WVMA In This Issue 2
From the President A Year to be Grateful
From the Executive Director Mentors are Powerful
In The News New Law is a Historic Triumph for Veterinarians, Animal Care
Legal Briefs A Thank You from a Lawyer to a Veterinarian
Cattle Castration and Dehorning Guidelines Available From AABP
Sell Veterinary Clients on Your Service
DEA Releases Final Rule on Disposal of Controlled Substances
Winter Retreat 2014 A Participant’s Perspective
16-19 Classifieds
October 2014
From a Student’s Perspective: The Future of Our Profession Will Mustas, WVMA Executive Board Student Representative As a student, I am aware of the long history of veterinary medicine. We learn about it every day in class, hear about it in speeches and talks, and base our practice of medicine on it. When I think about where veterinary medicine is currently and what the future of vet medicine is going to be, and where I’ll fit, it doesn’t feel like I am joining part of a long tradition but rather joining a fresh new start up. Veterinary medicine is becoming a more dynamic profession with new opportunities emerging as old practices fade away and as a result we are seeing a reallocation of where veterinarians are working. Our profession is facing new challenges while still dealing with some old ones, but every new challenge is an opportunity to improve our profession. In food animal medicine, we are witnessing a great transformation. More and more veterinarians are transitioning away from the traditional ambulatory practice model and are now becoming part of management teams. Food animal veterinarians are performing routine technical work less and less and becoming trainers, educators, and consultants. As a result of this I think we will ultimately see a reduced number of food animal veterinarians needed to serve the animal agriculture industry in the future. An area I am concerned about the reduction of veterinarians in is probably one of the most important from a public perspective; food safety and regulatory medicine. During my time as a student I have seen government funding for USDA decrease, resulting in fewer veterinarians at Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), and Food and Safety Inspection Service (FSIS). If we have a major problem in our country like Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) or Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) will we have enough veterinarians trained and ready to respond to such an incident? As a profession we must be more active in explaining to politicians and the public the value of agriculture to our economy. We don’t have to look very far back in history to demonstrate the importance of being prepared to respond to a wide spread disease outbreak. As a student who is going to be graduating soon I am concerned about the often stated oversupply of veterinarians. We have for-profit veterinary schools graduating tremendous amounts of DVMs every year. New schools will be opening in the near future and nearly all schools are expanding their class sizes. I think it’s important the profession really scrutinizes these actions to determine if this actually the best thing for the profession. I think it’s necessary to look at what happened in the dental field during the 80’s and 90’s and not let that happen to us. This being the case, I do not look at my future with despair. I see veterinarians in many areas creating innovative practices that a few years ago didn’t exist. There are now practices that specialize in rehabilitation >>> Continued on Page 4 1
A Year to be Grateful
Chris Booth, DVM
This column brings to a conclusion my term as the WVMA President. I hope that I have provided some insight, inspiration or useful information during the past year that in some small or big way has helped you personally or professionally. I thought I would keep this last column on a little lighter note and use this space to share a few thoughts on things that I am grateful for. Veterinary Medicine – A great profession
Ever since I was a little boy on my family’s dairy farm watching our veterinarian perform his tasks, I knew I wanted to be a veterinarian. I was inspired to help sick animals become well again or to deliver a newborn calf. Little did I know back then about just how great and noble of a career we live as veterinarians. Each and every day we are blessed to help animals, people and society in a wide range of ways that very few of us truly understood when we chose this career path. Our opportunities and experiences are truly unlimited. WVMA – A great organization
When I first graduated from veterinary school, I’ll be honest and share that the only reason I became a WVMA member was because my employer paid for it. I didn’t have an understanding of what the WVMA was about or an appreciation for just how important and vital of an organization it is for my career in so many ways. I’m thankful my employer set me out on the right pathway and excited that the WVMA has been building relationships with veterinary students in recent years. The most rewarding part about serving as an Executive Board member is gaining knowledge and understanding of the vast array of ways that the WVMA supports veterinarians each day. As I have asked many times before, please share some of your abilities and talents by serving a role within the WVMA at some point in your career. Family, Friends and Co-workers - A great support team
For me, each day starts with my number one priority - my family. I have a wonderful wife and four great kids that give me inspiration and support each and every day in everything I do. My goal is to return that support back to them in whatever ways they need. I am also blessed to have lots of other family, friends and clients that are available to assist in whatever ways might be needed. Finally I would like to give a thank you out to my staff and partners at Dairy Doctors Veterinary Services who graciously agreed to cover my workload whenever needed so that I could serve as your WVMA President. Have a great day!
Chris Booth, DVM
District 5
Judith Batker, DVM
Jane Clark, DVM
District 6
Alan Holter, DVM
Treasurer Thomas H. Howard, DVM
Past President
K.C. Brooks, DVM, DABVP
District 7
Kimberly Kratt, DVM
AVMA Delegate Ann Sherwood Zieser, DVM
Executive Director Kim Brown Pokorny Executive Assistant Torrie Kennedy Communications and Project Specialist Bailey Quam Development and Marketing Specialist Jeremy Panizza Food Armor™ Dr. Katie Mrdutt Outreach Specialist
District 1 Peter Gaveras, DVM
District 8 Michael Wolf, DVM
Dean, UW-SVM
District 2 Zachary Janssen, DVM
District 9
Gary Johnson, DVM
State Veterinarian Paul McGraw, DVM
District 3
Ann Sosalla, DVM
Student Rep.
Will Mustas
WVDL Director
Peter Vanderloo, DVM
District 4
James Ziegler, DVM
Student Rep.
Brandon Scharping
2 October
Mark Markel, DVM, PhD
The WVMA Voice is published on the 15th day of each month by the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association, 2801 Crossroads Dr., Ste. 1200, Madison, WI 53718; (608) 257-3665; toll-free (888) 254-5202; fax (608) 257-8989; e-mail: wvma@wvma.org; website: www.wvma.org. It is sent free of charge to all WVMA members. Office hours: 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday-Friday.
First 30 words $10; each additional word $1.50.
Non-member: F irst 30 words $50; each additional word $1.50. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads. Classified ads run for two months and must be renewed for additional months. Classified ads are to be received by the first working day of the month. Display advertising is available at the editors’ discretion. Call (608) 257-3665 for more information. The deadline for receipt of all material submitted for publication is the first working day of the month, to insure consideration for the next month’s newsletter. Subscriptions are available for $36 annually. (Non-member, in-state veterinarians not eligible.)
