Member Spotlight – Dr. Rheba Mabie Zimmerman
From the President
Show Lamb Tail Docking An Animal Welfare Issue
From the Executive Director
In the News
Legal Briefs
WVMA/OSHA Alliance
It’s Not Black and White Dr. Sarah Novak Elected to WVMA Executive Board
Q&A Session with the Wisconsin Onsite Consultation Program
Employee Handbook Guide
Marketing Beat
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The road to becoming a veterinarian for Dr. Rheba Mabie Zimmerman took a detour during her junior year as an undergraduate when she was forced to take a medical leave of absence from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Once her health stabilized, she was able to obtain her undergraduate degree through an extended degree program. During the following years, she acquired a diverse occupational background including grooming and showing Old English Dr. Rheba Sheepdogs across the country, working as a newspaper journalist Mabie Zimmerman and photographer, managing cases for Big Brothers and Big Sisters, teaching tap dancing, tutoring, coaching numerous sports and substitute teaching. Her final job before attending the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine was teaching high school science and agricultural education. “My journey to becoming a veterinarian has been a long one,” says Dr. Mabie Zimmerman. “But it has allowed me to look at the profession through a different set of eyes than many of my classmates.” During her years in veterinary medical school, Dr. Mabie Zimmerman enjoyed being involved in organized veterinary medicine through her position as the UW delegate in the SAVMA Hall of Delegates. This position also opened countless opportunities for her to network with others and obtain additional knowledge by attending other events such as the SAVMA Symposium, AVMA Convention, Veterinary Leadership Experience, AAVMC Conference and Iverson Bell Symposium. “Being involved in these has showed me that individuals have a strong voice when they work together to encourage change,” she says. “I look forward to being actively involved at the state and national level in the WVMA and AVMA.” As a May 2016 graduate, Dr. Mabie Zimmerman has continued to learn while practicing small animal medicine at Dodgeville Veterinary Service. “Since starting to practice, I have been amazed at how many product names there are,” she says. “In veterinary school we didn’t get exposure to brand or generic names. It has been a learning curve remembering what each drug does on top of learning the drug names that clients know.” Fortunately, the daily and continuous learning involved in veterinary medicine is what excites Dr. Mabie Zimmerman about practicing veterinary medicine.
Show Lamb Tail Docking - An Animal Welfare Issue Market animal shows and sales are common place across Wisconsin. These meat animal projects are a great venue to teach many valuable life lessons to the youth involved. Local businesses support the youth by buying their animals at elevated prices in the auctions. The prices paid for the champion animals are often many times higher than market price. The financial rewards of these projects have spurred youth participation and increased the competitive nature of the projects. But sometimes good intentions can run amuck. The allure of winning and receiving big payouts at the auction can over shadow the original goals. Teaching, which includes good husbandry practices and character development, was a priority of the projects initially. Now it seems that winning takes precedent; in this case, at the expense of animal welfare. Docking lambs soon after birth is a routine management practice which is a generally recognized strategy to reduce fly strike later in the sheep’s life. In the past several decades as youth market lamb shows and sales have become more popular, there has been a trend to dock show lambs shorter and shorter. The impetus for this shortening of the docked tail is to give the appearance of a more muscular rump and rear leg of the lamb, making it more competitive. Over this same time frame many in the sheep industry observed an increase in the incidence of rectal prolapses in these ultra-short docked lambs and suspected dock length to
Dr. Robert Leder
be a contributing factor. By this time, though, the UK already had established laws requiring that docked tails cover the genitalia of ewes and the anus of rams for health and animal welfare reasons. Because of these developments, the American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners submitted a resolution to the AVMA in 2000 recommending that lambs be docked no shorter than the distal end of the caudal tail folds. The resolution was adopted. However, there were many skeptics in the sheep industry at that time because there was limited research on the subject. So, the practice of ultra-short tail docking continued, based solely for cosmetic reasons to enhance show ring competiveness. In a 2003, UW - Madison Animal Scientist, Dr. Dave Thomas, published a study of the relationship between lamb tail dock length and the incidence to rectal prolapses. The study included over 1200 lambs at five university flocks in the US with lambs’ tails docked at three different lengths. Lambs were docked 1) Long (at the distal ends of the caudal tail folds) 2) Medium (at the middle of the caudal tail folds) and 3) Short (by putting the elastrator band as close to the body as possible). The results showed 2 percent incidence in long docked lambs, 4 percent in medium docked lambs and 8 percent in short docked lambs. This large scale study clearly showed that tail dock length played a significant role in the incidence of rectal prolapses. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
2018 WVMA EXECUTIVE BOARD President President-Elect Past President District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4
Robert Leder, DVM Alan Holter, DVM Scott Spaulding, DVM Katrina Geitner, DVM Chris Keim, DVM Jeffrey Bleck, DVM Ronald Biese, DVM
District 5 Melissa Haag, DVM District 6 Vacant District 7 Karl Solverson, DVM District 8 Kevin Landorf, DVM District 9 Sarah Novak, DVM Student Rep. Morgan Randall
EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Treasurer David Jeans, DVM AVMA Delegate Douglas Kratt, DVM Dean, UW-SVM Mark Markel, DVM, PhD State Veterinarian Paul McGraw, DVM WVDL Director Philip N. Bochsler, DVM, PhD, DACVP Student Rep. Danielle Schuld
Executive Director Kim Brown Pokorny, MS, MBA Office Manager Torrie Kennedy Communications and Project Specialist Bailey Quam Development and Marketing Specialist Jeremy Panizza Food Armor® Outreach Specialist Katie Mrdutt, DVM Advertising Assistant Heather Boll, CVT
It’s Not Black and White
The WVMA Voice is published the beginning of each month by the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association, 4610 S. Biltmore Ln., Suite 107, Madison, WI 53718; (608) 257-3665; toll-free (888) 2545202; fax (608) 257-8989; e-mail: wvma@ wvma.org; website: www.wvma.org. It is sent free of charge to all WVMA members. Office hours: 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday-Friday.
Member: First 35 words $20; each additional word $1.50. Non-member: First 35 words $65; each additional word $1.50. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads. Classified ads run for two months and must be renewed for additional months. Classified ads are to be received by the first working day of the month. Display advertising is available at the editors’ discretion. Call (608) 257-3665 for more information. The deadline for receipt of all material submitted for publication is the first working day of the month, to ensure consideration for the next month’s newsletter.
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Kim Brown Pokorny
As I navigated through my MBA program, I was required to take an entire semester course on Ethical Decision Making. Initially, I wondered how an entire semester could be spent on this, but it didn’t take long to change my mind. My biggest take-away from this course was the 7-step decision making process summarized below. I highly encourage everyone in the veterinary medical profession to find a course or book on this topic and spend some time reflecting on the day-to-day decisions you face. We all encounter them, and they are not always black and white! Step 1: Identify the ethical problem – To do this requires you to ask some questions such as: How will it impact others? Could the decision be damaging to a person or a group of people? Does the decision involve a choice between “good” and “bad”? Step 2: Collect relevant information/facts – This should include unknown facts and options for action. Have all relevant people and groups been consulted? Step 3: Evaluate the information - Take different facts into consideration which may impact the decision. Step 4: Consider alternatives - Evaluate different possible decisions or positions you might take, the best possible action and what it would involve. For example, what options best respects the rights of all who have a stake? What option treats people equally? Which option would produce the most good and do the least harm and finally, what represents the kind of person you want to be? Step 5: Make a decision – Decide which decision best suits the situation and proceed. Step 6: Act or implement – How can your decision be implemented with the greatest care and attention to the concerns of the stakeholders? Step 7: Review the action – How did my decision (or the team’s decision) turn out and what have I learned from this specific decision? There are also three predominant ethical theories – justice, rights or utilitarianism. Justice is defined as all should be treated equally. Rights is the approach that humans have dignity based on their human nature or ability to choose freely. Finally, utilitarianism is consequential ethics, meaning one can determine the ethical significance of the action by looking at the consequences. Businesses are formally (in writing) implementing ethical principles into their businesses (similar to a mission statement). They include their team (staff ) members on the development and implementation of the principles. The end result is team buy-in and everyone being accountable to the principles in their day-to-day work. l
Dr. Sarah Novak Elected to WVMA Executive Board Dr. Sarah Novak, of Stevens Point, is a 2006 graduate of the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine. She has been a WVMA member since 2002. After graduation, Dr. Novak began her career at Stevens Point Animal Hospital, which was founded by her father in 1981. They worked together for six years and she purchased the clinic after his retirement in 2012.
Dr. Sarah Novak
have a life outside of this career, because our outside life is what molds us—by taking care of ourselves first, we are better able to take care of our patients.” With her own experiences, Dr. Novak believes she can bring value to her new position while also representing those in her district. “I feel that this is a great opportunity to explore other aspects of veterinary medicine besides clinical practice. There are many issues facing veterinarians that I could bring my perspectives on multiple topics including work-life balance, challenges of owning a small business, student debt, etc.”
