Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle: Strange but True

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Strange but True

Stories and a r t by the k i d s of the writers’ exchange

Volume 5 • Issue 2 • Spring 2018

Copyright © 2018 The Writers’ Exchange This book is a collection of the kids’ favourite writing and art that they created during the winter and spring 2018 after-school programs at the Writers’ Exchange. The Writers’ Exchange gets inner-city kids excited about reading, writing and their own potential through mentoring and creative projects like this chapbook. All Writers’ Exchange programs are free for the children and families we serve, so we could not exist without the support of amazing donors, including Social Venture Partners Vancouver, Marily Mearns, Linda Louis, the Waterbury Foundation, Megan Abbott, the City of Vancouver, Sasamat Foundation, TELUS, British Columbia Arts Council, Richard and Suzanne Cole, Bernard MacLeod, Nancy and Ted Maitland, BPS Wealth Management at CIBC Wood Gundy, John and Nina Cassils, Judy Gale, Lynn and Gene Gerwing, the Grayross Foundation held at the Vancouver Foundation, Lindsay Mearns, the Edith Lando Charitable Foundation, Pep and Bev Lough, Mark Tindle and Leslie Cliff, the Wolrige Foundation, the Van Tel/Safeway Credit Union Legacy Fund and CLICK (Contributing to Lives of Inner City Kids Society). Thank you.

881 East Hastings Vancouver, BC V6A 1R8 vancouverWE.com Please join us in acknowledging that we live, work, learn and play on the traditional lands of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Coast Salish people. Design and layout: Gerilee McBride, gerileemcbride.com Production coordination and editing: Melissa Edwards Creative leads: Jennifer MacLeod and Taylor Richardson These kind organizations support after-school programs at the Writers’ Exchange:

Printing for this chapbook was generously donated by Hemlock.

Welcome Wagon

The Oak Tree, by Kayla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Going Swimming, by Sylvia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Badminton Champions, by Veeco and Doris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Starla and Kiana, by Starla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Haiku, by Piper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Princessbuttersprinkle, by Kaylee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Flowers, by Yammie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Minecraft Matt, by Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Wonder Woman, by Chi Chi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Ceelo, by Gavin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Party House, by Yuki. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Friendship, by Jasmine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Wacky Characters

The Balloon Burglar, by Allen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Man, by Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Unicorn Story, by Mary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tim Hortons, by Peaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Story of Christmas, by Lisa D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lapras, by Selena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steve the Minecraft Guy, by M.E.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Nicest Girl in the World, by Aisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Brave Detectives, Part 1!, by Sabriyah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pikachu’s Secret Twin, by Cash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Hero Dog, by Linda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fly Is Scared of Ghost, by R.L.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Warm Kitties & Wicked Kitties

The Two Kittens: The Weird Adventure, by Wyatt. . . . . . . . . . . . Shimmer, by Anh Thu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Guy Named Zach, by Hollis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gray, by Lisa K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meow Meow Meow, by Sophia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cat Cool, by Joanna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meow, Part 2, by Joey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wild Battles

Dr. Sleep, by Steven P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plants vs. Zombies, by Wilfy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guy, by P.H.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Little Happy Peashooter and All Her Friends, by Terence . . . . . .

11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 17 18 18 18 19 19 20 21 21 22 24

Lemmy: The Chronicles, by Thor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Super Bowl, by Ewen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Royal Battle, by Eric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Animal Strike, by Sharen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Magic School Bus, by Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Weird and Mysterious

Conspiracy, Chapter 3, by Stephanie S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . An Ancient Evil: A True Story, by Farley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Danny and Kenny, by Tony F.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Red, by Hanahaki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zombie Attack, by Jackson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Danger, by Dyllin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Ghost…, by Tina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Haunted House, by Jayden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Witty Words & Pictures

Ceelo and Billy Bob Jones, by Aiden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Adventures of Sweat Man, by Anthony. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bob, by Sam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeffy, by Noah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Poor Balloon, by Matalin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dropped Phone, by Oscar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . One Day, the End, by Steven N.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheerios :p, by J.H.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Garbage Truck, by M.C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Illuminati Series: The End, by Tony L.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Story About Jeff, by Kyle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Super Sprinkles, by Memorie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Before the Last Day of Grade 7, by Keona. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sans and Papyrus, by S.A.M. (Sans) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BTS Bloody Donut, by Benny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How to Explode Yourself, by Jenny T.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Mystery of the Griefer’s Mark, by Alexander. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Worlds Away

In Outer Space, by Beatrice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dinosaurs’ Picnic, by Kevin W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Falling in a Hole, by Kiana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacksepticeye & Dan TDM, by Jack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zombie Attack, by Francis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plant vs. Zombie, by K.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Adventures of Fortnite, by Wilson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bendy and the Ink Machine, by Kevin C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Last Word, by Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

26 27 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 38 40 41 41 41 42 42 42 43 48 48 48 49 50 52 52 53 54 54 55 56 57 58 59 59

The Oak Tree By Kayla, age 8

Long ago, I had a seed. I planted it, and it turned into an oak tree. It grew bigger and bigger. It got so big that it lifted our house up, and so we lived in a tree house. We got stuck. The pipes broke and we had no water or electricity in our house. My friend came over to see me, but I was way up in the tree. She had a trampoline. She brought it over and let us jump down from the tree. We finally made it down, but we had left our money in our house. We used my friend’s mom’s phone to call the firefighters. They came and we went up the ladder to get our money. When we got down my dad came home. “How did the house get up there and where did the tree come from?” he asked. We told him that it was just an oak tree. My friend said we could eat dinner at her house. So we did.

Going Swimming By Sylvia, age 6

Once upon a time, I went swimming with my dad. The pool closed so we went back home. I ate dinner. Then I took a bath, brushed my teeth and went to bed.


