WVMA From the Executive Director Credential Number Questions Answered
In the News Minor Changes to CE Take Effect
The High Cost of Caring: Compassion Fatigue in Veterinary Medicine
16-19 Classifieds
From the President It’s All in the Family
n k c RoRol l
In This Issue 2
June 2016
e VM A C on v
Oct o b e r 13 - 16 , 2016 A llian t En e rg y Center M adison WI
2016 WVMA Convention – Thursday Preview Small Animal Track 1
Todd Tams, DVM, DACVIM Dr. Todd Tams received his DVM from The Ohio State University in 1977 and then entered into a mixed practice in Vermont from 1977-78. He then completed an internship at the West Los Angeles Veterinary Medical Group in 1978-79, followed by a residency in internal medicine at Colorado State University from 1979-81. He was a staff internist at the Angell Memorial Animal Hospital in Boston from 1981-84, and achieved board certification in internal medicine in 1982. Dr. Tams returned to Los Angeles in 1984. In January 1987, West L.A. became the first VCA hospital. He is currently Chief Medical Officer for VCA Inc., as well as a part-time staff internist at VCA West Los Angeles Animal Hospital. Acute and Chronic Vomiting in Dogs and Cats - Diagnostic Approach Parts 1 & 2
These two sessions will provide a review of diagnostic strategy, importance of obtaining a thorough and accurate history, best tests and when they should be performed. Many case examples will be highlighted. Discussion will include radiological diagnosis of foreign body obstruction, diagnostic strategy for gastric hypomotility (an underdiagnosed syndrome in dogs), when ultrasound and endoscopy are most indicated in evaluation of patients with vomiting and how to handle when clients can’t afford to do both, and recommended approach in dogs and cats with only occasional vomiting (when is a work-up indicated and which tests?). The focus will be on cases that can be seen in any general practice setting. Acute Pancreatitis in Dogs – Update on Diagnosis and Management Many things have changed over the years! This session presents an update on current recommendations for diagnosis as well as therapy. Which tests provide the most clarifying >>> Continued on Page 5
It’s All in the Family Isn’t it Great Being a Veterinarian?... Dr. John T. Been
Extending that same mindset to the environment in veterinary practice, we see identical positive benefits that result from creating and committing to a ‘family’ atmosphere there. Employee health and satisfaction is directly related to the comforting and supportive family traits which bond clinic teams together. In its most productive form, clients are also part of that clinic family that identifies with a particular practice and its’ ‘brand’. The traditional clinic family has evolved in recent years and has been presented with new pressures related to client demands, social media, student debt/compensation, gender shifts, and competition. Any of these issues may represent a challenge, I am continuously struck by one particular aspect of events such as the but they also represent an opportunity to be innovative in addressing Blue Coat Ceremony. The occasion is well attended by family members the challenge they present. The clinics that embrace and utilize those of the students and it is such a heartwarming thing to see the pride and opportunities will be in the best position to further nurture their own ‘family’ towards a productive and prosperous future. joy that parents and other family members exhibit as they witness the symbolic ceremony that documents the achievements of those students. The WVMA conducted a weekend seminar entitled ‘Mind, Body, and Soul – A Weekend for Team Wellness’ on April 9th and 10th which tried to Fine individuals of scholarly ability, competitive instincts, scientific address the issue of compassion fatigue (CF) among health care workers. curiosity, and good character, do not just happen by accident. Most commonly, strong family structure and moral support are key ingredients Veterinarians and their staff are not immune to the detrimental affects of in generating reliable student candidates. Most importantly, they retain CF and are, in fact, perhaps particularly victimized by this syndrome. Our presenter, Patricia Smith, a CF specialist, did a fine job of describing the and utilize those ideal character traits into their practice life. circumstances which may lead to the negative effects of CF and provided The same characteristics of a strong family unit on those personal some insight into managing its’ effects. Attendees were very engaged levels apply favorably to the sense of family that is evident in a given in our breakout sessions and recognized many of the signs of CF in their class of veterinary students. Martin Granick, a member of the Class workplace. We were very impressed with their active participation. Some of 2017, gave a very fine address of special appreciation at the Blue websites which will inform you on the subject of CF are: Coat Ceremony in which he cited, time and again, how important it I had the great pleasure of attending the annual Blue Coat Ceremony this year at Union South on the UW campus in April. This event marks a pivotal time in the educational time line of our current third year veterinary medical students. The presentation of the blue lab coat marks that important transition of the students from the lecture halls and laboratories to the clinical hospital where they will start to apply their knowledge to the ‘real world’ of patient diagnosis, treatment, and care. It is both an exciting and an anxiety producing transition, but one that invariably launches our students into those dreams of practice and research that they have worked so hard to achieve.
was that the Class of 2017 was interconnected and supportive of one another. That, he said, was a key aspect of their vet school experience. Just as an individual’s family nurtures children into becoming healthy, independent adults and fine citizens, so too does a healthy vet school environment nurture the production of fine veterinarians of integrity and character.
www.compassionfatigue.com www.healthycaregiving.com www.proqol.org
The veterinary family has always been a closely knit and unique family. Let’s keep it that way! ...Yes, it is! n
John T. Been, DVM
District 5
Judith Batker, DVM
Scott Spaulding , DVM
District 6
Alan Holter, DVM
Past President
Jane Clark, DVM
District 7
Karl Solverson, DVM
District 1
Katrina Geitner, DVM
District 8
Kevin Landorf, DVM
District 2
Chris Keim, DVM
District 9
Gary Johnson, DVM
District 3
Trisha Fasse-Neerhof, DVM
Student Rep.
Holly Hovanec
District 4
James Ziegler, DVM
Treasurer David Jeans, DVM AVMA Delegate Douglas Kratt, DVM Dean, UW-SVM Mark Markel, DVM, PhD State Veterinarian Paul McGraw, DVM WVDL Director Philip N. Bochsler, DVM, PhD, DACVP Student Rep. Morgan Randall
Executive Director Kim Brown Pokorny Executive Assistant Torrie Kennedy Communications and Project Specialist Bailey Quam Development and Marketing Specialist Jeremy Panizza Food Armor® Katie Mrdutt, DVM Outreach Specialist
2 June
The WVMA Voice is published on the 15th day of each month by the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association, 4610 S. Biltmore Ln., Suite 107, Madison, WI 53718; (608) 2573665; toll-free (888) 254-5202; fax (608) 257-8989; e-mail: wvma@wvma.org; website: www.wvma.org. It is sent free of charge to all WVMA members. Office hours: 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday-Friday.
First 30 words $10; each additional word $1.50. Non-member: First 30 words $50; each additional word $1.50. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads. Classified ads run for two months and must be renewed for additional months. Classified ads are to be received by the first working day of the month. Display advertising is available at the editors’ discretion. Call (608) 257-3665 for more information. The deadline for receipt of all material submitted for publication is the first working day of the month, to insure consideration for the next month’s newsletter.
January February March April May June July August September October November December
December 1 December 15 January 1 January 15 February 1 February 15 March 1 March 15 April 1 April 15 May 1 May 15 June 1 June 15 July 1 July 15 August 1 August 15 September 1 September 15 October 1 October 15 November 1 November 15
Credential Number Questions Answered Kim Brown Pokorny
This month I have asked Sandy Chalmers, Assistant Deputy Secretary with the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection to address some of the questions we have been receiving about license numbers. Below is the information Sandy provided. We’ve heard about some confusion relating to credential numbers. Please remember we are still in transition and are moving all VEB-related activities from Department of Safety and Professional Services to DATCP. Some credential holders renewed at DSPS, and some renewed at DATCP. All veterinary medical licenses and veterinary technician certificates now have new DATCPissued numbers. Why? Because some of the DSPS numbers were already used by existing DATCP licensees. Credential holders can use or reference either their DSPS number or DATCP number until the next renewal cycle in December 2017. For example, a veterinary credential holder may still use their DSPS-issued credential number to order drugs. The pharmacy will still be able to verify the credential holder by name and DSPS number. Each week, DATCP publishes an updated list of current veterinary credential holders on the VEB website. On that list, the old DSPS number is displayed alongside the new DATCP number for each credential holder. The new credential documents produced by DATCP only contain the new DATCP number. So, when veterinary credential holders replace their DSPS-issued with DATCP documents, the new documents will only have the DATCP number. In the next renewal cycle in December 2017, the licensing transition will be complete, and credential holders will use their DATCP-issued number. Questions? Contact Matt Tompach Matthew.Tompach@wisconsin.gov n
Silver Sponsors
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Take Full Advantage of Social Media From the WVMA!
Crank up your clinic’s social media! Share, retweet or repost any of the content the WVMA posts on Facebook, Twitter or on wvma.org on your clinics social media! All information shared on these sites is for our members to help in sharing news and can also be shared with clients. If you have not already, like us on Facebook, Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association and follow us on Twitter, @WVMA. By following the WVMA through these outlets, you will be able to stay current on happenings in Wisconsin and on the national veterinary medical scene.
Member Benefit Program The WVMA has aligned with following companies to offer WVMA member’s exclusive benefits - Land’s End, Professional Insurance Programs, Association Gloves, HotelStorm, Scriptsave and Avis. Visit www.wvma.org to take advantage of the member benefits program and start saving today!