“I owned and operated the business for As a veterinarian for a little over 11 years, and having a lifelong role five years,” says Dr. Novak. “After struggling in the veterinary world, Dr. Novak has seen how the profession has to find the balance between family life, work life and clinic owner, I changed. sold the clinic to National Veterinary Associates in August 2017.” “My grandfather, uncle and father were all veterinarians, so I have With the busy lives veterinarians keep, Dr. Novak believes being a unique perspective,” she says. “I believe there is a lot of wisdom able to find a proper work-life balance can be challenging. that can be learned from the past, but the future is currently “Work-life balance, which can be attributed to the fact that evolving. Not only have I come from a family of veterinarians, but things are constantly changing in this profession. There are I have also been a business owner and I am a mother of two small more women in this profession and most families now have two children. I strive to do my best to continually improve myself in working parents which makes a healthy work-life balance much order to provide the best care possible for my patients.” more difficult,” she says. “The amount of debt for veterinarians is Outside of veterinary medicine, Dr. Novak enjoys spending time higher than it has ever been and there is also larger awareness outdoors with her husband, children and dog. of compassion fatigue. We chose this profession to be able to do something we love, and there are many factors that can make the Dr. Novak will represent District 9 which consists of Vilas, Oneida, Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Taylor, Marathon, Portage, Wood, Adams, profession more stressful than joyful. I feel it is very important to Waushara and Marquette counties. l
Legal Briefs Megan Senatori, Dewitt, Ross & Stevens s.c. Dear Legal Briefs, I am struggling with a situation and would really appreciate some guidance. I have a client who I am concerned may be misusing prescription medications for the client’s animal. I contacted local law enforcement and have been advised to file a report. However, I seem to recall you once saying that veterinary records are confidential. If so, how can I file a report without getting myself in trouble with the client about confidentiality obligations? I am really in a bind. Can you help? Sincerely, Concerned Veterinarian Trying To Do The Right Thing Dear Concerned Veterinarian: Wow, being a veterinarian is not as easy as simply helping animals is it? I appreciate your question and your concerns. You are definitely on the right track with respect to your obligations when it comes to veterinary records, but the confidentiality of veterinary records is not absolute, given recent changes in the law. Some background may be helpful.
Since the law now includes the above provision, it implicitly means that the veterinarian may (in fact, must) share confidential information in the situations described in VE § 7.06(26). The language in VE § 7.06(26) is meaningless if the veterinarian is bound by Wis. Stat. § 89.075, which does not contain the exceptions included in the regulation.
A veterinarian who intends to share otherwise confidential You are correct that Wisconsin law requires veterinarians to keep information should always, however, be careful to ensure that the records confidential, subject to some exceptions when the client consents to sharing information. Wis. Stat. § 89.075 states as follows: situation falls within one of the exceptions contained within VE § 7.06(26). For example, a veterinarian could not rely on VE § 7.06(26) 89.075 Access to health care records. The owner of any animal to share confidential information with a prospective buyer of the patient of a veterinarian, or any other person who submits to the veterinarian a statement of written informed consent signed by the client’s horse. VE § 7.06(26) is designed to allow a veterinarian to share information only under the circumstances noted in owner, may, upon request to the veterinarian: the regulation and, even then, only with federal, state or local 1. Receive a copy of the animal patient’s health care records governmental agencies. upon payment of reasonable costs. Wisconsin law could be improved, however, by revising Chapter 2. Have the animal patient’s x-rays referred to another 89 so that the confidentiality obligations set forth there dovetail veterinarian of the owner’s choice upon the payment of with the new regulation. Specifically, Wis. Stat. § 89.075 should reasonable costs. be clarified to state that it is subject to other obligations the Given your scenario, I assume that your client would not consent to veterinarian may have. For example, Wis. Stat. § 89.075 could be revised to state that “Nothing contained herein shall interfere with the release of the information and, of course, I am sure that you do a veterinarian’s obligations imposed pursuant to VE § 7.06(26).” not wish to make the request of your client given the nature of the That type of change would eliminate any confusion. concerns you have raised. So, what can you do? Fortunately, the Veterinary Examining Board regulations were changed effective May 1, 2014, to create some exceptions to the confidentiality obligations discussed above. That is, VE § 7.06(26) now states as follows and makes it unprofessional conduct for: (26) Failure to provide copies of or information from veterinary records, with or without the client’s consent, to the board or to public health, animal health, animal welfare, wildlife or agriculture authorities, employed by federal, state, or local governmental agencies who have a legal or regulatory interest in the contents of said records for the protection of animal or public health.
In the meantime, is there a risk that a veterinarian’s client may bring a claim asserting that the veterinarian was duty bound not to share the veterinary records or information? That is always a risk, but, if the client ever made such a claim, the veterinarian could defend by arguing that he or she was complying with a directive from local law enforcement. It is hard to envision a civil claim being successful under those circumstances. It is likewise hard to envision the Veterinary Examining Board taking action against a veterinarian who has shared confidential information with law enforcement under those circumstances. l
This article was originally printed in the February 2016 issue of the WVMA Voice.
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Q&A Session with the Wisconsin Onsite Consultation Program By Leslie Ptak, Department of Labor/OSHA compliance assistance specialist Since 1975 OSHA has provided free and confidential onsite WVMA: How much time does a consultation visit take? consultation services for small business employers to help SS: Depending on the scope of services requested by the accurately evaluate safety in the workplace. The program for the employer, a visit might take anywhere from one hour to a state of Wisconsin serves employers with 500 employees or less and full day to complete. The consultant assigned to provide provides a range of services. Steve Strebel is the Program Manager services will help the employer anticipate the necessary timeof the Wisconsin Consultation Program, known colloquially as commitment based on the requested services. “WisCon”which is a division of the Wisconsin State Laboratory of WVMA: Does WisCon visit non-traditional sites, such as dairy Hygiene. The Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association asked Mr. farms? Strebel some questions that are presented below in a “Q and A” format to better help WVMA members understand WisCon and how SS: WisCon provides on-site services to private-sector it works, as well as how their clinics may benefit from the services employers. Family farms are not eligible for services. Larger they provide. “industrial” farming operations may be eligible for on-site services in some circumstances. Call WisCon at 800-947-0553 to WVMA: We have heard that WisCon does mock OSHA discuss. inspections. What does that mean and are there other services that WisCon offers? WVMA: Does WisCon provide services to the UW- Madison SS: Some of WisCon’s service procedures might resemble OSHA’s School of Veterinary Medicine or Madison College? What if one inspection procedures in some ways, but WisCon only provides of the staff at Henry Vilas Zoo had a workplace safety concern? on-request consultation services and does not assign fines or SS: WisCon provides on-site consultation services to privatepenalties of any kind. WisCon consultants conduct opening sector small business employers. Anyone can call and talk and closing meetings, explain the employer’s essential rights anytime with a consultant to get help with an occupational and responsibilities related to the provided services, talk briefly safety or health question. UW Madison and Henry Vilas Zoo with employees during the visit to learn about the work being are public-sector employers so WisCon cannot provide on-site performed, and evaluate OSHA Injury and Illness logs for those consultation services to them. Madison College is publicbusinesses that are required to keep them. private and some limited on-site services may be available in some circumstances. During the visit, consultants are obligated to point out any hazards that they may identify during the visit. Hazards that WVMA: Will WisCon do all the OSHA training for me? might cause a death must be corrected immediately (“imminent SS: No, but WisCon may be able to provide initial or refresher danger”) and hazards that could directly cause serious injury or training on some subjects and will help the employer create illness must be corrected by the employer within a time-frame their own training presentations. WisCon aims to help that they negotiate with their consultant. More information is employers develop and implement sustainable safety and online at http://slh.wisc.edu/wiscon and by phone at 800-947health management systems, so the employer can effectively 0553. protect their employees into the future. CONTINUED ON PAGE 9
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Q&A Session with the Wisconsin Onsite Consultation Program
WVMA: Will WisCon write my programs for me? SS: No, but WisCon will frequently provide document templates that can serve as starting points for further development and implementation by the employer. WVMA: Is there ever a fee for the services? SS: WisCon’s services are completely free for all clients. WisCon’s services are paid through a cost-sharing agreement between OSHA and the State of Wisconsin. WVMA: What kind of relationship does WisCon have with OSHA? SS: WisCon gets 90% of its funding directly from OSHA, but is prohibited by law from sharing any information with OSHA enforcement personnel regarding its clients, any services provided, as well as any findings. WisCon services are completely free and confidential. Employers are free to share any information they wish with OSHA enforcement personnel. WVMA: Does WisCon ever provide lists of their customers to OSHA so OSHA can inspect them? SS: No.
WVMA: If WisCon finds a violation and I cannot afford to fix the problem, will I get in trouble? SS: WisCon does not find “violations” – they find hazards. Most hazard corrections cost very little or nothing at all to put into place, and WisCon consultants can usually identify a wide-range of viable options for correcting nearly any workplace hazard. One thing is for certain: not controlling or eliminating a known serious hazard is never a viable option for any employer. A serious hazard is one that can directly cause serious injury or illness, or death, if not timely corrected. If an employer chooses to not correct a serious hazard in a timely way, then WisCon is required by law to make a referral to OSHA for their consideration of enforcement action. Over the past 40 years, this has rarely happened, but it is a possibility. WVMA: I see that WisCon offers trainings across the state. What is the cost of attending? SS: There is never a fee for any services provided by WisCon, including training. Our training schedule is online at http:// www.slh.wisc.edu/occupational/wiscon/safety-and-healthwiscon-training/ . WVMA: Who is the best person from my office to send to a WisCon training session? SS: All are welcome to register and attend any WisCon training session, but if you have to choose only one, the most senior executive or manager would generally be best.
