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WVMA In This Issue 2
From the President WVMA on the National Level – How it Works
From the Executive Director Representing Veterinarians at the Capital 2015-17 Biennial Budget Summary
Legal Briefs Time to Review Employee Handbooks
Introduction of AVMA House of Delegates Candidates
September 2015
Dr. Scott Spaulding Nominated for WVMA President Elect
Full Circle
In the spring of 1989, then WVMA President Dr. John Dahl, UW-Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital Director, penned “Where’s The Leadership Going to Come From?” in the WVMA Newsletter’s President’s Message. His comments reflecting the WVMA membership’s vote at the October 1988 annual meeting to include two veterinary students as WVMA Executive Board ex-officio members. In January 1989, second and third year UW veterinary students Scott Spaulding and Jennifer Baboni first attended a WVMA Executive Board meeting as student representatives. Dr. Dahl’s prophetic title comes full circle as I begin Executive Board attendance; serving in a leadership role as WVMA President-Elect.
Visit These Exhibitors at Convention!
Two quotes from Dr. Dahl’s 1989 column jump out resonating vividly with me today• “then we are dragged screaming and kicking into the future!” • “veterinary medicine is in the throes of great change”
The Heat is on! Understand, Create, Build.
We approach the WVMA Annual Convention’s centennial anniversary with the tag line – “100 Years of Membership – A Future of Possibilities!”
20-23 Classifieds
Dr. Scott Spaulding
Close your eyes.
Take a deep breath.
Let your mind take you back to 1915.
Imagine our profession 100 years ago, composed primarily of horse doctors, the automobile age dawns decimating the horse population. Imagine our counterpart’s conversations – “What are we going to do with the over-supply of veterinarians? “What are all of these veterinarians going to do?” Sound familiar? Could our counterparts imagine veterinary practice circa 2015? Dogs and cats living in households and sleeping in our beds! Companion animals the dominant species, generating the majority of practice revenue. Perhaps our counterparts were dragged screaming and hollering into the future, perhaps not. Where did the leadership come from? Fast forward to 2015. Where is the profession today? Fast forward to 2115. Can we even imagine veterinary practice 100 years from now? The bicentennial WVMA Annual Convention tag line – “200 years of membership - A Future of Possibilities!” I challenge you to imagine the look!
>>> Continued on Page 6
WVMA on the National Level – How it Works Dr. Jane Clark
I recently returned from the AVMA convention held in Boston and wanted to use my column this month to report on some of the ways the WVMA is involved in organized veterinary medicine on a more national level. I never knew how this worked and so am sure many of you don’t know either. Kim Brown Pokorny, WVMA executive director, Dr. John Been WVMA president-elect, and myself flew out to Boston early to attend the AVMA House of Delegates (HOD) meetings that occur twice a year – in January during the AVMA Leadership Conference and in summer during the AVMA Annual Convention. The HOD and various committees meet for two days before or during the aforementioned biennial meeting times. Two delegates represent each state and allied organization. One delegate has voting power and the other “alternate” delegate does not. Each state and allied organization (such as the AAEP) structures their delegate terms and authority a little differently, but for the WVMA, we have an alternate delegate, currently Dr. Douglas Kratt (former WVMA president) who serves for 4 years and then moves into the role of delegate for an additional 4 years, currently filled by Dr. Ann Sherwood Zieser, with whom voting authority lies. Our delegates do a very good job of keeping on top of AVMA proposed resolutions and bylaw changes. They research and gather information, communicate with other state delegates and then bring the items to be voted on to the WVMA Executive Board for input on how to vote when the time comes. The board usually provides input and then most times gives our delegates the freedom to vote how they best feel we should, in
the heat of the moment, and with the most current information, always best representing WVMA members. After all, they are communicating and meeting with over 100 different HOD individuals who also provide input and opinions on these issues. Kim Brown Pokorny, Dr. Been and I go to the HOD meetings to listen. We do speak and provide input at District VI meetings, which are small group meetings between neighboring states. The states in our District are Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin. Our District VI chairperson is our very own WVMA member Dr. Chet Rawson (also a former WVMA president), who serves on the AVMA Executive Board. He will be entering his 5th year of a 6-year term. We also can choose to sit in on committee meetings hosted by HOD members. Each committee is responsible for a different topic, usually one of the HOD resolutions or bylaw amendments that is to be voted on during the upcoming HOD meeting. Since there were 10 resolutions/bylaws actions at this meeting, there were 10 committee meetings. We split up to cover as many as we could. You can see the results of the resolutions and bylaw amendment votes for 2015 at https://www.avma.org/About/Governance/Pages/HOD-Resolutions-andProposed-Bylaw-Amendments.aspx. I want to congratulate Dr. Doug Kratt for being elected to the House Advisory Committee in Boston and Dr. Ann Zieser for nearly completing eight years of dedicated service as the WVMA’s representative on the AVMA House of Delegates. Well done and you both deserve our thanks. n
Jane Clark, DVM
District 5
Judith Batker, DVM
John T. Been, DVM
District 6
Alan Holter, DVM
Past President
Chris Booth, DVM
District 7
Kimberly Kratt, DVM
District 1
Katrina Geitner, DVM
District 8 Michael Wolf, DVM
District 2
Chris Keim, DVM
District 9
Gary Johnson, DVM
District 3
Trisha Fasse-Neerhof, DVM
Student Rep.
Brandon Scharping
District 4
James Ziegler, DVM
Interim Treasurer John T. Been, DVM AVMA Delegate Ann Sherwood Zieser, DVM Dean, UW-SVM Mark Markel, DVM, PhD State Veterinarian Paul McGraw, DVM WVDL Director Philip N. Bochsler, DVM, PhD, DACVP Student Rep. Holly Hovanec
Executive Director Kim Brown Pokorny Executive Assistant Torrie Kennedy Communications and Project Specialist Bailey Quam Development and Marketing Specialist Jeremy Panizza Food Armor® Katie Mrdutt, DVM Outreach Specialist
2 September
The WVMA Voice is published on the 15th day of each month by the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association, 4610 S. Biltmore Ln., Suite 107, Madison, WI 53718; (608) 257-3665; toll-free (888) 254-5202; fax (608) 257-8989; e-mail: wvma@wvma.org; website: www.wvma.org. It is sent free of charge to all WVMA members. Office hours: 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday-Friday.
First 30 words $10; each additional word $1.50.
Non-member: F irst 30 words $50; each additional word $1.50. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads. Classified ads run for two months and must be renewed for additional months. Classified ads are to be received by the first working day of the month. Display advertising is available at the editors’ discretion. Call (608) 257-3665 for more information. The deadline for receipt of all material submitted for publication is the first working day of the month, to insure consideration for the next month’s newsletter.
January 1
January 15
February 1
February 15
March 1
March 15
April 1 April 15
May 1 May 15
June 1 June 15
July 1 July 15
December 1
Representing Veterinarians at the Capital 2015-17 Biennial Budget Summary
The WVMA staff and legislative team work to represent veterinarians, the veterinary medical profession and small businesses at the Capital and with our regulatory agencies. Over the last seven years, the amount of time and resources spent on advocacy has increased significantly. We are seeing more issues with the potential to impact every member – private practice, academic, regulatory and veterinary medical students, to name a few. Below are budget issues the WVMA worked on the past several months. Summary
On Sunday, July 12, Governor Walker signed the 2015-17 biennial budget bill into law. The bill contains a number of provisions that are critical for Wisconsin veterinarians. The WVMA advocacy team worked throughout the budget process to educate the Legislature about how each of these issues could impact Wisconsin veterinarians. • Veterinary Examining Board (VEB) Moves to DATCP. The VEB will move from the Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) to DATCP. DATCP already houses the State Veterinarian and the Division of Animal Health. The transfer of the VEB to DATCP took effect on July 14, 2015. (Note: The authority to prosecute the unauthorized practice of veterinary medicine was also explicitly transferred to the DATCP as a part of the budget bill. This authority is now codified in Wis. Stat. § 89.079. The statutory chapter regulating the practice of veterinary medicine has been renumbered to Chapter 89 – formerly under Chapter 453 – as a result of moving the VEB to DATCP.)
December 15
>>> Continued on Page 10
September August 1 August 15 October
Kim Brown Pokorny
September 1 September 15
November October 1 October 15 December November 1 November 15
Merck Animal Health
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4 September
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Time to Review Employee Handbooks Stephen A. DiTullio, DeWitt Ross & Stevens, s.c.
If your veterinary clinic has not reviewed and updated its Employee Handbook in the past few years, the impetus for doing so now exists courtesy of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Although the NLRB primarily addresses union election related and collective bargaining issues, its jurisdiction can also cover non-union employers particularly for conduct it determines interferes with workers rights to unionize. The NLRB’s General Counsel earlier this year issued a lengthy memorandum analyzing the legality of certain employee handbook policies. The memorandum concluded that many standard employee policies contained language that could violate the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). This article will focus on a few of the more alarming conclusions set forth in the NLRB memorandum.