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4 June
WVMA Annual Convention – Thursday Preview >>> Continued from Page 1
information, which tests are no longer recognized as being sensitive or specific, and what are the most important differentials for dogs with signs consistent with pancreatitis? What are the most indicated therapies for dogs with acute pancreatitis? When should dogs with pancreatitis be started on food? These and other questions will be discussed in detail.
Help Me Help You: Getting the Most Out of Your Cytology Samples Do you feel dissatisfied with the cytology results you are getting back your the pathologist? In this session, we will discuss how to optimize cytology collection, preparation and submission to limit the number of ‘non-diagnostic’ samples and maximize satisfaction for both you and your clients.
Acute and Chronic Diarrhea in Dogs and Cats Parts 1 & 2 These two sessions will include a focus on the diagnostic approach for dogs and cats with acute and chronic diarrhea. Diagnosis and management of mild acute diarrhea as well as specific causes such as Giardia (easy to miss, or misdiagnose, without appropriate testing), cryptosporidiosis (it is underdiagnosed), Clostridium perfringens enterotoxicosis, Tritrichomonas foetus, and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency will be highlighted and case examples will be used to emphasize key points.
Cytology Basics: Cutaneous Lumps and Bumps In this session, we will cover the most common skin lesions (neoplastic, inflammatory and infectious) in dogs and cats. We will review the characteristic cytologic findings, as well as the most common mistakes and misdiagnosis. Learn when to be confident in your own findings and when to send to a pathologist for further review.
Use of Nutraceuticals in Veterinary Gastroenterology Products for management of intestinal and liver disorders will be discussed, including probiotics and therapies for liver disease. Probiotics are gaining in popularity in both human and veterinary medicine. Rationale for their use in animals with GI disorders and case selections will be highlighted.
Frequently Asked Questions Parts 1 & 2 Clinical pathologists take dozens of calls a week from clinicians looking for help in interpreting hematologic, biochemical and endocrine test results. There are many common questions and points of confusion when interpreting these tests. In these sessions, we will cover those questions most frequently asked in a case-based format. Small Animal Lunch Bunch
Small Animal Track 2
Laura Snyder, DVM Dr. Laura Snyder is a graduate of Tufts University and a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists. She completed an internship and practiced small animal medicine prior to a residency in clinical pathology at North Carolina State University. She has been employed at Marshfield Labs since 2011 and works at a satellite lab located within the Wisconsin Veterinary Referral Center. Going Beyond the Numbers: The Importance of Blood Smear Evaluation Looking at numbers alone can be very misleading! No machine can take the place of a thorough blood smear review. In this session we will review critical changes that may be missed by hematology analyzers but can be readily identified by looking through the microscope. Flow Cytometry and PARR: Advanced Diagnostic Testing for Lymphoma and Leukemia In this session, we will cover the principles of flow cytometry and PARR (PCR for antigen receptor rearrangement). We will discuss when and how these tests are best utilized and the information they provide. The limitations will also be discussed.
veterinary visits.
Ilona Rodan, DVM, Dipl. ABVP, Feline Dr. Ilona Rodan graduated from Washington State University in 1978, and is ABVP certified in feline practice. She was the medical director and owner of the Cat Care Clinic, Madison, Wis. from 1978-2015. She co-edited Feline Behavioral Health and Welfare, lectures internationally, and consults to improve feline
Feline Fear-Free Practice There are no “bad” cats, only fearful ones. As a solitary hunter and survivor, the cat has a heightened fear response to help recognize potential danger. Everything associated with the veterinary visit – the owner’s behavior, the carrier, car ride, examination, diagnostic testing, environment, and more – spells danger to the cat, leading to fear and possible fear-associated aggression. Any practice can provide an environment that respects the cat’s senses and needs. Handling techniques that prevent fear, anxiety, and pain can be readily learned to help make for a calmer and safer visit for all involved. If fear cannot be prevented, an anxiolytic and/or sedation is needed to prevent fear at future visits. >>> Continued on Page 10
Minor Changes to CE Take Effect By Jordan Lamb, DeWitt Ross & Stevens, s.c.
The Wisconsin Veterinary Examining Board has adopted two slight changes to the continuing education rules for Wisconsin veterinarians and veterinary technicians.
of continuing education offered via the internet and has removed it from VE 10. Effective April 1, 2016, this is no longer an option for securing continuing education.
Under Wisconsin law, (Wis. Stat.§ 89.062 (2) (a) and (b)), licensed veterinarians are required to complete 30 hours of continuing education every two years and licensed veterinary technicians are required to complete 15 hours of continuing education every two years. Continuing education requirements for both veterinarians and veterinary technicians are found in Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter VE 10.
The Board also eliminated s. VE 10.03 (3) (i), which allowed the preparation and successful completion of the examination required for certification to use, handle, distribute and dispose of pesticides to be approved for one hour of continuing education. This provision was deleted because it was determined to be outdated due to recent legislation, 2009 Wisconsin Act 139, which specified that the VEB may not require training or continuing education concerning the use, handling, distribution, and disposal of pesticides, other than for disciplinary purposes. The deletion of this continuing education option was also effective April 1, 2016. n
Recently, the Veterinary Examining Board (VEB) identified two continuing education provisions within ch. VE 10 that required revising. First, s. VE 10.03 (3) (b), which allowed self-study of veterinary medical or scientific journals as a way to earn continuing education credits, was deleted. The VEB determined that this provision was obsolete due to the abundance
WVMA Award Nomination Form Nominations Due August 21
WVMA award nominations for Veterinarian of the Year, Friend of Veterinary Medicine and Corporate Partnership Award are due July 1. Awards will be presented during the annual meeting at the WVMA Convention on October 14. Nominee name______________________________________________________________________________________________ Your contact information Name of person nominating_____________________________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone____________________________________________ Email____________________________________________________ Nominating for: o Veterinarian of the Year
o Friend of Veterinary Medicine
o Corporate Partnership Award
Please return nomination form and at least one letter of support to the WVMA office by August 21. Additional letters of support are encouraged, but not necessary. Send materials to: WVMA Awards – 4610 S. Biltmore Lane, Suite 107, Madison, WI 53718 If you have questions, call the WVMA at (888) 254-5202 or (608) 257-3665 in Madison, or e-mail the WVMA at wvma@wvma.org. Award Descriptions
Veterinarian of the Year – This award is given to annually to a WVMA member who made major contributions toward the advancement of the veterinary medical profession. Friend of Veterinary Medicine – This award is given to a non-veterinarian who has demonstrated outstanding support for veterinary medicine or organized veterinary medicine in Wisconsin. Corporate Partnership – This award is given to a business which has demonstrated outstanding support for veterinary medicine and organized veterinary medicine.
6 June
WVMA Partners If your clinic is looking for ways to save money, contact the WVMA’s partners and add to your cash flow! Professional Insurance Programs Professional Insurance Programs (PIP) is a full service insurance agency that provides advice, solutions and resources to members of professional associations. The services provided will add value to your WVMA membership experience by the depth of their offered service pool. www.wvma.org; click on the PIP logo. WVMA-TransFirst Health Services Credit Card Processing Program Competitive rates, special rewards card handling, and PIN-based debit available. Contact the WVMA-TFHS Program Team: WVMA@TransFirst.com. Veterinary Career Network Matches employers with employees nationally in the veterinary profession. Employers post ads without word limit; job seekers apply for opportunities and post their resume at no cost. www.wvma.org; click Career Center. WVMA E-Services Website creation, logos, printing and design services. www.wvmaeservices.com
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n k c o R Rol l
e VM A C on v
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8 June
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WVMA Annual Convention – Thursday Preview >>> Continued from Page 5
Large Animal Track
Nigel B. Cook, BSc BVSc Cert. CHP DBR MRCVS Dr. Nigel Cook is a professor in the Food Animal Production Medicine section of the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine. He qualified as a veterinarian in 1992 and worked in a large food animal clinic in Southern England for four years before moving to the Royal Veterinary College, Hertfordshire, where he spent three years as lecturer and head of the Large Animal Ambulatory Clinic. Since 1999 he has been in Wisconsin, teaching veterinary students, performing research and developing outreach to improve dairy cattle well-being. His particular interests include lameness prevention, cow comfort and improving facility design. He developed The Dairyland Initiative – a resource to drive the creation of welfare friendly cattle housing in 2010. He is currently Chair of the Department of Medical Sciences and Past President of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. What’s Trending in Animal Welfare on the Dairy Animal welfare continues to be a hot topic in the dairy industry with recent changes to the DairyFARM program and new audit and assessment programs being launched. This session will discuss past and current trends in welfare assessments and examine the role of the veterinarian. TCI a Decade on – Improvements in Transition Management The Transition Cow Index was released more than a decade ago and fueled increased interest in the housing and management of the transition cow. The Wisconsin Blueprint focused on bunk space, stocking density, resting surface and social stability to improve early lactation performance. This session will examine the changes that have been adopted by the dairy industry and examine the challenges we continue to face optimizing transition on our dairy farms. Lifestep – A Lesion Oriented, Life Cycle Approach to Solving Lameness Problems Dairy cow lameness is a hoof lesion problem, which in many cases persists for a lifetime. Solving lameness on our farms requires simple strategies focused on control of the three main lesions – digital dermatitis, sole ulcers and white line disease. This session will discuss these solutions and examine the performance of herds that have implemented them. How to Avoid Mistakes in Freestall Design Freedom stalls, green stalls, dog bones, michigans, mushrooms …… loops of every shape and size still persist in our freestall barns. We continue to see mistakes being made which impact the resting time of
10 June
the dairy cow and puts her in harms way. Learn how to assess a freestall from the cow’s perspective and learn how to identify and fix problems related to design. New Concepts in Ventilation and Cooling Adult Cattle Natural, cross, tunnel, or hybrid – what is the best way to ventilate a barn for adult dairy cattle all year round and cool cows in the summer? This session will examine the issues facing natural ventilation, discuss the pros and cons of mechanical ventilation systems and look to new concepts to provide fresh air to our dairy cows. Imagining the Ideal Dairy Farm The consumer, without a knowledge of agriculture, imagines a dairy farm where cows are free to roam, eat grass, without the use of antibiotics or hormones and where the animals are well cared for. They also imagine these farms are sustainable and profitable. In this session, I will imagine my ideal dairy farm and make a case for humane care coupled with sustainability in a housed dairy system. Equine Track
Travis Henry, DVM, DAVDC Dr. Travis Henry graduated from Michigan State College of Veterinary Medicine in 1993. He started Midwest Equine Services in 2003, a dentistry based practice in Elkhorn, Wis. He completed a dentistry and oral surgery residency at UC Davis in 2014, becoming board certified in 2015 with the AVDC. Molly Rice, MS, DVM Dr. Molly Rice graduated from UW School of Veterinary Medicine in 2003. Following her internship at Wisconsin Equine Clinic she worked at Lodi Veterinary Hospital. She continued to advance her skills in equine dentistry and joined Dr. Travis Henry at Midwest Equine Services, a dentistry based practice, in 2011. Equine Dental Anatomy: It’s Really Not That Complicated. A pictorial review of dental terminology and tooth anatomy will provide practical examples of dental anatomy in practice. Component-Based Oral Exam The foundation of excellent modern dentistry is a complete oral examination. A five component oral examination will allow the clinician to create a thorough evaluation of the horse’s oral health, leading to improved treatment planning and oral care for the horse. Case examples will be presented for all five components. Recommended instrumentation will be discussed.