January 1
January 15
February 1
February 15
March 1
March 15
April 1 April 15
May 1 May 15
June 1 June 15
July 1 July 15
December 1
December 15
September August 1 August 15 October
September 1 September 15
November October 1 October 15 December November 1 November 15
Mentors Are Powerful
Kim Brown Pokorny
WVMA student members are now settled into classes and pursuing their lifelong dream of becoming a veterinarian. When engaging in student activities, I often ask students where they get their inspiration from, or what made them decide to pursue a career in veterinary medicine. Many answer, a veterinarian inspired me. While I was reading a book titled “One” I came across the following reflection, titled The Nudge. “Every day we all have chance encounters with strangers, passing conversations with neighbors and routine contacts with our friends, colleagues or customers. If you think they don’t matter, consider this: A ball placed at the crest of a hill might roll into several different valleys depending on slight differences in initial position…or simply by an unexpected bump or “nudge” along the route. It’s the same in life. You don’t have to be a “person of influence” to be influential. If you think back on your own life, it’s very likely that some of the most influential people in your world may not even be aware of the things they taught you, or the direction they moved you. Sometimes a patient, loving, well-intentioned minute from a busy but caring person can translated into a magnificent life-changing nudge for someone else. You have that power – use it.” This summarizes what I hear from veterinary students about the difference some of you have had on their lives. I encourage our entire membership to reach out to our veterinary medical students, a high school student in your community or a student acquaintance and mentor them. There is a reason that being a veterinarian is the greatest career in the world. It’s because you care for animals, but you also care for people. Pay it forward and continue to care for the future…students. n
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From a Student’s Perspective:The Future of Our Profession
>>> Continued from Page 1
and physical therapy, behavior specialty practices and many more. The versatility of the DVM allows for veterinarians to seek out these new opportunities and adapt to changing conditions. While we have made advances in many areas we are still facing some of the same issues over and over again and need to increase our efforts in some areas. Even with great progress in shelter medicine reducing the number of animals being euthanized we still have an unacceptable number of animals that are being euthanized every year throughout the country. As a profession we still have difficulty communicating the value of our services to our clients and the public. How do we sell value in a
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4 October
world of Dr. Google? I can’t count the number of times I have talked to someone about veterinary school and they had no idea that it was a 4 year professional school program. This is definitely something that hurts our ability to charge appropriately for our services. I don’t know for certain where the profession is heading or what being a vet 50 years from now will mean. New practice models are emerging, some traditional practice models are disappearing, and the legal status of animals could change. What I do know is that wherever vet medicine goes we will make a large impact on society and I am excited to be part of it. n
New Law is a Historic Triumph for Veterinarians, Animal Care In a major victory for the veterinary profession and the healthcare of our nation’s animals, the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association (WVMA) and American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) would like to thank President Barack Obama for signing into law a crucial bill that makes it legal for veterinarians to provide complete medical care to their animal patients beyond their clinics and across state lines. The Veterinary Medicine Mobility Act (H.R. 1528) amends a restrictive provision within the Controlled Substances Act, which previously barred veterinarians from carrying and using controlled substances— necessary for pain management, anesthesia and euthanasia— beyond their registered locations, often their clinics. “By passing and signing this legislation, the president and our legislators recognize the critical role veterinarians play in treating sick animals and relieving their pain and suffering. The health and welfare of our nation’s wildlife, food animals, and even our companion animals depend on veterinarians being allowed to do their jobs wherever the need arises,” said Dr. Ted Cohn, president of the AVMA. “As veterinarians, we promise to use our medical expertise for the protection of animal health and welfare and the prevention and relief of animal suffering. On behalf of our members, I would like to thank the president and Congress for allowing us complete access to the medications we need to fulfill our oath to society.”
Member Benefit Program
The WVMA has aligned with following companies to offer WVMA member’s exclusive benefits - Staples Advantage, Land’s End, ScriptSave, Professional Insurance Programs, Association Gloves and Avis. Visit www.wvma.org to take advantage of the member benefits program and start saving today!
For more than two years, the AVMA has been diligently working with the Drug Enforcement Administration and Congress in search of a statutory clarification to the Controlled Substances Act so that its member veterinarians would not be subject to repercussions should they transport, administer or dispense controlled substances while providing care outside of the locations where those substances are registered. Closing the loophole on this regulation has been particularly important for veterinarians who provide care in rural areas, respond to emergencies in the field, provide “house call” services for their clients, remove dangerous wild animals or rescue them from traps, conduct research and disease control efforts in the field, and provide routine medical care across state lines when they live on a state’s border. AVMA’s advocacy efforts led to more than 27,000 letters sent to members of Congress in support of this bill and the endorsement by over 130 veterinary medical and other organizations. The Veterinary Medicine Mobility Act (H.R. 1528) was sponsored by the only two veterinarians serving in Congress—Reps. Kurt Schrader (D-Ore.) and Ted Yoho (R-Fla.)—and passed in the U.S. House on July 8. The bill mirrored a version (S. 1171) that passed in the Senate earlier this year, sponsored by Sens. Jerry Moran (R-Kansas) and Angus King (I-Maine). Due to congressional procedure, the Senate chose to pass the House version through unanimous consent on July 16 in order to send the bill to the president for signature. n
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Speakers invited for 2015 AVMA convention The AVMA is seeking proposals from veterinary professionals and other individuals who would like to present a session at the 2015 AVMA Annual Convention, July 10-14 in Boston. Starting Jan. 21, 2014, potential speakers can submit their presentation proposals electronically on the AVMA Convention website, www.avmaconvention.org. Additional information is available by emailing avma_ce@avma.org.
6 October
A Thank You from a Lawyer to a Veterinarian Stephen A. DiTullio, DeWitt Ross & Stevens s.c.
This past spring, our family member with the coldest nose but warmest heart died. Manny, our Golden Doodle of 13 years and a true and complete joy in our lives, was gently and compassionately put to rest by the same veterinarian who had cared for him during his entire life. A chapter closed in our lives on that cool spring day, but it closed with the incredible professionalism and compassion for which Wisconsin veterinarians are well regarded. Regular readers of this column are aware that each month Attorneys Brian Anderson, Greg Scallon, Megan Senatori and I take turns presenting a brief assessment of different legal issues that might be of interest and importance to your respective veterinary practice. We try to cover those legal issues in which your veterinary practice might be most interested and on which each of us spends most of our time addressing on a weekly basis -- licensing, business, transactions, employment issues, animal rights, employee benefits, and tax to name just a few. This month, I want to do something completely different. I want to thank you.
decision is not always easy to make. Manny’s life was wonderful. He lived a great and healthy life in part due to the excellent care provided to him by our veterinarian throughout his life. When Manny’s time came to leave this good earth, it was unexpected as he had been fairly healthy despite his advancing age. That only made the loss that much harder. Once we had made our decision, I was amazed and impressed when our veterinarian and her technician came to our home to allow Manny to end his life in his own bed amongst the family members to whom he brought such joy. And several weeks later, I was frankly overwhelmed when our veterinarian made a monetary gift in memory of Manny to the Companion Animal Fund at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine. While this month’s Legal Briefs column may not have provided anything in the way of legal guidance, it is a means for one lawyer to express to the veterinary community a heartfelt thank you for what each of you do every day. Veterinarians are a special breed (no pun intended)!!!!!! You all should be very proud. n
Specifically, I want to thank you for being part of such an honorable profession that when our hearts ache with the passing of our animal companions, you are there with kind words. I want to thank you for the respect that you provide to members of our family -- both animal and human -- at the end of life’s journey. I want to thank you for your technical skills in easing the suffering of our animals at the end of their lives. I want to thank you for the quality of care and skills that you provide from puppyhood to end of life and all stages in between. I want to thank you for understanding when our animal companions don’t cooperate and behave quite as well as they do at home during an office visit. I want to thank your office staffs for being helpful, friendly, and sensitive both in times of health and times of mourning for our animal companions. I want to thank you for the gentleness with which you treat the Mannys of the world with whom each of you deal with regularly as they end their lives. I want to thank you for your patience in explaining the considerations, answering our questions, and understanding the emotions that come with making an end-of-life decision for our animal family members. As you know, such a
Cattle Castration and Dehorning Guidelines Available From AABP Guidelines offer information on current castration and dehorning practices that emphasize cattle welfare.
