1968 Yearbook

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Au Revoir, W. P. S.D. Class Motto "!J{ !JDU want :tUC!Ct::t:t, {ight {o't t

Class Flower Class Color 23{ue

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Class Poem

Each Day A Little More - D. STEIN

W e pm cticed W e worked We t1·ied again And each day we worked a little more. We learned the a1·t of study We lea1·ned to treasure its beauty. W e lea1·n ed always to love and value it And each day we learned a little mo1·e. W e began to know one another, We came to lea1·n from one an othe1·, And each day w e d1·ew to gethe1· a little 'more. Tfe laughed Tfe cried

We lm:ed and u:e hated But each day we lived a Zittle more. Each day we wo1·ked a liftle lwrder A nd learned a little better A n d d1·ew closer together A nd had more f eelings and emotions, And each day we grew a little more. And now we are to leave ou1·lives t ogether Each to our own separated w o1·lds To our own sepa1·ate livesBut we leave nothing behind; We take all that w e have with usOur wo1·ks, our learning, Our friendships, our feelings, A n d each new day we'll continue what we have begun here Into a futu1·e of beauty and joy and learning and growingEach sepamte day a little more,


You members of the Graduating Class of 1968 are to be cong r atulated. You have brought to a successful end your school days, here, at the Western P ennsylvania School for the Deaf. You have done well a nd can look forward to even greater achievements after leaving this school. Our good wishes go with each and every one of you. Sincerely, Sam B . Craig, Supe1路int endent

fldministvative 10vincipal To the Graduates : It is time once more to say farewell to those of you who are leaving our school. I hope that the m emory of your school days w ill bring pleasure and happiness to you. I wish for each of you success in whatever field of interest you choose.

Sincerely, Christoph er G. Smith

t])ean of Students My best wishes go w ith each of yo u as yo u graduate from school. I hop~ you w ill benefit from lesson s learned in the classroom, in the dormitories and on the playing fields. The most important part of your life is just beginning. I hope that each of you will find s uccess. James Salem

f-tcademic V1rt1!1cipal To the Graduating Class of 1968: You have worked hard and successf ully to attain your high school academic goals, and you are to be congratulated on t his achievement . Continue to put f orth t his effort and your future educational and vocational goals will also be successfully atta :ned. Please accept my best wishes for a happy and productive future. H. W. Barkuloo

Supevvising T eachev Dear Senior s, Let the finishing of your school cai路eer at W.P.S.D. be the beginning of a new time of learning for you. E ach day, each week, each year will bring you new experiences and new ideas. Take advantage of every opportunity to improve your self mentally, physically, a nd morally. Face the future with courage. Do not let other s make your handicap g r eater than it really is. Sincerely, Ada H. Smit h



President of the Explorers, Letter Club, Reading Club, soccer, track, moni tor, Student Council AMBITION :

FTont TOW, l. toT路: Valerie Lee, S ecTetaTy, Mrs. Hanes a nd Mr. Achtzehn , Class Advi.soTs, Betty Lou Miller , Vice Pre sident Back TOW, l. to T.: Donald Stoops, Yea1路booh Editor, Loius Campero, Presidetn, Roy Otterman, TTeasUJ路eT



To atte nd colle ge or to printer




Treasurer of the Senior Girl Scout, News Editor for Lion's Lines, G. A. A. , Cheerleader, May Cou rt, softball, basketball, volleyball AMBITION:

To attend college


President of th e G. A. A., President of R eading Club, Captain of the Cheerlead er s, Student Council, Senior Girl Scout, Ma y Queen of 1968, monitor, softball AMBITION:

To a ttend college


Treasurer of the Explorers AMBITION:

To a ttend colle ge

be a



Senicr Girl Scout, Student Council, May Court

S:mior Girl Scout, May Court AMBITION:



To be a seamstress



To go to trade school


Boy Scout, Reading Club AMBITION:

To go to trade school


Boy Scout, Reading Club AMBITION:

To go to trade school, or to be a p ainter


Senior Girl Scout, May Court AMBITION:

To work in a hospita l






Senior Girl Scout, May Comt, softball, volleyball AMBITION:

To be a typist

Letter Club, Reading Club, Boy Scout, wrestling, soccer, Student Council AMBITION:

To b e a mech anic


President of Senior Girl Scouts, Girls' Sports Editor for Lion's Lines, G. A. A. , Cheerleader, softball, b asketball, volleyball, May Court AMBITION:

