ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTH Project True 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10 ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 4 : 3 6 : 2 7 P M DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS 2030 2020 HPA A0.01 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development m2ft2m2ft2m2ft2m2ft2 GFA DEDUCTIONGROSS FLOOR AREA (GFA) NET SALEABLE / LEASABLE AREA (NSA/NLA) GRAND TOTAL GROSS CONSTRUCTION AREA (GCA) RESIDENTIAL INDOOR AMENITY PARKINGRESIDENTIALRETAILRESIDENTIALRETAIL m2ft2m2ft2m2ft2m2ft2m2ft2m2ft2m2ft2m2ft2 SUB-TOTAL U/G Level 6 U/G Level 5 U/G Level 4 U/G Level 3 U/G Level 2 U/G U/G Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 PODIUM Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 Level 11 Level 12 Level 13 Level 14 Level 15 Level 16 Level 17 Level 18 Level 19 Level 20 Level 21 Level 22 Level 23 Level 24 Level 25 Level 26 Level 27 Level 28 Level 29 Level 30 Level 31 Level 32 Level 33 Level 34 Level 35 Level 36 Level 37 Level 38 Level 39 Level 40 Level 41 Level 42 Level 43 Level 44 Level 45 Level 46 Level 47 Level 48 Level 49 Level 50 Level 51 Level 52 Level 53 Level 54 Level 55 Level 56 Level 57 Level 58 Level 59 Level 60 TOWER Level 61 m2ft2m2ft2m2ft2m2ft2m2ft2m2ft2m2ft2m2ft2 RESIDENTIAL INDOOR AMENITY PARKINGRESIDENTIALRETAILRESIDENTIALRETAIL GROSS CONSTRUCTION AREA (GCA) GFA DEDUCTION AS PER ZONING BY LAW 2008-326 GROSS FLOOR AREA (GFA) NET SALEABLE / LEASABLE AREA (NSA/NLA) LEVEL SITEAREASUMMARY (AS PER CITY OF OTTAWA ZONING BY-LAW 2008-326) 151916,3510.3750.001519 SQMSQFACREHA LAND AREAFLOOR SPACE INDEX (FSI) Building TypeMixed Use Building DeveloperClaridge Homes Height including MPH195m Site Address829 Carling Ave, Ottawa Tower Height188m GENEAL STIE INFORMATIONBUILDING HEIGHT AND FLOOR PLATE SIZE TOTAL COUNT U/G Level 6 U/G Level 5 U/G Level 4 U/G Level 3 U/G Level 2 U/G Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 LEVELCOUNT PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL STORAGE LOCKER BREAKDOWN TOTAL COUNT U/G Level 6 U/G Level 5 U/G Level 4 U/G Level 3 U/G Level 2 U/G Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 SHORT-TERMLONG-TERM PARKING TYPE LEVEL COUNT PROPOSED BICYCLE PARKING BREAKDOWN TOTAL COUNT * U/G Level 6 U/G Level 5 U/G Level 4 U/G Level 3 U/G Level 2 U/G Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 TYPICAL STALLA/CTYPICAL STALLA/C RESIDENTIALVISITOR PARKING TYPE LEVEL COUNT PROPOSED VEHICULAR PARKING BREAKDOWN Provided Communal Amenity Space 1,401 m2 Required Communal Amenity Space 1,377 m2 Required Total Amenity Space (6m2/unit) 2,754 m2 (AS PER CITY OF OTTAWA BY-LAW 2008-326) INDOOR/OUTDOOR AMENITY SUMMARY Deductions as per city of Ottawa By-Law 2008-326 include: Shared mechanical, service and electrical equipment; Common hallways, corridors, stairwells, elevator shafts; bicycle parking and motor vehicle parking; Common storage and washroom facility; Common amenity area. GFA DEDUCTION (2008-326) TARGET % 10%45%40%5%100% PROPOSED % RES UNIT BREAKDOWN BA1BR2BR3BRTotal TOTAL U/G Level 6 U/G Level 5 U/G Level 4 U/G Level 3 U/G Level 2 U/G U/G Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 PODIUM Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 Level 11 Level 12 Level 13 Level 14 Level 15 Level 16 Level 17 Level 18 Level 19 Level 20 Level 21 Level 22 Level 23 Level 24 Level 25 Level 26 Level 27 Level 28 Level 29 Level 30 Level 31 Level 32 Level 33 Level 34 Level 35 Level 36 Level 37 Level 38 Level 39 Level 40 Level 41 Level 42 Level 43 Level 44 Level 45 Level 46 Level 47 Level 48 Level 49 Level 50 Level 51 Level 52 Level 53 Level 54 Level 55 Level 56 Level 57 Level 58 Level 59 TOWER Level 60 BA1BR2BR3BRTotal LEVEL RES. 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2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 PRESTON ST CARLING AVE SIDNEY ST DOW'S LAKE PARKING DOW'S LAKE QUEEN JULIANA PARK CARLING AVE QUEENELIZABETHDRIVEWAY COMMISSIONERS PARK ADELINE ST PAMILLA ST NORMAN ST NORFOLK AVE ROCHESTER ST BOOTH ST TRILLIUM PATHWAY EV TREMBLAY PARK CHAMPAGNE AVE S LORETTA AVE S HICKORY ST SUBJECT SITE ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 4 : 3 6 : 3 9 P M 1 : 1000 CONTEXT PLAN 2030 03/10/21 Author A101 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON Checker 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development
N57 33 30" E 37 30m) N 66° 23' 20" E (39.83m) N 23° 38' 20" W (43.36m) N 23° 37' 10" W (32.16m) N23 °37 10 W (3216m) EXISTING CONCRETE CURB EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK 3350 EXISTING BUS SHELTER EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTH Project True 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10 ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 5 5 : 1 7 P M 1 : 200 SITE PLAN 2030 11/23/20 HPA A102 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development 31,803.90342,334 259.372,792 21.1 1,51916,351 Parking Space Size Max. 40% of resident spaces can be small size (2.4 m x 4.6 m) 348 x 40% = 139 spaces Small Size Parking: 83 ✓ Aisle Width 90-degree parking spaces: 6.0 m 6.0 m ✓ Driveway Width Two-way for residential: 6.0 m 6.0 m ✓ Min. Commercial Bicycle Parking 1/250 sq.m. GFA 259 sq.m. = 1 space 1 ✓ Min. Residential Bicycle Parking Min. Residential Bicycle Parking 0.5 spaces/DU 459 x 0.5 = 230 spaces 230 ✓ Min. Commercial Vehicle Parking Area Z: No parking required.0 spaces ✓ Min. Visitor Parking 0.1 spaces/DU after first 12 DU, max. 30 spaces required 459 – 12 = 447 * 0.1 = 45 spaces 30 spaces ✓ Max. Residential Vehicle Parking 1.75 spaces/DU 459 X 1.75 = 803 spaces 347 spaces ✓ Min. Residential Vehicle Parking Area Z: No parking required.347 spaces ✓ ProvisionRequiredProvidedCompliance Amenity Area Min. 6 sq.m./DU; 50% must be communal 459 6 = 2,754 sq.m. total and 1,377 sq.m. communal. Communal = 1,401 m2 ✓ Building Height Max. 30 m and no higher than 9 storeys 188 m/60 storeys ✘ Min. Rear Yard Mixed-use building not abutting a residential zone: 0 m 0 m ✓ Min. Corner Side Yard setback Mixed-use buildings: 0 m0 m ✓ Min. Front Yard SetbackMixed-use buildings: 0 m0 m ✓ Min. Lot WidthNo Minimum32.16 m ✓ Min. Lot AreaNo Minimum1,519 m2 ✓ ProvisionRequiredProvidedCompliance ZONING TABLE 10.9%41.8%41.2%5.9% BA1BR2BR3BRTOTAL RESIDENTIAL UNIT BREAKDOWN Total GFA Total Retail GFA Total Residential GFA m2ft2 DEVELOPMENT GFA SUMMARY FSI Site Area m2ft2 DEVELOPMENT AREA SUMMARY 32,063.28345,126 19327 459 189 50
2600 5200 2600 5200 0062 0025 0062 0025 2600 5200 2600 5200 24001500 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 UP UP UP 2600 5200 2600 5200 01 05 05 06 06 07 07 08 09 A A B C D E F G H H 6700 6700 6700 7145 2 A401 2 A401 3 A402 3 A402 4 A402 4 A402 1 A401 1 A401 44025 29 RAMP UP 5% SMALL CAR SMALL CAR TYPE B SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR -5% + -5% + -5% + SMALL CAR 42927 VEST. RES CORRIDOR EXIT EXIT LOCKERS LOCKERS BICYCLE PARKING BICYCLE PARKING BICYCLE PARKING EXIT SHAFT SHAFT LOCKERS 5 A403 5 A403 6 A403 6 A403 43627 44376 45075 44025 LOCKERS 63006700670067003625 6000 6000 6000 6000 0m5m 1m2.5m LOCKERS ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTH ProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10 ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 5 6 : 1 2 P M 1 : 100 PARKING PLAN P6 2030 11/23/20 HPA A201 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development
2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 0062 0025 0062 0025 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 24001500 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2600 5200 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 DN DNUP UP 2400 4600 01 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 2 A401 2 A401 3 A402 3 A402 4 A402 4 A402 1 A401 1 A401 RAMP DOWN 5% RAMP UP 5% 29 SMALL CAR TYPE B SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR -5% + -5% + -5% + SMALL CAR VEST. RES CORRIDOR EXIT EXIT LOCKERS LOCKERS BICYCLE PARKING BICYCLE PARKING BICYCLE PARKING EXIT SHAFT SHAFT LOCKERS 5 A403 5 A403 6 A403 6 A403 57412 55214 55964 56663 55613 BICYCLE PARKING 6000 6000 6000 6000 6700 6700 6700 7145 63006700670067003625 0m5m 1m2.5m ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 4 : 3 6 : 4 6 P M 1 : 100 PARKING PLAN P2-P5 2030 12/02/20 HPA A202 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development
2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 24001500 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 DN DNUP UP UP 01 05 06 06 07 08 09 09 A A B C D E F G H H 2 A401 2 A401 3 A402 3 A402 4 A402 4 A402 1 A401 1 A401 58437 RAMP UP 15% RAMP DOWN 5% 29 WATER ENTRY/MECHANICAL ROOM DEMARCATION TELECOM ROOM MAIN ELECTRICAL ROOM -5% + -5% + -5% + VEST. EXIT EXIT EXIT SHAFT SHAFT LOCKERS LOCKERS LOCKERS ELEV. LOBBY 5 A403 5 A403 6 A403 6 A403 TRANSITION 7.5% 12.24 m² 131.75 ft² MOVING 10 m² 107.64 ft² BULKY ITEMS ELECTRICAL ROOM MAIN ELECTRICAL ROOM STORM WATER MANAGEMENT TANK 5000 6200 OIL TANK ROOM HYDRO VAULT ROOM 57412 58111 59136 58437 6000 6000 6000 6000 6700 6700 6700 7145 63006700670067003625 0m5m 1m2.5m ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 4 : 3 6 : 4 7 P M 1 : 100 PARKING PLAN P1 2030 12/02/20 HPA A203 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development
DN DN UP UP DN UP 01 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 2 A401 2 A401 3 A402 3 A402 4 A402 4 A402 1 A401 1 A401 29 RAMP UP FROM P1 15% TRANSITION 7.5% RAMP UP TO LEVEL 2 15% TRANSITION 7.5% 160.8 m² 1,730.87 ft² RETAIL 98.57 m² 1,061 ft² RETAIL 152.29 m² 1,639.26 ft² RESIDENTIAL WASTE O/H DOOR O/H DOOR 4000 4000 6000 10300 CACF PROPERTY MANAGEMENT OFFICE CONCIERGE LOBBY MAIL ROOM TRANSITION 7.5% TRANSITION 7.5% RAMP 15% TRANSITION 7.5% 62410 63975 60850 5 A403 5 A403 VEST. 6000 6 A403 6 A403 6000 13.5 m² 145.29 ft² MOVING CANOPY ABOVE 930 1945 EXTENT OF LVL 02 ABOVE EXTENT OF LVL 02 ABOVE 745 550 470 3115 4900 PRESTON STREET CARLING AVE SIDNEY STREET FRESH AIR SHAFT EXHAUST SHAFT RES. ENTRY RETAIL ENTRY RETAIL ENTRY RETAIL PATIO (SEE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR DETAILS) EXISTING ARCH WAY TO BE RETAINED 720 PROPOSED 48 STOREY TOWER (BY OTHERS) N57 33 30 E(37 30m N 66° 23' 20" (39.83m) N 23° 38' 20" W (43.36m) N 23° 37' 10" W (32.16m) N23 37 10"W (3216m) PARKING GARAGE ENTRY 0m5m 1m2.5m 57.71 m² 621.23 ft² AMENITY INDOOR LOUNGE 42.31 m² 455.43 ft² AMENITY INDOOR EXISTING BUS SHELTER 28.95 m² 311.59 ft² AMENITY INDOOR MAIL DELIVERY EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTH ProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10 ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 5 4 : 2 1 P M 1 : 100 LEVEL 01 2030 11/23/20 HPA A301 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development 50 21.1 1,51916,351 Parking Space Size Max. 40% of resident spaces can be small size (2.4 m x 4.6 m) 348 x 40% = 139 spaces Small Size Parking: 83 ✓ Aisle Width 90-degree parking spaces: 6.0 m 6.0 m ✓ Driveway Width Two-way for residential: 6.0 m 6.0 m ✓ Min. Commercial Bicycle Parking 1/250 sq.m. GFA 259 sq.m. = 1 space 1 ✓ Min. Residential Bicycle Parking Min. Residential Bicycle Parking 0.5 spaces/DU 459 x 0.5 = 230 spaces 230 ✓ Min. Commercial Vehicle Parking Area Z: No parking required.0 spaces ✓ Min. Visitor Parking 0.1 spaces/DU after first 12 DU, max. 30 spaces required 459 – 12 = 447 * 0.1 = 45 spaces 30 spaces ✓ Max. Residential Vehicle Parking 1.75 spaces/DU 459 X 1.75 = 803 spaces 347 spaces ✓ Min. Residential Vehicle Parking Area Z: No parking required.347 spaces ✓ ProvisionRequiredProvidedCompliance Amenity Area Min. 6 sq.m./DU; 50% must be communal 459 6 = 2,754 sq.m. total and 1,377 sq.m. communal. Communal = 1,401 m2 ✓ Building Height Max. 30 m and no higher than 9 storeys 188 m/60 storeys ✘ Min. Rear Yard Mixed-use building not abutting a residential zone: 0 m 0 m ✓ Min. Corner Side Yard setback Mixed-use buildings: 0 m0 m ✓ Min. Front Yard SetbackMixed-use buildings: 0 m0 m ✓ Min. Lot WidthNo Minimum32.16 m ✓ Min. Lot AreaNo Minimum1,519 m2 ✓ ProvisionRequiredProvidedCompliance ZONING TABLE 10.9%41.8%41.2%5.9% BA1BR2BR3BRTOTAL RESIDENTIAL UNIT BREAKDOWN Total GFA Total Retail GFA Total Residential GFA m2ft2 DEVELOPMENT GFA SUMMARY FSI Site Area m2ft2 DEVELOPMENT AREA SUMMARY 31,803.90342,334 259.372,792 32,063.28345,126 19327 459 189
2600 5200 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 3400 1500 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2400 4600 2600 5200 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 UP UP DN DN UP 01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 2 A401 2 A401 3 A402 3 A402 4 A402 4 A402 1 A401 1 A401 29 RAMP UP 5% TRANSITION 7.5% SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR -5% + -5% + -5% + SMALL CAR 67596 67596 EXIT VEST. EXIT EXIT LOCKERS LOCKERS ELEV. LOBBY BICYCLE PARKING 5 A403 5 A403 6 A403 6 A403 RAMP DN 15% CANOPY 68691 67984 67227 66546 BICYCLE PARKING BICYCLE PARKING 6000 6000 6000 6000 470 3115 135 100 550 50 65 4900 0m5m 1m2.5m ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 4 : 3 6 : 5 0 P M 1 : 100 LEVEL 02 2030 12/02/20 HPA A302 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development
2600 5200 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 3400 1500 5200 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 DN DNUP UP UP 01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 2 A401 2 A401 3 A402 3 A402 4 A402 4 A402 1 A401 1 A401 29 RAMP UP 5% RAMP DN 5% SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR -5% + -5% + -5% + SMALL CAR SMALL CAR EXIT EXIT EXIT LOCKERS LOCKERS ELEV. LOBBY LOCKERS 5 A403 5 A403 6 A403 6 A403 70498 70498 71593 70887 70130 69448 LOCKERS LOCKERS VEST. 6000 6000 6000 6000 3115 4900 1110 6700 6700 6700 7145 63006700670067003625 135 100 550 470 65 50 0m5m 1m2.5m ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 4 : 3 6 : 5 1 P M 1 : 100 LEVEL 03 2030 12/02/20 HPA A303 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development
2600 5200 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 DN DNUP UP UP 01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 2 A401 2 A401 3 A402 3 A402 4 A402 4 A402 1 A401 1 A401 29 RAMP UP 5% RAMP DN 5% SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR SMALL CAR -5% + -5% + -5% + SMALL CAR SMALL CAR 5 A403 5 A403 6 A403 6 A403 6000 73401 73401 74496 73789 73032 72351 LOCKERS LOCKERS LOCKERS LOCKERS VEST. ELEV. LOBBY LOCKERS LOCKERS EXIT EXIT 6000 6000 6000 6000 3115 4900 6700 6700 6700 7145 63006700670067003625 1110 135 100 550 470 30 65 50 0m5m 1m2.5m ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 4 : 3 6 : 5 1 P M 1 : 100 LEVELS 04-06 2030 12/02/20 HPA A304 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development
2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 UP UP 2400 4600 2600 5200 01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 2 A401 2 A401 3 A402 3 A402 4 A402 4 A402 1 A401 1 A401 29 RAMP DOWN 5% OPEN TO BELOW SWIMMING POOL ABOVE 5 A403 5 A403 6 A403 6 A403 84255 82108 82496 81739 LOCKERS LOCKERS ELEV. LOBBY LOCKERS LOCKERS EXIT EXIT SMALL CAR SMALL CAR 6000 6000 6000 3115 4970 6700 6700 6700 7145 63006700670067003625 1175 135 100 550 470 30 65 50 0m5m 1m2.5m LOCKERS ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 4 : 3 6 : 5 3 P M 1 : 100 LEVEL 07 2030 12/02/20 HPA A305 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development
UP UP DN DN 01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 29 417.43 m² 4,493.15 ft² AMENITY OUTDOOR PARTY ROOM POOL EQUIP. ROOM STEAM ROOM SWIMMING POOL WOMEN'S CHANGE ROOM MEN'S CHANGE ROOM JANITOR ROOM EXERCISE ROOM GAME ROOM PARTY ROOM THEATRE 854.2 m² 9,194.56 ft² AMENITY INDOOR 5 A403 5 A403 6 A403 6 A403 BAR KITCHEN STORAGE KITCHEN BAR STORAGE YOGA STUDIO EXTENT OF LVL 09 ABOVE EXTENT OF LVL 09 ABOVE EXTENT OF LVL 09 ABOVE 550 470 4900 1425 390 11760 12450 830 AMENITY OUTDOOR 1640 12085 3960 1265 410 3115 3290 11860 1.8m WIND BARRIER 1.8m WIND BARRIER 1.8m WIND BARRIER 1.8m WIND BARRIER 0m5m 1m2.5m ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTH ProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10 ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 5 : 1 8 : 4 8 P M 1 : 100 LEVEL 08 2030 12/02/20 HPA A306 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development
UP UP DN DN 2600 5200 01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 29 76.4 m² 822.35 ft² 2BR 50.16 m² 539.92 ft² 1BR 42.35 m² 455.84 ft² BA 50.02 m² 538.43 ft² 1BR 107.22 m² 1,154.15 ft² 3BR 50.75 m² 546.22 ft² 1BR 93.48 m² 1,006.16 ft² 2BR 65.27 m² 702.6 ft² 1BR 79.9 m² 860.05 ft² 2BR 39.49 m² 425.11 ft² BA 56.38 m² 606.92 ft² 1BR 5 A403 5 A403 6 A403 6 A403 550 470 12160 2920 930 395 1635 3295 1635 10530 1805 10535 PRIVATE TERRACE PRIVATE TERRACE 0m5m 1m2.5m FLOOR PLATE GFA AT LEVEL 9-11: 711.43 M2/7,658 FT2 ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 4 : 3 6 : 5 9 P M 1 : 100 LEVELS 09-11 2030 12/04/20 HPA A307 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development
DN DNUP UP 01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 29 76.38 m² 822.16 ft² 2BR 50.18 m² 540.14 ft² 1BR 42.05 m² 452.57 ft² BA 50.02 m² 538.43 ft² 1BR 107.22 m² 1,154.15 ft² 3BR 50.75 m² 546.22 ft² 1BR 93.48 m² 1,006.21 ft² 2BR 59.23 m² 637.5 ft² 1BR 79.9 m² 860.05 ft² 2BR 56.38 m² 606.92 ft² 1BR 39.64 m² 426.65 ft² BA 5 A403 5 A403 6 A403 6 A403 470 12545 2920 1865 395 2605 3295 10530 10535 1635 1805 550 P R I V A T E T E R R A C E 0m5m 1m2.5m FLOOR PLATE GFA AT LEVEL 12-14: 705.21 M2/7,591 FT2 ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 4 : 3 7 : 0 1 P M 1 : 100 LEVELS 12-14 2030 12/04/20 HPA A308 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development
DN DNUP UP 01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 29 76.38 m² 822.16 ft² 2BR 50.17 m² 539.97 ft² 1BR 42.29 m² 455.18 ft² BA 50.02 m² 538.43 ft² 1BR 107.18 m² 1,153.73 ft² 3BR 50.71 m² 545.89 ft² 1BR 93.44 m² 1,005.77 ft² 2BR 53.34 m² 574.13 ft² 1BR 73.72 m² 793.52 ft² 2BR 56.38 m² 606.92 ft² 1BR 39.49 m² 425.11 ft² BA 5 A403 5 A403 6 A403 6 A403 470 2920 395 2110 2415 3065 12545 10530 10535 1635 1805 3295 P R I V A T E T E R R A C E P R I V A T E T E R R A C E 550 0m5m 1m2.5m FLOOR PLATE GFA AT LEVEL 15-17: 693.13 M2/7,461 FT2 ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 4 : 3 7 : 0 3 P M 1 : 100 LEVELS 15-17 2030 12/04/2020 HPA A309 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development
DN DNUP UP 01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 29 76.38 m² 822.16 ft² 2BR 50.17 m² 539.97 ft² 1BR 42.17 m² 453.9 ft² BA 50.02 m² 538.43 ft² 1BR 107.19 m² 1,153.74 ft² 3BR 50.75 m² 546.22 ft² 1BR 93.44 m² 1,005.74 ft² 2BR 53.23 m² 572.95 ft² 1BR 67.83 m² 730.1 ft² 2BR 56.38 m² 606.92 ft² 1BR 39.64 m² 426.67 ft² BA 5 A403 5 A403 6 A403 6 A403 EXTENT OF LVL 21 ABOVE 550 470 12545 2920 2425 395 2110 3515 3065 10530 10535 1635 1805 3295 0m5m 1m2.5m FLOOR PLATE GFA AT LEVEL 18-20: 687.19 M2/7,397 FT2 ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 4 : 3 7 : 0 5 P M 1 : 100 LEVELS 18-20 2030 12/04/20 HPA A310 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development
DN DNUP UP 01 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 29 75.88 m² 816.72 ft² 2BR 52.9 m² 569.39 ft² 1BR 81.47 m² 876.95 ft² 2BR 41.44 m² 446.03 ft² BA 87.15 m² 938.05 ft² 2BR 50.75 m² 546.22 ft² 1BR 100.7 m² 1,083.92 ft² 2BR 62.67 m² 674.56 ft² 1BR 63.08 m² 678.94 ft² 1BR 46.45 m² 500.01 ft² BA 5 A403 5 A403 6 A403 6 A403 3350 1660 2425 395 3310 1650 1365 11900 11895 PRIVATE TERRACE 90 80 0m5m 1m2.5m FLOOR PLATE GFA AT LEVEL 21-33: 662.47 M2/7,131 FT2 ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 4 : 3 7 : 0 7 P M 1 : 100 LEVELS 21-33 2030 12/04/20 HPA A311 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development
DN DNUP UP 01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 29 75.53 m² 813.03 ft² 2BR 52.9 m² 569.39 ft² 1BR 81.34 m² 875.57 ft² 2BR 87.89 m² 946 ft² 2BR 86.94 m² 935.81 ft² 2BR 50.75 m² 546.22 ft² 1BR 100.68 m² 1,083.74 ft² 2BR 62.67 m² 674.55 ft² 1BR 53.47 m² 575.5 ft² 1BR 5 A403 5 A403 6 A403 6 A403 2920 395 1650 1365 1665 3295 3310 2425 11900 11895 PRIVATE TERRACE 90 80 0m5m 1m2.5m FLOOR PLATE GFA AT LEVEL 34-46: 652.16 M2/7,020 FT2 ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 4 : 3 7 : 0 8 P M 1 : 100 LEVELS 34-46 2030 12/04/20 HPA A312 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development
DN DNUP UP 01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 29 75.66 m² 814.34 ft² 2BR 79.46 m² 855.35 ft² 2BR 80.18 m² 863 ft² 2BR 100.39 m² 1,080.64 ft² 3BR 62.84 m² 676.43 ft² 1BR 55.1 m² 593.06 ft² 1BR 5 A403 5 A403 6 A403 6 A403 4060 2855 3295 3310 16570 16575 4745 3335 1650 PRIVATE TERRACE PRIVATE TERRACE PRIVATE TERRACE 90 80 0m5m 1m2.5m FLOOR PLATE GFA AT LEVEL 47-56: 453.63 M2/4,883 FT2 ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 4 : 3 7 : 1 0 P M 1 : 100 LEVELS 47-56 2030 12/04/20 HPA A313 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development
DN DNUP UP 01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 29 75.39 m² 811.51 ft² 2BR 49.14 m² 528.94 ft² 1BR 100.43 m² 1,081 ft² 2BR 116.58 m² 1,254.84 ft² 3BR 59.08 m² 635.92 ft² 1BR 52.25 m² 562.41 ft² 1BR 5 A403 5 A403 6 A403 6 A403 4060 2855 3295 3310 16570 16575 4745 3335 1650 90 80 0m5m 1m2.5m FLOOR PLATE GFA AT LEVEL 57-59: 452.87 M2/4,875 FT2 ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 4 : 3 7 : 1 1 P M 1 : 100 LEVELS 57-59 2030 12/17/20 Author A314 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON Checker 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development
DN DN UP UP 01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 29 191.29 m² 2,059 ft² 3BR 236.6 m² 2,546.72 ft² 3BR 5 A403 5 A403 6 A403 6 A403 5260 3335 4055 3295 3310 16570 16575 4745 1650 2855 PRIVATE TERRACE PRIVATE TERRACE PRIVATE TERRACE 90 80 0m5m 1m2.5m FLOOR PLATE GFA AT LEVEL 60: 527.89 M2/4,606 FT2 ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 4 : 3 7 : 1 3 P M 1 : 100 LEVEL 60 2030 12/04/20 HPA A315 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development
DN DN 01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 29 5 A403 5 A403 6 A403 6 A403 4060 2855 5260 3295 470.13 m² 5,060.42 ft² MECH/ELEC 16570 16575 90 80 4795 3310 0m5m 1m2.5m ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 4 : 3 7 : 1 4 P M 1 : 100 Level MPH 2030 03/09/21 Author A316 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON Checker 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development

