WVMA In This Issue
From the President No Room For Complacency
From the Executive Director WVMA Leads, Oversight Added to VCPR Definition
Legal Briefs Prescribing and Dispensing Drugs: Some Additional Questions
AVMA Celebrates 150 Years in 2013
Don’t Be a Twit When It Comes to Your Social Media Policies
What Makes a Great Website?
The Truth About ‘Superbugs’
12-15 Classifieds
State Veterinarian Announces Retirement After 27 years of state service, Dr. Robert Ehlenfeldt will be retiring from his positions of State Veterinarian and Division Administrator for the animal health division at the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. “Dr. Bob,” as he’s known around DATCP, will retire as of January 25, 2013. “I know I’m going to miss it,” said Dr. Ehlenfeldt. “But it’s time. This division is as solid as I’ve ever seen it. We’ve got a good group of staff who know their jobs.” Ehlenfeldt came to the department from private practice in 1985, starting as a district veterinarian in southwest Wisconsin. He directed the nation’s first tests to detect and control pseudorabies. Dr. Ehlenfeldt, who’s been state veterinarian since 2003, has led DATCP’s animal health staff in accomplishing other firsts, such as developing the first livestock premises registration program in the country that helps trace livestock herds when disease breaks out. DATCP Secretary Ben Brancel worked with Dr. Ehlenfeldt during his first term as Secretary and reappointed Ehlenfeldt to his positions last January. “Dr. Ehlenfeldt has been a superior state veterinarian,” said Secretary Brancel. “His scientific knowledge of animal health, his rapport with his counterparts in other states and his personal demeanor have helped him address some difficult issues over the years in a thoughtful and timely manner.” During his tenure, Dr. Ehlenfeldt has overseen the move of deer and fish farm registration and regulation from DNR to DATCP. DATCP is now a leader in fish health programs and education. He says Wisconsin is right at the top when it comes to dealing with CWD and other emergency preparedness issues. Dr. Ehlenfeldt gives all the credit to his staff saying, “Frankly, leading them is a pretty easy job.” Appointed by the DATCP Secretary, the State Veterinarian is Wisconsin’s chief of regulatory veterinary medicine. The person in this position oversees the surveillance, prevention and response to diseases in the state’s animal agriculture sector. As administrator for the Division of Animal Health, oversight also includes the local humane officer training program, rabies epidemiology and the new dog sellers licensing program. The division also works closely with animal health programs within the USDA and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR). As for what happens after January 25th, Dr. Ehlenfeldt says, “It will be different but I have seven grandchildren who are looking for a grandpa.”
from the president
No Room For Complacency K.C. Brooks, DVM, DABVP
Bill Gates once said, “The complacent company is a dead company. Success today requires the agility and drive to constantly rethink, reinvigorate, react and reinvent”. In today’s business environment those words seem incredibly prophetic.
their core purpose or have failed to capitalize on their strengths. Of course, if the strength and purpose are not clearly aligned with their client’s actual needs, long term success is unlikely to follow.
The economic downturn, coupled with societal changes, has left many veterinary practices facing very real changes in how their clients view their services and how they wish to do business. Indeed, many recent studies have shown that trips to veterinarians have dropped dramatically in the past three years. Simultaneously, many clients have decided to receive their information, advice and even medications from non-veterinary sources. There is little doubt consumer buying habits are changing in our industry, just as it is in most industries.
Keeping yourself relevant may be more important to veterinary teams than ever before. Teams must be engaged in lifelong learning in order to be the trusted source of information for animal owners. To combat the glut of “free” information available, teams must deliver accurate information in a manner that is easily accessible and understandable.
Veterinary practices that are going to prosper cannot afford to be complacent. In fact, they must confront the realities of a changing market head on. One of the ways they will put themselves in a position to succeed is to rethink and reinvent ways to improve the capabilities of their team to meet the needs of the clients they are serving. In his book entitled “The Speed of Trust,” Stephen Covey identifies three key components of increasing capabilities. They are: 1) Run with your strengths (and with your purpose), 2) Keep yourself relevant, and 3) Know where you are going. While Covey was using these principles to illustrate how individuals can establish (or re-establish) trusting relationships with others, these same principles apply to our teams. Run with your strengths is not a new concept to most successful teams, but many veterinary teams have either strayed from
Knowing where you are going is an ongoing process that must be shared repeatedly. Teams must know why they exist and what their vision for the future is. Furthermore, there needs to be a clear roadmap for the journey. Successful teams do not rely on a GPS to tell them they have made a wrong turn, but instead are checking the map frequently and readjusting their route as needed. On March 1st-3rd, your team has a tremendous opportunity to strengthen its capabilities and to discard any complacency at the 25th annual WVMA Winter Retreat - Creating Stronger Teams. Building Healthier Practices. - at the Glacier Canyon Lodge in Wisconsin Dells. This year Jessica Goodman Lee will be leading the discussion with your team. Having recently heard Ms. Lee speak, I am confident your team will have a wonderful opportunity to learn and to work on developing the roadmap to make their vision a reality. For more information about the event, check out the WVMA homepage. I hope to see you in the Dells. - K.C.
