March 2016 WVMA Voice

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WVMA In This Issue

March 2016

Where is FLUMPS on the Equine Differential Diagnosis List?


From the President Doctor Coach


From the Executive Director The Greatest Generation and Your Business

First off, what is FLUMPS? If you watched BBC in the 1970’s and 80’s, The Flumps were a family of furry characters on a children’s television show written by Julie Holder and Gay Soper. Chances are if you were watching this show in the UK, you may have also, on occasion, eaten a “Flump”, which was a confection made of pink and yellow marshmallow in the shape of a helix.


Legal Briefs Beware of the Pitfalls of Unpaid Internship Programs

Likely any horse seen by Wisconsin equine practitioners will not be exposed to a Flump or 1980’s British television, but FLUMPS still may relevant. FLUMPS in the infectious disease (ID) world is a new acronym for “flu non-mumps parotitis,” which was coined by ID experts in Minnesota and at the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene (WSLH) and Wisconsin Department of Health Services (WDHS) in May of 2015.


In the News SVM Researchers Find Zika Virus in Colombia, Look for Ways to Stop It


Don’t Wait to Improve Your Practice Value


Cost Benefit 101: Pricing Hamburgers


Congratulations to WVMA Member Dr. Pedro Rivera

During the 2014-15 influenza season a noticeable increase in requests for mumps testing was identified in Midwestern states, including Wisconsin. While some cases were confirmed, many tests were negative for mumps. In Minnesota, at their State Public Health Laboratory it is routine practice to culture all specimens submitted regardless of previous test results. Their lab identified numerous cases of influenza A in specimens collected from patients who presented with mumps-like parotitis but had negative mumps test results. This unusual finding was shared among the Midwest Influenza Surveillance Coordinators during their monthly teleconference. In response to Minnesota’s finding the WSLH in conjunction with the WDHS tested a random sample of specimens collected from patients with mumps-like parotitis who had tested negative for mumps. These specimens were tested for influenza and other viruses using rt-PCR using sub-optimum clinical samples (buccals swabs versus the preferred nasopharyngeal swabs). To the surprise of many, 4 of the first 10 random tests confirmed influenza A infection.

16-19 Classifieds

By Thomas Haupt, State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services and Keith Poulsen, Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, University of Wisconsin

Common in mumps, parotitis is rarely seen with influenza infection, yet >200 cases of influenzaassociated parotitis were reported nationwide from at least 11 states and over 40 cases among Wisconsin patients were identified during the 2014–15 US influenza season. A newly-emerged influenza A(H3N2) 3C.2a viruses, which were antigenically drifted from the 2014–15 influenza vaccine virus, were detected in many of these specimens. The potential link back to the Wisconsin horse population originated from a November 2015 review of human influenza cases in Wisconsin over the past year at an multidisciplinary infectious disease interest group that is held at the WVDL monthly. Translating the novel findings from humans to horses made us wonder about possibility of FLUMPS in horses. Commonly, equine veterinarians are called for horses that develop sub-mandibular and/or retropharyngeal swelling. Typically, in a horse barn or boarding facility, there are more than one affected. The first thing on our differential diagnoses list and well known to horse owners is Streptococcus equi equi or “Strangles” infection. >>> Continued on Page 11


Doctor Coach

Isn’t it Great Being a Veterinarian?... Dr. John T. Been

Greeting to you all on the first week of real Wisconsin winter. As I write this column the temperatures here in central Wisconsin hover in the minus 5 degree range and every activity seems to be complicated by the frigid elements. These are the days that build our toughness and makes those languid days of the more moderate seasons that much more precious. I’ve had the good fortune to have been influenced and inspired by some very special people over the course of my life. We all have been molded in our character and our actions by the example of mentors who either unknowingly or willfully guided our development. I harken back to my high school days as a typical teenager who had plenty of potential but limited direction on what to do with it. I owe a great debt of admiration and gratitude to my track and cross country coach at that time who created an atmosphere of encouragement, opportunity, and sound training principles that inspired success for many of his student athletes, including me. With that idea in mind, I’d like to address that notion that we all as veterinarians end up being coaches to our employees, students, and clients and how we can embrace and enhance our success in that role. Coaching others is a natural and essential role in our lives as veterinarians. Whether in academics, private practice, research, or the military, we generally lead teams of others to accomplish goals. There is a saying that a river without banks is a puddle, and applying that idea to the concept of human interactions in a team situation, the coach acts as the river banks to channel the flow of productivity into a positive direction. We coach students into becoming ethical and informed individuals. We coach clients with sound advice about health and husbandry practices. We coach employees into becoming collaborative team members in our clinics with focused goals toward a desired outcome. Conversely, the ‘puddle’ of indifference or mediocrity in a team situation is often the result of poor coaching. One of the best and most productive things a good coach can do to promote the success of his team is to project that he himself is having fun at what he is doing. If you have fun doing something you’ll be fun to be around and be a more effective leader. Bo Ryan, the great former Badger men’s basketball coach, was tough and demanding, but he always

defaulted to humor and lightheartedness in his interviews. Finding that niche that truly is enjoyable and invigorating will be infectious to those one deals with. Likewise hiring those individuals, especially in leadership positions, like practice managers and supervisors, who exude positivity is vital. My favorite author, James Michener, said it well; “The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion. He pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him he’s always doing both.” Another equally important aspect of great coaching is to recognize and reward good performance. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, coauthors of “The One Minute Manager”, state that “The key to developing people is to catch them doing something right.” This means that we must be in a ready mode to notice and give recognition to those individuals who progress in a positive direction. This bolsters their continued confidence and growth. Positive consequences encourage people to repeat good behavior. Seasoned veterinarians know how important it was to have those little victories in procedures or diagnoses that went perfectly when we were new veterinarians in practice. The recognition and encouragement from our employers was a precious reward. That’s great coaching. Many surveys have shown that being valued and respected as an important part of the team in the workplace is more important than monetary compensation. Congratulations to all of you who have been such effective leaders and coaches in your various roles. It is indeed a honor and a great responsibility to be in a position to influence people in such unique ways as veterinarians. Keep up the great work. ...Yes, it is! n


John T. Been, DVM

District 5

Judith Batker, DVM




Scott Spaulding , DVM

District 6

Alan Holter, DVM

Past President

Jane Clark, DVM

District 7

Karl Solverson, DVM

District 1

Katrina Geitner, DVM

District 8

Kevin Landorf, DVM

District 2

Chris Keim, DVM

District 9

Gary Johnson, DVM

District 3

Trisha Fasse-Neerhof, DVM

Student Rep.

Brandon Scharping

District 4

James Ziegler, DVM

Treasurer David Jeans, DVM AVMA Delegate Douglas Kratt, DVM Dean, UW-SVM Mark Markel, DVM, PhD State Veterinarian Paul McGraw, DVM WVDL Director Philip N. Bochsler, DVM, PhD, DACVP Student Rep. Holly Hovanec

Executive Director Kim Brown Pokorny Executive Assistant Torrie Kennedy Communications and Project Specialist Bailey Quam Development and Marketing Specialist Jeremy Panizza Food Armor® Katie Mrdutt, DVM Outreach Specialist

2 March



The WVMA Voice is published on the 15th day of each month by the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association, 4610 S. Biltmore Ln., Suite 107, Madison, WI 53718; (608) 2573665; toll-free (888) 254-5202; fax (608) 257-8989; e-mail:; website: It is sent free of charge to all WVMA members. Office hours: 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday-Friday.


First 30 words $10; each additional word $1.50. Non-member: First 30 words $50; each additional word $1.50. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads. Classified ads run for two months and must be renewed for additional months. Classified ads are to be received by the first working day of the month. Display advertising is available at the editors’ discretion. Call (608) 257-3665 for more information. The deadline for receipt of all material submitted for publication is the first working day of the month, to insure consideration for the next month’s newsletter.