LEVEL 01 62.55 LEVEL 02 66.55 LEVEL 03 69.45 LEVEL 04 72.35 LEVEL 05 75.25 LEVEL 06 78.16 LEVEL 07 81.06 LEVEL 08 86.85 LEVEL 09 92.15 LEVEL 10 95.15 LEVEL P1 59.14 LEVEL P2 56.66 LEVEL P3 53.77 LEVEL P4 50.87 LEVEL P5 47.97 LEVEL P6 45.08 3000 5300 5792 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 3996 3414 2473 2897 2897 2897 2897 4354 BELOW GRADE PARKING BELOW GRADE PARKING ABOVE GRADE PARKING ABOVE GRADE PARKING RAMP(MAX 15%) TRANS T ON MAX 7 5%) RAMP APPROX 5% TRAN T ON (MAX 7 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% AMENITY 17475 OUTDOOR AMENITY OUTDOOR AMENITY LEVEL 01 62.55 LEVEL 02 66.55 LEVEL 03 69.45 LEVEL 04 72.35 LEVEL 05 75.25 LEVEL 06 78.16 LEVEL 07 81.06 LEVEL 08 86.85 LEVEL 09 92.15 LEVEL 10 95.15 LEVEL P1 59.14 LEVEL P2 56.66 LEVEL P3 53.77 LEVEL P4 50.87 LEVEL P5 47.97 LEVEL P6 45.08 3000 5300 5792 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 3996 3414 2473 2897 2897 2897 2897 BELOW GRADE PARKING BELOW GRADE PARKING ABOVE GRADE PARKING ABOVE GRADE PARKING RAMP MAX 15%) RANS T ON MAX 7 5% RAMP APPROX 5% TRANS T ON MAX 7 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAM APPROX % RAM APPROX % RAM APPROX % RAM APPROX % RAM APPROX % RESIDENTIAL LOBBY RESIDENTIAL 17475 INDOOR AMENITY OUTDOOR AMENITY ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5/7/202 1 6:06:26 PM As indicated PODIUM SECTIONS 2030 11/23/20 HPA A401 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development 1 200 A401 Section 1 1 1 200 A401 Section 2 2 1 2
345 400 2960 30570 1995 2175 400 11420 12915 18370 15550 2230 21495 1700 3135 4030 MAIN ENTRANCE LVL 60 PROPOSED 60 STOREY TOWER 188.00m TERRACE AT LVL 21 129.35m LVL 60 LVL 34 LVL 08 LVL 47 LVL 47 LVL 60 TERRACE AT LEVEL 21 TERRACE AT LVL 09 92.15m TERRACE AT LEVEL 47 208.25m OUTDOOR AMENITY TERRACE AT LEVEL 08 86.85m TERRACE AT LEVEL 08 86.85m TERRACE AT LEVEL 09 TERRACE AT LVL 08 PRESTON STREET CARLING AVE SIDNEY STREET 3295 0m5m 1m2.5m 1.8m WIND BARRIER 1.8m WIND BARRIER 1.8m WIND BARRIER 1.8m WIND BARRIER 1350 ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 4 : 3 7 : 2 5 P M 1 : 100 ROOF PLAN 2030 03/22/21 Author A317 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON Checker 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development

