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"!Be :W'Z.e !:JOU'Z.e rz.i9ht, then 90 ahead." - fh a.r.:r!l Cwakdt
Dr. Sam B. Craig
To The Class of 1963: The Class of 1963 is t he largest group to be graduated from the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf - thirty seven in number. To each of you I want to offer m y congratulations and to wish you success and happiness in whatever you undertake. You will be missed here at the school but those of us who remain will remember you for yo ur contributions. I hope you will look back on your years here as being pleasant ones and that yo u will visit us frequently. Sam B. Craig, Superintendent
Mr. Christopher G. Smith
Mr. William Walker Mr s. Genevieve Barnes
Mrs. Margaret Stanton
Mr. Carl Kirchner
Mr . Milford Holliday
Mrs. Priscilla Schuman
Mrs. Ada Smith
Mrs. Elizabeth Smith
Mr. Solomon Schwartzman
Miss Audrian Kukleski
Mr. John Barner
Mrs. Florence Lawler
Mrs. Ruth Ludovico
Mrs. Zita Conway
Mrs. Mary Ann Clark
Mr . Carl Hursh
Mr. John Stanton
Mr . James DiSanto
Mr. Wesley Dickson
Mrs. Margaret Ockay
Harold Mowl
Nancy Nance
Rodney Danco
. Dale Ford
Mrs. Ada S mith Mr. James Salem
Dale Fonl M1路s. Ada Smith H a1路old M owl !vh路. James Salem Rodney Danco Nancy N anee
. Dale F ord Ralph Maxwell . Kay Johnson Rodney Da nco Mrs. Ruth Ludovico
Ralph Maxwell Kay J ohnson Dale F o1路d N/?'s. Ruth L udovico Rodney Danco
Kay Johnson M1·. W esley Dickson Ralph Maxw ell T en·y Matthews M1·s. Ge1·t1·ude H anes Sandm Kennedy
. Ralph Maxwell
Terry Matthews
. Kay Johnson
Sandra Kennedy
. Mrs. Gertrude Hanes Mr. Wesley Dickson
RALPH MAXWELL "R alphie" LIKES: baked beans, Pirates DISLIKES: Too much work, getting up early PET EXPRESSION : "Not my worry" ACTIVITIES: Soccer, Vice P resident of Lite rary Society, Student Council, President of the Senior Class, Softball, Presidcm of the Reading Club, basketball AMBITION: Go to Gallaudet College
"Terry" TERRY M ATTH EWS liKES: M ath, joking DISLIKES: Argu ing, teasing PET EXPRESSION : "You th ink I'm fun ny" ACTIVITIES: Capra in of basketball and soccer teams, Explorer Scout, Vice President o f the Senior Class, Literary Society, Secretary of th e R ead ing Club, m onitor AMBITION: T o attend Gallaudet College
"K ay" KAY JO HNSON LrK ES: Sports, Iikes to read DISLI KES: Being mad, doing nothing PET EXPRESSION: "J forgot" ACTIVITI ES: May Queen of 1963, Girl Scour, Reading Club, Secretary of Literary Society, Secretary of Student Council, Captain of Cheerleaders, Secretary of Senior Class AMBITION: To attend Gallaudet College
SANDRA LEE KENNEDY "Sandy" LIKES: Algebra, horseback riding, sports DISLIKES: Going to school P ET EXPRESSION: ''I'm not afraid of
RUSSELL ANDER SON "Rusty" l iKES: Exercise, to be a bachelor DISLIKES: Soccer and dancing PET EXPRESSION: "Nothing, nothing" ACTIVITIES: R eading Club , Boy Scout, and ilowling AMBITION: Go to t rade school
"Tom" TOM BROWN LIKES: To watch sports DISLIKES: Smarr alecs PET EXPRESSION: "That's all right," "Not a bad idea" ACTIVITIES : Wrestling, track, monitor, V ice President of Explorer Scouts, Reading Club, Student Council AMBITION: Go to trade school
"]essie" JESSIE BURK LIKES: Roller skating, the twist DISLIKES: Spinach, rice PET EXPRESSION: "So sure" "Not my worry" Acnvr nEs: Girl Scours AMBITION: To be a typist
