Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf
6 0 0 2 n o i Vol. XXXVII L
300 East Swissvale Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15218-1469 www.wpsd.org 1
Often this year many students heard this quote from our coaches. The quote is from Alexandre Dumas. He was the writer of The Three Musketeers. We all know this is a story of true friendship. Never leave nor let a friend fall alone. “One for all, all for one” is a short way of saying stand up for your friends, help them when they need it, and support them when they speak the truth. If you let your friends down then you let yourself down. This quote can also be used in sports. Let one team member down and you let the team down. When one person lets everyone down he lets the team down. This is true for all of us-teachers, students, workers, parents, sports players, coaches and friends. Another example is the senior class. The senior class has stood by one another for so long. They have made it to the end of high school. They have taken time for each other and are the best of friends. When one senior falls, they together pick that senior up. These seniors have not only helped or inspired themselves, but others as well. They are a good example of what “one for all, all for one” really means, because they follow it for themselves and for others who are in need. So therefore we will miss the seniors of 2006 for they have shown us a great deal of friendship.
By: David Strait
Table of Contents
Donald E. Rhoten, MS., MEd.
Dear Class of 2006: Congratulations! With graduation from WPSD, you have achieved a significant milestone in your life. Graduation from high school is a huge event, ending one phase and starting a new and exciting part of your life. I think you are very capable young men and women, and up to the challenges that face you. Graduation is not only a special time for you, but for your family and friends as well. Please thank them for supporting you through this journey. This is as much of an accomplishment for them as it is for you. Also, we at WPSD are proud of you... You have been a big part of our lives and we will miss you. The WPSD staff has worked hard helping prepare you for this event and have an interest in your future success. Thank you for being a part of our lives. Best wishes for a very successful future.
Warmest regards,
Donald E. Rhoten Superintendent
Class of 2006
Future Goals: My future goal is to be a buildingcontractorbuildinghousesor an artist. IwanttogoTriangleTechor N.T.I.D. in New York.
“Boogie Bear” August 5,1986 Erie, PA
Favorite Memory: My favoritememoryisthatI madesomanyfriendsat WPSDandnowit’skind ofsadthatI’mgraduating this year.
EmbarrassingMoment:WhenI was a new student in the Fall of 1999Ithoughtthateveryonewas inthedormat2:30.Thenthestaff told me it’s ISP at school at 2:30! I said “Oh!”
Activities: Soccer, Cheerleading and Track
Favorite Hobby: Read, Play football and exercise
I would like to say thanks to WPSD “It’snicehavinglotsoffriendswith me” . I know this year is my senior year.
Future Goal: work at Kennywood
December 11, 1985 McKeesport, PA
Activities:Soccer,Basketballand Track
ImissWPSD,IwishIcouldstay.Iwant more work.
Favorite Hobby: Computer, E-mail
Favorite Memory: Trip to NYC 11th grade
“Dave” September 28, 1985 McKees Rocks, PA
Activities: Craft class, Snack bar Favoritehobbies:bowling,golf,swimming
Iwanttosaythankyoutoall my teachers.
FavoriteQuote:“CiaoBella”-that means “Hello Beautiful”
August 18, 1986 Pittsburgh, PA FavoriteMemory:Thepromand going to Kennywood
FavoriteHobby:Spendingtimewithmyfamily,Watchingthecookingchannel,playing computer games
IwouldliketosaytoWPSDThankyoufor everything you’ve taught me.
Favorite Quote: “Never Give Up”
May 6 Beaver Falls
Activities: Cheerleader
Future Goal: Go out and get a good job EmbarrassingMoment:IwalkedbytheTower and tripped in front of my friends
IwouldliketoThanksWPSD.It’shardtosayGood-Byetoallmyfriendsand theseniorsthataregraduatingwithme.I’vebeenherefor7years.I feel likeIdon’twanttoleaveWPSD.Iwillmissmybestfriendwhohasbeenmy roommateHeribertoAlexandreandothers--EmilyVenturella,KelseyFike, LauraOlon,Stellena,AmandaCumer,AmandaDeWitt,AnnieD.,Jason,Russell,CourtneyHancock,BobbyMaher,JimToner,MarkKiteSr.,TomHalik,Jim Raffle, Terry Matthews annd Dustin B.
Favorite Quote: “Icanacceptfailure,butIcan’tacceptnottrying” -Michael Jordan
September 25, 1987
BestMemories:Playingbasketballtournament at WPSD against Lexington
Activities: Soccer (7-9, 10-12 Captain) Basketball (7-9, 10-12 Captain) Track () Peer mentor (10) VarsityLetterClub(8-9Secretary,10-11President,12Sergeant-atArms) SBG (12 President) Class of 2006 (10 Vice President, 11-12 President) SignShine (11-12) Yearbook (11-12 Editor-in-Chief) Mr Deaf Teen America - 2nd Runner-Up- (10) Prom (9-11 King, 12) Space Camp (8)
ManythankstoJackCrown whohelpedme out for my careerandexperiencewith him-thanks!Thankstoallthe staff who helped me from whenIfirststartedat4years old until now.
“Bobby” August 25, 1987 Blue Knob, PA
Favorite Memory: WorkingwithJack,and lotsofmemorieswith friendsattheSnackBar, Dinnertime,andField trips. Future Goal: working with my current job at Arlington Auto Body, settledown,getHarley Davidson,findaladyand have a family
FavoriteQuote:“Neverregret if it’s good, it’s wonderful, if it’sbad,Itsexperience”Anonymous
Favorite word: Whatever
“Laughter” February 15, 1986 Cambridge, PA Activities:Volleyball,Basketballmanager, Basketball
Embarrassingmoment:Shane triedtoplaythe“fingerupon yourshirt”joke,butitwent upandaccidentlypokedme in the eye
Hobbies:Swimming,Helping people, talking on movies and watching movies
FavoriteMemory:Allthegoodtimeswithmy friends and my boyfriend
IwouldliketosayThankyouallforyourreallyhardwork teaching us.
FutureGoal:AttendCollege,then work in construction
“Blue� November 4, 1986 Jeannette, PA
Favorite Memory: Being with friends
Activities: Soccer and Basketball
Hobbies:RidingBMXbikes,quad,hangingout withfriends,playingsportsandbeingwithmy girlfriend.
August 4, 1987 Philadelphia, PA
Favorite Memory: Homecoming parade
IwouldliketosaythatIamluckymanyteachersandotherstudents helped me learn things-- teamwork!
