OF 1962
The Western Pennsylvania Schaal /or the Dea/
Class Motto
Class Flower 'JJin/~ Cawation
Class Color
Our Superint-endent
To the Members of the Graduating Class of 1962 Again it is time to bid a fine group of yo ung people farewell and to wish them success as they leave the halls of the Western Penn sylv~inia School for the Deaf. It has been a pleasure to work with the members of this class over the past years. I am proud of each and every one of them and am confident that each will do well according to his interests and to h is talents. It is our hope t hat you will remember your school days w ith pleasure and that you will come back for a visit from time to time. Sincerely, Sam B. Cr aig
A d ministrative Principal I am s ure you will a lways r emember the yea r s you spent at school. We know you h ave don e your very best and as you enter other activities, we hope you will continue to put for t h your best effort. It has been a pleasure to be associated with you, a nd I a m happy over t he achievements you have made. A ll members of t he staff an d myself wish you a h a ppy and s uccessf ul f uture. Sin cerely, Christopher G. Smith
_._4.. cadernic Principal It has been a pleas ur e to wor 1\ wit h the class of 1962. I f eel conf ident t h at your per sistence will lead to your contin uing success. I am proud to join your friend s a n d teacher s as they wish you happiness in the years to come. M. Qnick
Mr. Salem, Lan guage Mrs. Uber, General Mrs. Edge, R eading Miss Mundinger, Mathematics
Mr. Holliday, H istm路y
Mrs. Stanton, B iology Mr. Barner, Genm路al Mrs. Schatz, Rh?;thm Mr. Kirchner, Gener-al
Mr. Stant on, Woodwork Mrs. Con way, Clothing Miss Emery, B usiness
Mr. DiSanto, Painting Mr. Hursh, Metal W 011.:
Mrs. Ockay, A rt Mr. Dickson, P1 路inting Mrs. Lawler, Fo ocls
Class Officers
Back 1·ow, left to 1·ight: Miss Mundinge1 ·, Donald Sti[jte1·, Richanl Bake1· F1·ont 1·ow, left to 1·ight: Nancy H oover, lVh. Dickson, Nathie M a?'V'U1'Y President .
Vice P r esident
Secreta r y
Advisors .
LIKES: alge bra, reading books about war, hunting DISLIKES: swimming, bei ng teased PET EXPRESSION: \'\That for ? ACTIVITIES: Vice-President of Senior Class, President of Explorer Scour, Star Scout, Vice-P resident of Read ing Club, Mon itor, Basketball a nd Soccer Teams
DARVIN BENNETT LIKES: bowling, :lancing
" Darvin"
D ISLIKES: basketb~ll, any spores PET EXPRESSION: T oo Bad, Srop being a big head ACTIVITIES: Boy Scout, Reading Club AMBILON: H opes to work in bakery shop
"T ufty"
Ll KES: Pontiacs, Barba ra, dancing D ISLI KES: g irls, winter, to be lonesnme PET EXPRESSION: " Yes", " W hy nor!" ACTIVITIES: Boy Scout, Reading Ch.:b, Soccer and \'V'rcsrling T eams AMBITION: To go to Trade School
AMBITION: T o attend Gallaudct Colh:gc
"Caw! Lee"
LIKES: P izza, dancing, driving, sports. DISLIKES: Argu mellls PET EXPRESSION : Srop being jealous, I don't like chat ACTIVITIES: Monitor, Reading Club, May Queen Comr, Capr.un of Varsity Cheerleade rs, Girl Scuuts AME!TION: Undecided
LIKES: H ot rods, p lay ing football, fl irting with girls DISLIKES: play ing baske(b<,! l, teat;.
LIKES : Boxing, swimm ing, M usic, hoc r ods
PET EXPRESSION: That's roo bad, so what ACTIVITIES: Boy Scout, w<.:ccr team , Reading Club AMBITION: To go to T rade School
"Gus" h earing
D ISLIKES: to listen to gossip P ET EXPRESSION: I can't open it, couldn 't help it ACTIVITIES : Boy Scour, Mon itor, Reading Club AM an-roN: H opes to work in Rubber Company
"N D ."