2013 wvma board President
K.C. Brooks, DVM, DABVP
Chris Booth, DVM
Past President Robert Klostermann, DVM District 1 Peter Gaveras, DVM District 2 Zachary Janssen, DVM District 3
Ann Sosalla, DVM
District 4 James Ziegler, DVM District 5 Jane Clark, DVM District 6 Alan Holter, DVM District 7 Kimberly Kratt, DVM District 8 Michael Wolf, DVM District 9 Robert Zukowski, DVM Student Rep. Marsha Bush
Ex-officio members
Treasurer Thomas H. Howard, DVM AVMA Delegate Ann Sherwood Zieser, DVM Dean, UW-SVM Mark Markel, DVM, PhD State Veterinarian Robert G. Ehlenfeldt, DVM WVDL Director Tom McKenna, DVM, PhD Student Rep. Matt Slentz
Executive Director Kim Brown Pokorny Executive Assistant
Torrie Kennedy
Marketing and Communications Specialist Sarah Young
from the executive director
WVMA Voice The WVMA Voice is published on the 15th day of each month by the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association, 2801 Crossroads Dr., Ste. 1200, Madison, WI 53718; (608) 257-3665; toll-free (888) 254-5202; fax (608) 257-8989; e-mail: wvma@wvma.org; website: www.wvma.org. It is sent free of charge to all WVMA members. Office hours: 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday-Friday.
Classified/Relief Veterinary Advertising: Member:
First 30 words $10; each additional word $1.50.
Non-member: F irst 30 words $50; each additional word $1.50. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads. Classified ads run for two months and must be renewed for additional months. Classified ads are to be received by the first working day of the month. Display advertising is available at the editors’ discretion. Call (608) 257-3665 for more information. The deadline for receipt of all material submitted for publication is the first working day of the month, to insure consideration for the next month’s newsletter. Subscriptions are available for $36 annually. (Non-member, in-state veterinarians not eligible.)
Advertising and Publication Deadlines Issue
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January December 1 December 15 February January 1 January 15 March February 1 February 15 April March 1 March 15 May April 1 April 15 June May 1 May 15 July June 1 June 15 August July 1 July 15 September August 1 August 15 October September 1 September 15 November October 1 October 15 December November 1 November 15
WVMA Leads, Oversight Added to VCPR Definition Kim Brown Pokorny
On Jan. 5 the AVMA House of Delegates approved a resolution to add oversight language into the VCPR definition. The resolution was introduced by the WVMA, with co-sponsorship and support coming from AABP, AAAP, AAHA, AASRP, as well as others. The resolution passed with 70 percent of delegate votes. Background
As the WVMA leadership continues to work on issues important to the future of veterinary medicine, it became evident veterinary medicine needed to define oversight. Additionally, WVMA leadership realized if veterinary medicine didn’t engage in defining oversight, someone else would. Over the past year, oversight language was increasingly used by regulatory agencies and others. Whether we talk companion animal medicine or food animal medicine, oversight is being discussed and recommended. I am very proud of the WVMA leadership for embracing this opportunity and defining how they want veterinary medicine practiced. The passage of this resolution will lead to better medicine, stronger veterinarian-client-patient relationships and is the right thing to do, for the right reason. The VCPR definition now reads as follows: “Veterinarian-client-patient relationship” means that all of the following are required: a) The veterinarian has assumed the responsibility for making medical judgments regarding the health of the patient and the client has agreed to follow the veterinarian’s instructions. b) The veterinarian has sufficient knowledge of the patient to initiate at least a general or preliminary diagnosis of the medical condition of the patient. This means that the veterinarian is personally acquainted with the keeping and care of the patient by virtue of: i. a timely examination of the patient by the veterinarian, or ii. medically appropriate and timely visits by the veterinarian to the operation where the patient is managed. c) The veterinarian is readily available for follow-up evaluation or has arranged for the following: i. veterinary emergency coverage, and ii. continuing care and treatment. d) The veterinarian provides oversight of treatment, compliance and outcome. e) Patient records are maintained.
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Prescribing and Dispensing Drugs: Some Additional Questions Gregory E. Scallon, DeWitt Ross & Stevens
The WVMA office receives frequent inquiries regarding issues relating to the writing of prescriptions and the dispensing of drugs pursuant to a prescription. This article will answer some of those questions. 1. What information must a prescription include? A prescription must include all of the following: 1. The name and address of the veterinarian issuing the prescription and, if the prescription is a written order, the signature of the veterinarian. 2. The name and address of the client. 3. The species and identity (if a companion animal) of the patient for which the prescription is issued. 4. The name (generic or brand), strength and quantity of the drug prescribed. 5. The date on which the prescription is issued. 6. The directions for administering the drug. 7. If the patient is a food-producing animal, the withdrawal time for the veterinary drug. 8. If the prescription authorizes extra-label use, the manner in which the client may use the drug. 9. Any cautionary statements required by law. 2. May a prescription be written by a doctor other than the doctor with the veterinarian/client/patient relationship (“VCPR”)?