January February March April May June July August September October November December


The Greatest Generation and Your Business Kim Brown Pokorny

I recently attended the AVMA Veterinary Leadership Conference in Chicago. At the event, I attended a session on generations and the differences among our generations. It is the first time in history we have four generations in the work place, working side-by-side. These generations are the Traditionalists (1925-1946), the Baby Boomers (1946-1964), Generation Xers (1965-1980) and Millennials/Ys (1980-2002). During the presentation, I learned that the Millennials are considered to be the next Greatest Generation. Even more eye opening is the fact that in 15 years, 75 percent of veterinarians will be from the Millennial generation. So, why is this important? Because each generation has its own communication styles, mentoring needs, compensation priorities (rewards and motivation) and views on authority and leadership. Businesses that can leverage the differences and utilize them effectively in their businesses will be at a competitive advantage. Change is hard. But is it time to take a look at your staff team and re-evaluate some things? What should you start doing? Stop doing? Continue? Those are questions only you can answer. But, I would encourage you to spend some time learning the differences of the generations, what is important to them and then look internally. Is there something you can do to increase productivity and satisfaction? Please note, there are countless websites and books available on the four generations working together. Take a few minutes to check them out and think about your individual situation. In addition, how will you transition your business to this next generation? n


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Member Benefit Program The WVMA has aligned with following companies to offer WVMA member’s exclusive benefits - Staples Advantage, Land’s End, Professional Insurance Programs, Association Gloves and Avis. Visit to take advantage of the member benefits program and start saving today!

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4 March



Beware of the Pitfalls of Unpaid Internship Programs By Stephen A. DiTullio, DeWitt Ross & Stevens s.c.

Internships have long been a staple of the business community, including at many veterinary practices. However, if your veterinary practice has an unpaid internship program, you should take a second look at that program to make sure it is an asset, and not a liability. This article updates an article from September, 2012 addressing this issue due to case law developments that occurred in 2015. If an intern qualifies as an “employee” under the Fair Labor Standards Act, the law requires that the intern be paid. In a Fact Sheet published in 2010, the United States Department of Labor (DOL) explained that “internships in the ‘for-profit’ private sector will most often be viewed as employment,” and that interns who qualify as employees “must be paid at least the minimum wage and overtime compensation.” The DOL has adopted through Handbook guidance (which is not given the same legal recognition of a federal regulation) a six part test in order for an internship program to be unpaid:

worked on the film Black Swan. The Court applied each of the criteria listed in the DOL Fact Sheet, and found that the interns “worked as paid employees work, providing an immediate advantage to their employer and performing low-level tasks not requiring specialized training. The benefits they may have received – such as knowledge of how a production or accounting office functions or references for future jobs – are the results of simply having worked as any other employee works, not of internships designed to be uniquely educational to the interns and of little utility to the employer. They received nothing approximating the education they would receive in an academic setting or vocational school.” Eric Glatt, et al. v. Fox Searchlight Pictures, Inc., No. 11-6784 at 26 (S.D.N.Y. June 11, 2013).

While the DOL six factor test may certainly be a standard by which courts measure unpaid internships, federal courts also recognize that the DOL test is not mandatory. For example, in 2015, two federal 2. The internship experience is for the benefit of the intern, Circuit Courts (Second and Eleventh Circuits Courts of Appeal) 3. The intern does not displace regular employees, but works declined to follow the DOL’s six factor test. Instead, in a lawsuit filed under close supervision of existing staff, by unpaid movie studio interns, the Second Circuit outlined a “primary beneficiary” test for determining whether an individual is an employee 4. The employer derives no immediate advantage from the covered under the FLSA. In determining how to determine the “primary activities of the intern, and on occasion its operations may beneficiary” in the intern-employer relationship, the Second Circuit actually be impeded, 5. The intern is not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion stated that the focus should be on the benefits to students while “considering whether the manner in which the employer implements of the internship, and the internship program takes unfair advantage of or is otherwise 6. The employer and intern understand that the intern is not abusive towards the student.” Thereafter, the Eleventh Circuit followed entitled to wages. suit, adopting the Second Circuit’s primary beneficiary test in a case If all of those six criteria are met, no “employment” relationship exists, involving a certified registered nurse anesthetist training program. and an unpaid internship is legal. However, if any one of those six While the primary beneficiary test may offer more flexibility in criteria is lacking, a business cannot maintain an unpaid internship analyzing unpaid internship programs, it also creates a legal analysis program without exposing itself to potential liability for a wage and that is extremely fact dependent and will be applied on a case-by-case hour claim. Given the stringency of the criteria, it is quite unusual basis regarding the understanding and expectations of the business for unpaid internships to be legal. A recent uptick in well-publicized and the intern. unpaid intern lawsuits, against companies like Hearst Corporation, Fox Searchlight, and The Charlie Rose Show, makes it especially important The issue of unpaid internships is an area of employment law receiving increasing attention. As such, it should not be simply assumed that for all businesses, including veterinary practices, to be cognizant of interns are unpaid. Instead, the clear legal trend is that in many, if not these criteria when managing their internship programs. most, circumstances, interns should be paid. n For example, a federal District Court judge ruled that Fox Searchlight violated state and federal law by not paying production interns who 1. The internship is similar to training which would be given in an educational environment,



SVM Researchers Find Zika Virus in Colombia, Look for Ways to Stop It By Kelly Tyrrell

In October 2015, a team of researchers at the University of WisconsinMadison and Universidad de Sucre in Colombia ran the first tests confirming the presence of Zika virus transmission in the South American country.

“Historically, Zika virus has just caused mild disease, but as it moved into the New World, in Brazil, we started to notice these more serious consequences associated with it,” says Aliota. “There is a lot that is unknown.”

In a study published Jan. 26, 2016 in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases, the team documents a disease trajectory that started with nine positive patients and has now spread to more than 13,000 infected individuals in that country.

Aliota hopes to help change that.

Zika virus, which spreads among humans via mosquitoes, causes illness characterized like many other viral infections by fever, rash and joint pain. Officials estimate that four out of five people who contract the virus do not get sick and the virus is rarely fatal. However, pregnant women in Brazil infected with Zika have given birth to babies with small heads and underdeveloped brains, a condition called microcephaly.

“There is certainly something different about these viruses that have allowed or facilitated this geographic expansion,” Aliota says.

His research on Zika virus and others like it is focused on how the viruses evolve and adapt to their hosts, including mosquitoes and humans. As he and the team show in the study, the Zika virus has split into two distinct lineages, African and Asian. The Colombia strain of the virus can “Colombia is now only second to Brazil in the number of known Zika infections,” says study lead author Matthew Aliota, a research scientist in be tracked to Brazil, which can be traced to a strain that originated in French Polynesia. the UW–Madison School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM).

“If you’re pregnant or planning on being pregnant, absolutely, cancel your vacation,” says Aliota, echoing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warning that pregnant women not travel to the more than 20 countries now known to have active Zika transmission, like Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and in the Caribbean. In these countries, mosquitoes are spreading the virus to people. For the Colombian finding, Aliota and his research team, which includes Jorge Osorio, professor of pathobiological sciences at SVM, and two visiting doctoral students from Colombia, tested samples from 22 patients for the genetic fingerprints of Zika, dengue and chikungunya viruses. Nine came back positive for Zika virus. Now, 13,500 cases have been identified in Colombia. The researchers’ findings highlight the need for better, more accurate laboratory diagnosis of Zika virus.

He and Osorio are now looking for ways to control it. As members of the Eliminate Dengue Program, an international effort managed by Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, they have explored how a bacterium that infects 60 percent of insects around the world may be used as a tool to combat the spread of dengue and similar mosquito-borne viruses. Zika, dengue and chikungunya (which are also found in Colombia) are RNA viruses, which refers to how they encode their genetic material, and each is transmitted by a specific mosquito called Aedes aegypti. The mosquito is common in Colombia and other countries where Zika has become prevalent. The bacterium, Wolbachia, is not naturally found in the Aedes aegypti mosquito, but researchers with Eliminate Dengue have found that when they infect mosquitoes with the bacteria in the lab, it prevents them from transmitting dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever. “The Eliminate Dengue Program is doing field experiments to see, will we be able to replace wild-type, existing populations of mosquitoes with these Wolbachia-infected ones and does it block dengue transmission?” Aliota says. “Now, we’re going to start looking at how that might be used for Zika virus control as well in South America.”

The symptoms of Zika virus are “really nonspecific and it overlaps with a lot of things, especially with dengue virus and chikungunya,” says Aliota. Here in Madison, Aliota is also trying to better understand how these viruses might evolve and adapt to this potential control strategy, to try to “It’s hard when someone comes in with a fever and a rash to narrow it stay ahead of any potential issues they might encounter in the field. down.” But while Texas and Florida need to be on alert, Aliota says Wisconsinites Zika virus was first found in Uganda in 1947 but remained limited to Africa and Southeast Asia for decades. But in 2007, an outbreak occurred need not be worried about transmission of Zika virus here. in the Pacific Islands and recently the virus began to spread in the Western Hemisphere.

