The Book of Gold

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Con tents

Worlds of Wonder

The Time..., by K e ona   *   1 My Octopus Friend, by E m ma B .   *   2 The Rainforest of Adventures, by M e ara   *   2 Answer the Book, by S te ph an i e S .   *   3 Frozen, by E l l e n   *   3 Sophie the Super, by A i ja   *   4 Tiny Tales

The Crocodile Who Ate Too Much, by Ton y   *   5 The Pig and the Elephant, by S houq   *   6 Orangehead Is as Big as a Room, by J e n n y   *   6 The Flying Man, by Bob   *   6 Hello Kitty Like, by Joan na   *   6 Luca’s Birthday, by Samarah   *   7 Me and Matea, by L o gan   *   7 The Lonely Squirrel, by Be n n y   *   7 All About Animals

Mr. Turtle, by Va l e n ti na   *   8 My Aunt’s Dog, by Grac e   *   8 Animal Healer, by Jo s e ph i n e   *   9 Molly Chases the Cat, by J u l i an na   *   9 Piggie Loves Elephant, Elephant Hates Piggie, by Ka r r ie   *   9 The Imaginary Pony, by Luc i a   *   10

Day-to-Night Pet: Mr. Cutie and Kung Fu Panda, by Wilson   *   11 Cinderella, by H a ne e n   *   12 S u p e r p o w e r C h a r a ct e r s

Thunder Dragon and a Different Fish, by John n y   *   13 The Water Amulet, by C. S .   *   13 Super Cat, by Pi pe r   *   14 The Awesome Stories of Superdog, by V. S .   *   14 Alex the Hero, by Hol ly   *   14 The Danger Zone!

Crazy Eyes Day, by M ate o   *   16 The Superhero That Can’t Fly, by J e f f   *   16 Cinderella Two, by E l l a   *   17 Baby Gracie Being Funny, by Dy l an   *   17 The Poop That Beat Everyone, by Drag on   *   18 The Story of George and Michael, by R obe rt   *   18 P r i m e T i m e M o n d ay s

Frank and the Zombie Robot, by E mma V.   *   19 The Mayor Strikes on Christmas, by Sai l or   *   21 Episode 1, by C l a r a   *   24 The Best and Worst Moments and People in Harry Potter, by H an nah   *   25 Amazing Artists

Lazer Shark: A Power Card, by Ph i l l i p   *   27 How to Make a Tree Outline, by E ri k   *   28 The Bunnie Hop: A Cool Magazine for Bunnies, by Sa r a   *   29 Elephant in Space, by A l e xa   *   30 I Have a Friend Today, Gerald!, by Sy lv i a   *   31 The Stickperson Who Went to Space, by S te phan i e M.   *   32 Drawing, by J e r ry   *   33

Worl ds of Wonder The Time... *

B y K e o n a , a g e 9  *

Inspired by Back to the Future It was 1985. Joe found a strange machine with a button on it in his parents’ basement. He pushed the button and he got sent 40 years into the future. Joe saw cyborgs, hoverboards and much more. He noticed that the time machine had run out of plutonium, so he couldn’t get back to 1985. Two weeks later. . . Joe was still stuck in the future and did not know how to get back. So he decided to go to his house. He saw himself from the future, and future Joe said that there would be a lightning storm at 2 a.m. the next day. The time machine would only work with 21.2 gigawatts, and the only thing that would deliver that is a lightning bolt and you never know when and where that’s going to strike. At the 2 a.m. lightning storm Young Joe tried to get struck by lightning but the storm started to stop, and there were only a very few lightning bolts left. Young Joe got a few kites and let them up very high. He was getting closer to being struck, so he got an umbrella. He got struck and sent back to 1985!


M y Oc t o p u s F r i e n d *

B y E m m a B . , a g e 9  *

Once I was swimming in our pool—and then a giant octopus came and he tried to get me. As soon as he got me he put this thing on me so that I could breathe! <<What a surprise!>> Then he showed me this super-cool underwater world where he lived. He told me that he needed help to find a treasure chest, so I helped him and together we found the treasure chest. He was very happy and then he led me back to the surface, and it turned out he was a magical octopus. So when I got out of the water I saw that he had made me rich because I helped him, and now we’re best friends.