Undermining the Reputation of the Veterinary Clinic: Again, the NLRB found that it would be unlawful for a policy to prohibit “behavior that would undermine the reputation of the employer, your peers or yourself.” The NLRB analyzed such a policy as interfering with the employee’s right to criticize an employer’s employment or labor policies and treatment of employees, including the right to do so in a public forum. As such, the NLRB considers it to be unlawful.
Confidentiality Policies: The following are two examples of language the NLRB concluded were over broad:
Failure to report to your scheduled shift for more than three consecutive days without prior authorization or walking off the job during a scheduled shift is prohibited.
1) Do not discuss “customer or employee information” outside of work, including “phone numbers [and] addresses.” 2) Discuss work matters only with other employees who have a specific business reason to know or have access to such information. Do not discuss work matters in public places. While both of these examples seem reasonable and may even be similar to language in your employee handbook, the NLRB found that both policies interfered with an employee’s right to discuss “wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment.” However, the NLRB further stated that it was not a violation to implement a handbook policy that set forth “broad prohibitions on disclosing confidential information to protect the privacy of certain business information” but only if certain conditions are met, that do not interfere with employee’s rights to discuss terms of employment. Disrespectful Conduct or Insubordination: The NLRB concluded that it would be unlawful to adopt a policy prohibiting “disrespectful conduct or insubordination, including, but not limited to refusing to follow orders from a supervisor or a designated representative.” The NLRB concluded that while prohibiting insubordination would be lawful, the language in this policy also prohibits conduct that does not rise to the level of insubordination, which could be understood to include protected concerted activity.
Leave Restrictions: The NLRB considers any policy that could “regulate when an employee can leave work” as potentially interfering with an employee’s right to strike. The NLRB Memorandum came down hard on leave restrictions. The NLRB concluded that the following policy would be unlawful:
Once again, such a policy may be similar to one in your veterinary clinic’s handbook. If it is, it will need to be modified with language that would satisfy the NLRB. For example, if your clinic wanted to maintain the above policy, it would be recommended to add a sentence specifically stating: “This prohibition in no way is intended to interfere with an employee’s right to participate in walkouts, disruptions, or strikes.” The NLRB’s Memorandum includes many other examples of policies that are unlawful as well as examples of what it considered to be lawful policies. It is neither necessary nor required to adopt the NLRB’s lawful policies verbatim. However, it is necessary to review employee handbook policies at this time to ensure that they are not inconsistent with the findings in the NLRB Memorandum. It certainly is possible that if the NLRB is legally challenged on its conclusions from this memorandum that it would not prevail. However, becoming the test case would involve an expensive and protracted legal battle -something best avoided by simply reviewing your handbook and making changes to address the NLRB’s concerns. n
Dr. Scott Spaulding Nominated for WVMA President Elect >>> Continued from Page 1
How can we position the profession to embrace the endless “throes of great change?” 1. Veterinarians and veterinary practices enjoy well-deserved reputations of providing excellent patient care and remarkable customer service. What can been done better? What can be done more efficiently? What role will technologies play in future practices? 2. Opportunity abounds within the animal health space; other interests are beginning to dominate some spaces; practice pharmacies; non-profit owned, low cost spay/neuter clinics, equine dentistry, etc. Areas of opportunity the profession should own! Let’s get creative, let’s lead the way devising business models maintaining these activities to benefit the profession. Seize opportunity! 3. Devise tactics to maintain private practice relevancy in the changing animal health industry landscape. The number of manufacturers and vendors our practices do business with have decreased dramatically. The profession must devise strategies to maintain relevancy, or, we leave the door open for other interests to step in. 4. Private practices must generate profit adequate to compensate recent graduates for escalating costs of veterinary education and student loan debt. Good medicine is good business and good business supports good medicine. Practice owners have responsibility to manage practices with high degrees of business acumen! The profession’s profitability must increase to facilitate “the throes of great change”. 5. Personally, commit to the profession, approach your practice interests passionately, always strive for excellence! We are highly trained, kind, caring, compassionate professionals. In the early stages of our careers we hone our medical and surgical skills, becoming highly skilled clinicians. As we gain experience we add mentoring and business management skills to our repertoires. Build teams of committed professionals around ourselves, devise systems to delegate tasks without abdicating responsibility.
6 September
6. Follow your heart, determine what you truly want and go after it! Dr. Dahl, your message from 25 years ago rings loud and clear, “veterinary medicine is in the throes of great change”, embrace change with the profession’s best interest at heart, don’t be “dragged screaming and kicking into the future!” Biography
Dr. Scott Spaulding earned his DVM from UW-Madison in 1991 and joined Janesville’s Badger Vet staff in 1992. Dr. Spaulding practices ambulatory, equine primary care; clinical interests include preventative medicine, equine nutrition and equine dentistry and also serves as Badger Veterinary Hospital’s President and CEO. In addition to practicing medicine in Southern Wisconsin, Dr. Spaulding is a management consultant, an entrepreneur and inspirational leader. He co-founded Vet24seven, Inc. and Mixed Animal Veterinary Associates North America, Inc. and travels extensively speaking and consulting with veterinary practices, assisting in strategic planning, practice leadership and financial management. From his career’s beginning, Dr. Spaulding has been actively involved in local and national organizations. His commitment to his family, his community and his career drives him to make a difference in the organizations he serves. His problem solving reputation motivated the American Veterinary Medical Association to appoint him as Chair of the Veterinary Economic Strategy Committee to chart the course for the profession’s future economic health. His uncanny business management skills, financial systems acumen, strategic foresight and leadership abilities allow him opportunities to educate, mentor and support entrepreneurs and professional groups seeking to improve profitability and enhance work-life balance. His extensive use of business social media applications brings him recognition as a leading expert in this rapidly changing field. Dr. Spaulding and wife, Nancy, reside in Milton and have two grown children, Justin and Sara. n
Take Full Advantage of Social Media From the WVMA! Crank up your clinic’s social media! Share, retweet or repost any of the content the WVMA posts on Facebook, Twitter or on wvma.org on your clinics social media!
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All information shared on these sites is for our members to help in sharing news and can also be shared with clients. If you have not already, like us on Facebook, Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association and follow us on Twitter, @WVMA. By following the WVMA through these outlets, you will be able to stay current on happenings in Wisconsin and on the national veterinary medical scene.
Member Benefit Program The WVMA has aligned with following companies to offer WVMA member’s exclusive benefits - Staples Advantage, Land’s End, ScriptSave, Professional Insurance Programs, Association Gloves and Avis. Visit www.wvma. org to take advantage of the member benefits program and start saving today!
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Introduction of AVMA House of Delegates Candidates Every four years, WVMA members elect an AVMA House of Delegate (HOD) representative and alternate representative. The elected individuals will serve four years as the alternate and then if re-elected, four years as the delegate representing Wisconsin’s interest in the governing body of the AVMA. As stated in the bylaws, the election will occur by voice vote at the WVMA Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, October 9 from 11:40-1:40 pm during the 2015 WVMA Annual Convention at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison. To register for the 2015 WVMA Annual Convention and/or the Annual Meeting, return the registration form in this newsletter or register online at www.wvma.org. One candidate has been nominated for each position: Dr. Douglas Kratt for the HOD Delegate and Dr. Steve Erickson for the HOD Alternate Delegate. Both candidates were asked a series of questions and their answers are below. HOD Delegate Nominee
Full name: Douglas D. Kratt, DVM Veterinary school attended/graduation year: University of Wisconsin, 1998 Practice type: Small Animal General Practice Practice location (town and county): Onalaska, La Crosse County
Dr. Douglas D. Kratt
1) Where did you start out practicing/ currently practice? I started at Central Animal Hospital in May of 1998 and purchased the practice in October of 1998.
2) How long have you been a WVMA member and please explain your involvement with the WVMA. My membership began with my first year of veterinary school. I have held the District 7 seat on the Exuctive Board, as well as served as the President of the WVMA in 2009. I have served on countless WVMA committees and on the Executive Director search committee. In 2010, I received the WVMA Meritorious Award and I am just completing a four year term as the HOD Alternate Delegate.
3) What leadership and vision do you bring to the elected position? Vision, innovation, and collaboration are three distinguishable strengths I will bring to the AVMA House of Delegates. Serving through the executive boards and presidency of both our local and Wisconsin VMAs, I have seen the WVMA through some turbulent times of change. I have further honed my leadership skills as I have participated in the AVMA Future Leaders Program. I pride myself on my history of looking at a problem, listening to criticisms and ideas, defining the problem, attempting to find solutions, and then diplomatically building consensus and implementing an action plan.
