EX.LS EX.LS EX.LS EX.LS EX.LS EX.LS TS EX. FH E X L S E X L S E X L S E X T L S E X T L S E X L S E X L S PHASE 5 PHASE 4 DN DN DN UP UP DN 9y 8y 7y 6y 5y 4y 3y 2y 1y 1ya L L K K J J H H G G F F E D C B A 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x eF eE eD eC eB eA e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 1032010200150001250015000 71600 900090009000900090004500900090004100 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7620 7620 7620 7620 7620 10200150001250015000 FFE 76.75 FFE 77.00 FFE 77.30 9700 8450 9700 6400 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 8 9 3 5 7 6 6600 FFE 77.30 FFE 77.15 FFE 76.75 FFE 77.00 FFE 77.30 RETAIL RETAIL RETAILRETAILRETAIL AIR EXHAUST 64 m² RETAIL OFFICE LOBBY (EAST TOWER) RETAIL RETAIL RETAIL OFFICE LOBBY (WEST TOWER) HOTEL LOBBY (WEST TOWER) AIR INTAKE 32 m² AIR INTAKE 32 m² HIGH-RISE OFFICE CORE MID-RISE OFFICE CORE 2 7 7 5 HOTEL LOBBY (WEST TOWER) 15.00% 7.50% 11.36% 180006000 GATE BIKE RAMP 16536 FFE 76.75 FFE 76.75 FFE 76.75 7800 CLEAR HEIGHT OF 4.5M HOTEL LOBBY (WEST TOWER) FFE 77.15 FFE 77.30 RESTAURANT/BAR INTAKE 13 m² FFE 77.15 FFE 77.00 FFE 77.00 PEDESTRIAN CANOPY 10000 c ycl e t r ack PEDESTRIAN CANOPY furn hing b -d rec onal cycle rack 3 319 pedestrian c earway LEVEL-2 ABOVE 3 3 9 0 2600 7.50% 7.50% 6000 6660 6000 15.00% PARKING RAMP MIN. 4.5m CLEAR 9450 9 0 2 0 1 6 0 0 PROP. TTC bus stop
FREELAND STREET 9450 Y GNO E S T ER E T L A N D T O B E C O N V E Y E D T O C I T YR O W LAND TO BE CONVEYED TO C TY - ROW LAND TO BE CONVEYED TO C TY - ROW PL PL PL PL 2800 PEDESTRIAN CANOPY 3 4 9 0 LEVEL 2 ABOVE 6654 POTENTIAL COFFEE SHOP 10000 OPEN ABOVE 10000 OPEN ABOVE 10000 LEVEL-2 ABOVE OPEN ABOVE LEVEL-2 ABOVE COVERED DROP-OFF 4000 2500 PEDESTRIAN CANOPY PEDESTRIAN CANOPY COVERED DRIVEWAY 2155 PEDESTRIAN CANOPY LEVEL-2 ABOVE LEVEL-2 ABOVE LEVEL-2 ABOVE LEVEL-2 ABOVE 1 6 9 0 2 0 2 0 2 8 0 0 9450 GAS METRE PEDESTRIAN CANOPY LEVEL-2 ABOVE PEDESTRIAN CANOPY LEVEL-2 ABOVE LANDING 0% RAMP TO P2 2150 LEVEL-2 ABOVE 7770 -3600 ZONING OUTLINE ZON NG OUTL NE ZON NG OUTL NE ZONING OUTLINE ZON NG OUTLINE ZONING OUTLINE ZONING OUTLINE 10000 10320 TORONTO STAR OFFICE BUILDING SHUTTLE LOBBYSTORAGE LOW RISE-OFFICE CORE Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 250 OVERALL FLOOR PLANLEVEL 1 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A2.05 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

PHASE5 PHASE4 DN DN UP DN 9y 8y 7y 6y 5y 4y 3y 2y 1y 1ya L L K K J J H H G G F F ABCDE 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x eF eE eD eC eB eA e1e2e3e4e5e6 1032010200150001250015000 790009000900090009000450090009000410071600 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 76207620762076207620 LINE OF BUILDING ABOVE 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 8 9 3 5 7 6 970 80 45 90 70 60 400 HOTELAMENITY M&E LOWRISEOFFICECORE HIGH-RISEOFFICECORE MECHANICALROOM RESTAURANT INTAKESHAFT 71.2m²/766SF LINE OF BUILDING ABOVE ROOFTERRACE ROOFTERRACE 5 4 1 5 CORRIDOR CORRIDOR EXITSTAIRTRANSFERROUTE EXIT STAIR TRANSFER ROUTE 9957 PL PL PL PL ZON NG OUTLINE ZON NG OUTL NE ZON NG OUTL NE ZONING OUTLINE ZON NG OUTLINE ZONINGOUTLINE PEDESTRIAN CANOPY PEDESTRIAN CANOPY PEDESTRIAN CANOPYPEDESTRIAN CANOPY PEDESTRIAN CANOPY PEDESTRIAN CANOPY PEDESTRIAN CANOPY 10000 3129 ZONINGOUTLINE 36405150 4 0 6 9 4 40690 1032010200150001250015000 10000 10000 393341002066220 TORONTOSTAR OFFICEBUILDING FOODHALLPHASE4 81785 Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 250 OVERALL FLOOR PLANLEVEL 2 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A2.06 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

