Wvma nl august 2013

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WVMA In This Issue

2 From the President Playing Fair in Wisconsin 3 From the Executive Director Update on Health Insurance Efforts 5 Legal Briefs Liability Waivers: How Much Protection Do They Provide? 6

In the News AVMA Passes Three New Policies on Drug Compounding


WVMA 2013 Annual Convention Registration Form


Meet WVMA Student Board Member Will Mustas


APHIS Accredidation Offered At 2013 Convention

12-15 Classifieds

August 2013

2013 WVMA Convention Saturday Preview Race to the 2013 WVMA Convention October 10-13 at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison where world-class continuing education awaits! Featured in this month’s article are Friday, October 11 CE opportunities and the crew chief’s that will lead you through the 2013 WVMA Convention – WVMA 500 Rev It Up! Small Animal Track 1

Andre Chen Shih, DVM, DACVA, ECC Fellow Dr. Andre Shih graduated in Veterinary Medicine from University of Sao Paulo Brazil in 1999. He moved to Wisconsin this year and finished his DVM training at the University of Wisconsin - Madison School Veterinary Medicine. Upon graduation he moved to Appleton, Wis. and worked as an ER/ECC veterinarian in Fox Valley Animal Referral Center for three years. He moved to University of Florida to do an anesthesia residency and is currently there as an anesthesia SHIH faculty. Three years ago he started an Emergency Critical Care Fellowship. His area of research includes hemorrhagic shock, CPR and advanced hemodynamic monitoring. Anesthesia Protocols in Challenging Cases – Small Changes, Big Results Part 1 Talk about anesthesia protocols for cases you will see in private practice: anesthesia for the polytrauma, cardiac disease, renal disease, C-section and urinary obstruction. Anesthesia Protocols in Challenging Cases – Small Changes, Big Results Part 2 Talk about anesthesia protocols for cases you will see in private practice: anesthesia for the polytrauma, cardiac disease, renal disease, C-section and urinary obstruction Update on Small Animal CPR – Anything New? In 2012 the guidelines for small animal CPR just changed. This section will allow the audience to get familiar with new technology and techniques on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). It will also give a glimpse of the future CPR in human and veterinary medicine. Advanced Monitoring For Critical Care Discuss the importance and pitfalls of the common hemodynamic monitors. Give options for pre-load monitors and to why use them. Talk about some cost effective ways to do advanced hemodynamic monitoring in critical care using tools you probably already have in your practice. Perioperative Analgesia for Our Feline Patients – Why, When and How to Treat Pain in Cats This section will talk about the pathophysiological effect of pain; give some clues of how to treat perioperative pain as well as some clues of how to recognize the subtle signs of pain. >>> Continued on Page 9


from the president

Playing Fair in Wisconsin K.C. Brooks, DVM, DABVP

critical issues identified in the last strategic planning session was how the WVMA could “enhance the image of veterinary medicine”. Indeed our profession has long been one of the most respected and trusted professions in America. I believe this is largely because our profession tends to attract people of character with a passion for In my experience, this is one of the most public ways our serving others. We do so by respectfully caring for the animals that veterinarians promote our profession through large donations of time, talent and often money. Like any charitable contribution, there people have for pets or rely upon for their livelihood. are times where it seems like the effort goes unnoticed or taken for Whether we are in exams rooms, on farms, in stables or in the granted. A trip through the fairgrounds yesterday brought me back public eye at the fair, our image is always on stage. Honesty, to reality. At every venue I visited, I was greeted by pet owners and integrity, compassion and an unwavering dedication to animal producers anxious to share their fair experience or reminisce about welfare is the only foundation our profession can tolerate. In the one of our past encounters with me as their veterinarian or with one face of some daunting challenges confronting our profession, of my teammates. I submit that our ability to communicate and demonstrate our Importantly, the fairgrounds were filled with children taking part in commitment to that foundation will likely either strenghthen or all sorts of wholesome activities most often in the presence of their weaken the veterinary community in the years to come. parents. What a wonderful tradition! To see young people showing My latest trip to the fairgrounds was time well-spent. My cattle, participating in a dog obedience competition or simply participation in the Celebrity Pie Auction allowed me to give displaying their talents through their projects is uplifting. Seeing something back to a community that has so richly blessed me. My children communicating with parents and their parents’ friends is interactions with the people I met at the fair provided a welcome a welcome relief from a society that seems to have lost its way by dose of positive strokes that helped remind me how lucky I am to obsessing over texting, tweeting, facebooking, video games and be a veterinarian in a small community and the fair food provided other forms of self-indulgence. me plenty of incentive to get back on my bike for a long ride to burn off some calories! Enjoy your next fair and best wishes for a great The mission of the WVMA is to advocate and promote veterinary medicine while enriching animal and human health. One of the August. – K.C. I write this column fresh off an afternoon visit to the Lodi Agricultural Fair, and you’re most likely reading it during the State Fair. In between that time many other fairs will take place and the veterinary community most often will be at the center of the events.

2013 wvma board President

K.C. Brooks, DVM, DABVP


Chris Booth, DVM

Past President Robert Klostermann, DVM District 1 Peter Gaveras, DVM District 2 Zachary Janssen, DVM District 3

2 August

Ann Sosalla, DVM


District 4 James Ziegler, DVM District 5 Jane Clark, DVM District 6 Alan Holter, DVM District 7 Kimberly Kratt, DVM District 8 Michael Wolf, DVM District 9 Robert Zukowski, DVM Student Rep. Matt Slentz

Ex-officio members


Treasurer Thomas H. Howard, DVM AVMA Delegate Ann Sherwood Zieser, DVM Dean, UW-SVM Mark Markel, DVM, PhD State Veterinarian Paul McGraw, DVM WVDL Director Tom McKenna, DVM, PhD Student Rep. Will Mustas

Executive Director Kim Brown Pokorny Executive Assistant Torrie Kennedy Marketing and Development Manager Sarah Young Communications and Project Specialist Bailey Quam

from the executive director WVMA Voice The WVMA Voice is published on the 15th day of each month by the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association, 2801 Crossroads Dr., Ste. 1200, Madison, WI 53718; (608) 257-3665; toll-free (888) 254-5202; fax (608) 257-8989; e-mail: wvma@wvma.org; website: www.wvma.org. It is sent free of charge to all WVMA members. Office hours: 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday-Friday.