No, the doctor writing the prescription must have the VCPR. It is not permissible to issue prescriptions in the name of the clinic, nor in the name of a doctor other than the doctor with the VCPR.
3. May a veterinarian who has no VCPR dispense drugs pursuant to a prescription written at a different clinic for the patient of the other clinic?
Yes, there is no limit on the ability of a veterinarian to dispense drugs pursuant to a prescription written by another veterinarian.
4. Does the fact the drug at issue is a controlled substance change the requirements?
No, the requirements are essentially the same. There is, of course, the additional requirement, that a veterinarian writing a prescription for a controlled substance must have a DEA registration number. Provided the prescription is written by a veterinarian with a DEA registration number, another veterinarian may administer or dispense the controlled substance.
5. May a veterinary technician write a prescription?
No, a veterinary technician may not write a prescription.
6. May a veterinarian issue a prescription directly to a client?
Yes, while prescriptions are generally issued by a veterinarian to a pharmacist or another veterinarian to dispense a drug, a veterinarian may issue a prescription to a client that authorizes the client to make extra-label use of the drug. The client may not make extra-label use of a drug on an animal without a prescription, and only as authorized by the prescription. In addition to the other requirements for prescribing a drug, in the instance of a prescription for extra-label of a drug, the veterinarian must determine that there is no drug that is marketed specifically to treat the patient’s diagnosed condition, or that all of the drugs that are marketed for that purpose are clinically ineffective, and the veterinarian must recommend procedures for the client to follow to ensure that the identity of the patient will be maintained. Further, if the patient is a food-producing animal, the veterinarian must prescribe a sufficient time period for drug withdrawal before the food from the patient may be marketed.
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AVMA Celebrates 150 Years in 2013 During the American Veterinary Medical Association’s (AVMA) 150th anniversary celebration, the Association will thank those who made the auspicious anniversary possible—it’s members. “I’m extremely proud that the AVMA is turning 150 this year, but even more than that I’m extremely proud of the accomplishments of our members over the past 150 years,” says Dr. Douglas G. Aspros, president of the AVMA. “Among many contributions, our members have been at the forefront of medical research. They’ve preserved the safety of our food supply and health of our livestock. They’ve gone to war with our troops to help maintain the health of animals in combat situations, and they work tirelessly to keep our pets at home healthy. In short, they’ve saved many lives and made the lives of innumerable animals and people far better. Our 150th Anniversary is an opportunity to remember these accomplishments and to thank our members for everything that they do.”
production of the AVMA’s journals, and progress made by the profession since 1863. The book will be available for purchase at www.avma.org, with proceeds directed to AVMA future-generation programming, which includes support of initiatives such as the Early Career Development Committee and the Compass Mentoring Program. The AVMA has also secured a partnership with the Smithsonian Institution to create a 1,000-square-foot exhibition on wheels that will tour the country from coast to coast, introducing visitors to innovative fields of veterinary research and application, and giving them new ways to look at the enduring relationship between animals and people. This traveling exhibit will begin its two-year, 75-city tour during the AVMA’s annual convention in Chicago July 19-23, 2013, and it will include visits to state and county fairs, science museums, veterinary medical schools, schools, zoos and other animal-related locations.
The AVMA was founded as the United States Veterinary Medical Association at a meeting at the Astor House in New York City on June 9 and 10, 1863, during the U.S. Civil War. Representatives of seven states attended, including New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maine, Ohio and Delaware.
The AVMA will host special events at its annual convention held in Chicago July 19-23, 2013, including a one-day symposium, “Understanding Our Past to Transform Our Future.” Eight veterinary students will speak at this event, and each will receive a $2,500 scholarship award from the American Veterinary Medical Foundation.
The AVMA is undertaking a number of efforts to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Association and the long and impressive history of the profession.
The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA) will feature articles commemorating the 150th anniversary, including a series, “Legends in U.S. veterinary medicine,” which will profile 12 individuals who have made substantial contributions to the American veterinary profession.
“The AVMA: 150 year of Education, Science and Service” was recently published as a celebration of the profession. It includes a history of the AVMA, including the association’s involvement in improving veterinary education, its advocacy efforts, the convention, the creation and
For more information about the AVMA and the 150th anniversary of the association, visit www.avma.org.
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Don’t Be A Twit When It Comes To Your Social Media Policies Barret V. Van Sicklen, DeWitt, Ross & Stevens, s.c.
These days, most everyone uses social media. In fact, if you arrive at the office and don’t check your Facebook account, send a couple tweets, or make a connection on LinkedIn, by the time lunch rolls around you are probably one of few at your office who hasn’t. Employers have previously complained about employees utilizing social media during work time, but now some are finding social media to be a useful tool for business promotion. Companies can use LinkedIn to reach out to potential customers, send tweets to share articles or create a Facebook business page to promote their products and services. While beneficial, this type of social media use can lead to litigation regarding ownership rights of the social media account. If an employee uses social media for business promotion and then leaves the company, does the employee or the employer retain ownership of the account? This question raises the importance of implementing a social media policy that addresses what will happen to an account when an employee leaves the company. Several recent lawsuits demonstrate the importance of dealing with this issue before disputes arise. In PhoneDog v. Kravitz, PhoneDog sued its former employee, Noah Kravitz, for refusing to return a Twitter handle that Kravitz had used to promote PhoneDog’s business to over 17,000 followers. A federal court denied Kravitz’s motion to dismiss the $340,000 lawsuit (Phonedog valued the Twitter account at $2.50 per follower, per month) and expressed the need for discovery to determine who owned the Twitter handle.