LEVEL 01 62.55 LEVEL 02 66.55 LEVEL 03 69.45 LEVEL 04 72.35 LEVEL 05 75.25 LEVEL 06 78.16 LEVEL 07 81.06 LEVEL 08 86.85 LEVEL 09 92.15 LEVEL 10 95.15 LEVEL P1 59.14 LEVEL P2 56.66 LEVEL P3 53.77 LEVEL P4 50.87 LEVEL P5 47.97 LEVEL P6 45.08 289528952895289524753415399529002900290029002900579 053003000 BELOW GRADE PARKING BELOW GRADE PARKING INDOOR AMENITY ABOVE GRADE PARKING RAMP APPROX 5%) RAMP APPRO 5% RAMP (A PROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5%) RAMP APPROX 5%) RAMP APPROX 5%) RAMP APPROX 5%) RAMP APPROX 5%) RAMP APPROX 5%) RAMP APPROX 5%) RESIDENTIAL ABOVE GRADE PARKING 24300 17475 RESIDENTIAL RETAIL LEVEL 01 62.55 LEVEL 02 66.55 LEVEL 03 69.45 LEVEL 04 72.35 LEVEL 05 75.25 LEVEL 06 78.16 LEVEL 07 81.06 LEVEL 08 86.85 LEVEL 09 92.15 LEVEL 10 95.15 LEVEL P1 59.14 LEVEL P2 56.66 LEVEL P3 53.77 LEVEL P4 50.87 LEVEL P5 47.97 LEVEL P6 45.08 289728972897289724733414399629022902290229022902579 253003000 BELOW GRADE PARKING BELOW GRADE PARKING ABOVE GRADE PARKING ABOVE GRADE PARKING RAM APPROX 5% RAM APPROX 5% RAM APPROX 5% RAM APPROX 5% RAM APPROX 5% RAM APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RAMP APPROX 5% RETAIL RESIDENTIAL RAMP UP RAMP DOWN INDOOR AMENITY 17475 24300 RESIDENTIAL WASTE OUTDOOR AMENITY ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5/7/202 1 6:06:49 PM As indicated PODIUM SECTIONS 2030 01/13/21 Author A402 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON Checker 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development 1 200 A402 Section 3 3 1 200 A402 Section 4 4 4 3