Why do I Hate Taking Radiographs of the Horse’s Head? Equine dental radiography can be an important diagnostic tool in practice. Positioning and techniques for taking standard dental radiography views will be explained. A systematic approach to interpretation of films will be discussed, with case examples. EOTRH Explained in Practical Terms Equine odontoclastic tooth resorption and hypercementosis is an important disease affecting many older horses. Current knowledge of the disease process, diagnostic and treatment considerations will be discussed. The Fractured Tooth: “So what is the big deal?” The presentation will describe features of different fracture types seen in the oral cavity of the horse. The appropriate diagnostic procedures and interpretation will be discussed along with treatment planning. Periodontal Disease: The Scourge of the Horse Periodontal disease is a painful, debilitating, and frustrating disease that is progressive and will end in tooth loss. We will discuss the importance of early identification and provide current treatment methods that aid in management of the horse’s oral health. Large Animal Lunch Bunch
Paul McGraw, DVM Dr. Paul McGraw completed his undergraduate studies at University of Wisconsin-River Falls and obtained his DVM degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. McGraw worked in private veterinary practice for 16 years before coming to DATCP as Assistant State Veterinarian in 2004. In April 2013, Dr. McGraw was elected as the State Veterinarian for Wisconsin. Sheryl Shaw, DVM, MPH Dr. Sheryl Shaw is a 1989 graduate of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Washington State University. She spent 11.5 years in private practice in Wisconsin and then Montana. Dr. Shaw has been with the USDA since 2000, spending time in Food Safety (FSIS) and then APHIS Veterinary Services as an export veterinary
n k c o R Rol l
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medical officer and area epidemiology officer in Minnesota. Dr. Shaw completed a master’s of public health at the University of Minnesota in 2008 and the USDA Graduate School Executive Leadership Program in 2011. Dr. Shaw began her duties as the area veterinarian in charge in Wisconsin in November, 2012 and currently serves as Director of Service Center 3 within National Import Export Services in VS. She supervises staff in IA, IL, IN, KY, MI, MN, OH and WI. National and State Regulatory Updates – The Who, What, Where and When For the first part of lunch you will learn from Dr. Sheryl Shaw on what issues within APHIS are impacting Wisconsin veterinarians. Then Dr. Paul McGraw will discuss what is new from DATCP. There will be a ten minute question and answer session after both updates. TB Recertification
Elisabeth Patton, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVIM Dr. Elisabeth Patton received her DVM degree from Colorado State University in 1991. In 1996, she completed a combined Master’s and large animal medicine residency from the University of Wisconsin-School of Veterinary Medicine and is board certified with the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. She received her PhD in Immunology from Cornell University in 2000. She has been working at DATCP as the Johne’s Program Manager for the state of Wisconsin since 2003 and in 2011 she also began serving as the Tuberculosis Program Manager. TB Recertification Veterinarians conducting bovine TB testing in Wisconsin must be certified to do so. This certification provides training to veterinarians on a number of aspects of bovine TB testing, from proper handling of tuberculin, injection methods, reading and interpreting results, recording and reporting results, common errors, as well as updates on research and TB affected herds in the US. n
O cto ber 1 3 - 1 6 , 20 16 A llian t En er gy C en te r Madison WI
The High Cost of Caring: Compassion Fatigue in Veterinary Medicine By Patricia Smith, Founder, Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project
Studies confirm that animal caregivers play host to high levels of compassion fatigue. Nowhere in the field of animal welfare is the struggle to remain healthy and motivated more pervasive than with veterinarians and their staff.
emotional outbursts; persistent physical ailments, sadness; flashbacks of traumatic events and recurring nightmares. Our overworked, stressed bodies are sending us a signal that self care and healing is required.
Compassion fatigue is a secondary traumatic stress syndrome. Veterinarians, in particular, are known to suffer elevated levels of compassion fatigue due to excessive expectations placed on their time, talents and resources. A recent article in Mental Health Daily extended the list of factors to include: high levels of responsibility, especially for business owners; no room for mistakes; unsuccessful outcomes leading to poor public opinion; long hours; high client demands; chronic emotional trauma on the job, and severity of the workload.
fatigue trainings can help staff learn how to recognize and manage the symptoms. Other ways to improve the veterinary office or hospital environment include:
Leading traumatologist J. Eric Gentry, PhD, suggests people attracted to animal care often enter the field already compassion fatigued. A strong identification with the helpless, voiceless animal is often the motivator. It is a common behavior for those of us who hail from a tradition of “other-directedness.” Simply put, we were taught at an early age to care for the needs of others before caring for our own needs. This, combined with unresolved life traumas, can lead us to experience this secondary traumatic stress.
• Take a lunch break and brief breaks throughout the workday
Healing begins by employing such simple practices as: regular exercise; In early, April, I presented a two-day seminar entitled: Managing healthy eating habits; enjoyable social outings, building a strong support Compassion Fatigue - How to Achieve Wellness: Body, Mind & Soul, a system; practicing some form of spirituality; and restful sleep. It is team wellness weekend at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells. important to note that when the majority of the veterinary staff exhibits The presentation included an overview of compassion fatigue, its high levels of compassion fatigue, organizational compassion fatigue definition, symptoms, causes and how it manifests in those committed can set in. Symptoms include: chronic absenteeism, rising workers’ to animal welfare. I was pleasantly surprised to find the participants compensation costs, high turnover rates, friction among employees, and very knowledgeable about compassion fatigue and highly receptive to the a Them vs Us mentality between staff and management. Eventually, the information I presented. Their openness and vulnerability allowed a high bottom line is affected; profits drop as well as employee productivity. level of sharing among the participants and many good ideas to combat Fortunately, there are ways for business owners to help staff lower their compassion fatigue in the workplace were exchanged. compassion fatigue levels. Education is first and foremost. Compassion
• Create a space for meditation or silence • Debrief as a group after a traumatic event • Allow staff to have input to improve the working environment • Offer healthy snacks at meetings While the effects of compassion fatigue are dismal, chances for recovery are not. Compassion fatigue is a term, not a disease. The associated symptoms are normal displays of chronic stress resulting from the caregiving work veterinarians and staff members perform day in, day out.
Hopefully, by practicing authentic, sustainable self-care, all those who care so passionately about animals will begin the healing process and When a veterinarian focuses on others, both animal and human, without practicing self-care daily, destructive behaviors associated with experience the benefits - body, mind and soul. n compassion fatigue can surface. Symptoms include: apathy; bottled up emotions; substance abuse; lack of personal hygiene practices;
12 June
YOUR PR CT L IC L SE and keep YOUR name, E
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YOUR team, YOUR culture and medical direction. ’ll take care of the rest!