PHASE5 PHASE4 UP DN 9y 8y 7y 6y 5y 4y 3y 2y 1y 1ya L L K K J J H H G G F F ABCDE 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x eF eE eD eC eB eA e1e2e3e4e5e6 1032010200150001250015000 790009000900090009000450090009000410071600 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 76207620762076207620 10200150001250015000 970 80 45 90 70 60 400 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 8 9 3 5 7 6 MECHANICALROOM M&E ELECT.RM ELECT.RMMECH.RM VESTIBULE OFFICE(WESTTOWER) 10320 PL PL PL PL ZON NG OUTL NE ZONING OUTLINE ZONING OUTLINE ZON NG OUTL NE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONINGOUTLINE TERRACEONLEVEL2 ROOFONLEVEL3 5 4 1 5 83196 42605 5150 TERRACEONLEVEL2 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ZONINGOUTLINE ZONING OUTL NE 393302150054740 10000 4 0 6 9 4 40690 10000 44667 TORONTOSTAR OFFICEBUILDING 21500 LEVEL3-OFFICE(EASTTOWER) 81785 WOMEN'SWASHROOM MEN'SWASHROOM Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 250 OVERALL FLOOR PLANLEVEL 3 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A2.07 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

PHASE5 PHASE4 9y 8y 7y 6y 5y 4y 3y 2y 1y 1ya L L K K J J H H G G F F ABCDE 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x eF eE eD eC eB eA e1e2e3e4e5e6 1032010200150001250015000 790009000900090009000450090009000410071600 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 76207620762076207620 10200150001250015000 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 8 9 3 5 7 6 970 80 45 90 70 60 400 STAIRD-E 10320 PL PL PL PL 5 4 1 5 83196 42605 MECH MECHANICALROOM ELEC.MECH. ELEC. 5150 TERRACEONLEVEL2 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ZON NG OUTL NE ZONING OUTLINE ZONING OUTLINE ZONING OUTL NE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONINGOUTLNE ZONING OUTL NE 4 0 6 9 4 40690 10000 44667 393302150054740 10000 TORONTOSTAR OFFICEBUILDING TERRACEONLEVEL2 21500 OFFICE(WESTTOWER) LEVEL4-OFFICE(EASTTOWER) 81785 WOMEN'SWASHROOM MEN'SWASHROOM DRIVE AISLE P A R K N G P A R K N G OBSTRUCTIONS GREATER THAN 1.0m LENGTH WALKWAY 6m TYP. 5.6m TYP. 5.6m TYP. 1.5m MIN. 3m TYP. 0.3m MIN. 2.6m TYP. 1m 0.61m TYP. 1.8m TYP. CAR PARKING DIMENSIONS BIKE PARKING DIMENSIONS Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M5E 1E5 General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Architect of Record: 1 : 250 OVERALL FLOOR PLANLEVEL 4 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A2.08 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

PHASE5 PHASE4 9y 8y 7y 6y 5y 4y 3y 2y 1y 1ya L L K K J J H H G G F F ABCDE 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x eF eE eD eC eB eA e1e2e3e4e5e6 10200150001250015000 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 76207620762076207620 10200150001250015000 970 80 45 90 70 60 400 10320 10320 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 8 9 3 5 7 6 ZON NG OUTLINE ZONING OUTL NE ZONING OUTLINE ZON NG OUTL NE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONNGOUTLINE ZON NG OUTL NE TERRACEONLEVEL2 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 42605 MECHANICALROOM TORONTOSTAR OFFICEBUILDING 83196 MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL 5 4 1 5 PL PL PL PL 393302150054740 10000 4 0 6 9 4 40690 81785716001900090009000900090004500900090004100 0000 44667 215005150 TERRACEONLEVEL2 OFFICE(WESTTOWER) OFFICE(EASTTOWER) WOMEN'SWASHROOM MEN'SWASHROOM Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 250 OVERALL FLOOR PLANLEVEL 5 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A2.09 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

