I Do What I Do

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i do what i do

the writers'



Copyright © 2016 The Writers’ Exchange This book is a collection of the kids’ favourite writing and art that they created during the fall 2016 after-school programs at the Writers’ Exchange. The Writers’ Exchange gets inner-city kids excited about reading and writing through mentoring and creative writing projects like this chapbook. All Writers’ Exchange programs are free for the children and families we serve, so we could not exist without the support of amazing donors, including Marily Mearns, the Waterbury Foundation, Social Venture Partners Vancouver, Megan Abbott, Bernard MacLeod, Linda Louis, TELUS Vancouver Community Board, Leo and Florence Helzel, Nancy and Ted Maitland, the RBC Foundation, the City of Vancouver and the Wolrige Foundation. Thank you.

Writers’ Exchange 881 East Hastings Vancouver, BC V6A 1R8 vancouverWE.com Design and layout: Claire Balderston, cbalderston.com Production coordination and editing: Melissa Edwards These kind organizations support after-school programs at the Writers’ Exchange:

Printing for this chapbook was generously donated by Hemlock.

Contents Animal Magic Baby Tiger by Samarah 1 The Shark and the Guy by Gavin 1 The Puppy by Matalin 1 My Very Own Fox (It’s a Girl) by Esme 2 Kit Kats by S.L. 2 Cats by Chloe F. 2 Jaws, But Not Really by Philip 3 Chasings by Michael 3 The Brave Twin Dogs’ Birthday by D.C. and Veeco 4

Amazing Space Adventure of Earth 2 by Wilson 5 Star Wars and the Eyeball by Anthony 6 The Adventures of Lemmy, Part 2 by Thor 6 The Guys by Allen 7

Mystery and Suspense The Gingerbread Man by Sabriyah 8 Bloody Donut by Benny, Jennifer and Tony F. 9 Behind the Scenes of Bloody Donut by Benny 10 The Overlord by Kaylee and Jeff 11 Happy Birthday, Zombies and Steves by Jacob and Troy 11 Who Took the Typewriter by Ariel 11 The Zekrom! by Noah 12 Scary Halloween by Raymond 12 The Gas Leak by Stephanie S. 13 Killer Clowns by Johnny 14 Xerneas by Stephanie M. 15

Heroes and Battles! At Writers’ Exchange by Lara 16 A Pokémon Battle by Max 16 The Prince Who Was Stuck in a Toilet by Melissa 16 Unova Pokémon Story by Shijirbaatar 17 Superman by Jayden 17

Win 421 by Dren 17 Superman and Spiderman by Anson 17 This Was the Pokémon Battle by Ewen 18 NRG KAI by Eric 18 Fox by Ella 18

Friends Forever Betty and Rosie’s Friendship by Sylvia and Niki 20 The Day Jen Cut Her Hair! by Karrie 20 Pickle Party by Flora 21 Twin Trouble by Piper 21 Rock, Paper, Scissors! by Chloe H. 22 What I Think Should Happen in Betty and Veronica by Sidney 22 Bethany’s Crush by H’mlack 23

Sports and Nature Rainbow by S.F. 24 The Stanley Cup Finals by Stellan 24 Sidney Crosby by Istok 24 Gavin Doesn’t Know How to Skate by A.C. 25 Genie and Me by Mariama 25 Winter Wonderland by Chief 26 Little Cherry Blossom (This Is a Song) by Harper 26

Surprise Endings! Wizard Pumpkin and Strange Boy, Part 1 by Legend 27 Cats Are Not Getting Smart by Kyle 28 A Life of a Penny by J. H. 28 Julian’s Adventures by Mikaela 28 Cascoon by Izzy 29 Escape of the Pokémon by Keona 29 A Day in a Life by Vincent 30 My Stuffy Ate My Sandwich by Joey 30 Part 2 of the Funniest Book Ever (Someone Call the Robbers) by Tony L. 31 Santa and the Girl by V.H. 31 Dragon in the Toilet by Kiki 32 The Life of a Coin by Joe 32 Pickle Girls by Beatrice 33 Toofallout the Eraser by F.S. 33

animal magic Baby Tiger By Samarah, age 8 In the winter there was a baby tiger. Her name was Shen. She was lost in the dark forest where there were bears and wolves. The baby was hungry. Three months passed and the baby turned 18 years old. She had many birthdays. Since she was 18, she knew how to hunt now. Shen was faster than a cheetah. She could run 14 miles in one second. She could swim ten miles in two seconds. She could catch 20 fish in four seconds. She was the best tiger ever.

The Shark and the Guy By Gavin, age 8 One day a shark was inside a pool. And then a guy went into the pool. The guy was surprised. And then the shark was angry because the guy was riding him. Then the shark tried to eat him but the guy escaped.

