WSPA News Spring | Summer 2011

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World Society for the Protection of Animals


FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES: Freedom for three more bears RECOVERING FROM DISASTER: Haiti one year later MAKING A DIFFERENCE: Dogs and cats across the globe

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Save-a-Bear 20, $40, $80, or $100


Sohrab is one of the residents at the newly opened Balkasar sanctuary in Pakistan, home to bears rescued from the cruel blood sport of bear baiting. This Really Wild Gift will help WSPA rescue, care for and protect more bears just like Sohrab.

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WSPA NEWS World Society for the Protection of Animals




From the Regional Director

| SUMMER 2011

5 Headlines 8

Making a world of difference


Freedom for three more bears

10 Working ponies in Cambodia 12 Haiti one year later 13 Making dates with Middle East donkeys

© Lola Ya Bonobo



Editor: Elizabeth Sharpe Contributors: Holly Hewitt, Josey Kitson, Kirsty McFadden, Michaela Miller, Elizabeth Sharpe, Silia Smith. Designed and produced by: Serina Morris Printed by: DT&P Inc. WSPA Canada 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 960 Toronto, ON M4P 2Y3 T: 416 369 0044 TF:1 800 363 9772 F: 416 369 0147 E: Unless otherwise stated, all images are the copyright of WSPA. WSPA News is published twice yearly by the World Society for the Protection of Animals. WSPA News is printed on 100% recycled paper from post-consumer waste. WSPA is a registered Canadian charitable organization No. 12971 9076 RR0001 © WSPA 2011





Around the world, millions of horses, donkeys and mules toil in unbearable conditions and suffer from too little care. WSPA and its partners are lightening their load. There are around 90 million working horses, ponies, mules and donkeys world-wide. Daily life for them can be a struggle; they work long and tiring hours despite injury, not enough food and a lack of proper care. Living in these poor conditions and working without rest, these animals are literally worked to death.

collaboration and education, WSPA is creating lasting and meaningful change for these tired ponies. To find out more, turn to page 10. Across Israel and Palestine horses, donkeys and mules are subjected to overloading and untreated lameness. But since 2007, our partner the Pegasus rescue facility has saved hundreds of abused equines. This year the WSPA-funded Pegasus facility and some Israeli date plantation owners have developed a unique project – giving formerly abused and unwanted donkeys a new lease on life. Turn to page 13 for details. At WSPA, we’re striving every day to give animals a better life and working hard to bring aid to working equines across the globe. Throughout this edition of WSPA News, you’ll see the amazing strides we’ve made as well as exciting upcoming projects. All are made possible with your support.

© WSPA/Dennis Brussaard

Silia Smith Regional Director, North America

I’m pleased to tell you that in communities all over the world, the lives of these animals are improving in significant and sustainable ways thanks to the support you give us.

There are nearly 30,000 working ponies in Cambodia and WSPA partner, the Cambodian Pony Welfare Organization (CPWO) is working to improve their lives. In an inspiring story of community



© WSPA/Dennis Brussaard

Your support is helping to stop the suffering these equines endure by providing the vitamin-rich food, clean water and essential veterinary care they so desperately need. WSPA and its partners are also working with farmers and owners, training them in proper animal husbandry to provide a happier, healthier and brighter future for their animals.

This boy has brought his donkey to one of WSPA’s mobile clinics.

BONOBO REHABILITATION in the Democratic Republic of Congo

© Danila Foundation

The famously peaceful bonobo – which shares 98.7% of our DNA – is the most endangered of the great apes. The remaining wild population (estimated to be as low as 5,000) face a number of severe threats, from habitat loss to the devastating effects of the bushmeat trade. The result is that the extinction of one of our closest living relatives is a real possibility within our lifetimes. But thanks to your support an inspiring group in the Democratic Republic of Congo, is working to release rehabilitated bonobos into a protected natural reserve where they can once again enjoy their freedom. In June of 2009, the WSPA supported Amis des Bonobos du Congo (ABC) released a group of nine bonobos back into the wild. This groundbreaking event was a world first – but the story is just beginning. In 2011, WSPA is supporting ABC as they prepare to release a second group of ten bonobos who will join their former sanctuary companions in the wild for the first time in years. Watch a video from the 2009 release at