To be a seamstress or a model






G . . A. A. , Senior Girl Scout, May Court, Lion 's Lines, Cheerleader, softball, basketball, volleyball AMBITION;

To work at IBM



Explorer, Reading Club AMBITION:

To attend college


S:mior Girl Scout, May Court A MBITION:



JANICE MOGUS " ]an" Acnvr: IES :



Vice fr~sid ent of G. A. A. , May Court, St:rd ent Council, Reading Club, S en ior Girl Scout, monitor, softball, basketball, volleyball


Boy Scout, Reading Club

Explor er, Reading Club , Letter Club, wrestling


To go to trade school


To go to trade school


To go to trade school


President of the Student Council, President of the Monitors, Editor -in-chief for Lion's Lines, Editor of Yearbook, Captain of soccer, wrestling, track, Readi n g Club, Boy Scout, Letter Club AMBITION:

To attend college


Boy Scout, Reading Club AMBITIO N:

To b e a sanitation work er

Glass History The Class of 1968 is extremely sad that we will leave W.P.S.D. soon. We will never forget the fun we had. In the order that we came to W.P.S.D., we are John MacWilliams, Donald Stoops, Valerie Lee and Leon Williams in 1952 ; Diane Herold, Donald Kitchen and Gerry Klapak in 1953; Janice Mogus, Ronald Speer, Margaret Beebe, David Roxberry, Linda Hertel and Roy Otterman in 1954; Betty Miller, and Sharon Laird in 1955; and Gary Harper in 1956. Those who came here from DePaul are Linda Baird in 1958, Loius Campero in 1959, Patty Mangan in 1960. Paul Deemer started in 1961. Jim Fix came in 1964 after going to Mt. Lebanon Junior High School. We want to thank the houseparents who helped us, and also t he teachers who helped us to learn a lot.

Glass Lrgacy To Dr. Craig, Mr. Smith, Mr. Barkuloo, Mr. Salem, Mrs. Smith, Miss Mundinger, and all of those who work here such as the staff, houseparents, and teachers, we want to thank you a lot because you have given us your kindness and your help. To Alan Shaulis, Jimmy Fix leaves his skill in art. To Eugene Areford, Roy Otterman leaves his interest in books. To Kathy Thomas, Margaret Beebe leaves her sh yness. To Miss Smith, Patty Mangan leaves her Diet Plan. To Jerry Bush, David Roxberry leaves his quietness in the Dining Room. To Daniel McElwain, Louis Campero leaves his laziness in Sports. To Kathy Murphy, Valerie Lee leaves her flirting with Mr. Salem. To Carl Carr, Donald Stoops leaves his skill in a ll sports. To Richard Siar, Ronald Speer leaves his muscles for wrestling. T o Bradley Frase, Gary Harper leaves his frequent trips home on Friday. To Gail Inches, Sharon Laird leaves her ladylike manners. To Jan Sheldone, Linda Baird leaves her make-up. To Vivan Ivory, Gerry Klapak leaves her skill in sewing. To Daniel Rudy, Donald Kitchen leaves his expertness in body shop work. To Carol Ethridge, Janice Mogus leaves her muscles in playing a ll sports. To Mrs Scavuzzo, Paul Deemer leaves his skillful dancing. To Walter Moore, Leon Williams leaves his dishwashing job. To Gregory Kushner, Betty Miller leaves h er ability to meet hearing people. To Patty Turley, Linda Hertel leaves her long hair. To Denise DePaolo, Diane H erold leaves her jeans. To Chalmer Black, John MacWilliams leaves his interest in sports.

