Creative Cooperative - the winning project of the FCG in Wroclaw

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Creative Cooperative the winning project of the FCG in Wrocław

01 Title page

diagnosis 02

03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule 10 Authors

High level of unemployment among youth Big number of unemployed professionals Significant number of unemployed craftsmen CCI perceived as profitless / useless Low social capital Low place identification Low level of independent (not corporate mediated) interaction between craftsmen and designers

01 Title page

objectives 02

03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule 10 Authors

Creation of Cooperative (>20 jobs) Bring designers, craftsmen & merchants together Create a local brand Support local potential and exploit existing ideas Culture for social change Involve citizens in common action Make it a good practice

01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives

the idea 03 WHO?



Creative Cooperative

Offer products & services

3-step business model

Art graduates & designers

design, production & sale of the items

cooperative planning


art service e.g. clothing or site dĂŠcor for theaters

cooperative production


paid and unpaid workshops

multichannel distribution

04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule 10 Authors

01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea

the people 04

05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule 10 Authors



Craftsmen independent artist & institutions of culture Administrators


schools & art colleges

Merchants institutions, NGOs & municipality British Council & Wrocław 2016

commercial partners

local media

01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea

the people 04

05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule 10 Authors



Craftsmen independent artist & institutions of culture Administrators


schools & art colleges

Merchants institutions, NGOs & municipality British Council & Wrocław 2016

commercial partners

local media

01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea

resources 04

05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule 10 Authors

Design office

Craftsmen workshop Meeting place / shop equipment & furnishings tools & materials website & promotion

01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 04 People / resources

business model 05

06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule 10 Authors

Cooperative planning Designer





Cooperative production production



Multichannel distribution commercial shops


events & direct sales




own shop & internet



01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model

brand 06

07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule 10 Authors


local identity


the local brand

fair creative

close / familiar exceptional

01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand

education 07

08 SWOT 09 Schedule 10 Authors

workshops city tours

joint projects lectures


01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education

swot 08

09 Schedule 10 Authors



meets real needs & FCJ’s goals

limited scale in the initial phase

rooted in CCI but multi-sectoral

not that innovative

reasonable & balanced

premises / initial investment

bottom-up & synergistic

too democratic

01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education

swot 08

09 Schedule 10 Authors



easy to implement & low-cost

too daring to gain stakeholders

new in Polish circumstances

profitless in the initial phase

variety of potential partners

some doubts on legal status

flexible, applicable & replicable

macro-financial trend dependent

01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT

initial schedule 09 10 Authors

Feb ‘12

research, analysis, planning

Mar ‘12

venue, equipment, tools, materials & website

Mar ‘12


Apr ‘12

legalization & contracts

Apr ‘12

arranging office, workshop & shop

Jun ‘12

start of the work

Sep ‘12

official Grand Opening

EURO 2012 in Wrocław!

01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT

initial schedule 09 10 Authors

2nd half of 2012

active marketing & brand creation

1st half of 2013

recruiting apprentices & cooperation with schools

2nd half of 2013

opening branches in other places


successful story: international net of cooperatives providing job to 200+ people in the CCI sector

01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule

authors 10

Bartłomiej Skowron

Paulina Ograbisz

Bartłomiej Lis

01 Title page 02 Diagnosis / objectives 03 Idea 04 People / resources 05 Business model 06 Brand 07 Education 08 SWOT 09 Schedule

authors 10

& Marcin Jasioski Greg Maryniec

Andrzej Mazur

Martyna Rzepecka

Roland Zarzycki

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