Future Goal: I hope I’ll go to NTID/RIT or Gallaudet University
“Grandma” April 12, 1987 Oil City, PA Hobbies:Readingabooks,chatting withfriendsandplayingvolleyball
FavoriteMemory:Myfavoritememoryis talkingtofriendsandteasingthem.We teasepeopleintheclassandeveryday
Favorite Word - Whatever!
EmbarrassingMoment:Igotketchuponmy sweater and people laughed at me
IwouldliketosaytoWPSD, Goodluck! Ihopeall studentswillhaveagoodfutureandgetajobor gotocollege!I’llmissyouguys!Also,Iwon’tforget you guys ever! All people are so nice here!
Chess team (11, 12) Academic Bowl (10, 11, 12) Dorm Council (President 11, ILP Rep. 12) Cheerleaders’ Drummer ( 10, 11, 12) Natural Helpers (11) VLC (12) Close-Up (12) Signshine (11) Yearbook (12) Pageant 2nd-runner up (11)
“Puzzle Boy” Born on 5/24/86 Millerstown, PA
My goals are to go to Gallaudet University and get a Ph. D in Education and find a good paying job for I would like to say thanks to WPSD for your support and also to my friends who were always there for me. Now it’s time for me to move on.
Future Goal: Go to Triangle Tech in Greensburg
“Danny� September 4, 1987 Plum, PA Hobbies: Hang out with friends and do stuff
Activities: Soccer, Basketball manager and Track manager
I would like to say good bye on June 8, 2006.
Andrea Aquilino
Jesse Barkey
Tara Clawson
Amanda Cumer
Amanda DeWitt
Tiffany Fields
Tonya Findley
Philip Fisher
Jeffrey Forner
Matthew Forsythe Courtney Hancock
Shy-Tyson Lawton
Jarred Lilley
Jeffrey Kopchick
Fatima Muhammad
Zane Noschese
Sharon Opris
Joshua Priester
Marla Rabenstein
Russell Radley
Danah Richter
Joshua Sechman
Jason Shetron
David Strait
Holly Thomas
Casey Weyant
Philip Wismer
Maribeth Zeleski
Justin Barnes
Amy Jo Huss
Adam Jugan
Phillip Kaminski
Ashley Kaufman
Kirstie Koricich
Angel Mahnick
Bonnie Mahnick
Summer Miller
Britany Nagel
Lacy Nagel
D’Ontae Peery
Jayla Robertson
Anne Ross
JD Wranich
Ian Wright
Johanna Oberholtzer
Rebecca Taslov
Javauna Arce
Andrea Echavarria
Amanda Howser
Derek Possumato
Samantha Boothby Jhorden Cheadle
Chris Deadwiler
Ashlyn Goforth
Stellena Hargrove
Brian Hertneky
Rachel Hutchinson Jimmy Mc Lenigan
Corey Milligan
April Smith
Kylea Stewart
Jeremy Wagoner
Dustin Brown
Deaidra GraysonColeman
Yuri Tokarek
Brister Campbell
Charleka Grubb
Ryan Toth
Ryan Deivert
Arthur Napolitano
Anne Dingledein
Tiffany Putt
Jerry Wilson
Jesse Bracken
Boston Campbell
Amanda Capone
Randy Dor
Kelsey Fike
Eric Hinderman
Blaise Jugan
Keith Luketic
Danny McGee
Michael Moody
Tyler Smith
Brianna Storino
Haley Walker
Bikelle Wood
Michael Celesnik
Ms. Resnick’s Class
Pauline Resnick
DeAirra Beason
Tony Cochran
Nhon Cossick
Megan Eighmey
Lonnieka Embry
Brandon Pike
Ms. Homell’s Class
Christie Homell
Timothy Caulfield
Charles Haynes
Richard Mikula-Nicols
Cody Murcek
Mrs. Maravich’s Class
Joyce Maravich
Tiffany Franklin
Peter Hilton
Michael Pryor
Shirley Shirk
Marcus Pryor
Mr. Ruscavage’s Class
Vincent Ruscavage
Emily Bach
Joanna Cernicky
Glenn Myers
Briana Wozniak
Mrs. Gerlach’s Class
Shari Gerlach
Maggie Donaldson
Jennifer Megela
Melissa Shirk
Destiny Quarles
Joshua Sivak
Mrs. Wellman’s Class
Sally Wellman
James Copeland
Joshua Geidel
Somalya Robinson
DeOntae White
Jalen Jenkins
Mrs. Boal’s Class
Marie Boal
Jamie Friday
Anna Mei Schurer
Le’Airua McHenry
Bradley Speck
Stacey Quear
Mrs. Remis’ Class
Deborah Remis
Rachel Campion
Jessica Gould
Shannon McAleavey
Naithen McMillen
Mrs. Husar’s Class
Debbie Husar
Daniel Bishop
Nathan Irwin
Phiat Ounn
Samantha Pettit
Sarah Richardson
Mrs. Smozski’s Class
Donna Smozski
Hannah Fisher
Kathryn Kucsmas
Alec Lindsey
Megan Majocha
Trey Shultz
Michael Weber
Mrs. Gualtieri’s Class
Barbara Gualtieri
Storm Betts
Matthew Kelly
Jameel Smith
Marisa Walworth
Mrs. DeFrancesco’ s Class
Debbie DeFrancesco
Dylan Craddock
Andrew Spellman
Travis Frye
Amber Jones
Stefon Trowell
Mrs. Auden’s Class
Wendy Auden
Dajion Dixon
Kevin Goerman
Emily Petrillo
Emily Reno
Mrs. Baxter’s Class
Sherry Baxter
Haley Beavers
Cheyenne Thompson
Asa Heirendt
Noah Mc Auley
Shaniya Washington
Karen Roudybush
Marlene Wilkerson
Dan McNamara
Ethan Campion
Kyle D’Amore
Krista Foster
Cassie Friday
Antoine Hunter
Montae Jackson
Jobe Walker
Shania Williams
Griffin Martin
Instruc. Aide
Pre-Kindergarten II
Amy Alverson
Carrie Poilucci
R.J. Fisher
Cheyenne Sloan
Instruc. Aide
Kyle Keracher
Howard Lin
Destiny Tanner
Pre-Kindergarten I
Diane Pici-McMahon
Carrie Rain
Instruc. Aide
Chad D’Amore
Kendrick Rivers
Alexandra Francis
Rosie Santucci
Preschool 1
Patty Greeno
Sandy Benintende
Anita Mitchell
Jack Barton
Danielle Fisher
Lara Geary
Instruc. Aide
Rosie Noschese Instruc. Aide
Joanna Drew
Alexa McCullough
Emily Oesterling
Preschool 1
Summer Olzewski
Faith Saulsberry
Dylan Zurawski
Katelyn Stokan
47 47
James Bernauer
Rita Witt
Deborah Fell
Timothy Harris
Patricia Karn
Sue McAdoo
Helen Shirley
Kathryn Stephan
Dir. of Development
Instructional Support Service Specialist
Curriculum Coordinator
Vicki Cherney
Alan Majocha
Marketing Coordinator
Event Planner
Coordinator/ Children’s Services
Dir. Human Resources
Jessica Wells Central Office Coordinator
Chief Fiscal Officer
Mary Zanic Administrative Assistant
Gregg Bowers Dean of Students
Betsy Brown
Mary Lou Raible Janet Schumaker Accountant
Crystal Davis
Secretary/Resgistrator Secretary
Mary Lou Senkewitz Secretary
Leslie Leary Payroll Clerk
Connie Stepien Assistant Dean of Students
Valentine Wojton Lisa Yankoski SCPI Coordinator
Gen. Acct. Clerk
Catherine Rhoten Jennifer Famularo Tatiana Prezioso Lori Randolph Principal
Cynthia Sherer Adminstrative Asst.