The case recently settled,* but not before each side engaged in substantial litigation. In Eagle v. Morgan, the dispute centered around the ownership of a LinkedIn account. Linda Eagle founded Edcomm, Inc. and established a policy that all Edcomm employees were to create LinkedIn accounts. In a somewhat ironic twist, another company purchased Edcomm, terminated Eagle, and claimed that Edcomm owned Eagle’s LinkedIn account. As in PhoneDog, the Eagle v. Morgan court stated that discovery was required to resolve Edcomm’s misappropriation claim, and the case is still pending. Employers can avoid ending up in similar litigation by addressing ownership of social media accounts before problems arise. Anytime an employee’s duties require the use of social media, the employee should have to sign a clear, written agreement that the company will retain ownership of the social media account at all times. Such a written agreement prevented protracted litigation in Ardis Health, LLC v. Nankivell. In that case, an employee who was hired as a social media producer signed an agreement stating that the company owned the employee’s entire social media work product. When the employee refused to return passwords after she was fired, she was sued by her employer and the court ruled that the written agreement required her to relinquish control of the accounts. As these cases demonstrate, it’s imperative to have a clear company policy stating that the company owns all social media accounts used by employees in the course of their duties and that employees must promptly return access to the accounts upon leaving the company. *The terms of the settlement are confidential. However, Kravitz continues to retain custody of the Twitter account.
What Makes A Great Website? Jim Humphries, BS, DVM, CVJ President, Veterinary News Network Founder, American Society of Veterinary Journalists Adjunct Professor, Texas A&M University, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
In today’s world of communication, and especially marketing, there is NO question, you need a GREAT web site - not a good one, not a brochure site, but a fantastic highly professional site to reflect the professional image of your practice. Clients will FIRST check you out on the web before even calling your hospital, much less driving to your facility. The web site communicates credibility, professionalism, caring and should make the viewer really want to visit you! It is the new phonebook ON steroids and though the pages of a phone book once offered expensive “passive” ads, a business website changes the game, taking this concept to a whole new level in marketing, communicating, interactivity and branding. With the speed of technology, at the press of a key or stroke of a smartphone, information can be had instantly. The internet is now the “one stop shop” to find the necessary facts to make sound decisions in everything from consumer goods to services and even restaurant reservations or doctor’s appointments. With millions of websites on the World Wide Web and your competition laid out beside you - page after page, design and execution of your site becomes crucial to business success.. A horrible site, one that is dull, unattended, lacks information and never invites a visitor to return, will hurt you or simply waste your time and money. There is a continued conversation that happens in the world of web development centered on the elements of what makes an exceptional
website. So what makes a great website? How do we convey the idea of “make it pop” and “give me the “WOW” factor”, and yet professionally translate it into an exceptional website that covers the basic elements and still provides the necessary information? The idea is to rethink the perception of “web site”. Think of the site as the “home” of your company. It is the combination of framework and functionality, with design and aesthetics’ that provides the foundation of the public perception of your business. Your website tells the story using a myriad of media widgets and possibilities to illustrate who you are and what you do. Your website not only needs to be visually delightful and engaging, but informative and clear to make the user return.
Get Online With WVMA Eservices
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The Truth About ‘Superbugs’ Dr. Christine Hoang, DVM, MPH, CPH, assistant director of Scientific Activities at the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and an expert on antimicrobial resistance, shed light on the use of antibiotics in livestock during a recent U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) panel discussion. One of the most common criticisms about the use of antibiotics on farms is that it might lead to the creation of resistant human pathogens, such as MRSA and C. difficile. Dr. Hoang stated that these fears are unfounded, because studies have shown that these “superbugs” are not related to farming. “They’re human related resistant infections that are in no way related to antibiotic use in livestock production,” she said. She also explained that the AVMA has been working tirelessly to ensure that antibiotic use on farms is brought under the control of veterinarians. Today, many antibiotics can be purchased by farmers over the counter. Dr. Hoang explained that efforts to bring all agricultural antibiotic applications under the control of veterinarians will help ensure that antibiotics are used judiciously. “The AVMA is working very hard with the Food and Drug Administration to establish greater veterinary oversight over how antibiotics are used,” Dr. Hoang said. “The goal of veterinary medicine has always been to achieve a system where these drugs are used judiciously for the benefit of both animal and human health.” The prevention of antibiotic resistance in humans is one of the reasons why veterinarians
support the continued use of preventive applications of antibiotics in the practice of medicine on farms. Dr. Hoang explained to the listening audience that waiting until an animal is sick to use antibiotics could, in fact, make it more likely these “superbugs” will develop because veterinarians will be forced to treat sick animals with more powerful antibiotics that are more commonly used in human medicine and use them at higher doses. Dr. Hoang explained that there are other benefits of preventive applications of antibiotics on farms. Preventive antibiotic use reduces the transmission of food borne illnesses into our food supply, and there are substantial animal welfare benefits. “Because you are preventing the disease before it occurs, there is benefit to the animals because they are not getting sick and suffering,” she said. Dr. Hoang also explained the benefits of including antibiotics in animal feed, which is something that has drawn criticism in the media. Including preventive medications in livestock feed is simply safer and more humane, reducing the need for injections or other individualized treatments of animals. To learn more about this important issue, the AVMA encourages people to view the complete webcast entitled “Antibiotics and Your Food,” which was webcast live on Nov. 15, 2012. The webcast can be viewed on the USFRA website at www.fooddialogues.com.
