Watson College of Education Betty Holden Stike Education Lab presents
Author Showcase Fall 2020
Featuring original stories, poetry and non-fiction Written by Ed Lab tutees and their tutors Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Hello, I am Betty Holden Stike Congratulations on being published in Author Showcase! I was born in Brunswick County, North Carolina and lived in Bolivia and on Holden Beach with my family. My father was a farmer and owned property, and my mother a homemaker. I had five brothers and one sister! I grew up loving my family, loving to read, and loving school. I had my own library at home and our family always read together. I graduated from Appalachian State Teachers College in 1936 and received my teaching certificate. After that, I taught elementary school back home in Brunswick County. I married Mr. Ray L. Stike, and we had one son. We named him John, and he became a dentist in Wilmington. He was a joy to me all my life. After teaching elementary school for a while, I started working at Wilmington College. There, I showed future teachers how to teach reading, language arts, social studies and math. Wilmington College became the University of North Carolina Wilmington, and I served on the faculty there until I retired in 1984. In 1985, the Ed Lab was created so future teachers could learn to teach reading under the guidance of the literacy faculty. That first year, the Ed Lab had less than forty students! When the Ed Lab moved into the new Education Building in 2005, a brand new space with books, learning games and plenty of room to learn was named in my honor. The Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory. I was so proud! Now, the Ed Lab has more than two hundred fifty students each year, all learning reading, writing, math, science, social studies and so many other things! I particularly love the Authors Showcase because you let us know that you and your family value reading and learning and supporting each other.
“Just remember: Never give up. Never ever give up!� - Betty Stike Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
And now….
On with the show….
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
The Adventures of Ozzy and Ruby By: Olivia Chewning Tutor: Ashleigh Adams One day Lizzy, the owner of Ruby the orange cat, went to the pet store. She wanted to get a puppy and name her Ozzy. There are lots of animals in the pet store. Lizzy is excited to get a new puppy! Lizzy thinks that Ruby will be happy to have a sister to play with and have attention. Lizzy is looking around the store. She sees a brown lab puppy with violet eyes. Lizzy feels so happy that she almost cries. Lizzy finally found the right puppy for Ruby to live and play with. Ozzy is happy, too. Ozzy finally found a family. Ozzy was very lonely until Lizzy came along. Lizzy adopted Ozzy immediately. Lizzy and Ozzy got in their big gold limousine and went home to their castle. Ozzy had never seen a castle that big. She had never seen a castle before. They stopped in the driveway. Ozzy was so excited. They went inside. That is when Ozzy met Ruby the Cat. Ruby had never seen a dog. She thought dogs were filthy and a waste of time. This was RUBY’S castle. Now a filthy dog was in it. Just then, Lizzy said, “This is your home now Ozzy, go play with your sister Ruby the Cat!” Ruby was not expecting this. She was ANGRY! Ozzy thinks that Ruby is going to be fun. She thinks this is a marvelous idea! Ruby starts thinking of plan to get Ozzy out of her castle. Ruby doesn’t want anyone in her castle except Lizzy. Lizzy, on the other hand was working on the 5th floor of the castle. Lizzy couldn’t hear Ruby at all. Ruby is making her plan good and her plan is starting right now. Ruby is going to scratch Lizzie’s favorite couch that Lizzy made herself. When Ruby was on the third floor, she raced down the stairs and ran to the elevator. She pressed on floor number one. Floor number one is where Lizzy’s favorite homemade couch is. Ruby is still jealous. Ozzy, on the other hand was taking a look around. That is when Ozzy spotted Ruby about to scratch the couch. Ozzy tries to stop her, but Ruby has already scratched the couch. Ruby thinks this is going to get Ozzy out of the castle forever. That is when Lizzy comes downstairs to have a break from her work. When Lizzy sees the mess, she is VERY ANGRY. Lizzy made the couch herself and she worked for days on it. Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Lizzy was so sad to see all of her hard work messed up. Lizzy sees the couch and she can’t figure out who did this. But then, just then, she knew who did this. She sees the claw marks. In an unpleasant voice Lizzy tells Ruby, “Come here right now!” Lizzy tells Ruby, “You’re being a bad cat. You did this, not Ozzy!” Lizzy worked for hours to repair her favorite couch. When Lizzy was done, she said, “That was a lot of work. Be careful Ozzy and Ruby do not get into any more trouble.” In a mad voice Lizzy said, “Especially you, Ruby!” Then Lizzy got a big green salad and went back upstairs to work. Ruby is still upset about Ozzy the filthy dog. Ruby is plotting the next trick right now. Even though Lizzy was mad, Ruby has to play another trick. She has to make Ozzy go away forever. Hours passed and Ruby finally came up with her plan. It was time to start the plan. The plan is now to ruin the whole castle and blame it on Ozzy the filthy brown lab. Ruby begins by talking to Ozzy just to distract her. Little does Ozzy know Ruby has an evil plan. Ruby says, “Hey Ozzy, do you want to go outside and play?” Ozzy says, “Yes.” Ozzy feels like something is wrong. Ozzy thinks that Ruby might have another plan to try to get Ozzy in trouble and sent back to the pet store. Ozzy goes outside anyway to wait on Ruby. That is when Ruby slams the door and locks it. Ruby goes in a bedroom and starts to knock the shelves and lamps over. They shatter into pieces on the floor. Little does Ruby know, Ozzy has a plan, too! Ozzy is trying to find a way inside the house. She searches all around. She tries to push on the big door, but it is closed. Then she tries the small door, just her size. It’s open! Ozzy rushes inside the castle and searches for Lizzy. Ozzy finds Lizzy on the 5th floor working. Ozzy jumps on Lizzy and begins to whine. Ozzy is trying to lead Lizzy to the bedroom where Ruby is making a big mess. Lizzy starts to follow Ozzy. Ozzy takes Lizzy to the bedroom on the 1st floor. Lizzy is so mad that she sent Ruby to her room. Three hours later it is dark. That is when Ruby decided to run away. She grabs a fish to eat and a small tent. Ruby is sad and mad. Her plans failed. Now Lizzy is mad at Ruby and not Ozzy. Ruby goes into the dark night. She runs away from her castle. Ruby gets scared. She turns on her small light. Ozzy was listening and had followed Ruby into the dark night. Ozzy finds Ruby. Ruby is confused. Ruby has done so many
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
means things to Ozzy. “Why would you come find me after all of the mean things I’ve done to you?” Ozzy says, “You are my sister. I will always come to find you.” Ruby feels happy and apologizes. Ruby asks Ozzy, “Can you forgive me?” Ozzy the nice lab said, “Yes, I will forgive you.” They head home together. Ozzy and Ruby became sisters that night. Now, you can always find them playing together. Lizzy was happy to see them finally get along. Lizzy, Ruby and Ozzy lived happily ever after in the big castle.
The End.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
My Best Birthday Party and Gift Ever! By: Lily Eklund Tutor: Adrianna Bardon
My best birthday gift was sand and a slip and slide. My best cake was a unicorn cake and the color was pink and yellow. There were M&M’s in the cake and it was a ginormous cake.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Paradise Falls By: Kira Picklesimer Tutor: Venice Beattie Hi, this is Kira! I will tell you about Paradise Falls. Paradise Falls is really fun, there are two 50 foot cliffs. There is one that you have to climb up rocks to the top of the cliff. The other one has a hike up to the mini rock climb. And there’s no gear. If you fall you may get hurt. The actual path there is really steep, so you have to hold on to a rope all the way down. You get very muddy and dirty. Also on the path, you have to jump across rocks over a watery path. Once you jump off of the cliff into water, it’s really scary but it’s really fun. I jumped off of the cliff three times. This is how I would describe it: If you swim up to one of the waterfalls, there’s a sitting spot under the waterfall. There’s a secret path, too. There’s a regular waterfall, and then right behind it is a very tall waterfall. You should go there around summer, that’s when it’s the best. The water is freezing cold. The first time I went, it was with my grandparents. The second time was for my friend's brother’s birthday.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Brothers By Aiden Lee and Meghanne Brunsink We are brothers. My name is Aiden. His name is Landon. Aiden is big. Landon is small. Aiden likes crackers. Landon likes crackers. Aiden is 6. Landon is 5. Aiden is good at running. Landon is good at playing. We are good brothers.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Once There Was a Horse By Amirah Rodgers Tutor: Ashley Cardillo
Once there was a horse. The horse's name was Horsey. Horsey was very big. She was mad because she got dirty. She and her friends wanted to be clean again. Both of her friends didn't want to take a bath.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Some of my Favorite Things By Charles Dixon Tutor: Mark Carr
C ar H ouse A nimals R ooster L ion E agle S nail D og I guana X ylophone O ctopus N ewt Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Halloween By: Alexis Maready Summer Faith Causey Fun Fact: did you know that ninety percent of people are happier in the fall? That is why people love the fall time. One of my favorite parts of fall is Halloween. I love Halloween. You get to hang up fall decorations, carve pumpkins, and you get to pick out a costume. My favorite Halloween movie is Hocus Pocus. I like going to haunted houses. I went to my first haunted house when I was eight years old. Last year for Halloween, I dressed up as Harley Quinn. This year, I am planning on being a ghost. My friends love Halloween too! My friend Sadie is going to be a ghost just like I am! The best part about Halloween is Trick-or-treating. I do not like it when people jump scare me. Due to coronavirus and not having my costume ready, I do not think I am going to go trick-or-treating. I am going to have a Halloween party. My favorite thing to eat on Halloween night is candy. My favorite type of candy is Twix and Kit-Kat. At Halloween and fall time, you get to eat pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie is one of my favorite things. I think the blue full moon Halloween night will be really pretty.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Let’s Make Our Own Story By Jayden Morris Tutor: Hannah Chandler
The family is camping in a cave. They find a zombie. The family runs away. They run to a town. The family warns the people. Nobody believes them.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Nether Adventure: A Minecraft Story By Erik Everhart Tutor: Kamryn Devita
One day, we went to the Nether. This was not an ordinary Nether trip. We were going to explore the Nether Temple. We walked into the Nether portal. There was big problem where we spawned. We were in a bad place! There were many Ghasts and Pigmen. But then, I saw something. I saw the Evil Herobrine!!! We had to fight the Ghasts and Pigmen. We lost many swords and stones. When we finally beat them, the Herobrine appeared. We kept fighting him, but he was still alive. He threw an Ender Pearl and he survived. This was much harder than a normal boss fight. We went into the Legendary Nether Temple. “Did we forget about something?” I asked. “We forgot about the Wither Skeleton!” As soon as I said this, the Wither Skeleton King walked up. We had to defeat the Wither Skeleton King! It took us 20 hours to defeat him. When it was finally over, we took all of the diamonds, gold, iron, and the blaze rods from the Nether Temple. We finally went home. We made so many things with our new blaze rods. We made blaze powder and brewing stands. After we crafted, we had a humongous party to celebrate! We have not found a Nether Temple since then. The End, or is it?
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
On My Broom By Ryder Harker Tutor: Monica Dudley
I would put a seat on my broom. The seat would be blue. I would bring EO, my pet bunny, on the broom. I would bring a brother on the broom. He would have a blue seat. I would bring a litter box for my bunny.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Chase and Thomas’s Cheeto the Cheetah By Thomas Crumrine Tutor: Chase Ebers Cheeto, the Cheetah likes to play soccer. That is his favorite sport. He also likes to watch TV. Transformers is his favorite show. He has two favorite superheroes, Spider-Man and Captain America. On Monday, Cheeto went to a BRAND-NEW SCHOOL. When he got dropped at school, he was scared and nervous, because it was tarantula day, and they were everywhere. Cheeto’s entire class was hiding behind Ms. Peterson’s desk. Cheeto remembered his friend Captain America and SpiderMan and suddenly was not scared anymore. They all sat together as they were handed the Tarantula. They touched it and passed it around. Cheeto was not scared anymore. He felt brave, he felt good and had a good time. School would eventually end and Cheeto would go home. He was so excited to tell his parents about his day at school; the day that he faced his fears and touched a spider.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Saving Rainbows By: Noelle Jung and Corinne Enlow Once upon a time there was a dot. The dot was happy because her name was HAPPIE!! She had a friend who was sad named Slindy, she had a friend who was mad, named Maddy, she had a friend who was bored named Bonnie, and she had a friend who was cheerful named Cheerilee! They were all girls, they lived in Colortopia! One day a new dot appeared. She was a rainbow dot, her name was Rainbows and she was transparent! All of the other dots liked Rainbows because she shined her rainbow light on them when the sun hit her. They all became friends and every day they went to their secret tree house. In the tree house they lived happily together. The neighbors that lived next to the dots were jealous of the dots, because they had a new rainbow friend. The neighbors trapped the rainbow friend and the dots had to fight for her back! To get their friend back the dots went to the potion shop to get invisible juice that makes the dots invisible. However, this only works for two hours so the dots had to be fast! The dots drank the potion and rolled to save their friend. To pass the guards the dot friends climbed up the cage quietly so they could press the button to open the cage and Rainbows could escape. The dots gave Rainbows the last bottle of invisibility potion. The dots rolled quietly and quickly together to Colortopia! All the dots lived happily ever after and Rainbows made a beautiful rainbow in the sky to shine on her friends for saving her!