Welcome Wagon

Badminton Champions

By Veeco, age 12, Doris, age 11, and Lindsay, a volunteer mentor If you have read Time Toasters, you will know what this is all about. The story from Time Toasters was called “The Volleyball Champion.” The chipmunk, the sloth and the monkey finished the volleyball championship game. They were ready for the badminton championship. At first they didn’t want to sign up, but then, when they figured out what the prize was, they had to go. The prize was a Tesla and five million bucks. They kept practicing and practicing until they thought they had it. Then they went to Wiggletown for the tournament. They watched the players play. Some looked good, some did not. The sloth went first, against a kangaroo. The sloth won because the kangaroo couldn’t hold the racket. The chipmunk lost because it was too short. The monkey won because it had proper arms. So that meant the monkey and the sloth went to the championship, and they won. They went back to the castle with the Tesla and the money. That night the chipmunk was raging, so it stole the Tesla and drove to the airport to fly to Mexico. It hid the Tesla underground, and it was never found again. The monkey and the sloth thought the chipmunk had passed away because of the Tesla thief. The chipmunk had a good time in Mexico.

Starla and Kiana By Starla, age 6

Starla and Kiana were playing hide and seek. Kiana was trying to find Starla. Kiana could not find Starla. Kiana said, “I can’t find Starla.” 4

Welcome Wagon


by Piper, age 12 bff Salmon sashimi I can’t pick it up, it drops My friend gets annoyed Colour? Froot Loops have colour Some leak artificial out Ugly milk water First Time Alfredo pasta First time eating at White Spot It was pretty good Anger Management Sharen eats a lot Someone tried to steal her pear She got really mad FYI Nectarine, peaches Nectarines are not fuzzy Peaches are fuzzy Ketchup Stains are a hassle Stains are big or can be small All I know: they’re tough 5

Welcome Wagon

Princessbuttersprinkle By Kaylee, age 9

Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Princessbuttersprinkle. She had a dad and a mom. They were queen and king. But one day their village got destroyed by evil people. The queen and king ran away. Princessbuttersprinkle got on her horse and went to the village that nobody ever knew. She went into the portal that teleported her to the village. It was made out of candy. The trees were made out of chocolate and the grass was made out of cake. There was a castle that was made out of cookies and cake and chocolate fudge, and that castle is where Princessbuttersprinkle lived. But someone found out where it was. She told the people there was a war coming to the castle made out of candy and sweets. Then the war started and a lot of candy people got eaten. Two people got away, and then the evil people that were made of candy got eaten. The war was over. Some of the good candy people got away and they built everything back. All the houses and things got built back and they lived happily ever after.


By Yammie, age 11


Welcome Wagon

Minecraft Matt By Michael, age 8

Super Minecraft Matt lives inside Matt’s body, in a big, white house. He keeps his Matt key in his hat. He turns on the Bloody Mary light, so he can see his house.

Wonder Woman By Chi Chi, age 7

I went to magic high school. I played with Wonder Woman. 7

Welcome Wagon


By Gavin, age 9

Once upon a time …

There was a guy named Ceelo

Late for work Work

After work … Gramp’s house Son


Hugs …


Welcome Wagon

Party House By Yuki, age 10

… My name is Leo

ping pong ping pong ping pong

g pin ong p



Welcome Wagon


By Jasmine, age 10 One day at school there were three kids who became friends. They started hanging out with each other every day. Their names were Dyllin, Jasmine and Tamara. But one day they got into a fight and stopped talking to each other for five days. They were all sad. Finally, they started talking again and hanging out again— except for Tamara. Tamara started hanging out with other kids. Dyllin and Jasmine got really mad because they wanted Tamara to play with them again. But Tamara said no. Dyllin and Jasmine said, “Please, please, please!” Tamara said, “No, no, no.” Dyllin and Jasmine said “Okayyy…” The second day, Tamara asked if they could all hang out again. Dyllin and Jasmine said, “No. If you want to hang out with them, go. But if you want to hang out with us, you have to do the chicken dance.” Tamara did the chicken dance, and so they started hanging out together again. Then Tamara said, “Yay!” She was happy that they were friends again. Tamara asked Jasmine and Dyllin to play tag, and they said, “Yes, but who is going to be ‘it’?” And then Tamara was “it” because that was what she wanted. Tamara tagged Dyllin, then Dyllin tagged Jasmine and Jasmine tagged Dyllin. Then they had to go home. The next day, Tamara got into a fight with Jasmine. The two friends wanted to use the same colour of nail polish at the same time, but Dyllin only had one to give. Dyllin said, “Do ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’!” Jasmine won, so Tamara walked away mad. Jasmine shared a snack with Dyllin and Dyllin said, “Thank you, Jasmine.” Jasmine said, “You’re welcome!” Then Jasmine and Dyllin read a book together. 10

The Balloon Burglar By Allen, age 10

Once upon a time there was a guy named Sam. He was an innocent guy with a balloon. He saw a sign that said, “If you have a balloon, the balloon burglar will come for you because he hates balloons.” One day he went to Superstore and bought some food with his dad and mom. He was happy. But one day the police came and said, “Did your son have a balloon once?” His mom said, “Yes, because we saw him go up to a sign. He looked kind of afraid. Now you can tell him that the balloon burglar is in jail.”

The Man

By Frank, age 6 A man named Max was riding a motorcycle and he fell. He saw a house full of spiders. Then he saw nine more houses full of spiders. He got up and then Max rode his motorcycle again. He went so fast that he flew! He went up to a plane. He waited for 1,489 minutes for the plane to get to China. When he got there, Max went into the water, then he swam so fast that went up onto land. Max ran onto the grass. Max went to the hot sand.


Wacky characters

The Unicorn Story By Mary, age 9

Once upon a time there was a unicorn. It was a baby unicorn. It was so cute and I thought that I could keep it, but its mom had to stay with it. So I let it stay with me because the baby was so cute. The baby grew up. She was pretty and she was practicing how to fly. She got an A+ for practicing a lot.