I am forward thinking, and continually scan the horizon to identify opportunities before they become challenges. My pledge is to be attentive, responsive, and effective to the needs of the House of Delegates and our profession. 4) To date, what impacts have you had regarding organized veterinary medicine and veterinary medicine as a whole? While President of the WVMA, I proactively met with legislators before a tax on veterinary services was able to be introduced in Wisconsin. I have met with students at the UW SVM to discuss the importance of organized veterinary medicine as well as “What employers are looking for.” I recently chaired the subcommittee on Roles and Responsibilities of the House of Delegates. I have also recently been elected to the AVMA House Advisory Committee. 5) What are the biggest issues facing the future of organized veterinary medicine? As always, I feel our biggest issues are to protect and promote our profession. If we do not lead on the issues pertaining to public health, food safety, and animal welfare, others will. There are also the financial challenges of student debt load that will trickle down to clinic ownership at some point in the future. 6) How do you stay connected, engaged and up-to-date on state and national veterinary medical issues? I stay active in the associations, as well as scan various media outlets. LinkedIn, VIN, AVMA governance forums, AVMA Government Relations Division as well as the 3 AVMA and WVMA newsletters.
>>> Continued on Page 14
Representing Veterinarians at the Capital 2015-17 Biennial Budget Summary >>> Continued from Page 3
• Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Lab Stays at UW-Madison. As proposed, the Governor’s budget would have moved the Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Lab (WVDL) from UW-Madison to DATCP. However, in the final budget, the WVDL will remain attached to the University of Wisconsin. • UW Madison School of Veterinary Medicine Indefinite Academic Staff Appointments Preserved. As a part of the budget bill that was passed by the Legislature, the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents would have been prohibited from making a probationary or indefinite academic staff appointments, which would have had a negative impact on the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine. The UW School of Veterinary Medicine employs clinical faculty who are responsible for the majority of the classroom, laboratory and clinical training necessary to prepare students to become veterinarians. The primary responsibility of these faculty members is teaching, rather than research. Accordingly, they hold indefinite academic staff appointments rather than tenure and tenure track faculty positions. The WVMA worked with the UW and others to request that Governor Walker veto this provision and preserve the ability for the Board of Regents to make indefinite staff appointments at the UW School of Veterinary Medicine. The Governor did veto this provision and this authority has been preserved. • Livestock Premises Registration Program Funded. The budget bill continues to fund the Livestock Premises Registration program at the Wisconsin Livestock Identification Consortium (WLIC) with $250,000 annually. However, the bill does eliminate
10 September
the one vacant position at DATCP that had existed should that position need to be utilized for this program. (Note: The DATCP position has not been used for this program in the past, as all operations to-date have been conducted by WLIC.) • DATCP Board and DNR Board Preserved. The budget bill that was initially proposed by Governor Walker proposed the elimination of the citizen-member DATCP Board and citizenmember DNR Board, replacing them with advisory councils. The Legislature deleted this provision from the budget. Accordingly, both the DATCP Board and the DNR Board continue as citizen boards. In addition, the 2015-17 biennial budget provided a significant cut in funding to the University of Wisconsin System. Overall, the 2015-17 biennial budget reduced state funding to the UW System by about $250 million. The Legislature also froze tuition for two more years. The effect of these cuts on the agricultural colleges is yet to be determined. Finally, the Legislature struggled to come to agreement on funding transportation projects in this budget bill. The final budget did not contain any significant revenue increases to the transportation fund, including no increases to either the gas tax or registration fees. The bill authorizes $850,213,600 in transportation revenue bonds to fund road projects. This is a decrease in the proposed bonding authorization. Accordingly, funding for the north leg of the Zoo Interchange project was deleted along with several other highway projects and several major highway projects have been delayed for two years. n Summary provided by: Jordan Lamb, DeWitt Ross & Stevens, s.c.
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1 91
rs • Yea 100 5•
5 201
- Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans - Chicago White Sox won the World Series - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith was the number 1 movie of the year Congratulations to Dr. Mark Schroeder on correctly guessing 1992 for August’s picture! Look for the answer and winner in next month’s WVMA Voice! Winners will receive a $25 gift card to Culvers. Guesses can be sent to bailey@wvma.org.
12 September
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Introducing Harpreet Singh
Dr. Harpreet Singh comes to VES/VSC Middleton directly from his surgery residency at Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, where he also completed his general rotating internship. A Milwaukee native, he is a UW-Madison SVM graduate. He has presented his orthopedic and soft tissue research nationally, and his specific interests are in wound management, reconstructive surgery and complex orthopedic repairs. He has been a community leader at both UW Madison and Tufts; notably as president of SCAVMA and most recently as the chief surgery resident at Tufts. He looks forward to meeting his new colleagues in Dane County.
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Introduction of AVMA House of Delegates Candidates >>> Continued from Page 9
7) Why do you want to be the HOD Delegate? There will always be challenges facing our profession, whether it be economic concerns, emerging diseases, or employment issues. I believe challenges can also be opportunities if discovered early. Proactively considering the needs of the profession and the challenges of the future allows us to help our profession grow and continue to excel. My drive is to assist in shaping the profession’s policies and to identify opportunities that will strengthen and protect veterinary medicine. I will ask the hard questions to identify and find achievable solutions for the challenges of our profession. HOD Alternate Delegate Nominee
WVMA Executive Board for four years (2005-2009), then served as President-Elect, President (2011), and Past-President. I have also been a member of most of the WVMA committees.
Full Name: Steven L. Erickson, DVM Veterinary school attended/graduation year: University of Wisconsin, Charter Class of 1987
3) What are the biggest issues facing the future of organized veterinary medicine? The biggest challenge I see for organized veterinary medicine at all levels is staying relevant to our members. We (organizations) must continue to provide services that our members need and want or they will find them elsewhere.
Practice type: Small Animal Practice location (town and county): Middleton, Dane County 1) Where did you start out practicing/ currently practice? In 1987, I started as a mixed animal veterinarian in Stoughton, switched to small animal exclusively and Dr. Steven L. Erickson practiced in Madison, before starting All Pets Veterinary Clinic in Middleton in 1994, where I continue to practice as a partner.
4) How do you stay connected, engaged and up-to-date on state and national veterinary medical issues? The AVMA, WVMA and AAHA provide numerous electronic newsletters/news briefs that I find particularly useful. An example is the AVMA’s daily Animal Health SmartBrief email. 7) Why do you want to be the HOD Alternate Delegate? I was humbled to be nominated for this role and believe that I will continue to represent Wisconsin’s interests at the AVMA level. n
2) How long have you been a WVMA member and please explain your involvement with the WVMA. I was active in SCAVMA, serving as President in 1986, and have been a WVMA member since 1987 (28 years). I was the District 5 representative to the
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14 September
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i8F EJBHOPTF öSTU BOE USFBU PQUJNBMMZw Locations: Glendale Green�eld Green Bay Oshkosh Dr. Kressin, Dr. Honzelka and their team communicate as advocates for you, your clients and their pets. Referrals Welcome!
Saturday Saturday* Late, On-site
Qty ________
G. Total $____________
Cholesterol r $15
Rabies antibody status r$60 Qty ________
G. Wellness
rMyself (no extra charge)
TB Recertification Included with convention registration Thursday Friday Saturday
rGluten-Free rGluten-Free rGluten-Free
Registrations will not be processed without full payment. Questions? Call or email the WVMA at (888) 254-5202 or wvma@wvma.org.
Signature ____________________________________________________
Name on card ___________________________________________________
Exp. date__________________
r Discover
$ __________
V code _______________________
r MasterCard
B. Total $_____________
rs • Yea 100
5 201
1 915
F. Total $_____________
r I would like to renew my membership dues for 2016. (Dues are $195 WI / $100 out-of-state)
Card number ____________________________________________________
Check here to purchase a paperbound copy of the proceedings.
r I would like to become a 2015 WVMA member. My dues and application are included. Membership application can be found online at www.wvma.org or by calling (888) 254-5202. (Dues are $195 WI / $100 out-of-state)
F. Dues
rVegetarian rVegetarian rVegetarian
r Please charge my:
E. Special Dietary Needs
Qty _____
Vets and Vino 100 Year Gala r$50 October 9, 6 pm Guest(s) __________________________________
D. Total $____________
Qty _____
A. Total $____________
Saturday Christian Veterinary Fellowship Breakfast r$10 October 10, 6:30 - 7:45 am
D. Additional Events
r Check enclosed Check # _________ for $___________
C. Total $_____________
Sunday SA Wetlab Training Pets to Veterinary Procedures (Limit 20)
Member Non-Member r$40 r$70
Thursday Large Animal CE Lunch Includes CE credits and lunch
Thursday Small Animal CE Lunch Includes CE credits and lunch
C. Additional CE Opportunities
Student registration can be found online at www.wvma.org or by emailing wvma@wvma.org.
Lunch: r $24 per lunch Qty _____ Circle day(s): Thursday | Friday | Saturday Special Diet Requirements: rVegetarian rGluten-Free **If registering in this category, lunch must be ordered here. Lunch tickets will NOT be available for late or on-site registrations.