Classified/Relief Veterinary Advertising: Member:

F irst 30 words $10; each additional word $1.50.

Non-member: F irst 30 words $50; each additional word $1.50. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads. Classified ads run for two months and must be renewed for additional months. Classified ads are to be received by the first working day of the month. Display advertising is available at the editors’ discretion. Call (608) 257-3665 for more information. The deadline for receipt of all material submitted for publication is the first working day of the month, to insure consideration for the next month’s newsletter. Subscriptions are available for $36 annually. (Non-member, in-state veterinarians not eligible.)

Advertising and Publication Deadlines Issue

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Ads Due

Update on Health Insurance Efforts Kim Brown Pokorny

Thank you to all our members that completed the online health insurance survey we sent this spring. As a result of the survey, the WVMA has researched, met with insurance agents and looked into the possibility of a WVMA group plan for our members and their clinic staff. Unfortunately, because of all the unknowns with the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies are not accepting any new association member groups. However, the WVMA is entering into an agreement with the WDA Insurance and Services Corporation. They provide services to the Wisconsin Dental Association (WDA) and several other professional associations in Wisconsin. The WDA Insurance and Services Corporation will provide the WVMA membership with professional products, programs and services. They will assist the WVMA in offering financial services, practice management services and products and a portfolio of insurance options to benefit all veterinarians and clinic staff. Also, they will be able to help WVMA members with securing individual health insurance, if necessary. If you carry AVMA GHLIT insurance, speak to your local representative for assistance. They have communicated with me they will help you transition and select a new insurance through the exchange, if necessary. We are currently working through the contract details with WDA. Once the contract is finalized we will be sending additional information out to our membership. Watch for more information on this in future emails, newsletters and at convention!


December 1 December 15 January 1 January 15 February 1 February 15 March 1 March 15 April 1 April 15 May 1 May 15 June 1 June 15 July 1 July 15 August 1 August 15 September 1 September 15 October 1 October 15 November 1 November 15





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4 August


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Liability Waivers: How Much Protection Do They Provide? By: Gregory E. Scallon, Esq., DeWitt Ross & Stevens

In the September, 2012 Legal Briefs, we discussed the instance where you are approached by an individual who has an interest in veterinary medicine with the request that he or she be allowed to spend some time at your practice to get some exposure to veterinary medicine (I’ll refer to this person as the “Volunteer”). The September article focused on the question of whether you might be required to compensate the Volunteer for time spent at the practice. This article is going to focus on a different aspect of this relationship, which is whether you can protect your practice against a claim for damages from the Volunteer if the Volunteer sustains an injury while at the practice. In a future article, we will discuss insurance considerations. We have received inquiries asking whether a practice should require a Volunteer to sign an agreement (a “Liability Waiver”) whereby the Volunteer waives any claim that the Volunteer might otherwise have against the practice. We recommend that requiring a Liability Waiver is a “best practice”; however, we also strongly counsel about the limited effectiveness of such a waiver.

career) is helpful to put the activity in a context. The provision that expresses the terms of the waiver should be set-out in bold print and capital letters. The Liability Waiver should contain a statement that the Volunteer has read the Waiver, and that the Volunteer understands and agrees to the terms of the Waiver. If the Volunteer is a minor, the Volunteer’s parent or guardian must also sign the Liability Waiver, and that person’s signature should also be witnessed. In addition to requiring the Liability Waiver, the practice should carefully consider the nature and scope of the activities of the Volunteer while at the practice. Volunteers should not be allowed to engage in those parts of the practice that present greater risk of injury. If the Volunteer chooses not to sign the Liability Waiver, you might consider offering a limited activity (e.g., a guided tour of the facility), as an alternative.

Although a Liability Waiver may be enforceable in Wisconsin, such waivers are looked at by Wisconsin courts with disfavor. The terms of any Liability Waiver will be closely scrutinized and strictly construed against the practice. Waivers that are considered overly broad will be considered against public policy and thus void and unenforceable. We recommend that you consult your attorney for assistance in creating an enforceable Liability Waiver. To enhance the likelihood that a Liability Waiver will be held enforceable, it is very important that the terms of the waiver be drafted very narrowly. A waiver that is limited to claims arising from a “negligent” act, is more likely to be enforced. In contrast, a waiver that includes claims arising from “reckless or intentional” conduct will most likely not be enforced as a matter of public policy. It is important that the terms of the waiver be clearly expressed in language understandable by a lay person, and that the Volunteer, in fact, understands the waiver and voluntarily agrees to the waiver. The Liability Waiver should be in a document separate from any other materials you might present to the Volunteer and should be clearly captioned as “Waiver of Claims Against Happy Pets Veterinary Medicine, Inc.” or similar language that clearly expresses the intent of the document. A short description of the fact the Volunteer has requested that the practice allow the Volunteer to be at the practice and the motivation for the request (e.g., exposure to veterinary medicine and a possible