Tim Hortons By Peaches, age 9

Long ago, there was a unicorn and a puppy named Cutiepie. The unicorn’s name was Storm. They went to space in their spaceship! They went to the space-time continuum. They were having a tea party. They were best friends. They went to Tim Hortons. They had a banana weapon. They had it because they do pranks. 12

Wacky characters

A Story of Christmas By Lisa D., age 10

I woke up like any other day. “Lisa, wake up! It’s Christmas!” When I opened my eyes, my 11-year-old brother was on top of me. I told him to get off, so he did. I ran downstairs and saw my sister in the kitchen, my dad on the couch and my grandma coming to hug me. Since I am the youngest in my family I get the most presents. “Ha! Get wrecked John!” I yelled. “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” John replied. My favourite present was an American Girl doll. I always wanted to go to America. I lived in Toronto, so I always wanted, and I mean WANTED, to add American Girls to the collection of my dolls. After that, we went to my uncle’s house. John and I played “Destination Pixels” with our cousins. My auntie’s turkey is delicious. It is truly Christmas.


By Selena, age 8 There was a Pokémon called Lapras. Back then she was shy. She was hiding from everyone. She had an idea. She tried to evolve. She evolved into a Mega Lapras. Then she was not shy.

Steve the Minecraft Guy By M.E., age 7

This is Steve the Minecraft guy. He can swim in the ocean. He stays on a boat. 13

Wacky characters

The Nicest Girl in the World By Aisa, age 8

Once upon a time there was a thoughtful person that was nice to everyone, even to bullies. She made people happy. One day, on June 3rd, it was someone’s birthday. The person that was having a birthday invited everyone except the person that was nice to everyone. So the person that was nice to everyone called the person that had the birthday and said that they forgot her. So she was invited.

The Brave Detectives, Part 1! By Sabriyah, age 11

One unusually rainy night, a mysterious event happened. Sherlock Holmes was called to an abandoned farm to rescue his sidekick. It was very creepy and cold, and it brought shivers to him! Then suddenly the lights turned on. Sherlock turned around and saw his sidekick tied up to a chair. He heard a wicked laugh. It was his sworn enemy, Maximus. Sherlock shouted, “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SIDEKICK!” Maximus started to run away. Sherlock shouted and started to hustle… To be continued …


Wacky characters

PikachuÕs Secret Twin By Cash, age 7

One day Charmander was flying and breathing fire. He saw Pikachu battling Lycanroc. He flew down to blow fire in Pikachu’s face. Pikachu screamed, “AAAAAAHHHHHH!” He flew off the side of the mountain and into the lake.

The Hero Dog By Linda, age 10

Once upon a time, there was a man and his dog. They were homeless. They didn’t have any money, and didn’t have a place to stay. Every day they were always on the streets and trying to get some money. But the people that always walked past them never gave them money. One day his dog saved someone, and that person loved his dog. And the next day, his dog saved someone again. Every day his dog always saved someone. Then one day they got to be in the news. The homeless man said, “This is one of my best days ever!” One day later they got to be in an ad on the news. After the news ad, they got paid. But it wasn’t enough. It was enough to buy blankets and shirts. Then, the boss of the ad told him to be in the ad for life. So every day the homeless man and his dog got paid $$$. One year later… The homeless man was no longer homeless. He was a millionaire! Well…close. He was in a movie, too, and everyone loved him, except for one. His name was Vector. He always wanted to be rich but he wasn’t. He snuck into the man’s mansion and tried to steal all of his money. But he got caught and went to jail. Now Vector can no longer steal his money. 15

Wacky characters

Fly Is Scared of Ghost By R.L., age 7

I will scare fly

You scared me!



Are you okay?


Oh Hi fly



The Two Kittens: The Weird Adventure By Wyatt, age 11

Once upon a time, a little kitten named Joe was drinking milk when he heard his mom call him downstairs. When he got downstairs, his mom said that it was time to get his dad a birthday present. His mom asked him what he wanted to get his dad. The little kitten said that he wanted to get him a Soda Stream. (Joe’s dad had always wanted a Soda Stream.) His mom said sure, and that he could invite a friend to the mall. The mall was having a carnival in the parking lot, and his mom said they could go there after they got the present. “But how will we get parking?” said Joe. “We will park at the McDonald’s parking lot across the street,” said his mother. “Ok, I will invite Metro,” said Joe. When they arrived at the mall there was just one more parking spot at McDonald’s. His mom said that before they went to get the present they could go get lunch at McDonald’s. Joe ordered fries and a burger (and of course a McFlurry) and Joe’s mom said she would get lunch later. They got the Soda Stream and went to the carnival. They went on bumper cars, bouncy castles and a whole lot of other rides. When Joe’s mother said, “Only one more thing,” they had done everything except one thing, and that was the game where if you get a basketball in the hoop from the other end of the court in three tries, you win one million dollars. The two friends decided to do it. Metro went first. She failed. On Joe’s turn he missed two by miles but on the third one he actually got it! What he and Metro did with the money is a whole different story. 17

Warm kitties & wicked kitties


By Anh Thu, age 8

There was a kitten named Shimmer (#goodkitty). One day she saw a paper and it said a cat named Shimmer was chosen for God (#god). Then God landed and saw Shimmer. God said, “You saw the paper, right?” Shimmer said, “Yes!” God said, “You were chosen because you are kind.” And God and Shimmer became friends.

The Guy Named Zach By Hollis, age 8

Once upon a time there was a guy who barfed all the time, and he ate beans. He had a cat and he was happy. The cat barfed, and then Zach never barfed again.


By Lisa K., age 6 Gray is a black cat. Gray likes to meow when she is hungry. Gray really loves chicken. My cat loves chicken on her cat food. Sometimes she almost chokes. She chokes on a pencil, then my mom pats her on the back, then Gray licks my mom and smiles. 18

Warm kitties & wicked kitties

Meow Meow Meow By Sophia, age 9

Once there was a cat that did something. He sang a song. It was “Havana, Ooh Na Na.” It went like: “Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow…” The cat became… famous! He got a giant mansion with a little kitty bed all to himself. He said, “Meow meow meow.” (That means “thank you.”)