Carol Riser
Vocational Evaluator
Mary Ann Stefko
Mainstream Coordinator
Barbara Goodman Frances Jolly Asst. Principal, Upper School
Guidance Councelor
Linda Langer
Office/Teacher Aide
Maureen McCarthy Secretary
Linda Critchlow Vicki Frost Asst. Principal, Lower Secretary School
Elaine Moore Dir. Children’s Center/Parent Infant Program
Gloria Hartnett
Bonnie Straley Secretary
Mary Noschese
Christine Moody Coor., P-I Program
Mary Jo Redfern
Patricia Greeno
Candace Sullivan
Carole Aurilio
Cassandra Beveridge
Amy Jaszczuk
Cynthia Johnson
Eleanor Magyar
Erin McNeil
Wendy PayneCraig
Jean Saunders
Kathryn Drake
Mary Farrell
Jennifer Jones
Wayne Kelly
J. Chris Noschese Margi Jo Patton
Troy Verner Diana Saunders-Conley
John Foust
Joseph Goodman Monica Papa
Philip Romito
Amy Newland
Michael Adams Daniel Emerick
Joyce Rodella
Sheree Peery
Dorothy Scharschu
Kathleen Betz
Anthony DiMenno
Elizabeth Eberle Donna Johnston
Sandra Kayner
Larry Randolph
Thomas Sage
Christie Shively
Daniel McNamara
Anita Mitchell
Carrie Poilucci
Janine McTighe Amalia Paltan
Rosemarie Noschese
Deborah Ekas
Jessica Sunday
Diana Pici-McMahon
Gina Leskovic
Jennifer Weinberg
Gloria Beiga
Kathy Bowers
John Fisher
Renee Fisher
Pat Henry
Mark Kite
Linda Majocha
Terry Matthews
Kathleen Conte
George D’Amore
Thomas Halik
David Halleran
Rita Kuchar
Trish Long
Asst. to the Dean
Wilmonda McDevitt Anita Mitchell
Aaron Noschese Cheryl Noschese
Judy Patterson
Carrie Poiliucci
James Raffle
Venita Smith
Gretchen Steffen James Toner
Asst. to the Dean
ILP Director
Anthony Remis
Barbara Wershbale
David Zurawski
Nancy Possumato Connie Elias Nursing Supervisor
Helen May
Gina McDonald
Sharon Portser
Linda Burik
Director, Learning Center
Mary Noe Secretary
Ellen Russell
Technology Specialist
Robert Wells Teacher
Brian Slavinsky Media Coordinator
Carolyn Kirkpatrick Librarian
Joel Grover
Tina Abraham
Fabrienne Spadacene
Donna Weiss Art Therapist
Anne Kirstin Raether Fisher-Evangelista Physical Therapist
Robert Aker
Terry Matthews
Michael Prezioso
Director Couns./ Evaluator
School Counselor
School Counselor
Asst. Printer
Occupational Therapist
IEP Coordinator
Richard Blecher Terry Uzarski
John Crown
Director, Plant Operations
Walter Czekanski
Anthony Donifero
Marcus Hooper
Robert Kropp
Russell Marcase Jr.
James McMahon Robert Noschese
William Smith
Norman Kemerer
Thomas Walton
Thomas Schuler John Wood Sr. Foreman
Night Foreman
Ed Barnhart
Betty Baverso
Charles Lewicki
Michael Parrish
Sandra Uram
Rolland Spadacene
Roberta McCoy
Jeffery Byerly
Melissa Becker
Joseph Krah
David Marchwinski
Wayne Richter
William Willis
Security Foreman
Ronald Leeman
Dick Starr Food Service Director
Dennis Francis
Charlene Halleran
Barbara Hancock Arlene Huthmaker
Mike Insko
Stacy Johnson
Wendy Murphy
Barbara Walsh
Marilyn Wilson
Joan Rinaldi Food Service Secretary
Lisa Aquilino
Peggy Patterson
Jimmy Macgill Editor-in-Chief
Shane Wright Copy Editor
Danah Richter Copy Editor Photographer Illustrator
Laura Olon Business Manager Copy Editor
Jesse Barkey Copy Editor Computer Specialist Photographer
Josh Sechman Copy Editor
Emily Venturella Copy Editor
Fatima Muhammad Copy Editor
David Strait Copy Editor Photographer
Front: B. Jugan, D. Possumato, J. Wagoner Back: B. Hertnecky, A. Jugan, S. Wright
Left to Right: M. Eighmey, E. Bach, M. Pryor, B. Speck Missing: G. Myers and J. Cernicky
Left to Right: Renea Diamond (Advisor), James Macgill, Danah Richter, Sharon Opris, Andrea Aquilino, Wendy Payne-Craig (Advisor)
The 2005 National Jr. NAD Conference Interview with Maribeth Zeleski by Fatima Muhammad
Fatima: I know that we had so much fun meeting many people from 27 deaf schools and attending interesting lectures from several important Deaf Leaders. What was your most favorite moment of the National Jr. NAD Conference? Maribeth: My favorite moment of the National Jr. NAD is hard to pick because there were so many memories! I would say that going to the workshops and learning about how a meeting is run, the word “empower”, and so much more, was definitely a thrill and worth the time being in Indianapolis, Indiana! Fatima: Were you very nervous about meeting new people and making friends at first? Maribeth: Yes, I will never forget the first day you and I were feeling homesick because we knew each other and no one else. We left the conference having made many new friends who we still keep in touch with since November 2005. Fatima: What was your favorite lecture and why? Maribeth: My favorite lecture was the Parliamentary Procedures workshop given by Valentine Wojton. Since I am President of the Jr. NAD, I should know how to run a meeting. I never expected to learn so much about the way a meeting is run. I admit that I ran my meetings wrong before I went to the conference! Fatima: What is the purpose of the National Jr. NAD conference? Maribeth: The purpose of the National Jr. NAD conference is to become a better leader! I also had the opportunity to meet many other Jr. NAD delegates and learn about their experience with Jr. NAD. Fatima: I’m sure you had a lot of wonderful experiences there. Do you think it’s worth it to go there and why? Maribeth: Yes, I really thought that it was worth the 20 hour bus trip to Indianapolis and back! I learned so much at the conference and even built more self-esteem for myself. It is strongly recommended that future Jr. NAD officers from WPSD go to the next conferences! Fatima: Would you recommend anyone to attend the conference? Maribeth: I most definitely would!