The Rainforest of Adventures *

B y M e a r a , a g e 9  * Pa r t 1

Sometimes something unexpected happens in an ordinary place, which is the rainforest. Babies are born and flowers bloom and life wakes up from a long winter’s nap. Everyone comes out and sings the traditional rainforest song and all the animals sing in their own instrumental way to make it fun. And some of the animals dance and after it’s over the mothers go back into their rainforest trees and take care of their babies, because they are so young. And there was one baby who was very weird and it was a baby elephant. Her ears were parrot wings and her feet and legs were made of candy, so everyone left their mothers, and the mothers had no idea why they ran away to go play with the elephant. They tried to eat the baby elephant’s legs, but the elephant mother guarded her so they could not eat her legs. So they went back home and told their mothers all that happened and the mothers were fascinated about what they heard.



The Book of Gold

Pa r t 2

Once there was a family of deer and one of the deer, specifically Mia, had something she really liked to do, which was to lie down in the grass and eat and drink and play. And she loved to write the most. Every day she wrote stories and got A++ and her family was so happy because every time she got an A++ they got a free ticket to travel. And they went to Hawaii and she loved to swim in the sea and hula dance and in every country she liked to do something best.

Answer the Book *

B y St e p h a n i e S . , a g e 1 0  *

Ok, put up your hand if you like candy and if you start to eat it when you get upset! Ok, time’s up. Once upon a time there was a Candyland. In Candyland the trees are lollipop and candy cane. The water is blue Jell-O in the swimming pool, and the diving board is a waffle. One time a human came to Candyland and all the gummy bears attacked the human, but the human just ate them because they are gummy bears.

Frozen *

B y E l l e n , a g e 7  *

There was a princess named Elsa. She ran away from Arendelle and went on vacation with her sister and Kristoff. They went to the beach to camp. They went fishing at the beach. They went swimming and saw lots of fish and seaweed. At night, they roasted marshmallows. Elsa is the queen, so they had to return because she had work to do. When they arrived home, she checked the back of the car and there was Olaf, sleeping.

Worlds of Wonder



Sophie the Super *

My character’s job: Age:

B y A i j a , a g e 9  *

To go around the world and do good deeds.



She has long brown hair and bright green eyes. She

wears a short skirt and a long-sleeved shirt with a big blue cape. Most likely to: Best at:

Fall behind time.

Being late for class, because she just saved a baby kitten.

Greatest success:

To not be late for school on Mondays.

M y C h a r a c t e r ’ s Fav o u r i t e . . . Food:

All different kinds

Colours: Sport:

Activity: Book:



Big Book of Training (for Superheroes)



Green and red

Practicing flying

She doesn’t have time to watch them

The Book of Gold

tin y Ta l es The Crocodile Who At e To o M u c h *

B y T o n y, a g e 9 , a n d h i s v o l u n t e e r m e n t o r, B e r n  *

Once upon a time there was a crocodile who ate too much because he loved eating. Then one day his teeth started hurting. He asked the little animals for help. And they helped him. When they finished, the crocodile said he wouldn’t eat them anymore. And then the crocodile went back to the river and lived happily ever after.


The Pig and the Elephant B y S h o u q , a g e 6  *


The pig and the elephant wanted to play, but it was raining outside. So they decided to play monopoly. The sun came out, so the rainbow came out.

Orangehead Is as Big as a Room B y J e n n y, a g e 8  *


Orangehead lived in tree. He went to the forest and ate a komodo dragon. He had a dog and the dog pooped a cherry on top. There was a kitten who lived in the dog and made it burp! Every time he burped he glowed.

T h e F ly i n g M a n *

B y B o b , a g e 9  *

The flying man sees the frog thing and asks if he can live with him and he says yes. The flying man wants to live with the frog thing because he is lonely. Joe sits on the rock, the frog thing hops from leaf to leaf and the flying man flies.

H el lo K i t t y L i k e *

B y J o a n n a , a g e 8  *

Today I saw Hello Kitty. She said, “Hi, how do you know I am your friend? Oh, now I remember. Do you want to play or dance?” “I pick dance.” “Ok.”



The Book of Gold

L u c a’ s B i r t h d ay B y S a m a r a h , a g e 6  *


We played with the piñata. We read. We ate cake. He opened birthday presents. We played music.