The OSHA and Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association Alliance developed this fact sheet for informational purposes only. It does not necessarily reflect the official views of OSHA or the U.S. Department of Labor. l
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Member Spotlight – Dr. Rheba Mabie Zimmerman
“Reading about a topic or hearing about it in a lecture can only go so far. You understand it much more clearly once you see the procedure and get to do it yourself,” she says. However, the most rewarding part of practicing in the clinic for her has been creating relationships with the animals and their owners. “You hear about the human-animal bond but actually seeing it really reminds me daily of why I entered the profession,” she reflects. “People truly love their animals and the pets love them back. The connection is heartwarming.” When she isn’t practicing veterinary medicine, Dr. Mabie Zimmerman spends most of her free time chasing her 10-month-old son, Jack, with her husband, Nate. She also enjoys entertaining children and families as Tutu Cute, her clown character. Over the last 17 years, she has been able to travel the country performing and was a 2004 inductee into the Midwest Clown Association Hall of Fame. “I still clown when I can and it’s wonderful to go to ‘work’ and have so many people smiling,” she says. “I love bringing joy to people and strive to achieve this each day clowning or practicing veterinary medicine.” l
Show Lamb Tail Docking - An Animal Welfare Issue
The AVMA has reaffirmed the lamb tail dock length resolution several times since 2000, most recently in 2104 when it published a research summary of the issue. The WVMA Executive Board adopted the AVMA’s current lamb tail docking resolution at our October meeting. It states: Lambs’ tails may be docked for cleanliness and to minimize fly strike, but cosmetic, excessively short tail docking can lead to an increased incidence of rectal prolapse and is unacceptable for the welfare of the lamb. We recommend that lambs’ tails be docked at the level of the distal end of the caudal tail fold and at the earliest age practicable. Because tail docking causes pain and discomfort, the WVMA recommends the use of procedures and practices that reduce or eliminate these effects, including the use of approved or AMDUCApermissible clinically effective medications whenever possible. Practicing veterinarians work at the intersection of this issue in Wisconsin. Most show lambs in Wisconsin are still docked too short and are at increased risk of developing rectal prolapse. Rectal prolapses are very painful. Doing procedures to correct a lamb’s rectal prolapse are painful, short-lived and generally ineffective. It is recommended that affected lambs be slaughtered as soon as possible. While such a resolution of a youth project is an emotional
and economic tragedy, doing so instills a high animal welfare ethic in the participant. As an advising adult, we need to remember that the project’s focus is on youth character development, not winning. The WVMA has sent letters indicating our recommendation for proper lamb tail docking to Debbie Gegare, director of fairs at DATCP and to Bernie O’Rourke, state youth livestock extension leader. Our goal is to raise awareness of this animal welfare issue. Debbie has oversight of county fair livestock judges who need to be updated on best practices of lamb tail docking. Bernie is in position to educate producers and youth to dock their lambs distal to the caudal tail folds. I hope that when given the opportunity to teach youth or sheep producers of proper lamb tail docking that you seize the opportunity. For those interested, the 2014 research summary by the AVMA can be viewed at: https://www.avma.org/KB/Resources/ LiteratureReviews/Documents/lamb_tail_docking_bgnd.pdf The AVMA has produced a lamb tail docking You Tube video that can be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k07s8Br7Pk l
Employee Handbook Guide Provided by Professional Insurance Programs sourced from HR360 An employee handbook is an important tool you can use to effectively communicate information regarding your practice’s policies and employee benefits. A well-written handbook sets forth your expectations for your employees, and describes what they can expect from your practice. While the policies outlined in your handbook will reflect the culture of your practice, it is important to consider federal, state and local laws and regulations that may affect your business when drafting your employee handbook. The employee handbook is the single most important internal document that lays out the policies of your practice to each and every one of your employees. The following are topics you should consider including in your employee handbook.
Standards of Conduct Make sure you document your expectations of how you want employees to conduct themselves in your workplace, from dress code to ethics. It is also appropriate in this section to describe your practice’s progressive disciplinary policy (if any) and other standards related to employee discipline.
Safety and Security This section should describe your practice’s policy for creating a safe and secure workplace, including compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s laws that require employees to report all accidents, injuries, potential safety hazards, safety suggestions and health and safety related issues to management. Safety policies should also include your practice’s policy regarding Welcome and Introduction to Your Practice The employee handbook provides an opportunity for you to warmly bad weather and hazardous community conditions. welcome new employees and set the tone for the practice’s work Computers and Technology environment. You may want to consider adding a mission statement Computers and communication technology are essential tools that sets out the practice’s purpose and view of itself. The goal of for conducting business, but employee misuse can have serious this introduction is to provide the employee with a reasonably good consequences for your practice. Therefore, your employee handbook understanding of the practice’s culture and a feel for what it is like to should outline policies for appropriate computer and software use, work there. and steps employees should take to secure electronic information. General Employment Information Your employee handbook should include an overview of your practice and general employment policies relating to employment eligibility, job classifications, employee records, job postings, termination and resignation procedures and union information, if applicable. Anti-Discrimination Policies As an employer you must comply with the equal employment opportunity laws prohibiting discrimination and harassment, including the Americans with Disabilities Act. Your employee handbook should include a section about these laws, and how your employees are expected to comply. This section is also a good place to set out your sexual harassment policy, any affirmative action policies, and a statement of your compliance with all employment discrimination and related legal requirements. Compensation You should clearly explain to your employees that your practice will make necessary deductions for federal and state taxes, as well as voluntary deductions for the practice’s benefits programs. In addition, you may outline your practice’s legal obligations regarding overtime pay, pay schedules, performance reviews and salary increases, time keeping, breaks and bonus compensation.
Employee Benefits In your handbook, you should include details on your practice’s benefit programs and eligibility requirements, including all benefits that may be required by law. The employee benefits section should also outline your plans for health insurance options, retirement, employee assistance, tuition reimbursement, business travel, and any other fringe benefits your business provides to attract and retain employees. Leave Policies Your practice’s leave policies should be carefully documented, especially those you are required to provide by law. Family medical leave, jury duty, military leave and time off for jury duty and voting should all be documented to comply with federal, state and local laws and regulations. In addition, you should explain your policies for vacation, holiday, bereavement and sick leave. Essential Provisions If your employees are to be employed ‘at-will,’ you should clearly state that fact and include a conspicuous disclaimer in the front of the book that specifically states that the handbook is not an employment contract and should not be construed as a contract. You will also want to include in the handbook a written acknowledgement by the employee that he or she has received and read the handbook, to be signed and placed in the employee’s personnel file.
Work Schedules Describe your practice’s policies regarding work hours and schedules, attendance, punctuality and reporting absences, along If you have any questions as to your legal obligations as an with guidelines for flexible schedules and telecommuting, if offered. employer, or the rights of your employees, you should consult with a knowledgeable employment law attorney. l
EMERGENCY NUMBERS Foreign Animal Disease Response Emergency Numbers Wisconsin Emergency Management 24-hour Response (800) 943-0003 emergencymanagement.wi.gov Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection Division of Animal Health (608) 224-4872 www.datcp.state.wi.us USDA – APHIS – Veterinary Services (608) 662-0600 www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth
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Crank up your clinic’s social media! Share, retweet or repost any of the content the WVMA posts on Facebook, Twitter or on wvma.org on your clinics social media! All information shared on these sites is for our members to help in sharing news and can also be shared with clients. If you have not already, like us on Facebook, Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association and follow us on Twitter, @WVMA. By following the WVMA through these outlets, you will be able to stay current on happenings in Wisconsin and on the national veterinary medical scene.
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Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Every animal has unique needs, just like every profession.
6:00pm Social & 7:00pm Dinner Space is Limited to Veterinarians Only
Contact Professional Insurance Programs, a valued partner of the WVMA, to discuss your unique coverage needs.
1501 Monroe Street, Madison, WI
Free underground parking available at HotelRed! Accessible from regent street behind the building. For more details and to RSVP please call: 608-831-1101
1612 N. High Point Road Middleton WI 608-831-1101 Fax 608-831-1181
VES-Madison 4902 E. Broadway Madison WI 608-222-2455 Fax 608-467-6014
VES-Janesville 3710 E. Racine Street Janesville WI 608-314-3510 Fax 608-314-3525
Who Needs to Hear Your Message? By Kelsey Tardew, Botham, INK. Creating effective content for your clinic’s marketing strategies and becoming more engaged with your customers is crucial for success. But effective marketing content must be the right content. Who needs to hear your message? The answer to this question can help you identify your target audience – the bread and butter of marketing- and of business success. The target audience is a specific group of individuals who benefit from your services. As you might imagine, the target audience will differ clinic to clinic depending on the services offered. For example, an equine clinic’s typical customer may be those who raise and board horses, while a clinic located in an urban area would likely work with a broad age range of customers with household pets. Understanding your practice’s target audience ensures that you are implementing effective marketing strategies and generating engaging content. Identifying a target audience will maximize the effectiveness and consistency in your marketing strategies while building a deeper emotional connection with clients.
The next step is to create a target customer profile. Think about the services you offer, then consider age, lifestyle, income, location and purchasing habits against those services. For example, you may find that your ideal client lives within a 10-mile radius, travels extensively and works full-time. If your practice offers boarding or pet day-care in addition to clinical services, it is likely that raising awareness among this audience would garner interest. Use this information to develop marketing content and strategies that are designed to engage this audience. Another important aspect to consider is competitor services. A little research can go a long way in identifying the ways your practice stands apart from competitors. Scroll through competitor websites and review their social media outlets. Your competitors may offer similar services and be looking to attract the same target audience so be sure to keep your points of differentiation in mind.
Identifying your target audience is an essential aspect of building successful marketing strategies. Targeting the right audience with the right messages will create strong connections, strengthen The first step in identifying your target audience is to identify your customer engagement and help grow your business. And as always, practice’s points of differentiation. Put yourself in a client’s shoes -- enlist the assistance of a marketing professional if the needs of your why would you choose your practice, what does your practice offer practice are more extensive than you and your staff can manage. that sets it apart from others? It could be as simple as the personal Kelsey Stokstad is an account manager with Botham, INK., a Mount touch your staff provides or something more tangible like 24/7 on- Horeb-based marketing, public relations, and strategic planning firm call emergency services or specialized surgical options. Whatever it that specializes in branding. Learn more at bothamink.com. l is, the point of differentiation is the driving force behind the ‘why’ clients choose your clinic.
