May 2018 WVMA Voice

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Blue Coat Ceremony Held



By Bailey Quam, WVMA communications and project specialist


From the President Never Say Never


From the Executive Director


In the News


Legal Briefs


2018 CE Opportunities


Claims Brought Against You Don’t Have To Be True To Be Costly


WVMA Award Nomination Form


The Public Relations Balancing Act


WVMA Member Spotlight – Dr. Casey Konrad


Reflecting Thoughts and Hopes for the Future

103rd Annual Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association Convention to be Held October 11-13 Time to Review NonSolicitation Provisions in Your Employment Contracts

16-19 Classified Ads

On April 8, students of the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine class of 2019 participated in the Blue Coat Ceremony hosted by the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association (WVMA) at the Union South Varsity Hall in Madison, Wis. During the ceremony, third-year students were presented their “blue coats” signifying the end of classes and the beginning of clinics. Family and friends of the students attended the event which included special presentations from Dr. Robert Leder, WVMA President; Dr. Mark Markel, Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine; Dr. Linda Sullivan and Dr. Harry Momont, both of the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine. A photographic review was University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine Class of 2019 compiled by the class of 2019 and a special student address video was given by class members Deanna Scheller and Carl Magnessun. “The third year students look forward to the WVMA Blue Coat Ceremony as it signifies the end of three years of classwork and the beginning of clinics,” says Morgan Randall, WVMA student member. “Receiving a coat for clinical rotations reminds us that we are one step closer to accomplishing our goal of serving both animals and people as doctors of veterinary medicine. Thanks to this WVMA event, we are a little more motivated to finish strong during our upcoming final exams.” The ceremony was followed by a reception where family and friends were able to mingle and continue celebrations with refreshments and cake. “The Blue Coat Ceremony is a great way for the WVMA to connect with the veterinary school students,” says Kim Brown Pokorny, WVMA executive director. “By helping students celebrate this achievement we can show our support of their veterinary medical professional career and highlight the role organized veterinary medicine plays into their long-term career success.” Additional sponsors of the event were Fox Valley and Green Bay Animal Emergency Centers, Boehringer Ingelheim, Hill’s Animal Nutrition, Merck Animal Health and the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine. l


Never Say Never

Dr. Robert Leder

It was Tuesday, November 23, 1982 and I was an intern at the Caine Veterinary Teaching Center in Caldwell, Idaho. The Teaching Center had a faculty of six besides me, and we met after each two-week rotation of senior students from Washington and Oregon State veterinary medical schools to review the students and get updates on state veterinary issues. Among the issues presented by our director, Dr. Stuart Lincoln, was his appreciation for all the cold weather we had just experienced. Unbeknownst to me, there was an outbreak of Vesicular Stomatitis in eastern Idaho. Dr. Lincoln was sure we’d be spared in our southwestern corner of the state because mosquitoes, the vectors that transmit the disease, should have died and transmission would stop. That was the conventional wisdom of the day and regulatory veterinarians were reporting that the spread of Vesicular Stomatitis had subsided. Moments later, Delores, one of the Center’s receptionists, quietly slipped into the conference room and handed me a note. The note said one of the dairies we serviced had noticed a few large blisters on the teats of some incoming heifers and they wanted me to come out to take a look. So began the saga of an outbreak of Vesicular Stomatatis, a disease clinically indistinguishable from Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD). Despite the recent twenty-four “vector killing” frosts in Idaho, the event Dr. Lincoln had just assured us wouldn’t happen… happened! This turned out to be quite the experience for a young, enthusiastic veterinarian. All of a sudden, I was on the frontline of a new presentation of a disease outbreak. The disease continued to spread within the herd until December 16, despite the fact that there was many more below-freezing days. I observed oral, feet, and teat lesions on the 332 cows that I examined. Nearly two thirds of the cows had lesions, many of them with lesions at multiple sites. Oral lesions were the most common, which resulted in excessive amounts of saliva contamination in the waterers. We were able to isolate the virus from one of the water samples. Animal-to-animal transmission was the means to the spread the virus in this outbreak.

of this herd, and had the most experience with the disease, the University of Idaho flew me, with other supporting faculty, to two different locations to meet with practitioners. It was an exciting and memorable time. But there was one “deer in the headlight” moment for me. During one of the question and answer sessions, a practitioner asked me the difference between a Vesicular Stomatitis foot lesion and foot rot. I instantly realized I was in the dubious position of having experienced more Vesicular Stomatitis feet than foot rot. I didn’t have an answer. Thankfully, I was rescued by one of the faculty veterinarians who answered, “foot rot wouldn’t have the vesicle lesions with it.” This event early in my career came to mind when I noticed the CE event sponsored by the WVMA and the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP): Secure Milk Supply Planning for the Unimaginable, on June 15 at Glacier Canyon Lodge in Wisconsin Dells. Secure Milk Supply is a collaborative effort of industry, state, federal and academic representatives funded by USDA-APHIS. This is a new and important program to help mitigate the disruption of food supply and business while still controlling an outbreak of FMD. The voluntary Secure Milk Supply plan is a workable continuity business plan for uninfected farms in a FMD Control Area. One of the components of the plan is an Operation-Specific Enhanced Biosecurity plan, which herd veterinarians will help design, implement and oversee. This is a very important role in which we maintain the responsibility. I realize it is hard to get excited about low probability events when we are all busy with high probability challenges every day. However, in today’s world with terrorists looking to disrupt our way of life, some sort of deliberate sabotage is a real possibility. The possibility of a FMD outbreak is just as likely as a vector free outbreak of Vesicular Stomatitis was 36 years ago. l

There was a flurry of educational meetings to update practitioners in Idaho about the latest developments with our epizootic of Vesicular Stomatitis. Because I was the primary attending veterinarian

2018 WVMA EXECUTIVE BOARD President President-Elect Past President District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4


Robert Leder, DVM Alan Holter, DVM Scott Spaulding, DVM Katrina Geitner, DVM Chris Keim, DVM Jeffrey Bleck, DVM Ronald Biese, DVM



District 5 District 6 District 7 District 8 District 9 Student Rep.

Melissa Haag, DVM Nate Haas, DVM Karl Solverson, DVM Kevin Landorf, DVM Sarah Novak, DVM Danielle Schuld

EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Treasurer David Jeans, DVM AVMA Delegate Douglas Kratt, DVM Dean, UW-SVM Mark Markel, DVM, PhD State Veterinarian Paul McGraw, DVM Interim WVDL Keith Poulsen, DVM, Director PhD, DACVIM Student Rep. Michelle Hintz


Executive Director Kim Brown Pokorny, MS, MBA Office Manager Torrie Kennedy Communications and Project Specialist Bailey Quam Development and Marketing Specialist Jeremy Panizza Food Armor® Program Manager Katie Mrdutt, DVM Advertising Assistant Heather Boll, CVT


The WVMA Voice is published WVMA the beginning of each month by the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association, 4610 S. Biltmore Ln., Suite 107, Madison, WI 53718; (608) 257-3665; toll-free (888) 254-5202; fax (608) 257-8989; e-mail:; website: It is sent free of charge to all WVMA members. Office hours: 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday-Friday.



Member: First 35 words $20; each additional word $1.50. Non-member: First 35 words $65; each additional word $1.50. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads. Starting May 1: A $10 additional fee will be charged for ad copy edits requested after submission. Classified ads run 2 months, and then removed, unless the WVMA is notified via email or phone to continue your ad for another 2 month run. Classified ads are to be received by the first working day of the month. Display advertising is available at the editors’ discretion. Call (608) 257-3665 for more information. The deadline for receipt of all material submitted for publication is the first working day of the month, to ensure consideration for the next month’s newsletter.

In place of my monthly column, Jordan Lamb, JD of DeWitt, Ross, & Stevens, s.c. wrote the following article. If you have any questions on this issue, please contact the WVMA office.

Kim Brown Pokorny

Change in Tag Requirement for Hunting Dogs By Jordan Lamb, DeWitt Ross & Stevens, s.c. On April 3, 2018, Governor Walked signed Assembly Bill 711 into law as 2017 Wisconsin Act 245. This legislation, authored by Representative Rob Stafsholt (R-New Richmond) and Senator Pat Testin (R-Stevens Point), removes the requirement that a person hunting bears or wolves with a dog carry certain tags for the dog. Under Wisconsin law, the owner of a dog is required to have the dog vaccinated against rabies and the owner is required to attach a rabies vaccination tag to a collar that must be worn by the dog at all times. However, the law had provided an exception from this requirement for dogs used to hunt bears and wolves. In that situation, a person is using a dog to hunt bears or wolves was required to have “on his or her person” the tags indicating that the person has been issued a license for the dog and that the dog has been vaccinated against rabies. In other words, the dog didn’t have to wear the tag while hunting, but the hunter was required to have it in their possession while hunting. 2017 Wisconsin Act 245 simply eliminates the requirement that the hunter carry the tags. l





January December 1 January 1 February January 1 February 1 March February 1 March 1 April March 1 April 1 May April 1 May 1 June May 1 June 1 July June 1 July 1 August July 1 August 1 September August 1 September 1 October September 1 October 1 November October 1 November 1 December November 1 December 1




103rd Annual Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association Convention to be Held October 11-13 Mark your calendar for the 2018 WVMA Annual Convention – Vet-Con – held October 11-13 at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wis. The convention will be held in conjunction with the Wisconsin Veterinary Technician Association and Wisconsin Veterinary Practice Managers Association conventions, and features an immense lineup of nationally acclaimed speakers and trade show vendors. Large animal tracks will include genomics, dairy economics, calf and heifer rearing, milk quality, dry cow treatment options, robotic milkers, missed beef cattle opportunities, and equine colic and lameness. Cytology, endocrinology, dermatology, scientific alternative medicine, anesthesia and emergency care, and behavior will be featured in small animal tracks. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet with over 80 exhibitors and can receive over 20 hours of scientific CE with a full registration. All members of the Wisconsin veterinary community are invited to join the WVMA, Wisconsin Veterinary Technician Association, and the Wisconsin Practice Managers Association for an awards ceremony on Thursday, October 11 in the Exhibit Hall. Award winners from all three organizations will be announced and recognized. Registration for the convention is not required in order to attend the awards reception and ceremony. For convention additions and more information, go to l -ANNUALSAVE THE DATE!! - OCTOBER 11-13, 2018 - ALLIANT ENERGY CENTER, MADISON WI