C9lass V1roplrrecy About 50 years after the commencement day, you will see a great factory stretching across the entire United States coast at t he Pacific. It will be founded by me. On a beaut iful d ay, I was driven to that factory by my chauffeur, Leon Williams, driving my Rolls Royce. We drove to the gates a nd were waved through. We went in a nd stopped at one of the factor y's parks where I got out and took a walk. During my walk, I came upon a bum sleeping under a marble bench. I j abbed him with my 500-carat diamond topped 100-ca rat gold cane. H e r olled over and I was shocked to see that it was Johnny MacWilliams. I offered him a j ob with my company. H e was so happy a nd accepted it. I went into t he waiting room and kissed my farvorite secretary, Betty Lou Miller, a good morning. Then, I went in to my office where I met my f inancial s uperintendent, David Roxberry, who said that an I.R.S. agent, Gary Harper, wanted to see me. I called him in and he said that I owed the government fifty billion dollars in taxes. I paid him out of my wallet and dismissed him. I f ired David and he was going to kill me but was st opped by the bullets from my bodyguard's machine gun ;Louis Campero, the bodyguard, is a member of the famed Maf ia . H e was so depressed and shocked t hat he had to be carried out by my nurses, Linda Hertel a nd Gerry Kla pak. I was going out of my office to check on m y workers when I met my cosmetic r esearch expert, Jimmy Fix, who said he had discovered a new way to stop acne. I gave him a $10.00 an honr raise and took him to a night club in Chicago. We decided upon t he fine Playboy Club and went in. To our surprise, we saw 2 bunnies walking past who were Patty Mangan a nd Margaret Beebe. We sat down and had drinks as t he f loor show began. Performing was Janice Mogus, a sing er, who looks and sings beautifully. I paid the bill to a bartender , Donald Kitchen. When we went outside, we met Ronald Speer and P a ul Deem er sweeping the sidewalks. I stoppd and talked wit h Ronald Speer a nd found that he has a w ife, Linda Baird. I was driven back home after dropping Jimmy Fix at home. When I went into my home, I heard a lively cha t and knew t hat we had visitors. I went into my living room wher e I met the visitors,Don Stoops and his wife, Diane H erold, chatting with my wife, Valerie Lee. After a few minutes, the visitors left. I ordered my per sonal maid, Sharon Laird, to get my bed r eady. I went up and took a shower. Then, after a good shower, I slid into my bed. What a day! Isn't it?

FTont TOW, l. to T. : Mrs. Zaks, Mrs. Bren nan, Mrs. Cleevely Bach TOw, l. to T.: Miss Ferguson, Miss Smith, Mrs. Goldfarb

Left to right: Miss Mundinger , Mrs. Hanes, Mr. Holliday, Mrs. S::avu zzo, Mrs. Lewis, Miss Kukleski

Left to Tight: Mrs. Ludovico, Mr. Sch wartzman, Mrs. Dickson





l. to

l. to



Valerie Lee, J ohn MacWilliams , Louis Campero, Betty Lou Miller Roy Otterman, Donald Stoops





l. to

l. to

T.: T.:

Jerry Klapak, Peggy Young, Sharon Laird, Janice Mogus Gary Harper, Donald Kitchen

n.:. 12

Front row, l. to T.: Linda Baird, Lynda Hertel, Margaret Bee be, Diane Herold, Patricia Mangan Bach row, l. toT.: Leon Williams , James Fix, David Roxberry, Ronald Speer, Paul Deemer


Bach row , l. to T. : Charles R eisinger, Gail Inches, Kathleen T homas, Carol Karcher, Daniel McElwain FTont row , l. to r. : Gregory Kushner, Ch almer Black, Jerry Bush, Walter Moore


FTont TOW, l. to


Lee Eth r id ge, Kathy Murphy, Nina Ianaro, Daniel Rudy

Back row, l. to T. : Paul Grotzinger, Richard Siar, Larry Morgan , Homer Rupert, Rich ard H erod


FTont row, l. to r . : Gary Santavicca, David Hels el, Randall Rodgers, John Biddle. Back Tow , l. to r.: Paul Dawson, Alan Beckwith

Mis sing: Karen Kerry, Johanna Kerns




l. to


Faye Johnson , S andi Inches , Karen Brickett, Denise DePaolo

Back row, l. t o r.: Bill Reed, Alan Barwiolek , Frank Trips on, Joe Hilbish


Front row, l- toT.: Shirley Turner, Monica Moxley, Genevieve Sheldone, Carol Ethridge Bach. row, l. to Turley


Beverly Palmer , Jim Toner, Mike Chuto, Donald Hagans, Patricia



The Student Council is composed of a representative from each homeroom class and the president of each club. The members had some projects during the school year. Among these were inviting noted persons to give lectures to the student body and sponsoring the Spring Dance. The members are dedicated to the service of helping others, and chis organization had been very active in the affairs of our school.

The Varsity Letter Club was established in 1964 by Mr. Jones and Mr. Salem. This Club is believed to be one of the most active clubs in our school. This year we have many new things in the club room. They are a cash register, poppers, a hot chocolate machine, a lifesaver dispenser, and we'll have a new cupboard soon. Our advisors are Mr. Jones and Mr. Garrity. We earn some money by selling potatoes chips, barbecues, corn chips, popcorn, lifesavers, licorice, hot chocolate and soft drinks in our club. Our large profits we earned by selling cans of candy and our car wash. We also earned money by having a carnival for the Lower Intermediate Department, Junior and Senior High School Departments. We hope that the Varsity Letter Club will continue as the best club.

