Action Winter Wales 2011

Page 1

Your view on what we do

WRVS gift for Newton Hospital

Text Santa to help WRVS

Impact, p6

News, p4

National News, p5

Arian i Landochau: £50,000


Money for Llandough V

olunteers at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board were celebrated for their outstanding contributions during National Volunteer Week this June. The health board also thanked

WRVS for gifting University Hospital Llandough (UHL) more than £50,000. The money will be used to purchase equipment and extra furniture for wards.

Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our volunteers, we have gifted over £180,000 in ten years from the profits made in the tea bar and outpatients trolley service.

Lending hand at mine tragedy

light teams, while other agencies concentrated on giving specialist care to the families as the news from the mine worsened. Head of Services Sally Rivers told action how she is very proud of the team members who did a magnificent job in very difficult circumstances. “The community pulled together and our volunteers and staff did all they could to provide support and comfort to those at the scene,” she said. “Our thoughts are with the family and friends of those affected by the tragedy.”

Trychineb Glofa’r Gleision – estyn help llaw


RVS staff and volunteers were called out to support families and emergency services involved in the rescue operation at the Gleision Colliery near Swansea in September. Our teams worked through the night to support the blue



ofynnwyd i staff a gwirfoddolwyr y WRVS fynd i gynorthwyo’r teuluoedd a’r gwasanaethau brys a oedd yn gysylltiedig â’r gwaith achub ym Mhwll Glo y Gleision ger Abertawe ym mis Medi. Bu ein timau’n gweithio drwy’r nos yn cynorthwyo’r timau achub a golau glas, gydag asiantaethau

n ystod Wythnos Genedlaethol y Gwirfoddolwyr fis Mehefin, canmolwyd gwirfoddolwyr Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Caerdydd a’r Fro am eu cyfraniad rhagorol. Diolchodd y bwrdd iechyd hefyd i Wasanaeth Brenhinol Gwirfoddol y Merched (y WRVS) am roi mwy na £50,000 mewn rhoddion i Ysbyty Prifysgol Llandochau (YPLl). Bydd yr arian yn cael ei ddefnyddio i brynu offer a mwy o ddodrefn i’r wardiau. O ganlyniad i waith caled ac ymroddiad ein gwirfoddolwyr, rydym wedi codi dros £180,000 mewn deng mlynedd o’r elw a wnaed yn y bar te a chyda’r gwasanaeth troli i allgleifion. eraill yn canolbwyntio ar roi gofal arbenigol i’r teuluoedd wrth i’r newyddion o’r pwll glo waethygu. Nododd y Pennaeth Gwasanaethau, Sally Rivers, pa mor falch oedd hi o aelodau’r tîm a wnaeth waith ardderchog dan amgylchiadau anodd. “Daeth y gymuned ynghyd a gwnaeth ein gwirfoddolwyr a’n staff eu gorau glas i gynorthwyo a chysuro’r rhai oedd yno,” meddai. “Rydym ni’n meddwl am deulu a ffrindiau’r rhai a effeithiwyd gan y trychineb.”


2 action

CONTENTS 1-4 5 6 8 10 12 13 14 15 16

Welsh news National news Impact: Workforce survey 2011 Issue: WRVS leads debate Our work From the archives Take two volunteers Just ask A day in the life Get in touch


CYNNWYS 1-4 5 6 8 10 12 13 14 15 16

Winter 2011

Newyddion Cymru Newyddion cenedlaethol Effaith: Arolwg gweithlu 2011 Pwnc llosg: y WRVS yn arwain y drafodaeth Ein gwaith O’r archifau Tra bo dau Hawl i holi Diwrnod ym mywyd Cysylltu


“Mae’r niferoedd sydd am “We’ve had a huge surge wirfoddoli gyda ni wedi in the number of people wanting to volunteer with us” codi’n aruthrol”


hanks to everyone who sends in their stories to action. I’m keen to feature as many of them as possible, so please get in touch with your local SDM to let them know what’s happening in your area. We’d also like to know what you think of action, so I’d also encourage you to fill in the reader survey you’ll find with this edition. It’s been another busy year for us all and we’re finishing 2011 on a high note. We’ve had a huge surge in the number of people wanting to volunteer with us thanks to the Hairy Bikers’ BBC2 show about Meals on Wheels, and now we’re about to feature in Text Santa, a major new seasonal fundraising event on ITV1. You can read more about this on page five. It’s great to know that our work is so highly valued, and we enter 2012 – the year that will see our new ways of working roll out nationwide – with a confident spring in our step. Before then, I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I sincerely thank you for all you do for WRVS. Sally Rivers, Head of Services Wales