The Puppy By Matalin, age 7 Once upon a time there was a puppy that liked chasing squirrels. He tripped over a branch. The puppy went home sadly never after. 1

My Very Own Fox (It’s a Girl) By Esme, age 9 Once upon a time in a forest far, far away there lived a fox whose name was Pebble. Her boyfriend was Pipper. They lived together. The forest’s name was Wild Wonderland and there was a grey fox who was the boss of the forest. Pebble and Pipper wanted to get married but the grey fox didn’t let them. So they lived really peacefully until one day suddenly there was a fire—because God heard the grey fox, who said that Pebble and Pipper can’t get married. But the grey fox liked Pebble and Pipper, so the grey fox said to God, “I like Pebble and Pipper so I will let them get married.” So God said, “Ok.” Pebble and Pipper got married and they lived really peacefully and happily ever after.

Kit Kats By S.L., age 7

Cats By Chloe F., age 11 Cats have four or more senses. They are the coolest animals in the world to me but some people hate them. I am allergic. My cats’ names are Blue and Below. They have the same birthday as my dad and my dad’s mom and that is November 15th. We got them when they were six months old but they are two years old now. They are the cutest cats in the world. 2

Jaws, But Not Really By Philip, age 8

Once upon a time, there was a guy named Guy. One day he went fishing. But really it was sharking. The rope wiggled. Soon, a giant fish jumped out of the ocean. But it was really a Great White Shark! And it ate him! JAWS! But not really . . .

Chasings By Michael, age 6 One day the dog chased the cat. And the cat chased the mouse. And the mouse chased the worm. And the worm chased the ant. And the ant chased the mud. 3

The Brave Twin Dogs’ Birthday By D.C., age 10, and Veeco, age 10

Today is my two doggies’ birthdays! Yeah. They are turning three months old. We planned a birthday party for them. They are both girls. Their names are Tracey and Stacey. Stacey is the older girl. She is one minute older than Tracey. We made a big, giant dog cake. It was like a wedding cake with lots of levels. The doggies always fight over who is more likable, but they promised they wouldn’t fight at the birthday party. If they did, they wouldn’t get cake. At their party, a cat came with her owner because it is Tracey’s friend. But the cat was planning on doing something bad to Stacey because Tracey said Stacey was mean to her. The cat gave a present to Stacey and when Stacey opened it, it was a pie and it smacked into her face. Tracey got in trouble and was not allowed to play with the cat again. It was bad because the cat had put glue in the pie and it got stuck on Stacey’s face for two months. The cat was never invited back again. The cat’s new friend is a grape. 4

AMAZING SPACE Adventure of Earth 2 By Wilson, age 10

In 2037, two people discovered a new planet that they named Earth 2. They went to NASA to see if they could put humans on Earth 2 so humanity could live longer. Many people didn’t believe them, but two astronauts went to the International Space Station so they could fly to Earth 2. 5

Star Wars and the Eyeball By Anthony, age 7 The Star Wars guys were attacking a bad guy. And an eyeball was fighting the bad guy. The eyeball had armour. It had Bounding Power. Dun dun dun. Then the eyeball married the princess.

The Adventures of Lemmy, Part 2 By Thor, age 10 A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away—I mean, uh, we’ve done it again with the Star Wars references. Anyway, if you haven’t read “The Adventures of Lemmy, Part 1” then go read it now. So on with the story. Lemmy could barely see. He was being driven to book prison for saying a bunch of Star Wars references. The driver suddenly slammed the brakes on the van. Lemmy was taken to a cell in the prison. “Easy on the shoulders,” said Lemmy. Lemmy had a cellmate. “What’s your name?” said Lemmy. “The name’s Buck,” said the creepy man. “What did you get in for?” said Lemmy. “I got in cuz I did some Star Wars references.” “Me too,” said Lemmy. Suddenly, the bars of the cell exploded as a dude that was turquoise with a rainbow mustache and a yellow hat freed Buck and Lemmy from the cell. “Tha tha tha tha that’s all folks,” said Lemmy. Really, first Star Wars references and now Looney Toons! Lemmy!!! “Bye, bye.”


The Guys By Allen, age 8 Once upon a time, there was R2-D2 with his wolf. They walked and walked until they found a girl with a camera. R2-D2 and his wolf said, “What’s your name, girl?” and the girl said, “My name is Garden, because I like to garden.” R2-D2 and his wolf said, “Do you want to come with us?” and the girl with her camera said, “Can I go with you? Where are you going?” R2-D2 said, “We’re going to our boss. I like my boss because he’s a good guy and he’s nice to me. So I’m going to my boss, and I’m dropping off my wolf to give to my boss.” The two guys and one girl went to find the boss, because he might be anywhere. They walked and walked until they found the guy, and then they all said, “What’s your name?” He said, “My name is the God of Doom or Good, because sometimes I’m the god of the good and sometimes I’m the god of doom.” R2-D2 and the wolf said, “I don’t actually want you to come with us. So let’s go.” So they went and went until finally they got to the boss. The boss said, “Who are these people?” and R2-D2 and his wolf said, “These are two people we found and we like them, so can we keep them?” The boss said, “Sure, why not? If they do something bad, I won’t let them stay.” R2D2 said, “Ok,” and then the guy and the girl said, “We’re going to bed.” The wolf and R2-D2 said, “We’d better sleep right now.” So they slept. Then the boss said, “Wakey, wakey! It’s time for dinner!” The God of Doom or Good said, “I just got to sleep, and now I need to wake up?!” The boss said, “I was just talking to R2-D2.” “Oh,” said the God of Doom or Good. And they lived happily ever after.