Cat Cool

By Joanna, age 11

Hi, this is Cat Cool. That is my name. I’m going to tell you about the Creepy Cat Cool. I’m the Nice Cat Cool. I’m 12, and Creepy Cat Cool is 19. I love cute, nice and pretty things and Creepy Cat Cool likes mean things and dangerous things. Now I want to tell you a story about Creepy Cat Cool. Once upon a time Creepy Cat Cool was in the basement and there were two dolls with only one eye. They were real dolls. Creepy Cat Cool tamed the two dolls. They became mean and bad, and they became dangerous. Wait for the next book to see what happened! 19

Warm kitties & wicked kitties

Meow, Part 2 By Joey, age 10

“Meeeooowww! Why did you do that?! Wake up, Meow! You’ll be late for school!” So there it was: Mom, stopping me from dreaming. “But Mom! I almost defeated the evil lord!” “Dream tonight then, Meow.” So I defeated him the next night, but something else came. Something evil! It took my weapon and I screamed. To be continued…


Dr. Sleep

By Steven P., age 12 One day a man sat in a chair while he was watching TV. Then, five hours later, the man was walking to an abandoned building. A guy name Dr. Sleep awoke from his nap! Dr. Sleep was an evil man because, when he was little, a man named Professor Crispis was mean to him. And so Dr. Sleep made a potion that turned the man watching TV into Super Katt Man. Then Dr. Sleep made a robot named Fire Man. Fire Man and Katt Man were fighting each other. Finally, Katt Man was hurt by a fireball. Katt Man was mad, so he used his super powers for the good of mankind. Katt Man used his fist to knock him out. Everyone in Katt Man’s town came out and saw him and said congratulations to him for saving the day!

Plants vs. Zombies By Wilfy, age 7

One day the plants fought the zombies. They were friends, but they got into arguments, so that’s why they fought all the time.


Wild battles


By P.H., age 9

One day… “YAWN!”

Greg the dog “That wasn’t there before.”

He opened the doors and there was a portal! Guy entered the portal. There was a world of…


…dragons! cool!

“Just speak English, bro”

“Rar, rar!”


In the normal world…



Wild battles 3 years later… Then…


Wild battles

Little Happy Peashooter and All Her Friends By Terence, age 6

Last Peashooter alive because he’s the strongest

Thinking what is going to happen…


Peashooter shoots

Zombie blows up, yay

“I’m here to help, Peashooter, don’t worry”

“Me, too”

The cactus




Wild battles

“Me, four” “Me, three”

“I’m going to blow up, too”

ZAP Jalapeno boy Laser beams

Flower Shooter

“Wait for me”

BONK Bonk Choy

They all stick together to be stronger

The apple motor shoots apples

“Look, no more zombies! They are all scared.”

SPLAT The orange shoots oranges at zombies

Electric blueberry


Wild battles

Lemmy: The Chronicles By Thor, age 11

It was a dark and stormy night… Nah, just kidding, we’re not that basic. It was a rainy mid-day, and Lemmy was walking in the downpour, thinking about how he could break the fourth wall. “Hey, be quiet, Narrator!” Anyway, he was hungry and he headed out to Tim Hortons (please don’t sue us) to grab a donut, a bloody donut! Dun dun dun! He entered the place and noticed someone familiar, someone from a few books back… It was the wizard! With a strange device. He immediately threw his lightsaber and sliced the wizard’s only remaining hand, but the wizard cast a spell just as the lightsaber was soaring through the air (zoom!). Lemmy teleported back in time and ended up in a desert. It was all so familiar, then he realized he was outside the old book prison, where he had been before. He saw himself and Buck on the same motorcycle as before. He had to warn himself about the wizard, but he was too late. All of a sudden, Lemmy teleported into the far future, where Zomborgs (Zombie Cyborgs) were gathered outside a local 7-Eleven. He fought them off (insert Batman sound effects here). Out of the blue, the wizard (with robot hands) told Lemmy about the three amulets that could defeat him: toxic turtle, cliché script and the golden donut. Lemmy knew he had to find them, so the wizard fled the scene and the time-hiccups started again—this time, he went back to the Tim Hortons and he found the golden donut. He grabbed it right before the next teleportation. Lemmy found himself in a familiar forest. He saw a sign that said the following: “Dear Lemmy, you are brought here to fight.” But Lemmy didn’t care. He looked on the back of the sign and stamped on it


Wild battles was the cliché script. He went “Back to the Future” (you’ve got nothing on us, Universal Studios!) and played a VR game contest and won! The prize was, of course, the toxic turtle. The wizard popped out of nowhere and fought Lemmy for the last time.

The Super Bowl By Ewen, age 8

The Seahawks were in the Super Bowl. It was Jimmy Graham playing last year for the Seahawks when they were winning 36 to 35. They played Green Bay. It was in the fourth quarter. It was the last minutes in the game and the Seahawks got a touchdown after they had to kick off to Green Bay. They were returning and they tackled them as quick as they could. This was Green Bay’s last chance. The quarterback threw the ball and the receiver missed the ball and the game was over. And the Seahawks won the Super Bowl.

The Royal Battle By Eric, age 8

Ring, ring, ring… it is time for Monster School. Herobrine was playing Fortnite. After a while Ugandan Knuckles came in and said, “Yo, no do it.” Then all the mobs lined up. Herobrine counted heads. Zombie here. Ghast here. Skeleton here. Slime here. Zombie Pigman here. Wither Skeleton here. All of them went to the portal. Everyone was in a plane, except Ghast. Ghast just flew down. Everyone put on their parachutes. To be continued…