American Association of Bovine Practitioners The American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP) has created Castration and Dehorning Guidelines for general guidelines for the castration and dehorning of beef and dairy cattle (http://aabp.org/about/AABP_Guidelines.asp). These guidelines are meant to assist veterinarians and their clients in enhancing the welfare of cattle on beef and dairy farms by providing information on how best to approach dehorning and castration of calves. “These new guidelines for castration and dehorning represent our combined view on the best approach to be taken for performing these procedures, melding science where it exists with sound judgment and commonsense where science is less clear, accepting that the veterinarian of record for the farm is likely the best person to ultimately determine the most appropriate combination of procedures,” says AABP Past President Dr. Nigel Cook, University of Wisconsin. “They will be updated regularly as new science emerges so that our recommendations represent the best possible approaches available.”
The guidelines discuss age at castration and dehorning, proper chemical or manual restraint, different methods used to castrate and dehorn, and anesthesia and pain relief. “These new guidelines accept that these are painful procedures where pain mitigation is a priority,” Cook explains. “They provide the most up-to-date recommendations for the use of different procedures for castration and dehorning, the use of local anesthesia and the use of long-acting pain relieving pharmaceuticals.” Cook stresses, however, that these are guidelines only, not legislation. “They allow the veterinarian to work with their clients in deciding the most appropriate procedures for a given farm situation,” he says. “It is the veterinary profession that should take the lead in providing the most appropriate practices for the circumstances that exist on any given farm.” Use of anesthetics or pain mitigation may include extra-label drug use as provided for in the Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act, and their use should be based on the judgment of the farm’s veterinarian of record with a veterinarian-client-patient relationship (VCPR). See AABP’s VCPR Guidelines and the Castration and Dehorning Guidelines at http://aabp.org/about/AABP_Guidelines.asp. AABP is a membership-based, not-for-profit organization serving cattle veterinary medicine professionals across the United States, Canada and other countries. Visit www.aabp.org or like us on Facebook. n
Take Full Advantage of Social Media From the WVMA! Crank up your clinic’s social media! Share, retweet or repost any of the content the WVMA posts on Facebook, Twitter or on wvma.org on your clinics social media! All information shared on these sites is for our members to help in sharing news and can also be shared with clients. If you have not already, like us on Facebook, Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association and follow us on Twitter, @WVMA. By following the WVMA through these outlets, you will be able to stay current on happenings in Wisconsin and on the national veterinary medical scene.
8 October
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Sell Veterinary Clients on Your Service
But you don’t have to have butler-style service to win new clients and keep existing clients happy.
W. Dane Foxwell and Andrew Roark, DVM, MS – DVM360 When was the last time you received sub-par customer service? I recently ran into trouble with an online travel-booking service and ended up spending hours on hold. I traded emails with people who weren’t willing or able to help me and ultimately swore I would drive across the country before I used that company again. In short, my experience was so bad that I’ve sworn off that company for good, and if I could hurt their website’s feelings, I would. Did I tell my friends of my displeasure? You bet. Now, think about the last time someone wowed you with customer service. For me, I was in a restaurant last month where the waitress treated me like I was the only person there. She explained what the restaurant was known for, shared what was popular and asked questions about the kinds of dishes I generally like. When the meal was over, I didn’t want a to-go box—I wanted a job there. I often tell friends about this restaurant and hope to get back as soon as possible. But here’s the interesting part: The food wasn’t particularly amazing. It was very good, but there are lots of restaurants with very good food. The way the staff there made me feel, however, was incredible. That’s the power of outstanding customer service. At its core, customer service is simply the pursuit of customer satisfaction. Studies have shown that a satisfied customer is more likely to become a loyal customer, which is important for two bottomline reasons1. (Head over tohttp://dvm360.com/service for a list of references mentioned in this article.) First, the cost of attracting a new client can be as much as 10 times the cost of retaining an existing one2. Second, satisfied and loyal customers are more willing to pay higher prices than neutral or dissatisfied clients1. Not surprisingly, the cost of dissatisfied customers is high. While the average satisfied customer tells eight people about their experience, the average dissatisfied customer tells 222. Given this reality, it’s worth investing some time in trying to ensure that pet owners visiting your practice feel as satisfied as possible.
You can get the ball moving on more and better interaction two easy ways. First, for team buy-in, explain this idea at a team meeting and ask for help. Second, simply lead by example. Greet staff members every morning with a positive attitude and encourage them to do the same to each other. This way when they interact with a customer, it will be something they automatically do, rather than something they need to think about. 2 – Improve the customer experience
There are three segments of the customer experience: before the service, during the service and after the service4. Before the pet owner comes to your clinic, opportunities to improve the experience include phone calls, wellness care reminders, your website and your social media interactions. During the service, you can boost client satisfaction by minimizing wait times, designing pleasant clinic aesthetics, making sure your team is professionally dressed and, most important, effectively communicating the value of goods and services. After the service, interactions such as follow-up >>> Continued on Page 11
Here are five tips, backed by customer service research, to help ensure your clinic is making a good impression on pet owners. 1 – Communicate more
One study showed that the more people who positively interact and communicate with customers, the more likely it is that customers will feel satisfied with their experience3. This means pet owners who have positive interactions with two front-desk staff members, three technicians and two veterinarians are more likely to become loyal clients than pet owners who interact with one front-desk staff member, one technician and one veterinarian. Simply having everyone on your staff greet each person they meet can make a difference. A smile and a “hello” is all it takes.
WVMA Partners
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10 October
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Sell Veterinary Clients on Your Service >>> Continued From Page 9
calls and educational emails may further improve the overall pet owner experience. Always remember: The customer’s perception of experience quality is more strongly affected by how the experience was delivered than what service was delivered4. (Up to a point, obviously. Friendly, timely interactions can’t make up for poor clinical care.) Attitude may not be everything, but it makes a huge difference.
becomes apparent when we consider that just a 5 percent increase in customer retention can lead to anywhere from a 25 to 85 percent increase in bottom-line production2. When pet owners are unhappy, find some immediate way to show that you hear their concerns and then make things right in a way that quickly and effectively addresses their issue.
3 – Exceed expectations
Remember that people equate the speed in which we return their phone calls to how important we believe that person to be. Responding quickly, even if it’s only to let an angry pet owner know that their complaint has been heard and is being investigated, may mean the difference between having the opportunity to work through a problem and reading about the problem in a negative online review of your practice.
The relationship between expectations and satisfaction is nonlinear, which means that the amount by which you exceed or fail to meet an expectation does not directly relate to how satisfied or dissatisfied a pet owner will be with your service. The fact is, even slightly exceeding a customer’s expectations can produce major increases in his or her satisfaction. On a basic level, customers coming to a veterinary hospital expect very little. They expect to come to a clean building, to be seen relatively quickly and to have their pet’s health evaluated by people who treat them and their pets with care and respect. Fortunately, this leaves a lot of room for exceeding expectations. You might do that by offering coffee for customers and snacks for pets, providing up-to-date reading material or doggy toys in the waiting room, or having receptionists greet all clients and pets by name. With that said, don’t confuse providing “little extras” with delivering a great basic service. Getting a cup of coffee is nice, but not if it’s served in a dirty waiting room 30 minutes after a client’s appointment was scheduled to begin.
