December 2017 WVMA Voice

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Wisconsin Veterinary Examining Board Proposes Change to Definition of Surgery


By Jordan Lamb, DeWitt Ross & Stevens, s.c.


From the President ‘Tis the Season to Give!


From the Executive Director


In the News


Legal Briefs


WVMA/OSHA Alliance

Being Prepared for “The Call” License Renewals Due Workplace Documentation – Not All Documents are Created Equally! OSHA Inspections and Veterinary Medical Services


Why the Change in Recommended Age of Sterilization of Cats?


Marketing Beat


Stay a Step Ahead — Preventing Slips and Falls at Your Business

New Year, Refreshed Brand

16-19 Classified Ads

In 2013 and 2014, the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association (WVMA) began receiving an increasing number of complaints and concerns from our membership regarding reports that assisted or advanced reproductive techniques (ART) were being done by nonveterinarians on livestock in Wisconsin. These complaints were typically concerned with non-veterinarians doing reproductive surgery on livestock. Accordingly, at the request of the WVMA Executive Board, on March 3, 2015, the WVMA sent a letter to the Wisconsin Veterinary Examining Board (VEB) requesting that the definition of “surgery” in Wis. Admin Code s. VE 1.02 (9) be revised and clarified. Under current Wisconsin law, “surgery” means any procedure in which the skin or tissue of the patient is penetrated, pierced or severed for therapeutic purposes...” (Emphasis added.) This definition arguably excludes surgery for cosmetic or reproductive purposes from the practice of veterinary medicine, which is not a position that is supported by the WVMA. The WVMA believes that all surgery on animals is the practice of veterinary medicine. In April of 2016, the VEB started a formal rulemaking process to address this concern and to open Wis. Admin. Code §§ VE 1 and 7 for the purpose of revising the surgery definition. In November of 2016, the VEB held public hearings on a proposed revision to VE 1 and 7, which, under the hearing draft of the rule, would remove the words “for therapeutic purposes” from the definition of “surgery,” and made a couple of other minor revisions related to injections and microchip insertion. The WVMA supported this draft rule. In April 2017, a company known as Sexing Technologies (ST), objected to this change to the definition of surgery. ST wrote to the VEB stating that they objected to the revised rule, “…which would broaden the current definition of veterinary medical surgery to include numerous procedures currently performed by a certified veterinary technician as well as expand the technician duties for a licensed veterinarian.” The letter stated that the rule change “…will prevent certified veterinary technicians from performing specific techniques such as bovine embryo transfer, bovine follicular aspiration and bovine amniocentesis.” Essentially, they argued that these assisted reproductive techniques (ART) should be excluded from the definition of surgery. At their April 26, 2017 meeting, the VEB decided to invite ART experts to speak directly to the VEB at their July meeting. At the July 26, 2017 VEB meeting, Dr. Greg BeVier of Sexing Technologies and Dr. Jon Schmidt from TransOva testified before the VEB. Dr. BeVier requested that the VEB exclude all ART procedures from the definition of surgery. He specifically named amniocentesis, embryo transfer and follicular aspiration as three



‘Tis the Season to Give! This is the time of year that my wife and I start getting regular mail solicitations and annual donation requests from various charitable groups. The charitable spirit of the holiday season is relied upon by these organizations and a concerted effort is made to capitalize on it. Our society seems to be more motivated by the adage “It is better to give than receive” at this time of year than any other time.

Dr. Robert Leder

TVMF raises hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and also has assets of millions. The TVMF has provided relief for hurricanes, including Katrina and most recently Harvey. Once established, a Foundation can act as a conduit from other charities to deliver needed help to animals and their caregivers.

The mail requesting donations that we receive is highly correlated to the previous year’s giving. We keep a list of each year’s charitable giving and review it and compare it to the stack of requests we’ve accumulated. Our choices vary from year to year, affected no doubt by recent events.

Keep in mind that foundations do more than disaster relief. Programs can be created for low income, elderly or homeless pet owners to support pet care that might otherwise be neglected. Scholarships for veterinary students facing unusual or unexpected hardships, as well as public education awareness programs for pet care are other examples of the work of foundations.

This year we are adding a new organization to our charitable giving list, the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Foundation (WVMF). Veterinary foundations are established to provide financial support to animals and their caregivers in unusual and needy situations. On the national level, the AVMA has the American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF), which is well established and strong, with millions of dollars in net assets. The AVMF has distributed over $10 million in grants since it’s inception in 1963, including $100,000 for hurricane relief this past summer.

Compared to the AVMF and the TVMF, the WVMF has just been born. We are in our infancy, but we have to start somewhere. The WVMF Board of Directors met for the first time this past year. We currently have assets of approximately $10,000 total, a pittance compared to the AVMF or the TVMF. It is for that reason we have decided to help grow the WVMF’s reserves, so it can provide help right here in Wisconsin. I hope you will consider this too. If your clinic makes charitable donations in the memory of patients that have passed, consider making them to the WVMF.

The Texas Veterinary Medical Association has the Texas Veterinary Medical Foundation (TVMF) that was established in 1978. The

Watch for more news about the WVMF in the coming months. l

2017 WVMA EXECUTIVE BOARD President President-Elect Past President District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4


Robert Leder, DVM Alan Holter, DVM Scott Spaulding, DVM Katrina Geitner, DVM Chris Keim, DVM Jeffrey Bleck, DVM Ronald Biese, DVM



District 5 District 6 District 7 District 8 District 9 Student Rep.

Judith Batker, DVM Sally Harper, DVM Karl Solverson, DVM Kevin Landorf, DVM Gary Johnson, DVM Morgan Randall

EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Treasurer David Jeans, DVM AVMA Delegate Douglas Kratt, DVM Dean, UW-SVM Mark Markel, DVM, PhD State Veterinarian Paul McGraw, DVM WVDL Director Philip N. Bochsler, DVM, PhD, DACVP Student Rep. Danielle Schuld


Executive Director Kim Brown Pokorny, MS, MBA Office Manager Torrie Kennedy Communications and Project Specialist Bailey Quam Development and Marketing Specialist Jeremy Panizza Food Armor® Outreach Specialist Katie Mrdutt, DVM Advertising Assistant Heather Boll, CVT


Being Prepared for “The Call”


The WVMA Voice is published the beginning of each month by the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association, 4610 S. Biltmore Ln., Suite 107, Madison, WI 53718; (608) 257-3665; toll-free (888) 2545202; fax (608) 257-8989; e-mail: wvma@; website: It is sent free of charge to all WVMA members. Office hours: 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday-Friday.



Member: First 35 words $20; each additional word $1.50. Non-member: First 35 words $65; each additional word $1.50. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads. Classified ads run for two months and must be renewed for additional months. Classified ads are to be received by the first working day of the month. Display advertising is available at the editors’ discretion. Call (608) 257-3665 for more information. The deadline for receipt of all material submitted for publication is the first working day of the month, to ensure consideration for the next month’s newsletter.





January December 1 January 1 February January 1 February 1 March February 1 March 1 April March 1 April 1 May April 1 May 1 June May 1 June 1 July June 1 July 1 August July 1 August 1 September August 1 September 1 October September 1 October 1 November October 1 November 1 December November 1 December 1

Kim Brown Pokorny

Recently, we have received a few calls from veterinarians being asked to give their professional assessment of animal welfare situations. As we begin the winter season, we will most likely see an increase in these calls. WVMA members often ask what they should be looking for or documenting. I reviewed the materials presented at the WVMA Animal Welfare Seminar earlier this year. While not an exclusive list, the following will give you a jumpstart when you are called upon to give your professional opinion. • • • • • •

Be objective and use your education, veterinary experience and standard of care Document the date, time, location and type of animals, animal identification Keep the report factual and include only appropriate language Consider taking pictures or videos Document all normal and abnormal findings Document what you see and what you don’t see, in detail:

Food • Sufficient • Palatable and nutritious • Body condition score

Sanitation • Indoor and outdoor • Cleanliness • Clear of health hazards

Water • Portable, snow cannot be sole source • Not solid • Drinkable • Sufficient

Ventilation • Air flow • Quality of air flow, humidity, cleanliness fans, ammonia

• Perform physical exam(s) • Look at both alive and deceased animals and assess • Do not say “I’ve seen worse”

Shelter • Ambient temperature • Evaluate temperature at level of the animal • Protection against sun, wind and wetness • Space and structural strength Veterinary care • Unjustifiable injury or death • Excessive pain and/or suffering • Look for number and age of wounds, hoof growth

Again, this is not a complete list, but it should get you headed in the right direction. There are some great resources online, including templates for general assessments. Make sure you don’t have a conflict of interest. Integrity is of utmost importance in these situations. Make sure you understand your role and the expectations going into the assessment. Finally, thank you. These situations are not easy, but you are in the best position to provide the expertise needed. l

Remember to Renew Your Dues for 2018! Practice managers can renew all staff veterinarians by using the clinic login. Don’t know your clinic’s login? Contact Torrie Kennedy at 3



License Renewals Due A final reminder that your license renewal and continuing education requirements are due this month. You should have received an email from DATCP explaining the license renewal process. If you have questions on your renewal or the process, contact: Veterinary Examining Board DATCP PO Box 8911 Madison, WI 53708-8911 (608) 224-4353 Email for general and licensing questions:

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Workplace Documentation – Not All Documents are Created Equally! Stephen A. DiTullio, DeWitt Ross & Stevens s.c. One key to conducting a thorough workplace investigation and/ or performance evaluation is to document the investigatory work regarding the alleged wrongdoing, misconduct, and/or unsatisfactory performance. Such documentation is particularly important in order to defend against employment claims of discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation. However, it is not sufficient just to document – rather it is imperative that documentation must be prepared carefully and professionally. Keep in mind that today’s performance evaluation or disciplinary warning is tomorrow’s evidence.