AVMA Passes Three New Policies on Drug Compounding The American Veterinary Medical Association’s (AVMA) Executive Board recently approved three new policies to provide guidance on compounding to veterinarians and also legislators on Capitol Hill currently considering legislation on the issue. “These policies are very important to our members and the animals they treat because veterinarians need compounded preparations in order to provide treatments to animals when drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cannot be used,” explains Dr. Douglas G. Aspros, president of the AVMA. “Our staff in Washington is currently meeting with members of Congress to ensure that compounded preparations are available to our patients when they need them. These policies will help in that educational process, not only by providing guidance to legislators considering compounding issues and legislation, but by informing our members on what is currently legal.” Compounded preparations are commonly used in veterinary practices across the country. Examples of drug compounding include mixing two injectable drugs, preparing an oral paste or suspension from crushed tablets, or adding flavoring to a drug to get a patient to accept the medication. These compounds can be created at the veterinary practices or through a prescription by a pharmacist. However, there is clear differentiation between compounding that is medically necessary in non-food patients and the very limited compounding that is used in food animal patients. The Executive Board passed one new policy on veterinary compounding, in general, and two on compounding from bulk unapproved raw active ingredients. The new, general policy on veterinary compounding offers recommendations on how to compound in a way that minimizes the risk for adverse events, but also advocates for additional uses of compounded drugs. For example, the new policy recommends allowing veterinarians to maintain compounds in their office stock of drugs for urgent and emergent needs. The other two policies, which address compounding from bulk unapproved substances, state that there are certain circumstances when bulk compounded drugs are useful and necessary. The policies establish very clear differentiation between medically necessary compounding needs in non-food animals from the very limited compounding in food animals. The FDA and federal courts have held that compounding from bulk unapproved raw active ingredients is prohibited under federal drug law. The AVMA’s two new policies on bulk compounding suggest how bulk compounding could be useful for veterinarians: Compounding from Unapproved (Bulk) Substances in Non-Food Animals states that compounding from bulk is medically necessary in certain situations and should be allowed when the approved product is not commercially available (for example, during a drug shortage); when

6 August


the approved product cannot be used to make the needed compound (for example, if the patient is allergic to the FDA-approved drug); or when there is no approved product from which to compound the needed preparation (for example, cisapride used for megacolon therapy in cats). Compounding from Unapproved (Bulk) Substances in Food Animals states that compounding from bulk should be allowed specifically for and limited to euthanasia, depopulation and poison-antidote compounding. If adequate scientific information is not available to determine a withdrawal time, which is the known duration of time it takes for a drug to adequately clear an animal’s system, the compound cannot be used in a food animal or the treated animal cannot enter the food supply. The new AVMA policy on Veterinary Compounding replaces the Association’s previous policy on the issue, and the Association’s two new policies on Compounding from Unapproved (Bulk) Substances replace a previous policy on compounding from bulk substances. For more information AVMA policies, please visit https://www.avma. org/KB/Policies/Pages/default.aspx, and for more information about veterinary compounding, visit https://www.avma.org/KB/ Resources/Reference/Pages/Compounding.aspx.



Full Late, On-site Thursday*

Thursday Late, On-site Friday*

Friday Late, On-site

(Required for CE certificate)

Deadlines, Refunds and Contact Information

G. Total $____________

Qty ________

rGluten-Free rGluten-Free rGluten-Free

Registrations will not be processed without full payment. Questions? Call or email the WVMA at (888) 254-5202 or wvma@wvma.org.

Exp. date__________________

r Discover

Signature ____________________________________________________

r MasterCard V code _______________________


Name on card ___________________________________________________

r Please charge my:

$ __________


F. Total $_____________

r I would like to renew my membership dues for 2014. (Dues are $195 WI / $100 out-of-state)


rVegetarian rVegetarian rVegetarian

Card number ____________________________________________________

r Check enclosed Check # _________ for $___________

Rabies antibody status r$55 Qty ________

Cholesterol r $10


C. Total $_____________

Thursday Friday Saturday

E. Special Dietary Needs

Qty _____

D. Total $____________

Saturday Christian Veterinary Fellowship Breakfast r$10 6:30 - 7:45 am

B. Total $_____________


Check here to purchase a paperbound copy of the proceedings.

r I would like to become a 2013 WVMA member. My dues and application are included. Membership application can be found online at www.wvma.org or by calling (888) 254-5202. (Dues are $190 WI / $100 out-of-state)

F. Dues

A. Total $____________

Friday WVMA Annual Business Meeting rMyself rGuest/Spouse 11:40 am - 1:40 pm, lunch provided if pre-registered

D. Special Events

G. Wellness

(Limit 24)


Sunday SA Wetlab CPR: The Updated Version r$450

rMyself (no extra charge)

Thursday APHIS Acredidation Seminar Included with convention registration



Member Non-Member r$30 r$60

Thursday Large Animal CE Lunch Includes CE credits and lunch

Thursday Small Animal CE Lunch Includes CE credits and lunch

C. Additional CE Opportunities

Student registration can be found online at www.wvma.org or by emailing wvma@wvma.org.

Lunch: r $21 per lunch Qty _____ Circle day(s): Thursday | Friday | Saturday Special Diet Requirements: rVegetarian rGluten-Free *If registering in this category, lunch must be ordered here. Lunch tickets will NOT be available for late or on-site registrations!

Intern/Resident/Graduate Program WVMA Member r $0 Circle day(s): Thursday | Friday | Saturday (Lunch not included.)*

*Registrations include lunch. Lunch tickets will NOT be available for late or on-site registrations!

All convention registrants (excluding wetlab-only registrants) receive the proceedings via website link . Paperbound copies must be pre-ordered on this form.

B. Proceedings

Questions? Call or email the WVMA at (888) 254-5202 or wvma@wvma.org.

Return this form by fax (608) 257-8989 or mail to: WVMA, 2801 Crossroads Dr., Suite 1200, Madison, WI 53718.