iolch i bawb sy’n anfon eu straeon i action. Rwy’n awyddus i gyhoeddi cymaint â phosibl ohonyn nhw, felly cysylltwch â’ch Rheolwr Cyflenwi Gwasanaethau lleol i roi gwybod beth sy’n digwydd yn eich ardal chi. Hoffwn glywed eich barn am action hefyd, felly beth am lenwi’r arolwg darllenwyr sydd wedi’i gynnwys gyda’r rhifyn hwn. Mae eleni wedi bod yn flwyddyn brysur arall i bob un ohonom ac rydym yn cyrraedd pinacl ar derfyn 2011. Mae’r niferoedd sydd am wirfoddoli gyda ni wedi codi’n aruthrol, diolch i sioe yr Hairy Bikers ar BBC2 am Brydau ar Glud, ac rydym ar fin ymddangos yn Text Santa, sef digwyddiad mawr ˆ i godi arian. Mae mwy newydd ar ITV1 dros yr wyl am hyn ar dudalen pump. Mae’n braf gwybod bod ein gwaith yn cael ei werthfawrogi cymaint, a byddwn yn camu i mewn i 2012 – y flwyddyn y byddwn yn cyflwyno’n ffyrdd newydd o weithio’n genedlaethol – yn llawn hyder. Yn y cyfamser, dymunaf Nadolig llawen i chi a Blwyddyn Newydd dda. Diolch o galon i chi am bopeth rydych chi’n ei wneud i’r WRVS. Sally Rivers, Pennaeth Gwasanaethau Cymru

Want to tell us about your good work? Write to us (enclosing pictures for news stories): Beth am rannu’ch gwaith da gyda ni? Ysgrifennwch atom (cofiwch gynnwys lluniau): action Wales/Cymru, WRVS Cardiff Gate, Beck Court, Cardiff Gate Business Park, Cardiff CF23 8RP email us /e-bostiwch ni:

The WRVS vision is a world where every older person has the opportunity and choice to get more out of life Gweledigaeth WRVS yw byd lle ˆ yn cael y mae pob unigolyn hyn cyfle a’r dewis i fyw bywyd i’r eithaf

action 3

Winter 2011


in a nutshell | gair bach cryno Gwynedd handy guide to WRVS services in your area & Anglesey acanllaw cyfleus i wasanaethau’r WRVS yn lleol Information Services


sbyty Gwynedd Information services in Bangor help people access leaflets and local support groups. It is open 7 days a week from 9am to 8pm Mon-Fri and from 1pm to 8pm at the weekends. First developed in 2006, the service has 143 volunteers, dealing with 4,000 enquiries every month – that’s around 48,000 a year! Volunteers have recently added an innovative service, bringing sandwiches and drinks to patients in the pulmonary outpatients lounge.

3 local



Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth Gwynedd ac Ynys Môn


ae gwasanaethau gwybodaeth Ysbyty Gwynedd ym Mangor yn helpu pobl i gael gafael ar daflenni a grwpiau cymorth lleol. Mae ar agor 7 diwrnod yr wythnos rhwng 9am ac 8pm, dydd Llun i ddydd Gwener a rhwng 1pm ac 8pm ar benwythnosau. Mae gan y gwasanaeth hwn, a ddatblygwyd yn gyntaf yn 2006, 143 o wirfoddolwyr sy’n delio â 4,000 o ymholiadau’r mis. Mae’r gwirfoddolwyr wedi ychwanegu gwasanaeth arloesol yn ddiweddar, gan gludo brechdanau a diodydd i gleifion yn y lolfa i allgleifion â phroblemau ar yr ysgyfaint.

Velindre Hospital shop, tea bar and ward trolley volunteers


Gwirfoddolwyr siop, bar te a throli ward Ysbyty Felindre

dan oruchwyliaeth y Rheolwr Gwasanaethau Lleol, Marion Griffiths. Yn ystod y 12 mis diwethaf, mae’r siop wedi bod yn treialu amrywiaeth mwy iachus o fwydydd, ochr yn ochr â’i ae gan Ysbyty Felindre 45 chynnyrch mwy traddodiadol, o wirfoddolwyr WRVS i weld a fydd yn dylanwadu ar sy’n rhedeg y siop brysur, y bar dueddiadau prynu cwsmeriaid. te a’r gwasanaethau troli ward Mae hon yn rhan o fenter


bartneriaeth gyda Llywodraeth Cymru. Daliwch ati! Yn y llun, o’r chwith i’r dde, mae Cynthia Parker, Marion Griffiths (RhGLl), Ceri Jones a Mair Owen.

elindre Hospital has 45 WRVS volunteers running the busy shop, tea bar and ward trolley services under the watchful eye of Local Service Manager Marion Griffiths. Over the last 12 months the shop has been trialling a healthier range of food options alongside its more traditional products, to see if it has an effect on customers’ buying habits. This is part of a partnership initiative with the Welsh Government. Keep up the good work! Pictured here from left to right are Cynthia Parker, Marion Griffiths (LSM), Ceri Jones and Mair Owen.

Os ydych chi’n gwybod am rywun arbennig a allai fod yn Arwr Lleol, yna rhowch wybod i ni. Gweler tudalen 16

If you know someone who should be your next Local Hero, get in touch. Contact details, page 16.

4 action

Winter 2011

WELSH NEWS New money

Arian newyddd

Newtown volunteers recently presented a cheque for £652 to Newtown Hospital. The money will be used to buy new chairs for the hospital Stroke Rehabilitation Unit. Pictured here from left to right are Jill Foxley (Manager at Newtown Hospital), WRVS volunteers Dorothy Humphreys, Pat Hogg and Edna Davis, and WRVS Manager Joy Williams.