PHASE5 PHASE4 9y 8y 7y 6y 5y 4y 3y 2y 1y 1ya L L K K J J H H G G F F ABCDE 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x eF eE eD eC eB eA e1e2e3e4e5e6 1032010200150001250015000 790009000900090009000450090009000410071600 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 76207620762076207620 10200150001250015000 970 80 45 90 70 60 400 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 8 9 3 5 7 6 ELECTRICAL 10320 MECHANICAL PL PL PL PL ZONINGOUTLINE ZONINGOUTLINE 5 0 0 0 10500 38187 MECHANICALROOM 5 0 0 0 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 TERRACEONLEVEL2 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 1 3 0 0 0 ROOFONLEVEL5 R OO F ON L E V E L 5 ZONING OUTLINE ZONNGOUTLINE ZONNGOUTLINE ZONNGOUTLNE ZONING OUTLNE LEVEL7-10TORONTO STAROFFICEBUILDING 70847 14813 310002500049390 4 0 6 9 4 4690 10916 39842 TERRACEONLEVEL2 25000 LEVEL6-9OFFICE (WESTTOWER) OFFICE(EASTTOWER)
WASHROOM MEN'SWASHROOM Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 250 OVERALL FLOOR PLANLEVELS 6-9 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A2.10 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

PHASE5 PHASE4 9y 8y 7y 6y 5y 4y 3y 2y 1y 1ya L L K K J J H H G G F F ABCDE 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x eF eE eD eC eB eA e1e2e3e4e5e6 1032010200150001250015000 790009000900090009000450090009000410071600 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 76207620762076207620 10200150001250015000 970 80 45 90 70 60 400 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 8 9 3 5 7 6 TERRACEONLEVEL2 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 PL PL PL PL ROOFONLEVEL5 R OO F ON L E V E L 5 5 0 0 0 10500 1 3 0 0 0 38187 10320 MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL 5 0 0 0 ZONINGOUTLINE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONING OUTLINE ZONNGOUTLNE ZONNGOUTLNE ZONNGOUTLNE ZONING OUTLNE LEVEL11TORONTOSTAR OFFICEBUILDING 14813 310002500049390 4 0 6 9 4 4090 10916 39842 TERRACEONLEVEL2 70847 25000 OFFICE(WESTTOWER) 69414 OFFICE(EASTTOWER) WOMEN'SWASHROOM MEN'SWASHROOM Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 250 OVERALL FLOOR PLANLEVEL 10 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A2.11 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

PHASE5 PHASE4 9y 8y 7y 6y 5y 4y 3y 2y 1y 1ya L L K K J J H H G G F F ABCDE 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x eF eE eD eC eB eA e1e2e3e4e5e6 1032010200150001250015000 790009000900090009000450090009000410071600 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 76207620762076207620 10200150001250015000 970 80 45 90 70 60 400 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 8 9 3 5 7 6 MECH.&ELEC. 10320 PL PL PL PL ZONINGOUTLINE ZONINGOUTLINE TERRACEONLEVEL2 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 R OO F ON L E V E L 5 MECHANICALROOM MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL 5 0 0 0 38187 10500 1 3 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 ZONING OUTLINE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONINGOUTLNE ZONNGOUTLINE ZONNG OUTLINE 14813 310002500049390 4 0 6 9 4 40690 10916 39842 WOMEN'SWASHROOM MEN'SWASHROOM LEVEL12-14TORONTO STAROFFICEBUILDING TERRACEONLEVEL2 70847 25000 LEVEL11-12OFFICE (WESTTOWER) OFFICE(EASTTOWER) 69414 Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 250 OVERALL FLOOR PLANLEVEL 11-12 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A2.12 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

PHASE5 PHASE4 9y 8y 7y 6y 5y 4y 3y 2y 1y 1ya L L K K J J H H G G F F ABCDE 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x eF eE eD eC eB eA e1e2e3e4e5e6 1032010200150001250015000 790009000900090009000450090009000410071600 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 76207620762076207620 10200150001250015000 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 8 9 3 5 7 6 970 80 45 90 70 60 400 ZONNGOUTLNE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONING OUTLINE ZONNGOUTLNE ZONNGOUTLNE 10320 PL PL PL PL TERRACEONLEVEL2 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 R OO F ON L E V E L 5 ROOFONLEVEL11 38187 5 0 0 0 LEVEL15TORONTOSTAR OFFICEBUILDING 5 0 0 0 12000 MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL 1 7 0 0 0 MECH.&ELEC. 47890 14813 3100025000 4 0 6 9 4 4060 10916 39842 MECHANICALROOM MEN'SWASHROOM WOMEN'SWASHROOM TERRACEONLEVEL2 66821 25000 OFFICE(WESTTOWER)
(EASTTOWER) Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 250 OVERALL FLOOR PLANLEVEL 13 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A2.13 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

