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The Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf presents
the senior yearbook of
To the Grad uating Class of 1967: The young men and women of the Class of 1967 have a lot to look forward to as they graduate and leave this school for t h e last time. There are many wonderful opportunities a head and we expect all of you to do very well. Your preparation has been t horough and your ideals are high. As you go out into the world we will watch your progress with interest and will certainly take pleasure in y our s uccesses. Never-t he-less those of us left behind w ill miss yo u. Sincer ely, Sam B . Craig
CDean of Students
Jiwde11rric 1P1rincipal MR. HERBERT BARKULOO
Supen;isiny Teacher MRS. ADA SMITH
Seniors Se11 ior Advisors
Explorer Scout
To a ttend IBM school
\!icc 10residenL
Mary Ann
Ac nvnxEs:
May Queen, Reading Club, Girl Scout, Volleyb all, Varsity Cheerlead er AM JHTION:
/I.C -路IVITI ES : Ilead i!1~
Club, Exp lor er Scout
To go to Gallaud::! l Coll ege.
Readin g Club, Gir l Scou t, May Court, Monitor, G.A.A., Volleyball, Baske tball AMBI T ION:
To b e k ey pu n ch oper a tor.
Boy Scout, Monito1路, Assistant Manager Soccer Team , Reading Club AMBITION:
To be Furrier.
R eading Club, Girl Scout, May Court, Monitor AMBITION :
To be a n IBM operator.
Girl S cout, Monitor, May Court, Field Hockey, G. A. A. , Ch eerleader AMBITIO N:
Reading Club, Girl S:::out, May Court, Monitor, Pep Squad AMBITION :
To go to trade school.
To b e a n IBM operator.
Soccer , Basketball, Track, Boy Scout, Monitor, Reading Club, Letter Club AMBITION:
To be a printer.
May Day Court, G. A. A., Girl Scout, Field Hockey, Monitor, Volleyb all, Basketball, Softball AMBITION :
To b e an IBM operator.
Reading Club, Basketball, Boy Scout, Soccer AMBITION:
To work in a machine shop.
Manager of V\<r estlin g Team, L ettex Club, Reading Club, Boy Scou t AMBITION :
To b z a print:::r.
Reading Club, Volleyball, Girl Scout, Basketball, Field Hockey, Softball, G.A.A., Monitor, May Court AMBI TION:
To b e an IBM operator.
Reading Club, May Court, Girl Scout, Monitor AMBITION:
To be an IBM operator.
R zad ing Clu b, Explorer Scout, Basketball, Monitor , Soccer A M BITION:
To be an IBM operator.
Reading Club , Wrestling, Boy Scout AMBITION:
To go to GM Technical Training School.
Baske tball Captain, Treasure of Ex plorer Scout, Soccer Captain, Monitor, Track
Boy Scout, R eading Club AMBI TION :
To attend trade school.
To a ttend Gallaudet College.
ROY SICILIANO Bu tch ACTIVITIES: Reading Club, Boy Scout A:v.!BITION:
To attend trade sch ool.
Reading Club, Boy Scout A M BITION:
To attend trade school.