Online registration and full convention information is available at www.wvma.org.

Registrations postmarked after September 23 will be charged the on-site/late fee and sent an invoice. Registrations postmarked after October 1 will not be processed; if you have not registered by this date, you must register on-site. No refunds will be made after September 23.

Saturday Saturday* Late, On-site


License Number/State:

r Other _______________

r Equine


r SA

r LA

Please select practice type:


r $370 r $195 r $225 r $195 r $225 r $195 r $225 r $420 r $450 r $275 r $300 r $275 r $300 r $275 r $300 r $500 r $260 r $230 r $130 r $145 r $130 r $145 r $130 r $145 r $230 2013 DVM Graduate WVMA Member r $200 r $110 r $125 r $110 r $125 r $110 r $125 Spouse/Guest (admittance to exhibit hall, lunch and social events only, no CE) Name:______________________________________r $45 Thursday* r $45 Friday* r $45 Saturday* Exhibit hall only pass (1 day only and no lunch) r $30 (member) r $60 (non-member DVM) Circle day: Thursday | Friday | Saturday

WVMA member, out-of-state non-member Non-member (reside inside WI) Life member

A. Registration Fee

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Clinic/Employer Phone

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Home phone Email (required for confirmation)

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Home mailing address City State Zip

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Full name Maiden name


Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association 2013 Annual Convention October 10-13, 2013 | Alliant Energy Center | Madison, Wisconsin

Meet WVMA Student Board Member Will Mustas RSVP today for Veterinary Emergency Service’s Continuing Education Series This month’s topic is

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Will Mustas grew up in Dousman, Wis., where he had an early interest in industrial electronics and IT in high school. After transferring to UW – Madison, Mustas started to explore other career options and discovered veterinary medicine. “I don’t think it was any one thing that inspired me to becoming a veterinarian,” says Mustas “A friend jokingly said I should be a veterinarian and after investigating the possibility I found it to be the perfect combination of my interest in science and medicine.” After graduating from UW – Madison with a degree in biology, Mustas worked in a research lab and then for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources before starting veterinary school. Mustas has been active in several organizations and boards while in veterinary school. Currently, he is serving as president of his condo associations board, he also served as secretary for several years prior. Within school he is co-vice president of the Bovine Club and one of the founding members of the new Aquaculture Club. He has been a WVMA student member since September and encourages other students to get involved in the WVMA. “The WVMA has great learning and networking opportunities outside of school,” he said “It helps students learn about organized veterinary medicine and how it helps the veterinary profession.”

    

In his free time, Mustas likes being outdoors and enjoying nature while riding his motorcycle. This summer he has spent time with the DATCP Animal Health Division, a poultry industry veterinarian, several private practices and attended the AVMA Convention. After graduation, Mustas plans to go into food animal practice.

8 August


>> 2013 WVMA Convention: Saturday Preview (Continued from page 1) Small Animal Track 2

Jennifer Barrett, DVM, Ph.D., DACVS, DACVSMR Dr. Jennifer Barrett is an associate professor of equine surgery at Virginia Tech’s Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center. She received her BARRETT Ph.D. in molecular biology from Yale University and her DVM from Cornell University. She completed her surgery residency at the University of Illinois and a post-decorate at the University of Wisconsin. Her research interests include adult stem cell biology, tendon and ligament healing and tissue regeneration. Introduction to Regenerative Medicine: Stem Cells There has been growing interest and excitement surrounding stem cell research for both human and veterinary medicine. Because of the number of potential injuries and disease processes that may benefit from regenerative therapies, much hope has been placed on the field. It is important for veterinarians to understand the field of stem cell biology in order to decide whether to use new therapies offered by commercial enterprises. This lecture will cover the basic biology of stem cells, including: what are the similarities and differences between stem cells from different origins, how might stem cells be used to help treat disease and injury, and what more we need to learn before stem cells can be more fully integrated into clinical practice. Introduction to Regenerative Medicine: Platelet Rich Plasma and Other Biotherapeutics This lecture will review biologic therapies that have been used in veterinary and human clinical practice. This includes platelet rich plasma, Acell, IRAP and autologous conditioned serum therapies. Both basic research and clinical experiences will be presented. Regenerative Medicine in Orthopedics: From Humans to Horses to Dogs This lecture will be a review and comparison between regenerative medicine therapies used to treat orthopedic conditions in humans, dogs and horses. Regenerative Medicine For Inflammatory Conditions This lecture will review some of the ground-breaking information about stem cells in research animals and human clinical trials to treat inflammatory conditions and how it may impact some of the clinical therapies using stem cells and other regenerative medicine therapies for animals. This area may have broad-reaching implications for the future of veterinary and human medicine.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Tendon and Ligament Injuries Using Ultrasonography in Dogs This lecture will review tendon imaging techniques that have been in use for horses for years and more recently adapted for canine use. Included in this lecture will be examples of lesions in canines and suggestions for both diagnostic and treatment approaches to soft tissue injuries in dogs. Large Animal Track