M e a n d M at e a *

B y L o g a n , a g e 7  *

I lived in a house. My friend Matea was playing Minecraft with me.

T h e L o n e ly S q u i r r e l *

B y B e n n y, a g e 7  *

A squirrel was in the tree. The squirrel met another squirrel. And then the squirrel was not lonely any more.

T i n y Ta l e s



Al l Ab out An im a l s M r. T u r t l e *

B y Va l e n t i n a , a g e 9  *

Mr. Turtle likes to swim in his pond. He likes to eat candy. His favourite is red Tic Tacs. They are cherry flavoured. His friend is Joanna the dog. They like to play basketball. Mr. Turtle gets three points and Joanna gets five. After they play basketball, they buy vanilla and strawberry ice cream with sprinkles on top. Then they go home and sleep.

My Aunt’s Dog *

B y G r a c e , a g e 9  *

My aunt’s two dogs are named Bowie and Darcy. Bowie is two years old and loves to play tug-of-war with my cousin. Bowie always wins. Darcy is a puppy, and my aunt just got her two months ago. Darcy loves to go for walks with me and to pull me. Last time I was having a late Christmas and Darcy got really tired so she fell asleep on me! Darcy and Bowie both will jump on me when I have to go back to Vancouver. My aunt lives in Victoria. I love them both and they love me. Those are my aunt’s dogs!


Animal Healer *

B y J o s e p h i n e , a g e 8  *

One day I took my ten dogs to a park in Korea. It was a beautiful day. When we reached the park, I suddenly saw something glowing beneath someone’s feet. It was an amulet, and it was very rare. I picked it up, and then I put it around my neck. And now the power of my amulet is helping animals in need. One day a foal hurt her leg, and the veterinarian did not know what to do. So I used my amulet to heal the foal. Another time a dog hurt its leg and I healed it. Now my dogs do not need to go to the vet.

M o l ly C h a s e s t h e C a t *

B y J u l i a n n a , a g e 1 0  *

I was going to Starbucks and I got a drink. And I went back to my house. I have a cat. His name is Buddy and my dog’s name is Molly. My dog lives with my mom and I live with my grandma with my cat. We brought the dog over and it chased the cat, barking. The cat was hissing and the dog chased my cat into the curtains and my cat got stuck in the curtains.

P i gg i e L o v e s E l e p h a n t, E l e p h a n t H a t e s P i gg i e *


I love you Elephant.

Elephant: Piggie:

I hate you Piggie.


Elephant: Piggie:

B y K a r r i e , a g e 9  *

I run away.

I hate you.


I do not love you.

A l l Ab o u t A n i m a l s




Uh, oh. I have no friend.

El ephant:

Uh, oh. I have no friend.

El ephant:

I want you to be my new friend.

Pigeon: Piggie:

I love you.

Pigeon: Piggie:

No no no, I run away.

No no no, I run away.

I love you.

El ephant: Pigeon:

I like you.

I love you guys too!

The Imaginary Pony *

B y L u c i a , a g e 1 1  *

Once upon a time there was a girl called Victoria. She was only seven years old but full of imagination. She had lots of friends. One day she went to the market with her mom and she started talking to Ms. Pony. People thought that she was crazy, but she didn’t care, she only cared about what she thought. She loved talking to Ms. Pony and Ms. Pony loved talking to her. Ms. Pony always helped Victoria with her problems. Victoria thought Ms. Pony was like a mom to her. Even though Ms. Pony was imaginary, Victoria didn’t care. Ms. Pony and Victoria were best friends until one day a bear came along. What do you think happened?



The Book of Gold

D ay-t o - N i g h t P e t : M r. C u t i e a n d K u n g F u Pa n d a *

B y W i l s o n , a g e 9  *

What does your daytime pet look like? A cute black and white panda. What does your pet look like when it turns into a ninja at night? Scary and cute. Who does your pet hang out with? Super Turtle and Mr. Turtle. What does Mr. Cutie like to do? Sleep, watch TV and eat pizza with his gang. What does Kung Fu Panda like to do? Kidnap Super Turtle. How did your pet become a ninja? He met a gang. The gang bullied him, so he made his own gang to get revenge.