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Haunted House Story By: Addison Novelli and Taylor Evernham One day I was walking down the street and passed a clock tower. The clock tower is really old and is made out of wood. The tower is still standing, but the wood has changed colors to a green color. I decided to go in. When I walk in, I see a small cloud that is floating around the room. There are many doors in the clock tower and there are clouds in each room. I smell burnt candles while walking through the clock tower. The candles are the only light in the clock tower and have always been burning. I keep hearing a lot of tapping coming from the different rooms, but I’m alone in here. I open one of the doors and see green mist around one of the floating clouds. All of a sudden, I turn around and see dogs dancing! That’s where the tapping came from, looks like the tower wasn’t scary after all!
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Meeting Sparkles! By McKeithan Cross Tutor: Talea Farrell One bright and sunny morning at school, Zoe was changing her books out for history. Gabby told Zoe about the magical forest far back in the woods. That afternoon, Zoe went on her jog and took a wrong turn. Zoe ended up in the beautiful and magical forest. The forest had blossom trees, birds chirping, and an enchanted lake. Zoe smelt the fresh roses and dandelions. When Zoe stepped in the forest there was a unicorn named Sparkles. Sparkles was wearing a necklace that said, “To Zoe from Gabby.” Zoe was feeling very happy and surprised. Zoe didn’t think Unicorns even existed! Zoe slowly walked up to Sparkles and felt her soft fur. While petting Sparkles, she decided she wanted to hop on. Zoe looked around the magical forest while riding Sparkles and saw the bright apple and cherry trees. Zoe picked an apple and split it with Sparkles. It was starting to get dark outside, so Zoe decided she needed to go back home. She had so much fun meeting Sparkles, eating the fruit, and smelling the flowers.
Meeting Sparkles: Halloween Edition One day at school, Gabby and Zoe were very excited for Halloween. That evening, Zoe went to the Magic Forest to see Sparkles. When Zoe got to the magical forest, she saw Sparkles at the Enchanted Lake. Zoe got to the lake and Sparkles was in her Halloween costume, a pumpkin. Zoe was Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
also in her costume, which was a rock star. Then Zoe got on Sparkles and went on a ride before Halloween night. Next, Zoe asked Sparkles if she wanted to go trick-or-treating and Sparkles nodded her head. After, Zoe and Sparkles went to find Gabby to see if she wanted to trick-or-treat. Then Sparkles, Gabby, and Zoe went off to trick-or-treat. After a long night of trick-or-treating, Zoe and Sparkles went home, and Zoe said goodbye to Sparkles. Sparkles galloped back to the magical forest.
If there was one thing in the world that you could change or make better, what would it be? I would like to help the people who have breast cancer. One way we can help them is by giving medicine. My friend’s grandma had breast cancer. I hope one day, no one will have to have breast cancer.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
The Adventures of Jerry and Mike By: Jamison McCroy and Chazmin Fennell
Once upon a time there were two animals that were the best of friends. Mike was a cat and Jerry was a dog. Jerry and Mike always loved to do things together. They liked to play Mario Kart. “Oooooooohhhh I’m going to beat you Mike” laughed Jerry. “Ohhhh yeah, we’ll see about that” chuckled Mike. They liked to watch their favorite show on TV, “Dinotruck”. “Hahahahaha, this show is super funny!” Mike said. “It sure is”, said Jerry. They also liked to eat out of people’s trash cans. Their favorite meal from the trashcan was stinky, four-day-old fish. “Yummy, this hit the spot”, said Jerry looking for more stinky fish. “It sure did friend, said Mike as he looked in a restaurant across the street garbage can. They also liked to play tag outside in the mornings. “Catch me if you can” said Jerry as he was running away from Mike. “I’m faster than you think I am friend” said Mike inching closer to Jerry. The two friends loved to go on the same adventures each day. One day, the two friends realized that they were super bored. They did the same thing over and over. “I want to try something different today” said Jerry as he paused the game of Mario Kart. Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
“I agree, friend! Let’s play Sonic Mania! I heard it’s a super hard game but it should be so much fun!” said Mike. So, the friends changed out their games and started playing Sonic Mania. “We have to beat Egg-man and get the 7 chaos emeralds, Mike” said Jerry in frustration. “I know friend, we can use teamwork to beat him” said Mike with a determined look on his face. Mike and Jerry played the Sonic Mania game for a while and decided to take a break and play the “Don’t Blink Game”. “The rule of the game is to see who can go without blinking the longest” said Mike. “Ohhh, that’s easy Mike, I can do that in my sleep” laughed Jerry. “Are you sure about that? I’m the champion of this game” said Mike as he rubbed his eyes to prepare to beat Jerry. Jerry won the first time and Mike won the second time. “Let’s go eat, and I don’t want any stinky fish” said Jerry as he rubbed his stomach. “That makes two of us friend, let’s go find something to eat!” said Mike. They decided to go to Mike’s house to find something good to eat. Mike looks in the freezer and found 1 chicken patty and decides to split it into 4 pieces and share with Jerry. “Thank you, friend!” said Jerry as he ate his last piece of chicken patty. “Anything, for my best friend” said Mike as he swallowed a huge gulp of water. “Let’s go play, Hide and Seek” said Mike running out the door. “Okay, you’re it!” said Jerry running away from Mike. “Today has been a good day, friend and it’s even better because I get to make memories with my friend!” Jerry said as they laid on the ground looking at the sun going down. “It sure has, friend, and I’m glad we tried something different today because now we have so many options to choose from tomorrow!” Mike nodded. THE END!!!!
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Tutor: Amy Forbis
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
By Kelsey Dudley Tutor: Gracen Gallaher Riley the Dog Once there was a dog. He sat on a log.
Earth Day I will plant trees. I will recycle everything that I
He fell in the water.
How to Catch a Zebra
Camping Narrative Once I was on a camping trip. And then it was time for us to go to bed. And then I ran into the wall. That really hurt when I ran into the wall. I had to put ice on the big purple bruise on my leg. Once I was on a camping trip. And then I realized my dad’s friends were camping too. And then we went for a bike ride. Then we went to play put-put and we got ice cream. We also went to the pumpkin patch. We picked out a pumpkin and got cotton candy. Then we had cupcakes for my dad’s birthday. And went trick or treating.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
1. First you will try to put gum in a pool. 2. If that does not work dig a hole and cover it with leaves. 3. Then try to put a pile of food under a cage. 4. If that does not work put extra sticky peanut butter on a tree.
When I Have a Cold My mom brings me chips and popsicles. I like when my mom makes me grilled cheese when I don’t feel good. I like when my mom makes me taco soup.
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Small Lip Gloss Business By. Jazmin Diaz Tutor: Giselle Garcia
I started by telling people to build a small building. I first started buying materials online to create my lip gloss. I also bought lashes, keychains, and clothes. We are going to get the stickers off my brand, get my packaging with my name and logo. I’ll invite other family members to spread the word. We are going to have a schedule to mail packages for sanitation. We are also going to buy hand sanitizers and cloth masks for those who don’t have them. Now, the store is opened. There is a girl with a small grocery bucket with masks. She will give the customers hand sanitizers and a mask. Customers are going to social distance inside the store. I’m going to have 3 people, one who makes the products, one who helping customers, and the cashier. I am going to recommending all our products and helping our customers. Our days are going to be the same. Once the quarantine is over, the front girl is going to inform the customers of the new procedures. We will have a male worker who is going to mail our products out to the world and bring in more people. We are going to expand our business slowly. We will also include free giveaways and fundraisers for kids and school supplies. We are also going to plan events in the store. We are never going to close the business. I will continue to add products and build our business.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Visiting the Ocean By Ella Strickler Tutor: Haley Gibson I like the coral in the ocean. There are also many different types of fish in the ocean. In the ocean, there are stingrays. These are my favorite animals in the ocean because they come in all different sizes and colors. Stingrays can also sometimes be dangerous, because they can sting people. Another cool animal is a dolphin. Dolphins are cute! At the beach, I like to swim in the ocean. I also like to play in the sand. I think it’s fun to build random things in the sand. Something else that is fun to do in the sand is look for all the different kinds of seashells. My favorite are the ones that are tiny but not like too tiny. At the beach, I see birds, fish and so many people. The beach is fun because I get to see and do so many cool things.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Every Letter in My Yard By Jon Eber & Talina Giles
When I look in my yard, I see every letter. I see an Apple in the yard, It is red and fruity. I see a Butterfly in the yard, It is blue and flutters. I see a Caterpillar in the yard, It is small and colorful. I see a Dog in the yard, It is soft and white. A, B, C, and D all like to play with me. I see an Elephant in the yard, It is big and gray. I see a Farmer in the yard, It is caring and hard working. I see a Goat in the yard, It is hungry and loud. I see a Horse in the yard, It is tall and strong. E, F, G, and H, all put a smile on my face. Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
I see Ice in the yard, It is cold and wet. I see a Jack-o'-lan¡tern in the yard, It is orange and scary. I see a Kite in the yard, It is light and colorful. I see a Ladybug in the yard, It is red and black. I, J, K, and L all run around and yell. I see my Mom in the yard, She is kind and loving. I see a Net in the yard, It is white and has holes. I see an Octopus in the yard, It is dry and has 8 legs. I see a Pig in the yard, It is loud and pink. M, N, O, and P like to play hide and seek. I see a Queen in the yard, She is pretty and rich. Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
I see a Rooster in the yard, It is bossy and brown. I see a Scooter in the yard, It is fun and hard to ride. I see a Turtle in the yard, It is scared and protected. Q, R, S, and T, like to look at me. I see an Umbrella in the yard, It is beachy and rainy. I see a Vine in the yard, It is long and itchy. I see Water in the yard, It is wet and blue. I see an X-Crossing Sign in the yard, It is big and for the deer. U, V, W, and X all play just like the rest. I see a Yellow duck in the yard, It is tiny and dirty. I see a Zoo in the yard, It is loud and has a lot of animals. Y and Z, are like all the others, playing outside in all types of weather.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Author Showcase By Zoey Namiot Tutor: Elisa M. Gonzalez
There was a little girl named Zoey and one day she went to school super excited. That day in school she was learning about place values all the way up to the hundreds place. During the review time the teacher had wanted Zoey to add together 43 + 30. Zoey was in need for help, so the teacher explained that she should work from right to left. The teacher explained that it will be easier to line up the numbers underneath one another and then split the digits in half. Starting on the right Zoey should add 3 + 0 which equals 3. Then the teacher explained that she worked in the ones place first because those were the smaller numbers which were easier to work with. Next, Zoey worked on 4 + 3 which equals 7. She knew that answered because four is her lucky number and 3 was her sister’s favorite number. The teacher then explained that the answer was correct and used tens cubed blocks to show Zoey and the class how many tens blocks they would need to make seven. They put the answer together and it was 73 in total which then they had in front of them 3 of the single cubes and 7 stacks of the tens block. After school Zoey thanked her teacher for teaching her how to understand place values and as Zoey got home she was excited to tell her family what she learned that day at school which made them proud.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
“The Perfect Beautiful Day” By: Julianna Johnston & Sarah Gupton “Good morning!” mom says. It is going to be a perfect and beautiful day today. To start the day, we will ride Peanut the horse up the mountain to watch the sunrise. Next, we will feed all of the lovable animals including the horses, cats, dogs, and parrots. Then, we will have cookie cake as our breakfast. In the middle of our perfect, beautiful day we will watch YouTube for two hours. On YouTube, we will watch Maria, Eldy Shadow Lady, and SmallishBeans. For lunch, we will eat more cookie cake. Then, we will make a cookie shaped bed. To end our perfect, beautiful day we will play with the Evee Evolution Pokémon. For dinner we will ride Peanut the horse back to the mountain for a picnic and eat the rest of our cookie cake. Today has been a perfect and beautiful day! THE END
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
“ALL ABOUT TYLER” BY TYLER LOMBARDI & DANIELLE HARSKJOLD My name is Tyler and I’m seven years old. I am a son, grandson, friend, gamer, and a 2nd grader. I am smart, loved, friendly, funny, and happy. And one day I will be a writer or a video game creator.