PHASE5 PHASE4 9y 8y 7y 6y 5y 4y 3y 2y 1y 1ya L L K K J J H H G G F F ABCDE 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x eF eE eD eC eB eA e1e2e3e4e5e6 1032010200150001250015000 790009000900090009000450090009000410071600 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 76207620762076207620 10200150001250015000 970 80 45 90 70 60 400 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 8 9 3 5 7 6 ZONNGOUTLNE ZONINGOUTLNE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONING OUTLINE ZONNGOUTLNE ZONNGOUTLNE 10320 TERRACEONLEVEL2 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 R OO F ON L E V E L 5 ROOFONLEVEL11 38187 5 0 0 0 MECHANICALROOM 5 0 0 0 MECHANICAL MECH.&ELEC. ELECTRICAL 12000 1 7 0 0 0 PL PL PL PL 3100025000 14813 47890 4 0 6 9 4 4090 10916 39842 WOMEN'SWASHROOM MEN'SWASHROOM LEVEL16-19TORONTO STAROFFICEBUILDING TERRACEONLEVEL2 66821 25000 LEVEL14-16OFFICE (WESTTOWER)
(EASTTOWER) Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 250 OVERALL FLOOR PLANLEVELS 14-16 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A2.14 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

PHASE5 PHASE4 9y 8y 7y 6y 5y 4y 3y 2y 1y 1ya L L K K J J H H G G F F ABCDE 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x eF eE eD eC eB eA e1e2e3e4e5e6 1032010200150001250015000 790009000900090009000450090009000410071600 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 76207620762076207620 10200150001250015000 970 80 45 90 70 60 400 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 8 9 3 5 7 6 ZONNGOUTLINE ZONNGOUTLNE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONING OUTLINE ZONINGOUTLNE ZONINGOUTLNE LEVEL20EXISTINGSTAR OFFICEBUILDING 10320 TERRACEONLEVEL2 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 R OO F ON L E V E L 5 ROOFONLEVEL11 38187 5 0 0 0 MECHANICALROOM 5 0 0 0 12000 1 7 0 0 0 MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL MECH.&ELEC. PL PL PL PL 14813 310002500047890 4 0 6 9 4 40690 65564 10916 39842 WOMEN'SWASHROOM MEN'SWASHROOM TERRACEONLEVEL2 66821 25000 OFFICE(WESTTOWER) OFFICE(EASTTOWER) Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 250
1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A2.15 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

PHASE5 PHASE4 9y 8y 7y 6y 5y 4y 3y 2y 1y 1ya L L K K J J H H G G F F ABCDE 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x eF eE eD eC eB eA e1e2e3e4e5e6 1032010200150001250015000 790009000900090009000450090009000410071600 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 76207620762076207620 10200150001250015000 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 8 9 3 5 7 6 970 80 45 90 70 60 400 31000 38187 5 0 0 0 MECHANICALROOM TERRACEONLEVEL2 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 R OO F ON L E V E L 5 ROOFONLEVEL11 PL PL PL PL ZONINGOUTLINE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONING OUTLINE ZONNGOUTLNE ZONNGOUTLNE ZONNGOUTLNE ROOFONLEVEL17 ROOFONLEVEL17 MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL 36825 14000 4 1 8 2 5 1 0 0 0 0 10320 2500047890 4 0 6 9 4 4090 10916 39842 LEVEL21TORONTOSTAR OFFICEBUILDING TERRACEONLEVEL2 25000 OFFICE(WESTTOWER) 35610 OFFICE(EASTTOWER) WOMEN'S WASHROOM MEN'S WASHROOM Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 250 OVERALL FLOOR PLANLEVEL 18 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A2.16 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

PHASE5 PHASE4 9y 8y 7y 6y 5y 4y 3y 2y 1y 1ya L L K K J J H H G G F F ABCDE 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x eF eE eD eC eB eA e1e2e3e4e5e6 1032010200150001250015000 790009000900090009000450090009000410071600 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 76207620762076207620 10200150001250015000 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 8 9 3 5 7 6 970 80 45 90 70 60 400 10320 TERRACEONLEVEL2 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 R OO F ON L E V E L 5 ROOFONLEVEL11 ROOFONLEVEL17 ROOFONLEVEL17 ZONINGOUTLINE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONING OUTLINE ZONINGOUTLNE ZONNGOUTLINE ZONNGOUTLNE 38187 5 0 0 0 4 1 8 2 5 1 0 0 0 0 MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL 14000 310002500045890 14813 4 0 6 9 4 40690 ROOF ON LEVEL 11 PL PL PL PL 10916 39842 MECHANICALROOM LEVEL22TORONTOSTAR OFFICEBUILDING TERRACEONLEVEL2 36825 25000 LEVEL19-21OFFICE (WESTTOWER) 35610 OFFICE(EASTTOWER) WOMEN'S WASHROOM MEN'S WASHROOM Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 250 OVERALL FLOOR PLANLEVELS 19-21 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A2.17 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