0!/nss History W ell it won't be long n ow. Soon we'll be walking down the a isle to grad uation a n d ou r sch ool years a t W.P. S.D. will be over. There ar e so many th ings to r emember . It seems like only yesterday wh en our educat ion f irst began . Joe Michiline was the only one of us in school in 1950, but he was soon joined in 1952 by Wayn e Biddle, George Banovski, and Darlene Chuto . vVe remember how much we cried and how awkward we f elt when we first came to the P rima r y Department . F unny things h a ppened th ough like th e t ime we all h ad to wear a tail and a lon g nose because we 路wer e bad. Our class kept getting bigger a nd in 1953 Donna Hutchinson, Albert Saunders, R oy Sicilia no, and Loui s DeFazio came. Louis made us laugh a nd was a leader from the ver y beginning. In 1954 we got t wo more new classmates, Darwin Mitchell a n d Sharon Ma ines, and in 1954 Rick Lewis, Otis Mcore, a nd Sam Eckenrode ca me in as new friends. We r emember how we laug hed wh en Ot is t old us why his skin was a dark color. H e said tha t h e had fallen off his tricycle into a mud puddle and when he had f ina lly gotten h ome to t ake a bath , it was too late ! While we wer e in t h e Elementa r y Depa rtment in 1956, John Det weiler a nd Ka thy Kunkle sta r ted a t W.P. S.D. and Ruth Cox and Sa ndra Cox began in 1959. During those years we saw many interesting things. At the circus once, Darlen e thought t h e tiger was going t o eat her and we were so em barrassed t h e day t hat we spilled paint a ll over Miss Kukleski! Fina lly, in 1964 we inherited our last three mem ber s wh en Ma r y Ann Ru dish, P at D' Auria, a nd Mar y Ann Elbell came to us from DePaul Instit ute. N ow we wer e la r ge in number and could share ma ny happenings together. In high sch ool we really ha d to learn how t o work, b ut we excited beca use we learned so much and made new fri ends. We par ticipated in ma ny sp orts a n d wer e proud wh en our cheerkadel路s won first place in the to urnament two year s in a row. Our first summer sch ool program in 1966 helped us learn how to t hink. The following fa ll we work ed ver y hard ma king projects for a successful science f a ir. W e star ted a h igh sch ool n ewspaper of our own in 1967 a nd were ha ppy because it h elped us k now wh at was going on. We a r e especially proud, however, beca use du r ing our senior year our Advanced Department was f inally accredited as a high school by t he State of Pennsylvania . Some of us will be proudly walking down the ai sle a t our gr aduation t o r eceive r egula r high school diplomas. Yes, we remember many things a n d 路we'll feel b oth h appy a nd sad on graduation day. We w ill be sad because we'll be leaving man y good f r iends and t he teacher s who h ave worked ha rd wit h us; but we will be happy, too, because we have learned much in school. We' r e going to try ha rd to be s uccessful in our fut ure lives. - The 12G Class
f.Jlass Prophecy In the year 1977, Ricky Lewis and Otis K. Moore, the "I Spy Team," were with the girls, w ho helped them all over the world. Donna Hutchinson and Sharon Maines, on their beautiful patio in Hawaii during Expo 77. They had a long conversation and decided t hat they would travel a ll over the world and see what was h appenin g . They were travelling down the road, when suddenly they had to stop because there was a car accident. The two policemen were Wayne Biddle and Pat D' Auria, but they couldn't visit w ith them because they were both as busy as beavers reporting the accident. So they kept going on and Ricky said that he was hungry and had to stop at an expensive restaurant. They entered and were amazed t hat Sam a n d his wife Mary Ann Elbell, ran t h at place. They had a long conversation and the "I Spy'' team again was amazed that Louis DeFazio was a night watchman