Wild battles

The Animal Strike By Sharen, age 9

Once upon a time there were hunters that hunted animals of all sorts, like, rabbits, bunnies, wolves, seals and especially squirrels. This story starts in a forest where wolves live, but the wolves had almost gone extinct. But there was one pack left. One of the wolves was fed up with the humans hunting them. So that wolf decided to get all the animals in the world to strike against the humans. The rest of the pack agreed with him. They needed to get back at the humans. The pack decided to split up: a quarter of them would go north, a quarter would go east, a quarter would go south and the rest would go west. The ones who went north bumped into the rabbits and bunnies who lived in the flower forest. Then the wolves told them why they came. The bunnies and rabbits immediately began thinking about how much of their population was left. After thinking and thinking and thinking the bunnies and rabbits realized that they were wasting time thinking while the hunters hunted more and more animals. So, they went northeast and the bunnies and rabbits found the seals by the ocean. The bunnies and rabbits told the seals why they had come. The seals thought for minute and then they said, “We’d love to help you as long as they stop hunting our families and friends. We will always agree with the people trying to stop the humans!� So the seals went across the ocean, through the coral reef and past the sharks, who were sleeping, and went all the way across the Pacific Ocean to find a rainforest. And the seals pretended to be hurt and got all the animals to come to them. The animals were extremely mad that the seals pretended to be hurt. But then the seals told all the animals why they had come and why 28

Wild battles they had to pretend to be hurt and so the animals forgave the seals and joined them to travel all over the world to get as many animals on their side as possible. The feline creatures went southeast and the birds went southwest. The feline creatures came by a village. The felines were strong enough to defeat some of the humans, but they needed help to defeat the whole village. Then, the birds came to a city. The hunters didn’t notice them because the birds could fly. The birds asked all the dogs and the cats and the squirrels for help. The squirrels didn’t even need to think about it, and the dogs and cats knew that they needed to help straight away. Eventually, the wolves found the rest of the animals, so then all the animals regrouped on the north side of the city. After a bit of planning they realized that each type of animal should come from every direction, so that they could corner the humans in the middle. So the war between the animals and humans began. It was a long, long fight. Soon, almost all of the humans were extinct. A young woman said, “Why are we fighting and why were we killing adorable and defenseless animals?” And so everyone sat and thought for awhile, and they realized that the humans only killed animals because they were scared of the animals. So ever since then, there has been an amazing new season called spring that was created by the humans and animals.


Wild battles

The Magic School Bus By Jeff, age 10

Next Day: The Magic School Bus

#1 Victory Battle Royale

Hello little friends, it’s nice to see you again


Conspiracy, Chapter 3 By Stephanie S., age 13

Now where did we leave off in the last book … Something about Michael Jackson and Ronald McDonald. Oh, and Tupac was involved, too. What if I said that everyone figured out that the Mandela Effect was real and that Michael Jackson was alive the whole time—people just thought that he had died. “Michael, safe travels,” Tupac said. “I’m alive!” Michael yelled out. Everyone stared at him weirdly. “Hey look, it’s Michael Jackson,” everyone yelled while looking at the screen at Best Buy. “Hey that’s not me,” he shouted while looking at himself on the screen. Meanwhile, at the Kardashian headquarters: “Kris, we found footage of Michael Jackson,” Kim said. “We. Did. Not. Make. This expensive clone for nothing,” Kanye said. “I think I know who to call.” Kim said, “Hello, Ronal—” 20 minutes later… “—d McDonald, long time no see.”


Weird and mysterious

An Ancient Evil: A True Story (In My Dreams) By Farley, age 9

Warning: This is a scary and weird story. Be scared and enjoy it. I woke up, but something felt wrong. It was probably nothing. I went down the stairs but no one was there. I went outside and saw my mom. She was inside my dad’s car. She said, “Go inside and play xBox or TV or whatever.” I wanted to tell her but she did not answer. So I thought she knew that there was something wrong. She had to. I went inside to watch TV and I saw something. THE DOORS WERE LOCKED. I heard something, but what I saw…was me. “Are…are…you me?” I whispered. “NO,” said my clone. But it was actually me, so I was not sure. His face changed and he screamed “NOOOOO” in my face—and then he had black eyes. He ripped off his face and he had green and black skin underneath. It looked like a skeleton but it was skin. Now he looked nothing like me. I tried to run but he hurt me and I fell and my vision went black. I woke up, but I was on the couch and it was all normal. That’s what I thought. Yep, it was normal. I watched YouTube and a video called “The Scary Video.” I clicked on it, then I felt scared. I looked at it because I forgot the danger, and so I fell down to a place that looked like my house, but it was red and there was fire. I looked at my mom’s (or “not mom’s”) phone. It was all sixes, and I saw the Illuminati. I walked outside and saw a house. I went inside and it was blood red (not blood, but blood red). I saw a machine that said “End World 2000TM, Zombie Invasion 2000TM, Human Extinction 6000TM.” There was a shield to protect the place, and then all the machines turned on. It was the end of the world, not the story. I saw zombies.


Weird and mysterious I climbed up the hole. I fell down. There was soooo soooo soooo much zombies. The whole world was infected. I was so scared, and I went on top of the building. I ran everywhere. On top of the building, I could not run any more. I had to jump. I was the last human, and now I was going to… to… “This is the end,” I thought as I fell… “Wwwhat? I’m still here?” I woke up in a hospital. I went out of the hospital and the zombies were all gone, but I don’t know how. I walked through the nuclear waste… but the weird thing was, how did I get to the hospital? Find out next year… The End? Of the story, not of the world.

Danny and Kenny By Tony F., age 12

On a cool dark night, Danny and his friend Kenny came across a photo on the ground. They picked it up and studied it. There was a woman and a man holding hands and smiling. Danny and Kenny cut the picture in half. One half had the man and one half had the woman. After that, they took a selfie together and went to a park. Kenny had to go to the restroom. While Kenny was using the restroom Danny stood outside and waited. He heard Kenny scream. Danny didn’t know what to do, so he fled home. At home he looked at the selfie he had taken with Kenny. To his horror, he saw the same man and woman who were in the photo they had ripped. Then, his door opened…


Weird and mysterious


By Hanahaki, age 12

In this world, there are two types of people: the killers and the killed. Everyone is born with a sign. Killers are born with a blue name, victims are born with a red name. Then there are people like us. We neither have blue nor red names. We live to fight and defend. We have only one goal: To Paint the Ground Red. This is the world I live in. I have two choices: to run and live in everlasting fear, or to live, waiting for my death. I was born with a name on my wrist. The name I was given is only used to label me. So they can hunt me down. I was born, like billions of others, for the same purpose. To die, because the colour on my wrist is Red. I have it easy, just as I expected. Because of the Blue name on my wrist, I get honoured and worshipped by every person, in fear or by force. I am the person that makes them end. But, otherwise, I am a mere person. I am scared of them, of everyone. I do not fight back. I am supposed to murder. But I am frightened. I see them running. My natural instincts seem to want to pounce. I am a born predator. I must hurt. I must bring pain. I want to see Red.


