subscription: One Dollar a Year Second 路 class postage paid at Pittsburgh, Pa. Edttor Associate Editor Printing Instructor
Christopher G. Smith Sam B. Craig . G. W esley Dickson
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Class of 1960
Richard Friend Gertrude Colyer Patricia Lecorchick Margaret McCorkle Donna Stitt Larry Nelson
Roger Hannold Conrad N oker Robert Cumberledge Winston Lord Frank DelRosso J effrey Meier Donald Fairbanks
Charles Allshouse Robert Webb Raymond Orr Jack Antal Durbin Dixon Thomas Yount
THE WESTERN PENNSYLVANIAN ---------------------------~---------------------------------------------
Eagle Scouts
Left to right, fr ont row: Mr . Dixon, Mrs. Dixon, Dur bin Dixon, Frank DelRosso , M1路s. DelRosso, Mr. DelRosso 路 Back row: John Stanton, scout leader, "Skip per" Hall, scout commissioner
Scout News At the Court of Honor held at the close of school last June, the following awards were given to members of our scout troops: BOY SCOUTS TENDERFOOT SCOUTS FIRST CLASS Gary Headrich Jerry Bush Bruce McManigle George K!lassen STAR SCOUT SECOND CLASS Donald Stiffler Randy Watreas :Qale Ford Dean Fitzgerald Jack Otterman Wilbur Lewis Melvin Berkheimer Rodney Danco Marty Major
EAGLE SCOUT Frank DelRosso Durbin Dixon EAGLE SCOUT BRONZE PALM Harry McWee Charles Hiney
PAINTING Jack Otter m a n Br uce McManigb Robert Zatko CITIZENSHIP NATION Durbin Dixon
MERIT BADGES SWIMMING THE AMERICAN RED Dale Ford CROSS LIFE SAVING Rodney Danco & WATER SAFETY Marty Major Dale Ford Jack Otterman Rodney Danco Larr y Nelson Marty Major Bruce McManigle Jack Otterman Gene McNeish
THE WESTERN PENNSYLVANIAN LIFE SAVING Dale Ford Keith Horner Robert Harding Jack Antal Rodney Danco Marty Major Jack Otterman Jack Antal Robert Harding Keith Horner Larry Nelson Bruce McManigle Gene MeN eish FIRST AID Dale Ford Rodney Danco Marty Major Jack Otterman Robert Harding Donald Stiffler Eddie Smith
NATURE Dale Ford Rodney Danco Marty Major Jack Otterman Andrew Powaski READING Jack Otterman Richard Baker Charles Niel John Cimarolli Andrew Powaski SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION L. Campero Jeffrey Meier Bert Johnson Jack Antal HOME REPAIRS Jack Antal Robert Zatko
GIRL SCOUTS SECOND CLASS FIRST CLASS Boehm, Nancy Chuto, Darlene Freehling, Donna Laird, Sharon Garrett, Virginia Franer, Walla Hormell, Linda Pintarich, Barbara Marbury, Nathie SEAMSTRESS McCorkle, Margaret Fisher, Donna Johnson, Kay PUPPETRY Kennedy, Sandra Allen, Jean Lyke, Donna Bisesi, Carol Diehl, Nancy McDermott, Violet Fluent,Patty Pixler, Shirley Ludwick, Mary Reisinger, Janet Orange, Frances Rolewitz, Janet Ritchie, Carol Oravec, Marlene Schmidt, Sharlene Osewalt, Sandra Young, Carol Reiner, Clara Rounds, Lucy CHILD CARE Sharp, Joan Hoover, Nancy McCorkle, Margaret Marbury, Nathie Felix, Mae Schrift, Susanne West, Joan Nance, Nancy Coyler, Gertrude
ART PICTURE AWARD HOUSEKEEPER Bucci, Linda Boehm, Nancy Eck, Wanda Crawford, Carol Goettman, Patty Fetzer, Shirley Hummel, Paulette Freehling, Donna Hudicek, Mary Garrett, Virginia Moskal, Gloria Jarvie, Joan Mumford, Dianne Hiney, Joan Overbeck, Janet Hormell, Linda Picard, Sandra Hoover, Nancy Vogtsberger, Carla Marbury, Nathie Williamson, Judy Schrift, Susanne Shady, Sharon Smith, Linda McGuire, Sharon Thayer, Joyce Vardy, Anna PUBLIC HEALTH Bittner, Susan Karcher, Ann Bittner, Susanne Leidtke, Ellen Blake, Terry Luce, Marie Brown, Linda Soakie, Geraldine Fetzer, Shirley Sprague, Donna Hanlin, Caroline Suter, Ann Mr. William Steele, Scoutmaster of Troop 24, was awarded the Vigil Honor, the highest degree in the Order of Arrow at Camp Twin Echo on September 11, 1960. He has been very active in scouting since 1955 and has made many camping trips. He took several of our scouts to the Jamboree at Valley Forge in 1957. Bill, as we call him, lives with his wife and two children in East McKeesport. --0--
Hi-Lights - 1959-1960 Season PARENTS ASSOCIATION As we embark on the new school year, we thought you would like a little review of what was accomplished last year. It was a fruitful one, I think all will agree, and those of you who perhaps did not attend any or all of the meetings, turned out for the May Day celebration in many instances. I am indeed sorry for those of you who missed that affair, as it was both outstanding and exciting with Mayor Barr of Pittsburgh as our honored guest.
