1966 Yearbook

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Senior Issue







THE WESTERN PENNSYLVANIAN Published every month e x cept July and August at the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf, 300 Swissvale Ave, Pittsburgh, Penna. 15218. Subscription: One Dollar a Year Second-class postage paid Pittsburgh, Pa. Editor Associate Editor Printing In structor

Christopher G. Smith Sam B. Craig G. Wesley Dickson

Each Day A Little 10.ore -D. STEIN

C9lass C9olor

W e pmcticecl W e wo1·ked W e t1·iecl again And each day we w01·ked a little mo1·e. W e lea1·necl the a1·t of study W e lea1-necl to t1·easu1·e 'its beauty. W e lea1·ned always to love and v alue it And each day we learned a l·ittle m01·e. W e began to know one anothe1·, W e came to lea1·n f1·om one anothe1·, And each clay w e cl1·ew togethe1· a little mo1·e.

C9lass J1'1otto Puw£ lh!wugh u.ndt:utanding;

t'toubft: th 'to~h mi1.undt:Htandin9.

W e laughed W e c1·ied W e loved and we hated But each day we lived a little man~ . Each day w e w o1·kecl a little ha1·de1· A nd learned a little bette1· And drew closer togethe1· And had mo1·e feelings and emotions, And each day we g1·e-w a little mo1·e.

C9lass Flowe1r Ca 'tnation

And now we a1·e to leave ow· lives togethe·r Each to ou1· own se1Ja1·ated wo1·lds To ou1· own sepa1·ate l·i vesBut we leave nothing behind; W e take all that we have with usOu1· wo1·k, ou1· leanl.ing, Ou1· f1'iends hips, ou1· feelings, And each new day we'll continue what we have begun he1·e Into a futw·e of beauty and joy and lew·ning and g?·owingEach sepa1·ate day a little mm·e.

()ur Superi11Le11cfcuL

To the Members of the Graduating Class of 1966 Again it is t ime to bid a fine group of young p eople farewell and to wish them s uccess as they leave the h alls of the Western Pennsylvania School for the Dea f . It has been a pleas ure t o work with the members oi' this class over the past years . I am proud of each and ever y one of t hem 路 an d am confident that each w ill do well according to his interests and tu hi s talents. It is our h ope t h at yo u will remembe r yo ur sch ool days wit h pleasure and t hat you w ill come back for a vis it from time t o time. Sincerely, Sam B. Craig

T o the Graduates: I extend to each of yo u my congratulations on your graduation. It is a n impor tant accomplishment as a stepping ston e to successfully r each t h e goals you have set for your self. May you take w ith you many fond memories of the school and t he many friends you leave behind. Sincer ely, Christopher G. Smit h

CDean of S LMdents

T o the 1966 Graduating Class : Congratulations on t he s uccessful complet i on of yo ur schooling at W. P. S .D. I hope you w ill take advantage of the t hings you learned in t he classroom, in the dormitories, and on the playing fields while you were a student h ere. Graduatin g from school does n ot mean that you have com plet ed your education. You must continue to learn and to take advantage of the opportunities for learning that you will be exposed to. It has been a pleasure to wor k with each of you. Sincerely, J ames M. Salem

Supervisiny \Tcnche-r

To the Graduates : You may be ending your school year s at W. P. S. D. but this is just the beginning of a new era of learning for all of you. E ach day, each week, each year will bring you new experiences and n ew ideas . So, you will a lways be learning a n d always be a student. Take a dvantage of ever y opportunity to improve yourself mentally, physically and morally. Always be someone of whom your family, yo ur school, a nd your friend s can be proud. Ada H. Smith

Seniors FRONT

Row :

Yearbooh Editor Robert Harding Girls' R epresentative Teresa J ezewski Secretary James Mabel路 BACK


Advisor Mrs. Hanes President Harry Lewis Treasw路er Daniel Campbell Advisor Mr. Dickson

S C H 0 OL




Girl Scout, Monitor, President of Reading Club, Student Council, G. A. A. , May Queen Court, Cheerleader

President of Monitors, Secretary & T reasurer of Reading Club, Secretary of Student Council, G. A. A., Girl Scout, Cheerleader, May Queen Court