MEMBERS SAVE MORE The WVMA aligns with great companies to provide exclusive offers to our members. Log in to and click on Member Discount Programs under the Member Resources menu for offers from: HotelStorm • Uniforms Direct • ScriptSave AVIS • Lands’ End • Office Depot/Office Max coming soon! Member Discount Programs will continue to be added. Contact us with any program suggestions at or (608) 257-3665



Time to Review Non-Solicitation Provisions in Your Employment Contracts By Gregory E. Scallon, DeWitt Ross & Stevens, s.c. It’s very common for a veterinary medicine clinic to include a covenant in its contracts with employed veterinarians that protects the clinic from the risk that the employed veterinarian will terminate employment, establish a competing practice, and seek to convince the clinic’s clients to shift to the new practice. Such a provision is generally referred to as a Covenant Not To Compete. We’ve written previously about the importance of such a Covenant to protect the clinic’s most valuable asset, its clients, and of the importance to be certain that such a Covenant is carefully drafted to be enforceable under Wisconsin’s strict rules. Wisconsin has a statute, sec. 103.465, which governs whether a Covenant Not To Compete is enforceable, and the courts have applied the statute to require, among other more general requirements, that (i) the length of the duration of the Covenant is limited, (ii) the activity which is restricted is narrowly defined and (iii) the geographic area in which the Covenant is applicable, or the list of clients to whom the Covenant is applied, is narrowly defined. I suggest that a clinic’s second most important asset, a close second to clients, is its employees. A skilled group of professional employees is generally the result of many years of sifting and winnowing to find the right skill sets, work ethics and personality traits to form a cohesive, efficient team to best serve those valuable clients.

On January 19, 2018 the Wisconsin Supreme Court decided that employee Non-solicitation provisions, defined as contractual provisions that restrain current or former employees from soliciting other employees to separate from their employment, are subject to sec. 103.465. While reaffirming that employee Non-solicitation provisions can be enforceable if drafted properly, the Supreme Court applied an analysis very similar to that applied with respect to a Covenant Not To Compete to determine that the Non-solicitation provision was not enforceable. The provision at issue read, with slight editing, as follows: I agree that for a period of two years from the date my employment by the Clinic ends for any reason, including termination by the Clinic with or without cause, I will not (either directly or indirectly) solicit, induce or encourage any employee(s) to terminate their employment with the Clinic or to accept employment with any competitor.

Wisconsin courts have generally accepted a two-year duration for a Covenant Not To Compete, and that appears to also be the case with a Non-solicitation provision. As applicable to a veterinary medicine clinic, from the Court’s decision, it appears that the Nonsolicitation provision should be limited to solicitation of employed veterinarians and, perhaps, technicians and top-level administrative To protect and preserve those employee relationships, many staff, and exclude other general staff. Further, if the clinic has veterinary medicine clinics include a provision in their employment multiple locations, consideration should be given to limiting the contracts that prohibits a former employee from soliciting restriction to employees at the location(s) at which the former employees of the clinic to quit and take employment at the former employee most commonly worked. employee’s new practice (a “Non-solicitation” restriction). It has A Non-solicitation provision should appear separate from a been settled law in Wisconsin for some time that such a restriction Covenant Not To Compete in the employment contract, and the is limited to prohibiting the act of soliciting the employees of contract should also include a severability clause, so as to preserve the clinic, and that the clinic can not have a prohibition against the enforceability of at least one provision in the event the other an employee deciding, independent of any solicitation, to seek provision is found to be unenforceable. employment at the new clinic. We recommend that you review your current employment There has been an open question of whether a Non-solicitation contracts in light of this new Court decision, and that you consult provision must meet the strict standards of sec. 103.465. The with your legal counsel with respect to any needed revisions. l Wisconsin Supreme Court has now answered this question.


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Thank you to our Class of 2017 Blue Coat Ceremony sponsors. Fox Valley & Green Bay Animal Referral Center Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Hill’s Pet Nutrition Merck Animal Health

The WVMA and its student members appreciate your support of Wisconsin’s veterinary students and veterinary profession.

2018 CE Opportunities These events are open to all members of the veterinary clinic team.

Secure Milk Supply – Planning for the Unimaginable

Keeping Your Clinic In Line With The Times: Effective Employment Policies and Strategies For Implementing Them - Part 2

Dates: June 15, 2018

Date: November 9, 2018

Location: Glacier Canyon Lodge, Wisconsin Dells

Location: Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells

Trainer: Danelle Bickett, DVM, MPH, PhD, DACVPM

Trainers: Jordan Rohlfing, JD & Stephen DiTullio, JD

Member Price: $130

Member Price: $130

Non-Member Price: $200

Non-Member Price: $200

CE Credits: 7.8 scientific

CE Credits: 8 non-scientific

Veterinarians have a tremendous opportunity and responsibility to help their clients prepare for a potential foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreak. In an FMD outbreak, dairy operations, infected or not, will be subject to movement restrictions. Producers should be prepared to manage potential disruptions in animal and product movement, including milk. The Secure Milk Supply (SMS) Plan, funded by USDA, was established to help producers, and their veterinarians, prepare for and ultimately survive an FMD outbreak. The voluntary SMS Plan gives veterinarians the tools they need to help their clients implement key business continuity strategies. Herd veterinarians are a critical resource in educating on-farm biosecurity managers, helping them to determine their Line of Separation, or “LOS”, to keep disease off the operation, and developing whole-farm enhanced biosecurity plans based on the known exposure routes for FMD.

Veterinarians and non-veterinarians are eligible to become members. Facilitated by attorney’s from DeWitt, Ross & Stevens, s.c., attendees will learn how to address issues faced in the veterinary clinic on a daily basis. The following topics will be addressed: • Classification of Employees vs. Independent Contractors, and Impact on Relief Veterinarians • The Use and Limitations of Non-Competes, Non-Solicitations, and Non-Disclosures • Wage and Hour Requirements and Issues Facing Veterinary Clinics • What to Expect When OSHA Shows Up • Wisconsin Professional Assistance Program Learn more about this event at

To learn more about this important responsibility, and the opportunities available to assist your clients with business continuity planning, attend the training hosted by WVMA and DATCP on June 15. *Attendees are asked to bring an aerial photo of one dairy. Learn more about this training at


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Claims Brought Against You Don’t Have To Be True To Be Costly By Mara Roberts, Professional Insurance Programs Let’s consider claims arising from the employer/employee relationship- • Do you have a Sexual Harassment policy outlined and a reporting Employment Practices Liability (EPL). Regardless of the validity of the process in place? claim, you will be put in a position of expending time and resources • If an EPL suit was brought against you, do you have coverage in (financial and non-financial) to respond. The case will either be settled place to offset the legal fees? What about any settlement amount? out of court or go through trial proceedings. If you go to trial you will Most commercial insurance policies will include or allow for the have legal fees and perhaps a judgment against you resulting in a endorsement of EPL coverage. Consider the amount of coverage monetary award to the claimant. offered and ask whether legal defense is “inside” or “outside” the limits. What constitutes grounds for an EPL complaint? Some carriers offer a standalone EPL policy with deductible options The following are the main categories; within each of these main and higher limits. Premiums typically are dependent upon the number categories there are lengthy definitions which are broad and far of employees you have and the deductible and limits you choose. reaching. When deciding upon the limit, remember that protection against legal • Discrimination (race, religion, gender, national origin, age ect) defense costs are as much a reason to purchase coverage as the fear • Sexual Harassment (unwelcome advances, requests for sexual you/your practice will be deemed liable for damages. A significant favors, verbal, visual, and physical conduct of a sexual natureamount of discovery is typically required to build a defense resulting in Quid pro quo or a Hostile environment) EPL claims being disproportionately more costly to defend. • Wrongful Termination (employee is fired or laid off for illegal Your advisor at Professional Insurance Programs is available to discuss reasons, not consistent with oral and written agreements) the options available and best suited for you and your practice. EPL lawsuits can happen at even the best run practice. There is no Be proactive and take the time to review your policies, procedures substitute for sound policies and procedures. Some questions to and training with regard to employment practices. Seek legal advice consider: for the review of your employment manual. Times have changed. • Do you have an updated employee manual? • Do you have a formalized interview, hiring and termination process? You and your veterinary practice are not immune to employment practices complaints. l • What about your review process? • Are you documenting appropriately? • Do you and does your staff understand current Sexual Harassment definitions?

WVMA Award Nomination Form Nominations Due August 1 WVMA award nominations for Veterinarian of the Year, Friend of Veterinary Medicine and Corporate Partnership Award are due August 1. Awards will be presented during the Awards Ceremony at the WVMA Convention on October 11. Nominee name______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your contact information Name of person nominating___________________________________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone________________________________________________Email_________________________________________________________ Nominating for: o Veterinarian of the Year o Friend of Veterinary Medicine

o Corporate Partnership Award

Please return nomination form and at least one letter of support to the WVMA office by August 1. Additional letters of support are encouraged, but not necessary. Send materials to: WVMA Awards – 4610 S. Biltmore Lane, Suite 107, Madison, WI 53718 If you have questions, call the WVMA at (888) 254-5202 or (608) 257-3665 in Madison, or e-mail the WVMA at Award Descriptions Veterinarian of the Year – This award is given annually to a WVMA member who has made major contributions toward the advancement of the veterinary medical profession. Friend of Veterinary Medicine – This award is given to a non-veterinarian who has demonstrated outstanding support for veterinary medicine or organized veterinary medicine in Wisconsin. Corporate Partnership – This award is given to a business which has demonstrated outstanding support for veterinary medicine and organized veterinary medicine.


EMERGENCY NUMBERS Foreign Animal Disease Response Emergency Numbers Wisconsin Emergency Management 24-hour Response (800) 943-0003 Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection Division of Animal Health (608) 224-4872


Continuing Education June 15 - Secure Milk Supply - Preparing for the Unthinkable October 11-13 - WVMA Annual Convention

November 9 - Keeping Your Clinic In Line With The Times: Effective Employment Policies and Strategies For Implementing Them - Part 2 Visit for more information!