Our three reg~Tar meetings featured thr,ee excellent speakers: Miss Charlotte Ave1•y, audiologist of: tfre .E ye & Ear Hospital; Mr. James Peet, -~:Xecutive director of the Pittsburgh -nearing Society: and Dr. Leo Doerfler,·--head of Audiology at the Eye & Ear Hospital. Miss Avery spoke about her stay at the Tracy Clinic in California; Mr. Peet, of the services rendered at his agency; and Dr. Doerfler, of modern trends in ear surgery and research. The culminating event on our calendar was the May Day conclave, which included our highly succcessful first "Country Fair" and a luncheon for members, served in the gym by a group of mothers. Much credit is due Chairman Mrs. H. Donaldson and her committee for the success of the fund-raising fair. You'll be interested to note that we netted the breath-taking sum of $840.20. Thank you, everyone, for those wonderful donations of foods and fancies . We also made a comfortable sum of money on the Jennerstown benefit performance, the proceeds of which we split with the Teachers Association. This brought in $266.25. The playhouse was full that night, thanks to our loyal members, the Bittners. Those of us who saw "Two for the See-Saw" had a most enjoyable evening.
Now for the money we spent, last year : $50.00 went to the school Scout Fund, $50.00 towards the new elementary school library being set .up, and $150.00 to help defray the expenses of three delegates to the -biennial Volta Convention in Rochestei·, N.Y. at the end of June. Special mention must be made of the reconditioning of the Bowling Alleys. Mr. Harry Lewis secured the help of Mr, Rudolph Revilla and a crew of his men who came in several evenings, and completely renovated the two alleys in the gym without cost to us or the schooL Cordially, Dena Jacobson, Retiring Pres. Edward Shephard, Cor, Secy. --0--
Board Member Resigns Mr. Robert M. Fisher, Indiana, Pennsylvania, resigned as a member of the Board of Trustees of Western Peimsylvania School for the Deaf on June 21, 1960. Mr. Fisher had been in poor health for some time and felt that he could not attend the meetings of the Board. He was elected to membership on the Board September 25, 1951.
Durbin Dixon, President of the Senior Class of 1960 presented Dr. Craig With a gift or $190.00 to help defray the expenses for the new name plate for the front of our school. ·
GERTRUDE COLYER "G ERTRUDE" Portage, Penna. Long-haired, bash/ttl gal LIKES: Sewing and dancing DISLIKES: Housekeeping SAYING: " I don 't care." and "That's my business." ACTIVITIES: May Queen Court, Blue and Gold Club, Girls' Athletic Club, Girl Scout, Cheerleader, Read ing Club AMBITION : To be a supervisor or worker in a hospital.