Research on the subject of customer satisfaction has again and again come to the same conclusion: There are major economic benefits to making customers feel satisfied. Beyond the business benefits, there’s an upside that’s not so easy to measure, but which matters just the same—the pride you and your clinic staff feel in having provided the best possible service to those who came to you for help. W. Dane Foxwell is a fourth-year DVM student at the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Andy Roark also contributed to this article. He practices in Greenville, S.C. and is the founder and managing director of veterinary consulting firm Tall Oaks Enterprises. n
4 – Put clients’ minds at ease
From start to finish: Ease of access, convenience, process ease, familiarity, perception of expertise and the relationship built with the customer are some of the biggest factors in customer satisfaction4. Pet owners who must struggle to find your clinic, grapple with their dog while they sign in, comprehend an incomplete explanation of their pets’ medical conditions or struggle to form a relationship with your staff won’t feel content and relaxed. You can soothe customer nerves and bolster their confidence in your service by simplifying and streamlining the check-in/out processes, clearly addressing all concerns when they come up and assisting with unloading or loading pets from vehicles. The main point here is that small efforts to make the entire process as smooth and relaxed as possible for both the pet and the pet owner can pay off in a big way. 5 – Handle unhappy customers quickly and effectively
Fact: 8 percent of unhappy customers will become loyal customers if they feel their complaint was handled quickly and effectively. That may not sound like much, but the significance
Contributions give us an opportunity to open doors and engage in conversations with policy makers on issues important to you! A $25 personal contribution can make a big difference.
Make a donation at www.wvma.org! Legislative policies shape our ability to practice veterinary medicine and impact the small businesses we own and work for. Decisions increasingly influence: • Regulation and scope of practice • Animal welfare • Licensing and unlicensed practice • Public health • Business operations including employment and tax laws • Food safety
Your profession. Your livelihood. Your future. Your voice, amplified. Contributions must be made on a voluntary basis from a personal account. Contributions cannot be made from corporate or business accounts.
Take Full Advantage of Social Media From the WVMA! Crank up your clinic’s social media! Share, retweet or repost any of the content the WVMA posts on Facebook, Twitter or on wvma.org on your clinics social media! All information shared on these sites is for our members to help in sharing news and can also be shared with clients. If you have not already, like us on Facebook, Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association and follow us on Twitter, @WVMA. By following the WVMA through these outlets, you will be able to stay current on happenings in Wisconsin and on the national veterinary medical scene.
12 October
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DEA Releases Final Rule on Disposal of Controlled Substances Department of Natural Resources The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) announced its final rule on the disposal of controlled substances takes effect on October 9, 2014, 30 days after its publication date of September 9th. DEA’s summary of the rule:
This rule governs the secure disposal of controlled substances by registrants and ultimate users. These regulations will implement the Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010 by expanding the options available to collect controlled substances from ultimate users for the purpose of disposal, including: take-back events, mail-back programs, and collection receptacle locations. These regulations contain specific language allowing law enforcement to voluntarily continue to conduct take-back events, administer mail-back programs, and maintain collection receptacles. These regulations will allow authorized manufacturers, distributors, reverse distributors, narcotic treatment programs (NTPs), hospitals/clinics with an on-site pharmacy, and retail pharmacies to voluntarily administer mail-back programs and maintain collection receptacles. In addition, this rule expands the authority of authorized hospitals/clinics and retail pharmacies to voluntarily maintain collection receptacles at long-term care facilities. This rule also reorganizes and consolidates previously existing regulations on disposal, including the role of reverse distributors. Access the final rule and fact sheets for the general public, DEA registrants and long term care facilities: http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/drug_disposal/index.html
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Member Benefit Program
The WVMA has aligned with following companies to offer WVMA member’s exclusive benefits - Staples Advantage, Land’s End, ScriptSave, Professional Insurance Programs, Association Gloves and Avis. Visit www.wvma.org to take advantage of the member benefits program and start saving today!
14 October
Winter Retreat 2014 – A Participant’s Perspective Dr. Jim Ziegler
This past March, I attended the WVMA winter retreat with a number of my staff. I was fortunate to have all areas of the clinic work force in attendance- an associate DVM, receptionists, CVT’s, assistants, kennel help and our office manager. The goal was to have all aspects of the clinics duties represented, which we accomplished. In the end, the staff labeled the experience “the best staff meeting we have ever had.” The presentations of life long care were very good and got us thinking outside the box in how we approach pet health care. My staff particularly enjoyed the coaching in goal setting and developing the ability to follow through to achieve our goals. The hurdles and barriers to follow through were discussed to prepare us for the inevitable setbacks that every clinic experiences when implementing change. My staff particularly enjoyed the breakout session on Sunday when we picked a specific goal for the clinic and used the techniques we learned to plan how to achieve the goal. Each individual was motivated when they realized that they had a say in the process. The
recognition of everyone’s ideas was energizing, and in the end, we developed a plan incorporating everyone’s input. The exciting part for me as a practice owner is that we have indeed implemented change within the clinic as a result of the retreat. The changes have not only resulted in better patient care but are also generating more revenue for the clinic. As to be expected, there have been some glitches along the way, but we deal with them as they present themselves. Once we feel comfortable that the changes that we have implemented have become habit, we will use the same techniques we learned to start addressing changes needed in other areas. In conclusion, we found the winter retreat to be a very beneficial experience. While providing a CE experience for the clinic did carry a certain price tag, I feel confident that I will receive a good return on my investment. Thank you to the WVMA for a wonderful event. n
Support the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Foundation today!
The WVMF’s goal is to fund activities supporting the veterinary medical community and those we serve. • Charitable • Outreach • Education
Want to make a tax-deductible donation? Contact the WVMA at 608-257-3665 15
The WVMA has made changes to the classified ad fee structure beginning with new ads submitted for the May 2011 issue. All classified ads including veterinary relief ads will be published at the following rate: Members: First 30 words, $10. Every additional word after 30 is $1.50 per word. Non-members: First 30 words, $50. Every additional word is $1.50 per word. Ads will run 2 consecutive months, and then be removed, unless the WVMA is notified you would like to continue your ad for another 2 month run. You will be invoiced at the end of the first month during a 2 month period. Ads are placed online at the beginning of the month they are featured in the newsletter. Immediate placement of ads is an additional $25 fee. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads. SMALL ANIMAL Emergency Veterinarian needed for our fully equipped, 10,000 sq. ft. emergency/critical care and specialty hospital in Milwaukee. We have Critical Care specialists, a boarded surgeon, board certified internal medicine specialist, board certified dentist, behaviorist, rehabilitation therapy and an excellent technical and support staff that provides the highest quality care to our patients, pet owners, and referring vets. The ideal candidate will be emergency trained, possess strong communication skills, and enjoy working in a stimulating and challenging environment. We offer an excellent salary and benefits package. Email your resume to Marla Lichtenberger, marlavet@aol.com or call (414) 543-7387 for more information. Are you ready to love where you work and play on the shores of Lake Michigan? Then Wolf Merrick Animal Hospital is for you. We are seeking a dedicated, enthusiastic professional to join our highly qualified team as an Associate Veterinarian. Our AAHA certified practice is a well-established, full-service, SA veterinary hospital that focuses on “Standards of Care” and comprehensive medical, surgical and dental care. To join our dynamic and compassionate team our ideal candidate will have strong proven communication skills, is very team orientated with at least 2 years of experience in general medicine and surgery. The Associate Veterinarian will have high quality equipment at their fingertips which includes: endoscope, ultrasound, doppler blood pressure measurement, ocular tonometry, telemedicine, and fully equipped laboratory. We are located on the shores of Lake Michigan in beautiful Kenosha. Kenosha has a wonderful farmers