USDA – APHIS – Veterinary Services (608) 662-0600

Support the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Foundation today!

The WVMF’s goal is to fund activities supporting the veterinary medical community and those we serve. • Charitable • Outreach • Education

WVMA Member Apparel Now Available! Want to make a tax-deductible donation? Contact the WVMA at 608-257-3665


Contributions give us an opportunity to open doors and engage in conversations with policy makers on issues important to you!

Take Full Advantage of Social Media From the WVMA! A $25 personal contribution can make a big difference.

Make a donation at!

Legislative policies shape our ability to practice veterinary medicine and impact the small businesses we own and work for. Decisions increasingly influence: • Regulation and scope of practice

• Animal welfare Share, retweet or repost any of the Crank up your clinic’s social media! • Licensing and unlicensed practice • Public health content the WVMA posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or on on your • Business operations including employment and tax laws clinics social media!

Log in at to access the Member Apparel link under Member Resources. Questions? Contact the WVMA at (608) 257-3665 or




• Food safety

All information shared on these sites is for our members to help in sharing news and can also be shared with clients. Facebook - Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association Your profession. Your livelihood. Your future. Your voice, amplified. Twitter - @WVMA Instragram wis_vma. Contributions must be-made on a voluntary basis from a personal account. Contributions cannot be made from corporate or business accounts. By following the WVMA through these outlets, you will be able to stay current on happenings in Wisconsin and on the national veterinary medical scene. 13

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The Public Relations Balancing Act By Kelsey Stockstad, Botham, INK. As your clinic continues to grow, public and media relations is a great way to keep the community and media up-to-date on exciting news within your clinic. Whether the announcement is about your clinic adding a specialized service, opening a new location, celebrating your clinic’s anniversary or an important update to your website, public relations is about spreading the word. Not only does public relations assist in communicating with media outlets about your clinic, it also builds credibility with your target audience and has the added potential of gaining new customers. There are three types of public relations: earned media, owned media and paid media. Depending on the marketing goals for your clinic, one type may be more important than another - however a balance of all three is ideal. It is important to understand each to ensure that you are capitalizing on them appropriately for your business. Earned media is press that you do not pay for, such as sending a press release and/or pitching an idea to media outlets that results in contacting you for an expert opinion or a feature story. You could say earned media is the ‘sweet spot’ when it comes to public relations because it adds business credibility to the business. If the media trusts your clinic’s brand and believes your story will interest their audience, there is a chance at receiving coverage, but is not always guaranteed. Timing is a major factor for capitalizing on earned media. Do your research and keep up-to-date on media outlets in your local community, as well as outlets that target your audience. Building relationships with the media is a key aspect for successful public



relations and can help push your pitches and/or press releases through the gate faster. Owned media is the messaging conveyed through your clinic’s website and social media platforms, in blogs, newsletters, brochures and any other content that is created from within. Owned media creates opportunities to increase engagement with your target audience and attract more business and it is the best way to control the messaging about your company. The most important component in an effective owned media strategy is consistency of message and of audience access to it. Paid media is when you pay a third party to promote or broadcast your message to an audience. For example, purchasing an advertisement on a local radio station that is popular in your area is paid media. Another example is within the social media platform, Facebook – businesses can create advertisements on Facebook and/or pay a certain amount to ‘boost’ specific posts for more engagement. The success of any public relations strategy depends on achieving a balance of each media. Each type of media truly can’t function without the other. Developing a strong media strategy takes a great deal of time and energy and often, the expertise of a public relations professional. If you discover that in-house efforts aren’t returning the results you desire, ask for referrals and connect with someone in the PR business, then watch your story take flight. Kelsey Stokstad is an account manager with Botham, INK., a Mount Horeb-based marketing, public relations, and strategic planning firm that specializes in branding. Learn more at l


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WVMA Member Spotlight – Dr. Casey Konrad Veterinary Medical School: University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine Graduation Year: 2012 Background: I graduated from UWStevens Point with a Biology major and Chemistry minor. Then I worked in the field of pharmaceutical research at Covance for four years before attending veterinary school at the University of WisconsinDr. Casey Madison. I studied mixed animal medicine Konrad and graduated in May 2012. My first job was a mixed animal position in Osseo, Wis. After three and a half years I transferred to La Crosse, Wis. to practice small animal medicine exclusively. I currently work at a Hillside Animal Hospital, a four doctor AAHA certified practice. Value of WVMA membership: The WVMA is the collective voice of veterinarians in Wisconsin. It provides power in numbers to help at the legislative level as well as play a role at the local community level. The WVMA has been a wonderful resource for continuing education and personal advancement. It also provides a great opportunity to network with peers and catch up with classmates at CE meetings and on organized committees. Most memorable part of his veterinary career: Although many of us entered the field of veterinary medicine because of an interest in animals, the most memorable part of my veterinary career has been

developing client relationships. Owners place a lot of trust in us as an individual and a profession. It is an honor to gain their trust and work with clients on a personal level to provide the best care possible for their pets. Advice for current veterinary students: Take advantage of every opportunity you have to explore the million different doors a degree in veterinary medicine opens for you. Many of us pursue veterinary school with a specific career path in mind but leave headed in a completely different direction. Vet school is a wonderful resource to expose you to many of those opportunities. Also, be ready to adapt. The field of veterinary medicine is evolving rapidly. The veterinary community must continue to evolve if we want to continue being integral members to the professional community. Veterinary medicine outreach: Last year I was vice president and I am currently president of the Coulee Region Veterinary Medicine Association. We are a local organization that coordinates continuing education events and collaboration among colleagues. I am also a member on the legislative committee for the WVMA. We provide input and guidance on topics that the WVMA wants to support, endorse, or oppose. Anything else you would like to mention? Join the WVMA and AVMA. This is a world influenced by the loudest voice. The only way we will be heard is if we unite together. We can choose to let the rest of the world dictate what the veterinary industry will become, or we can direct the future of our profession. l

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Reflecting Thoughts and Hopes for the Future By Morgan Randall, WVMA student representative As I sit to think back on the past two years, what strikes me first is how quickly time flies! I’m sure many of you feel the same way when you think back on veterinary school and how quickly it went even though some days were long. My time as student representative for the WVMA has flown by just as quickly. When I started the position during my first year, I had no idea where the role would take me. Sitting here now at the end of my term and third year of veterinary school, I’m thankful for the opportunity to get to know so many wonderful people from around the state and to serve my fellow students.

Morgan Randall

I’m proud to be a part of an organization that strives to add so much value to students’ memberships. The list of events that the WVMA sponsored to enrich the education of our student members is long. Some of the highlights that stick out include our WVMA student wetlabs held at convention. During the 2017 convention, student wetlab topics ranged from exotic animal handling; to large animal hoof care; to acupuncture techniques in canines. Students always comment on how they enjoy the hands-on learning experience they receive during these labs, which are at no cost to them. Students see the value in these unique learning experiences outside the lecture hall, and are very grateful for the WVMA staff and members who teach the labs.

Many students participated in our trips to clinics this year as well. We visited Lodi Veterinary Care during January for our Networking Dinner and nearly a record number of students attended! Networking dinners aim to provide a way for students to meet doctors they may have never spoken with before and give them an opportunity to ask any questions they might have ranging from advice for externships during their 4th year to interviewing tips. Sometimes the connections made during a Networking Dinner turn into a job offer after graduation! In addition, a group of students used their holiday off of classes to attend an emergency situation and client relations training day generously hosted by Fox Valley Animal Referral Center. The staff at Fox Valley put together a fantastic lineup of workshops on subjects including patient triage and client interactions for the students to participate in. This was the first year for this event and we hope to provide the students with an experience like this in the future. The fact that students use their precious days off to attend WVMA events attests to how valuable they view these opportunities. The WVMA’s investment in the next generation of veterinarians is noticed and appreciated by the student members. One of my biggest hopes for the future of organized veterinary medicine is to succeed in legally defining assisted reproductive techniques and surgery, to keep those procedures in the hands of licensed veterinarians. The WVMA is at the forefront of these issues and others, and works hard every day at the Capitol to protect the livelihood of veterinarians. In addition, I hope that the next generation of young veterinarians can see the value in a WVMA membership and continue to be involved in the organization. Right now, three out of four classes at the UW-SVM have 100 percent enrollment as student members with the WVMA thanks to generous sponsorship from Dean Markel. A task force from the WVMA Executive Board is working to ensure that membership remains valuable for young veterinarians, and that they stay involved. It is an exciting time to be a veterinarian in Wisconsin! I am not only thankful for the opportunities I have had as a WVMA student member and representative, but look forward to my future both in the profession and as a WVMA member. l


CLASSIFIED AD CHANGES All classified ads, including veterinary relief ads, will be published at the following rate: Members: First 35 words, $20. Every additional word after 35 is $1.50 per word. Non-members: First 35 words, $65. Every additional word is $1.50 per word. Starting May 1: A $10 additional fee will be charged for ad copy edits requested after submission. Ads will run 2 consecutive months, and then removed, unless the WVMA is notified via email or phone to continue your ad for another 2 month run. Ads will be invoiced at the end of the first month during a 2 month period. Ads are placed online at the beginning of the month they are featured in the newsletter. Priority placement of ads is an additional $25 fee. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads. SMALL ANIMAL Stoughton Veterinary Service is looking to add a FT SA veterinarian to our team. We have a great group of doctors, CVTs and support staff, as well as really wonderful clients. We have recently upgraded to digital x-ray with dental x-ray, as well as all new surgical monitoring equipment. Salary and benefits are negotiable based on experience. New graduates are encouraged to apply. Email CV/resume to matt. Our growing practice is located in a key shopping suburb of Milwaukee. All the community and professional resources of the Milwaukee area are readily available. Be part of a practice with 4 hospital locations with opportunities in Madison, Milwaukee, and Menomonee Falls as openings become available. Seeking a PT or FT veterinarian to join our team that values practicing high quality medicine, promoting strong working relationships with our clients and other team members, referring all emergencies, placing a strong investment in continuing education, and most importantly work/life balance. Our environment promotes harmonious relationships with our team and recognizes staff for the valuable contributions that they make. Our experienced staff will serve as great mentors to a new grad, but any experience level is welcome to apply. Generous compensation package including sign on bonus, relocation expenses, yearly paid national conferences, PLIT, Simple IRA plan, professional membership dues, licensing fees, and other reasonable compensation requests. Please send letter of application and resume to Denise Fortier, DVM, The Animal House Pet Clinic seeks a FT or PT SA veterinarian. Join this awardwinning, vibrant, full-service practice. Located in Green Bay, Wisconsin’s third largest city, where urban amenities, accessible living and outdoor adventures combine for an exceptional quality of life. Candidates must be able to practice independently, demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills and be committed to working in a team environment. Flexible work schedule. No on-call. PT has the potential to transition to FT. Saturday rotation required. Compensation and full benefit package: Medical/Dental/401(k) commensurate with experience and employment commitment. New grads highly encouraged to apply. The right candidate will find a highly supportive environment with the ability to grow. For more info:




Our well-established, comfortably busy, practice is located 7 miles south of Madison in a suburb community. All the community and professional resources of the Madison area are readily available. Seeking a PT or FT veterinarian to join our team that values practicing high quality medicine, promoting strong working relationships with our clients and other team members, referring all emergencies, placing a strong investment in continuing education, and most importantly work/life balance. Our experienced staff will serve as great mentors to a new grad, but veterinarians with any level of experience are encouraged to apply. Work in an environment that values your contributions and helps you to reach your professional goals. Generous compensation package including sign on bonus, relocation expenses, yearly paid national conferences, PLIT, professional association dues, licensing fees, simple IRA, and other reasonable compensation requests considered. Please send letter of application and resume to Denise Fortier, DVM, Shamrock Animal Hospital, Rosemount, MN seeks enthusiastic, outgoing Associate Veterinarian. Hospital equipment: in-house lab, CO2 and therapeutic laser, digital radiography, digital dental, and ultrasound. Benefits: health, dental, retirement plan, and PTO. New graduates welcome. Contact Dr. Walter: drpaw@ Associate needed. Great clinic, good staff, perfect for graduates to learn or experienced associates taking the next step to develop new skills in a supportive setting. Team support; referral centers nearby; no afterhours; competitive salary; benefits. Contact Dan Purviance, DVM at or (815)6542012 ZimmVet is enhancing the veterinary experience for dogs and cats, and we need a passionate DVM to join our team. Our client testimonials and Google reviews will show you our client-focused, Fear Free-Certified approach ( With certified technicians, and a full support staff, you can practice medicine with ease, while having the support of three DVMs with more than 30 years of combined experience. Our modern, two-year-old, 7200 square-foot veterinary complex is fully-loaded with the latest veterinary technology to provide the tools you deserve to practice quality medicine. Looking for a Veterinary DVM Career just a short 38 miles from downtown Minneapolis, but only minutes from the suburbs and country living with a competitive salary and benefits? This is your chance to bring balance back to your work/home life with a reverse commute, no emergency appointments and regular FT or PT hours. If you have a passion for enhancing veterinary medicine, send your resume and cover letter to Oregon Veterinary Clinic is looking to add a FT associate veterinarian to our team. We are a well-established, 5 doctor practice just 15 minutes south of Madison. Applicants should possess strong preventative, diagnostic, and surgical skills. Ideal associate will be compassionate, hardworking, have strong communication skills, and be a team player. Our practice is equipped with ImproMed software, digital radiography, digital dental radiography, dental high speed units, video endoscopy, ultrasound, and a combination of Abaxis/IDEXX in-house lab equipment. Salary and benefits package is based on experience. If you are interested in hearing more about this great opportunity please email resume to FT/PT position for a veterinarian in a 4 doctor full service SA practice located 9 miles west of Oshkosh. New grads welcome. No on-call required. Our practice has in-house laboratory, digital radiography, therapy laser, surgical laser and offers a full range of services, including chiropracty. An excellent, helpful support staff makes for an enjoyable work environment. We offer a fair, competitive compensation package with opportunity for buy-in to the right individual. Located in the Fox Valley where the local economy is excellent with many entertainment and recreational options available. Send resume to: Omro Animal Hospital 645 Hawthorne Dr. Omro, WI 54963 or email omroanimalhosp@ North Lake Veterinary Clinic is looking for an enthusiastic PT/FT associate to join our team. We are a well-established, progressive, 4 doctor SA practice located in the beautiful Lake Country area, west of Milwaukee. Our support staff is professional and proficient, but we also like to have fun. Staff turnover rate is low, and our clientele is like family. The clinic is equipped with computerized medical records, a full IDEXX in-house laboratory, digital radiographs, digital dental radiographs, ultrasound, therapeutic laser, and state-of-the-art anesthesia monitoring and surgical equipment. The ideal candidate should be

compassionate, have strong communication skills, and be dedicated to practicing high quality medicine and surgery. Afterhours’ emergencies are covered by our local ER clinics. We offer a competitive salary, production bonuses, CE allowance, paid PTO (vacation and CE days), 401(k), health benefits, licensing fees, and professional dues. Please contact Dr. Tom Gilligan at Great opportunity for flexible scheduling and great career! Excellent support staff. Beautiful location on the Mississippi River. Full service clinic with ultrasound, digital x-ray/dental x-ray, laser surgery and more. Send resume to Thriving SA practice in west-central WI seeks very motivated, collegial associate. Candidate should practice exceptional, efficient medical and surgical care. Attractive, well-equipped facility with excellent, energetic support staff and devoted clientele. Beautiful, quiet area near LaCrosse, WI and Coulee Region. PT or FT. Salary commensurate with experience. Numerous benefits: shared health insurance, CE, all dues and license fees. No afterhour’s emergency duties. Send resume to or Dr. Beth Deppe, Morganside Veterinary Clinic, 500 W. Wisconsin St, Sparta, WI 54656. (608) 269-2355 Bluemound Animal Hospital in Brookfield, WI, is looking to add a FT energetic veterinarian to our multi-doctor team. Applicant must be able to work with a great staff in a fun work environment. This established SA and Exotics hospital aims to provide the highest quality of care for a wide variety of patients. Direct resumes to or call (262)782-5805 with any questions. Veterinary Associate needed for three doctor practice in Marshfield. Hospital equipped with therapy laser, surgical laser, two Dentalaire machines, digital radiography, and ultrasound and staffed with CVTs. Perfect opportunity for new graduates in central Wisconsin. Please send resume and cover letter to FT DVM needed for busy AAHA certified, five doctor practice in Shorewood, located on Milwaukee’s Northshore. We practice high quality SA medicine and are looking for a DVM with a strong interest in patient care, surgery and dentistry. Please send resume Attn: Julie to Shorewood Animal Hospital, 2500 East Capitol Drive, Shorewood, WI 53211, fax to (414)962-8230 or email Seeking PT/FT associate veterinarian for fast growing, community focused SA practice conveniently located between Oshkosh and Fond du Lac on Interstate 41. Work Monday thru Friday (no weekends or on-call) with flexibility in scheduling and a family-friendly work atmosphere. Our practice boasts a competent and fun staff as well as an exuberantly loyal clientele; emphasizes preventative medicine and client education; equipped with surgical radiowave, high-speed dental drill, x-rays and fully digitized records. New graduates welcomed. Warm personality and enthusiasm are highly valued here! Check us out at Please send cover letter and resume to Are you ready to love where you work? Barron Veterinary Clinic is seeking a dedicated, enthusiastic professional to join our team as a FT SA Associate Veterinarian. We are located in beautiful Barron, Wisconsin where every out-door activity is available for your enjoyment. We are a 5-doctor MA practice that specializes in providing high quality, compassionate and convenient care for our patients. We have a newly remodeled facility with high quality equipment that includes surgical laser, digital radiology, dental equipment with digital dental radiology, and in-house laboratory. To join our dynamic and compassionate team our ideal candidate will have strong proven communication skills, be team oriented with a focus in general medicine and a strong interest in surgery and dentistry. New graduates are welcome to apply. We offer a generous compensation package including: Liability insurance, CE, PTO, licenses, dues and subscriptions. Send resume to North Heights Veterinary Clinic in Appleton, WI is looking for a motivated, compassionate FT associate veterinarian. We are a SA practice with 4 FT and two PT veterinarians. North Heights is a well-established practice that started in 1975. The Fox Cities Area provides “large city amenities” and at the same time, “country living” is just a short commute away. We are looking for a team member who has a passion for client education and good communication skills. We offer generous compensation package: flexible work schedule, continuing education allowance, full benefits including: medical, dental, and vision insurance options, short and long term disability, 401(k) retirement plan, digital radiography, excellent, experienced staff. Please send resume Attn: Michelle or Lynn to Do you have a Passion for Exotics? FT or PT veterinarian needed to meet the demands of our growing SA and exotics practice in Menomonee Falls, WI. We are looking for