DISLIKES: Puning ing glasses
PET EXPRESSION : Stop bothering me, Stop that laughing
PET EXPRESSION : That's no e xcuse
ACTIVITIES: Monitor, Re ading soccer-wrestling reams
ACTIVITIES : May Q ueen of 62, Girl Scout, R eading Club
PET EXPRESSION: Leave what happened to you
weara lone,
ACTIVITIES: Girl Scouts, Reading Club
fig hting
othe r
AMBITI ON : To go to Trade
Club School
LIKES : Teasing food, R onnie
" P-any"
LIKES: Bobby, swimming, sports, driving
b::>ys, onions, Italian
T rouble
a housewife
AMBITION: To be a seamstress
"Tim' 路
g irls
swimming, golf
ACTIVITIES: Boy Scout, R eading Cbb i\MBITION:
Alge bra,
bel pful,
J oc
DISLIKES: boys, biology
DISLIKES: Spelling
PET EXPRESSION : \Xi' bat are you looking at me for?
ACTIVITIES: M on iror, May Quee n Co urt, Secretary of Senior Class President of R ead ing Club, Girl Scouts AMBITION: T o go Junior College
ACTIVITIES: Monitor, G irl Scout, R eading Club i\M131TION: To be a housewife
/_ :
NATHIE l. MARBURY "Strawberry "
LIKES: Italian food, Albe n , literature, dancing
DISLIKES: algebra, spinach and celery PET EXPRESSION: "go home a nd get lost," Don't ask me, look in the dictionary ACTIVITI ES: Presidenr of Senior Class, May Cou rt, Reading Club, Girl Scour
DISLIKES : T o do nothing, to sweep the floor PET EXPRESSION: T oo Bad ACTIVIT!i:S: Boy Scout, Reading Club, Wrestl ing T eam AMBITION: Undecided
GLORIA MOSKAL LIKES: sewing, chewing g um
D ISLIKES: girls who discurb her, sitting too much PET EXPRESSION: ACTIVITIES: Girl Scout, Read ing Clnb AMBITION: To be a seamstress
AMlliTION: To attend Gallaudct College
SANDRA LEE O S.EW ALT arithmetic, LIKES: sewing, DISLIKES: Long hair
"Sandy" D av id
PET EXPRESSION: What for, -1 don't care Acn vrnES: Girl Scout, Reading Clu b AMBITION: To be a housewife
L IKES: D ancing, swimming, T om D ISLIKES: onions, rolle r skating, get tin;; up early in the morn
LIKES: Basketball , Pi rates, driving DISLIKES: Washing the d ishes, girls P er EXPRESSION : D on't tease m e
PET EXPR ESSION: I can't help it
ACriVITIES: Boy Scour, R eading Club
ACTIVITI ES: Monitor, G irl Scout, :May Queen Court, Reading Club
AMmTION: To work in the hospital and be a housewife
H opes
work at Gas
" Bobby"
LI KES : Dodgers, Pizza, teasing sports
DIS LI KES : Going ro the dentist
"D onnie" girl~ ,
D ancing,
" Richarct" roo
DISLIKES : Pirates, read ing
ACTJVITIES: Boy Scout, Reading Club, W restling T earn
PET EX PRESSION: What's so funny ?