A l l Ab o u t A n i m a l s



Cinderella *

B y H a n e e n , a g e 8  *

Once there was a girl named Ella. She was happy with her family and she had a pet. At night her mom died. She was sad so her father said, “I am getting a new mom.” When her new mother came she was happy to see her, but the mother was evil. The mother stole her pet. When Ella woke and didn’t see her pet, she went to her new mother. Her new mother said, “I didn’t see the pet. Oh well, we are not allowed to have a pet.” Her new mother was very unkind to her. Ella was very sad and Ella went out to find her pet. When she was out she saw a boy. So she stopped. The boy told her, “You are beautiful.” She was happy. The boy said, “What is your name?” Ella didn’t have time to say, so she went home to her new mother, who said, “What are you doing out there?” Ella said, “I was walking.”



The Book of Gold

S uperpower Ch aracters Thunder Dragon and a Different Fish *

B y J o h n n y, a g e 1 0  * Thunder Dragon

There once was a dragon. He was a THUNDER DRAGON. A nice one. Thunder dragons are small like a rat but strong. But this one was not strong. The only weapon he had was his thunder tail. One day he asked his friends to give him a transparent home, so they did. A Different Fish

One day a small fish—I mean a really tiny fish—had a dragon, a thunder dragon, in his home. At first tiny fish did not want a friend in his home. One time tiny fish’s home fell. His thunder dragon saved it. Now tiny fish is best friends with thunder dragon.

T h e Wa t e r A m u l e t *

B y C . S . , a g e 8  *

A few weeks ago I was walking to the swimming pool. I went into the water and saw something shimmer. I dove down to reach it, then I ran straight to my room and came down to eat dinner. Once I was finished I ran straight to my bedroom to go to sleep. The next day I hoped it was a water amulet, then my wish came true. I wished for a hot tub and it came true. I was super happy that I never needed to go to the swimming pool again. 13

S u p e r C at B y P i p e r, a g e 9  *


Once upon a time, there was a cat that had superpowers and they called her Super Cat. Her superpowers were super speed and smartness and flying. How she got her powers is that there was a meteor and it got really close when it was falling. She figured out she had superpowers one day when she could fly. She thought of it, and that’s how she knew she had smarts, and when she wanted to go to Hawaii she zoomed so fast you couldn’t see her. But unfortunately the cat woke up and realized it was a dream. She was disappointed.

T h e Aw e s o m e S t o r i e s o f S u p e r d o g B y V. S . , a g e 1 0  *


Once upon a time there was a dog named Superdog. Superdog was a hero but once upon a time a villain came. His name was Cat-mat. He was most wanted because he made everyone fart, so people hated him. Superdog made Cat-mat into a friend by talking sense into him.

Alex the Hero *

My character’s job: Age:

Yellow hair, blue eyes

Most likely to: Best at:

Kick the ball very hard and fly and be a hero

Everything in the whole world. (Alex is very smart.)

Greatest success:


Soccer player




B y H o l ly, a g e 7  *

To be the best at everything

The Book of Gold

M y C h a r a c t e r ’ s Fav o u r i t e . . . Food:

Sushi, pizza, chicken


Orange and blue

Activities: Sports: Book:

Doing math, soccer, reading, being kind and smart

Soccer, karate

Green Eggs and Ham


Mars Needs Moms

A l l Ab o u t A n i m a l s



Th e D anger Zone! C r a z y E y e s D ay *

B y M a t e o, a g e 9  *

Once upon a time there was me. I went to the mirror. I checked my eyes and they were going crazy and couldn’t stop. I fell down on my face and a tiny ambulance came out of my eyes. They helped, and the ambulance grew bigger and bigger and bigger and people came out and took me to the hospital.

T h e S u p e r h e r o T h a t C a n ’ t F ly *

B y J e f f, a g e 7  *

His name is The Superhero That Can’t Fly. He fell off a cliff and Spider-Man came to help him and said, “Next time, don’t do that.” He said, “Sure, I’ll do it again.” He fell on a person. It was a boy, but he didn’t die. Someone farted. It was actually a dog. He is the superhero, but he is fat. The End

No, it is not the end. Now it is the end. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No! I love the end. I hate the end.