The WVMA aligns with great companies to provide exclusive offers to our members. Log in to wvma.org and click on Member discount programs under the Member Resources menu for offers from: HotelStorm • Uniforms Direct • ScriptSave AVIS • Lands’ End • Office Depot/Office Max coming soon! Member Discount Programs will continue to be added. Contact us with any program suggestions at wvma@wvma.org or (608) 257-3665
CLASSIFIED AD CHANGES All classified ads, including veterinary relief ads, will be published at the following rate: Members: First 35 words, $20. Every additional word after 35 is $1.50 per word. Non-members: First 35 words, $65. Every additional word is $1.50 per word. Ads will run 2 consecutive months, and then be removed, unless the WVMA is notified you would like to continue your ad for another 2 month run. You will be invoiced at the end of the first month during a 2 month period. Ads are placed online at the beginning of the month they are featured in the newsletter. Priority placement of ads is an additional $25 fee. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads.
SMALL ANIMAL Rapidly growing walk-in practice in Sun Prairie seeking PT SA veterinarian. Looking to fill in Tuesdays 11am -9 PM and one day Saturday or Sunday 9 am- 6 pm. Potential FT opportunity for applicants willing to work additional days at our sister clinic in Milwaukee. ( FT - 4 days/week for both clinics). No emergency call or hours. The ideal candidate is committed to quality patient care and building rapport with our excellent clients. Recent graduates welcome. Equipped with digital radiographs (regular and dental), surgical laser, full in-house lab and state-of-the-art anesthesia and surgical monitoring equipment. Mentoring available from experienced doctors. Excellent benefits and compensation along with production bonuses. Please email resume to drgss95@yahoo.com. Animal Hospital of Oshkosh seeking FT/PT Associate Veterinarian in our fastpaced, 8 doctor SA practice in Fox Valley. We practice progressive medicine, low-stress handling, orthopedics and exotic medicine. Strong emphasis on client education. Must be adaptable, confident and highly-ambitious, with a positive work ethic. Basic computer skills necessary, as we are a paperlite practice. Experience a plus. Opportunities for growth. Heavily staffed to provide DVM support needed to practice the BEST medicine. Please send resumes to jessie@animalhospitalofoshkosh.com. Community Veterinary Clinic is looking for a FT/PT associate veterinarian to join our well-staffed, well-regarded SA practice in beautiful Bay View. Located on the southeastern edge of the city of Milwaukee, our clinic has a strong, trusted reputation and an established, loyal and growing client base. Applicants should possess enthusiasm, compassion and strong communication skills, in order to keep up with our high standards of medicine in a fastpaced environment. Strong preventative, diagnostic and surgical skills are required, as well as an understanding and belief in the value of quality patient and client care. Our practice is equipped with ImproMed software, digital radiography, ultrasound, IDEXX in-house lab equipment, dental high speed
unit, digital dental radiography, CO2 laser and more. Excellent benefit package and salary commensurate with experience. Email resume to cvcdoctors@aol.com. FT/PT associate wanted to join our 3 DVM AAHA accredited practice in La Crosse, WI. We are a well-staffed, progressive practice that focuses on communication and compassionate care. Experienced DVMs or new graduates are welcome to apply. Please email resume to thompsonamc@ centurytel.net. Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists - Oak Creek is seeking an Emergency Veterinarian to join our team! About Lakeshore: Lakeshore is an independently owned, multi-specialty emergency and referral center. We have 3 practice locations in the greater Milwaukee area. Our team of over 30 doctors includes numerous emergency clinicians with years of dedicated experience. Board-certified specialties include surgery, internal medicine, neurology, oncology, emergency & critical care, dermatology and dentistry. A certified physical rehabilitation veterinarian and several VTS-certified technicians round out our team. Our Practice: Offerings at Lakeshore include in-house laboratory, digital x-ray, ultrasound, endoscopy, on-site blood products and well equipped surgery suites. There is CT, MRI, mechanical ventilation and radiation therapy/SRS in our central Glendale location. Our emergency clinicians share in primary cases management and we work closely with our specialists to provide collaborative patient care. Lakeshore hosts CE events for our referring community, and we also support active inhospital education. Opportunities include weekly grand rounds, journal club, morbidity & mortality rounds, organized lectures and wet labs. Work Life Balance: Located on the shores of Lake Michigan, the greater Milwaukee area offers adventures for everyone, with low living costs. Explore the city with access to some of the best restaurants, brewpubs, shops and waterfront nightlife. Concert lovers unite at Summerfest, the world’s largest music festival, just one of the many local festivals. Enjoy the great outdoors, pristine Lake Michigan beaches or hiking and biking in the surrounding state parks. This midwestern area offers so much more than you might expect! At Lakeshore, we treat you as an individual and we provide flexible schedules to support personal time away from the office. Benefits: Benefits include health and dental insurance, vacation stipend, continuing education time and allowance, scrub allowance, license fees, association dues and employer matching 401(k) retirement plan. Our collaborative, communicative, and FUN team sets up apart! For more information or to apply for the positions, please contact Dr. Jacob Odders, DVM, DACVS at jodders@ lakeshorevetspecialists.com or call (414) 540-6710. Thriving SA practice in west-central WI seeks very motivated, collegial associate. Candidate should practice exceptional, efficient medical and surgical care. Attractive, well-equipped facility with excellent, energetic support staff and devoted clientele. Beautiful, quiet area near LaCrosse, WI and Coulee Region. PT or FT. Salary commensurate with experience. Numerous benefits: shared health insurance, CE, all dues and license fees. No afterhour’s emergency duties. Send resume to vetstaff@centurytel.net or Dr. Beth Deppe, Morganside Veterinary Clinic, 500 W. Wisconsin St, Sparta, WI 54656. (608) 269-2355 FT/PT position for a veterinarian in a 4 doctor full service SA practice located 9 miles west of Oshkosh. New grads welcome. No on-call required. Our practice has in-house laboratory, digital radiographs, therapy laser, surgical laser and offers a full range of services, including chiropracty. An excellent, helpful support staff makes for an enjoyable work environment. We offer a fair, competitive compensation package with opportunity for buy-in to the right individual. Located in the Fox Valley where the local economy is excellent with many entertainment and recreational options available. Send resume to: Omro Animal Hospital 645 Hawthorne Dr. Omro, WI 54963 or email omroanimalhosp@sbcglobal.net. Oak Creek Veterinary Care, an AAHA-accredited clinic in Oak Creek, WI, seeks 3rd FT DVM with strong surgery and dental skills, high standards of medicine, exceptional client service skills and minimum 3 years’ experience
as a DVM. Our rapidly growing clinic opened in January 2015 and features state-of-the-art in-house laboratory equipment and a full range of the newest diagnostic and treatment equipment. We offer eastern and western medicine. Benefits package. Visit oakcreekvetcare.com to apply or email resume to bryan@ oakcreekvetcare.com. ZimmVet is enhancing the veterinary experience for dogs and cats, and we need a passionate DVM to join our team. Our client testimonials and Google reviews will show you our client-focused, Fear Free-Certified approach (ZimmVet.com). With certified technicians and a full support staff, you can practice medicine with ease while having the support of two DVMs with more than 30 years of combined experience. Our modern, two-year-old, 7200 square-foot veterinary complex is fully-loaded with the latest veterinary technology to provide the tools you deserve to practice quality medicine. Looking for a veterinary DVM career just a short 38 miles from downtown Minneapolis, but only minutes from the suburbs and country living with a competitive salary and benefits? This is your chance to bring balance back to your work/home life with a reverse commute, no emergency appointments and regular PT or FT hours. Need to relocate? No problem, we cover costs. If you have a doctorate of veterinary medicine with a passion for enhancing veterinary medicine, send your resume and cover letter to doctorkrenz@gmail.com. Lake Geneva Animal Hospital is a SA practice located in beautiful south central Wisconsin. We are looking for a FT or PT associate to join our seven doctor team. Our practice offers a state-of-the-art, recently remodeled facility as well as a fabulous support staff. Equipment includes in-house diagnostics, digital and dental radiography, ultrasound, surgical and therapeutic laser and laparoscopy. We offer incentive based pay and benefit package, as well as no afterhour’s emergency. Interested candidates should please send a resume to lgah@ genevaonline.com, fax to (262) 249-4790 Attn: Dr. Mona Hodkiewicz or mail to: Lake Geneva Animal Hospital Attn: Dr. Mona Hodkiewicz 801 Townline Road Lake Geneva, WI 53147. Come practice in beautiful Lake Country! We are a growing SA practice looking to expand with a second veterinarian. We practice high quality, compassionate medicine that includes digital radiography, therapeutic laser and full in-clinic diagnostic lab. We have a wonderful, well trained, proficient support staff. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package. No afterhour’s emergency. We have family friendly hours and understand the importance of the work/life balance. Benefits are negotiable. Please send your resume to Dr. Anna Schwister at dranna@lakeviewanimalclinicwi.com. Please check out the Member Spotlight in the August, 2017 issue to find out more about our practice! Countrycare Animal Complex in Green Bay, Wisconsin is seeking a FT or PT veterinarian to join our patient oriented team. Our mission is to provide innovative and integrative veterinary care with compassion, respect and humility. We focus on prevention and wellness care with a holistic approach to medicine. Our state-of-the-art facility includes digital radiography, surgical laser, therapy laser, in-house laboratory and more. Learn more about us at www.countrycareac.com. The ideal candidate is compassionate, enthusiastic and dedicated. The ability to provide a wide variety of medical and surgical care as well as excellent verbal, written and interpersonal skills is required. Individual areas of special interest are also encouraged and the ability to deliver exceptional client service is expected. Please send resume to Dr. Karen Strickfaden at Countrycare Animal Complex, 4235 Elm View Rd., Green Bay, WI, 54311 or kmsdvm@theglobalnet.net. Advanced Animal Hospital Group is a network of 14 veterinary clinics in the Midwest region. We are proud of our caring and dedicated employees, and we are looking for more bright and motivated individuals to add to the value of our growing practices. We are offering a relocation bonus and up to a $15,000 signing bonus, as well as a competitive base salary and production bonuses, because we believe you should be rewarded for great work. We will cover the cost of your licensing, and we have a comprehensive benefits package including health insurance, paid vacation, and a 4% 401(k) match. Excellent mentoring for veterinary professionals at any stage of their career makes Advanced Animal Hospital Group a phenomenal choice for those looking to expand their skillset