ACTIVITI ES: Reading Club, Boy Scout
ACTIVITIES: Treasurer of Senior C lass, President o f Reading Club, T reasurer of Explore r Scour, Star Scout, Monitor, Basketball, Soccer, track teams
A MBITION : T o be a beauty shop operator
AMBITION: Undecided
So what '
AMBITION: To attend Gallaudet College
" Dave路'
LIKES: Baseball, Sandra DISLIKES : T ennis, f ighting PET EXPRESSION: What's for, care
ACTIVITIES: Boy Scout, R eading Clu b
" Bo b"
LIKES: Dancing, girls, driving
LIKES : Sleeping, telling jokes, Nancy
DISLIKES: I'ig hring, being teased
DISLIKES: To get up early in the morn, algebra
PET EXPRESSION: Too Bad ACTIVITJES: Boy Scout, R eading Club, Soccer Team AMBITION : To be a n auto repairman or a mi lkman
PET EXPRESSION: Hee Haw, T oo Bad ACTIVITIES: Explorer Scout, R eading Club, Monitor, Basketball, Soccer T eams AMBITION: To be a carpenter
Class I-Iistory By Richa1路d Bake1路 We, the Senior Class of 1962, are so grateful to our school fo r helpi11g us get a good education. Also we appreciate our Superi~tendent and Principals who allowed us to have many activities out of school. Some of us have remained here over twelve years. Others came here a few years ago because they attended public schools, DeP a ul Institute or other schools for the deaf. I n 1948 Timothy Grinder, Richard Subasic, Rober t Za tko a nd Robert Ross were the first students in our class to attend this school. In 1949 Mary Jane Ludwick, J a net Reisinger, P a ul Blamble, Russell Carney, Donald H.oadman and Donald Stiffler joined t hem. In 1950 Darvin Bennett , Nathie Marbury, Richard Baker and Sandra Osewalt entered school. Gloria Moskal and David Varner joined us in 1951. In 1953 Nancy Hoover and Melvin Berkheimer came here from public schools. Earl Wingard and E lwood Flanders came here from public schools in 1956. In 1957 Patr icia F luent came her e from DePaul Institute. In 1958 Carol Bisesi, Nancy Diehl and Stanley l\Iarketich joined with us. Both of the girls came here from DePaul Institute. Stanley came here from public school. We went t o ma ny picnics and parks and had many a musements vvhen we were in the elementary a nd intermediate departments . We can well r emember our life in school. When we were in t he Junior and Sophomore Class, we had less recreation than we have now. Our Senior Activities were roller skating ; a movie at t he Fulton, "El Cid"; The SeniorS'-Play in the chapel ; Senior Prom; a baseball game at Forbes Field; a visit to the museum and the Flower Show; and a trip to Kennywood Park. The basketball tournament of the Eastern Schools for the Deaf \Vas held at W.P.S.D. Three of the class, Richard Bal<er, Donald Stiffler and Robert Zatko were member s of the varsity basketball. We shared our interests with the other players from many deaf schools. Carol Bisesi and Nathle Marbury were cheerleaders. Patricia Fluent was selected t he May Queen of 1962. Carol Bisesi, Nathie Marbury, Na ncy H oover and Janet Reisinger were the May Court . This year our track was started. We had meet s with two other schools. We had a wonderful time during our school days at W.P.S.D. vVe can look back on those days wit h a ppreciation and t ha nkfulness that we were given the opportunity to r eceive a good education.
C lass Prophecy B y Nancy H oove1路 and Nathie Ma1路bu1'y
On our commencement night, we vowed that we would m eet in h a lf a century in Mercury, Moonstate, where everything m oved a t fast speeds. We, NANCY HOOVER a nd N ATHIE MARBURY, donned s pacesuits wi th remote con trols on t h e outside. As we wer e soaring high overhead, we met RICHARD BAKER and his wif e CAROL BISESI and their da rlin s quad ruplet s. We chattered about the old times at W.P.S.D. as we went on our wa y to Mercury. We were so loquacious a nd didn't know how we could stop so we decided to stay a t Ber k heimer '::; H ot el which was the proper ly of MELVIN BERKHEIMER and his wife, PATRICIA FLUENT. There we saw STANLEY MARKETICH, TIMOTHY GRINDER, a nd DONALD ROAD MAN working as por ters. We -ha d no t ime to talk, excep t to say " Hi" . Melvin s umm oned his bellboys to g uide us to our r ooms . We r ecognized DAVID VARNER, R USSELL CARNEY, and P AUL BLAMBLE. On t h e wa y to the esca lator , we bumped into Mr s. Va rner nee SANDRA OSEWALT, t he h c~d m a nicurist. She was h eading for bach elor DoNALD STIFFLER'S office. H e had a seven ty-five