Cyflwynwyd siec o £652 i Ysbyty’r Drenewydd yn ddiweddar gan wirfoddolwyr y Drenewydd. Bydd yr arian yn cael ei ddefnyddio i brynu cadeiriau newydd i uned adsefydlu’r ysbyty i bobl sydd wedi cael strôc. Yn y llun, o’r chwith i’r dde, mae Jill Foxley (rheolwr Ysbyty’r Drenewydd), y gwirfoddolwyr WRVS Dorothy Humphreys, Pat Hogg, Edna Davis, a rheolwr prosiect y WRVS, Joy Williams.

Take the bowel Withybush up for the cup screening test Bowel cancer is the third most common cancer in Wales. However, if picked up early, it is also one of the most treatable. WRVS has joined with Bowel Screening Wales to promote free cancer screening for older people. If you are between 60 and 71 years old you are entitled to a free bowel screening test. The screening kit is sent out every two years and can be done in the privacy of your own home. For further details call 0800 294 3370 or log on to:

ithybush Hospital tea bar in Pembrokeshire raised £127 in September’s Up For a Cuppa Week. Of the 90 volunteers who run the tea bar, pictured here (wearing tabards from the last 30 years) are Margaret Davies, who has been a volunteer since 1999, co-ordinator David Perrin, Brenda Volck, a volunteer for 31 years, and Betty Mary Melba Codd, a volunteer for 25 years. n Wythnos Up for a Cup mis Medi, casglodd bar te Ysbyty Llwynhelyg yn Sir Benfro £127. O’r 90 o wirfoddolwyr sy’n rhedeg y bar te, yn y llun yma (yn gwisgo ffedogau o’r 30 mlynedd diwethaf ) mae Margaret Davies, sydd wedi bod yn gwirfoddoli ers 1999, David Perrin, y cydgysylltydd, Brenda Volck, gwirfoddolwraig ers 31 o flynyddoedd a Betty Mary Melba Codd, gwirfoddolwraig ers 25 mlynedd.


Llwynhelyg yn mynd am y cwpan Cymerwch brawf sgrinio’r Gongs for service Hospital were recognised for their efforts. coluddion RVS volunteers were Medals were awarded to

Canser y coluddion yw’r trydydd canser mwyaf cyffredin yng Nghymru. Ond os yw’n cael ei ddarganfod yn gynnar, mae hefyd yn un o’r rhai hawsaf i’w drin. Mae’r WRVS wedi ymuno â Sgrinio Coluddion Cymru i ˆ i gael eu sgrinio hybu pobl hyn am ganser am ddim. Os ydych chi rhwng 60 a 71 oed, gallwch gael prawf sgrinio coluddion am ddim. Caiff y pecyn sgrinio ei anfon allan bob dwy flynedd a gellir gwneud y prawf ym mhreifatrwydd eich cartref. I gael mwy o fanylion, ffoniwch 0800 294 3370 neu ewch i: bowelscreeningwales.


honoured in a special ceremony at Swansea’s Morriston Hospital earlier this year. Around 100 people who devote time to running the WRVS shop at Morriston

volunteers who had spent 15 years or more giving up their time to the service. Those who worked an additional 12 years were presented with clasps in recognition of their hard work. Among those recognised was

Meuryl Lewis who has been involved with WRVS for 41 years. “They are all absolutely wonderful,” says Local Service Manager Kathryn Davies. “The WRVS shop would not run without the volunteers and as it gets so busy up here we are always looking out for more volunteers.”

Gwirfoddolwyr yn cael gong am wasanaeth

y WRVS yn Ysbyty Treforys eu cydnabod am eu hymdrechion. Cyflwynwyd medalau i wirfoddolwyr oedd wedi treulio 15 mlynedd neu fwy yn rhoi o’u hamser i’r gwasanaeth. Cafodd y rhai a oedd wedi gweithio 12 mlynedd arall eu cyflwyno â chlasbiau i gydnabod eu gwaith caled. Ymhlith y rhai a gydnabuwyd

oedd Meuryl Lewis sydd wedi bod yn gysylltiedig â’r WRVS am 41 o flynyddoedd. “Maen nhw’n fendigedig,” meddai’r Rheolwr Gwasanaethau Lleol, Kathryn Davies. “Ni fyddai modd cynnal siop yr WRVS heb y gwirfoddolwyr. Gan ei bod hi mor brysur yma, rydym bob amser yn edrych am fwy o wirfoddolwyr.”



n gynharach eleni, cafodd gwirfoddolwyr eu hanrhydeddu mewn seremoni arbennig yn Ysbyty Treforys, Abertawe. Cafodd tua 100 o bobl sy’n rhoi o’u hamser i redeg siop

action 5

Winter 2011

NATIONAL NEWS nationwide

Text Santa this Christmas and help WRVS in new TV appeal ITV charity event set to raise money for six good causes EVENT

We are very excited to be working with ITV on a brand new initiative that will raise money for vulnerable people over the Christmas period. The ‘Text Santa’ appeal will centre around two entertainment spectaculars featuring major names from television, music and show business. Viewers will be invited to text Santa and leave a donation, which will then be split equally between five UK charities and one partnership of children’s hospitals who have been chosen as the appeal’s beneficiaries. Terrific news “This is terrific news for WRVS, for all those who volunteer and those who benefit from our services,” says Verity Haines, WRVS Director for Fundraising and Engagement. “To be selected as one of the charities