Intern/Resident/Graduate Program DVM WVMA Member r $0 Circle day(s): Thursday | Friday | Saturday (Lunch not included.)**
All convention registrants (excluding wetlab-only registrants) receive the proceedings via website link and on a thumb drive at convention. Paperbound copies must be preordered on this form.
B. Proceedings
Return this form by fax (608) 257-8989 or mail to: WVMA, 4610 S. Biltmore Ln., Suite 107, Madison, WI 53718.
Online registration will available August 1. For full convention information. visit www.wvma.org.
Registrations postmarked after September 8 will be charged the late fee and sent an invoice for the remaining amount. Registrations postmarked after September 25 will not be processed; if you have not registered by this date, you must register on-site. No refunds will be made after September 8. Refunds prior to September 8 will be charged a $25 administrative fee.
Deadlines, Refunds and Contact Information
r $395 r $445 r $220 r $255 r $220 r $255 r $200 r $255 r $675 r $695 r $400 r $450 r $400 r $450 r $400 r $450 r $240 r $275 r $140 r $155 r $140 r $155 r $140 r $155 2015 Graduate DVM, WVMA Member r $210 r $240 r $120 r $135 r $120 r $135 r $120 r $135 Spouse/Guest (admittance to exhibit hall, lunch and social events only, no CE) Name:______________________________________r $50 Thursday* r $50 Friday* r $50 Saturday* Exhibit hall only pass (1 day only and no lunch) r $30 (member) r $60 (non-member) Circle day: Thursday | Friday | Saturday
Friday Late, On-site
(Required for CE certificate)
License Number/State:
r Other _______________
r Equine
r SA
r LA
Please select practice type:
*Registrations include lunch. Lunch tickets will NOT be available for late or on-site registrations. Full Thursday Late, On-site Thursday* Late, On-site Friday* Full*
WVMA member, out-of-state non-member Non-member (reside inside WI) WVMA Life member
A. Registration Fee
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Clinic/Employer
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Email (required for confirmation) Home phone
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Home mailing address City State Zip
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Full name Maiden name
Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association 2015 Annual Convention October 8 -11, 2015 | Alliant Energy Center | Madison, Wisconsin
Northwestern Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Assoc. Fall Meeting “DENTAL” FOCUS – William Gengler, DVM, DACVD Go to NWWVMA.org for details
Wednesday September 9th, 2015 Clarion Hotel Campus Area, Eau Claire WI
All Veterinarians & Veterinary Staff are welcome! Afternoon Session: $50 Regis. 2:30pm Evening Session: $25 Incl/meal, Regis. 6:00pm
Interpretation of Dental Radiographs Team Approach to Dental Practice Problem Feline Dental Cases Contact Dr. Larry Baumann (715) 425-3187 Problem Canine Dental Cases
Thank you to MAI, Midwest, Henry Schein, Merial, Zoetis, Lake Superior X-Ray, Dentalaire & Patterson Veterinary for their support. Reps will be present to demo equipment and discuss dental products.
Contributions give us an opportunity to open doors and engage in conversations with policy makers on issues important to you! A $25 personal contribution can make a big difference.
Make a donation at www.wvma.org! Legislative policies shape our ability to practice veterinary medicine and impact the small businesses we own and work for. Decisions increasingly influence: • Regulation and scope of practice • Animal welfare • Licensing and unlicensed practice • Public health • Business operations including employment and tax laws • Food safety
Your profession. Your livelihood. Your future. Your voice, amplified. Contributions must be made on a voluntary basis from a personal account. Contributions cannot be made from corporate or business accounts.
16 September
Visit These Exhibitors at Convention! Abaxis Animal Health International Antech Diagnostics Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition Aurora Pharmaceutical BCF Technology Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. Cal-Ray Inc. Christian Veterinary Mission Fellowship Companion Therapy Laser by LiteCure CryoProbe Cuattro Digital Imaging Dechra Veterinary Products Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection Diamondback Drugs Elanco Animal Health Food Armor速 Fox Valley Animal Referral Center Henry Schein Animal Health Heska Corporation Hills Pet Nutrition Hoey Apothecary IDEXX Laboratories Impromed LLC iVet Professional Formulas
Keller, Inc. K-Laser USA Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists Lake Superior X-Ray, Inc. MAI Animal Health Marshfield Labs Memorial Pet Services, Inc Merck Animal Health Merial Inc. Midwest Cremation Service of Wisconsin Midwest Veterinary Supply Multimin USA MWI Veterinary Supply Nelson-Jameson, Inc. Norbrook Nova Biomedical Nutramax Labratories OSHA Parnell Patterson Veterinary Supply Pet Health Pharmacy PNC Bank NA Healthcare Business Banking Professional Insurance Programs Project 42 Design Ralco Animal Health Roadrunner Pharmacy
Rose Micro Solutions Royal Canin USA scil Animal Care Shor-Line Sound Standard Process Inc. Suburban Surgical Co, Inc. SVA Certified Public Accountants Total Practice Solutions Group Universal Imaging UW Veterinary Care Vetamac, Inc. VetCor Veterinary Emergency Service/Veterinary Specialty Center Veterinary Orthopedic Implants Wells Fargo Wisconsin Emergency Assistance Volunteer Registry Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Foundation Wisconsin Veterinary Practice Managers Association Wisconsin Veterinary Technician Association Zoetis
The Heat is on! Understand, Create, Build. Jeremy Panizza, WVMA development and marketing specialist
Fall is just around the corner for clients and veterinarians alike. For clients, it is a time to sneak in one last vacation with our families, including our pets. For veterinarians, the busy season may be starting to slow. Even though you may be starting to slow, your marketing consistency and frequency should not change. According to the American Pet Products Association (APPA), in 2013 pet owners spent $55.72 billion in expenditures on their fury family members and 2014 estimates suggested that $15.25 billion would be spent on veterinary care. How do you maintain business and get a share of that $15.25 billion? Diversify your marketing efforts consistently throughout the year. Most of you are probably thinking, diversity should only be a word used by my financial advisor. Or you are ready to put down the article, but don’t. I will explain. In today’s society there are slow times within your business, physically and economically, but in the world outside of your clinic slow times or down times are few and far between. Diversifying your marketing efforts involve developing a strategy for the entire year. Understand Your Audience and Market
The most recognized and talked about market today are Millennials. They are one of the largest markets making purchasing decisions, whether it is electronics, vacations or pets, Mellennials are one of your target markets. It may not be today, but definitely tomorrow. And understanding who your market and audience are is extremely important. The Pew Research Center shows in 2010, that 58 percent of pet owners are ages 18 to 29 and 64 percent are ages 30 to 49. This makes Millennials and Generation X the largest markets of pet owners and potential clients. 64 percent of all pet owners attended college and 62 percent hold a degree. 64 percent of owners have high school or less education (The American Veterinary Medical Association U.S. Pet Ownership Demographics Source Book 2012). This gives us a good outline of what your market looks like, but it does not give us a full representation of your audience. Discover who your audience is. Meaning, understand their lives, their hobbies and their passions. Then you will have an understanding of who your audience truly is and be able to market directly to them. 63 percent of both Millennials and Generation X view their pets as family. These audiences also value experiences and a sense of community over shiny, expensive stuff. As soon as you associate and connect with their lives, these audiences will listen to you. Create Programs and Communities for Clients
Social media is the least expensive and largest platform to market your practice and services, but it should not be the only platform and it should not be every once and a while. Many marketing experts agree that
18 September
having no social media presence is better than only having a periodic presence. Interacting with your audience and clients via social media is essential. This is a way to understand your clients and gain a foothold in their lives. Developing contests for a cutest cat or dog or asking them to send in photos from family trips that include the family pet build a community and let the client know you care about them and not just their money. You have a vested interest. Email and direct marketing are also important to having a well-rounded marketing campaign. Tie a Facebook post with an email blast and send a direct marketing piece. You are sure to reach every intended audience with multiple touch points. The most important tactic to a well-organized strategy is to be consistent. Consistency is paramount in marketing; consistency in your messaging and consistency in frequency. There may be elongated slow times throughout the year, but that does not mean that you stop being relevant to your community and clients. This may be a time to stay active with social media and use more affordable platforms like email. These slow periods are the most important times to be consistent and sustain frequency. How you develop marketing campaigns throughout the year is a practice by practice basis, but being consistent with your messaging and presence is truly key. Build Perceived Value and Analyze Results
Lee Atwater, an American political consultant, famously said “perception is reality”. On many levels this is true. Having a spotty social media presence gives the perception that you cannot associate with younger generations and you do not care. Not marketing with frequency gives the perception that you do not exist, which leaves room for competition and a long road back to gaining potential clients. Perceptions are created by the client and general public, but they are created from the reality that you present. Developing incentive programs for clients or creating discounts may be a great way to build value to your clients. For some, it may not be the answer. Having conversations with your clients and measuring results of programs will give you a concrete understanding into what clients perceive as value. It may be as simple as a cutest pet contest where a winner gets a gift card, or it may be the sense of community you bring by interacting with clients on social media. There are millions of combinations and campaigns that can be built to market to your audience. But in the end understanding and listening to your audience and clients will drive results, help create campaigns and build value. n
Important Dates to Remember! September 25, 2015 Pre-Convention Registration Due Registrations received after this date will be not be accepted. After Sept. 25 registrations will only accepted at convention. Online registration is the quickest and easiest way to register. October 9, 2015 WVMA Annual Meeting WVMA President-Elect, House of Delegate, Alternate Delegate and bylaw changes will be voted upon. The proposed bylaws can be found on the members only side of wvma.org. October 23 & 24, 2015 Food Armor® Phase l and ll Trainings Scheduled to be held in Appleton, attendees can visit foodarmor.org to register. December 15, 2015 License Renewal and CE Due As stated in Statute 89.062 Renewal; continuing education. (1) RENEWAL. The renewal date for veterinary licenses and veterinary technician certifications is December 15 of each odd−numbered year, and the renewal fees for such licenses and certifications are determined by the department under s. 89.063. December 4 & 5, 2015 Food Armor® Phase l and ll Trainings Scheduled to be held at the WVMA office in Madison, attendees can visit foodarmor.org to register. December 31, 2015 WVMA Membership Renewal Deadline Look for renewals to hit your email inboxes in November!