6 March


“We’re not going to get Zika transmission in Wisconsin. We don’t have Aedes aegypti,” he says. “The cold winters are good for something.” n

WVMA Partners If your clinic is looking for ways to save money, contact the WVMA’s partners and add to your cash flow! Professional Insurance Programs Professional Insurance Programs (PIP) is a full service insurance agency that provides advice, solutions and resources to members of professional associations. The services provided will add value to your WVMA membership experience by the depth of their offered service pool.; click on the PIP logo. WVMA-TransFirst Health Services Credit Card Processing Program Competitive rates, special rewards card handling, and PIN-based debit available. Contact the WVMA-TFHS Program Team: Veterinary Career Network Matches employers with employees nationally in the veterinary profession. Employers post ads without word limit; job seekers apply for opportunities and post their resume at no cost.; click Career Center. WVMA E-Services Website creation, logos, printing and design services. Support your fellow WVMA member, Dr. Marla Lichtenberger!

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8 March


Don’t Wait to Improve Your Practice Value By Gavin Shea, Wells Fargo Practice Finance

If you are planning to sell your veterinary practice in the foreseeable future, do yourself a favor and get a realistic idea of its current value while you still have time to make an impact. Improving your practice value not weeks or months, but years before you are ready to sell may help you increase profitability now and command an attractive price when it’s time to transition to a new owner. How practice value is determined

1. Track your income and expenses by profit center, making sure to remove items that are not true operational expenses. 2. Keep your facility and equipment in good repair. 3. Offer the best quality services and medicine. 4. Implement internal systems to effectively remind clients of needed services, and capture charges.

5. Invest in the education of your staff — they have the largest impact The value of your practice is based on its true profitability as determined on what your clients experience at your hospital. by a professional appraiser. Profitability is defined as the financial return for owning and operating the business, and encompasses the revenues When to perform a practice valuation remaining after: Most practice owners wait until they are ready to sell their practice to • Paying all the customary operating expenses of the practice perform a practice valuation. But a valuation by a professional business (including salaries), appraiser who specializes in veterinary hospitals can also be a powerful practice management tool, even if you’re not planning to sell in the • Paying a fair market rent (even if you own the real estate), and short-term. The valuation analysis can diagnose the financial health • Fairly compensating yourself as a practicing veterinarian. of your practice, giving you an understanding of what improvements Practice value also encompasses the real and intangible properties that your practice needs now in order to position your business for increased make a veterinary hospital an attractive investment for potential buyers, profitability and maximize your return at the time of sale. such as exceptional management practices and a proven track record of So the take-home message here is to start making those necessary generous, stable net profits. Highly valued practices are typically: changes to improve practice value at least three to five years in advance • Well equipped with current technology that is in good repair; • Physically attractive with a staff that delivers outstanding customer service;

of a sale. Take advantage of today’s still low rates for veterinary practice upgrade and expansion financing to build a practice that will be sought after by potential buyers. The investment in your practice can pay for itself when it comes time to transition to a new owner.

• Multi-doctor practices offering a full range of veterinary services, from boarding and grooming to laser surgery and advanced medical care. Gavin Shea is the Senior Director of Sales and Marketing for Wells Fargo Practice Finance. With more than 17 years of banking experience with Veterinary hospitals that are not managed with this level of staff an emphasis in practice lending, he leads sales and marketing strategy efficiency and technological advancement cannot expect to achieve the development and implementation throughout the national footprint. n highest valuation when it comes time to sell the business. In a worst case scenario, practices that have failed to create an environment that For more information on practice financing: Jen Frank is appealing to potential buyers may find they are not only unable to Business Development Officer command an attractive price – they may have to settle for less than Wells Fargo Practice Finance expected and may have to wait a bit longer 414-931-1247 5 keys to building practice value

The good news is that any veterinary practice can be improved with proper planning to help build both real and perceived value. The secret is to start with clean financial reports, and then work step-by-step to enhance your facility and services. The five key steps to building practice value are as follows:

Brought to you by Wells Fargo - The WVMA does not endorse products, services or companies.


Cost Benefit 101: Pricing Hamburgers

By Darren Osborne, MA, Director of Economic Development, Ontario Veterinary Medical Association My brother-in-law, “Chef,” used to operate a restaurant that sold burgers for lunch. The restaurant was located near a university campus that had a steady flow of clientele that were hungry and ... frugal. Burger sales were great but a lot of the students complained that the burger was too expensive. Some business students, being self-proclaimed experts in supply and demand recommended to my brother-in-law that he lower the price of the burger so he could sell more.

“Wait,” Chef said, “you are telling me that if I lower the price by $2 and sold twice as many burgers we would only break even?”

we lower the price by $2 we lose $30 from existing sale of 15 per day. Because our new profit per burger has fallen from $4 to $2, we would need to sell 15 more burgers to make up for the $30 loss.”

Clearly, veterinary medicine is a world away from flipping burgers but management is management. Lowering fees rarely increases demand for veterinary medicine. Several practices have solved the problem with decreasing demand by maintaining fee levels and changing the way they manage their client communication. n

“Exactly,” the manager said. “So what do we do about the complaints?” chef asked. “Ignore them,” was the reply.

The problem of pricing burgers is a management problem. It has little During a meeting between Chef and his manager the idea of lowering the to do with taste, presentation or the location of the business; the issue burger price came up for discussion. “I really think we need to lower the and the solution are both rooted in management. A lot of the problems price”, Chef said. “A lot of people are complaining about the price.” facing the veterinary profession are similar to the burger pricing problem facing my brother-in-law. People are complaining about the price and the His manager picked up his pencil and offered the following questions knee-jerk reaction from most is to lower fees to appease the complaints. How many burgers are we selling now? 15 per day They go on to rationalize that increased volume will offset the lower fees and they will be better off as a result. In reality, this rarely happens. How much does a student pay for a burger? $11 Practices that lower their fees end up working harder for the same or less $7 How much does a burger cost us? income. $2 How much would we have to lower the price? Many of the problems facing the veterinary profession can be solved by After some simple calculations, the manager looked up with a grimace. managers. The “manager” can be the veterinarian or a bona fide practice “Could you sell twice as many burgers at $9,” he asked. manager. The burger problem did not involve complicated financial calculations and a computer. The problem was solved with a pencil, “No,” Chef said, “we might sell five more at the most”. paper and good management. “Then we should stay with the current price,” the manager offered. “If



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Where is FLUMPS on the Equine Differential Diagnosis List? >>> Continued from Page 1

What is striking is that from speaking to veterinarians and seeing horses and diagnostic samples with typical clinical signs at the School of Veterinary Medicine and WVDL, not all horses have abscessed retropharyngeal or submandibular lymph nodes or positive PCR/bacterial culture for S. equi equi. We treat and manage the cases as if they do, but we do not always get a definitive diagnosis. The question remains: is it possible that a horse with swelling in the retropharygeal and/or submandibular area could have FLUMPS and not Strangles? Alternatively, could influenza predispose or be a co-infection in the horse to S. equi equi? The strain noted by WSLH and WDPH in May of 2015 was H3 influenza A and the circulating strain in the Wisconsin horse population is a H3N8 strain of influenza. Diagnostic testing could help answer the question of whether the circulating H3N8 strain is associated with FLUMPS. Further testing would be needed to see if the same mutations of the influenza viruses are associated with FLUMPS. If so, the importance of definitive diagnosis will rise significantly for herd, barn, and equine hospital management in terms of treatment, biosecurity and quarantine, and prevention of the viral compared to bacterial diseases. Contact your veterinary diagnostic laboratory for preferred method of specimen collection, handling, and transport. The WVDL recommends a nasal swab placed in viral transport media shipped on ice with our UPS shipping program. Do not use swabs with cotton or wood shafts as they have negative effects on nucleic acid integrity. n

Congratulations to WVMA Member Dr. Pedro Rivera Dr. Pedro Luis Rivera, a 1986 graduate of Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, successfully achieved the Diplomate status from the American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation. Dr. Rivera is an owner of the Healing Oasis Veterinary Hospital an Integrative Veterinary Medical practice in Sturtevant, Wis. as well as an owner of the Healing Oasis Wellness Center. In 2009, Rivera also earned the Fellowship status from the American College of Functional Neurology. Dr. Pedro Rivera

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12 March


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Keynote Presentation:


Change The Game: Reduce Stress & Inspire Leadership


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 Earn up to 4 CE credits provided by MVMA  Lunch and dinner included  Seating is limited – RSVP by April 1


Tim Gard, CSP, CPAE, is an award-winning, tears-in-youreyes-funny keynote speaker who teaches people to be more resilient and resourceful, and coaches businesses around the world how to enhance productivity and employee enthusiasm. He is the author of four books and an inventor of stress reduction tools that are enjoyed worldwide. As an owner of two cats and past owner of everything from an iguana to guinea pigs, he has lifelong experience as a pet lover.