Weird and mysterious

Zombie Attack By Jackson, age 8

A man was waiting for the end of the world. He was running from zombies. He hid in a garbage can. He ate garbage because he didn’t want to get eaten. He killed their master. He got out of the garbage can. He ran back to the bus stop. He waited and waited but nothing came. The zombies heard the noise. He ran to a cliff and almost fell off.

The Danger By Dyllin, age 10

It was Halloween night, and not a parent or kid was in sight. On the news, they warned everybody about two kids that went missing the day before Halloween. NOTHING and NO ONE had ever gone missing before. It was the first time it happened. My best friend Amber and I went trick-or-treating. Our parents hadn’t heard the news, so we walked into the woods. We saw two of the kids that were missing. They were just doing a prank on everyone in the city. The kids’ names were Deven and Dyllin. But we were just playing Fortnite at Lazro’s house. But that night there were worms crawling out of Lazro’s ears. We knew what he was, so we left that room and went to Lizzy’s room but it was the same. So, we went to the haunted house. It was not haunted. It was just like a party. It was fun, but then we saw someone with no eyes, so we ran away. We watched a show about something that had no eyes. It was a hollow from Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. It would take kids and change their eyes and they would turn into dolls!


Weird and mysterious

The Ghost . . . By Tina, age 9

Read at your own risk! One day it was Halloween and everyone was wearing costumes. There was a girl who was going to trick-or-treat. Her name was Alex and she was wearing a devil costume. She went to the house right next door and knocked on the door. The door opened and then she heard a noise. “Hi, Alex, be my friend. Be my friend or else ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha…” Alex tried to run but she was stuck. She became a shadow, then… then… she woke up. She thought, “It was just a dream.” Or was it?

The Haunted House By Jayden, age 7

Once upon a time there was a house and it was haunted! Toilets and pumpkins were living there. There were three kids. They went to the house and crawled in the window. They heard something and they went upstairs. They thought someone flushed the toilets. And then they looked behind them. They saw a pumpkin, and it hadn’t been there before. They looked everywhere but no one was there. So then they left.


Ceelo and Billy Bob Jones By Aiden, age 9

Once upon a time, there were two guys, named Ceelo and Billy Bob Jones. They were crazy but funny and smart. They pranked their neighbourhood and they even used a water sprayer to spray their neighbours. They would hide in the bushes and just start spraying their neighbours. After years and years passed, Ceelo and Billy Bob Jones’s neighbourhood found out that Ceelo and Billy Bob Jones had been pranking them the whole time. So the neighbourhood told on Billy Bob Jones and Ceelo to their dad and mom. And after the argument, Ceelo and Billy Bob Jones started to prank their neighbourhood again. 37

Witty words & pictures

The Adventures of Sweat Man By Anthony, age 8



I’m coming





Witty words & pictures Beastly Building

Let’s go



Witty words & pictures


By Sam, age 10 You are late again I know

I’m late for work You are fired



Witty words & pictures


By Noah, age 10 First, there was a guy named Jeffy. He loved to dirty his pants and play tag. He was silly and every time he wore his Pooperman shirt, he loved his pants. And he liked to play with his dad, Mario. Princess Peach was his mom. Jeffy was a YouTuber who was 13 and liked Cheerios.

The Poor Balloon By Matalin, age 9

Once upon a time there was a balloon that could talk. She could talk because she inhaled some potion that a wizard with a beard had made. Anyways, the balloon floated up to the sky. She met a bird named Binky. Binky tried to lick the balloon but instead he accidentally popped her with his beak.

Dropped Phone By Oscar, age 6

A man was using the toilet and the man dropped his phone and he cried. I saw it. It was funny. 41

Witty words & pictures

One Day, the End By Steven N., age 9

There once was a guy named Pennywise. He ate so much candy that he got fat. He turned into a balloon then he turned into all of those candies and then he exploded.

Cheerios :p By J.H., age 11

Cheerios, yes Cheerios. That’s it. :p Narrator: We didn’t decide on that! Storyteller: Yeah, we did! Narrator: What do you mean? WHEN! Storyteller: Yea, yesterday! Narrator: No! I wasn’t here yesterday! Storyteller: Oh wait… it was when we were planning for the story! Narrator: NO WE DIDN’T! *This continued for three days and it is still continuing* *Wall explodes* *What the bleep* *And still arguing*

The Garbage Truck By M.C., age 6

Once there was a really cool garbage truck. Megan drove the garbage truck around town. It smelled like McDonald’s.


Witty words & pictures

The Illuminati Series: The End By Tony L., age 9

Previously… Mike: It’s a long walk! Jack: Yes, I agree! As our heroes reach their destination, we get worried… Mike: The Illuminati HQ! Illuminati: Oh this is on… Mike and Jack: ARRGGH! Now… Illuminati: Get out or I’ll make you my slaves or put you in the   Matrix dungeon! Jack: Oh… 5 seconds later… Mike: Run. Jack: Get in the HQ! Mike and Jack: AAAAH! Jack: I have to say this: I’m sorry for everything I’ve done and   I’ll be more nice in my afterlife! Mike: Me, too! Illuminati: You’ve got nowhere to run and nowhere to hide and   you require ID cards! Jack: Wait. Mike: There’s an ID card on the ground. Jack: Pick it up, quick! Illuminati: I’m gonna get you! Wait. My mind hurts so I can’t use it.  STRESSFUL! Jack: Get into the next room you see! Mike: Here! 43

Witty words & pictures

Illuminati: I’ll get you! Wait. I don’t have my ID card! Aww…!    NERDLIHCEESOHTTEGANNOGM’I! Mike: It’s just me. Disclaimer: Mike pick-locked his way in. Illuminati: Okay, where did I last stop… Ah hah! 10 minutes later… Illuminati: Where are they… Mike: JACK! Illuminati: I know where… Some time later… Illuminati: Come out, come out, whatever you are! Jack: Open the door! Mike: Okay! Illuminati: What do we have here? Jack: Oh no! At the Illuminati HQ court… Judge: *POUND, POUND, POUND* For Mike’s trespassing the   sentence is… execution! Mike: Gulp HELP


Witty words & pictures

Jack: OH NO. Mike: Goodbye world! Jack: I gotta get out of here! Execution day… Illuminati: Well, well, well, look what we have here! Illuminati: Everyone must watch this, or else I’ll take their souls. Jack: NOOO! Illuminati and the servants: 3, 2, 1 GO!