ACTIVITIES: May Queen Court, Literary Society, Reading Club, Treasurer of Senior Class, Class Legacy, Girl Scout AMBITION: To attend Gall audet College
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"M ole" GORDON BURROWS LIKES : hunt ing, fishing a nd H ot R ods D ISLIKES: football , Pittsburgh , and long lessons PET EXPRESSION : "So What" ACriVITIES: Bowling, soccer, R ead ing Club, Boy Scour AMBITION: To go to trade school to be a draftsman
"Bob" ROBERT D AVIS LIKES : H ot dogs D ISLIKES : Science work, long lessons PET EXPRESSION: "You think I'm easy ?" ACTIVITIES : Reading Club, Boy Scout, monitor and bowling AMBITION: Undecided
"G ary" GARY FAUST LIKES : Bowling, swimming DISLIKES: Carrots, football P ET EXPRESSION: " D on't bother m e" "T oo bad" Acnvrr ms: Boy Scout, R eading Club AMBITION: Be an outdoor handyman or janitor in a hosp ital
"Biondie" SHIRLEY fETZER LIKES: L istening to the radio a nd records DISLIKES: Getting up early 111 the m o rning. PET EXPRESSION: " D on' t ask me silly questions" ACTIVITIES: Cheerleader, Girl Scout, Literary Society, R eading Club AMBITION: U ndecided
"D onna" DONNA fJSH ER LIKES: D ancing, sports DISLIKES: W inter, spinach PET EXPRESSION: "\'<fhat do you ask me for)" ACTIVITIES : Mon ito r, Girl Scours AMBITION: T o be a typist
" Ginger" VIRGINIA GARRETT LIKES: Sports DISLIKES : Spinach, liver PET EXPRESSION: " l can't he lp it" ACTIVITIES: M onitor, President of R eading Club, Literary Society, Student Council, May Queen Court AMBITION: U ndccidcd
JOYCE HARRIS "Joyce" LIKES: Tennis, boa ring DISLIKES: Soccer, being idlt! PET EXPRESSION ; " W ho did ?" ACTIVITIES: Girl Scours AMJ:l'TION: To arrend business college
JAMES HEISE "Jim" LIKES: \Y/ . P . S. D. , earing, bowling DISLIKES: Fighrs, long lessons PET EXPRESSION: "Thar is enough " ACTIVITIES: Read ing Club and Boy Scours AMBITION: T o be a prinrcr
"Meade" MEARLE HELSEL LIKES: H unring, fishing, and swimming DISLIKES: T o ger up early, snow P ET EXPRESSION : "So Whar" ACTIVITIES: Soccer, wrestling, track, Read ing Club, m oniror, Boy Scour AMBITION : Undecided
KEITH HORNER "Cereal" LIKES: Ce real, ro warch wresrling and baseball, ro play rhe piano DISLIK ES: Spinach PET EXPRESS ION: 'Tm no dope" ACTIVITIES: Wrestling, explore r scout, Reading Club, m on iror AMBITION: To become a carpe nrer
"Mary" MARY HUDlCEK LIK ES: Baseball, warching rclevision, a nd bowling DISLIKES: troub les PET EXPRESSION: '') don'r like it" ACTIVITIES : Girl Scouts AMBITION : Undecided
CARL JAl\llES " Karl" LIKES: Baseball, Pirares and caring DISLIKES: carrors and tenn is PET EXPRESSION: "Too bad" ACTIVITIES: Wresrling, soccer, Doy Scour and Reading Cl ub AMBITION: Undecided
JOAN JARVIE " Joanie" LIKES: To dance, listen to the radio DISLIKES: Spinach P ET EXPRESSION: " I don't know" ACTIVITIES : Monitor, Treasurer of Reading Club, Cheerleader, May Queen Court, Literary Society, Athletic Club, Girl Scouts AMBITION: To be a Nurse's Aide
RUSSELL F. LEARN " Butch" LIKES : Outdoor sports, baseball, basketball DISLIKES: Too much homework PET EXPRESSION: " What for" ACTIVITIES: R eading Club, Literary Society, soccer , softball, basketball, Captain of the waiters, Boy Scouts AMBITION: Undecided
