The Washington CPA 2024 Summer

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SUMMER 2024 •

Tel 425.644.4800

170 120th Ave NE Ste E101 Bellevue, WA 98005


Sarah Funk Chair

Joel Williams Vice Chair

Ed Ramos Treasurer

Richard Burger Mackey Secretary

Andrew Brajcich Immediate Past Chair

Kimberly D. Scott President & CEO

Jerrilyn Bogart

Jamie Hueners

Writu Kakshapati

Michaela Kay

Kelly Nelson

Ursula Perkins Liz Redmond Jillian Robison

Scott Rodgers David Togami


Marcie McAllister Everett Area

TBD Seattle/Bellevue Area

Kairi Roberts Spokane Area

Nick Braun-Lopez Tacoma Area

TBD Tri-Cities Area

Canada Segura Yakima Area

Wade Helms Yakima Area


Jeanette Kebede Editor

Jennifer Johnson Art Direction

The Washington CPA is published by the Washington Society of Certified Public Accountants for its members. Views and opinions appearing in this publication are not necessarily endorsed by the Washington Society of CPAs.

The products and services advertised in The Washington CPA have not been reviewed or endorsed by the Washington Society of Certified Public Accountants, its board of directors, or staff.

The Washington CPA is published quarterly by the Washington Society of Certified Public Accountants, 170 120th Ave NE Ste E101, Bellevue, WA 98005. $12 of members’ annual dues goes toward a subscription to The Washington CPA

Periodicals postage paid at Bellevue, Washington and additional mailing offices.

Cover and Contents Graphics: © iStock/shing7777, © iStock/Blueastro, © iStock/deepblue4you, © iStock/shironosov

Select Photos: © Shelly Oberman Photography


Send address changes to The Washington CPA, c/o WSCPA, 170 120th Ave NE Ste E101, Bellevue, WA 98005.

WSCPA Membership Summit: An Inspiring Opportunity to Connect with Fellow Members

On June 12, the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue, Washington, buzzed with excitement as the WSCPA hosted its highly anticipated 2024 Membership Summit. This exclusive, membersonly event provided the nearly 300 attendees with a unique opportunity to earn eight free CPE credits while networking with like-minded peers and celebrating the accounting profession. The summit, designed to connect members, featured a robust agenda filled with educational sessions, discussions on the latest industry trends, and opportunities to collaborate and advance the accounting profession.

Event Highlights:

Annual Meeting: The summit kicked off with the Annual Meeting, where the board of directors for the fiscal year 2025 was introduced. This meeting set the stage for a day of learning and networking and included award winner recognitions (see page 14 to learn more). More than 270 members joined virtually to view the Annual Meeting and the morning sessions.

Professional Issues Update: Kimberly Scott, Marta Zaniewski, and Tom Neill discussed critical topics affecting the profession, including local legislative advancements, regulatory changes, and the groundbreaking work being done by the National Pipeline Advisory Group at the national level. Attendees gained invaluable insights and strategies to stay informed and contribute to the profession's future.

“[I] appreciated hearing about up-to-date topics the industry is dealing with like the pipeline crisis,” said one Membership Summit attendee.

Federal Legislative Update: Mark Peterson, Executive Vice President of the AICPA, provided an overview of the latest federal legislative changes and anticipated reforms. His session equipped CPAs with the knowledge needed to navigate the evolving regulatory landscape and stay ahead in their practice and advocacy efforts.

Asking Better Questions: Sports broadcasting veteran Jen Mueller shared her expertise on asking questions that showcase one's expertise and value. Her session focused on developing questions that lead to more honest responses, deeper connections, and successful outcomes.

Luncheon and Networking: Attendees enjoyed a networking luncheon, providing an opportunity to connect and share insights with peers and industry leaders in a relaxed setting. “It was great to be with other people!” said one attendee.

Uncovering Widespread Schemes: Fraud Tactics Targeting Clients: Glenn Helms, an expert in forensic accounting and fraud examination, led a critical session on identifying and combating contemporary fraud schemes. Attendees learned about the latest fraud tactics and the steps needed to protect their practice and clients.

Roundtable Discussion for the Future of the CPA Profession: Participants engaged in facilitated discussions, providing feedback on key topics and trends affecting the CPA profession. These discussions allowed members to influence the direction and priorities of the WSCPA, building on the insights from the morning sessions.

Embracing the Future: Exploring AI's Role in the New Transformation Era: Jared Theis, Abhishek Sinha and Rachel Wagner-Kaiser discussed the transformative potential of AI technologies in accounting and finance. They touched on the benefits and risks associated with AI adoption, emphasizing the importance of ethical considerations, data security, and maintaining human oversight.

Peak Performance: Strategies for Building Resilient Teams: Monette Anderson, WSCPA Vice President of Membership and Education, shared lessons in resilience inspired by a heartwarming Make-A-Wish story and her experiences with the Navy SEALs. Her session motivated attendees to build stronger community bonds and cultivate a culture of resilience and growth.

Networking Reception: The summit concluded with a networking reception, allowing attendees to reflect on the day's discussions, share insights, and forge new connections in a relaxed environment.

Those who attended the summit shared this feedback about the event:

“[I found] a concentration of professional news, knowledge, and interaction with the same-minded people at the summit!” said Alla A.

"Informative and inspiring sessions!" said David B.

"Great program, fun and informative topics," shared Harold I.

Summit attendee Pat B. shared that the event had "terrific energy, pertinent information. [I’m] very hopeful for the future of CPAs.”

Looking for more ways to connect?

• Attend an in-person event or conference this fall. Register today at

• Join a committee or resource group. Learn more at wscpa. org/resource-group-committees

select photos: © Shelly Oberman Photography

National Pipeline Advisory Group Draft Report

Thank you to everyone who took the national pipeline surveys! With support from state societies and partners across the profession, the National Pipeline Advisory Group (NPAG) received feedback from more than 7,800 students and accounting professionals. Read NPAG’s draft strategy report to learn about the proposed pipeline solutions—from addressing the growing cost of college to providing better support for licensure candidates. The profession is also invited to share feedback on the draft report, which will be considered for the final report in summer 2024. Visit

A Call for Nominations: WSCPA Board of Directors

The Board Governance Committee is now accepting nominations for the 2025-2026 Board of Directors. Do you know someone who has been involved with the WSCPA and whose leadership could contribute to the future of the organization? Nominate them to serve on the board!

To submit a nomination, contact Cara DiCostanzo, Executive Assistant and Governance Administrator, at cdicostanzo@ Nominations are due by October 31.

Our Superpower: Engagement through the Washington Society of CPAs

I have had the fortunate opportunity to engage with our CPA community on a local, state and national level for more than 20 years, thanks to my membership and participation with the WSCPA. It has been immensely rewarding, allowing me to develop great relationships with colleagues and make some great friends along the way.

It is truly an honor and privilege to be this year’s WSCPA Board Chair and be able to contribute to creating a sustainable future for the profession. A sustainable future is very much needed, especially during this time of exponential change.

If I were to sum up my CPA journey in a Venn diagram, the intersection of student pipeline initiatives, career support, leadership opportunities, and advocacy to protect the public and CPA licensure would be the WSCPA.

After graduating from Washington State University and beginning my career in public accounting, it became clear that alongside serving clients and speaking the language of business, building trust and developing a professional network early on were essential requirements, not just aspirations. This led me to become a WSCPA member.

I resolved to proactively seek out ways to volunteer and attend events in person. As a result, to this day, WSCPA participation continues to be a great way to grow my network, skills and professional reputation.