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Elkhorn Veterinarian Recognized for Charitable Service
Dr. Richard Tully, partner with the Elkhorn Veterinary Clinic, Ltd., has been awarded the 2012 EQUUS Foundation Humanitarian Award. This honor is given by the United States Equestrian Federation and The EQUUS Foundation to celebrate the humanitarian achievements made by a member of the equestrian world. Dr. Tully was selected principally for his 29 years of service to S.M.I.L.E.S., a local therapeutic riding facility for children and adults with disabilities. Throughout the years, Dr. Tully and the other veterinarians of the Elkhorn Veterinary Clinic have donated their services to S.M.I.L.E.S. Dr. Tully also serves on the Board of Directors for S.M.I.L.E.S. and has so for the past six years.
Professionally, Dr. Tully is a member of the AVMA, AAEP, WVMA, a long-time member and past president of the WEPA, and for six years was a member of the Board of Visitors at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine, as well as being on the development committee. Additionally, Dr. Tully consults with, Standard Process, the whole food company, in Palmyra, Wis. in the research and development of their equine specific nutraceuticals. According to Dr. Tully, “I’ve always considered it an honor to work with S.M.I.L.E.S. – the volunteers and the clients. This EQUUS Humanitarian Award is shared with the other partners and entire staff of the Elkhorn Veterinary Clinic. Everyone at our clinic believes in the worthwhile goals of S.M.I.L.E.S. Our commitment to this charity could never be possible without the support of the full partnership and staff. I’m especially pleased that a $5,000 grant to S.M.I.L.E.S. is associated with the award.” Presentation of the award was January 19 at the USEF Pegasus Awards Dinner in Louisville, KY.
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Classified Ad Changes The WVMA has made changes to the classified ad fee structure beginning with new ads submitted for the May 2011 issue. All classified ads including veterinary relief ads will be published at the following rate: Members: First 30 words, $10. Every additional word after 30 is $1.50 per word. Non-members: First 30 words, $50. Every additional word is $1.50 per word. Ads will run 2 consecutive months, and then be removed, unless the WVMA is notified you would like to continue your ad for another 2 month run. You will be invoiced at the end of the first month during a 2 month period. Ads are placed online at the beginning of the month they are featured in the newsletter. Immediate placement of ads is an additional $25 fee. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads.
Small Animal Seeking a trained and licensed veterinarian capable of performing 35-40 feline surgeries per day in a highquality, HVHQ spay/neuter setting. See following link for details. http://www.giveshelter.org/employmentopportunities.html. Mayfair Animal Hospital, located in the metropolitan Milwaukee area is looking for third FT veterinarian. We are well equipped with digital x-ray machine, ultrasound, laser therapy, in house blood machine and well trained support staff. Work schedule includes only 4 days a week with long weekend every other week. We offer excellent salary and other benefits. Please send resumes to Dr. Dhillon at dhillondvm@gmail.com.
PT veterinarian needed for progressive SA clinic in Mapleton, MN (15 miles from Mankato). Well equipped, digital x-ray, computerized medical records. FT potential as business increases. We have a blast at work every day! Resume to tklein@hickorytech.net or call (507) 524-3748. www.allpetsvetmed.com. Associate Veterinarian needed for a well-established SA practice in northern Wisconsin, with locations in Minocqua, Eagle River, and Manitowish Waters. This is an excellent opportunity to practice a wide variety of preventive, diagnostic, and surgical medicine AND live in one of Wisconsin’s premiere recreational areas. Nice, well-equipped facility with in-house lab, digital radiography, dental suite with digital radiography, and other toys. Daytime hours with a shared oncall emergency rotation. Benefits include health/ dental insurance, sick/vacation pay, 401(k) match, and CE allowance. Check us out online at www. northwoodsanimal.com and see the “Northwoods” area at www.minocqua.org. Please send resume to manager@northwoodsanimal.com or Northwoods Animal Hospital, 8687 Blumenstein Rd., Minocqua, WI, 54548 or fax to (855) 220-1210. Associated Veterinary Clinic, a MA practice in Ripon, WI, seeks a FT SA associate veterinarian. The qualified candidate will join an experienced SA doctor in a busy full-service practice. An excellent staff will support you, and you will practice in a fully equipped clinic, including a new IDEXX in-house laboratory station, and new digital radiography unit. Competitive salary and benefit package. Will consider new graduates as well as experienced doctors. Ripon is a wonderful college town located within 60-90 minutes of Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, and the Fox Cities, and within 15 minutes of the Green Lake recreation area. Please contact Dr. Michael Herrick by email, associatedvet@ charter.net, by phone (920) 748-5144, or by regular mail, Associated Veterinary Clinic, P.O. Box 352, Ripon, WI 54971.