in a supportive and challenging environment. Widespread clinic locations, flexible hours and a diverse staff ensure you find a fit that’s best for your continuing education. Vesting opportunities are available for business-minded veterinarians who would like to partner with our group. Advanced Animal Hospital Group has top-notch medicine and excellent facilities and equipment. We own a high-volume 24/7 emergency hospital, an integrative veterinary complex combining holistic and traditional medicine, an accommodating walk-in clinic for urgent needs and several day practices specializing in routine and orthopedic surgery, digital and dental x-ray, ultrasound and diagnostic imaging and routine and preventative care. Our clients are at the heart of our practices and Advanced Animal Hospital Group thrives on the relationships we build with our clients and their pets. We listen carefully to feedback, reward our loyal clients and want our applicants to foster trust and concern for every case. Each clinic is unique and our hiring team will help you find the one best suited for your personality and your goals as a veterinarian. Many of our Southeastern Wisconsin locations are currently hiring. The Milwaukee area is a great place to relocate, as it boasts eclectic nightlife, hundreds of amazing restaurants and breweries and our museums and festival grounds are worldrenowned. Our lakefront is gorgeous in the summer and trails and woodlands are ideal for winter sports, camping and other recreational activities. Milwaukee is within a 2-hour drive of University of Wisconsin-Madison and their award-winning veterinary school, veterinary board and reference services. Milwaukee and its surrounding suburbs contain a dense population of pet owners and we are expanding every year to guarantee they have access to the kind of quality care Advanced Animal Hospital Group can provide. Come join us! Contact Emily Gierlich at advancedahmarketing@gmail.com with qualifications and/or inquiries. Healthy Pet Veterinary Clinic is adding a FT associate veterinarian to the team in our busy SA practice. While we see dogs and cats as a majority of our patients, we have uniquely positioned ourselves in the Madison market to be a practice focused on the special care and needs of Exotic Companion Mammals. Applicants must have prior experience caring for small mammal patients. Ongoing CE will be expected to expand knowledge of Exotic Companion Mammals through mentor-ship of the practice owner and through local and national events in order to maintain our high level of small mammal care. Our clinic has been located on Madison’s east side for over 15 years and we are in a spacious new facility that opened in 2014. We offer our clients digital radiology, in-house laboratory, rigid endoscopy and laser therapy. You will be working with a very experienced support staff and become part of a hardworking and competent team. We offer a competitive salary, health and dental insurance, CE allowance, paid vacation and a friendly team-oriented atmosphere. Please submit a current resume or CV for consideration to manager@hpvet.net. Oregon Veterinary Clinic is looking to add a FT associate veterinarian to our team. We are a well-established, 5 doctor practice just 15 minutes south of Madison. Applicants should possess strong preventative, diagnostic and surgical skills. Ideal associate will be compassionate, hardworking, have strong communication skills and be a team player. Our practice is equipped with ImproMed software, digital radiography, digital dental radiography, dental high speed units, video endoscopy, ultrasound and a combination of Abaxis/IDEXX in-house lab equipment. Salary and benefits package is based on experience. If you are interested in hearing more about this great opportunity please email resume to ar@oregonvetclinic.com. Baraboo Valley Veterinary Clinic is pleased to announce that we are searching for a PT/FT veterinarian to join our team of exceptional and dedicated staff. Under new ownership and with numerous technological updates (and more to come), we are eager to grow. Live, work and play in the Baraboo valley close to multiple state parks and accessible natural areas all within an hour of Madison. Competitive pay, CE, 401(k), licensing fees, health benefits and vacation. No on-call. In-house lab, digital x-ray, caring and supportive staff (and an excellent coffer shop up the road). Please send your resume to doctordreher@gmail.com or mail to ATTN: Dr. Dreher 403 South Parkway Baraboo, WI 53913.* Come join our team! Animal Hospital of Sun Prairie in Sun Prairie, WI is looking for an associate veterinarian to join our community-based practice. We are a busy, multi-doctor SA clinic focusing primarily on dogs and cats with an occasional pocket pet. Our doctors enjoy working in an inviting facility equipped with an in-house lab, a surgical cutting laser, digital x-ray, ultrasound and an endoscopy unit. The experienced and caring support team maintains an efficient and enjoyable work environment by being proactive to the needs of our doctors, patients, and clients. Get to know us better here! This is the perfect opportunity for an experienced veterinarian with a strong interest in surgery, who wants to build a client relationship, in a collaborative setting. The city of Sun Prairie is a great place to live and work. This growing and expanding suburb of Madison is conveniently located less than an hour from Milwaukee. Enjoy a small town feel with the luxury of many amenities such as fantastic shopping, dining and entertainment options all nearby. Sun Prairie provides a safe environment with a great school system and plenty of housing opportunities. We are a family of practices with a long history and reputation that separates us from others - check us out! We support our
veterinarians with superior salary, benefits including health and dental, 401(k), CE allowance, vacation, dues, liability coverage, outstanding practice teams and a family friendly atmosphere. Please send resume to rkruse@vetcor.com.* Come join our team! We are a customer-focused, well established practice located between Chicago, Milwaukee and Lake Geneva in western Kenosha County. This area has great schools, scenic views, lakes and that small town feeling. Family values run deep, as does collaborative teamwork. We strive to offer progressive medicine and assets including: fully equipped and dedicated dental suite, in-house laboratory, therapy laser, acupuncture, ultrasound and more. All this housed in a brand new sunshine-filled facility. We also offer behavior training and strive for fear free veterinary care. We are Gold certified feline friendly. The right candidate will enjoy generous benefits including 401(k) matching, set hours (no afterhour’s emergency) and a flexible schedule, making it easier to achieve that work-life balance we all strive for. We are seeking a FT veterinarian but would consider PT, provided he or she is the right fit for our veterinary family. Check out our website at www.westoshavet.com and our Facebook page. Email inquiries to westoshavet@yahoo.com or mslux@att.net.* Seeking Associate Veterinarian for 2 weekdays and every other Saturday morning, with additional hours available during summer months and owner’s occasional days off. Located in a small community. Friendly competent support staff, environment geared toward employee wellness in the workplace. We practice great medicine and customer service. Minimum 2 years FT experience equivalent, since you will be working as solo doctor along with 2 CVTs, assistant/receptionist and Practice Manager. Please submit cover letter and resume, along with expected compensation, to Dr. Ellen Richardson, mazodvm@mazoanimalhospital.com. We look forward to meeting you!* We are looking for a 4th veterinarian to join SA practice in Wis. Dells, WI. New addition and hospital renovation will be completed this year. We have an excellent, caring and fun group of skilled support staff. The hospital is equipped with digital x-ray, ultrasound, digital dental x-ray, surgical laser, full in-house diagnostic lab and more. No emergency duty. Benefit package includes competitive salary, health, life and disability insurance, CE and vacation. If interested please send resume to: Dells Animal Hospital, 4135 Hwy. 13, Wis. Dells, WI 53965.* Come join our team! Sheboygan Animal Hospital in Sheboygan, WI is looking for an associate veterinarian to join our community practice. We are a busy, multi-doctor, full-service animal hospital that provides quality veterinary care for dogs, cats, birds and exotic pets. Our upto-date facility is equipped with digital x-ray, dental x-ray, surgical laser, anesthesia machines with ventilators, full anesthetic monitoring and orthopedic plating equipment. The experienced and long tenured team maintains an efficient and enjoyable work environment by being proactive to the needs of our doctors, patients, and clients. All levels of experience, including new graduates are encouraged to apply. This is an ideal opportunity for someone interested in developing skills in basic orthopedic surgery and exotic medicine. Our doctors have varying interests and we encourage each doctor to develop their own niche based on their individual interests. We pride ourselves in having a collaborative team atmosphere, doctors working together to provide multiple opinions and treatment options for the cases seen. Mentorship and guidance is readily available from all of our doctors. Sheboygan is a wonderful place to live and work, set right on Lake Michigan with beautiful lakefront and riverfront development. Located just 50 miles from either Milwaukee or Green Bay, the area is an outdoor enthusiast’s dream come true. Whether nature or relaxing is your passion, you’ll find an abundance of both in this waterfront gem! We are a family of practices with a long history and reputation that separates us from others - check us out! We support our veterinarians with superior salary, benefits including health and dental, 401(k), CE allowance, vacation, dues, liability coverage, outstanding practice teams, and a family friendly atmosphere. To apply please email Raquel, Hiring Specialist, at rkruse@vetcor.com.* The University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Veterinary Medicine invites applications for a Primary Care Clinical Instructor. This is a 70-100% 12-month appointment within the Small Animal Primary Care Section of the UW Veterinary Care clinical service within the UW Veterinary Care Hospital on the UW-Madison campus. Apply Now! www.jobs.wisc.edu Position Vacancy Listing 92497* PT SA Veterinarian Needed at the Wauwatosa Veterinary Clinic. Our Veterinary Team is looking for a veterinarian who fits the mission and unique environment of our progressive, growing practice. We are a multiDoctor, AAHA practice located in the greater Milwaukee area and we have a loyal and dedicated clientele who demand the best medicine/surgery for their furry family members. We have a complete in-house lab, digital x-ray, digital dental x-ray, ultrasound, laparoscopy, CO2 laser, therapeutic laser, state -of-the-art monitoring equipment and more. Come practice at a clinic where you will be well supported by a team of well trained,