a 6th doctor who has an interest in treating exotics cases to join us. Our practice is approximately 70% SA and 30% exotics. We are located in a growing northern Milwaukee suburb. We moved into a new state-of the-art 6400 sq ft facility in 2012. We have computerized medical records, digital radiology - including digital dental x-rays, ultrasound, avian endoscopy and a full on-site laboratory. We have a terrific staff of certified veterinary technicians, assistants as well as receptionists that make “practice” more efficient and fun. We offer a generous compensations package including insurance, dues and memberships, Simple IRA, continuing education stipend and time off. No afterhours’ emergency work. Send resume/CV for review if you are interested in joining our team to Veterinarian needed for a rapidly growing and medically progressive SA clinic in scenic Chisago Lakes, MN. We offer the opportunity to work with a wonderful team, and advanced technology. We can also offer a flexible schedule and competitive compensation package. To learn more, check our website at: For consideration, please email your resume, wage history and references to: Mgr@ Our town: 35 minutes from Madison. Population 5k and growing. Our clinic: defined by service and relationships, stress-less years before Becker coined the term, FT behaviorist, community outreach, puppy and adult manners classes, individualized medical, surgical and preventive care, Every team member affects our culture. Excellent schools, active town center, world-class brewery, winery, 1100 acre gin-clear lake, bike trails and country roads. Physical plant is modest by design, looking to expand. Our clients: are friends, diverse, motivate us to care for their pets. Our owner; FT Veterinarian, PT author, loves Lake Mills Wisconsin. Our associate: interesting, interested and surgically skilled. Contact (920) 988-4426 or Kenosha Animal Hospital is seeking a FT SA associate veterinarian. We are a wellestablished, fully equipped, paperless hospital with dedicated spaces for dental, surgery, ultrasonography, laser therapy, orthopedic and soft tissue surgery and have the latest technology supporting patient care, anesthesia monitoring, in-house laboratory and a fully stocked pharmacy. Our team of dedicated, compassionate and well-trained staff provide the best in patient care and client service. We are seeking someone who is compassionate, has exceptional communication skills and is able to handle a diverse caseload in a busy, progressive and growing practice. We offer Base Salary with production bonuses, 401(k), health and dental insurance, WI License, professional dues, CE and paid vacation/sick time. Please email Lakeside Animal Hospital in Oshkosh, Wisconsin is looking for enthusiastic associate veterinarians to join our healthcare team. Lakeside Animal Hospital is a wellestablished multiple veterinarian-staffed SA hospital with an exceptional support team. Our hospital facility provides a complete in-house diagnostic laboratory, high quality radiology services including digital radiography (DR system), ultrasound, endoscopy, as well as a fully equipped surgical unit for soft tissue, orthopedic, & laser surgery cases. Afterhours’ calls are referred to a local veterinary emergency facility. The candidate must have strong diagnostic and surgical abilities as well as excellent interpersonal skills. New or recently graduated veterinarians are encouraged to apply. Salary is commensurate with experience. Benefits include health insurance, CE allowance, professional dues, and retirement plan. Please send resume to Jamie Kasarsky, Practice Manager, 1834 Algoma Boulevard, Oshkosh, WI 54901, (920)235-5040; email at Animal Wellness Center of Buffalo Valley has an exciting opportunity for a FT Veterinarian to join our growing team. Our hospital is committed to providing the best integrative veterinary medicine to our clients and patients. Certification in integrative therapies is a plus. Competitive salary, benefits include matching retirement plan. Rotating night and weekend schedule. Please check us out at If interested email cover letter and resume to Are you interested in expanding surgical and orthopedic options and developing a rehabilitation program? We have the perfect fit. We are a fast-paced veterinary clinic with highly qualified and energetic staff. Countrycare Animal Complex in Green Bay, Wisconsin is seeking a FT or PT veterinarian to join our patient oriented team. Our mission is to provide innovative and integrative veterinary care with compassion, respect and humility. We focus on prevention and wellness care with a holistic approach to medicine. Our state-of-the-art facility includes digital radiography, surgical laser, therapy laser, in-house laboratory and more. Learn more about us at The ideal candidate is compassionate, enthusiastic and dedicated. The ability to provide a wide variety of medical and surgical care as well as excellent verbal, written and interpersonal skills is required and the ability to deliver exceptional client service is expected. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package including 401(k). At least 2 years of experience is preferred. Please send resume to Dr. Karen Strickfaden at Countrycare Animal Complex, 4235 Elm View Rd. Green Bay, WI 54311 or email officemgr@ Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists is seeking Emergency Veterinarians, veterinarians who desire additional training and those who are able to provide Relief support for our team! Ideal candidates are highly motivated individuals with exceptional skills in communication, collaboration, and leadership. Two to three years of veterinary emergency experience is preferred for Associates, but not required, nor is it for training roles. Lakeshore is an independently owned, multi-specialty and referral center with three state-of-the-art hospitals across the greater Milwaukee, Wisconsin area. Our practice includes board-certified specialists in surgery, internal medicine, oncology, neurology, dermatology, dentistry, emergency and critical care, and rehabilitation. In the summer of 2018, we are excited to offer cardiology, ophthalmology, anesthesiology, and expanded dermatology services. There is CT,

MRI, mechanical ventilation, and radiation therapy/SRS in our central Glendale location. We manage our own blood bank, offer grief support counseling to our clients and staff, and also conduct a nationally respected residency and internship training program in emergency and critical care. Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists is proud to have been named the first VECCS-Certified Level-1 Emergency and Critical Care Facility in the nation. Located on the shores of Lake Michigan, “Brew City” offers adventures for everyone. Explore the city’s eclectic character at the Milwaukee Public Market or take a stroll down the Riverwalk with access to some of the best restaurants, brewpubs, shops, and waterfront nightlife. Concert lovers unite at Summerfest, the world’s largest music festival, just one of the many festivals offered throughout the city. Enjoy the great outdoors with kayaking on the river or hiking and biking over 130 miles of trails. It will be hard not to fall in love with where you live, and work! Working at Lakeshore means being part of an immensely talented and collaborative team of professionals. We offer a competitive benefits package and encourage professional growth and learning among our staff through continuing education, paid time off and an education allowance to attend conferences and other events. Lakeshore also offers in-house educational opportunities and we are committed to providing continuing education for our referral community. If you would like more information about this position, please contact Dr. Jacob Odders at Growing SA practice looking to expand to encompass a third veterinarian. If you like to practice high quality, compassionate and customer-driven medicine that includes digital radiography (including dental), surgical and therapeutic lasers and full in-clinic diagnostic lab with proficient support staff, then we want to hear from you! We believe in a work/life balance and central Wisconsin offers an array of opportunities from living in the city, to country life, to lake life in a matter of minutes. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package. No afterhours’ emergency. New graduates encouraged to apply. Email Dr. Hofstad (Progressive Veterinary Services) at* WVRC is one of the largest and most diverse SA emergency and referral practices in Wisconsin with 3 hospitals in the greater Milwaukee area. We are currently recruiting for a FT emergency veterinarian for our Racine hospital. A PT position would also be considered for the right candidate. WVRC is well known for providing high quality, compassionate care to our clients, patients and referring veterinarians. We believe in a team approach to patient care, an enjoyable work environment and a schedule conducive to life outside of work. Enhancing our well-equipped facilities in Waukesha, Grafton and Racine is a team of exceptional coworkers, including a broad range of specialists, experienced technicians, and client-focused support staff. Our ER team is hard working, highly skilled and fun to be around. Large companies such as Amazon, Foxconn and Ikea have committed to southeastern Wisconsin, fueling growth of the local economies in Racine and Kenosha counties. WVRC is joining the expansion as well with a new hospital slated for opening in 2018! Located just 30 miles from Milwaukee and situated on the shores of Lake Michigan, Racine is a mix of what’s best about Wisconsin and the Midwest. Here you can enjoy the cosmopolitan offerings of world-class music, dining and shopping as well as the state’s finest art museums, natural science and history museums and zoos. Unlike many cities our beaches (North Beach is one of USA Today’s Top 51 Great American Beaches!), sports fishing, sailing and biking and hiking trails are all part of the urban mix. Here you can enjoy a summer season of festivals, complemented by a winter of spectacular performing arts. Qualified applicants will have a background in emergency medicine, internship training or equivalent practice experience, strong organizational skills and an ability to work well with a diverse group of coworkers. Applicants can apply at or send resume to* just found a great opportunity. Now’s the time to move. We are looking for an energetic, happy veterinarian that has surgical, medical and great communication skills. We want you to succeed and enjoy your job. We have 2 modern veterinary clinics with pet resorts. Fear free. In-house lab, ultrasound, laser/laser therapy, digatherm, water treadmill, digital x-ray, paperless. Join Drs with 18 and 30+ years’ experience. Orthopedics, ultrasound, dental, preventative care, acupuncture. Check out our website and facebook pages for more information. Flexible for short / long term commitments, relief. +/-emergency. Located in northern Wisconsin in quaint towns with rivers and lakes. Call or email to or (715)661-0178. Housing options available.* SM/EX animal hospital near Madison, WI seeking highly motivated, experienced PT/FT veterinarians. Ideal associate will be intelligent, compassionate, hardworking and always striving for excellence. Individual should possess a wide range of diagnostic and surgical skills, bring new skills and specialty interests into an already diverse practice. Must be team player and have strong leadership qualities and excellent communication skills. Practice is fully equipped with digital radiography, video endoscopy, ultrasound, therapy laser, tono-pen, paperless records, full in-house lab with IDEXX equipment, and well stocked pharmacy. We have 6 FT CVTs on staff, providing high quality nursing care and advanced technical assistance to our doctors. Schedule to include four 10 hour days and every 3rd Sat 8am-1pm. Exceptional pay package available for the right person including health insurance, vacation, licensing, professional liability insurance, local association dues, continuing education. We are interested in a long term relationship. If you want to be limited only by your own imagination and possess a strong drive to be the best, then this may be the position for you. Ownership possibilities exist. Send resume to* Immediate FT opening for SA veterinarian in busy SA multi-doctor practice . We are well established practice in downtown Milwaukee for the last 30 years