Interested in living on a lake, biking or skiing to work, fishing or hiking on your lunch break and looking for bears and wolves on your drive home? How about working in a newer, rapidly growing practice with friendly staff where we treat our patients like our own pets. We have an opening for an experienced, FT, SA Veterinarian. We offer a competitive salary and benefits with possible future ownership in this top of the line practice in the beautiful Northwoods of Wisconsin. Contact Dr. Joe Bodewes, 7665 Highway 51, Minocqua, WI 54531. bodewes@frontier.com. (715) 614-4300. Practice where others vacation in the LaCrosse, WI area. 100% SA. Van Loon Animal Hospital and Wisconsin Veterinary Orthopedics is a 22 acre ranch. Enjoy days off on nearby Mississippi River or canoe creeks adjacent wildlife refuge. CO2 & Pulse Therapy Laser, New Heska chem./CBC, 2 hydraulic lifts, Surgivet Vitals Monitor, digital dental/digital x-ray dental base, EKG, video scope. Salary/benefits based on goals/experience of candidate. We work closely with Mark Opperman to maximize our employee’s production/pay! Inquiries: Dr. Hein, tta@ centurytel.net, (608) 792-8184, vanloonanimalhospital. com or wisconsinveterinaryorthopedics.com.* Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists is a rapidly growing practice seeking FT Emergency Veterinarians. Ideal candidates are highly motivated individuals with exceptional skills in communication, collaboration, and leadership. 2-3 years of veterinary experience required. Experience in emergency medicine strongly preferred. LVS is a 24/7 multi-specialty referral and emergency hospital with three locations north, south, and central to downtown Milwaukee along the shores of beautiful Lake Michigan. We offer competitive compensation with benefits that include: health and dental, PTO, CE, uniform allowance, licensure, dues, VIN, and employer matching retirement plan. Opportunity for practice ownership with demonstrated dedication and compatibility. Interested candidates, please email your resume to Pat Nelson at pnelson@lakeshorevetspecialists.com.*
FT veterinarian needed at Advanced Veterinary Care Clinic. Please send your resume to 8052 North 76 St., Milwaukee, WI, 53223 or e-mail to advancedvet@gmail. com. Phone: (414) 365-5200.*
Large Animal We are seeking an experienced FT LA veterinarian to join our 7 doctor MA practice outside of Madison, WI. The position is 90% equine with some small ruminant, camelid, dairy and poultry. Outstanding benefits package, competitive salary and CVT’s to assist. Family oriented, relaxed and fun place to work. Contact: Country View Veterinary Service, PO Box 27, Oregon, WI 53575, (608) 835-0551. River Valley Veterinary Clinic is seeking a FT associate veterinarian to join our 7 doctor/two location LA practice. Ideal candidate would be available to start immediately. Practice is approximately 80% dairy, 20% swine. Available position would have primarily dairy responsibilities. Our dairy clients range in size from 251200 cow herds. Practice is well equipped with DC305, dairy and swine ultrasound units, chemistry analyzer, CVT, and an exceptional support staff. Practice is located in a beautiful area one hour NW of Madison with ample recreational opportunities. Interested candidates should contact: Jill A. Janssen, DVM, River Valley Veterinary Clinic, 395 Main St., Plain, WI. (608) 963-4347, jillclintkane@gmail.com.* FT LA practioner wanted to join our 4 person practice in the driftless region of west central Wisconsin. The practice emphasizes on dairy, with some beef and equine work mixed in. Interest in ultrasound and production medicine is desirable. On-call time is split equally between all veterinarians. Enjoy small town living, with the conveniences of LaCrosse only 30 miles away. Send resume to the Cashton Veterinary Clinic, 406 South St., Cashton WI 54619, or to johnlweber@gmail.com.*
Mixed Animal FT SA/Equine veterinarian needed for MA practice in southern Wisconsin. Ideal candidate has excellent medical, surgical and communication skills. Experience is preferred but will consider new graduates. Contact Dr. Dean Peterson at (608) 8681761 or drpeterson@janesvillevet.com. Seeking veterinarian for our 4.5 doctor MA practice in central WI. PT with potential FT. Our focus is quality medicine and surgery in a relaxed work environment. The emphasis of this position would be dairy with some SA and equine. Interest in dairy reproductive ultrasound is desirable. On call time is split equally between all veterinarians. Prefer experience, but recent graduates encouraged to apply. Send resume to Wisconsin Valley Veterinary Service, 1605 Bovine Lane, Wausau, WI 54401, or fax (715) 675-9405, or email wvvs@dwave.net, or contact (715) 675-9402.* Seeking FT/PT associate for 50/50 MA practice on the shores of Lake Superior (replacing 3rd person in
practice). Excellent, modern facility, fully computerized, is busiest and most versatile in the area. Well-equipped: eco-friendly and efficient facility, digital x-ray (stationary, dental, and portable), laser surgery, therapy laser, IDEXX in-house lab, Med R-X Vetscope, LA ultrasound, endoscope, and other routine equipment. We are willing to mold this position to the veterinary interests of the right applicant, possibly expanding the services we already offer. Provision of a vehicle and veterinary unit are optional. Salary is commensurate with experience with bonus for production. We offer medical, retirement, vacation, and CE. Please send resume to Ashland Area Veterinary Clinic, 2700 Farm Road, Ashland, WI 54806; fax (715) 682-5683 or email aavc@ashlandareavet.com. Buy-in, eventual buy-out potential is excellent as older practitioner is looking to cut back.*
Dairy FT LA veterinarian needed for 2 ½ doctor dairy practice in south central Wisconsin. Focus is on reproduction, consulting and herd health. Stable client base is
Veterinary Technician Job Fair Looking for an employee or summer internship student?