Members Left to Right: V. Wojton-advisor, P. Wismer, F. Muhammad, T. Findley, D. Richter, D. Strait, M. Zeleski, Z. Noschese, E. Venturella, S. Wright, C. Johnson-advisor
Top: C. Hancock, M. Zeleski, F. Muhammad, D. Richter, S. Wright Bottom: V. Wojton and C. Johnson
Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind March 29 to April 2, 2006
Washington, D.C. May 7 to 12, 2006
Left to Right: D. Strait, F. Muhammad, C. Drake (Advisor) S. Wright
Huntsville, Alabama May 1 to 5, 2006
Left to Right: P. Wismer, T. Putt, J. Cernicky Advisor: Jennifer Jones
Top: B. Mahnick, A. DeWitt, A. Mahnick, M. Hutchison, M. Rabenstein, M. Zeleski, T. Fields, K. Koricich Bottom: A. Cumer, R. Hutchison, T. Findley, R. Taslov, D. Richter, A. Aquilino, S. Opris
Top: J. Macgill, J. Sechman, C. Weyant, J. Shetron, A. Passante, J. Forner, T. Vernon (Advisor) A. Jugan Bottom: A. Heriberto, P. Fisher, J. Lilley Missing from photo: V. Wojton (advisor), Z. Noschese, J. Brown, J. Wagoner, D. Possumato
Front: I. Wright, J. Lilley, S. Opris Middle: J. Sechman, D. Richter, A. DeWitt Back: M. Rabenstein, M. Zeleski, D. Strait
Top: T. Findley, A. DeWitt, J. Sechman, M. Zeleski, J. Macgill, B. Maher, Z. Noschese, R.Kuchar, S. Wright Bottom: D. Richter, D. Strait, E. Venturella
November 17th, 2005 Left to Right: S. Opris, J. Barkey, T. Putt, B. Mahnick, J. Sechman, M. Rabenstein, D. Richter, J. McLenigan, K. Stewart, D. Possumato, A. Dingledein, H. Alexandre
Miss WPSD ~ Bonnie Mahnick Mr. WPSD ~ Josh Sechman
Deaf Teen America at South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind Mr. & Miss First Runner-Up ~ Jesse Barkey & Tiffany Putt Mr. & Miss Second Runner-Up ~ Derek Possumato & Marla Jo Rabenstein
Left to Right: D. Richter, T. Fields, S. Opris. J. Sechman, J. Macgill, M. Rabenstein, T. Findley, A. Aquilino Front: A. DeWitt
Left to Right: D. Strait, S. Wright, B. Mahnick, A. DeWitt, S. Opris, T. Findley, T. Fields, Advisor: A. Noschese, T. Halik, W. McDevitt (Missing: J. MeLenigan)
Top: J. Famularo, R. Maher, S. Wright, T. Verner Bottom: J. Macgill and A. Passante
Top: A. Noschese (Advisor), J. Lilley (Treasurer), T. Findley (Sergeant-at-Arms), J. Sechman (Sergeant-at-Arms), C. Drake (Advisor) Bottom: A. Aquilino (President), S. Opris (Vice President), A. DeWitt (Secretary)
Top to Bottom: T. Remis (Advisor), W. McDevitt (Advisor), K. Koricich (President), B. Mahnick (Vice President), R. Taslov (Secretary), A. Jugan (Treasurer), A. Kaufman (Sergeant-at-Arms), A. Mahnick (Chairperson)
Front row: T. Fields, J. Wagoner, B. Mahnick, J. Lilley, S. Opris, E. Venturella Middle Row: A. Mahnick, A. Kaufman, K. Stewart, C. Hancock, S. Miller, D. Richter, J. Sechman, A. DeWitt, J. Forner, Z. Nochese, J. Macgill Back Row: R. Radley, P. Wismer, S. Wright, R. Fields, J. McLenigan, H. Alexandre, S. Lawton, J. Shetron, M. Zeleski, M. Rabenstein
Snack Bar Managers Left to Right: B. Maher and T. Halik
Top: T. Frye, K. Gorman, D. Dixon, C. Friday, K. Kucsman, D. Craddock Bottom: J. Walker, K. D’Amore, T. Shultz, K. Keracher Advisors: C. Scherer
Advisors: F. Jolly and D. Weiss
E. Bach
Top: J. Bracken, D. Weiss Bottom: N. Cossick M. Shirk
Deairra Beason
1st Semester - Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Top (left to right): M. Forsythe, L. Nagel, A. DeWitt. Bottom (left to right) A. Aquilino, Z. Noschese, M. Zeleski, T. Fields.