LION'S LINES The Lion's Lines elected officers for the first time this year. Mrs. Goldfarb and Miss Ferguson, were the advisors who asked for the establishing of officers. Many boys and girls were excited about being officers. Don Stoops was elected Editor-in-chief, Kathy Thomas is his assistant Editor. Betty Lou Miller is a News Editor. Chalmer Black is Boys' Sports Editor . Danny Rudy is Boys' Clubs Editor and Kathy Murphy is Girls' Clubs Editor. Gail a nd Sandi Inches were elected a r t ists. Alan Barwiolek was elected Feature Editor. We, all, were very busy gathering news, jokes, etc., for the Lion's Lines. We hope in the future that the newspaper will improve a lot. G. A. A. The Girls Athletic Association was started in 1964 by Mrs. Popovich and Miss Mundinger and there are now 15 members : Valerie Lee, President, Janice Mogus, Vice President, Peggy Young, Secretary, Carol Karcher, Treasurer, Kathy Thomas, Debbie McElwain, Gerry Klapak, Sharon Laird, Annette Zemlock, Shirley Turner, Monica Moxley, Vivian Ivory, Betty Miller, Kathy Murphy, and Sandra Inches. This organization is for the purpose of developing lead e r s hip, fostering a high standard of sportsmanship, a nd promoting enthusiasm, good sports, and good school spirit. Our activities have included horseback riding a nd picnicing and last December this club gave a cute party for the Primary Department. Our club begins to grow big, and we hope it grows s uccessfully in the years yet to come.

GIRL SCOUTS All of the girls who are members of the Girl Scout troops were very active and worked hard this past year. We had much pleasure, too. We hope that we helped to make school life better this past year. The girls go to the Girl Scout Camp at Ligonier in the fall of every school year for the last weekend of September and the first weekend of October. During the school year, the Girl Scouts are hostesses to parties and finish the school year with a picnic in May. The following officer s are PresidentGerry Klapak, Vice President- Nina Ianaro, Treasurer - Kathy Thomas, Secretary - Betty Lou Miller. THE EXPLORERS The Explorers joined Post 20 by votes of teachers, scoutmasters, and school officals according to character, interest in scouting, and interest in school. The advisor is Mr. John Stanton. There are 16 Explorers for the 1967-1968 year. The President is Louis Campero; the Vice President is Danny McElwain ; the Secretary is Alan Barwiolek, and Roy Otterman is Treasurer. This year t he Explorers have had a Christmas Party, Valentine Party, and a Picnic. W e are very interested in the Explorers and hope more will join Post 20.

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First row, l. to r.: Tom Willaman, Kathy Thomas, Louis Campero, Donald Stops, Daniel McElwain, Paul Dawson, Donald Kitchen Second row, l. to r . : Miss Mundin ger, Chalmer Black, J anice Mogus, Alan Ba.rwiolek, Mr. Salem Third row, l. tor.: Kathy Murphy, Linda Baird, Gail Inches Fourth row, l. to r.: J an Sheldone , Carol Karch er , Valerie Lee

L I 0 N'




FTOnt row, l. t o r.: Mrs . Goldfarb, adv isor, Al an Barwiolek, Donald S toops, Daniel Rudy, Ch a lmer Black, Miss F er gu son, adv isor Back row , l. to r.: Betty Lou Miller , Kathleen T homas, Sandi I n ch es, Gail Inch es, Geraldine Klapak


First row, l. to T.: J a nice Mogus , Sa ndi Inch es, Peggy Young, Kathy Thomas Second TOW , l. toT.: Miss Mundinger, Vivian Ivory, Annette Zemlock, Betty Lou Miller , Miss N eleigh ThiTd TOW, l. to 1路.: Shirley Turner, Sharon Laird Va lerie Lee Fom路th row, l. t o T.: Kathy Murph y , Gerry Kla pak, Carol Karch er , Monica Moxley, Debbie McE lwain


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Front row, l. to T.: Tom Will am an , Don Kitch en , Charles Reisinger , Jerry Bush, Danny McElwain, Ch almer Black, Rich ard Siar, Danny Rudy, Ron Speer Back TOW, l. to 1"路 : Mr. Jones, Bill Rennie , David Helsel, Louis Campero, Don Stoops, Donald H agans, Alan Shaulis, Mr. Garrity