16 October
market, lake shore activities and many family events. Kenosha is also home to America’s largest municipal recreation facility. There is something for everyone! The generous benefit package includes: base salary – plus production, all licenses paid, continuing education, paid time off, plus additional benefits, relocation expense allowance potential. Candidate must have license and be eligible to practice in Wisconsin. Sarah, a ten year veteran at Wolf Merrick states that Kenosha has a small town feel with large city benefits as it is located between Milwaukee WI and Chicago IL. She feels like she works with the most caring people in the business and with staff that goes above and beyond to ensure that the pets are treated like one of their own. Wolf Merrick definitely has that family feeling! A preemployment drug screen and background check will be required of the successful candidate. Please visit us on the web at http:// wolf-merrick.com. Send resume to jdunston@vmc-inc.com. PT Veterinarian needed in a 2.5 doctor practice, in southeastern suburb of Milwaukee. Experienced preferred and would consider FT for right candidate. Friendly staff, great hours, and competitive salary. No on call services required, and every-other Saturday off. Send resume to chicagoroadvet@gmail.com. SA multi-doctor practice in Milwaukee is looking for a FT veterinarian. Work 4 days a week with full benefits and compensation. We are equipped with all the diagnostic tools and toys to practice quality medicine. 1-2 years’ experience with interest in exotics or complimentary medicine is preferred. New graduates with exceptional ability can also be considered. If interested, please forward your résumé to the attention of Dr. Singh, drgss95@yahoo.com or call (608) 347-8668. The Franklin Veterinary Clinic is seeking a PT veterinarian to join our practice. The clinic is equipped with digital radiography, Schatz endoscope Abaxis in house lab equipment and nova pulse CO2 laser. The clinic is located in a fast growing suburb of Milwaukee County. No after-hours emergencies and a retirement plan is available. If interested please contact J Thebert, (414) 425-1955 or submit resume’ to jthebert@live.com. Oak Creek Veterinary Care is a new and well-equipped SA clinic located across the street from Oak Creek’s newest retail, commercial, residential, and civic development, Drexel Town Square. We are looking for individuals who have a sincere concern for the welfare of all of our clients and their pets. Through our vision, the primary needs of the patient always come first. Qualified applicants for veterinarians and licensed veterinarian technicians must demonstrate a willingness to change in response to the changing needs of society, a continuous effort toward excellence and integrity in everyday practice, and an interest in their professional progress as well as the progress of every other team member. Our practice is fully computerized and will include services such as an in-house laboratory, endoscopy, ultrasonography, digital radiography, surgery, emergency and critical care, therapeutic laser, and a dental suite with digital dental radiography. The ideal candidate must be ready to practice with a team that is well managed and highly experienced. Doctors will be expected to attend rounds, present research or cases, and perform in-house continuous education. We always encourage our doctors and staff to have a voice and to offer ideas to improve and make us better. Salary is based on experience, and benefits include paid vacation, a retirement plan, CE, insurance - both health and liability
license costs, and uniform allowance. Send resumes to: Oak Creek Veterinary Care, P.O. Box 370276, Milwaukee, WI 53237. PT Associate Vet wanted for a fast paced well established Veterinary Hospital in Waukesha, WI. Hours would be Wednesdays, Fridays, and every other Saturday. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. Please email resume to Sue Ross at: gentlecarevet1@att.net. FT associate for rapidly growing hospital in Madison. Full service hospital, in house laboratory, digital radiology, high speed dental. No emergency duties. Contact Dr. Terry Trepel, (608) 243-1649. PT/FT SA Veterinarian needed at Black Earth Veterinary Clinic. We are a high quality practice just west of Madison with a wellestablished but growing clientele. Looking for a compassionate DVM with experience, but will consider exceptional new graduates. Strong surgical and dentistry skills are desired. Start date flexible but hoping for September or early October. Benefits include vacation, sick, CE, dues, liability coverage and more. Please send a resume and cover letter to Leslie Parr at 1940 Blue Mounds St., Black Earth, WI 53515 or email blackearthvetclinic@yahoo.com. Well established, multi-doctor practice looking to expand with FT veterinarian. Excellent and energetic staff! Nice doctors apply only! Please contact Rich Weaver at: Bluemound Animal Hospital, 16520 W. Bluemound Rd, Brookfield, WI 53005, (262) 782-5805, bluemoundanimal@aol.com. FT SA Veterinarian needed for newly acquired multi doctor practice. Hospital is well established with a large clientele base. Minimum of 3-5 years’ experience required. Ideal candidate will have strong surgical competence, practice progressive medicine with evidencebased workups, possess excellent bed side manner and understand client relations. The position is a leader-type role as the practice transitions with newly purchased equipment and services. Flexible start date and competitive compensation package. Practice is located in picturesque Fond Du Lac, only an hour from the city life of Milwaukee and the country living of the Fox Valley. Please send resumes to Isaiah Gray at ingraynor@gmail.com. Seeking veterinarian to help launch a SA medical center as a division of an established 6 doctor equine service. Client base is built in and ready to go. Job description is for a motivated and ambitious individual comfortable working solo while building a SA practice. Compensation based on experience, merit and production. FT employment with no emergencies and a quality benefit package. Existing facility has 4 exam rooms, pharmacy, lab, treatment area, and surgery suite. Located in prime area for both professional and personal growth. We are a country based service offering quality veterinary care with family based customer service. Contact: Bristol Veterinary Service, S.C., 17622 Burlington Rd., Union Grove, WI 53182. Email: bristolvet@yahoo.com. Animal Doctor, Inc., Muskego, WI, is a SA veterinary clinic where the best pet health comes from the practical blend of western and eastern medicine, along with natural nutrition. Clients are progressive and grateful for our integrative approach. Salary commensurate with experience, pet care benefits, CE including travel, dues paid and generous vacation time. Visit www. animaldoctormuskego.com/contact/careers for more information. Send cover letter and resume to careers@animaldoctormuskego.com. Appanasha Pet Clinic in Menasha, WI is looking for a motivated, personable SA veterinarian to join us FT in our 6 doctor practice. Enjoy practicing high quality medicine and surgery in a dedicated