My journey with the WSCPA began with the local Bellevue Area Chapter Board of Directors. I worked with an amazing group of leaders who welcomed my participation, enthusiasm, ideas and ability to execute. Our focus as a board was largely on planning monthly CPE meetings. While the speakers and topics of these meetings were engaging, I noticed that other new professionals were missing from these and other WSCPA events.

My service continued, and in 2004, Kimberly Scott, current WSCPA President & CEO, was in charge of Membership at the WSCPA at the time. Recognizing the need and opportunity to increase engagement of new professionals, the WSCPA formed a New Professionals Committee, which I was invited to chair in 2005.

To gain support and commitment for new professionals to participate in this committee, we asked the managing partners of CPA firms to identify their standout new professionals to join the committee. This received more support than I could have imagined, and firms were committed to bringing forward their next round of leaders.

This reinforced to me, a relatively new leader, that the power of asking is as important as the power of engaging.

For me, one of our most memorable New Professionals Committee networking events was an Argosy cruise which drew more than 100 attendees (double the attendance numbers of previous networking events). We harnessed the momentum to create engagement with the WSCPA and increased participation in various WSCPA volunteer opportunities throughout the Society with students, chapters and committees.

By this time, I had pivoted from public accounting to industry, working in the international telecommunications space. In 2007, this led me to an interesting and engaging move to south Florida.

As you are probably aware, the WSCPA champions the CPA pipeline, conducts essential advocacy for the profession in our state, and actively encourages CPAs to become and remain members. I have benefited from another aspect of membership in the WSCPA as well: Engagement in the WSCPA has afforded me the opportunity to connect with others that I likely would not have met in a professional capacity.

Because I found great value in my WSCPA membership, even during my time working in industry, once settled in Florida, I joined the Florida Institute of CPAs (FICPA). I became active in the local chapter and, taking what I learned from my volunteer service with the WSCPA, established a local new professionals’ group. Through this service I moved into a role on the FICPA Board of Directors and a seat on the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Council. AICPA Council allowed me to stay connected with the WSCPA through our three annual national meetings.

AICPA participation provided an expanded view of the need for advocacy and the voice the CPA profession maintains with the legislature and elected officials as trusted advisors.

I relocated to southeastern Washington in 2018 and joined the WSCPA Board of Directors in 2020. Following a series of telecommunication business divestitures in 2023, I moved to the role of Chief Financial Officer for Ben Franklin Transit, a local transportation agency.

It is remarkable how the WSCPA has been alongside me through my entire professional journey. My WSCPA membership delivers immense value and there’s never been a better time to engage in our profession through the WSCPA.

I encourage you, if you’re not already, to get involved today!

• Attend an upcoming Retain & Reign Tour / Members’ Reception

• Join a committee or resource group

• Attend an upcoming in-person event

If you need help finding a way to get involved, email or call 425.644.4800.

illustrations: © iStock/avgust01, © iStock/Svetlana Shamshurina

A Distinct Approach to Professional Development

As a member of the WSCPA, you have access to a suite of exclusive content—the Member Exclusive CPE Series—that is crafted not just to meet your continuing professional education (CPE) needs, but also to enrich both your personal and professional development. While many organizations fulfill free CPE supported by sponsored content, the WSCPA takes a different approach.

Why Settle for Just Checking the Box

We believe in the transformative power of education. Continuing from the series’ success last year, the courses in this series are not just informative; they're designed to inspire and empower. Members who have taken the series have shared overwhelmingly positive feedback, underscoring our commitment to courses that genuinely enhance personal growth and professional excellence—free from commercial interruptions.

Past Member Exclusive participant Courtney Hirata said, “The content is so relevant and engaging that I find myself not only giving my full attention, but also taking notes, participating in the chat, and having action steps and takeaways that I apply afterward, each and every time.”

Our educational offerings are specifically designed to support your career and personal well-being. They focus on cultivating leadership skills, providing the latest essential professional updates, fostering holistic development, and celebrating our vibrant membership community. Join us on a journey that truly enriches your professional path and deepens your connection with peers.

Member Exclusive Recap: Moments of Inspiration and Growth

Last year’s Member Exclusive Series demonstrates the WSCPA’s desire to offer CPE to nurture and inspire the personal and professional growth of members. Here’s a glimpse of how these courses—which garnered stellar ratings of 4.76 out of 5—have impacted your peers:

• Mental Health and Burnout: " This is one of the best presentations I have seen on mental health, burnout, worklife balance, self-care and resilience. It helps us build better margin into our lives and continue doing what we love."

• Spring into Organization: "Loved this presentation so much. I will be sharing it with my employees! It's about managing something simple that is often overlooked."

• Year-End Update: The State of the Profession: "Learned some valuable info today that I did not expect. Thank you!"

• How Inclusive Meetings Can Help Your Organization Succeed: "Appreciated the webinar on ensuring everyone has a chance to contribute. It’s sometimes forgotten in our field."

• Managing Employee Benefit Plan Audit Risks: Insights from Camico: "It was like a mentoring session with a much more experienced senior partner. Extremely valuable."

What’s Next: This Year’s Can’t-Miss Events

The 2024-2025 Member Exclusive CPE Series kicked off with three hours from the WSCPA Annual Meeting (held June 12), including an update on the state of the profession and a session with local sports broadcaster for the Seattle Mariners and Seahawks, Jen Mueller. Here are some other highlights to look forward to:

• Tax Developments:

Start with Mark Hugh on July 17 for an in-depth look at "Washington State Tax New Developments." Continue your journey with Art Werner on January 8 as he provides a comprehensive "New Year Tax Update," ensuring you're well-informed on the latest tax changes and implications for the upcoming year.

• Regulatory Insights and Updates:

Join us for a series of engaging sessions starting with "Know Thy Regulator" on August 14, where we will explore the inner workings of the Washington State Board of Accountancy. Next, delve into the "Annual Meeting Recap" on September 18 to hear the diverse perspectives and key takeaways from discussions with members, students, professionals, and educators. With our "WSCPA Year-End Update" on December 11, featuring Kimberly Scott, WSCPA President & CEO, and Mike Nelson, WSCPA Manager of Government Affairs, learn about the latest trends, regulations, and best practices that are shaping the profession in Washington and beyond.

• Professional Development:

Engage in our curated series of popular sessions, starting with a panel on "Navigating Busy Season" on February 5, designed to enhance your leadership and operational strategies during peak times. Continue with "The Art of Feedback" on March 12, where you can master communication and mentoring skills. Conclude with "Cross Generational Divide" on September 25, exploring effective strategies for team cohesion and mental health across different age groups.*

Join Us

As VP of Membership & Education, I aim for every hour you invest with us in this series to be an hour that adds value to your professional journey and personal growth. We invite you to join these sessions not just to fulfill your CPE requirements, but also to gain insights that go beyond the technical aspects of your profession.

Discover these exclusive benefits and more in our catalog. Let’s learn, grow and thrive together.

*Please note: Due to the live nature of our event lineup and potential speaker conflicts, course offerings are subject to change. We recommend checking our website for the most up-to-date information to ensure you have the latest details.

images: © iStock/PeopleImages, © iStock/shironosov Monette Anderson, CAE, is WSCPA Vice President of Membership and Education and Executive Director of the Washington CPA Foundation. Contact Monette at

How to Attract More Recurring Client Advisory Service (CAS) Clients with SEO

The world of Client Advisory Services is getting more and more competitive. Many accounting firms today have or have started to add it to their services. This means that getting your firm in front of the clients that looking for those services is imperative.