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Front row , l. to r.: Miss Ferguson, Sharon Laird, Linda Baird, Gail Inches, J a nice Mogu s, Peggy Youn g, Pat Turley, Beverly Palmer, Lynda Hertel, Mrs. Stewart Back TOW, l. to r.: Joanna Kerns, Carol Karcher, Karen Kerry, Nina l anaro, Kathy M urphy, Faye Johnson , Gerry Klapak, Kathy Thomas, Diane Herold , Margaret Beebe, Connie Sanch ez, Shirley Turner, J an Sheldone, Betty Lou Miller , Monica Moxley, Valerie Lee


X p L 0



Fmnt 1路ow, l. to r.: J erry Bush, Alan Barwiolek, Louis Campero, Danny McElwain, Ch almer Black Back mw, l. to r.: John MacWilliams, Richard Siar, Wal ter Moore, Charles R eisinger, Homer Rupert, Danny Rudy, Richard Herod, Alan Shaulis, Ronald Speer "



Front row, l. to r.: Kathy Murphy Gerry Klapak Valerie Lee, Captain 3etty Lou Miller Sharon Laird Back row, l. to r.: Mrs. Zaks, Advi sor Shirley Maines Kath y Thomas Debbie M cElwain Nina lan aro, Student Advisor Mrs. Garrity, Adv isor

CHEERLEADERS The Varsity Cheerleaders of 1967- 1968 were Valerie Lee, Captain, Betty Miller, Gerry Klapak, Sharon Laird, Kathy Thomas, Shirley Maines, Kathy Murphy, and Debbie McElwain. Our advisors were Mrs. Zaks Mrs. Garrity, and Nina Ianaro. We cheered for our soccer , wrestling, and basketball teams . Last October, the Cheerleaders were invited to spend a night at Mr. Salem's house. On that night we went to the War Memorial Building in Joh nstown to watch a cheerleaders' contest. We also went to the tournament for wrestling here ta W. P . S. D. At the end of the wrestling season, we had a party with the wrestlers. All through the year we had fun cheering.

SOCCER Last Fall, we, the Varsity Soccer team of 1967 - 1968 improved a lot and had more skills in soccer since the establishment of soccer at W. P. S. D. because of our country pro soccer teams and many youngster s have watched the pros playing. We played very well against many opponents. One of our very thrilling games was against Shady Side. As you know, they have beat us for the last eight years. Our second game against them was at our field and the day was pretty good. Shady Side didn't score against us un til the second qaurter. They made a "lucky" score. Mr. Salem and Mr. Jones taught us how to stop their good and top scorer. They were out of control and couldn't stand on our defense. We had tried to score several times but missed. We will never forget our thrilling game and hope our youngsters will learn and find their way to beat Shady Side. BASKETBALL The 1967- 1968 basketball team consisted of Jerry Bush, Allen Talbert, Frank Tri.pson, Walter Moore, John Rudish, and Richard Siar. There were four regular s ubstitutes. Before we left for the tournament, we vowed t hat we would "bring the bacon" home. The tournament started off very sad; in the first game against St. Mary's, Jerry Bush had a broken nose because someone hit it. Nevertheless, we worked hard and we only lost by 16 points. The score was 59- 53. Then we entered the Consolation game against Maryland and we won 71-42. The next game we were against P. S. D. a nd we lost 59 - 40, but our team won sixth place in the tournament. We were disappointed that we were only consolation runner-up. We shall pass on the equation, " Physical condition Desire Team Cooperation Spirit = Victory" to next year's team. Good Luck!




WRESTLING This year, the W. P. S. D. Invitational Wrestling Tournament was h eld at our school for the first time. It is believed to be

the first wrestling tournament the schools for the deaf h ave ever held in the United States. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; White Plains, New York; Hartford, Connecticut; Kentucky, and ours were the only teams in the tournament. Philadelphia won the first place trophy. We won 2nd place, Connecticut was 3rd, Kentucky was 4th, and New York was last. Roman Schlabach, Ronnie Speer, Donald Kitchen and Michael Chuto were the only W. P. S.D. wrestlers who won a first place trophy. We had nine wrestlers who were in the finals. We all were proud of our team who tried very hard and improved a lot. It is the best team s ince the beginning of wrestling at W. P. S.D.