Wisconsin has comparable evidentiary standards. Conversely, documents created much later after the investigation likely would be excluded. The reason for this rule is that documents and records that are made during the course of an employment investigation are likely to be more accurate than documents and records compiled at a later date.

Neither Wisconsin nor federal law requires employers to document employment investigations. However, without such documentation, the value of the investigation becomes limited and could be questioned as faulty. Simply put, it is the documentation from such investigations which often prevents employment disputes from escalating to litigation or provides a sound defense when litigation arises.

4. Defamation charges Written documentation can also be used in a defense against defamation claims by an employee. Truth is a defense to defamation, and documentation can help establish truth.

2. Preservation of record Documentation during the investigation and/or at the time of discipline termination will also preserve the record as to the events leading up to the discipline and/or termination. Quite Simply put, the more professional employment documents are often, memories of an employment investigation and conclusion maintained, the better defense for your veterinary practice if any fade as time progresses. Therefore, later documentation provides litigation were to develop. Therefore, think of your investigation less accuracy regarding the investigation and potential discipline notes and any Disciplinary Memo or Report as evidence in the form or termination. Additionally, preserving the record is especially of Trial Exhibits. Here are some suggestions: important if the person(s) handling the investigation or making • Be specific and thorough with information and the decision to discipline or terminate an employee leaves the issues discussed company for alternative employment, becomes incapacitated, or • Avoid abbreviations dies (the same applies to witnesses). Without such documentation, • Typed notes; far preferred over handwritten notes the employer may find it difficult or even impossible to provide • No extraneous information or doodles an explanation of its investigation and disciplinary decision if the • Dates, start time for interviews and end time investigator or decision maker is no longer accessible. Additionally, • Identify the participants involved in all meetings comments by a witness that are preserved by documentation are less likely to change at a later date. In today’s highly litigious employment setting, an investigation is often necessary prior to terminating or disciplining an employee. 3. Written documentation is more credible This is especially true if an employer has adopted workplace Whatever an employer decides to do regarding its disposition of an policies regarding standards of conduct and setting forth internal complaint, its conclusion is much more likely to be believed investigation procedures. Significantly, an investigation is necessary as credible by a judge, juror, arbitrator, mediator or other decision in order to protect the employer from the accused and accuser as maker if the investigation is documented in writing. Written witness both have legal protections. interview notes, findings from an investigation and memoranda can all be utilized to establish credibility for an employer’s decision. Veterinary practices should make every effort to ensure that an internal complaint has been fully and fairly evaluated. A thorough An employee’s knowledge that this documentation exists can also and confidential investigation is one method of such full and fair lessen the likelihood that the employee will file a claim or lawsuit against the employer. treatment.

Reasons to Document: There are five basic reasons to document investigations: 1. Contemporaneous records off an evidentiary advantage The Federal Rules of Evidence establish that contemporaneous records made at the time when the events were fresh in the writer’s mind can be admitted as evidence in federal courts. Likewise,

5. Employer will likely be viewed positively Similar to the section above regarding credibility, thorough and accurate documentation by an employer will reflect positively on an employer if later litigation arises. An employer who demonstrates that it documented the basis for its actions will likely win points with a judge, jury, mediator or other decision maker. Frankly, documentation can level the playing field which is often uneven in favor of employees. l


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OSHA Inspections and Veterinary Medical Services By Leslie Ptak, Department of Labor/OSHA compliance assistance specialist At the 2017 WVMA Annual Convention a common question at the OSHA booth was whether OSHA planned to inspect veterinary clinics. The short answer is that the Wisconsin OSHA offices have no immediate plans to proactively inspect clinics. But that doesn’t mean an inspection could not happen. Veterinary medical clinics are healthcare facilities and they are exposed to significant hazards, depending on what kind of procedures they do. This article will look at the history of OSHA inspections in establishments with NAICS1 code 541940, veterinary medical services. It will also describe a recent OSHA inspection at a clinic and explain what an OSHA inquiry is.

unmarked exits, a lamp that was not in an approved light fixture, failure to conduct ionizing radiation surveys, failure to use personnel monitoring equipment (e.g., radiation badges) for employees exposed to x-rays, and lack of chemical hazard communication training. The total penalty at issuance was $1200.

This activity was equally distributed across the state, and took place throughout this three-year period. While this is not an overwhelming amount of interaction with OSHA, it is enough to generate discussion in the industry and explains the concerns of the OSHA booth visitors.

An OSHA Case Study

As with all OSHA inspections, the compliance officer arrived onsite within five days of the report. In accordance with our mandatory Field Operations Manual, inspectors always show up with no advance notice and make initial contact with the person in the office who is responsible for workplace safety. An opening conference was held and the compliance officer explained why they wanted What are the chances of an inspection? to inspect the site. This is usually held in a conference room or OSHA has jurisdiction over the employer-employee relationship. As office and can take anywhere from five to 30 minutes. On any long as an employer has at least one employee2, OSHA can inspect inspection of any workplace the compliance officer is required to records, the employer’s compliance with hazard that workplace. A review of OSHA’s database shows that over a three review OSHA 300 7 communication and lockout tagout8. Although the scope of every year period (January 1, 2014 to October 15, 2017), OSHA received 16 inspection is limited to the reason why the employee is there, for reports of issues at Wisconsin veterinary clinics: a fatality3, a report instance the complaint items, the compliance officer is obligated 4 5 6 of a hospitalization , two formal complaints and 12 nonformal to address any issues that are in plain view during the course of the complaints. These reports resulted in two inspections and 14 inspection. inquiries.

What happened during the inspections? The fatality was determined to be not work-related. One formal complaint resulted in an inspection and was found to be valid, resulting in the issuance of four citations. They were related to

A few years ago, OSHA received a complaint from an individual who was concerned about a relative who worked in a kennel. The kennel provided dog day care and boarding services and was associated with a veterinary medical clinic. The person who filed the complaint said that when he called his relative at work, the noise was so loud that the conversation could barely be heard. His concern was that the noise was loud enough to cause hearing loss, and he wanted the situation evaluated. His signed letter met the requirements of a formal complaint and was assigned for inspection.

1 NAICS is North American Industrial Classification Code. Every industry in North America has its own 6 digit code. Employers can look up their specific code at the U.S. Census Bureau web site, 2 The number of employees that can result in an inspection is one. Employers must keep OSHA records, such as the OSHA 300 form, when they have 11 or more employees at any time in a year. 3 An inspection was conducted. The employee became ill at work, and died a few days later. The cause of death was determined by the medical examiner to be a preexisting condition. 4 The investigation showed that an employee was bitten by a dog resulting in admittance to the hospital so intravenous antibiotics could be administered. 5 A formal complaint is when a current employee signs a complaint. Formal complaints are handled confidentially. 6 A nonformal complaint is when an individual files a complaint. These are confidential or anonymous. 7 Hazard communication is the OSHA standard for providing health and safety information about chemicals, including pharmaceuticals, in the workplace to employees. This is the rule requiring safety data sheets, labeled containers, and employee training. 8 Lockout tagout is the OSHA standard requiring that all sources of energy (e.g., electrical, pneumatic, etc.) machines and equipment be disconnected and locked out before they are serviced.



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OSHA Inspections and Veterinary Medical Services

The compliance officer arrived on site and talked to the employer who had more than 65 employees. As always, the OSHA 300 records for the past three years were reviewed. They showed a history of injuries requiring medical treatment, especially animal bites and slips and falls. He also asked for a copy of the clinic’s written hazard communication program and was told they did not have one. To evaluate the noise complaint the compliance officer asked if the employer had ever had a noise survey done to determine employees’ full shift exposures9. None had ever been done. The compliance officer noted that he had to yell to be heard over the noise of the kennel, so he asked if the clinic offered hearing protection to employees, or had implemented a hearing conservation program.10 They had not. The compliance officer then made arrangements to conduct a noise survey. Noise dosimeters were hooked up to four kennel employees and they wore them for a full shift. Table 1. Noise Survey Results Employee #

Job Description


Dog Handler (Pool/Large Dogs) 444

#2 #3 #4

Time sampled (minutes) Employee Exposure (TWA)

Dog Handler (Pool/Large Dogs) 269 Dog Handler (Pool/Large Dogs) 439 Dog Handler (Pool/Large Dogs) 357

Exposure Limits (TWA)

83.93 dBA

90 dBA

85.7 dBA

85 dBA

83.39 dBA

90 dBA

84.38 dBA

85 dBA

88.26 dBA

90 dBA

89.31 dBA

85 dBA

88.16 dBA

90 dBA

89.17 dBA

85 dBA

The survey instrumentation has an error of + two decibels, so only levels above 87 dBA are considered overexposures. The noise survey results showed that none of the employees were exposed above the 90 dBA permissible limit. This means that the employer was not required to implement engineering controls to reduce the noise levels. There were two employees who were exposed to noise above 85 dBA, so the employer was required to implement a hearing conservation program, which includes baseline and annual audiometric tests, training, and hearing protection, such as ear plugs or muffs. Other consequences of the inspection were the items observed in plain view. When the OSHA 300 records were reviewed, there were a number of employees with bite injuries, clearly demonstrating that bite injuries were reasonably expected at this workplace. This led to the question of whether the employer had evaluated the personal protective equipment needs of the employees. This employer had not. The compliance officer then asked about employee exposures to chemicals in the workplace. The clinic had safety data sheets for all the chemicals, such as disinfectants and grooming chemicals, and had made sure the containers were properly labeled, but they did not have a written program and had not provided training to employees. Then, because the inspection took place in February, and employers are required to post the OSHA 300A form every year from February 1st through April 30th, the compliance officer asked to see where their 300A was posted. It was not posted. The result was a citation package that included five cited items, three of which were classified as serious11, for a total penalty of $12,600 (see Table 2). The employer participated in an informal conference and brought evidence of the clinic’s proposed corrective actions, and was given a 24 month payment plan for the penalties. OSHA also granted them additional time to come into compliance. Could this have been prevented? Although this was a larger veterinary clinic employer, it was still a small business. OSHA’s challenge when inspecting small employers is that employees at these establishments are exposed to the same hazards as employees at large employers. Employees of small employers deserve workplace protections too. What we recommend is that small clinics take advantage of the free and confidential Wisconsin Onsite Consultation Service. Free means you will not receive a bill for their services. Confidential means they do not tell anyone they are consulting for you, including OSHA. They will conduct a mock OSHA inspection, tell you whether you are in compliance and give you information for coming into compliance. They also offer training at no or minimal cost for large groups. Dependable sound level meters to measure noise levels can be downloaded on a smartphone at no cost. Visit this site for more information: 10 A hearing conservation program is required for employees exposed to 8-hour time-weighted average exposures to noise above 85 dBA, and includes baseline and annual audiometric testing, training and hearing protection. 11 A citation classified as serious is one where the condition could result in death or serious physical harm to the employee. 9