One way to do this is by leveraging Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It's a powerful online marketing strategy that can get you in front of your ideal clients and the masses. This article will explore what SEO is and how it can help attract more CAS clients for your accounting firm.

The Importance of SEO

Before diving into strategy, it's crucial to understand SEO. It's the process of optimizing a website's pages for online search engines like Google. A well optimized website increases your rankings in the search engines. This leads to more online visibility and increases website traffic. Increased website traffic leads to more opportunities for business. Something to note, individual web pages get ranked, not the website.

Today, many people turn to online search first when looking for solutions. Put yourself in the shoes of your ideal client. When you're looking to research a product or service for example, where are you turning to? Chances are you're "Googling" it to find the information you need. Your clients are doing the same thing. This is why SEO is so important.

Targeting the Right Keywords

Keywords are the phrases people use to search, and they are the foundation of SEO. For accounting firms, identifying and targeting the keywords is crucial. Keywords should align with your services and resonate with your target clients.

Do you know what phrases are being used to search for CAS related services? This is where keyword research and analysis become invaluable. With any plan, if you don't have the proper data, it's hard to execute a strategy.

There are tools available to help you research and identify keywords to target. To name a few:

• Ahrefs

• Moz

• SEMRush

• Ubersuggest

Without using them, it's hard to understand the exact phrases people are using. They provide many data points for analysis.

For research purposes, you can find out the monthly search volume for each keyword. You'll also be able to understand how difficult it is to rank for those specific keywords. They will also help you discover other keywords you may not have considered.

A keyword with a high number of searches per month will be more challenging to rank for. On the flip side, a keyword that has a lower monthly search volume may be easier to rank for. If you're starting out, a good strategy is to target the lower volume keywords first.

For CAS, focus on keywords related to your services. As CAS makes up many different services, an example could be:

• "Business Budgeting and Forecasting Services"

• "Cash Flow Management"

• "Business Advisory"

• "Virtual CFO Services"

Once you've identified relevant keywords, the next step is to rank for those keywords. This is where content creation comes into the mix. Your content should be optimized around those keywords and targeted towards those clients.

Creating Quality Content

Content is another big piece of SEO. High-quality, informative content showcases expertise and boosts SEO performance. A good content strategy should center around providing value above anything else. What questions are your clients looking to get answers for? From an accounting perspective, what accounting challenges are they looking to solve?

As an example, you could create a piece of content around a service that makes up your CAS solution. You could talk about what the service is and why it is important for your client. You can add how it will help your client thrive into the future. Use words to paint a picture of the outcome they're looking for. People buy the outcome, not the features.

From an SEO perspective, publishing and updating content on a regular basis is key. Search engines want to provide a great user experience. Users want the best and most recent information they can get. Publishing new content also shows that you're engaged with your users.

There are other benefits to creating content, like branding for instance. We won't get into that in this article, but content is an asset that has many uses.

Optimizing Website Structure and Design

A well-structured and designed website enhances user experience and SEO performance. Ensure your website follows the latest design practices, is mobile friendly and fast loading. Making it easy to navigate also plays into this. Make it easy for visitors to take an action on your website. Have clear and concise calls-to-action. If they're having issues figuring out what to do or where to go, they'll bounce and go somewhere else. This decreases dwell time—the time spent on your website. It can have an effect on your rankings as well.

Many people today are using their phones to search. Google has started to put a lot of ranking weight on mobile websites. If your website isn't designed for mobile, it can have a negative impact on your rankings.

From a more technical standpoint, optimizing meta tags, headers, and URLs are imperative. Ensure they include the keyword the content is targeting. Search bots will use these among other things to help them understand what the content is about. Make sure it's easy for them to crawl and decipher. This will help them determine how relevant and recent the content is.

Harnessing Local SEO

Local SEO involves optimizing your website and content for local searches. Targeting geo-specific keywords allows you to take advantage of local inquiries. One example is creating service pages targeting different areas within your region.

For example, optimizing a page for "Business Accounting Seattle." Another could be "Business Accounting Bellevue." The more pages you have, the more opportunities potential clients can find you.

There is more to local SEO than optimizing for local keywords. The next piece is setting up a Google Business Profile if you don't already have one. It helps in three ways:

1. Local Pack Listing

Google often displays a "Local Pack" of businesses related to a user's search query. This gets displayed at the top of the search results where everyone sees it. Better optimization increases your chances of being there.

2. Google Map Integration

Google Business Profile listings appear in Google Maps. This makes it easier for users to find your business. When you type "accounting firms near me" Google will display their maps feature with a list of local firms.

3. Positive Reviews

While reviews don't increase search rankings directly, they build credibility. A strong local SEO presence helps capture clients' attention.


and Citations

Search engines use backlinks and citations to determine relevancy, trustworthiness, and authority. A backlink is an external website linking back to your website. Let's say you create a piece of valuable content, and a website links to the article from their content. This is a backlink. Search engines view this as a vote of confidence.

Citations are mentions of your business on external websites. They usually feature your name, address, and phone number (NAP). You'll usually find them on local directories and websites. They're a big piece of any local SEO strategy.

Search engines use them to verify if a business is legitimate. They work like backlinks. The more citations you have, the more trust, authority, and relevance your firm has online.

Monitoring and Adaptation

SEO is not a one-time effort. It requires ongoing monitoring and adaptation. It's a long-term strategy with lasting benefits. Like any strategy, tracking key performance metrics is important. Proper analysis of competitor strategies will help you adapt your SEO strategy. Aside from the SEO tools listed earlier, most search engines have traffic analysis tools. Google, for instance, has Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

Google Analytics gives you in-depth reporting on website traffic behavior. Google Search Console helps with the maintenance of your online presence. If you have issues with pages not indexing, or you want to delete an indexed page, for example, you can do that there. It also provides some performance data as well.

As search engines are ever evolving, their algorithms are always updating. Understanding these changes and updates helps refine your strategy. By staying agile, you'll be able to capitalize on emerging opportunities and stay one step ahead.


With the rapid adoption of CAS, it's more important than ever to have a strategy in place to take a piece of that market. SEO is still relevant. It's a powerful online strategy for accounting firms looking for more CAS clients.

The online landscape is ever evolving, especially with the emergence of AI. Search engines have accelerated their AI implementation and it's changing the search game. To stay in front of it, firms must learn how to leverage the advances in search for their future SEO strategy.

Navigating the Revised Statements on Standards for Tax Services

P. Jeffrey Christakos, MST, CPA, CFP®, and Andrew M. Christakos, CPA, CFP®, Westfield Wealth Management, LLC

The American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) has revised the Statements on Standards for Tax Services (SSTS) that all CPAs who are members of the AICPA or licensed by the Washington Board of Accountancy must follow. The revised standards are effective as of Jan. 1, 2024.

The revised format for the standards is as follows:

√ SSTS No. 1, General Standards for Members Providing Tax Services: In addition to general standards on tax practices, this section also includes a new standard on data protection. Members are now required to make a “reasonable effort to safeguard taxpayer data.” There is also a section on the use of electronic tools. As innovations in artificial intelligence, as an example, create efficiencies in tax preparation and research, members must exercise due professional care when using these tools. This is an increasingly difficult area for many firms. There are similar challenges in the use of tax software and research services.

√ SSTS No. 2, Standards for Members Providing Tax Compliance Services, Including Tax Return Positions: This is a new standard to specifically address tax compliance services and consolidates guidance from other standards. It gives specific guidance on requirements that need to be in place before a member can sign a tax return as well as additional tax return disclosure requirements. An interesting standard (2.3.2.) in this section relates to the need to verify information received from the taxpayer or a third party when preparing or signing a return. The information does not have to be verified, but tax professionals should make “reasonable inquiries” if the information appears to be incorrect, incomplete or inconsistent to the tax preparer. There is a new requirement that taxpayers must be notified of the ramifications of missing answers to questions on their returns. Members should not advise a taxpayer to file a return with a position that takes advantage of a weakness in the audit selection process of a taxing authority.

