872982 gml.wilson@btinternet.com RYME INTRINSECA REP: Gilly Wilson DISTRIBUTOR: Sue Goldsworthy 872699
Annual litter pick
New arrivals
In true Ryme village meeting style, you all did a fantastic job and amassed 50 plus bags of rubbish in under one hour (we do not like to take longer). Thank you. The council will be very pleased as we have saved them a job that no doubt they may never have done. Roll on our next event. Happy days.
Congratulations to Roger and Ellie Excell on becoming grandparents for the third time, when their younger son Jamie and his wife Jessie welcomed Fergus on 12 March. A brother for Molly, who is so pleased to call herself ‘sister’. They will all be returning to Kenya soon, where Jamie works in insurance.
Mike Batten
Fergus Excell with dad Jamie and sister Molly