PHASE5 PHASE4 9y 8y 7y 6y 5y 4y 3y 2y 1y 1ya L L K K J J H H G G ABCDEF 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x eF eE eD eC eB eA e1e2e3e4e5e6 HOTELAMENITY MECHANICALROOM EXTERIORAMENITYBRIDGEONLEVEL22 4 0 6 9 4 40690 TERRACEONLEVEL2 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 R OO F ON L E V E L 5 ROOFONLEVEL11 ROOFONLEVEL17 ROOFONLEVEL17 ROOF ON LEVEL 11 PL PL PL PL ZONINGOUTLINE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONING OUTLINE ZONNGOUTLNE ZONNGOUTLNE ZONNGOUTLNE E X I T C O R R D O R 38187 310002500045890 14813 1032010200150001250015000 76207620762076207620 10200150001250015000 970 80 45 90 70 60 400 10320 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 14000 4 1 8 2 5 10916
6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 8 9 3 5 7 6 39842 TORONTOSTARMECH.PH. ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL TERRACEONLEVEL2 36825 25000 35610 OFFICE(EASTTOWER) WOMEN'S WASHROOM MEN'S WASHROOM HOTELAMENITY Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 250 OVERALL FLOOR PLANLEVEL 22 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A2.18 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

PHASE5 PHASE4 9y 8y 7y 6y 5y 4y 3y 2y 1y 1ya L L K K J J H H G G F F ABCDE 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x eF eE eD eC eB eA e1e2e3e4e5e6 ELECTRICAL 4 0 6 9 4 069 ZONING0 OUTLINE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONING OUTLINE ZONNGOUTLINE ZONNGOUTLNE ZONNGOUTLINE TERRACEONLEVEL2 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 R OO F ON L E V E L 5 ROOFONLEVEL11 ROOFONLEVEL17 ROOFONLEVEL17 ROOF ON LEVEL 11 EXTERIORAMENITYBRIDGEONLEVEL22 MECHANICAL 1 0 0 0 0 14000 4 1 8 2 5 PL PL PL PL 1032010200150001250015000 1032010200150001250015000 76207620762076207620 970 80 45 90 70 60 400 38187 14813 5 0 0 0 10916 790009000900090009000450090009000410071600 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 8 9 3 5 7 6 39842 03 04 05 06 07080910111213 14 15 16 17 0201212019 MECHANICALROOM SERVICELOBBY TORONTOSTARROOFBELOW TERRACEONLEVEL2 25000 36825 4 1 9 9 5 310002500045890 35610 OFFICE(EASTTOWER) WOMEN'S WASHROOM MEN'S WASHROOM LEVEL23-24HOTEL(WESTTOWER) Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 250 OVERALL FLOOR PLANLEVEL23-24 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A2.19 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

PHASE5 PHASE4 9y 8y 7y 6y 5y 4y 3y 2y 1y 1ya L L K K J J H H G G F F ABCDE 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x eF eE eD eC eB eA e1e2e3e4e5e6 SERVICELOBBY 4 0 6 9 4 40690 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 7 6 2 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 8 9 3 5 7 6 90009000900090009000450090009000410071600 ZONINGOUTLINE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONING OUTLINE ZONINGOUTLINE ZONNGOUTLNE ZONNGOUTLINE PL PL PL PL 91032010200150001250015000 70 80 45 90 70 60 400 1032010200150001250015000 76207620762076207620 310002500045890 14813 TERRACEONLEVEL2 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL3 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 ROOFONLEVEL5 R OO F ON L E V E L 5 ROOFONLEVEL11 ROOFONLEVEL17 ROOFONLEVEL17 ROOF ON LEVEL 11 EXTERIORAMENITYBRIDGEONLEVEL22 ROOFONLEVEL24 1 0 0 0 0 37660 10417 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 9 9 5
36825 03 04 05 06 07080910111213 14 15 16 17 02012322212019 MECH/ELEC MECH/ELEC LEVEL25-40HOTEL(WESTTOWER) ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL TERRACEONLEVEL2 25000 OFFICE(EASTTOWER) 35610 WOMEN'S WASHROOM MEN'S WASHROOM Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 250 OVERALL FLOOR PLANLEVEL25-40 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A2.21 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