and conveniently located between Marquette University and Miller Park . We offer full range of benefits : AVMA/PLIT dues, 401(k), health insurance, licensing fees, paid vacation and much more. Work 4 days /week with excellent compensation in the range of 80-120K, based on experience, along with production bonuses. No emergency or on-call after business hours. New graduates are encouraged to apply. Mentoring and training available from experienced doctors. Interested candidates please forward the resume to the attention of Dr. Singh at* Companion Animal Care in Fond du Lac, WI is looking for an associate veterinarian to join our growing practice. We are a full-service, multi-doctor hospital that provides quality veterinary care for SA. Our doctors enjoy practicing in a modern facility equipped for digital radiography, digital dental radiography, and holistic services, such as acupuncture. The experienced and long tenured team, which includes five CVTs, creates a family-oriented environment dedicated to our patients, clients, and community. We proudly work with Sandi Paws Rescue, a local rescue group, providing spays/neuters and treating the occasional sick pet. Get to know us better here! Experienced veterinarians and new graduates are encouraged to apply. This is the perfect opportunity for a new graduate to be successful under the mentorship and guidance of our collaborative team. The city of Fond du Lac is a great place to live and work. This lakeside gem is conveniently located one hour from Milwaukee, Madison, Appleton, and Green Bay. Outdoor enthusiasts come here for worldclass fishing, windsurfing, snowmobiling, ice fishing, and more! We are a family of practices with a long history and reputation that separates us from others - check us out! We support our veterinarians with superior salary, benefits including health and dental, 401(k), CE allowance, vacation, dues, liability coverage, outstanding practice teams, and a family friendly atmosphere. To apply, please follow this link:* Seeking a veterinarian to join our AAHA certified companion animal practice in southeastern Wisconsin. We offer comprehensive primary medical, dental and surgical care to our patients in a collaborative team environment. Our professional staff includes four doctors and seven CVTs. Afterhours and weekend care is referred to area ERs. CE allowance, health insurance, 401(k) and disability provided with other benefit options available. New graduates welcome as we provide mentorship and the opportunity to pursue your area of practice interest in a supportive environment. Hartford is located 40 minutes from downtown Milwaukee. It is home to a performing arts center, fitness and recreation center, a new aquatic center, new library and an excellent school system. Local state parks, lakes and state forests provide plenty of options for outdoor recreation. Please contact Dr. Nicole Samborski or Linda Johnson at (262)673-7960 or send resume via email to hartfordanimal@* FT or PT SA veterinarian to join our AAHA practice 35 min north of Madison in Beaver Dam. Practice high quality medicine with emphasis on wellness care and client education in a beautiful facility with wonderful staff and growing clientele. Established client base in place for new associate. In-house IDEXX lab, SurgiVet monitor, digital radiography, ultrasound, blood pressure, electrocardiography, TonoPen, bronchoscope and well-utilized CVTs. Beaver Dam is a lakeside community with a growing population located between Madison and the Fox Valley on Hwy 151. Flexible schedule with no emergency call. Future ownership potential for the right candidate. Experienced practitioners and new graduates welcome. Must have good communication skills and a commitment to practicing high quality medicine and surgery. Must also have a willingness to educate clients, be supportive of staff education and eager to share new ideas and techniques. Contact Vicky Smith DVM, at or Wyllow Pet Hospital, 126 Corporate Dr, Beaver Dam, WI 53916* Midwest Veterinary Partners is a network of veterinary clinics in the Midwest. We are proud of our caring and dedicated employees, and we are looking for more bright and motivated individuals to add to the value of our growing practices. We are offering a relocation bonus and up to a $15,000 signing bonus, as well as a competitive base salary and production bonuses, because we believe you should be rewarded for great work. We will cover the cost of your licensing, and we have a comprehensive benefits package including health insurance, paid vacation, and a 4% 401(k) match. Excellent mentoring for veterinary professionals at any stage of their career makes Midwest Veterinary Partners a phenomenal choice for those looking to expand their skill set in a supportive and challenging environment. Widespread clinic locations, flexible hours and a diverse staff ensure you find a fit that’s best for your continuing education. Vesting opportunities are available for business-minded veterinarians who would like to partner with our group. Midwest Veterinary Partners has top-notch medicine and excellent facilities and equipment. We own a highvolume 24/7 emergency hospital, an integrative veterinary complex combining holistic and traditional medicine, an accommodating walk-in clinic for urgent needs and day practices specializing in routine and orthopedic surgery, digital and dental x-ray, ultrasound and diagnostic imaging and routine and preventative care. Our clients are at the heart of our practices and Midwest Veterinary Partners thrives on the relationships we build with our clients and their pets. We listen carefully to feedback, reward our loyal clients and want our applicants to foster trust and concern for every case. Each clinic is unique and our hiring team will help you find the one best suited for your personality and your goals as a veterinarian. Many of our southeastern Wisconsin locations are currently hiring. The Milwaukee area is a great place to relocate, as it boasts eclectic nightlife, hundreds of amazing restaurants and breweries and our museums and festival grounds are world-renowned. Our lakefront is gorgeous in the summer and trails and woodlands are ideal for winter sports, camping and other recreational activities. Milwaukee is within a 2-hour drive of University of Wisconsin-Madison and their award-winning veterinary school, veterinary board and reference services. Milwaukee and its surrounding suburbs contain a dense population of pet owners and we are expanding every year to


guarantee they have access to the kind of quality care Midwest Veterinary Partners can provide. Come join us! Contact with qualifications and/or inquiries* We are looking for a FT Associate Veterinarian to join our well established SA clinic in Marquette Michigan and home to Northern Michigan University. We provide all areas of medicine for our clients: laser surgery, general medicine, dentistry, soft tissue, orthopedic, digital radiograph and ultrasound. We are willing to assist a new graduate develop and expand their expertise. Competitive salary/benefit package. Please submit resume to Shelley at* Prairie Side Veterinary Hospital is a full service veterinary practice with locations in Kenosha, Racine and Franksville, Wisconsin. We offer comprehensive medical, surgical and dental care services for companion animals. Our clinics are equipped with full service laboratories that allow our doctors to obtain critical information within minutes. We are also well equipped to handle most soft-tissue, orthopedic and dental problems. We are seeking a compassionate, team player with excellent communication skills and confidence in their medical skills. We are also seeking someone that has a sense of humor and enjoys life. We do believe that life exists outside the practice of medicine. We offer a strong base salary and extensive benefits, including medical insurance and retirement match. New graduates are mentored by experienced veterinarians strong in their respective emphasis. Depending on a veterinarian’s desire, the mentoring will be adjusted to help them excel in internal medicine, surgery and/or dentistry. Send resume to Dr. Susmilch at or call (262)694-0402 for more information* Animal Referral Center of WI is looking for an emergency clinician. One more addition to our ER team would help us maintain our “work-life balance” schedule. Working ER means nights, weekends and holidays but it also means that you get more days off each month than days you have to work, which is smart since you will want to enjoy all that that northeast WI has to offer: lakes, hiking/biking trails, performing arts, camping, fishing, water & snow sports, farmers markets, music festivals, restaurants, professional sporting events and an all-around more relaxed way of life. Animal Referral Center is a non-corporate, 24-hour multi-specialty practice with two beautiful facilities; Appleton and Green Bay. Collaboration between all services is a top priority for us. We have respect for one another and recognize that each individual’s input is essential to the exceptional care we provide our patients and the healthy working environment we value. Our ER doctors income is on the high end of the scale for the entire country and includes premiums for overnight, holidays and shifts worked over a set number per month. FT benefits include health, dental, disability, vacation, generous CE, professional dues, 401(k) with employer contribution and Employee Assistance Program (EAP). For more information about us visit &* Country Hills Pet Hospital is an AAHA accredited practice looking for an enthusiastic and motivated individual to join our fast-pace, well-established SA practice with a reputation of exceptional client service. We employ mainly certified technicians to assist our veterinarians. Our practice offers physical therapy, complete in-house IDEXX laboratory testing equipment, digital x-ray, endoscope and laparoscope, digital dental x-ray, ultrasound, CO2 laser and much more. Incredible hours available for either a PT or FT position. For more information please send resumes to* FT/PT SA DVM position opening (DVM retiring) in the beautiful Lake Wisconsin area just 20 min North of Madison. Practice the highest quality of medicine in this fun 2-doctor practice, with a positive and supportive team around you. We are a progressive practice focused on preventative care, client education, and individualized medicine/surgery. We offer a beautiful, modern facility for you to practice, equipped with digital rad., ultrasound, therapeutic laser, high speed dental, sevo anesthesia units, EKG, BP, full in-house lab and well utilized CVTs. Nice compensation package with benefits, and the ability to enjoy life balance with no holiday hours, and rotating Saturdays. If this rare opportunity sounds good to you, please email a resume and cover letter to – we look forward to hearing from you!* Rapidly growing SA clinic, located in beautiful Shawano, WI. Recently purchased practice from well-reputed, long standing clinic. Loyal client base as well as expanding new clientele. Newly renovated/updated client area. Seeking PT/FT new grad or experienced DVM. Family friendly hours: no weekend or afterhours’ emergencies. Clinic equipped with ImproMed, digital radiography, in-house diagnostics, therapy laser, well-staffed with CVTs and assistants. CE, licensure and liability insurance provided. Compassionate, strong integrity, easy going DVM wanted. Send resume and cover letter via email to allaboutanimalshawano@gmail. com* FT/PT Associate Veterinarian: Schedule is split between two locations, Oregon and New Glarus, WI. Looking for excellent communication skills, team player. Both of our locations are located just south of Madison, WI. Our Oregon location is a fully equipped, AAHA-accredited hospital which has been serving the surrounding communities for over 18 years. Our New Glarus location operates as a satellite facility providing everything except surgical and dental capabilities. Saturday hours on a rotating schedule blend with weekly schedule. Salary includes guaranteed base and production based compensation. We are family based and support a healthy worklife balance. Please send cover letter, resume or CV, and three references to office@* We are a very busy 3 doctor integrative practice, looking for a FT/PT veterinarian to join our close-knit team. Prior experience in any holistic/integrative modality is strongly preferred. Excellent people skills are important. We are looking for a highly motivated applicant who can focus on good medicine, as well as learn about integrative modalities and can keep up with our fast pace. Fear free handling knowledge is a bonus. We have in-house lab, digital x-ray, ultrasound, digital dental