I have a big family of people who support me. Annie, Brian, Teddy, Reilly, and Ella are just a few. I love them more than anything. They always make me laugh when I’m feeling blue.
I wouldn’t be where I am today without them. Early morning car rides, home cook dinners, and lots of hugs and kisses. I was taught to always try my best no matter what. And they still love me, even when I forget to put away my dishes.
Super Mario Kart and my family made me want to code and create. Coding makes me happy and I want to learn as much as I can. Right now, video games are my hobby but it will one day be my career. I believe I can be anything because my family has always been my biggest fan.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Tutor: Marina Henry
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Crazy Hair Day at School By Hannah Hudson Tutor Madison Hinson
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Maxwell: The Best Dog By Zae’lei Baker Gause Tutor: Ronald Hunter Once upon a time there was a dog named Maxwell. He was a tiny dog. Maxwell was the greatest dog, and every other dog was jealous of him. They were jealous because he was so much better than all the rest. He was the best at playing fetch, at making art, and helping to make pizza! The other dog’s owners were mad that their dogs were not good like Maxwell, so they gave him some cursed dog food and turned him into…a BAD DOG! Maxwell was starting to wonder what was wrong with him because he didn’t bring back his toys while playing fetch and he didn’t want to help make pizza anymore. He then had an idea…the other dog’s owners must have done something to him! He decided to make a magical drink that would remove the curse, so that he would turn back into a good dog! He was a happy and good dog forever more! The End.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Fall 2020 Dear Diary, A lot is going on with Coronavirus and a lot of people are getting sick. Nothing is open and we can’t go to school. We have to wear masks if we go out. It makes me feel bored all of the time! We even have to do school on the computer. I can’t see my friends very much. I am sad because I have not been able to see them. I have spent a lot of time with my family which can sometimes be fun, but we have gotten used to each other. I think that they are going to find a cure for the virus by at least next year. Sincerely, Ruth A. and Lindsey Jablonski
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Where I’m From Written By: Keaton Stephany & Savannah Johnsey
I am from iPads. From Apples and Peaches. I am from the big, blue, comfortable, and clean smelling house. I am from an oak tree, tall and strong. I'm from family board games and the outdoorsy family, From my brother, Teague and my puppy, Piper. I'm from the movie watchers and “Piper group hug” From “clean up your playroom” and “shut the door so flies don’t get in the house” I'm from Wilmington and my dad is from Pittsburg, with lots of delicious salads and my mom’s Famous Chicken. From the Disney Cruise with the extremely big water slide with my cousins, parents and brother. The Hawaii honeymoon my grandparents took with the boat trip and the drinking from coconuts! The family picture albums kept in safe keeping in Wilmington, North Carolina with my Mom.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Bryenna Cooks for the Crowd By Bryenna Tripp Tutor: Tabitha Kelly I want to show the crowd my cooking skills. I want to show the people how to make fried pickles. You have to gather your ingredients and other items needed. You will need oil, flour, pickles, pepper, salt, other spices, and a fryer. You will need to cut the pickles and put the flour into a bowl. Dip the pickles into the flour. Put oil into a fryer pan and then turn the stove on so the oil gets hot. Put the pickles into the pan then let it sit for a couple of minutes until they are brown. When they are done, take them out of the oil and put them on a paper towel to get the extra oil soaked up. Last, put the salt and pepper or other spice on them. Then use your dressing to dip them in. Thank you for watching bye!
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Author Showcase By Jing Jing Wu Tutor: Meghan Kavanaugh Missing In the story, Missing, technology and companionship makes a hard time easier. I agree with Missing. The character Linus is having a hard time because his cat Taxi has gone missing! Linus was very sad, but her mom was there to help. His mom helped by making flyers on their device and they hung them up in the neighborhood. This made Linus feel hopeful. Meanwhile, Mr. Samson was simultaneously having a hard time of his own. His daughter, who just had a baby was 3000 miles away. Due to the pandemic, he is unable to visit his family. He is also having trouble with technology. While Mr. Samson is sad about setting up his computer, he goes outside. There, he found a little cat, Mr. Samson named him Mr. Beard. It turns out that Mr. Beard is actually Taxi! Later that day, Mr. Samson heard someone calling for Taxi, and Mr. Samson helped him find his way home. Linus’ family helped Mr. Samson to set up his computer so he could connect with his family. Another reason that I agree with the story is because that happened to me. When I was new to this world, my grandpa didn’t live where I lived, and he missed me so much that he cried many times! So my grandma used WeChat to communicate with my grandpa, so he could see me. This year, the world is having
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
a hard time with coronavirus. However, we can still use technology to connect with friends and family and keep companionship. The Moon If I could go to the moon and bring one thing back, it would be the golden branch. I would feel excited because going to the moon is not a thing you can do every day. I chose the golden branch because it symoolizes Neil Armstrong’s wish for all humans to experience peace. The Apollo 11 mission took 4 days. That means the astronauts flew more than 100 hours to get to the moon! The golden branch is less than a foot in length, that’s about the size of a pencil. If a thing this small could be kept safe for the whole mission, that means it meant a lot to him and it is sentimental. The golden branch is not an object you can simply get in the market, or from your friend, it is more special than that. Even though Neil Armstrong was the captain of the Apollo 11 mission, the golden branch is a symbol of peace for all humans. This means he included everybody in the whole wide world, not only Americans or astronauts. It is important to me to care about others. Neil Armstrong also felt it was important to care about others. He showed this by including the whole globe with his action.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Naming the Great White Shark By Eliot Jiron & John Patrick King
Once upon a time, there lived a Great White Shark, a clownfish named Nemo, and a flounder named Phil. One day, an experienced scuba diver named Ryan found a Great White Shark off the coast of the Atlantic. The Great White Shark looked happy and Ryan decided to swim above it. Then, the Great White Shark spoke to Ryan! He said, “What’s your name?” Ryan looked shocked that a shark just spoke words! “My….my…name is Ryan” he muttered. “What is your name?” The Great White Shark looked confused. He had never been given a name before! The Great White said, “I don’t have a name. You can call me the Great White Shark if you want!” Ryan felt sad because he just made up his name. Two of the Great White’s friend swam over. The Great White Shark looked happy to see Nemo the Clownfish and Phil the Flounder. “Well, how do you do?” said Nemo to Ryan. He told the Great White’s friends that he felt sad because he didn’t have a name. Phil suggested that they name him. “That’s a great idea!” said Nemo. They all suggested different names and the Great White chose a name that he thought of. “How about Gary?” said the Great White Shark. “I like that name!” said Ryan. “Us too!” said Nemo and Phil. Then Gary, Nemo, and Phil all celebrated with their new friend Ryan. Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
When I grow up, I want to be a... Paleontologist! By: Jack Perry and Meghan King I think that being a paleontologist seems like a fun job because I like dinosaurs and I would get to dig up dinosaur fossils. I would eventually get to put them in a museum for other people to see. I would go to work at 10 a.m. and find places to dig up dinosaur bones. First, I would look up where dinosaurs used to live and find the closest place to me, to go searching. Next, I would get in my car and head there. Once I arrive, I will find a place to dig and unearth the bones. I think I would find about 200 if I found a whole dinosaur skeleton. I think I would make $100 an hour but would make $2,000 an hour if I found a very valuable dinosaur. I have always been interested in dinosaurs because they roamed the Earth so long ago and are kind of still around in a way for us to find them. These are the reasons that I would love to be a Paleontologist in the future!
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
By Azaiyah Brunson Tutor: Kelly Klinedinst
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Sinumin the Chicken: A Day at the Coop Chick Sitting 101 By Amelia Brothers Tutor Jennifer Lackey
There is this girly girl chicken who is the queen of the coops. She went by the name Sinumin and she is the girliest chicken of the flock. She is known for laying eggs with double yolks, which makes her have twin chicks, every time. But any normal day at the coops is about to change. Just think, having a flock of twin chicks is bound to be crazy. Sinumin lives in a big, queenly coop with her babies. There is a big rooster who hung around the coops and thought he should be the king of the coops. He went by the name W.D. and he was a flashy, but helpful rooster. So helpful that he offered to chick sit for Sinumin while she went to a neighbor’s coop for lunch and a makeup party. Little did he know his Thursday was about to change. “This can’t be right!” yelled W.D. as he walked into Sinumin’s coop. “You said four chicks” he exclaimed as he looked around the coop. “No,” said Sinumin as she ran out the door as fast as her chicken legs could take her. “I said 40” was the last thing that W. D. heard as the door slammed. W.D. looked around the coop, shaking his head, thinking, how can I take care of all these chicks? There were chicks on the kitchen counter looking in the cupboard for cookies, chicks in the bathroom, swimming around in the toilet, and even more chicks dusting in their mom’s prize-winning dandelion garden. He stood in the middle of the kitchen, puffed up his feathers, and crowed the biggest crow the chicks ever heard. To his surprise, the crowing worked. All forty chicks stopped what they were doing and looked at him. What was he going to do? He had a few ideas to entertain four chicks, not forty. W.D. decided to hatch a plan. As he looked around the coop, he thought it was time to call his subjects to order. “What a mess you guys created. We need to do something about it” he crowed. Maybe a little contest was needed. He split the chicks into two groups, one for the inside, or the Blue Team, and one for the outside, the Purple Team. But I need a prize he thought, as he walked past his subjects. Something that wouldn’t get their feathers in a knot. W.D. lined the chicks up on either side of him. “You chicks have to clean your mess up”, he said, while walking back and forth between them. “There is water all over the bathroom floor. The kitchen has crumbs everywhere. And you should see the yard” he said, looking at the chicks as he walked past them. But as he was giving instructions, the chicks were hatching a plan of their own.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Why You Don’t Fight Bugs! Cole Marcos and Madchen Lastinger In hornet’s nest, Hornet flies out and starts stealing everybody’s food. Hornet is always looking for food because he wants his kids to grow big and strong. One day, Rattle snake was tired of Hornet stealing her food, so she asked Widow to stop him. Widow was eating her lunch and said that she would stop Hornet next week. Crocodile newt was nervous that Rattle snake might eat him. He ran off into the woods because he was so scared. The next week, Hornet got captured in Widows web. Widow set up a trap for Hornet by putting a fly in here web. Hornet went for the food that Widow had and got stuck. Widow came out and tangled him up. Hornet was almost free but Widow grabbed him and pulled him back in. Hornet did not steal anymore food. But there was something Widow was forgetting… It was not too much longer before Mysterious Monster saw Hornet’s babies. Mysterious Monster could not leave him home. So, he asked his friend Asp Viper to go get Widow. Asp Viper could go out of her home, but not too far. So she asked Slither to go to Widow. Luckily, Slither had a home close to Widow. She told Widow the bad news. Widow said “I will get those guys soon.”