√ SSTS No. 3, Standards for Members Providing Tax Consulting Services: Tax professionals do not have the obligation to update previously given advice based on new developments in tax law. However, this standard adds the requirement that developments must be disclosed if the tax preparer assists in implementing the strategies designed prior to the changes. New guidance is established regarding advice given related to disclosures of tax positions. The standard is met when the member advises the taxpayer on the appropriate disclosure. Tax professionals need to advise clients of potential penalties related to disclosures as well as ways to minimize them. The responsibility to determine if and how the disclosure is made is retained by the taxpayer.

√ SSTS No. 4, Standards for Members Providing Representation Services: This new standard informs tax professionals of rules related to their client representation before taxing authorities. Members should take steps to be technically competent in the area that is being examined. Specific rules related to the tax authorities should be

studied as well. Various taxing authorities may have unique representation standards that vary based on the type of tax imposed. There is additional guidance related to issues that may affect the member’s ability to provide competent representation.

Tax practitioners are faced with client issues and an ever-evolving set of rules and regulations. In addition, changes in technology can be helpful, but, if left unchecked, can lead to serious data protection exposures. Prudent attention to these updated standards can help to minimize these challenges.

P. Jeffrey Christakos, CPA/PFS, CFP®, is a wealth manager and principal at Westfield Wealth Management, LLC and can be reached at

Andrew M. Christakos, CPA/PFS, CFP®, is a wealth manager and principal at Westfield Wealth Management, LLC. Andrew can be reached at

Reprinted with permission of the New Jersey Society of CPAs,

Read More

• AICPA Statements on Standards for Tax Services, aicpa-cima. com/resources/landing/statements-on-standards-fortax-services

• AICPA Mapping of Existing Standards to Updated Standards Effective January 1, 2024, download/revised-statements-on-standards-for-taxservices-no-1-4-1-1-2024

ASUs Effective in 2024

The issuance of new ASUs by the FASB is part of what makes the accounting profession so exciting! These ASUs are responsive to stakeholder feedback that the FASB has received over the years and ensure the Accounting Standards Codification stays relevant in an ever-changing world. In 2024, various ASUs will be effective and impact public and private entities.

The first ASU effective this year is ASU 2021-08: Business Combinations (Topic 805): Accounting for Contract Assets and Contract Liabilities from Contracts with Customers ASU 2021-08 was issued in October 2021. It addresses diversity in practice related to the recognition of acquired contract liability, as well as payment terms and their effect on subsequent revenue recognized by the acquirer. The primary update from ASU 2021-08 is that it requires using Topic 606 for contract assets and liabilities in business combinations. At the acquisition date, an acquirer should account for the related revenue contracts in accordance with Topic 606 as if they had originated the contracts themselves. However, ASU 2021-08 does not affect the accounting for other assets or liabilities that may arise from revenue contracts with customers in accordance with Topic 606, such as refund liabilities, or in a business combination, such as customer-related intangible assets and contract-based intangible assets. ASU 2021-08 is effective for private business entities this year.

Additionally, ASU 2022-01: Derivatives and Hedging (Topic 815): Fair Value Hedging—Portfolio Layer Method was issued in March 2022, and it expands the use of the last layer method that permits only one hedged layer to allow multiple hedged layers of a single closed portfolio. Then, ASU 2022-01 renames the last-of-layer method to the portfolio layer method. ASU 202201 specifies that eligible hedging instruments in a single-layer hedge may include spot-starting or forward-starting constantnotional swaps or spot-or forward-starting amortizing-notional swaps and that the number of hedged layers (that is, single or

multiple) corresponds with the number of hedges designated. ASU 2022-01 is effective for private business entities.



Fair Value Measurement of Equity Securities

Subject to Contractual Sale Restrictions was issued in June 2022 to address diversity in practice when measuring the fair value of an equity security subject to contractual restrictions prohibiting the sale of an equity security. ASU 2022-03 clarifies that a contractual restriction on the sale of an equity security is not considered part of the unit of account of the equity security. It also clarifies that an entity cannot, as a separate unit of account, recognize and measure a contractual sale restriction. The entity should also disclose the fair value of equity securities subject to contractual sale restrictions reflected in the balance sheet, the nature and remaining duration of the restriction(s), and the circumstances that could cause a lapse in the restriction(s). ASU 2022-03 is effective for public business entities in 2024, with private companies adopting it the following year.

In addition, ASU 2023-02: Investments – Equity Method and Joint Ventures (Topic 323): Accounting for Investments in Tax Credit Structures Using the Proportional Amortization Method was issued in March 2023. It permits entities to elect to account for their tax equity investments, regardless of the tax credit program from which the income tax credits are received, using the proportional amortization method if certain conditions are met. Under the proportional amortization method, entities amortize the initial cost of the investment in proportion to the income tax credits and other income tax benefits received and recognize the net amortization and income tax credits and other income tax benefits in the income statement as a component of income tax expense (benefit). A reporting entity would be required to disclose certain information in annual and interim reporting periods, such as the nature of its tax equity investments and the effect of its tax equity investments and related income tax credits and other income tax benefits on its financial position and results of operations. ASU 2023-02 is effective for public business entities, with private companies adopting it next year.

ASU 2023-07: Segment Reporting (Topic 280), Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures was issued in November 2023. This ASU, because of stakeholder feedback, as investors supported enhanced expense disclosures because segment information is critically important in understanding a public entity’s different business activities. Since ASU 2023-07 is a disclosure standard, it does not change how a public entity identifies its operating segments, aggregates those operating segments, or applies the quantitative thresholds to determine its reportable segments. ASU 2023-07 applies to all public entities required to report segment information in accordance with Topic 280. ASU 2023-07 requires that a public entity provide all annual disclosures about a reportable segment’s profit or loss and assets currently required by Topic 280 in interim periods. Additionally, ASU 2023-07 clarifies that if the chief operating decision maker (CODM) uses more than one measure of a segment’s profit or

loss in assessing segment performance and deciding how to allocate resources, a public entity may report one or more of those additional measures of segment profit. However, at least one of the reported segment profit or loss measures (or the single reported measure, if only one is disclosed) should be the measure most consistent with the measurement principles used in measuring the corresponding amounts in the public entity’s consolidated financial statements.

Lastly, ASU 2022-06: Deferral of the Sunset Date of Topic 848 was issued in December 2022. ASU 2022-06 delayed the sunset date of ASU 2020-04. In 2020, the FASB issued ASU 2020-04, Reference Rate Reform (Topic 848): Facilitation of the Effects of Reference Rate Reform on Financial Reporting, which provides optional guidance to ease the potential burden in accounting for reference rate reform on financial reporting. The objective of the guidance in Topic 848 is to provide temporary relief during the transition period from LIBOR to SOFR or other approved reference rates. At the time that ASU 2020-04 was issued, LIBOR was previously set to sunset on December 31, 2021. As a result, the sunset provision was set for December 31, 2022—12 months after the expected cessation date of all currencies and tenors of LIBOR. However, in March 2021, the UK Financial Conduct Authority announced the extension of LIBOR for various tenors of USD LIBOR through June 30, 2023, beyond the previous sunset date of Topic 848. As a result, the


FASB deferred the sunset date of Topic 848 to December 31, 2024, after which entities will no longer be permitted to apply the relief in Topic 848.