at Sam's Restau rant. Ricky ordered a drink with a cherry and he was amazed when A lbert Saunders served them. After they had their dinner at Sam's Restaurant , t hey forgot about their money. So Ricky had to stay until Otis came back. Otis went to the bank promptly to get his check cashed. George Banovski was t h e president of this bank so they sat and had a conversation t ogether. Otis was ver y interested to hear th at George was married to Kathy K. and had fou r children. Suddenly Otis remembered that Ricky had been wait ing for him at Sam's Restaurant so he rushed to the front door where he bumped into a lady and was amazed t hat it was Ruth Cox, a n artist, w ho had decorated Sam's apartment. Later, something was wrong with the car. So they decided to take it to the auto body r epair shop. As t hey entered, they saw that Roy Siciliano owned it ; they told him abo ut the trouble with their car. He r epair ed it immediately . They spotted a man under a truck; they went closer and looked a n d were surprised at t he greasy faced man. After he removed the grease from his face, they found out that it was Darwin Mitchell, who was still a bachelor. After the car was repaired, they started back to the patio. Donna and Sha ron had been visiting us there. Sharon said she had met Mary Ann Rudish and that she was working as a model in P aris. Donna said she met Sandra Cox a nd was surprised that John Detweiler was her husban d and he was work ing as a Russian Leader in Moscow. Sharon and Donna met Darlene Chuto and said sh e was married with four kids. Our conversation was over now. R icky turned on the television and we watched the Olympic "77" games in J apan. W e a ll were amazed that Joe Michiline was a famous Olympic pole vault champion , and that he still was a bachelor. We wer e all happy together remembering the Class of 1967. Otis Moore 12 AG Class
C9lnss LegaclJ Ricky Lewis leaves his sleepi ng in class to Donny Stoops. Ruth Cox gives her skill in Math to Donald Hagans. John Detweiler bequeaths his motherly ways to Fred Csernay. Mary Ann Rudish leaves her s uffering to Jan Sheldone. Sam Eckenrode wills his temper to Don Kitchen. Otis Moore gives his songs to Frank Tripson. Louis DeFazio leaves his laziness to Danny McElwain. Donna Hutchinson bequeaths her sh yness to Betty Lou Miller. San dra Cox wills her f igure to Vivian Ivory. Joe Michiline gives his girl friend, Kathy, to Jim Fix. George Banovski leaves his trouble to Gary Harper. Albert Saunders wills his fussy ways to Dwayne S umpter. W ayn e Biddle bequeaths his bragging to David Roxberry. Sharon Maines gives her make-up to Shirley Maines. Da r win Mitchell leaves his slow eating to Mr. Salem. Darlene Chuto bequeaths her athletic skills to Beverly P a lmer. Roy Sicilia no wills his smoking to Louis Campero. P at D' Auria g ives his inter est in athletics t o Leon Williams. ::v rary A nn Elbell leaves her winning smile to Christa D' Auria. Kathy Kunkle bequeaths her h eight to Miss Mundinger. Senior Class
s 12AG BACK Row : Samuel Eckenrode Otis Moore John Detweiler FRONT Row: Joseph Michilin e Mary Ann Rudish Mrs. Goldfarb, Teacher Wilbur Lewis
u D E N
12 G BAcK Row: Miss Ferguson, Teacher Wayne Biddle Patrick D ' Auria Louis DeFazio D arlene Chuto FRONT Row: Ruth Cox Kathlene Kunkle Sharon Maines Mary Ann Elbell
IC BAcK Row: Roy Siciliano Sandra Cox Lynda Hertel Donna Hutc hinson Mr. Schwartzman, TeacheT FRoNT Row: Leon 'Villiams George Banovski Darwin Mitchell Albert Sa unders
D y
llA BAcK Row : Louis Campero Donald Stoops Roy Otterman John MacWilliams FRONT Row: Miss Smith, T each er Margaret Young Betty Lou Miller Valerie Lee
ll G BACK Row : Donald Kitch en Gary Harper Walter Moore Richard Siar Paul Grotzinger Daniel Rudy FRONT Row: Geraldine Klap ak J anicc Mogus Sharon Laird Mrs. Rentschler, Teach2r