Reading Club, Girl Scout, Gir ls ' Athletic Team, May Court AMBITION:

To work at Bobbie Brooks


To a ttend Gall audet College and b e a teach er for th e deaf


Quarterm an -Explorers, Reading Club, Treasurer of Senior Class AMB ITIO N:



To attend Galla ude t College an d be a b iologist


Monitor, Soccer Team, Basketba ll T eam , Letter Club AMBITION:

Machine operator


Student Council, Moni tor, R eading Club , Varsity Cheerlead er, Girl Scou t, G. A. A., May Queen AMBITION:

Business College

(/ j




Member of Gir l Scouts, Reading Club , Pep Squ a d AMBITION:

T o a tte nd Gall a ude t College







S tuden t Council, Ch eerleader, Vice P reside n t G. A. A., Girls' Athle tic Team , President of G.ir l Scou ts , May Court, R eading Club AMBI T I ON:

Va rs ity Ch eerlead er , S<::::retar y of G. A. A. , Girl Seou l, R eadin g Club A M B I TIO N:

To be a worke r

wife and


gcsp zl

T ypis t or Busin ess College


Treasu r er of Stu d en t Council, Monitor , Pr esiden t of Explorer Club, Editor of Year Book , E a gle Scout, Reading Club, Man ager of Basketball Tea m , Ma n ager of Soccer T eam, Track T ea m AMBITION:

To a t tend Point P a r k Colle ge to be a n ar ch itect



Ficlo AcTI VI TIES :

Soccer T eam , Baske tball T eam , Arrow Scout , Explorer Scou t AMBI TIO N:

T o a ttend Point P ark College to be a scien tis t


W r estling Team , Track Team A M B I TIO N:

Dis h w asher





Reading Clu b, R epresentative for the Senior ghls, Girl Scout, Student Counc il , Monitor AMBITION:

IBM oper a tor in Steel Mill


Girl Scout, R:~ a din g Club, Pep Squad, May Quee n Court A MBITION :

To a ttend Gallaude t College and to become a fa s hion d esigner

Treasurer & Secre tary of R:::ading Club, Treas ure r of Varsity Letter Club, Assistant Manager of Soccer Team, Track T eam , Star S cout AMBITION:

To attend Gallaudet College and to be a biologist






H arry


R eadin g Club, Boy Scou t AMBlTlON:

To b e a draftsm.an


Le lter Club, Studen t Council, \il/restli ng Team, Track T eam, Soccer Team AMBITION:

Arti st


Eagle Scout, Explorer Scout, President of Senior Cl ass, President of S enior Class, Student Council , Readin g Club, Captain of Soccer T eam , Captain of Basketball Team, Track, Arrow Scout, President of Monitors AM B ITION :

T o atte nd Gallaudct College


Ac nviTrEs: G. A. A. , Reading Club, Monitor, Girl Scout AMBITION:

To attend Gallaudet College and to be a biologist or a government worker



Soccer Team, Wrestling Team , Track Team Captain, Varsity Letter Club Secretary, Senior Class Secretary, Reading Club, Student Council, Explorer Club Treasurer , Life Scout, Monitor

Student Council, Varsity Letter Club, Explorer Scout, Reading Club, Monitor 1\.MBITION:

Civil S ervice


To attend Galla udet College a nd hopes to be a biochemist








Monitor, Explorer Scout, n.cading Club AMBITION:



Student Council, Monitor, Girls' Athle tic Team, Girl Scout, Reading Club, Cheedeader Captain, G. A. A., May Court AMBITION:

Business College


Vice Presiden t of Reading Club, G. A. A., Student Council, Gir] Scout, Mon itor, Pep Squad, May Queen Court AMBITION:

T o be a typist






G. A. A., Cheerleader, Monitor, M ay Queen Court, Girl Scout, Reading Club


Wrestling Team , Track Team AMBITION:

Girl S cout AMBITION:

Road Work

Hospita l Worker


To b e an I BM operator


Gir2s ' Rea ding Club, Gil-l Scout A M BITIO N:

To b e a Librarian


B oy S ::out, Moni tor , Captain of Wrzs tling Team, Track T ea1n, Varsity Letter Club, Reading Club AMBITION:

Coal Compa n y wo1路ker

C9lass l-{istory June, 1966 Dear Diary, I can hardly believe it - I'm fina lly a senior. It seems like I just came toW. P. S.D. When I came in 1952, Danny Campbell, Fred Hicks a n d Carla Vogstberger were a lready h ere. H arr y Lewis, Donna Sprague, E llen Liedtke, Linda Brown, Bob Cowan, Chuck Lewis, Bob Harding and I all came at the same time. In 1953, five more students joined us . There was something specia l about th em - two of them looked t he same. They were S usan and Susanne B itt ner, a n d the others were Ann Karcher, Bill Shuey a nd Arlie Whitling. Then Walla Franer, Donald Trenn, Geraldine Soakie a nd T eresa J ezewski came in 1954. In the year s that followed f r om 1955 t o 1964, the rest of the class came on e at a time from either p ublic sch ool or DePaul Institute. They are Carol F a lk, Carolyn Hanlin, George Klassen, H enry Piotrowski, Donald Kutruff, James Maher, Max Humphryes, Martha Wad dell and Dorothy Fallon. I can still remember a ll the happy t imes we h a d playing on the swings and how our clot hes would a lways get torn if we played too r ough . I still can almost t aste t h e soap in my mouth which the supervisor s would put th ere if we had bitten anyone. And th en there was the time that a mouse was running around in the dormitory a nd we had to look for it because our s upervisor s were afraid. B ut now, a ll t hese times are gone a nd ~e are looking f orward to other s. Our senior year h as been a n exciting one. Some of our socia l activit ies wer e a Hornet hock ey game, a roller skating party, a ride on the Gateway Clipper and a day at Kennywood Park. We will a lways remember all the friends we have made and w ill never forget our "school days" at W. P. S . D.

B y A nn Suter and T e1路esa J ezewski

C9lass Legacy Linda Brown leaves her quietness to Sandra Inches. Susan Bittner wills her steady dating to Kathy Murphy. Susanne surrenders her Lion's Yell to Dr. Craig. Danny Campbell leaves his Pirate pennant to Danny McElwain. Bob Cowan gives his muscles to John MacWilliams. Carol Falk gives her hair styles to Gail Inches. Dorothy Fallon wills her spying to Donna Hutchinson. Walla Franer leaves her athletic ability to Peggy Young. Carolyn Hanlin leaves her housekeeping skill to Linda Gatto. Bob Harding gives his big hips to Richard Siar. Fred Hicks forwards his big head to Pat D' Auria. Max Humphryes wills his eyebrows to Sam Eckenrode. Teresa Jezewski s urrenders h er feminity to Carol Karcher. Ann Karcher leaves her f lirting eyes to Ruth Cox. George Klassen donates his girl watching to John Detweiler. Donovan Kutruff leaves his ability to participate in all sports to J err y Hus h. Charles Lewis wills hi s wrestling abi lity to Mr. Jones. Harry Lewis leaves his Curl Free to Mr. Holliday. E llen Liedtke donates her diet to Miss Smith. Jim Maher h ands over his seat in study hall to Charles Gisselbrecht. H enry Piotrowski leaves his driver's permit to Mr. Garrity. Bill Shuey wills his trouble-making to Wayne Biddle. Gerri Soakie gives her cheerleading Captain's uniform to Chuck Rei singer. Donna Sprague leaves her Algebra ability to Miss Mundinger. Ann Suter leaves her sickness to Janice Mogus. Donald Trenn surrenders his 6 :45 movies to Mr. Salem. Carla Vogtsberger donates her short dresses to Kathy Kunkle. Martha Wad dell wills h er books to Sandra Cox. Arlie Whitling leaves his shyness of girls to Donny Stoops.