In summary, various ASUs are effective this year. It is exciting to see how these will impact the accounting profession and clients.

with permission of The Georgia Society of CPAs.

Learn More

2024 Yellow Book Update WEBINAR – Aug 12

2024 Not-for-Profit Update WEBINAR – Aug 26

2024 Governmental GAAP Update WEBINAR – Sep 4

Visit or follow the QR code to register for one of these CPE courses now.

Jaclyn M. Veno, a licensed CPA in North and South Carolina, is a Learning & Development Specialist with Galasso Learning Solutions. Previously, she was an auditor for two top-10 CPA firms.
photo: © iStock/LunaKate



Every year, the WSCPA honors individuals (and one company or firm) that have demonstrated their commitment to supporting the Society and maintaining the CPA's trusted and respected place in Washington State's professional community.

Nominations for 2024-2025 Award Winners due Dec 31. Visit

Bill Reed, CPA, CGMA, MBA


For an exemplary career of leadership and commitment to students and the profession

Bill Reed, CFO and Investigator of MFR Associates PLLC, brings more than 30 years of experience in business, education, and workplace and fraud investigation. He earned an MBA and CPA license and numerous professional certifications: Certified in Financial Forensics, Chartered Global Management Accountant, Certified Fraud Examiner, Association of Workplace Investigators - Certificate Holder and Private Investigator. Bill specializes in workplace investigations and assessments, fraud investigations, forensic accounting, internal controls, leadership coaching, and business planning and consulting.

Throughout his career, Bill has been dedicated to increasing diversity within the CPA profession. Growing up in the then recently integrated South, he was inspired by a college mentor to pursue a career in accounting—a path he had not previously considered.

“Using this mentoring experience as a model, Bill has guided countless students at Everett Community College (EVCC), introducing them to new opportunities and brighter futures,” said WSCPA Chair Andrew Brajcich, CPA, JD, LLM. “He has made a significant impact in communities historically underrepresented in our field. He is a role model for us all.”

Bill co-founded the EVCC Students of Color Career Conference— an event that draws more than 2,000 middle and high school students annually. He also played a key role in establishing the Snohomish County NAACP and EVCC Youth Development Program and served as a commissioner of the Washington State Commission on African American Affairs. From 2018-2021, he was a member of the WSCPA Board of Directors and has been honored with many awards, including the WSCPA 2020-2021 President & CEO Award.

Bill and his wife Marcella have five children. He enjoys blues and jazz music and hanging out with the grandchildren.

Vine Dahlen, PLLC CPA


For leadership engagement and active support of the WSCPA

Vine Dahlen is so much more than your typical accounting firm. Founded in 1964 by Ann Vine, one of the first female CPAs in Washington State, the firm has always embraced change and innovation.

The strength of Vine Dahlen lies in its unique blend of seasoned professionals collaborating closely with recent graduates, leveraging the wisdom of experience while always looking to the future. This approach allows the team of 35 dedicated professionals to maintain a personalized touch with each client while providing a comprehensive suite of resources and specialists for even the most intricate accounting work.

As a WSCPA Peak Firm, Vine Dahlen has shown remarkable dedication to ensuring all CPAs and future CPAs are members, fostering a culture of continuous learning and professional development within the community. Their engagement with WSCPA education and events sets a standard for excellence.

Several of their staff actively participate in volunteer roles, such as leadership positions on Everett Chapter board and involvement in the WSCPA Not-For-Profit Committee. This impressive level of engagement underscores Vine Dahlen’s commitment to the profession as well as to community service and leadership.

Vine Dahlen's balanced approach to professional growth, emphasizing work-life integration and community involvement, reflects a deep understanding of the evolving landscape of modern accounting. Their support for flexible working arrangements and encouragement for team members to engage in community outreach mirrors the WSCPA's vision of a dynamic, inclusive, and progressive accounting profession.

Rick Betts, CPA-Retired


For exemplary service and inspirational leadership in community service

Rick Betts was formerly the Regional Managing Partner at Moss Adams in Spokane and a member of the firm’s Executive Committee. He led the firm’s Communications & Media Practice for nearly a decade, significantly expanding the telecom practice to a nationwide client base. Additionally, Rick played a key role in many of the firm’s practice acquisitions and served on several AICPA and WSCPA committees. He retired as a CPA in 2018, turning his efforts to other worthwhile pursuits.

Rick is the founder of Spokane Hoopfest, an annual weekend street basketball tournament with over 6,000 teams.

“In the late 1990s, on a flight to an AICPA conference in Washington, D.C., Rick conceived the idea of holding a 3-on-3 basketball tournament in downtown Spokane to benefit the Special Olympics,” shared Andrew Brajcich, CPA, JD, LLM. “At that time, 3-on-3 tournaments were rare. Rick won the support of downtown business owners, secured a permit, and 36 courts were taped off on the asphalt. The first Hoopfest was held on June 30 and July 1, 1990.”

Hoopfest is now the largest 3-on-3 tournament in the world. It has raised approximately $2 million for Special Olympics and other charities and has built more than 30 community basketball courts in the Inland Northwest. Rick continues to serve on the board of directors of the Spokane Hoopfest Association, which now runs the tournament with the help of 3,000 volunteers.

“Hoopfest is what it is today because of Rick’s perseverance and steady leadership throughout 34 years," said Riley Stockton, Executive Director of Spokane Hoopfest Association.

“This esteemed firm stands as a testament to pioneering spirit and enduring excellence in the accounting profession,” stated Monette Anderson, CAE, WSCPA Vice President of Membership & Education. “Their commitment to the WSCPA as well as their staff’s development is inspiring.”

Rick graduated from the University of Puget Sound, holds a master’s in taxation from Gonzaga, and lives in Spokane with his wife Diane, a retired CPA.

Rick and his three sons.

Gilberto Plascencia, CPA, CFE


For active leadership and dedicated service to the WSCPA

Gilbert Plascencia, CPA, is a senior manager at Alegria Advisors, a local accounting firm in Yakima, and has been serving a diverse group of clients and industries for more than 20 years.

A WSCPA member since 2003, Gilbert has demonstrated outstanding engagement and leadership, which have shaped WSCPA strategic direction and diversity and inclusion initiatives. As a member of the WSCPA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Council and a Washington CPA Foundation Trustee, Gilbert has showcased his commitment to the profession and has steered our organization toward a future-ready path.

In his role with the Foundation Grant Committee, Gilbert contributes to the decision-making process for awarding grants to organizations focused on enhancing the diversity of our talent pipeline. This involvement exemplifies how he uses his experience to foster a more inclusive profession, ensuring that diverse perspectives are considered and valued within our community.

“I appreciate Gilbert’s engaged approach and consistently thoughtful contributions,” said Monette Anderson, Executive Director of the Foundation. “When he contributes, it’s always meaningful and constructive, bringing forward suggestions that prompt us to steadily improve our work.”

Outside of work, you can find Gilbert hiking, walking, or gardening. He is a certified master gardener and currently serves as treasurer for the Master Gardener Foundations of Yakima County and Washington State. Passionate about the outdoors, Gilbert enjoys long-distance hikes to remote places and always encourages others to join him.

Kelly Rancourt, CPA


For leadership engagement and active support of the WSCPA

Kelly Rancourt, CPA, is a Principal in Clark Nuber’s Audit and Assurance Services Group. Kelly has more than 15 years of experience performing audits and single audits for not-forprofits, foundations, religious organizations, local and special purpose governments, and healthcare organizations. She works extensively with a number of social service and public sector organizations that receive federal funding from various federal agencies. Kelly has spoken locally and nationally on not-for-profit accounting topics, governance, and federal grant compliance.