cent cigar sticking ou t his mouth. As we wen t in, Mr . Stiffle r 's face was c:wer ed wit h big p uffs of smoke. We could h a rdl y see if h e was as handsome as ever. H e h a d pure whit e hair and still looke d handsome. He didn' t recognize 9s :;tt first'; t hen {n a minute, he smiled from ear to ear, a nd gr eeted us cord ially .. I-r'c was t he president of a baseba ll t eam and sh owed us pictures of Who's Who in baseball. So a stonished we were f or E ARL WINGARD was the ma n ager of th e W.P.S.D. Lions in Mer cury. vVe we1路e r eady t o drop f r om exh a ustion as we cn ler ed our be1r oom. \ Ve heard a f a int kn ock on th e door th a t aroused us. We saw Paul h a d a telegr am for us so we signed our names. It was of an inv itation to ROBERT ZATKO and GLORIA MOSKAL's Golden wedding a nnive1路sar y. W e donned our space forma l gowns a nd wen t to t he Zatko Mansion. Jn the ballroom everyon e was waltzing when we came in. We wer e so asto unded t o see maid NANCY DIEHL a nd but ler RoBERT Ross as t hey took our wraps. They wer e h a ppily ma rried and h a d twins of their own . .Later Prin ce Charming, RICHARD SUI3ASIC a n d his Cinder ella, J ANET R EISINGER, came out in a pumpk in space coach as DARVIN BENNETT, t h e driver, opened the d oor for them. We wer e so amazed tha t ther e was a n ur se a nd a doctor in the house. Then we r ealized t hey were MARY L UDWICK and E LWOOD FLANDERS. We v.:ere g lad to see Dr. F la n ders and N urse L udwick because we wer e a ll about t o die la ughing, but t hey gave us all some smelling salts. T hen the clock struck twelve a n d Janet came fl oating through t he air with Rich a rd to t l1e coach. We a ll r ealized it was gett ing late a nd excused ourselves to go h ome. Robert a n d Gloria wer e gr ateful tha t we a ll made it p ossible to celebr ate their a nniversar y. We appreciated t h e opportunity to see a n d visit wit h our old g r aduates of the Class of 1962 .
Class Legacy B y R obe1路t Zatlco The Senior Class of 1962, being of sound mind and m em ory, do hereby make and publish t his our last will a nd testament. To Dr. Craig, our Superintendent, we leave a s um of m oney t o be used on one of the many projects at the sch ool. To the principals, to a ll our t eachers, to our counsellors, to t h e household s taff, to t he medical staff and to the vocational instructor s, we wish to express our thanks f or giving us a good education and helping us gr ow into healt h y mature people. To Kay John son, Nancy Hoover leaves her experience in working on Algebra. To Carol Falk, Nathie Marbury hands over her love of eating during her spar e t ime. To Nancy Nance, Janet R eisinger leaves her lousy dancing ability. To T eresa J ezewski, Nancy Diehl leaves her talent for flirting w it h the boys. To Joan Jarvie, Car ol Bisesi bequeaths her quiet manners a nd good behavior. To Susan Bittner, Gloria Moskal leaves her love to sit all t he time. To Susanne Bittner, Sandra Osewalt transfers her quiet m a nner s . To Violet McDermott, P att y F l uent leaves her love of writ ing lett er s to h er boyfrien d. To Mr. H olliday, Mary Jane L udwick leaves her hot temper. To Rober t H a r di ng, Donald Stiffler leaves his interest in r eading abo ut sports. To Tom Brown, Richard Baker gives his experience a s a basketball
star. To Marty Major, Robert Zatko lea ves his roaring yells . To Ralph Maxwell, Russell Carney gives his inter est in talking abo ut the speed of cars. T o Malcolm Weber, Robert R oss leaves his way of dressing in s loppy clot hes. To Rodney Danco, Donald Roadm a n leaves his fondness f or working in the dining r oom. To Harold Mow!, Earl Wingard leaves his unbelievable st ories. To Mr . Salem , Melvin Berkheimer leaves his inter est in answering questions about h ot rods. To Pat Parson, Paul Blamble leav es his ability to grow taller. To Dale F ord, E lwood Flanders leaves hi s shyness when h e meets girls . To Danny Campbell, Darvin Bennett lea ves his love for dressing in neat clothes. To Frank Pekala, Richard S ubasic leaves his p olite behavio1路. To Eddie Smith, Stanley Marketich hands over his love for w orking in the kitchen and on the campus . To J ack Otterman, D avid Varner leaves his ability to play baseball. To Bill Smith, Tim Grinder gives his new way of sm iling.
Ch em-/eaders
Basketball Tea1n
Soccer Team
W'res f ling 1~a 111