Sandra Godden, DVM, BSc, DVSc Dr. Sandra Godden is a 1993 graduate of the University of Guelph. After two years in mixed practice, she completed a DVSc degree in dairy production medicine. From 1998 to present she has worked at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota, student teaching, completing applied research and outreach in dairy production medicine. Evaluation and Use of Colostrum Replacers and Heat-treating Colostrum This session will discuss the evaluation, selection and use of commercial colostrum replacement products. It will also review methods for heattreating colostrum and present study results on the passive transfer status and health of calves fed heat-treated colostrum. Managing Pasteurized Milk Feeding Systems This session will review advantages from adopting pasteurized waste milk feeding systems, then discuss the various management requirements needed to make these systems work for your clients. Pros, Cons and Best Management Practices for Group Housing of Preweaned Dairy Calves This session will compare pros and cons of adopting group housing and feeding systems, discuss computerized feeding systems, and give some recommendations on best practices for managing group housing and feeding systems for pre-weaned dairy calves. Sheila McGuirk, DVM, MS, Ph.D. With a BS degree from Cornell University, Dr. Sheila McGuirk obtained her DVM degree from the University of Georgia, completed a large animal medicine internship at Ontario Veterinary College, followed by a residency in food animal McGUIRK medicine and surgery. She has a MS in clinical sciences and a Ph.D. in physiology & pharmacology, from The Ohio State University. Dr. McGuirk became board certified in the American College of Veterinary >>> Continued on Page 11 GODDEN


Take Full Advantage of Social Media From the WVMA! Crank up your clinic’s social media! Share, retweet or repost any of the content the WVMA posts on Facebook, Twitter or on wvma.org on your clinics social media! All information shared on these sites is for our members to help in sharing news and can also be shared with clients. If you have not already, like us on Facebook, Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association and follow us on Twitter, @WVMA. By following the WVMA through these outlets, you will be able to stay current on happenings in Wisconsin and on the national veterinary medical scene.



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>> 2013 WVMA Convention: Saturday Preview (Continued from page 9) Internal Medicine in 1982. She joined the faculty at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine in 1983, where she currently has joint appointments in the sections of large animal internal and food animal production medicine. Trouble Shooting Abomasal Problems of Calves Abomasitis, abomasal bloat, abomasal tympany and ulcers are common amongst dairy calves and can emerge as a herd problem. With a complex etiology, this syndrome requires a systematic and detailed farm investigation to discover contributing risk factors. This lecture will review etiology, farm risk factors and a herd-based approach to solving the problem.

Coccidiosis in Calves and Heifers: Dealing With a Complex Problem Due to the ubiquitous presence of coccidial oocyts in the environment and the severe economic impact of infection, coccidia control and prevention programs are established on most calf and heifer operations. Unfortunately, even with the inclusion of effective drugs in the diet, clinical and subclinical disease is a major problem. The purpose of this session is to describe an approach to trouble shooting coccidiosis in dairy calves and heifers

APHIS Accredidation Offered At 2013 Convention New this year! Four APHIS accreditation sessions are scheduled to occur on Thursday, October 10. The following modules will be offered: • Module 22 - Animal Welfare: An Introduction • Module 5 - Vesicular Diseases • Module 2 - Role of Agencies, Health Certificates • Module 9 - Interstate and International Health Certificates for Category 1 Animals Individuals must register for convention to attend. For more information on the modules offered and registration, visit wvma.org.

Member Benefit Program The WVMA has aligned with following companies to offer WVMA member’s exclusive benefits - Staples Advantage, Land’s End, ScriptSave, and Avis. Visit www.wvma.org to take advantage of the member benefits program and start saving today!

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Classified Ad Changes The WVMA has made changes to the classified ad fee structure beginning with new ads submitted for the May 2011 issue. All classified ads including veterinary relief ads will be published at the following rate: Members: First 30 words, $10. Every additional word after 30 is $1.50 per word. Non-members: First 30 words, $50. Every additional word is $1.50 per word. Ads will run 2 consecutive months, and then be removed, unless the WVMA is notified you would like to continue your ad for another 2 month run. You will be invoiced at the end of the first month during a 2 month period. Ads are placed online at the beginning of the month they are featured in the newsletter. Immediate placement of ads is an additional $25 fee. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads.

Small Animal AAHA practice, Waukesha, WI seeking associate. Experienced support staff, 5 CVT’s. We emphasize client education, quality medicine, fun work environment. No emergency. Send/fax resume: Waukesha Small Animal Hospital, Dr. Wendy Van Der Wegen, W237 N660 Oakridge Dr., Waukesha, WI 53188. Fax: (262) 549-8369. Emergency Veterinarian needed for our fully equipped, 10,000 sq. ft. emergency/critical care and specialty hospital in Milwaukee. We have Critical Care specialists, a boarded surgeon, board certified internal medicine specialist, board certified dentist, behaviorist, rehabilitation therapy and an excellent technical and support staff that provides the highest quality care to our patients, pet owners, and referring vets. The ideal candidate will be emergency trained, possess strong communication skills, and enjoy working in a stimulating and challenging environment. We offer an excellent salary and benefits package. Email your resume to Marla

12 August


Lichtenberger, marlavet@aol.com or call (414) 5437387 for more information. Low volume, high quality AAHA accredited SA veterinary practice seeking PT/FT veterinarian, preferably between 1-3 years’ experience. We offer excellent care and service for our patients and clients with highly trained and compassionate support staff along with a fully equipped, modern facility with both digital dental and full radiography. Our ideal candidate would have proficiency or at least a strong interest in surgery and dentistry as well as be able to communicate well with co-workers and clients. This associate must be willing to share after hours call (no overnights) equally with 2 other doctors. Must want to live in the thriving, yet quaint community of Baraboo (30 miles north of Madison, www.baraboo. com). Salary and benefits negotiable but to include discounted pet care, vacation/sick time, retirement plan and strong partnership potential after 3 years. Potential is unlimited for the right person. Please visit www.hill-dale.com for more information, or submit resume directly to resume@hill-dale.com. FT veterinarian needed at Advanced Veterinary Care Clinic. Please send your resume to 8052 North 76 St., Milwaukee, WI, 53223 or e-mail to advancedvet@ gmail.com. Phone: (414) 365-5200. PT veterinarian wanted for Humane Society. Duties include high volume, high quality spay/neuter for shelter and public animals, general shelter medicine and low cost vaccine clinics. Hours are one day weekly, approx. 8-4 and one Saturday morning per month 9-1. Additional fill-in hours may also be available. Strong surgical skills required as is a passion for sheltering/ animal welfare. Please send resume to operations@ bayareahumanesociety.com.