JANET LEIGHTY "Janet" LIKES: dancing, likes to be a good sport DISLIKES: Going to school, gossip PET EXPRESSION: "Oh I see" ACTIVITIES: Girl Scout, Cheerleader AMBITION: T o be a beauty shop operacor
JOYCE LEIGHTY "Joy" LIKES : sports, watching television, books DISLIKES: Going to school, being a sissy PET EXPRESSION: "I t is nothing" "What d id you ask me for?" ACTIVITIES: Girl Scouts, cheerleader AMBITION : To be a Seamstress
DONNA LOU LYKE "Donna Lou" LIKES: dancing DISLIKES: T rouble PET EXPRESSION: "I don't like that" ACTIVITIES: Monitor, Cheerleader, Girl Scouts AMBITION: To be a Seamstress or Nurse's Aide
JOHN B. MACHESKA "Johnnie" LIKES: Bowling, baseball DISLIKES: Girls, teasing PET EXPRESSION: "Stop being big h eaded" ACTIVITIES: Reading Club, Boy Scouts, Monitor, Bowling team AMBITION: Undecided
l "Vi" VIOLET McDERMOTT LIKES: Nice clothes, hair do's, listen co the radio DISLIKES: Tomatoes, rumors PET EXPRESSION : "Get out" ''So what" ACTIVITIES: R eading Club, May Queen Court, L iterary Society, G irl Scours AMBITION: T o Attend Gallaudet College or Business College
GENE McNEISH "G ene" LIKES: Dancing, reading, swimming, my class DISLIKES: W restling, doing nothing, roo much work PET EXPRESSION : "Not roy worry ACrTVITIES: Explorer Scour, m onitor, Literary Society, Soccer and track AMBITION: To be a printer
"R on" RON ALD E. MILLER LIKES: Baseball , wrestling, bowling and hunting DISLIKES: Lang uage, getting up 111 the morning PET EXPRESSION: "Why do you ask m e)" ACTIVITIES: Monitor, Boy Scout, R eading Club, Manager of wrestling team, softball AMBITION: Go co trade school
" Lulu" NANCY LEE NANCE LIKES: Dancing, tennis, Pretzels DISLIKES: Boys, spinach PET EXPRESSION: "Be quiet" ACTIVITlES: Monitor, Vice President of Student Council , Literary Society, Secretary of the R eading Club, May Queen Court, Cheerleader, G irl Scours AMBITION: To be a typist.
"Marlene" MARLENE ORAVEC LIKES: Swimming, ice skating, bowling DISLIKES: L iver, fish , geography PET EXPRESSION: ''I'm embarrassed" ACTIVITIES: Reading Club, Ath letic Club, Girl Scouts AMBITION: To work in a restaurant
SHIRLEY PIX LER "Shirley" LIKES: D a ncing DISLIKES: Boys, goss ip PET EXPRESSION: ''Silly" "Why" ACTIVITIES: Cheerleader, Girl Scouts, Athletic Club, May Q ueen, Court, Reading Club AMBITION: U ndecidcd
"J a net" JAN ET ROLEWITZ LIKES: Sports, to d rive cars D ISLIKES: Vegetables PET EXPRESSION: " Maybe" ACTIVITIES : May Q ueen Court, A th letic Club, Student Council, Girl Sc011ts AMBITION: T o go to busi ness school
"Sue" SUZANNE SCHRl fT LIKES: Shirley DISLIKES: Gossip , vegetables PET EXPRESSION: " J don't care" ACTIVITIES: Athletic Club, Girl Scouts, Read ing Club AMBITION: T o go to trade school
W ILLIAM F. SUTTON " Billy" LIKES: Baseball, bowling, roller skating DISLIKES: Basketball, School P ET EXPRESSION: "Step teasing me" ACTIVITIES: Boy Scout AMBITION: T o be a farm er
ANN VARDY "Ann" LIK ES: T o bothe r gi rls DISLIKES: H omework P ET EXPRESSION: "I like horses" ACTIVITI ES: G irl Scouts, Athie ric Club, Read ing Club AMBITION: T o be a seamstress
"Joyce" JOYCE WROUGHTON LIKES: T o d rive a car or boat DISLIKES : D ancing and bowling P ET EXPRESSION: " I don 't know" ACTIVITI ES: Reading Club, A thlet ic Club AMDITION : Work in a restau rant.