x-ray, laser and ultrasound therapy. Our doctors are certified in acupuncture, spinal manipulation, herbal therapy, rehabilitation and food therapy. We offer a generous compensation package including CE, licensing, PLIT, 401(k), paid vacation and salary based on experience. Ideal schedule would be 3 or 4 days per week. No weekends, holiday, or on call hours at this time. Please submit cover letter and resume to* Animal Hospital of Ashwaubenon, AAHA accredited SA clinic in Green Bay WI, seeking a FT associate veterinarian with at least 2 years’ experience preferred to join our 3 doctor practice. The ideal candidate must be a friendly, enthusiastic, dedicated individual that enjoys practicing high quality medicine and surgery with our team of long term experienced staff including 5 CVT’s. We are equipped with digital x-ray, in-house IDEXX lab, surgical and therapeutic lasers and ImproMed software. We offer a generous compensation package which includes: health, liability, disability insurance, 401(k), all license and dues, CE, paid vacation, pet care, 4 day work week with rotating Saturday mornings and no emergency call. Salary is based on experience. Interested candidates please forward your resume to Dr. Michele LaFond at* Busy 5 doctor AAHA practice is seeking an Associate Veterinarian for PT or FT positions. All levels of experience welcome. We are enthusiastic mentors new graduates encouraged to apply. On the shores of Lake Michigan, our practice offers a full in-house lab suite, paperless computer records, DR and Dental DR, Ultrasound, Therapy and Surgical Lasers, and a seasoned support staff. Our approach to patient care is highly collaborative and we function together as a medical team. Base salary plus production based bonus, medical, dental, vision, 401(k), vacation time, CE, dues and licensing benefits. Send inquiries to Amy Ray* Recently voted #1 Veterinary Clinic in the Milwaukee Area by Milwaukee A- List! Greenfield Veterinary Clinic is a well-established SA practice in the Milwaukee area that is looking for a FT veterinarian to join our growing team. Experience is preferred but new graduates are welcome to apply. Excellent people skills are important. We are looking for a highly motivated applicant who likes to have fun, practice great medicine and enjoys a fast pace in a family friendly atmosphere. We have an in-house lab including IDEXX SediVue, digital x-ray, surgical laser, ultrasound, digital dental x-ray, therapeutic laser, endoscope and thermographic camera. We offer a generous compensation package including CE, licensing, PLIT, 401(k) with company match, paid vacation, paid holidays and salary based on experience. No afterhours’ emergencies. Please submit cover letter and resume to* Fitchburg Veterinary Hospital is looking for a FT associate veterinarian to join our team. We are looking for a doctor with a minimum of 3 years clinical experience in dentistry, surgery and general medicine. We have a team oriented culture and encourage continued learning. We are looking for a team member that is friendly, enthusiastic and willing to provide high quality care for our patients. Our hospital has a state of the art in-house IDEXX lab suite, digital dental and diagnostic radiology to provide our patients with the best care. We are focused on detection and prevention of early disease and recommendations are based on the age, breed and lifestyle of the pet. Fitchburg Veterinary Hospital is located in Madison, Wisconsin. Salary based on experience. Benefits Paid sick time, vacation, CE allowance, licenses, organization dues, retirement plan and health insurance. Send resume to* $1,000 sign on bonus! Looking for Veterinarian to join our busy, family atmosphere clinic in Glenwood City, WI. Our soon to be 8,000 square foot facility has all the equipment you need to practice quality medicine: in-house IDEXX lab, digital radiography, ultrasound, therapeutic laser, ultrasound, e-stim and shock wave with underwater treadmill and digital dental radiography to be added this year. Board certified surgeon on staff. We are located less than an hour from the Twin Cities; reverse commute, no emergency, some Saturdays required. New grads welcome. Interest in rehab and/or dentistry a plus. We offer competitive, production based pay with guaranteed salary. Awesome certified veterinary technicians and support staff. Buy-In opportunity available. Call Dr. Vicki at (715)265-4286 or send resume to* FT/PT Associate needed for family-friendly SA practice in Appleton. We are a busy 3 doctor team looking to expand. Utilize our ultrasound, digital/dental radiography and IDEXX Catalyst/Procyte. Enjoy outside interests and family time with no holiday or on-call hours and rotating Saturdays. Generous compensation package including continuing education, licensing, PLIT and Simple IRA Package. We’re seeking a client orientated team player committed to quality medicine. All Creatures has served the community for over 30 years, come join us! Contact or mail to All Creatures Animal Hospital 2321 W Wisconsin Ave. Appleton, WI 54914* Community Animal Hospital in Stevens Point, WI is a well-equipped hospital with a loyal clientele. Our team of Veterinarians and friendly support staff deliver high quality, compassionate care. At our hospital we provide all the necessary resources to allow you to practice medicine the way you feel is best. We are looking for someone who wants to be a part of our collaborative team, practice high-quality medicine and who can deliver excellent care. Our ideal candidate would provide the surgical and general practice skills we are looking for. New grads are encouraged to apply. Continuing Education is encouraged. Other added benefits include health insurance, vacation, professional dues/fees and renewal of state and DEA license fees. Send resume to* Community Veterinary Clinic is looking for a FT/PT associate veterinarian to join our well-staffed, well-regarded SA practice in beautiful Bay View. Located on the southeastern edge of the city of Milwaukee, our clinic has a strong, trusted reputation and an established, loyal and growing client base. Applicants should

possess enthusiasm, compassion and strong communication skills, in order to keep up with our high standards of medicine in a fast-paced environment. Strong preventative, diagnostic and surgical skills are required, as well as an understanding and belief in the value of quality patient and client care. Our practice is equipped with ImproMed software, digital radiography, ultrasound, IDEXX in-house lab equipment, dental high speed unit, digital dental radiography, CO2 laser and more. Excellent benefit package and salary commensurate with experience. Email resume to* Lake Geneva Animal Hospital is a SA practice located in beautiful southeastern Wisconsin. We are looking for a FT or PT associate to join our eight doctor team. Our practice offers a state of the art, recently remodeled facility as well as a fabulous support staff. Equipment includes in-house diagnostics, digital and dental radiography, ultrasound, surgical and therapeutic laser and laparoscopy. We offer incentive based pay, benefits package, and we do not require emergency time. Interested candidates should please send a resume to, fax to (262)249-9365 Attn: Dr. Mona Hodkiewicz, or mail to Lake Geneva Animal Hospital, Attn: Dr. Mona Hodkiewicz, 801 Townline Road, Lake Geneva WI 53147* PT/FT position for an associate veterinarian in the beautiful north woods of Wisconsin. Our 3 doctor practice is looking for a SA practitioner that has interest in practicing high quality medicine and surgery, with a little exotic and wildlife work thrown in for fun. We have a large, modern facility and pay a base salary with production and provide a full benefit package. We live and play in one of the prettiest places in the country, so we take lots of long weekends and encourage continuing education. We believe in giving back and are involved in our community. We give our doctors the opportunity to visit third world countries to help train locals and treat their animals. New grads or experienced vets; single or bring a family; young or old; FT or PT. If you are willing to learn, embrace our community and really practice medicine, we have a job for you. All Creatures Veterinary Clinic, Attn: Janet Knutson: 7665 Hwy 51 S Minocqua, WI 54548, (715) 358-4300 or send resume to janetacvc@*

LARGE ANIMAL The Pierce Veterinary Clinic is seeking a FT LA veterinarian to join our outstanding team. We are a MA practice that is located in Wisconsin around 1 hour from Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota. We currently have 2 LA veterinarians and 2 SA veterinarians along with a wonderful support staff including 2 FT receptionists and 6 FT veterinary technicians. The LA work consists of both large and small dairies, with a smaller portion involving beef cattle and small ruminants. We have a LA haulin facility and vet truck is provided. We offer a competitive salary, paid CE, license fees, vacation, sick days, and a Simple IRA after 1 year. We require a candidate that has previous experience and is willing to share on-call with the other veterinarians. Please submit a resume to Dr. Frank During at

DAIRY FT dairy associate position in or 95% Dairy/5% Beef established and growing 2-person strictly LA practice. Federal Student Loan Repayment eligible area. Future ownership likely to the right dedicated candidate. Excellent salary commensurate with ability, experience, and productivity. 401(k) with 3% match and profit sharing, dues, licensing, professional liability, PTO, and phone provided. Newer truck with Bowie Monarch unit, Easi-Scan ultrasound, and all equipment needed to practice provided. Production medicine, herd health oriented practice with quality mentorship available. Beautiful area to raise a family. Contact Dr. Jeff Rugg at (715)498-4021 or by email at

MIXED ANIMAL Willow Animal Hospital is a 2 doctor, MA practice, serving in scenic northern Wisconsin for 29 years. We are seeking a FT veterinarian to join our team. Candidates should be positive, flexible, team players and able to handle a fastpaced environment. For more information, please call or visit our website: Please email resume to accounts@ We are looking for a self-motivated Associate to join our team - we are a MA and SA practice looking to have a third doctor join our team. We have digital x-ray, digital dental x-ray, ultrasound, and Abaxis in-house bloodwork. Competitive salary, insurance stipend, paid CE and time off. New graduates welcome. Please come check us out. Email Emily Wood, DVM at Lancaster Vet Clinic is a 2 doctor, MA practice in beautiful SW WI. We are seeking a FT veterinarian to join our team. New building in 2014 with growing companion animal. Email questions and resume to Our website:* Shireman Veterinary Clinic is seeking a veterinarian to join our MA practice. The LA work is primarily dairy and beef cattle, while the SA work is primarily dogs and cats. The practice is fully computerized. We continue to invest in technology to improve patient care. More importantly, we invest in people. The veterinarians and staff are the secret to this practice having served the area for over 100 years. Our compensation package is competitive, our work schedule is flexible and we welcome new ideas. Contact Dr. Mike Bradford at phone: (608)647-6333 or email:* An associate position is available in our 7 doctor MA practice located in the SE Wisconsin town of Cedar Grove. LA is primarily dairy production medicine with ultrasound and DairyComp305 utilized. Companion animal medicine is supported by digital radiography, IDEXX CBC-Chemistry, laser therapy and more. New associate

should possess a current interest in both large and companion animal areas. The area offers a multitude of recreational and entertainment venues. Competitive salary and benefit package offered. Please email resume and questions to info@ or visit our website at*

OTHER VetCor has an exciting opportunity for a multi-site Regional Manager. This role will support our thriving and expanding hospital group in southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. VetCor owns and operates more than 250 veterinary practices, each with their own culture and identity. We do not believe in a “one size fits all” philosophy and pride ourselves on our unique model and our outstanding reputation in the industry. This individual will support local practice leaders with the general day-to-day operations of 8-10 locations in northern Illinois to start, including current company hospitals and upcoming acquisitions which will grow to 15+ in time. Our motivated and energetic hospital teams are looking forward to welcoming someone equally enthusiastic to the group. This position will ideally be based in northern Illinois, west or northwest of Chicago, to adequately support the geographic region of our current Illinois practices. VetCor offers competitive compensation with significant incentives, full benefits and future growth opportunities. If you are looking for a career with a successful and growing company, we invite you to apply. Please apply directly or send your resume and cover letter (including salary requirements) by email to: Raquel Kruse at The Regional Manager is responsible for ongoing, tailored support to practice leaders in managing: Daily operations and administration, hiring, training, and employee relations, client service and satisfaction, practice growth and financial health Community-based marketing and online reputation, facility and equipment needs, employee morale, engagement, and retention success. Weekly travel within the region (sometimes requiring overnight stays) and occasional trips to other regions or the Hingham, MA corporate office is necessary. Desired Qualifications: experience within the veterinary, healthcare, or dental fields, affable and positive disposition is essential to establishing a rapport and trust with our hospital teams. Must be selfmotivated, flexible and influential to adapt to the various personalities and cultures of each practice. Proven ability to multi-task, with strong organizational skills to effectively service multiple internal and external customers, passion for building long lasting bonds that support VetCor’s continued success. We are committed to providing extraordinary service so retail management experience is also a plus. To apply, please follow this link: jobs/d21185f3-de1d-f477-dfd5-cc5800d685e6/apply?source=626802-CS-21559*