ESTABLISHED GRADE 76.74 ESTABLISHED GRADE 76.74 E -LEVEL 2 82.42 E -LEVEL 3 88.02 E -LEVEL 4 92.32 E -LEVEL 5 96.62 E -LEVEL 6 101.52 E -LEVEL 7 105.82 E -LEVEL 8 110.12 E -LEVEL 9 114.42 E -LEVEL 10 118.72 E -LEVEL 11 123.02 E -LEVEL 12 127.32 E -LEVEL 13 132.22 E -LEVEL 14 136.52 E -LEVEL 15 140.82 E -LEVEL 16 145.12 E -LEVEL 17 149.42 E -LEVEL 18 154.32 E -LEVEL 19 158.62 E -LEVEL 20 162.92 E -LEVEL 21 167.22 E -LEVEL 22 171.52 E -LEVEL 23 175.82 E -T.O.R 185.02 E -T.O.B 191.92 TS -LEVEL 2 82.42 TS -LEVEL 3 86.99 TS -LEVEL 4 91.56 TS -LEVEL 5 96.13 TS -LEVEL 6 100.70 TS -LEVEL 7 104.31 TS -LEVEL 8 107.91 TS -LEVEL 9 111.52 TS -LEVEL 10 115.12 TS -LEVEL 11 118.73 TS -LEVEL 12 122.33 TS -LEVEL 13 125.94 TS -LEVEL 14 129.54 TS -LEVEL 15 133.15 TS -LEVEL 16 136.75 TS -LEVEL 17 140.36 TS -LEVEL 18 143.96 TS -LEVEL 19 147.57 TS -LEVEL 20 151.17 TS -LEVEL 21 154.78 TS -LEVEL 22 158.38 TS -LEVEL 23 161.99 TS -LEVEL 24 165.59 TS -LEVEL 25 169.20 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 4570 4570 4570 4570 4570 114920 6900 9200 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4900 4300 4300 4300 4300 4900 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4900 4300 4300 5600 5420 TS -LEVEL 1 77.85 E -LEVEL 1 77.00 E -LEVEL 24 180.12 TS T.O.R. 174.86 TS -T.O.P. -HIGH 179.66 4800 5665 101810 Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 300 SOUTH ELEVATION 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A4.01 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

ESTABLISHED GRADE 76.74 E -LEVEL 2 82.42 E -LEVEL 3 88.02 E -LEVEL 4 92.32 E -LEVEL 5 96.62 E -LEVEL 6 101.52 E -LEVEL 7 105.82 E -LEVEL 8 110.12 E -LEVEL 9 114.42 E -LEVEL 10 118.72 E -LEVEL 11 123.02 E -LEVEL 12 127.32 E -LEVEL 13 132.22 E -LEVEL 14 136.52 E -LEVEL 15 140.82 E -LEVEL 16 145.12 E -LEVEL 17 149.42 E -LEVEL 18 154.32 E -LEVEL 19 158.62 E -LEVEL 20 162.92 E -LEVEL 21 167.22 E -LEVEL 22 171.52 E -LEVEL 23 175.82 E -T.O.R 185.02 E -T.O.B 191.92 E -LEVEL 1 77.00 E -LEVEL 24 180.12 6900 4900 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4900 4300 4300 4300 4300 4900 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4900 4300 4300 5600 5420 114920 Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indi cated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 300 EAST ELEVATION 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A4.02 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