yet relaxed environment. Work in a new facility that received a Veterinary Economics Hospital Design Merit Award. Become part of the team that has been awarded Best of the Valley Veterinary Clinic for the past 9 years. This is an excellent opportunity to build for long term success. Multiple benefits offered. Visit www. appanashapetclinic.com to learn more about us. Contact Julie Hilker or Dr. Mary Ann Hittle at appanasha@tds.net, (920) 7258307, or send resume to APC, 1205 Wittmann Drive, Menasha, WI 54952. FT veterinarian needed for a busy SA practice located in south central Wisconsin. No emergencies, located 1 hour from Madison or Milwaukee. Please contact Dr. O’Tool or Lois at (608) 362-1515 orcvahstaff@tds.net. Fourth DVM wanted for a well-established, growing SA practice in Milwaukee. Experience preferred, but new graduates welcome to apply. Send resume to: West Allis Veterinary Clinic, 11504 W. Greenfield Ave., West Allis, WI 53214. Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists is an independently owned, specialty practice with three locations north, south, and central to downtown Milwaukee along the shores of beautiful Lake Michigan. We are seeking a FT, experienced Emergency Veterinarian to join our team. In addition to delivering superior quality medicine, we always take the time to care. It’s a mantra we live by! The hospital is fully equipped with Eklin digital radiography, ultrasound, CT, MR, endoscopy (flexible and rigid), integrated PACS system, complete in-house integrated laboratory as well as comprehensive patient monitoring systems. We are supported by a wonderful group of referring veterinarians who are committed to a team approach to veterinary medicine. We offer weekly in-house CE including journal club and morbidity & mortality rounds. Ideal candidates are highly motivated individuals with exceptional skills in communication, collaboration, and leadership. 2-3 years of veterinary emergency experience is preferred. We offer competitive compensation with benefits that include: health and dental insurance, PTO, CE, uniform allowance, licensure, dues, and employer matching retirement plan. LVS is an equal opportunity employer. To apply for this great opportunity, please send your resume to: Kristin Greenwood, Human Resources, kgreenwood@lakeshorevetspecialists.com. Appleton 5 doctor SA practice is looking for an enthusiastic, motivated FT associate. Excellent support staff with wonderful clients. We are a busy practice offering varied caseload. No afterhours emergencies. Reasonable work schedule with Saturday morning. Competitive salary and benefits package. Please send resume to: North Heights Veterinary Clinic, LLC, 1001 West Northland Ave., Appleton, WI. (920) 739-7816.* Bay View Veterinary Clinic has an exciting opportunity for an experienced associate veterinarian to join our team. Our team provides exceptional quality care including outstanding preventative medical and surgical care in a manner flexible to the clients’ needs. Our standards include a clean hospital, courteous, knowledgeable staff. We have respect for all living things, and aim to provide an exceptional experience for every client. Our modern facility allows us to practice excellent medicine including advanced surgeries. Our skilled and supportive staff is excited to add a new veterinarian to our team. We are searching for an experienced veterinarian who is interested in helping lead our team. Our surgical case load requires a veterinarian with broad surgical skills, including basic orthopedics. Experience or an interest in ultrasound would be ideal. We reward our veterinarians
with a generous compensation package including a competitive salary, medical, dental, and liability insurance, as well as CE, PTO and more. Please contact Stephanie Ragsdale at sragsdale@vetcor.com.*
Looking for FT or PT veterinarian. Well-equipped hospital, flexible hours, excellent support staff. We practice traditional medicine, would like to offer alternative also. Please email westoshavet@ yahoo.com.*
Hiring associate veterinarian for SA exclusive practice in the Madison, WI area. Practice is progressive and offers flexible work hours. Offering FT employment with competitive pay. Contact Dr. Kaleka, (920) 344-4975 or jkaleka@sbcglobal.net.*
PT DVM needed for busy SA (cats & dogs only) AAHA certified practice located on Milwaukee’s Northshore. We practice high quality veterinary medicine with an emphasis on client communication. We currently have 4 DVM’s and are looking for a 5th to join our team. We are equipped with digital radiography, digital dental radiography, Surgivet Monitoring equipment and ultrasound. We offer a production based pay & benefits. No afterhours emergencies! Please send your resume to Shorewood Animal Hospital, 2500 E. Capitol Drive, Shorewood, WI 53211, attn: Julie or submit by e-mail to julievolkmann@wi.rr.com.*
We are looking for the right associate for our busy, wellequipped SA clinic. The ideal candidate will be looking to develop a committed relationship with patients, clients and the community. Prefer a minimum of 2 years experience. Future ownership potential. Contact Dr. Jana Hoyer at hoyerdvm@ gmail.com or (414) 529-3577.* FT Experienced Veterinarian wanted for a SA, AAHA accredited practice in Kenosha, WI. We are well equipped with surgical laser, ultrasound, telemedicine, endoscopy, complete laboratory, and the latest in anesthetic monitoring equipment. Benefits include 401K, CE and more. Competitive salary, with bonus. Email resume to wendyt@wolf-merrick.com.* I am a Wisconsin graduate from 1989. I recently purchased the veterinary hospital where I have been an associate for the last 14 years. The practice is located in sunny, warm and snow free Tempe, Arizona. I am looking for a FT doctor with at least 5 years of surgical experience. You must enjoy surgery, as you will be performing lots of it! Admittedly, I am not a surgeon and prefer the medicine part of practice life. We have digital radiography, including digital dental, up to date anesthetic monitoring equipment, in house lab machines, in house stem cell processing equipment, along with some other fun stuff! We are a small independent hospital, so if you want to avoid cookie cutter corporate practice, then we might be a fit for you. Our clients are like family and have been coming to us for a very long time. I am looking for an associate with that warm, welcoming Midwest attitude who can work independently; and work cooperatively. We typically have 2 technicians per doctor, a front office/receptionist and a kennel worker at the practice each day. My passion is to practice veterinary medicine from the value of integrity - and the rest flows from there. If you have been thinking about a move out of the cold Midwest, and really love surgery - then give me a call and we can chat. Velvet Edwards, DVM, (480) 598-3669.* Come join our Team! Animal Hospital of Howard has an exciting opportunity for an Associate Veterinarian to join our fun and growing team. Our hospital is committed to providing the best medical care and alternative therapies to pets of all ages. We are proud to offer acupuncture, digital radiography and dental x-ray, high-end ultrasound, spinal manipulation therapy, laser and stem cell therapy. Our 6 doctor team is skilled in laparoscopic surgery. We also see many orthopedic surgery cases including fracture plating and cruciate ligament repairs. Animal Hospital of Howard is a fast-paced hospital with a long-tenured and skilled support staff. We are excited to add a new experienced veterinarian into our fold. Due to our large caseload, an interest or experience in orthopedic surgery would be beneficial. A certified acupuncturist would also be plus. Our veterinarians are rewarded with superior salary and benefits including health, 401(k), CE, vacation, dues, liability coverage and more. Interested candidates should contact Dr. Maureen Thornborrow at maureenthornborrow@vetcor.com.*
MIXED ANIMAL FT/PT 50:50 MA Veterinarian needed for St. Croix County Wisconsin practice, less than an hour from the Twin Cities. Fully equipped truck and ultrasound equipment provided. Have in-house IDEXX Catalyst and Procyte, DR radiography, ultrasound. Seeking fun, friendly, hard-working personality. Please send resume and cover letter to Dr. Vicki Wilke at lotpvet@gmail.com or (715) 308-3133. Ashland Area Veterinary Clinic is searching for a PT/FT MA or SA practice in Ashland, WI. We are a busy and dedicated three doctor practice perched on the southern edge of Lake Superior. We see about half SA clients and half bovine (predominantly dairy) and equine. We do some boarding of SA and have an in-house groomer. We offer compassionate and up-to-date care for a wonderful clientele. Our facilities are spacious, modern, and fully organized. We use pulse oximeters w/ ECG, temp and blood pressure unit, excellent stationary and portable digital x-ray equipment, digital dental x-ray, and IDEXX chemistry and CBC machines. We also utilize a therapy laser, the Med Rx VetScope, and Olympus endoscope, and a LA ultrasound. We are willing to mold this position to the veterinary interests of the right applicant, possibly expanding the services we already offer. Salary is commensurate with experience with bonus for production. We offer medical, retirement, vacation, and CE. Please send resume to Ashland Area Veterinary, 2700 Farm Road, Ashland, WI 54806 or email aavc@ ashlandareavet.com. Seeking FT or PT MA veterinarian. Growing 2 doctor practice looking to expand. 35% LA (primarily beef), 65% SA. Emergency duties split equally. Questions, resumes and references to ashtonvet@ ashtonvet.com. FT or PT veterinarian wanted to join 6 Doctor MA practice. We are located 35 miles north of Milwaukee along Lake Michigan. We are looking for an individual that has a strong interest in LA medicine but is also comfortable with routine SA appointments. LA work is focused on reproductive health, production medicine analysis and individual sick cow work in 95% dairy clientele. Experience with reproductive ultrasound and Dairy Comp 305 is a plus. Emergency work, time off and holiday work schedule are shared between all veterinarians. Benefit package includes vehicle and equipment, health and disability insurance, profit sharing, professional dues, vacation time and CE allowances. Salary is negotiable with experience. Send letter of interest and resume to info@cgvet. com or mail to Cedar Grove Veterinary Services, 23 Hwy RR, Cedar Grove, WI 53013.*
Patyk, DVM, at (262) 567-2832. Or email: robert.patyk@att.net.