Support the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Foundation today!
The WVMF’s goal is to fund activities supporting the veterinary medical community and those we serve. • Charitable • Outreach • Education
Want to make a tax-deductible donation? Contact the WVMA at 608-257-3665 19
CLASSIFIED AD CHANGES All classified ads, including veterinary relief ads, will be published at the following rate: Members: First 30 words, $10. Every additional word after 30 is $1.50 per word. Non-members: First 30 words, $50. Every additional word is $1.50 per word. Ads will run 2 consecutive months, and then be removed, unless the WVMA is notified you would like to continue your ad for another 2 month run. You will be invoiced at the end of the first month during a 2 month period. Ads are placed online at the beginning of the month they are featured in the newsletter. Immediate placement of ads is an additional $25 fee. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads.
SMALL ANIMAL PT position available in our long established, 4 doctor practice. We are located in the small friendly, south central Wisconsin town of Delavan. Flexible work schedules, a generous benefit package. No after hours or on call. Year around recreational opportunities and close to Milwaukee and Chicago. Call Sonya at Delavan Animal Clinic, (262) 728-3303. Looking for a PT SA veterinarian to join our AAHA accredited practice 35 min. north of Madison. Practice high quality, progressive medicine with emphasis on wellness care and client education in a 6000 sq. ft. newer facility with wonderful staff and growing clientele. In-house IDEXX lab, Surgivet anesthetic monitoring, radiology, ultrasound, blood pressure unit, electrocardiography, Tonopen, and well-utilized CVTs. Half way between Madison and the Fox Valley on Hwy 151. Flexible schedule with no after-hours emergency call. Experienced practitioners and new graduates welcome to apply. Contact Dr. Vicky Smith, Wyllow Pet Hospital, 126 Corporate Dr, Beaver Dam, WI 53916, (920) 885-4148, or email vickys_dvm@yahoo.com. Two energetic associates to join the health care team at our 3 DVM AAHA practice in a family friendly Central Wisconsin medical community. SA experience with an interest in surgery a plus. Will consider exceptional new graduates. Visit us at www. wildwoodanimalhospital.net. Curious? Contact me at docrogekrog@ aol.com or call (715) 387-1225. PT veterinarian needed for busy SA practice just west of Oshkosh. Two
20 September
seasoned (old) guys can’t keep up with growing practice. Flexible schedule. Contact Drs. Johnson or Wright, Omro Animal Hospital, (920) 685-5516 or omroanimalhosp@sbcglobal.net. Immediate position available for a FT/PT associate veterinarian. We are a fast-paced, multi-doctor SA practice in Brookfield, Wisconsin. Our office has a full surgical suite, offers dental cleanings and surgeries, digital dental x-rays, digital x-rays, as well as ultrasound. Some experience preferred, surgery skills a plus, but new graduates are welcome. Veterinarian must have a background in SA practice and a passion for client education. Pleasant schedule and no emergency hours required. Please email your resume to elmbrook@ elmbrookvet.com. No phone calls please. Looking for a FT/PT Associate Veterinarian to assist our one doctor practice for a SA hospital located on the SW side of Waukesha, WI. We are a well-established clinic looking for a service oriented, outgoing professional to educate and provide compassionate care to our patients. We provide competitive pay and excellent benefits. Please send resume to: GCVHPracticeMgr13@gmail.com. Healthy Paws Veterinary Clinic is looking for a friendly, passionate, team-oriented Veterinarian to join our family. We are a progressive 3 doctor SA practice who believes strongly in preventative medicine and has a reputation for providing un-paralleled customer service. This is a PT position with potential for FT. We are fully equipped with the latest toys including digital radiography, digital dental radiography and in house laboratory. No on call! Learn more about us at www.thehealthypaws.com. Please submit your resume to trisha@thehealthypaws.com. We are looking for a team player to join our 11 year old team. We are located in Dodge County, WI. Our clinic offers a great position for yourself, we are not your regular clinic. Our clinic is located in a rural community with an abundance of great clients. We strive on customer service and a great support staff. Work hours are flexible (a great position for a working parent or if your approaching retirement), we refer emergencies to local ER clinics, and you would work one Saturday a month. We also provide vacation pay, holiday pay, CE reimbursement, uniform allowance, as many Lunch n Learns we can arrange, and cake for your birthday. If you’re looking for a High Tech facility, we’re not for you. But if you’re looking for a lowstress, enjoy going to work every day, the feel at home work place Juneau Veterinary Clinic is the place for you. Email: vettek1@ hotmail.com. A four-doctor AAHA certified practice is looking for an experienced veterinarian to join our staff. We have two clinics including one that was recently renovated. Both clinics are stocked with the necessary toys including surgical laser, digital x-ray, in-house lab equipment, ultrasound, etc. Ideal candidate would have 2 to 3 years’ experience. We are hoping to find a long term fit. If interested, please send a resume to Michael Hotchkiss, 1802 Mineral Point Ave., Janesville, WI 53548 or email info@janesvillevetclinic.com. The Wauwatosa Veterinary Clinic is looking for an enthusiastic, team oriented Veterinarian to join our team. We are an established 4 Doctor AAHA practice located in the greater Milwaukee area. Do you love being a veterinarian? Do you easily connect with pet owners and achieve compliance for the best possible pet health care? We provide excellent medicine and superior customer service. We are an expanding practice with state of the art equipment and a well-
trained, enthusiastic staff and loyal, dedicated clients. Come join our team! Competitive salary, production bonus and benefits. Send resume and cover letter to: Dr. Thomas N. Tenorio, 2600 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213 Fax: (262) 677-5451 e-mail: kristint@ wauwatosavet.com. Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists is an independently owned, specialty practice with three locations north, south, and central to downtown Milwaukee along the shores of Lake Michigan. We are seeking a FT, experienced Emergency Veterinarian to join our Port Washington Hospital. Our practice includes four board-certified surgeons, three internists, two ECC specialists, an oncologist, neurologist, dermatologist, dentist, as well as a physical rehabilitation veterinarian. Our emergency team consists of experienced emergency clinicians, ECC interns and residents, and a highly skilled technical staff with certified VTS (ECC) and VTS (Anesthesia) individuals. The hospital is fully equipped with Eklin digital radiography, ultrasound, CT, MR, endoscopy (flexible and rigid), integrated PACS system, complete in-house integrated laboratory as well as comprehensive patient monitoring systems. We are supported by a wonderful group of referring veterinarians who are committed to a team approach to veterinary medicine. We offer weekly in-house CE including journal club and morbidity & mortality rounds. Southeastern Wisconsin and Milwaukee is a thriving region. All of our locations are just minutes away from nightlife, theater, museums, and sporting venues. Whether it’s rural charm, urban excitement, or suburban convenience that you’re looking for, you will find it here. Ideal candidates are motivated individuals who have a strong commitment to communication, collaboration, and leadership. 2-3 years of veterinary emergency experience is preferred. We offer competitive compensation with benefits that include: health and dental insurance, PTO, CE, uniforms, licensure, dues, and employer matching 401(k) retirement plan. LVS is an equal opportunity employer. Apply on line at www.lakeshorevetspecialists.com. Experienced veterinarian wanted to join our SA practice in SE Wisconsin near Lake Geneva. We are well equipped with digital X-ray, ultrasound, dental digital X-ray, Surgitron, and a full in house diagnostic laboratory. Well trained, stable staff. Extra pay for on call but not required for position. Mon., Tues. and every other Sat. schedule. FT or buy in potential. Contact: burlingtonlongview@yahoo.com. Want the opportunity to really make a difference? Then join a dynamic team that does that every day. Flexible schedule, benefits, grateful clientele. Submit resume to: Jenny Stark, Shelter Operation Coordinator, Fox Valley Humane Association, N115 Two Mile Rd., Appleton, WI 54914. (920) 733-1717 Ext. 111. Looking for FT or PT veterinarian for a progressive two doctor practice in Stevens Point. Our practice prides itself on taking the time to create lasting relationships with our clients along with providing excellent medical care for pets. We have a tenured support staff that excel at their positions. Services offered include surgical laser, in house diagnostics, high speed dental, and ultrasound. No on-call, no weekends, no holidays. Central Wisconsin has a great community, wonderful schools and easy access to numerous outdoor activities. Please send inquiries and resume to spah54482@gmail.com. Become a part of the largest veterinary practice in North America! We are a full service companion animal practice focused on providing the highest quality preventive care, is seeking associate veterinarians and Chiefs of Staff to join our teams in Rockford, IL! Up to $10,000 sign on