r9lctss 10-rophecy I made my way through a crowd of people. I was amazed to see Walla Franer and Bob Harding at t he oth er end of the crowd. They were married and had three young children. Also I learned Susan Bittner and Harry Lewis were married and lived next door to the Hardings. They both were working as teachers at W. P. S. D. After talking for a while longer we said good bye and started in different ways in cars. I must have gone a mile or so when I came to a sewing factory. I went in for a drink of water and met Linda Brown, a nd she talked with me for a while. At lunch time Linda and I went to t he cafeteria, and we met T eresa J ezewski wh o is the secretary f or the President of U. S. Steel. They told me that they were married to George Klassen and Donovan Kutr uff but had begged to keep their jobs a little longer until they were well out of debts. Since it was so late, Linda Brown invited me to stay with them overnight. I drove to Rome where I met Donald Trenn, Charles Lewis and Max Humphryes working in the same city. Donald Trenn worked at Movie Co., Charles Lewis owns a company for pro wrestlers and Max Humphryes works at a beauty shop. They told me t h ey h ad not been married yet, but they had given engagement rings to Carla Vogtsberger, Ann Suter and E llen Liedtke. Donald Trenn built a new h ouse for hi s future bride, Carla. After it was built, they started the other two f or Max and Charles. They were happy on setting the dates for the wedding next year. The next morning after eating a good breakfast, I set out once again only to stop twenty miles from where I set out to find that Bob Cowan was trying to keep his children out of the street where there were a few cars moving. He had retired as a carpenter. He greeted me like a long lost friend and asl<ed me many questions about members of our class of 1966. From me he learned th at many of them, like himself, were married and had children, too. He said his wife was Doroth y Fallon who worked for t h e F. B. I. as a spy. A few blocks away from th em, there was a modern house t hat I learned was the home of Fred and Donna (Sprague ) H icks. I asked Bob for their address, a n d there I learned there were four children in t h e family. Donna said they were getting r eady to go South to be at Carol Falk's and Bill Shuey's wedding which would be in another week. Carol Falk is working as a model, and Bill Shuey owns a company which fixes watches. I asked Donna if it would be O.K. for me to follow them and they were glad for me to go t h ere. While they were driving, th ey pulled up in front of a restaurant. We went inside where we learned that Arlie Whitling, Henry Piotrowski, Gerry Soakie and Susanne Bittner were workin g in this small town even though they each were married and had their own famili es. H enry Piotrowski said he h ad a son while Arlie had twins- a son and a daughter. Gerry had a cute little girl a nd Susanne had two girls a n d a boy. Gerry's husband James Maher who is an advisor at W. P . S.D., and h e had worked there for 10 years. Gerry said they lived in a shanty house about a mile from wh ere we were. Danny Campbell, who is a Pirate p layer, was now living in Canada. He lost all of his weight by playing baseball. He was a bachelor and was very wealthy. Carolyn Hanlin was married and went around with a Bible, too. Now I come back to the world where I meet my old class members of 1966. Written by the Senio1路 Class

Student Body and Teachers

CLASS 12 A F 1路ont 1路路ow

Ann Karcher, Susanne Bittner , Susan Bittner, Doroth y F allon, Carolyn Hanlin. B ack Tow J ames Maher, F red H icks, Mr . Walter - Teacher, Harry Lewis, Samuel Eckenrode.

CLASS 12 A G F Tont 1路ow

Ellen Liedtke, Mar t ha Wad dell, Ter esa J ezewski, Ann Suter, Donna Sprague Back ?'OW Danny Campbell, Robert H arding, Mrs. Rentschler- TeacheT, Geor ge Klassen

CLASS 12 G FTont row Linda Brown, Carol Falk, Walla F raner, Ger a ldine Soakie, Miss Mundinger - T eache1路 Back row Robert Cowan, Joseph Michiline, Donovan K utruff, W illiam Shuey, Arlie Whitling, Henry Piotrowski

CLASS 11 G Front row Wayne Biddle, Patrick D' Auria, John Detweiler, Back row Wilbur Lewis, Otis Moore Sharon Maines, Maryann Rudi sh, Ruth Cox, Mrs. Hanes - T eacher

Q {

CLASS 10 A F 1·ont 1·ow Roy Otterman, Donald Stoops, Charles Gisselbrecht, Walter Moore, Louis Campero Back row Miss Smith - T eache1·, Valerie Lee, John MacWilliams, P eggy Young

CLASS 10 G Front 1·ow Geraldine Klapak, Sandra Cox, Jan ice Mogus, Kathy Kunkle, Mar y Ann Elbell, Sharon Laird Back 1·ow Richard Siar, Donald Kitchen, Mr. Achtzehn - T eache1·, Louis DeFazio