MYSTERY AND SUSPENSE The Gingerbread Man By Sabriyah, age 10

One day, Grammey made a gingerbread man named Ginger. He jumped out of the window and ran away! Then he met Tom the bad wolf. Tom said, “What are you doing out here?” And Ginger said, “I’m running away from Grammey!” Tom whispered, “Oh, this is good.” Frog jumped up to scare Ginger because Frog knew Tom could eat Ginger. Ginger got scared and ran away. And he bumped into Ben the friendly boy! Ben got scared and said, “You’re talking! Aaaaaaaaaaa! Why does the world have to be creepy?” “Of course it’s creepy,” said Ginger. Then Tom and the wise frog and Grammey came and tried to get Ginger, but Ben saved him! Ginger said, “Why do you guys want to eat me?” Two months later they became friends. 8

Bloody Donut By Benny, age 9, Jennifer, age 10, Tony F., age 10, and their mentors, Dan and Elizabeth “Where are you? You can never hide! For I, the Bloody Donut, will track you down!” That’s how it sounded, as always—screaming and shrieking in my ears and in my dreams. I yawn. Ugh, lately I’ve been having nightmares about a donut that’s bloody. “Jesse? Wake up! It’s time for school! And your first day!” hollered my mom. I groaned. “Fine,” I chimed angrily. I did everything I normally did, like changing, bathroom stuff. I suddenly heard a strange voice in the depths of my hollow head. Meanwhile, in the donut dimension, an evil mastermind called Bloody Donut was planning his invasion on the dream dimension. “When I get there I will . . . uhh . . . I will do something evil, so evil that . . . Wait, why am I telling you my evil plans?” “Sir, all the preparations are ready,” said the evil professor. “Okay then, invade!” “Yes,” said the yes man. Anyway, back to the dream dimension. I heard this: “So close! I’m almost here, Jesse!” My mom said, “Jesse Donut! Hurry!” I replied sheepishly, “Sorry!” My mom sighed and said, “Look, ever since your dognut disappeared, you’ve been so d—ahh!” My mom screamed. “The millions of donuts ARE HERE!” A giant bloody donut was shooting munchers! Wait, it was a dognut! Could it be . . . No, it could never be my dognut. The Bloody Donut laughed darkly and smiled a maniac grin. “So, I’ve finally come.” I stayed still, and my heart accelerated. I could see the giant of the killer humanuts. They were called the Humans. I whispered, “Bloody Donut.” Bloody Donut said sadistically in a shrill voice, “Jesse, what’s wrong? Don’t you remember this pathetic dognut’s body, or me, for this moment? Or that time I destroyed your Dadnut? Heheh!” 9

I yelped, “Wait, what? You’re not real, right? Are you my dognut?” Bloody Donut mysteriously mumbled, “Nah, I just took over the dognut’s weak soul. That’s all!” Bloody Donut gave me an innocent stare. I gave him a death glare and said, “How’s that innocent, you muttnut!” Mom fainted. I found the closest weapon. A sprinkler with sprinkles. I threw sprinkles around. “Back off! What can I do?” I whimpered. The professor of the Bloody Donut complained, “Wait, I’m allergic to sprinkles, sarcasm and ironies!” Yes, people slap their faces because of this idiotic professor. Jesse had quickly slipped into a rip in the dimension. Bloody Donut hollered, “Nooo!” Bloody Donut howled, then growled, “This isn’t over. But the beginning.”