WRVS and the following charities will benefit Carers UK helps 6 million UK carers Crisis UK supports single homeless people Samaritans provides confidential emotional support for those in distress or despair Help the Hospices campaigns for care for the terminally ill Great Ormond Street Hospital Helping Hand Charity supports the work of the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children The Noah’s Ark Appeal supports the Children’s Hospital for Wales Yorkhill Children’s Foundation helps sick children and babies at Yorkhill Hospital

to benefit shows how valued our work is. With the help of ITV1 we can deliver even more services to the older people who need them. Christmas can be an extremely lonely time for older and vulnerable people but through Text Santa, WRVS will be able to ensure as many people as possible will benefit from our Good Neighbours, befriending schemes and local lunch clubs.” PR partners Text Santa will also be supported by Asda nationwide and Global Radio via their award-winning Heart radio network. You’ll see the Text Santa campaign in shops, online and on ITV1. Thanks to the support of Freud Communications, the PR team behind Comic Relief, you won’t be able to miss it! To find out more go to

Volunteers at two WRVS shops, along with local MP Michael Ellis, presented Northampton General Hospital with a cheque for £71,750 earlier in the year … The Freeman Hospital in Newcastle-upon-Tyne unveiled a plaque thanking WRVS for their most recent donation that helped buy CAT scanning equipment … A new WRVS Book Trolley service will deliver books to patients at Monklands and Wishaw General Hospitals, North Lanarkshire, thanks to the generosity of WH Smith and the foresight of NHS Lanarkshire … Resilience and Recovery volunteers in Bedfordshire helped support police during an operation to rescue 22 people allegedly being kept as slaves in a travellers’ site … WRVS has gifted an impressive £460,000 to North Bristol NHS Trust that will help improve dementia care and the maternity unit … WRVS volunteers at University Hospital Llandough have been thanked for raising more than £50,000, used to buy equipment for the Breast Centre … The Monday Welcome Stroke Club in Stockport celebrated its Silver Jubilee with a special lunch in August, also presenting a long-service medal to Edna Whitmore to mark her retirement after more than 30 years of volunteering

6 action

Winter 2011


Workforce survey 2011

It’s your views that will shape our future. With the results of our first workforce survey in, here’s our overview of what you think about WRVS

Learning from you W

e recognise that the secret to our success is the people who volunteer and work for us. That means it’s really important to find out what you think of WRVS – where we excel and where we are currently falling short. Earlier this year we sent out our workforce survey to a cross-section of WRVS volunteers and employees. It has proven to be a very useful exercise and has helped us shape a clearer picture of the organisation today. Proud to work here Of the 1,351 people who responded, a very high percentage told us that they know what to expect from the organisation (92 per cent). An even greater number told us they are proud to work here (96 per cent), with 96 per cent also expressing that they enjoy their role. These figures, impressive in themselves, also compare very favourably with other charities and organisations. The message coming through is that volunteers and staff feel they are treated

with dignity and enjoy the camaraderie and the tremendous satisfaction they get from meeting and helping people. The survey also indicates that the majority of you (78 per cent) find your manager to be supportive, and feel trusted to make decisions related to your role. If something isn’t working then you are happy that you can raise it as an issue without worrying about it.

Volunteers and staff enjoy the camaraderie and the tremendous satisfaction they get from meeting and helping people More feedback required While these findings are all very positive, any survey worth its salt should throw up areas where further work is required, and the workforce survey is no exception.

Receiving constructive feedback came up as an issue, with only 39 per cent of you reporting that this happens on a regular basis. Similarly less than half (48 per cent) of you believe you are encouraged to contribute ideas to benefit WRVS, or come up with new ideas to do with your own role (44 per cent). Feeling connected Some concerns were also raised regarding how connected you are with the organisation as a whole. Only 57 per cent of survey respondents said they feel involved in what happens at WRVS, while a similar number (58 per cent) said they receive regular updates about what is going on in their region or department. Along with direct responses to the survey questions, we received a huge number of comments, many of which suggested there should be more meetings, more contact, better communication and a little more appreciation shown of the work that you do.

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Winter 2011


enjoy and are proud of their work with WRVS


would recommend WRVS as a good place to work

57% feel involved in what happens

Listening to what you told us “Some of the satisfaction levels indicated by your responses are very high indeed,” says Alastair McDougall, Director for People, “and while you’ve told us before in more informal ways that you enjoy what you do and are proud to be part of WRVS, it’s good to know this is backed up by the survey data. “However, the true value of doing these surveys is to be able to see the areas where there is significant agreement about what we need to do better and we’ve highlighted some actions we’ll take (see right) as a result of your feedback. These will become part of our new ways of working. “Exercises such as the workforce survey are vital to ensure we’re moving in the right direction. As you know, we have ambitious plans to do even more to support older people but we won’t achieve this without you. People are the key to our future success. We can’t promise to get everything right all of the time, but we can promise to listen to what you tell us.”