OSHA Inspections and Veterinary Medical Services

What is an inquiry? If a formal complaint is not filed, the OSHA office has the option of conducting an inquiry. In an inquiry, the OSHA office calls the veterinary clinic and informs the person in charge of workplace safety that a complaint has been alleged. That person is sent a letter with the complaint items listed and given five working days to respond to OSHA. The clinic can send documentation12 that the hazards do not exist, or they can send information showing that they have corrected the items. Whatever the clinic sends to OSHA is sent to the complainant. With each letter is a certificate that needs to be posted on an employee bulletin board, and kept posted for ten days or until the hazards are corrected. If the documentation received is acceptable, the case is closed. l The documentation sent to OSHA is important. Acceptable supporting documentation includes photos, invoices of items purchased to abate violations, training logs, training agendas, safety and health programs, etc. If the alleged hazards concern employee exposures to inhalation or noise hazards, an industrial hygiene survey must be submitted.


Resources Information about the Wisconsin Onsite Consultation Program is at this web site: The site listing their training program is here, The web site for information on the sound level meters is here, Table 2 Citations issued for kennel operations Citation 1, Number 1

1910.95(c )(1) – The employer did not have a hearing conservation program, including audiometric testing, employee training, and provision of hearing protection

Citation 1, Number 2

1910.1200(e )(1) – The employer did not have a written hazard communication program and did not provide training in the hazards of the chemicals used at the workplace.

Citation 1, Number 3a

1910.132(d)(1) – The employer did not assess the workplace to determine if personal protective equipment was needed to reduce injuries.

Citation 1, Number 3b

1910.132(d)(2) - The employer did not certify in writing that a workplace hazard assessment of employees’ personal protective equipment needs was done.

Citation 2, Number 1

1904.32(b)(6) – The annual survey was not posted in the workplace from February 1 through April 30th.

The OSHA and Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association Alliance developed this fact sheet for informational purposes only. It does not necessarily reflect the official views of OSHA or the U.S. Department of Labor.


Wisconsin Veterinary Examining Board Proposes Change to Definition of Surgery

procedures that should be able to be performed by veterinary technicians. Dr. Schmidt testified that in Wisconsin, TransOva uses only licensed veterinarians for ART practices, but in other states, they do use licensed CVTs working under the direct supervision of veterinarians where that is allowed. At the conclusion of the July meeting, the VEB directed their legal counsel to revise the draft administrative rule to allow the delegation of certain ART to licensed CVTs if they are acting under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian who is on the premises. On October 25, 2017, the VEB reviewed the proposed draft rule change and amended their original proposed rule to allow licensed veterinarians to delegate bovine embryo transfer to a licensed certified veterinary technician (limited to only one embryo into one animal), only if the veterinarian is on the premises and is directly supervising the CVT. The next step for the rule is legislative review. The WVMA will be actively involved in this throughout the process in order to maintain our position that surgery on an animal is always the practice of veterinary medicine. l




Why the Change in Recommended Age of Sterilization of Cats? By Philip A. Bushby, DVM, MS, DACVS In June of 2017, the AVMA formally endorsed the consensus document put forth by the Veterinary Task Force on Feline Sterilization for Age of Spay and Neuter Surgery, which recommends cats not intended for breeding be gonadectomized by five months of age. This joined endorsements from other veterinary medical and cat breeding associations including the American Association of Feline Practitioners, Association of Shelter Veterinarians, American Animal Hospital Association, Winn Foundation, Catalyst Council, Cat Fancier’s Association and The International Cat Association. Feline Fix by Five (FFF) is a campaign promoted by the Marian’s Dream Foundation to share this recommendation that has garnered such broad support. FFF was born out of awareness that cats can be reproductively active by 4 to 5 months of age, yet most veterinarians recommend spay/neuter of cats at 6 months of age or older. The result of this mismatch between age at which cats can become pregnant and the recommended age of sterilization is demonstrated any time one walks into a local animal shelter. Animal shelters are generally overrun with kittens, the vast majority of which are the result of unplanned and unexpected pregnancies of young cats. A survey conducted in the State of Massachusetts revealed surprising results. While many people believe that petoverpopulation is the result of pets that are left intact for their entire life, the opposite is true. Cats that were eventually spayed accounted for 87 percent of all litters born.1 Cat owners who are unsure of when to have their cat sterilized or simply wait until 6 months of age or later are faced with the dilemma of what to do with an unexpected litter of kittens. Often those kittens are relinquished to local shelters and too often those kittens are euthanized. The problem was not that the owners refused to spay or neuter their pet; it was that they didn’t have it done in time. Esther Mechler of the Marian’s Dream Foundation, who initiated the FFF campaign, has stated that “the number of births prevented

- simply by changing the recommended age for spay/neuter of cats from 6 months to between 4 and 5 months - could reduce the numbers of shelter intakes enough to balance the number of potential adopters with available cats and kittens. We could end the overpopulation of cats by this one simple change.”2 As a profession, we need to recognize that there is, at present, no scientifically sound basis for waiting until 6 months of age or older to sterilize cats and no contraindications for spay/neuter at 4 to 5 months of age. Anesthetic concerns about juvenile surgery voiced in the 60s and 70s are no longer valid. There are many anesthetic drugs and protocols in use today that are safe in cats as young as 6 weeks of age. Old fears that castration of juvenile male cats would predispose to urinary obstruction were disproven in the 90s.3 There are numerous known health benefits for spay/neuter in cats, in addition to the population management benefits, and there is “no evidence to suggest that pediatric gonadectomy by 5 months of age is linked to any increased risk of disease.”4 A survey conducted in 2000 veterinarians who were at that time spaying and neutering cats under 5 months of age, confirmed that the surgeries were easier, faster and had fewer complications than spay/neuter of cats at 6 months of age or older.5 So, what should the practicing veterinarian do to make this change? Simply add one more appointment to your standard kitten wellness protocols. Make no changes in current vaccination and parasite control recommendations except add an appointment for spay/ neuter two to three weeks after the last kitten vaccination. Owner compliance will be increased, surgeries will be easier, and, in time, local shelters will not be overrun with kittens. For more information on Feline Fix by Five go to http://www. For more information on the AVMA’s position on spay neuter go to l


Manning MM & Rowan AN, Companion animal demographics and sterilization status: Results from a survey in four Massachusetts towns. Anthrozoos 5 (3).


Esther Mechler, Personal Communication, October 25, 2017.


Stubbs WP Scrugges SL, et al BMS. Prepubertal gonadectomy in the domestic feline: Effects on skeletal, physical and behavioral development. Vet Surg. 1993;22.


Dale S. When to Spay/Neuter Cats? Vet Consensus Says Fix by Five Months. Vet Pract News. 2016.


Land TDVM, Wall SDVM. Survey of the Coalition of Spay/Neuter Veterinarians. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2000;216(5).


EMERGENCY NUMBERS Foreign Animal Disease Response Emergency Numbers Wisconsin Emergency Management 24-hour Response (800) 943-0003 Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection Division of Animal Health (608) 224-4872 USDA – APHIS – Veterinary Services (608) 662-0600

The WVDL would like to welcome Dr. Betsy Elsmo to its Madison Laboratory Dr. Elsmo is joining our team as a diagnostic pathologist in Madison. Dr. Elsmo is a Wisconsin native, originally from Racine. She earned both her BS in Wildlife Ecology (2008) and DVM (2013) degrees at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She completed her speciality training in anatomic pathology at the University of Georgia (2016). Dr. Elsmo has special interests in infectious disease, wildlife health, and avian pathology. Welcome to the WVDL Dr. Elsmo!

Help MVS welcome our new Oncologist!

Esther Chon, DVM, DACVIM (Oncology) Oncology service available starting October 10th!

• DVM from UC Davis • Medical oncology residency from UW-Madison

" I became a veterinary oncologist because it allows me to combine my love of animals, science and hope. I also appreciate being part of a collaborative effort within a multi-specialty hospital to provide the best care for all of my patients."

WVMA Member Apparel Now Available! 24-HR EMERGENCY •





Log in at to access the Member Apparel link under Member Resources. Questions? Contact the WVMA at (608) 257-3665 or




Take Full Advantage of Social Media From the WVMA!

Crank up your clinic’s social media! Share, retweet or repost any of the content the WVMA posts on Facebook, Twitter or on on your clinics social media! All information shared on these sites is for our members to help in sharing news and can also be shared with clients. If you have not already, like us on Facebook, Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association and follow us on Twitter, @WVMA. By following the WVMA through these outlets, you will be able to stay current on happenings in Wisconsin and on the national veterinary medical scene.

