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Inside this issue
from Winter 2013
by Albert Tran
Lee Lieberg 2013 WSGVAR President
WSGVAR won NAR’s 2013 Ambassador Associa on of the Year Award (See page 9 for more informa on) Happy Holidays!
I want to thank you for a fantas c year and for the honor of serving as your 2013 West San Gabriel Valley Associa on of REALTORS® President.
Please join me in welcoming our 2014 President, Mel Wong, and our 2014 Board of Directors. Officers:
Mel Wong, President Tom Berge, Jr., President‐Elect Kevin Kwan, Vice President Yin Bihr, Treasurer Suzi Dunkel‐Soto, Secretary Lee Lieberg, Immediate Past President Directors:
Tom Berge, Sr., Director Brian Chen, Director Ling Chow, Director Lorraine Clark, Director Gigi Lee, Director Helen Marston, Director Cecelia “Cyl” Rudar, Director Giuseppe “Joe” Veneziano Stephen Walker, Director Larry Yang, Director
As the year comes to a close, we look forward to the New Year and new changes. We will be inves ng in upgrades to our WSGVAR office and our Chapman investment property in this and in the coming year. We are excited to see the improvements and benefits they will bring to our members and the Associa on.
I want to take a look back and highlight our major accomplishments and events from 2013. It has been a very successful and even ul year.
NAR Designa on and Cer fica on Courses including: Cer fied Interna onal Property Specialist (CIPS), Resort Second Home Property Specialist (RSPS), CCIM Intro: Introduc on to Commercial Investment Real Estate Analysis, Military Reloca on Professional (MRP) and Managing Single Family Homes and Small Investment Proper es Lunch & Learn Series Classes YPN Top Producer Panel YPN Game Night Scholarship Awards presented to 15 high school seniors Launched the San Gabriel Valley Connec on Online Digital Newsle er zipForm® Mobile became a new, free member benefit Global Business Council held Interna onal Night Commercial Summit WSGVAR Golf Tournament Broker/Owner Risk Management Panel Discussion WSGVAR Dodger Night (See page 4 for details) Monterey Park Point‐of‐Sale Inspec on Victory (See page 5 for details) Awarded NAR 2013 Ambassador Associa on of the Year (See page 9 for details) Hosted an inbound trade mission with delegates from Taiwan (See page 11 for details) Charity/Scholarship Auc ons (See page 17 for details) Global Business Council’s Cultural Night and Karaoke (See page 12 for details) Installa on of 2014 President, Mel Wong, and the 2014 Officers and Directors (See pages 18‐19 for details)
The 2014 Board of Directors at Installa on (See page 18 for more informa on) In closing, I want to thank you again for having me serve as your 2013 President. I hope you and your families have a wonderful holiday season, a prosperous 2014 and a Happy New Year!