CLASS 9 A Front row Betty Miller, Charles Reisinger, Jerry Bush, Danny McElwain, Kathy Thomas Back 1路ow Kathy Murphy, Carol Karcher, Mrs. Scavuzzo- T eache路r, Gail Inches, Nina I anaro MISSING: Chalmer Black

CLASS 9 G F1路ont row Gary Santavicca, Linda Hertel, Danny Rudy, Linda Gatto, Donald Hagans Back row Gary Harper, Randall Rogers, Mike Chuto, Ronald Speer, Mr. Holliday - T eache1路

CLASS 8 A F1·ont 1·ow William Reed, Faye J ohnson, Sandra Inches, Karen Brickett, J oseph Hilbish Back 1·ow Gr egor y Kushner, Edward Laird, Frank Tripson, Homer Rupert, Larry Morgan, Mrs. Stanton - Teache1·

CLASS 8 G F1·ont 1·ow Jan Sheldone, Monica Moxley, Beverly P almer, Shirley Turner, Linda Baird Back 1·ow Mrs. Goldfarb- T eache1·, J ames T oner, Richard H erod, Pat Turley


Front row Mrs. Schumann- T eacheT, Margaret Beebe, Pat Mangan Back row Donald Trenn, Paul Grotzinger, Charles Lewis, Max Humphryes MISSING : Diane Herold, Da rwin Mitchell

CLASS 2 C F1路ont 1路ow Leon Williams, R oy Siciliano, George Banovski Back 1路ow Carla Vogtsberger, Donna Hutchinson, Karen Kerr y, Darlene Chuto, Miss Kukleski- T eache1 路 MISSING: James F ix, Albert Sau nders

CLASS 3 C F1·ont row T om Willaman, David Helsel, Jack Biddle, P a ul Dawson Back ·ro~v Mr. Schwartzman- T eache1·, Connie Sanchez, Fred Csernay MISSING: Marlene Barcus, J oh a nne Kerns

CLASS 4 C F 1·ont 1·ow Judy Wissinger, Jimayne Shank, Mrs. Ludovico - T eache1· Back 1·ow Norris Grate, Milton Carter, Lee H amel, David R oxberry MISSING: Paul Deemer

CLOTHING Teresa Jezewski, Mrs. Dovey - Supe'rvising T eache1路

KEYPUNCH P eggy Young, Mrs. Henderson- T each e1路

FOOD Linda Brown, Mrs. Hensel- T eache1路, Ann Suter

H OME MAKING Mrs. Bavers - T eache1路 Carolyn Hanlin, Dorothy Fallon, Ann Karcher

PAIN TING Mike Chuto, Mr. DiSanto - T eacher

SHEETMETAL Mr. Hursh - T eache1路, William Reed

WOODWORK Mr. Stanton- T eache1路, Robert Cowan

PRINTIN G Louis Camper o, Mr. Dickson- Teache1路

Organizations and Sports II


Sbtclent C9o uucil FRONT Row: J ames Maher Sharon Laird Walla Franer Susann e Bittner Geraldine Soakie Donna Sprague Robert H a rding MIDDLE Row: Mrs. Waugaman, Advisor David H elsel Henry Piotrowski Darlene Chuto Teresa Jezewski Carol Falk Mr. Dicks on, Advis or BAcK Row : Eddie L aird Jerry Bush Joe Michilin e Harry Lewis Charles Gisselbrecht Ch arles Lewis Donald H agans Pat D'Auria

LetteL路 C]lub

FRONT Row : J ames Maher Robert Cowan Henry Piotrowski Arlie W hitling H arry Lewis Wilbur Lewis Ch almer Black BAcK Row: Mr. Jones, Advisor Joe Michiline Daniel McElwain Charles Lewis Donald Stoops Mr. Garrity, Advisor


f 1thletic Association

Row: Betty Miller Sharon Maines Valerie Lee M a ry Ann Elbell Donna Sprague


Row: Kathy Thomas Su san Bittner G er aldine Klapak Ann Suter Susanne Bitt ner Wall a Franer