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
The Dog Frank Violet Howell and Mallie Littman My dog Frank used to walk around the neighborhood And he could do flips and tricks I could ride on him I truly could He lived to be very old He could smell anything cold and hot He could sniff and sniff all of that mold Oh that dog, oh that dog He lived to be 100 in dog days Until he went up to heaven and now he’s reading alllll those catalogs
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
They're Called Cats! By: Rebekah Elliot Tutor: Roxanne Liva A Kittens Express Production
Cats don't Always make a mess. They Sometimes Are Really Excellent little fuzzballs. A cat Won a prize one time Eva was her nomen She was very Organized Mainly at school Especially in history
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Nomen - Latin for name
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
They’re Called Dragons! Dragons Rambunctious Awesome Graceful On their wings kNown to mankind as Slithering serpents Are always intelligent Rather than their External Appearance Water is their favorite Especially on Sunny days. October is their favorite Month Especially on Fridays.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
My New Dog, JJ By Kasen Wescott Tutor: Roxie Long There are so many different dogs, which one do I choose? This one, he’s the one! His name is JJ, he is 1-year-old and he knows how to sit and stay. “Mom, mom can we get him? Please, please, please!” I beg. “I guess so” my mom says. “Yay let's go home JJ!” I shout. JJ has big ears and a mouth that likes to slobber. He has black fur, and white paws. On our way back home, we stopped at a pet store and picked up some supplies for him. We got a blue fuzzy bed, a food bowl, a water bowl, and a name tag. Now we are home and JJ is exploring everything. He’s jumping on the beds and all over the couch. “No, JJ your bed is over here” I remind him. I then go to the kitchen to fill up the water and food bowl. JJ goes right up to the water and gets a big gulp. “Don’t spill the water JJ”, my dad says.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
“Hey mom can I take JJ for a walk around the neighborhood?” My mom looks at my dad, and then she sighs and says, “I suppose that will be alright”. His dad nods his head with approval. I get to the door and my dad says, “wait! It is about to storm.” I look at him and say, “We are just going to the corner! I will be back in 20 minutes.” I get JJ’s leash and sprint out the door. On our walk, I laugh and play with JJ. I watch him get sticks and bark at people, and cars passing by. As soon as JJ and I got to the corner it started pouring rain. JJ and I ran back home as fast as we could. We ran into the garage, when suddenly BAM! I slipped and fell right at the garage door. “OUCH, that hurt!” JJ started licking me and I began to laugh. My mom walked out and looked very angry. She then made us both take a shower and it took 3 hours! After we get out, it’s time to put on my pajamas, and put JJ to bed. This has been a great first day with my new dog! I am eager to get to sleep so I can play with JJ in the morning.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Author Showcase By William Hundley Tutor: Josh Macmillan
Super pretty flowers Purple and pink Run outside I like the warm weather New leaves on the trees Good for plants
Super, hot weather Use sunscreen My dad blows up the pool My mom puts on her swimsuit Eat pizza Really fun to play outside Flowers go away A lot of trees lose their leaves Leaves turns, red, yellow and orange Leaves pile up Winter is cold I like to throw snowballs No plants on the ground Time for hot chocolate Evergreens trees Ready for Spring again
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
10/14/2020 Dear Diary I found a lizard today! It was colorful and so beautiful, and it was a male lizard. I named the lizard Fang, it was blue red even purple, yes, it was colorful and when I found it, it was in a tree! It was eating flies and when they flew by, he sticks his tongue out and eats them. Aria
10/28/2020 Dear Diary So, you how I told you how I found a lizard, well I wanted to keep it and so that’s what I did! I then got all the stuff to take care of it, like food and a big open place so Fang could run around. But I wasn’t going to let the poor little guy be all by himself, I went to PetSmart and bought a female lizard for Fang! I put them in the same tank. Aria
By Aria Oxendine Tutor: Megan Manning
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Facts about Animals By Westley Bland Tutor: Josh Maulin
Water bears can fly on Earth and in outer space. The naked mole rat uses its teeth to dig tunnels. Golden poison dart frogs are yellow and poisonous. Beluga whales are white. Tiger sharks can bite through sea turtles. Tiger sharks weigh 1,200 pounds!
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HORSES By Finley Sasser Tutor: Hannah Maxwell Grooming and Health ● Before and after you ride your horse they need their hooves picked. ● Farriers take care of horses' feet. Diet ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ●
Horses can eat 20 pounds of food a day. Horses like apples and carrots for treats They drink 12 gallons of water a day. Horses eat hay and grass. Horses love treats!
What are horses used for? Horses are used to pull wagons. Horses are used for racing Quarter horses are good for rounding cattle. They can be used for barrel racing.
Random ● Horses live in pastures or barns. ● A quarter horse is a fast horse ● The quarter horse is the most popular horse in the USA. Why I love horses The first time I barrel raced was when I was three. Then I got my first horse when I was four years old. I won my first place ribbon when I was six years old. I loved horses ever since then because they are fun. I hope this page shows everyone why I love horses and I hope this page helps everyone like them as much as I do.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
The Car Crash By: James Robertson and Miss Jess First, I was driving down the dirt road that was snowy. It was hard to drive. Then there was a stop sign because there was no power and I stopped. The road was super slippery. Then Miss Jess was going 70 miles an hour and she couldn’t stop and then she ran into my Bugatti. Next I called 911 and the ambulance showed up and picked me up. Then, the ambulance drove me to the hospital. At the hospital, the doctors had to cut open my head and take out my brain and put in a super powerful new brain that is made of metal. After I got my new brain, I went home by walking with my feet. When I got home, I was surprised to see a robot dragon in my driveway. Then, I tried to hop on the dragon to go for a ride. The dragon liked me so we did everything the dragon could do. We even turned into a monster truck and flew around the world! The world went black. Then, we went to space and saw the death star and we shot it down with fire breathing powers. Then I went back home, and everything was normal, and I had enough money to buy anything in the world. The end.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
2 Peeps By: Jax Dewan and Rose Morzinski I am funny and kind I wonder what will happen when the sun dies I hear spltttth I see a fish eating another fish eating a piranha I want new Nerf guns I am funny and kind I pretend to study in class I feel guilty I touch soft stuffed animals I worry that we're all not real I cry when I miss my Grandpa I am funny and kind I understand that the world will end soon. I say God and Jesus are real I dream about skydiving I try to get over my fear of heights I hope COVID-19 goes away I am funny and kind
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
The Tales of Super Ducky (Part 1) By: Aubree Lee & Alexis Mobley Super Ducky Once there was a duck born with powers. He figured out he could fly and kind of go fast, but he has one more power he doesn’t know about. Let’s start; Mr. Duck was watching the news and he saw a spider messing with some ants. Mr. Duck (aka) Super Ducky went to work. When Super Ducky got there… the spider was about to hurt the ants, so Super Ducky said, “Get away spider or should I say Molly.” Try to get them if you can said, Molly; so Super Ducky ran and ran… and then he was gone. No! He became small; Super Ducky stops and said, “how are you so big and I’m so small?” Oh yeah you’re so small and I’m “so big” said Molly. Super Ducky did not give up and could still fly, so he started to run to the ants and BOOM! He was big again; so, he walked over to stomp Molly, but nothing happened. He ran and ran after Molly and after an hour Molly started to slow down and BOOM! He fell. When Molly fell Super Ducky got Molly and said, “Stop in the name of Super Ducky.” Then, Super Ducky turned him into the animal cops; he is going to animal jail for two years and so Mr. Duck went home. THE END!
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
The Adventures of Super Ducky (Part 2) Once there was a duck who was sitting at his brother’s house and watching the news. Mr. Ducky went to go get a drink when his brother said, “Mr. Duck come look at the news!” When Mr. Duck got to his brother, on the news he saw a big turtleusoris trying to get to the secret agency to control the CITY. Mr. Duck said to his brother “I got to home, I got to home;” his brother asked, “Why do you need to leave?” Mr. Duck said, “I just got to go home, I just got to go home.” When he got home he put on his Super Ducky outfit to get ready to save the day. When he got to Town Hall he realized the turtleusoris was small and he says, “I got this!” When he started to walk up to the turtlesurois he realized he had a zapper gun. The turtluesurois started shooting at Super Ducky, so Super Ducky started flying. While he was in the air he got a chance to come down on the turtlesurios and tie his hands up, but when the turtlesoris had his hands tied up he started shaking and shaking until he got lose and shot at Super Ducky with his zapper gun. Super Ducky was like “I wish I never said I got this.” Super Ducky was thinking how about we get some meat from the store because he’s a dinosaur and most dinosaurs are meat eaters. When he got to the store he went to the manager and said he needed meat ASAP it was an emergency. The manager got the meat and told Super Ducky it would be $20; Super Ducky got $20 out and gave it to the manager. Super Ducky flew back to the Town Hall for turtlesurios to eat the meat; when turtleusoris was done Super Ducky tied him up super tight and turned him into the animal cops. THE END Super Ducky said, “I’m supposed to say THE END!”
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
MY DOG AND ME By: Kharis Riesland Tutor: Alyson Moseley BOOM, BOOM, BOOM! I was at Katy Perry's concert in Hawaii! She was singing Firework and she invited a cat to sing with her. I spotted a pineapple singing on stage; it was singing backup and wearing sunglasses. Suddenly my face was covered with dog breath and slobber, and I realized it was a dream, and such a bizarre dream it was! At that moment my tired eyes flickered open; I was on the verge of karate-chopping something. In front of my face was a furry little beast, Boone; so, there I sat petting my puppy, slobber and all. I suddenly heard my dad come bounding down the hallway and before I knew it, he came bursting through the door and bellowed, “WAKE UP!” I wanted a little more time, so I whispered, “5 more minutes,” and as soon as he came bursting through dad was gone. I knew I won 5 more minutes with Boone, so I sat there. I remembered all the times that I couldn’t get my dad to give me 5 more minutes with Boone until that morning. My dog’s fur was as soft as warm summer grass. As if he was whispering for me to rub his belly, so I did. There I sat just me, my dog, and my tired eyes. Soon enough my dad hollered, “5 minutes is up come to breakfast!'' Before I could stop, I found myself coming to breakfast, with my dog. He bolted down the hall to get the fresh bacon. I was famished, so I joined him. Until tomorrow, I thought to myself as I went to the breakfast table to get my bacon before everyone ate it all.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Two friends
By Scarlet DeWan Tutor: Sam Nelson One day in a magical jungle, Scarlet the fox meets Sam the unicorn. Scarlet is maroon, blue, green, and hot pink. She is 5 years old and is playful. Sam is a unicorn who is green and pink. They leave to go on an adventure! They go everywhere- Mexico, Texas, New York, the desert, North Carolina, and more! Scarlet found a red fox on her trip and Sam found some deer. In New York, they got tacos. They saw a dragon also eating these super spicy tacos! The dragon breathed fire from the spicy tacos, and the whole place caught on fire. The three friends left New York Taco and went to a pumpkin patch. They rented a pumpkin and they carved their faces on it! Scarlet, Sam, and Dragon lived happily ever after. The End.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
A Witch and a Pup Became Friends By: Hayden Heglar and Madelynn Newton A story that will make you cry then feel happy Once there was this freaky witch at a scary abandoned school at a beautiful sunset. The witch heard a whimpering noise upstairs. When she went to go look upstairs there was something there. There was something hiding under a big box. She could hear the whimpering noise. When she went to go lift up the box, she found a wolf that was scared. It was a lone pup that was scared and hurt. The pup jumps up and ran down the hall howling. The witch went to go chase the pup and she caught him, and they became best friends. And went back to their witch’s hut in the swap. When they got back to the witch’s hut, the witch got some bandages and helped the pup out.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
By Frances Adams
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Tutor: Ashley Oakes
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Finn's Guide To Pick the Best Pet For You
Written and illustrated by an amazing Finn David Fontaine
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Saving the Rainforest By Madelyn Murray Tutor: Ashley Oakes
Prompt: Is there somewhere in the world that you would like to protect? What kind of animal could convince them to stop? What would they say? Writing: I would vote for saving the rain forest. The lizard would say, "Hey Dude! Get off my tree!" The lizard likes to climb on the tree. "Rawrrr, stop laying on my tree!" The Tiger likes to lay on trees. Dung Beetle - "I work hard to make the rainforest grow!" Everything has a role in the rainforest. "If we don't have trees, we won’t be alive." The Monkey likes to climb.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Where I am From By Zaida Heinberg Tutor: Christina Offenburg I am from the living room piano From Trader Joe’s dish soap and Chalula hot sauce I am from the many couches my mom buys, colorful, comfortable, she could never have enough I am from pecans picked from our backyard, sometimes bitter and sometimes sweet I'm from selecting a Christmas tree together and brown eyes From Itzelle and Ezra I'm from piano playing and playing soccer From I don’t knows and go away I'm from Wilmington, delicious hamburgers and Mahi-Mahi From the scrambled eggs splattered on the walls by Ezra after rubbing it in his hair, the selective hearing of Itzelle Pictures on a bookshelf in the living room, collected in a bag Always there to look back and remember times forgotten