bonus! Banfield hospitals are fully equipped with digital radiography, high speed dental units, in-house lab, electronic medical records, and more. Excellent compensation to include a competitive base salary plus production eligibility. Generous paid time off, CE allowance, mentorship/coaching program, growth opportunities, and flexible schedules available! New Grads welcome to apply! heidi.burkley@ banfield.net. PT Associate DVM needed for Madison area SA practice. 12-20 hours per week, somewhat flexible to your availability. Contact Cheryl to schedule an interview. (608) 838-3400. FT SA associate needed for a 7 doctor MA practice in North Central Wisconsin. The Medford Vet Clinic is well established, diversified, and looking to meet our growing SA needs. Our team focuses on outstanding diagnostics, therapy, dentistry, and surgery while keeping a fun work environment. We have a well-equipped and recently built clinic. Emergency will be rotated among all 8 vets. The ideal candidate is outgoing, motivated, and dedicated to the highest quality of medicine. We will foster any areas of special interest and future buyin is encouraged with the right person. Experienced and new grads welcome to apply. Contact mmoodie2@gmail.com or (715) 748-2341 to apply. Seeking a SA veterinarian who is looking for an opportunity to transition into practice ownership. Submit CV/Inquiries to vcfsch@ gmail.com or mail to Blind Box 15SA003, c/o WVMA, 4610 S. Biltmore Ln., Madison, WI 53718. Two FT positions available working for USDA/Food Safety Inspection Service. Federal government benefits, day shift, no call, expense paid training provided. Vern Van Beek, Supervisor, Green Bay, WI. (920) 912-5079. vernon.vanbeek@fsis.usda.gov. Exceptional People. Extraordinary Care. 24/7. WVRC is one of the largest and most diverse emergency and referral practices in Wisconsin with three hospitals in the greater Milwaukee area. Our three facilities, located in Waukesha, Grafton and Racine, are equipped with modern diagnostic capabilities combined with beautiful and spacious work environments. Enhancing the facilities is a team of exceptional coworkers, including a broad range of specialists, experienced technicians and client-focused support staff. Our ER team, which is hard working, highly skilled and fun to work with, has an opening at the Racine hospital for a FT emergency veterinarian. A PT position would also be considered for the right candidate. Qualified applicants will have a background in emergency medicine, internship training or equivalent practice experience, strong organizational skills and an ability to work well with a diverse group of coworkers. Please contact Dr. Kari Severson at kseverson@wvrc.com and visit our website at www.wvrc.com.* We are looking for a colleague to join our 2 ½ veterinary practice. Forward resume to Northside Pet Hospital, 1727 Western Ave., Eau Claire, WI 54703 or email: sandy@northsidepethosp.com.* Countryside Animal Clinic is seeking a PT DVM with at least 2 years of clinical experience. Flexible scheduling with some weekend hours. Successful candidate will enjoy the challenge of a busy hands-on practice, have excellent communication skills, and provide exceptional care. Contact: countrysideanimalclinic.net.* PT or FT veterinarian needed for a busy, upscale practice in Wauwatosa, The Center for Animal Health. Amazing clients and
a phenomenal team make this practice a joy to work at. This clinic in the heart of Wauwatosa has updated equipment and facilities including ultrasound and cold therapy laser. The second veterinarian is dedicated and experienced and willing to mentor a new graduate to their full potential. Continuing education, licensing, paid vacation, heath insurance and 401K provided. Competitive base salary and production bonuses. We also offer generous ownership opportunities to those with interest and potential. Email: contact_kelly@advancedanimalhospital.com or call (414) 248-8891.* Our practice has all the basics for general practice and an extensive referral network provides the specialized care when needed. We provided excellent customer service for our small town clientele. Our flexible schedule allows for a life outside of the clinic. Perfect position for the working parent or someone easing into retirement. Located within 50 minutes from Milwaukee, Madison and the Fox Valley. Big city amenities are not too far away. Contact Dr. Rebecca Wagner at vettek1@hotmail.com or send a resume to Juneau Veterinary Clinic, 525 S. Fairfield Ave., Juneau, WI 53039.* New, SA clinic in beautiful Lake Country seeking PT experienced veterinarian to join our friendly team. Well equipped with digital radiography, Idexx in-house lab, and cloud-based software that can be accessed anywhere for ease of writing up records. Familyfriendly schedule with no emergencies and no late evenings. Potential for FT soon if desired. Please send resumes to: info@ lakeviewanimalclinicwi.com.* Are you a progressive veterinarian who craves the ability to practice evidence based medicine? Someone who efficiently leverages the team around you while effectively maintaining a high level of client communication and skills? Then we might be your perfect fit! Animal Wellness Center of Oak Creek is a rapidly growing hospital and is looking to expand our professional team. The facility provides not only routine preventative care but also tertiary level diagnostics and treatment with partnering board certified specialists. Technology is also leveraged with paper limited electronic medical records, brand new digital radiology and ultrasonography capabilities. Both a FT and PT position is available. Come work for a team that treats every professional as a colleague and not just an employee. Forward your resumes to isaiah.gray@oakcreekvet.com.* Flexible, rewarding work providing private pet euthanasia in the comfort of home to families who live within a one hour radius of Milwaukee. Email: drkaren@petlossathome.com.* Seeking PT/FT associate veterinarian for fast-growing, communityfocused SA practice located mid-way between Oshkosh and Fond du Lac, WI. Work Monday thru Friday (no weekends or on-call) with flexibility in scheduling and a family-friendly work atmosphere. Our practice boasts a competent and fun staff as well as an exuberantly loyal clientele. Currently we provide preventive and internal medicine services with routine elective surgeries, but there is room for a candidate with advanced surgery interests. New graduates welcomed – warm personality and enthusiasm is highly valued here! Check us out at www.PetVet1.com. Please send cover letter and resume to petvet.sbamc@gmail.com.* Our growing emergency/day practice is in need of an emergency veterinarian. Our schedule allows for ample free time. We support top notch medicine with excellent facilities and equipment.
Continuing education, licensing, paid vacation, health insurance and 401K provided. Competitive base salary and production bonuses. We also offer generous ownership opportunities to those with interest. Email: contact_kelly@advancedanimalhospital.com or call (414) 2488891.* Badger Veterinary Hospital, Janesville, WI, is looking to add an additional FT SA veterinarian to meet the needs of our growing practice. Badger Veterinary Hospital seeks an enthusiastic, client focused, entrepreneurial minded SA veterinarian to provide a full array of veterinary medical care. Salary is commensurate with experience. Benefits may include: AVMA professional liability and license defense insurance; health, disability and life insurance; CE stipend, paid vacation, and more. General responsibilities: Provide medical and surgical services to our SA clientele. Actively market the practice and provide public relations facilitating client recruitment and retention. Desired skill set: The skill to provide a wide range of veterinary medical care in a hospital setting, including but not limited to; primary general care, imaging, soft tissue surgery, and nutritional consultation. The ability to analyze and solve problems in a knowledgeable, caring, sensitive and resourceful manner, resulting in excellent outcomes for client and patient. Excellent verbal, written and interpersonal communication skills. Independent initiative, self-starting and diplomatic. Precise attention to detail and excellent organizational skills. Willingness to learn and ability to troubleshoot. Required qualifications: A DVM degree or equivalent Wisconsin Veterinary licensure. USDA Veterinary Accreditation. Qualified applicants should forward cover letter, current resume and salary requirement to Dr. Katie Reed, Badger Veterinary Hospital, P.O. Box 2258, Janesville, WI 535472258 or e-mail to kreed@badgervet.com.* Associate Veterinarian needed for 3 doctor SA veterinary practice in the beautiful Northwood’s of Minocqua, WI. Experienced veterinarian or new graduate with an interest in medicine and surgery are encouraged to apply. Our practice is a newer, modern clinic with digital x-ray, ultrasound and full in house lab. With over 1500 lakes in our county we offer some of the best outdoor recreation opportunities in the country. We offer a competitive salary, production bonuses, full benefits and ample time off and are willing to consider PT and seasonal help (AprilSeptember) with appropriate compensation. Contact Janet Knutson at All Creatures Veterinary Clinic, 7665 Hwy 51 S, Minocqua, WI 54548. Email: janet@minocquavets.com. Phone: (715) 358-4300. www. minocquavets.com.* Globe University, Wausau, has a resident veterinarian position available. Qualified candidates must have graduated from an AVMA accredited program, have valid, current state license to practice veterinary medicine, three years’ experience in the field required, and teaching experience preferred. We offer eligible employees the following benefits: Dental insurance, life insurance, long-term disability insurance, medical insurance, 401(k) plan, tuition benefits, flexible spending accounts, and vacation. You are encouraged to achieve personal and professional goals in a flexible, dynamic and successoriented work environment. We invite you to consider applying for employment with our organization. Thank you for considering our opportunity, we hope to receive your resume. If you are looking to share your love of animals with others and have a rewarding career; apply at: www.globeuniversity.edu/careers.* Mt. Zion Animal Clinic in Janesville, WI is looking to hire a FT SA associate veterinarian. We are looking for a friendly, enthusiastic
individual with at least two years of clinical experience, but recent graduates are also encouraged to apply. Our veterinarians enjoy working together as a team to provide exceptional care to our clients and patients. This position includes a very competitive salary not based on your production, paid sick/vacation/holidays, no emergency call, a four day work week with half-day Saturdays on a rotating basis, 401K, CE allowance, licensing & registration fees, daily support available from the veterinarians and staff around you, and more. Please send a cover letter and resume to Dr. Mark Nelson, 3513 Mt. Zion Avenue, Janesville, WI, 53546, or email your resume to nelsonvets4@aol.com.* 10-20 hrs/week, no emergencies, plenty of flexibility, hourly pay. Send cover letter and resume to Dave Wickersham, DVM at wvc@wctc.net or Woodland Veterinary Clinic, Ltd, 1720 Grove Ave., Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494, or call Joanne, at (715) 421-6697.*
such as hiking, skiing, and fishing are plentiful. The beautiful beaches of the Pacific are within a 2 hours. Email cover letters and resumes to Dr. Jennifer Wessel at wesselj03@yahoo.com.