Row: M iss Neleigh , Advisor J anic2 Magu s Carolyn Hanlin Car ol F alk Gera~di ne Soaki e Darlene Chuto M ss Mund:ing::::r , Adviser



Row : Susan Bittner Mrs. Lettrich , Adviso1路 Ann Suter Geraldine Soakie \Valia Franer Su sanne Bittner


Row: Carol Falk Miss Mundinger, Advisor Carolyn Hanlin


FRONT Row: Richard Siar Donald Stoops H arry Lewis Walter Moore Ch arles Gissclbrecht MIDDLE Row : Pat D'Auria Louis Campero Joe Michiline Mr. Jones, Coach J erry Bush Robert Cowan Daniel McElwain BAc K Row :

George Klassen, mgr. Wilbur Lewis James Maher Chalmer Black Fred Hicks Robert Harding, Mgr. Mr. Salem , Coach

FRoNT Row : Robert Cowan Pat D'Auria Fred Hicks Joe Michiline H arry Lewis BAcK Row :

Mr. Jon es, Coach Jerry Bu sh W ilbur Lewis Richard Siar Ch arles Gisselbrecht Donald Stoops Robert H arding, Mgr. Mr. Garrity, Coach


FRONT Row: Max Humphryes Clin ton Rogers James M aher Arlie Whitling [between ATlie' s legs]

William Nyman Charles Lewis Daniel McElwain Mike Chuto Danie l Rudy BACK Row: Mr. Albitz, Coach Wayne Biddle, Mgr. D on a ld Trenn William Reed Ronald Speer D aniel Campbell Frank Tripson Bradley Frase Ch as . Reisinger, M gr. Mr. Lukitsch, Coach

FRONT Row: Ch a rles Lewis Dwayne Sumpter Wilbur Lewis George Klassen J erry Bu sh Alan Shaulis Donald Hagan s Donald Stoops Ch almer Black BACK Row: Chas . Reisinger, Mgr. Mr. Garrity, Coach Mr. Albitz, Coach Joe Michiline Fred Hicks Richard Siar Daniel Campb ell Arlie W hitling D aniel McE lwain Pat D 'Auria Mike Chuto Louis Campero Walter Moore J a m es Maher Harry Lewis Robert Harding Mr. Salem, Coach Mr. Jones, Coach Mr. Matthews, Coach


JOHN R. McCUNE President

RICHARD D. EDWARDS CHARLES L. McCUI'iE Vice President Treasurer

CLASS OF 1966 Charles L. McCune Henry Chalfant, Jr. John G. Frazer, Jr. *Richard D. Edwards Hon. Hugh C. Boyle *George McKee Blair Robert Rundle C. Holmes Wolfe, Jr. Thomas P. Eddy

CLASS OF 1967 " John R. McCune C. Snowdon Richards Dr. Kenneth M . Day " Joseph G. Horne Beverly R . Shriver George Roth Craig Jack E. McGregor Dr. Raymond E. Jordan


CLASS OF 1968 William A. Gordon John Gilfillan *Harold E. Meyer Spencer R. Hacket Francis B. Nimick, Jr. A. H . Burchfield III John C. Campbell Dr. Jack Birch

* Members of the Executive Committee

-------41------TERMS OF ADMISSION This School is an institution of learning incorporated under the laws of the State. It was built and is sustained by contributions of benevolent persons and by legislative appropriations, and is designed to afford a good common school education to all deaf children in Western Pennsylvania. It is open to all such of suitable age and capacity for receiving instruction in conformity to the rules adopted for its government. The School is located at Edgewood in Allegheny County, a short distance east of the City of Pittsburgh and within a few minutes walk of Edgewood Station on the main line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The legislature makes provisions for the education and maintenance of State pupils the States paying three-fourths and the school districts from which pupils come paying one-fourth of the cost. The State assumes the full cost for a ll pupils under six years of age and over 21 years of age. Children are admitted as young as three years of age. Parents and guardians supply their children with necessary clothing, paying the traveling expenses of the pupils to and from the school, also a nominal incidental fee. Children are regularly admitted upon application from their parents or guardians and approved by their local school authorities. The annual session of the School usually begins on the second week of September !lnd continues for forty weeks, until about the middle of June. Sam B. Craig, Supe1路intendent

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