Dentistry • Dermatology • 24/7 ER/CC • Imaging • Internal Medicine • Neurology • Oncology • Rehab • Surgery

Port Washington: 207 W. Seven Hills Rd. | 262.268.7800

Glendale: 2100 W. Silver Spring Dr. | 414.540.6710

Tim Gard, CSP, CPAE

Oak Creek: 2400 W. Ryan Rd. | 414.761.6333

Emergency and Critical Care For emergency and critical care, you can count on the Green Bay Animal Emergency Center. As part of your medical team, we will serve your clients with skill and compassion.

Sat.-Sun. OPEN 24 HOURS Mon.-Tues.-Wed.-Thurs.-Fri. OPEN 6pm–8am (closed 8am–6pm) All Holidays OPEN 24 HOURS

933 Anderson Drive, Suite F Green Bay, WI 54304


14 March


Animal Dentistry and Oral Surgery Specialists, LLC 920-223-8409 or 888-K9-TOOTH

i8F EJBHOPTF öSTU BOE USFBU PQUJNBMMZw Locations: Glendale Green�eld Green Bay Oshkosh Dr. Kressin, Dr. Honzelka and their team communicate as advocates for you, your clients and their pets. Referrals Welcome!

Contributions give us an opportunity to open doors and engage in conversations with policy makers on issues important to you! A $25 personal contribution can make a big difference.

Make a donation at! Legislative policies shape our ability to practice veterinary medicine and impact the small businesses we own and work for. Decisions increasingly influence: • Regulation and scope of practice • Animal welfare • Licensing and unlicensed practice • Public health • Business operations including employment and tax laws • Food safety

Your profession. Your livelihood. Your future. Your voice, amplified. Contributions must be made on a voluntary basis from a personal account. Contributions cannot be made from corporate or business accounts.

Support the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Foundation today!

The WVMF’s goal is to fund activities supporting the veterinary medical community and those we serve. • Charitable • Outreach • Education

Want to make a tax-deductible donation? Contact the WVMA at 608-257-3665 15

CLASSIFIED AD CHANGES All classified ads, including veterinary relief ads, will be published at the following rate: Members: First 30 words, $10. Every additional word after 30 is $1.50 per word. Non-members: First 30 words, $50. Every additional word is $1.50 per word. Ads will run 2 consecutive months, and then be removed, unless the WVMA is notified you would like to continue your ad for another 2 month run. You will be invoiced at the end of the first month during a 2 month period. Ads are placed online at the beginning of the month they are featured in the newsletter. Immediate placement of ads is an additional $25 fee. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads.

SMALL ANIMAL FT associate needed for growing SA practice in Marshfield (Central WI). Excellent facilities and great staff. New graduate welcome. Buy-In potential. Would be joining three other veterinarians. Contact Dr. Virginia Thorne (715) 498-2323 or (715) 389-1011; Castlerock Veterinary Hospital, 1214 S. Oak Ave., Marshfield, WI 54449; or email at

Are you a top veterinarian? Work for the #1 Veterinary Clinic in Rock County WI for 5 years running! A four-doctor AAHA certified practice is looking for an experienced veterinarian to join our staff. We have two clinics including one that was recently renovated. Both clinics are stocked with the necessary toys including surgical laser, digital x-ray, inhouse lab equipment, etc. We are hoping to find a long term fit. We offer health, dental, and life insurance as well as 401k profit sharing. If interested, please send a resume to Michael Hotchkiss, 1802 Mineral Point Ave., Janesville, WI 53548 or email Additional FT/PT veterinarian needed for progressive 4 doctor practice in Milwaukee suburb. Experience preferred but new grads welcome. High quality care with an emphasis on medicine, surgery and dentistry. Well equipped with digital x-ray for whole body and dentistry, ultrasound, in house laboratory, tonopen and endoscopy. Isoflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia. Enthusiastic, well trained staff. Competitive salary with production bonuses, CE allowance, insurance, dues and SIMPLE IRA. Send resume to Family Pet Clinic, N73 W13583 Appleton Ave., Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 or email Dr. Scott Fellenz, Join a passionate and experienced team. Help people and pets in the Northwoods. Our successful Mobile Animal Spay/Neuter Hospital has performed over 10,000 high quality surgeries on dogs and cats since July 2012. We service 10 counties, perform 3 clinics per week and have a marvelous reputation. Request job description or send letter and resume to info@ PT/FT SA Veterinarian position. Candidate needs excellent communication skills and positive attitude. Excellent staff, very well equipped and established hospital. Digital x-ray/ dental x-ray, laser therapy and surgical laser, ultrasound, inhouse lab, and endoscope. Paid CE, dues, PTO. Experienced or new graduates welcome to apply. Mentoring available. Animal Medical Center, Whitewater WI 53190 (262) 473-5800, www.,

AAHA Accredited and AAFP Cat Friendly Certified Clinic on Madison’s west side seeks FT associate. Would consider job share between two qualified candidates. Exceptional support staff and clientele to allow you to practice the very best medicine in a warm and friendly environment. Both cat & dog friendly and very client-focused. Desire outgoing, outpatient oriented DVM with a minimum of 2 years’ experience in high quality practice. Starting date April 15th. Please send cover letter and resume to our hiring team at

Looking for FT or PT veterinarian for a progressive two doctor practice in Stevens Point. Our practice prides itself on taking the time to create lasting relationships with our clients along with providing excellent medical care for pets. We have a great support staff that excel at their positions. Services offered include surgical laser, in house diagnostics, digital radiography, dental radiography, high speed dental, and ultrasound. No on-call, no weekends, no holidays because of a local emergency facility. Central Wisconsin has a great community, wonderful schools and easy access to numerous outdoor activities. Please send inquiries and resume to

PT position available in our long established, 4 doctor practice. We offer digital radiography as well as digital dental radiography, brand new ultrasound. We are located in the small friendly, south central Wisconsin town of Delavan. Flexible work schedules, a generous benefit package. No after hours or on call. Year around recreational opportunities and close to Milwaukee and Chicago. Call Sonya at Delavan Animal Clinic, (262) 728-3303.

FT veterinarian needed for a busy SA practice located in south central Wisconsin, experience preferred. No emergencies, located 1 hour from Madison or Milwaukee, and 2 hours from downtown Chicago. We have full in house lab, digital radiology, and digital dental radiology. Health insurance, paid vacation, and other benefits are provided. Please send resume to

FT/PT SA veterinarian position available. Future ownership option. An opportunity to grow with us and practice your own style. In house IDEXX lab, digital X-ray, digital dental X-ray, radio surgery unit, ultrasound. Southeastern Wisconsin, Kettle Moraine area.

Veterinary Emergency Service (VES) is recruiting veterinarians who are interested in gaining practical experience in the exciting field of emergency medicine. This is a mentorship position designed for recent graduates, post-internship, and general practice veterinarians who would like to gain experience

16 March


in ER medicine. The successful candidate will work alongside our emergency doctors and specialists to become a skilled and knowledgeable emergency veterinarian. Recent candidates have transitioned into FT ER DVMs at our clinics. The candidate will gain practical experience in emergency medicine, internal medicine and surgery. This will be a FT, salaried position with a variable schedule. Please contact Sara Nichols at or Tristan Daugherty-Leiter at Burleigh Road Animal Hospital is seeking a PT associate veterinarian to join our well established, AAHA-accredited practice in Brookfield, WI. We are committed to providing the most advanced veterinary diagnostics and treatments. Our practice provides many services such as wellness services, surgery, dentistry, digital radiology and ultrasound as well as a full service boarding facility. Opportunities exist for a compassionate individual to develop long-term professional relationships with an excellent team (including CVT’s) and loyal clientele. The successful candidate has great people skills, is focused on high quality care, and excels at assuring client satisfaction. The associate will practice general medicine and surgery with high quality equipment at their fingertips. Burleigh Road Animal Hospital offers a competitive base salary plus a percentage of production. Burleigh Road Animal Hospital also has a generous benefits package including IRA and employee discounts. New and recent graduates are welcome to apply as we provide a strong mentoring environment. Flexibility with hours and schedule is a plus! Please visit our website to learn more about our practice: Interested applicants should submit a resume to Casey Sterling at casey@branimals. com or by mail: 13725 W. Burleigh Road, Brookfield, WI 53005. Our 4 doctor, multiple location practice is recruiting for the position of PT DVM. SA only. Includes rotating Saturday morning and a portion of the surgical case load. No Emergency. Approximately 0.5FTE (20 hours per week) to start with potential to increased FTE over time. Prefer experienced SA practitioner, but will consider a new graduate. Learn more by emailing resume to SA veterinary clinic looking for a veterinarian to add to our growing practice in northwestern Wisconsin. Variety of clientele including local residents and a large PT/weekend population. Located in a popular vacation area with many recreational activities. Less than 1.5 hours from Duluth and less than 2 hours from the Twin Cities metro. Please email resume to Underdog Pet Rescue in Madison, WI is seeking DVM 25 hrs. per week with hours to expand. Pay based on experience. Will work with rescue and public animals. Send resume to Lauren at info@ Banfield Pet Hospitals of Madison, WI and Rockford, IL are seeking PT and FT veterinarians who are looking for the unique opportunity to practice the highest quality of medicine with state of the art equipment, knowledgeable teams and nation-wide support. Apply online at or email heidi. Associate needed for busy SA practice. Quality medicine. Up-todate equipment. PTO, continuing education and license paid. New grads welcome, contact: PT associate wanted to join our 3 DVM AAHA accredited practice in La Crosse, WI. We are a well-staffed, progressive practice that focuses on communication and compassionate care. Experienced