EQUINE Equine ambulatory veterinarian needed. Qualified applicants should forward cover letter, current resume, salary requirement and three letters of recommendation to Anne Schumacher, Director of Large Animal Operations, Badger Veterinary Hospital, P.O. Box 2258, Janesville, WI 53547-2258 or e-mail to aschumacher@badgervet. com.*
DVM, at (262) 567-2832. Or email: robert.patyk@att.net. Quality Customer friendly SA relief services available covering SE WI. Over 20 years’ experience in both SA and emergency medical care. Dr. Pete Gaveras, (414) 795-7100, lavajava@aol.com. 15 years of experience. Excellent diagnostic and surgical skills. Great bedside manner. Enjoy working with clients and staff. Willing to travel. Contact Dr. John Prelwitz at johnprell87@gmail.com, or call (920) 3750647. Reliable, competent, SA relief with over 25 years’ experience. Wis. license, accredited. Will travel. Capable at soft-tissue surgery and medicine. Great communication skills with clients and staff. ShortTerm Relief, LLC. Call Kate Short, DVM at (608) 963-5208 or email: windsor9917@gmail.com.
Pulaski Veterinary Clinic has an opening for a PT SA associate veterinarian to join three full time doctors. The equipment we have in our remodeled facility includes: Digital Radiology, Digital Dental, Surgical Laser, Therapy Laser as well as an in-house Idexx Lab. The position would be for approximately 20 hours per week - with no after hours or weekend emergencies. Please send resumes and inquires to pvcinfo@netnet.net.
Friendly, team-oriented SA veterinarian available for relief work in the twin cities and surrounding suburbs and western Wisconsin. I have over twenty years’ experience working in 1, 2 and 3 doctor practices. I am comfortable with preventative medicine, as well as diagnosing and treating medical and surgical diseases. I will provide good customer service, a common sense approach to medicine and hopefully a little humor. Contact: David Datt, davidrdatt@gmail.com.
SA veterinarian available for relief in SE and SC WI and NE and NC IL. 13 years’ experience in general and emergency practice. Contact: Sharon Grogan at sgrogan1@wi.rr.com, or (262) 308-6853.
FT/PT associate needed. We are a 4 doctor practice with all the bells and whistles located in Menomonee Falls. Must be compassionate to patients, clients and staff. Email: Dr Scott Fellenz, dobedoc@att.net.*
Experienced SA relief veterinarian available. Versatile. Great with staff, clients and pets. Willing to travel. Dr. Lori Zimmerman, (608) 592-7779 or doclori@hotmail.com.
SA relief available. Personable with 20+ years’ experience. Call Dr. Katrina Geitner (262) 349-3466 or kgrelief@wi.rr.com.
Experienced SA veterinarian available for relief work, 15 years relief experience, WI licensed and accredited. Please call/email Mark Clemons, DVM (262) 862-1121, macdjc4209@aol.com.
FT position available for a SA or MA associate veterinarian in a 4.5 doctor AAHA practice on the border of northern WI and the Upper Peninsula of MI. If you’re looking for a progressive, state of the art practice in a beautiful north woods atmosphere then the Iron Mountain Animal Hospital is the place for you. You will also enjoy our friendly, easy going, yet very qualified team. Interested associates must have a desire to practice medicine, surgery, and preventive care. We offer a very competitive salary that includes production bonuses and full benefits. We are also willing to consider a PT position. Please contact Stephanie Mieras, CVPM or Dr. Brian Scott at (906) 774-5961. E-mail: stephimah@gmail.com. Address: 325 Kent St, Iron Mountain, MI 49801. Website: www.ironmountainanimalhospital.com. Bayside Veterinary Clinic in Sturgeon Bay, WI is looking for a caring, compassionate LA/MA veterinarian. Bayside Veterinary Clinic is located on the beautiful peninsula of Door County which has five state parks and offers numerous activities for the outdoor enthusiast. Bayside Veterinary Clinic is currently 80% bovine plus 20% equine and is interested in expanding its practice to include SA veterinary care. Come learn and grow with us! Contact Bayside Veterinary Clinic at (920) 743-8890.*
DAIRY Looking for a new life? Join us in sunny California! We are a 100% dairy practice looking for a FT veterinarian to join our team of 11 vets. On-call duty is split evenly so there is plenty of time away from the job to relax and enjoy life. Located in the center of California’s Central Valley, we are 45 miles from the mountains and outdoor opportunities
22 September
Experienced SA clinician available for work in central and western Wisconsin. Excellent communication skills; enjoy working with clients and staff. Nancy Leverance, D.V.M. Email: nleverance52@ gmail.com or call (608) 369-4115 or (608) 429-9408. SA relief veterinarian looking for work on Saturdays in Eau Claire/ Chippewa Falls area. Dr. Debbie Jahnke DVM. (651) 398-9044 or drdebjahnkedvm@yahoo.com. SA Veterinarian offering relief work. Reliable with excellent communication skills. Great with staff, clients and pets. Will travel. Katie Cotter, DVM, kabcotter@uwalumni.com. Caring and compassionate relief veterinarian available. 25+ years of AAHA experience. Competent medical and soft tissue surgery skills. Emphasis on quality and integrity. Paul Danhaus, DVM. (715) 571-8091 or paul.danhaus@gmail.com. Communicative, productive SA veterinarian available for relief work in western WI, surrounding areas. Licensed in MN/WI. Experienced in surgery, medicine, dentistry, staff management. Outstanding customer service, client-building skills. Victori Ribeiro, MS, DVM, (651) 503-0482; neyx0003@umn.edu. Compassionate and reliable SA Veterinarian with 20+ years’ experience available for relief veterinary services in Kenosha and surrounding counties. www.niznikvrs.com. Please email, Dr. Rose Niznik, at drroseniznik@gmail.com or call (630) 915-0156. Quality relief care since 1992. Special interests include surgery and dermatology. Personable, reliable service. Please call Robert Patyk,
20+ years’ experience, skilled in surgery, diagnostics and client communication. Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. Let me care for your clients and your hospital team. Erika Gibbs, DVM, doctor. gibbs@gmail.com, (920) 988-4431.
SA relief vet since 1995. Thorough, reliable, easy going. Will travel to Green Bay, Kenosha, Janesville, Wisconsin Dells and areas in between. Julie Lakin DVM, (920) 269-7264. SA relief Veterinarian for central Wisconsin. Experienced. Versatile. Call Dr. Gary, (715) 652-2065 home, (715) 305-7014 cell. Email: garysthevet@aol.com. Dependable, 20+ years’ experience. Med/Surg serving Northern/Central Wisconsin. Contact Rich Piwoni, at (715) 627-0957, rapiwoni@hotmail. com. SA and equine relief work. 21 year experience. Proficient in SA soft tissue surgery and equine ultrasound and power floating. Will travel. Call Sabine Hartmann, DVM (715) 267-7443 or twinoaks@tds.net. Communicative, productive SA veterinarian available for relief work in western WI, surrounding areas. Licensed in MN/WI. Experienced in surgery, medicine, dentistry, staff management. Outstanding customer service, client-building skills. Victori Ribeiro, MS, DVM, (651) 5030482; neyx0003@umn.edu. Experienced SA ER and daytime DVM who loves pets and people and understands how their care is critical to your practice, available in SE/ SC Wi and NE/NC IL, David Trask, DVM, traskdr@gmail.com.