ESTABLISHED GRADE 76.74 ESTABLISHED GRADE 76.74 E -LEVEL 2 82.42 E -LEVEL 3 88.02 E -LEVEL 4 92.32 E -LEVEL 5 96.62 E -LEVEL 6 101.52 E -LEVEL 7 105.82 E -LEVEL 8 110.12 E -LEVEL 9 114.42 E -LEVEL 10 118.72 E -LEVEL 11 123.02 E -LEVEL 12 127.32 E -LEVEL 13 132.22 E -LEVEL 14 136.52 E -LEVEL 15 140.82 E -LEVEL 16 145.12 E -LEVEL 17 149.42 E -LEVEL 18 154.32 E -LEVEL 19 158.62 E -LEVEL 20 162.92 E -LEVEL 21 167.22 E -LEVEL 22 171.52 E -LEVEL 23 175.82 E -T.O.R 185.02 E -T.O.B 191.92 W -LEVEL 2 82.42 W -LEVEL 3 88.12 W -LEVEL 4 92.42 W -LEVEL 5 96.72 W -LEVEL 6 102.62 W -LEVEL 7 106.92 W -LEVEL 8 111.22 W -LEVEL 9 115.52 W -LEVEL 10 119.82 W -LEVEL 11 124.12 W -LEVEL 12 128.42 W -LEVEL 13 132.72 W -LEVEL 14 137.02 W -LEVEL 15 141.32 W -LEVEL 16 145.62 W -LEVEL 17 149.92 W -LEVEL 18 154.22 W -LEVEL 19 158.52 W -LEVEL 20 162.82 W -LEVEL 21 167.12 W -LEVEL 22 173.00 W -LEVEL 23 179.00 W -LEVEL 24 182.00 W -LEVEL 25 185.55 W -LEVEL 26 188.55 W -LEVEL 27 191.55 W -LEVEL 28 194.55 W -LEVEL 29 197.55 W -LEVEL 30 200.55 W -LEVEL 31 203.55 W -LEVEL 32 206.55 W -LEVEL 33 209.55 W -LEVEL 34 212.55 W -LEVEL 35 215.55 W -LEVEL 36 218.55 W -LEVEL 37 221.55 W -LEVEL 38 224.55 W -LEVEL 39 227.55 W -LEVEL 40 230.55 W -T.O.R 240.95 W -T.O.B 247.95 115183.86 542056004300430049004300430043004300430043004900430 043004300430049004300430043004300430092006900 171213.86 527057004300430059004300430043004300430043004300430 043004300430043004300430043005880600030003550300030 003000300030003000300030003000300030003000300030003 000104007000 W -LEVEL 1 77.15 E -LEVEL 1 77.00 W -LEVEL 41 MECH 234.95 E -LEVEL 24 180.12 Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indi cated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 300 NORTH ELEVATION 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A4.03 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

ESTABLISHED GRADE 76.74 ESTABLISHED GRADE 76.74 W -LEVEL 2 82.42 W -LEVEL 3 88.12 W -LEVEL 4 92.42 W -LEVEL 5 96.72 W -LEVEL 6 102.62 W -LEVEL 7 106.92 W -LEVEL 8 111.22 W -LEVEL 9 115.52 W -LEVEL 10 119.82 W -LEVEL 11 124.12 W -LEVEL 12 128.42 W -LEVEL 13 132.72 W -LEVEL 14 137.02 W -LEVEL 15 141.32 W -LEVEL 16 145.62 W -LEVEL 17 149.92 W -LEVEL 18 154.22 W -LEVEL 19 158.52 W -LEVEL 20 162.82 W -LEVEL 21 167.12 W -LEVEL 22 173.00 W -LEVEL 23 179.00 W -LEVEL 24 182.00 W -LEVEL 25 185.55 W -LEVEL 26 188.55 W -LEVEL 27 191.55 W -LEVEL 28 194.55 W -LEVEL 29 197.55 W -LEVEL 30 200.55 W -LEVEL 31 203.55 W -LEVEL 32 206.55 W -LEVEL 33 209.55 W -LEVEL 34 212.55 W -LEVEL 35 215.55 W -LEVEL 36 218.55 W -LEVEL 37 221.55 W -LEVEL 38 224.55 W -LEVEL 39 227.55 W -LEVEL 40 230.55 W -T.O.R 240.95 W -T.O.B 247.95 TS -LEVEL 2 82.42 TS -LEVEL 3 86.99 TS -LEVEL 4 91.56 TS -LEVEL 5 96.13 TS -LEVEL 6 100.70 TS -LEVEL 7 104.31 TS -LEVEL 8 107.91 TS -LEVEL 9 111.52 TS -LEVEL 10 115.12 TS -LEVEL 11 118.73 TS -LEVEL 12 122.33 TS -LEVEL 13 125.94 TS -LEVEL 14 129.54 TS -LEVEL 15 133.15 TS -LEVEL 16 136.75 TS -LEVEL 17 140.36 TS -LEVEL 18 143.96 TS -LEVEL 19 147.57 TS -LEVEL 20 151.17 TS -LEVEL 21 154.78 TS -LEVEL 22 158.38 TS -LEVEL 23 161.99 TS -LEVEL 24 165.59 TS -LEVEL 25 169.20 457045704570457045703605360536053605360536053605360 536053605360536053605360536053605360536053605 170800 527057004300430059004300430043004300430043004300430 043004300430043004300430043005880600030003550300030 003000300030003000300030003000300030003000300030003 000104007000 TS -LEVEL 1 77.85 W -LEVEL 1 77.15 W -LEVEL 41 MECH 234.95 TS -T.O.P -HIGH 179.66 TS -T.O.R. 174.86 56654800 101810 TS T.O.R. 174.86 TS -T.O.P. -HIGH 179.66 Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indi cated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 As indicated WEST ELEVATION 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A4.04 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