121st Annual Meeting ™

February 15 – 17, 2018 | Mayo Civic Center, Rochester, MN

Dr. Michael Osterholm Keynote speaker “Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs”

Don’t miss these fantastic sessions! Equine Dentistry Dr. Jack Easley, Easley Equine Dentistry, Kentucky

Practice Management Dr. Lowell Ackerman, Independent Consultant Rabbit Medicine Dr. Ivan Crotaz, Lago Learn, United Kingdom Swine Disease Dr. Scott Dee, Pipestone Veterinary Services Bovine Immunology Dr. Brian Vander Ley, Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Parasitology Dr. Dwight Bowman, Cornell University Nutrition Dr. Sherry Sanderson, University of Georgia

27 CE Credits Available




New Year, Refreshed Brand By Kelsey Tardew, Botham, INK. It is hard to believe 2017 is coming to a close. The new year is a time for reflection and the time when businesses begin brainstorming goals for the upcoming year. Reflecting on successes and struggles is the one of the best ways to generate future growth. Creating a strong business plan supported by a strategic marketing plan is a great way to organize goals and plan the steps needed to achieve them. There are many layers to a business plan and one that is often overlooked, especially for smaller clinics, is the marketing plan. A marketing plan lays the groundwork and is the clearest guide for strategic and tactical implementation. It is the guide to identifying and reaching customers and serves as the rally point for your employees. It helps employees feel involved in the success of the practice and can provide focus for the team. The time and brainstorming dedicated to creating a marketing plan will be returned many times over if the plan is developed and implemented with care and attention. Any plan is better than no plan.

A positioning statement defines the way your practice fills a need for target audience. It is a statement for internal use only, but it should represent the market position that you want to hold in the minds of your clients and potential clients. Are you the premiumpriced clinic offering state-of-the art services? Are you a valuepriced clinic with a welcoming, friendly atmosphere and broad small animal knowledge and care? Are you a specialty clinic with professional expertise in surgery or diseases like cancer? Once the positioning statement is defined it will become the backbone of your marketing plan. Hours have gone by in this marketing plan meeting but there is one more important topic of conversation left on the agenda – the marketing strategy. The strategies and tactics that you choose to help bring your marketing plan objectives to life are the keys to positioning your brand for a healthy and sustainable future.

If one objective, for example, is to position the practice as the go-to for 24/7 emergency care, look to your audience profiles for indicators of best ways to reach that target market. Ted, as a You’ve scheduled a meeting with your team and you’re ready to get a solid marketing plan on paper for the new year. The coffee is businessperson, is often on his computer and works with social media platforms. Ted’s wife watches the local morning news as brewing, now where do you start? she starts her day. Social media outreach and advertising on local The first topic of discussion should always be target audience. television morning news shows are two tactics that could be used Describe your target-customer in detail and, even possibly, as a to deliver on a strategy that is designed to raise awareness within fictional character. What is their personality, what do they feel, think Ted’s audience segment. and say? Defining these attributes in audience profiles will direct Finally, the marketing plan needs a budget and some methods your marketing plan objectives for the appropriate audience. for measuring its success. Marketing budgets will vary depending For example, a small animal veterinary clinic has defined its target- on the practice. Spend all that you can afford. Marketing is an audience profiles, and among them is one they’ve named Ted. Ted investment in both time and money but is essential for noticeable is a 30-something, husband and dad, with a son and daughter. The growth and success for your clinic. family has a dog and cat. Family is everything to Ted, which includes Measuring the success of your marketing initiatives is another his dog and cat. Ted’s wife is a stay-at-home mom who takes their important marketing plan component. Today, there are tools like children and dog everywhere. What will attract Ted to your clinic Google Analytics, to help track online engagement and others and make him feel confident putting his animals in your care? like Little Bird and Keyhole available to monitor social media This brings us to the next topic of discussion – the points of engagement and conversions. A separate web landing page or differentiation. specific phone number can be used in print ads to track inquiries. The points of differentiation are what separate you from The beauty of the marketing plan is that it keeps the team on track. competitors and are seen by a target audience as the reason or It alleviates unnecessary spending on initiatives that do not help reasons to choose your practice over another. Identifying your deliver on objectives and helps evaluate best strategies and return points of differentiation will help answer the question, ‘why would on investment. Building an effective marketing plan can be difficult someone like Ted bring his animals to my clinic?’ and lead to your and time-consuming. Consider hiring a professional in your area to positioning statement. help. If done well, this will be some of the best money you invest in the long-term success of your team and your practice. l




Stay a Step Ahead — Preventing Slips and Falls at Your Business Provided by Professional Insurance Programs sourced from SECURA Slip and fall accidents rank in the top five causes of injury in any season, and they are prevalent during the winter months because of wet or icy floors. Here are several tips to keep your customers and employees safe, and to keep your insurance rates down.

• Place quality, beveled edge mats in walking areas subject to water or snow accumulation. Change mats regularly to ensure those in place are dry and serviceable.

Keep it dry

• Check which ice or snow-melting chemicals are appropriate for the temperature and surfaces where they will be used, and keep a Material Safety Data Sheet on site in case of an emergency.

Black ice is barely visible to a person’s eye but can form in minutes and makes walking or driving dangerous. These conditions are preventable, so take the following measures: • Keep a dry mop near employee and visitor entrances.

• Apply a slip-resistant floor treatment in shop areas.

• Assign hourly checks of walkways.

• Clean, mop and dry floors continually.

Emphasize attentive work habits

• Place non-slip absorbent mats at entrances.

Even when a safe environment is provided, workers need to follow guidelines and take personal responsibility to reduce winter slips and falls:

Clear away snow and ice Eliminating slippery surfaces can significantly reduce injuries, so be sure to: • Keep adequate supplies of snow and ice removal tools in readily accessible areas. • Shovel and salt as often as necessary to keep walkways clean and dry. • Watch for areas where ice tends to form and remove ice accumulations promptly. • Before cold weather arrives, verify your contract with a snow removal company to keep your parking lots clear of snow and ice. Confirm they are ready to provide service.

• Wear shoes or boots specifically designed to provide traction on wet, slippery surfaces. • Take short steps to maintain your center of balance. • Walk slowly and never run on snow or ice-covered surfaces. • When entering and/or exiting vehicles, use the vehicle for support using three points of contact at all times. • When entering a building, remove snow and water from footwear, which can create wet, slippery conditions indoors. l

• Limit walking to designated walkways as much as possible, and discourage taking shortcuts over snow piles and in areas where snow and ice removal is not feasible.


CLASSIFIED AD CHANGES All classified ads, including veterinary relief ads, will be published at the following rate: Members: First 35 words, $20. Every additional word after 35 is $1.50 per word. Non-members: First 35 words, $65. Every additional word is $1.50 per word. Ads will run 2 consecutive months, and then be removed, unless the WVMA is notified you would like to continue your ad for another 2 month run. You will be invoiced at the end of the first month during a 2 month period. Ads are placed online at the beginning of the month they are featured in the newsletter. Priority placement of ads is an additional $25 fee. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads.

SMALL ANIMAL Baraboo Valley Veterinary Clinic is pleased to announce that we are searching for a PT/FT veterinarian to join our team of exceptional and dedicated staff. Under new ownership and with numerous technological updates (and more to come), we are eager to grow. Live, work and play in the Baraboo valley close to multiple state parks and accessible natural areas all within an hour of Madison. Competitive pay, CE, 401(k), licensing fees, health benefits and vacation. No on-call. In-house lab, digital x-ray, caring and supportive staff (and an excellent coffee shop up the road). Please send your resume to or mail to ATTN: Dr. Dreher 403 South Parkway Baraboo, WI 53913. Come join our team! Animal Hospital of Sun Prairie in Sun Prairie, WI is looking for an associate veterinarian to join our community-based practice. We are a busy, multi-doctor SA clinic focusing primarily on dogs and cats with an occasional pocket pet. Our doctors enjoy working in an inviting facility equipped with an in-house lab, a surgical cutting laser, digital x-ray, ultrasound and an endoscopy unit. The experienced and caring support team maintains an efficient and enjoyable work environment by being proactive to the needs of our doctors, patients, and clients. Get to know us better here! This is the perfect opportunity for an experienced veterinarian with a strong interest in surgery, who wants to build a client relationship, in a collaborative setting. The city of Sun Prairie is a great place to live and work. This growing and expanding suburb of Madison is conveniently located less than an hour from Milwaukee. Enjoy a small town feel with the luxury of many amenities such as fantastic shopping, dining and entertainment options all nearby. Sun Prairie provides a safe environment with a great school system and plenty of housing opportunities. We are a family of practices with a long history and reputation that separates us from others - check us out! We