Thanks to your comments we are planning to... Hold more face-to-face meetings, so we can tell you more about our plans and how we’re doing and hear more of your comments and suggestions. Set up information and communication forums (and appoint representatives for these) so we can communicate with you more effectively about what’s happening in the organisation and to encourage you to get involved in future plans. Publish a staff directory that will let you know ‘who’s who’ and help you get to grips with the new roles in WRVS.

44% are encouraged to come up with good ideas


are involved in decision-making

8 action

Winter 2011


WRVS leads debate As government spending cuts begin to bite, WRVS Head of Public Policy Matthew Sowemimo explains how our research is giving politicians food for thought

Save our services T

imes are hard and we’re all feeling the pinch. We make daily decisions about what we can and can’t afford. If we’re lucky it might just be a few treats, but for some the decisions are more critical, leaving them with no choice but to cut back on essentials such as food or heat. Similar decisions, to cut back on services, are being made in governments and Matthew local councils throughout Sowemimo the land and some of those cuts are beginning to have a real impact on the lives of hundreds and thousands of older people. With the weight of experience behind us, we’re passionately challenging the decisions of where the axe should fall… and we’re gathering more support for our stance all the time. Every week our volunteers support thousands of older people and get to see how the cuts affect them. Through our Shaping Our Age project we have talked to

older people and learned what they believe will help them improve the quality of their lives. They tell us that the services that are most important to them are those that help them overcome isolation and loneliness and give them the chance to get out of their own homes, meet others and take part in new leisure activities. Scaling back services Unfortunately, it seems that those are exactly the type of services that are most likely to be scaled back or removed completely by local authorities in many parts of the UK. Older people in North London have told us that, now their day centre is closed, they have nowhere to go to meet their friends . Meanwhile, others report that they no longer qualify for essential help around the home. As you can imagine, reaction to these measures has been strong, with some people going so far as to take the matter to court.

Campaigning for change So we’re campaigning to bring about major change in the services available to older people in England, Scotland and Wales. There are big decisions being made and we want to make sure the decision-makers take into account the priorities of older people. Thanks to our experience, particularly gained through our volunteers, we know this better than most and this earns us the right for our views on the future of care services to be heard. Powerful evidence We’ve gathered powerful evidence that shows the long-term benefits of investing in services such as ours that connect older people with the rest of their communities. We’ve shared this information with MPs and shown them the positive effect WRVS services have in their constituencies. Many of the MPs we’ve spoken to agree with us and, armed with our research, they debated the issue in the House of

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Winter 2011

What is Shaping Our Age? The WRVS Shaping Our Age project aims to provide practical answers to the issues around ageing that face us all. It has two key concerns - older people’s well-being and their involvement. This is especially important because of the frequent failure to involve older people in issues affecting their lives. Shaping Our Age provides an opportunity to harness the positive potential of older people while ensuring them the kind of support they need for the challenges ahead. The project will also help gather evidence needed for WRVS and other providers of services to older people to improve the well-being of older people across the nation. To find out more go online at

Shaping Our Age aims to take the debate to the House of Commons

Commons on 6 September, pressing the minister to make a stronger commitment to preventative care. Tracy Crouch, MP for Chatham and Aylesford, went so far as to specifically highlight the importance of WRVS services. We should be heard We have found our voice in the national policy debate. It’s a big step forward for us and we’re now reaching out to new champions and allies, including those in the medical profession, who can help give us a louder voice. You can help too and we’ll be explaining exactly how in future editions of action.

Older people in North London who used to attend day centres to meet with their friends now have nowhere to go

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Winter 2011




Joining the WRVS team S

o, first of all – hello to those of you taking the time to read this and thank you for my warm welcome to WRVS. By the time you are reading this I will have officially started my new job, but in the last few months I’ve also been lucky enough to meet quite a lot of the WRVS team in a kind of informal ‘induction’. That has really helped me to feel settled and very much at home. I thought I should share my initial impressions with you, which are split into two: Firstly, people outside the organisation that I have told about my new job have either expressed surprise that WRVS is still alive and kicking (hardly ever “who?” but “are they still going?”), or they have immediately shared a warm personal story about how they or their family have volunteered with or have been helped by WRVS and how they have fond feelings for the organisation and the work that it does. Secondly, having met a number of you and heard about the work that you are all doing I have been genuinely amazed and impressed at the scale and the quality of what WRVS is achieving. When I’ve described to others (despite my limited knowledge), the quality of our work, how essential it is and how the need for WRVS is growing and growing, everyone shares my enthusiasm and immediately understands why I want to be a part of helping such a fantastic organisation to continue to grow.