The practice is well established and equipped with practice limited to dogs and cats. Experience is preferred with interest and proficiency in soft tissue surgery. The usual work week alternates 4 to 4 1/2 days per week. Benefits include medical, liability, vision, continuing education allowance and retirement program. Salary is commensurate with experience and proficiency. To apply: E-mail: thomcat007@aol.com or send resume to 3010 S. Chase Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53207. Fourth DVM wanted for a well-established, growing SA practice in Milwaukee. Experience preferred, but new graduate welcome for night shift. Send resume to West Allis Veterinary Clinic, 11504 W. Greenfield Ave., West Allis, WI 53214. FT veterinarian wanted, flexible hours. Experience preferred. Five doctor practice, no after hours emergency. Fully equipped in house lab, digital radiography including dental. Great support staff, positive work environment. We have a family atmosphere with the staff and our clients. Semi-rural with good schools, between Milwaukee and Chicago. Email: westoshavet@yahoo.com. FT/PT DVM needed for companion animal practice in New London, WI. Current three doctor practice is fortunate to have steady growth. Owner also looking to scale back on work load. Well-equipped clinic – digital radiography, laser surgery and laser therapy, ultrasound and in-house lab. Full benefits – competitive salary, PS/401k, PTO, CE allowance, dues and licenses, insurances, etc. Please email resume to: jziegler@wrvet.com.

Established SA practice in the Milwaukee area is seeking a PT associate. Our practice offers laser surgery, ultrasound, endoscopy, and more with a friendly atmosphere and central location. Open to flexible work schedule. Please call (262) 378-0590 for more information.

Veterinary Emergency Service located in Madison and Middleton, will soon open a new location in Janesville. VES is interviewing for a FT and two PT ER veterinarians. Come join a great staff and fun work environment. Our hospitals are well equipped with digital x-ray, ultrasound, endoscopy, in house lab, and much more. Board certified specialists in surgery, internal medicine; oncology, anesthesia and critical care are based in Middleton and available for consultation in all locations. Marshfield lab is located in our Middleton facility and Lakeland Imaging CT scanner is located at our Eastside facility. Please contact Dave Wirth at dwirth@ vesvsc.com or (608) 831-1101.

Community Veterinary Clinic located in Bayview area of Milwaukee is seeking an associate veterinarian.

The Bluffs Pet Clinic is looking for an experienced FT/PT veterinarian. We are an AAHA accredited, SA clinic in Red

Wing, MN. Interest in acupuncture/eastern medicine a plus. Open 8a-8p M-F. Share evening & Sat shifts. Contact dcookvet@gmail.com if interested.* We are offering a PT SA position to an independent and self-motivated individual. We are flexible on the days and hours. SA medical experience is necessary. Located in Amery, Wisconsin. Send resumes to vetjjb@amerytel. net or Northwest Wisconsin Veterinary, 949 State Road 46, Amery WI 54001.* Doctors Foster and Smith, a leading catalog and Internet site (www.DrsFosterSmith.com) for pet supplies, seeks FT veterinarians. Duties include pet owner consultation, product development, and development of educational materials for pet owners and company staff. Knowledge of and interest in nutrition and exotics a plus. Enjoy the Wisconsin Northwoods - recreation, good schools, regular work week with no emergency duty. Excellent benefit package including health insurance and 401k. Salary commensurate with experience and expertise. Send resume to: Doctors Foster and Smith, Attn: Human Resources, PO Box 100, Rhinelander, WI 54501 or to: HR@DrsFosterSmith.com.* Beat Job Burn Out. PT associate needed to join our 1.5 doctor practice in Black River Falls. No weekends or call. Experienced support staff. Luxury boarding facility adjacent. Email: cpcbrf@gmail.com.* Countryside Animal Clinic is seeking a DVM with 2+ years of clinical experience to cover a temporary leave. May lead to PT or FT position. Successful candidate will enjoy the challenge of a busy hands-on practice, have excellent communication skills, and provide exceptional care. Compensation package includes paid health and dental insurance, Simple IRA, paid CE and vacation. Contact: countrysideanimalclinic@netwurx.net.* Veterinary clinic in southeastern area of Wisconsin is seeking an EXPERIENCED vet for Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturday a.m.’s with additional fill in days available at a full service well established satellite clinic. We provide exceptional care in a friendly team based environment. Preventative care, client education, dental care, and surgery are a strong focus. Enjoy practicing high quality medicine in a rural setting, yet close to big city activities. Please send resume to Muskego Animal Hospital, S80

W19055 Janesville Rd., Muskego, WI 53150, or email to musanhosp@hotmail.com. Attn: Dr. J. Hardekopf.* Our small, progressive veterinary practice is seeking an experienced PT/FT associate veterinarian. We are looking for confident individuals with strong leadership, communication and diagnostic skills, who are comfortable practicing independently. Candidates must practice progressive medicine and possess strong surgical skills. Our facility boasts a highly experienced technical staff, digital radiology and ultrasound, fully integrated paperless computer system, surgical suite, as well as access to a board certified surgeon and internist, and more. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package. Please email resumes to our Hospital Administrator at: isaiahng@ahosm.com.* The Animal House Pet Clinic seeks SA veterinarian. Join this award-winning, established and vibrant full-service practice. Candidates must be able to practice independently, demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills and be committed to working in a team environment. Strong surgical skills/experience preferred. Flexible work schedule. No on-call. Saturday rotation required. Compensation and full benefit package (Medical/Dental/401K) commensurate with experience and employment commitment. The right candidate will find a highly supportive environment with the ability to grow. Contact Patrick Warpinski, 3171 Voyager Dr., Green Bay, WI 54311, (920) 4654629, or drpat@animalhousepetclinic.com. For more info: www.animalhousegreenbay.com.*