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Where I’m From By: Mark Mayorga Tutor: Kailyn Overby I am from the Mayorga’s, who adopted me and my brother From basketball and fun siblings I am from the dock where I go to fish with my uncle and brother I am from Legos, XBOX, and Twister I’m from a thanksgiving tradition where we write what we’re thankful for on a cloth, and trace our hands to see how much they have grown from last year I’m from making Greek cookies and Spanakopita for Santa From Michael and Sia I’m from the Chicken Chili which I make with my mom From being told to get up on time and “be nice to your mom” I’m from wanting to go to church more and baking cakes for charity From the funny story about learning to ride my bike and hitting a jeep with it From Spencer, our family dog that passed away that I miss so much I am from these moments and wouldn’t change them for anything
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
By Gianna Abeles Tutor: Taelor Page Hey, it’s me Hannah! It’s 9:00 in the morning and I’m hungry. So, I’m going to go downstairs to eat breakfast. I’m too young to make breakfast by myself, so I’ll ask my older sister, Daisy, to help me. I went inside of Daisy’s room, but she’s still sleeping. So now I have to ask my second oldest sister, Laura, if she can help me make breakfast. I went inside of Laura’s room and she was awake. “Good morning, Laura. Can you help me make breakfast?” said Hannah. “Yes, but do you mind if I make mine with yours?” said Laura. “Sure! That’s fine with me.” said Hannah. Now we are walking to the kitchen. “What do you want for breakfast, Hannah?” said Laura. “I want scrambled eggs.” said Hannah.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Laura got a pan out to start cooking the eggs. She couldn’t tell if the eggs were done, so she needed help from Daisy. Laura and Hannah went to Daisy’s room to see if she was awake. She was awake! Laura asked Daisy if she could help her make sure her eggs were done. “Sure, I can help.” said Daisy Laura, Hannah, and Daisy went back downstairs to check on the eggs. Daisy checked the eggs in the pan. It was done. . “Thank you, Daisy!” said Laura and Hannah “You’re welcome.” said Daisy.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
The Pug Named Max By Ethan Woodman Tutor: Jade Penxa
My dog Max is big and cuddly. He has brown eyes and tan hair. He is 4 years old and I sleep with him a lot and he does too. He has his tongue sticking out a lot. Max has a curled-up tail and he has black ears. When I can’t find him, I know he is always in his bed. My pug sleeps 23 hours a day. He snores loudly. My pug will eat anything you give him. I can always hear where he is from across the room. I always take him camping. I go on walks with him at the beach and he always runs away from me. His favorite toy is my stuffed animal that he almost ripped the ear off of it. My dog is very energetic because he runs around the coffee table 20 times in total.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Miles is a Dragon By Azalea Small Tutor: Donelle Pistorino
Miles is a dragon. He tells people words. He is teal and big. He’s made from soft stuffing. Miles has silver wings, a face and a teal outline. He also has silver spikes on his back. Miles is at the arcade playing games. Miles the dragon is so grumpy that he will virtual high five you so hard that it will make me fall down.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
The Best Night of My Life!! By: Mya Newton Tutor: Erica Phillips I was sitting in our big sliver family van and I pulled out my phone. Then I texted Morgan, “I AM SO EXCITED!” I was waiting for the best day of my life to happen! Of course, Morgan looked back at me with a stubborn face. Morgan was not as excited as me, because I forced her to buy us tickets. We were only 2 hours away from the Jonas Brothers concert, but it felt like it was going to be 10 hours away. When Morgan introduced me to them, little did she know, I was going to listen to their songs 24/7, and make her come to the concert! As I was sitting in the car, singing the Jonas Brothers songs loudly, everyone looked at me with a puzzled looking face. My mom shouted, “You don’t need to let China hear you singing!” I paused the music that was playing from my IPod and replied with, “I believe China would love to hear my beautiful singing.” I thought to myself, who cares if they don’t like my singing. The best day of my life was just a few miles ahead! A few hours before the concert started, we stopped at Taco Bell for a late lunch, early dinner. We walked into the restaurant and I ordered Fiesta potatoes, cinnamon twists, and a Baja Blast slushie. After we ate, I was all hyped on sugar. We pulled up in front of the building where the fun was about to begin. Me and Morgan got out of the car, and waved bye to everyone else. When we got up to the front of the building, we had to wait in a line that looked as big as California. We looked over and another door opened up to get in and people started freaking out and running over to the door, like a stampede of wild animals. But we patiently waited in our own line. After waiting in the line that felt 100 hours long, we finally got in and gave our tickets to the ticket manager. We were walking around like crazy trying to find our seats but then I saw a snack stand and convinced my sister to buy us popcorn and a drink. When we walked into the arena where the stage was there were lots of people and disco lights galore. After we walked up a billion stairs we got to our seats, and I was so pumped for the concert to begin!
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
We were waiting in our seats, and before all the action happened there were 2 opening artists to start all the fun. The big screen at the back of the stage, was playing a documentary about how the Jonas band began. Then suddenly all the Jonas Brothers flew out of the bottom of the stage. Then the audience screamed at the top of their lungs and I felt like my ear drums had busted! Once they popped up, they gave a speech and I looked over at Morgan and said, “I can’t believe this is actually happening!” Morgan didn’t look that excited and was on her phone. I just wanted to throw her phone on stage so she would watch this amazing performance. When the first song came on, I was already dancing along and Morgan looked at me like I was crazy. I kept ignoring everyone around me, especially the grouchy Morgan. And I was having the best time of my life dancing and singing to every song. Until it finally came, the big ending. The 3 Jonas Brothers gave a speech then the final song Sucker began to play. Lots of lights shined across the room like big bright flashlights shining in your face. Big colorful wiggly people popped up like you see at car shops. Confetti was everywhere like rain droplets during a storm! And to go along with all the colors of the confetti and lights, each brother was wearing a different colored suit. One was as blue as the sky, one was as orange as a pumpkin, and one was green like a bush in a garden. As I was watching the performance, I was singing and dancing my heart out. It was 11:45 pm, and it was past when I regularly went to bed. But I just couldn’t handle myself, I was so pumped and excited, but a little tired. I wished the song went on forever but eventually it stopped. Then The Jonas Brothers left the stage with a goodbye and everyone got up out of their seats. That's when I noticed there was a gift shop!! After I had spotted it, I immediately made Morgan get up and dragged her over there. When we got there, we had to wait in a 20 minute line, but it was definitely worth it. When we got up there, I told the worker that I wanted, “A big poster of the three Brothers and a CD of the songs they sang at the concert.” We gave him the money and said thank you. Then walked outside and spotted the rest of our pack. As we drove off in the dark, I was reflecting back on our amazing night. I was a little disappointed that it was over, but super glad I got to enjoy the best night of my life!
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
The Fall Festival By Emma Fleming Tutor Autumn Potteiger Emma and Jensen were really excited when their mom and dad told them they would be going to their school’s annual Fall Festival. When the night of the festival finally arrived, they jumped out of the car and looked around at all of the fun games. Then they spotted it: the rubber duckie game! They watched as the whirlpool of rubber duckies floated around in the water. There were so many rubber duckies that it made them dizzy! Emma and Jensen were having a lot of fun as they fished for rubber duckies. And the best part? They grabbed the one with the green spot on the bottom and won a prize! Buckets with pumpkin faces painted on them sat all around them. They were filled with Halloween themed rings, stuffed animals, and candy of all shapes and sizes. How could they choose out of all of these wonderful prizes? Then Julia skipped over to play the rubber duckie game. She grabbed a rubber duckie with a green spot too! “I’m getting a lollipop; they have mystery flavor!” she said. What are you getting?” Emma gasped. “Mystery flavor is my favorite!” “We didn’t know that they had mystery flavor lollipops”, Jensen chimed in. They both exclaimed together “we want one too!” Yum!
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
By Max Van Pelt Tutor: Maria Poulos
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Lily’s Best Friend By: Kate Crawford and Kimberly Radford Lily was lonely because her mom left every day to go to work. Lily really wanted a friend. One day her mom noticed that she was sad. Her mom looked on the computer to find Lily a friend. Lily’s mom saw a chocolate lab on the computer and said she would get the chocolate lab for Lily, even though the lab was four hours away. She decided to name the lab Stella. Stella was afraid of Lily at first and did not like to share. Stella took Lily’s toys and did not want to give them back. Stella also slept in Lily’s bed and licked her bowl. One day, Stella loved on Lily’s mom. Lily said, “Get off” that’s my mom! Stella wanted to play with one of Lily’s toys so Lily eventually let her. Lily became Stella’s friend and tried to be nice. They slept together, played together, ate together, and became pals forever.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
I am… By: Layla Woodman Tutor: Jessica Register I am half Canadian I wonder if it snows in fall I hear the birds chirping I see the deer drinking from the lake, very cold I want to go there in the winter I am half Canadian I pretend that it’s warm I feel the cold wind blowing in my hair I touch cold snow so I can make snowballs I worry if I might get frostbite I cry when I fall down the hill I am half Canadian I understand that it is never really warm I say why can’t it just be warm I dream of eating lobster I try to swim in the lake once every summer because it’s very cold I hope we can go to Canada again in the winter I am half Canadian
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Mr. Magoriums and the Mischievous Mickboys By: Hudson Blacher and Amanda Ruffner Once upon a time, in a viney forest there sat a small cottage. The worn-down cottage sat beside a small creek. In the cottage lived a grumpy, short, round man named Mr. Magoriums. Mr. Magoriums hated nothing more than bugs and children. He had lived alone in the woods for many years. Life was good for Mr. Magoriums until the Mickboy family moved in nearby. They had 5 mischievous children that loved to explore the forest. Late one fall night, the Mickboy children smelled the stinky creek water. The next morning, they went to find the creek and discovered Mr. Magoriums cottage. The Mickboy children decided to go up to the front porch and look in the window. They saw a television on, torn up furniture, and a grey, cracked microwave. There were cobwebs that hung from the ceiling and there was one wall with bug spray and a fly swatter. This was like no-fly swatter they had ever seen; this was an electric fly swatter! There were puddles of bug spray on the old, wooden floor. The Mickboy children suspected that someone lived in the cottage, but they had not seen anyone yet. The children decided it was time to run back to the house to get nets for a day of fishing in the creek. The Mickboy children returned to the creek and found Mr. Magoriums sitting on the front porch. He was sitting on a chair with his cane lying beside him. He sees the kids and uses his super loud voice to scream at them, “Get off my lawn!!” The Mickboy children laughed and ran fast as lighting back toward their own house. Suddenly, Billy turns around and yells to his brothers, “Scramble! The old man is coming! Mr. Magoriums tried to follow the children back through the forest, but they got away. The kids got inside their house and locked every single door. They were safe, for now.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Later that day, the woods were clear. The Mickboy family went back to the woods and found a picture of their friend that they called, Beast. Beast was 14, the same age as Billy Mickboy. Beast was as skinny as a shrimp. He was the smallest kid in 9th grade class. The Mickboy children thought it was weird that Mr. Magoriums had a picture of Beast. Billy said, “Mr. Magorium has him! We have to save Beast!” The Mickboys jogged past the creek and into Mr. Magorium's front yard. Bob Mickboy grabbed a 50pound rock and threw it toward Mr. Magorium's front window. “BANG! WHAM!” The window was gone. Before the Mickboy’s could run inside, Mr. Magoriums jumped out the window! He threw his cane, hitting Billy Mickboy right in the forehead. The Mickboy family scattered back into the woods. They knew they had to rescue their friend. They waited for about two hours and decided to head back to the creek. Billy was thinking of a plan when he found an old ball lying beside the creek. Unfortunately, the ball was covered in thorns that hurt Billy's hand. Billy put his hands in the ice-cold water, turning them red as a stop light. “We are never going to figure out how to rescue Beast,'' said Billy. “I got it!” yelled Bob. “We have to go back one more time.” The children sprinted toward the front door and were surprised that it was unlocked. They yelled, “Beast!” To their surprise they found Beast laying on Mr. Magoriums couch, watching TV and eating microwaved popcorn. “We are here to rescue you!” said Billy. Beast looked confused. Billy said, “You need to get out of here before the old man comes back!” Beast looked even more confused than before. “You mean my grandpa?” said Beast. The children knew they had made a terrible mistake. In a panic, Billy said, “Uhhh, Sorry! We have to go!” The next morning the Mickboys went back to see Beast and Mr. Magoriums. Beast was on the front porch. He said “Mr. Magoriums is just my grandpa. I am his only grandchild.” He asked, “Where do you all live?” Bob said, “We just moved in behind the forest a month ago. Want to see?” The Mickboys walked Beast and Mr. Magorium through the forest to see their house. Later that day, the Mickboys worked with Mr. Magoriums to fix his window. He forgave them and they became great friends. They now have a story to laugh about.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
My Lazy Dog Duke By Nathan Depper Tutor: Morgan Ryczko My dog Duke is very, very, very lazy. He gets very tired, very fast. When I take him on a walk he is slow. He sleeps on the floor all the time. When I scream in his ear, he does not wake up! Sometimes when I give him a treat, he gets some energy. My dog is lazy, but he is still fun. Duke is my best friend.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Hi name my name is IPiper. I went surfing today, I’m Iwas Hi my is Piper. went surfing today, and I’m was soand excited! love to go surfing. favoriteIt’s thingmy to do on planet EARTH!! excited! I love toIt’s gomy surfing. favorite thing to doI on went with my Parents and my Siblings to Wrightsville Beach. My mom planet EARTH! I went with my Parents and my Siblings to told me to check the weather channel but I forgot to….