C AROL J EAN Y OUNG "Carol" LIKES: T o clean up DISLIKES: A dirty a nd ju nky room PET EXPRESSION: "Oh I see" ACTIVITIES: Monitor, Literary Society, Read ing Club, Student Council AMBITI0:-.1: U ndecided
We, the Senior Class of 1963, appreciate this school and are so grateful for its g iving us a good education. We have been and always will be loyal to t his school. This is a resume of our life here. Suzanne Schrift, who came to school in 1948, was the first pupil in this class. Kay Johnson, Shirley P ixler, Virginia Garrett, Janet Rolewitz, Donna Fisher, Donna Lou Lyke, Russell Learn, Gene McNeish, J ohn Macheska, Gordon Burrows, Robert Davis, and Carl James came in 1949. In 1950, Joyce Wroughton, Marlene Oravec, Sandra Kennedy, Keith Horner a nd William Sutton came to this school. In 1951, Violet McDermott, Mary Hudicek, and Rusty Anderson came. In 1952, Jessie B urk, Ralph Maxwell and Terry Matthews came to this school. In 1953, Carol J ean Young, Janet and Joyce Leighty, Ann Vardy, who came from t he California School for the Deaf, a nd Mearl Helsel came to join us. J oan Jarvie was the only one in t he class to come here in 1954. She came from a public school. Shirley Fetzer, who has been here since 1955, also attended public school. Nancy Nance came from public school in 1957. James H eise from St. Mary's School for the Deaf and Gar y Faust from Minnesota School for t he Deaf j oined the class in 1958. Ronald Miller was the only new member in 1959. He entered from public school. Tom Br own, who attended Taylor Allderdice, joined us in January, 1961. Joyce Harris a lso came here in 1961. She was from the Nebraska School for t he Deaf a nd from the Rochester School for the Deaf. There have been many changes of various kinds taking place at W. P. S.D. during our years here. Mr. N umbers was our first academic principal. When he left, Miss Quick took his place. This year she was replaced by Mr. Walker . Changes in the buildings have been made, t oo. The basement rooms have been changed into study a nd social rooms. The classrooms have been moved from the second floor to the first floor. The second floor rooms have been turned into dormitory rooms. The large third floor rooms have been divided into smaller rooms with bunk beds and nice furniture for both boys and girls. Aanarde, a la r ge dwelling, has been t urned into a nursery school. Our senior social activities have been under the g uidance of Mrs. Hanes and Mr. Dickson. Among the activities enjoyed were: A movie, "The Longest Day," ice skating at t he Civic Arena, roller skating, sled riding, a baseball game, and a senior play. Members of the class have taken part in various school activities. Kay Johnson was our May Queen a nd many of the girls were in her court. Some of t he girls were cheer leader s. Some of the boys played soccer a nd basketball. Some went out for track and wrestling. Some of the boys and g irls were chosen to be members of the newly formed Student Council. Many were accepted for membership in the Literary Society which was formed by Mrs. Ludovico.
Ih the year of 2000 A. D. after our (Violet and Kay) graduation f rom W.P.S.D. in 1963, our wonderful wish had come true. We had worked hard as secretaries for the U. S. Steel Co. and saved our money. We'd always wanted a t rip around the world. Finally, we decided the time had come for t his dream to come true. One day in the morning we left Pittsburgh and flew to r ew York. There we wen t aboard t he Queen Mary, and we were amazed that Mearle Helsel was the captain of t he ship. His co-captain was William Sutton. We went down to our cabin and refreshed ourselves and then went to the dining r oom to have our supper and were very astonished to see Gordon Burrows as the chef. We ate his delicious meal. A few days later, we arrived in London. It was so foggy that we bumped into a cab driver. Who should it be but John Macheska. He took us to his home where we were welcomed by his wife, Marlene Oravec, and their neighbors, Ronald Miller and Joan Jarvie, his w ife. They owned a fine textile factory. We chatted about our school days. The next day we got on a plane. All of a sudden we r ecognized a familiar face and saw that Ralph Maxwell was the pilot of this plane. Then the pretty stewardess, Janet Rolewitz, came and s~rved us some snacks. We had a very comfortable ride to the Zurich, Switzerland airport and got into a cab that took us to a chateau. We were very happy to meet Nancy Nan:ce a nd her h usband, Terry Matthews. He was the owner of t he chateau. We had a long wonderful talk by the firep lace. The next day we rode on a cable car up in the mountains and were amazed t o get a free ride because Carl J ames was t he owner of the cable cars. We skied down the slopes and bumped into Vir g inia Garrett. We chatted with her for a while. Then she took us to her home where we met her husband, Russell Learn. The next day they took us to the train station to embark for Italy. We were_happy to meet other friend s of ours, Gary Faust and Russell Anderson, who were conductors. We went to Naples, Italy, one night a nd were very weary. We found a room to sleep in and again were glad to meet more of our former classmates, Gene McNeish and his wife Shirley Fetzer, the owners of the hotel. The next day we had a tour around the city, and we rode on a bus. The driver was James Heise. He showed us a little shop where his wife, J essie Burk, made pizzas. We ate and chatted. The next day we flew to Japan where we met Sandra Kennedy, a former classmate of ours. She showed us the school where she was teaching. We went to the judo theatre and met Tom Brown, the manager of this place. We were happy to have seen them. We boarded a ship and headed for Diamond Head, Hawaii. The warm tropical sun made us comfortable. At night we attended a festival. All of a sudden we had a big surprise! We learned that Donna Lyke and Donna Fisher were there for their vacations, too. Going to a little theatre, we found out that Shirley Pixler and Sue Schrift were dancers. We rested at the home of Joyce Harris, a friend of ours, for a few days. Then we flew to H ollywood, California. We went to a show where we saw Joyce and Janet Leigh ty during the intermission. We were glad to meet them and to see Bob Davis, t he manager of the show, and his foreman, Keith Horner. A little later, befor e we headed back home, we visited the school for the deaf there. We wer e happy to see Ann Vardy, Joyce Wroughton, and Carol Young as teachers. Our friend Mary Hudicek had our apartment all ready for us when we got back home.