A desperate farmer was overjoyed when a WSPAfunded team hard at work in flood-stricken Pakistan, saved the lives of his buffalo and her new-born calf. When the team arrived in the community they found the farmer standing ankle deep in the flooded landscape. His buffalo had given birth hours before and was so weak and hungry that she could not produce milk to feed her baby. The team gave the mother buffalo high-energy feed and gave vitamins to her calf. Thanks to the generosity of those who supported our emergency appeal, we were able to save 5,691 animals in the region.


SAVING LIVES in Pakistan

THANK YOU From bears in captivity to animals struggling in the aftermath of natural disasters, our amazing donors have truly made a difference in the lives of thousands of animals. You have made each and every success possible, and on behalf of all animals we give you our heartfelt thanks.


Watch the video


Canadian schools are CHOOSING CAGE-FREE In January 2011, Humber College and York University in Toronto, switched to cage-free eggs in all of the food services they operate on four campuses. Their decision means that more than 150,000 eggs purchased each year will now come from hens that have the freedom to move, stretch their wings and behave naturally. We hope the York and Humber decisions will inspire more people and businesses to choose cage-free. To find out more about our campaign, visit

ENDING CRUELTY in Sweden and Finland

Š WSPA/Colin Seddon

Thank you to the 3,000 Canadians, who supported our campaign against reindeer cruelty. You were part of 65,000 people who participated world-wide. The Swedish Minister for Rural Affairs confirmed that the shocking slaughter methods WSPA brought to light, some of which were illegal, will be stopped immediately.

Watch MEGA-DAIRY STOPPED the video in the UK

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Following a governmental objection and sustained campaigning by WSPA, Nocton Dairies has withdrawn its application for an intensive farming facility that would hold 8,100 cows. In these mega-dairies antibiotics, stress and aggression are common and cows spend their entire lives indoors. To fight this and other proposed changes to British dairy farming, WSPA launched its Not in my Cuppa campaign and were thrilled when Nocton’s plans were withdrawn in February. WSPA will continue to lobby the government as well as farming industries to ensure that mega-dairies are never established in the UK. Watch the Not in my Cuppa video and take part in the ongoing campaign at




FREEDOM FOR THREE MORE BEARS Early this year our colleagues in Pakistan, WSPA partner Bioresource Research Centre (BRC), rescued three more bears from the Layyah district, Punjab in Pakistan.


or most of their lives, these three female bears: Bhoori (10 years old), Leela (8 years old) and Kaali (5 years old) have been used in bear baiting – an event where 2,000 spectators assemble to watch a tethered and clawless bear set upon by trained fighting dogs. These rescued bears can now look forward to peaceful times in the newly opened Balkasar Sanctuary. Once Bhoori, Leela and Kaali got to the sanctuary, the rings that pierced their sensitive muzzles were carefully removed, the leashes that had been wound tightly around their necks were cut away and their wounds were treated. As for the owners, all three accepted an alternative livelihood package – they were given a general store to run and their children will receive an education. So not only are these bears rescued, we can also be sure that the owners will not have to revert back to bear baiting.

Bhoori Bhoori’s name means brown. Like Leela and Kaali several of Bhoori’s teeth were pulled out when she was young. The claws on her hind legs have also been damaged during her captivity. Over a period of one-and-a-half years and as often as possible, this lovely brown bear was used as ‘entertainment’ in bear baiting events by her owner.

Leela Leela’s name means play, but for this brown bear life has been anything but playful. As a young bear her front teeth were removed and the claws of her hind limbs cut in preparation for the ‘sport’ she would be forced into. At first, Leela appeared to be strong and active, but it quickly became clear that she is blind or severely vision-impaired. Baiting would have been a terrifying experience for this beautiful bear.