support our veterinarians with superior salary, benefits including health and dental, 401(k), CE allowance, vacation, dues, liability coverage, outstanding practice teams and a family friendly atmosphere. Please send resume to Come join our team! We are a customer-focused, well established practice located between Chicago, Milwaukee and Lake Geneva in western Kenosha County. This area has great schools, scenic views, lakes and that small town feeling. Family values run deep, as does collaborative teamwork. We strive to offer progressive medicine and assets including: fully equipped and dedicated dental suite, in-house laboratory, therapy laser, acupuncture, ultrasound and more. All this housed in a brand new sunshine-filled facility. We also offer behavior training and strive for fear free veterinary care. We are Gold certified feline friendly. The right candidate will enjoy generous benefits including 401(k) matching, set hours (no afterhour’s emergency) and a flexible schedule, making it easier to achieve that work-life balance we all strive for. We are seeking a FT veterinarian but would consider PT, provided he or she is the right fit for our veterinary family. Check out our website at and our Facebook page. Email inquiries to or Seeking Associate Veterinarian for 2 weekdays and every other Saturday morning, with additional hours available during summer months and owner’s occasional days off. Located in a small community. Friendly competent support staff, environment geared toward employee wellness in the workplace. We practice great medicine and customer service. Minimum 2 years FT experience equivalent, since you will be working as solo doctor along with 2 CVTs, assistant/receptionist and Practice Manager. Please submit cover letter and resume, along with expected compensation, to Dr. Ellen Richardson, mazodvm@ We look forward to meeting you! We are looking for a 4th veterinarian to join SA practice in Wis. Dells, WI. New addition and hospital renovation will be completed this year. We have an excellent, caring and fun group of skilled support staff. The hospital is equipped with digital x-ray, ultrasound, digital dental x-ray, surgical laser, full in-house diagnostic lab and more. No emergency duty. Benefit package includes competitive salary, health, life and disability insurance, CE and vacation. If interested please send resume to: Dells Animal Hospital, 4135 Hwy. 13, Wis. Dells, WI 53965. Come join our team! Sheboygan Animal Hospital in Sheboygan, WI is looking for an associate veterinarian to join our community practice. We are a busy, multi-doctor, full-service animal hospital that provides quality veterinary care for dogs, cats, birds and exotic pets. Our upto-date facility is equipped with digital x-ray, dental x-ray, surgical laser, anesthesia machines with ventilators, full anesthetic monitoring and orthopedic plating equipment. The experienced and long tenured team maintains an efficient and enjoyable work environment by being proactive to the needs of our doctors, patients, and clients. All levels of experience, including new graduates are encouraged to apply. This is an ideal opportunity for someone interested in developing skills in basic orthopedic surgery and exotic medicine. Our doctors have varying interests and we encourage each doctor to develop their own niche based on their individual interests. We pride ourselves in having a collaborative team atmosphere, doctors working together to provide multiple opinions and treatment options for the cases seen. Mentorship and guidance is readily available from all of our doctors. Sheboygan is a wonderful place to live and work, set right on Lake Michigan with beautiful lakefront and riverfront development. Located just 50 miles from either Milwaukee or Green Bay, the area is an outdoor enthusiast’s dream come true. Whether nature or relaxing is your passion, you’ll find

an abundance of both in this waterfront gem! We are a family of practices with a long history and reputation that separates us from others - check us out! We support our veterinarians with superior salary, benefits including health and dental, 401(k), CE allowance, vacation, dues, liability coverage, outstanding practice teams, and a family friendly atmosphere. To apply please email Raquel, Hiring Specialist, at The University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Veterinary Medicine invites applications for a Primary Care Clinical Instructor. This is a 70-100% 12-month appointment within the Small Animal Primary Care Section of the UW Veterinary Care clinical service within the UW Veterinary Care Hospital on the UW-Madison campus. Apply Now! Position Vacancy Listing 92497 PT SA Veterinarian Needed at the Wauwatosa Veterinary Clinic. Our Veterinary Team is looking for a veterinarian who fits the mission and unique environment of our progressive, growing practice. We are a multiDoctor, AAHA practice located in the greater Milwaukee area and we have a loyal and dedicated clientele who demand the best medicine/ surgery for their furry family members. We have a complete in-house lab, digital x-ray, digital dental x-ray, ultrasound, laparoscopy, CO2 laser, therapeutic laser, state -of-the-art monitoring equipment and more. Come practice at a clinic where you will be well supported by a team of well trained, enthusiastic, dedicated members. Our support staff of certified technicians and assistants will allow you to focus on medicine and clients. Weekly staff meetings assure open communication and team atmosphere. Enthusiasm and good communication skills required. We are family owned and operated, offer excellent compensation and benefits package. No afterhour’s emergencies. Contact Kristin Tenorio, kristint@wauwatosavet. com or (414)405-1138. Mt. Zion Animal Clinic is a well-established, privately owned SA practice that has been providing exceptional veterinary care to Janesville and the surrounding communities for over 35 years. Located just 30 minutes from Madison, WI, our expanding practice currently has immediate openings for FT and PT associate veterinarians. We are looking for friendly, dedicated, enthusiastic individuals with at least two years of experience, but new graduates will always be considered. Our veterinarians work together as a team to provide outstanding, compassionate care in a fast paced environment. For new graduates, we have excellent mentors just waiting to help you expand your medical and surgical skills. Our surgery mentor has over 20 years of experience and an outstanding reputation as a SA surgeon. He will help you become an expert at performing CCL repairs, cystotomies, splenectomies, and much more. We offer a $5000 sign on bonus and a starting salary of $80,000 not based on production for FT veterinarians with at least two years of experience. Higher starting salaries are negotiable based upon experience and expertise. Our FT veterinarians enjoy a four day work week (8 hours per day), no emergency call, half-day Saturdays on rotation, three weeks paid time off plus holidays, employer matching 401(k), employer paid licensing, registration and AVMA-PLIT insurance, generous employee pet discount program, annual CE allowance, paid CE time off and more. We will provide you with state-of-the-art equipment, challenging cases, and a supportive environment that promotes continuing education and excellence. If you are interested in PT employment we will work with you to meet your scheduling needs and to negotiate a salary. To apply for a position with our practice, please email your resume to or mail to Dr. Nelson, 3513 Mt. Zion Avenue, Janesville, WI, 53546. AAHA practice seeking SA associate that enjoys the challenge of working up cases. Work with our team of 7 doctors. Strong interest or skills in surgery and/or rehabilitation very helpful. We are happy to help you pursue a specialty interest if it is a good fit for our clientele. Well equipped facility located 30 miles N of Milwaukee. We advocate a fear free approach.

Check us out at Send resume and cover letter to We are looking for a friendly, enthusiastic Associate Veterinarian, who takes pride in offering exceptional service and compassionate care to our patients and clients. We are located only 15 minutes west of Green Bay. The clinic is a full service SA hospital and welcomes both emergency treatment cases, as well as routine medical, surgical and dental care. We currently have 3 licensed veterinarians that focus on the treatment of cats and dogs. We have electronic medical records, and are well equipped with digital radiographs, digital dental, surgical laser, therapy laser and an in-house IDEXX laboratory. Please take a look at our website ( to find out more about us - take note of the excellent reviews our clients continually give us. If you are excited about working with a dedicated team whose core values are excellence, education, friendliness and integrity - we would love to hear from you! We support our veterinarians with benefits which include health insurance - along with a health savings account (HSA), 401(k), CE allowance, long and short term disability, as well as long term care coverage. We see clients Monday - Friday and 2 Saturday mornings per month. Evening and weekend emergencies are seen at Green Bay Animal Emergency Center. Must have DVM and be licensed in the state of Wisconsin. If interested, please send resume to Are you ready to love where you work? Barron Veterinary Clinic is seeking a dedicated, enthusiastic professional to join our team as a FT SA Associate Veterinarian. We are located in beautiful Barron, Wisconsin where every out-door activity is available for your enjoyment. We are a 5-doctor MA practice that specializes in providing high quality, compassionate and convenient care for our patients. We have a newly remodeled facility with high quality equipment that includes surgical laser, digital radiology, dental equipment with digital dental radiology, and in-house laboratory. To join our dynamic and compassionate team our ideal candidate will have strong proven communication skills, be team oriented with a focus in general medicine and a strong interest in surgery and dentistry. New graduates are welcome to apply. We offer a generous compensation package including: Liability insurance, CE, PTO, licenses, dues and subscriptions. Send resume to Come join an enthusiastic team, with an emphasis on client education and individualized patient care. Great clientele and patients that are family members. Prefer, one or more years of experience in general medicine, surgery and dentistry. Our focus is on preventive medicine, diagnostics and individualized treatments focused on underlying cause of the illness. Time to learn and grow in holistic integrative therapies. Benefit package includes, CE, CE days, sick days, personal days, Simple IRA, pet benefits and association dues. For more information see Please send resume to CareAnimalClinic@gmail. com or FT or PT SA veterinarian to join our AAHA practice 35 min north of Madison in Beaver Dam. Practice high quality medicine with emphasis on wellness care and client education in a beautiful facility with wonderful staff and growing clientele. Established client base in place for new associate. In-house IDEXX lab, SurgiVet monitor, digital radiography, ultrasound, blood pressure, electrocardiography, TonoPen, bronchoscope and well-utilized CVTs. Beaver Dam is a lakeside community with a growing population located between Madison and the Fox Valley on Hwy 151. Flexible schedule with no emergency call. Future ownership potential for the right candidate. Experienced practitioners and new graduates welcome. Must have good communication skills and a commitment to practicing high quality medicine and surgery. Must also have a willingness to educate clients, be supportive of staff education and eager to share new ideas and techniques. Contact Vicky Smith DVM, at or Wyllow Pet Hospital, 126 Corporate Dr, Beaver Dam, WI 53916.