First Semester - Tuesday and Thursday
Left to Right: P. WIsmer, B. Nagel, F. Muhammad, D. Strait, J. Barkey, C. Hancock, A. Cumer
2nd Semester - Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (Prepare for On-Air)
Top (left to right): P. Curigliano, S. Wright, C. Grubb, E. Venturella, S. Boothby, D. Strait Bottom (left to right) J. Macgill, A. Mahnick, Z. Noschese
2nd Semester - Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (On-Air)
Left to Right: T. Findley, L. Olon, M. Rabenstein, S. Opris, H. Alexandre, D. Richter, A. Aquilino
by Fatima Sabrina Muhammad As the class of 2007 students were packing their stuff on Monday night, they were very excited about the trip to New York City on Tuesday morning. First thing in the morning, we ate breakfast at 5:15 am then our bus departed at 5:45 am. Most kids were sleeping on the bus for a few hours. We stopped by a nearby gas station to eat lunch in the early afternoon then we continued our journey. When we finally arrived in New York City, we saw a very beautiful view of the city from the highway. We got on the ferry that transported us from Ellis Island to the State of Liberty. On the ferry, we took many pictures with the beautiful background of Manhattan. We ate dinner at McDonald’s in Times Square. We went shopping at the FAO Schwartz Toy Store afterwards in Manhattan. On the second day of our trip, we went to the Broadway Theater in Brooklyn to see the fantastic show called “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”. When the show was over we went to eat at a wonderful restaurant called “Langans” in Brooklyn. After that, we were ready to go out shopping for a little while, then off to the Empire State Building, 86 stories tall!!! When we went up to the 86th floor, we saw the beautiful and breathtaking view of the entire city of New York on a very cold night. Unfortunately, we had to return to the Hasbrouck Heights Holiday Inn. We had to wake up very early in the morning to leave New York City. We didn’t want to leave New York City at all because it is one of the best memories for the class of 2007. We guarantee that we won’t ever forget the fun and wonderful memories we had together there. They’ll be always in our minds no matter what. I gotta say it....I LOVE NEW YORK!!!
First Row: Jeremy Wagoner, Zane Noschese, Derek Possumato Second Row: Jeff Forner, Casey Weyant, Troy Verner (Asst. Coach), Anthony Passante, James Macgill, Josh Sechman, Valentine Wojton (Head Coach), Philip Fisher, Jarred Lilley Third Row: Robert Maher (Manager), Chris Deadwiler (Manager), Michael Celesnik, Heriberto Alexander, Jesse Bracken, Dustin Brown, Michael Moody, Blaise Jugan, Jimmy McLenigan, Philip Wismer (Manager), David Strait (Manager), James Toner (Asst. Coach) Fourth Row: Shy-Tyson Lawton, Jeff Kopchick, Jason Shetron, Adam Jugan, Brian Hertnecky, Ian Wright
RECORD 11-3-1
Anthony Passante, Zane Noschese, James Macgill, Josh Sechman
6 9 10 12 13 20 21 3 4 5 6 11 13 14 15
Anthony Passante, Robert Maher (Manager), James Macgill, Heriberto Alexander
Home Away Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Away Away Home Home
5-3 W 8-0 W 4-3 W 3-3 T 6-1 W 7-1 W 6-2 W 6-1 W 3-1 L 2-1 L 9-3 W 8-1 W 6-1 W 10-0 W 7-1 L
Front row: Pettit Samantha, Jalan Jenkins, Peter Hilton, Nhon Cossick, Nathan Irwin Second row: Phiatt Ounn, Shirley Shirk, Glenn Myers, Joanna Cernicky Third row: Cheryl Noschese (Coach), Brandon Pike, Somalya Robinson, DeAirra Beason, Megan Eighmey, Richard Mikula-Nicols, Linda Langer (Coach) Back row: John Fisher (Coach), Tom Sage (Coach), David Halleran (Coach)
Front row: Andrew Spellman, Kevin Goerman, Dylan Craddock, Megan Majocha second row: Jamie Friday, Michael Weber, Travis Frye, Melissa Shirk, Maggie Donaldson 3rd row: Bradley Speck, Jessica Gould, Stacey Quear, Hannah Fisher, Dajion Dixon, Shannon McAleavey Back row: Cheryl Noschese (Coach), John Fisher (Coach), Tom Sage (Coach), David Halleran (Coach), and Linda Langr (Coach) Front row: Pettit Samantha, Maggie Donaldson, Joanna Cernicky, Anthony Cochran, Briana Wozniak Second row: Joshua Sivak, Megan Eighmey, Somalya Robinson, Richard Mikula-Nicols, Stacey Quear Back row: Cheryl Noschese (Coach), Judy Patterson (Coach), John Fisher (Coach), David Halleran (Coach), Linda Langer (Coach) Sitting: Bradley Speck, Shannon McAleavey, Melissa Shirk, Jamie Friday, Glenn Myers Standing: Cheryl Noschese (Coach), Jessica Gould, Judy Patterson (Coach), Michael Pryor, Brandon Pike, DeAirra Beason, Marcus Pryor, Nathan Irwin, John Fisher (Coach), and Linda Langer (Coach)
First Row:Andrea Aquilino and Sharon Opris Second Row: Tiffany Fields and Kirstie Koricich Third Row: Bonnie Mahnick and Angel Mahnick Fourth Row: Tonya Findley and Amanda DeWitt Fifth Row: Danah Richter (Manager) and Amanda Cumer (Manager) Sixth Row: Aaron Noschese (Head Coach) and Christie Home (Asst. Coach)
First Row: Aaron Noschese (Head Coach), Amy Jo Huss (Manager), Christie Homell (Asst. Coach) Second Row: Courtney Hancock, Laura Olon (Manager), Anne Dingledein Third Row: Fatima Muhammad, Samantha Boothby, Marla Rabenstein Fourth Row: Rachel Hutchinson, Cory Milligan, Ashlyn Goforth, Emily Venturellla Fifth Row: Maribeth Zeleski, Ashley Kaufman, Tiffany Putt
Emily Venturella and Lauren Olon
First Row: Valentine Wojton (Asst. Coach), Troy Verner (Head Coach) Second Row: Jeremy Wagoner, Dustin Brown, Anthony Passante,Jhorden Cheadle, Philip Fisher, Jarred Lilley Third Row: David Strait (Manager), Jeff Forner, Josh Sechman, Zane Noschese, Casey Weyant, James Macgill,
Josh Sechman, James Macgill, and Zane Noschese
James Macgill and Anthony Passante