BAcK Row: Ronald Speer Paul D awson David Helsel Francis Cse1路nay John Biddle T homas Willaman FRoNT Row: Linda Baird Marlene Ba rcus Miss Kuklcski , T each er Karen Kerry J oh anne Kerns
10 A BACK Row : C h arles Reisin ger Gregory Kushn er D a niel McElwain C halmer Black Jerry Bush FRONT Row: Carol Karcher Gail Inc h es Miss Mundinger, Teacher Kathleen Thom as Nina I an aro
IOAG BAcK Row: Richard H er od Navin Agarwal Randall Rogers Gary Santavicca Lawrence Morgan H omer Rupert FRONT Row: Lee E thridge Patricia Street Mrs. Scavuzzo, Tea cheT Kathleen Thomas James Fix
BAcK Row : William Reed Alan Ba rwiolek Frank Trip son Edward Laird Joseph Hilbish FRONT Row : Faye Johnson Sa ndra Inch es Karen Brickett Mrs. H anes, T eacher
BAcK Row: Michael Chuto J am es Toner Donald Haga ns Row: Gen evieve Sheldone Patricia Turley Mrs. Zaks, Teacher Carol Ethridge Monica Moxley
SA BAcK Row: Crista D'Auria Carmen lanaxo George Petrick Alan Shaulis Bxadley Fxase Mrs. Stanton, T eacher Row: Jody Boyd Becky Fxick Annette Zemlock Dara Overmoyer Ronna Goldbexg
BACK Row: Mr. Holliday, Teacher Samuel Barnett Lester Mecklem John Rudi.sh Donald Wextman William Rennie Row: Connie Sanchez Shirley Maines Debora h McElwain Vivian I voxy
BACK Row : Mrs. Schuma n, T eacheT Patrici a Ma n gan Margar et Beeb e Row : Paul Deem er Vernon Mikels William Bowm an Lee H am el
BACK Row : Mrs. Ludovico , T each eT Judy W issinger Suzanne Eyrolles Dian e Herold Row: David Roxberry Eugene ArefoTd Milton Carter William Wirsing CaTl Carr
MRS. HENDERSON -Keypunching
MRS. BAVER- Home Care
MRS. DOVEY- Clothing
MR. DICKSON - PTinting
MR. DISANTO- Pain ting
MR. HURSH- Sheetmetal
\ \l路i11ners of C9heedeadill y 8 o11 Lesi
at L/tr,e G.S. 'D. ft .f-t. ToU1tnawtent
LEFT TO RIGHT: Valer ie Lee, Mar y Ann Elbell , Mary Ann Rudis h , Kathleen Thomas, Betty Lou Miller, Sharon Laird, Nina I anaro, Kathleen Murphy
Organizations and Sports
f.Jids' .fltlllletic ftssociation BACK Row:
Sharon Maines Ruth Cox Miss Neleigh, Advisor Daxlene Chuto M iss Mundinger, Advisor Janice Magus Geraldine Klapa k FRONT
Valerie Lee Ka thleen Murphy Kathleen Thomas Betty Lou Miller Mary Ann Elbell
Lette1r C9lu b BACK Row:
Mr. Jones , Advisor Joseph Michiline Richard Siar Louis Campero Donald Hagans Chalmer Black Jerry Bush Ronald Speer Mr. Garrity, Adv isor FRoNT Row:
Wayne Biddle Charles Reisinger R andall Rogers Daniel McElwain Donald Stoops Wilbur Lewis Daniel Rud y
Ch ar les Reisin ger , Samuel Eckenrode, Mr. Stanton - AclvisoT, Richard Herod, Homer Rupert BACK Row, L E FT TO RIGHT:
Joseph Michiline, Patrick D'Auria, Roy Otterman, Richard Siar, Daniel McE lwain, Otis Moore, 路walter Moore, John MacWillims, Louis Campero, J erry Bush
Socce1!' BAcK Row: Mr. Jones, Coach Charles Reisinger Richard Siar Patrick D"Auria Daniel M cElwain Donald Stoops Dwayne Sumpter Walter Moore Donald Kitchen Louis Campero George Banovski Randall Rogers Mr. Salem, Coach FRONT Row : Alan Shaulls J erry Bush Charles Gisselbrech t Jcseph M ichiline Wilbur Lewis Michael Chuto Chalmer Black
BAcK Row : Mr. Lukitsch, Coach Wayne Biddle Donald Kitchen Donald Stoops Michael Chuto Richa rd H erod R a ndall Rogers Mr. Albitz, Coach MIDDLE Row: James Toner Ronald Speer Daniel Rudy William Rennie Daniel McElwain David Helsel FRONT Row : Roman Schlabach Thomas ' 'V illaman Bradley Frase
J3as leetha ll Row: Mr. J ones, Coach Wilbu r Lewis W alter Moore Lou is Campero Don ald Hagans Cha lmer Black Mr. Ga nity, A sst. Coach
Row: Richard Siar Joseph Michiline Ch arles Gisselbrecht .Terry Bush Pa trick D'Auria Alan Shau lis
Row: Mr. Sa lem, Coach John Rudish Joseph Micbiline W a lter Moore Dwayn e Sumpter Richard Siar D aniel McElwain Ch almcr Black Mr. Jones, Coach
Row: J en y Bus h Da vid Helsel Donald Kitchen Wilbur Le wis Daniel Rudy
Row : Michael Brinker Charles T a sselli Allen E schrich Alan Shaulis William R ennie