DVMs or new graduates are welcome to apply. Please email resume to Experienced veterinarian wanted to join our SA practice in SE Wisconsin near Lake Geneva. We are well equipped with digital x-ray, ultrasound, dental digital X-ray, Surgitron, and a full in house diagnostic laboratory. Well trained, stable staff. Extra pay for on call but not required for position. Mon., Tues. and every other Sat. schedule. FT or buy in potential. Contact: Or phone: (262) 763-6055. Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists Seeks an ER DVM to join our team in Port Washington, WI! Lakeshore is an independently owned, multi-specialty and referral center. We offer surgery, internal medicine, oncology, neurology, neurosurgery, dermatology, dentistry, emergency and critical care, rehabilitation, a blood bank, grief support counseling, and a residency and internship training program. We are proud to be named the first VECCS-Certified Level-1 Emergency and Critical Care Facility in the nation. Our three state of the art hospitals are expanding, to include a high field MRI, stereotactic radiosurgery, and we have just started a 9000 sq. foot addition to our Glendale facility. We are located north, south and central to downtown Milwaukee. From world-famous music and ethnic festivals to lakefront activities, Milwaukee has something to offer everyone. Working at Lakeshore means being part of an immensely talented and collaborative team of professionals. Our total compensation package is complemented by a generous benefits package. We encourage and promote professional growth and sustained learning among our staff through continuing education paid time off and an education allowance to attend conferences and other events. We also offer many in-house learning opportunities, and are committed to the continuing education of our referring community. We offer more CE opportunities than any other facility in the state of Wisconsin. Please visit us at We look forward to welcoming you home! Associated Veterinary Clinic, a MA practice in Ripon, WI, seeks a FT SA associate veterinarian. The qualified candidate will join an experienced SA doctor in a busy full-service practice. An excellent staff will support you, and you will practice in a fully equipped clinic, including a new IDEXX in-house laboratory station, new high speed dental unit, and new digital radiology unit. Competitive salary and benefits package. Will consider new graduates as well as experienced doctors. Ripon is a wonderful college town located within 60-90 minutes of Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay and the Fox Cities, and within 15 minutes of the Green Lake recreation area. Please send resume to Dr. Michael Herrick by email, by phone (920) 748-5144, or by regular mail, Associated Veterinary Clinic, P.O. Box 352, Ripon, WI 54971. FT DVM wanted for a well-established, growing SA practice in Milwaukee. Experience preferred, but new graduates welcome. Send resume to: West Allis Vet Clinic, 11504 W. Greenfield Ave., West Allis, WI 53214.* Associate Veterinarian needed for 3 doctor SA veterinary practice in the beautiful Northwood’s of Minocqua, WI. Experienced veterinarian or new graduate with an interest in medicine and surgery are encouraged to apply. Our practice is a newer, modern clinic with digital x-ray, ultrasound and full in house lab. With over 1500 lakes in our county we offer some of the best outdoor recreation opportunities in the country. We offer a competitive salary, production bonuses, full benefits and ample time off. The position is FT but we are willing to consider PT or seasonal help (April- September). Contact Janet Knutson at All Creatures Veterinary Clinic, 7665 Hwy 51 S, Minocqua, WI 54548. Email:, phone: (715) 358-4300.* Are you ready to love where you work and play on the shores of Lake Michigan? Then Wolf Merrick Animal Hospital is for you. We are seeking a dedicated, enthusiastic Associate Veterinarian to join our highly qualified team. Our AAHA certified practice is a well-established, full-service, SA veterinary hospital focusing on “Standards of Care” and comprehensive medical, surgical and dental care. To join our dynamic and compassionate team our ideal candidate will have strong communication skills and is very team orientated. Our Associate Veterinarians have high quality equipment at their fingertips. Send resume to* Responsible for all aspects of shelter animal health including;

spay/neuter, post-surgical care, health evaluations, vaccinations, treatments, heartworm and feline leukemia testing and establishing and maintaining all health related policies and protocols to maximize animal placement and minimize euthanasia of adoptable animals. Must possess strong leadership skills and be a team player within the organization. Respond to: director@bayareahumanesociety. com. No phone calls, please.* Madison Road Veterinary Clinic of Beloit is seeking a FT SA veterinarian to join our enthusiastic staff in its growing clinic. Our clinic has all of the tools needed to practice quality medicine and surgery. Experienced or new graduates considered. Send resume to* VCA Associates in Pet Care Animal Hospital is seeking an experienced Associate Veterinarian to join our busy, 4-doctor SA practice in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Signing/Relocation Bonus offered! Drive our success as you drive your own— by using your superior medical judgment combined with a high level of empathy, confidence and humility to build a loyal client base and heal pets. As a member of the VCA family, your passion for medicine and compassion for pets and people is matched with a commitment to your professional growth. Among the reasons to consider joining VCA are: Network of 3,800+ doctors, including more than 600 specialists. Largest provider of private practice internships and residencies in the U.S. WOOF University, offering abundant CE for doctors and staff. Robust clinical studies program. Opportunities to give back through strong shelter partnerships and VCA charities. Additionally, VCA adds value to your compensation package with the following: Competitive salary plus bonus potential. Medical, dental & vision insurance. Generous CE allowance. Opportunity to teach and mentor. 401(k). Life and long term disability insurance. Professional liability coverage. If interested in this opportunity, please apply at* We are a full service veterinary practice. We offer comprehensive medical, surgical and dental care services for companion animals. Our clinic is equipped with a full service laboratory that allows our doctors to obtain important information within minutes. Our practice is well equipped to handle most soft-tissue, orthopedic and dental problems. Procedures include the following: - Spays, neuters - Tumor removal / biopsy - C-sections - Cranial Cruciate (ACL) repair - Luxating Patellar Repair - FHO - Dental Sealants - Root canals/endodontic therapy - Surgical dental extractions - Many more... Although we perform all of these procedures within our practice, a successful applicant must be able to perform spays/neuters at a minimum. We will be happy to teach/ expand your surgical capabilities if you have a desire to do so. Our CVT’s are well-trained and provide substantial support either in the exam room or in surgery. Client education is key to successful treatment of our patients and your team is designed to give you the support to accomplish this task. We are seeking a compassionate, team player with excellent communication skills and confidence in their medical skills. We are also seeking someone that has a sense of humor and enjoys life...we do believe that life exists outside the practice of medicine. We offer a competitive salary, dependent upon previous experience, along with a competitive benefit package. Please e-mail resumes to* Kuenzi Family Pet Hospital in Waukesha, WI is looking to add a veterinarian to join our growing team. We are well-respected in the local community for providing excellent customer service and high-quality medicine. The hospital boasts an excellent working environment with a wonderful support staff including several CVTs. We offer a modern facility, with advanced diagnostic capabilities including x-ray, dental x-ray and ultrasound, all digital, as well as blood analyzing equipment. We are eager to add a team player who is committed to continued improvement in patient care and client service. If you would like to help us continue to grow within the Waukesha community, please contact Dr. Rodney Kuenzi at We reward our veterinarians with superior salary and benefits including health, 401(k), CE, vacation, dues, liability coverage, and more.* Great opportunity available! FT SA Associate position available at Marshfield Veterinary Service. Our beautiful spacious 8500 sq.ft clinic is equipped with digital x-ray, dental x-ray, surgical laser, and in house Idexx blood machines. Come be a part of our