ROBERT CUMBERLEDGE "BoB" Cameron, W. Va. Quiet and dreamy-eyes boy LIKES: Soccer, farmin g DISLIKES: Hard work and sports SAYING: "Of course ." and "Oh, I know." ACTIVITIES: Blue and Gold Club, Reading Club, First Class Boy Scout, Troop 32 AMBITION: To work with his brother in oil fields
"fRANK" FRANK DEL ROSSO Trafford, Penna. V it1aciow a11d active LIKES: D ancing, studying, coin collecting and loves everybody DISLIKES: Housework and geography SAYING: "Do you think that' s funny?" and "You know better." ACTIVITIES: Vice-President of Senior Class, Monitor, Vice-President of Explorer Scouts , Eag le Scout, Read ing Club, Manager of basketball and soccer teams, softball team, "Star of the Month" for March AMBITION : To attend Gallaudet College and to become a pharmacist
"SKIPPY" D URBIN DI XON Johnstown, Penna . . T all, quiet and shy LIKES: Hunting, animals and girls DISLIKES: Arithmetic, geography and sauer-kraut SAYING: "Oh, I see." ACTIVITIES : Moniror, Captain of wrestling team, President of Explorer Scouts, President of Senior Class, Eagle Scour, President of Reading Club, Blue and Gold Club, "Star of the Month" for November AMBITION: To attend Gallauder College and work in H ospital Administration
"DoN"' DONALD FAIRBANKS Au ltman, Penna. Qttiet, good looking lad LIKES : Television and basketball DISLIKES: Teasing SAYING: "What, what for?" ACTIVITIES: First Class Boy Scout, T roop 24, bowling AMBITION: To go to Trade School
"DICK" RICHARD FRIEND Wilkinsburg, Penna. Ambitious, good looking ai/Cl humorotts LIKES: Sports, hunting, Nancy, archery DISLIKES: Algebra and geography SAYING: "Why?" ACTIVITIES : All Star basketball player of 1960 in E. A. A. S. D ., Captain of Basketball Team, Captain of Soccer Team, Blue and Gold Club, Explorer Scout, Softball Team , Moniror _ AM BITION: To be a linotype _operator
ROGER HANNOLD "RoG" Pittsfield, Penna. Tall, handsome blo11de LIKES: Fishing and archery DISLIKES: Girl s SAYING: "Ha, Ha." ACTIVITIES: Reading Club, Second Class Boy Scout, Troop 19, Wrestling Team AMBITION: To work with his Fathe r
PATRICIA LECORCHICK ''PATTY" Pittsburgh, Penna. T all and glamorom blonde LIKES: Dancing, fancy clothes and "hair-dos" DISLIKES: Homework, biology and algebra SAYING: "So what? " ACTIVITIES : Treasurer of Senior Class, May Queen of 1960, Monitor, Treasurer of R eading Club, Blue and Gold Club, Cheerleader, Girls' Athletic Club, Curved Bar, Class Roster AMBITION: To go to Business College or to be a model
"HERKY" Mars, Penna. Handsome blo11de boy, looks like Tab Hu11ter LIKES: H unting, girls and farming D ISLIKES: Language and reading SAYING: '"No use. " and "Of course." ACTIVITI ES: Blue and Gold Club, Explorer Scout, Reading Club, Softball team, Basketball team, Soccer team AMBITION: To be a printer WINSTON LORD
MARGARET McCORKLE "MAGGIE" Wilkinsburg, Penna. T all and good natured girl LIKES: Sports, helping other people, dancing and cooking DISLIKES: Gossip SAYING: "So what 1 " ACTIVITIES: May Queen's Court, Blue and Gold Club, Girls' Athletic Club, Reading Club AMBITION: To be a beautician or cook
" J EFF" JEFFREY MEIER Johnsrown, Penna. T a!l, sf ender and quiet LIKES: Heart set on Carol, baseball, golf and bowling DISLIKES : Algebra and geography SAYING: "I forgot." ACTIVITIES: Read in g Club, Blue and Gold Club, Explorer Scout- Post 20 AMBITION: To be a linotype operator
LARRY NELSON "L:\RS" Pleasantville, Penna. Small of stature, humorous boy LIKES: Fishing, hunting, farming, hot rods, archery DISLIKES: Geography and language SAYING: "Of course." ACTIVITIES: First Class Scout, Troop 32, Blue and Gold Club, Read ing Club AMBITION: To be a printer or work for Sylvania
CONRAD NOKER D uBois, Penn a.
Good looking, tall, burnette guy LIKES: Pontiacs, girls, watches DISLIKES: Sports and study SAYING: "What )" "I do not know." ACTIVITIES: Blue and G old Club, Reading Club, First Class Boy Scou t, Troop 32 AMBITION: To work for Rockwell Company
RAY MOND ORR New Kensington, Penna.
"R AY"
Tall, handsome, curly-haired LIKES : Gol f, archery, fishing, Nancy DISLIKES: Arithmetic and algebra SAYING: "You know better." and "Too bad." ACTIVITIES: Blue and Gold Club, Reading Ciub, First Class Boy Scout, Troop 24 AMBITION: To work for Union Spring Co.
DONNA STITT Altoona, Penna.