Northwoods Animal Hospital is seeking a FT enthusiastic and compassionate Veterinarian to join our team. We are a progressive multi-doctor practice with 3 locations nestled in Minocqua, Eagle River and Manitowish Waters. Our fast-paced practice features progressive medicine and surgery, ultrasound, endoscope, digital radiology, dental suite and in-house Heska laboratory. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package, 401(k) with up to 4% company match, CE allowance, vacation, sick days, dues and liability coverage. Earn additional income with a commission based on call system. Please email resume to Associate Veterinarian needed for 4 doctor practice in beautiful La Crosse, Wisconsin. Our state of the art, AAHA certified SA hospital, is seeking a FT associate veterinarian to join our team. This is an excellent opportunity for a compassionate, talented veterinarian with great communication skills to develop a long-term professional relationship with an excellent healthcare team and clientele. A very competitive base salary based on experience +Pro-Sal options are available. Liberal benefits including C.E. allowance, health insurance, license fees, association dues and professional liability insurance. Experienced veterinarians and new graduates are encouraged to apply. New graduates will benefit from our strong mentoring program. Ownership possibilities may be offered to the right candidate. Please email your resume to or fax to (608) 788-3323. Visit our website at to learn more about our exceptional hospital. SA Veterinarian Wanted: PT or FT available. Seeking enthusiastic veterinarian to join our growing 5 doctor, SA and exotic practice in Menomonee Falls, WI. We are committed to providing compassionate, high quality care and progressive medicine, dentistry and surgery. We have an incredible compassionate staff and amazing clients. We encourage a culture of teamwork, communication and empathy. Our new 6400 sq ft facility is 5 years old and state-of-the-art. We are well equipped with digital dental radiography and advanced dental restorative procedures, digital radiographs, ultrasound, therapeutic laser, avian endoscopy and full in-house laboratory. We offer a competitive salary with great benefits including (but not limited to) health insurance, CE, Simple IRA, 4 day work week(FT) as well as no emergency/on call duties. Ideal candidate would have an interest in exotics (but not required) be a life-long learner who enjoys practice, working with a talented team and celebrates the human-animal bond. We would love to meet you and have you join our team! Send resume/ CV to Growing SA practice looking to expand to encompass a third veterinarian. If you like to practice high quality, compassionate and customer-driven medicine that includes digital radiography (including dental), surgical and therapeutic lasers, and full in-clinic diagnostic lab with proficient support staff, then we want to hear from you! We believe in a work/life balance and central Wisconsin offers an array of opportunities: from living in the city, to country life, to lake life in a matter of minutes. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package. No afterhours emergency. New graduates encouraged to apply. Email Dr. Hofstad (Progressive Veterinary Services) at Immediate FT opening for SA veterinarian in busy SA multi-doctor practice. We are well established practice in downtown Milwaukee for the last 30 years and conveniently located between Marquette University and Miller Park. We offer full range of benefits: AVAM/PLIT dues, 401(k) , health insurance, licensing fees, paid vacation and much more. Work 4 days/week with excellent compensation in the range of 80-120k, based on experience, along with production bonuses. New graduates are encouraged to apply. Mentoring and training available from experienced doctors. Interested candidates please forward your resume to the attention of Dr. Singh at

Blackhawk Veterinary Hospital is excited to be hiring a FT/PT associate veterinarian. We are a progressive, well equipped, FEAR FREE CERTIFIED hospital. We are looking for an experienced individual who will aid in our continued quest toward excellence. We are a 2 doctor, companion animal practice that always strives to provide compassionate high quality care, superior client service, positive communication and attitude all within an optimum work environment - And with an all certified staff! This qualified dynamic doctor is sure to be an enthusiastic team player. No Saturdays. Great location - close to Madison, Milwaukee and Chicago. Email resume to Julie Leuzinger, CVT-CVPM at

FT/PT SA Associate Veterinarian position available at our wellestablished growing SA/EQ practice. 2-3 years’ experience preferred. Any special areas of interest will be highly encouraged. Interest in equine can be accommodated. Our practice offers in-house Abaxis laboratory equipment, digital x-ray, digital dental x-ray, therapeutic laser, ultrasound and electronic medical records. Our professional and courteous staff seek to provide the best possible medical & surgical care for our highly-valued patients. We are conveniently located between Madison & Milwaukee, just north of I-94 in Ixonia, WI. Please contact us at: (920) 206-6155 or email us at

Live, work and play in one of the most beautiful areas of Wisconsin. This is a recreational wonderland surrounded by over 2,000 lakes.

FT/PT associate wanted to join our 3 DVM AAHA accredited practice in La Crosse, WI. We are a well-staffed, progressive practice that focuses

on communication and compassionate care. Experienced DVMs or new graduates are welcome to apply. Please email resume to thompsonamc@ Summit Animal Clinic in Oconomowoc, WI is seeking a PT SA Veterinarian. Oconomowoc is a quaint community located in the beautiful Lake Country area and offers a small town, healthy lifestyle. Recently ranked the safest and deemed the second best city to live, work and play in Wisconsin. We gladly invite you to join our experienced and established clinic. We are an AAHA accredited, privately owned, 2 doctor practice looking for an enthusiastic, motivated and hardworking colleague to join our team. Our practice is well equipped with digital x-rays, surgical laser, complete inhouse IDEXX laboratory testing equipment and full surgical suite. Our highly skilled staff works as a team and are dedicated to provide our loyal clientele with superior service for their pets. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package, 401(k), CE allowance, vacation, dues and liability coverage. Interested candidates may send resume to Summit Animal Clinic, LLC, 1740 Summit Avenue, Oconomowoc, WI 53066 or email to (Attn: Windi Sallmann). Well established SA practice with friendly staff seeking FT DVM. With a wide range of clientele and cases in a beautiful, growing small town setting, a DVM can enjoy the many recreational and cultural activities Hayward, WI has to offer. A HEALTHY salary will be offered based on ability. Benefits include fully paid health insurance, life insurance, CE, vacation and licensing. With a 40 hour work week and NO on-call duties, a veterinarian can flourish personally and professionally. The ideal candidate will need strong medical, basic surgical and strong communication skills. Please contact for this unique opportunity. Appanasha Pet Clinic in Menasha, WI is looking for a motivated, personable SA veterinarian to join us FT in our 8 doctor practice. We specialize in complete and compassionate care. Enjoy practicing high quality medicine and surgery in a dedicated yet relaxed environment. Work in a new facility that received a 2014 Veterinary Economics Magazine Merit Award. Become part of the team that has been awarded Best of the Valley Veterinary Clinic for the past 13 years. This is an excellent opportunity to build for long term success. Multiple benefits are offered. PT will also be considered. We are located in a growing metropolitan area in east/central WI with easy access to the Northwoods, Green Bay, Milwaukee and Madison. Visit to learn more about us. Contact Dr. Mary Ann Hittle c/o Julie Hilker at jhilker@, call (920) 725-8307 or send your resume to Appanasha Pet Clinic, 1205 Wittmann Drive, Menasha, WI 54952. Veterinarian needed at Advanced Vet Care Clinic. PT to FT with full benefits. Please send to 8052 N 76 St, Milwaukee, WI 53223 or email If you are driven by challenges and enjoy a smaller, family-like community, this SA Veterinarian role in Berlin, WI is for you! Our client has 1 SA Veterinarian, 3 LA Veterinarians, as well as 2 CVT’s and 2 Vet Assistants. They have progressive equipment (ultrasound and in-house diagnostics, digital radiography, surgical, 3 lift tables and therapeutic lasers). A $500.00 sign on bonus is offered and opportunity to buy into their business. Contact Lisa Powers at for the full scope of this role.* PT veterinarian wanted. Flexible hours. No weekends. No evenings. We will work with your interests. Must have 2+ years’ experience. Great staff and well equipped. Ultrasound. Digital radiography. Laser. Laparoscope. AAHA accredited. Email to* Established SA practice in Stoughton, Wisconsin seeks an associate. Chalet Veterinary Clinic offers full medical, diagnostic and surgical services in a small town setting with great referral services 30 minutes away. We are looking for a veterinarian to join our team of 3 doctors to work approximately 30 hours per week including Saturdays. Compensation is determined using a base salary and production. Experience is a plus. Contact Dr. Claire DeChristina at* Emergency Veterinarian Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists - Oak Creek is seeking an Emergency Veterinarian to join our team! About Lakeshore: Lakeshore is an independently owned, multi-specialty emergency and referral center. We have 3 practice locations in the greater Milwaukee area. Our team of over 30 doctors includes numerous emergency clinicians with years of dedicated experience. Board-certified specialties include surgery, internal medicine, neurology, oncology, emergency & critical care, dermatology and dentistry. A certified physical rehabilitation veterinarian and several VTS-certified technicians round out our team. Our Practice: Offerings at Lakeshore include in-house laboratory, digital x-ray,