DAIRY Growing five-doctor premier dairy practice in northeast Wisconsin is seeking to add a FT dairy veterinarian to work with progressive dairy producers managing herds ranging from 50-3,000 cows. We are looking for an excellence driven associate who shares our commitment of building strong working relationships with clients through the use of cutting-edge veterinary information, technologies and value added consulting services. Passionate about the future for our dairy industry, we value the balance of our personal, professional and community growth. Benefits include: professional and disability insurance, simple IRA, profit sharing, CE, professional dues, vacation, sick days. Send resume to: josette@dairydoctors.com or contact Dr. Jeff Bleck at (920) 9809661; Dairy Doctors Veterinary Services, 1020 S. Pleasant View Rd., Plymouth, WI 53073. Visit our website at: dairydoctors.com.*
OTHER Pet Loss at Home is hiring compassionate veterinarians for rewarding work: provide private pet euthanasia in comfort of pet’s own home within one hour radius of Milwaukee. Email DrKaren@ PetLossAtHome.com.
RELIEF Caring and compassionate relief veterinarian available. 25+ years of AAHA experience. Competent medical and soft tissue surgery skills. Emphasis on quality and integrity. Paul Danhaus, DVM. (715) 571-8091 or paul.danhaus@gmail.com. Reliable, competent, SA relief with over 25 years experience. Wisconsin license, accredited. Will travel. Capable at soft-tissue surgery and medicine. Great communication skills with clients and staff. Short Term Relief, LLC. Email: windsor9917@gmail.com or call (608) 963-5208. Experienced SA veterinarian available for relief work. Expect reliable, compassionate, thorough service. Please contact Susan Heath, DVM at (920) 470-5351 or sheathdvm@yahoo.com. SA relief vet since 1995. Thorough, reliable, easy going. Will travel to Green Bay, Kenosha, Janesville, Wisconsin Dells and areas in between. Julie Lakin DVM, (920) 269-7264. SA relief Veterinarian for central Wisconsin. Experienced. Versatile. Call Dr. Gary, (715) 652-2065 home, (715) 305-7014 cell. Email: garysthevet@aol.com. Experienced SA veterinarian available for relief work, 15 years relief experience, WI licensed and accredited. Please call/email Mark Clemons, DVM (262) 862-1121, macdjc4209@aol.com. AAHA veterinarian with 20+ years’ experience available for relief work in NW WI. Excellent diagnostic, surgical, and communication skills, Contact: David Wiltrout, DVM, (715) 462-9475, or email: dvmweepaws@aol.com. SA relief vet available. Personable with 20+ years experience. Call Dr. Katrina Geitner (262) 349-3466 or kgrelief@wi.rr.com. Quality relief care since 1992. Special interests include surgery and dermatology. Personable, reliable service. Please call Robert
18 October
20+ years experience, skilled in surgery, diagnostics and client communication. South-central and Southeast WI. Let me care for your clients and your hospital. Erika Gibbs, DVM, doctor. gibbs@gmail.com. SA and equine relief work. 21 year’s experience. Proficient in SA soft tissue surgery and equine ultrasound and power floating. Will travel. Call Sabine Hartmann, DVM (715) 267-7443 or twinoaks@tds.net. Providing you with reliable veterinary relief service has been my business for the past 13 years. I’m proficient with medicine cases, soft tissue surgeries and have great client communication skills. Email: beachcomber1957@gmail.com. Compassionate and reliable SA veterinarian with 20 yrs+ experience available for relief services in Kenosha and surrounding counties. Please review my services and resume on www.NiznikVRS.com. To schedule relief dates, please contact Rosemarie Niznik, DVM, at (630) 915-0156 or drroseniznik@ gmail.com. Communicative, productive SA veterinarian available for relief work in western WI, surrounding areas. Licensed in MN/WI. Experienced in surgery, medicine, dentistry, staff management. Outstanding customer service, client-building skills. Victori Ribeiro, MS, DVM, (651) 503-0482; neyx0003@umn.edu. Experienced SA relief veterinarian available. Versatile. Great with staff, clients and pets. Willing to travel. Dr. Lori Zimmerman, (608) 592-7779 or doclori@hotmail.com. Experienced SA clinician available for work in central and western Wisconsin. Excellent communication skills; enjoy working with clients and staff. Nancy Leverance, D.V.M. Email: nleverance52@gmail.com or call (608) 369-4115 or (608) 429-9408. Quality Customer friendly SA relief services available covering SE WI. Over 20 years’ experience in both SA and emergency medical care. Dr. Pete Gaveras, (414) 795-7100, lavajava@aol.com. Dependable, 20+ years experience. Med/Surg serving Northern/ Central Wisconsin. Contact Rich Piwoni, at (715) 627-0957, rapiwoni@hotmail.com. Steady, reliable relief vet available for SW WI and surrounding area work. 20+ yrs experience - LA, dairy, etc. Contact Jean Grade, driftlessvet@gmail.com or (608) 634-2885.*
SERVICES AVAILABLE Board-certified internist offers mobile SA medicine consultations, ultrasound, and endoscopy in your practice in SE WI. Please call Anne Mattson, DVM, DACVIM, (262) 241-3987. When buying or selling a veterinary practice, count on the experience of Total Practice Solutions Group. See our display ad this issue. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group for a free consultation, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@ tpsgsales.com.*
TECH/STAFF Kuenzi Family Pet Hospital has an exciting opportunity for an experienced veterinary Hospital Manager to join our team. Our well-run hospital has long-tenured staff giving our hospital a true family environment. The Hospital Manager at Kuenzi Family Pet Hospital partners with the Chief of Staff to manage the business activities of the practice while developing a team committed to providing an exceptional experience to every Client. We prefer a candidate with prior experience managing a veterinary practice or pet-related business. We would love to hear from you! VetCor and Kuenzi Family Pet Hospital reward our employees with excellent salaries, career growth potential, health insurance, 401(k), vacation, training and more. Interested candidates may send resumes (including cover letter and salary requirements) to: Stephanie Ragsdale at sragsdale@vetcor.com. The Fix Is In, a non-profit spay/neuter clinic, seeks an experienced, dedicated, hard-working CVT committed to quality and helping reduce the number of homeless pets. For details, write info@ thefixisin.org. 4 doctor practice in western Kenosha county seeks CVT or experienced technician. You will be utilized to your fullest potential. Pleasant working environment, progressive practice, great clientele. Benefits for FT include HI, 401K, vacation and holiday pay. Email resume or questions to westoshavet@yahoo.com. The International Crane Foundation (ICF) invites applications for the Veterinary Technician position (20 hours a week) with benefits and flexible scheduling. Responsibilities include providing medical care for the captive flock of cranes under supervision of the veterinarian. Preference will be given to certified candidates, and/or those with experience in zoo, wildlife or avian health care. Applicants should submit a letter of intent, resume, and the names of three references to, International Crane Foundation, Attn: Dr. Barry Hartup, E-11376 Shady Lane Road, Box 447, Baraboo, WI 53913-0447; or fax (608) 356-9465, or email: hartup@ savingcranes.org. ICF is an equal opportunity employer. Seeking FT CVT to join our SW WI practice. Duties include Reception, Lab, SA & LA assistance. Submit resume to PO Box 6, Montfort WI 53569 or email montfort000@centurytel.net, Attn: Maria.* Silver Spring Animal Wellness Center in Glendale, WI seeks an experienced and enthusiastic Chief of Staff. We are a highly regarded and progressive general and holistic practice with high quality patient care and exceptional client service. Our practice has strong new client growth and retention and an experienced and capable support staff. In addition to full service medical and surgical care, an in house lab including chemistry, LaserCyte CBC and VetStat machines and dental radiography we offer acupuncture, veterinary spinal manipulation therapy, a Companion laser therapy unit, herbal medicine and extensive nutritional supplements. We pride ourselves in our excellent client communication and always taking the time needed to provide the highest level of patient care. Interested candidates should contact Stephanie Ragsdale at sragsdale@vetcor.com.* Animal Hospital of Oshkosh is a progressive, state of the art, SA, 4.5 doctor practice seeking a FT technician. We are equipped with digital radiology, therapeutic laser, and a large in-house pharmacy. In addition, we do offer feline behavior