First Row: Courtney Hancock, Tiffany Fields, Andrea Aquilino, Bonnie Mahnick, Angel Mahnick Second Row: Rachel Hutchinson, Sharon Opris, Kylea Stewart, Tiffany Putt, Samantha Boothby Thrid Row: Kathy Barthlow (Asst. Coach), Wilmonda McDevitt (Head Coach), Erin McNeil (Asst. Coach)
Bonnie Mahnick, Andrea Aquilino, Angel Mahnick
First Row: Blaise Jugan, Michael Celenik, Derek Possumato, Jeremy Wagoner Second Row: Valentine Wojton III (Head Coach), Jesse Bracken, Dustin Brown, Jeff Kopchick, Ian Wright, Arthur Napolitano (Manager)
First Row: Kylea Stewart, Tiffany Putt, Rachel Hutchinson, Sharon Opris, Samantha Boothby Second Row: Laura Olon, Andrea Echavarraria, Johanna Johnson, Brianna Storino, Kathy Barthlow (Head Coach)
First Row: Jesse Barkey (Mascot), Shane Wright (Drummer), Second Row: (Asst. Coach), Emily V, Britney Nagel, Ashlyn Goforth, Mandi Cumer, Maribeth Zeleski, Amanda DeWitt, Rebecca Taslov, Ashley Kaufman, Venti Smith (Head Coach) Third Row: Ryan Fields and Jason Shetron
First row: Chris Deadwiler, Ian Wright, Heriberto Alexandre, D’Onate Perry, Richie Mikula-Nichols Middle row: Josh Sechman, Valentine Wojton, (Head Coach), Jarred Lilley Last row: Erin McNeil, (Assistant Coach), Troy Verner, (Assistant Coach), Jason Shetron, Jimmy Macgill, Jess Brown, Jeff Forner, Zane Noschese, Donta Neal, Philip Fisher, James Toner, (Assistant Coach), Mark Kite Sr, (Assistant Coach)
Jimmy Macgill and Jess Brown
Jarred Lilley and Josh Sechman
Girls’ Track
First row: Tonya Findley, Anne Dingeldein, Rachel Hutchinson, Tiffany Putt, Danah Richter, Emily Venturella, Brianna Storino Middle row: Andrea Aquilino, Angel Mahnick Last row: Mark Kite Sr, (Assistant Coach), James Toner, (Assistant Coach), Erin McNeil, (Assistant Coach), Sharon Opris, Rebecca Taslov, Courtney Hancock, Johanna Oberholtzer, Maribeth Zeleski, Hayley Walker, Troy Verner, (Assistant Coach), Valentine Wojton, (Head Coach)
Andrea Aquilino and Andrea Auqilino and Angel Mahnick
Emily Venturella
Jimmy Macgill, Mr. and Mrs. Macgill
Wilmonda McDevitt,Emily Venturellla, Aaron Noschese
Jess Brown and Gregg Bowers
Kim and Laura Olon
Robert Maher, Nancy Maher, Christina Maher, Robert Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Wright and Shane Wright
Anthony Passante and Mr. Passante
Mr. and Mrs. Zeolla, Daniel Zeolla, April and Jonathan
96 b c
e f g
h i j
k a S. Wright, b J. Brown, c P. Curigliano, d D. Richardso, e E. Venturella, f J. Macgill, g D. Chillson, h A. Passante, i L. Olon, j D. Zeolla, k R. Maher, l R. Fields
a d
To our Favorite Daniel, You’ve given us so many smiles, so many happy memories and so many reasons to be so proud and grateful to have you for a son and a brother!
Love, Mom, Dad, April and Jonathan
Shane The gift you were given, Started when you were born, It was shared with the world, The more that you learned. The love and the knowledge, You’ve gathered and shared, You’ve given to others, You’ve shown that you cared. It’s not always easy, The life that you lead. But God will provide you, With all that you need. Be true to yourself. Follow your heart. Be proud of yourself. As your new life you start. Your gifts are your deafness, Your heart, And your mind. Because of your efforts, Rewards you will find.. All our love You make us proud Love, Mom, Amanda, Tsani
What Shane means to us:
S - Sharing H - Happiness A - Appreciative N - New way to hear the world E - Excellence
CONGRATULATIONS ON A JOB WELL DONE! LOVE, Grammy and Poppy Uncle Buddy, Aunt Marcia and Family Uncle Mike and Family Aunt Wendy, Uncle Billy and Family
Congratulations Pietro! We are so proud of you! You are: Paciente Intelligent Extremely Talented Ready for the Real World Overcame many obstacles to get to this graduation day! Love Always, Mama, Papa, Antonella and Maria
Bobby, We’re so proud of you for graduating high school. You were always a brat when you were little, playing with the TTY. You and Christina were always throwing shoes at each other, haha. But I don’t regret having you, you’ve always been a joy in our life. We will always love you with all of our hearts and you’re always welcome around. Love, Mom, Dad, Christina and Jenna
EMILY It seems like just yesterday we brought home a scared little girl from India. Now you have become a beautiful young lady ready to graduate. You have made us proud many times through the years but now we are especially proud. As you start the next chapter of your life, remember to put God first and He will lead you. Never forget for a second that we love you! Love, Mom, Dad and Matt
Heriberto Since I met you, you’re the most handsome friend I ever had in my life, because there is no friend like YOU! We have a lot in common in our lives, so remember you can count on me if you need to. Congratulations on your graduation! The future waits for you. Reach for the stars! Best Wishes! Love always, Danah
Laura (our daughter, sister and aunt), In that moment when we first laid eyes on you, we knew that you would change our lives forever. All the joy and happiness you have brought into our lives and the lives of so many others has been a true blessing. As the years have gone by, we have watched you grow from an adorable small child into a beautiful, talented, young woman. You have overcome so many obstacles during your life and have fought one battle after another without ever giving up. You have also matured and accomplished so much during your years at WPSD. We are exremely proud of you and love you very much. We know that you will continue to grow and blossom more as each day goes by and each challenge comes your way. You have a beautiful spirit and have set an example for so many to follow. We are so thankful that God has blest us with you and has permitted us be a part of your life.