Behind the Scenes of Bloody Donut By Benny, age 9 THIS TAKE, SCENE #15189463420 “Donuts are the best,” said Dan. “No!” replied Benny. Jennifer barked (while reading the script), “Stop talking and start working!” “I know,” replied Benny. Then Dan said, “You guys want some more crackers?” “No!” shrieked Jennifer. “Focus!” “Me!” replied Benny. Jennifer threatened him. “No!” said Benny. Jennifer shut the camera off. Tony said, “Yes.” OFF THIS TAKE, SCENE 1023456 Bloody Donut said, “Wait, this line is stupid, I’m an actor, not a dancer.” “Ok, I’ll remove it,” replied Jennifer. Benny asked, “Huh?” and Jesse said, “I quit! jk.” “I quit!” said Benny. Jennifer howled, “Benny!” Jennifer called Elizabeth to join them. “Hey, what’s up?” said Elizabeth. Jennifer said, “Work!” Threats came out of her mouth. “Ok! I quit!” said Benny. OFF 10

the Overlord By Kaylee, age 7, and Jeff, age 8 Once upon a time there was a monster and his name was the Overlord. He was in a video game. He was impossible to beat. After two years the monster was popular. No one could still beat the Overlord. One day a boy said the Overlord was his friend, and he called the Overlord Jack. “So then you are my best friend,” the Overlord said. “You too,” said the boy, and then he screamed, “Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! I want my Mommy. Don’t hurt me, take me home.” Then the Overlord came out of the game and said, “It’s ok, I will not hurt you.” And the boy said, “Thank you.” A thousand years later the Overlord destroyed everyone. Goodbye, readers!

Happy Birthday, Zombies and Steves By Jacob, age 7, and Troy, age 7 Steve was stuck with no food in a pizza store. He locked the pizza store door. He tried to punch it, and then zombies came. He broke the glass. And then they made a pizza together. It was a cheese pizza. The zombies didn’t like the pizza.

Who Took the Typewriter? By Ariel, age 7 Someone broke into the Writers’ Exchange and the person who broke in stole the typewriter. The Writers’ Exchange should have cameras around. Also, I know who it was but I can’t tell the other kids because if I tell it won’t be a secret anymore. Actually I will only tell Jen. It was Catina. 11

The Zekrom! By Noah, age 8

Once upon a time, Zekrom was attacking people. They died. Zekrom became sad and then turned nice.

Scary Halloween By Raymond, age 10 Canada Ghost Scary Halloween You catch me I want to be scary I want candy Chocolate Fish candy Bubble gum I want to scare someone 12

The Gas Leak By Stephanie S., age 11 “I don’t want to move,” said Mel. “You don’t have a choice.” “Why, Mom? Just because there’s a gas leak in Lieswood doesn’t mean we have to leave.” “You don’t understand. The gas is moving toward this city. This gas will kill you if you breathe it. Jake, Liza, hurry up,” said Mom. “Mel, go pack.” “But . . .” “No buts. After packing.” They rushed to the car. Dad drove. Liza asked, “Where are we going?” “Here is the answer,” said Mel. “Over the rainbows.” “I’m not falling for that.” “Here’s the real answer. Vilerpeek.” “I hate that place,” said Jake. “How do you know?” “I know everything.” “You don’t.” As Dad was driving, Jake, Liza and Mel fell asleep. When Jake, Liza and Mel woke up they were in Vilerpeek. “Here’s your new home. Hurry up, let’s move in,” said Dad. As Mel walked out she took a look at her neighbours. They seemed nice. “Yeah right,” said Jack. “Look at that guy. Hey punk.” The guy slowly walked away. Two Days Later “Breaking news. The chemical gas leak is closer.” “Is that true?” said Mel. “Yes.” In the afternoon, more breaking news happened. The chemical gas leak was even closer. The gas was moving fast and it was too late to leave town. They got supplies and they covered the doors. Suddenly there was a big bang and gas was everywhere outside. “Mom are we going to survive?” asked Mel. “I don’t know.” What happens next is your choice. 13

Killer Clowns By Johnny, age 12 There was a guy named Bob. He was walking home from a long day of work at McDonald’s. He was the one who fried the McChickens, french fries and beef (maybe beef) patties, so he was always burning from the heat. When he was finished his job, he ran outside and cooled down. Unfortunately, he forgot his phone and jacket. He tried to go back but his boss had already left and he couldn’t call because he didn’t have a phone to call on. All of his workmates had also left for home or somewhere. Bob didn’t live that far away so he decided to walk home. It was dark outside—it was probably 12:30 (if you didn’t know, McDonald’s is a 24/7 fast food restaurant, so that is why he was up so late). He realized that his key was in his jacket and his jacket was in McDonald’s and McDonald’s was locked! Bob whispered, “No!” but in his brain, he was screaming “NOOOOOOOOO!” Bob lived alone and his mom lived somewhere else, and that meant no one could open the door without the keys. “Oh no,” thought Bob. He would have to sleep outside for the night. Bob walked around, looking for a place to sleep. He walked and walked, with nowhere to go. Bob was so tired that he yawned, but as he was yawning he saw something or somebody colourful. It was getting closer and closer. When Bob finished yawning his vision became clear, and what did he see five metres away? There was a man wearing a shirt with polka dots and lots of face paint, and he had a big red nose. On his shoes were lots of bright colours and the shoes were really big, probably double Bob’s size. For a second he thought he saw him holding something shiny. As he got closer, Bob realized that the person running toward him was a clown and he was holding a knife! Bob dashed away as if he was running a race, running for first place. The clown was catching up. “Wow, that clown is fast, even with all his makeup and the suit and the knife,” Bob thought. While the clown was chasing Bob, Bob was yelling for help. “Help, HELP! A CLOWN WITH A KNIFE IS CHASING ME!” Bob probably just woke everyone in the neighbourhood, but who cares? Bob’s mind was racing. What should he do? He was getting tired and the clown was closer—it had probably been an hour so far, only an hour, and there are many more hours left. Bob was getting really tired. 14