Wrightsville Beach. My mom told me to check the weather channel but and I forgot to….windy, and it was super hard to get in the We arrived it was super
water. I kept on falling off of my surfboard! I scratched my leg with a seashell because the wind was sooo strong. The wind was making a hard We arrived and it was super windy, and it was super current in the water that pushed the seashell strongly against my leg!
to get in the water. I kept on falling off of my surfboard! I scratched myThen legmy with seashell because the wind wasgave sooo The dadahelped me out of the water. My mom me strong. a band-aid to help mymaking scratch. We decided to in the sand. I was super wind was a current injust theplay water that pushed the seashell bummedagainst that we couldn’t surf. Then after building sand castles and strongly my leg! playing we had Lunchables!
Thentomy dadcheck helped me outchannel of thebefore water. Mytomom gave I learned always the weather going the beach!
a band-aid to help my scratch. We decided to just play in the sand. I was super bummed that we couldn’t surf. Then after building sand castles and playing we had Lunchables!
I learned to always check the weather channel before going to the beach!
By Emme Woodman Tutor: Jen Sandy
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
The Mermaid and Fairy Who Defeated the Witch Written by Allison Lopez and Caitlin Schifter Once upon a time, on a summer day there was a mermaid laying down in the sand. A fairy saw the mermaid laying down and with her wand, she pushed the mermaid back into the water. When the mermaid came alive again, the fairy asked the mermaid, "Why were you laying in the sand in the hot sun?" The mermaid told the fairy, "the waves pushed me to the sand.” The curious fairy then asked, "What's your name?" The mermaid responded, "My name is Caitlin." The fairy replied, "That's a beautiful name." Then the mermaid asked, "What's your name?" The fairy answered, "My name is Allison." Then the fairy asked, "How long have you been a mermaid?" The mermaid responded, "I have been a mermaid since my dad married a witch. The witch is now my stepmother. The witch turned me into a mermaid. Her name is Mother Gothel." The fairy curiously asked, "How did she do it?" The mermaid said "I don't know. I think she put a spell in a cup of tea that I drank the last day I was in my castle with her.” The fairy was shocked, "Oh dear! I am so surprised on what happened to you." The mermaid replied sadly, "Well I wish I could be a person again." The curious fairy named Allison asked, "Why do you want to be a person again?" Caitlin the mermaid answered, "Because I want to get rid of my stepmother!" Allison said, "Caitlin, I will help you get rid of mother Gothel! I know her because she put another spell on my fairy friends." The mermaid responded, "But how can I become a person again? If I am a mermaid, I cannot help you because I need to stay hydrated!" The fairy answered, "I will help you be a person again." Then the fairy grabbed her wand, waved it around and said "BIBBIDI BOBBIDI BOO!!!!" Then the mermaid became a person again. But she needed some clothes! Then again, Allison said, "BIBBIDI BOBBIDI BOO!" And Caitlin became a beautiful girl with sandals, shorts, and a teal t-shirt that read 'Mermaids Rule!' So off they went to Caitlin’s castle! When they got to the castle, they saw Mother Gothel treating her dad very badly. The mermaid shouted when she got into the Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
castle. "You witch! You should never have been here." The witch laughed. "No, little mermaid, you will never defeat me!" But Caitlin shouted, 'I am not alone, little witch!' The fairy entered the castle shouting, "She's not alone! And I am stronger than you!" Mother Gothel laughed again and said "Nobody can defeat me. I am stronger than you." The fairy said, "Let's see!" Then the battle began! The fairy with her wand and Mother Gothel with her glowing staff. During the battle, Caitlin went to grab her dad and took him to another room. Her dad asked, "What are you doing here? She will hurt you! You must leave the castle. I will be fine here." Caitlin responded, "No! You should go and I will stay here and help the fairy." When Caitlin returned downstairs to help the fairy, she knew what she needed to do. She ran and grabbed the staff from Mother Gothel and ran out of the room with Allison beside her. The witch yelled, "What are you doing with my staff!" She tried to grab her staff back. But it was too late. Caitlin and Allison broke the staff in two pieces! The witch screamed, “NOOOOOOOOO� as she disappeared into a cloud of smoke. Caitlin and Allison cheered and said, "We defeated the mean, old witch!" Then they lived HAPPILY EVER AFTER!
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Writings by: Claire Stephens Tutor: Megan Smith Halloween Mad Lib Today was my school’s Halloween party and I am Spooktacular (emotion). I walked into my classroom, saw the ducks (plural noun) and yelled Eureka! (silly word). My best friend was dressed as Wonder Woman (movie character) and my teacher was dressed as a giraffe (noun animal). The winner of the costume contest was Fred (classmate), who was dressed as a pink elephant (color, noun thing). The walls were decorated with skeletons (plural noun) and the classroom smelled like pumpkin spice lattes (type of smell). It must have taken my teacher 200 years (unit of time) to decorate the class. For a Halloween treat, we ate Frankendogs (type of food), which tasted silly (adjective). Overall, the party was ridiculous (adjective). I Am From Poem I am from Leland, From sunflowers and trees. I am from rainy day movies and so many more crazy adventures. I am from Rosie, fluffy, cute and loving. I am from sweets and lots of visits to grandma’s house, From Stephens and Prohoskey. I’m from the coast to the Midwest, “Try your best” and “work hard.” I’m from Windsor Park and Mak’s, From the muddy footprints in the hall. The bright blue eyes The pictures on the shelf In the computer room The purple vase that holds the Bright beautiful red roses.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
What I Do Poem I like to dance and play After i work hard all day I work and I work Until the sun is all gone Then I eat and I watch tv too! Halloween poem about pumpkins Pumpkins are round big and small, We like to carve them on Halloween, They are filled with ucky seeds, They are orange with stems. On Halloween, We take out these ucky seeds, And carve funny faces, And light them up with lights and candles! Haiku about roses Roses are pretty, Roses are one-of-a-kind, Roses are bright red.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Gizmo Gets Ready for Halloween By Noah Harpold and Sam Stamey One day, Gizmo decided that she wanted to celebrate Halloween Ooooooo. She knew that she needed something to wear. Gizmo headed to the store to get a costume! She decided to be a zombie Ooooo Gizmo was excited for Halloween because she knew she would be able to get lots of treats! Her owner, Noah, had to take Gizmo to party city to find her new basket and costume! When she got to the store, she was distracted by all the items in party city! She could not find her costume after looking everywhere! Until, she looked in the far back corner where her costumed was the only one left. She barked as loud as she could to let Noah know that was the one‌ BARK!! BARK!! Noah quickly grabbed the costume, they were heading out the door but Gizmo barked again to show Noah that there was fake blood. OOOOOOooo Gizmo wanted fake blood to make her costume more realistic, she would be the scariest doggy in the whole city! She barked and barked to make sure Noah knew to get it. They bought the items and headed home! With only one day to spare! Now Gizmo needed to get ready for Halloween! She needs to put her costume on, make sure the costume fits, put her fake blood on, and grab her bag for candy.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Gizmo headed for the houses on the street, she is ready to get lots of treats! She walked over to first house to receive her first treat. After she went to five houses, she decided she wanted to go to a Halloween party. She told Noah to look in the mail box to see if there was an invitation to a party. There was one! Gizmo was very lucky because the party was full of dogs. There were a bunch of dog treats and candy, but there was one thing Gizmo could not have! CHOCOLATE!! It’s basically kryptonite for dogs. Gizmo was really craving some chocolate but she had to resist it. Nonetheless, Gizmo tried to stay away but the chocolate was calling her name! Noah SCREAMED DON’T EAT THE CHOCOLATE!!!! It all happened so fast, but it was too late. Noah and Gizmo left the party because her belly was making weird noises GRUMBLE. They rushed home and Gizmo felt sick. Gizmo knew she should not have eaten that chocolate bar! Hopefully next Halloween, she will just stick with eating lollipops and doggy treats! THE END
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
The Lost Baby Panda By: Maggie Crumrine Tutor: Alayna Swestyn
Once upon a time, there were two wild pandas. One was a baby
holding the mom’s hand. They were walking in the huge forest, and all the other animals loved to live there. In the forest, along came another panda that was lost in the bamboo forest. It had a name tag! Its name was in code, so they could not figure it out. It was from the zoo that was about a mile away. The baby panda Pam said, “We have to find his family and get him back to the zoo!” They did get the baby panda back to the zoo, but Pam and her mom got caught by the zookeeper. The zookeeper reported that they were stealing the zoo family, so the wild pandas became part of the zoo! It was very scary for the wild pandas to get caught for doing something good for the others, but Pam and the lost baby panda became best friends. Zookeepers talked on a walkie-talkie to let the wild pandas out. Maggie, the zookeeper, was supposed to let the wild pandas out, but one other zookeeper did not hear the message and got mad. Maggie, let the panda family out! The wild baby panda Pam and her mom were let out with the zoo pandas. The pandas went back to the bamboo forest. The baby pandas made a bamboo tent to sleep in and played in it. They never went back because getting caught and staying at the zoo was scary for the pandas.
The End Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
The Detective Story Liza Blacher and Courtney Terry
It all started when I rode my bike to Francis’s house. I saw a clue. So then I went to Francis’s house quickly so that I could get her before somebody else finds the clue. Then we rode our bikes down the road with Francis’s detective bag. In her detective bag she has scissors, paper, pens, magnifying glass, flashlight, water, and an extra snack. We pulled out our detective papers from the detective bag and wrote down the clue. The clue was somebody’s glasses. Was someone missing their glasses? The glasses were brown with black spots. The black spots were on the side of the glasses and the brown was everywhere else. The glasses were medium sized and circle shaped. They looked like girls glasses. Lastly we picked up the glasses and got on our bikes. We went to the neighbor’s house that we knew and rang the doorbell. An old, old, old, grandma came to the door. She said, “Do you want some cookies?” Liza said, “I just wanted to know if you had lost these glasses.” The old, old, old lady said, “Okie dokie, and those are not my glasses.” Liza and Francis rode their bikes to the next house. This time they knocked on the door and Mrs. Brittany came to the door. “Are those my glasses?” Mrs. Brittany asked. “Yeah! We were looking for someone that lost these glasses!” “Well great! I needed those glasses for work, thank you!” Mrs. Brittany took the glasses and went back inside. Finally, the mystery was solved!
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
I Am From
I am from TV.