ultrasound, endoscopy, on-site blood products and well equipped surgery suites. There is CT, MRI, mechanical ventilation and radiation therapy/ SRS in our central Glendale location. Our emergency clinicians share in primary cases management and we work closely with our specialists to provide collaborative patient care. Lakeshore hosts CE events for our referring community, and we also support active in-hospital education. Opportunities include weekly grand rounds, journal club, morbidity & mortality rounds, organized lectures and wet labs. Work Life Balance: Located on the shores of Lake Michigan, the greater Milwaukee area offers adventures for everyone, with low living costs. Explore the city with access to some of the best restaurants, brewpubs, shops and waterfront nightlife. Concert lovers unite at Summerfest, the world’s largest music festival, just one of the many local festivals. Enjoy the great outdoors, pristine Lake Michigan beaches, or hiking and biking in the surrounding state parks. This Midwestern area offers so much more than you might expect! At Lakeshore, we treat you as an individual and we provide flexible schedules to support personal time away from the office. Benefits: Benefits include health and dental insurance, vacation stipend, continuing education time and allowance, scrub allowance, license fees, association dues and employer matching 401(k) retirement plan. Our collaborative, communicative, and FUN team sets up apart! For more information or to apply for the positions, please contact Carrie Stefaniak, DVM at or call (414) 540-6710.* SM/EX animal hospital in McFarland, WI seeking a highly motivated, experienced veterinarian. Ideal associate will be intelligent, compassionate, hardworking and always striving for excellence. Individual should possess a wide range of diagnostic and surgical skills, bring new skills/specialty interests into an already diverse practice. Must be team player, have leadership qualities and excellent communication skills. Practice is fully equipped with digital radiography, video endoscopy, ultrasound, laparoscope and arthroscope. We are interested in a long term relationship. If you want to be limited only by your own imagination and possess a strong drive to be the best, then this may be the position for you. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience. Please email resume to* The Advanced Animal Hospital Group of Wisconsin has an amazing opportunity for FT/PT veterinarians. We offer a relocation bonus and up to a $15,000 signing bonus. Excellent mentoring makes our clinic group a phenomenal choice for any veterinarian looking to expand their skillset in a supportive and challenging environment. Our clinics have top-notch medicine with excellent facilities and equipment, including digital and dental x-ray and ultrasound. Continuing education, licensing, paid vacation, health insurance and a 4% 401(k) match provided. Competitive base salary and production bonuses. Email Dr. Dhillon at* PT/FT position for an associate veterinarian in the beautiful north woods of Wisconsin. Our 3 doctor practice is looking for a SA practitioner that has interest in practicing high quality medicine and surgery, with a little exotic and wildlife work thrown in for fun. We have a large, modern facility and pay a base salary with production and provide a full benefit package. We live and play in one of the prettiest places in the country, so we take lots of long weekends and encourage continuing education. We believe in giving back and are involved in our community. We send our doctors to third world countries to help train locals and treat their animals. New grads or experienced vets; single or bring a family; young or old; FT or PT. If you are willing to learn, embrace our community and really practice medicine, we have a job for you. All Creatures Veterinary Clinic, Attn: Janet Knutson: 7665 Hwy 51 S Minocqua, WI 54548, (715) 358-4300 or send resume to* Our busy SA veterinary practice located near Milwaukee, Wisconsin is looking to add to our team! We are a close-knit practice and we treat our employees like family. Our staff provides an advanced and progressive approach to medicine. Our ideal candidate would be a team-player and have a likeable personality. Excellent customer care and client education skills are a must as well as someone who is wanting to learn and grow professionally. Our hospital is located in a prominent neighborhood and is very well known in the community. We have digital radiography, digital dental, therapeutic laser, dedicated surgery suite as well as many other bells and whistles! We offer competitive compensation, as well as health insurance, paid holidays and vacation. New Graduates welcome apply. Please send your resume and cover letter to and include the subject line: Milwaukee, WI ADVM Opportunity. We look forward to hearing from you.* Our two-doctor, dog-and-cat practice is ready to add a third associate! We are a well-established and growing practice in central Wisconsin that has a reputation for offering excellent care in a compassionate environment. We offer a competitive salary with benefits and no on-call. If you’re




looking for a low-stress, fun practice with high standards of care, we’d love to hear from you! Email resume to* Mayfair Animal Hospital in Wauwatosa, WI has an excellent opportunity for FT/PT veterinarian. We offer a relocation bonus and up to a $15,000 signing bonus. Excellent mentoring makes this clinic a phenomenal choice for any veterinarian looking to expand their skillset in a supportive and challenging environment. We are open 24/7 for routine and emergency care. Our clinic has top-notch medicine with excellent facilities and equipment, including digital and dental x-ray and ultrasound. Continuing education, licensing, paid vacation, health insurance, and a 4% 401(k) match provided. Competitive base salary and production bonuses. H1B visa assistance is available. Email Dr. Dhillon at* State-of-the-art veterinary clinic seeks experienced DVM. Immediate FT opening. Utilize the latest clinical tools including digital x-ray, digital dental x-ray, surgical/therapeutic laser unit, ultrasound and inhouse IDEXX lab equipment, digital otoscope, digital/telemedicine. Have the support of our five star paraprofessional staff with several decades of collective experience. Our clinic has been providing quality care to the dogs, cats and exotics in our community for over 35 years. Our compensation package includes a generous base salary plus productivity bonuses, Simple IRA, PTO, health insurance allowance, licensing, CE reimbursement, memberships, potential relocation bonus and more. Please contact Donna Shampo at today to discuss joining our team as an Associate DVM.* A Breed Apart Animal Hospital is seeking a PT Associate Veterinarian. We are a SA practice on the west side of Madison. Applicants should have experience with preventative care, dental prophy/extraction, routine and emergency surgery, as well as have great communication skills. The position is available immediately and is a salaried position with some flexibility in total hours (21-30 hours per week). No emergency call and rotate every 3rd Saturday 8-12. We offer a benefits package including health insurance, vacation, CE allowance, license compensation and discounted pet care. We hope to find a DVM who fits in to our “neighborhood vet” culture and likes to have fun at work! Send cover letter and resume to Dr. Kate Washabaugh at abreedapart@ or 202 S. Gammon Rd. Madison, WI 53717. (608) 827-8555* FT position for a veterinarian in a 4 doctor full service SA practice located 9 miles west of Oshkosh. Associate is leaving due to spouse’ job relocation. Our practice has in-house laboratory, digital radiographs, therapy laser, surgical laser and offers a full range of services, including chiropracty. An excellent, helpful support staff makes for an enjoyable work environment. We offer a fair, competitive compensation package. Located in the Fox Valley where the local economy is excellent with many entertainment and recreational options are available. Send resume to: Omro Animal Hospital 645 Hawthorne Dr. Omro, WI 54963 or email* Come join an enthusiastic team, with an emphasis on client education and individualized patient care. Great clientele and patients that are family members. Prefer, one or more years of experience in general medicine, surgery and dentistry. Our focus is on preventive medicine, diagnostics and individualized treatments focused on underlying cause of the illness. Benefit package includes, CE, CE days, sick days, personal days, Simple IRA, pet benefits and association dues. For more information see Please send resume to* Animal Hospital of Howard in Green Bay, WI is looking for an associate veterinarian to join our growing practice. We are a busy, multi-doctor, full-service hospital that provides high-quality veterinary care for dogs, cats and pocket pets. Our doctors enjoy a four-day workweek, with one Saturday a month and no emergency on-call. The modern facility includes equipment for ultrasound, laparoscopy, therapy and surgical laser and digital dental x-rays. New grads are encouraged to apply! We are part of a family of practices with a reputation that separates us from others. We support our veterinarians with superior salary, benefits (including health and dental, 401(k), CE allowance, vacation, dues, and liability coverage), outstanding practice teams, and a family friendly atmosphere. If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Raquel Kruse, Hiring Specialist, at*

LARGE ANIMAL Whitewater Veterinary Hospital in Whitewater, WI is looking for a FT veterinarian. Practice breakdown is approximately 80% Dairy/Beef, 20% goat/sheep/pig. Candidate would work four full days per week

plus every other Saturday morning. On-call would be shared equally with three other doctors. Hospital offers competitive pay, profit sharing/401(k), medical reimbursement, medical insurance, continuing education, liability insurance and mileage reimbursement. Please send resume and references to or fax to (262) 473-5040. We are looking for a FT or PT veterinarian to join our growing LA practice. Our practice is predominantly dairy and equine, with a rapidly expanding equine portion. Call will be shared equally. Salary is commiserate with experience, paid vacation and CE stipend. Truck and Box are provided. We welcome 4th year externs to our practice and enjoy the opportunity to mentor. Please contact Tomah Large Animal Veterinary Care at tlavcsc@ or (608) 372-2698.

DAIRY United Veterinary Service is looking for a progressive dairy veterinarian to join our 8 doctor practice. Must be competent in DC305, ultrasound, surgery and medicine. Client relationship/communication skills are a must. We are a progressive dairy practice specializing in herd health, barn design, preventative medicine, consultation, regulatory and milk quality. New grads are welcome to apply, as well as externship for the 2018 class. All equipment, ultrasound, DC305 and mastitis lab are provided. Dues are paid for CE, licensure and professional organizations. A fantastic pension/profit plan as well as future opportunities to become a partner. All night/weekend on call is divided equally. Come visit us in beautiful NE Wisconsin. Located 25 miles from the Fox Cities. Contact and send resume to Dan Hagman, DVM*

MIXED ANIMAL Chetek Veterinary Clinic seeks third veterinarian for growing practice. We believe in treating every client/patient with compassion, respect and flexibility. We learn their names, share their lives and make them part of our family. Our patients are mainly dogs, cats, horses and a few farm animals too. We take care of our clients 24/7. Don’t let fear of ER’s stop you! Mentoring always available. Extensive LA experience not necessary, if you’re willing to learn, we’re willing to teach! Salary, PTO, IRA, dues, CE, work vehicle provided. FT preferred but flexible. Email info@ An associate position is available in our 7 doctor MA practice located in the SE Wisconsin town of Cedar Grove. LA is primarily dairy production medicine with ultrasound and DairyComp305 utilized. Companion animal medicine is supported by digital radiography, IDEXX CBC-Chemistry, laser therapy and more. New associate should possess a current interest in both large and companion animal areas. The area offers a multitude of recreational and entertainment venues. Competitive salary and benefit package offered. Please email resume and questions to or visit our website at FT SA or MA associate needed for 5 doctor MA practice in Evansville, WI. Located conveniently 20 minutes from both Madison and Janesville. Evansville has a wonderful small town atmosphere. Companion animal rapidly expanding with recently remodeled clinic and includes IDEXX inhouse lab, ImproMed software, high speed dental unit, great support staff. After hours SA emergencies are referred. For interested candidates, LA work is predominantly dairy with some beef, small ruminants and swine. Equine optional. Competitive salary, liability insurance, dues and license, 401(k) and funded retirement plan, paid vacation. Partnership potential. Please email resume and questions to Lynae at admin@* Great opportunity for a FT associate veterinarian interested in MA practice in West Central WI. Osseo Vet Clinic is a 4 doctor practice with a varied clientele of dairy, equine, SA and other species. Our clinic is well established with great support staff, in-house IDEXX lab, digital x-ray, Dairy Comp, EasiScan u/s, pr float, therapy laser and dental equipment. Truck, equipment and mentoring provided. Competitive salary, 401(k), dues, CE, paid vacation. Call and holidays rotated equally. Future buy-in potential. Friendly small town on I-94, 20 min south of Eau Claire. Contact Drs. Giese or Norby (715) 597-3158 or* Willow Animal Hospital is a 2 doctor, MA practice, serving in scenic northern Wisconsin for 29 years. We are seeking a FT veterinarian to join our team. Candidates should be positive, flexible, team players and able to handle a fast-paced environment. For more information, please call or visit our website: Please email resume to*