TRACK The 1968 track team improved a lot. Several boys broke records and we seemed to be more interested in track because we always practiced and kept ourselves in shape. It payed off as our team won the Maryland Invitational Track Meet. We were 48 points ahead of the second place team. This year's individual records that had broke the old ones were Mike Chuto in discus of 130 ft. a nd in shot put of 44 ft. ll lf2in. ; Chalmer Black in 440 yd. dash of 52.2 sec. ; Richard Siar in a mile run of 4 min. 49 sec. and Donald Hagans tying an old record in high jump of 5 ft. 10 in. The team's record is 6 victories against 2 losses, a second in trimeet and a championship in an invitational meet.

GIRLS' SPORTS This year we, the senior girls, want to thank Miss N eleigh for our participatings in team sports such as basketball, volleyball and softball. We were especially more enthusiastic in basketball. Our record in this spor t sh ows 6 wins and 2 losses. Against Winchester Thurston we lost our first game by one point and then in the next game we beat them by 15 points. The difference showed our improvement. We have enjoyed the good times along with Miss Neleigh and hope this program will always be carried on for the g irls in the coming years.

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Front row, l. to T. : J eff Balogh , Bill Rennie, Mike Brln ker , Joe HHb lsh, Don Stoop s, Dan McElwain, Jerry Bush, Chalmer Black, Don Kitchen , Richard Herod Bach row , l. to r.: Mr. Garrity, Mr. Salem, Alan Shaulis , Richard Siar, Buddy Rodgers, Gregory Kushner , Mike Chuto, Louis Campero, \'Va lter More, Herner Rupert, Mr. Jones





Front T Ow , l. to 1路. : Alan E schrich , \ 楼 alter Moore, Jerry Bush , Rich ard Siar, Alan Shaulis Back row, l. to T.: Mr. Jones, Larry Morgan , Allen T a lber t, Joh n Rudish, Dwayne Sump ter , Lester Mecklem, Mike Brinker, Mr. Garrity

w R E



FTont mw, l . to T.: Regis Gilchrist, Dennis Manci.n.i Middle mw, l. to 1". : Bradley Frase, Jim Toner, Ron Speer, Danny Rudy, Bill Rennie, Danny McElwain, David H elsel, Homer Rupert Bach Tow, l . to r.: Mr. Luketich, coach, Tom Willaman, Don Kitchen , Don Stoops, Mike Chuto, Richard H erod, Paul Dawson, Mr. Albitz, coach



F1路ont row, l. to T.: Walter Moore, Louis Campero, Mr. Jones , coach , Dwayn e Sumpter, Homer Rupert Middle TOW, l. to T.: Richard Siar, Bill Rennie, David Glenn, Alan Shaulis, David Helsel Bach Tow , l. to r.: Mr. Salem, coach, Chabner Black, Gregory Kushner, Jerry Bush , Danny McElwain, Mike Chuto, Donald Stoops, Donald H agans , Frank Tripson, Mike Brinker, Mr. Garrity, coach

Girls' Sports

Front row, l. to r.: Ka thy T h om as, J a nice Mogus , Geraldine Klapak , Betty Lou Miller, Sandi Inches, Sharon La ird, Karen Brickett, Valerie Lee B ack TOw , l. to r.: Patricia T urley, Shirley Turner , Gail Inches , Kathy Goeh ring, Vivian I vory, Rita Mowl, Carol Karch er , K a thy M u rph y

BASKETBALL Jan ice Mogus Sandi Inches, co-capt. Betty Miller Sharon Laird, co-capt. Kathy Thomas Gerri Klapak Carol Karch er Ga il Inches Karen Brickett Shirley Turner R ita Mowl Vivia n Ivory Kathy Goehring

VOLLEYBALL Karen Brickett Linda Hertel N ina I anaro Ga il Inches Sandra Inches Gerri Klapak, co-capt. Sh a ron Laird Betty Miller, co-capt. Jan ice Mogus Kath y Thomas Car ol Karcher Carol Ethr idge

SOFTBALL Betty Miller Janice Mogus, co-capt. Carol Karcher Kathy Thomas Kathy Murphy Gerri Klapak Karen Brickett Sandra Inch es Valerie Lee P at Tur ley Shirley Turner

Success Success is speaking words of praise, In cheering other people's ways, In doing just the best you can, With every task and every plan, It's silence when your speech would hurt, Politeness when your neighbor's curt, It's deafness when the scandal flows, And sympathy with other's woes, It's loyalty when duty calls, It's courage when disaster falls, It's patience when the hours are long, It's found in laughter and in song, It's in the silent time of prayer, In happiness and in despair, In all of life and nothing less, We find the thing we call success.


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