He was about to collapse and fall asleep, but the clown seemed tired too, but not as tired as Bob. Bob kept on running. Finally something happened! Bob tripped and fell asleep. The next morning, Bob woke up at his house. “How could I be at home?” thought Bob. All of a sudden he heard a creak—someone was coming upstairs. Bob thought it was the clown, but no, it was his brother. His brother told him something that Bob hated—that this was all a prank and the clown was his brother. “I’ll get you back!” said Bob.

Xerneas By Stephanie M., age 10


HEROES AND BATTLES! At Writers’ Exchange By Lara, age 6 Once upon a time there was a wonderful program called Writers’ Exchange. At Writers’ Exchange we write about stories. One night at Writers’ Exchange, a mysterious person broke in. He hid in one of the cabinets. The next day the children went crazy and the furniture and everything went into chaos. And then a superhero came and saved the day. And then all was well at Writers’ Exchange.

A Pokémon Battle By Max, age 6 There was a Pokémon battle. In the battle there was Pikachu, and Pikachu’s team won. But the other team still attacked. Pikachu’s team attacked back. Then they got tired. And they ended in a tie.

The Prince Who Was Stuck in a Toilet By Melissa, age 7 Once upon a time there was a prince. He was travelling around the world and he suddenly found a beautiful princess. The prince went into the bathroom, and the robber got in and the robber pushed the prince into the toilet. And they lived happily ever after. 16

Unova Pokémon Story By Shijirbaatar, age 8 One day at Unova, Blue and Red were two Pokémon trainers. After years, they had finished their Poké decks. “Now, Red, battle me,” said Blue. “Okay,” said Red. “Go Keldeo. Go Rayquaza.” “Use Hydro Pump,” said Blue. “Use Dragon Burst,” said Red. “Finish it.” “Rayquaza, use Secret Sword.” Rayquaza fainted! “Nope, not today,” said Blue.

Superman By Jayden, age 6 I like Superman. He flies. He shoots lasers out of his eyes. He eats macaroni, oranges, pizza and chicken.

Win 421 By Dren, age 7 Once upon a time there was a train called 421. 421 would run over everyone in its way. 421 was defeated by 124. And 421 hated 124 because he would save everyone from 421. 124 was a fierce competitor in the rookie league. He used his might to win.

Superman and Spiderman By Anson, age 8 Spiderman has a web. He fights Joker. Spiderman’s house is cool. Spiderman and Superman play with teddy bears. 17

This Was the Pokémon Battle By Ewen, age 6 The names of the trainers were Ash and Misty. The Pokémon came out. It was Green Ninja vs. Charmeleon. Green Ninja defeated Charmeleon.

NRG KAI By Eric, age 6 My name is NRG KAI. My body is full of fire. I am the power of fire. My suit is made of fire.

Fox By Ella, age 9 Fox lived in an underground hole. It might seem like a dirty and unwanted place for a boy, but Fox loved it there. There lived his friends. Animals. Fox had been abandoned long ago. He had never seen his mother and father ever before. Fox had chestnut hair that reached the top of his neck. He had messy, rosy cheeks and freckles that dotted all around his face. He was quite skinny for ten years old. He also had skinny, grubby hands. And last but not least he had bright blue eyes that shone brighter than the sun. He was an adventurous boy that loved going places. On one of these occasions, Fox started to feel extremely hungry. And as you know, you can’t go to No Frills when you live in a jungle in an underground hole. So he got his bow and arrow and took a deep breath and walked on. He had walked two metres when he heard a thunderous roar. Fox smiled and walked in the direction of the sound. Finally he came to the sound and hid behind a palm tree. He took a few cautious steps and peeked out. There were two male lions wrestling each other. None of them had fear. They looked at each other in the same furious way. Finally, one of the lions struck the other lion with its long, sharp claws. Blood spilled everywhere. The lion looked at the conquered lion as if it was his greatest achievement. In other words, he looked proud. 18