March 13, 2013 10:00—1:30 p.m.
This Job Fair provides you with an excellent opportunity to meet Madison College Veterinary Technician students graduating in May 2013.
Madison Area Technical College 1701 Wright Street Madison WI 53704
Students will also be seeking internships for summer.
Call or email to reserve your spot: 608-246-6102 chare@madisoncollege.edu
mainly made up of large farms with 200 to 3,000 cows. After hours calls are minimized by scheduled examinations of fresh cows and training herdsmen to handle minor emergencies. A CVT handles most feet and dehorning. Future ownership potential if desired. Opportunity to expand in areas of interest. Flexible start date. For more information, please contact Dr. Richard Wedig at Prairie Veterinary Associates, (608) 825-9190 or prairievet@spwl.net.
Relief SA relief Veterinarian for central Wisconsin. Experienced. Versatile. Call Dr. Gary, (715) 652-2065 home, (715) 3057014 cell. Quality relief care since 1992. Special interests include surgery and dermatology. Personable, reliable service. Please call Robert Patyk, DVM, at (262) 567-2832. Or email: robert.patyk@att.net. Providing you with reliable veterinary relief service has been my business for the past 13 years. I’m proficient with
medicine cases, soft tissue surgeries and have great client communication skills. Leave message Dr. Barb Korte, (608) 269-3357, email: beachcomber1957@ gmail.com. Experienced SA veterinarian licensed and accredited in WI offering competent, caring, reliable relief work in SE WI. Dr. Shahid Chughtai at (414) 861-1114 or email at gooddoc796@aol.com. AAHA veterinarian with 20+ years experience available for relief work in NW WI. Excellent diagnostic, surgical, and communication skills, Contact: David Wiltrout, DVM, (715) 462-9475, or email: dvmweepaws@aol.com. Quality SA relief services available covering SE WI. Over 20 years experience in this SA and emergency medical care. Dr. Pete Gaveras, (414) 476-9390. Experienced SA relief veterinarian available for work in eastern/central Wisconsin. Please contact Karla Dietrich, DVM at kjddvm83@gmail.com, (920) 210-5991. Experienced SA veterinarian available for relief work, 15 years relief experience, WI licensed and accredited. Please call/email Mark Clemons, DVM (262) 862-1121, macdjc4209@aol.com. Dependable, 20+ years experience. Med/Surg serving Northern/Central Wisconsin. Contact Rich Piwoni, at (715) 627-0957, rapiwoni@hotmail.com.
MOBILE TTA Mark Hein, DVM • Cruciate Disease • Patellar Luxations
tta@centurytel.net wisconsinveterinaryorthopedics.com
Experienced SA clinician/diagnostician available for relief work in the Fox Valley/East Central area. Excel at adaptability and client communication/education. Melissa L. Knoll, DVM, email: mknolldr@gmail.com or (920) 896-0034. SA relief vet since 1995. Thorough, reliable, easy going. Will travel to Green Bay, Kenosha, Janesville, Wisconsin Dells and areas in between. Julie Lakin DVM, (920) 269-7264.