Mixed Animal Seeking FT veterinarian for our 4.5 doctor MA practice in central WI. Our focus is quality medicine and surgery in a relaxed work environment. The emphasis of this position would be dairy and SA and some equine. Interest in dairy reproductive ultrasound is desirable. Shared on-call. Prefer experience, but recent graduates encouraged to apply. Send resume to Wisconsin Valley Veterinary Service, 1605 Bovine Lane, Wausau, WI 54401, fax (715) 675-9405, email wvvs@ dwave.net, or phone (715) 675-9402.*

Relief Quality Customer friendly SA relief services available covering SE WI. Over 20 years experience in both SA and emergency medical care. Dr. Pete Gaveras, (414) 7957100, lavajava@aol.com. Experienced SA clinician available for work in central and western Wisconsin. Excellent communication skills; enjoy working with clients and staff. Nancy Leverance, D.V.M. Email: nleverance@network2010.net or call (608) 6179408 or (608) 429-9408. Caring and compassionate relief veterinarian available. 25+ years of AAHA experience. Competent medical and soft tissue surgery skills. Emphasis on quality and integrity. Paul Danhaus, DVM. (715) 571-8091 or paul. danhaus@gmail.com. Quality relief care since 1992. Special interests include surgery and dermatology. Personable, reliable service. Please call Robert Patyk, DVM, at (262) 567-2832. Or email: robert.patyk@att.net. Do you need a Saturday off? Past SA hospital owner and current veterinary license holder, would like to

Scott Ford DVM, DABVP-Avian Practice limited to avian medicine & surgery: parrots, raptors, poultry, waterfowl and ratites • • • • •

Primary Care Referrals for endoscopy and microsurgery Phone consultations In house avian CE for your staff Facility inspection & consultation

N48 W14850 Lisbon Road Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 262-781-5277www.brook-falls.com


work a few days a month! SW Milwaukee area. E-mail: ulbrichtkathy@yahoo.com.

Please call/email Mark Clemons, DVM (262) 862-1121, macdjc4209@aol.com.

Providing you with reliable veterinary relief service has been my business for the past 13 years. I’m proficient with medicine cases, soft tissue surgeries and have great client communication skills. Leave message Dr. Barb Korte, (608) 269-3357, email: beachcomber1957@gmail.com.

SA and equine relief work. 21 years experience. Proficient in SA soft tissue surgery and equine ultrasound and power floating. Will travel. Call Sabine Hartmann, DVM (715) 267-7443 or twinoaks@tds.net.

SA relief vet since 1995. Thorough, reliable, easy going. Will travel to Green Bay, Kenosha, Janesville, Wisconsin Dells and areas in between. Julie Lakin DVM, (920) 269-7264. AAHA veterinarian with 20+ years experience available for relief work in NW WI. Excellent diagnostic, surgical, and communication skills, Contact: David Wiltrout, DVM, (715) 462-9475, or email: dvmweepaws@aol.com. SA relief Veternarian for central Wisconsin. Experienced. Versatile. Call Dr. Gary, (715) 652-2065 home, (715) 3057014 cell. garysthevet@aol.com email. Experienced SA relief veterinarian available for work in eastern/central Wisconsin. Please contact Karla Dietrich, DVM at kjddvm83@gmail.com, (920) 210-5991. Experienced SA veterinarian available for relief work, 15 years relief experience, WI licensed and accredited.

Support The HACCP Residue Program: Purchase An Incubator! The WVMA has an office full of incubators in all shapes and sizes! By purchasing one you will be helping to support the HACCP Drug Residue Program. For more information, contact the WVMA office at (608) 257-3665 or wvma@wvma.org.

14 August


Experienced SA relief veterinarian available. Versatile. Great with staff, clients and pets. Willing to travel. Dr. Lori Zimmerman, (608) 592-7779 or doclori@hotmail.com. Dependable, 20+ years experience. Med/Surg serving Northern/Central Wisconsin. Contact Rich Piwoni, at (715) 627-0957, rapiwoni@hotmail.com. A, 20+ years experience, skilled in surgery, diagnostics and client communication. South-central and Southeast WI. Let me care for your clients and your hospital. Erika Gibbs, DVM, doctor.gibbs@gmail.com. Experience in GP and Emergency, confident in medicine and surgery. Would love to provide quality medicine to your clients in your absence. Willing to travel and can provide references. (541) 602-3966, ehrose33@aol.com. Communicative, productive SA veterinarian available for relief work in western WI, surrounding areas. Licensed in MN/WI. Experienced in surgery, medicine, dentistry, staff management. Outstanding customer service, client-building skills. Victori Ribeiro, MS, DVM, (651) 503-0482; neyx0003@umn.edu.

Position Wanted Board-certified internist offers mobile SA medicine consultations, ultrasound, and endoscopy in your practice in SE WI. Please call Anne Mattson, DVM, DACVIM, (262) 241-3987.