consults, orthopedics, agility classes, and an emphasis on client education. We are seeking a client-oriented team player who can multi-task and prioritize in a fast-paced environment. We will utilize your technical skills and encourage continuing education and career growth. Please send resumes to jessie@ animalhospitalofoshkosh.com.* Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists is an, independently owned, specialty practice with three locations north, south, and central to downtown Milwaukee along the shores of beautiful Lake Michigan. All three locations are just minutes away from the nightlife, theater, museums, and sporting venues found in the downtown Milwaukee area. Discover the region’s historic small towns and enjoy the fall foliage and hiking in the nearby Kettle Moraine outdoor recreation area or walk the beaches of Lake Michigan. Whether it’s relaxing rural charm, urban excitement, or suburban convenience that you’re looking for, you will find it here. Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists is seeking FT or PT experienced CVT’s to join our team. In addition to delivering superior quality medicine, we always take the time to care. It’s a mantra we live by! Ideal candidates: Are skilled, energetic technicians with emergency or specialty experience. Have obtained their CVT, or have the ability to obtain shortly after hire. Are able to fully use their technical skills as well as learn from new experiences. Provide input and assist with all aspects of patient care. Are able to work some evening and weekend hours. (The current schedule allows ample free-time to enjoy life away from the hospital!) We offer a generous compensation package including health and dental insurance, paid vacation, retirement plan, Continuing Education reimbursement, and uniform allowance. LVS is an equal opportunity employer. To apply for this great opportunity, please send your resume to: careers@lakeshorevetspecialists.com. Or apply on line at www.lakeshorevetspecialists.com.*
NEW! SE Wisconsin between Milwaukee and Racine. SA practice grossing $700K. Beautiful facilities, 3 exam rooms, very well maintained and equipped. Practice and RE $715K. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com. South of Madison cute small town. SA Px grossing $206K. Px and RE offered at $301K. Easy terms and low entry cost for ownership. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com. Huge price reduction due to health issues! MA practice grossing $900K in far northern WI on Lake Superior shoreline. Practice is 70% SA and 30% LA. Digital radiology, digital dental, surgical and therapy lasers. Large state of the art building. Practice and RE only $650K. Would sell only the SA practice if desired. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 3806872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.*
Practice for Sale. Opportunity for solo practitioner to use your personality and imagination. Currently SA. Pay us a visit, call before you come. Sheboygan Falls Veterinary Service, (920) 4673114.* NEW! Wisconsin Rapids/Stevens Point area- SA practice on target for $900K gross revenue. Excellent facilities. Asking $984K for practice and RE. Includes $30K of inventory and supplies. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 3806872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.* 100% SA practice and RE for sale. Gross $360K. Within 30 minutes of Green Bay in friendly small town. Approx. 2200 sq ft clinic on 2 acres. Digital xray, digital dental xray, class 4 therapy laser, laser surgery, extensive drug/supply inventory. Turn key. Current owner willing to assist transition as employee if desired. 1-1.5 DVM clinic. Email: realestate4sale@netnet.net.* Wausau area gross over $850K. Hospital is very well equipped with an excellent staff. Practice and real estate only $835,000. Includes $30,000 of inventory and supplies. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.*
Beautiful, well-equipped, SA practice in greater Milwaukee area for sale. Currently 2 doctors with room to grow. All aspects of sale negotiable. Serious inquiries only. Contact Blind Box 14PFS06, c/o WVMA, 2801 Crossroads Dr., Ste. 1200, Madison, WI 53718.* New! Marshfield Wisconsin high quality SA AAHA practice grossing $970,000. The hospital is well equipped with digital radiology, ultrasound, surgical laser and much more. Hospital has 3 doctors with 5 exam rooms. The hospital has been serving the community nearly 40 years. Facilities are excellent and less than 10 years old at the current location. Practice and real estate offered for $1,125,000. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.*
North Madison Area - SA Practice gross $878K, easy terms. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.* Under Contract! Waukesha County SA practice gross $847K. Very profitable and great reputation. Offered for $750K. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.*
NEW! Appleton/Oshkosh area- SA practice grossing $982K. Beautiful facilities. Practice price $400K, RE price $400K. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 3806872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.*
Diagnostic Imaging 2500CR, scanner,80Kv Generator, Laptop w/ VetRay software, cassettes, carrying case, tunnel, etc. $22,000.00 Excellent condition. (507) 458-5665. Five year old Hope Micro-Max x-ray processor for sale. Includes 1 gallon Fixer, 1 gallon Developer, 3 partial boxes of film & envelopes. $1,500 OBO. Contact Dean Peterson at drpeterson@ janesvillevet.com or (608) 931-5757.*
We Are Here When You Need Us!
Xray equipment for sale: Agfa cp1000 processor approx. 10 yrs old. Works great. With owners manual. 2, 14 x17 xray cassettes. 1, 8x 10 cassette. Box of green film for each size. Fixer solution for processor. Silver recovery (bucket) system for processor. The entire lot for $700 obo. Also, free xray machine from approx. 1950. Worked great when dismantled for install of digital. Have it dismantled now. Contact: Dr. Chris Holder, (920) 834-5858.*
Emergency Care
With 3 Locations to serve you.
PRACTICE FOR SALE Western WI. Solo, (presently all SA) practice in rural area. Looking for veterinarian(s) to take over practice. Quickly or gradual transition. Small investment. Great potential. Blind Box 14PFS01, c/o WVMA, 2801 Crossroads Dr. Ste. 1200, Madison, WI 53718. Wisconsin near Twin Cities. SA revenue $645K. Practice and RE offered for $675,000. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.
1612 N. High Point Road Middleton WI 608-831-1101 • Fax 608-831-1181
4902 East Broadway Madison WI 608-222-2455 • Fax 608-467-6014
3710 E. Racine Street Janesville WI 608-314-3510 • Fax 608-314-3525
Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association 2801 Crossroads Dr., Ste. 1200 Madison, WI 53718
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Food ArmorTM HACCP for Proper Drug Use Training December 5th Glacier Canyon Lodge
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October 2014