He started feasting on the other lion. He used his sharp claws as a tool to rip through it, and he shoved the meat into his mouth. Although he did not notice, he also ate a bone, but quickly spat it out. Along with the bone he spat out some of the meat. Fox looked away and covered his mouth in horror. With its belly full, the lion went to a nearby rock and sat down. Slowly but surely the giant beast fell into an everlasting sleep. Fox took his bow and took a deep breath. He grabbed an arrow and aimed for the lion. He took another deep breath and he shot. Unfortunately for Fox, the arrow bounced off the lion’s mane. A lump grew in Fox’s throat and he gripped his bow. He hid behind the gigantic palm tree. The lion awoke so suddenly that the palm tree shook. The lion looked around and his beady, all-black eyes caught sight of the arrow that Fox had shot. He picked it up and closely examined it. He saw a hair from a lion’s mane. It started raining, pouring, and soon giant rainclouds covered the sun. As fast as the rain started, it stopped. But in front of the beast there lay a giant puddle. The lion looked into the puddle and grabbed a piece of hair from his mane, and then compared it to the hair on the arrow. Fox’s heart was racing. He couldn’t breathe. Then the lion noticed that the hair on the arrow was the same as his own hair. Anger rose in his throat. Someone had tried to shoot him! He knew what to do. He had to find the villain and attack. He walked cautiously around the palm trees, eyeing each one suspiciously. Fox’s back was against the tree. He was breathing very heavily. He looked at the lion. The tree shook. Fox gulped. And he hid again behind the giant palm tree. The lion, meanwhile, had its eyes fixed on the tree Fox was hiding behind. And the lion saw the tree shake. He curled his lips back and growled. And he walked on. Fox was now gripping his bow tighter than he ever had before. Beads of sweat were now running down his forehead. The lion glanced around the other side of the palm tree and saw Fox. And that was when the war began. The lion sprang at Fox. But Fox jumped in the air and did a flip. The lion circled Fox. Boy, he snarled. Fox said nothing. He only aimed the arrow and shot. He missed again. The lion said nothing, but he had pure rage in his eyes. The lion sprang at Fox. Fox did another flip in the air and when he was in the air he aimed for the lion. And that was the last time anyone ever saw the lion.


FRIENDS FOREVER Betty and Rosie’s Friendship By Sylvia, age 10, and Niki, age 9 One day, two besties walked to school together. When they were at class, Rosie lost something. She thought it was Betty because she was always joking around with Rosie’s stuff. Betty said she did not take her stuff but Rosie did not believe her, and that’s how their friendship turned around. They stopped talking. At lunch they played with different people. The next morning Rosie’s other friend Lizzy came up and gave back the pencil Rosie thought she had lost and blamed Betty for. That afternoon, Rosie ran to Betty and hugged her, then apologized to her. “I’m so sorry Betty. I should have believed you. Friends?” Rosie said, “Friends.” And that’s how they know that whatever happens they will always be awesome friends.

The Day Jen Cut Her Hair! By Karrie, age 10 One day Jen walked into Writers’ Exchange. A kid threw scissors, and the scissors cut Jen’s hair. Then Jen was mad at the kid. Jen said, “Why did you throw the scissors?” And the kid said, “Taylor told me to do it.” Then Jen went home. Later, Jen went to Taylor’s house and got mad at Taylor and so Taylor made Jen’s hair beautiful. Now Jen is happy. 20

Pickle Party By Flora, age 8 One day five thousand people went to a pickle party. It wasn’t an ordinary party until someone said, “Pickles,” and everyone went, “Pickle, pickle, hooray!” And all the kids jumped up and said, “Pickle, pickle, pickle!” Everyone jumped up and said, “pickle party,” and that is how the party turned into a pickle party.

Twin Trouble By Piper, age 11 Some twins went shopping one day for their prom because they wanted to impress their crush. But they realized that they liked the same guy and the same dress and the dress was on sale. So they raced to the dress. They had a tug of war and it ripped so they had to pay for it. The dress was ombre with the colours of blue, purple and rose pink. It had sparkles. Shoes They also went for shoes but one of them liked different shoes, thank goodness. But they were too small. So Esméé tried to take Renéé’s shoes but she couldn’t. Renéé caught her, so Esméé didn’t get any shoes. The next day . . . Prom Esméé and Renéé were so mad at each other they wouldn’t even look each other in the eye. When they got there they saw Sean, their crush. When he talked to Esméé she realized that she didn’t like him, and she had been trying to protect Renéé! So Esméé talked to Renéé and told her, and she was thrilled! Then Renéé kissed Sean and it became awkward. To be continued . . . in the next chapbook.


Rock, Paper, Scissors! By Chloe H., age 10 Once upon a time there was an island named Game Land. In that land there was a school called Materials of the Land. It was the most successful school on the island! It had a thousand students and a breakfast and lunch program. At the school were two kids named Paper and Scissors. They were in grade 8. One day, on their first day of grade 9, another material called Rock came. They happened to all be in the same class. Then their teacher assigned them to be in the same group. They had to learn about their past. They all turned out to like each other as friends. So they became BFFs! They were one of the most successful friendships at the school, and many people were jealous. One day a group of jealous materials made a plan to make them hate each other. It worked and the jealous materials were very happy. Now Rock, Paper and Scissors hate each other and that’s why they always fight. And that’s why people play Rock, Paper, Scissors.