Kaali Kaali’s name means black and she is an Asiatic black bear. For almost half her life she has been used in bear baiting events. Smaller than her two companions she is very active and also more aggressive. All of Kaali’s canine teeth have been removed – a procedure that was most likely performed without anaesthetic, causing her immense pain.





© WSPA / Luis Carlos Sarmiento

© WSPA/Josey Kitson



Thanks to you we are working with Canada’s First Nations people to look at the problems of dog overpopulation and strays. Many First Nations communities are very remote and there are few veterinarians. We have coordinated the First Nations Dogs Working Group bringing together representatives from animal protection, veterinary and First Nations sectors to look at problems on a national level and see how resources and experiences can be shared.

Since 2004 your support has helped us work in the slums of Cali, Colombia with our partner Paraiso de la Mascota and the local authorities. Much of our focus has been in the Communa 20 area where, until recently, the local authorities were carrying out mass culls to control dog population. Many people lived in fear of rabies and dog bites were common. Thanks to you the culling of dogs has stopped.

Making a world of

difference for

dogs & cats




© WSPA/Dennis Brussaard

In the past year you have supported projects that resulted in more than 300,000 dogs and cats being vaccinated, sterilized and treated for wounds and diseases.

With your help we have been working with the Sierra Leone Animal Welfare Society (SLAWS), since 1990. The team has sterilised 12,500 dogs, de-wormed more than 18,000 and vaccinated over 40,000! The SLAWS team educates local people in responsible pet ownership and takes veterinary care to local communities.



A humane population management program launched in 2007 with our partner the Blue Paw Trust (BPT) is achieving excellent results in Colombo. In some areas almost 85 per cent of female dogs have been sterilized and in total 12,000 dogs have been vaccinated against rabies.

Working with our partner organisation the Bali Animal Welfare Association we piloted a project to stop the spread of rabies on the Indonesian island of Bali. The project was such a success that we expanded our work across most of the island and have so far vaccinated more than 210,000 dogs.

NEPAL Your donations have enabled us to work on a joint campaign with our partner the Kathmandu Animal Treatment Centre, municipal authorities and the World Health Organization to stamp out rabies in Kathmandu. With your help we have vaccinated 10,000 dogs.

We believe that humane education programs that develop compassion, a sense of justice and respect for animals are vital to improving the ways that dogs and cats are treated throughout the world. Thanks to you we were able to co-present the South Pacific Humane Education Conference 2010 with SPCA New Zealand. Organizations from around the South Pacific came together to share experiences about humane education programs in their countries.





WORKING PONIES IN CAMBODIA Creating Lasting Change In an inspiring story of community collaboration, behaviour change and education, WSPA and the Cambodian Pony Welfare Organization (CPWO) are fundamentally and permanently changing the lives of working ponies in Cambodia.


life of hard labour is all that the 30,000 working ponies in Cambodia know. Their days are spent struggling to pull heavy, overloaded carts for farmers who need to transport their goods. Even though one pony may support the livelihood of an entire extended family, these animals are often malnourished and lame as a result of poor animal husbandry and a lack of veterinary care. With your support, WSPA is making great strides to change all that. In 2008, WSPA and the Lampang Pony Welfare Foundation joined forces and formed the Cambodian Pony Welfare Organization (CPWO). Designed to address the many problems plaguing working ponies, the CPWO is comprised of local equine owners and focuses on education and preventative care. We are working with the CPWO and other equine owners to help them understand the causes of their ponies’ problems and discover solutions that lie within their own communities. We want to make sure that Cambodia’s ponies are provided with good care and worked within their limits. Our work also improves the welfare of the families by providing preventative veterinary treatment for the ponies, saving them the more significant costs of treatment later on. Children are often



the ponies’ main caregivers and having professionally trained veterinarians looking after them instead, means healthier ponies and less time spent on their care. These children can spend that extra time in school. Lastly, our work will help establish a strong group of equine veterinarians and animal welfare legislation – a first for Cambodia.