Love, Dad and Mom and all your brothers, sisters, and nephews
Young Brother, I’m glad to know that you are getting closer to graduation and it’s going to be nice to hav~ three Macgill again in Gallaudet. However, we left a skidmark in W.P.S.D. by giving them the Macgills to handle, and now you’re the last Macgill to leave our good name with all of your great work in academic, sports, and many different student organizations including your friendly and smiley face as well. I’m glad to see you grow up getting all ready for Gallaudet, because when we’re young, we had many good times, and now we’re older, we had a great time together, and I can’t wait until you arrive in Gallaudet to make a new footprint in excellence. I know you could make things better if you just follow what you want and if you have a goal grab it, don’t stop and give up.. Finish what me and Kristin have left for you in Gallaudet. Make us proud brother, get your degree from W.P.S.D. and haul your butt to Gallaudet. I can’t wait to watch you play sports in Gallaudet, and I will be your number one fan. See you soon! With Love, Older Brother ]unior.
]ames Leon Macgill known as my little brother and my best friend.. I can’t imagine my life without him because he means the world to me since we are only 19 months apart. I am really looking forward to have him as a freshman at Gallaudet this fall which I’ll be a senior. It’s totally going to be great having all of the MACGILL’s at Gallaudet together. As I look back and remember all the good times I had with my little brother we went thru a lot together thru good times and bad times, of course we would fight when we were young, wrestle, play together, tease each other, being able to be there for each other, tell each other everything, knowing someone cares and most of all knowing he will always be my true flesh blood brother. I am grateful to have him as my little brother. He will always be my little brother no matter what. Yes he is taller than me and he would say that he is older than me because he is taller than me but he isn’t because I am older than him in age but for height he is taller than me. I will always call him my little brother and my best friend that means everything to me. I love you ]ames Leon Macgill. I have always been proud of you since day one you were born. You have always been my shining star and you continue to shine everyday more and more. I cannot wait to see you graduate; wow you have really grown up into a mature young man. I love you so much!! Love always, Your only Sister Kristin Lynn Macgill
James, You’re a wonderful Son and your graduation day means so very much to us. Its a day to celebrate a day you can look back on and remember all your past accomplishments also a day to look forward and anticipate your future success.... We want you to know that it has been a great joy having a son like you. You truly are a special person and you are deserving of the very best that life has to offer. Remember always that whatever your future holds whichever path you choose you are already a success in our eyes. We Love you Mom and Dad
Jimmy, Hoping your years ahead be blessed in all you do. Love Grandma & Cecelia Macgill
Abraham Tina 59 Adams Michael 53 Aker Robert 59 Alexandre Heriberto Alverson Amy 43 Aquilino Andrea 20 Aquilino Lisa 63 Arce Javauna 24 Auden Wendy 40 Aurilio Carole 52 Bach Emily 31 Barkey Jesse 20 Barnes Justin 22 Barton Jack 45 Baverso Betty 61 Baxter Sherry 41 Beason DeAirra 28 Beavers Haley 41 Becker Melissa 62 Beiga Gloria 56 Benintende Sandra 45 Bernauer James 48 Betts Storm 38 Betz Kathleen 54 Beveridge Cassandra Bishop Daniel 36 Blecher Richard Boal Marie 34 Boothby Samantha Bowers Gregg 49 Bracken Jesse 26 Brown Betsy 49 Brown Dustin 25 Brown Jesse 4, 7 Burik Linda 58 Byerly Jeffrey 62 Campbell Boston 26 Campbell Brister 25 Campion Ethan 42 Campion Rachel 35 Capone Amanda Caulfield Timothy Celesnik Micheal Cernicky Joanna 31 Cheadle Jhordan Cherney Vicki 48 Chillson David 4, 8 Clawson Tara 20 Cochran Anthony
4, 6, 100
52 60 24
26 29 26 24
Conte Kathleen 56 Copeland James 33 Cossick Nohn 28 Craddock Dylan 39, 64 Critchlow Linda 51 Crown John 60 Cumer Amanda 20 Curigliano Pietro 4, 9,100 Czekanski Walter 60 D’Amore Chad 44 D’Amore George 56 D’Amore Kyle 42 Davis Crystal 48 Deadwiler Christopher 24 DeFrancesco Deborah 39, 64 Derise-Spadacene Fabrienne 59 DeWitt Amanda 20 Dievert Ryan 25 DiMenno Anthony 54 Dingledein Anne 25 Dixon Daijon 40 Donaldson Maggie 32 Donifero Anthony 60 Dor Randy 26 Drake Kathryn 52 Drew Joanna 45 Eberle Elizabeth 54 Echavarria Andrea 24 Eighmey Megan 28 Ekas Deborah 55 Elias Connie 58 Embry Lonnieka 28 Emerick, Jr. Daniel 53 Famularo Jennifer 50 Farrell Mary 52 Fell Deborah 48 Fields Ryan 4, 10 Fields Tiffany 20 Fike Kelsey 26 Findley Tonya 20 Fisher Danielle 45 Fisher Hannah 37 Fisher John 56 Fisher Philip 20 Fisher R.J. 43 Fisher Renee 56 Fisher-Evangelista Anne 59 Forner Jeffrey 20 Forsythe Matthew 20 Foster Krista 42
