These illustrations show the difference between two types of ball return circuit. The end cap return (pictured above with black end cap) shows a single circuit with multiple returns. This design is best for long lead applications where the lead is greater than 50% of the screw diameter. It offers reduced wear via a patented fingerless pickup design that eliminates the common end-cap wear point and allows for refurbishing. | courtesy Dynatect
The other design, the internal button return, shows a single turn with multiple circuits. Such a design is good for typical lead and diameter combinations.
New tools, services aid
ball screw selection, design BALL SCREW PERFORMANCE continues to improve, thanks to advancements in
Newer ball screw designs can also better
manufacturing methods and materials. Newer generations of ball screws have higher load
resist harsh conditions such as extreme temperatures, high particulate levels, exposure to chemicals and high-pressure washdown environments, as well as shock and vibration.
capacities, which means they’re increasingly being used for applications with higher loads as well as more challenging environmental conditions. Hence, the rise in ball-screw-driven actuators replacing traditional fluid power actuation methods in some high-force applications.
3 • 2020