ESTABLISHED GRADE 76.74 E -LEVEL 2 82.42 E -LEVEL 3 88.02 E -LEVEL 4 92.32 E -LEVEL 5 96.62 E -LEVEL 6 101.52 E -LEVEL 7 105.82 E -LEVEL 8 110.12 E -LEVEL 9 114.42 E -LEVEL 10 118.72 E -LEVEL 11 123.02 E -LEVEL 12 127.32 E -LEVEL 13 132.22 E -LEVEL 14 136.52 E -LEVEL 15 140.82 E -LEVEL 16 145.12 E -LEVEL 17 149.42 E -LEVEL 18 154.32 E -LEVEL 19 158.62 E -LEVEL 20 162.92 E -LEVEL 21 167.22 E -LEVEL 22 171.52 E -LEVEL 23 175.82 E -T.O.R 185.02 E -T.O.B 191.92 E -LEVEL 1 77.00 114920 6900 9200 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4900 4300 4300 4300 4300 4900 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4900 4300 4300 5600 5420 E -LEVEL 24 180.12 Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indi cated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 300
4 -WEST ELEVATION 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A4.05 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate

ESTABLISHED GRADE 76.74 ESTABLISHED GRADE 76.74 W -LEVEL 2 82.42 W -LEVEL 3 88.12 W -LEVEL 4 92.42 W -LEVEL 5 96.72 W -LEVEL 6 102.62 W -LEVEL 7 106.92 W -LEVEL 8 111.22 W -LEVEL 9 115.52 W -LEVEL 10 119.82 W -LEVEL 11 124.12 W -LEVEL 12 128.42 W -LEVEL 13 132.72 W -LEVEL 14 137.02 W -LEVEL 15 141.32 W -LEVEL 16 145.62 W -LEVEL 17 149.92 W -LEVEL 18 154.22 W -LEVEL 19 158.52 W -LEVEL 20 162.82 W -LEVEL 21 167.12 W -LEVEL 22 173.00 W -LEVEL 23 179.00 W -LEVEL 24 182.00 W -LEVEL 25 185.55 W -LEVEL 26 188.55 W -LEVEL 27 191.55 W -LEVEL 28 194.55 W -LEVEL 29 197.55 W -LEVEL 30 200.55 W -LEVEL 31 203.55 W -LEVEL 32 206.55 W -LEVEL 33 209.55 W -LEVEL 34 212.55 W -LEVEL 35 215.55 W -LEVEL 36 218.55 W -LEVEL 37 221.55 W -LEVEL 38 224.55 W -LEVEL 39 227.55 W -LEVEL 40 230.55 W -T.O.R 240.95 W -T.O.B 247.95 TS -LEVEL 2 82.42 TS -LEVEL 3 86.99 TS -LEVEL 4 91.56 TS -LEVEL 5 96.13 TS -LEVEL 6 100.70 TS -LEVEL 7 104.31 TS -LEVEL 8 107.91 TS -LEVEL 9 111.52 TS -LEVEL 10 115.12 TS -LEVEL 11 118.73 TS -LEVEL 12 122.33 TS -LEVEL 13 125.94 TS -LEVEL 14 129.54 TS -LEVEL 15 133.15 TS -LEVEL 16 136.75 TS -LEVEL 17 140.36 TS -LEVEL 18 143.96 TS -LEVEL 19 147.57 TS -LEVEL 20 151.17 TS -LEVEL 21 154.78 TS -LEVEL 22 158.38 TS -LEVEL 23 161.99 TS -LEVEL 24 165.59 TS -LEVEL 25 169.20 TS -LEVEL 1 77.85 W -LEVEL 1 77.15 170800 527057004300430059004300430043004300430043004300430 043004300430043004300430043005880600030003550300030 003000300030003000300030003000300030003000300030003 000440060007000 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 4570 4570 4570 4570 4570 W -LEVEL 41 MECH 234.95 101810 TS T.O.R. 174.86 TS -T.O.P. -HIGH 179.66 56654800 Scale: Drawn by: Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: Address 1 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Architect of Record: General Notes: 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indi cated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items no clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. North Project North True North Issued for Rezoning Application May 22, 2020 1 1 : 300 PHASE 5 -EAST ELEVATION 1228-4-5 1 YONGE ST PH 4 & 5 01/01/2020 HPA A4.06 Rev.Issue DescriptionDate