A member of the WSCPA since 2008, Kelly has significantly contributed to the WSCPA Not-For-Profit Resource Group, including serving on its Executive Committee and as past co-chair of the Not-For-Profit Conference Planning Committee.

“Kelly is a particularly inspiring leader,” said Suzette Rangel, WSCPA Manager of Conferences & Special Events. “Her patience and dedication have been instrumental in motivating the conference planning committee to organize effectively, confront challenges head-on, and collaboratively find solutions in our projects.”

In addition to her volunteer work, Kelly is a co-author of the annual Knowledge Based Audits of Health Care Entities published by CCH, a Wolters Kluwer Company. She is an active member of the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA), the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), and the AICPA NotFor-Profit and Governmental Training Program Conference Planning committee.

Kelly graduated magna cum laude from Western Washington University in 2008 with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration—concentrating in accounting and finance, and a minor in English.

Kelly enjoys traveling to Whistler, Canada during the summer with her husband and two children. There is always a new place to explore and a new waterfall to find.

Eaon Roberts, CPA


For active leadership and dedicated service to the WSCPA

Eaon Roberts, CPA, CFE, is a director at Armanino within their consulting practice. Eaon advises CFOs on technical accounting and complex transactions, drawing on his extensive experience in SEC reporting, mergers and acquisitions, project management, controller operations, audit operations and internal controls. Eaon brings more than 17 years of business and industry experience to client engagements and roles as a board and committee member.

Since joining the WSCPA, Eaon has made significant contributions as a volunteer leader. As an active member of the WSCPA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Council, he has played an essential role in guiding our diversity and inclusion efforts. Eaon is also dedicated to engaging with students, sharing his professional journey to inspire future CPAs.

“Eaon’s practical approach and genuine enthusiasm have positively influenced our programs, proving invaluable in our efforts to nurture the next generation of accounting professionals,” said Monette Anderson, Vice President of Membership & Education. “We look forward to seeing him continue to engage."

Eaon earned a B.S. in Finance and Accounting from Florida State University and his master’s degree in Accounting from Florida Atlantic University. An active member of the Army Reserves, Eaon lives with his spouse Julie in West Seattle.

Finding my center of gravity of peace, love and respect for our most precious resource; nature. When life offers me lemons, I go fishing!

Marcie McAllister, CPA


For passion, commitment, and service to the WSCPA

Marcie McAllister, CPA, CMA, graduated from the University of Washington, Bothell in 2017, and has been with Vine Dahlen PLLC in Lynnwood since starting her accounting career. Currently a manager, Marcie specializes in S corporation, partnership, and individual taxation and supports accounting services with payroll and state tax returns.

A WSCPA member since 2016, Marcie joined the WSCPA Everett Chapter Board after becoming a CPA in 2019. As the current chair of the chapter board, Marcie’s exceptional talent for planning engaging networking events has fostered a vibrant and collaborative community within the profession.

Marcie’s dedication to the CPA profession extends beyond her board service; she actively mentors and guides future and new CPAs, sharing her knowledge and passion for the field.

“Marcie's unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation sets a standard for leadership that inspires and empowers those around her," said Daniel Fleming, WSCPA Manager of Member Engagement. "Through her genuine commitment and hands-on contributions, Marcie sparks positive change and empowers others to make a difference in their communities.”

Since giving birth to her first son, Michael, at 25 weeks, Marcie has dedicated countless hours over the past 23 years working, volunteering, and fundraising for March of Dimes. When not working or volunteering, she enjoys spending time with her family in Bothell.

Marcie, her husband David, and son Matthew, on a cruise to Cabo last December.

Alexis Vergara


For passion, commitment, and service to the WSCPA

Alexis (Rodriguez) Vergara is a tax associate specializing in Private Wealth at Baker Tilly Seattle. She has been with Baker Tilly since July 2022 and serves as the Director of Membership for their Latinx Community.

Alexis embodies what it means to be a “Rising Star” within the WSCPA community. Her journey with the organization began as a recipient of a Washington CPA Foundation scholarship, and since then, she has consistently showcased her passion for accounting. Alexis's dedication to personal growth and professional development is evident through her active involvement on the WSCPA Emerging Leaders Committee, the Tacoma Area Chapter Board, as well as the CPAPAC Committee. She has also actively participated in outreach initiatives aimed at introducing students to accounting.

“The Rising Star Award is a testament to Alexis’ outstanding contributions and potential for even greater accomplishments in the future,” said Benjamin Warren, WSCPA Manager of Pipeline Initiatives.

Alexis graduated summa cum laude in 2023 from Pacific Lutheran University, earning her bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a concentration in accounting. She is also a recipient of the Dean’s Award of Excellence.

magical looks on loved ones' faces, especially the kiddos.

Christopher Hesse, CPA


For a career long dedication to the profession and active participation in making it better for all

Chris Hesse, CPA, retired in October 2022, after a 43-year career in public accounting that ended after his service as chair of the AICPA Tax Executive Committee during the pandemic. He had previously chaired the AICPA S corporation technical resource panel and served on the WSCPA Farm Tax Conference Committee.

Chris was a principal in the National Tax Office of CliftonLarsonAllen LLP (CLA) focusing on domestic federal income tax issues. He wrote extensively on esoteric income tax matters, including 10 articles for the AICPA’s Tax Adviser magazine. He wrote materials for and presented at national CPE conferences, CPA firms, and various state societies across the country.

Chris had the privilege of testifying before Congressional and Washington legislative committees on tax policy matters. His testimony at the IRS regulation hearing on farm income averaging remains the regulation mostly in place today. He led the battle that resulted in a 10-year retroactive repeal of an Alternative Minimum Tax provision affecting farmers. He was consulted by the Washington legislature when it included an additional state estate tax exemption for farmers.

WSCPA President & CEO Kimberly Scott, CAE, reflected on Chris' enduring contributions to the profession: "I met Chris Hesse within the first few months of my time at the WSCPA over 20 years ago. Chris has always been a passionate advocate for the profession and an active volunteer with the WSCPA. Even when his job took him to another state, he maintained his membership, contributed to the CPAPAC, and regularly checked in to offer his help. When he moved back to Washington, he quickly resumed his involvement, even becoming an instructor. I deeply appreciate his commitment to the profession and his unwavering dedication to the WSCPA."

Chris enjoys working on his family's farm and is an avid bicyclist. He has bicycled on tandem bikes with his wife in the U.S., the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium.

Christmas is Alexis' favorite holiday. She enjoys hosting and seeing the

William Resler, JD, LLM


For his impact on the tax community in Washington and inspiring a generation of tax CPAs

Bill Resler, who passed away in 2017, was a popular senior lecturer emeritus of tax accounting at the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business, known for his engaging teaching style, infectious humor and dedication to his students. As the co-founder of the Master of Professional Accounting in Taxation program at the Foster School in 1992, Prof. Resler played a pivotal role in shaping the education of an estimated 6,000 accounting students and directed the program for more than 20 years.

UW law alumnus and Immediate Past Chair of the WSCPA Board of Directors Andrew Brajcich, who currently serves as the Director of Gonzaga University’s graduate tax program, heard countless stories of the legendary Resler as a young professional in Seattle.

“Few have had more impact on the tax community in our state. Bill Resler inspired generations of tax professionals and made complex concepts understandable despite the best efforts of those who write the rules. A character in and outside of the classroom, one thing you could always count on was Prof. Resler having his students’ best interest in mind.”