RELIEF SA relief services within 75 miles Madison. 38 years’ experience in FT, PT or relief. Thorough, interactive, patient, adaptive. Many references. Karen Bressett, DVM;; (413)522-2608 Experienced SA veterinarian available for relief work, over 20 years’ relief experience, WI licensed and accredited. Please call/email Mark Clemons, DVM (262) 862-1121, Caring and compassionate relief veterinarian available. 25+ years of AAHA experience. Competent medical and soft tissue surgery skills. Emphasis on quality and integrity. Paul Danhaus, DVM. (715) 571-8091 or 20+ years’ experience, skilled in surgery, diagnostics and client communication. Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. Let me care for your clients and your hospital team. Erika Gibbs, DVM,, (920) 988-4431. SA and equine relief work. 29 years’ experience. Proficient in SA soft tissue surgery and equine ultrasound and power floating. Will travel. Call Sabine Hartmann, DVM (715) 267-7443 or Experienced relief veterinarian for Madison and surrounding area. Professional, easy to work with and adaptable. Christie Iliff, DVM. (608) 215-3736 or Iliffveterinary@ Iliff Veterinary Services, LLC. Experienced SA clinician available for work in central and western Wisconsin. Excellent communication skills; enjoy working with clients and staff. Nancy Leverance, DVM; email: or call (608) 369-4115 or (608) 429-9408. Quality relief care since 1992. Special interests include surgery and dermatology. Personable, reliable service. Please call Robert Patyk, DVM, at (262) 567-2832. Or email: Communicative, productive SA veterinarian available for relief work in western WI, surrounding areas. Licensed in MN/WI. Experienced in surgery, medicine, dentistry, staff management. Outstanding customer service, client-building skills. Victori Ribeiro, MS, DVM, (651) 503-0482; Reliable, competent, SA relief with over 25 years’ experience. WI license, accredited. Will travel. Capable at soft-tissue surgery and medicine. Great communication skills with clients and staff. ShortTerm Relief, LLC. Call Kate Short, DVM at (608) 963-5208 or email: Experienced SA daytime & ER DVM who loves pets and people available in SE/SC Wi and NE/NC IL. David Trask, DVM, 12 years’ experience in soft tissue surgery, dentistry and medicine. Thorough, reliable and professional. Available for relief in NW Wisconsin and Eastern Minnesota surrounding the Twin Cities. Andrea Weidner, DVM (815)751-3735; Experienced SA relief veterinarian available. Versatile. Great with staff, clients and pets. Willing to travel. Dr. Lori Zimmerman, (608) 592-7779 or doclori@hotmail. com.

RELIEF WANTED June-August SA relief vet opportunity. Variety of possiblities for a schedule and housing. 2 state-of-the-art practices with loads of tools - digital X-ray, ultrasound, laser, lab, plus super team to work with. Must be excellent communicator, work independently and be able to perform surgery and medical appointments. Great Northwoods location to enjoy the lakes, rivers, and quaint towns. Contact Dr. Lyn Ludwig at Visit or view our Facebook.

SERVICES AVAILABLE Building new or remodeling? 20 years’ experience with business plan review, budgeting, space planning, design development, contract negotiation, project management, owner’s representation, AutoCad and SketchUp 3D. Contact Allen Ibsen, DVM at or (262) 853-3840. Board-certified internist offers mobile SA medicine consultations, ultrasound, and endoscopy in your practice in SE WI. Please call Anne Mattson, DVM, DACVIM, (262) 241-3987. Buying or selling a veterinary practice? Count on the experience of Total Practice Solutions Group. See display ad. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group for a free consultation, (800) 380-6872, or

TECH/STAFF FT CVT Needed! AAHA accredited SA hospital located north of Milwaukee. We focus on quality, progressive, preventive medicine with emphasis on exceptional patient care and client education. We are looking for a FT CVT to work with our team-based system. Extensive benefit package. Email: or FAX Resume to (262)375-4196. Certified Veterinary Technician, FT/PT - We are looking for a friendly, enthusiastic FT/ PT Certified Veterinary Technician, who takes pride in offering exceptional service and compassionate care to our patients and clients. Pulaski Veterinary Clinic, located only 15 minutes’ northwest of Green Bay. The clinic is a full-service animal hospital and welcomes both “daytime” emergency treatment cases as well as pet patients in need or routine medical, surgical and dental care. We currently have 3 licensed veterinarians, focusing on the treatment of cats and dogs. We have electronic medical records and are well equipped with digital radiographs, digital dental, surgical laser, therapy laser and an in-house IDEXX laboratory. We support our staff with many benefits which includes health insurance along with a health savings account (HSA), 401(k), CE allowance, long and short term disability plans as well as long term care insurance coverage. If you are excited about working with a dedicated team whose core values are excellence, education, friendliness and integrity, we would love to hear from you. Please send resume to

Completely refurbished underwater treadmill for sale. Superior quality at an affordable price for any clinic or rehab facility. Includes delivery and six month warranty. $20,000. Call Mary Kilpatrick at (414)305-1431 or Barb Stollenwerk at (414)507-5213 for more information. 1991 8’ Porta Vet Box. Good condition. Selling due to retirement. Heater, water, no refrigerator. Asking $750.00. Contact Dick Faivre at (507)495-3100 or faivre@ for more information.* Phillips HD11se veterinary ultrasound with two probes. Excellent imaging. Great for abdomen, cardiac and small parts. Lightly used. 2D mmode, Color doppler. Orig price >$50,000. Asking $19,995 obo. Call (920)324-9623 for info.*

PRACTICE FOR SALE Control your destiny! Busy, FT house call practice for sale in the Fox Valley/Appleton area. Owner retiring, but is willing to assist in the transition to new ownership. Practice established in 1995. The practice has appreciative clients that expect high quality medicine and surgery. Work with an excellent and experienced CVT that owners love. No afterhours’ on-call. Local 24 hour emergency and referral hospital will give you a life outside of veterinary medicine. Practice includes standalone surgery/dentistry/radiology suite. Digital dental and full body radiography, Dentalaire dental station, and anesthesia equipment. Fully equipped 2016 Honda Odyssey practice vehicle included. Practice evaluated at $305,000. If you are hardworking, motivated to succeed, and want to better connect with you clients and patients, this is a great opportunity. Contact us at Buying or selling a veterinary practice? Count on the experience of Total Practice Solutions Group. See display ad. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg for free consultation: 1-800-380-6872 or South of Green Bay - Near Lake Michigan, SA practice grossing $649K. Px and RE offered at $610K. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG, 1-800-380-6872, or kurt@ Grossing $590 along Madison-Fond du Lac corridor. Practice and RE offered at $625K. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800-380-6872 or Appleton grossing $560K. Beautiful facilities. Should grow rapidly. Call for more information. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800-380-6872 or kurt@tpsgsales. com. AAHA certified, Appleton area SA practice grossing $693K. Practice and RE offered at $765K. Call for more information. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800-3806872 or SA practice grossing $439K in Marinette- Menominee area. Practice and RE offered at $305K. Call for more information. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800-3806872 or

The Jackson Pet Hospital is looking for a CVT to join our single-vet, SA practice. Duties include anesthesia monitoring, dentals, hospitalized patient care, laboratory sample handling and equipment maintenance, client contact and assistance with exams (patient restraint, blood draws, radiology). Any experience working with canine reproductive services is a plus. Compensation is commensurate with experience. Monthly bonuses based on clinic-wide performance based benchmarks. Health insurance reimbursement at six months. This is a FT position, with immediate availability. Fridays and weekends off. Please send resume and cover letter to Sam Bauman (practice manager) at Stoughton Veterinary Service is looking to add a FT licensed veterinary technician to our team. We have a great group of doctors, CVTs and support staff, as well as really wonderful clients. We have recently upgraded to digital x-ray with dental x-ray, as well as all new surgical monitoring equipment. Salary and benefits are negotiable based on experience. New graduates are encouraged to apply. Email CV/resume to North Heights Veterinary Clinic is now hiring a FT Veterinary Technician to add to our staff. We are a busy 6 doctor practice located in the heart of the valley. We are looking for someone to join our family that is dedicated and a team player. We fully utilize our technicians skills. Please send resumes to or 1001 W. Northland Avenue Appleton, WI 54914 Attn: Michelle or Dr. McDermott* Belle City Veterinary Hospital is seeking an experienced Certified Veterinary Technician to join our long-established, 5-doctor practice in Mt. Pleasant, Wisconsin. We are enthusiastic mentors newly licensed are encouraged to apply. On the shores of Lake Michigan, our practice offers a full in-house lab suite, paperless computer records, DR and Dental DR, Ultrasound, Therapy and Surgical Lasers. We encourage our CVT’s to utilize all of their skills to their fullest. Our approach to patient care is highly collaborative and we function together as a medical team. Hourly rate negotiable, medical, dental, vision, 401(k), vacation time, CE, dues and licensing benefits. Send inquiries to Amy Ray*

WANTING TO BUY Wanted: portable Ultrasound machine. Am a relief vet looking to provide some additional services. If you are upgrading your US, I might be interested in your older model. Send inquiries to kbressett@live.comor phone/text (413)522-2608

FOR SALE Used Equipment for sale. Great for startup. Innovet x-ray table, Abaxis HM5 and VS2, digital dental ScanX and generator, dental scaler, polisher/drill, tonopen, surgery table, floor scale, 2 banks of kennels. $16,500 for all. (715)410-0776.


Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association 4610 S. Biltmore Ln., Suite 107 Madison, WI 53718


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