enthusiastic, dedicated members. Our support staff of certified technicians and assistants will allow you to focus on medicine and clients. Weekly staff meetings assure open communication and team atmosphere. Enthusiasm and good communication skills required. We are family owned and operated, offer excellent compensation and benefits package. No afterhour’s emergencies. Contact Kristin Tenorio, kristint@wauwatosavet.com or (414)405-1138.* Mt. Zion Animal Clinic is a well-established, privately owned SA practice that has been providing exceptional veterinary care to Janesville and the surrounding communities for over 35 years. Located just 30 minutes from Madison, WI, our expanding practice currently has immediate openings for FT and PT associate veterinarians. We are looking for friendly, dedicated, enthusiastic individuals with at least two years of experience, but new graduates will always be considered. Our veterinarians work together as a team to provide outstanding, compassionate care in a fast paced environment. For new graduates, we have excellent mentors just waiting to help you expand your medical and surgical skills. Our surgery mentor has over 20 years of experience and an outstanding reputation as a SA surgeon. He will help you become an expert at performing CCL repairs, cystotomies, splenectomies, and much more. We offer a $5000 sign on bonus and a starting salary of $50,000 not based on production for FT veterinarians with at least two years of experience. Higher starting salaries are negotiable based upon experience and expertise. Our FT veterinarians enjoy a four day work week (8 hours per day), no emergency call, half-day Saturdays on rotation, three weeks paid time off plus holidays, employer matching 401(k), employer paid licensing, registration and AVMA-PLIT insurance, generous employee pet discount program, annual CE allowance, paid CE time off and more. We will provide you with state-of-theart equipment, challenging cases, and a supportive environment that promotes continuing education and excellence. If you are interested in PT employment we will work with you to meet your scheduling needs and to negotiate a salary. To apply for a position with our practice, please email your resume to Nelsonvets4@aol.com or mail to Dr. Nelson, 3513 Mt. Zion Avenue, Janesville, WI, 53546.* AAHA practice seeking SA associate that enjoys the challenge of working up cases. Work with our team of 7 doctors. Strong interest or skills in surgery and/ or rehabilitation very helpful. We are happy to help you pursue a specialty interest if it is a good fit for our clientele. Well equipped facility located 30 miles N of Milwaukee. We advocate a fear free approach. Check us out at www.fredoniavetclinic.com. Send resume and cover letter to lmehoke@ fredoniavetclinic.com.* We are looking for a friendly, enthusiastic Associate Veterinarian, who takes pride in offering exceptional service and compassionate care to our patients and clients. We are located only 15 minutes west of Green Bay. The clinic is a full service SA hospital and welcomes both emergency treatment cases, as well as routine medical, surgical and dental care. We currently have 3 licensed veterinarians that focus on the treatment of cats and dogs. We have electronic medical records, and are well equipped with digital radiographs, digital dental, surgical laser, therapy laser and an in-house IDEXX laboratory. Please take a look at our website (www.pulaskiveterinaryclinic.com) to find out more about us - take note of the excellent reviews our clients continually give us. If you are excited about working with a dedicated team whose core values are excellence, education, friendliness and integrity - we would love to hear from you! We support our veterinarians with benefits which include health insurance - along with a health savings account (HSA), 401(k), CE allowance, long and short term disability, as well as long term care coverage. We see clients Monday - Friday and 2 Saturday mornings per month. Evening and weekend emergencies are seen at Green Bay Animal Emergency Center. Must have DVM and be licensed in the state of Wisconsin. If interested, please send resume to pvcinfo@netnet.net.* Are you ready to love where you work? Barron Veterinary Clinic is seeking a dedicated, enthusiastic professional to join our team as a FT SA Associate Veterinarian. We are located in beautiful Barron, Wisconsin where every outdoor activity is available for your enjoyment. We are a 5-doctor MA practice that specializes in providing high quality, compassionate and convenient care for our patients. We have a newly remodeled facility with high quality equipment that includes surgical laser, digital radiology, dental equipment with digital dental radiology, and in-house laboratory. To join our dynamic and compassionate team our ideal candidate will have strong proven communication skills, be team oriented with a focus in general medicine and a strong interest in surgery and dentistry. New graduates are welcome to apply. We offer a generous compensation package including: Liability insurance, CE, PTO, licenses, dues and subscriptions. Send resume to 1bvcbookkeeping@ gmail.com.* Come join an enthusiastic team, with an emphasis on client education and individualized patient care. Great clientele and patients that are family members. Prefer, one or more years of experience in general medicine, surgery and dentistry. Our focus is on preventive medicine, diagnostics and individualized treatments focused on underlying cause of the illness. Time to learn and grow in holistic integrative therapies. Benefit package includes, CE, CE days, sick days, personal days, Simple IRA, pet benefits and association
dues. For more information see CareAnimalClinic.com. Please send resume to CareAnimalClinic@gmail.com or Jkusba@yahoo.com.* FT or PT SA veterinarian to join our AAHA practice 35 min north of Madison in Beaver Dam. Practice high quality medicine with emphasis on wellness care and client education in a beautiful facility with wonderful staff and growing clientele. Established client base in place for new associate. In-house IDEXX lab, SurgiVet monitor, digital radiography, ultrasound, blood pressure, electrocardiography, Tono-Pen, bronchoscope and well-utilized CVTs. Beaver Dam is a lakeside community with a growing population located between Madison and the Fox Valley on Hwy 151. Flexible schedule with no emergency call. Future ownership potential for the right candidate. Experienced practitioners and new graduates welcome. Must have good communication skills and a commitment to practicing high quality medicine and surgery. Must also have a willingness to educate clients, be supportive of staff education and eager to share new ideas and techniques. Contact Vicky Smith DVM, at vickys_ dvm@yahoo.com or Wyllow Pet Hospital, 126 Corporate Dr, Beaver Dam, WI 53916.* Blackhawk Veterinary Hospital is excited to be hiring a FT/PT associate veterinarian. We are a progressive, well equipped, FEAR FREE CERTIFIED hospital. We are looking for an experienced individual who will aid in our continued quest toward excellence. We are a 2 doctor, companion animal practice that always strives to provide compassionate high quality care, superior client service, positive communication and attitude all within an optimum work environment - And with an all certified staff! This qualified dynamic doctor is sure to be an enthusiastic team player. No Saturdays. Great location - close to Madison, Milwaukee and Chicago. Email resume to Julie Leuzinger, CVT-CVPM at juleuzi@hotmail.com.* Live, work and play in one of the most beautiful areas of Wisconsin. This is a recreational wonderland surrounded by over 2,000 lakes. Northwoods Animal Hospital is seeking a FT enthusiastic and compassionate Veterinarian to join our team. We are a progressive multi-doctor practice with 3 locations nestled in Minocqua, Eagle River and Manitowish Waters. Our fast-paced practice features progressive medicine and surgery, ultrasound, endoscope, digital radiology, dental suite and in-house Heska laboratory. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package, 401(k) with up to 4% company match, CE allowance, vacation, sick days, dues and liability coverage. Earn additional income with a commission based on call system. Please email resume to manager@northwoodsanimal.com.* Associate Veterinarian needed for 4 doctor practice in beautiful La Crosse, Wisconsin. Our state of the art, AAHA certified SA hospital, is seeking a FT associate veterinarian to join our team. This is an excellent opportunity for a compassionate, talented veterinarian with great communication skills to develop a long-term professional relationship with an excellent healthcare team and clientele. A very competitive base salary based on experience +ProSal options are available. Liberal benefits including C.E. allowance, health insurance, license fees, association dues and professional liability insurance. Experienced veterinarians and new graduates are encouraged to apply. New graduates will benefit from our strong mentoring program. Ownership possibilities may be offered to the right candidate. Please email your resume to bandmhemp@centurytel.net or fax to (608) 788-3323. Visit our website at www. hillsideanimalhospitallax.com to learn more about our exceptional hospital.* SA Veterinarian Wanted: PT or FT available. Seeking enthusiastic veterinarian to join our growing 5 doctor, SA and exotic practice in Menomonee Falls, WI. We are committed to providing compassionate, high quality care and progressive medicine, dentistry and surgery. We have an incredible compassionate staff and amazing clients. We encourage a culture of teamwork, communication and empathy. Our new 6400 sq ft facility is 5 years old and state-of-the-art. We are well equipped with digital dental radiography and advanced dental restorative procedures, digital radiographs, ultrasound, therapeutic laser, avian endoscopy and full in-house laboratory. We offer a competitive salary with great benefits including (but not limited to) health insurance, CE, Simple IRA, 4 day work week(FT) as well as no emergency/on call duties. Ideal candidate would have an interest in exotics (but not required) be a life-long learner who enjoys practice, working with a talented team and celebrates the human-animal bond. We would love to meet you and have you join our team! Send resume/CV to mclark@brookfallsveterinary.com.* Growing SA practice looking to expand to encompass a third veterinarian. If you like to practice high quality, compassionate and customer-driven medicine that includes digital radiography (including dental), surgical and therapeutic lasers, and full in-clinic diagnostic lab with proficient support staff, then we want to hear from you! We believe in a work/life balance and central Wisconsin offers an array of opportunities: from living in the city, to country life, to lake life in a matter of minutes. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package. No afterhours emergency. New graduates encouraged to apply. Email Dr. Hofstad (Progressive Veterinary Services) at tamvet13@yahoo.com.* Immediate FT opening for SA veterinarian in busy SA multi-doctor practice. We are well established practice in downtown Milwaukee for the last 30 years and conveniently located between Marquette University and Miller Park. We offer full range of benefits: AVAM/PLIT dues, 401(k) , health insurance, licensing