In addition to his achievements at UW, Prof. Resler was well known as the head coach of the Roosevelt High School girls basketball team for nine successful seasons.

According to the UW Foster blog post that announced his passing, Prof. Resler once wrote, “My philosophy toward teaching, tax law, or life in general is the same. Struggle to fashion each day to be superior to yesterday. Work hard, play hard, and avoid confusing the two. Make clear choices between what comes easiest and what you feel is most meaningful.”

Photo courtesy of University of Washington Foster School of Business.


photos: © Shelly Oberman Photography

2024-2025 Scholarship Recipients

Named Scholarships Undergraduate Recipients

Clark Nuber Accounting Scholarship

Ryan Doyle Washington State University

George J. Waterman Memorial Scholarship

Suhani Aggarwal University of Washington

Danielle Lyndes Legacy Scholarship

Luyen Pham Renton Technical College

George J. Waterman Memorial Scholarship

Cade Farrington University of Washington

DP&C Black Accounting Scholarship

Elsie Macharia University of Washington – Bothell

George J. Waterman Memorial Scholarship

Kaio Tong University of Washington

EY Accounting Scholarship

Kaden Harrison Washington State University

KPMG Diversity Accounting Scholarship

Victoria Hernandez Gonzaga University

Moss Adams

Accounting Scholarship

Anika Dahl

Western Washington University

Roy J. Polley Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Dee Geneti Whitworth University

Roy J. Polley Memorial Endowed Scholarship

MJ Kim

Washington State University

Roy J. Polley Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Kaitlyn Ruiz

Washington State University


Accounting Scholarship

Alanna Angeles Pacific Lutheran University

Roy J. Polley Memorial Endowed Scholarship

MacReady Guizzetti Western Washington University

Roy J. Polley Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Ian Mickelson Washington State University

Roy J. Polley Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Austin Alteneder Whitworth University

Roy J. Polley Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Stuart Heringer Gonzaga University

Roy J. Polley Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Jack Rodgers Washington State University

Roy J. Polley Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Ayushma Shrestha

Central Washington University

Roy J. Polley Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Eva Flanagan Gonzaga University

Roy J. Polley Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Leo Homar Western Washington University

Roy J. Polley Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Zoie Rodman

Washington State UniversityVancouver

Roy J. Polley Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Alyssa Welson

Washington State University

Sambataro Family Foundation Accounting Scholarship
Quyen Pham Renton Technical College
Shimer Family Foundation/Deloitte Accounting Scholarship
Telmen Amarbayasgalan Whitworth University

Washington CPA Foundation Accounting Scholarships

Associate Recipients

Elisabeth Bas Everett Community College
Ashlynn Coffin Spokane Falls Community College
Thomas Den Hartog Lynden Christian High School
Allan Diaz Seattle Pacific University
Aylin Diaz Romero University of Washington
Blakeley Eaton Gonzaga University
Khaliun Gantumur Whitworth University
Daisy Gomez University of Washington
Winston Huang University of Washington
Ariana Hurtado Kingston High School
Molly Johnson Eagle High School
Anna Kharzhevskaia North Seattle College
Joseph Lee University of Washington
Andy Li University of Washington
Carynn Miller Central Washington University
Mathias Nordstrom Spokane Falls Community College
Arturo Rebuelta Cervantes Mt. Spokane High School
Wayne Silves Washington State University
Elnaz Zeidabadinejad North Seattle College

Named Scholarships Associate Recipients

Bill Reed Family Black Accounting Scholarship

Celeste Blackwell North Seattle College

Olympia Chapter Accounting Scholarship

Cameron Kreider Saint Martin's University

Bill Reed Family Black Accounting Scholarship

Gayle Jenkins North Seattle College

Sam L. and Elvera A. Heritage Scholarship

Charles Gumecindo Grays Harbor College

Eaon Roberts Family DEI Accounting Scholarship

Lilli Verdugo North Seattle College

Ken Tracy Accounting Scholarship

Sedona Ericson Cheney High School

Not Pictured: Washington CPA Foundation Accounting Scholarships Associate Recipient

Kim Rannow Central Washington University

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Washington CPA Foundation Accounting Scholarships

Undergraduate Recipients

Annika Blumenstein University of Washington
Natalie Boad Western Washington University
Hannah Bowles Gonzaga University
Abby Gates University of Washington
Catherine Hagman University of Washington
Andrew Ho University of Washington
Nick Hoagland Gonzaga University
Rachel Merrill University of Washington
Eliza Moloney University of Washington
Sarah O'Clock Bellevue College
Duy Pham University of Washington - Tacoma
Matthew Rinard Gonzaga University
Nandia Tungalag Whitworth University
Ulysses Vazquez-Perez University of Washington
Kathleen Vertner Whitworth University
Rachel Wang University of Washington
Annie Wright Gonzaga University
Josephine Zanella Western Washington University

Washington CPA Foundation Accounting Scholarships Graduate Recipients

Jacob Antin Gonzaga University
Alianna Ballard Western Governors University
Preston Bentley University of Washington
Brandon Blazekovic Eastern Washington University
Mira Chang Seattle University
Andrew Cheng University of Washington - Tacoma
Rohit Chhabra Seattle University
Trang Dang Central Washington University
Emily Even Gonzaga University
Monica Fernandes Seattle University
Karina Garzon Gonzaga University
Anita Guidry Whitworth University
Rachael Jolley University of Washington - Tacoma
David Kaberia Seattle University
Maddy Kling Eastern Washington University
Jenn Martin Stukey Eastern Washington University
Aiva McCargo Gonzaga University
Steph McLaren Gonzaga University
Neha Mittal University of Washington - Tacoma
Cathy Jun Washington State University

Washington CPA Foundation Accounting Scholarships Graduate Recipients (continued)

We are honored to celebrate the accounting students in the state of Washington who recently were selected to receive accounting scholarships.

We had many worthy applicants who all demonstrated significant potential for success in the profession. Our selection committee chose the following students for their outstanding GPAs, strong letters of recommendation, and compelling essays. With the support of contributors, individuals, and organizations that support the work of the Foundation, we are privileged to be able to support this promising group of future CPAs with more than $500,000 in scholarships.

$2,000 to each associate student

$5,000 to each undergraduate + 5th-year student

$10,000 to each master’s student

Julie Moore Gonzaga University
Amanda Purizaca Flores University of Washington - Tacoma
Nhi San Nicolas University of Washington - Tacoma
Ben Schotanus University of Washington
Isabella Schwalm University of Washington
Brannon Stimak University of Washington - Tacoma
Peony Teeny University of Washington
Lucy Tran University of Washington
Tia Tran Gonzaga University
Amanda Warren Central Washington University
Cameron Zundel University of Washington
Nadia Mohd Rozi Central Washington UniversityLynnwood


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Upcoming CPE

A selection of WSCPA CPE events scheduled August-November are listed.

To view the thousands of courses and complete details, please visit the CPE & Event Catalog at

Bottles, Brews & Buds Conference 2024

July 30 | Webcast | 4 credits

Expand your accounting expertise and join us for an exclusive learning experience tailored to accounting professionals in the beer, wine, and cannabis industries. Expert instructors will guide you through the latest insights and regional trends, ensuring you're equipped to navigate the accounting, tax, and legal complexities of these dynamic fields.

Farm Tax Conference 2024

August 22 | Kennewick | 8 credits

The agriculture industry operates under a unique set of tax rules, intricately tied to specialized income and deduction opportunities. We’ll delve into these nuances, guided by farm tax expert, Paul Neiffer, CPA, renowned for his insights shared on the FarmCPAReport blog. Let’s cultivate success together!