2008 - 2009: Identifying the problems In the first year of the program we identified many problems associated with poor animal husbandry. The ponies were given cut grass as their main food source, but it lacks the nutrients needed by such hardworking animals. As a result, thin and starving ponies were a regular sight. Another


problem was that the ponies were subjected to badly fitting harnesses that caused open sores and poor shoeing that caused chronic lameness. Also the veterinarians in Cambodia were not experienced in equine medicine, causing owners to resort to ineffective traditional cures to treat their sick ponies.

2010: A year of successes Happily, CPWO has reported major improvements over the past year. Owners are working collaboratively to rebuild damaged roads and negotiating with

their clients to prevent having to overload their carts. They are also finding new and better ways of feeding and housing their ponies. The number of treatments for existing conditions provided by the CPWO mobile veterinary team has decreased, while instances of preventative treatments remain the same. This shows that instead of working their ponies until something goes wrong, owners are now investing in the future welfare of their animals, seeking preventative measures proactively.

2011 and beyond: our plans going forward Over the next two years, WSPA and CPWO will continue to provide education for pony owners – including children as they will pass on their improved skills to future generations in Cambodia. A major point of focus will be establishing a formal equine veterinary community to support pony owners throughout the country.

May is Legacy Giving Month As a WSPA supporter, you already make a vital contribution to WSPA’s work. Your commitment to protect animals from suffering and abuse can continue after your lifetime. Your legacy to WSPA will make a tremendous difference in the lives of many animals in need of help. It could help animals in disasters, provide rabies vaccinations for stray dogs and cats around the world and educate children as well as adults so that they and future generations will be able to provide the best care possible for their animals. WSPA NEWS


The earthquake that hit Haiti in early 2010 was devastating. FEATURE

It quickly became apparent that this already fragile nation was looking at unprecedented levels of destruction. 230,000 people were dead and millions more, and their animals, were left injured, homeless and in desperate need of care.

Treated more than 50,000 animals in need ARCH set up a mobile veterinary clinic, enabling veterinarians to travel into earthquake-stricken neighborhoods and provide medical aid to tens of thousands of dogs, cats, goats, cattle, horses and other animals. To date, the team has directly treated and vaccinated more than 50,000 animals and aided the economic recovery of the communities that depend on them.

Repaired veterinary infrastructure and supplies Together we have helped to repair and re-stock the National Veterinary Laboratory and installed 12 solar powered refrigeration units to store vaccinations. We also began training veterinarians, as this is essential in ensuring communities are prepared in the event of another disaster.

Visit our blog © WSPA/IFAW/M. Booth


© WSPA/IFAW/Tomas Stargardter


Now, a little more than a year later the WSPA-led coalition ARCH (Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti) has treated 50,000 injured animals, raised awareness of animal welfare and rebuilt a damaged veterinary infrastructure. ARCH teams have been working non-stop and we are thrilled to share some of our progress – all of it made possible because of supporters like you.

The team launched a public awareness campaign to educate Haitians about disaster preparedness and health issues related to their livestock and pets. We worked closely with the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR) to develop a system for monitoring and supporting animal health.


Promoted pet care and animal welfare education

Nine-year old Makendi brought this goat to the ARCH clinic for treatment.




Watch the video

WATCH A VIDEO about our relief efforts in Haiti at


Making dates

with Middle East donkeys

Donkeys that were once abused enjoying life at the Nativ Agude plantation.

A unique project, set up by WSPA partner Pegasus and Israeli date plantation owners, has given formerly abused and unwanted donkeys a new lease on life and a useful job to do.


ince May last year around 30 donkeys have been moved from the WSPA-funded Pegasus facility run by Zvika Tamuz to two organic plantations near the ancient city of Jericho. The donkeys are busy doing the important job, once done by electric trimmers, of keeping the bases of the date palms free from grass. “The plantations are ideal places for the donkeys,” says WSPA’s Middle East program manager Alistair Findlay. “They provide a secure, protected environment with lots of shade. The donkeys are being well fed and watered and the plantation manager is delighted.”