“There is a growing need for what we do”

behind the scenes and Development. “We know how important eLearning win training and development is for WRVS to our staff and volunteers. WRVS has scooped the Charity WRVS operate across Great Learning Consortium’sward Britain, so eLearning offers for its eLearning programme. a big saving for the charity WRVS took the top prize in while ensuring we offer the ‘Getting started, or consistent quality restarted, on your eLearning training.” journey’ category. “We’re delighted to win this award which recognises the work of the team and everyone who has signed up to eLearning,” says Richard Bragg, pictured below with Martin Baker CEO of the Charity Learning Consortium and Sharon Barwood WRVS Head of Learning AWARDS

It’s always dangerous to make sweeping statements when you know very little, but I guess that my initial experiences encapsulate our challenges for the next few years. We have a fantastic organisation, full of thousands of people who are making a difference to their communities; a growing need for the sort of work that we do, but an increasing lack of organisations who can fund or meet that demand; a wonderful history that informs and guides our practical work, with a huge store of personal warmth from those who have been touched by WRVS – but a huge gap in people’s awareness and understanding of how WRVS can help them and their families. As challenges go, I think those are pretty exciting. There’s a lot of hard work ahead and of course lots of change for us to grapple with. But, I’m absolutely sure that the more we can do, the more people we can help, the more our voice is heard and the more we can give each individual what they need – then the more we can change our society and the more we can make Britain a really positive place in which to grow old. I am very proud to have the chance to work with you all and I hope that in the next few months you will let me know what I can do to make your work easier and to help you make even more difference over the years ahead. David McCullough, Chief Executive WRVS


Olympic records The Olympics are coming next year. But what of years gone by? Perhaps you’ve been a spectator at a previous Olympics or taken part as a competitor? If so, we would love to hear from you. We’d also like to hear from anyone who takes part in veteran sporting activities, or from those of you who might be planning any Olympicthemed events or parties locally. If you have a story to share, please email action@ or contact us at the Cardiff Gate office (address on the back page).


Get ready for winter

WRVS is a partner in the Government’s new Get Ready for Winter campaign, which is timed to encourage people to think about preparations they may need to make for the winter ahead. For helpful advice on how to deal with the cold weather, go to Meanwhile in Scotland, is a website that is providing information, advice and tips to make sure everyone is prepared for possible severe winter weather conditions.

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Winter 2011


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second guide to... Resilience and Recovery teams What are WRVS Resilience and Recovery teams? Resilience and Recovery teams support communities and individuals in times of emergency throughout the UK.

How a bit of company saves cash Befriending helps older people and the NHS


Dorset doctor has proved just how valuable a WRVS befriending service can be – not only for the well-being of the older person who receives the service, but also in terms of time and money saved. GP Anne Hayden felt that isolation and loneliness was causing one of her patients to panic, and so she referred them to a Befriending service. The results were plain to see. “The quality of life for this patient has greatly improved,” says Dr Hayden. “She now has regular telephone calls with a befriender and is no longer suffering from medically

Farewell to friends

Costing the NHS less Dr Anne Hayden identified a small, but significant, number of patients with longterm conditions or medically unexplained symptoms, that made them a financial burden on the NHS. Over an 18-month period one older patient had cost the NHS Primary Care Trust £20,000. The expenditure had stacked up due to emergency hospital admissions, respite care for medically unexplained symptoms and numerous other consultations. After referring the patient to the befriending scheme, Dr Hayden believes their health has improved and their outlook on life has changed dramatically for the better.

Remembering those the WRVS family has sadly lost in recent months: May Haywood, Folkestone;

unexplained symptoms.” WRVS manages the Dorset befrienders scheme and works in partnership with the Bournemouth and District Samaritans. WRVS befrienders initially visit in pairs and offer practical help for small jobs such as changing a light bulb, sorting out repairs for faulty appliances, being present when repairs take place and generally offering support and reassurance. They’ve even been known to help out older people who are in need of a new hearing aid, or who are on the hunt for a new kettle. “Dr Hayden’s report is powerful stuff,” says South West Head of Services Steven Hargreaves, “and clearly demonstrates the health outcomes and the savings to the NHS from focused support services.” Ida Higgins, Barry; Peter Jupe, Horsham; Joan Knowles, Wigan; Joyce Emily (Joy) Parker, Bromley

Who do they help? Many organisations ask for our help in times of need, including National Government, the devolved administrations, local authorities, health organisations and the emergency services. We help set up rest centres, provide shelter, information, refreshment and, most importantly, support and comfort when it’s needed most. Can anyone join? Yes, WRVS Resilience and Recovery teams are always looking for new and former volunteers to join their local teams. Full training is provided and joining can help make a really big difference in the local community during times of trouble. If you’re interested in helping, contact the volunteer recruitment team on 0845 601 4670.


Ray Koralewski Liverpool, North and HEAD OF SERVICES North East Lincolnshire, Margaret Paterson North Yorkshire and East Riding of Yorkshire 07714 898679 07714 898710 SERVICE DELIVERY MANAGERS Elaine Goldie Paul Taylor Argyll & Bute, Highlands, South and West Yorkshire Western Isles and Calderdale 07714 898527 07714 898589 Alison Love Greater Glasgow and Lanarkshire 07714 898596 Grahame Rose Lothian, Fife, Forth Valley and Orkney 07714 898597 Jean Trench Borders, Arran, Dumfries & Galloway, Ayrshire 07718 982790 Josephine Mill Grampian, Tayside, Shetland 07834 482361

NORTH EAST & CUMBRIA HEAD OF SERVICES Chris Graham 07714 898667 SERVICE DELIVERY MANAGERS Derek Hails County Durham and Darlington, Tees Valley and Cumbria 07714 898525 Carol Nevison Northumberland, Tyne and Wear and Sunderland 07736 184341