Log in at wvma.org to access the Member Apparel link under Member Resources.
call or email Dan Gavis to learn more 617.901.0044 / dgavis@ vetcor.com
Questions? Contact the WVMA at (608) 257-3665 or wvma@wvma.org Scott Ford DVM, DABVP-Avian Practice limited to avian medicine & surgery: parrots, raptors, poultry, waterfowl and ratites • • • • •
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WVMA Member Dr. David Rhoda Nominated for AABP 2016 Cattle Production Veterinarian Hall of Fame Members of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP), take a moment to vote for Dr. David Rhoda who has been nominated for the dairy category of the Cattle Production Veterinarian Hall of Fame. Dr. Rhoda has been a member of the WVMA since 1970 and has served an instrumental role in establishing the Food Armor® program. Voting is open until August 6, 2016 for AABP members. To vote, visit http://aabp.org/halloffame/. n
National Mastitis Council to meet in Appleton, Wis., June 29-30
JoDee Sattler, NMC Marketing and Communications Director Join milk quality enthusiasts in Appleton, Wis., for the 2016 National Mastitis Council (NMC) Regional Meeting, June 29-30, at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel. “The 2016 regional meeting is designed for mastitis/milk quality specialists, dairy producers and their employees, veterinarians, researchers, extension specialists and students who have an interest in high quality milk production,” says Patrick Christian, a 2016 regional meeting program co-chair, NMC board member and an owner/operator in the family’s dairy operation – Christian Hill Dairy, Lomira, Wis. To see the full agenda, visit www.nmconline.org.
October 13 - 16, 2016 Alliant Energy Center Madison WI
14 June
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Find out more about
Locations: Glendale Green�eld Green Bay Oshkosh Dr. Kressin, Dr. Honzelka and their team communicate as advocates for you, your clients and their pets. Referrals Welcome!
CLASSIFIED AD CHANGES All classified ads, including veterinary relief ads, will be published at the following rate: Members: First 30 words, $10. Every additional word after 30 is $1.50 per word. Non-members: First 30 words, $50. Every additional word is $1.50 per word. Ads will run 2 consecutive months, and then be removed, unless the WVMA is notified you would like to continue your ad for another 2 month run. You will be invoiced at the end of the first month during a 2 month period. Ads are placed online at the beginning of the month they are featured in the newsletter. Immediate placement of ads is an additional $25 fee. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads.
SMALL ANIMAL Are you looking for a comfortable transition from life in school to life in practice? We have created a mentorship program to allow you to move from theory to action with maximum confidence. All new graduates will have the opportunity to work alongside well trained and experienced emergency and routine care veterinarians while also being allowed to see more complicated cases at your discretion. As your confidence and experience grows your case load and case complexity grows as well. You will also have case reviews and case discussions with our medical director to ensure that your questions do not go unanswered. Our emergency and routine care facility will give you the type of wide and varied cases you might only see at an emergency facility, with the security of a case choice and an overseeing medical director. You will have the opportunity to grow your skills on new and advanced surgical and medical procedures as your interest dictates all while being paid a very competitive salary and production bonuses. Continuing education, licensing, paid vacation, heath insurance and 401K provided. Contact Dr. Dhillon at dhillondvm@gmail.com. Associated Veterinary Clinic, a MA practice in Ripon, WI, seeks a FT SA associate veterinarian. The qualified candidate will join an experienced SA doctor in a busy full-service practice. An excellent staff will support you, and you will practice in a fully equipped clinic, including a new IDEXX in-house laboratory station, new high speed dental unit, and new digital radiology unit. Competitive salary and benefits package. Will consider new graduates as well as experienced doctors. Ripon is a wonderful college town located within 60-90 minutes of Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay and the Fox Cities, and within 15 minutes of the Green Lake recreation area. Please send resume to Dr. Michael Herrick by email associatedvetclinic@gmail.com, by phone (920)
16 June
748-5144, or by regular mail, Associated Veterinary Clinic, P.O. Box 352, Ripon, WI 54971.
and 401K provided. Relocation allowance considered. veterinaryrecruitment2@gmail.com.
Are you ready to love where you work and play on the shores of Lake Michigan? Then Wolf Merrick Animal Hospital is for you. We are seeking a dedicated, enthusiastic associate veterinarian to join our highly qualified team. Our AAHA certified practice is a well-established, full-service, SA veterinary hospital focusing on “Standards of Care” and comprehensive medical, surgical and dental care. To join our dynamic and compassionate team our ideal candidate will have strong communication skills and is very team orientated. Our Associate Veterinarians have high quality equipment at their fingertips. http://wolf-merrick.com. Send resume to wendyt@wolf-merrick.com.
Seeking FT/PT veterinarian for growing cat & dog only practice in Franksville/Caledonia, WI. Franksville and Caledonia are just minutes from Oak Creek and Milwaukee. Caledonia is a fast growing community south of Milwaukee along the I-94 corridor with plenty of outdoor activities, along with access to all the entertainment that Milwaukee has to offer. Currently, Prairie Side Veterinary Hospital has 5 doctors split between 3 locations (Franksville, Racine, and Kenosha, WI). Although we have multiple locations, our practices have retained the small clinic feel in each of the communities. Medical and surgical responsibilities will be in Franksville, WI. No emergencies. We refer to a local 24/7 emergency facility. Building was recently remodeled to match the needs of our team and clients. Offerings to our clients at this location: Preventative care, Soft tissue surgery, Select orthopedic surgery, Dental care/surgery, Digital x-ray, Digital dental x-ray, and more! Best qualified candidates must be able to perform the following (at a minimum): Ovariohysterectomy, Castration, and Dental Care (Oral A.T.P.) We treat our clients, patients, and team members like family. If you want a family feel, come join our practice. Visit our website to learn more about our practice philosophy – www. racinevet.com or www.prairiesidevet.com. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience. New graduates encouraged to apply. Send resumes to info@franksvillevet.com or fax to (262) 886-5027, Attn: Dr. Susmilch.
Advanced Animal Hospital Group is hiring for several DVM positions as we grow. PT and FT candidates considered. Opportunities in Milwaukee. We support top notch medicine with excellent facilities and equipment. Continuing education, licensing, paid vacation, heath insurance and 401K provided. Base salary and production bonuses based on experience. We also offer owner partnership opportunities to veterinarians who work hard and exhibit quality veterinary and business skills with no money out of pocket. H1B visa and green card assistance is available. Contact Dr. Dhillon at dhillondvm@gmail.com. We are looking for a 4th veterinarian to join SA practice in Wis. Dells, WI. New addition and hospital renovation to be completed in June. We have an excellent caring and fun group of skilled support staff. The Hospital is equipped with digital x-ray, ultrasound, digital dental x-ray, surgical laser, full in house diagnostic lab and more. No emergency duty. Benefit package includes competitive salary, health, life, and disability insurance, CE and vacation. If interested please send resume to: Dells Animal Hospital, 4135 Hwy. 13, Wis. Dells, WI 53965. Veterinary Emergency Service/Veterinary Specialty Center is seeking experienced emergency veterinarians (or recent graduate with motivation to become an ER veterinarian) to join our busy and growing multi-specialty referral and emergency practice. We have 3 locations: Middleton, WI 24/7 ER and Specialty; East Madison - 24/7 ER; Janesville evenings and weekend ER. Our experienced and dedicated team includes board certified specialists in Surgery, Critical Care, Anesthesiology and Pain Management, Oncology, Internal Medicine and Cardiology, as well as 18 experienced ER doctors. Between the 3 clinics, we have the highest emergency caseload in the region. Our highly qualified staff excel in their dedication to exceptional patient care and a team approach to both ER and Specialty cases. Each location offers a complete in-house lab, ultrasound and digital radiology. In addition, our Middleton location offers endoscopy, laparoscopy and CT (summer 2015). Marshfield Lab operates a full service STAT lab located in our Middleton Clinic. There is ample opportunity to see a variety of cases and become involved in both the medical and surgical management of patients. If interested in joining our dedicated exceptional team, please contact Dr. Sara Nichols, snichols@vesvsc.com, and/or Dr. Tristan Daugherty-Leiter, tdaughertyleiter@vesvsc.com. FT/PT associate needed for growing SA practice in Marshfield (Central WI). Excellent facilities and great staff. New graduates welcome. Buy-In potential. Would be joining three other veterinarians. Contact Dr. Virginia Thorne (715) 498-2323 or (715) 389-1011; Castlerock Veterinary Hospital, 1214 S. Oak Ave., Marshfield, WI 54449; or email at wthorne@tds.net. We are hiring for a DVM in Milwaukee. Excellent base salary of $90,000-$110,000 plus production. Continuing education, licensing, paid vacation, heath insurance
Exceptional People. Extraordinary Care. 24/7. Join an amazing team of hard working, humorous and caring individuals in the emergency department at WVRC, one of the largest and most diverse emergency and referral practices in Wisconsin. Our three facilities, located in Waukesha, Grafton and Racine, allow for flexible schedules and work locations to fit your strengths and personal goals. Practice veterinary medicine with a team of dynamic coworkers, including a broad range of specialists in Critical Care, Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Oncology, Clinical Pathology, Surgery, Ophthalmology, Dentistry, Anesthesiology and Medical Imaging, experienced emergency veterinarians, 4 emergency interns, dedicated technicians and client-focused support staff. Be exceptional with us by applying online at www.wvrc.com or by contacting Dr. Kari Severson at kari.severson@wvrc.com. Do you have a Passion for Exotics? FT/PT veterinarian needed to meet the demands of our growing SA and exotics practice in Menomonee Falls, WI. We are looking for a 6th doctor who has strong exotics experience to join us. Our practice is approximately 70% SA and 30% exotic, with a strong emphasis on avian cases. We have the only AVBP- Avian Boarded veterinarian in the state. We are located in a growing northern Milwaukee suburb. We moved into a new state-of the-art 6400 sq ft facility in 2012. We have computerized medical records, digital radiology - including digital dental x-rays, ultrasound, avian endoscopy and a full onsite laboratory. We have a terrific staff of CVT’s, assistants as well as receptionists that make “practice” more efficient and fun. We offer a generous compensations package including insurance, dues and memberships, Simple IRA, continuing education stipend and time off. No after-hours emergency work. Send resume/CV for review if you would like to join our team to mclark@brook-fallsveterinary.com . PT/FT veterinarian needed for a fast growing practice in the Greenfield area. Communication skills are a priority as ability to provide great customer service is essential. New graduates considered. New facility. Very competitive wage/benefit package, enthusiastic staff. 25-35 hours per week. Email contact@ healthypawsclinics.com if interested for further details. Kuenzi Family Pet Hospital in Waukesha, WI is looking to add a
veterinarian to join our growing team. We are well-respected in the local community for providing excellent customer service and high-quality medicine. The hospital boasts an excellent working environment with a wonderful support staff including several CVTs. We offer a modern facility, with advanced diagnostic capabilities including x-ray, dental x-ray and ultrasound, all digital, as well as blood analyzing equipment. We are eager to add a team player who is committed to continued improvement in patient care and client service. We reward our veterinarians with superior salary and benefits including health, 401(k), CE, vacation, dues, liability coverage, and more. If you would like to help us continue to grow within the Waukesha community, please contact Dr. Rodney Kuenzi at rkuenzi@vetcor.com.