fees, paid vacation and much more. Work 4 days/week with excellent compensation in the range of 80-120k, based on experience, along with production bonuses. New graduates are encouraged to apply. Mentoring and training available from experienced doctors. Interested candidates please forward your resume to the attention of Dr. Singh at DRGSS95@ yahoo.com.* FT/PT SA Associate Veterinarian position available at our well-established growing SA/EQ practice. 2-3 years’ experience preferred. Any special areas of interest will be highly encouraged. Interest in equine can be accommodated. Our practice offers in-house Abaxis laboratory equipment, digital x-ray, digital dental x-ray, therapeutic laser, ultrasound and electronic medical records. Our professional and courteous staff seek to provide the best possible medical & surgical care for our highly-valued patients. We are conveniently located between Madison & Milwaukee, just north of I-94 in Ixonia, WI. Please contact us at: (920) 206-6155 or email us at casserlyvetservices@yahoo.com.* FT/PT associate wanted to join our 3 DVM AAHA accredited practice in La Crosse, WI. We are a well-staffed, progressive practice that focuses on communication and compassionate care. Experienced DVMs or new graduates are welcome to apply. Please email resume to thompsonamc@ centurytel.net.* Summit Animal Clinic in Oconomowoc, WI is seeking a PT SA Veterinarian. Oconomowoc is a quaint community located in the beautiful Lake Country area and offers a small town, healthy lifestyle. Recently ranked the safest and deemed the second best city to live, work and play in Wisconsin. We gladly invite you to join our experienced and established clinic. We are an AAHA accredited, privately owned, 2 doctor practice looking for an enthusiastic, motivated and hardworking colleague to join our team. Our practice is well equipped with digital x-rays, surgical laser, complete inhouse IDEXX laboratory testing equipment and full surgical suite. Our highly skilled staff works as a team and are dedicated to provide our loyal clientele with superior service for their pets. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package, 401(k), CE allowance, vacation, dues and liability coverage. Interested candidates may send resume to Summit Animal Clinic, LLC, 1740 Summit Avenue, Oconomowoc, WI 53066 or email to office@summitanimal. com (Attn: Windi Sallmann).* Well established SA practice with friendly staff seeking FT DVM. With a wide range of clientele and cases in a beautiful, growing small town setting, a DVM can enjoy the many recreational and cultural activities Hayward, WI has to offer. A HEALTHY salary will be offered based on ability. Benefits include fully paid health insurance, life insurance, CE, vacation and licensing. With a 40 hour work week and NO on-call duties, a veterinarian can flourish personally and professionally. The ideal candidate will need strong medical, basic surgical and strong communication skills. Please contact tjostrander@ hotmail.com for this unique opportunity.* Appanasha Pet Clinic in Menasha, WI is looking for a motivated, personable SA veterinarian to join us FT in our 8 doctor practice. We specialize in complete and compassionate care. Enjoy practicing high quality medicine and surgery in a dedicated yet relaxed environment. Work in a new facility that received a 2014 Veterinary Economics Magazine Merit Award. Become part of the team that has been awarded Best of the Valley Veterinary Clinic for the past 13 years. This is an excellent opportunity to build for long term success. Multiple benefits are offered. PT will also be considered. We are located in a growing metropolitan area in east/central WI with easy access to the Northwoods, Green Bay, Milwaukee and Madison. Visit www.appanashapetclinic.com to learn more about us. Contact Dr. Mary Ann Hittle c/o Julie Hilker at jhilker@ appanashapetclinic.com, call (920) 725-8307 or send your resume to Appanasha Pet Clinic, 1205 Wittmann Drive, Menasha, WI 54952.* Veterinarian needed at Advanced Vet Care Clinic. PT to FT with full benefits. Please send to 8052 N 76 St, Milwaukee, WI 53223 or email advancedvet@ gmail.com.*
LARGE ANIMAL Whitewater Veterinary Hospital in Whitewater, WI is looking for a FT veterinarian. Practice breakdown is approximately 80% Dairy/Beef, 20% goat/sheep/pig. Candidate would work four full days per week plus every other Saturday morning. On-call would be shared equally with three other doctors. Hospital offers competitive pay, profit sharing/401(k), medical reimbursement, medical insurance, continuing education, liability insurance and mileage reimbursement. Please send resume and references to wvh@ whitewatervethospital.com or fax to (262) 473-5040.* We are looking for a FT or PT veterinarian to join our growing LA practice. Our practice is predominantly dairy and equine, with a rapidly expanding equine portion. Call will be shared equally. Salary is commiserate with experience, paid vacation and CE stipend. Truck and Box are provided. We welcome 4th year externs to our practice and enjoy the opportunity to mentor. Please contact Tomah Large Animal Veterinary Care at tlavcsc@ gmail.com or (608) 372-2698.*
DAIRY FT dairy associate position available in our practice 1 hour south of Madison, WI. Fifty year old 5-doctor practice equipped with ImproMed software, easy scan ultrasound, bacteriology lab, chemistry machine. Services include reproduction, surgery, general herd health. Benefits include: competitive salary, paid vacation, insurance (health, professional, disability and liability), CE allowance, 401(k) and licensing. On-call shared equally. Visit our website at: www.monroeveterinaryservice.com. Please mail resume to: Monroe Veterinary Service, S.C. 1317-31st Avenue Monroe, WI 53566 or email to MVS53566@ tds.net.
MIXED ANIMAL MA 7 doctor practice, with satellite clinics, seeking a FT MA, LA or SA veterinarian. PT considered. Minnesota license. Strong bovine, equine, canine and feline practice with room to grow. PTO, health, and CE paid. Lake country with fishing, hunting and camping. Resume to South 71 Veterinary Clinic, 4119 Abbott Drive, Willmar, MN 56201, rtollefsrud@gmail.com or call (320) 235-7396. A PT/FT associate position is available in our MA practice located in Randolph, WI. LA is primarily dairy production medicine with ultrasound. Our SA medicine is supported by digital radiography, ultrasound, Heska CBC-Chemistry and dental machine. New associate position would require both SA and LA work. Competitive salary and benefit package offered. Please send resume and questions Attn: Angie via email to info@randolphpetvet.com. Chetek Veterinary Clinic seeks third veterinarian for growing practice. We believe in treating every client/patient with compassion, respect and flexibility. We learn their names, share their lives and make them part of our family. Our patients are mainly dogs, cats, horses and a few farm animals too. We take care of our clients 24/7. Don’t let fear of ER’s stop you! Mentoring always available. Extensive LA experience not necessary, if you’re willing to learn, we’re willing to teach! Salary, PTO, IRA, dues, CE, work vehicle provided. FT preferred but flexible. Email info@chetekvetclinic.com.* An associate position is available in our 7 doctor MA practice located in the SE Wisconsin town of Cedar Grove. LA is primarily dairy production medicine with ultrasound and DairyComp305 utilized. Companion animal medicine is supported by digital radiography, IDEXX CBC-Chemistry, laser therapy and more. New associate should possess a current interest in both large and companion animal areas. The area offers a multitude of recreational and entertainment venues. Competitive salary and benefit package offered. Please email resume and questions to info@cgvet.com or visit our website at www. cgvet.com.*
RELIEF Experienced relief veterinarian for Madison and surrounding area. Professional, easy to work with and adaptable. Christie Iliff, DVM. (608) 215-3736 or Iliffveterinary@gmail.com. Iliff Veterinary Services, LLC. Experienced SA daytime & ER DVM who loves pets and people available in SE/ SC Wi and NE/NC IL. David Trask, DVM, traskdr@gmail.com. Quality relief care since 1992. Special interests include surgery and dermatology. Personable, reliable service. Please call Robert Patyk, DVM, at (262) 567-2832. Or email: robert.patyk@att.net. Experienced SA relief veterinarian available. Versatile. Great with staff, clients and pets. Willing to travel. Dr. Lori Zimmerman, (608) 592-7779 or doclori@ hotmail.com. SA relief vet since 1995. Thorough, reliable, easy going. Will travel to Green Bay, Kenosha, Janesville, Wisconsin Dells and areas in between. Julie Lakin DVM, (920) 269-7264. Experienced SA veterinarian available for relief work, over 20 years relief experience, WI licensed and accredited. Please call/email Mark Clemons, DVM (262) 862-1121, macdjc4209@aol.com. Reliable, competent, SA relief with over 25 years’ experience. WI license, accredited. Will travel. Capable at soft-tissue surgery and medicine. Great communication skills with clients and staff. ShortTerm Relief, LLC. Call Kate Short, DVM at (608) 963-5208 or email: windsor9917@gmail.com. Communicative, productive SA veterinarian available for relief work in western WI, surrounding areas. Licensed in MN/WI. Experienced in surgery, medicine, dentistry, staff management. Outstanding customer service, client-building skills. Victori Ribeiro, MS, DVM, (651) 503-0482; neyx0003@umn.edu. 20+ years’ experience, skilled in surgery, diagnostics and client communication. Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. Let me care for your clients and your hospital team. Erika Gibbs, DVM, doctor.gibbs@gmail.com, (920) 988-4431. Caring and compassionate relief veterinarian available. 25+ years of AAHA
experience. Competent medical and soft tissue surgery skills. Emphasis on quality and integrity. Paul Danhaus, DVM. (715) 571-8091 or paul.danhaus@ gmail.com. SA and equine relief work. 28 year experience. Proficient in SA soft tissue surgery and equine ultrasound and power floating. Will travel. Call Sabine Hartmann, DVM (715) 267-7443 or twinoaks@tds.net.* Experienced SA clinician available for work in central and western Wisconsin. Excellent communication skills; enjoy working with clients and staff. Nancy Leverance, D.V.M. Email: nleverance52@gmail.com or call (608) 369-4115 or (608) 429-9408.