“I can’t imagine, the plantation without them,” says the manager of Nativ Agude plantation. “They do an excellent job for us and our staff really enjoy their presence while working.” Zvika and Alistair have been so pleased with the way the animals are being looked after that other plantations are now being reviewed as possible longterm solutions for difficult re-homing cases. Pegasus has worked to improve the lives of the region’s working equines since 2004 and has been a WSPA partner since 2007. Donkeys in this area can suffer from a range of problems including abandonment when they are too old or ill to work; beatings from their owners; serious and painful wounds caused by badly fitting, poorly-made harnesses and nosebands; collapse and even death as they are forced to pull overloaded carts and wagons. In just over three years, your support has helped Zvika rescue hundreds of donkeys and horses from abuse. You are also helping him save thousands more from harm by funding his educational activities and work with equine owners along the border between Palestine and Israel. WSPA NEWS


Honour someone special or remember a beloved animal or person by making a tribute or memorial gift. This is a meaningful way to make your loved one a part of long-term, positive change for animals. Your gift will help create a future that is bright and full of hope for animals, in Canada and around the world. The recipient of your tribute or memorial gift will receive a beautiful card in the mail informing them you have made a special gift to help animals in their honour. The cards can also be sent in recognition of a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary, baptism, graduation, wedding, bar mitzvah; in lieu of holiday gifts or in sympathy.

© WSPA/Dennis Brussaard


Tribute and memorial gifts

Create your tribute card online at For more information about tribute gifts or gifts in sympathy call 1-800-363-9772.

Help animals in disasters When disasters strike, WSPA is there for the animals. After the devastation caused by earthquakes, floods and tsunamis, animals are often the forgotten victims. They may be injured or left to fend for themselves with no food, water or shelter after their owners are forced to evacuate. Yet animals are vital to the people that depend on them. The survival of animals is crucial to the recovery of entire communities. WSPA’s disaster relief teams work all year round to provide animals with food, water, shelter and veterinary treatment after disasters all over the world, even those that don’t make the headlines. That’s why your ongoing support of our disaster work is so valuable.

If you’re interested in WSPA’s disaster relief work, you can keep up to date with the latest news on our Animals in Disasters blog:



By making a donation to our Animal Disaster Fund you can help ensure that our disaster management teams have the resources they need to respond quickly and effectively. You can contribute to the Disaster Fund at any time by visiting

Support WSPA The work described in this magazine would not be possible without the financial support of individuals who, like you, are passionate about animals. Strengthen your support for WSPA today and help stop the needless suffering of animals around the world. Donate to WSPA today. Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $20 or more.


Text RESCUE Call 1

to make an online donation

to 30333 to donate $5 from your mobile phone

800 363 9772 to donate by phone

Connect with WSPA WSPA Canada 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 960 • Toronto, ON M4P 2Y3 • Telephone 416 369 0044 or Toll-free 1 800 363 9772 • Canadian charitable registration #12971 9076 RR0001

There are so many ways to help animals and WSPA Host a Really Wild Event Fundraising through events is one of the best ways to bring your friends, family and community together to combat animal cruelty. Find out more at

Choose Cage-Free Nearly all of Canada’s eggs come from hens forced to live in battery cages. You can help by looking for cage-free alternatives in your grocery store. For more information on which eggs to choose visit

Pass it on When you are finished with your issue of WSPA News help spread the word by passing it on to a friend, family member or co-worker. Or, if you want to introduce WSPA to even more people, leave it at your hairdresser, doctor’s office or veterinary clinic.

Take action Make your voice heard! Check our website regularly to view a list of current actions and sign one of our petitions. Your voice will help champion animal welfare – in Canada and around the world.

BMO affinity MasterCard Every time you use your BMO WSPA MasterCard to make a purchase, a payment is made to WSPA from BMO Bank of Montreal at no additional cost to you. To date, the BMO WSPA MasterCard has generated over $150,000 to help alleviate animal suffering. For more information on applying, please visit our website at

Make a donation No matter how much – every little bit counts when it comes to helping animals in need. You can donate by visiting, calling 1-800-363-WSPA or by filling in the donation form on the reverse.


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