YORKSHIRE, HUMBER & NORTH WEST HEAD OF SERVICES Sue Collins 07714 898599 SERVICE DELIVERY MANAGERS Helen Hailstone Manchester, Wirral, Cheshire and Sefton 07714 898522



action is produced by WRVS internal communications


For Lancashire queries, please contact Sue Collin as above

WALES HEAD OF SERVICES Sally Rivers 07714 898571


For North Wales queries, please contact Sally Rivers as above

MIDLANDS HEAD OF SERVICES Sam Ward 07714 898602 SERVICE DELIVERY MANAGERS Jenifer Ainsworth Leicester, Northampton and Rutland and South Lincs (South Kesteven, South Holland, Boston Borough) 07919 991544


SERVICE DELIVERY MANAGERS Trish Hughes South West Wales 07590 776027 Wendy Marshall South East Wales 07714 898670

EDITOR Craig Burke Tel: 029 2073 9014 07714 898611

SOUTH EAST HEAD OF SERVICES Debbi Fair 07714 898676 SERVICE DELIVERY MANAGERS Esther Gillespie Essex and Hertfordshire 07786 635179 Heather James Kent, Medway, and East Sussex 07714 898688

André Knirsch London Joanne Edwards Derbyshire, Nottingham and North 07714 898562 Lincs (West Lindsey, East Lindsey, Lincoln and North Kesteven) Nikki Soyza Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire 07714 898546 & Cambridgeshire Lynn Hensman 07714 898615 Staffordshire and Birmingham For Norfolk, Suffolk, 01782 213489 or 0778 6635164 Surrey and West Sussex queries, please contact Ruth Nice Debbi Fair Herefordshire, Worcester and Warwick SOUTH WEST 07714 898572 HEAD OF SERVICES Steven Hargreaves Sharon Sinclair Birmingham and Black Country 07714 898563

SERVICE DELIVERY MANAGERS John Clifford Somerset, Bristol, Gloucester, Swindon and Wiltshire 07545 925757 Margaret Lawson Oxford, Berkshire and Slough 07714 898551 Irena Wasylowsky Hampshire and IOW 07714 898549 Amanda Whitlock Cornwall, Devon and Dorset 07714 898658

WRVS ASSOCIATION & SCOTTISH ASSOCIATION A friendly link for retired WRVS volunteers. For further information please contact WRVS Association 15 Priory Street York YO1 6ET Scottish Association Mrs Jilly Fraser-Malcolm Tree Tops 9 Allanwood Court Bridge of Allan Stirlingshire FK9 4DS

We have recently launched our first online community to help connect our volunteers nationwide. My WRVS is a special area on the WRVS website where you can contact other volunteers, join chats and discussions, and find important and useful documents to support your valuable work as a WRVS volunteer.

Visit your new online community and get talking at

WRVS VISION A world where every older person has the opportunity and choice to get more out of life. WRVS PURPOSE To deliver practical support through the power of volunteering so older people can get more out of life. WRVS Beck Court, Cardiff Gate Business Park, Cardiff CF23 8RP Tel: 029 2073 9000 Registered charity number 1015988 and SC038924 JOIN US, SUPPORT US To find out about volunteering opportunities with WRVS call 0845 601 4670 To make a donation to support our work call 0845 607 6524 WRVS BENEVOLENT TRUST For volunteers in sudden financial need. 26 Pound Lane, Isleham, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 5SF PUBLISHER Published on behalf of WRVS by Think, The Pall Mall Deposit, 124-128 Barlby Road, London W10 6BL Publishing editor: Jack Kibble-White Regional editor: Andrew Cattanach Sub-editor: Andrew Littlefield Art director: Alistair McGown Publisher: John Innes Managing Director: Polly Arnold PAGE ADVERTISING Craig Burke 029 2073 9014 INSERT ADVERTISING Tom Fountain 020 8962 1258 or email © 2011 WRVS. All rights reserved. Every reasonable endeavour has been made to find and contact the copyright owners of the images and works included in this newspaper. However, if you believe a copyright work has been included without your permission, please contact us at WRVS action is printed on FSC paper coming from a well-managed forest. The publishers cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. Views of contributors and advertisers do not necessarily reflect the policy of WRVS nor those of the publishers.

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action 15

Winter 2011


Karen always offers her regulars a warm smile

“Lots of the people that we see simply want to talk”

Karen Guthrie volunteers at The Ragworth Neighbourhood Centre, near Stockton-on-Tees


work at the Neighbourhood Centre every Wednesday. My day there starts at around 10.30am. The first thing we do is get the kitchen area ready so we can offer the older people a nice cup of tea. When they arrive we will sit and chat with them, or perhaps play some games. After that it’s lunchtime, and then sometimes there might be a guest speaker or some other kind of entertainment – we’ve even had an opera singer here! At around 2pm we finish up for the day, close the kitchen and have a tidy. Then I have just got time to get home and have a cuppa before I set off on the school run.

There are around 16 people who come to our centre. They are an interesting mix of those who want to chat with you, and those who are there with a friend and so are content to just do their own thing. Sometimes we will be doing some arts and crafts and I will help out with that, and sometimes it’s just a case of making sure everyone is having a nice time. I think of myself as quite a friendly person. I like to chat and am happy to listen. Lots of the people we see simply want to talk. Some of them are extremely funny and have some great stories to tell.