Tech/Staff SA Hospital in Milwaukee is looking for a mature, experienced receptionist for our front desk team. This position does not need to be filled immediately so if you are relocating to our area in the next couple of months we’d love to meet you. Wages will reflect experience. We are a five doctor practice that takes pride in offering

quality medicine and refined customer care. Voted Best in Milwaukee several times in recent years. Our newer facility is spacious, clean and inviting. We are looking for someone with a strong base in veterinary medicine with knowledge of vaccines, commonly used medications, heartworm and flea prevention, common client concerns, internal parasites, puppy and kitten care, recognizing potential emergencies, veterinary software programs, transaction reconciliation and cash handling. We need a person that is openly friendly, compassionate, realistic, can multitask easily and pays attention to detail. Contact Barbara at barbsah@sbcglobal.net or fax resume to (414) 276-7019. FT CVT wanted for fast-paced, high volume humane society medical and spay/neuter clinic. Great schedule, salary negotiable, benefits avail. Experience preferred and a passion for animal welfare/sheltering required. Please send resume to operations@bayareahumanesociety.com. Seeking a PT CVT for the care of surgery patients, administration of anesthetic/analgesic agents, medications and assisting veterinarians in HVHQ spay/neuter setting. Details at www.giveshelter.org./ employment-opportunities.html. Seeking FT CVT for fast paced friendly practice located just south of Madison, WI. Full utilization of skills, great benefits and competitive wage. Experience preferred. Position to start August 1. Send resume and cover letter to eleuthner@countryviewvets.com. Seeking FT certified technician for our well-equipped MA practice in central Wisconsin. Looking for a hardworking individual who is motivated to use their technical and client communication skills. Please send resume to marshfieldvet@yahoo.com or send to Marshfield Veterinary Service, M249 Mann St., Marshfield, WI 54449. Wales Animal Clinic is seeking FT experienced CVT to join our team. We are looking for someone who is compassionate, self-motivated, has excellent communication skills and the ability to multi-task. Applicant needs strong technical skills, be able to assist in surgery, perform routine lab work, assist with radiology and anesthesia. Work a four day work week and no weekends. We offer a comprehensive benefits

package. If interested, send resume to Wales Animal Clinic, 219 Summit Avenue, Wales, WI 53183; or email humanresources@walesanimalclinic.com.* Franksville Veterinary Clinic, a cat and dog only veterinary clinic, is in search of an experienced CVT. Located in the small community of Franksville, we practice high quality medicine. Join our multi-doctor, multi-CVT family. Now part of Prairie Side Veterinary Hospital, we are growing at a rapid pace. Please send resumes via e-mail to info@prairiesidevet.com or via fax, Attn: Beth at (262) 886-5027.* Progressive, active SA hospital has an opening for a FT Client Service Representative. The qualified applicant must possess excellent customer service skills, strong interpersonal skills, experience with multi-line phone systems, basic computer knowledge, the ability to multitask, and have a genuine love for people and their pets. Previous experience in a veterinary clinic or in animal handling is preferred. This position requires lifting, stairs, and some pet clean up. Work schedule includes some evenings and Saturday hours. Please send a resume to: Client Service Representative, Oakwood Hills Animal Hospital, 4616 Commerce Valley Road, Eau Claire, WI 54701.* Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists is looking for experienced technicians, customer service representatives and assistants that are dedicated to veterinary medicine. This is an excellent opportunity to become part of a team that provides the highest quality in SA medical care. Technical development and full use of your skills will be strongly encouraged. Interested candidates please apply online: http:// lakeshoreanimalhospital.com/jobApp.php. Attach your resume to the application.* PT/FT Experienced technician. Must be reliable, selfmotivated, team worker and get along well with others. Available immediately. Located in the Hartland area. Email resume to mertonvet@wi.rr.com, or preferred; stop in a N68 W29626 Sussex Rd., Hartland, WI. Phone: (262) 838-1280.*

For Sale Best offer on PetMap Blood pressure, Wireless ECG and Engler dental scaler (no polisher). Call (608) 574-7387 or email: dpmobliepetvet@hotmail.com. Equipment for sale includes Idexx CR 1417 Digital Imaging System $20,000, Idexx LaserCyte,Catalyst DX, SnapShot DX, VetLab, Coag DX & UA $20,000, Easymatic Super 325 Xray Unit $5,000 and much more. For further information and pricing please email: chpheden@yahoo.com. Ultrasound for sale. Easi Scan unit with two batteries and charger 2003 model. Works well. Call (608) 604-5051.*

Practice For Sale Are you looking for a location for your practice? Orthopedics/Equine/Exotic/Large Animal Veterinarians, we have the space for you. With a private entrance and ample space waiting to be finished to your specifications, we are looking for a non-competing practice to use some of our 8,600 sq. foot clinic. There is plenty of parking, great traffic/visibility, and easy access to Hwys 41 & 43. Visit our website to tour our recently renovated space and to learn more about out practice. Please call: (920) 4972086 or email: sarah@parksideanimalcarecenter.com.

Western WI. Solo, (presently all SA) practice in rural area. Looking for veterinarian(s) to take over practice. Quickly or gradual transition. Small investment. Great potential. Blind Box 13PFS03, c/o WVMA, 2801 Crossroads Dr., Ste. 1200, Madison, WI 53718. Established, solo, MA practice (80%SA). Fully equipped clinic, 4.38 acres, lovely 3BR/2.5BA custom home & 2-car garage. Gross $340,000. Owner retiring. Seasoned staff; loyal clients. Beautiful area known for outdoor recreation. Bike-Ski-Kayak. Work where you play! $550,000. Respond to Blind Box 13PFS04, c/o WVMA, 2801 Crossroads Dr., Ste. 1200, Madison, WI 53718.* NEW- MA practice grossing $840K in far northern WI. Digital radiology, digital dental, surgical and therapy lasers. Large state of the art building. Practice and RE only $850K. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group for a free consultation, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.*

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Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association 2801 Crossroads Dr., Ste. 1200 Madison, WI 53718

2013 is a license renewal year! Get your required CE at convention! Book you convention hotel rooms before it’s too late! For more information visit wvma.org.



October 10-13, 2013 Alliant Energy Center Madison, Wisconsin

August 2013

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