C i n d e r e l l a Tw o B y E l l a , a g e 7  *


Once upon a time. . . <<Go on with the story.>> <<Ok, ok.>> <<And plus, it’s not “once upon a time,” it’s “Cinderella Two.”>> <<Oh, yeah.>> Cinderella had two enemies and two friends. She had two children named Elise and Megan, but the problem was that her stepsisters wanted to steal the kids. One day, the kids were daydreaming on the tree and Cinderella was sleeping. The stepsisters came and took the kids to their house. The house was made out of wood and brick. All of the sudden, Cinderella realized that the kids weren’t where she left them. She called their names. They came and the stepsisters got to be in jail.

Baby Gracie Being Funny *

B y D y l a n , a g e 8  *

“You talking to me, Dylan? Because I am talking to you! You want my fist in your face? Hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu! You like my face? Because I don’t like yours. Uh, oh, I have to change my diaper.”

A l l Ab o u t A n i m a l s



T h e P o o p T h at B e at E v e r y o n e *  B y D r a g o n , a g e 1 1 , a n d h i s v o l u n t e e r m e n t o r, S y lva i n  *

Once there lived a poop, and a man walked up to him and said, “You wanna go?” The poop said, “Go where?” and then the man said, “What did you say? All I heard was squish-squish-squish.” The poop pulled out a water gun and rapidly shot the man. The man began to weep and cry and he later got knocked out from all the water.

T h e S to r y o f G e o r g e a n d M i c h a e l *

B y R o b e r t, a g e 1 0  *

A long time ago, there were two brothers named George Fawkes and Michael Fawkes. Their great-grandfather was named Guy Fawkes. He was famous for blowing up the old Parliament in England (they rebuilt it), but their family moved near the U.S. and Canadian border because the police killed Guy Fawkes. Now there is a day in England, Canada and the U.S.A. called Guy Fawkes Day. It’s on the fifth of November (the day Guy Fawkes blew up Parliament) and there was a saying in the movie and book V for Vendetta that said: “Remember, remember, the fifth of November, the gunpowder, treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.” George loved his grandfather and wanted to be like him. One day, George took Michael and they went into the U.S. woods (it was 12 o’clock midnight) and when his mom came in, they were gone. The only thing left on the bed was a note saying, “You’re next!” When she flipped the paper, it was a Guy Fawkes mask. When they were in the forest, Michael found a city. It was an abandoned one.



The Book of Gold

P rim e Time Mond ays F r a n k a n d t h e Z o m b i e R o b ot *

Frank: Mom:

Why do we have to move? I won’t have any friends!

We found a good job here. That’s why.

That’s right!


Frank: Mom: Dad:

B y E m m a V. , a g e 1 0  *

How will moving help me?

You’ll make some friends, don’t worry.

You’ll like the house as well.

(Silence) Frank:

I don’t want to go to school! It will probably be the worst

day of my life! Mom:

Ok, ya. Just finish your breakfast, and go catch the bus.

You’ll be late! Frank at school Frank:

Um. . .

(Frank doesn’t know what to do) Lucy:

Hi! I’m Lucy, and this is Jack. You look lost.

Frank: Jack:

Um. . . well. . . no. . . um. . . yes.

Follow us!


Um. . . ok!

(They walk to class) (They are five seconds in class, then the bell rings) Frank: Jack:

Do you want to come to my house?







(They walk to Frank’s) (They play Spot It) Frank:

Ha! Got you, Lucy! I won!


How do you do that? You are so good.


What’s that noise?

(They turn around) (They look for the noise) (They look in the back and find boxes) (It is very dangerous) (The monster is very big and has eight laser eyes, long arms, venom, sharp teeth and green skin) (Frank screams) Frank:

He must have fallen over and entered the code into my

machine and turned alive! Lucy:

You didn’t tell us you had a machine!

Frank: Lucy:

Quick, do something!

Frank: Jack:

Oh, I made it yesterday. We can’t shut it off!

Um. . . I think I can help.

(Jack takes a mini fishing kit out of his pocket) (Lucy’s eyes go big) Lucy:

Jack! You’re. . . amazing!

Frank: Jack:

Nice job, Jack!

We can make a trap!

(They start making a trap) Lucy:

Frank, pass the tape!


Then pass me the scissors!




Great! Ok, I’m almost done. . .

Frank: Lucy:




Great! Let’s put it together.

(They put the trap together)



The Book of Gold

(Bamm!) (They trap the robot) (Frank and his friends run to see what happened) Lucy:

Ok! Now look around for. . .