enthusiastic staff and service our friendly clientele. No emergency on call. We offer a very competitive salary and benefits package and partnership/ownership is greatly encouraged. Marshfield is a great place to live with award winning schools and excellent medical facilities. Make your future with us. All experience levels encouraged to apply. Contact Robert Zukowski at zukowr@hotmail. com or call (715) 387-1119.* We are looking for a FT/PT veterinarian to join our busy Sheboygan practice. Motivated and dedicated to providing excellent patient care and client communication. Clinic is equipped with in-house lab, digital x-ray and dentistry. Competitive compensation package provided, including CE, 401(k), PTO. No after-hours emergencies. Please send cover letter and resume to* Veterinary Emergency Service/Veterinary Specialty Center is seeking experienced emergency veterinarians (or recent graduate with motivation to become an ER veterinarian) to join our busy and growing multi-specialty referral and emergency practice. We have 3 locations: Middleton, WI - 24/7 ER and Specialty; East Madison - 24/7 ER; Janesville - evenings and weekend ER. Our experienced and dedicated team includes board certified specialists in Surgery, Critical Care, Anesthesiology and Pain Management, Oncology, Internal Medicine and Cardiology, as well as 18 experienced ER doctors. Between the 3 clinics, we have the highest emergency caseload in the region. Our highly qualified staff excel in their dedication to exceptional patient care and a team approach to both ER and Specialty cases. Each location offers a complete in-house lab, ultrasound and digital radiology. In addition, our Middleton location offers endoscopy, laparoscopy and CT (summer 2015). Marshfield Lab operates a full service STAT lab located in our Middleton Clinic. There is ample opportunity to see a variety of cases and become involved in both the medical and surgical management of patients. If interested in joining our dedicated exceptional team, please contact Dr. Sara Nichols,, and/or Dr. Tristan Daugherty-Leiter,* Muskego/ Wind Lake Animal Hospital is looking for a FT DVM to supplement our team. We currently have two hospitals and five DVM’s. Enjoy working with a great support staff including five CVT’s and many great assistants. We have a new GE ultrasound, and all the other toys: digital x-ray, tonvet, in house lab, etc. No emergency duty. We have a great support system for the new DVM here and work life balance is very important to us. Submit resume for consideration to* Seeking a FT/PT SA veterinarian to join our practice. We are looking for an experienced, team player who is dedicated to providing exceptional patient care. We are equipped with in-house lab, digital radiography, and surgical and therapy lasers. No afterhours emergencies. Competitive compensation package. Our practice is located 30 miles north of Green Bay, in Oconto Falls. Email résumé and cover letter to Gail Yatso at* Emergency Veterinarian Needed, Appleton Wisconsin: Fox Valley Animal Referral Center is a 24-hour hospital with a terrific emergency team and specialist’s board certified in emergency and critical care, surgery, internal medicine and radiology. Check us out at Our collaborative approach to patient care contributes greatly to our enjoyable working environment. Our 33,000 square foot hospital was designed to enhance communication and promote smooth interaction between all services. Our facility is well equipped; digital radiology, ultrasound, CT, endoscopy equipment, ventilators, operating microscope, full laboratory and multiple critical care monitors. All of our doctors enjoy the benefit of a culture that strongly supports teaching and continued education. In particular, our ECC residency program helps to ensure that everyone is continually learning and growing. FT emergency schedule averages 12 shifts per month. Compensation based on percentage with a guaranteed base and excellent benefits package. Northeast WI is a gorgeous part of the country. Lakes, parks and a lot of green space make it the perfect location for those who enjoy outdoor activities. Appleton is refreshingly progressive and surprisingly diverse. A liberal arts university in town creates a community focus on music and the performing arts. Appleton is also an environmentally friendly city offering plenty of options for those who prefer to live green and/or organically. It’s also a sports fan dream with many local teams and of course, only 30 miles from the home of the Green Bay Packers! Learn more about the area at Interested individuals may contact Alyce D’Amato at adamato@horizondvm. com or (920) 882-4301. We look forward to hearing from you!*


Crawford Animal Hospital, a full service facility offering SA comprehensive medical, surgical, and dental care is seeking immediate PT/FT progressive Associate Veterinarians to join our dynamic team. We are a well-established practice with a history of over 52 years in the Greenfield, Wisconsin community. Interested candidates should possess a strong comfort of medical and surgical cases, as well as, excellent communication skills and work ethic to deliver the exceptional Standard of Care our clients are accustomed to. Our new, large, state of the art facility offers you all the diagnostic tools necessary to provide exceptional veterinary care (complete in house lab, digital radiography, ultrasound, endoscopy, specialized surgical instrumentation, monitoring equipment, and oxygen support cages) alongside our competent support staff. Our veterinarians are offered excellent competitive salaries and benefits packages. Experienced and new graduates are welcome to apply. Exotics experience or interest is a plus. Please forward your resume / CV to Dr. Jana Hoyer at* Our privately owned, two doctor practice is growing and expanding! Our clinic has been providing quality care to the dogs, cats and exotics (optional for position) in our community for over 35 years. Both PT and FT DVM applicants will be considered. You will have Digital x-ray, digital dental x-ray, red laser surgery & therapy unit, ultrasound and in-house blood testing at your disposal. We would love to expand our services to suit your veterinary interests. Our paraprofessional staff, some of whom have been with us for 17-32 years, are extremely dedicated and supportive. Contact Cudahy Veterinary Clinic, 6242 S Packard Ave., Cudahy WI 53110.* New practice searching for an energetic DVM, passionate about educating the clients, as well as providing quality medicine. Ideal candidate will have 2 + years’ experience. Be part of something dynamic from the ground up. Contact Heather Flietner (608) 548-8545,* Tillie Lake Veterinary Clinic is a 2 doctor SA practice located 30 minutes north of Milwaukee in Jackson, WI. We are looking for a FT associate to replace a long-time associate who is leaving to pursue other interests. The ideal candidate would have three or more years of practice experience with a strong interest in dentistry and routine soft tissue surgery. Ownership/ partnership for the right individual will be available in three to five years. Please send resumes to Tillie Lake Veterinary Clinic, W227N16825 Tillie Lake Ct., Jackson, WI 53037 or email to* Compassionate. Dedicated. Excellent. Come work with us in our Eau Claire WI AAHA-accredited SA hospital. We are seeking an experienced FT veterinarian to join our team that offers quality medicine and surgery in a daytime environment as well as being available for weekend and evening emergency hours. Willing to mentor enthusiastic new graduate. www. Email: pamogdenDVM@* Northern Lakes Veterinary Clinic in Cumberland and Shell Lake, WI is seeking to add a FT/PT SA veterinarian to join our team. We are a four doctor, MA practice, with SA being predominant. Our clinic is known for providing high quality medicine by caring individuals. Our staff is our family with a very low rate of turnover. Work-life balance is a priority. We are very interested to discover how you could make our team even better, and how we can help you grow. To learn more go to Send resume to Northern Lakes Veterinary Clinic, 955 1st Ave, Cumberland, WI 54829. Attn: Dr. Angie Ruppel.* Two energetic associates to join the health care team at our 3 DVM AAHA practice in a family friendly Central Wisconsin medical community. SA experience with an interest in surgery a plus. Will consider exceptional new graduates. Visit us at Curious? Contact me at or call (715) 387-1225.* Advanced Animal Hospital Group is hiring for several DVM positions as we grow. PT and FT candidates considered. Opportunities in Milwaukee, Chicago and Detroit. We support top notch medicine with excellent facilities and equipment. Continuing education, licensing, paid vacation, heath insurance and 401K provided. Base salary and production bonuses based on experience. We also offer owner partnership opportunities to veterinarians who work hard and exhibit quality veterinary and business skills with no money out of pocket. H1B visa and green card assistance is available. Contact Dr. Dhillon at*