What I Think Should Happen in Betty and Veronica By Sidney, age 9 I think that Betty and Veronica should get together and decide that Archie is not good enough for them. And then ditch him. And then get new boyfriends, like Adam or Reggie. I think they should ditch Archie because he can never decide which one he likes more. And that’s what I think should happen in Betty and Veronica


Bethany’s Crush By H’mlack, age 10 After Justin asked me to be his girlfriend, I said, “I’ll think about it.” Several months passed and we didn’t talk for a long time. But then in geography we found out we were going on a trip to Hawaii! The teacher said we should start packing our stuff right away because we were leaving tomorrow. I was so excited that I started packing immediately. As soon as I got to the cruise ship I was taken to my room. I started to unpack my stuff, and all of a sudden there was a knock on my door! It was Justin! He said, “We need to talk!” I was like, “Okay?” We went to Starbucks. He said, “Remember I asked you to be my girlfr—” “Hey Justin,” said a girl. It was Rachel. She was the most popular girl in school! “Ummmmmm . . . Hi?” said Justin. “Well, I was wondering if you and me can go shopping tomorrow,” said Rachel. “Sorry, I am busy!” said Justin. “Okay, after tomorrow,” she said. “Look, I don’t have time for this. Can we talk about it next time?” said Justin. “FINE!” yelled Rachel. Then she sashayed away. “Anyways, so as I was saying, Bethany, will you be my—" “Justin, yes I will,” I said. We both blushed and kissed as the sun was going down.


SPORTS AND NATURE Rainbow By S.F., age 10 The moist air gently brushes against my cheek, and the sunlight pushes away the clouds. Then out of the blue, colours pour over the sky, forming a bridge, and stretching out to the horizon.

The Stanley Cup Finals By Stellan, age 6 The best players were playing versus each other. They were Patrick Kane and Sidney Crosby. The Chicago Blackhawks scored one goal right after the Pittsburgh Penguins scored. It went into overtime. Kane scored in the third OT.

Sidney Crosby By Istok, age 8 Sidney Crosby is the best. He is amazing at hockey. Everybody knows Sidney Crosby. Sidney Crosby plays centre and his number is 87. He plays for the Pittsburgh Penguins. Everybody loves Sidney Crosby. There is nobody that does not love Sidney Crosby in the world. 24

Gavin Doesn’t Know How to Skate By A.C., age 8 Once upon a time there was a boy name Gavin. And Gavin didn’t know how to skate. One day Gavin went to do some skating. He fell and bumped his butt. And then someone helped him. The person who helped Gavin was Philip. And Gavin practiced skating with Philip.

Genie and Me By Mariama, age 6

Once upon a time we went to Granville Island. I saw a tree. It was big and we played catch. I saw you! 25

Winter Wonderland By Chief, age 8 Elgaivay Breyer and her husband Orlando Breyer lived in a really nice house on a private island on the bluffs. They lived at Smugglers Cove. Elgaivay decided to go out on a nature hike and drop off a gift to her friend Sadie. In the gift was a special amulet that had the power to turn the town into winter, spring, autumn and summer. Elgaivay had green eyes and straight brown hair. She wore a parka, a scarf and tights. During her nature hike she strolled along until a bear came along. But don’t worry! Elgaivay was a very brave girl! When Elgaivay saw the bear she actually fed it and took care of it. Elgaivay was 22 years old and her goal was to see the first snow on the bluffs. So she decided to go on a winter vacation to Iceland. Then she saw the first snow in her lifetime.

Little Cherry Blossom (This Is a Song) By Harper, age 9 When I go walking by the river I sing this song. I sing it night And day and I just think it’s Wrong, But when I sing when I cry I sing it right every time and I’ll sing till the cherry blossoms Bloom. When I go walking in The rain, I cry. When I Go walking in the night I sing to the moon And stars. Oh little Cherry blossom. Oh bloom High in the trees. I’ll sing For you and I will Cry till I die 26

SURPRISE ENDINGS! Wizard Pumpkin and Strange Boy, Part 1 By Legend, age 78

Strange Boy is a seven-year-old boy who is as tall as an adult man. And he follows a guy who wears a wizard hat who is called Wizard Pumpkin. They try to save the day but always fail because Strange Boy just stands there and Wizard Pumpkin has the mind of a nine-year-old.


Cats Are Not Getting Smart Kyle, age 9 Five days later, the cats go to school. In 70,000 days the cats are nowhere near getting smart. The cats are now old. These cats do not know 9+10!

A Life of a Penny By J.H., age 9 How did a penny get made in a factory. Get spent millions of times. They stopped making you and the government destroyed you millions of times.