practicing high quality medicine and surgery in a dedicated yet relaxed environment. Work in a new facility that received a 2014 Veterinary Economics Magazine Merit Award. Become part of the team that has been awarded Best of the Valley Veterinary Clinic for the past 11 years. This is an excellent opportunity to build for long term success. Multiple benefits are offered. We are located in a growing metropolitan area in East/Central WI with easy access to the Northwoods, Green Bay, Milwaukee, and Madison. Visit www.appanashapetclinic.com to learn more about us. Contact Dr. Mary Ann Hittle, c/o Julie Hilker at jhilker@appanashapetclinic.com, (920) 725-8307, or send your resume’ to Appanasha Pet Clinic, 1205 Wittmann Drive, Menasha, WI 54952.
Tillie Lake Veterinary Clinic is a 2 doctor SA practice located 30 minutes north of Milwaukee in Jackson, WI. We are looking for a FT associate to replace a long-time associate who is leaving to pursue other interests. The ideal candidate would have three or more years of practice experience with a strong interest in dentistry and routine soft tissue surgery. Ownership/partnership for the right individual will be available in three to five years, but will consider new graduates. Please send resumes to Tillie Lake Veterinary Clinic, W227N16825 Tillie Lake Ct., Jackson, WI 53037, or email to tillielake@sbcglobal.net.
The Bluffs Pet Clinic is looking for a FT, exceptional, experienced SA veterinarian. Strong interests in surgery and dentistry. We are an AAHA accredited clinic and have all the bells and whistles needed to practice excellent medicine and surgery. Interest in Holistic medicine is a plus, but not required. Our support staff is second to none. Send or e-mail cover letter and resume to dcookvet@gmail.com.
FT Veterinarian needed to start fall/October 2016. We are an AAHA accredited SA practice in Baraboo looking to replace a retiring doctor. Our ideal candidate is proficient in soft tissue surgery and dentistry, as well as general practice. We are a wellestablished, stable hospital with experienced staff that is focused on preventative medicine and outstanding client education. We have a terrific clientele interested in receiving thorough care for their pets and are able to make deep connections with both clients and patients. We fully utilize our complete in-house lab suite, but have the ability to send out for further testing and access specialists when needed. We offer digital x-ray and digital dental x-ray, tonometry, therapy laser, blood pressure, a multiparameter anesthetic unit and VIN. Baraboo was named 4th best small town in America by the Smithsonian, and we are known for our beautiful natural landscapes and culture. No after-hours call. Salary commensurate with experience. Benefits include retirement plan, paid vacation, sick time, CE, liability insurance, association and VIN dues. Please send resume and cover letter to admin@ hill-dale.com or 536 Berkley Boulevard, Baraboo, WI 53913. AAHA 3 DVM practice in family friendly, medical oriented, central Wisconsin community. An opportunity to practice quality medicine and become a respected community member. All skill levels and experience considered. See our ad on VCN and visit us at www. wildwoodanimalhospital.net. My email is docrogekrog@aol.com. Your future begins here! Pulaski Veterinary Clinic - 15 minutes northwest of Green Bay is looking for an Associate Veterinarian to work 30-35 hours/week. Our clinic has 4 licensed veterinarians, focusing on the treatment of cats & dogs. We have electronic medical records and are well equipped with digital radiographs, digital dental, surgical laser, therapy laser, and an in-house Idexx laboratory. We are a dedicated team whose core values are excellence, education, friendliness and integrity. Contact: Sharon Malinski, Practice Manager, Pulaski Veterinary Clinic, pvcpracticemgr@netnet.net. FT associate needed for Appleton SA clinic. We have current equipment and are busy! Preventive care, soft tissue surgery and medical cases. Experienced DVMs willing to mentor recent grads. Send replies to: BB 16SA003, c/o WVMA, 4610 S. Biltmore Ln. Ste. 107, Madison, WI 53718. Nine doctor MA practice in Reedsville, WI looking for energetic FT SA doctor. Doctor will be working with one FT experienced SA doctor and an excellent support staff. Our clinic is well equipped to provide quality care for our patients. Come join our family orientated team. Located 30 min from Green Bay, Appleton, Manitowoc, and 45 minutes from Fond du Lac and Sheboygan. Competitive salary, dues, liability insurance, health insurance, and CE provided. Please send cover letter and resume to vetassoc54230@gmail.com. Veterinary Clinic near Rochester, MN looking for a permanent PT/ FT SA associate. An interest in SA surgery and dental surgery is a plus. Clinic is appropriately equipped to provide quality SA standard of care. Couple employment may be a possibility. Clinic’s goal is to provide quality medicine with good quality of life for employees. Contact Dr. Jim Parker (507) 273-8291. E-mail rekrap516@hotmail.com. Appanasha Pet Clinic in Menasha, WI is looking for a motivated, personable SA veterinarian to join us FT in our 8 doctor practice. We specialize in complete and compassionate care. Enjoy
Emergency Veterinarian Mentorship opportunity: Veterinary Emergency Service, with clinics in Madison, Middleton and Janesville, WI, is recruiting a veterinarian who is interested in gaining practical experience in the exciting field of emergency medicine. This position is designed for a recent graduate to work alongside our specialists as well as our experienced emergency doctors for training and mentorship to become a skilled and knowledgeable emergency veterinarian. The candidate will gain practical experience in emergency medicine, internal medicine and surgery with additional opportunities for mentorship in oncology and cardiology. This will be a FT, salaried position with a variable schedule. If interested or for more information on this position/opportunity, please contact Dr. Sara Nichols, snichols@vesvsc.com and/or Dr. Tristan Daugherty-Leiter, tdaughertyleiter@vesvsc.com.* FT associate needed for Appleton area SA clinic. We have current equipment and are busy! Candidate must be proficient in soft tissue surgery and dental extractions. Buy in opportunity definite for the right doctor. Reply to BB 16SA002, c/o WVMA, 4610 S. Biltmore Ln. Ste. 107, Madison, WI 54914.* Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists is offering the unique opportunity of a 12.5 month focused Internship in Emergency and Critical Care. The large case load offers many opportunities for the intern to gain intensive experience in emergency stabilization and diagnostic procedures, medical and surgical definitive care of the critical patient, critical care monitoring, and nutritional support. Interns are strongly encouraged to participate in on-going research projects and community services. Ideal candidates are highly motivated individuals with exceptional skills in communication, collaboration, and leadership. Contact Information: For further information, please contact Dr. Elke Rudloff at Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists, (414) 540-6710 or erudloff@lakeshorevetspecialists.com.* We are looking for PT/FT veterinarian to expand our SA practice. Experience preferred but not required. Must have strong clinical, surgical, dentistry and personal skills. Newer facility, digital radiography, in-house blood CBC/chem. Located directly off the interstate, on the edge of Wisconsin Dells, for easy access. We serve a growing number of local clients and vacationers at our Animal Hospital and Pet Resort. We pride ourselves in providing a friendly, caring environment for pets and their owners at all stages of life and believe that every employee makes a difference. Benefits include paid vacation, life/disability insurance, retirement plan and a very competitive salary. Additional opportunities including potential ownership as well. Send resume to info@noblehoundvet.com or 490 Bunker Rd, Baraboo,WI 53913. (608) 253-2275.* FT DVM wanted for a well-established, growing SA practice in Milwaukee. Experience preferred, but new graduates welcome. Send resume to: West Allis Vet Clinic, 11504 W. Greenfield Ave., West Allis, WI 53214.* PT/FT associate veterinarian wanted. We are a one doctor, SA practice located in Belle Plaine, MN (southwest metro area). Our focus is on care of the whole client-patient relationship, integrating superior traditional veterinary medicine with holistic healing practices. Applicants should be open to learning holistic methods but do not have to be proficient at this time. New graduates are encouraged to apply. Please send your resume to askdrricci@gmail.com.* PT/FT SA Veterinarian wanted for busy practice in the Lake Country area (Hartland). We are looking for an energetic,