SERVICES AVAILABLE Board-certified internist offers mobile SA medicine consultations, ultrasound, and endoscopy in your practice in SE WI. Please call Anne Mattson, DVM, DACVIM, (262) 241-3987. Buying or selling a veterinary practice? Count on the experience of Total Practice Solutions Group. See display ad. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group for a free consultation, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@ tpsgsales.com. Building new or remodeling? 20 years’ experience with business plan review, budgeting, space planning, design development, contract negotiation, project management, owner’s representation, AutoCad and SketchUp 3D. Contact Allen Ibsen, DVM at aibsen5957@gmail.com or (262) 853-3840.*
TECH/STAFF Experienced veterinary technician or veterinary assistant wanted for practice in Middleton. Duties include reception work, handling and caring for patients, educating clients on preventative care and lab work. Please send resume to Knight Veterinary Clinic, LLC, 6255 University Ave. #103, Middleton, WI 53562 or email to knightvetmiddleton@hotmail.com. End every workday knowing you’ve been part of something really special. We seek a compassionate, observant individual to fill the position of Certified Vet Tech at Crawford Animal Hospital in Greenfield, WI. Use your technical skills at Crawford Animal Hospital!! The Certified Vet Tech plays an essential role for our DVMs and clients including anesthesia monitoring, radiology, dental
prophys, therapy laser, educating pet owners, inventory management
and safety. Attention to detail, high standards, respect for people of all lifestyles, ethnicities and beliefs, a solid work ethic and motivation to strive for excellence are a must in our high quality hospital. At Crawford Animal Hospital our clients know we are passionate about giving them stellar service and their pets the very best care, always. This is a permanent FT or PT position, including some evening and weekend hours. Compensation package includes: health insurance, vision and dental insurance, 401(k), competitive pay, professional development opportunities, including tuition assistance for assistant to CVT Fear Free Certification, PTO, paid holidays, uniforms, CE/memberships, personal pet discounts, plus more. Minimum of 1 year experience caring for domestic animals required, previous experience in a SA veterinary facility highly preferred. A background check and pre-employment drug screen will be required. To join our exceptional team of skilled animal care professionals please send COVER LETTER and resume to jvalerine@crawfordvet.com. North Shore Animal Hospital is seeking an experienced FT Certified Veterinary Technician to join our AAHA and Fear Free certified, multiple doctor, fullservice veterinary hospital. We are a 3.5 Doctor, 5 CVT progressive hospital that excels in surgery and dentistry. Our ideal candidate should be self-motivated and enjoy a fast paced work environment that utilizes your skills fully. Our FT staff members enjoy one week day off per week and work a half day every other Saturday. No afterhour’s emergencies. Competitive salary and benefits include: paid vacation, health insurance, 401(k) with matching, CE allowance, uniform allowance and paid licensing and association memberships and reduced pet care and supplies. Please send resume to North Shore Animal Hospital; attn. Lori Jensen, Practice Manager 4630 Douglas Avenue Racine, WI 53402, fax (262) 639-7658 or email ericlorij@aol.com. Seeking a new TEAM member! Our CVT’s enjoy excitement and fulfillment using their skills to the fullest. We are a growing 5 doctor SA and exotic practice in Menomonee Falls, WI. We are committed to providing compassionate, high quality care and progressive medicine, dentistry and surgery. We have an incredible compassionate staff and amazing clients. We encourage a culture of teamwork, communication and empathy. Our new 6400 sq ft facility is 5 years old and state-of-the-art. We are well equipped with digital dental radiographs, digital radiographs, ultrasound, therapeutic laser, avian endoscopy and full inhouse laboratory. We offer a competitive salary with great benefits. Continuing education is encouraged and supported. If you have a strong desire to learn and want to make a difference in the lives of pets and their owners please send your resume/CV to mclark@brookfallsveterinary.com. FT/PT CVT is wanted to round out our team in a growing SA practice. We
are looking for someone that is motivated, has a positive attitude, enjoys educating clients and likes working in a team environment. Duties include, but are not limited to assisting with appointments, radiology, specimen processing, laboratory work (IDEXX equipment), client education, dentistry, surgical assistance and much more. Variable schedule including some evenings and Saturdays. Competitive compensation and benefits. Contact: Lea Murack at sullivanvet@centurytel.net or send resume to: Sullivan Veterinary Service, 103 Main St., Sullivan, WI 53178. Summit Animal Clinic is seeking a vibrant, personable, compassionate FT/ PT Veterinary Technician or Assistant for our SA practices in Oconomowoc/ Delafield, WI. Qualified candidates are hardworking, self-motivated and detail oriented. Individuals with exceptional communication skills and adaptation to a team setting is essential. Responsibilities include patient care, laboratory procedures, surgical monitoring, dentistry, radiology and reception. We offer competitive salary and benefits. Interested candidates may send resume to Summit Animal Clinic, LLC, 1740 Summit Avenue, Oconomowoc, WI 53066 or email to Windi Sallmann at windi@summitanimal.com. Lodi Veterinary Care is now hiring a Laboratory Technician/Assistant to join our expanding team! Lodi Veterinary Care is a 22 doctor veterinary hospital located outside of Madison, WI. Our large hospital has an in-house laboratory that services our SA, equine and livestock divisions. Main job responsibilities include: Processing blood samples through in-house analyzers (Complete Blood Counts, Chemistry panels, clotting times, heartworm and tick-borne disease testing) • Interpretation of blood smears, basic cytology, intestinal parasite screens and urinalysis • Processing of samples for milk quality and antibiotic meat residue testing • Responsible for in house milk and urine culture testing • Laboratory equipment maintenance, implementation of laboratory protocols and quality controls • Prepare and document samples for external laboratory • Record appropriate results in patient electronic medical record. Position requirements: Completion of Certified Veterinary Technician degree, Laboratory Technician associates degree or Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, Biology or Microbiology or related degree. Previous experience in a laboratory is preferred but not required. This FT position offers a comprehensive benefits package including: paid vacation & sick time, paid holidays, uniform allowance, health insurance reimbursement, CE, 401(k) plan and great pet care benefits. Candidates must have excellent communication skills, be team oriented, and enjoy a fast paced environment. Please send resume and cover letter to Camille: csimonson@lodivet.com.
a large exam room, stock, outdoor round pen, shanks surgery suite and a 12x12 padded induction/recovery stall with a 2 ton hoist that moves the horses from the induction/recovery room to the surgery table. Please call: (218) 849-2451 or email: kgreiner@runestone.net for more information New Listing! Southeast Wisconsin – Highly Profitable and Growing SA practice with attached home on approximately 2 acres RE. Close to town center on main thoroughfare. 2- exam rooms. WI1. PS Broker 1-800-636-4740 www. psbroker.com info@psbroker.com SA practice grossing $465K along Ironwood-Duluth corridor. Practice and RE offered at $398K. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800-380-6872 or kurt@ tpsgsales.com. UNDER CONTRACT - SA Practice grossing $1.0M along Lake Winnebago. Practice and RE offered at $1,280,000. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG 1-800-380-6872 or kurt@tpsgsales.com. NW Wisconsin near Twin Cities - SA revenue $900K. Practice and RE offered for $825,000. Easy terms, low-cost ownership entry. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG 1-800-380-6872 or kurt@tpsgsales.com. Grossing $590 along Madison-Fond du Lac corridor. Practice and RE offered at $625K. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800-380-6872 or kurt@tpsgsales. com. Appleton grossing $550K. Beautiful facilities. Should grow rapidly. Call for more information. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800-380-6872 or kurt@tpsgsales.com. AAHA certified, Appleton area SA practice grossing $693K. Practice and RE offered at $765K. Call for more information. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800-380-6872 or kurt@tpsgsales.com. SA practice grossing $439K between Green Bay and Menominee. Practice and RE offered at $375K. Call for more information. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800-380-6872 or kurt@tpsgsales.com. Wausau/Stevens Point Area – well respected AAHA SA practice grossing $1M. Digital dental and radiology – 2 Dentalaire units, 2 surgical lasers. Emergencies referred to local emergency service. Beautiful standing hospital. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG – 1-800-380-6872 or kurt@tpsgsales.com.
Looking for a rewarding career? Join the Wisconsin Humane Society! Now seeking a FT CVT at our Milwaukee Campus offering a competitive starting salary of $16/hour and a comprehensive benefits package. For job details or to apply, visit www.wihumane.org/employment. EOE. Certified Veterinary Technician, FT/PT - We are looking for a friendly, enthusiastic FT/PT Certified Veterinary Technician, who takes pride in offering exceptional service and compassionate care to our patients and clients. Pulaski Veterinary Clinic, located only 15 minutes’ northwest of Green Bay. The clinic is a full-service animal hospital and welcomes both “daytime” emergency treatment cases as well as pet patients in need or routine medical, surgical and dental care. We currently have 3 licensed veterinarians, focusing on the treatment of cats and dogs. We have electronic medical records and are well equipped with digital radiographs, digital dental, surgical laser, therapy laser and an in-house IDEXX laboratory. We support our staff with many benefits which includes health insurance along with a health savings account (HSA), 401(k), CE allowance, long and short term disability plans as well as long term care insurance coverage. If you are excited about working with a dedicated team whose core values are excellence, education, friendliness and integrity, we would love to hear from you. Please send resume to pvcinfo@netnet.net.*
FOR SALE Midmark M7 SpeedClave Steam Sterilizer - 2007 basic model. $1200. Selling due to upgrade. Last used Nov 14 2017. Fully functioning with 3 trays, drain tube, and manual. Can email pics. Contact wvc@wctc.net or (715) 421-4200 for more information. For sale: used but great condition EcoMax X-ray Processor. Will come with manual, x-ray plates, film and envelopes, developer and fixer, red light, EZprint and cards. Contact saamvetclinic@gmail.com or (307) 568-9305 for more information. Exam tables, treatment island, dog runs, kennels and cat condos for sale. Email for pictures and more information. Located in Sun Prairie, WI. sandianddick@ charter.net*
PRACTICE FOR SALE Buying or selling a veterinary practice? Count on the experience of Total Practice Solutions Group. See display ad. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg for free consultation: 1-800-380-6872 or kurt@tpsgsales.com. Respected ambulatory and in-patient equine clinic located in Elbow Lake, Minnesota. 4,000 square feet, climate controlled building; including: 11 stalls,
Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association 4610 S. Biltmore Ln., Suite 107 Madison, WI 53718
Save the date! 2018 WVMA Convention October 11-13 Madison, Wis.