I found something!

(Frank presses a red button on the robot and it turns normal) Lucy:

Let’s go back and play Spot It.

(Frank wins at Spot It) Jack:

I think we should go home.


Yah, you’re right Jack, let’s go.

Frank: Jack:

Ok, bye guys!


(Lucy leaves) (Jack leaves) (Frank sits on the couch)

T h e M ay o r S t r i k e s o n C h r i s t m a s *

B y S a i l o r, a g e 9  *

Episode 1: Christmas Christina:

I just realized that the blue doesn’t look well against the

green. Like, whatever. (At dinner) Mom:

You guys, did you know that tomorrow is Christmas?

Jonathon: Fudge:

I know. Maybe I should start to write my wish list.

Ba ba goo.

The next day Jonathon: Christina:

I can’t wait to go downstairs! Go to bed, Jonathon, it’s five in the morning.

(Jonathon goes downstairs) Jonathon:

I can’t wait! Maybe I should just wait one more hour.

(He falls asleep)

A l l Ab o u t A n i m a l s



In the morning (Jonathon rips open his present) Jonathon:

This is the worst present ever! OMG. This is, like, the best thing ever.


(Fudge gets hot chili peppers, candy and fudge) (He eats some, and barfs out red puke and fire) (The fire bell goes off) (A tree falls down from the barf) Eww!


The next day (Christina sits on the couch with her laptop) (The mayor is looking through the window with his face pressed against the glass) (The mayor opens the door) Mayor:

All of you have had a horrible Christmas, and I want to make

it better. First of all, I will give each of you a real present. (He opens the presents for them) (They’re all clown costumes) Mayor:

Could I use your washroom?

(He runs to the washroom) (He takes off his clothes and is wearing a clown costume underneath) (He breaks through the bathroom door) (Everyone screams) (He kills all the people!) (Except for Jonathon) (Jonathon sneaks away through the door) (He is dizzy) (He runs down the street screaming) (He climbs to the top of a tree, saying, “omg omg that’s so scary!”) (He finds a big hole in the tree) (He sits in the hole and starts crying) (It’s getting really dark, and he sees a firefly) Jonathon:

What is that?

(The firefly comes into the hole)



The Book of Gold

(Jonathon can see a teeny-tiny leaf coat in the bottom of the hole) Firefly:

What are you doing here in my house?

(Jonathon looks at the fly) (He realizes it is a teeny-tiny fairy) Jonathon: Fairy:

I think I’m having a dream right now.

It will be over soon. I will defeat the evil mayor. Come with me,

Jonathon. Jonathon: Fairy:

How do you know my name?

Don’t worry, I know everyone’s name.

(She takes Jonathon to his house, and no one is there) Fairy:

If you help me find my wand, I can defeat the mayor.


I found it! I found it!

(The fairy grabs the wand) Fairy:

Let’s go. We need to find the mayor now.

(They find the mayor smashing down the playground, using the scraps to build an Earth-Killer) (The fairy goes up to him and pulls his moustache) Fairy:

Hey, mister! I’m gonna defeat you!


I have all the power!

(He grabs her) Fairy:

Help, help, Jonathan, help.

(Jonathon falls in a hole) (When he hits the bottom, he wakes up from his dream, because his mom wakes him up for Christmas morning) Mom:

Why would you sleep so long on Christmas?

Jonathon: Mom:

I had the worst dream ever!

Come downstairs and open your presents.

(Jonathon opens them up) (He has 20 presents: a book, a telescope and felt pens) (Every once in a while, he gets a small glimpse of the mayor’s face against the window)

A l l Ab o u t A n i m a l s



Episode 1 *  B y C l a r a , a g e 1 2  *

Scene 1


(munch, munch) Where’s your aunt?


I don’t know, she said she was going to the jewellery

store yesterday. Dad:

(coughs and chokes on food) She’s been gone since yesterday?!


Yup. Scene 2

JAIL Aunt:

Why am I here?


Because you stole a two-million-dollar ring with tons

of sparkly diamonds and gold. Aunt:

Ok, I’ll give you the ring and you set me free.

(Police looks at the mirror behind him) (He takes Aunt out of the room) Police: Aunt:

Ok, give me the ring and I’ll set you free.