Quiet, demure bumette LIKES: Reading mystery books, radio, sports and Howard DISLIK ES : Swimming, getting up early in the morning SAYING : "It's not my worry." ACTIVITIES: Blue and Gold Club, Secretary of Senior Class, Reading Club, Girls ' Athletic Club, May Queen's Court, M on itor, Class Prophecy AMBITION: To be a housewife
"BoB" ROBERT WEBB Alexandria, Penna. Hard w orking and good looking LIKES: Soccer, farming and hunting DISLIKES : Girl friends, lazy people and algebra SAYING: "None of your business." and "Bark!" ACTIVITIES: Vice-President of Reading Club, Star Scout, Explorer Post 20, Monitor AMBITION: To be a dairy farmer
THOMAS YOUNT Vandergrift, Penna. Six foot heavy-weight LIKES: Baseball, basketball, soccer DISLIKES: Teasing, school work, g irls SAYING : "Of course." ACTIVITIES: Blue and Gold Club, Read ing Club Soccer team AMBITION : Un decided
[jallaudet Vvepav路atovy CDepavtment VERLA GUM EDWARD HElD HARRY McWEE
CSlass History BY DURBIN DIXON This history of the Class of 1960 depicts the activities and events which high-lighted our school days at W. P. S.D. Frank DelRosso, Conrad Noker, Dick Friend, Larry Nelson, Robert Cumberledge and Patty Lecorchick came to the Primary Department in 1947 to begin their school life. Roger Hannold, Margaret McCorkle, Jack Antal, Durbin Dixon and Tom Yount came to the Primary Department in 1948. Durbin Dixon came from the Mt. Airy School for the Deaf in Philadelphia. Gertrude Colye::-- and Charles Allshouse came here in 1949. They came from public schools. In 1949 the athletic fields were laid out and completed. They were fine additions for th boys' and girls' athletic programs. Robert Webb, Raymond Orr, Donald Fairbanks and Winston Lord came here in 1950. Robert Webb and Donald Fairbanks entered the Primary Department. Raymond Orr and Winston Lord entered the Elementary Department. Robert Webb and Raymond Orr came from public schools. Winston Lord came from De Paul Institute. Donald Fairbanks came from Children's Hospital after a long illness. During the years, he has returned to the hospital for treatment. Jeffrey Meier came to the Elementary Department in 1951. He came from the Mt. Airy School for the Deaf in Philadelphia. In 1953 the boys' recreation room and the whole first floor on the boys' side were changed into classrooms. The old classrooms on the second floor on the boys' dormitories. The girls' recreation room and the whole floor on the girls' side were changed into classrooms about a year later. Donna Stitt came to the Elementary Department in 1954. She came from the Altoona Public School. In 1956 the girls' rooms in the basement were changed into modern rooms. The walls were repaired and painted and the floor tiled. They got beautiful new furniture and draperies. A kitchen, a beauty parlor, a playroom and several girls' lounges were furnished for the girls at this time. In 1957 we received a beautiful new place for our small children aged three to five. It is called "Aanarde". It is on the street above the Main Building. In 1958 the school got new tables and chairs for the large dining room. They are light wood and make our dining room beautiful. In 1959 the Boys' Reading Room was repaired and painted. The Sertoma Club bought new furniture and draperies for it. It is called "The Sertoma Room" now. Verla Gum, Edward Reid and Harry McWee successfully passed the Gallaudet College entrance examination in their Junior year. They entered college in September 1959. Our Senior activities were: an exploratory trip to Gallaudet Colleg~ last November; a roller skating party on St. Patrick's Day; "Ben Hur" a movie in Pittsburgh; "Senior Treat", a party at the gym; a picnic at Kennywood Park; and A May Day Festival. Patty Lecorchick was the May Queen of 1960. In this history we have given the important incidents. There were many interesting and humorous classroom activities and many minor illnesses and accidents during these years.
CSlass 1/Jvophecy .BY DONNA STITT
My first trip around the world came seven years after I graduated from the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf. It was a most interesting and gratifying trip because I met so many old friends and classmates. First I went to Paris on a Pan-American jet plane. I arrived there in four hours. One day while I was in Paris I went into a big department Rtore to buy some new dresses. I went up to the show room and while I was there I saw Patty Lecorchick modeling some exquisite dresses. Her beautiful blonde hair was worn high on her head. She was extremely thin and the perfect model. I had only time to say a few words to her. I would like 路~o have eaten luncheon with her but she was already booked for luncheon with a SwediRh Count. When I got on a boat, which was leaving for England, I found out that the Captain was Tom Yount. He was the same rotund jolly soul we had known in school. He told me that Jeffrey Meier and his wife, Carol, lived in England, near London. He gave me their address and I promised to go to see them. When my boat got into port I went to see them. I stayed there until that night and then I returned to my hotel room in London. I soon found out that that hotel was owned by Frank Del Rosso, who now owned many big hotels throughout Europe. He seemed happy and his personal appearance showed his prosperity. He was the same effervescent person he used to be at W. P. S. D. His family still lives in America. My next stop was Germany. I heard that Skippy Dixon was training dogs there. I went to his kennels and was surprised to see Robert Cumberledge, Donald Fairbanks and Roger Hannold working for him. They had large kennels and bred many kinds of dogs. They were especially famous for their work with seeing-eye dogs. I got onto another ship to sail to Italy. While on the boat I ran into Gertrude Colyer and Margaret McCorkle. Both were working on the boat as maids. Margaret was a stateroom maid and Gertrude was a dining room maid. We talked awhile and I learned that Conrad Noker, Larry Nelson and Charles Allshouse owned a big wine factory in Italy. All of them were happily married and had fine families. Next I moved on to Russia. I went to see one of the big farms and I was surprised to find that Robert Webb was the boss on a big dairy farm. Robert told me that Jack Antal and Dick Friend had very big jobs with the U.S. Government and that they were working in Russia at that time. Four days later I flew by jet plane to Yokohoma, Japan. Ray Orr and his wife, Nancy, met me at the airport. I stayed with them for one week. They showed me all around the beautiful country of Japan in their new car, a Chevrolet Corvair. The next week I got on a ship that was leaving for Hawaii. When I got there I checked into the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. I was very happy to learn that Winston Lord and his lovely wife, Joyce, had a room right next to mine. We had dinner and a swim together and I told them all about everyone I had met on this wonderful trip. I left for home the next day. I had a most interesting trip and was happy to see and learn how well everyone from the Class of "60" was doing. I hope to visit them all again in a few years.