LEVEL 01 62.55 LEVEL 02 66.55 LEVEL 03 69.45 LEVEL 04 72.35 LEVEL 05 75.25 LEVEL 06 78.16 LEVEL 07 81.06 LEVEL 08 86.85 LEVEL 09 92.15 LEVEL 10 95.15 LEVEL 11 98.15 LEVEL 12 101.45 LEVEL 13 104.45 LEVEL 14 107.45 LEVEL 15 110.75 LEVEL 16 113.75 LEVEL 17 116.75 LEVEL 18 120.05 LEVEL 19 123.05 LEVEL 20 126.05 LEVEL 21 129.35 LEVEL 22 132.35 LEVEL 23 135.35 LEVEL 24 138.35 LEVEL 25 141.35 LEVEL 26 144.35 LEVEL 27 147.35 LEVEL 28 150.35 LEVEL 29 153.65 LEVEL 30 156.65 LEVEL 31 159.65 LEVEL 32 162.65 LEVEL 33 165.65 LEVEL 34 168.65 LEVEL 35 171.65 LEVEL 36 174.65 LEVEL 37 177.95 LEVEL 38 180.95 LEVEL 39 183.95 LEVEL 40 186.95 LEVEL 41 189.95 LEVEL 42 192.95 LEVEL 43 195.95 LEVEL 44 198.95 LEVEL 45 202.25 LEVEL 46 205.25 LEVEL 47 208.25 LEVEL 48 211.25 LEVEL 49 214.25 LEVEL 50 217.25 LEVEL 51 220.25 LEVEL 52 223.25 LEVEL 53 226.25 LEVEL 54 229.25 LEVEL 55 232.25 LEVEL 56 235.25 LEVEL 57 238.25 LEVEL 58 241.25 LEVEL 59 244.25 LEVEL 60 247.55 LEVEL 61 250.55 LEVEL 62 257.55 LEVEL P1 59.14 LEVEL P2 56.66 LEVEL P3 53.77 LEVEL P4 50.87 LEVEL P5 47.97 LEVEL P6 45.08 7000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 5300 5790 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 3995 3415 2475 2895 2895 2895 2895 RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL BELOW GRADE PARKING ABOVE GRADE PARKING BELOW GRADE PARKING ABOVE GRADE PARKING LOBBY RETAIL AMENITY AMENITY MECH. MECH. 60 STOREY TOWER 118 m 7000 188000 17475 7000 163700 24300 17475 OUTDOOR AMENITY EXIT STAIRS LEVEL 01 62.55 LEVEL 02 66.55 LEVEL 03 69.45 LEVEL 04 72.35 LEVEL 05 75.25 LEVEL 06 78.16 LEVEL 07 81.06 LEVEL 08 86.85 LEVEL 09 92.15 LEVEL 10 95.15 LEVEL 11 98.15 LEVEL 12 101.45 LEVEL 13 104.45 LEVEL 14 107.45 LEVEL 15 110.75 LEVEL 16 113.75 LEVEL 17 116.75 LEVEL 18 120.05 LEVEL 19 123.05 LEVEL 20 126.05 LEVEL 21 129.35 LEVEL 22 132.35 LEVEL 23 135.35 LEVEL 24 138.35 LEVEL 25 141.35 LEVEL 26 144.35 LEVEL 27 147.35 LEVEL 28 150.35 LEVEL 29 153.65 LEVEL 30 156.65 LEVEL 31 159.65 LEVEL 32 162.65 LEVEL 33 165.65 LEVEL 34 168.65 LEVEL 35 171.65 LEVEL 36 174.65 LEVEL 37 177.95 LEVEL 38 180.95 LEVEL 39 183.95 LEVEL 40 186.95 LEVEL 41 189.95 LEVEL 42 192.95 LEVEL 43 195.95 LEVEL 44 198.95 LEVEL 45 202.25 LEVEL 46 205.25 LEVEL 47 208.25 LEVEL 48 211.25 LEVEL 49 214.25 LEVEL 50 217.25 LEVEL 51 220.25 LEVEL 52 223.25 LEVEL 53 226.25 LEVEL 54 229.25 LEVEL 55 232.25 LEVEL 56 235.25 LEVEL 57 238.25 LEVEL 58 241.25 LEVEL 59 244.25 LEVEL 60 247.55 LEVEL 61 250.55 LEVEL 62 257.55 LEVEL P1 59.14 LEVEL P2 56.66 LEVEL P3 53.77 LEVEL P4 50.87 LEVEL P5 47.97 LEVEL P6 45.08 7000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 5300 5790 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 3995 3415 2475 2895 2895 2895 2895 RES. RESIDENTIAL BELOW GRADE PARKING ABOVE GRADE PARKING BELOW GRADE PARKING ABOVE GRADE PARKING RAMPS MAIL ROOM AMENITY AMENITY MECH. 60 STOREY TOWER 118 m 7000 205475 7000 163700 24300 17475 ELEVATOR SHAFT ELEVATOR SHAFT EXIT STAIRS ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5/7/202 1 6:07:56 PM As indicated OVERALL SECTIONS 2030 01/13/21 Author A403 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON Checker 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development 1 400 A403 REF: A201 Section 5 5 1 : 400 A403 REF: A201 Section 6 6 6 5