RELIEF 12 years’ experience in soft tissue surgery, dentistry and medicine. Thorough, reliable and professional. Available for relief in NW Wisconsin surrounding the Twin Cities. Andrea Weidner, DVM (815) 751-3735; People patient, interactive and adaptive SA veterinarian with 35 years’ experience as self-employed, FT or PT associate or relief services; available for per diem or regular weekly relief or PT services within +/- 75 miles Madison. Some small mammal experience also. Karen Bressett, DVM: Background, references on request. I look forward to hearing from you. Email: Experienced relief veterinarian for Madison and surrounding area. Professional, easy to work with and adaptable. Christie Iliff, DVM. (608) 215-3736 or Iliff Veterinary Services, LLC. SA relief or part-time in SE Wisconsin. 34 years of client satisfaction, medicine and surgery. Flexible personality. Be confident that your practice will be in good hands while you are gone. Available Thursdays, Fridays, and occasionally Mondays and Tuesdays. Brenda Long Relief Services (262) 763-3885. Experienced SA daytime & ER DVM who loves pets and people available in SE/SC Wi and NE/NC IL. David Trask, DVM, Quality relief care since 1992. Special interests include surgery and dermatology. Personable, reliable service. Please call Robert Patyk, DVM, at (262) 567-2832. Or email: Experienced SA relief veterinarian available. Versatile. Great with staff, clients and pets. Willing to travel. Dr. Lori Zimmerman, (608) 592-7779 or SA relief vet since 1995. Thorough, reliable, easy going. Will travel to Green Bay, Kenosha, Janesville, Wisconsin Dells and areas in between. Julie Lakin DVM, (920) 269-7264. Experienced SA veterinarian available for relief work, over 20 years relief experience, WI licensed and accredited. Please call/email Mark Clemons, DVM (262) 862-1121, Reliable, competent, SA relief with over 25 years’ experience. WI license, accredited. Will travel. Capable at soft-tissue surgery and medicine. Great communication skills with clients and staff. ShortTerm Relief, LLC. Call Kate Short, DVM at (608) 963-5208 or email: Communicative, productive SA veterinarian available for relief work in western WI, surrounding areas. Licensed in MN/WI. Experienced in surgery, medicine, dentistry, staff management. Outstanding customer service, client-building skills. Victori Ribeiro, MS, DVM, (651) 503-0482; 20+ years’ experience, skilled in surgery, diagnostics and client communication. Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. Let me care for your clients and your hospital team. Erika Gibbs, DVM, doctor.gibbs@, (920) 988-4431. Caring and compassionate relief veterinarian available. 25+ years of AAHA experience. Competent medical and soft tissue surgery skills. Emphasis on quality and integrity. Paul Danhaus, DVM. (715) 571-8091 or SA and equine relief work. 28 year experience. Proficient in SA soft tissue surgery and equine ultrasound and power floating. Will travel. Call Sabine Hartmann, DVM (715) 267-7443 or* Experienced SA clinician available for work in central and western Wisconsin. Excellent communication skills; enjoy working with clients and staff. Nancy Leverance, D.V.M. Email: or call (608) 369-4115 or (608) 429-9408. Dependable, 20+ years’ experience. Med/Surg serving Northern/Central Wisconsin. Contact Rich Piwoni, at (715) 627-0957,

SERVICES AVAILABLE Building new or remodeling? 20 years’ experience with business plan review, budgeting, space planning, design development, contract negotiation, project management, owner’s representation, AutoCad and SketchUp 3D. Contact Allen Ibsen, DVM at or (262) 853-3840.

Board-certified internist offers mobile SA medicine consultations, ultrasound, and endoscopy in your practice in SE WI. Please call Anne Mattson, DVM, DACVIM, (262) 241-3987. Buying or selling a veterinary practice? Count on the experience of Total Practice Solutions Group. See display ad. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group for a free consultation, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@

TECH/STAFF Certified Veterinary Technician, FT/PT - We are looking for a friendly, enthusiastic FT/PT Certified Veterinary Technician, who takes pride in offering exceptional service and compassionate care to our patients and clients. Pulaski Veterinary Clinic, located only 15 minutes’ northwest of Green Bay. The clinic is a full-service animal hospital and welcomes both “daytime” emergency treatment cases as well as pet patients in need or routine medical, surgical and dental care. We currently have 3 licensed veterinarians, focusing on the treatment of cats and dogs. We have electronic medical records and are well equipped with digital radiographs, digital dental, surgical laser, therapy laser and an inhouse IDEXX laboratory. We support our staff with many benefits which includes health insurance along with a health savings account (HSA), 401(k), CE allowance, long and short term disability plans as well as long term care insurance coverage. If you are excited about working with a dedicated team whose core values are excellence, education, friendliness and integrity, we would love to hear from you. Please send resume to Waunakee Veterinary Clinic has an exciting opportunity for a licensed technician(s) to utilize their skills. Come do what you were trained to do! Ideal candidate is professional, confident, comfortable with communication and able to “play in the sand” with a team. We are a growing long-established clinic, practice progressive high quality medicine and soon will be moving to a new 20,000 sq foot facility. We offer a competitive salary, benefits package and growth opportunities. Experience preferred but willing to consider exemplary new graduates. FT or PT. Send cover letter and resume to* The University of Wisconsin-Platteville is pleased to introduce a new online training program: Veterinary Office Manager. The program includes veterinary assistant and business skills training. Visit the link for more information:* Tomah Veterinary Clinic is seeking a FT CVT. Your responsibilities will include the following: interaction with the pet owners to collect preexam history; assist in restraining animals during check-ups, testing and treatments; collect, prepare and test lab samples; take x-rays; administer medications, shots and treatments; and preparing animals for surgical procedures. We currently have 3 FT doctors and 1 PT doctor. Benefits include an hourly rate, simple IRA, paid vacation time, continuing education and more. If you are interested in joining our team, please mail resume and cover letter to Tomah Veterinary Clinic, 1600 Superior Avenue, Tomah, Wisconsin 54660 or email to* The Middleton Veterinary Hospital is seeking a FT Certified Veterinary Technician to join our high quality, multi-doctor, full-service animal hospital. We are dedicated to active learning and advanced medical procedures and our Veterinary Technicians play an integral role in providing excellent medical care to our patients and customer service to our clients. Candidates must have experience in the following areas: surgical assistance, pharmacy duties, lab work, radiology, maintaining and monitoring anesthetized patients and digital medical records. Candidates must also possess excellent customer service and communication skills. A caring and compassionate attitude is required of all members of our team. Benefits include a great hourly rate, career growth potential, health insurance, 401(k), vacation, continued education and more. If you are interested in joining our team please send your resume to*

FOR SALE Exam tables, treatment island, dog runs, kennels and cat condos for sale. Email for pictures and more information. Located in Sun Prairie, WI. Three hydraulic surgery tables. Multiple ShoreLine cage bundles 6-12 units. Two 8 unit rolling cat condos. Multiple single and dual dome surgical ceiling lights. Raised floor kennel run system 7-8 units. Contact Cameron at for pictures and pricing.*

PRACTICE FOR SALE Buying or selling a veterinary practice? Count on the experience of Total Practice Solutions Group. See display ad. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg for free consultation: 1-800-380-6872 or Grossing $590 along Madison-Fond du Lac corridor. Practice and RE offered at $625K. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800-380-6872 or Appleton grossing $550K. Beautiful facilities. Should grow rapidly. Call for more information. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800-380-6872 or AAHA certified, Appleton area SA practice grossing $693K. Practice and RE offered at $765K. Call for more information. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800-380-6872 or SA practice grossing $439K between Green Bay and Menominee. Practice and RE offered at $375K. Call for more information. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800-380-6872 or Wausau/Stevens Point Area – well respected AAHA SA practice grossing $1M. Digital dental and radiology – 2 Dentalaire units, 2 surgical lasers. Emergencies referred to local emergency service. Beautiful standing hospital. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG – 1-800-380-6872 or kurt@ ‑ SA Practice grossing $1.0M along Lake Winnebago. Practice and RE offered at $1,280,000. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800-3806872 or SA practice grossing $465K along Ironwood-Duluth corridor. Practice and RE offered at $398K. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800-380-6872 or NEW! Gogebic County, Michigan – This profitable SA practice has established itself as the gold standard in healthcare. Providing quality, compassionate care and a staff with integrity. The +/-1,400sf facility includes RE. MI3. Contact PS Broker 1-800-636-4740, or* SA practice for sale by owner. We are very motivated to sell, as owner is taking on a new adventure! Practice is healthy and busy - grossing $950,000.00 per year with a solo practitioner. Currently owner works less than 35 hours per week. There is room for more hours or more doctors. Free standing building and all inventory included. Practice is equipped with a brand new digital x-ray system, Abaxis in-house lab equipment and computerized with Cornerstone system. We are in a rural community in the northwest area of Wisconsin. Approximately 1 hour from Minneapolis/St. Paul. We are asking $600,000.00 for the complete package of real estate, inventory and practice. Interested parties should contact Blind Box:17PFS004, c/o WVMA, 4610 S Biltmore Lane, Suite 107, Madison, WI 53718.*

Tender Care Animal Hospital is seeking a FT CVT. Tender Care is a SA exclusive hospital. We offer flexible scheduling, paid vacation, paid uniforms and retirement benefits. We are located in the beautiful Mississippi River Valley. We offer digital x-ray, ultrasound, wellness visits, surgery and surgical laser. Please email resume to stephanie@*


Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association 4610 S. Biltmore Ln., Suite 107 Madison, WI 53718


Remember to renew your WVMA membership!



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