Foust John 53 Francis Alexandra 44 Francis Dennis 63 Franklin Tiffany 30 Friday Cassie 42 Friday Jaime 34 Frost Vickie 51 Frye Travis 39 Geary Lara 45 Geidel Joshua 33 Gerlach Shari 32 Goerman Kevin 40 Goodman Barbara 50 Goodman Joseph 53 Gould Jessica 35 Grayson-Coleman Deaidra Greeno Patricia 45, 51 Grover Joel 59 Grubb Charleka 25 Gualtieri Barbara 38 Halik Thomas 56 Halleran Charlene 63 Halleran David 56 Hancock Barbara 63 Hancock Courtney 20 Hargrove Stellena 24 Harris Timothy 48 Hartnett Gloria 51 Haynes Charles 29 Heirendt Asa 41 Henry Patrick 56 Hertneky Brian 24 Hilton Peter 30 Hinderman Erik 26 Homell Christie 29 Hooper Marcus 60 Howser Amanda 24 Hunter Antoine 42 Husar Deborah 36 Huss Amy 22 Hutchinson Rachel 24 Huthmaker Arlene 63 Insko Mike 63 Irwin Nathan 36 Jackson Montae 42 Jaszczuk Amy 52 Jenkins Jalen 33 Johnson Cynthia 52 Johnson Stacy 63 Johnston Donna 54
Jolly Frances 50 Jones Amber 39, 64 Jones Jennifer 52 Jugan Adam 22 Jugan Blaise 26 Kaminski Phillip 22 Karn Patricia 48 Kaufman Ashley 22, 64 Kayner Sandra 54 Kelly Matthew 38 Kelly, Jr. Wayne 52, 64 Kemerer Norman 60 Keracher Kyle 43 Kirkpatrick Carolyn 58 Kite, Sr. Mark 56 Kopchick Jeffrey 20 Koricich Kirstie 22 Krah Joseph 62 Kropp Robert 60 Kuchar Rita 56 Kucsmas Kathryn 37 Langer Linda 50 Lawton Shy-Tyson 20 Leary Leslie 49 Leeman Ronald 62 Leskovic Gina 55, 59 Lewicki Charles 61 Lilley Jarred 20 Lin Howard 43 Lindsey Alec 37 Long Patricia 56 Luketic Keith 26 Macgill James 4, 11, 58, 102, 103 Magee Danny 26 Magyar Eleanor 52 Maher Jr. Robert 4, 12, 100 Mahnick Angel 22 Mahnick Bonnie 22 Majocha Linda 56 Majocha Megan 37 Maravich Joyce 30 Marcase, Jr. Russell 60 Marchwinski David 62 Marsden Sean 60 Martin Griffin 42 Matthews Terry 56, 59 May Helen 58 McAdoo Susan 48, 64 McAleavey Shannon 35 McAuley Noah 41
McCarthy Maureen 50 McCoy Roberta 61 McCullough Alexa 45 McDevitt Wilmonda 22, 56 McDonald Gina 58 McHenry Le’Airua 34 McLenigan James 24 McMahon James 60 McMillen Naithen 35 McNamara Daniel 42, 55 McNeil Erin 52 McTighe Janine 55 Megela Jennifer 32 Mikula-Nichols Richard 29 Miller Summer 23 Mitchell Anita 45, 55, 56 Moody Christine 51 Moody Michael 26 Moore Elaine 51 Muhammed Fatima 20 Murcek Cody 29 Murphy Wendy 63 Myers Glenn 31 Nagel Brittany 23 Nagel Lacey 23 Napolitano Arthur 25 Newland Amy 5 3 Noe Mary 58 Noschese Cheryl 57 Noschese J. Aaron 57 Noschese James C. 52 Noschese Robert 60 Noschese Rosemarie 45, 55 Noschese Zane 21 Oesterling Emily 45 Olon Laura 4, 13, 101 Olzewski Summer 46 Opris Sharon 21 Ounn Phiat 36 Paltan Amalia 55 Papa Monica 53 Parrish Michael 61 Passante Anthony 4, 14 Patterson Judy 57 Patterson Peggy 63 Patton Margaret 52 Payne-Craig Wendy 24, 52 Peery Sheree 53 Perry D’Ontae 23
Petrillo Emily 40 Pettit Samantha 36 Pici-McMahon Diane Pike Brandon 28 Poilucci Carrie 43, 55 Portser Sharon 58 Possuamato Nancy 58 Possumato Derek 24 Prezioso Michael Prezioso Tatiana 50 Priester Joshua 21 Pryor Marcus 30 Pryor Michael 30 Putt Tiffany 25 Quarles Destiny Quear Stacey 34 Rabenstein Marla 21 Radley Russell 21 Raether Kirsten 59, 64 Raffle James 57 Raible Mary Lou 49 Rain Carrie 44, 64 Randolph Larry 54 Randolph Lori 50 Redfern Mary Jo Remis Anthony 57 Remis Deborah 35 Reno Emily 40 Resnick Pauline 28 Rhoten Catherine 50 Rhoten Donald 4, 32 Richardson David 4. 15 Richardson Sarah 36 Richter Danah 21 Richter Wayne 62 Rinaldi Joan 63 Riser Carol 50 Rivers Kendrick 44 Robertson Jayla 23 Robinson Somalya Rodella Joyce 53 Romito Philip 53 Ross Anne 23 Roudybush Karen 42 Ruscavage Vincent Russell Ellen 58 Sage Thomas J. 54 Santucci Rosie 44 Saulsberry Faith 46 Saunders Jean 52
44, 55
Saunders-Conley Diana 52 Scharschu Dorothy 53 Schuler Thomas 61 Schultz Trey 37 Schumaker Janet 49 Schurer Anna Mei 34 Sechman Joshua 21 Senkewitz Mary Lou 49 Sherer Cynthia 50 Shetron Jason 21 Shirey Helen 48 Shirk Melissa 31, 32 Shirk Shirley 30 Shively Christie 54 Shultz Trey 37 Sivak Joshua 32 Slavinsky Brian 58 Sloan Cheyenne 43 Smith April 24 Smith Jameel 38, 54 Smith Tyler 26 Smith Venita 57 Smith William 60 Smozski Donna 37 Spadacene Rolland 61 Speck Bradley 34 Spellman Andrew 39 Starr Dick 63 Steffen Gretchen 57 Stefko Mary Ann 50 Stephan Kathryn 48 Stepien Constance 49 Stewart Kylea 24 Stokan Katelyn 46 Storino Brianna 26 Strait David 21 Straley Bonnie 51 Sullivan Candace 51 Sunday Jessica 55 Tanner Destiny 43 Taslov Rebecca 23 Thomas Holly 21 Thompson Cheyenne 41 Tokarek Yuri 25 Toner James 57, 64 Toth Ryan 25 Trowell Stefon 39 Uram Sandra 61 Uzarski Terry 60 Venturella Emily 4, 16, 100
Verner Troy 52 Wagoner Jeremy 24 Walker Haley 26 Walker Jobe 42 Walsh Barbara 63 Walton Thomas 60 Walworth Marisa 38 Washington Shaniya Weber Michael 37 Weinberg Jennifer Weiss Donna 59 Wellman Sally 33 Wells Jessica 48 Wells Robert 58 Wershbale Barbara Weyant Casey 21 White De Ontae 33 Wikerson Marlane Williams Shania 42 Willis William 62 Wilson Jerry 25 Wilson Marilyn 63 Wismer Philip 21 Witt Rita 49 Wojton Valentine 49 Wood Bikelle 26 Wood, Sr. John 61 Wozniak Briana 31 Wranich Jeffrey 23 Wright Ian 23 Wright Shane 4, 17, 98, 99 Yankoski Lisa 49 Zanic Mary 48 Zeleski Maribeth 21 Zeolla Daniel 4, 18, 97 Zurawski David 57 Zurawski Dylan 46
41 55
57 42