LEVEL 01 62.55 LEVEL 02 66.55 LEVEL 03 69.45 LEVEL 04 72.35 LEVEL 05 75.25 LEVEL 06 78.16 LEVEL 07 81.06 LEVEL 08 86.85 LEVEL 09 92.15 LEVEL 10 95.15 LEVEL 11 98.15 LEVEL 12 101.45 LEVEL 13 104.45 LEVEL 14 107.45 LEVEL 15 110.75 LEVEL 16 113.75 LEVEL 17 116.75 LEVEL 18 120.05 LEVEL 19 123.05 LEVEL 20 126.05 LEVEL 21 129.35 LEVEL 22 132.35 LEVEL 23 135.35 LEVEL 24 138.35 LEVEL 25 141.35 LEVEL 26 144.35 LEVEL 27 147.35 LEVEL 28 150.35 LEVEL 29 153.65 LEVEL 30 156.65 LEVEL 31 159.65 LEVEL 32 162.65 LEVEL 33 165.65 LEVEL 34 168.65 LEVEL 35 171.65 LEVEL 36 174.65 LEVEL 37 177.95 LEVEL 38 180.95 LEVEL 39 183.95 LEVEL 40 186.95 LEVEL 41 189.95 LEVEL 42 192.95 LEVEL 43 195.95 LEVEL 44 198.95 LEVEL 45 202.25 LEVEL 46 205.25 LEVEL 47 208.25 LEVEL 48 211.25 LEVEL 49 214.25 LEVEL 50 217.25 LEVEL 51 220.25 LEVEL 52 223.25 LEVEL 53 226.25 LEVEL 54 229.25 LEVEL 55 232.25 LEVEL 56 235.25 LEVEL 57 238.25 LEVEL 58 241.25 LEVEL 59 244.25 LEVEL 60 247.55 LEVEL 61 250.55 LEVEL 62 257.55 7000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 5300 5790 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 3995 7000 188000 60 STOREY TOWER 118 m 7000 163700 24300 RESIDENTIAL ENTRY RETAIL AT GRADE LEVEL 01 62.55 LEVEL 02 66.55 LEVEL 03 69.45 LEVEL 04 72.35 LEVEL 05 75.25 LEVEL 06 78.16 LEVEL 07 81.06 LEVEL 08 86.85 LEVEL 09 92.15 LEVEL 10 95.15 LEVEL 11 98.15 LEVEL 12 101.45 LEVEL 13 104.45 LEVEL 14 107.45 LEVEL 15 110.75 LEVEL 16 113.75 LEVEL 17 116.75 LEVEL 18 120.05 LEVEL 19 123.05 LEVEL 20 126.05 LEVEL 21 129.35 LEVEL 22 132.35 LEVEL 23 135.35 LEVEL 24 138.35 LEVEL 25 141.35 LEVEL 26 144.35 LEVEL 27 147.35 LEVEL 28 150.35 LEVEL 29 153.65 LEVEL 30 156.65 LEVEL 31 159.65 LEVEL 32 162.65 LEVEL 33 165.65 LEVEL 34 168.65 LEVEL 35 171.65 LEVEL 36 174.65 LEVEL 37 177.95 LEVEL 38 180.95 LEVEL 39 183.95 LEVEL 40 186.95 LEVEL 41 189.95 LEVEL 42 192.95 LEVEL 43 195.95 LEVEL 44 198.95 LEVEL 45 202.25 LEVEL 46 205.25 LEVEL 47 208.25 LEVEL 48 211.25 LEVEL 49 214.25 LEVEL 50 217.25 LEVEL 51 220.25 LEVEL 52 223.25 LEVEL 53 226.25 LEVEL 54 229.25 LEVEL 55 232.25 LEVEL 56 235.25 LEVEL 57 238.25 LEVEL 58 241.25 LEVEL 59 244.25 LEVEL 60 247.55 LEVEL 61 250.55 LEVEL 62 257.55 7000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 5300 5790 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 3995 60 STOREY TOWER 118 m 7000 188000 7000 163700 24300 OUTDOOR AMENITY PRIVATE TERRACE RETAIL AT GRADE RESIDENTIAL LOBBY BRONZE COLOURED METAL PANEL BRONZE METAL FINS LEGEND ARCHITECTURAL LOUVER GLAZING METAL PANEL FRITTED GLASS 1 2 3 4 5 6 ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5/7/202 1 6:10:22 PM As indicated EAST/SOUTH ELEVATIONS 2030 11/23/20 HPA A501 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development 1 400 A501 EAST ELEVATION OVERALL 1 1 400 A501 SOUTH ELEVATION OVERALL 2 3 6 4 2 2 4 1 2 5 3 3 6 4 2 5 3 5 2 1