friendly and easy going veterinarian to help our growing business. We have an enthusiastic staff and very loyal clients. New grads welcome! Generous benefits, and compensation available. Candidate must have license and eligible to practice in Wisconsin. Please email any questions or resumes tolcvc2006@gmail.com.* Animal Wellness Center is looking for FT and PT veterinarians to join our thriving practices. A professional with competence in client communications, clinical diagnosis and soft tissue surgeries while having a balanced personality of empathy, confidence and compassion is a must. We are a group of younger professionals searching for like-minded individuals for both the Oak Creek and Fond du Lac locations. Sign on bonus for successful candidates. If you are sick with dealing with old school limitations, send us a resume at isaiah.gray@oakcreekvet.com.* Associate needed for growing clinic in Lake Country area. We are currently a 1-Doctor practice that provides exceptional service and care to our clients and patients. We have a friendly, easy-going atmosphere and family friendly hours. Looking for an experienced practitioner who likes to get to know their clients and patients. Must have strong medical and surgical skills, be able to work independently, and be able to play well with others! We have electronic medical records, in-house Idexx equipment, EKG, and digital radiography. Compensation and benefits are negotiable and commensurate with experience. Please send resume to dranna@ lakeviewanimalclinicwi.com.* Veterinarian wanted to join multi-doctor practice. Must have excellent people skills, and a friendly, out-going personality. We emphasize service, education and empathy for our clients and patients. Please email for further information, iggy580@aol.com.* New grads welcome! VCA Associates in Pet Care Animal Hospital is seeking an Associate Veterinarian to join our busy, 4-doctor SA practice in Waukesha, WI. Signing/Relocation bonuses offered! Drive our success as you drive your own- by using your superior medical judgment combined with a high level of empathy, confidence and humility to build a loyal client base and heal pets. As a member of the VCA family, your passion for medicine and compassion for pets and people is matched with a commitment to your professional growth. Among the reasons to consider joining VCA are: a Network of 3,800+ doctors, including more than 600 Specialists. Largest provider of Private Practice Internships and Residencies in the U.S. Woof University, offering abundant CE for Doctors and Staff. Robust Clinical Studies program. Opportunities to give back through strong Shelter partnerships and VCA Charities. Additionally, VCA adds value to your compensation package with the following: Competitive salary plus bonus potential. Medical, Dental & Vision insurance. Generous CE allowance. Opportunity to teach and mentor. 401(k), Life and Long term Disability insurance. Professional Liability coverage. If interested in this opportunity, please send resumes to rabia. malik@vca.com or call at (262) 547-0871.* Thiensville-Mequon Small Animal Clinic in Thiensville, WI seeks an Associate DVM to join our practice. Thiensville-Mequon Small Animal Clinic is a 5 doctor practice that provides complete and compassionate veterinary care for dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, and pocket pet companions. We are looking for an associate to join our experienced team of doctors who will place an overall emphasis on preventive medicine and client education. We are proud to be an American Animal Hospital (AAHA) member since 1972. Our amenities include digital radiography, digital dental radiology, electronic medical records, therapeutic laser, and dedicated surgery suite. Excellent compensation and benefits package. New grads encouraged to apply. For more information http://www. thiensvillemequonsac.com/. Please submit resumes to recruiting@ nvanet.com.* Looking for FT or PT veterinarian for a progressive two doctor practice in Stevens Point. Our practice prides itself on taking the time to create lasting relationships with our clients along with providing excellent medical care for pets. We have a great support staff that excel at their positions. Services offered include surgical laser, in house diagnostics, digital radiography, dental radiography, high speed dental, and ultrasound. No on-call, no weekends, no holidays because of a local emergency facility. Central Wisconsin has a great community, wonderful schools and easy access to numerous outdoor activities. Please send inquiries and resume to spah54482@gmail.com.* PT Veterinarian wanted to work 20 hours per week and eventually grow to buy-into the clinic. Alternative medicine interests a must. We have a relaxed atmosphere and do not see ER cases. Unique opportunity for the right individual who is seeking to balance their career and personal quality of life. Send resume to housecallvet@ sbcglobal.net to apply at Creature Comforts in Burlington WI.*
The Wauwatosa Veterinary Clinic is looking for an enthusiastic, team oriented Veterinarian to join our team. We are an established Multi Doctor A.A.H.A. practice located in the greater Milwaukee area. Do you love being a veterinarian? Do you easily connect with pet owners and achieve compliance for the best possible pet health care? We provide excellent medicine and superior customer service. We are an expanding practice with state of the art equipment and a well-trained, enthusiastic staff and loyal, dedicated clients. Come join our team! Dr. Thomas N. Tenorio, Wauwatosa Veterinary Clinic, 2600 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213. Email: kristint@wauwatosavet.com.* Busy non-profit animal shelter in Green Bay. We have a FT veterinarian on staff but are looking for a veterinarian to help cover shifts. If you are interested in a flexible schedule, we would like to hear from you. We are open one Saturday morning a month for vaccine clinic, and our regular hours are 8am-4pm Monday-Friday. Duties include spay/neuter and medical care of shelter animals, and seeing public animals on the vaccine clinic Saturday. Please submit your resume and a cover letter detailing your availability and interest. We look forward to hearing from you! marlene@bayareahumanesociety.com.* Additional FT/PT veterinarian needed for progressive 4 doctor practice in Milwaukee suburb. Experience preferred but new grads welcome. High quality care with an emphasis on medicine, surgery and dentistry. Well equipped with digital x-ray for whole body and dentistry, ultrasound, in house laboratory, tonopen and endoscopy. Isoflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia. Enthusiastic, well trained staff. Competitive salary with production bonuses, CE allowance, insurance, dues and SIMPLE IRA. Send resume to Family Pet Clinic, N73 W13583 Appleton Ave., Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 or email Dr. Scott Fellenz, dobedoc@att.net.* Rural conservative, compassionate, innovative, SA practice seeking veterinarian for employment with transition to ownership. One hour from Madison, Fox Cities, and Milwaukee. Twenty minutes from traffic lights. Outstanding opportunity for personal, professional, and financial rewards. www.lippart.com. Email: markesanvetclinic@gmail.com.* We are looking for an energetic, outgoing veterinarian to join our well established practice. Our emphasis is on preventative medicine and building strong relationships with our clients and their pets. The practice has up to date equipment including in house blood machines, digital X-ray and dental X-ray. Competitive salary commensurate with experience. Potential for buy in. Please send resume to animaniac57@yahoo.com.* Experienced veterinarian wanted to join our SA practice in SE Wisconsin near Lake Geneva. We are well equipped with digital X-ray, ultrasound, dental digital X-ray, Surgitron, and a full in house diagnostic laboratory. Well trained, stable staff. Extra pay for on call but not required for position. Mon., Tues. and every other Sat. schedule. PT or buy in potential. Contact: burlingtonlongview@yahoo.com. Or phone: (262) 763-6055.* We are seeking a highly motivated and compassionate, FT integrative veterinarian to join our SA hospital. The position requires a minimum of 3 years of veterinary experience and a passion for holistic medicine and preventative care. Our ideal candidate will not only offer the best health and treatment options but is also willing to think and be outside the box. Certification in one or more of the following modalities is preferred: Acupuncture, Spinal Manipulation, Homeopathy and/or other energy therapies. Willingness to learn new modalities and be open minded to energetic medicine is helpful. Opportunity to work with horses and exotics also available. A competitive salary and benefits package is commensurate with experience. Please view our website to learn more about our mission, our services and our team at www.countrycareac.com. Send resume to D. Karen Strickfaden: Countrycare Animal Complex 4235 Elmview Rd. Green Bay, WI 54311 or email to kmsdvm@theglobalnet.net.* Associate Veterinarian wanted for a well-established, fourdoctor, progressive, AAHA accredited SA practice. Our clinic offers in-house diagnostic labs, digital radiography, surgical and therapy lasers and ultrasound capabilities. New graduates are encouraged to apply. Competitive salary/benefits. Submit resume to: c.schumacher@cedarburgvet.com.* We need a FT SA Veterinarian to join our busy practice. Looking for a candidate with excellent communications skills and a positive, friendly attitude. Both experienced and new graduates welcome to apply. Our clinic is well equipped with Idexx labs, ultrasound, digital x-ray, cold laser therapy, and laser surgery. Compensation is based on experience. Emergency time is shared equally. Please send resume to kielvet@tcei.com or mail to Kiel Veterinary Clinic, 575 Belitz Drive, Kiel WI 53042.*
18 June
Well established SA Veterinary hospital needs a 2nd DVM. We are looking for an ambitious, dedicated, gentle care professional who’s first priority are the animals. We have a friendly staff, wonderful clients, and many patients. We are looking for either a FT or PT veterinarian. We have competitive pay, and excellent benefits. We are close to the many music festivals and events in Milwaukee, but are located in a very safe neighborhood. Clients are treated as family. Please send resume to: gcvhpracticemgr13@gmail.com, or mail to: GCVH, Attn: Sue Ross, Mgr., S37 W27129 Genesee Rd., Waukesha, WI 53189.* We are looking for a PT Veterinarian for our AAHA Accredited 2-doctor SA clinic located in Sturtevant, WI. Our vision is to find a PT associate that will support our philosophy and become a part of our practice. Excellent opportunities exist for a compassionate individual to develop long-term professional relationships with an excellent team and clientele. The successful candidate must have great people skills, a focus on quality care and excels at assuring client satisfaction. New graduates welcome. Please send or email your cover letter and resume to Jennifer Schmidt at 9000 Charles Street, Sturtevant, WI, 53177, or admin@forpetssakevet.com.*