Mike: See you in my afterliiife! Jack: Mike is gone, only I am remaining! Illuminati: Good riddance! He’s now in the Matrix pit and then   there’s one more… Jack. Meanwhile… Mike’s mom: He’s been missing for a week and I don’t know   where he is. Jack’s mom: Mine, too! *Crying* Meanwhile, back at HQ… Jack: I don’t know if the Matrix pit is dangerous. Later, in the Matrix pit… Mike: I’m not dead! Mike: I gotta escape. 45

Witty words & pictures Later…

Illuminati: ILLIBUILDERS! Illuminati: I’m gonna get the speaker… Speaker: ILLIBUILDERS COME TO MY OFFICE IMMEDIATELY! Illibuilders: Let’s got to Illuminati’s office ’cause he said that! In the office… Illuminati: They’ll come, they’ll come. Illibuilders: Hi, Illuminati.

Illuminati: Would you look at THIS! Illibuilders: Oh no. Illuminati: Illibuilders, get in the Matrix pit right now! Illibuilders: How great! Illuminati: They’ll get a taste of their own guacamole! Illuminati: While I get new builders… In the Matrix pit… Mike: I’m getting out of the Matrix pit! Mike: I’m doing it! Mike: I got out! Mike: Next, get the Illuminati! Mike: I was prepared ’cause I have a water swo— Illuminati: Hello! I’m GONNA get you! Mike: Oh no. 46

Witty words & pictures Back at Jack… Jack: I might’ve hacked wrong.

Meanwhile… Mike: Help! Illuminati: I’m gonna— Illuminati: Oh no. I’M FADING! Illuminati: !OWTESOHTTEGRATDNAEGN  EVERTEGDNANRUTERLLIWI Illuminati: Help me! Mike: The Illuminati is dead! Jack: Yay! Mike: Let’s return to Westlake! As they come back to Westlake… Mom: I thought you were missing! They hug and live happily every after… THE END Or is it… Mike and Jack: Oh no.


Witty words & pictures

A Story About Jeff By Kyle, age 11

One day Jeff had a house. He ate bacon. Jeff went to work 10 hours later. When he got home, Jeff slept. He fell off his bed but was still asleep. He woke up. Jeff was running because he was late for his job. He got to work in time. Jeff was happy about the job because he got fired.

Super Sprinkles By Memorie, age 9

Doing nothing at the mansion in her bed, Miss Sprinkles woke up in the morning. She brushed her teeth with sprinkles. She went to eat breakfast with eggs and sprinkles. She went to go get more sprinkles. She made a cake but she did not like cake. She threw the cake out the window. She ate the sprinkles and got fat.

Before the Last Day of Grade 7 By Keona, age 12

Break all the rules in school. Have an awesome party. Order a pizza. Do a prank. Do every dare. Be the king of Instagram. Walk my dog. Wear my suit as much as possible. Be more funny. Finish this bucket list‌ 48

Witty words & pictures

Sans and Papyrus By S.A.M. (Sans), age 11

I’m making pasta for the human

Heya kiddo, where’s Paps?

Hey, brother,

In the kitchen.

Hey, brother, what kinda PAPsta are you making?


(Badly stifled laughter)

Papyrus: Why do you have to do the puns?! Sans: Well, they’re quite PUNny Papyrus: *TRIGGERED FACE* The End. *This took a skeleTON of work *No, seriously

*Papyrus is triggered *No, really, he is Undertale Comic Dub


Witty words & pictures

BTS Bloody Donut By Benny, age 10

B: Hi T: Hi B: Where is their story? J: Well, sorry, I actually have a life, you know. J: I’m not a robot, Lisa can write it! T: *GASP* You! You… have a life?! B: Where is Lisa? J: Yes, T, unlike you. T: Ok. J: I read this story about some guy who was going to name   names. It was Lem or something. B: Okkk! J: Leave now! T: A T: W T: K T: W T: A T: R T: D T: ! T: Hello, anyone? B: Wut? T: I T: Have T: Nothing. B: Ok.


Witty words & pictures

T: So what should we do? J: I called the cops. Leave my house! B: Bye! T: Did you call the SWAT team to swat the flies? J: Yes, if you guys are the flies. T: RUN! T: DITCH THIS PLACE! T: I’m wearing this Guy Fawkes mask! J: *Brings weapon* I will attack! *Police come* *They arrest guy with Guy Fawkes mask* P: Have fun in jail! :) T: Hello, Mom! T: I’m in trouble. T’s Mom: Ugh, seriously? I was reading this amazing book,   Red, and sitting down to eat “Bloodios” (an incredible  breakfast!) T: Just get me some Bloodios while I’m in court. T: *Faces police* Can I get a meal coupon for Bloodios? P: Nope, I’m keeping them all >:D T: *TRIGGERED* T: I’m breakin’ out! J: *Attacks* Bloodios! The snack that gets you back! Bloodios! T: Attorney and lawyer! T’s attorney and lawyer: The END? Narrator: That was script!


Witty words & pictures

How to Explode Yourself By Jenny T., age 11

1. Get a candy “bomb.” 2. Light the candy-cane wick. 3. Tell everyone to go away. 4. Swallow it (it tastes good, trust me). 5. You are now exploded, but you will never wear dentures.