LEVEL 01 62.55 LEVEL 02 66.55 LEVEL 03 69.45 LEVEL 04 72.35 LEVEL 05 75.25 LEVEL 06 78.16 LEVEL 07 81.06 LEVEL 08 86.85 LEVEL 09 92.15 LEVEL 10 95.15 LEVEL 11 98.15 LEVEL 12 101.45 LEVEL 13 104.45 LEVEL 14 107.45 LEVEL 15 110.75 LEVEL 16 113.75 LEVEL 17 116.75 LEVEL 18 120.05 LEVEL 19 123.05 LEVEL 20 126.05 LEVEL 21 129.35 LEVEL 22 132.35 LEVEL 23 135.35 LEVEL 24 138.35 LEVEL 25 141.35 LEVEL 26 144.35 LEVEL 27 147.35 LEVEL 28 150.35 LEVEL 29 153.65 LEVEL 30 156.65 LEVEL 31 159.65 LEVEL 32 162.65 LEVEL 33 165.65 LEVEL 34 168.65 LEVEL 35 171.65 LEVEL 36 174.65 LEVEL 37 177.95 LEVEL 38 180.95 LEVEL 39 183.95 LEVEL 40 186.95 LEVEL 41 189.95 LEVEL 42 192.95 LEVEL 43 195.95 LEVEL 44 198.95 LEVEL 45 202.25 LEVEL 46 205.25 LEVEL 47 208.25 LEVEL 48 211.25 LEVEL 49 214.25 LEVEL 50 217.25 LEVEL 51 220.25 LEVEL 52 223.25 LEVEL 53 226.25 LEVEL 54 229.25 LEVEL 55 232.25 LEVEL 56 235.25 LEVEL 57 238.25 LEVEL 58 241.25 LEVEL 59 244.25 LEVEL 60 247.55 LEVEL 61 250.55 LEVEL 62 257.55 7000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 3300 3000 3000 5300 5790 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 3995 60 STOREY TOWER 118 m 7000 188000 7000 163700 24300 OUTDOOR AMENITY LEVEL 01 62.55 LEVEL 02 66.55 LEVEL 03 69.45 LEVEL 04 72.35 LEVEL 05 75.25 LEVEL 06 78.16 LEVEL 07 81.06 LEVEL 08 86.85 LEVEL 09 92.15 LEVEL 10 95.15 LEVEL 11 98.15 LEVEL 12 101.45 LEVEL 13 104.45 LEVEL 14 107.45 LEVEL 15 110.75 LEVEL 16 113.75 LEVEL 17 116.75 LEVEL 18 120.05 LEVEL 19 123.05 LEVEL 20 126.05 LEVEL 21 129.35 LEVEL 22 132.35 LEVEL 23 135.35 LEVEL 24 138.35 LEVEL 25 141.35 LEVEL 26 144.35 LEVEL 27 147.35 LEVEL 28 150.35 LEVEL 29 153.65 LEVEL 30 156.65 LEVEL 31 159.65 LEVEL 32 162.65 LEVEL 33 165.65 LEVEL 34 168.65 LEVEL 35 171.65 LEVEL 36 174.65 LEVEL 37 177.95 LEVEL 38 180.95 LEVEL 39 183.95 LEVEL 40 186.95 LEVEL 41 189.95 LEVEL 42 192.95 LEVEL 43 195.95 LEVEL 44 198.95 LEVEL 45 202.25 LEVEL 46 205.25 LEVEL 47 208.25 LEVEL 48 211.25 LEVEL 49 214.25 LEVEL 50 217.25 LEVEL 51 220.25 LEVEL 52 223.25 LEVEL 53 226.25 LEVEL 54 229.25 LEVEL 55 232.25 LEVEL 56 235.25 LEVEL 57 238.25 LEVEL 58 241.25 LEVEL 59 244.25 LEVEL 60 247.55 LEVEL 61 250.55 LEVEL 62 257.55 399529002900290029002900579053003000300033003000300 033003000300033003000300033003000300030003000300030 003000330030003000300030003000300030003300300030003 000300030003000300033003000300030003000300030003000 3000300030003000300030003000330030007000 24300 163700 7000 188000 7000 60 STOREY TOWER 118 m OUTDOOR AMENITY PRIVATE TERRACE RETAIL AT GRADE PARKING GARAGE ENTRY PARKING GARAGE EXIT RES WASTE ROOM ENTRY MOVING ROOM ENTRY BRONZE COLOURED METAL PANEL BRONZE METAL FINS LEGEND ARCHITECTURAL LOUVER GLAZING METAL PANEL FRITTED GLASS 1 2 3 4 5 6 ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5/7/202 1 6:13:27 PM As indicated WEST/NORTH ELEVATIONS 2030 12/03/20 HPA A502 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON HPA 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development 1 400 A502 WEST ELEVATION OVERALL 1 1 400 A502 NORTH ELEVATION OVERALL 2 3 6 4 2 2 4 1 6 5 3 3 6 2 3 1

ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5/7/202 1 6:14:26 PM 3D PERSPECTIVE VIEW 2030 12/09/20 Author A503 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON Checker 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development A503 3D PERSPECTIVE VIEW LOOKING NORTH WEST 1

ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5/7/202 1 6:17:07 PM 3D PERSPECTIVE VIEW 2030 12/10/20 Author A504 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON Checker 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development A504 3D PERSPECTIVE VIEW LOOKING NORTH WEST 1

ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5/7/202 1 6:19:29 PM 3D PERSPECTIVE VIEW 2030 12/10/20 Author A505 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON Checker 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development A505 3D PERSPECTIVE VIEW LOOKING WEST 1

ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5/7/202 1 6:21:24 PM 3D PERSPECTIVE VIEW 2030 12/10/20 Author A506 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON Checker 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development A506 3D PERSPECTIVE VIEW LOOKING NORTH WEST 1

W W ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5/7/202 1 6:23:18 PM ISOMETRIC VIEWS 2030 12/18/20 Author A507 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON Checker 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development A507 View From NW. 1 A507 View From NE. 2

W W S E N ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: PROJECT TEAM DRAWING STATUS 1 2021-05-10ISSUED FOR OPA/ZBA/SPA DESCRIPTION NO. CLIENT ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL CIVIL/TRAFFIC GEOTECH LANDSCAPE PLANNING CLARIDGE HOMES HARIRI PONTARINI ARCHITECTS JAMES B. LENNOX + ASSOCIATES FOTENN PLANNING + DESIGN GOODEVE STRUCTURAL INC. NOVATECH GROUP PATERSON GROUP INC. WINDGRADIENT WIND ENGINEERING SURVEYOR ANNIS, O'SULLIVAN, VOLLEBEKK LTD. 5/7/202 1 6:25:15 PM ISOMETRIC VIEWS 2030 12/18/20 Author A508 829 CARLING AVE. OTTAWA, ON Checker 829 Carling Ave Mixed-Use Development A508 View From SE. 1 A508 View From SW. 2

ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTH Project True 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: CLIENT DRAWING STATUS 1 2 / 1 8 / 2 0 2 0 4 : 4 4 : 3 3 P M Massing View 1 2030 12/09/20 Author A405 ## STREET, CITY, PROVINCE Checker ICON II No Description

ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: CLIENT DRAWING STATUS 1 2 / 1 8 / 2 0 2 0 4 : 4 6 : 1 4 P M Massing View 2 2030 12/10/20 Author A406 ## STREET, CITY, PROVINCE Checker ICON II No Description

ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: CLIENT DRAWING STATUS 1 2 / 1 8 / 2 0 2 0 4 : 4 7 : 4 0 P M Massing View 3 2030 12/10/20 Author A407 ## STREET, CITY, PROVINCE Checker ICON II No Description

ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility for the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProject True 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: CLIENT DRAWING STATUS 1 2 / 1 8 / 2 0 2 0 4 : 4 8 : 5 6 P M Massing View 4 2030 12/10/20 Author A408 ## STREET, CITY, PROVINCE Checker ICON II No Description

ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: CLIENT DRAWING STATUS 1 2 / 1 8 / 2 0 2 0 4 : 4 9 : 4 9 P M Isometric Views 1 2030 12/18/20 Author A409 ## STREET, CITY, PROVINCE Checker ICON II No Description A409 View From NW. 1 A409 View From NE. 2

ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235CarlawAvenue Suite301 Toronto,CanadaM4M2S1 tel 4169294901 fax4169298924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility or the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY-MM-DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: CLIENT DRAWING STATUS 1 2 / 1 8 / 2 0 2 0 4 : 5 0 : 4 8 P M Isometric Views 2 2030 12/18/20 Author A410 ## STREET, CITY, PROVINCE Checker ICON II No Description A410 View From SE. 1 A410 View From SW. 2
2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2400 4600 01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 4600 5281 6065 29 RAMP UP 5% RAMP DOWN 5% 6817 ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235 Carlaw Avenue Suite 301 Toronto, Canada M4M 2S1 tel 416 929 4901 fax 416 929 8924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.: Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility for the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTH Project True 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY‐MM‐DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: CLIENT DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2 / 1 1 / 2 0 2 0 2 3 4 : 1 9 P M 1 100 LEVEL 02 2030 12/02/20 HPA A302 ## STREET, CITY, PROVINCE HPA ICON II No Description
2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 4002 6004 4002 6004 2400 4600 2400 4600 2400 4600 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2600 5200 2400 4600 2400 4600 2600 5200 2400 4600 4002 6004 01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 29 10600 11281 12065 12817 RAMP UP 5% RAMP DOWN 5% ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235 Carlaw Avenue Suite 301 Toronto, Canada M4M 2S1 tel 416 929 4901 fax 416 929 8924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility for the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY‐MM‐DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: CLIENT DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2 / 1 1 / 2 0 2 0 2 3 4 : 2 0 P M 1 100 LEVEL 04‐06 2030 12/02/20 HPA A304 ## STREET, CITY, PROVINCE HPA ICON II No Description
01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 29 ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235 Carlaw Avenue Suite 301 Toronto, Canada M4M 2S1 tel 416 929 4901 fax 416 929 8924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility for the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY‐MM‐DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: CLIENT DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2 / 1 1 / 2 0 2 0 2 3 4 : 2 1 P M 1 100 LEVEL 08 2030 12/02/20 HPA A306 ## STREET, CITY, PROVINCE HPA ICON II No Description
01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 29 ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235 Carlaw Avenue Suite 301 Toronto, Canada M4M 2S1 tel 416 929 4901 fax 416 929 8924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility for the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY‐MM‐DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: CLIENT DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2 / 1 1 / 2 0 2 0 2 3 4 : 2 2 P M 1 100 LEVEL 09‐11 2030 12/04/20 HPA A307 ## STREET, CITY, PROVINCE HPA ICON II No Description
01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 29 ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235 Carlaw Avenue Suite 301 Toronto, Canada M4M 2S1 tel 416 929 4901 fax 416 929 8924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility for the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY‐MM‐DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: CLIENT DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2 / 1 1 / 2 0 2 0 2 3 4 : 2 3 P M 1 100 LEVEL 12‐14 2030 12/04/20 HPA A308 ## STREET, CITY, PROVINCE HPA ICON II No Description
01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 29 ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235 Carlaw Avenue Suite 301 Toronto, Canada M4M 2S1 tel 416 929 4901 fax 416 929 8924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility for the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY‐MM‐DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: CLIENT DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2 / 1 1 / 2 0 2 0 2 3 4 : 2 4 P M 1 100 LEVEL 15‐17 2030 12/04/2020 HPA A309 ## STREET, CITY, PROVINCE HPA ICON II No Description
01 03 05 06 07 08 09 A B C D E F G H 29 ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235 Carlaw Avenue Suite 301 Toronto, Canada M4M 2S1 tel 416 929 4901 fax 416 929 8924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility for the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY‐MM‐DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: CLIENT DRAWING STATUS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 2 / 1 1 / 2 0 2 0 2 3 4 : 2 5 P M 1 100 LEVEL 18‐20 2030 12/04/20 HPA A310 ## STREET, CITY, PROVINCE HPA ICON II No Description

ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235 Carlaw Avenue Suite 301 Toronto, Canada M4M 2S1 tel 416 929 4901 fax 416 929 8924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility for the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY‐MM‐DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: CLIENT DRAWING STATUS 1 2 / 1 1 / 2 0 2 0 2 3 4 : 3 2 P M Massing View 1 2030 12/09/20 Author A405 ## STREET, CITY, PROVINCE Checker ICON II No Description

ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235 Carlaw Avenue Suite 301 Toronto, Canada M4M 2S1 tel 416 929 4901 fax 416 929 8924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility for the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY‐MM‐DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: CLIENT DRAWING STATUS 1 2 / 1 1 / 2 0 2 0 2 3 4 : 4 8 P M Massing View 2 2030 12/10/20 Author A406 ## STREET, CITY, PROVINCE Checker ICON II No Description

ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235 Carlaw Avenue Suite 301 Toronto, Canada M4M 2S1 tel 416 929 4901 fax 416 929 8924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility for the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY‐MM‐DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: CLIENT DRAWING STATUS 1 2 / 1 1 / 2 0 2 0 2 3 4 : 5 7 P M Massing View 3 2030 12/10/20 Author A407 ## STREET, CITY, PROVINCE Checker ICON II No Description

ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235 Carlaw Avenue Suite 301 Toronto, Canada M4M 2S1 tel 416 929 4901 fax 416 929 8924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility for the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY‐MM‐DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: CLIENT DRAWING STATUS 1 2 / 1 1 / 2 0 2 0 2 3 5 : 0 4 P M Massing View 4 2030 12/10/20 Author A408 ## STREET, CITY, PROVINCE Checker ICON II No Description

ARCHITECTS HARIRI PONTARINI 235 Carlaw Avenue Suite 301 Toronto, Canada M4M 2S1 tel 416 929 4901 fax 416 929 8924 info@hp-arch.com hariripontarini.com Scale: Drawn / Checked by: Sheet Start Date: Project number: Drawing No.:Revision: Project Title: General Notes 1. These Contract Documents are the property of the Architect. The Architect bears no responsibility for the interpretations of these documents by the contractor. Upon written application the Architect will provide written/graphic clarification or supplementary information regarding the intent of the Contract Documents. The Architect will review Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for design conformance only. 2. Drawings are not to be scaled for construction. Contractor to verify all existing conditions and dimensions required to perform the Work and report any discrepancies with the Contract Documents to the Architect before commencing work. 3. Positions of exposed or finished mechanical or electrical devices, fittings, and fixtures are indicated on the Architectural drawings. The locations shown on the Architectural drawings govern over the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Those items not clearly located will be located as directed by the Architect. NORTHProjectTrue 24" x 36" ARCH D SHEET SIZE YYYY‐MM‐DD KEYPLAN PRINT DATE: CLIENT DRAWING STATUS 1 2 / 1 1 / 2 0 2 0 2 3 5 : 1 2 P M Massing View 5 2030 12/10/20 Author A409 ## STREET, CITY, PROVINCE Checker ICON II No Description