By Cassius Erichsen Tutor: Kelly Thomas
From Doritos and root beer. I am from the stepping on Legos, bumpy, red ones, and blue ones. I am from tall trees to climb, the leaves are green and the branches are like stairs. I'm from pajama parties and skits. From my sister Bella and cousins Luna and River. I'm from the movies and going out to dinner. From eat your broccoli and do your chores. I'm from baseball and the Yankees. I'm from Wilmington and Norway, England, Sweden, Ireland, and Italy. From pizza and orange chicken. I am from the good cooking and the funny jokes.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
I hope you are doing well and are having an easy time avoiding the Wicked Witch of the West. I heard there is some bad weather coming your way. I hope you can stay clear from the cyclones. If your house happens to end up in Oz at least you will know your way around. Steer clear of any wicked witches. If you happened to find any silver shoes put them on to keep you safe! If you see anything that looks like a panda, tiger, or a grizzly bear it is probably a Kalidah. Be careful, they are good at sneaking up and pushing you off of a log. Bring a bucket of water with you this time in case you encounter a witch. Other than that you should be fine, but don’t forget to say hi to Oz! Sincerely, Your friends,
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Robin and the Little Demon By Mabel Mahoney Tutor: Ashley Truex Hi, my name is Robin and let me first start by saying that I am not your typical seven year old. Whenever I get mad I turn into a demon and make bad things happen. I couldn’t explain to you why I do the bad things that I do, but what I can tell you is I definitely enjoy it. Let me start by introducing my mom and little sister whom I live with. I would like to say that both are the main reasons behind my anger problems. So stick around while I finish telling you my story. One day I was going to the park and this kid snatched my toy. I got so mad that I turned into a demon and snatched it back. My mom got so furious at me when that happened that she took me home and put me in my room. I never like when my mom tries to put me in my room so I put a hole in the wall in hopes to get out, but my plan failed and my mom was even more mad at me and I was grounded for what felt like forever. Finally my plan worked though, I ESCAPED! Now I can finally do whatever I want without my mom or my sister trying to ruin all the fun. When my mom found out I escaped she was so worried. She looked for me in all my favorite places but I wasn’t at any of them. Little did my mom know that while she was out looking for me I had come back home and was hiding in my room. When my mom realized I had come back home I said sorry to her for running away, but I didn’t really mean it because later that day I started problems with my little sister. My little sister liked to do things that made me mad, and when I was gone she went into my room and took my favorite
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
toy. When I went to go find it my little sister had buried it in the sand box we had. I sat there and dug for it for what felt like forever. Eventually I found it and when I did my little sister saw how mad she made me so she said sorry just so I didn’t cause too many problems. I love my mom and my little sister, and that made me want to stop being mad all the time and causing so many problems.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Fishys Versus Brutuses By: Harrison Stanfield Tutor: Bryan Turner
In a garbage place far away called Risky Reels, there was a fight taking place between the Fishys and Brutuses. Fishstick was a fishy that wears a bathing suit and has eyes that pop out of his head. Brutuses were large people wearing black tuxedos and were bald. The leader Brutus was all golden and very ugly. The Fishys went to Risky Reels on top of the big theatre. The Brutuses went to a gas station. The Fishys got down off of the movie theatre and ran to a big hill. The Fishys spotted the Brutuses and the Brutuses spotted the Fishys. The Brutuses were shocked and the Fishys were focused on defeating the Brutuses. The Fishys found racecars and drove down the hill and rammed a couple of the Brutuses and they got knocked down. Then they started fighting and there was a big fight scene. Fishstick stayed on the hill, lasering every Brutus he could see. Then he found a racecar and started driving down to all the action. There was one Brutus left hiding in the gas station. Fishstick went to see if there were any Brutuses left and found the leader Brutus. Fishstick used his tacky wacky to knock down and defeat the leader. All the Fishys did the “Take the L� dance over the Brutuses celebrating their victory!
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Reunited Written by Kylee Lastner Tutor: Krista Watson Once upon a time there was a Magical Realm where genies, giants, fairies, and mermaids roamed free. Fairy Princess Aubrey had been very busy writing her coronation invitations to her friends. She put them all in the mail but one was accidentally addressed to her sister, Lord Leah. Lord Leah lived far, far away. Ever since she was little, she was bullied for having black, white, and grey wings that were very short. She could not fly like her sister so now she swears revenge!! Lord Leah is going to disguise herself and steal her sister’s crown. Then, she will be the most powerful fairy queen in the entire Magical Realm. It was a great day at the Earth Realm on Smithville Street. A young girl named Alice was playing with a few of her favorite toys. She went to reach for a doll in her toy chest and fell through!! Alice poked her head from a bush and said to herself, “I’m not in my room.” She had fallen into the Magical Realm. Lord Leah was ready for her revenge. She finally reached Princess Aubrey’s castle. She busted through the castle doors and used her dark magic to steal the crown. Princess Aubrey and Lord Leah started fighting. A little while later, Alice too busted through the castle doors and said, “STOP FIGHTING!!” Alice asked Lord Leah and Princess Aubrey, “What’s wrong?” Lord Leah said how she had been bullied as a fairy kid and Princess Aubrey said, “She stole my crown.” Once they talked about their problems, they give each other a big hug and reunited as sister- friends. A fairy gave Alice some sparkly, glitter dust to get her back home. The fairy said she could visit whenever she wanted. They all lived happily ever after in the Magical Realm and Earth Realm.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
The Snowman Problem By: Mia Harker
Tutor: Katelin West
One time outside on a very cold day it was snowing lightly. Jaidyn, Mia and Mary Beth bundled up in warm clothes to go outside to make their very own snowman. Mia made the bottom; Jaidyn made the belly and Mary Beth made the head. They thought that their snowman was boring and needed something to make it come to life. So they touched it up and put some decorations on it. Mary Beth got the warm clothes for the snowman's body. Jaidyn got the sticks and stones to make the snowman's limbs as well as face. Of course, Mia got the nose which was made of a carrot. After building and decorating him, the snowman started to melt. All three of them said "oh no!" So, they all rushed outside to help the snowman. First idea they had to save the snowman was to put an umbrella over him and to also pour ice cold water over him. But they found out their tricks did not work. So, they had an idea! All three of them took smaller chunks of snowman and remade a smaller version of their new cold friend. Then they put him in the freezer to help save him. So next time when they go into the freezer, they will remember the first snowman they had made.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
By Ryan Perry
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Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Tutor: Tammy Williams
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Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
How I Got the Milk By Ingrid Hawthorne Tutor: Briana Winham
One day I went to get Oreos from the store. The store’s name was Harris Teeter. I got orange and mint Oreos from the store. I went home but I forgot the milk. I was super mad. I went back to the store super fast and got the milk. I got white milk because you do not eat Oreos with chocolate milk. I bought the milk from the check out and drove home. I went back home and ate most of the Oreos for dinner. They were so yummy. I ate so many that my belly started to hurt. I stayed up until midnight that night. I ate the rest of the Oreos for breakfast in the morning. Then I went to school. The Oreos helped me focus at school.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Dragon and Dinosaur By Lavan Jeganathan Tutor: Avery Zier Once there was a dragon. His name was Dragon Sneak. He was a Dragon Ninja. His headquarters was in the jungle. At this time, dinosaurs were still around. Dragon Sneak's best friend was named Chalk. He likes to spend his days flying with his wings. At the middle of his wings, there was a gigantic red, orange and yellow lightning bolt. This is where he gets his super powers. Beep! Ding! Beep! Ding! The headquarters alarm was going off. It was the loudest alarm in the world. He rushed out in his rainbow jet plane with a lightning bolt flag. Dragon Sneak was flying to Volcano Blast, the biggest volcano in the world. A T-Rex was so big that it cracked the ground and got his legs stuck in the lava below. There was no one around to help him. The T-Rex let out a loud roar. Dragon Sneak arrived and he had to get a T-Rex that was nearby to help him. His name was Chomper. Dragon Sneak used his dinosaur net to pull the T-Rex out of the lava! The T-Rex in the lava was saved. Dragon Sneak became friends with Chomper and ask him to join him in saving other dinosaurs. Chomper, Dragon Sneak, and Chalk all became best friends. They both taught Chomper how to be a ninja. Beep! Beep! Ding! The alarm was going off! Time to go save the dinosaurs! The End
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Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Henry, the Cowboy, and the Power of Water By Beau Magnus
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Tutor: Amber Wrench
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
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Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
RAINBOW TIGER AND ZEBRA SAVE THE DAY! By William Robertson Tutor: Shelby Satterfield Rainbow Tiger and Zebra were hanging out at Rainbow Tiger’s house. In Rainbow Tiger’s house, he had a trampoline. They were jumping on the trampoline waiting on the bad storm to pass outside. They were having so much fun! After the storm passed, Zebra went back to his house. He sat down and started to watch the news. All of a sudden, he saw that there was a zombie apocalypse. Then, he ran to Rainbow Tiger’s house and told him about what was going on. They decided to build an underground kingdom. Rainbow Tiger used his magic powers to save everyone’s houses and the survivors. He helped all of them get to the underground magic kingdom. Rainbow Tiger and Zebra went and got supplies to build stuff that would help get rid of the zombies. They built a supply shop so everyone could help get rid of the zombies. With the help of everyone, Rainbow Tiger and Zebra saved the day.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
The Perfect Halloween Party Author: Arianna Abeles Editor: Katelyn Shultz If we had a Halloween party, I would want to see a little table with pretzels, chips, and some water if you’re thirsty. It also would have a disco ball, music, and friends. When you walk in, there will be a little table with treat bags to take home. The treat bags will even have a straw for you inside of them. We would have lots of pretzels, chips, and candy to eat. I would like to see witch costumes, monster costumes, cat costumes, princess costumes, and queen costumes. I also would like to see someone dressed as a banana or a hotdog!