LARGE ANIMAL Golden Oaks Farm, a dairy farm located in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, is looking for a LA veterinarian who would be interested in a unique opportunity to build a private practice onsite. Facilities would be provided and affordable housing would also be offered. The financial/pay/employment arrangement is flexible and open for discussion. The focus at Golden Oaks Farm is to breed and develop superior Holstein genetics - both Black and Red. This is accomplished through careful selection of the top genetics in our herd, and supplemented with additional superior genetics from around the world. We utilize an extensive embryo transfer and IVF program through Sunshine Genetics. As a result of our breeding program, numerous high-value genetic females, bulls, and embryos are sold worldwide. Our herd consists of roughly 720 milking females and 680 young stock, with about 99% registered. Golden Oaks Farm aims to produce 19,000,000 pounds of milk every year with solid components. We classify several times each year. Job Responsibilities • Provide animal health support, preventative care, and treatment for the herd • Deliver training; review and interpret animal health reports • Treat, vaccinate, or diagnose the animals; administer medications and perform surgeries • Time will be split between the Golden Oaks Farm herd and private patients • Offer recommendations about breeding, feeding, and shelter issues • Assist with difficult calving. Minimum Knowledge and Skills Required: • Veterinary degree (DVM) from an accredited program • Must possess active state licensure • American Board of Veterinary Practitioners Certifications preferred, but not required • 3-5 years of experience (preferably with cattle) • Focus on quality care Key Competencies • Strong leadership abilities • Excellent communication skills • High degree of professionalism and maturity • Analytical, problem solver who can work independently • Willingness to be available by e-mail or telephone during non-work hours. If this opportunity is of interest to you, please send your resume and salary requirements to aklockenga@crown-chicago.com. We are an expanding 6 doctor food animal practice in southern Wisconsin looking to add a progressive FT veterinarian. Dairy support makes up 95% of our practice with in-house services including milk culture lab, nutrition consultation, records/ DC305 analysis, protocol management and embryo transfer. Our team is a well-rounded group with diverse interests looking for an individual to add both depth within our current services and interest in other areas. The remainder of our practice is made up of swine, beef and small ruminant medicine. Doctors are provided with everything necessary for success; computer, ultrasound, truck, vet box, licensing fees, CE allowances, professional and disability insurance, competitive compensation, IRA contribution, etc. Please contact Joe Severson, (262) 949-2673, or svssvh@gmail.com. Northern Veterinary Services SC is seeking to hire a new graduate or experienced, motivated veterinarian for our food animal exclusive practice focusing on production, preventative, and clinical medicine. We are a predominant (90+%) bovine practice evenly split between beef and dairy with some small ruminant (sheep, goat, camelid, and white tailed deer) work. Practice focuses on production/preventative medicine, consultation services, and has steady reproduction, clinical, and surgical work. Located on the Wisconsin/Minnesota border in the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway with lots of outdoor activities. Within 1-1.5 hrs of the Twin Cities and Duluth. Compensation package includes: Base pay plus percentage of gross services.
Partial health and dental insurance. SIMPLE IRA. Veterinary licensure for Minnesota and Wisconsin. CE one week. Professional liability. Long term disability. Membership to 2 professional and 1 state organization. Vacation and personal days. Future partnership opportunity after 3 years. Dr. John Rathje, DVM. NVSsc00@gmail. com. (715) 501-0403.*
MIXED ANIMAL Associate veterinarian needed for three doctor MA practice in SW Wisconsin one hour from Madison. We emphasize client education and quality service to our SA and LA clients. Enjoy working in a well-equipped new hospital with friendly experienced support staff. Please send resume and questions to drkent@rvsllc.com. Associate position open in our 4 doctor mixed practice in West Central WI. Well established clinic with Impromed, Idexx in house lab, Easiscan U/S, Dairy Comp, digital X-Ray, power float, and therapy laser. We are dedicated to good quality medicine and client service. Competitive salary, 401-K, truck, & equipment provided. On call & holidays shared equally. Friendly community 20 min South of Eau Claire. Email: osvetdrs@hotmail.com. MA veterinarian needed for 3 doctor practice. FT/PT. Primarily dairy work. Truck, equipment, pension, on call payment, liability insurance, membership dues, CE allowance. Jay Stuttgen, Bovis Veterinary Services Milladore, WI. Bovis@tds.net. (715) 652-2950. Bayside Veterinary Clinic, S.C. is a growing MA veterinary clinic located in the heart of beautiful Door County, Wisconsin. The practice is currently 65% LA and 35% SA. The SA portion of the practice is growing rapidly. Dairy reproductive ultrasound abilities would be a plus. Truck, box, health, disability, and liability insurance along with licensing, CE, dues, IRA contributions and salary would be provided. If you would like to provide compassionate veterinary care and help our clients and staff at Bayside Veterinary Clinic S.C. grow and learn, contact Randy at baysidevetclinic@gmail.com.* LeMars Veterinary Clinic of LeMars, Iowa, is searching for a new vet school grad to meet the growing demands of our established clinic. We offer a fun, flexible work environment in a community with unlimited opportunities. Currently our staff includes one LA vet and one SA vet, both FT. This position is primarily for SA medicine in addition to some LA appointments. New ownership brought new opportunities, including but not limited to an excellent compensation package, new 2016 digital radiograph, remodeled lab, and much more! Please contact Dr. Westhoff, DVM with the LeMars Veterinary Clinic at (712) 540-4233 or email westhoffpoultry@gmail.com for more information. Thank you for your time and consideration!*
DAIRY Growing five-doctor practice located in Plymouth near beautiful Lake Michigan in northeast Wisconsin is seeking to add a member to our veterinary team. We offer regular herd checks via ultrasound, records’ analysis, embryo transfer, complete milk quality workup, facility design consultation, as well as a high level of individual cow-side medicine. Each doctor practices as an individual, but we share a common practice philosophy and teamwork approach that provides our clients with consistent and high quality services. We are looking for an associate who shares our commitment in establishing and maintaining strong working relationships with our clients and helping them achieve success for their businesses. Responsibilities would include taking over established herd health programs, ambulatory work, and equally shared emergency duties. Send resume to Josette@dairydoctors.com or contact Dr. Jeff Bleck at (920) 980-9661; Dairy Doctors Veterinary Clinic, 1020 South Pleasant View Road, Plymouth, Wisconsin 53073. Visit our website at: Dairydoctors.com.
RELIEF Experienced SA veterinarian available for relief work. Expect reliable, compassionate, thorough service. Please contact Susan Heath, DVM (920) 470-5351 or sheathdvm@yahoo.com Quality relief care since 1992. Special interests include surgery and dermatology. Personable, reliable service. Please call Robert Patyk, DVM, at (262) 567-2832. Or email: robert.patyk@att.net. Reliable, competent, SA relief with over 25 years’ experience. Wis. license, accredited. Will travel. Capable at soft-tissue surgery and medicine. Great communication skills with clients and staff. ShortTerm Relief, LLC. Call Kate Short, DVM at (608) 963-5208 or email: windsor9917@gmail.com. Communicative, productive SA veterinarian available for relief work
in western WI, surrounding areas. Licensed in MN/WI. Experienced in surgery, medicine, dentistry, staff management. Outstanding customer service, client-building skills. Victori Ribeiro, MS, DVM, (651) 503-0482; neyx0003@umn.edu. Experienced SA veterinarian available for relief work, 15 years relief experience, WI licensed and accredited. Please call/email Mark Clemons, DVM (262) 862-1121, macdjc4209@aol.com. 20+ years’ experience, skilled in surgery, diagnostics and client communication. Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. Let me care for your clients and your hospital team. Erika Gibbs, DVM, doctor.gibbs@gmail.com, (920) 988-4431. Caring and compassionate relief veterinarian available. 25+ years of AAHA experience. Competent medical and soft tissue surgery skills. Emphasis on quality and integrity. Paul Danhaus, DVM. (715) 571-8091 or paul.danhaus@gmail.com. SA relief Veterinarian for central Wisconsin. Experienced. Versatile. Call Dr. Gary, (715) 652-2065 home, (715) 305-7014 cell. Email: garysthevet@aol.com. People patient, interactive and adaptive SA veterinarian with 35 years’ experience available starting October 15, 2015 for per diem or regular weekly relief or PT services within +/- 75 miles Madison. Small mammal experience also. Karen Bressett, DVM: Background, references on request. I look forward to hearing from you. Email: kbressett@live.com. SA relief vet since 1995. Thorough, reliable, easy going. Will travel to Green Bay, Kenosha, Janesville, Wisconsin Dells and areas in between. Julie Lakin DVM, (920) 269-7264. SA and equine relief work. 21 year experience. Proficient in SA soft tissue surgery and equine ultrasound and power floating. Will travel. Call Sabine Hartmann, DVM (715) 267-7443 or twinoaks@ tds.net. Experienced SA clinician available for work in central and western Wisconsin. Excellent communication skills; enjoy working with clients and staff. Nancy Leverance, D.V.M. Email: nleverance52@ gmail.com or call (608) 369-4115 or (608) 429-9408. SA Veterinarian offering relief work. Reliable with excellent communication skills. Great with staff, clients and pets. Will travel. Katie Cotter, DVM, kabcotter@uwalumni.com. Dependable, 20+ years’ experience. Med/Surg serving Northern/ Central Wisconsin. Contact Rich Piwoni, at (715) 627-0957, rapiwoni@hotmail.com. Compassionate and reliable SA Veterinarian with 20+ years’ experience available for relief veterinary services in Kenosha and surrounding counties. www.niznikvrs.com. Please email, Dr. Rose Niznik, at drroseniznik@gmail.com or call (630) 915-0156. Experienced SA daytime & ER DVM who loves pets and people available in SE/SC Wi and NE/NC IL. David Trask, DVM, traskdr@ gmail.com. Experienced SA relief veterinarian available. Versatile. Great with staff, clients and pets. Willing to travel. Dr. Lori Zimmerman, (608) 592-7779 or doclori@hotmail.com. Quality Customer friendly SA relief services available covering SE WI. Over 20 years’ experience in both SA and emergency medical care. Dr. Pete Gaveras, (414) 795-7100, lavajava@aol.com.