Yay! Ok, uncuff me!


And the ring?

(Aunt hands over the ring and Police uncuffs her) Aunt:

Thank you.


Ok. . . farewell

(Police and Aunt shake hands and Aunt steals the ring back)



The Book of Gold

The Best and Worst Moments a n d P e o p l e i n H a r r y P ot t e r *

A s c h o s e n b y H a n n a h , a g e 9  *

I n t . Q u i dd i t c h S ta d i u m — D ay G.L.:

Not to worry, Potter. I’m about to fix your arm.


No! I’ll keep it like this, thanks, Professor. I don’t want a photo of

this, Colin. . . Please tell your camera to stop clicking about it. G.L.:

Lie back, Potter. It’s a simple charm I’ve used countless times.

And do stop clicking, Creevey. H.P.:

Why can’t I just go to the hospital wing? Professor, you did not fix

my arm, you removed my bones! O.L.:

He really should, Professor. Great capture, Harry, really

spectacular. Your best ever, I say. G.L.:

Stand back! Or I will remove your bones!


No—don’t—I told you to stop clicking, Colin!


Ah, yes, that can sometimes happen, but the point is, the bones

are no longer broken, that’s the thing to bear in mind. So Harry, just hobble over to the hospital wing—ah, Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger, would you escort him? And Madam Pomfrey will be able to, er, tidy you up a bit. I n t . H o g wa r t s C a s t l e R.H. : M.M.:

The first years, Professor McGonagall. Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here. Welcome to

Hogwarts. The start of term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into houses. The sorting is a very important ceremony because while you’re here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house common room. The four houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose your house

A l l Ab o u t A n i m a l s



points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honour. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours. The sorting ceremony will take place in a few minutes, in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting. I shall return when I am ready. For now you can wait quietly. H.P.:

How exactly do they sort us into houses?


Some sort of test, I think. Fred said it hurts a lot, but I think he

was joking. What the. . . ? F.F.:

Forgive and forget. I say we ought to give him another chance.


Ok, my dear Friar, haven’t we all given Peeves the chances he

deserves? He gives us all a bad name, and you know, he’s not really a ghost—I say, what are you all doing here? F.F.:

New students! About to be sorted, I suppose. I hope to see you in

Hufflepuff, my old house, you know.



The Book of Gold

Am azin g Artists Lazer Shark: A Power Card * 

Car d Name:

Lazer Shark

Creature Type: Strength:

B y P h i l l i p, a g e 6  *


Laser blast

What happens when you draw this card:

around, it makes a thunder tornado. Quote:

Time for a zap!


When it spins

H o w to M a k e a T r ee O u t l i n e *

B y E r i k , a g e 8  *

First I got some tape. Then I put some tape in the shape of a tree. I coloured over the tape and the outside, then I took off the tape. Then we looked at the beautiful pictures.



The Book of Gold

T h e B u n n i e H o p: A Cool Magazine for Bunnies *

B y S a r a , a g e 9  *

The Bunnie Hop

How to cook a perfect carrot

A cool magazine for bunnies!

Cool bunny glasses

Cool Eyeglasses!

Get them at Hop-Mart



Celebrity Bunnies Bun Bun

the Fashion Model


Get them at Bun-der Eye



New Contest! Most bunny hops! Winner gets 1,000 carrots!

A l l Ab o u t A n i m a l s



E l e p h a n t i n S pa c e *

B y A l e x a , a g e 9  *

and then a UFO came and said “I am here to take you.” And I got into a space ship!

So, er, earlier today I was walking... Where were you? I was looking for you at your house. Then I had to go to the little elephant’s room. But I had to hold it.

And now I am back! The end.

But, um... Eh... Bye! Let’s dance. Why is it warm?!



The Book of Gold

I H av e a F r i e n d T o d ay, G e r a l d ! *

B y S y lv i a , a g e 9  *


I have a friend today.

You are so nice, pigeon.

Can we be all friends?

Uh, Hello. Hello!

Please please please!

Um, OK!

A l l Ab o u t A n i m a l s



T h e S t i c k p e r s o n W h o W e n t t o S pa c e *



B y St e p h a n i e M . , a g e 8  *

The Book of Gold


b y J e r r y, a g e 1 2  *

A l l Ab o u t A n i m a l s




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