18 March


Be a part of something great, Join the Spay Me! Clinic in helping the community, providing affordable veterinary care for those in need and practicing high quality medicine. The Spay Me! Clinic is looking to add 2 FT veterinarians to our very busy clinic. Currently we are looking for veterinarians for our spay/neuter and surgery program. We are the first and largest spay/neuter clinic in Wisconsin performing 12,000 spays and neuters a year. Must be a team player, be able to work in a high paced environment, stand for more than 8 hours and be dedicated to our mission of providing affordable veterinary care to all animals. This position involves working in our high volume spay/neuter program and full service veterinary clinic in Madison, WI. Request a complete job description or e-mail cover letter and resume to* Badger Veterinary Hospital, Janesville, WI, is looking to add an additional FT SA veterinarian to meet the needs of our growing practice. We are seeking an enthusiastic, client focused, entrepreneurial minded SA veterinarian to provide a full array of veterinary medical care. New graduates are encouraged to apply! REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS -DVM degree or equivalent -Wisconsin Veterinary license -USDA Veterinary accreditation Salary is commensurate with experience. Benefits may include: AVMA professional liability and license defense insurance; health, disability and life insurance; CE stipend, paid vacation and more. Qualified applicants should forward cover letter, current resume and salary requirement to: Dr. Katie Reed, Badger Veterinary Hospital, P.O Box 2258, Janesville, WI 53547 or e-mail to*

LARGE ANIMAL Country Roads Veterinary Service is a growing food animal practice looking to add a third veterinarian. We are located in Waterloo, WI about 20 min from Madison. Our practice is 90% dairy with swine, small ruminants and poultry making up the balance. Truck and equipment are provided along with computer, ultrasound, in house lab etc. Compensation is health, disability, and liability insurance along with licensing, CE, dues, IRA contributions and salary. Our goal is to improve animal well-being and thus our clients’ profitability. We would like you to join our team. Call (920) 988-1865 or email

MIXED ANIMAL Practice in northern WI seeks additional MA/Equine veterinarian. Salary and benefits negotiable. Portable digital radiology, ultrasound and in house bloodwork. Truck and supplies provided. Shared on call. Contact The Pierce Veterinary Clinic in Ellsworth, Wisconsin is seeking a PT LA or FT MA veterinarian to join our compassionate healthcare team. Our hospital is clean, modern, and well equipped including digital radiology (standard and dental), K-Laser, Easi-Scan U/S, and a Terafloat for equine dentistry. Truck and standard equipment provided. Compensation will commensurate with experience, simple retirement plan with company match, WVMA/AVMA + one individual association choice dues, and CE allowance. Interested in all levels of experience including new graduates. Cover letter and resume to Linda During at: Two openings in a four person mixed practice in southwest Wisconsin. The practice is 50% bovine and 50% SA/Equine. Position could be tailored to your preferences. Dairy would require ultrasound abilities. Digital radiography, ultrasound, and endoscopy available. This is a great outdoor recreation area. Send resumes to FT MA associate opportunity. Provide excellent medicine and great client service as one of 4 veterinarians at West Salem Veterinary Clinic, in West Salem, WI, just East of La Crosse and the beautiful Mississippi River. (www. 401K, CE, Dues, Licenses, Professional Memberships. SA (70%) medicine, surgery, and dentistry. Digital CR and dental radiology, complete in-house Idexx lab, ultrasound, Video Vetscope. Excellent technicians and client service staff. LA (30%) Mainly Dairy Production Medicine, plus other LA. Repro ultrasound, Dairy Comp, truck/equipment. Call (608) 786-0230; pharvdvm@

Equine-focused associate wanted to join MA practice located in Southwest Wisconsin. A strong interest in equine reproduction preferred. Associate must have an interest in mixed practice, including cattle and SA. Fully stocked truck, shared on-call. All experience levels considered. Submit resume to: The Riverdale Veterinary Clinic, 127 Hwy 133 and 80E, Muscoda, WI 53573. Email: Phone: (608) 739-3123.* Great opportunity for a FT MA associate veterinarian in Osseo, WI. We are a growing 4 doctor primarily SA, bovine, and equine clinic. Ultrasound, in house lab, Dairy Comp, great support staff, truck/equipment, 401K, profit sharing, CE, dues, and license provided. Call and holidays rotated equally to enjoy family and life in beautiful west-central Wisconsin just south of Eau Claire. Please call Dr. Giese or Dr. Norby at (715) 597-3158 or e-mail resume:*

DAIRY United Veterinary Service is looking for a FT associate veterinarian to replace a retiring doctor in a progressive, dairy exclusive, 9 doctor practice. Experienced vets and new graduates are welcome to apply. Interest/ experience in herd health/ production medicine is required. Competitive salary with excellent retirement. Please send resume to

EQUINE Equine-focused associate wanted to join MA practice located in Southwest Wisconsin. A strong interest in equine reproduction preferred. Associate must have an interest in mixed practice, including cattle and SA. Fully stocked truck, shared on-call. All experience levels considered. Submit resume to: The Riverdale Veterinary Clinic, 127 Hwy 133 and 80E Muscoda, WI 53573. Email: Phone: (608) 739-3123.*

RELIEF 20+ years’ experience, skilled in surgery, diagnostics and client communication. Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. Let me care for your clients and your hospital team. Erika Gibbs, DVM,, (920) 988-4431. Reliable, friendly SA veterinarian available for relief work in the greater Twin Cities and western WI. Over 20 yrs. experience working in 1, 2 and 3 doctor practices. David Datt, DVM, (715) 441-5108, Caring and compassionate relief veterinarian available. 25+ years of AAHA experience. Competent medical and soft tissue surgery skills. Emphasis on quality and integrity. Paul Danhaus, DVM. (715) 571-8091 or SA and equine relief work. 21 year experience. Proficient in SA soft tissue surgery and equine ultrasound and power floating. Will travel. Call Sabine Hartmann, DVM (715) 267-7443 or SA relief Veterinarian for central Wisconsin. Experienced. Versatile. Call Dr. Gary, (715) 652-2065 home, (715) 305-7014 cell. Email: People patient, interactive and adaptive SA veterinarian with 35 years’ experience available starting October 15, 2015 for per diem or regular weekly relief or PT services within +/- 75 miles Madison. Small mammal experience also. Karen Bressett, DVM: Background, references on request. I look forward to hearing from you. Email: Reliable, competent, SA relief with over 25 years’ experience. Wis. license, accredited. Will travel. Capable at soft-tissue surgery and medicine. Great communication skills with clients and staff. ShortTerm Relief, LLC. Call Kate Short, DVM at (608) 963-5208 or email: SA relief vet since 1995. Thorough, reliable, easy going. Will travel to Green Bay, Kenosha, Janesville, Wisconsin Dells and areas in between. Julie Lakin DVM, (920) 269-7264. Dependable, 20+ years’ experience. Med/Surg serving Northern/ Central Wisconsin. Contact Rich Piwoni, at (715) 627-0957, Experienced SA clinician available for work in central and western Wisconsin. Excellent communication skills; enjoy working with

clients and staff. Nancy Leverance, D.V.M. Email: nleverance52@ or call (608) 369-4115 or (608) 429-9408. SA Veterinarian offering relief work. Reliable with excellent communication skills. Great with staff, clients and pets. Will travel. Katie Cotter, DVM, Communicative, productive SA veterinarian available for relief work in western WI, surrounding areas. Licensed in MN/WI. Experienced in surgery, medicine, dentistry, staff management. Outstanding customer service, client-building skills. Victori Ribeiro, MS, DVM, (651) 503-0482; Quality relief care since 1992. Special interests include surgery and dermatology. Personable, reliable service. Please call Robert Patyk, DVM, at (262) 567-2832. Or email: Experienced SA daytime & ER DVM who loves pets and people available in SE/SC Wi and NE/NC IL. David Trask, DVM, traskdr@ SA veterinarian available for relief in SE and SC WI and NE and NC IL. 13 years’ experience in general and emergency practice. Contact: Sharon Grogan at, or (262) 3086853. Experienced SA veterinarian available for relief work, 15 years relief experience, WI licensed and accredited. Please call/email Mark Clemons, DVM (262) 862-1121, Quality Customer friendly SA relief services available covering SE WI. Over 20 years’ experience in both SA and emergency medical care. Dr. Pete Gaveras, (414) 795-7100, Experienced SA relief veterinarian available. Versatile. Great with staff, clients and pets. Willing to travel. Dr. Lori Zimmerman, (608) 592-7779 or Compassionate and reliable SA Veterinarian with 20+ years’ experience available for relief veterinary services in Kenosha and surrounding counties. Please email, Dr. Rose Niznik, at or call (630) 915-0156.

RELIEF WANTED South Metro Animal Emergency Care in Apple Valley, MN is looking for short or long term experienced relief CVTs. Immediate shifts available: nights, overnights, and weekends: 8, 10 and 12 hours. Emergency experience strongly preferred, very competitive wages! Job description posted at: Email resume to for an immediate start.