Patty Lecorchick Reigns at --~..__
May Day Fete
From left to right: Donna Stitt, Gertrude Colyer, Patty Fluent, Joyce Thayer, Margaret McCorkle, Ruth Friend ( 1959 May Queen), Betty Maker, Patty Lecorchick ( 1960 May Queen ) , Andrea Kuric, Joan Hiney, Nancy Hoover, Carol Crawford, Francis Orange, Linda Lou Smith
The 1960 May Day celebration at the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf provided one of the most varied and colorful pageant enacted in this area in many years. Miss Patty Lecorchick reigned as May Queen over a spectacular celebration highlighted by Mayor Joseph M. Barr's keynoting speech and by precision student dance groups di路路 rected by Mrs. Virginia Schatz. The Parents Organization of the school under the leadership of their president, Mrs. Sidney Jacobson, added a cooperative effort to the festival by kicking off its first Country Fair and Bake Sale.
go through the various exhibits set up around _ the school and to visit the vocational buildings which were open for the occasion. The art room exhibit was introduced by student paintings hung along the staircase, and it featured such things as mosaics, painted trays and weaving. The whole room was given a festive air by the mosaic patterns or imitation stained glass covering all the windows. The Boy Scouts of the school set up an impressive exhibit on the "Fifty Years of
The day began with an open house during which parents and other interested parties toured the school and observed the teaching demonstrations. Promptly at 11 :30 the Country Fair opened up and began a booming business. Th8 fair was set up in the Summer House and included a Country Store, a Stitch-N -Sew counter, a Garden Center, a Plant Sale, and a Bake Sale. Items such as homemade maple syrup, handmade aprons, fresh breads and potted geraniums brought in a total revenue of over $650.00. Lunch was set up in the gymnasium with the Parents Organization serving the fran.ks and beans. After lunch visitors were free to
Prom left to rigbt: Mrs. S. Jacobson- Preside nt of tbe Patents Organization, Mrs. S. B. Craig, Mayor Joseph M. Barr, Mr. Jacobson
Sewing for the May Festival The preparation for the May Festival required careful planning and many willing hands. The Parents Organization offered their help and volunteers spent many hours making costumes for the event.
Scouting" theme, showing the old and the new from 1910 to 1960. The work done by the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf scouts for different merit badges was well displayed and included fine examples of work in basketry, home repairs, and woodworking. At 2:00 the crowd of 450 gathered on the field for the much awaited "May Day Festival". Mayor Barr's speech expressed his pleasure with the school, the children, and the festivities of the day. Dr. Craig acknowledged. Then the music began, the "Children from the Village" appeared on the field and the program was underway. This year the may day committee, under the direction of Mrs. Schatz, decided to go back to the Old English custom of "Bringing
in the May" for the theme of the festival, and a vivid production ensued. Students, brightly customed as flowers, birds, and trees, danced and plucked the "flowers" for the Queen's throne. The Queen's Procession arrived with the Queen's Court, last year's Queen, Ruth Friend, and the Queen of the May herself, Patty Lecorchick. Suddenly, Tom Kuszaj and Judy Kramer appeared as Robin Hood and Maid Marian, followed by the "Men and Maiden Morris Dancers". With a lithe and merry dance step, they paid homage to their queen and entertained both the queen and the entire audience. The newly crowned queen and her CL1Urt then led the way off the field, and another highly successful May Day was complete. -HELEN CRAIG
The Garden Center One of the local merchants loaned part of his garden stock to the Parents Organization so that a garden center could be set up at the Country Fair. All kinds of garden tools and garden aids were displayed and visitors had an opportunity to purchase whatever they wished.