Experienced SA relief veterinarian available. Versatile. Great with staff, clients and pets. Willing to travel. Dr. Lori Zimmerman, (608) 592-7779 or doclori@hotmail.com. Experienced SA clinician available for work in central and western Wisconsin. Excellent communication skills; enjoy working with clients and staff. Nancy Leverance, D.V.M. Email: nleverance@network2010.net or call (608) 6179408 or (608) 429-9408. Caring and compassionate relief veterinarian available. 25+ years of AAHA experience. Competent medical and soft tissue surgery skills. Emphasis on quality and integrity. Paul Danhaus, DVM. (715) 571-8091 or paul. danhaus@gmail.com. Experience in GP and Emergency, confident in medicine and surgery. Would love to provide quality medicine to your clients in your absence. Willing to travel and can provide references. (541) 602-3966, ehrose33@aol.com. SA and equine relief work. 21 years experience. Proficient in SA soft tissue surgery and equine ultrasound and power floating. Will travel. Call Sabine Hartmann, DVM (715) 267-7443 or twinoaks@tds.net. Experienced, enthusiastic SA veterinarian looking for relief work in South Central WI. 30+ years of experience. Competent in medicine and soft tissue surgery. You can walk out when I walk in! WI licensed and accredited. Please call/email to Deborah Schroeder, DVM (608) 2428766, drdebs001@aol.com. Communicative, productive SA veterinarian available for relief work in western WI, surrounding areas. Licensed in MN/WI. Experienced in surgery, medicine, dentistry, staff management. Outstanding customer service, clientbuilding skills. Victori Ribeiro, MS, DVM, (651) 503-0482; neyx0003@umn.edu.
Position Wanted Board-certified internist offers mobile SA medicine consultations, ultrasound, and endoscopy in your practice in SE WI. Please call Anne Mattson, DVM, DACVIM, (262) 241-3987.*
Tech/Staff FT Instructor position for a DVM. Open in the Veterinary Technician Program at Madison Area Technical College. Position description and application information at madisoncollege.edu/jobs. Position begins Fall 2013, application deadline March 15th, 2013. Seeking a CVT for the daily care of surgery patients, administration of anesthetic/analgesic agents, medications and assisting veterinarians in HVHQ spay/ neuter setting. See following link for details. http://www. giveshelter.org/employment-opportunities.html. Experienced, enthusiastic SA CVT needed to join our staff at Kinnic Veterinary Service in River Falls, WI. Must be reliable, team worker with an outgoing personality. Please send resume to kinnicvet@yahoo.com.
Love CATS? Experienced CVT needed for FELINE ONLY practice in Appleton, WI. Competitive pay/benefits. NO WEEKENDS! Send resume/references to info@ foxvalleycatclinic.com.*
For Sale AFP minimedical, 2 years old. $2700 OBO. Cardell 9403, six years old. $1200 OBO. Contact: Brenda Long (262) 763-6055.
- $6000 obo. AGFA CP1000 X-Ray Processor (5 years old) - $3000 obo. XRay Table - $500 obo. Kodak Radiograph Cassettes: (9) 8x10- $25 each, (3)14x17- $40 each, (2)10x12-$30 each. Audio Patient Monitor (Base Unit) $100 obo. Burton Procedure Light - $500 obo. Grooming Freestanding Bathtub (Hardly Used) - $100 obo. Contact: Dr. Laura Meffert, pineview.veterinary.hospital@gmail. com or (608) 850-7387.*
Practice For Sale
Wireless technology anesthetic monitoring system, small, easily transportable. Communicates with practice management software for recording anesthetic events in electronic medical records systems. PC-VetGuard and PCVet. ECG, PulseOx, Resp., Temp. Jor-vet Starter Cruciate set w/ suture. Email: doctor.gibbs@gmail.com.*
Just Listed! SA practice for sale western Milwaukee suburb. Gross revenue $650,000 with beautiful free standing building. Real estate appraised at $600k. Purchased practice and real estate for $900,000. Contact Total Practice Solutions Group, Dr. Liljeberg, (800) 3806872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.*
Ultrasound - GE Logic 200 with 6.5 MHz probe and printer. $3,000. Contact Dr. John Hallett at (262) 5690801 or dr.john@hallettvet.com.*
SA Practice for Sale. Aprox 50 miles from Madison. In town of 9,000. $30,000 buys equipment, inventory and practice. Lease building or $110,000 buys everything. Owner financing available. Blind Box 13PFS01, c/o WVMA, 2801 Crossroads Dr., Ste. 1200, Madison, WI 53718.*
Heska Fuji Dri-Chem 4000i (One year old, great condition)
FT Position, will manage operations of mobile vaccine clinic team, marketing, inventory, and customer service. Requires veterinary tech experience, with management & marketing skills. Learn more & apply online www. pawsplus.com.*
since 1962
Solutions for your practice Workers’ Compensation • Business Property/ Liability • Flood Coverage • Umbrella Liability • Commercial Auto • Employment Practices Liability
Experienced, enthusiastic SA CVT needed to help with all aspects of patient care. PT/FT position in Madison area. Please send cover letter & resume to loriscarlettdvm@ gmail.com.* Enjoy coming to work! Animal Campus Vet Clinic is looking for an experienced, friendly, self-motivated CVT to join our staff. Lab/anesthesia/dental experience needed. Call Nancy, (414) 529-0686.*
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Call 855.228.PLIT (7548) today for an evaluation of your insurance portfolio and a free premium quotation. Trust Broker and Administrator:
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Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association 2801 Crossroads Dr., Ste. 1200 Madison, WI 53718
Save the Date! 2013 WVMA Annual Convention!
October 10-13, 2013 Alliant Energy Center Madison, Wisconsin