The members of the Senior Class of 1963 in departing from W. P. S.D. hereby leaves a record of their bequests as stated in this last will and testament. T o Dr. Craig and the school, a gift of money as a parting remembrance. To Mr. Smith, Mr. Walker, a ll of our teachers, all of our s upervisors, the household staff, and the medical staff; our thanks for education, good food, and health. To these same people, more thanks for their patience with us during our si:ay at W. P. S.D. To Tom Kuszaj, Bob Davis wills h is broken rulers. To Rodney Danco, Gene McNeish wills his job as projectionist. To Teresa J ezewski and to all others who like black and blue knees, pulled muscles and headaches, Nancy Nance w ills her position as a cheer leader. To Sharon Maines, Virginia Garrett leaves her freckles . T o Walla Franer, Janet Rolewitz leaves her ability to dress neatly. To Bill Snyder, Terry Matthews leaves his time to do things for the g irls. To Tom Inches, James Heise leaves his enjoyment of being in a room a lone. To Dexter Smith, Carl James gives h is liking for skating. To James Brogan, Ralph Maxwell leaves hi s hot shots in basketball. To Jack Otterman, John Macheska leaves his job of teaching boys to behave. To Carol F aile, Carol Jean Young leaves her quiet ways. To Sandra Picard, Joyce Harris leaves her newsy stories. To Linda Barwiolek, Sandra Kennedy leaves her ability to do algebra. To Lana Gilbert, Donna Lou Lyke wills her temper. To Judy Kramer, Shirley Fetzer wills her quiet behavior. To Willa Dean Williams, Joyce Wroughton wills her enjoyment of being a day pupil. To Tom Inches, Gary Faust wills his memory of everyone's birth day and age. To Danny Campbell, Tom Brown wills his daily exercise for a good physique. To Harold Mowl, Rusty Anderson wills his ability to dream during his spare time. To Dale Ford, Russell Learn wills his time spent on boats and f ishing. To George Klassen, Keith Horner wills his ability to eat his favorite cereal ever y morning. To t he graduates of 1964, the graduates of 1963 leave best wishes for a happy, successful year .
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Front row, left to right: Bob Saeler, Terry Matthews, Eugene Wade, Carl James. Middle row : Rodney D anca, R ussell Learn, Gordon Burrows, Joe Michiline, James W alters, Gene McNeish, Malcolm Weber. Back row: D ick Jones, coach. William Smith, Douglas Hlavay, Tom I nches, Eddie Smith, Bill Snyder, Dale Ford, Ralph Maxwell, Bob Lewis, manager.
Strmding, left to right: Tom Kuszaj, Harry Lewis, George Prentice, Eddie Smith, Tom I nches, Terry Matthews, Jack Otterman, manager., Kneeli11g left to right: GeneMcNeish, Ralph Maxwell, Mr. Dick Jones, coach, Mr. Wes D ickson, assistant coach, Dale Ford, Malcolm Weber. Sittin g. left to right: Bob Cowan, Eugene Wade.
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s T L I N G Back row, le.ft to right: Mr. John Barner, coach, Donovan Kutruff, James Walters, Tom Brown, Meade Helsel, Larry Campero, Bob Whitting ham, Charles Lewis, R onald Miller, manager. M iddle row, left to right: Danny McElwain, m:mager, Keith H orner, Louis DeFazio, Bob Lewis, Gary Courie, Carl James, Danny Campbell, Skipper Lewis, m :<llttger. Fro11t row. left to right: Don Kitchen , Wayne Biddle, Mike Chuto, Louis Campero, Danny Rudy, Max Humphreys, Donald Trenn.
Back row, left to right: Jim Salem, coach, Marry Major, R odney Danco, Billy Smith, Tom Inches, Harold Mow!, mana.ger. Larry Campero, Tom Kuszaj, J oe Michiline, Dick Jones, coach. Middle row: Gary Courie, George Klassen, G ene McNeish, Dale Ford, James Maher, Billy Shuey Front row: Bob Cowan , Bob Whitting ham, James Walters, D ougl:ls H lavay, Harry Lewis.
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Row: Shirley F etze1路 Joan J arvie Donna Lou L yke
J anet L eighty K ay J ohnson Linda B arwiolek Nancy N ance