The Stitch-N-Sew Centet One of the attractions during the recent Open House was the Country Fair. The Stitch-N-Sew Center gave the visitors an opportunity to buy many attractive home craft items donated by members of the Parents Organization.
Tri Delta Sorority The local chapter of the Tri Delta Sorority was entertained at the school recently. The members were given an opportunity to see some classroom work in the way of demonstrations in the auditorium and then were taken on a guided tour of the grounds and buildings. Punch was served in Aanarde, our nursery school. From left Mrs. ~ Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.
to right: A. B. Bowden. Recording Secretary W . G. Beal- Primary T eacher E. E. Hughes - Vice President A. P. Hutchinson- President P. D . Remington- T reasurer D . ]. Madigan - Cori"esponding Seci"etary
Star of the Month Award The awards for the "Star of the Month" for the months of May and June went to Nancy Nance in the Junior Division and to Nancy Hoover in the Senior Division. Congratulations to these students for winning t hese awards two months in succession.
N ancy Nance and Nancy Hoover
Readi-ng Club
.. The officers' duties are to 路watch the boys and keep them quiet. If any boys tear the newspapers and magazines, the officers will warn them. They also will see that the boys keep the room neat and not sloppy. If the boys do not behave, the officers warn them, and give them one more chance. That Reading Room is used for study and reading and many things, and the furniture is comfortable. Some boys are interested 路in reading and want to help the other boys. They are most interested in sport papers. This Reading Room was furinished last year by the Sertoma Club of Pittsburgh. Bert Johnson, President GIRLS' READING GLUE
We have a Reading Club made up of members from the girls' side. The girls voted for the following officers: President-Joyce Thayer; Vice PresidentFrances Orange, and Treasurer-Linda Lou Smith.
Bert Johnson, Donald Stiffler, Richard Baker Joyce Thayer, Linda Smith, Frances Orange BOYS' READING CLUB
Last Wednesday, September 7, the Boys' Reading Club met in the Recreation Room. They voted for someone to become President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and Sergeants. The officers were chosen from the monitors. Richard Baker, Bert Johnson and Terry Matthews were nominated for President. Bert Johnson was surprised that he became President. Then they voted for Vice President. Donald Stiffler is Vice President. Richard Baker is Secretary and Treasurer. The six monitors left were called Sergeants. The meeting of the Reading Club was over. Richard Baker's duty is to collect money for newspapers and magazines. It costs 75c for one year. Richard is still collecting from some "of the boys. Bert helps Richard with his r esponsibilities. Donald helps Bert to make the Reading Club a good one.
Any of the Advanced girls may belong to the Club and read the newspapers and magazines in th Club room. All who belong to the Club must pay dues. When you hear about important news, you may read about it in the newspaper. When something happens you can understand it if you read the newspaper. We are also interested in reading the comics, sports and fashion sections. --0--
Staff Changes When school reopened in September the following changes on the staff were noted: Miss Kay Oplinger had resigned to be married. After her wedding she and her husband will live in Indianapolis, Indiana and she will teach in the Indiana State School for the Deaf. Due to a serious automobile accident Mrs. Mary McCanne was not able to return to her classroom duties on the opening of school.
-------------------------------------------------------------路-----Mrs. Ethelyn Lawson moved to New Jer-
Dr. Schunhoff to California
sey and resigned from her position, here. Mrs. Jean Withers moved from the Pittsburgh area so had to give up her work as a teacher in this school. Miss Connie Killingsworth left to be married. To fill the vacancies on the staff we are happy to welcome Miss Ada Mundinger and Mrs. Mary McBride who had taught here formerly, Miss Joan Bensinger, Mrs. JoAnn Clapp, Miss Mary Lou Frisbie, and Mr. Carl Kirchner.
Summer Repairs During the summer vacation a great deal of work was done on the school plant. New fire proof stairs were added to the Shop Building and to the Laundry Building. The outside of Aanarde was painted. Inside . an auxiliary lighting system was installed. This will start up automatically when the regular system fails and will add to the safety of the children. The greatest amount of work was done on the third floor of the girls' wing, Main Building. The two large dormitory rooms on the third floor were divided into twelve smaller bedrooms to take care of from two to six girls each. Two lounge areas were prepared, one in each end of the building. New furniture was bought for the bedrooms and the lounges. At the opening of school the painting had not been completed and all of the furniture had not been delivered. However, the situation is gradually improving and soon the girls will have very comfortable living quarters. All of the buildings were wired for an auxiliary lighting system and a generator ordered. As soon as this arrives the old gas night lights will disappear from the halls. The usual amount of painting, repairing and cleaning was completed.