SERVICES AVAILABLE If you are building a new hospital, put someone on your team that has forty years’ experience in veterinary medicine and fifteen years’ experience in design, construction and owner’s representation; someone that will look out for your best interest. Contact Allen G Ibsen, DVM, (262) 853-3840, agibsen5957@,*

TECH/STAFF Looking for a rewarding career? Join WHS! The Wisconsin Humane Society is hiring a FT CVT at our Milwaukee Campus. A starting salary of $16/hour and comprehensive benefits package (medical, dental, vision, life & disability insurance, paid time off, vacation, holiday, and retirement) is provided. To apply, visit: Spartan Animal Hospital in McFarland is seeking a FT, highly motivated CVT. Must have one year minimum experience. Seeking a self-motivated individual with the ability to multitask, and work well on a team in a fast paced environment. Submit resume to South Metro Animal Emergency Care in Apple Valley, MN is looking for FT experienced CVTs. The ideal candidates will be selfmotivated, have a passion for emergency medicine and be able to work in a fast paced environment. Competitive Wages and $500 signing bonus! Full job description posted at: available-job-positions/. Email resume to

Do you like being part of a team that has fun? Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists is seeking CVTs to join our team! Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists strives for an exceptional work environment where employees learn, collaborate and have fun. We provide the highest quality of comprehensive care to our clients and their pets, and are committed to excellence in service and veterinary medicine. At Lakeshore, you would work with talented team members in a multitude of specialties, including surgery, dermatology, internal medicine, oncology, neurology and a fast-paced, exciting ER. Our Benefits: Paid time off to attend professional conferences/sessions, generous compensation, health and dental insurance, 401(k) with company match, paid time off, employee assistance program, paid uniforms and licenses. We also offer variable hours, including three 12-hour shifts per week. Ideal candidates: Are skilled, energetic technicians. Have obtained their CVT, or have the ability to obtain shortly after hire. Are able to fully use their technical skills as well as learn from new experiences. Certified Technicians: Join our team now and earn a “Welcome to Lakeshore” incentive bonus! Is Lakeshore a team you’d like to join? Apply today! PT CVT needed 17-22 hours a week including some Saturday mornings for new, state-of-the-art veterinary clinic in Pewaukee. We are a growing clinic and are looking for someone with a friendly personality who enjoys interacting with our clients and their pets. Experience in a veterinary clinic is required. Pay rate and benefits are commensurate with experience. The clinic has electronic medical records and a friendly, helpful staff. We are looking for someone who is a team player, but who can also work independently. Please send resume to dranna@ or send resume to Lakeview Animal Clinic, 617 Ryan St. Suite 280, Pewaukee, WI 53072. We have an amazing team with room for one more CVT! Looking for an enthusiastic and motivated tech with up to date tech skills to join our SA day practice. 3 years of hands on experience preferred. The perfect candidate will have excellent people skills and be computer proficient. Required skills to include (but not limited to) TPRs, anesthesia monitoring, IV & urinary catheter placement, blood draws, medication dosing. You will be working with new digital x-ray, dental x-ray, ultrasound, and blood analyzer, laser therapy in a facility with a very strong and long standing reputation in the area. Our staff members have been here for many years because it is a great work environment! 18-32 hours available, depending on your needs. Rotating Saturdays and some evenings. Contact: Cudahyvet@gmail. com.* Compassionate FT CVT desired for a new SA veterinary clinic in North Central Waukesha County. Digital x-rays and fully computerized records. Join us! Please send resume to* IMMEDIATE OPENING at a busy SA clinic in northeast Wisconsin. Looking for a veterinary technician, veterinary assistant and office. Computer skills a must. Will provide on-site training for client/patient software. Pay will be based on a scale and experience. Sign on bonus will be provided for the right person. Send resume and/or inquiries via fax to (920) 738-7739.* FT/PT veterinary assistant needed at new SA clinic in northcentral Waukesha County. Responsibilities include reception, invoicing, and animal restraint. Please send resumes to*

WANTING TO BUY Looking to acquire multi veterinary SA practice in the Dane County area. Contact: Looking to BUY a successful multi-doctor practice with an established team in the Milwaukee or Waukesha area. If you are considering a change and selling your practice, send your reply to Blind Box 16WTB01, c/o WVMA, 4601 S. Biltmore Ln., Ste.107, Madison, WI 53718. Serious replies only.

FOR SALE Milking Machine Analysis Equipment: Surge-Westfalia Triscan II (vacuum & pulsation graphing), Surge Air flow meter, Vacuum Gauge, Flow Scan milk flow meter & other supporting supplies. Contact: GE LOGIQ Book XP Vet Enhanced with DICOM and Doppler

options. Includes 4-10MHz Microconvex Transducer and 2 batteries. Purchased new Dec 2012. Excellent condition. Contact: Used Shoreline SS cages. Six at 18x28x25 for $250.00 each. One 36x28x25 cage for $350.00. Left hand hinge facing cages. Two off brand SS cages 36x28x25 on rollers, $600 for the pair and rollers. Ronald Baylor (920) 866-2899. 2002 Dodge 3/4 Ton Truck w/Bowie Supreme Insert with Refrigerator, Day Heater and Night Heater. Both in excellent condition. Will sell together or separately. Call (608) 323-3361.* Idexx Model 1417 CR Digital Radiograph unit. Two 14 x 17” cassettes included. Unit purchased new in 2011 for $45,000, asking $15,000. Buyer assumes responsibility of paying shipping charges or picking up unit. Pictures available by request. Contact, Haley Sobczak, CVT at email contact@ or call, (608) 838-6115.*

PRACTICE FOR SALE Michigan-Bay County: Great Investment! 2,500sf SA w/RE. MI1. Western UP: Profitable. Practice, home and +/-40 acres. MI2. Missouri-St. Louis: Feline - Profitable! 2,200sf, 3-exam rooms. MO1. Southeast: High-Grossing SA. 5,000sf w/RE. MO2. New York, Elmira: Turn-Key! 3,500sf SA w/RE & apt. NY8. Ohio, Cuyahoga County: Solid Practice. +/-2,700sf SA w/RE. OH1. Pennsylvania, Northwestern: Profitable & growing SA w/RE. PA6. PS Broker, Inc., (800) 636.4740,, info@psbroker. com. Green Bay area 97% SA practice grossing over $1,471,000. Established over 20 years, 3 exam rooms. Seller would stay to help buyer. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or Grossing $860K in far northern WI. Digital radiology, digital dental, surgical, therapy lasers. Large state of the art building. Practice and RE $650K. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG, (800) 380-6872 or North Central Wisconsin SA practice grossing $1.4M. Located NW of Green Bay. Well equipped, digital radiology, Dentalaire dental, 4 CVT, excellent office manager. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg, (800) 380-6872, or Solo SA practice near La Crosse, WI. Located in historic Odd Fellows Lodge building. New roof. Two apartments on 2nd floor. Asking $175,000 for practice and building. 67 year old owner now working 2.5 days per week. Avimark software. Outright purchase or gradual transition. Contact or phone (715) 299-0593.* NW Wisconsin near Minnesota line. SA practice gross $450K. Well equipped. Owner has other interests. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or* Michigan–Bay County: Great Investment! 2,500sf SA, nearly 1/3 acre, 2-exam rooms. MI1. Western UP: Growing practice, home and +/-40 acres. MI2. Missouri–St. Louis: Feline - Ideal Area! 2,200sf, 3-exam rooms. MO1. Southeast: High-Grossing SA. 5,000sf hospital & boarding. MO2. New York, Elmira: Turn-Key! 3,500sf SA w/RE, 2-exam rooms & apt. NY8. Ohio, Cuyahoga County: Solid Practice. +/-2,700sf, 2-exam rooms. OH1. Pennsylvania, Northwestern: Profitable & growing SA. 2,100sf w/ RE. PA6. PS Broker, Inc. (800) 636.4740. info@* Marshfield high quality SA, AAHA practice grossing $970,000. Hospital is well equipped with digital radiology, ultrasound, surgical laser and more. Five exam rooms, established 40+ years. Excellent facilities, less than 10 years old. Practice and RE for $1,125,000. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG, (800) 380-6872, or* NW Wisconsin near Twin Cities. SA revenue $905K. Practice and RE offered for $675,000. Easy terms and low entry cost for ownership. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or* When buying or selling a veterinary practice, count on the experience of Total Practice Solutions Group. See our display ad this issue. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group for a free consultation, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@*


Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association 4610 S. Biltmore Ln., Suite 107 Madison, WI 53718

Mind, Body, Soul – A Weekend for Team Wellness April 9 & 10, 2016

Chula Vista, Wisconsin Dells

Reserve your rooms by March 29!


2016 WVMA

20 March

March 2016

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