Happy to volunteer I found WRVS by looking on the internet. I have two children who are now both at school so I wanted something that I could do that I would find rewarding. I knew I wanted to work with older people, so that led me here. I was interviewed for the post back in June, and started a few weeks before the summer holidays. I knew nothing about WRVS before this, but I have to say I have found it to be a very caring organisation. Everybody’s heart is in the right place.

14 action


Winter 2011

It’s simple – “Just ask...” With our new structure coming together, we have a new, direct message that we are bringing to those who use our services


s we introduce new ways of working, we want to make sure that the older people who use our services understand what they can expect from us. Of course they’ll get the same, high standards of quality, delivered by our volunteers and staff, but some things will be different. Under our new hub structure we will no longer have a list of predefined services. Instead, the older person will be at the heart of everything we do. That means our new way of working will revolve around creating a package of services to suit each person’s individual needs. This might seem straightforward enough, but actually communicating this message to those who use our services is not an easy task. Reaching out Research has also shown that many older people do not like to ask for help. Sometimes this is because of pride, sometimes

it’s because they are nervous, and sometimes they just don’t know who to ask. It’s our job to try and reach out to those people, and that means our message must be direct and straightforward. After some considerable thought we’ve decided that what we want to say to those who might use our services is that whatever you need, WRVS will try to provide, find or facilitate it – all you have to do is ask. Making people stop and think Our new posters will be adorned with a big purple “Just ask...” badge. We think it will make people stop and think and will encourage some of those who previously suffered in silence to come forward and ask for assistance. If you have any ideas of how you think we could use the “Just ask...” badge in your area, we would love to hear them. Please email

Our new posters aim to get the “Just ask…” message across

Want to try something new? “Just ask...” Our new message of “Just ask…” applies to you, just as much as it does to those we support. If there is something you think you would like to volunteer for, “Just ask...” – you may be surprised by the type of opportunities that are now available at WRVS.

action 13

Winter 2011


“The lovely people we deliver to are so grateful and pleased to see us” Anne Parker organises the Meals on Wheels team in Balfron, near Stirling, while Fred Spring volunteers in Westcliff-on-Sea. Two very different locations, but do they both enjoy what they do?

Anne Parker

Fred Spring

How did you get into volunteering? I wanted to do something in the community and was interested in helping older people. I started out as an ordinary volunteer, but when our local organiser decided to step down after many years, I agreed to take on the role.

How did you get into volunteering? After running a pub in Westcliff-on-Sea for over 40 years, I found that when I retired, I missed the contact with my customers and the public in general. Purely by chance, I was talking to my niece and she mentioned that she was volunteering for Meals on Wheels in her area and I thought that could be the job for me. I contacted our local WRVS manager and within a short space of time I was out delivering.

Do you enjoy it? Yes I do. I feel our visits are very beneficial, because quite apart from delivering a hot meal, we are the people that the older person gets to see every weekday and that contact stops them from feeling isolated. What do you get out of volunteering? I think it’s important to be able to give something back to older people; it is rewarding and very worthwhile. We are in a rural area with its own challenges, such as keeping the meals delivery going in the winter! It also has its advantages, for with local volunteers delivering to local clients we get to see them on a regular basis, and some lovely friendships develop.

Do you enjoy it? I have never once regretted the decision to volunteer. The colleagues I work with are all retired post office workers, policemen, and office workers and are now my friends. What do you get out of volunteering? A sense of satisfaction and enjoyment. The lovely people we deliver to are so grateful and pleased to see us. If you, or anybody you know is considering getting into voluntary work, come and join us, you won’t regret it.

12 action

Winter 2011

From the archive Members of the Southern Food Flying Squad alongside a convoy vehicle in the snow, during an exercise in Dorchester, Dorset in 1955

WRVS gets a healthy grant Within weeks of operation, The People’s Health Trust’s new lottery awards funds to our services in Scotland FUNDING



Meals on two wheels Since BBC 2’s Hairy Bikers Meals on Wheels first aired in September, interest in volunteering has really revved up. The series, which looks at the state of Meals on Wheels and what can be done to ensure it continues, has been a massive hit, both for the BBC and for WRVS. In one month alone, we received over 1,200 applications from people wanting to become a Meals on Wheels volunteer.

brand new health lottery fund has been launched in the UK, with 20 per cent of the profits being donated back into the areas where the money was raised. The Health Lottery, set up by The People’s Health Trust, has in its first few weeks already awarded funds to WRVS, with a grant of £37,500 given to our services in the Scottish Borders region. “On behalf of the WRVS transport and shopping services in the Scottish Borders, I would like to express our thanks,” said

Margaret Paterson, WRVS Head of Services for Scotland. “Our services are a lifeline for many of the isolated residents in this area and enable them to get out and about to run errands, continue shopping as they always have done, to attend important health appointments and most importantly to retain their independence in the local community.” This fantastic sum of money is just the start of the support we will receive from the People’s Health Trust over the coming months. The

next WRVS service in line to receive a grant from the Trust is the Independent Living for Older People centre based in Middlesbrough, which will also be awarded £37,500. Margaret Paterson, Head of Services for Scotland

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