Dr. Hugo F. Schunhoff, superintendent of the West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and Blind at Romney since 1953, resigned to accept a similar position at the California School for the Deaf at Berkeley. His resignation became effective August 31. The 52 -year-old native of Fort Gage, Ill., went to West Virginia from Gallaudet College, Washington, where he had been director of education for teachers of the deaf. Prior to that, he taught in schools in Minnesota, Texas, Illinois and Missouri. Dr. Schunhoff replaces Dr. Elwood Stevenson who retired from the superintendency of the California Institution after 32 years' service. His new home is located near the campus of the University of California. --0--
Mr. Brady, Superintendent of The West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and Blind Friends here were pleased to hear of the appointment of Mr. Jack W. Brady to the superintendency of the West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and Blind in Romney. Mr. Brady came to the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf in the fall of 1952 to join the Teacher Training Class. While training he assisted as a boys' counsellor. Before coming to Pittsburgh, he had some experience in the School for the Deaf in Georgia, his native State. After teaching a short time here he returned to Georgia to serve as rehabilitation counsellor to the deaf. In 1957 he returned to the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf to teach and to continue studying at the University of Pittsburgh where he received the Master of Education degree. In the fall of 1959 he went to the American School for the Deaf in Hartford, Connecticut, as principal of the school. On the resignation of Dr. Hugo Schunhoff to accept the superintendency of the California
THE WESTERN PENNSYLVANIAN School for the Deaf, Mr. Brady was invited to head up the Romney school. We are happy to see Mr. Brady receive this professional honor and to have him in a neighboring school. --0--
the long week-end may call for them AFTER CLASSES on Thursday, October 6. A suitable program will be planned for the pupils who remain at school. All pupils should return at the usual time on Sunday.
Mangan Heads Illinois School Dr. Kenneth R. Mangan has been named superintendent of the Illinois School for i:he Deaf. H e succeeds the late Thomas K. Kline who died in June. Dr. Mangan, who most recently was prin~i pal of the Gallaudet School in St. Louis, has been an associate professor of education at t he University of Illinois. His 21 years of experienc路e in the education of the deaf include several years at the Michigan School. Augus~ , 1960-The,Silent Worker --0--
Note to Patents On Friday, October 7, classes will be dism;sssd to permit the teachers to attend the \VE:s ':ern P ennsylvania Education Institute. Parents who want their children at home for
Sam B. Craig, Sup erintendent --a--
Information for Parents of Deaf Children The members of the Conference of Execut ives of American Schools for the Deaf, f ounded in 1868, have arranged for periodic distribution of packets of reprints for parents of deaf children. It is the desire of the Conference members to help the parents become more acutely aware of the educational aspe;ts of deafness and the potentialities of their children whose hearing is impaired. Th :; 1960 packet, containing twelve reprin 's, is now being distributed. These packets sell for fifty cents. Orders should be sent to The Editor, American Annals of the Deaf, Gallaudet College, Washington 2, D. C.
Watch Out, Tigers
First row, left to ri[!;ht : Stanley Kot, D ale Ford, .lack Otterman, George Prentice, R odney Danca. Second 1路ow : .Terry Bush, Darwin Mitch ell, Charles Lewis, George Klassen, David H oover, Fred Hicks, Wayne Biddle. Th ird row : H arvey Naylor, D onald H earn,
Last spring the boys had a softball Tournament. There were four teams named Panthers, Bears, Tigers, and Lions. Dale Ford was the captain of the Tigers Softball team. The Tigers and Panthers were rivals. The umpires were Harvey Naylor, Donald Hearn and Adolph Binotto. Dale was the pitcher for the Tigers. He was a very good pitcher. They won 14 games and lost 2 games. Jerry Bush played at first base. Fred Hicks played at second base. Stanley Kot played at short stop. Charles Lewis played at third base. Darwin Mitchell was the catcher. Rodney Danco, Jack Otterman, George Prentice, Wayne Biddle, George Klassen, and David Hoover were the outfielders. Dale Ford got 17 home runs. Many of the boys were good hitters. The Tigers won the tournament and played an All-Star game. The Tigers won the AllStar game. The Tigers were awarded Lion H ead "T" shirts. -By Rodney and Dale
Staff JUembers Attend Summer Meeting of the Alexander Graham Bell Association The following members of our staff attended the twenty-fourth summer meeting of the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf, held in Rochester, New York, June 26 to July 1: Christopher G. Smith, Marion M. Quick, Rosemary Burke, Ranier Hawkins, Genevieve Barnes, Hannah Oehler, and Phoebe Oehler. The following parents of our school attended the Parents' Section of the meeting: Mrs. Jacobson, Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson, and Mrs. Shephard. --0--
Alumni News The kids are back to their own grinds and so do the adults who are back from their vacationlands. Its newly appointed reporter hopes that everyone of you really had a nice vacation during the summer. There were several marriages during the previous year. Here are the following newlyweds : Joyce Richardson to John J anaszek, April 30th.; Betsy Schwalm to Paul Otis, May 7th.; Carol Daberko to William Fry, May 14th.; Jean Henry to Paul B. Gum, Jr., June 4th. All were the graduates of W.P.S.D. except John Janaszek and Paul Otis. Mrs. Paul Otis (Betsy Schwalm) and William Fry were former alumni reporters. The 17th Reunion of the Alumni Association of the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf was held at W.P.S.D. on June 24, 25 and 26. The banquet was held at the school. There was a nice big crowd. Hope you folks enjoyed meeting your old friends. Joan Lebda is displaying a sparkler on her left hand, given to her by John DeLong. Haven't set the wedding date yet. Both are graduates of W.P.S .D. Congratulation!