The Mystery of the GrieferÕs Mark By Alexander, age 7



Do you want to build a house?

It’s raining cookies



In Outer Space By Beatrice, age 10

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Kayla. One afternoon she was thinking about a church that had a cross like every other church, but on this one you couldn’t see the top of the cross because it went all the way up to outer space. Nobody knew if it actually had a cross because they couldn’t see it, and there was no such thing as astronauts back then. So Kayla decided to make something that could fly up to outer space and that let you still breathe. She called it a spaceship. She worked all day and all night for a month till she could actually fly in it. She told her mom and dad that she was going but they were just like “ok” because they thought she was joking and they had no time to understand what she was saying. So she went outside and got into her spaceship and flew away. She went up and up and up and up until her spaceship malfunctioned—duhn, duhn, duhn. Luckily, she had packed enough food to last one year. She had packed it just in case. So she lived on the moon for one year. One year later… The Americans thought that they were the first one to go to the moon, but they found her. So they teamed up in search for the cross. One day, they were flying around and they saw it. It was a cross. Kayla grabbed her camera and took so many pictures and gave them to everybody in town. Kayla’s parents were so glad to see her. They thought she was dead, but they were also so proud of her. 53

Worlds away

DinosaursÕ Picnic By Kevin W., age 7

A lot of dinosaurs were at the beach. They were different colours. The dinosaurs ate 500 million strawberries. They were big. After lunch they played in the water.

Falling in a Hole By Kiana, age 6

I fell in the hole. Azrial was there. We became besties. My mom took me home. It was great to have a mom. The whole world ended and this one came.


Worlds away

Jacksepticeye & Dan TDM By Jack, age 9

Dan TDM and Jacksepticeye were leaving their mansion when a zombie tried to attack them. Dan TDM got infected but Jacksepticeye realized he had his YouTuber powers. He got so scared that he didn’t know at first, but he accidentally blasted Dan TDM and turned him back. When he realized he had powers, he wondered if he could teleport all of the popular YouTubers to his mansion, so he could tell them his plan. He also teleported me, Jack. He wondered if I could turn them back because I’m one of the future YouTubers. I’m not a YouTuber yet but I will be one soon. They said that I have powers, but I didn’t realize I had them yet. But when Jacksepticeye used his powers he convinced me. Then I kept on trying to use my powers, and on my tenth try I finally used them. I turned myself into Pikachu. I used iron tail on some zombies and turned them back. I turned back into a human, but then I got infected. But Dan TDM turned me back. And then Dan TDM teleported every YouTuber to the YouTube Rewind place. They worked out a really good plan to make something that would turn everyone into a human again. But it would take them a really long time to make it. Five trillion billion million hundred infinity years later, they were done making it and they were ready to launch it. But it took even longer to launch. Then Pennywise tried to stop them, but they launched it. But Pennywise caused a black hole that destroyed every universe ever.


Worlds away

Zombie Attack By Francis, age 7

The humans captured the zombies’ master. They wanted to have revenge on the humans. The humans planted a peashooter to defend themselves. The zombies were going to attack in two days. There were 100 people in the zombie army. There were 50 people in the human army. There was one more day until the fight. The zombies existed for the fight. And the humans were scared and nervous for the fight. One day later the zombies were ready to fight. The zombies were excited for the fight. The humans were nervous for the fight. The fight was on. The humans were losing the fight. The zombies were winning. The humans retreated because they were tired. The zombies kept on attacking the humans. Just then, the humans remembered they had dug a hole under the tent. They went in the hole and they ran to the ocean and into the lifeboat. They sailed away from the zombies. The zombies followed the humans. The zombie boats were sinking! There were only two boats left. The zombies raced to shore. The humans were going to go there, too, but when they saw the zombies were there, they sailed away. They went to a different island. The zombies wanted to regain their army. One month later the zombies sailed away to the humans’ land. The humans were asleep. The humans didn’t know the zombies were attacking until they hit shore. The humans got all their supplies for the battle. This time the humans were winning. The zombies retreated because they didn’t have any zombies left. This time the humans kept on attacking until they got the zombies to a cliff and surrounded them. They pushed them off the cliff. The zombies all disappeared and were never seen again.


Worlds away

Plant vs. Zombie By K.C., age 6

Plant was trying to get the ball

The zombie is dead

He made a robot Plant turned into a bowling ball

The robot broke!

The orange blasted the robot

He turned into a bigger ball

And bigger and bigger

A strong tomato

And the robot is back And the stick got big


Worlds away

The Adventure of Fortnite By Wilson, age 12

Do you want to play duels?

Ok So they both clicked on the button that said “duels” and then clicked “ready.” They spawned in…

And were on the flying bus

Meanwhile: 1 minute of freefalling until parachute

10 players were left in the game. 90 were eliminated They each eliminated about 10

I’m going to throw a port-a-fort

3 players left BGAD has been eliminated


Worlds away

Bendy and the Ink Machine By Kevin C., age 10

Let’s have some fun, Boris

Help me!

Ok, I’m turning on the ink machine

I’ll fix him up

Ha Ha Ha Oh

The Last Word By Legend, age 12


What are you doing to Boris?

These 56 amazing volunteer mentors worked with the kids during the winter and spring 2018 after-school programs at the Writers’ Exchange. We thank them all! Alex, Alysa, Anita, Bridget, Brielle, Bryan, Carla, Catina, Chloe, Christian, Christina, Colby, Daphnee, Diana D., Diana N., Dom, Eric, Erin, Francesca, Genevieve, Gunjan, Helen, James, Jane, Jeff, Jel, Jenny, Jessica, Jocelyn, Jody, Kandice, Karen, Lauren, Lindsay, Maren, Margret, Mary Jo, Matt, Megan, Melissa, Nhea Mhai, Patty, Pennie, Rachel, Rebecca, Sabrina, Sami, Stacey, Steve, Susan A., Susan C., Sydney, Tara, Toni, Vincent and Winston

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