RELIEF WANTED Relief needed for November 27-28. Staff comfortable with relief doctors. Contact Brenda Long, burlingtonlongview@yahoo.com, or Brenda Long (262) 763-6055. Flexible, rewarding work providing private pet euthanasia in the comfort of home to families who live within a one hour radius of Milwaukee. Email: drkaren@petlossathome.com.
SERVICES AVAILABLE Board-certified internist offers mobile SA medicine consultations, ultrasound, and endoscopy in your practice in SE WI. Please call Anne Mattson, DVM, DACVIM, (262) 241-3987. When buying or selling a veterinary practice, count on the experience of Total Practice Solutions Group. See our display ad this issue. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group for a free consultation, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.
various client-oriented services. We are seeking a client-oriented team player who can multi-task and prioritize in a fast-paced environment. We will utilize your technical skills and encourage continuing education and career growth. Please send resumes to jessie@ animalhospitalofoshkosh.com SA practice in Western Wisconsin has FT positions available for a CVT and veterinary assistant. Our clinic provides a high standard of veterinary medical, surgical and diagnostics in a caring atmosphere. We are looking for dedicated, enthusiastic individuals to join our team. We offer competitive salary and benefits. Our clinic is located 30 minutes from downtown St. Paul, MN (715) 425-5182 or email kinnicvet@yahoo.com.*
Norwood Animal Clinic is seeking FT CVT for our SA 3 vet practice. We are looking for someone that is team-oriented, professional and compassionate. Skills needed include animal restraint, lab work, surgical prep, and assisting the Doctors. Benefits include Competitive salary, dental/vision/life insurance, 401k, CE allowance, paid time off, 11 paid holidays. Please e-mail resume to Mandy atmandylnorwood@gmail.com.
FT CVT wanted for very busy 4 doctors practice in Hartland. Need to be efficient, independent worker, good tech skills, good restraint skills, great customer service and get along with other employees. Benefits to FT after 90 days. Start immediately. Email: bolsona@gmail.com.*
Do you like being part of a team that has fun? Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists is seeking a FT experienced CVT to join our surgery team at our Oak Creek, WI hospital. Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists strives for an exceptional work environment where employees learn, collaborate and have fun. We provide the highest quality of comprehensive care to our clients and their pets, and are committed to excellence in service and veterinary medicine. At Lakeshore, you would work with fun, talented team members in a multitude of specialties, including surgery, dermatology, internal medicine, oncology, neurology and a fast-paced, exciting ER. Our Benefits: Paid time off to attend professional conferences/sessions, generous compensation, two tiers of health and dental insurance, 401(k) with company match, paid time off (PTO), Employee Assistance Program (EAP), workplace concierge services and paid uniforms. We also offer variable hours, including three 12-hour shifts per week. Ideal candidates: • Are skilled, energetic technicians with specialty experience • Have obtained their CVT, or have the ability to obtain shortly after hire • Are able to fully use their technical skills as well as learn from new experiences. Join our team now and earn a “Welcome to Lakeshore” incentive bonus! LVS is an equal opportunity employer. Is Lakeshore a team you’d like to join? Apply today! www.lakeshorevetspecialists.com.
Looking to BUY a successful multi-doctor practice with an established team in the Milwaukee or Waukesha area. If you are considering a change and selling your practice, send your reply to Blind Box 15WTB01, c/o WVMA, 4601 S. Biltmore Ln., Ste.107, Madison, WI 53718. Serious replies only.
Fast-paced, progressive, MA practice in central Wisconsin looking for FT/PT CVT. We pride ourselves in practicing high quality medicine and excellent client/patient services utilizing digital and dental x-ray, and in-house IDEXX bloodwork. Some weekend on call required. Please send resume and cover letter to Marshfield Veterinary Service, M249 Mann St., Marshfield WI 54449 or email marshfieldvet@yahoo.com. Check us out on the web or on Facebook. (marshfieldvetservice.com). FT/PT Experienced CVTs wanted for a busy three-doctor SA AAHA practice in Kenosha, WI. Wolf Merrick Animal Hospital is well equipped, offering excellent benefits. We offer a great opportunity to learn and use all of your skills at a competitive salary. Email resume, with cover letter to wendyt@wolf-merrick.com. Animal Hospital of Oshkosh is a progressive, SA practice. Seeking a FT experienced technician. Must have one year’s experience. Equipped with digital radiology, therapeutic laser, and large pharmacy. Offer
FOR SALE Surgical instruments for sale: German, American, economy. Call for list. Priced 1/2 new. OBO Contact: burlingtonlongview@yahoo.com.
PRACTICE FOR SALE Well established SA practice located 35 miles west of Milwaukee. Over 400K gross. Inquire at vcfsch@gmail.com or mail to Blind Box 15PFS001, c/o WVMA, 4610 S. Biltmore Ln., Madison, WI 53718. West Central WI. All SA,1 DVM practice w/real estate. Practice & RE for less than one year’s gross! $100K+ to new owner! Contact: Dr. Ken Ehlen, Simmons & Assoc. Midwest Inc.simmons@simmonsmidwest. com. (877) 322-6465. Huge price reduction due to health issues! MA practice grossing $860K in far northern WI on Lake Superior shoreline. Practice is 70% SA and 30% LA. Digital radiology, digital dental, surgical and therapy lasers. Large state of the art building. Practice and RE only $650K. Would sell only the SA practice if desired. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com. MA practice-building with living quarters, equipment, and business for sale. In house bloodwork, surgical laser, computed digital x-rays, computerized records. Serious offers Only. Contact: vetclinicforsale@ yahoo.com NEW! NW Milwaukee suburbs. Revenue for 2014 was $754K. On target to do $770K for 2015. Located on main thoroughfare in town. Practice and real estate offered for $750,000. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com. Michigan, Bay County: 2,500sf SA w/RE. Great growth potential. MI1. Missouri, St. Louis: 2,200sf Feline practice in a beautiful area. 3-exam
rooms. MO1. PS Broker, Inc., (800) 636-4740, www.psbroker.com, info@psbroker.com. Marshfield Wisconsin high quality SA AAHA practice grossing $970,000. The hospital is well equipped with digital radiology, ultrasound, surgical laser and much more. Hospital has 3 doctors with 5 exam rooms. The hospital has been serving the community nearly 40 years. Facilities are excellent and less than 10 years old at the current location. Practice and real estate offered for $1,125,000. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com. SE Wisconsin. 1-2 veterinarian, SA practice with real estate. Great location, super opportunity. 120K+ to new owner! Contact: Dr. Ken Ehlen, Simmons & Assoc. Midwest, Inc.simmons@simmonsmidwest. com, (877) 322-6465. NEW! Green Bay area 97% SA practice grossing over $1,471,000. Established over 20 years, 3 exam rooms. Seller would stay to help buyer. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com. Wausau area gross over $850K. Hospital is very well equipped with an excellent staff. Practice and real estate only $835,000. Includes $30,000 of inventory and supplies. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com. North Central Wisconsin SA practice grossing $1.4M. Located NW of Green Bay. Well equipped, digital radiology, Dentalaire dental, 4 CVT, excellent office manager. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com. NEW! North of Milwaukee SA practice for sale. Gross 2014 $350,000. Asking $100K for practice and $180,000 for real estate. Offers welcome. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com. Melrose, WI. SA Practice located in historic building, (Odd Fellow’s Lodge), new roof, 2 unique apts on 2nd floor, asking 175k, dnorris678@gmail.com, (715) 299-0593.* BLDG FOR SALE: 1160 Appleton Rd., Menasha, WI Building formerly occupied by veterinarian practice with water throughout. Great site! Call Mike Maedke, Commercial Horizons, (920) 434-5802 for details.* NW Wisconsin near Minnesota line. SA practice gross $450K. Well equipped. Owner has other interests. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.* North Central Wisconsin SA practice grossing $1.25M. Hospital is well equipped. Smaller community charm and lifestyle. Practice and real estate $1.4M. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.* When buying or selling a veterinary practice, count on the experience of Total Practice Solutions Group. See our display ad this issue. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group for a free consultation, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.* NW Wisconsin near Twin Cities. SA revenue $645K. Practice and RE offered for $675,000. Easy terms and low entry cost for ownership. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group, (800) 3806872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.*
Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association 4610 S. Biltmore Ln., Suite 107 Madison, WI 53718
WVMA Convention Pre-Registrations Are Due September 25!
After this date, attendees will need to register at convention.
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September 2015