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
The Evil Two and the Princess By Jenelle Montgomery Tutor: Kate Lindsay Once upon a time, there was a princess named Jenelle. Princess Jenelle had pink and purple hair. She had the most beautiful brown eyes and light brown skin. She could always be seen wearing her favorite pink dress. Her family lived in a Candy Castle with 20 brothers and sisters; 3 brothers and 17 sisters, and her parents; King James and Queen Jennifer. The Candy Castle has pizza stairs, different color beds and rooms, and wallpaper with pictures of cake on them. Princess Jenelle and her family also have a cat and a dog; Melissa is the name of the dog and Maleissa is the name of the cat. Princess Jenelle loves to eat ice cream. Her favorite kind of ice cream is Chocolate. She loves to play with her friends, while doing arts and crafts. Her favorite thing to do is ride her white unicorn, Moresse. Moresse has a rainbow mane. Across the kingdom, there is a Spooky Castle. The evil queen, Madam Kate and Browden, her helper, live there. Madam Kate has brown, curly hair, stabbing blue eyes, and wears a black dress, as well as a magic wand. Browden is a merman. His tail is dark blue. His eyes are a deep brown, while his hair is black, and his skin is light brown. Little did the happy family on the other side of the kingdom know, these two evils had a plan. Next to the Candy Castle was the ocean. This is how Browden knew so much about the King, Queen, and all their children. One night, Browden and Madam Kate snuck into the castle, past 100 guards and stole Princess Jenelle. When the King and Queen woke up all their children, they realized that Princess Jenelle was missing! “I want all of the bravest knights out searching for the Princess!� ordered King James. The Queen and the other children decided to paint posters to let all the villagers know to keep an eye out for the kidnapped Princess.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Princess Jenelle was tied up in a chair, in the middle of a room that had just enough room for a walkway and the chair. Princess Jenelle was surrounded by water filled with man-eating sharks and electric eels. Madam Kate and Browden were nowhere to be found but Princess Jenelle could hear them talking. “Do you think King James will come try to save her himself?” asked Browden. Madam Kate answered, “He will. She is his favorite daughter, according to you. If he does come, I will kill him myself!” Princess Jenelle began to cry silently because she feared for her father's life. The knights came back to the Candy Castle with word that a villager saw the Princess with a merman. “Madam Kate!” screamed King James. “I want all of my knights that were out looking to come with me! We are going to save my daughter!” The King put on his armor, kissed the Queen and his 20 children before marching to battle Browden and Madam Kate. Madam Kate sent Browden off to see what the King and Queen were doing. While he was swimming, Browden saw that the King and his knights were marching on to the Spooky Castle. Browden swam as fast as he could to warn Madam Kate. Madam Kate said, “Finally!” She grabbed her magic wand and turned herself into the biggest, blackest, most poisonous snake there ever was. She would be waiting for the King and his men. King James and his men arrived at the Spooky Castle. They were greeted by Madam Kate as a snack. Madam Kate ate many of the knights that King James brought to help him rescue Princess Jenelle. After a very long and tiring battle, King James slayed Madam Kate. He was able to get Princess Jenelle untied and carried her carefully through the small walkway. They traveled all the way to the Candy Castle, where Queen Jennifer and Princess Jenelle’s 20 siblings were waiting. Everyone hugged and kissed. To celebrate King James and Queen Jennifer had a ball in honor of Princess Jenelle’s return. They danced the night away and tucked all 20 children into their beds. They lived happily ever after.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
A Day with a Mermaid By Berkeley Black Tutor: Sarah Staebler It was early on a Saturday morning. My friend Sarah and I wanted to go swimming. We drove for fifteen minutes and then we arrived at the beach. We were waiting for waves. A huge wave came up and sent us underwater. We got sent so far under the water we did not even know which way was up or down. We started to panic then all of a sudden there was a big pack of fish and they went by so fast they left and made us go into the cave. “Who dare swim into my cave?” We turned around and we saw a mermaid. “We didn't mean to come into your cave! We got sent underwater and a pack of fish swam by and made us go into the cave” I said to the mermaid. We introduced ourselves to the mermaid and became friends. Her name was Princess Coral and she gave us a potion to be mermaids for the day. Princess Coral told us it was the First Day of Summer and invited us to the celebration. When we got there we met her whole family and friends. Next we ate a huge feast of fish, crab, shrimp, scallops, oysters, and so much more! After we ate we all sat around and braided corals into our hair. The coral looked so pretty in our hair! Another part of the tradition of the First Day of Summer was to race with turtles and dolphins. One of the turtles swam off and got stuck in a trash bag. Princess Coral noticed and we all went to help. When we got to the turtle we noticed a huge patch of trash floating in the ocean. Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
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Then the mermaids tried to pick the trash up. Some of the mermaids made signs to tell the humans to stop wasting plastic and not throw trash on the beach and if you see any trash pick it up!!!! The sign also said never leave trash outside and pick up trash on the beach and anywhere near the beach!!! Some tips we wrote on the signs included using reusable items such as cloth bags for groceries and reusable straws and cups. We also made signs telling people to recycle! After the day was over Sarah and I took all the signs back to land. We put the signs up and down the beach so people could see them.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Shamrocks Battle to the End By George Adams Tutor: Caroline McCaleb
George was going to lacrosse practice and his bag was so heavy it busted out all over the bleachers. He leaned to pick everything up and his paints ripped right down the center of his bottom. Then as he is leaning down to pick up his gear, he hit his head on the bleachers, fell back, and tumbled down the stairs. George crashed so hard on the ground that he broke his back. Jack ran over to help but slipped and fell over the lacrosse ball and went tumbling down the bleachers. He crashed so hard on the ground that he broke his back. Jack is out for the season and second-string, Dave the water boy has finally moved up to first string. Coach Andy was a little concerned because the season has not started yet, and injuries are already happening. The weather is not looking so good, the clouds are black, and it is about to poor down rain. The Shamrocks are in for a challenging season with 2 starter players that are out for the season. Nick had a good idea, he wanted to go to the Duke National team and snatch-up 2 first string players. Nick expressed this to his Shamrock’s team, and they were so shocked to hear what he wanted to do. Nick really thought it would be a good idea to kidnap their 2 best players! “Really Nick. They are our enemies! Who would want enemies on our number 1 team! We should just let them know how losers will always be losers and this deal will make them winners. Joining the Shamrock team will not only make you popular but also give you a free pass to do whatever you want in the school, said George” Coach Andy was all in for kidnapping Duke National players but only the best ones. He said he needs players that are fast and can shoot well. Coach Andy was excited about the opportunity to destroy his competitor and longtime enemy from high school lacrosse, Coach Brian. So, Coach Andy had a plan. He wanted to invite the Duke Nationals to a beginning of the season party. Even though they were enemies it would look good on the Shamrocks if they showed that they could be good sportsmanship team. The party would be at the lake with a big bonfire. John and Mike did not know they
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Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
were in for a trap. Coach Andy and Jack were ready to tackle them to the ground and pick them up by their hands and feet with a bag over their head. Coach Andy thought it would be best if they did not know who kidnapped them. The field was quiet. Not a single sound was heard. As Mike and John creeped up behind the trees, Coach Andy and Jack hurried over to tackle them and put them in the car. Coach Andy and Jack brought them back to the high school lacrosse field and the Shamrocks surrounded them. Coach Andy stepped into the huddle that surrounded John and Mike and said this, “you will join our team this season and we will continue to be number one. If you ever try to cross us, you will never play lacrosse in this town again. Think about this and remember who you are dealing with. We are number 1 and we will always be number 1. Choose wisely boys.” As Coach Andy walks out of the huddle, he warns the boys one last time, “I think you are smart boys and will do the right thing. Be smart, join our team. Or else you will never be able to play lacrosse again.” The Shamrocks left the field that evening and went home. At school the next morning, the Duke kids were kind of worried about if they would be accepted as Shamrocks. John and Mike turned their heads when they heard the Shamrocks bust through the school doors. “They are one awesome team. So glad we are in the popular group! Maybe now I can finally ask out Sarah, said John.” Today is the day! After school it was time for practice. The Shamrocks are scrimmaging the Duke Nationals. As the Shamrocks run to the field, Coach Brian notices his best 2 players, John and Mike with Shamrock jerseys on. Confused and furious, Coach Brian jogs over to Coach Andy and begins to yell. Coach Brian argues with Coach Andy to where both teams become afraid of what might happen next. The teams had to separate the coaches from fighting. Coach Andy said, “Hey, it’s not my fault your players wanted to finally be on a winning team. So, are we going to scrimmage or are you going to forfeit and stay a loser?” This could be the end to one of the top lacrosse teams. The coaches on both sides are angry with a thirst for revenge and blood. As the Shamrocks walked down the hall towards the lockers, the Duke Nationals block the whole hallway to where the Shamrocks had no way out. The anger and aggression could be felt down the hall and into the teachers’ lounge. The Duke Nationals were not happy about the Shamrocks taking their best players. The
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Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Shamrocks felt a chill run down their spine in worries that they might have to fight the Duke Nationals in the halls! It took them a minute to get themselves together enough to approach the Duke Nationals with no fear. Just then Duke Nationals looked around and realized they did not have enough guys to back them up and said, "Shamrocks you better watch your backs, and we'll see you at the scrimmage!" They started the scrimmage with the best lineup, John, Mike and Nick. The Shamrocks were doing great until Mike passed to the wrong team and the Duke Nationals scored. Then, John made a mistake and sprinted down the field and scored a left hand shot on the wrong goal. The goalkeeper stepped out of the box and tried to take the ball from John's stick by pushing him forward. The goalkeeper Carson, fell forward onto the ground because John dodged to the right of him. The Shamrocks thought this kidnapping idea was going to work out, but they thought wrong. Having the 2 starter players of the Duke National team was an awesome plan if they could have figured out what team they were on. It sucks that we were wrong! Coach Andy has an awful temper and to see his idea not work out really made his blood boil. Being wrong is not something that comes across him that often. What are the Shamrocks going to do now? Shamrocks lost the battle to the Duke Nationals and felt humiliated and ashamed to have lost their 5-year winning streak to a losing team. Meanwhile, the Duke Nationals ran down the field overly excited that they won. As they are throwing in the air; their helmets, gloves and sticks they approach the goalkeeper by swooping him up in the air chanting “Duke Nationals are #1!� The Duke Nationals chanting continued and the Shamrocks anger began to spiral. The Shamrocks proceeded to gather around John and Mike with anger and forcefully pushed them off the field leaving John and Mike on the ground outside of the fence line. John and Mike began to stare at each other wondering if any team would recruit them. As they walked home, they began to feel shame, embarrassment, and devastation that they screwed up so bad. Being able to be a part of the #1 team in high school history was an opportunity that will not be offered again.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Would you take them back? I know as a narrator that I would never take them back. I feel bad for them for being forced onto the Shamrocks, but hey, it was in the end their choice, so no, I do not feel for them. It turns out John and Mike were not as good as the Shamrocks thought they would be. So, off the Shamrocks go to steal another player from another team especially since the reputation is on the line. School rumors are in full force with the Duke Nationals being number 1! What will the Shamrocks do to win their title back? Steal more players? Or realize winning comes from hard work and dedication? What do you think? Will the Duke Nationals continue to hold the #1 title? Will the Shamrocks become honest, hard-working players? Nah‌the Shamrocks will always be cheaters! What do you think will happen next season? To be continued for another season of lacrosse.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Surfing Legend By Gabe Mayorga Tutor: April Tillman
BASED ON A TRUE STORY... Hey dudes! There once was a young boy named Gabe Mayorga. He loved to surf and once surfed a 60 foot wave! “It was really scary though”, he said to an interviewer. He loved to surf so much that he did a backflip off his surfboard. You should have seen the biggest wave he caught a few years ago! It was 100 feet tall! He loved to surf so much that he commanded his brother not to surf anymore because he didn’t want his brother to be better than him! Listen, he is the best, he has 55,000 records! He had 5,500 people come two years in a row to witness him surf. “It was rad seeing the crowd go wild when I hit the backflip”, said Gabe to an interviewer. He always did his absolute best. The next day, 60,000 people came to see him. The waves he caught were 60 million feet tall. A world record. Legend says that during one competition he said “Look out! I'm here!”, over the sounds of the crashing waves. Everyone applauded. Then he did a 660, the hardest move to date. Everyone clapped so much their hands hurt. The lifeguards came because he was just way too good. They saw something in the water that Gabe couldn’t. He had suddenly realized
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Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
they said, “Stop!” There was a shark next to him! He smacked the shark in the head with his mighty fist. The shark almost bit him, but he paddled out faster than Usain Bolt could run. When he made it to the shore, he looked down and realized he was bleeding a little bit. What makes this competition legendary other than the massive world record crashing wave is that the blood Gabe noticed actually wasn’t his, it was the sharks! From that day forward, Gabe was made a surfing legend. The legend of all legends! The End. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
-Loves to surf. He had a dog, but he passed away 2 years ago. I hope you guys all love this story of my life. Watch out for what’s next! It will blow your mind. PS- watch out for sharks when surfing, sometimes they might be dolphins! If you ever see a shark give it a big smack and then paddle out fast. Actually, scratch that. I don’t want you to get hurt nor do I want to pay for it! Thanks for reading! - Gabe M.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Unicorn By Autumn Baker Tutor: Michelle Williams
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Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
What Kind of Dog Am I ??? By Dylena Freeman Tutor: Sam Davis
Hi! My name is Morgan. I love playing and I'm not the working type. The game I like the most is kick ball, but I also like to sleep, too. I am big some people like me and some don't because I'm lazy, but I love me life!!!
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington
Luke, the Lab By Sophie Namiot Tutor: Kalyn Smith Luke the Lab lived alone on a farm. He did not have any friends. Luke felt sad about not having any friends. One day, Luke the Lab was chasing sheep on the farm. He came across a cat named Cowboy. "Hi!" said Luke, "Can I play with you?" Cowboy the Cat said, "No! I will not play with you. You are too big!" After Cowboy would not play with him, Luke felt sad. He did not think that he was too big. He kept chasing sheep. Luke came across a pond. There was a frog named Paddle on the lily pad. "Hi! Can I play with you?" Paddle said. "No, you cannot play with me because you are too big!" Luke felt very sad. At first, he did not believe that he was too big. Now, everyone said that he was too big, so he started to believe it. He kept chasing sheep into the forest. When Luke the Lab went into the forest, he came across a rabbit named Hopper. "Can I play with you, Hopper?" said Luke the Lab. "You cannot play with me." said Hopper "Why not?" said Luke "Because you are too big." said Hopper. Luke felt sad because Hopper the rabbit would not let him play. Now, he felt too big. Luke started to cry. He was so sad that he stopped chasing sheep. He kept walking until he came across a jungle. In the jungle, Luke the Lab heard someone crying! He kept walking and discovered an Elephant named Ed crying by himself. "Why are you crying?" said Luke. "No one will play with me because I am too big." said Ed. "No one will play with me either because I am too big." said Luke. "Well, I do not think you are too big, Luke." said Ed. "I do not think you are too big, Ed!" said Luke. "Can you play with me, Luke?" asked Ed "I will play with you!" Ed felt happy again. Luke said, "Those people who did not want to play with us because of how we looked must not have been a real friend." Ed saw that Luke was treating him like a real friend. "We can be real friends, now!" said Ed. Luke the Lab and Ed the Elephant played together. They swam in the pond, they ran through the forest, and they walked down the streets all the way to the farm where they spent time chasing sheep. They were real friends, no matter how big they were.
Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory
Watson College of Education UNC Wilmington