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vaughn of Detroit are the proud parents of a baby boy - born on July 19th. and tipping the scale at 7 pounds and 9 ounces. Mrs. Ralph Vaughn is the former Florence Faulds. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Schwartzman motored to Texas with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shultz and children of York, Pa. for a two weeks vacation during July. It was reported that they had a pleasant trip. Nancy Conte, a graduate of W.P.S.D., is the new supervisor for the little girls this fall. How do you like your new job, Nancy? Zada Hockman finally got a job as sewing machine operator for the blind people in Oil City. She has been looking for a job for two years. Good for you, Zada and we do hope you like your job. There was an alumni outing at the summer house at W.P.S.D. on Labor Day. Good refreshments were served. Pretty good crowd! The oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reese of McDonald, Ohio, underwent a tonsillectomy recently. She is doing fine now. Mrs. Harry Reese is the former Ann Smith and also is the sister of Linda Lou Smith. Paul B. Gum, Jr., is now employed at the Post-Gazette-Sun-Telegraph. Mrs. Frances Friend went back to Arizona in her own car. She went back to her last year's job as a supervisor in the dining room. She is the mother of Ruth and Dick Friend. Durbin Green, Sr.,father of Durbin Green, died on September 15 after a lingering illness. Our sympathy goes to the immediate family. If there is anything you want to say or if
you want to make an announcement - feel free to drop a letter or postal card to the address of 1238 Gallupe Drive, Pittsburgh' 26, Pa. ' Mrs. Jean Gum, Alumni Reporter
CLASS OF 1961 • John R. McCune, Jr. Charles Lockhart James E. Hindman C. Snowdon Richards Dr. Kenneth M. Day • Joseph G. Horne Beverly R. Shriver George Roth Craig
CLASS OF 1962 "Rees T. Scully William A. Gordon John Gilfillan L. H. Wilcox *Harold E. Meyer Spencer R. Hacker Francis B. Nimick, Jr.
JOSEl'.tl G. HORNE Secretary CLASS OF 1963 Charles .L. McCune Henry Chalfant, Jr. John G. Frazer, Jr. *Richard D. Edwards Hon. Hugh C. Boyle *George McKee Blair Frederick W. Okie Robert Rundle
• Members of the Executive Committee
• TERMS OF ADMISSION This School is an institution of learning incorporated under the laws of the State. It was built and is sustained by contributions of benevolent persons and by legislative appropriations, and is designed to afford a good common school education to all deaf children in Western Pennsylvania. It is open to all such of suitable age and capacity for receiving instruction in conformity to the rules adopted for its government. The School is located at Edgewood in Allegheny County, a short distance east of the City of Pittsburgh and within a few minutes' walk of Edgewood Station on the main line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The legislature makes provisions for the education and maintenance of State pupils, the State paying three-fourths and the school districts from which pupils come paying one-fourth of the cost. The State assumes the full cost for all pupils under six years of age and over 21 years of age. Children are admitted as young as three years of age. Parents and guardians supply their children with necessary clothing, paying the traveling expenses of the pupils to and from the school, also a nominal incidental fee. Children are regularly admitted upon application from their parents or guardians and approved by their local school authorities. The annual session of the School usually begins on the second week of September and continues for forty weeks, until about the middle of June. Sam B. Craig, Superintenrlent