Attend a Fall Conference

• Fraud Conference | October 22

• Pacific Tax Institute | October 29-30

• Emerging Leaders Symposium | November 12

• Not-For-Profit Conference | November 20-21

The Washington Society of CPAs is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of group-live and group-internet-based continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its web site:

For more information regarding refunds, complaints, program cancellations or other policies visit www.wscpa. org/cpe/cpe-policies or call 425.644.4800

Upcoming In-Person CPE & Special Events

Jul 23 - Retain & Reign Tour

- Tacoma

Jul 30 - Retain & Reign Tour CPE Event and Members' Reception - Seattle/Bellevue/Everett

Aug 20 - Retain & Reign Tour CPE Event and Members' Reception - Yakima

Aug 21 - 2024 Washington Ethics and New Developments with Mark Hugh - Bellevue

Retain & Reign Tour CPE Event and Members' Reception - Tri-Cities

Aug 22 - Farm Tax Conference 2024 - Kennewick

Sep 18 - Retain & Reign Tour CPE Event and Members' Reception - Vancouver, WA

Sep 26 - Retain & Reign Tour CPE Event and Members' Reception - Bellingham

Oct 22 - Fraud Conference - Bellevue (registration open soon)

Oct 29 - 2024 Rules, Regulations and Ethics for CPAs in Washington with Thomas Neill - Bellevue

Oct 29-30 - Pacific Tax Institute - Location tbd (registration open soon)

Nov 12 - Emerging Leaders Symposium - Bellevue (registration open soon)

Nov 20 - 2024 Washington State CPA Ethics by Jim Rigos - Bellevue

Nov 20-21 - Not-For-Profit Conference - Bellevue (registration open soon)

Jan 22 - Federal Tax Update with Greg and George - Bellevue

Save your seat today at

WSCPA Blue Ribbon CPE




The WSCPA Peak Firm program recognizes and awards special benefits to firms that sign up 100% of their eligible staff for WSCPA membership. Being a Peak Firm establishes you as a leader in the profession and provides an array of discounts and benefits.

Learn more and enroll your firm at

Exclusive Benefits Include:

• Membership Dues Stay With Your Firm – Traditionally, WSCPA memberships remain with an individual, even if they leave your firm. When a member leaves a Peak Firm, we’ll honor your previous investment by providing FREE membership for the remainder of the membership year to your new hire.

• Easy Billing – Don’t get lost in paperwork—we’ll provide you with a single membership renewals invoice for all your employees.

• FREE In-House Training - Get 2.5 hours of free in-house training, tailored to your organization's specific needs.

• FREE WSCPA Room Rental – One room per year, up to $920 value, subject to availability.

• FREE Job Listings – Up to two free listings on the WSCPA Job Board per year, additional listings at discounted member rate. Up to $200 value.

• FREE Passport Corporate Cards – All staff, members, and support staff/nonmembers; up to 30% of paid membership.

• Recognition – Your firm will be listed as a Peak Firm on the WSCPA website and social media, as well as in our quarterly magazine, The Washington CPA

• Receive a Peak Firm Logo – Display on your website to recruit staff and clients.

All benefits are for the membership year, June 1 - May 31.

Affinity Group CPAs & Consultants

Alegria & Company PS

Baker Tilly LLC

Brantley Janson Yost & Ellison

Clark & Associates CPA PS

Cordell Neher & Company PLLC

Dwyer Pemberton & Coulson PC

Eide Bailly LLP

Falco Sult & Co

FBCPA Group PS Inc

Finney Neill & Co PS

Greenwood Ohlund PS

Hauser Jones & Sas

Hellam Varon & Co Inc PS

Hunt Jackson PLLC

Hutchinson & Walter PLLC

Jacobson Jarvis & Co PLLC

James Russell PLLC

Johnson & Shute PS

Johnson Stone & Pagano PS

King & Oliason PLLC

Kovarik & Kim PLLC

Larson Gross PLLC


Martin Bircher Thompson PC

McDevitt & Duffy CPAs

Moss Adams LLP

Nicholas Knapton PS

Norris Lutkewitte PLLC

Northwest CPA Group PLLC

Opsahl Dawson PS

Rekdal Hopkins Howard PS

Ryan Jorgenson & Limoli PS

Shannon & Associates LLP

Smith & DeKay PS

Starr & Leaf CPA Group PLLC

StraderHallett PS

Sweeney Conrad PS

The Doty Group PS

The Myers Associates PC

Vine Dahlen PLLC

Werner O'Meara & Co PLLC

Willet Zevenbergen & Bennett LLP

Your Financial Solutions LLC



Interested in using your CPA skills to make an impact in your local community? WSCPA has a list of volunteer opportunities for you to check out!

• Eastside Audubon

• Breaking Boundaries Foundation

• Pushing Boundaries

• Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility

• Community Health Centers of Snohomish County Seattle Choruses

• Leadership Eastside

• Seattle Pro Musica

• Northwest Gifted Child Association

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Mergers & Sales

IBA Sells Privately Held Companies: Do you represent a client who is ready to retire or has taken a company as far as they want to or can? IBA is the Pacific Northwest’s oldest business brokerage (M&A) firm. We are professional negotiators with over 4,300 completed transactions. Please contact us if we can be of assistance at 425.454.3052, 509.907.9406, or

Vancouver and Northern Olympic Peninsula Firms for Sale! With over 19 years of experience, Accounting Biz Brokers specializes in the sale of accounting firms and tax practices. Selling your accounting firm is complex. Let us make it simple. Northern Olympic Peninsula, WA Gross $375k, Vancouver, WA Gross $572k. Contact Kathy Brents, Accounting Biz Brokers, admin@ or 501.499.4357.

Washington Business Brokers: Have a client/ owner ready to explore the business sale process? We help owners confidentially explore the sale process. Transaction expertise, market knowledge, and results. 100% performance based fees— owners pay only at closing. Business owners are experts on their business. We are experts on the process of selling a business. Call 206703-3555 for a confidential, no commitment consultation. Check out resources and learn more at Put our experts to work for you!

Thriving King County Tax & Accounting Practice (WA 1236): Established in 2013, this successful practice has provided a wide range of tax and accounting services to both business and individual clients. At this time, there are 926 total clients. The Practice’s service by revenue breakdown is 81% tax and 19% accounting. In 2023, the Practice had over $2 Million in revenue and over $575k in EBITDA. The Practice’s success can largely be attributed to its established name and loyal clients who have grown to trust the services it provides. The practice currently employs ten (10) individuals, including the owner, who is willing to provide transition assistance and help with goodwill transfer, business development, and other “mentoring” functions for an agreed-upon period of time. To take advantage of this exciting business opportunity, call us at 253.509.9224 or email, with "1236 Thriving King County Tax & Accounting Practice" in the subject line.

Highly Profitable Marion County Tax and Accounting Firm (OR 1208): For over 68+ years, this Marion County tax and accounting practice has provided its services to countless clients within the community and surrounding areas. The Practice offers a wide range of services such as Tax Preparation & Consulting, Financial Statements, Payroll, and Bookkeeping. The Practice’s success can largely be attributed to its established name and loyal clients who have grown to trust the services it provides. In 2023, the Practice had impressive gross revenues of over $1.8M. The Practice has thirteen (13) loyal staff members including the Owner, who is willing to assist with the transition to new ownership for a short period of time to maximize the transfer of goodwill and client retention. To learn more about this exciting business opportunity, call us at 253.509.9224 or, send an email to info@, with "1208 Highly Profitable Marion County Tax and Accounting Firm" in the subject line.

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