RELIEF WANTED We are looking for a relief SA veterinarian for our busy practice in the Lake Country Area. We currently have a 3 doctor SA practice with a great support staff. Please send email or call, lcvc2006@ gmail.com, (262) 369-1609. Relief veterinarian needed for a SA AAHA hospital while other doctors are on maternity leave. Will need help from June to possibly December. Contact: Dale Hermann, DVM, New Berlin Animal Hospital, (262) 782-6910, or dhermann@ newberlinanimalhospital.com.*
SERVICES AVAILABLE Board-certified internist offers mobile SA medicine consultations, ultrasound, and endoscopy in your practice in SE WI. Please call Anne Mattson, DVM, DACVIM, (262) 241-3987. Buying or selling a veterinary practice? Count on the experience of Total Practice Solutions Group. See display ad. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group for a free consultation, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.
TECH/STAFF PT technician wanted for SA house call vet in the Milwaukee area. 2 to 3 days per week. Must have driver’s license. Begin July 1st. Call (414) 352-8049. Pulaski Veterinary Clinic - 15 minutes from Green Bay is seeking a FT CVT to work in our busy four-doctor SA practice. Candidate must possess strong communication skills, positive attitude, ability to multitask and a great work ethic. Work with a dedicated team whose core values are excellence, education, friendliness and integrity. This position includes some Saturdays. Compensation is dependent on experience. FT employee benefits include (after probationary period) health insurance, employee discounts, continuing education, vacation & holiday pay. Experience with Impromed Infinity software system and IDEXX lab equipment a plus. Please send resume to pvcpracticemgr@netnet. net. NO PHONE CALLS. Prairie Veterinary Associates in Sun Prairie is interviewing for a FT/ PT veterinary technician for our SA clinic. We are looking for a selfmotivated, client oriented, team player who can multi task and efficiently provide excellent customer service. PVA is a two doctor clinic with a board certified feline specialist. We pride ourselves on high quality medicine, skilled surgery, extensive client education and our Cat Friendly Practice status! Fully utilize your skills. Proficiency in dental radiography and experience with Impromed Infinity software preferred, but not necessary. Please contact Dr. Sandi at clinic@prairievets.com.* Veterinary Tech or Assistant needed. 20-35 hours per week. Experience needed. Computer skills, team player, ability to multitask and pay attention to details a must. Customer service is a mandatory skill. We work hard and laugh a lot. We are looking for that perfect fit to add to our group. We offer alternative medicine along with Traditional here at Creature Comforts in Burlington WI. Send resume to housecallvet@sbcglobal.net.* Animal Doctor Holistic Veterinary Complex is hiring for a CVT! Seeking an individual experienced with anesthesia, surgical assistance, dental prophylaxis, IV catheter placement, and collecting lab samples. Must be able to run blood work, urine samples, read ear cytology, be able to perform radiographs, and check blood pressures. Willing to train the right candidate that has graduated from an accredited CVT program. New hire will have the opportunity to do laser therapy, medicinal essential oil soaks and aromatherapy, learn about natural nutrition and titre testing, and learn to assist with acupuncture. We are a paperless clinic. Must be able to quickly learn Impromed Infinity software system and IDEXX lab equipment, and must understand the importance of accurate and complete documentation. This FT position includes some Saturdays and evenings. Some weekend clinic pet care is expected periodically. Initial wage is based on experience, vacation time available after probationary period. Vet services, pet foods and supplements at substantially reduced cost. CE is negotiable on an annual basis. Email: careers@ animaldoctormuskego.com. No calls please.* PT/FT Technician needed for a 3 doctor SA AAHA practice in the Fox Valley Area. Hardworking, compassionate, skilled individuals with initiative welcome. Competitive salary with vacation, sick leave, health insurance, and IRA benefits offered. Willingness to participate in community service a plus! Practice under new management - American Animal Hospital, 1230 S. Commercial St. Neenah, WI 54956. Please email resume to mgmt@aahneenah. com. No phone calls please.*
LOOKING FOR POSITION PT Position Wanted. 30+ years experience. SA in Southern Sheboygan, Ozaukee, and North Milwaukee counties. Dr. Stephen Lewis. Phone: (262) 377-5325 (leave a message). Email: slewis18@wi.rr.com.*
WANTING TO BUY Looking to BUY a successful multi-doctor practice with an established team in the Milwaukee or Waukesha area. If you are considering a change and selling your practice, send your reply to BB 16WTB01, c/o WVMA, 4601 S. Biltmore Ln., Ste.107, Madison, WI 53718. Serious replies only.
Email questions to mkvcwaupun@yahoo.com. 8 foot Porta-Vet veterinary truck box – good condition. Has water, heat, lights, - no refrigeration. It will need to be picked up. No longer doing LA work. $1000 OBO. Call (715) 823-8387.* 2001 Ford F150 XLT 4X4 with 8 foot Bowie box, $5,000. Box alone, $1000. All of my large animal equipment, $1,000. Call (920) 8832125.* Digital x-ray system. Convert your table and xray to digital. 8 seconds from exposure to screen Rad 1 by Duoview/Revo squared. Only 4 years old. Original price $29,900 Asking $15,000 obo. Pictures available. Contact: mkvcwaupun@yahoo.com.* Books for sale: Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease, current edition $80. Manual of Equine Lameness by Gary Baxter, 2011, $70. Equine Podiatry by Floyd and Mansmann, 2007, $80. Diagnosis and Management of Lameness in the Horse, Ross and Dyson, 2nd ed 2011, $150. All in great condition, no marks or damage. Shipping available $3.99 media mail. Contact tlgdvm@ live.com for more information.*
PRACTICE FOR SALE Wausau/Stevens Point Area – well respected, AAHA, SA practice grossing $1M. Digital dental and radiology - 2 Dentalaire units, 2 surgical lasers. Emergencies referred to local emergency service. Beautiful free standing hospital. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG – (800) 380-6872 or kurt@tpsgsales.com. Solo SA practice near La Crosse, WI. Located in historic Odd Fellows Lodge building. New roof 2015. Building to be painted this year. Two apartments on 2nd floor. Asking $155,000 for practice and building. 67 yr old owner now working 2.5 days per week. Avimark software. Contact dnorris678@gmail.com or phone (715) 299-0593. North Central Area, Northwoods , SA practice grossing $491K. NW of Green Bay. Px and RE offered at $600K. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG – (800) 380-6872 or kurt@tpsgsales.com. East of Appleton SA practice grossing $600K. Px and RE offered at $610K. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.new. NW Wisconsin near Twin Cities. SA revenue $900K. Practice and RE offered for $825,000. Easy terms and low entry cost for ownership. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.new. REDUCED! Solo SA practice near La Crosse, WI. Located in historic Odd Fellows Lodge building. New roof. Two apartments on 2nd floor. Price is reduced to $155,000 for practice and building. 67 yr old owner now working 2.5 days per week. Avimark software. Outright purchase or gradual transition. Contact dnorris678@ gmail.com or phone (715) 299-0593.* North Central Wisconsin SA practice grossing $1.1M. NW of Green Bay. Digital radiology, Dentalaire dental, 4 CVT, excellent office manager. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@ tpsgsales.com.* Appleton grossing $450K. Beautiful facilities. Should grow rapidly. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG – (800) 380-6872 or kurt@ tpsgsales.com.* Grossing $876K in far northern WI. Digital radiology, digital dental, surgical, therapy lasers. Large state of the art building. Practice and RE $650K. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG, (800) 380-6872 or kurt@tpsgsales.com. * SA practice and building in North Central, WI that does do some LA with computed digital radiography, in-house bloodwork, surgical laser, sevoflurane anesthesia, computerized medical records, 2 exam rooms, heated garage, 3 livestock stalls, building with living quarters on 1 acre land, grossing 250K, asking $225, motivated seller, call (608) 343-3401. blueskiesvet@gmail.com.* Green Bay area 97% SA practice grossing over $1,573,000. Established over 20 years, 3 exam rooms. Seller would stay to help buyer. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.* Buying or selling a veterinary practice? Count on the experience of Total Practice Solutions Group. See display ad. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group for a free consultation, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.*
Digital x-ray for sale. Convert your x-ray to digital. DICOM compatible. Exposure to image in about 5 seconds. Four years old. Original price $29,900. Asking $10,000 obo. I can send you pictures of the machine and radiographic images taken with it.
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Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association 4610 S. Biltmore Ln., Suite 107 Madison, WI 53718
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2016 WVMA
20 June
June 2016