Julian’s Adventures By Mikaela, age 9 Ok, so there was a boy named Julian and he loved parachuting from a plane in the north. One day Julian was parachuting like normal and he landed on snow normally because he was in the north. But this time he landed on Santa’s lap. Evil Santa. Santa said, “NOW YOU’RE ON MY NAUGHTY LIST!” Julian said, “But . . . But . . !” and Santa threw him across the world. Since then Julian has been having dreams about Evil Santa! And one night Julian didn’t wake up! Dun dun dun!


Cascoon By Izzy, age 8

He lives in a tree and goes to school. He eats pizza.

Escape of the Pokémon By Keona, age 11 Me speaking: Once I was playing Pokémon Go and the scariest thing happened. THERE WERE NO POKÉMON! Where did they go?! How?! It’s not possible! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Pokémon speaking: Pssst. Hey, readers. Don’t tell Pokémon trainer Pete, but we’re hiding under the bridge he never crosses!


A Day in a Life By Vincent, age 6 List of Characters 5 girls (1 adult) 3 boys (including Vincent) 8 friends (including Vincent) We play games a lot. Oh no! The bell rings! It’s recess. We play outside. Beeeeeeeeeep! Back to class! It’s time for . . . Math!!! 3+3= ____ 5x5=____ Oh. It’s lunchtime. EEK! There’s a monster!

My Stuffy Ate My Sandwich By Joey, age 9

My stuffy ate my sandwich when I was getting the cheese. I thought it was the Torchic stuffy that sat behind the plate. The evidence was that the stuffy had crumbs around its mouth, and there was nobody else in the room. I felt really suspicious. Then I hugged my stuffy. I mean, you can always forgive a cute face like that. 30

Part 2 of the Funniest Book Ever (Someone Call the Robbers) By Tony L., age 7

October 28 “What the what?” said the robbers. “We stayed here for [censored] years and that’s how you stay here for a lot of years and get out.” They got home and John Cena got them to be arrested. And 1m broken years later . . . February 29 Error And the robbers took revenge again and that was it. WAS THERE A PLAN NOW! So they put a missile in the bank. It was the end of the Earth. The End. That’s not it! February 28 Illuminati “Let’s never rob!” The End. WAIT! THIS IS THE ENNDDD! The End ©Tony Do Not Copy Fine $500,000

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Santa and the Girl By V.H., age 10 One Christmas a girl named Anya was curious about Santa. She made some milk and cookies for Santa. That night she was sleeping on the couch because she wanted to know if Santa was real or fake. Anya heard bells outside but it was actually her parents. Anya saw her parents wrapping presents and writing from Santa. For 12 years she had been tricked and finally Anya knew that Santa was fake! Or is he?! 31

Dragon in the Toilet By Kiki, age 8 Once there was a toilet full of dragons and a person flushed a dragon down. He was too fat so he got squished by the hose. But after five minutes a superhero saved him. He said, “Thank you for saving me.� They ate mashed potatoes for breakfast. It was very good and spicy. The dragon exploded rainbows.

The Life of a Coin By Joe, age 9 Get made Get robbed Get spent Double in value Get spent again And again Get swept away by ocean Get eaten by octopus Octopus dies, coin escapes Get stranded on island Get found by aliens Get lost in space Get found by the Enterprise Get lost in the Enterprise Find escape pod Escape and find Voyager 2 Stop radio system on Voyager 2 Get sucked into black hole Sun gets sucked into black hole Solar system gets sucked into black hole Pressure builds in black hole Coin gets thrown in black hole Coin gets destroyed by God 32

Pickle girls By Beatrice, age 8 One day at the best place in the world, two girls were having the best time in the world pickle partying and eating ice-cream cake! And drinking kombucha! And dancing pickle dances! Everybody was shaking their pickle bottoms! And then a pickle band came and started pickle singing. And then everybody started pickle costuming. And I almost forgot—the candles were shaped as pickles! And the cups were shaped as pickles! And the building was shaped as one giant pickle! And it is in the pickle land!

Toofallout the Eraser By F.S., age 6 Once upon a time there was an eraser named Toofallout. The eraser’s tooth fell out. It fell in the garbage! So the tooth bounced out and fell on someone’s table. And it erased someone’s piece of paper.



Thanks to the 45 fantastic volunteer mentors who helped with the fall 2016 after-school programs at the Writers’ Exchange:

Alberto, Amanda, Ashley, Bern, Britta, Carlin, Catina, Celine, Christina H., Christina S., Dan, Daniel, Elizabeth J. T., Elizabeth R. T., Emi, Emma, Genevieve, Haley, Jackson, Jane, Jessica, Kallie, Karina, Kat, Katie, Kristin, Lindsay, Maia, Mary, Matthew, Melissa, Michael, Mike, Nina, Patty L., Patty O., Sarah, Sean, Stacey, Suzanne, Sylvain, Tara, Virginia, Wendy and Winston

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